Provided by: tcllib_1.20+dfsg-1_all bug


       struct::graph - Create and manipulate directed graph objects


       package require Tcl  8.4

       package require struct::graph  ?2.4.3?

       package require struct::list  ?1.5?

       package require struct::set  ?2.2.3?

       ::struct::graph ?graphName? ?=|:=|as|deserialize source?

       graphName option ?arg arg ...?

       graphName = sourcegraph

       graphName --> destgraph

       graphName append key value

       graphName deserialize serialization

       graphName destroy

       graphName arc append arc key value

       graphName arc attr key

       graphName arc attr key -arcs list

       graphName arc attr key -glob globpattern

       graphName arc attr key -regexp repattern

       graphName arc delete arc ?arc ...?

       graphName arc exists arc

       graphName arc flip arc

       graphName arc get arc key

       graphName arc getall arc ?pattern?

       graphName arc getunweighted

       graphName arc getweight arc

       graphName arc keys arc ?pattern?

       graphName arc keyexists arc key

       graphName arc insert start end ?child?

       graphName arc lappend arc key value

       graphName arc rename arc newname

       graphName arc set arc key ?value?

       graphName arc setunweighted ?weight?

       graphName arc setweight arc weight

       graphName arc unsetweight arc

       graphName arc hasweight arc

       graphName arc source arc

       graphName arc target arc

       graphName arc nodes arc

       graphName arc move-source arc newsource

       graphName arc move-target arc newtarget

       graphName arc move arc newsource newtarget

       graphName arc unset arc key

       graphName arc weights

       graphName      arcs      ?-key     key?     ?-value     value?     ?-filter     cmdprefix?
       ?-in|-out|-adj|-inner|-embedding node node...?

       graphName lappend key value

       graphName node append node key value

       graphName node attr key

       graphName node attr key -nodes list

       graphName node attr key -glob globpattern

       graphName node attr key -regexp repattern

       graphName node degree ?-in|-out? node

       graphName node delete node ?node...?

       graphName node exists node

       graphName node get node key

       graphName node getall node ?pattern?

       graphName node keys node ?pattern?

       graphName node keyexists node key

       graphName node insert ?node...?

       graphName node lappend node key value

       graphName node opposite node arc

       graphName node rename node newname

       graphName node set node key ?value?

       graphName node unset node key

       graphName     nodes     ?-key     key?     ?-value     value?     ?-filter      cmdprefix?
       ?-in|-out|-adj|-inner|-embedding node node...?

       graphName get key

       graphName getall ?pattern?

       graphName keys ?pattern?

       graphName keyexists key

       graphName serialize ?node...?

       graphName set key ?value?

       graphName swap node1 node2

       graphName unset key

       graphName walk node ?-order order? ?-type type? ?-dir direction? -command cmd



       A  directed  graph is a structure containing two collections of elements, called nodes and
       arcs respectively, together  with  a  relation  ("connectivity")  that  places  a  general
       structure upon the nodes and arcs.

       Each  arc  is  connected to two nodes, one of which is called the source and the other the
       target. This imposes a direction upon the arc, which is said to go from the source to  the
       target.  It  is allowed that source and target of an arc are the same node. Such an arc is
       called a loop.  Whenever a node is either the source or target of an arc both are said  to
       be  adjacent.  This extends into a relation between nodes, i.e. if two nodes are connected
       through at least one arc they are said to be adjacent too.

       Each node can be the source and target for any number of arcs. The former are  called  the
       outgoing arcs of the node, the latter the incoming arcs of the node. The number of arcs in
       either set is called the in-degree resp. the out-degree of the node.

       In addition to maintaining the node  and  arc  relationships,  this  graph  implementation
       allows  any  number  of  named attributes to be associated with the graph itself, and each
       node or arc.

       Note: The major version of the package struct has been changed  to  version  2.0,  due  to
       backward  incompatible  changes in the API of this module. Please read the section Changes
       for 2.0 for a full list of all changes, incompatible and otherwise.

       Note:   A   C-implementation   of   the   command   can   be   had   from   the   location  See  also  This
       implementation uses a bit less memory than the tcl version provided here directly, and  is
       faster. Its support is limited to versions of the package before 2.0.

       As  of  version 2.2 of this package a critcl based C implementation is available from here
       as well. This implementation however requires Tcl 8.4 to run.

       The main command of the package is:

       ::struct::graph ?graphName? ?=|:=|as|deserialize source?
              The command creates a new graph object with an associated global Tcl command  whose
              name  is  graphName.   This command may be used to invoke various operations on the
              graph.  It has the following general form:

              graphName option ?arg arg ...?
                     Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command.

       If graphName is not specified a unique name will be generated by the package itself. If  a
       source  is specified the new graph will be initialized to it. For the operators =, :=, and
       as the source argument is interpreted as  the  name  of  another  graph  object,  and  the
       assignment  operator  =  will  be  executed.  For the operator deserialize the source is a
       serialized graph object and deserialize will be executed.

       In other words

                  ::struct::graph mygraph = b

       is equivalent to

                  ::struct::graph mygraph
                  mygraph = b


                  ::struct::graph mygraph deserialize $b

       is equivalent to

                  ::struct::graph mygraph
                  mygraph deserialize $b

       The following commands are possible for graph objects:

       graphName = sourcegraph
              This is the assignment operator for graph objects. It copies the graph contained in
              the  graph object sourcegraph over the graph data in graphName. The old contents of
              graphName are deleted by this operation.

              This operation is in effect equivalent to

                  graphName deserialize [sourcegraph serialize]

       The operation assumes that the sourcegraph provides the method  serialize  and  that  this
       method returns a valid graph serialization.

       graphName --> destgraph
              This  is  the  reverse  assignment  operator for graph objects. It copies the graph
              contained in the  graph  object  graphName  over  the  graph  data  in  the  object
              destgraph.  The old contents of destgraph are deleted by this operation.

              This operation is in effect equivalent to

                  destgraph deserialize [graphName serialize]

       The  operation  assumes  that  the destgraph provides the method deserialize and that this
       method takes a graph serialization.

       graphName append key value
              Appends a value to one of the keyed values associated with the graph.  Returns  the
              new value given to the attribute key.

       graphName deserialize serialization
              This  is  the complement to serialize. It replaces the graph data in graphName with
              the graph described by the serialization value. The old contents of  graphName  are
              deleted by this operation.

       graphName destroy
              Destroys the graph, including its storage space and associated command.

       graphName arc append arc key value
              Appends  a value to one of the keyed values associated with an arc. Returns the new
              value given to the attribute key.

       graphName arc attr key

       graphName arc attr key -arcs list

       graphName arc attr key -glob globpattern

       graphName arc attr key -regexp repattern
              This method retrieves the value of the attribute named key, for  all  arcs  in  the
              graph  (matching  the  restriction  specified  via one of the possible options) and
              having the specified attribute.

              The result is a dictionary mapping from arc names to the value of attribute key  at
              that  arc.   Arcs  not  having  the  attribute  key,  or  not  passing  a specified
              restriction, are not listed in the result.

              The possible restrictions are:

              -arcs  The value is a list of arcs. Only  the  arcs  mentioned  in  this  list  are
                     searched for the attribute.

              -glob  The  value  is  a glob pattern. Only the arcs in the graph whose names match
                     this pattern are searched for the attribute.

                     The value is a regular expression. Only the arcs in the  graph  whose  names
                     match this pattern are searched for the attribute.

       graphName arc delete arc ?arc ...?
              Remove the specified arcs from the graph.

       graphName arc exists arc
              Return true if the specified arc exists in the graph.

       graphName arc flip arc
              Reverses  the  direction  of the named arc, i.e. the source and target nodes of the
              arc are exchanged with each other.

       graphName arc get arc key
              Returns the value associated with the key key for the arc.

       graphName arc getall arc ?pattern?
              Returns a dictionary (suitable for use with [array  set])  for  the  arc.   If  the
              pattern is specified only the attributes whose names match the pattern will be part
              of the returned dictionary. The pattern is a glob pattern.

       graphName arc getunweighted
              Returns a list containing the names of all arcs in the graph which have  no  weight
              associated with them.

       graphName arc getweight arc
              Returns  the  weight  associated  with  the  arc. Throws an error if the arc has no
              weight associated with it.

       graphName arc keys arc ?pattern?
              Returns a list of keys  for  the  arc.   If  the  pattern  is  specified  only  the
              attributes  whose  names  match  the pattern will be part of the returned list. The
              pattern is a glob pattern.

       graphName arc keyexists arc key
              Return true if the specified key exists for the arc.

       graphName arc insert start end ?child?
              Insert an arc named child into the graph beginning at the node start and ending  at
              the  node end. If the name of the new arc is not specified the system will generate
              a unique name of the form arcx.

       graphName arc lappend arc key value
              Appends a value (as a list) to one of the keyed  values  associated  with  an  arc.
              Returns the new value given to the attribute key.

       graphName arc rename arc newname
              Renames  the  arc  arc  to  newname.  An error is thrown if either the arc does not
              exist, or a arc with name newname does exist. The result of the command is the  new
              name of the arc.

       graphName arc set arc key ?value?
              Set  or  get  one  of the keyed values associated with an arc.  An arc may have any
              number of keyed values associated with it.  If value is not specified, this command
              returns  the current value assigned to the key; if value is specified, this command
              assigns that value to the key, and returns that value.

       graphName arc setunweighted ?weight?
              Sets the weight of all arcs without a weight to weight. Returns the empty string as
              its result. If not present weight defaults to 0.

       graphName arc setweight arc weight
              Sets the weight of the arc to weight. Returns weight.

       graphName arc unsetweight arc
              Removes  the  weight  of  the  arc, if present. Does nothing otherwise. Returns the
              empty string.

       graphName arc hasweight arc
              Determines if the arc has a weight associated with it.  The  result  is  a  boolean
              value, True if a weight is defined, and False otherwise.

       graphName arc source arc
              Return the node the given arc begins at.

       graphName arc target arc
              Return the node the given arc ends at.

       graphName arc nodes arc
              Return the nodes the given arc begins and ends at, as a two-element list.

       graphName arc move-source arc newsource
              Changes  the  source  node  of  the  arc  to newsource. It can be said that the arc
              rotates around its target node.

       graphName arc move-target arc newtarget
              Changes the target node of the arc to newtarget.  It  can  be  said  that  the  arc
              rotates around its source node.

       graphName arc move arc newsource newtarget
              Changes both source and target nodes of the arc to newsource, and newtarget resp.

       graphName arc unset arc key
              Remove  a  keyed value from the arc arc. The method will do nothing if the key does
              not exist.

       graphName arc weights
              Returns a dictionary whose keys are the names of  all  arcs  which  have  a  weight
              associated with them, and the values are these weights.

       graphName      arcs      ?-key     key?     ?-value     value?     ?-filter     cmdprefix?
       ?-in|-out|-adj|-inner|-embedding node node...?
              Returns a list of arcs in  the  graph.  If  no  restriction  is  specified  a  list
              containing  all  arcs is returned. Restrictions can limit the list of returned arcs
              based on the nodes that are connected by the arc, on the  keyed  values  associated
              with  the  arc,  or  both.  A  general  filter  command  can  be  used as well. The
              restrictions that involve connected nodes  take  a  variable  number  of  nodes  as
              argument, specified after the name of the restriction itself.

              The  restrictions  imposed  by  either  -in,  -out, -adj, -inner, or -embedding are
              applied first. Specifying more than one of them is illegal.

              After that the restrictions set via -key (and -value) are applied. Specifying  more
              than  one  -key  (and  -value) is illegal. Specifying -value alone, without -key is
              illegal as well.

              Any restriction set through -filter is  applied  last.  Specifying  more  than  one
              -filter is illegal.

              Coming back to the restrictions based on a set of nodes, the command recognizes the
              following switches:

              -in    Return a list of all arcs whose target is one of the nodes  in  the  set  of
                     nodes.  I.e.  it computes the union of all incoming arcs of the nodes in the

              -out   Return a list of all arcs whose source is one of the nodes  in  the  set  of
                     nodes.  I.e.  it computes the union of all outgoing arcs of the nodes in the

              -adj   Return a list of all arcs adjacent to at least one of the nodes in the  set.
                     This is the union of the nodes returned by -in and -out.

              -inner Return a list of all arcs which are adjacent to two of the nodes in the set.
                     This is the set of arcs in the subgraph spawned by the specified nodes.

                     Return a list of all arcs adjacent to exactly one of the nodes in  the  set.
                     This  is  the  set  of arcs connecting the subgraph spawned by the specified
                     nodes to the rest of the graph.

              Attention: After the above options any word with a leading  dash  which  is  not  a
              valid  option  is  treated as a node name instead of an invalid option to error out
              on. This condition holds until either a valid option terminates the list of  nodes,
              or the end of the command is reached, whichever comes first.

              The remaining filter options are:

              -key key
                     Limit  the  list  of  arcs  that  are  returned  to  those arcs that have an
                     associated key key.

              -value value
                     This restriction can only be used in combination with -key.  It  limits  the
                     list  of  arcs  that are returned to those arcs whose associated key key has
                     the value value.

              -filter cmdrefix
                     Limit the list of arcs that are returned to those arcs that pass  the  test.
                     The command in cmdprefix is called with two arguments, the name of the graph
                     object, and the name of the arc in question. It is executed in  the  context
                     of  the caller and has to return a boolean value. Arcs for which the command
                     returns false are removed from the result list before it is returned to  the

       graphName lappend key value
              Appends  a  value (as a list) to one of the keyed values associated with the graph.
              Returns the new value given to the attribute key.

       graphName node append node key value
              Appends a value to one of the keyed values associated with an node. Returns the new
              value given to the attribute key.

       graphName node attr key

       graphName node attr key -nodes list

       graphName node attr key -glob globpattern

       graphName node attr key -regexp repattern
              This  method  retrieves  the value of the attribute named key, for all nodes in the
              graph (matching the restriction specified via one  of  the  possible  options)  and
              having the specified attribute.

              The result is a dictionary mapping from node names to the value of attribute key at
              that node.  Nodes not  having  the  attribute  key,  or  not  passing  a  specified
              restriction, are not listed in the result.

              The possible restrictions are:

              -nodes The  value  is  a  list  of nodes. Only the nodes mentioned in this list are
                     searched for the attribute.

              -glob  The value is a glob pattern. Only the nodes in the graph whose  names  match
                     this pattern are searched for the attribute.

                     The  value  is a regular expression. Only the nodes in the graph whose names
                     match this pattern are searched for the attribute.

       graphName node degree ?-in|-out? node
              Return the  number  of  arcs  adjacent  to  the  specified  node.  If  one  of  the
              restrictions  -in  or  -out  is  given  only  the  incoming resp. outgoing arcs are

       graphName node delete node ?node...?
              Remove the specified nodes from the graph.  All of the nodes' arcs will be  removed
              as well to prevent unconnected arcs.

       graphName node exists node
              Return true if the specified node exists in the graph.

       graphName node get node key
              Return the value associated with the key key for the node.

       graphName node getall node ?pattern?
              Returns  a  dictionary  (suitable  for  use with [array set]) for the node.  If the
              pattern is specified only the attributes whose names match the pattern will be part
              of the returned dictionary. The pattern is a glob pattern.

       graphName node keys node ?pattern?
              Returns  a  list  of  keys  for  the  node.   If  the pattern is specified only the
              attributes whose names match the pattern will be part of  the  returned  list.  The
              pattern is a glob pattern.

       graphName node keyexists node key
              Return true if the specified key exists for the node.

       graphName node insert ?node...?
              Insert  one  or  more nodes into the graph. The new nodes have no arcs connected to
              them. If no node is specified one node  will  be  inserted,  and  the  system  will
              generate a unique name of the form nodex for it.

       graphName node lappend node key value
              Appends  a  value  (as  a list) to one of the keyed values associated with an node.
              Returns the new value given to the attribute key.

       graphName node opposite node arc
              Return the node at the other end of the specified arc, which has to be adjacent  to
              the given node.

       graphName node rename node newname
              Renames  the  node  node to newname. An error is thrown if either the node does not
              exist, or a node with name newname does exist. The result of the command is the new
              name of the node.

       graphName node set node key ?value?
              Set  or  get  one  of  the keyed values associated with a node. A node may have any
              number of keyed values associated with it.  If value is not specified, this command
              returns  the current value assigned to the key; if value is specified, this command
              assigns that value to the key.

       graphName node unset node key
              Remove a keyed value from the node node. The method will do nothing if the key does
              not exist.

       graphName      nodes     ?-key     key?     ?-value     value?     ?-filter     cmdprefix?
       ?-in|-out|-adj|-inner|-embedding node node...?
              Return a list of nodes in the graph. Restrictions can limit the  list  of  returned
              nodes  based on neighboring nodes, or based on the keyed values associated with the
              node. The restrictions that involve neighboring nodes  have  a  list  of  nodes  as
              argument, specified after the name of the restriction itself.

              The  possible  restrictions  are  the same as for method arcs.  Note that while the
              exact meanings change slightly, as they operate  on  nodes  instead  of  arcs,  the
              general  behaviour  is  the same, especially when it comes to the handling of words
              with a leading dash in node lists.

              The command recognizes:

              -in    Return a list of all nodes with at least one outgoing arc ending in  a  node
                     found  in  the specified set of nodes. Alternatively specified as the set of
                     source nodes for the -in arcs of the node set. The incoming neighbours.

              -out   Return a list of all nodes with at least one incoming arc starting in a node
                     found  in  the specified set of nodes. Alternatively specified as the set of
                     target nodes for the -out arcs of the node set. The outgoing neighbours.

              -adj   This is the union of the nodes returned by -in and -out. The neighbours.

              -inner The set of neighbours (see -adj above) which are also in the set  of  nodes.
                     I.e. the intersection between the set of nodes and the neighbours per -adj.

                     The  set  of  neighbours (see -adj above) which are not in the set of nodes.
                     I.e. the difference between the neighbours as  per  -adj,  and  the  set  of

              -key key
                     Limit  the  list  of  nodes  that  are  returned to those nodes that have an
                     associated key key.

              -value value
                     This restriction can only be used in combination with -key.  It  limits  the
                     list  of nodes that are returned to those nodes whose associated key key has
                     the value value.

              -filter cmdrefix
                     Limit the list of nodes that are returned to those nodes that pass the test.
                     The command in cmdprefix is called with two arguments, the name of the graph
                     object, and the name of the node in question. It is executed in the  context
                     of the caller and has to return a boolean value. Nodes for which the command
                     returns false are removed from the result list before it is returned to  the

       graphName get key
              Return the value associated with the key key for the graph.

       graphName getall ?pattern?
              Returns  a  dictionary (suitable for use with [array set]) for the whole graph.  If
              the pattern is specified only the attributes whose names match the pattern will  be
              part of the returned dictionary. The pattern is a glob pattern.

       graphName keys ?pattern?
              Returns  a  list of keys for the whole graph.  If the pattern is specified only the
              attributes whose names match the pattern will be part of  the  returned  list.  The
              pattern is a glob pattern.

       graphName keyexists key
              Return true if the specified key exists for the whole graph.

       graphName serialize ?node...?
              This  method  serializes  the  sub-graph spanned up by the nodes. In other words it
              returns a tcl value completely describing that graph. If no nodes are specified the
              whole  graph  will  be serialized.  This allows, for example, the transfer of graph
              objects (or parts thereof) over arbitrary channels, persistence, etc.  This  method
              is also the basis for both the copy constructor and the assignment operator.

              The result of this method has to be semantically identical over all implementations
              of the graph interface. This is what will enable us  to  copy  graph  data  between
              different implementations of the same interface.

              The  result  is  a  list  containing a multiple of three items, plus one!  In other
              words, '[llength $serial] % 3 == 1'. Valid values include 1, 4, 7, ...

              The last element of the list is a dictionary containing the  attributes  associated
              with the whole graph.  Regarding the other elements; each triple consists of

              [1]    The name of the node to be described,

              [2]    A dictionary containing the attributes associated with the node,

              [3]    And a list describing all the arcs starting at that node.

       The elements of the arc list are lists containing three or four elements each, i.e.

              [1]    The name of the arc described by the element,

              [2]    A reference to the destination node of the arc. This reference is an integer
                     number given the index of that node in the main serialization list. As  that
                     it  is  greater  than  or  equal  to  zero,  less  than  the  length  of the
                     serialization, and a multiple of three.  Note: For internal  consistency  no
                     arc name may be used twice, whether in the same node, or at some other node.
                     This is a global consistency requirement for the serialization.

              [3]    And a dictionary containing the attributes associated with the arc.

              [4]    The weight associated with the arc. This value is optional. Its non-presence
                     means that the arc in question has no weight associated with it.

                     Note:  This  information  is new, compared to the serialization of graph 2.3
                     and earlier. By making it an optional element the new  format  is  maximally
                     compatible  with  the  old. This means that any graph not using weights will
                     generate a serialization which  is  still  understood  by  the  older  graph
                     package.  A  serialization  will  not  be understood any longer by the older
                     packages if, and only if the graph it was generated from actually  has  arcs
                     with weights.

       For  all  attribute dictionaries they keys are the names of the attributes, and the values
       are the values for each name.

       Note: The order of the nodes in the serialization has no relevance, nor has the  order  of
       the arcs per node.

                  # A possible serialization for the graph structure
                  #        d -----> %2
                  #       /         ^ \
                  #      /         /   \
                  #     /         b     \
                  #    /         /       \
                  #  %1 <- a - %0         e
                  #    ^         \\      /
                  #     \\        c     /
                  #      \\        \\  /
                  #       \\        v v
                  #        f ------ %3
                  # is
                  # %3 {} {{f 6 {}}} %0 {} {{a 6 {}} {b 9 {}} {c 0 {}}} %1 {} {{d 9 {}}} %2 {} {{e 0 {}}} {}
                  # This assumes that the graph has neither attribute data nor weighted arcs.

       graphName set key ?value?
              Set  or  get  one of the keyed values associated with a graph. A graph may have any
              number of keyed values associated with it. If value is not specified, this  command
              returns  the current value assigned to the key; if value is specified, this command
              assigns that value to the key.

       graphName swap node1 node2
              Swap the position of node1 and node2 in the graph.

       graphName unset key
              Remove a keyed value from the graph. The method will do nothing if the key does not

       graphName walk node ?-order order? ?-type type? ?-dir direction? -command cmd
              Perform  a breadth-first or depth-first walk of the graph starting at the node node
              going in either the direction of outgoing or opposite to the incoming arcs.

              The type of walk, breadth-first or depth-first, is determined by the value of type;
              bfs  indicates  breadth-first,  dfs  indicates  depth-first.   Depth-first  is  the

              The order of the walk, pre-order, post-order or both-order  is  determined  by  the
              value  of order; pre indicates pre-order, post indicates post-order, both indicates
              both-order. Pre-order is the default.  Pre-order  walking  means  that  a  node  is
              visited before any of its neighbors (as defined by the direction, see below). Post-
              order walking means that a parent is visited after any of its neighbors. Both-order
              walking  means  that  a  node is visited before and after any of its neighbors. The
              combination of a breadth-first walk with post- or both-order is illegal.

              The direction of the walk is determined by the value of dir; backward indicates the
              direction  opposite  to  the  incoming arcs, forward indicates the direction of the
              outgoing arcs.

              As the walk progresses, the command cmd will be evaluated at each  node,  with  the
              mode  of the call (enter or leave) and values graphName and the name of the current
              node appended. For a pre-order walk, all nodes are entered, for  a  post-order  all
              nodes  are  left.  In  a  both-order  walk the first visit of a node enters it, the
              second visit leaves it.


       The following noteworthy changes have occurred:

       [1]    The API for accessing attributes and their values has been simplified.

              All functionality regarding the default attribute "data"  has  been  removed.  This
              default  attribute  does  not  exist  anymore.  All  accesses to attributes have to
              specify the name of the attribute in question. This  backward  incompatible  change
              allowed us to simplify the signature of all methods handling attributes.

              Especially  the  flag  -key  is  not  required  anymore,  even more, its use is now
              forbidden. Please read the documentation for the arc and  node  methods  set,  get,
              getall,  unset,  append,  lappend,  keyexists and keys for a description of the new

       [2]    The methods keys and getall now take an optional pattern argument and  will  return
              only attribute data for keys matching this pattern.

       [3]    Arcs and nodes can now be renamed. See the documentation for the methods arc rename
              and node rename.

       [4]    The  structure  has  been  extended  with   API's   for   the   serialization   and
              deserialization  of  graph objects, and a number of operations based on them (graph
              assignment, copy construction).

              Please read the documentation for the methods serialize, deserialize, =,  and  -->,
              and the documentation on the construction of graph objects.

              Beyond  the copying of whole graph objects these new API's also enable the transfer
              of graph objects over arbitrary channels and for easy persistence.

       [5]    A new method, attr, was added to both arc and node allowing the query and retrieval
              of attribute data without regard to arc and node relationships.

       [6]    Both  methods arcs and nodes have been extended with the ability to select arcs and
              nodes based on an arbitrary filtering criterium.


       This document, and the package it describes,  will  undoubtedly  contain  bugs  and  other
       problems.   Please  report  such  in  the  category struct :: graph of the Tcllib Trackers
       [].  Please also report any ideas for enhancements you
       may have for either package and/or documentation.

       When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the output of diff -u.

       Note further that attachments are strongly preferred over inlined patches. Attachments can
       be made by going to the Edit form of the ticket immediately after its creation,  and  then
       using the left-most button in the secondary navigation bar.


       adjacent,  arc,  cgraph,  degree,  edge,  graph,  loop,  neighbour,  node,  serialization,
       subgraph, vertex


       Data structures


       Copyright (c) 2002-2009,2019 Andreas Kupries <>