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       GraphicComp, GraphicComps - base classes for graphical component subjects


       #include <Unidraw/Components/grcomp.h>


       GraphicComp is an abstract base class for components that store graphical information in a
       Graphic  object.   GraphicComp  is  derived  from  Component  and  adds   operations   for
       manipulating  its  graphical  attributes.   GraphicComps  is  a  non-abstract  subclass of
       GraphicComp for composite graphical component subjects.


       virtual ~GraphicComp()
              The destructor deletes the GraphicComp's graphic, if any.

       virtual void Interpret(Command*)
       virtual void Uninterpret(Command*)
              GraphicComp objects can (un)interpret the following commands:

              AlignCmd aligns the GraphicComp's graphic  with  respect  to  the  graphic  in  the
              GraphicComp  returned  by AlignCmd::GetReference.  The alignment's sense is defined
              by the alignments that  the  AlignCmd  specifies:  The  first  Alignment  parameter
              returned  by  AlignCmd::GetAlignment  specifies  the  alignment with respect to the
              reference graphic, while the second Alignment  parameter  specifies  the  alignment
              with respect to this's graphic.

              BrushCmd sets the graphic's brush to the BrushCmd's value.

              ColorCmd sets the graphic's foreground and background colors.

              FontCmd sets the graphic's font.

              MobilityCmd sets the GraphicComp's mobility to the MobilityCmd's value.

              MoveCmd translates the GraphicComp's graphic by the amounts in the MoveCmd.

              PatternCmd sets the graphic's pattern.

              RotateCmd rotates the GraphicComp's graphic by the amount in the RotateCmd.

              ScaleCmd scales the GraphicComp's graphic by the amounts in the ScaleCmd.

       virtual Graphic* GetGraphic()
              Return  the  GraphicComp's  graphic.   GraphicComp  subclass normally redefine this
              operation to return the graphic that defines their appearance.

       virtual Component* GetParent()
              GraphicComp redefines GetParent to return its parent.   However,  GraphicComp  does
              not  store  a  pointer  to the parent explicitly; instead, it obtains its graphic's
              parent and obtains the GraphicComp associated with the parent graphic.  The graphic
              stores the GraphicComp that contains it in its tag (see SetGraphic below).

       GraphicComp* GetComp(Iterator)
       void SetComp(GraphicComp*, Iterator&)
              These  operations  do  nothing by default.  Subclasses that contain children should
              redefine them as follows:  GetComp  should  return  the  GraphicComp  to  which  an
              iterator  points.   SetComp should initialize the iterator to point to a particular
              GraphicComp in the list of children; it should initialize the iterator to point  to
              a nil instance if the given GraphicComp is not a child.

       void Append(GraphicComp*)
       void Prepend(GraphicComp*)
       void InsertAfter(Iterator, GraphicComp*)
       void InsertBefore(Iterator, GraphicComp*)
       void Remove(GraphicComp*)
       void Remove(Iterator&)
              Unimplemented  operations  that  composite subclasses should redefine for modifying
              the their (conceptual) list of children.  Note that subclasses needn't  necessarily
              store  their  children  in  a  list  data structure, but a list maps closely to the
              semantics of these operations.

              Append and Prepend add a GraphicComp to the end and  the  beginning  of  the  list,
              respectively.   InsertAfter  and InsertBefore insert a GraphicComp after and before
              the GraphicComp pointed to by the iterator, respectively.   The  Remove  operations
              remove a view from the list without deleting it.  You can remove a view instance by
              referring to it explicitly or  by  specifying  an  iterator.   If  an  iterator  is
              supplied,  the Remove operation should advance it to point to the following view as
              a side effect.

       virtual void Bequeath()
              Modify the  GraphicComp's  graphic  state  by  calling  Bequeath  on  its  Graphic.
              Graphic::Bequeath  propagates  this's  graphic  state  to  its  immediate children,
              nullifying its own graphics state; see Graphic(3U) for a more complete description.

       virtual Mobility GetMobility()
       virtual void SetMobility(Mobility)
              Get and set the GraphicComp's mobility.  GetMobility returns Undef by default,  and
              SetMobility does nothing.


       GraphicComp(Graphic* = nil)
              The  Graphic  instance  that  defines the GraphicComp's graphical attributes can be
              specified in the constructor, which is protected to guard against instantiation.

       virtual void SetGraphic(Graphic*)
       virtual GraphicComp* GetGraphicComp(Graphic*)
              SetGraphic sets the GraphicComp's graphic to the given one, and store this  in  the
              graphic  using  Graphic::SetTag.   This makes it possible to obtain the GraphicComp
              that owns  the  graphic  from  the  graphic  itself.   GetGraphicComp  returns  the
              GraphicComp associated with the given graphic.

       void Skip(istream&)
       void Mark(ostream&)
              Convenience functions that simply call their Catalog counterparts.

       int ReadBgFilled(istream&)
       PSBrush* ReadBrush(istream&)
       PSColor* ReadColor(istream&)
       PSFont* ReadFont(istream&)
       PSPattern* ReadPattern(istream&)
       PSTransformer* ReadTransformer(istream&)
       char* ReadString(istream&)
       Bitmap* ReadBitmap(istream&)
       Raster* ReadGraymap(istream&)
       Raster* ReadRaster(istream&)
       void ReadVertices(istream&, Coord*&, Coord*&, int&)

       void WriteBgFilled(boolean, ostream&)
       void WriteBrush(PSBrush*, ostream&)
       void WriteColor(PSColor*, ostream&)
       void WriteFont(PSFont*, ostream&)
       void WritePattern(PSPattern*, ostream&)
       void WriteTransformer(PSTransformer*, ostream&)
       void WriteString(const char*, ostream&)
       void WriteBitmap(Bitmap*, ostream&)
       void WriteGraymap(Raster*, ostream&)
       void WriteRaster(Raster*, ostream&)
       void WriteVertices(const Coord*, const Coord*, int, ostream&)
              Convenience  functions  for  reading  and  writing  common GraphicComp information.
              These operations are most often used in the Read and  Write  calls  of  GraphicComp
              subclasses.   The  Write...  operations send a stream of bytes characterizing their
              first parameter to the ostream.  The Read... operations reconstruct  the  object(s)
              from the bytes that the istream supplies.


       virtual ~GraphicComps()
              The  parameterless  constructor  sets  the  GraphicComps'  graphic to a new Picture
              instance, while the other lets you specify the graphic explicitly.  The  destructor
              deletes its children.

       virtual void Interpret(Command*)
       virtual void Uninterpret(Command*)
              GraphicComps  can  (un)interpret  the  following commands in addition to those that
              GraphicComp objects (un)interpret:

              BackCmd and FrontCmd change the position of the GraphicComps' children that are  in
              the  command's  clipboard  object.  If the command has no clipboard, it will create
              one and fill it with the subjects of GraphicViews that are  selected  currently  in
              the  command's  editor.   Interpreting  a  BackCmd  will  move  the children on the
              clipboard so that they appear behind the others, preserving their  relative  order;
              the opposite occurs when interpreting a FrontCmd.

              CutCmd  removes  the components in the CutCmd's clipboard from the GraphicComps and
              places them in the catalog's global clipboard.  Interpret will create  a  clipboard
              containing  the  subjects  of  selected GraphicViews if the CutCmd has no clipboard

              DeleteCmd removes the components in the DeleteCmd's clipboard from the GraphicComps
              and destroys them when the DeleteCmd is destroyed if it has not been uninterpreted.
              Interpret will create a clipboard containing the subjects of selected  GraphicViews
              if the DeleteCmd has no clipboard initially.

              DupCmd  duplicates  the components in the DupCmd's clipboard, appending them to the
              list of children.  Interpret will create a  clipboard  containing  the  subject  of
              selected GraphicViews if the DupCmd has no clipboard initially.

              GroupCmd  removes  the components in the GroupCmd's clipboard from the GraphicComps
              and inserts them into the destination GraphicComp returned  by  GroupCmd::GetGroup.
              The destination is inserted at the position formerly occupied by the last component
              in the clipboard.  If the GroupCmd  has  no  clipboard  initially,  interpret  will
              create  a  clipboard  containing the subjects of selected GraphicViews. If GroupCmd
              does not define a destination, Interpret will create a  GraphicComps  instance  and
              set the GroupCmd's destination explicitly.  Interpret does nothing if the clipboard
              contains less than two components.

              UngroupCmd extracts the children from components in the UngroupCmd's clipboard  and
              inserts  them  in  order  immediately  after  their  parents.  The parents are then
              removed from the GraphicComps.  The parents are destroyed along with the UngroupCmd
              if it has not been Uninterpreted.

              PasteCmd  appends  copies  of  the  components  in  the PasteCmd's clipboard to the
              GraphicComps.  If the PasteCmd has no clipboard initially, it will use  the  global
              clipboard from the catalog.


       GraphicComp* Comp(UList*)
       UList* Elem(Iterator)
              Convenience functions for extracting a GraphicComp from a UList element and a UList
              from an iterator.

       void SelectViewsOf(GraphicComp*, Editor*)
              A convenience function for selecting all the views of the  given  GraphicComp  that
              appear  in  the  given  editor.   SelectViewsOf clears the original contents of the

       void SelectClipboard(Clipboard*, Editor)
              A convenience function for selecting all the views of all  the  components  in  the
              given Clipboard that appear in the given editor.  SelectViewsOf clears the original
              contents of the selection.

       void StorePosition(GraphicComp*, Command*)
              Store the given child's position into the given Command with Command::Store.

       void RestorePosition(GraphicComp*, Command*)
              Insert the given GraphicComp into this based on position information stored in  the
              given command.  The position information must have been stored with StorePosition.

       void Group(Clipboard*, GraphicComp* destination, Command*)
       void Ungroup(GraphicComp* parent, Clipboard*, Command*)
              Helper   functions   used   in  the  interpretation  of  GroupCmd  and  UngroupCmd,
              respectively.  Group inserts the components in the clipboard into  destination  and
              inserts  destination  into  this, storing undo information in the command.  Ungroup
              removes all children from parent, puts them on  the  clipboard,  and  then  removes
              parent from this.  Ungroup also stores undo information in the command.


       BrushCmd(3U),   Catalog(3U),   Clipboard(3U),   ColorCmd(3U),  Component(3U),  Editor(3U),
       FontCmd(3U),  Iterator(3U),   PatternCmd(3U),   Picture(3U),   Selection(3U),   UList(3U),
       align(3U), edit(3U), globals(3U), struct(3U), transforms(3U)