Provided by: dhcpig_1.5-3_all 

dhcpig - DHCP exhaustion script using scapy network library
dhcpig [options] <interface> dhcpig -h|--help
DHCPig initiates an advanced DHCP exhaustion attack. It will consume all IPs on the LAN, stop new users from obtaining IPs, release any IPs in use, then for good measure send gratuitous ARP and knock all windows hosts offline. When executed the script will perform the following actions: Grab your Neighbors IPs before they do Listen for DHCP Requests from other clients if offer detected, respond with request for that offer. Request all available IP addresses in Zone Loop and Send DHCP Requests all from different hosts MAC addresses Find your Neighbors MAC IP and release their IP from DHCP server ARP for all neighbors on that LAN, then send DHCPReleases to server Finally the script will then wait for DHCP exhaustion, (that is no received DHCP OFFERs for 10 seconds) and then Knock all Windows systems offline gratuitous ARP the LAN, and since no additional DHCP addresses are available these windows systems should stay offline. Linux systems will not give up IP even when another system on LAN is detected with same IP.
The options of DHCPig are the following. For each option, the default value or default behavior is set between parenthesis. -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbosity Set verbosity level. Can be set to: 0 ... no (3) 1 ... minimal 10 ... default 99 ... debug -6, --ipv6 DHCPv6 (off, DHCPv4 by default) -1, --v6-rapid-commit enable RapidCommit (2way ip assignment instead of 4way) (off) -s, --client-src a list of client macs 00:11:22:33:44:55,00:11:22:33:44:56 (Default: <random>) -O, --request-options option-codes to request e.g. 21,22,23 or 12,14-19,23 (Default: 0-80) -f, --fuzz randomly fuzz packets (off) -t, --threads number of sending threads (1) -a, --show-arp detect/print arp who_has (off) -i, --show-icmp detect/print icmps requests (off) -o, --show-options print lease infos (off) -l, --show-lease-confirm detect/print dhcp replies (off) -g, --neighbors-attack-garp knock off network segment using gratious arps (off) -r, --neighbors-attack-release release all neighbor ips (off) -n, --neighbors-scan-arp arp neighbor scan (off) -x, --timeout-threads thread spawn timer (0.4) -y, --timeout-dos DOS timeout (8) (wait time to mass grat.arp) -z, --timeout-dhcprequest dhcp request timeout (2) -c, --color enable color output (off)
June 2017, Man page originally compiled by Philippe Thierry (phil at reseau-libre dot com)