Provided by: apache2_2.4.52-1ubuntu4.10_amd64 bug


       a2enconf, a2disconf - enable or disable an apache2 configuration file


       a2enconf [-q|--quiet] [-m|--maintmode] [ configuration ]

       a2disconf [-q|--quiet] [-m|--maintmode] [-p|--purge] [ configuration ]


       This manual page documents briefly the a2enconf and a2disconf commands.

       a2enconf  is  a  script  that  enables the specified configuration file within the apache2
       configuration.  It  does  this  by  creating  symlinks  within  /etc/apache2/conf-enabled.
       Likewise, a2disconf disables a specific configuration part by removing those symlinks.  It
       is not an error to enable a configuration which is already  enabled,  or  to  disable  one
       which is already disabled.

       Note  that  many  configuration  file  may  have a dependency to specific modules.  Unlike
       module dependencies, these are not resolved automatically. Configuration fragments  stored
       in the conf-available directory are considered non-essential or being installed and manged
       by reverse dependencies (e.g. web scripts).


       -q, --quiet
              Don't show informative messages.

       -m, --maintmode
              Enables the  maintainer  mode,  that  is  the  program  invocation  is  effectuated
              automatically by a maintainer script. This switch should not be used by end users.

       -p, --purge
              When  disabling a module, purge all traces of the module in the internal state data


       a2enconf  and  a2disconf  exit  with  status  0  if  all  configurations   are   processed
       successfully, 1 if errors occur, 2 if an invalid option was used.


              a2enconf security
              a2disconf charset

       Enables  Apache  security  directives  stored  in  the  security  configuration files, and
       disables the charset configuration.


              Directory with files giving information on available configuration files.

              Directory with links to the  files  in  conf-available  for  enabled  configuration


       apache2ctl(8), a2enmod(8), a2dismod(8), a2ensite(8), a2dissite(8).


       This  manual  page  was  written by Arno Toell <> for the Debian GNU/Linux
       distribution, as it is a Debian-specific script with the package.

                                         14 February 2012                             A2ENCONF(8)