Provided by: calibre_5.37.0+dfsg-1build1_all
calibre-server - calibre-server calibre-server [options] [path to library folder...] Start the calibre Content server. The calibre Content server exposes your calibre libraries over the internet. You can specify the path to the library folders as arguments to calibre-server. If you do not specify any paths, all the libraries that the main calibre program knows about will be used. Alati kui edastad programmile calibre-server tühikuid sisaldavaid argumente, ümbritse argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"
--access-log Rada ligipääsu logifailile. See logi sisaldab teavet klientide kohta, kes serveriga ühenduvad ja päringuid teostavad. Vaikimisi ligipääsu logimist ei tehta. --ajax-timeout Aeg (sekundites), kui kaua päringuid tehes serverilt vastust oodata. --auth-mode Vali kasutatava autentimise tüüp. Set the HTTP authentication mode used by the server. Set to "basic" if you are putting this server behind an SSL proxy. Otherwise, leave it as "auto", which will use "basic" if SSL is configured otherwise it will use "digest". --auto-reload Automatically reload server when source code changes. Useful for development. You should also specify a small value for the shutdown timeout. --ban-after Nurjunud sisselogimiskatsete määr keelustamiseks. Ebaõnnestunud sisselogimiskatsete arv, pärast mida IP-aadress keelustatakse --ban-for Keelusta IP-aadressid, millel on korduvalt ebaõnnestunud sisselogimiskatseid. Ajutiselt keelustab ligipääsu IP-aadressitele, millelt on pärit palju ebaõnnestunud sisselogimiskatseid määratud minutite jooksul. Kasulik paroolide äraarvamise katsete ennetamiseks. Kui väärtuseks on null, siis keelustamist ei teostata. --book-list-mode Vali vaikimisi raamatute loendi režiim. Määra raamatute loendi vaikimisi režiim, mida kasutatakse uute kasutajate puhul. Kasutajad saavad eraldi oma sätetes valida oma vaikimisi režiimi. Vaikimisi valikuks on kaaneruudustik. --compress-min-size Vähim suurus, mille puhul kasutavad vastused andmetihendust (baitides). --custom-list-template Path to a JSON file containing a template for the custom book list mode. The easiest way to create such a template file is to go to Preferences-> Sharing over the net-> Book list template in calibre, create the template and export it. --daemonize Käita protsess taustal deemonina (ainult Linuxil). --displayed-fields Restrict displayed user-defined fields. Comma separated list of user-defined metadata fields that will be displayed by the Content server in the /opds and /mobile views. If you specify this option, any fields not in this list will not be displayed. For example: my_rating,my_tags --enable-allow-socket-preallocation, --disable-allow-socket-preallocation Socket pre-allocation, for example, with systemd socket activation. Vaikimisi on see säte lubatud. --enable-auth, --disable-auth Paroolipõhine autentimine serverile ligipääsemiseks. Tavaliselt on server piiramata, lubades ligipääsu kõigile. Selle sättega saad ligipääsu lubada ainult eelnevalt määratud kasutajatele. Vaikimisi on see säte keelatud. --enable-fallback-to-detected-interface, --disable-fallback-to-detected-interface Fallback to auto-detected interface. If for some reason the server is unable to bind to the interface specified in the listen_on option, then it will try to detect an interface that connects to the outside world and bind to that. Vaikimisi on see säte lubatud. --enable-local-write, --disable-local-write Luba autentimata kohalikel ühendustel teha muudatusi. Normally, if you do not turn on authentication, the server operates in read-only mode, so as to not allow anonymous users to make changes to your calibre libraries. This option allows anybody connecting from the same computer as the server is running on to make changes. This is useful if you want to run the server without authentication but still use calibredb to make changes to your calibre libraries. Note that turning on this option means any program running on the computer can make changes to your calibre libraries. Vaikimisi on see säte keelatud. --enable-log-not-found, --disable-log-not-found Logi HTTP 404 (ei leitud) taotlusi. Normally, the server logs all HTTP requests for resources that are not found. This can generate a lot of log spam, if your server is targeted by bots. Use this option to turn it off. Vaikimisi on see säte lubatud. --enable-use-bonjour, --disable-use-bonjour Advertise OPDS feeds via BonJour. Advertise the OPDS feeds via the BonJour service, so that OPDS based reading apps can detect and connect to the server automatically. Vaikimisi on see säte lubatud. --enable-use-sendfile, --disable-use-sendfile Zero copy file transfers for increased performance. This will use zero-copy in-kernel transfers when sending files over the network, increasing performance. However, it can cause corrupted file transfers on some broken filesystems. If you experience corrupted file transfers, turn it off. Vaikimisi on see säte lubatud. --help, -h näita seda veateadet ja välju --ignored-fields Eiratud kasutajamääratud metaandmete väljad. Comma separated list of user-defined metadata fields that will not be displayed by the Content server in the /opds and /mobile views. For example: my_rating,my_tags --listen-on Liides, millel ühendusi kuulata. The default is to listen on all available IPv4 interfaces. You can change this to, for example, "" to only listen for connections from the local machine, or to "::" to listen to all incoming IPv6 and IPv4 connections. --log Rada serveri logifailini. See logi sisaldab serveri teavet ja vigu, mitte ligipääsu logisid. Vaikimisi kirjutatakse see voogu stdout. --manage-users Manage the database of users allowed to connect to this server. You can use it in automated mode by adding a --. See calibre-server --manage-users -- help for details. See also the --userdb option. --max-header-line-size Üksiku HTTP päise suurim suurus (ühikutes KB). --max-job-time Töölisprotsesside suurim aeg. Töölisprotsesside käituseks lubatud suurim aeg (minutites). Piirangu keelamiseks pane väärtuseks null. --max-jobs Töölisprotsesside suurim arv. Töölisprotsessid käivitatakse vajaduspõhiselt ja neid kasutatakse mahukate tööde jaoks nagu raamatu lugemiseks ettevalmistamine, raamatute lisamine, teisendamine jms. Tavaliselt põhineb selliste protsesside suurim arv protsessori tuumade arvul. Seda saad juhtida selle sättega. --max-log-size Logifaili suurim suurus (MB). The maximum size of log files, generated by the server. When the log becomes larger than this size, it is automatically rotated. Set to zero to disable log rotation. --max-opds-items Maximum number of books in OPDS feeds. The maximum number of books that the server will return in a single OPDS acquisition feed. --max-opds-ungrouped-items Maximum number of ungrouped items in OPDS feeds. Group items in categories such as author/tags by first letter when there are more than this number of items. Set to zero to disable. --max-request-body-size Serverisse üleslaaditavate failide suurim lubatud suurus (ühikutes MB). --num-per-page Ühel lehel näidatavate raamatute arv. Veebilehitsejas ühel lehel näidatavate raamatute arv. --pidfile Kirjuta protsessi PID määratud faili --port Port, millel ühendusi kuulata. --search-the-net-urls Path to a JSON file containing URLs for the "Search the internet" feature. The easiest way to create such a file is to go to Preferences-> Sharing over the net->Search the internet in calibre, create the URLs and export them. --shutdown-timeout Koguaeg sekundites, mis puhta sulgumise jaoks oodata. --ssl-certfile Rada SSL-sertifikaadi failini. --ssl-keyfile Rada SSL privaatvõtme failini. --timeout Aeg (sekundites), pärast mida jõude ühendus suletakse. --trusted-ips Allow un-authenticated connections from specific IP addresses to make changes. Normally, if you do not turn on authentication, the server operates in read-only mode, so as to not allow anonymous users to make changes to your calibre libraries. This option allows anybody connecting from the specified IP addresses to make changes. Must be a comma separated list of address or network specifications. This is useful if you want to run the server without authentication but still use calibredb to make changes to your calibre libraries. Note that turning on this option means anyone connecting from the specified IP addresses can make changes to your calibre libraries. --url-prefix Eesliide, mis lisada kõigile URLidele. Useful if you wish to run this server behind a reverse proxy. For example use, /calibre as the URL prefix. --userdb Path to the user database to use for authentication. The database is a SQLite file. To create it use --manage-users. You can read more about managing users at: --version näita programmi versiooninumbrit ja välju --worker-count Taotluste töötlemiseks kasutatavate töölõimede arv.
Kovid Goyal
Kovid Goyal