Provided by: squashfs-tools-ng_1.1.3-2_amd64 bug


       tar2sqfs - create a SquashFS image from a tar archive


       tar2sqfs [OPTIONS...] <sqfsfile>


       Quickly and painlessly turn a tar ball into a SquashFS filesystem image.

       By  default,  the  program  reads the archive from standard input. Compressed archives are

       Possible options:

       --root-becomes, -r <dir>
              If set, only pack entries that are underneath the specified directory.  The  prefix
              is  stripped and the meta data for the directory itself is copied to the root inode
              (i.e. the ownership, permissions, extended attributes, modification time).

              If this option is not set, tar2sqfs implicitly treats ./  or  absolute  paths  this
              way, i.e. if the archive contains an entry for ./, it becomes the root node and the
              prefix is stripped from all paths (and similar for absolute paths and /).

       --no-symlink-retarget, -S
              If --root-becomes is used, link targets are adjusted if they are  prefixed  by  the
              root path. By default, this is also done on symbolic links, that have a target that
              is prefixed by the root path and they are converted  to  aboluste  paths  with  the
              prefix  removed.  However, because symlinks can point across mount points, this may
              actually be intended for some use cases.

              This flag allows changing the default behaviour, so only hard links are retargeted.

       --compressor, -c <name>
              Select the compressor to use.  Run tar2sqfs --help to get a list of  all  available
              compressors and the default selection.

       --comp-extra, -X <options>
              A  comma  separated list of extra options for the selected compressor. Specify help
              to get a list of available options.

       --num-jobs, -j <count>
              If libsquashfs was compiled with a thread pool  based,  parallel  data  compressor,
              this  option  can  be used to set the number of compressor threads. If not set, the
              default is the number of available CPU cores.

       --queue-backlog, -Q <count>
              Maximum number of data blocks in the thread worker queue before the  packer  starts
              waiting for the block processors to catch up. Higher values result in higher memory
              consumption. Defaults to 10 times the number of workers.

       --block-size, -b <size>
              Block size to use for SquashFS image.  Defaults to 131072.

       --dev-block-size, -B <size>
              Device block size to padd the image to.  Defaults to 4096.

       --defaults, -d <options>
              A comma separated list of default values for implicitly created  directories.   The
              following values can be set:

              │OptionDefault                                │
              │uid=<value>   │ 0                                      │
              │gid=<value>   │ 0                                      │
              │mode=<value>  │ 0755                                   │
              │mtime=<value> │ $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH if set, 0 otherwise │

       --no-keep-time, -k
              Replace  the  time  stamps  from  the  tar archive with default time stamps for all

              The default behavior is to preserve the time stamps from the archive to the  extent
              possible  (SquashFS  has  second  resolution  and  32  bit time stamps; tar can use
              extensions to specify much larger timestamps with arbitrary  precision).  The  root
              inode  (unless  --root-becomes  is  used) and the modification time on the SquashFS
              image itself will still be set to defaults.

       --no-xattr, -x
              Do not copy extended attributes from archive. Default  behaviour  is  to  copy  all
              extended attributes and skip the ones that cannot be encoded in SquashFS.

       --no-skip, -s
              Abort if a tar record cannot be read instead of skipping it.

       --exportable, -e
              Generate an export table for NFS support.

       --no-tail-packing, -T
              Do  not  perform tail end packing on files that are larger than the specified block

       --force, -f
              Overwrite the output file if it exists.

       --quiet, -q
              Do not print out progress reports.

       --help, -h
              Print help text and exit.

       --version, -V
              Print version information and exit.


       Currently the program can process v7 format,  pre-POSIX  ustar,  POSIX  tar  and  GNU  tar
       archives. PAX extension headers are also supported. Global PAX headers are ignored.

       The  support for GNU tar is limited to a commonly used subset (i.e. some legacy extensions
       that GNU tar itself no longer generates  are  not  supported;  neither  are  multi  volume

       The  input  tar file can either be uncompressed, or stream compressed using gzip, xz, zstd
       or bzip2. The  program  transparently  auto-detects  and  unpacks  any  stream  compressed
       archive. The exact list of supported compressors depends on the compile configuration.

       Extended  attributes are supported through the SCHILY.xattr extension (favoured by GNU tar
       and star) or through the LIBARCHIVE.xattr extension.

       If any unsupported section or extended attribute key  is  encountered  in  an  archive,  a
       warning  message  is written to stderr. If the --no-skip option is set, processing aborts.
       By default, unknown sections and unsupported extended attributes are simply skipped  after
       issuing a warning.


       If  the  command  line switch --defaults is not used or no default mtime is specified, the
       value of the environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is used for all  file  and  filesystem

       If  SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH  is  not  set,  not  a  parsable  number  or it is out of range, the
       timestamps default to 0.

       Environment variables are only used if no explicit command line switches are set. Explicit
       command line switches are always preferred over the environment variables.


       Turn an uncompressed tar archive into a SquashFS image:

              tar2sqfs rootfs.sqfs < rootfs.tar.gz


       gensquashfs(1), rdsquashfs(1), sqfs2tar(1)


       Written by David Oberhollenzer.


       Copyright  ©  2019  David  Oberhollenzer  License  GPLv3+:  GNU  GPL  version  3  or later
       This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.  There is NO  WARRANTY,
       to the extent permitted by law.