Provided by: baitfisher_1.2.7+git20211020.de26d5c+dfsg-1_amd64 bug


       BaitFilter-v1.0.6 - manual page for BaitFilter-v1.0.6


       Welcome to Bait-Filter, version 1.0.6.


              -i  <string>  [-o <string>] [-c <string>] [-m <string>] [--blast-second-hit-evalue <floating point
              number>]          [--blast-first-hit-evalue           <floating           point           number>]
              [--blast-min-hit-coverage-of-baits-in-tiling-stack   <floating   point   number>]  [--ref-blast-db
              <string>] [--blast-extra-commandline <string>] [--blast-evalue-cutoff <floating point number>] [-B
              <string>] [-t <positive integer>] [--ID-prefix <string>] [-S] [--verbosity <unsigned integer>] [-b
              <string>] [--] [--version] [-h]


       -i <string>,  --input-bait-file-name <string>

              Name of the input bait locus file. This is the bait file

              obtained from the BaitFisher program or from a previous filter run with BaitFilter.

       -o <string>,  --output-bait-file-name <string>

              Name of the output bait file. All  modes,  except  the  conversion  mode,  produce  files  in  the
              BaitFisher format.

       -c <string>,  --convert <string>

              Allows  the  user  to  produce  the  final  output  file which can be uploaded at a bait producing
              company. In this mode, BaitFilter reads the input bait file and instead of doing a filtering step,
              it  produces  a  custom bait file that can be uploaded at the baits producing company. In order to
              avoid confusion, a filtering step cannot be done in the same run as the conversion. If you want to
              filter  a  bait  file  and  convert the output, you will need to call this program more than once,
              first to do the filtering and second to do the conversion. Allowed conversion parameters currently
              are: "four-column-upload".

              New  output  formats can be added upon request. Please contact the author: Christoph Mayer, Email:
              Mayer Christoph <>

       -m <string>,  --mode <string>

              Apart from the input file option, the mode option  is  the  most  important  option.  This  option
              specifies which filter mode BaitFilter uses. (See the user manual for more details):

       "ab":  Retain only the best bait locus for each alignment file

       when using the optimality criterion
              to minimize the total

              number of required baits.

       "as":  Retain only the best bait locus for each alignment file

       when using the optimality criterion
              to maximize the number

              of sequences the result is based on.

       "fb":  Retain only the best bait locus for each feature (e.g. CDS)

       when using the optimality criterion
              to minimize the total

              number of required baits. Only applicable if alignment cutting has been used in BaitFisher.

       "fs":  Retain only the best bait locus for each feature (e.g. CDS)

       when using the optimality criterion
              to maximize the number

              of  sequences  the  result  is  based  on.  Only  applicable if alignment cutting has been used in

              "blast-a": Remove all bait regions of all ALIGNMENTs for which one or more baits have at least two
              good hits to a reference genome. (Not recommended.)

              "blast-f":  Remove  all bait regions of all FEATUREs for which one or more baits have at least two
              good hits to a reference genome. (Not recommended.)

              "blast-l": Remove only the bait REGIONs that contain a bait that  has  multiple  good  hits  to  a
              reference genome. (Recommended over blast-f and blast-a.)

              "blast-c":  Conduct  a  coverage  filter  run  without  a  search  for multiple hits. Requires the
              blast-min-hit-coverage-of-baits-in-tiling-stack option to be specified.

              Thin out a bait file to every Nth bait region, by finding

              the start position that minimizes the number of baits.

              Thin out a bait file to every Nth bait region, by finding

              the start position that maximizes the number of sequences.

              Similar to thin-b, but treats all loci as if they come

              from one alignment file. Identical to behaviour of thin-b in version 1.0.5 or earlier.

              Similar to thin-s, but treats all loci as if they come

              from one alignment file. Identical to behaviour of thin-b in version 1.0.5 or earlier.

       --blast-second-hit-evalue <floating point number>

              Maximum E-value for the second or second best hit. A bait is characterised to bind ambiguously, if
              we  have  at least two good hits.  This option is the E-value threshold for the second best hit to
              different loci of the genome.This option is  the  E-value  threshold  for  the  second  best  hit.
              Default: 0.000001

       --blast-first-hit-evalue <floating point number>

              Maximum  E-value for the first or best hit of the bait against the genome. A bait is characterized
              to bind ambiguously, if we have at least two good hits to  different  loci  of  the  genome.  This
              option is the E-value threshold for the first/best hit. Default: 0.000001

       --blast-min-hit-coverage-of-baits-in-tiling-stack <floating point


              Can  be  specified  together  with  the  following  modes  (-m option): blast-a, blast-f, blast-l,
              blast-c. In all these modes, a  blast  analysis  of  all  baits  against  a  reference  genome  is
              conducted.  This option specifies a minimum query hit coverage which at least one bait has to have
              in each tiling stack (i.e. the column  in  the  tiling  design).  Otherwise  the  bait  region  is
              discarded.  If not specified, no hit coverage is checked. The coverage is determined for each bait
              by dividing the length of the best hit of this bait against the specified genome by the length  of
              this  bait.  Then the highest coverage is determined for each bait stack of the tiling design.  If
              this option is used together with another filter, it is important to know the order in  which  the
              two  are  applied,  since  the  order  matters for the final result:For the mode options: blast-a,
              blast-f, blast-l the hit coverage is checked after filtering for baits with multiple good hits  to
              the reference genome.

       --ref-blast-db <string>

              Base name to a blast data base file. This name is passed to the blast command. This is the name of
              the fasta file of your reference genome.  IMPORTANT: The makeblastdb  program  has  to  be  called
              before  starting  the Bait-Filter program. makeblastdb takes the fasta file and  creates data base
              files out of it. Cannot be specified together with the blast-result-file option.

       --blast-extra-commandline <string>

              When invoking the blast command, extra command line parameters can be passed to the blast  program
              with  the  aid  of  this  option.  As an example , this option allows you to specify the number of
              threads the blast program should use. Example: --blast-extra-commandline  "-num_threads  20"  sets
              the number of threads to 20.

       --blast-evalue-cutoff <floating point number>

              When conducting a blast search, a maximum E-value can be specified when calling the blast program.
              The effect is that hits with a higher E-value are not reported. BaitFilter always  specifies  such
              an  E-value  when calling the blast program. The default E-value passed by BaitFilter to the blast
              program is twice the --blast-second-hit-evalue. If a coverage  filter  is  requested  the  default
              value  is set to 0.001 if twice the value of --blast-second-hit-evalue is smaller than 0.001. This
              should guarantee that all hits necessary for the blast and/or coverage filter are  found.  If  the
              user  wants  to  set  a  different E-value threshold, this can be specified with this option. With
              version 1.0.6 of this program, the value is automatically changed to be larger or equal  to  0.001
              if the coverage filter is used. This makes the usage of this option unnecessary in most cases.

       -B <string>,  --blast-executable <string>

              Name  of  or  path+name  to  the  blast executable. Default: blastn. Minimum blast version number:
              Blast+ 2.2.x. Default: blastn. Cannot be specified together with the blast-result-file option.

       -t <positive integer>,  --thinning-step-width <positive integer>

              Thin out the bait file by retaining only every Nth bait  region.  The  integer  after  the  option
              specifies  the  step  width  N. If one of the modes thin-b (thin-b-old), or thin-s (thin-s-old) is
              active, this option is required, otherwise it is not allowed to set this parameter.

       --ID-prefix <string>

              In the conversion mode to the four-column-upload file format, each converted  file  should  get  a
              unique  ProbeID prefix, since even among multiple files, ProbeIDs are not allowed to be identical.
              With this option the  user  is  able  to  specify  a  prefix  string  to  all  probe  IDs  in  the
              four-column-upload file created by BaitFilter.

       -S,  --stats

              Compute bait file characteristics for the input file and report these.  This mode is automatically
              used for all modes specified with -m option or the conversion mode specified with -c  option.  The
              purpose  of  the -S option is to compute stats without having to filter or convert the input file.
              In particular, the -S mode does not require specifying an output file.

              This option has no effect if combined with the -m or -c modes.

       --verbosity <unsigned integer>

              The verbosity option controls the amount of information Bait-Filter writes to  the  console  while
              running.  0:  Print  only  welcome  message  and essential error messages that lead to exiting the
              program. 1: report also warnings, 2: report also progress, 3: report more detailed progress,  >10:
              debug  output.  Maximum  10000:  write all possible diagnostic output. A value of 2 is required if
              startup parameters should be reported.

       -b <string>,  --blast-result-file <string>

              Conducting a blast analysis of all baits against a reference genome  can  take  a  long  time.  If
              different  filtering  parameters, e.g.  different coverage thresholds are to be compared, the same
              blast has to be done multiple times. With this  argument,  the  blast  will  be  skipped  and  the
              specified  blast  result file will be used. This option has to be used with caution! No checks are
              done (so far) to ensure that the blast result file corresponds to the specified bait  file.  If  a
              BaitFilter run was conducted which did a blast search, BaitFilter will not delete the blast result
              file after the run was completed. The result file with the name blast_result.txt  will  remain  in
              the  working directory. It can be moved or renamed and with this option it can be specified as the
              input file for further BaitFilter runs. If you have the slightest doubt whether you are using  the
              correct  blast  result  file, you should not use this option. This option is only allowed in modes
              that would normally do a  blast  search.  This  option  cannot  be  specified  together  with  the
              blast-executable,  blast-evalue-cutoff, blast-extra-commandline, ref-blast-db options, since these
              are options specific to runs in which a blast search is conducted.

       --,  --ignore_rest

              Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.


              Displays version information and exits.

       -h,  --help

              Displays usage information and exits.

              The Bait-Filter program has been designed to post process the output of the BaitFisher program  in
              order  select appropriate bait regions and to create the final bait set. BaitFilter offers several
              filtering and conversion modes. If multiple filtering steps and a final conversion  are  required,
              BaitFilter will have to be started multiple times and the output of the different runs are used as
              input in the next step.

              The BaitFisher program designs baits for every locus for which a bait design  is  possible  for  a
              full bait region. A bait region can start at every nucleotide as long as the remaining sequence is
              long enough. This output has to be reduced and the purpose of  BaitFilter  is  to  find  for  each
              feature,  gene  or  alignment  the  optimal locus or the optimal loci for the bait regions. Before
              determining the locus with the fewest number of baits or the largest sequence coverage, one  might
              want  to determine which baits are expected to bind specifically in a given reference genome. This
              is achieved by conducting a Blast search of the baits against a genome.  Baits  which  are  highly
              similar  to  at  least  two  loci  of  the  genome can be determined and their bait regions can be
              removed. The blast search result can also be used to specify a minimum hit coverage of  the  baits
              in  a bait region against the reference genome.  After removing bait regions at inferior loci, the
              optimal bait region starting locus (start coordinate) can be inferred with the  aid  of  different
              criteria in a subsequent run of BaitFilter. As input, BaitFilter requires a bait file generated by
              the BaitFisher program or a BaitFile generated by a previous filtering  run  of  BaitFilter.  This
              bait  file is specified with the -i command line parameter (see below).  Furthermore, the user has
              to specify an output file name with the -o parameter and a filter mode with the -m parameter.

              To convert a file to final and uploadable output format, see the -c option below.

              To compute a bait file statistics of an input file, see the -S option below.

              The different filter modes provided by BaitFilter are the following:

              1a) Retain only the best bait locus per alignment file. Criterion:  Minimize  number  of  required

              1b) Retain only the best bait locus per alignment file. Criterion: Maximize number of sequences.

              2a)  Retain only best bait locus per feature (requires that features were selected in BaitFisher).
              Criterion: Minimize number of required baits.

              2b) Retain only best bait locus per feature (requires that features were selected in  BaitFisher).
              Criterion: Maximize number of sequences.

              3)  Use  a  blast  search  of  the  bait  sequences  against a reference genome to detect putative
              non-unique target loci. Non unique target sites will have multiple good hits against the reference
              genome.    Furthermore,  a  minimum  coverage  of  the best blast hit of bait sequence against the
              genome can be specified. Note that all blast modes require  additional  command  line  parameters!
              These  modes remove bait regions for which multiple good blast hits where found or for which baits
              have insufficiently long hits. Different versions of this mode are available:

              3a) If a single bait is not unique, remove all bait regions from the current gene.

              3b) If a single bait is not  unique,  remove  all  bait  regions  from  the  current  feature  (if

              3c) If a single bait is not unique, remove only the bait region that contains this bait.

              4) Thin out the given bait file: Retain only every Nth bait region, where N has to be specified by
              the user. Two submodes are available:

              4a) Thin out bait regions by retaining only every Nth bait region in a  bait  file.  The  starting
              offset will by chosen such that the number of required baits is minimized.

              4b)  Thin  out  bait  regions by retaining only every Nth bait region in a bait file. The starting
              offset will by chosen such that the number of sequences the result is based on is maximized.

       Welcome to Bait-Filter, version 1.0.6.

       ./BaitFilter-v1.0.6  version: 1.0.6


       The full documentation for BaitFilter-v1.0.6 is  maintained  as  a  Texinfo  manual.   If  the  info  and
       BaitFilter-v1.0.6 programs are properly installed at your site, the command

              info BaitFilter-v1.0.6

       should give you access to the complete manual.