Provided by: zplug_2.4.2-1_all bug


       zplug - A next-generation plugin manager for zsh


       zplug ["username/reponame"[, tag:"value"[,...]]]
           [<command> [<options>] [<package>]]

       The word ´package´ refers to the string in the format: "username/reponame".


       zplug is a super-fast next-generation plugin manager for zsh. zplug can manage everything including: zsh
       plugins, UNIX commands, Gist files, GitHub Releases, local plugins and so on. Unlike antigen, zplug
       requires no ZSH plugin file (*.plugin.zsh). It’s such a fantabulous piece of software.

       •   Can manage everything

           •   Zsh plugins/UNIX commands on GitHub, Gitlab and Bitbucket

           •   Gist file (

           •   Third-party sources e.g., oh-my-zsh and prezto plugins/themes

           •   Binary artifacts on GitHub Releases

           •   Local plugins

           •   etc. (you can add your own sources!)

       •   Super-fast parallel installation/update

       •   Support for lazy-loading

       •   Branch/tag/commit support

       •   Post-update, post-load hooks

       •   Dependencies between packages

       •   Unlike antigen, no ZSH plugin file (*.plugin.zsh) required

       •   Interactive interface (fzf, peco, zaw, and so on)

       •   Cache mechanism for reducing the startup time


           Print the synopsis and a list of all available commands.

           Print zplug’s version.

           Show the error log.


       check [--verbose] [package]
           Check whether there is at least one item that’s not installed. If package (username/reponame) is
           given, check if package is installed. If the --verbose option is given, print extra debugging

       clean [--force] [--select] [package]
           Remove unused packages that are in $ZPLUG_HOME/repos after showing a yes/no prompt. If package is
           given, uninstall that particular package. If --force option is given, suppress the prompt and
           uninstall package. If the --select option is given, by using the filter specified in $ZPLUG_FILTER,
           interactively select the package you want to uninstall.

           Remove the cache file.

       install [package]
           Install package.

       list [--verbose] [--select] [package]
           List installed packages.  --select do the same as what’s described above.

       load [--verbose]
           Load packages. All packages registered with as:plugin are sourced into the current zsh process, and
           its parent directory is added to $fpath. In addition, all packages with as:command are linked to
           $ZPLUG_HOME/bin and the bin directory is added to $PATH.  --verbose does the same as what’s described

       info <package>
           Show the information such as source URL and tag values of the package.

       status [--select]
           Fetch the newest version of the installed packages by zplug.  --select does the same as what’s
           described above.

       update [--select] [--force] [package]
           Update package. If no package is given, updates all registered packages.  --select does the same as
           what’s described above.


       Values truthy and falsy mean any of "true, yes, on, 1" and "false, no, off, 0", respectively.

       Table 1. zplug list of available tags
       │TagDescriptionValue (default)Example                │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │as         │ Whether to register      │ plugin,command,theme               │ as:command             │
       │           │ the package as           │ (plugin)                           │                        │
       │           │ commands or as plugins   │                                    │                        │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │use        │ Specify the pattern of   │ glob (use:"*.zsh")                 │ use:bin,use:"*.sh",    │
       │           │ the files to source      │                                    │ use:"*darwin*"         │
       │           │ (for plugin) or the      │                                    │                        │
       │           │ relative path from the   │                                    │                        │
       │           │ package root of the      │                                    │                        │
       │           │ file to add to $PATH     │                                    │                        │
       │           │ (for command) /          │                                    │                        │
       │           │ Useful, for example,     │                                    │                        │
       │           │ with from:gh-r you can   │                                    │                        │
       │           │ specify                  │                                    │                        │
       │           │ use:"*darwin*{amd,386}*" │                                    │                        │
       │           │ and so on. If you want   │                                    │                        │
       │           │ to use extended glob,    │                                    │                        │
       │           │ see later section for    │                                    │                        │
       │           │ setting the zstyle.      │                                    │                        │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │from       │ Specify the service from │ github,gitlab,bitbucket,gh-r,gist, │ from:gh-r              │
       │           │ which you install        │ oh-my-zsh,prezto,local             │                        │
       │           │                          │ (github)                           │                        │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │at         │ Branch, tag, or commit   │ revision (master)                  │ at:v1.5.6              │
       │           │ to use                   │                                    │                        │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │rename-to  │ Specify the filename you │ filename (-)                       │ rename-to:fzf          │
       │           │ want to rename to (only  │                                    │                        │
       │           │ valid with as:command)   │                                    │                        │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │dir        │ Installation directory   │ READ ONLY                          │ dir:/path/to/user/repo │
       │           │ which is managed by      │                                    │                        │
       │           │ zplug                    │                                    │                        │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │if         │ The conditions under     │ commands (-)                       │ if:"[ -d ~/.zsh ]"     │
       │           │ which to install and/or  │                                    │                        │
       │           │ use the package          │                                    │                        │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │hook-build │ Commands to run after    │ commands (-)                       │ hook-build:"make       │
       │           │ installation/update      │                                    │ install"               │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │hook-load  │ Commands to run after    │ commands (-)                       │ hook-load:"echo        │
       │           │ loading                  │                                    │ ´Boo!´"                │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │frozen     │ Do not update unless     │ truthy,falsy (no)                  │ frozen:true            │
       │           │ explicitly specified     │                                    │                        │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │on         │ Dependencies             │ package (-)                        │ on:user/repo           │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │lazy       │ Lazy-load                │ truthy,falsy (no)                  │ lazy:true              │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │depth      │ The number of commits to │ Any non-negative integer           │ depth:10               │
       │           │ include in the cloned    │                                    │                        │
       │           │ repository. 0 means the  │                                    │                        │
       │           │ whole history.           │                                    │                        │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │           │ defer                    │ Defers the loading of a package.   │ 0..3 (0)               │
       │           │                          │ If the value is 2 or above, zplug  │                        │
       │           │                          │ will source the plugin after       │                        │
       │           │                          │ compinit (see also #26)            │                        │
       │           │                          │                                    │                        │
       │defer:2    │ ignore                   │ Similar to use, but specify        │ glob (-)               │
       │           │                          │ exception pattern of files that    │                        │
       │           │                          │ you don’t want to load (see also   │                        │
       │           │                          │ #56)                               │                        │

       You can register packages for zplug from the command line. If you use zplug on the command line, you can
       take advantage of the command line completions. When using this method, zplug writes out the package
       settings to $ZPLUG_LOADFILE. If you launch a new zsh process, zplug load command will automatically use
       this file. Note that you can also use $ZPLUG_LOADFILE to isolate your zplug package listing from your


       Various zplug commands use the following environment variables:

           Defaults to ~/.zplug. zplug will store/load plugins in this directory. The directory structure is

           |-- bin
           |   `-- some_command -> ../repos/username_A/reponame1/some_command
           `-- repos
               |-- username_A
               |   |-- reponame1
               |   |   |--
               |   |   `-- some_command
               |   `-- reponame2
               |       |--
               |       `-- some_plugin.zsh
               `-- username_B
                   `-- reponame1

       If you specify as:command when registering the package, zplug will recognize the plugin as a command and
       create a symbolic link of the same name (if you want to rename it, use rename-to) in $ZPLUG_HOME/bin.
       Because zplug adds $ZPLUG_HOME/bin to the $PATH, you can run that command from anywhere just like any
       other commands.

           The maximum number of threads zplug should use when installing/updating. The default value is 16.

           Defaults to HTTPS. Valid options for $ZPLUG_PROTOCOL are HTTPS or SSH. Unless you have a specific
           reason, you should use the HTTPS protocol. For more information, see also Which remote URL should I
           use? - GitHub Help

           Defaults to fzf-tmux:fzf:peco:percol:zaw. When --select option is specified in a subcommand, starting
           from the first element of the colon-separated list, whatever filter found will be used by zplug as
           the interactive filter. The ZPLUG_FILTER also accepts arguments (e.g.  fzf-tmux -d
           "10%":/path/to/peco:my peco).

           Defaults to $ZPLUG_HOME/packages.zsh. This file is used to add packages from zplug on the
           command-line. This is a useful feature when you want to isolate your zplug configurations from your
           .zshrc. Note that you don’t need to add packages from the command line to use this feature: you can
           manually edit this file, and it’ll work just fine!

           Defaults to true. If this variable is true, zplug uses a cache file to speed up the loading process.
           The cache file is located at $ZPLUG_CACHE_DIR ($ZPLUG_HOME/.cache by default). If you want to clear
           the cache, please run zplug clear or do the following:

           $ ZPLUG_USE_CACHE=false zplug load

           Defaults to $ZPLUG_HOME/.cache. Specifies where to save the cache. For example, you can set this to
           $HOME/.cache/zplug to follow XDG Base Directory Specification

           Defaults to $ZPLUG_HOME/repos. You can change where the repositories are cloned in case you want to
           manage them separately.

           Defaults to ´´. You can set sudo password for zplug’s hook-build tag. However, this variable shoud
           not be managed in dotfiles and so on.

           # your .zshrc
           source ~/.zshrc_secret
           zplug "some/command", hook-build:"make && sudo make install"


       You can use zstyle to change the default values for each tag. The format is: zstyle ":zplug:tag" tag_name
       new_default_value. For example, if you have a lot of commands and not so many plugins, (i.e. if you find
       yourself specifying as:command often), you can do: zstyle ":zplug:tag" as command.

       You can also specify what options to enable in sub shells. Sub shells are used when expanding glob
       expressions. If you want to use the extended_glob for example, you can do: zstyle ":zplug:config:setopt"
       only_subshell extended_glob. If you set :zplug:config:setopt same_curshell to a truthy value (i.e. true,
       1, yes), zplug will enable the options enabled at the point of sourcing zplug (i.e. at the point of
       source $ZPLUG_HOME/init.zsh).


       zplug, like git(1), supports external commands. These are executable scripts that reside somewhere in the
       PATH, named zplug-cmdname, which can be invoked with zplug cmdname. This allows you to create your own
       commands without modifying zplug’s internals. Instructions for creating your own commands can be found in
       the docs: Check out the sample
       zplug-env external command for an example.


       Add a zplug section to your .zshrc (or $ZPLUG_LOADFILE):

        1. Register packages with the zplug command (zplug "username/reponame")

        2.  zplug load to source the plugins and add its commands to your $PATH

           source ~/.zplug/zplug

           # Make sure you use double quotes
           zplug "zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search"

           # Can manage a plugin as a command
           # And accept glob patterns (e.g., brace, wildcard, ...)
           zplug "Jxck/dotfiles", as:command, use:"bin/{histuniq,color}"

           # Can manage everything e.g., other person´s zshrc
           zplug "tcnksm/docker-alias", use:zshrc

           # Prohibit updates to a plugin by using the "frozen:" tag
           zplug "k4rthik/git-cal", as:command, frozen:1

           # Grab binaries from GitHub Releases
           # and rename using the "rename-to:" tag
           zplug "junegunn/fzf-bin", \
               as:command, \
               from:gh-r, \
               rename-to:fzf, \

           # Support oh-my-zsh plugins and the like
           zplug "plugins/git",   from:oh-my-zsh, if:"(( $+commands[git] ))"
           zplug "themes/duellj", from:oh-my-zsh, as:theme
           zplug "lib/clipboard", from:oh-my-zsh, if:"[[ $OSTYPE == *darwin* ]]"

           # Also supports prezto plugins
           zplug "modules/osx", from:prezto, if:"[[ $OSTYPE == *darwin* ]]"
           zplug "modules/prompt", from:prezto
           # Set zstyle before zplug load
           zstyle ´:prezto:module:prompt´ theme ´sorin´

           # Run a command after a plugin is installed/updated
           zplug "tj/n", hook-build:"make install"

           # Support checking out a specific branch/tag/commit of a plugin
           zplug "b4b4r07/enhancd", at:v1
           zplug "mollifier/anyframe", commit:4c23cb60

           # Install if "if:" tag returns true
           zplug "hchbaw/opp.zsh", if:"(( ${ZSH_VERSION%%.*} < 5 ))"

           # Can manage gist file just like other plugins
           zplug "b4b4r07/79ee61f7c140c63d2786", \
               as:command, \
               from:gist, \

           # Support bitbucket
           zplug "b4b4r07/hello_bitbucket", \
               as:command, \
               from:bitbucket, \
               hook-build:"chmod 755 *.sh", \

           # Support Gitlab
           zplug "willemmali-sh/chegit", \
               as:command, \

           # Group dependencies, emoji-cli depends on jq in this example
           zplug "stedolan/jq", \
               as:command, \
               from:gh-r \
               rename-to:jq, \

           # Defers the loading of a package
           # e.g., zsh-syntax-highlighting must be loaded
           # after executing compinit command and sourcing other plugins
           zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting", defer:3

           # Can manage local plugins
           zplug "~/.zsh", from:local

           # Load theme file
           zplug ´dracula/zsh´, as:theme

           # Install plugins if there are plugins that have not been installed
           if ! zplug check --verbose; then
               printf "Install? [y/N]: "
               if read -q; then
                   echo; zplug install

           # Then, source plugins and add commands to $PATH
           zplug load --verbose

       Finally, use zplug install to install your plugins and reload .zshrc.


       See the references in official wiki page to get started using zplug. The wiki may perhaps be overwhelming
       for first-time users.


       zplug was originally written by Masaki Ishiyama (a.k.a @b4b4r07). Many people have contributed to it.


       Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Masaki Ishiyama

       MIT License


       Report bugs to the zplug issues