Provided by: ubuntu-image_2.2+22.04ubuntu3.22.04.2_amd64 bug


       ubuntu-image - Generate a bootable disk image


       ubuntu-image snap [options] model.assertion

       ubuntu-image classic [options] GADGET_TREE_URI


       ubuntu-image  is  a  program  for  generating  a  variety of bootable disk images.  It currently supports
       building snap based and classic preinstalled Ubuntu images.

       Snap-based images are built from a model  assertion,  which  is  a  YAML  file  describing  a  particular
       combination  of  core,  kernel,  and  gadget  snaps, along with other declarations, signed with a digital
       signature asserting its authenticity.  The assets defined in the model assertion  uniquely  describe  the
       device for which the image is built.

       As part of the model assertion, a gadget snap is specified.  The gadget contains a gadget.yaml file which
       contains the exact description of the disk image's  contents,  in  YAML  format.   The  gadget.yaml  file
       describes  such  things as the names of all the volumes to be produced [1], the structures [2] within the
       volume, whether the volume contains a bootloader and if so what kind of bootloader, etc.

       Note that ubuntu-image communicates with the snap store using the  snap  prepare-image  subcommand.   The
       model assertion file is passed to snap prepare-image which handles downloading the appropriate gadget and
       any extra snaps.  See that command's documentation for additional details.

       Classic images are built from a local gadget tree path.  The gadget tree is nothing more  than  a  primed
       gadget  snap, containing a gadget.yaml file in the meta directory and all the necessary bootloader gadget
       bits built.  For instance a gadget tree can be easily prepared by fetching a  specially  tailored  gadget
       snap source and running snapcraft prime on it, with the resulting tree ending up in the prime/ directory.

       The  actual rootfs for a classic image is created by live-build with arguments passed as per the optional
       arguments to ubuntu-image.  The livecd-rootfs configuration from the host system is used.


       -h, --help
              Show the program's message and exit.

              Show the program's version number and exit.

   Snap command options
       These are the options for defining the contents  of  snap-based  images.   Can  only  be  used  when  the
       ubuntu-image snap command is used.

              Path  to  the  model  assertion  file.   This  positional  argument must be given for this mode of

       --cloud-init USER-DATA-FILE
              cloud-config data to be copied to the image.

              Disable console-conf on the resulting image.

              Hint that the image is meant to boot in a device factory.

              Control whether validations should be ignored or enforced.

   Classic command options
       These are the options for defining the contents of classic preinstalled Ubuntu images.  Can only be  used
       when the ubuntu-image classic command is used.

              An  URI  to the gadget tree to be used to build the image.  This positional argument must be given
              for this mode of operation.  Must be a local path.

       -p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
              Project name to be passed on to livecd-rootfs. Mutually exclusive with --filesystem

       -f FILESYSTEM, --filesystem FILESYSTEM
              Unpacked Ubuntu filesystem to  be  copied  to  the  system  partition.   Mutually  exclusive  with

       -s SUITE, --suite SUITE
              Distribution name to be passed on to livecd-rootfs.

              CPU architecture to be passed on to livecd-rootfs.  Default value is the architecture of the host.

       --subproject SUBPROJECT
              Sub-project name to be passed on livecd-rootfs.

       --subarch SUBARCH
              Sub-architecture to be passed on to livecd-rootfs.

              Defines  if  the  image  should  be  built  with  -proposed  enabled.   This  is passed through to

       --extra-ppas EXTRA_PPAS
              Extra ppas to install. This is passed through to livecd-rootfs.

   Common options
       There are two general operational modes to ubuntu-image.  The usual mode is to run the script giving  the
       required  model  assertion  file  as a required positional argument, generating a disk image file.  These
       options are useful in this mode of operation.

       The second mode of operation is provided for debugging and testing purposes.  It allows you  to  run  the
       internal state machine step by step, and is described in more detail below.

       -d, --debug
              Enable debugging output.

       -O DIRECTORY, --output-dir DIRECTORY
              Write generated disk image files to this directory.  The files will be named after the gadget.yaml
              volume names, with .img suffix appended.  If not given, the current  working  directory  is  used.
              This option replaces, and cannot be used with, the deprecated --output option.

       -i SIZE, --image-size SIZE
              The  size  of the generated disk image files.  If this size is smaller than the minimum calculated
              size of the volume, a warning will be issued and --image-size will be ignored.  The value  is  the
              size in bytes, with allowable suffixes 'M' for MiB and 'G' for GiB.

              An  extended  syntax  is supported for gadget.yaml files which specify multiple volumes (i.e. disk
              images).  In that case, a single SIZE argument will be used for all the defined volumes, with  the
              same  rules  for ignoring values which are too small.  You can specify the image size for a single
              volume using an indexing prefix on the SIZE parameter, where the index is either a volume name  or
              an  integer index starting at zero.  For example, to set the image size only on the second volume,
              which might be called sdcard in the gadget.yaml, you could use: --image-size 1:8G since  the  1-th
              index names the second volume (volumes are 0-indexed).  Or you could use --image-size sdcard:8G.

              You  can  also  specify  multiple volume sizes by separating them with commas, and you can mix and
              match integer indexes and volume name indexes.  Thus, if the gadget.yaml named three volumes,  and
              you wanted to set all three to different sizes, you could use --image-size 0:2G,sdcard:8G,eMMC:4G.

              In  the  case of ambiguities, the size hint is ignored and the calculated size for the volume will
              be used instead.

       --image-file-list FILENAME
              Print to FILENAME, a list of the file system paths to all the disk images created by the  command,
              if any.

       --hooks-directory DIRECTORY
              Directories  in  which  scripts  for build-time hooks will be located. This flag must be specified
              once    for    each    hook    directory.    ubuntu-image    will    look     for     hooks     in
              hooks_directory/name_of_hooks_step.d       and       a       script       with       the      name
              hooks_directory/name_of_hooks_step.   Currently    the    only    supported    hooks    step    is

       --disk-info DISK-INFO-CONTENTS
              File  to  be  used  as .disk/info on the image's rootfs.  This file can contain useful information
              about the target image, like image identification data, system name, build timestamp etc.

       --snap SNAP
              Install an extra snap.  This is passed through to  snap  prepare-image.   The  snap  argument  can
              include  additional  information  about  the  channel  and/or  risk  with  the  following  syntax:

       -c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
              The snap channel to use.

       --sector-size SIZE
              When creating the disk image file, use the given sector size.  This can be either 512 or 4096  (4k
              sector size), defaulting to 512.

   State machine options
          The  options  described  here  are  primarily  for  debugging  and  testing purposes and should not be
          considered part of the stable, public API.  State machine step numbers and names  can  change  between

       ubuntu-image  internally  runs  a  state  machine  to  create the disk image.  These are some options for
       controlling this state machine.  Other than  --workdir,  these  options  are  mutually  exclusive.   When
       --until  or  --thru is given, the state machine can be resumed later with --resume, but --workdir must be
       given in that case since the state is saved in a .ubuntu-image.pck file in the working directory.

       -w DIRECTORY, --workdir DIRECTORY
              The working directory in which to download and unpack all the source files for  the  image.   This
              directory  can  exist  or  not,  and  it is not removed after this program exits.  If not given, a
              temporary working directory is used instead, which is  deleted  after  this  program  exits.   Use
              --workdir  if  you  want to be able to resume a partial state machine run.  As an added bonus, the
              gadget.yaml file is copied to the working directory after it's downloaded.

       -u STEP, --until STEP
              Run the state machine until the given STEP, non-inclusively.  STEP is the name of a state  machine
              method. The list of all steps can be found in the STEPS section of this document.

       -t STEP, --thru STEP
              Run  the  state  machine through the given STEP, inclusively.  STEP is the name of a state machine
              method. The list of all steps can be found in the STEPS section of this document.

       -r, --resume
              Continue the state machine from the previously saved state.   It  is  an  error  if  there  is  no
              previous state.



       model assertion

       gadget tree (example)



       The following environment variables are recognized by ubuntu-image.

              When  set,  this names a directory for preserving a pristine copy of the unpacked gadget contents.
              The directory must exist, and an unpack directory will be created under this directory.  The  full
              contents of the <workdir>/unpack directory after the snap prepare-image subcommand has run will be
              copied here.

              ubuntu-image uses livecd-rootfs configuration files for its live-build runs.  If this variable  is
              set,  ubuntu-image  will  use  the  configuration  files  from  the  selected  path  for  its auto
              configuration.  Otherwise it will attempt to localize livecd-rootfs through a call to dpkg.

              In case of classic image cross-compilation for a different architecture, ubuntu-image will attempt
              to  use the qemu-user-static emulator with live-build.  If set, ubuntu-image will use the selected
              path for the cross-compilation.  Otherwise it will attempt to find a matching emulator  binary  in
              the current $PATH.

       There are a few other environment variables used for building and testing only.


       During  image  build at certain stages of the build process the user can execute custom scripts modifying
       its contents or otherwise affecting the process itself.  Whenever a hook is to be fired, the  directories
       as  listed  in  the  --hooks-directory parameter are scanned for matching scripts.  There can be multiple
       scripts for a  specific  hook  defined.   The  HookManager  will  first  look  for  executable  files  in
       <hookdir>/<name-of-the-hook>.d   and   execute   them   in   an   alphanumerical   order.    Finally  the
       <hookdir>/<name-of-the-hook> file is executed if existing.

       Hook scripts can have various additional data passed onto them through environment variables depending on
       the hook being fired.

       Currently supported hooks:

              Executed  after  the  rootfs  directory  has  been  populated, allowing custom modification of its
              contents.  Added in version 1.2.  Environment variables present:

                        Includes the absolute path to the rootfs contents.


       The names of steps that can be used with --until and --thru for each image type are listed below

   Classic image steps
       1.  make_temporary_directories

       2.  prepare_gadget_tree

       3.  run_live_build

       4.  load_gadget_yaml

       5.  populate_rootfs_contents

       6.  populate_rootfs_contents_hooks

       7.  generate_disk_info

       8.  calculate_rootfs_size

       9.  populate_bootfs_contents

       10. populate_prepare_partitions

       11. make_disk

       12. generate_manifest

       13. finish

   Snap image steps
       1.  make_temporary_directories

       2.  prepare_image

       3.  load_gadget_yaml

       4.  populate_rootfs_contents

       5.  populate_rootfs_contents_hooks

       6.  generate_disk_info

       7.  calculate_rootfs_size

       8.  populate_bootfs_contents

       9.  populate_prepare_partitions

       10. make_disk

       11. generate_manifest

       12. finish


       Sometimes, for various reasons, ubuntu-image may perform specific workarounds  that  might  require  some
       explanation to understand the reasoning behind them.

   Classic swapfile manual unsparsing
       When  building  a  classic  image,  if  ubuntu-image  notices the existence of a /swapfile on the image's
       rootfs, it will proactively attempt to unsparse it.  The reason for that  is  that  ubuntu-image  assumes
       that the /swapfile file will be used as a swapfile on the target system, and due to undocumented behavior
       of mkfs.ext4 -d large empty files  are  converted  into  sparse  files  automatically  during  filesystem
       population.  This essentially makes such files unusable as swapfiles.  So just in case, ubuntu-image does
       an in-place dd call of the hard-coded path swapfile to ensure it's no longer sparse.




       [1]  Volumes are roughly analogous to disk images.

       [2]  Structures define the layout of the volume, including partitions, Master Boot Records, or any  other
            relevant content.


       Barry  Warsaw  <>,  Ɓukasz  'sil2100'  Zemczak <> William 'jawn-
       smith' Wilson <>


       2016-2021 Canonical Ltd.