Provided by: lazpaint-qt5_7.1.6-1_amd64 

LazPaint - Image editor
Graphics viewer and editor. Can read layered files (lzp, ora, pdn, oXo), multi-images (gif, ico, tiff), flat files (bmp, jpeg, pcx, png, tga, xpm, xwd), vectorial (svg), 3D (obj). Has drawing tools, phong shading, curve adjustments, filters and render some textures.
If supplied, the INPUT FILE is loaded. If the OUTPUT FILE is supplied, the image is saved and the program ends. Otherwise, the GUI of the program is displayed. -scriptbasedir DIRECTORY set the directory where Python scripts for LazPaint are located. -script FILENAME runs the specified Python script. It must have a ".py" extension. -quit quits the program even if no output file was provided. Can be useful when only running scripts. -new WIDTH,HEIGHT creates an empty image of size WIDTH x HEIGHT. -resample WIDTH,HEIGHT resamples the image to the size WIDTH x HEIGHT. -opacity ALPHA applies the opacity to the image. ALPHA is between 0 and 255. -gradient R1,G1,B1,A1,R2,G2,B2,A2,TYPE,X1,Y1,X2,Y2 renders a gradient from point X1,Y1 to point X2,Y2. TYPE can be linear, reflected, diamond, radial or angular. The starting color is (R1,G1,B1,A1) and final color is (R2,G2,B2,A2). -horizontalflip flips selection or image horizontally. -verticalflip flips selection or image vertically. -swapredblue swap red and blue channels. -smartzoom3 resample the image 3 times bigger with smart detection of borders. -rotatecw rotates the image clockwise. -rotateccw rotates the image counter-clockwise. -rotate180 rotates the image 180 degrees. 18 May 2020 LazPaint(1)