Provided by: todotxt-cli_2.11.0-2_all 

todo-txt - simple and extensible shell script for managing todo.txt file
todo-txt [-fhpantvV] [-d todo_config] action [task_number] [task_description]
-@ Hide context names in list output. Use twice to show context names (default). -+ Hide project names in list output. Use twice to show project names (default). -c Color mode -d CONFIG_FILE Use a configuration file other than the default ~/.todo-txt/config -f Forces actions without confirmation or interactive input -h Display a short help message; same as action "shorthelp" -p Plain mode turns off colors -P Hide priority labels in list output. Use twice to show priority labels (default). -a Don't auto-archive tasks automatically on completion -A Auto-archive tasks automatically on completion -n Don't preserve line numbers; automatically remove blank lines on task deletion -N Preserve line numbers -t Prepend the current date to a task automatically when it's added. -T Do not prepend the current date to a task automatically when it's added. -v Verbose mode turns on confirmation messages -vv Extra verbose mode prints some debugging information and additional help text -V Displays version, license and credits -x Disables TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER
add, a "THING I NEED TO DO +project @context" Adds THING I NEED TO DO to your todo.txt file on its own line. Project and context notation optional. Quotes optional. addm "FIRST THING I NEED TO DO +project1 @context<break>SECOND THING I NEED TO DO +project2 @context" Adds FIRST THING I NEED TO DO to your todo.txt on its own line and Adds SECOND THING I NEED TO DO to you todo.txt on its own line. Project and context notation optional. addto DEST "TEXT TO ADD" Adds a line of text to any file located in the todo.txt directory. For example, addto inbox.txt "decide about vacation" append, app ITEM# "TEXT TO APPEND" Adds TEXT TO APPEND to the end of the task on line ITEM#. Quotes optional. archive Moves all done tasks from todo.txt to done.txt and removes blank lines. command [ACTIONS] Runs the remaining arguments using only builtins. Will not call any .todo.actions.d scripts. deduplicate Removes duplicate lines from todo.txt. del, rm ITEM# [TERM] Deletes the task on line ITEM# in todo.txt. If TERM specified, deletes only TERM from the task. depri, dp ITEM# [ITEM# ...] Deprioritizes (removes the priority) from the task(s) on line ITEM# in todo.txt. do ITEM# [ITEM# ...] Marks task(s) on line ITEM# as done in todo.txt. help [ACTION ...] Display help about usage, options, built-in and add-on actions, or just the usage help for the passed ACTION(s). list, ls [TERM ...] Displays all tasks that contain TERM(s) sorted by priority with line numbers. Each task must match all TERM(s) (logical AND); to display tasks that contain any TERM (logical OR), use "TERM1TERM2..." (with quotes), or TERM1\|TERM2 (unquoted). Hides all tasks that contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign (i.e. -TERM). If no TERM specified, lists entire todo.txt. listall, lsa [TERM ...] Displays all the lines in todo.txt AND done.txt that contain TERM(s) sorted by priority with line numbers. Hides all tasks that contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign (i.e. -TERM). If no TERM specified, lists entire todo.txt AND done.txt concatenated and sorted. listaddons Lists all added and overridden actions in the actions directory. listcon, lsc [TERM ...] Lists all the task contexts that start with the @ sign in todo.txt. If TERM specified, considers only tasks that contain TERM(s). listfile, lf [SRC [TERM ...]] Displays all the lines in SRC file located in the todo.txt directory, sorted by priority with line numbers. If TERM specified, lists all lines that contain TERM(s) in SRC file. Hides all tasks that contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign (i.e. -TERM). Without any arguments, the names of all text files in the todo.txt directory are listed. listpri, lsp [PRIORITIES] [TERM ...] Displays all tasks prioritized PRIORITIES. PRIORITIES can be a single one (A) or a range (A-C). If no PRIORITIES specified, lists all prioritized tasks. If TERM specified, lists only prioritized tasks that contain TERM(s). Hides all tasks that contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign (i.e. -TERM). listproj, lsprj [TERM ...] Lists all the projects (terms that start with a + sign) in todo.txt. If TERM specified, considers only tasks that contain TERM(s). move, mv ITEM# DEST [SRC] Moves a line from source text file (SRC) to destination text file (DEST). Both source and destination file must be located in the directory defined in the configuration directory. When SRC is not defined it's by default todo.txt. prepend, prep ITEM# "TEXT TO PREPEND" Adds TEXT TO PREPEND to the beginning of the task on line ITEM#. Quotes optional. pri, p ITEM# PRIORITY Adds PRIORITY to task on line ITEM#. If the task is already prioritized, replaces current priority with new PRIORITY. PRIORITY must be a letter between A and Z. replace ITEM# "UPDATED TODO" Replaces task on line ITEM# with UPDATED TODO. report Adds the number of open tasks and done tasks to report.txt. shorthelp List the one-line usage of all built-in and add-on actions. August 2016 TODO-TXT(1)