Provided by: sibelia_3.0.7+dfsg-3_amd64
Sibelia - comparative genomics tool
USAGE: Sibelia {-s <loose|fine|far>|-k <file name>} [-o <dir name>] [--noblocks] [-r] [-a] [-m <integer>] [-q] [-g] [-v] [-t <dir name>] [--lastk <integer > 1>] [--allstages] [--gff] [--nopostprocess] [--correctboundaries] [-i <integer > 0>] [--] [--version] [-h] <fasta files with genomes> ... Where: -s <loose|fine|far>, --parameters <loose|fine|far> (OR required) Parameters set, used for the simplification. Option "loose" produces fewer blocks, but they are larger ("fine" is opposite). -- OR -- -k <file name>, --stagefile <file name> (OR required) File that contains manually chosen simplifications parameters. See USAGE file for more information. -o <dir name>, --outdir <dir name> Directory where output files are written --noblocks Do not compute synteny blocks -r, --inram Perform all computations in RAM, don't create temp files. -a, --sharedonly Output only blocks that occur exactly once in each input sequence. -m <integer>, --minblocksize <integer> Minimum size of a synteny block, default value = 5000 BP. -q, --sequencesfile Output sequences of synteny blocks (FASTA format). -g, --graphfile Output resulting condensed de Bruijn graph (in dot format). -v, --visualize Draw circos diagram with blocks at different stages. -t <dir name>, --tempdir <dir name> Directory where temporary files are stored. --lastk <integer > 1> Value of K used for the synteny blocks inferring. --allstages Output coordinates of synteny blocks from all stages --gff Use GFF format for reporting blocks coordinates --nopostprocess Do not perform postprocessing (stripe gluing). --correctboundaries Correct boundaries of unique synteny blocks. -i <integer > 0>, --maxiterations <integer > 0> Maximum number of iterations during a stage of simplification, default = 4. --, --ignore_rest Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. --version Displays version information and exits. -h, --help Displays usage information and exits. <fasta files with genomes> (accepted multiple times) (required) FASTA file(s) with nucleotide sequences. Program for finding syteny blocks in closely related genomes
This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.