Provided by: libslurm-dev_20.11.7+really20.11.4-2_amd64 bug


       slurm_free_node_info_msg,             slurm_load_node,             slurm_load_node_single,
       slurm_print_node_info_msg, slurm_print_node_table, slurm_sprint_node_table  -  Slurm  node
       information reporting functions


       #include <stdio.h>
       #include <slurm/slurm.h>

       void slurm_free_node_info_msg (
            node_info_msg_t *node_info_msg_ptr

       int slurm_load_node (
            time_t update_time,
            node_info_msg_t **node_info_msg_pptr,
            uint16_t show_flags

       int slurm_load_node_single (
            node_info_msg_t **node_info_msg_pptr,
            char *node_name,
            uint16_t show_flags

       void slurm_print_node_info_msg (
            FILE *out_file,
            node_info_msg_t *node_info_msg_ptr,
            int one_liner

       void slurm_print_node_table (
            FILE *out_file,
            node_info_t *node_ptr,
            int one_liner

       char *slurm_sprint_node_table (
            node_info_t *node_ptr,
            int one_liner


              Specifies the pointer to the structure created by slurm_load_node.

              Specifies  the  double  pointer  to the structure to be created and filled with the
              time of the last node update, a record count, and detailed information  about  each
              node.  Detailed  node  information  is written to fixed sized records and includes:
              name, state, processor count, memory size, etc. See slurm.h for full details on the
              data structure's contents.

              Name of the node for which information is requested.

              Specifies  a  pointer  to  a  single  node  record  from the node_info_msg_ptr data

              Print one record per line if non-zero.

              Specifies the file to print data to.

              Job filtering flags, may be ORed.  Information about nodes in partitions  that  are
              configured  as hidden and partitions that the user's group is unable to utilize are
              not reported by default.  The SHOW_ALL flag will cause information about  nodes  in
              all  partitions to be displayed.  Only information about nodes on the local cluster
              will be returned unless the cluster is in a federation and  the  SHOW_ALL  flag  is

              For all of the following informational calls, if update_time is equal to or greater
              than the last time changes where made to that information, new information  is  not
              returned.   Otherwise  all  the  configuration. job, node, or partition records are


       slurm_free_node_info_msg Release the storage generated by the slurm_load_node function.

       slurm_load_node_single issue RPC to get slurm configuration  information  for  a  specific

       slurm_load_node  Returns a node_info_msg_t that contains an update time, record count, and
       array of node_table records for all nodes.  Note that  nodes  which  are  hidden  for  any
       reason  will  have a NULL node name.  Other fields associated with the node will be filled
       in appropriately.  Reasons for a node being hidden include: a node state of FUTURE, a node
       in the CLOUD that is powered down, or a node in a hidden partition.

       slurm_print_node_info_msg  Prints  the  contents of the data structure describing all node
       records from the data loaded by the slurm_load_node function.

       slurm_print_node_table Prints the contents of the data structure describing a single  node
       record loaded by the slurm_load_node function.


       On  success,  zero  is  returned.  On  error,  -1 is returned, and Slurm error code is set


       SLURM_NO_CHANGE_IN_DATA Data has not changed since update_time.

       SLURM_PROTOCOL_VERSION_ERROR Protocol version has changed, re-link your code.

       SLURM_PROTOCOL_SOCKET_IMPL_TIMEOUT Timeout in communicating with Slurm controller.


       #include <stdio.h>
       #include <stdlib.h>
       #include <slurm/slurm.h>
       #include <slurm/slurm_errno.h>

       int main (int argc, char *argv[])
            int i, j, k;
            partition_info_msg_t *part_buffer_ptr = NULL;
            partition_info_t *part_ptr;
            node_info_msg_t *node_buffer_ptr = NULL;
            node_info_t *node_ptr;

            /* get and dump some node information */
            if ( slurm_load_node ((time_t) NULL,
                                  &node_buffer_ptr, SHOW_ALL) ) {
                 slurm_perror ("slurm_load_node error");
                 exit (1);

            /* The easy way to print... */
            slurm_print_node_info_msg (stdout, node_buffer_ptr, 0);

            /* A harder way.. */
            for (i = 0; i < node_buffer_ptr->record_count; i++) {
                 node_ptr = &node_buffer_ptr->node_array[i];
                 slurm_print_node_table(stdout, node_ptr, 0, 0);

            /* The hardest way. */
            for (i = 0; i < node_buffer_ptr->record_count; i++) {
                 printf ("NodeName=%s CPUs=%u\n",

            /* get and dump some partition information */
            /* note that we use the node information loaded */
            /* above and we assume the node table entries have */
            /* not changed since */
            if ( slurm_load_partitions ((time_t) NULL,
                                        &part_buffer_ptr, 0) ) {
                 slurm_perror ("slurm_load_partitions error");
                 exit (1);
            for (i = 0; i < part_buffer_ptr->record_count; i++) {
                 part_ptr = &part_buffer_ptr->partition_array[i];
                 printf ("PartitionName=%s Nodes=",
                 for (j = 0; part_ptr->node_inx; j+=2) {
                      if (part_ptr->node_inx[j] == -1)
                      for (k = part_ptr->node_inx[j];
                           k <= part_ptr->node_inx[j+1];
                           k++) {
                           printf ("%s ", node_buffer_ptr->
            slurm_free_node_info_msg (node_buffer_ptr);
            slurm_free_partition_info_msg (part_buffer_ptr);
            exit (0);


       These functions are included in the libslurm library, which must be linked to your process
       for use (e.g. "cc -lslurm myprog.c").

       Some  data  structures  contain  index  values  to  cross-reference  each  other.   If the
       show_flags argument is not set to SHOW_ALL when getting this data, these index values will
       be invalid.


       Copyright (C) 2002-2006 The Regents of the University of California.  Produced at Lawrence
       Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).  CODE-OCEC-09-009. All rights reserved.

       This  file  is  part  of  Slurm,  a  resource  management  program.   For   details,   see

       Slurm  is  free  software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
       GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version  2
       of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

       Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
       even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
       GNU General Public License for more details.


       scontrol(1),        squeue(1),       slurm_allocation_lookup(3),       slurm_get_errno(3),
       slurm_load_partitions(3), slurm_perror(3), slurm_strerror(3)