Provided by: opa-basic-tools_10. 

opagetvf Used for scripting application use of vFabrics, such as for mpirun parameters. You can query by VF Name, VF Index, Service ID, MGID, PKey, or SL. Fetches the Virtual Fabric info in a delimited format. Returns exactly one matching VF. When multiple VFs match the query, it prefers non-default VFs in which the calling server is a full member. If multiple choices remain, it returns the one with the lowest VF Index. Uses the same algorithm as the Distributed SA Plug-in (DSAP). The tool can be used with additional scripts to help set PKey, SL, MTU, and Rate when running MPI jobs. Internally, this tool is based on the opasaquery -o vfinfocsv command. For more information, see opasaquery
opagetvf [-h hfi] [-p port] [-e] [-d vfname | -S serviceId | -m mcgid | -i vfIndex | -k pkey | -L sl]
--help Produces full help text. -h hfi Specifies the HFI to send by. Default is first HFI. -p port Specifies the port to send by. Default is first active port. -e Outputs MTU and rate as enum values. -d vfname Queries by VirtualFabric Name. -S serviceId Queries by Application ServiceId. -m gid Queries by Application Multicast GID. -i vfindex Queries by VirtualFabric Index. -k pkey Queries by VirtualFabric PKey. -L SL Queries by VirtualFabric SL.
opagetvf -d 'Compute' opagetvf -h 2 -p 2 -d 'Compute'
Sample Outputs
The output is of the form: name:index:pkey:sl:mtu:rate:optionflag::mcastSl as shown in the following example. Option flag (bitmask) values include: • 0x00 Indicates no bits are set. Specifically, no QoS, no Security, and no flow control disabled (which means flow control is enabled). • 0x01 Security • 0x02 QoS • 0x04 Flow Control Disable # opagetvf -d Default Default:0:0xffff:0:unlimited:unlimited:0x0::