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       Graphic,  FullGraphic  - structured graphic abstract base class and subclass that stores a
       complete set of graphics state attributes


       #include <Unidraw/Graphic/graphic.h>


       Graphic is an abstract base  class  for  structured  graphics  objects.   Graphic  objects
       maintain  graphics  state  and  geometric  information, which lets them draw themselves on
       demand and support hit detection.

       Graphic subclasses can implement graphical objects such as  lines,  rectangles,  ellipses,
       and  polygons.  Subclasses can also support hierarchical composition of Graphic instances,
       thus  providing  an  object-oriented  rendition   of   traditional   structured   graphics


       virtual void Draw(Canvas*)
       virtual void Draw(Canvas*, Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
       virtual void DrawClipped(Canvas*, Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)

       virtual void Erase(Canvas*)
       virtual void Erase(Canvas*, Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
       virtual void EraseClipped(Canvas*, Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
              Draw  or  erase  the graphic on the given canvas.  The one-parameter Draw and Erase
              operations draw and erase the graphic in its entirety.   The  five-parameter  forms
              take  four  coordinates  defining  a  rectangular  area with which to cull drawing.
              Composite graphics in particular can use this information to avoid drawing children
              falling  entirely  outside  the  given area.  DrawClipped and EraseClipped draw the
              graphic strictly within a rectangular area.  All Coord  parameters  are  in  canvas

       virtual void FillBg(boolean)
       virtual void SetBrush(PSBrush*)
       virtual void SetColors(PSColor* fg, PSColor* bg)
       virtual void SetFont(PSFont*)
       virtual void SetPattern(PSPattern*)

       virtual int BgFilled()
       virtual PSBrush* GetBrush()
       virtual PSColor* GetFgColor()
       virtual PSColor* GetBgColor()
       virtual PSFont* GetFont()
       virtual PSPattern* GetPattern()
              Set  and  get the graphic's graphic state attributes analogous to those defined for
              Painters.  The base class implements the operations for  setting  and  getting  the
              fill  mode  and colors; the other operations should be redefined in subclasses that
              need them.

       void Translate(float dx, float dy)
       void Scale(float x, float y, float cx = 0.0, float cy = 0.0)
       void Rotate(float angle, float cx = 0.0, float cy = 0.0)
       void SetTransformer(Transformer*)
       Transformer* GetTransformer()
       void TotalTransformation(Transformer& t)
              Coordinates passed to drawing operations are transformed according to  the  current
              translation,  rotation,  and scale factor.  Optionally, scaling and rotation can be
              performed relative to a point (cx, cy).  The base class  stores  a  transformer  _t
              that  can be directly set and accessed with SetTransformer and GetTransformer.  The
              default  transformer  is   nil,   meaning   no   transformations   are   performed.
              TotalTransformation  uses  concatTransformer  (described  below)  to  concatenate t
              (usually the identity transformation) and the transformers of the graphic's parents
              to obtain the graphic's total transformation, which it then stores in t.

              Unless   otherwise  noted,  input  and  output  coordinates  are  affected  by  the
              concatenation  of  this's  transformer,  its  parent's  transformer,  its  parent's
              parent's,  and  so  on  up to the root of the graphic instance hierarchy.  Prior to
              transformation, coordinates reflect the  graphic's  coordinate  system.   Following
              transformation,  the  coordinates  reflect the canvas coordinate system (i.e., they
              are canvas  coordinates).   The  coordinates  that  Graphic  subclass  constructors
              require  are  normally  in  graphic  coordinates,  while operations for returning a
              graphic's bounding box (see below) are in canvas coordinates.

       void Align(Alignment, Graphic*, Alignment)
              Position the given graphic relative to this, which stays fixed, while  the  graphic
              supplied  as  the  argument  is  translated  appropriately.   The  first  Alignment
              parameter specifies the alignment with respect to this, while the second  specifies
              the alignment with respect to the given graphic.

       virtual void GetBounds(
           float& left, float& bottom, float& right, float& top
              Return  the  exact coordinates of the smallest box circumscribing the graphic.  The
              return values are in canvas coordinates.

       void GetBox(Coord& left, Coord& bottom, Coord& right, Coord& top)
       void GetBox(BoxObj&)
              Return the smallest bounding box circumscribing the graphic.  The return values are
              in canvas coordinates.  The BoxObj represents a rectangle defined by lower left and
              upper right coordinates (see geomobjs(3U) for details).

       virtual void GetCenter(float& x, float& y)
              Return the center point of the graphic in canvas coordinates.

       virtual boolean Contains(PointObj&)
       virtual boolean Intersects(BoxObj&)
              Return whether or not the graphic contains the given point or intersects the  given
              rectangular  area specified in canvas coordinates.  PointObj describes a point (see
              geomobjs(3U)).   These  operations  are  used  most  often  for  fine-grained   hit

       void SetTag(void*)
       void* GetTag()
              Set or return a tag associated with the graphic.

       Graphic* Parent()
              Return the graphic's parent, if any.

       virtual void First(Iterator&)
       virtual void Last(Iterator&)
       virtual void Next(Iterator&)
       virtual void Prev(Iterator&)
       virtual boolean Done(Iterator)
              Operations  for iterating over the graphic's children, if any.  These operations do
              nothing by default. Graphics that compose  other  graphics  should  redefine  these
              operations  to  permit  traversal  of their children.  First and Last initialize an
              iterator to point to the beginning and end of the list of  children,  respectively.
              Next increments the iterator to point to the following child, while Prev decrements
              the iterator to point to the preceding child.  Done  returns  whether  or  not  the
              iterator points beyond the first or last child in the list.

       Graphic* GetGraphic(Iterator)
       void SetGraphic(Graphic*, Iterator&)
              These  operations  do  nothing by default.  Subclasses that contain children should
              redefine them as follows: GetGraphic should return the graphic to which an iterator
              points.  SetGraphic should initialize the iterator to point to a particular graphic
              in the list of children; it should initialize  the  iterator  to  point  to  a  nil
              instance if the given graphic is not a child.

       virtual void Bequeath()
              Bequeath  does nothing by default.  Composite graphic subclasses should redefine it
              so that it propagates to the children all the  graphics  state  in  this  that  can
              affect  them.   This  will  prevent  a  change in a child's appearance should it be
              removed from this.  Following the call to Bequeath, this should  no  longer  define
              any graphics state attributes.

       virtual Graphic* FirstGraphicContaining(PointObj&)
       virtual Graphic* LastGraphicContaining(PointObj&)
       virtual Graphic* FirstGraphicIntersecting(BoxObj&)
       virtual Graphic* LastGraphicIntersecting(BoxObj&)
       virtual Graphic* FirstGraphicWithin(BoxObj&)
       virtual Graphic* LastGraphicWithin(BoxObj&)
              These  operation  do  nothing  by  default.   Composite  graphic  subclasses should
              redefine them so that they return the first or last child that  contains  a  point,
              intersects  a  rectangular  area,  or  does not extend beyond the given rectangular
              area, respectively.

       virtual Graphic& operator = (Graphic&)
              Assign the given graphic's graphics state attributes to this.

       virtual Graphic* Copy()
              Return a copy of the graphic.  Subclasses should redefine this operation to  return
              an instance of their type.


       Graphic(Graphic* gr = nil)
              Initialize  the  graphics,  optionally  supplying a graphic from which to obtain an
              initial set of graphics state attributes.   Graphic  is  an  abstract  base  class.
              Therefore its constructor is protected to prevent instantiation.

       virtual void draw(Canvas*, Graphic* gs)
       virtual void drawClipped(
           Canvas*, Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord, Graphic*

       virtual void erase(Canvas*, Graphic*)
       virtual void eraseClipped(
           Canvas*, Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord, Graphic*
              Graphic   subclasses   redefine   these  stateless  drawing  operations  to  render
              themselves.   These  operations  are  called  by  the   corresponding   capitalized
              operations,  which  supply them with the extra trailing Graphic parameter gs.  This
              parameter defines the graphics state with which to draw the graphic.   The  graphic
              state  is normally computed using the concat functions described below.  Subclasses
              normally use the graphics state passed to them without ignoring  or  modifying  it,
              though they may safely do so if they must override one or more attributes.

       void update(Graphic* gs)
              Graphics  ultimately use a Painter to draw themselves.  The Graphic class maintains
              a protected static painter _p that subclasses can  use  to  draw  themselves.   The
              update  operation  sets  _p's graphics state attributes to match those of the given
              graphic to ensure that the painter will generate graphics with  the  proper  color,
              font,  etc.   Subclasses  should  call update in their stateless drawing operations
              (normally supplying the graphic they were passed)  before  they  call  any  drawing
              operations  on  _p.   The  graphics  that _p generates, therefore, will reflect the
              graphics state that was passed to the stateless drawing operation.

       virtual void getExtent(
           float& left, float& bottom, float& cx, float& cy,
           float& tol, Graphic* gs

       void GetExtent(Extent&)
              A graphic's extent defines its physical boundaries. Subclasses  redefine  getExtent
              to  return  this  boundary  information based on the graphics state supplied in gs.
              The left, bottom, cx, and cy parameters define the graphic's lower left corner  and
              center,  respectively,  in canvas coordinates.  The tol parameter specifies a fixed
              amount of space  around  the  boundary  to  account  for  parts  of  the  graphic's
              appearance  that  do  not  scale  linearly  (e.g.,  brush width).  The relationship
              between getExtent and GetExtent  is  the  same  as  that  between  draw  and  Draw:
              getExtent  is  the  stateless version of GetExtent, which concatenates the parent's
              graphics state and calls getExtent with the result.

       void getBounds(
           float& left, float& bottom, float& right, float& top,
           Graphic* gs

       void getBox(
           Coord& left, Coord& bottom, Coord& right, Coord& top,

       void getBox(BoxObj&, Graphic*)
              Stateless versions of the corresponding capitalized bounding box operations,  which
              call the stateless versions with the cumulative graphics state of this's ancestors.
              These operations are defined in terms of getExtent  and  therefore  should  not  be
              reimplemented by subclasses.

       virtual boolean contains(PointObj&, Graphic* gs)
       virtual boolean intersects(BoxObj&, Graphic*)
              Stateless versions of the corresponding capitalized operations for fine-grained hit
              detection.  By default, these operations return true if the argument  is  contained
              in  or intersects this's bounding box.  Subclasses can redefine these operations to
              make a more discerning decision.

       Graphic* getRoot()
       void totalGS(Graphic& g)
       void parentXform(Transformer& t)
              Helper functions for parent-related operations.  getRoot returns the  root  graphic
              in  this's  hierarchy.   totalGS  uses  concat (described below) to concatenate the
              graphics state of this and all its  ancestors,  returning  the  result  in  g.  Any
              graphics  state  that  g  stored initially will be lost.  The parentXform operation
              uses concatTransform (described below) to concatenate the  transformations  of  all
              ancestors  of  this,  returning the result in t.  Any transformations that t stored
              initially will be lost.

       void setParent(Graphic* g, Graphic* parent)
       void unsetParent(Graphic* g)
              Operations for setting and getting the value of another graphic's (g's)  parent  as
              stored  in the _parent protected member variable.  Normally only composite graphics
              change this attribute of another graphic, usually a newly-acquired child.

       void cachingOn()
       void cachingOff()
       virtual boolean extentCached()
       virtual void uncacheExtent()
       virtual void uncacheParents()
       virtual void uncacheChildren()
       virtual void invalidateCaches()
              Operations that support extent caching.  Some Graphic subclasses may  cache  extent
              information  when it is computed for the first time, thereby improving performance.
              For example, it may be expensive to compute the extent for composite graphics  that
              have  many children; thus caching the extent will improve performance if the extent
              does not change often.

              cachingOn and cachingOff change the value of _caching, a protected  static  boolean
              member  of  Graphic  that  indicates  whether  caching is active on a global basis.
              Extent-caching subclasses should check this member to  avoid  caching  when  it  is
              false.   Caching  subclasses  should redefine extentCached to return whether or not
              they have cached their extent (in  whatever  form  they  store  it).   They  should
              redefine  uncacheExtent  to  discard  any  extent  information  they've cached.  By
              default, uncacheParents simply calls uncacheExtent on each ancestor of this,  while
              uncacheChildren    does   nothing   by   default.    Subclasses   should   redefine
              uncacheChildren to make any children uncache their extents.

       virtual void concatGS(Graphic* a, Graphic* b, Graphic* dest)
       virtual void concatTransformer(
           Transformer* a, Transformer* b, Transformer* dest

       virtual void concat(Graphic* a, Graphic* b, Graphic* dest)
              Operations for concatenting graphics state.   concatGS  concatenates  a's  graphics
              state  (brush,  font,  pattern,  etc.,  but not transformation matrix) with b's and
              assigns the result to dest. According to the default concatenation semantics,  dest
              will  receive  graphics state attributes defined by b; dest will receive only those
              attributes from a that b does not define (i.e., those for which b returns nil).  By
              default, concatTransformer does a matrix multiply of a and b and assigns the result
              to  dest.   The  concat  operation  concatenates  both  the  graphics   state   and
              transformation of its arguments, assigning the results to dest.

       void transform(Coord&, Coord&, Graphic*)
       void transform(Coord, Coord, Coord&, Coord&, Graphic*)
       void transform(float, float, float&, float&, Graphic*)
       void transformList(
           Coord[], Coord[], int, Coord[], Coord[], Graphic*

       void transformRect(
           float, float, float, float,
           float&, float&, float&, float&, Graphic*

       void invTransform(Coord&, Coord&, Graphic*)
       void invTransform(Coord, Coord, Coord&, Coord&, Graphic*)
       void invTransform(float, float, float&, float&, Graphic*)
       void invTransformList(
           Coord[], Coord[], int, Coord[], Coord[], Graphic*

       void invTransformRect(
           float, float, float, float,
           float&, float&, float&, float&, Graphic*
              Convenience  functions  analogous  to  the Transformer operations of the same name.
              These operations simply check  if  _t  is  nil  before  calling  the  corresponding
              Transformer operation on it.

       virtual void drawGraphic(Graphic* g, Canvas*, Graphic* gs)
       virtual void drawClippedGraphic(
           Graphic* g, Canvas*, Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord, Graphic*

       virtual void eraseGraphic(Graphic* g, Canvas*, Graphic*)
       virtual void eraseClippedGraphic(
           Graphic* g, Canvas*, Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord, Graphic*

       virtual void getExtentGraphic(
           Graphic* g, float& left, float& bottom, float& cx, float& cy,
           float& tol, Graphic* gs

       virtual boolean containsGraphic(
           Graphic* g, PointObj&, Graphic* gs

       virtual boolean intersectsGraphic(Graphic* g, BoxObj&, Graphic*)

       virtual boolean extentCachedGraphic(Graphic* g)
       virtual void uncacheExtentGraphic(Graphic* g)
       virtual void uncacheParentsGraphic(Graphic* g)
       virtual void uncacheChildrenGraphic(Graphic* g)
       virtual void invalidateCachesGraphic(Graphic* g)

       virtual void concatGSGraphic(
           Graphic* g, Graphic* a, Graphic* b, Graphic* dest

       virtual void concatTransformerGraphic(
           Graphic* g, Transformer* a, Transformer* b,
           Transformer* dest

       virtual void concatGraphic(
           Graphic* g, Graphic* a, Graphic* b, Graphic* dest
              Helper functions that let graphic subclasses call the protected member functions on
              instances of other subclasses that redefine them.  All these helper functions  take
              the  affected instance as their first parameter.  All are semantically identical to
              the corresponding functions described above (which omit the  "Graphic"  suffix  and
              the  leading  g  parameter).   Composite graphics are the most likely users of such
              helper functions, calling them on their children.


       FullGraphic(Graphic* = nil)
              Construct a full graphic, optionally supplying another graphic from which  to  copy
              an  initial  set  of  graphics  state attributes.  FullGraphic objects store a full
              complement of graphics state attributes; consequently,  FullGraphic  redefines  all
              the operations for setting and getting these attributes.  The FullGraphic class can
              be used as a base class from which to derive graphics that require a  complete  set
              of  graphics  state  and  store  such  state.   It  is  also  useful to instantiate
              FullGraphics and use them as graphics state repositories.


       Canvas(3I), Iterator(3U), Painter(3I) Transformer(3I), geomobjs(3U), pspaint(3U)

       "Applying Object-Oriented Design to Structured Graphics," John M. Vlissides  and  Mark  A.
       Linton,  in  Proceedings  of the 1988 USENIX C++ Conference, Denver, CO, October 1988, pp.