Provided by: ries_2018.08.05-1_amd64 bug


       ries - find algebraic equations, given their solution


       ries  [-ln]  [-i[e]]  [-s]  [-x]  [-Fn]  [-Ssss] [-Nsss] [-Osss] [-Dxxx] [-pfilename] [--extended-options
       [...]] value

       ries --find-expression [expression [...]]

       ries --eval-expression [expression [...]]


       Given a number, ries searches for algebraic equations in one variable that have a  solution  (root)  near
       that  number. It avoids trivial or reducible solutions like ``x/x = 1''. If value is an integer, ries can
       find an exact solution expressed in terms of single-digit integers.

       For example, if you supply the value 2.5063, the first part of ries's output will resemble the following:

         $ ries 2.5063

             Your target value: T = 2.5063    

                     2 x = 5              for x = T - 0.0063       {49}
                     8 x = e^3            for x = T + 0.00439212   {66}
                     x^2 = 2 pi           for x = T + 0.000328275  {55}
                     x^x = 1+9            for x = T - 0.000115854  {69}
                   x^2+e = 9              for x = T + 3.56063e-05  {63}
                 ln(6) x = sqrt(pi)+e     for x = T + 2.73037e-05  {93}
                   x/4+1 = 4,/7           for x = T + 6.24679e-06  {91}
          sinpi(ln(x))^2 = 1/(5 pi)       for x = T + 2.75665e-06  {92}

       The output gives progressively ``more complex'' solutions (as described below)  that  come  progressively
       closer  to  matching  your  number.  There  are  four columns: equations in symbolic form (two columns of
       expressions with '=' in the middle), solution of equation (value of x expressed as T plus a  small  error
       term), and total complexity score (described below).

       Each match is checked by solving for x using the Newton-Raphson method, and the closeness of the match is
       judged by the difference between the root (the value of x for which the two sides  are  equal)  and  your
       target value T.

       Options  allow  complete  control over what symbols, constants and functions are used in solutions, or to
       limit solutions to integer, rational, constuctible, or algebraic values.


       Options must be separate: `ries -l1 -i -Ox 27', not `ries -l1iOx 27'.

       -pname Profile (or Parameters): Load one or  more  options  from  file  name.  -pname  is  equivalent  to
              --include name, which is described in the EXTENDED OPTIONS section below.  -p alone (with no name)
              has special meanings, also described under --include.

       -ln    Level: Specifies the level of the search (default 2).  With each increment of -l, ries will search
              about  10 times as many equations, use 3.5 times as much memory and take at least 4 times as long.
              Use higher levels to add more factors of 10.  The level can be fractional or negative.   Here  are
              typical  figures,  measured on a Core i7 at 3.2 GHz (using only one thread) invoked by the command
              ries -ln 2.5063141592653589 for different values of searchlevel n:

                         memory    equations tested  digits    run time
                     -l0  1.2M           89,400,000    6+       0.025 sec
                     -l1  4.0M          932,000,000    7+       0.08 sec
                     -l2  14 M       11,400,000,000    8+       0.33 sec
                     -l3  45 M      134,000,000,000    9+       1.8 sec
                     -l4  158M    1,600,000,000,000   11+       8.8 sec
                     -l5  490M   15,000,000,000,000   12+      37.1 sec
                     -l6  1.7G  184,000,000,000,000   13+      190 sec

              (these times are a little quicker than a 2.33-GHz Core 2 Duo; on a 733-MHz Pentium  3,  the  times
              were  about  5  times  longer.  If  compiled for an environment with 32-bit pointers, memory usage
              figures are about 20% lower.  ries also works on much older and  smaller  systems,  and  can  test
              billions of equations in less than a minute on 1990's hardware)

              Use  a  fractional argument (like -l5.5) for more precise control of how much memory ries will use
              before stopping its search.  When free memory is exhausted; performance will degrade significantly
              and  ries  might  exit,  depending  on  your  operating system. Under Linux and Mac OS, ries keeps
              running but the system slows to a crawl.  If you don't know what  your  OS  will  do,  be  careful
              before  running ries with higher levels. In extreme cases your computer's response might slow down
              so much that you are unable to save your work in other applications.

              The memory limits are not reached nearly as quickly when the symbolset is greatly limited with -S,
              -O  and  -N  or  when  -i is specified. -i in particular should allow about two more levels in any
              given amount of memory. Large arguments tend to lengthen runtime: for example, ries -l4 1058073667
              takes about three times as long as ries -l4 1.058073667.

Options to Select Symbols

       Several  options  are used to choose which symbols (constants, operations, and functions) ries is allowed
       to use when searching for equations.

       -Nsss  Never use these: -N followed by one or more characters specifies symbols (constants and operators)
              that ries should not use in its equations. The symbols are as follows:

              1-9    The integers 1 through 9. (ries constructs all larger integers from combinations of these.)

              p      pi = 3.14159...

              e      e = 2.71828...

              f      phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2 = 1.61803...

              n      Negative

              r      Reciprocal

              s      Squared

              q      Square root

              S C    Sine, Cosine

              T      Tangent

              l      ln (natural logarithm, also called log)

              E      e to the power of x

              + -    Add, Subtract

              * /    Multiply, Divide

              ^      Power: 2 ^ 3 = 8

              v      Root (the ``v'' resembles part of the radical symbol): 3 v 27 = cube root of 27

              L      Logarithm to base A of B

              W      Lambert W function. Only available if using the stand-alone maths library, described in the
                     section ``STAND-ALONE MATHS LIBRARY'' below. In addition, one  must  explicitly  choose  it
                     with -EW.

              There  are  lots  of  potential uses for -N. For example, if you invoke ries on a small irrational
              number, you might get several solutions that involve the unary and binary logarithm operators 'ln'
              (natural  logarithm)  and 'log_' (log to base A of B). If you decide you aren't interested in such
              solutions you can just add -NlL to your command line, and all such solutions will be skipped.

              If you are checking an unknown number that you found in the context of some  larger  problem,  you
              probably  have  some  idea  what  constants and operators may be involved, or not involved, in the
              phenomenon that produced your number. Use -N to rule out functions you don't think are relevant.

              Note that ries will often run considerably slower when you  limit  it  to  a  very  small  set  of
              symbols,  mainly  because  it cannot use its optimization rules (described below under ALGORITHM).
              Also, with fewer symbols the average length of expressions is longer, and that  makes  the  search

       -Ssss  permitted  Symbol Set: Specifies a symbol set, as with -N, but has the opposite effect: only these
              symbols will be used. A -S also cancels any -E, -N or -O options that were given; meaning that  if
              you wish to combine these options, the -S should come first.

              -S  can be used to solve those old problems of the sort ``How can the number 27 be expressed using
              only the four basic operators and the digit 4?'' The answer is given by:

                  ries '-S4+-*/' 27 -Ox

              (The -Ox option is described next).  To solve the same problem using the -N option, you'd have  to

                  ries -Npef12356789rsqlL^v 27 -Ox

              If  you give the -S option with no symbols, ries will display a table of all available symbols (as
              modified by any -E, -N, -O and -S options) with their definition and weights. This lone -S can  be
              given along with a normal -S option, but in any case ries will exit after showing the table.

       -Esss  Enable: Enables (or re-enables) the use of symbols that may have been disabled by an earlier -S or
              -N option. This is mainly intended for use in  combination  with  the  --include  option.  If  one
              include  file  disables some symbols, this option can be used to re-enable some or all of them. It
              is also required for use of the Lambert W function, which is disabled  by  default.  See  ``STAND-
              ALONE  MATHS  LIBRARY''  for  instructions  and use the option -EW to request use of the Lambert W
              function in a ries command.

       -Osss  Only One: Specifies symbols which should appear no more than once on each side  of  the  equation.
              This option can be combined with -E or -N, in which case they augment each other.  If used with -S
              with the same symbol, the latter option takes effect.

              One additional symbol is available with -O:

                   x      The variable on the left-hand-side

              Thus, you can use -Ox to limit ries's output to equations that have only one 'x' in them  and  are
              therefore  easy  to  solve  for  x  using only the most basic algebra techniques.  This also makes
              ries's output more like that of traditional expression-finders, which search for expressions equal
              to  x rather than equations in x. Here's an example: ries -i 16 gives the answer ``x^2 - x = 3^5''
              with x very close to 16, because 16^2-16 is close to 3^5. ries -i 16 -Ox replaces that answer with
              ``5 x^2 = 6^4''.

Options Limiting the Type of Solutions

       Several  options  are  used  to  choose  what  types  of expression can be used in the equations that are
       presented as solutions.

       -i     Integer: Require that all expressions, and all subexpressions, must have integer values.  This  is
              primarily useful if you are searching for an exact solution for a large integer. Note that inexact
              solutions will still be given, but both sides of the equation will be  integers.   An  example  of
              this  is  ``2  x  =  7^3'' where x=173.  -i is interpreted as -r (described below) if the supplied
              target value is not an integer.

       -ie    Integer, Exact. Like -i, but exits after reporting an exact match (if found). This  equivalent  to
              -i  combined  with  --min-match-distance  0.  To not report any inexact matches at all, use --max-
              match-distance 0 (described in more detail below).

       -r     Rational: Require that all equations have a single x and that all subexpressions not  involving  x
              are  rational  (an exact ratio of two integers). This is primarily useful if you are searching for
              rational approximations. This option is essentially just shorthand for using the -N and -E options
              to  allow  only addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, excluding irrational constants
              and transcendental functions, etc.

       -re    Rational, ``Exact''. Like -r, but exits after  reporting  an  ``exact''  match  (if  found).  This
              equivalent to -r combined with --min-match-distance 0.
                   Note that computers are (famously) unable to make exact calculations with fractions as simple
              as 1/3. To exit on a match within  some  ``epsilon'',  use  --max-match-distance  with  a  nonzero
              epsilon; to reject inexact matches use --max-match-distance (these options are described in detail

       -c     Constructible: Require that all equations  have  a  single  x  and  that  all  subexpressions  are
              ``constructible''  in  the  sense of Euclid's Elements, given a unit interval. This is like the -r
              option except that squares, square roots and the golden ratio phi are also  allowed.  All  results
              will  be  easily solvable for x and will use only addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
              and square roots.
                   If you add the option -Ex, more than one x may appear in the  solution.  This  gives  answers
              that,  when  solved  for  x,  are  not constructible from the unit interval, but both sides of the
              (unsolved)  equation  are  constructible  given  x  and  a  unit  interval.   For   example   ries
              1.3263524026321  -c -Ex finds the solution ``x x^2 = 7/3''; x is the cube root of 7/3 which is not
              itself constructible. ries's answer reflects the fact that 7/3 can be constructed  from  its  cube
              root (although the opposite construction is impossible).

       -a     Algebraic:  Generate  equations  whose roots are ``algebraic numbers''.  This is similar to the -c
              option, but also allows n^th powers and roots. The  trigonometric  functions  (sine,  cosine,  and
              tangent)  are allowed but their arguments will always be rational multiples of pi. More than one x
              is allowed (unless you follow -a with the option -Ox) so the equations might not be easy to solve.

       -Ox    Using the -O option (described above) with the symbol 'x'  tells  ries  to  limit  its  search  to
              solutions  that  can  be  expressed  in  ``closed form'' using the basic constants, elementary and
              transcendental functions. This concept of ``closed-form number'' is described by Timothy  Chow  in
              his 1998 paper What is a closed-form number?.

       -l     Liouvillian:  Generate  equations whose roots are ``Liouvillian numbers'', as described by Timothy
              Chow in his 1998 paper What is a closed-form number?.

Options Affecting Output Format

       -s     Sorta Solve, by Shifting to right-hand side: With this option, ries will  display  equations  with
              just  a  single ``x'' on the left-hand side of the equal sign. It isn't ``solving'' the equations,
              but merely performing algebraic transformations to move everything except one x to the  right-hand
              side:  ``x(x+1)  =  7'' becomes ``x = 7/(x+1)''. You can combine this option with -Ox to eliminate
              this issue, but with that option ries will no longer find solutions that  require  more  than  one
              ``x'', like ``x^x = 2'' for 1.55961.

       -x     X  Values: Print actual values of x (the roots of the equations found) rather than expressing x as
              T plus/minus a small number, where T is your target number.  ``--absolute-roots'' is a synonym for

       -Fn    Format:  Controls  the  way expressions are formatted in the main output.  If n is omitted it is 3
              (``-F'' for ``FORTH Format''); if -F is not specified at all, the format will be 2. The  following
              formats are available; each shows the output of ries 1.506591651 -Fn:

              Format  0:  Compressed  FORTH-like  postfix  format:  Each  operator and constant is just a single
              symbol. The symbols are as listed above under the -N option.

                        x1- = 2r         for x = T - 0.00659165  {50}
                        xlr = 6q         for x = T - 0.00241106  {62}
                        x4^ = p2+        for x = T - 0.000766951 {68}
                       x1+s = p2*        for x = T + 3.66236e-05 {69}

              Format 1: Infix format, but with single-letter symbols. If this format is specified,  a  table  of
              symbols  will be printed after the main table of results. The rest of the expression syntax is the
              same as the normal format. For example, ``q(l(x)) = p-1'' means ``sqrt(ln(x)) = pi - 1''.

                        x-1 = 1/2        for x = T - 0.00659165  {50}
                     1/l(x) = q(6)       for x = T - 0.00241106  {62}
                        x^4 = 2+p        for x = T - 0.000766951 {68}
                    (x+1)^2 = 2.p        for x = T + 3.66236e-05 {69}

              Format 2: Standard infix expression format (this is the default).

                        x-1 = 1/2        for x = T - 0.00659165  {50}
                    1/ln(x) = sqrt(6)    for x = T - 0.00241106  {62}
                        x^4 = 2+pi       for x = T - 0.000766951 {68}
                    (x+1)^2 = 2 pi       for x = T + 3.66236e-05 {69}

              Format 3: Print solutions in postfix format, similar to that used in  FORTH  and  on  certain  old
              pocket  calculators.  This  is  close  to  the  format  used internally by ries (to get the exact,
              condensed format, use -F0). This is intended mainly for use by scripts that use ries as an  engine
              to  generate  equations  and  then perform further manipulation on them. However, this option will
              also help you distinguish what symbols were actually used internally to generate an  answer.   For
              example,  'squared'  and  'to  the  power  of 2' both show up as '^2' in the normal output, but in
              postfix they appear as "dup*" and "2 **" respectively.

                      x 1 - = 2 recip    for x = T - 0.00659165  {50}
                 x ln recip = 6 sqrt     for x = T - 0.00241106  {62}
                     x 4 ** = pi 2 +     for x = T - 0.000766951 {68}
                 x 1 + dup* = pi 2 *     for x = T + 3.66236e-05 {69}

              Most of the symbols used by -F3 are self-explanatory. The nonobvious ones  are:  neg  for  negate,
              recip for reciprocal, dup* for square, sqrt for square root, ** for power (A^B), root for Bth root
              of A, logn for logarithm (to base B) of A.  For these last three, A is the first operand pushed on
              the stack and B is the second.

              The setting of -F does not affect expressions displayed by the various -D diagnostic options (most
              of these use -F0, and -Ds (``show your work'') uses -F2).
                   You may use the --symbol-names option (described below) to redefine the appearance of formats
              2 and 3.

       -Dxx   Display  Diagnostic/Debugging  Data:  A  detailed  understanding of the ries algorithms (described
              below) is assumed. -D is followed by one or more letters specifying the messages you want to  see.
              Options  A  through L and a through l (except E and e) apply to the LHS and RHS respectively.  For
              each option, the number of lines of output that you can  expect  from  a  command  like  ries  -l2
              2.5063141592653589 -Dx (with x replaced by a single letter) is shown:

              A,a    [42836; 87770] show partial expressions that are ``pruned'' (ignored) because of arithmetic
                     error (e.g. divide by zero)

              B,b    [3173; 2714] show partial expressions pruned for being zero, or derivative nearly zero;  or
                     outside range given by --min-equate-value and --max-equate-value

              C,c    [81056;  697227]  show  partial expressions pruned for being non-integer (and -i option was
                     given); or irrational (and -r option given); etc. (sample command is ries -l2 1047 -i -DC )

              D,d    [1751; 4350] show partial expressions pruned because of overflow

              E,e    [102356; 272746] show expressions  pruned  because  their  value  matches  one  already  in

              F,f    [349368; 848882] show --canon-reduction operations on expressions before adding to database
                     (sample command is ries -l2 2.50631415926 --canon-reduction nr25 -DF )

              G,g    [96112; 97337] show expressions added to database

              H,h    [409175; 816240] show attributes of each partial expression tested

              I,i    [3904331; 7759741] show each new symbol to be added before complexity pruning

              J,j    [2579116; 5102516] show symbols skipped by complexity pruning

              K,k    [257302; 558199] show symbols skipped by redundancy and tautology rules

              L,l    [61994; 114453] show symbols skipped to  obey  -O  option   (sample  command  is  ries  -l2
                     2.50631415926 '-O-+/^v*qsrlLeEpf' -DL )

              m      [10247603] show all metastack operations

              M      [46]  show  memory  allocation  benchmarks, and enable automatic exit when memory gets slow
                     (see --memory-abort-threshold option)

              n      [136] show Newton iteration values and errors if any

              N      [461] show work in detail: operator/symbol, x and dx at each step

              o      [539235] show match checks

              p      [112] show preprocessing transformations prior to conversion to infix

              Q      [51] show manipulations to remove --canon-reduction from equations before root-finding

              q      [140] show close matches dispatched to Newton and results of test

              r      [1806085] show results (value and derivative  of  operands  and  result)  for  each  opcode

              S      [100]  show  solve-for-x  work:  displays all operations performed by the --try-solve-for-x
                     option to transform an equation into ``solved'' form

              s      [277] show your work: displays values of each  subexpression  for  every  reported  answer.
                     Subexpressions  are shown in normal (infix) syntax, which is useful in combination with -F0
                     to see the postfix format used with options like --eval-expression

              t      [11017] show all abc-forms passed to expression generation

              u      [48895] show steps of min/max complexity ranging for each abc-form

              v      [5525] show number of expressions generated by each abc-form

              w      [32922] show details of abc-form generation (pruning, weights, etc.)

              x      [91] show all rules used (varies with the -N, -O, and -S options)

              y      [736] statistics and decisions made in main loop

              z      [55] initialization and other uncategorized messages

              0      [1712490] list the entire expression database after every pass through the main loop

              Of these, -Ds is probably the most useful and fun to look at.  -Dy gives a nice top-level view  of
              the  statistics  of  the  search.   Most of the options that generate lots of output are useful if
              filtered through grep; this can tell you why a certain subexpression is or  is  not  appearing  in
              results.  -DG  and  -Dg  can  be  useful  if  you  want  to use ries to generate a massive list of
              expressions for processing by another program; for this reason its  output  uses  infix  notation.
              Most other -D options print subexpressions in the -F0 terse postfix format.


       Longer  names  are used for options that are thought to be less commonly wanted, or are more likely to be
       used only within --include files.

       --include filename


       -p     Load one or more options from file filename. The options ``--include filename'' and ``-pfilename''
              are  equivalent;  note that one requires a space before filename and the other cannot have a space
              (-p alone has a related function, described below). ries will  attempt  to  open  the  named  file
              (which  may  be a simple filename or a path), or the given name with ``.ries'' appended. If either
              is found, ries will scan it for parameters and arguments  separated  by  whitespace.  Any  control
              characters  count  as  whitespace.  Any  '#'  character  that  comes at the beginning of a line or
              immediately after blank space denotes a comment and the rest of the  line  will  be  ignored.  For
              example, if there is a file ``hst.ries'' containing the following:

                 # hst.ries:  High School Trigonometry settings
                 --trig-argument-scale 1.74532925199433e-2    # pi/180
                 -NLleEv      # No log, ln, e, e^x or arbitrary roots
                 -Ox      # Only allow one 'x' on the left-hand-side
                 -x      # Show equation roots as "x = 123.456"
                         #            rather than "x = T + 1.23e-4"

              then  giving  the  option  ``-phst''  is  equivalent to giving the options ``--trig-argument-scale
              1.74532925199433e-2 -NLleEv -Ox -x'', in that order.
                   A parameter file may additionally invoke another parameter file with  the  --include  option.
              When  it  encounters  this option, ries will apply the options in the included file, then continue
              with the rest of the first file. These may be nested up to 25 levels  deep.  If  a  file  includes
              itself recursively (either directly or indirectly) ries will exit with an error.
                   It is an error for --include or the end of an included file to come between an option and its
              arguments. For example, ``ries 1.2345 --eval-expression --include expressions.txt''  will  produce
              an  error  regardless  of  the  contents of ``expressions.txt'', because --eval-expression must be
              followed immediately by its argument(s). On the other hand, if  ``expressions.txt''  contains  the
              --eval-expression option, like so:

                 # expressions.txt:  Useful functions of one argument
                   xsr    # 1/(x^2)
                   1xq-r  # 1/(1-sqrt(x))
                   2xl1+^ # 2^(ln(x)+1)

              then  the  command  ``ries  1.2345  --include expressions.txt'' works, and shows the values of the
              three expressions where x is 1.2345.
                   If you have a file called ``.ries_profile'' or ``ries_profile.txt'' in your  home  directory,
              ries will load it as if you specified it with a --include at the very beginning of the parameters.
              If you have such a file and wish to prevent it  from  being  used,  give  a  bare  -p  (without  a
              filename) at the very beginning of your ries options. If you wish to give some parameters and have
              .ries_profile loaded after your parameters, include -p again at the point where you want  ries  to
              use  the  profile. For example, if your .ries_profile contains ``--trig-argument-scale 1'' and you
              have a hst.ries with contents as shown above, then giving the optiions ``-phst -p'' will  use  all
              of the settings in hst.ries except the --trig-argument-scale.
                   Two  more  example  profiles are the ``Latin'' and ``Mathematica'' settings files linked from
              the top of the main RIES webpage.

              This is a synonym for the -x option, described above.

              This is a synonym for the -a option, described above.

              This option cancels any restrictions on subexpressions used as an exponent, such as those  set  by
              the --algebraic-subexpressions and --liouvillian-subexpressions options.

              This option cancels any restrictions on subexpressions, as imposed by options such as --algebraic-
              subexpressions. This might be useful if you are using one of the class selectors like -a or -c  as
              shorthand  for  all  the restrictions of that particular class, and then re-enable a function like
              e^x using -EE.

              This option cancels any restrictions  on  subexpressions  used  as  an  argument  to  one  of  the
              trigonometric  function,  such  as  those set by the --algebraic-subexpressions and --liouvillian-
              subexpressions options.

       --canon-reduction symbols
              Apply simple transformations in an effort to make all expression values fall in the range  [1  ...
              2).  This  option  improves  the  efficiency of the ries algorithm (described in the ``ALGORITHM''
              section below) by increasing the chances of two expressions forming a match. This allows it to use
              less memory and time to achieve any given amount of precision.
                   This  option  should  be  followed by one or more symbols which represent the operations ries
              will try to apply to expressions:

              n      Negate expressions when possible to make all values positive.

              r      Take the reciprocal when possible to make all expressions fall outside the  range  (-1  ...

              2      Multiply  by  2 when possible to increase the magnitude of expressions in the range (-1 ...

              5      Divide by 2 (i.e. multiply by 0.5) when possible to decrease the magnitude  of  expressions
                     that fall outside the range (-2 ... 2).

              In  these  descriptions,  the  words  when  possible refer to the fact that --canon-reduction will
              respect any limits imposed by the symbolset options -N, -O and -S. So if you use  the  option  -On
              together  with  --canon-reduction  n,  the  negation  operator  will  still  be used only once per
                   Although it makes ries more efficient, this option also causes the printed  results  to  have
              greater  complexity  scores,  and  complexity scores will increase somewhat more erratically. ries
              will try to simplify its printed results by  undoing  --canon-reduction  transformations  on  both
              sides  of  the equal sign. For example, ries 2.50618 --canon-reduction nr25 might yield the result
              ``x^x/2 = (1+9)/2'', which simplifies to ``x^x = 1+9''. But when only one side has a ``/2'',  ries
              cannot fix it, so the same example gives an overly complex ``1/(pi-x) = pi/2''.

              When  reporting  a  match, remove common factors or terms from both sides of the equation. This is
              the default.

              This is a synonym for the -c option, described above.

       --derivative-margin value
              Specify the limit to how small the derivative of any expression or subexpression containing x  can
              be  in  relation  to  the  expression's  value.  By  default  this is 10^-6, so that an expression
              containing x is rejected if its value is more than a million  times  its  derivative.  For  really
              large  target  values,  this  doesn't work because the expression ``x'' (with a derivative of 1.0)
              would be rejected. So if the magnitude of your target is larger than  10^5,  ries  will  set  this
              limit  correspondingly lower. For example, if your target value is 10^8, ries automatically sets a
              --derivative-margin value of 10^-9.
                   If you do not consider these defaults suitable, use this option to pick your own  value.  For
              example  in  the command ries 12345 --derivative-margin 8e-5, derivatives of expressions can be as
              small as 8x10^-5 times the expression's value. In calculating any  possible  answers,  ries  would
              allow  ``x^2'' because the ratio between d/dx x^2 and x^2 is about 1.62e-4, which is big enough to
              surpass the margin. However, any answers involving ``sqrt(x)'' would be rejected because the ratio
              between d/dx sqrt(x) and sqrt(x) is only 4.05e-5:

                     expression   value    d/dx(expr.)  ratio
                         x^2    152399025     24690    1.62e-4
                          x       12345        1.0     8.1e-5
                       sqrt(x)   111.108     0.0045    4.05e-5

              Indeed,  the  results of ries 12345 include the equation ``2(sqrt(x)-9) = (2 e)^pi'', but with the
              option --derivative-margin 8e-5 that answer is left out.

              Always use the ``*'' symbol when displaying results, rather than the default behavior of  omitting
              ``*''  when  multiplicaton can be implied by writing the multiplicands next to each other. This is
              useful if you need to copy ries output into a calculator, computer program or spreadsheet formula.

              This is a synonym for the -i option, described above.


       --mad  Request that all reported matches should match all of the supplied digits. This is  equivalent  to
              adding a '5' to the end of your target value, along with a --max-match-distance value equal to the
              magnitude of this appended '5' digit. It also selects the --x option, unless the --wide option  is
              also given.
                   For example, the command ries 2.5063 --mad is equivalent to ries 2.50635 --max-match-distance
              0.00005 -x, and the first reported match is x^2+e = 9, which is true for x =  2.506335...  Without
              --mad it reports 2 x = 5 and a few other answers that do not match all of the digits in 2.5063.

       --max-equate-value value

       --min-equate-value value
              Specify the maximum and minimum values for the LHS and RHS of any reported equations. For example,
              the command ries 2.50618 would normally give ``2 x = 5'' as the first solution; both sides of that
              equation  are  about  5.  But  the command ries 2.50618 --max-equate-value 3 instead gives ``x-2 =
              1/2'' as the first answer: this is an equivalent solution, but expressed as an equation  in  which
              both  sides of the equal sign are less than 3. Similarly, ries 2.50618 --min-equate-value 27 gives
              the answer ``(e^x)^2 = e^5''.

       --max-match-distance value
              Specify the maximum distance between your given target value T and the roots  x  of  any  reported
              equations.  This sets a minimum level of accuracy, overriding the default, which is 1% of the size
              of your target value. For example, the command ries 2.5063 will use a  threshold  that  is  1%  of
              2.5063,  or  about 0.025. It gives as its first answer the equation 2x = 5, an equation whose root
              (solution) is 2.5. This differs from the target value 2.5063 by 0.0063. If you specify an  initial
              threshold  of  0.001  with  the command ries 2.5063 --max-match-distance 0.001, then 2x = 5 is not
              reported because 0.0063 is bigger than your threshold 0.001; instead the first match will be ``x^2
              = 2 pi'' (which comes within about 0.0003 of the target 2.5063).
                   Use  a  zero argument to specify that ries should only report an ``exact'' match, if any (and
              note that this ``exact'' match might be more complex than the obvious answer, because of  roundoff
              errors;  see  UNEXPECTED  BEHAVIOR  and BUGS below). Note that this is different from --min-match-
              distance 0, which prints inexact matches and stops after the ``exact'' match.
                   Use a negative argument to specify a match threshold in proportion to your target value.  For
              example,  --max-match-distance -0.001 specifies that the first match must be within 1 part in 1000
              (or 1/10 of one percent) of the magnitude of the target.
                   If your choice of --max-match-distance is so stringent that the first match takes longer than
              2  seconds, ries will display progress messages until a match is found. Use the --no-slow-messages
              option to suppress these.
                   There is also a --min-match-distance option  (described  below),  which  serves  an  entirely
              different purpose.

       --max-matches N

       -nN    Limit  the  number  of reported matches to a positive integer N.  This is particularly useful with
              certain options (such as --no-refinement) that generate a lot of matches. The default N is 100.

       --max-memory size
              This option tells ries not to use more than the given amount of memory (size specified in  bytes).
              This  is  particularly useful in combination with a high -l (search level) option. For example, if
              you typically have about 2 gigabytes of free memory on your machine, you could  invoke  ries  with
              the  option  --max-memory  1.0e9,  to  ensure  that  it  never uses more than 1 gigabyte of memory
              regardless of the search level.
                   ries also has an (experimental) feature that can automatically detect  when  your  system  is
              slowing down; see the --memory-abort-threshold option for details.

       --max-trig-cycles value
              Specify  the maximum and minimum values for arguments to the trigonometric functions, in multiples
              of one half-period. The default is 1.0, which corresponds to an allowed range of -pi  to  pi.  The
              option  --max-trig-cycles  4  would  allow arguments from -4pi to 4pi. In combination with --trig-
              argument-scale, this argument is applied after the scaling, so  that  the  number  of  ``cycles'',
              ``periods''  or  ``waves''  remains the same. For example, if the value pi/180 is used for --trig-
              argument-scale and if --max-trig-cycles is set to 2, then the allowed range for arguments  to  the
              trigonometric  functions  is  -360  to  +360  (which is interpreted as being in units of degrees),
              corresponding to two full cycles of the trigonometric functions.

       --memory-abort-threshold N
              This option is used with the -DM option, and overrides  the  default  slowness  measurement  after
              which  ries will automatically exit. With the -DM option, ries measures how fast it is running, as
              compared to an estimate of how fast it ``should'' be running. If this ratio is  greater  than  the
              --memory-abort-threshold  for more than 3 of the past 10 measurements, ries will exit. The default
              --memory-abort-threshold is 2.0. The value must be at least 1.0, and values less  than  about  1.5
              are unlikely to be of much use.
                   NOTE:  --memory-abort-threshold  is  an  experimental ries feature and is likely to change in
              future versions of ries.

       --min-match-distance value
              Specify the minimum distance between your given target value T and the roots  x  of  any  reported
              equations. This is useful for finding approximate formulas for constants that have a known, simple
              formula. For example, using the command ries 3.141592653589 -x --min-match-distance 1e-8 -NSCT one
              can discover the following approximate formulas for pi :

                                x-3 = 1/6            for x = 3.16666666666667
                                x-3 = 1/7            for x = 3.14285714285714
                          ln(ln(x)) = 1/e^2          for x = 3.14219183392327
                              x^2+1 = 4 e            for x = 3.14215329254258
                              e^x+2 = 8 pi           for x = 3.14124898321672
                            x/phi^2 = 1/5+1          for x = 3.14164078649987
                             e^x-pi = 4*5            for x = 3.14163154625921
                          e^(x^2)+1 = e^(pi^2)       for x = 3.14158442136535
                               pi-x = 1/e^(4^2)      for x = 3.14159254105462
                       sqrt(1+pi) x = e^3/pi         for x = 3.14159272240341
                            x^2/e^3 = 1/sqrt(1+pi)   for x = 3.1415926879966
                            9(x-pi) = 1/-(e^(4^2))   for x = 3.14159264108588

              Among  these  results  (after solving for x) are the ancient approximations 19/6 and 22/7, and the
              more modern curiosity e^pi = 20 + pi (which is called ``Gelfond's constant'').  Other  interesting
              results  can be found by omitting symbols with -N or by using restricted classes. For example ries
              3.1415926 -NSCTlLfEevp --min-match-distance 1e-8 (excluding  most  of  the  scientific  functions)
              gives  the  fraction approximation 355/113 in the form ``1/(x-3)-1 = 1/4^2+6''; and ries 3.1415926
              -r --min-match-distance 1e-8 (requesting only rational approximations) gives 355/113 in  the  form
              ``1/(x-3)-3 = 1/(4*4)+4''.
                   You  will  often  get  multiple  equivalent  results.  In  the  above  example, the equations
              sqrt(1+pi) x = e^3/pi and x^2/e^3 = 1/sqrt(1+pi)  can  both  be  converted  into  the  approximate

                   pi = sqrt(sqrt(e^6/(pi+1)))

              (which does not converge on the true value of pi if iterated).
                   If  you  give a value of 0: ``--min-match-distance 0'', and ries finds an ``exact'' match, it
              will exit and report no further results.  Note that this is different from --max-match-distance 0,
              which will only print the ``exact'' match and will not print any inexact matches.
                   There  is  also  a  --max-match-distance  option  (described above), which serves an entirely
              different purpose.

       --min-memory size
              If ries is given the debug option -DM, it will try to measure the responsiveness of the system and
              automatically  exit  if  it  gets  very  slow.  This is intended as an automatic safeguard against
              virtual memory ``thrashing'' that will happen if ries is allowed  to  use  all  of  your  system's
              memory. (This feature is only active with the -DM option because it is still being tested).
                   When  --min-memory  is  given in combination with -DM, it will ensure that ries does not exit
              because of slow memory response until at least size bytes of memory have been used.  For  example,
              if you know that you always have about 1 gigabyte of free memory on your machine, and your machine
              often gets slow for other compute-intensive tasks, you could invoke  ries  with  the  options  -DM
              --min-memory  1.0e9,  and slow system detection would be enabled but would not trigger (if at all)
              until a gigabyte of memory has been used.
                   For more direct control over ries' memory usage, use the --max-memory option (without -DM) or
              use a suitably small -l search level.

              When  reporting  a  match,  do not remove common factors or terms from both sides of the equation.
              This is useful mainly in combination with --max-equate-value and --min-equate-value. For  example,
              the  command ries -Ox 2.6905 would normally give the answer ``x-2 = ln(2)'' in which both sides of
              the equation are about 0.693. Adding the  options  --no-canon-simplify  and  --min-equate-value  1
              reports  the  same  answer  as ``1/(x-2) = 1/ln(2)'' in which both sides of the equation are about

              After reporting a match, do not require that the next match come closer to the target. This causes
              ries  to  emit many more matches than it normally would. The matches will not be given in order of
              closeness, but they will still be (roughly) ordered by increasing  ``complexity''.  Many  will  be
              equivalent  to  one  another,  for  example  the  command  ries 1.51301 --no-refinement yields the
              solutions e^(x^2) = pi^2 and x/sqrt(2) = sqrt(ln(pi)), both  with  the  root  1.513096088...  This
              option is most effective in combination with --max-matches along with --match-all-digits or --max-
              match-distance (using a stricter argument than the default -0.01).

              Suppress the ``Still searching'' messages that ries would normally print if a search takes  longer
              than 2 seconds without giving any results.

              This option cancels the ``--try-solve-for-x'' option.

       --numeric-anagram digits
              Give  a specific set of digits that can be used as constants in a solution; this forces the --one-
              sided option. It will use only as many of each digit as you specify.  For  example,  if  you  give
              ``111223'' as the digits, ries will use up to three 1's, two 2's, and/or a single 3. This is meant
              to aid in solving certain puzzles of the ``four fours'' variety:

                ries 17 -ie --numeric-anagram 4444
                     x = 4*4+4/4               ('exact' match)       {92}

                ries 17 -ie --numeric-anagram 111223
                     x = 2^(1+3)+1             ('exact' match)       {77}

                ries 12 --numeric-anagram 44s
                     x = 4^2-4

                ries 12 --numeric-anagram 442
                     x = 2*4+4

              --numeric-anagram can be used to set hard limits on the digits, the constants e, phi, and pi,  and
              the  ``squared''  and ``reciprocal'' symbols. When you use --numeric-anagram, any of these symbols
              that you do not list will be forbidden just as if you  had  used  the  -N  option.  The  last  two
              examples  here  show  the use of ``s'' to specify the squaring operation x^2 as distinguished from
              any use of ``2''.

              Force ries to ignore all LHS expressions except x. This results in ``one-sided equations'' with  x
              on  the  left-hand  side.  This makes ries much slower, but all of its output will be ``solved for
                   This option is intended as a convenience for very special problems (for  example,  --numeric-
              anagram  automatically  turns  on  --one-sided),  but it is not generally useful because the speed
              advantage of the normal RIES bidirectional search algorithm is lost.  If you  want  ries  to  give
              answers that are solved for x, use the --try-solve-for-x option possibly along with -Ox.
                   If  you use this option, ries will be a lot slower and its solutions for a given search level
              will not be nearly as accurate.  Whereas a normal ries search  might  quickly  match  your  target
              value to the first 10 decimal places, a search with the --one-sided option, taking the same amount
              of computation time, will only match the first 5 decimal places.  Sometimes  this  is  acceptable,
              particularly when used with other options that restrict the search, such as -i, -N, -O, and -S.

              Require  any exponent to be a rational subexpression. For example sqrt(2) is allowed because it is
              2 to the power of 1/2, but 2 to the power of  sqrt(2)  is  not  allowed  because  sqrt(2)  is  not
              rational.  This  option  exists  mainly  to  support  the  -a or --algebraic-subexpressions option
              (described above).

              This is a synonym for the -r option, described above.

              Require any argument to a trigonometric function be  a  rational  subexpression.  The  restriction
              applies  to  the  argument's  value before multiplying by the --trig-argument-scale (if any). This
              option exists mainly to support the -a or --algebraic-subexpressions option (described above).

              When printing each equation, show the root as T plus/minus a small number (where T is your  target
              number)  rather  than as the actual value of the root. This is the default, so you'll only need to
              use --relative-roots to cancel a -x or --absolute-roots option in your  .ries_profile  or  another
              --include file.

              This `option' signals the end of options and arguments; any that come after it will be ignored. If
              it occurs within a profile (described under the --include option above) ries will ignore the  rest
              of  the  contents  of that file and continue with the next option after the --include or -p option
              that invoked the profile.

              This is a synonym for the -Ds option, described in the -D (debugging/diagnostic) option above.

       --significance-loss-margin digits
              Specify the number of significant digits that may be lost  in  a  calculation.  By  default,  ries
              tolerates a loss of 2 digits in any calculation. For example, if x is 0.906402477... (the value of
              Gamma[5/4]), ries would not use x+e^5 in any of its expressions, because  e^5  is  more  than  100
              times  as  large as x. Due to round-off, more than 2 digits of the value of x would be lost in the
              addition. This restriction applies to constant expressions too, so  ries  also  avoids  1+e^5  and
              1+e^-5.   Similar  restrictions  apply  to  any  function  that can cause precision to be lost (if
              evaluated at a point where the function's derivative is very low).
                   The normal ries behavior corresponds to a --significance-loss-margin option with an  argument
              of 2.0. Give a higher value to allow more digits to be lost in calculations.
                   Conversely, if you suspect ries is generating meaningless results due to round-off error, you
              can look at its calculations in detail with the  options  -Ds  and  -F0,  then  evaluate  specific
              expressions  with  --eval-expression  (described  below).  If it seems appropriate, make ries more
              strict by giving --significance-loss-margin with a lesser argument.

       --symbol-names :sym:name [ :sym:name ... ]
              This option allows you to  set  the  ``names''  of  individual  symbols.   This  affects  how  the
              expressions  and  equations are printed in any of the -F formatting modes, and by special commands
              such as --eval-expression. In addition to the symbols listed above in the -N option, you may  also
              define these symbols:

              ( )    brackets to group sub-expressions

              =      equality symbol

              Here  are  examples  of  the  normal  ries  output,  modified  by  changing  the appearance of the
              exponentiation operator and parentheses.  The  single-quotes  around  each  option  are  to  avoid
              substitution by the shell:

                 ries -l0 2.5063
                                  2 x = 5                      for x = T - 0.0063      {49}
                                  8 x = e^3                    for x = T + 0.00439212  {66}
                                  x^2 = 2 pi                   for x = T + 0.000328275 {55}
                                  x^x = 1+9                    for x = T - 0.000115854 {69}
                                x^2+e = 9                      for x = T + 3.56063e-05 {63}
                              ln(6) x = sqrt(pi)+e             for x = T + 2.73037e-05 {93}

                 ries -l0 2.5063 --symbol-names ':^:**' ':(:[' ':):]'
                                  2 x = 5                      for x = T - 0.0063      {49}
                                  8 x = e**3                   for x = T + 0.00439212  {66}
                                 x**2 = 2 pi                   for x = T + 0.000328275 {55}
                                 x**x = 1+9                    for x = T - 0.000115854 {69}
                               x**2+e = 9                      for x = T + 3.56063e-05 {63}
                              ln[6] x = sqrt[pi]+e             for x = T + 2.73037e-05 {93}

              More examples of the use of --symbol-names are found in the ``Latin'' and ``Mathematica'' settings
              files linked from the top of the main RIES webpage.

       --symbol-weights N:sym [ N:sym ... ]
              This option allows you to adjust the ``weights'', or complexity ratings,  of  individual  symbols.
              Use  the  option -S to see the normal weights, then use this option to change one or more. Compare
              these two examples; in the second one the cost of the symbol x is reduced, and the costs of 2  and
              s (squared) are increased.

                 ries -l0 2.5063
                                  2 x = 5                      for x = T - 0.0063      {49}
                                  8 x = e^3                    for x = T + 0.00439212  {66}
                                  x^2 = 2 pi                   for x = T + 0.000328275 {55}
                                  x^x = 1+9                    for x = T - 0.000115854 {69}
                                x^2+e = 9                      for x = T + 3.56063e-05 {63}

                 ries -l0 2.5063 --symbol-weights 5:x 25:2 15:s
                            x sqrt(x) = 4                      for x = T + 0.0135421   {39}
                                 -x-x = -5                     for x = T - 0.0063      {46}
                                x/x^x = 1/4                    for x = T + 0.00150933  {49}
                                x x^x = 5^2                    for x = T - 0.00118185  {57}
                                  x^x = 1+9                    for x = T - 0.000115854 {49}
                            x (1/x-x) = e-8                    for x = T + 3.56063e-05 {71}

              With  the  smaller  weight of 5, x is considered ``less expensive'', and ries uses x more often in
              its answers; and with the number 2 and squaring more expensive, these show up less  often  in  the
              results.  In  many cases the new results are equivalent, and ries has simply found a different way
              to get there.
                   Since the arguments of --symbol-weights start with a digit, your target value will be treated
              as a symbol-weight specifier unless you place it somewhere else in the parameter list (as shown in
              the example), or use a single dash ``-'' to signal the end of the parameters.
                   NOTE: Changing the symbol weights can greatly reduce ries's efficiency, causing it to run for
              a very long time and giving little or no output. If this happens, it usually can be fixed by using
              weights closer to the default values. You can also experiment with changing just one symbol-weight
              at a time to find which is causing the problem.

       --trig-argument-scale value
              Specify  a  constant  by  which  the  argument of the sine, cosine and tangent functions should be
              multiplied. By default this value is pi and the trig functions are called sinpi, cospi and  tanpi.
              sinpi(x)  is  the sine of pi times x; so for example sinpi(1/3) is the sine of pi/3, which is half
              the square root of 3. A full circle is 2 in these units: sinpi(x) = -sinpi(x+1) =  sinpi(x+2)  for
              all x.
                   If  you  give  this option, arguments will be multiplied by the number you give instead of by
              pi. Useful values to give are:

                     This is ``tau'' (2 pi); use it to get units of 1 per ``full turn'': ``sin(1/16)'' will give

              1      Use 1 to get natural units (radians): ``sin(pi/8)'' will give 0.382683...

                     This is pi/180, and is used for degrees: ``sin(22.5)'' will give 0.382683...

                     This is pi/200, and is used for grads (gradians or gons): ``sin(25)'' will give 0.382683...

              If you use this option, ries will call the functions sin, cos and tan in its output, and the scale
              will be displayed after the function definitions at the end.


       -s     --try-solve-for-x is equivalent to ``-s'', which is described in the OPTIONS section above.

              Displays information about the version of ries, the calculation precision and  math  library,  any
              optional  module(s),  the  currently enabled profile (see the --include option at the beginning of
              the EXTENDED OPTIONS section above), and a brief copyright notice. The version is a date, such  as
              ``2013 Jun 3''.

              Use  a  wider  (132-column) output format. This shows the roots of equations (values of x) both in
              terms of the the actual value of x, and as T plus/minus a delta; it also shows the  ratio  between
              this  delta and x as ``(1 part in N)'' where N is the delta divided by x. For example, if x is 2.5
              and target value is 2.501, the delta is 0.001, which is ``1 part in 2500''.


       ries provides some functions that supplement its main purpose.  Commands and  their  parameters  must  be
       separate:  `ries  1.23 --trig-argument-scale 0.5', not `ries 1.23 --trig-argument-scale 0.5'. Because the
       parameters are given separately, your target value might be interpreted as a parameter  if  you  give  it
       right  after  a  special  command.  To  avoid  this,  use  a  single  dash ``-'' to signal the end of the

       --eval-expression forth-expr [forth-expr ...]
              Evaluate one or more expressions, showing intermediate values,  derivatives,  and  the  complexity
              score  of  the full expression. The expression(s) should be given in the FORTH-like postfix syntax
              that is displayed when you use the -F0 option. The symbols  are  as  listed  above  under  the  -N
              option.  For  example, xxq- is the syntax for x-sqrt(x). Syntax errors and computation errors such
              as overflow are reported; however successful execution by  --eval-expression  does  not  guarantee
              that  the expression will be found in an actial ries search. For example, an expression containing
              x only appears as the left-hand-side of an equation if the x is the first symbol  in  the  postfix
              form: ries will use x2+ (x+2) but will not use 2x+ (2+x).

       --find-expression forth-expr [forth-expr ...]
              Perform  the  normal  equation-finding search algorithm, and report specific expressions when they
              are found, along with their value, derivative, and complexity. The expression(s) should  be  given
              in the FORTH-like postfix syntax that is displayed when you use the -F0 option. The symbols are as
              listed above under the -N option. For example, xxq- is the syntax for x-sqrt(x). This  command  is
              useful for diagnostics; an example is given below in the UNEXPECTED BEHAVIOR section.


       The  ries  source  code  includes an auxiliary file, msal_math64.c, which can be downloaded from the same
       place as the main RIES source code and this manual.  It  provides  some  of  the  standard  trignonmetric
       functions,  whose  implementation have been found to vary across different releases of the standard libm.
       This is useful if you are running ries on a variety of newer or older systems and want to be able to rely
       on consistent results.

       msal_math64.c also provides the Lambert W function, defined to the symbol 'W'.

       To  use  msal_math64.c,  compile  ries  in  the  normal  way  but  with  the  additional  compiler option
       -DRIES_USE_SA_M64. The resulting  ries  binary  will  report  ``mathlib:  stand-alone''  when  given  the
       --version option.

       Once  ries  has  been compiled with the stand-alone maths library, the Lambert W function is available by
       giving the option -EW on the ries command-line. Its default weight is set to make it occur a little  more
       often  than  the two-argument exponential and root functions; use the --symbol-weights option if you want
       to change this.


       ries begins its search with small, simple equations and proceeds to longer, more complex ones. It uses  a
       set  of  complexity  rules  to compute a measure (similar to Kolmogorov complexity), which determines the
       order in which various candidate expressions are considered by ries. For example:

       1.     If you add a symbol to an equation, the result is more complex:

                  x + 1 = 3   is more complex than     x = 3

                x + 1 = ln(3) is more complex than   x + 1 = 3

                 x - 7 = 4^2  is more complex than   x - 7 = 4

       2.     If two equations are the same except for one number, the equation with the higher number  is  more

                  x + 1 = 5   is more complex than   x + 1 = 3

                 x^3 + 1 = 3  is more complex than  x^2 + 1 = 3

       3.     If two equations are the same except for one symbol, the equation with the "more exotic" symbol is
              more complex:

                  x ^ 5 = 3   is more complex than   x + 5 = 3

       As ries searches it finds solutions -- these are equations for which x is close to being an exact answer.
       Each  time  it  finds a solution it prints it out. Then ries raises its standard for the next answer: The
       next answer ries prints must be a closer match to your supplied value than all the answers it  has  given
       so  far.  (The  only exception to this rule is an 'exact' match, one for which both sides match to within
       the limits of numerical precision. ries will print at most one of these, and will then continue to  print
       more inexact solutions. Sometimes the approximations are of greater interest than the exact match.)

       Instead  of  trying  complete  equations,  ries actually constructs half-equations, called left-hand-side
       expressions and right-hand-side expressions, abbreviated LHS's and RHS's.  It keeps a list of LHS's and a
       list  of  RHS's,  and  it  keeps  these  lists in numerical order at all times. This enables ries to find
       matches much faster. All LHS's contain x and all RHS's do not. Thus, 1000 LHS's and  1000  RHS's  make  a
       total of 1000000 possible equations, and all 1000000 combinations can be quickly checked just by scanning
       through the two lists in numerical order. This is why ries is able to check billions of equations in such
       a short time.

       The  closeness of an LHS match depends on the value of x, and also on the derivative with respect to x of
       the LHS expression. Because of this, ries calculates derivatives of LHS's as well as their values.

       There are dozens of optimization rules ries uses, like the following:

       a+     Don't try ``K + K'' for any constant K because ``K * 2'' is equivalent.

       b+     Don't try ``3 + 4'' (or any two unequal integers from 1 to 5) because another single  integer  (in
              this case ``7'') is shorter.

       a*     Don't try ``1 * K'' for any constant K because ``K'' is shorter.

       b*     Don't try both ``2 * 4'' and ``4 * 2'' because they are equivalent.

       c*     Don't try ``K * K'' because ``K ^ 2'' is shorter.

       ar     Don't try ``1 / (1 / expr))'' for any expression expr because ``expr'' is shorter.

       a^     Don't try ``2 ^ 2'' or ``2 squared'' because ``4'' is shorter.

       b^     Don't try ``expr ^ 2'' for any expression expr because ``expr squared'' is shorter.

       There  are  over 50 rules like this, and together they make the search about 10 times faster. However, if
       the symbol set is limited via -N, -O or -S, some of these rules cannot be  used.  For  each  optimization
       rule there are one or more symbolset exclude rules like the following:

             Don't use rule a+ if either of the symbols '*' or '2' is disabled.

       In  order  to  maintain maximum efficiency, ries checks each rule individually against the symbolset, and
       uses as many rules as it can.  You can see  this  process  in  action  by  trying  a  command  like  ries
       1.4142135,  which gives the answer ``x^2 = 2''.  If you disable the 's' (squared) and '^' (power) symbols
       with ries 1.4142135 -Ns^, rule b^ goes away, and the answer becomes ``x x = 2''.  If you also disable '*'
       (multiplication)  the answer becomes ``x = sqrt(2)''.  Disable 'q' (square root) and you get ``log_2(x) =
       1/2'' (the logarithm to base 2 of x is 1/2).  Disable 'L' and it becomes ``x = 2,/2'' (square root of  2,
       this  time  using the generalized root function). Disable 'v' and you get ``x/(1/x) = 2''. Disabling '/',
       we get a trignometric identity involving pi/4; disabling the trig functions as well, the command  becomes
       ries  1.4142135  '-Ns^q*Lv/SCT'  and  we finally get an answer that most people probably would not guess:
       x-1/(x+1) = 1 (note that the '/' in this answer is  actually  part  of  '1/',  which  is  the  reciprocal
       operator 'r'). Throughout this progression the complexity score of the equation increases as the solution
       becomes more and more obscure, and simpler but poorly matching ``solutions'' like 1/cos(x) = 6  begin  to


       Sometimes  a  more  complex  equation  will  be  given before the (simpler) equation that you expect. For
       example, tan(sqrt(2)) = sin(sqrt(2))/cos(sqrt(2)) is 6.334119167042..., so you might expect  the  command
       ries   6.334119167042   --trig-argument-scale   1  -NT  to  report  something  like  ``cos(sqrt(2))  x  =
       sin(sqrt(2))''.   Instead,  ries  gives  ``sqrt(x^2+1)  =  1/cos(sqrt(2))'',  which  is   equivalent   by
       trigonometric  identity,  because  it  considers  this equation to be ``more balanced'' (complexity score
       45+38) than the other (which has a score of 48+29). Please read the preceding section  ``ALGORITHM''  for
       more details.

       Adding  or  changing  the symbolset with the -S, -O and -N options often causes unexpected changes in the
       output. For example, ries 2.2772 yields the solution ``1/(x-2) = 2+phi'' but ries 2.2772 '-N*/T' does not
       give this solution in any form. This seems counterintuitive: there was no *, /, or tan() in the ``1/(x-2)
       = 2+phi'' solution, so why did ries decide not to report it?
            In fact, the solution is still generated internally, but because you have told it  to  exclude  some
       operators,  ries has to try other, more exotic expressions sooner than it otherwise would. As it happens,
       the next solution ``x+1/e = sqrt(7)'' (which matches the target value 2.2772 more closely than  ``1/(x-2)
       = 2+phi'') ends up getting found earlier.
            The  mysterious  behavior results from the fact that ries always tries to keep the number of LHS and
       RHS expressions equal as it performs its search. Eliminating operators with the -N option means that more
       complex  expressions  must  be  generated  to reach the ``quota''. In this particular case, the symbolset
       restriction has a greater effect on the LHS than on the  RHS,  so  as  the  search  is  progressing,  LHS
       complexity  grows  a  little more quickly than RHS complexity. The complexity of ``1/(x-2)'' is 40, while
       the complexity of ``x+1/e'' is only a little more complex at 42. But the right-hand-side  ``sqrt(7)''  is
       considered  less  complex  (27)  than  ``2+phi''  (35). Since both pieces of an equation need to be found
       before an equation can be reported, ries is able to locate both pieces of ``x+1/e = sqrt(7)'' sooner when
       the -N option is given.
            This  is  all  made  plain  with  the  --find-expression option, giving the expressions ``1/(x-2)'',
       ``2+phi'', ``x+1/e'' and ``sqrt(7)'' in postfix form, to reveal the order in which they are generated  by
       the search algorithm:

           ries 2.2772 --find-expression x2-r f2+ xer+ 7q
            [7q] = 2.64575131106459, complexity = {27}
            [x2-r] = 3.60750360750361, d/dx = -13.0141, complexity = {40}
            [f2+] = 3.61803398874989, complexity = {35}
            [xer+] = 2.64507944117144, d/dx = 1, complexity = {42}

       Then, repeating the same command with '-N*/T' shows that the [xer+] is generated before [f2+].

       In  the  case  of two equivalent solutions (like the 6.334119167042...  example earlier in this section),
       both equations come equally close to the supplied value, but only one can be found first. Once the  first
       one  is  reported,  the other is not, because ries only reports solutions that are at least a 0.1% closer
       match than the previously-reported solution.

       The -l option is meant to give control over the number of solutions searched, but  it  actually  controls
       the  number  of  LHS and RHS expressions generated. Because two RHS's often have the same value, and only
       one (the first) gets kept, the number of solutions checked (which is the RHS count times the  LHS  count)
       depends on how often you get two LHS's or RHS's with the same value. This happens particularly often when
       the symbol set is severely restricted. If ries tried to compensate for this, the  result  would  be  that
       severely  limited symbolsets would take a very long time to run and would generate really long equations.
       This is an important issue for those using  ries  to  solve  special  problems,  like  the  ``four  fours
       problem''  exemplified  by  the  command  ries --numeric-anagram 4444 -Ox 17.  The current implementation
       represents the author's attempt at a reasonable tradeoff.


       Performance does not degrade gracefully when the physical memory limit is hit, because  expression  nodes
       are  allocated  in sequential order in memory, without regard to where they will end up in the tree. This
       could be improved in the future with percentile demographics and a sort performed one  time  only,  after
       the tree reaches a healthy (but not excessive) size.

       Although  it  tries  to  avoid it, ries will often print more than one equivalent solution. It misses the
       fact that the multiple solutions are equivalent because of roundoff error. For  example,  ries  '-S4+-*/'
       -Ox  17  gives  ``x-4*4  = 4/4'' and ``(4/(4-4*4)) x+4 = (4*4+4)/(4-4*4)'' (or a similar long form), only
       recognizing the first as an exact match (the more complex one involves divisions by multiples of 3, which
       require rounding).
            This  problem  is  common  when the target is already known very precisely by the user. For example,
       ries  0.00088953230706449  gives  the   (correct)   answer   ``ln(x)/pi   =   -sqrt(5)'',   followed   by
       redundant/equivalent  answers  such  as  ``ln(x)/pi-2  =  -(phi^3)''  (if  ries was compiled with regular
       precision) or ``sqrt(5),/x+4 = 1/e^pi+4'' (if  compiled  with  the  -DRIES_WANT_LDBL  option);  but  ries
       0.000889532307 only gives the first, simplest form of the answer.

       Related  to  this,  ries  sometimes  gives an overly-complex answer, again because of roundoff error. For
       example, ries gets slightly different values for ``2/3'' and ``1-1/3'', and stores both of these  in  its
       database of RHS values. When reporting a solution in which both sides of the equation equal 2/3, it might
       give ``1-1/3'' for the right-hand side if it is closer to the (rounded) value of the left-hand side.
            This is particularly common if you request an exact match with a zero  or  very  small  --max-match-
       distance  value,  while giving an imprecise target value.  For example, ries 1.9739208802178 --max-match-
       distance 0 might give ``cospi(1/(5 x)^2) = cospi(1/pi^4)'' whereas ries  1.9739208802178715  --max-match-
       distance  0 gives the expected ``5 x = pi^2''. However, I've only gotten complaints about this from users
       who give ries a problem to which they already know an answer.
            If you know that 1.9739208802178... is pi^2/5, then you don't really need ries to tell you that,  do
       you?  And  if  you're  searching  for  things  that  approximate  pi^2/5,  such  as sqrt(sqrt(e^2+1)+1) =
       1.9739267..., you can use the --min-match-distance option.

       In deeper searches or with target values larger than 10^5, ries might occasionally  report  ``solutions''
       that   are   actually   tautologies  empty  in  meaning.  A  typical  example  is  ``x^(4/ln(sqrt(x)))  =
       sqrt(e)^(4^2)'' (which is true for any value of x), but ries handles that case and most others  like  it.
       If  you  suspect the solutions it gives, use the -Ds option to show all calculations behind each proposed
       solution. The options --derivative-margin, --min-match-distance, and --significance-loss-margin may  help
       avoid meaningless results.
           You  can also use -Ox to force ries to use only a single x in each equation, which will prevent these
       tautologies entirely, but will also prevent the discovery of interesting solutions like x^x = 10.


       ries (pronounced ``reese'' or ``reeze'') is an acronym  for  ``RILYBOT  Inverse  Equation  Solver''.  The
       expansion  of  RILYBOT  includes  two  more  acronyms  whose combined length is greater than 11. The full
       expansion of ries grows without limit and is well-defined but not primitive-recursive. Contact the author
       for more information.


       Robert P. Munafo (contact information on


       Permission  is  granted  to  copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free
       Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software  Foundation;  with
       no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.

       ries itself is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
       Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
       option) any later version.

       ries  and  this  document are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
       without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR  PURPOSE.  See  the  GNU
       General Public License for more details.

       If  you  got  ries.c  from  the  website,  the  GNU  General Public License may be retrieved at   and   the   GNU   Free   Documentation    License    may    be    found    at ; you may also find copies of both licenses at

                                           Manual version: 2018 Aug 05                                   RIES(1)