Provided by: ivtools-dev_2.0.11d.a1-1build1_amd64 bug


       GraphicView, GraphicViews - base classes for graphical component views


       #include <Unidraw/Components/grview.h>


       GraphicView  is  an  abstract  base  class  for  graphical  views  of GraphicComp objects.
       GraphicView is derived  from  ComponentView  and  adds  operations  for  manipulating  its
       graphical  attributes.   GraphicViews  is  a  non-abstract  subclass  of  GraphicView  for
       composite graphical component views.


       virtual void Interpret(Command*)
       virtual void Uninterpret(Command*)
              GraphicView objects can (un)interpret the following command:

              AlignToGridCmd aligns the graphical component to the grid that  affects  the  view.
              Interpret  uses AlignToGridCmd::Align to carry out the alignment, while Uninterpret
              uses AlignToGridCmd::Unalign to reverse Interpret's effects.

       virtual void DrawHandles()
       virtual void RedrawHandles()
       virtual void InitHandles()
       virtual void EraseHandles()
              Operations for displaying  and  hiding  the  view's  selection  handles.   All  use
              CreateHandles  (described below) to create component-specific rubberbands that draw
              the handles if they do not already exist.  The rubberband is stored in the _handles
              protected  member.   DrawHandles  makes the handles visible if they are not already
              visible.  RedrawHandles forces the handles to draw  themselves  even  if  they  are
              already  drawn,  which  may make them disappear if the rubberband draws them in XOR
              mode.  InitHandles deletes and recreates the rubberband defining the handles if  it
              existed  when  InitHandles was called.  EraseHandles erases the handles and deletes
              the rubberband.

       virtual Manipulator* CreateManipulator(
          Viewer*, Event&, Transformer*, Tool*

       virtual void InterpretManipulator(Manipulator*)
              Operations that define how the GraphicView reacts when it is manipulated by a  tool
              and  how  the tool affects that component following manipulation.  They effectively
              override the tool's default behavior if the tool defers  manipulator  creation  and
              interpretation  to  the  view.   This  allows  the  same tool to behave differently
              depending on the component it manipulates.

              CreateManipulator creates a manipulator that is appropriate for the given tool.  It
              receives  the viewer in which the manipulation will take place, an event with which
              to initialize the manipulator if necessary, and the coordinate transformation  that
              maps  canvas coordinates into the subject's coordinate space.  InterpretManipulator
              is called following manipulation and  defines  how  to  construct  a  command  that
              carries  out  the  manipulation's  desired  effect.  GraphicView objects create and
              interpret manipulators for the following tools:

              GraphicCompTool will let the user position a  fixed-sized  outline  reflecting  the
              view's  bounding  box  on  the  screen.  Interpretation will produce a command that
              inserts a copy of  the  subject  into  the  editor's  component  at  the  specified
              position.  Placement will be constrained by gravity, if active.

              MoveTool  will  let  the  user  move  a  fixed-sized  outline reflecting the view's
              bounding box on the screen.  Interpretation will produce a command that  moves  the
              subject  to  the  specified position. Holding down the Shift key will constrain the
              movement to purely horizontal or vertical, and  movement  will  be  constrained  by

              ScaleTool will let the user drag a scaling rectangular outline corresponding to the
              view's scale following manipulation with the tool.  Scaling will be constrained  by

              StretchTool   will   let   the  user  drag  a  variable-sized  rectangular  outline
              corresponding  to  a  two-dimensional  stretch  that  the  component  will  undergo
              following  manipulation.   Holding the Shift key down will constrain the stretch to
              one dimension.  Stretching will be constrained by gravity.

              RotateTool will let the user rotate a fixed-sized  rectangular  outline  reflecting
              the  view's  bounding box.  The rotation of the outline corresponds to the rotation
              that  the  component  will  undergo  following  manipulation.   Rotation  will   be
              constrained by gravity.

       virtual Graphic* GetGraphic()
              Return  the  graphic that defines the GraphicView's appearance.  Often this graphic
              is a copy of that in the subject, but it needn't be.

       virtual Viewer* GetViewer()
              Return the viewer (if any) that displays the view.

       GraphicComp* GetGraphicComp()
              Return the view's subject.

       boolean Includes(GraphicView*)
              A convenience function that returns whether or not  the  GraphicView  includes  the
              given view, that is, whether the view is a child of this.

       GraphicView* GetGraphicView(Component*)
              A  convenience  function that returns the view of the given component (if any) that
              appears in the same viewer as this.

       GraphicView* GetView(Iterator)
       void SetView(GraphicView*, Iterator&)
              These operations do nothing by default.  Subclasses that  contain  children  should
              redefine  them  as  follows:  GetView  should  return  the  GraphicView to which an
              iterator points.  SetView should initialize the iterator to point to  a  particular
              GraphicView  in the list of children; it should initialize the iterator to point to
              a nil instance if the given GraphicView is not a child.

       virtual Selection* SelectAll()
       virtual Selection* ViewContaining(Coord, Coord)
       virtual Selection* ViewsContaining(Coord, Coord)
       virtual Selection* ViewIntersecting(Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
       virtual Selection* ViewsIntersecting(Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
       virtual Selection* ViewsWithin(Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
       virtual ConnectorView* ConnectorIntersecting(
           Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord
              These convenience operations do nothing by default.  Subclasses containing children
              should  redefine  them  to  do  the  following: SelectAll should return a selection
              object containing (pointers to) all its children; ViewContaining should return  the
              last (visibly topmost) child view containing the given point, while ViewsContaining
              should return all children containing the point; ViewIntersecting should return the
              last   (visibly   topmost)  child  view  intersecting  a  rectangular  area,  while
              ViewsIntersecting should return all such children; ViewsWithin  should  return  all
              the    child    views   falling   strictly   within   a   rectangular   area;   and
              ConnectorIntersecting  should  return  the  child  ConnectorView  (if   any)   that
              intersects a rectangular area.


       GraphicView(GraphicComp* = nil)
              The  constructor  is  protected to guard against instantiation. It takes the view's
              subject as an optional argument, passing it to the ComponentView constructor.

       virtual void SetGraphic(Graphic*)
              Set the GraphicView's graphic to the given one, and store this in the graphic using
              Graphic::SetTag.   This  makes  it possible to obtain the GraphicView that owns the
              graphic from the graphic itself, e.g., after hit detection.

       virtual void CreateHandles()
              Initialize the _handles member with a rubberband that  will  draw  the  appropriate
              handles.   By  default,  CreateHandles  creates  a  RubberHandles object with eight
              handles around the periphery of the view's bounding box.

       virtual int ClosestPoint(
           Coord x[], Coord y[], int n, Coord px, Coord py
              A convenience function that returns the index of the point closest to (px,  py)  in
              an array of n points.

       GraphicView* View(UList*)
       GraphicView* GetGraphicView(Graphic*)
              Convenience  functions  that  return  the  GraphicView  in  a UList element and the
              GraphicView associated with a graphic, respectively.

       Manipulator* CreateGraphicCompManip(
           Viewer*, Event&, Transformer*, Tool*

       Manipulator* CreateStretchManip(
           Viewer*, Event&, Transformer*, Tool*

       Command* InterpretGraphicCompManip(Manipulator*)
       Command* InterpretStretchManip(Manipulator*)
              Helper functions used by CreateManipulator and InterpretManipulator to  create  and
              interpret the manipulators associated with GraphicCompTool and StretchTool.

       void AddDamage(Graphic*)
       void IncurDamage(Graphic*)
              GraphicViews should incur damage in response to a change in their appearance, which
              generally happens in their Update  function.   AddDamage  and  IncurDamage  produce
              damage  by  calling the related operations on the enclosing viewer's damage object.
              Subclasses can use these functions for convenience to avoid accessing the enclosing
              viewer's damage object directly.

       void Unselect(GraphicView*)
              A  convenience  function  that  unselects the given view, which entails erasing its
              handles and removing it from the enclosing editor's selection object.

       virtual void Add(GraphicView*)
       virtual void Append(GraphicView*)
       virtual void InsertBefore(Iterator, GraphicView*)
       virtual void Remove(Iterator&)
       virtual void DeleteView(Iterator&)
              Unimplemented operations that composite subclasses should  redefine  for  modifying
              the  their (conceptual) list of children.  Note that subclasses needn't necessarily
              store their children in a list data structure, but  a  list  maps  closely  to  the
              semantics  of  these  operations.  These operations are not public because only the
              view itself knows how to keep its structure consistent with  that  of  the  subject
              and/or its semantics.

              Add  adds a GraphicView to the end of the list of children.  InsertBefore inserts a
              GraphicView before the GraphicView pointed to by the iterator.   Remove  removes  a
              view  to  which  the given iterator refers from the list without deleting it, while
              DeleteView removes it and deletes it.  Remove and  DeleteView  should  advance  the
              iterator to point to the following view as a side effect.


       GraphicViews(GraphicComps* = nil)
       virtual ~GraphicViews()
              The  constructor  creates  a  GraphicViews,  optionally supplying the subject.  The
              destructor deletes the GraphicViews' children.

       virtual void Interpret(Command*)
              GraphicViews objects interpret the following command:

              AlignToGridCmd aligns the graphical component to the grid that  affects  the  view.
              The  overall  alignment  is based on how the first leaf subcomponent aligns itself:
              Interpret aligns the first leaf subcomponent to the grid and then moves  all  other
              subcomponents by the amount that the leaf moved.

       virtual void Update()
              Automatically  update the GraphicViews' state and structure to match the subject's.
              Update will not necessarily detect restructurings or state  modifications  made  to
              the  subject's  children more than one level deep.  Update uses GVUpdater to do its

       virtual Graphic* GetGraphic()
              Return the GraphicViews' graphic, which (like its subject's graphic) is a Picture.

       GraphicComps* GetGraphicComps()
              Return the subject.


       UList* Elem(Iterator)
              A convenience function for extracting a UList from an iterator.


       Command(3U), ComponentView(3U), Connector(3U), Damage(3U), GVUpdater(3U), GraphicComp(3U),
       GraphicCompTool(3U),  Grid(3U),  Event(3I),  Manipulator(3U),  MoveTool(3U),  Picture(3U),
       RotateTool(3U),    Rubband(3I),     ScaleTool(3U),     Selection(3U),     StretchTool(3U),
       Transformer(3I), Viewer(3U), align(3U)