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       ams - CCSDS Asynchronous Message Service(AMS) communications library


           #include "ams.h"

           typedef void                (*AmsMsgHandler)(AmsModule module,
                                               void *userData,
                                               AmsEvent *eventRef,
                                               int continuumNbr,
                                               int unitNbr,
                                               int moduleNbr,
                                               int subjectNbr,
                                               int contentLength,
                                               char *content,
                                               int context,
                                               AmsMsgType msgType,
                                               int priority,
                                               unsigned char flowLabel);

           typedef void                (*AmsRegistrationHandler)(AmsModule module,
                                               void *userData,
                                               AmsEvent *eventRef,
                                               int unitNbr,
                                               int moduleNbr,
                                               int roleNbr);

           typedef void                (*AmsUnregistrationHandler)(AmsModule module,
                                               void *userData,
                                               AmsEvent *eventRef,
                                               int unitNbr,
                                               int moduleNbr);

           typedef void                (*AmsInvitationHandler)(AmsModule module,
                                               void *userData,
                                               AmsEvent *eventRef,
                                               int unitNbr,
                                               int moduleNbr,
                                               int domainRoleNbr,
                                               int domainContinuumNbr,
                                               int domainUnitNbr,
                                               int subjectNbr,
                                               int priority,
                                               unsigned char flowLabel,
                                               AmsSequence sequence,
                                               AmsDiligence diligence);

           typedef void                (*AmsDisinvitationHandler)(AmsModule module,
                                               void *userData,
                                               AmsEvent *eventRef,
                                               int unitNbr,
                                               int moduleNbr,
                                               int domainRoleNbr,
                                               int domainContinuumNbr,
                                               int domainUnitNbr,
                                               int subjectNbr);

           typedef void                (*AmsSubscriptionHandler)(AmsModule module,
                                               void *userData,
                                               AmsEvent *eventRef,
                                               int unitNbr,
                                               int moduleNbr,
                                               int domainRoleNbr,
                                               int domainContinuumNbr,
                                               int domainUnitNbr,
                                               int subjectNbr,
                                               int priority,
                                               unsigned char flowLabel,
                                               AmsSequence sequence,
                                               AmsDiligence diligence);

           typedef void                (*AmsUnsubscriptionHandler)(AmsModule module,
                                               void *userData,
                                               AmsEvent *eventRef,
                                               int unitNbr,
                                               int moduleNbr,
                                               int domainRoleNbr,
                                               int domainContinuumNbr,
                                               int domainUnitNbr,
                                               int subjectNbr);

           typedef void                (*AmsUserEventHandler)(AmsModule module,
                                               void *userData,
                                               AmsEvent *eventRef,
                                               int code,
                                               int dataLength,
                                               char *data);

           typedef void                (*AmsMgtErrHandler)(void *userData,
                                               AmsEvent *eventRef);

           typedef struct
               AmsMsgHandler                   msgHandler;
               void                            *msgHandlerUserData;
               AmsRegistrationHandler          registrationHandler;
               void                            *registrationHandlerUserData;
               AmsUnregistrationHandler        unregistrationHandler;
               void                            *unregistrationHandlerUserData;
               AmsInvitationHandler            invitationHandler;
               void                            *invitationHandlerUserData;
               AmsDisinvitationHandler         disinvitationHandler;
               void                            *disinvitationHandlerUserData;
               AmsSubscriptionHandler          subscriptionHandler;
               void                            *subscriptionHandlerUserData;
               AmsUnsubscriptionHandler        unsubscriptionHandler;
               void                            *unsubscriptionHandlerUserData;
               AmsUserEventHandler             userEventHandler;
               void                            *userEventHandlerUserData;
               AmsMgtErrHandler                errHandler;
               void                            *errHandlerUserData;
           } AmsEventMgt;

           typedef enum
               AmsArrivalOrder = 0,
           } AmsSequence;

           typedef enum
               AmsBestEffort = 0,
           } AmsDiligence;

           typedef enum
           } AmsStateType;

           typedef enum
               AmsStateBegins = 1,
           } AmsChangeType;

           typedef enum
               AmsMsgUnary = 0,
           } AmsMsgType;

           [see description for available functions]


       The ams library provides functions enabling application software to use AMS to send and receive brief
       messages, up to 65000 bytes in length.  It conforms to AMS Blue Book, including support for Remote AMS

       In the ION implementation of RAMS, the "RAMS network protocol" may be either the DTN Bundle Protocol (RFC
       5050) or -- mainly for testing purposes -- the User Datagram Protocol (RFC 768).  BP is the default.
       When BP is used as the RAMS network protocol, endpoints are by default assumed to conform to the "ipn"
       endpoint identifier scheme with node number set to the AMS continuum number and service number set to the
       AMS venture number.

       Note that RAMS functionality is enabled by instantiating a ramsgate daemon, which is simply an AMS
       application program that acts as a gateway between the local AMS message space and the RAMS network.

       AMS differs from other ION packages in that there is no utilization of non-volatile storage (aside from
       the BP functionality in RAMS, if applicable).  Since there is no non-volatile AMS database, there is no
       AMS administration program and there are no library functions for attaching to or detaching from such a
       database.  AMS is instantiated by commencing operation of the AMS real-time daemon amsd; once amsd is
       running, AMS application programs ("modules") can be started.  All management of AMS operational state is
       performed automatically in real time.

       However, amsd and the AMS application programs all require access to a common store of configuration data
       at startup in order to load their Management Information Bases.  This configuration data must reside in a
       readable file, which may take either of two forms: a file of XML statements conforming to the scheme
       described in the amsxml(5) man page, or a file of simple but less powerful configuration statements as
       described in the amsrc(5) man page.  The amsxml alternative requires that the expat XML parsing system be
       installed; the amsrc alternative was developed to simplify deployment of AMS in environments in which
       expat is not readily supported.  Selection of the configuration file format is a compile-time decision,
       implemented by setting (or not setting) the -DNOEXPAT compiler option.

       The path name of the applicable configuration file may be passed as a command-line parameter to amsd and
       as a registration function parameter by any AMS application program.  Note, though, that ramsgate and the
       AMS test and utility programs included in ION always assume that the configuration file resides in the
       current working directory and that it is named "mib.amsrc" if AMS was built with -DNOEXPAT, "amsmib.xml"

       The transport services that are made available to AMS communicating entities are declared by the
       transportServiceLoaders array in the libams.c source file.  This array is fixed at compile time.  The
       order of preference of the transport services in the array is hard-coded, but the inclusion or omission
       of individual transport services is controlled by setting compiler options.  The "udp" transport service
       -- nominally the most preferred because it imposes the least processing and transmission overhead -- is
       included by setting the -DUDPTS option.  The "dgr" service is included by setting the -DDGRTS option.
       The "vmq" (VxWorks message queue) service, supported only on VxWorks, is included by setting the -DVMQTS
       option.  The "tcp" transport service -- selected only when its quality of service is required -- is
       included by setting the -DTCPTS option.

       The operating state of any single AMS application program is managed in an opaque AmsModule object.  This
       object is returned when the application begins AMS operations (that is, registers) and must be provided
       as an argument to most AMS functions.

       int ams_register(char *mibSource, char *tsorder, char *applicationName, char *authorityName, char
       *unitName, char *roleName, AmsModule *module)
           Registers the application within a cell (identified by unitName) of a message space that is that
           portion of the venture identified by applicationName and authorityName that runs within the local AMS
           continuum.  roleName identifies the role that this application will perform in this venture.  The
           operating state of the registered application is returned in module.

           The application module's identifying parameters are validated against the configuration information
           in the applicable Management Information Base, which is automatically loaded from the file whose
           pathname is provided in mibSource.  If mibSource is the zero-length string ("") then the default
           configuration file name is used as noted above.  If mibSource is NULL then a rudimentary hard-coded
           default MIB, useful for basic testing purposes, is loaded.  This default MIB defines a single venture
           for application "amsdemo" and authority "test", using only the "dgr" transport service, with the
           configuration server residing on the local host machine; subject "text" and roles "shell", "log",
           "pitch", and "catch" are defined.

           The tsorder argument is normally NULL.  If non-NULL it must be a NULL-terminated string of ASCII
           numeric digits '0' through '9' identifying an alternative transport service preference order that
           overrides the standard transport service preference order defined by the hard-coded array of
           transportServiceLoaders in the libams.c source file.  Each character of the tsorder string must
           represent the index position of one of the transport services within the array.  For example, if
           services "udp", "dgr", "vmq", and "tcp" are all available in the array, a tsorder string of "32"
           would indicate that this application will only communicate using the tcp and vmq services; services 0
           (udp) and 1 (dgr) will not be used, and tcp is preferred to vmq when both are candidate services for
           transmission of a given message.

           Returns 0 on success.  On any error, sets module to NULL and returns -1.

       int ams_unregister(AmsModule module)
           Reverses the operation of ams_unregister(), destroying module.  Returns 0 on success, -1 on any

       int ams_invite(AmsModule module, int roleNbr, int continuumNbr, int unitNbr, int subjectNbr, int
       priority, unsigned char flowLabel, AmsSequence sequence, AmsDiligence diligence)
           Announces this module's agreement to receive messages on the subject identified by subjectNbr.

           The invitation is extended only to modules registered in the role identified by roleNbr (where 0
           indicates "all roles"), operating in the continuum identifed by continuumNbr (where 0 indicates "all
           continua"), and registered within the unit identified by unitNbr (where 0 indicates the venture's
           root unit) or any of that unit's subunits.  These parameters define the "domain" of the invitation.

           Such messages should be sent at the priority indicated by priority with flow label as indicated by
           flowLabel and with quality of service as indicated by sequence and diligence.  priority must be an
           integer in the range 1-15, where priority 1 indicates the greatest urgency.  Flow labels are passed
           through to transport services and are opaque to AMS itself; in the absence of defined flow labels, a
           value of 0 is typically used.  These parameters define the "class of service" of the invitation.

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_disinvite(AmsModule module, int roleNbr, int continuumNbr, int unitNbr, int subjectNbr)
           Rescinds the invitation characterized by the indicated subject and domain.  Returns 0 on success, -1
           on any error.

       int ams_subscribe(AmsModule module, int roleNbr, int continuumNbr, int unitNbr, int subjectNbr, int
       priority, unsigned char flowLabel, AmsSequence sequence, AmsDiligence diligence)
           Announces this module's subscription to messages on the indicated subject, constrained by the
           indicated domain, and transmitted subject to the indicated class of service.  Note that subscriptions
           differ from invitations in that reception of these messages is actively solicited, not just

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_unsubscribe(AmsModule module, int roleNbr, int continuumNbr, int unitNbr, int subjectNbr)
           Cancels the subscription characterized by the indicated subject and domain.  Returns 0 on success, -1
           on any error.

       int ams_publish(AmsModule module, int subjectNbr, int priority, unsigned char flowLabel, int
       contentLength, char *content, int context)
           Publishes contentLength bytes of data starting at content as the content of a message that is sent to
           all modules whose subscriptions to subjectNbr are characterized by a domain that includes this
           module.  priority and flowLabel, if non-zero, override class of service as requested in the
           subscriptions.  context is an opaque "hint" to the receiving modules; its use is application-

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_send(AmsModule module, int continuumNbr, int unitNbr, int moduleNbr, int subjectNbr, int
       priority, unsigned char flowLabel, int contentLength, char *content, int context)
           Sends contentLength bytes of data starting at content as the content of a message that is transmitted
           privately to the module in the continuum identified by continuumNbr (where 0 indicates "the local
           continuum") that is identified by unitNbr and moduleNbr -- provided that module is in the domain of
           one of that module's invitations on subjectNbr.  priority and flowLabel, if non-zero, override class
           of service as requested in the invitation.  context is an opaque "hint" to the receiving module; its
           use is application-specific.

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_query(AmsModule module, int continuumNbr, int unitNbr, int moduleNbr, int subjectNbr, int
       priority, unsigned char flowLabel, int contentLength, char *content, int context, int term, AmsEvent
           Sends a message exactly is described above for ams_send(), but additionally suspends the delivery and
           processing of newly received messages until either (a) a "reply" message sent in response to this
           message is received or (b) the time interval indicated by term, in seconds, expires.  The event
           (reply or timeout) that ends the suspension of processing is provided in event (as if from
           ams_get_event() when the function returns.

           If term is AMS_BLOCKING then the timeout interval is indefinite; only reception of a reply message
           enables the function to return.  If term is AMS_POLL then the function returns immediately, without
           waiting for a reply message.

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_reply(AmsModule module, AmsEvent msg, int subjectNbr, int priority, unsigned char flowLabel, int
       contentLength, char *content)
           Sends a message exactly is described above for ams_send(), except that the destination of the message
           is the sender of the message identified by msg and the "context" value included in the message is the
           context that was provided in msg.  This message is identified as a "reply" message that will end the
           processing suspension resulting from transmission of msg if that message was issued by means of
           ams_query() rather than ams_send().

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_announce(AmsModule module, int roleNbr, int continuumNbr, int unitNbr, int subjectNbr, int
       priority, unsigned char flowLabel, int contentLength, char *content, int context)
           Sends a message exactly is described above for ams_send(), except that one copy of the message is
           sent to every module in the domain of this function (role, continuum, unit) whose invitation for
           messages on this subject is itself characterized by a domain that includes the the sending module,
           rather than to any specific module.

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_get_event(AmsModule module, int term, AmsEvent *event)
           Returns in event the next event in the queue of AMS events pending delivery to this module.  If the
           event queue is empty at the time this function is called, processing is suspended until either an
           event is queued or the time interval indicated by term, in seconds, expires.  See ams_query() above
           for the semantics of term.  When the function returns on expiration of term, an event of type
           TIMEOUT_EVT is returned in event.  Otherwise the event will be of type AMS_MSG_EVT (indicating
           arrival of a message), NOTICE_EVT (indicating a change in the configuration of the message space), or
           USER_DEFINED_EVT (indicating that application code posted an event).

           The nature of the event returned by ams_get_event() can be determined by passing event to
           ams_get_event_type() as described below.  Event type can then be used to determine whether the
           information content of the event must be obtained by calling ams_parse_msg(), ams_parse_notice(), or

           In any case, the memory occupied by event must be released after the event object is no longer
           needed.  The ams_recycle_event() function is invoked for this purpose.

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_get_event_type(AmsEvent event)
           Returns the event type of event, or -1 on any error.

       int ams_parse_msg(AmsEvent event, int *continuumNbr, int *unitNbr, int *moduleNbr, int *subjectNbr, int
       *contentLength, char **content, int *context, AmsMsgType *msgType, int *priority, unsigned char
           Extracts all relevant information pertaining to the AMS message encapsulated in event, populating the
           indicated fields.  Must only be called when the event type of event is known to be AMS_MSG_EVT.

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_parse_notice(AmsEvent event, AmsStateType *state, AmsChangeType *change, int *unitNbr, int
       *moduleNbr, int *roleNbr, int *domainContinuumNbr, int *domainUnitNbr, int *subjectNbr, int *priority,
       unsigned char *flowLabel, AmsSequence *sequence, AmsDiligence *diligence)
           Extracts all relevant information pertaining to the AMS configuration change notice encapsulated in
           event, populating the relevant fields.  Must only be called when the event type of event is known to
           be NOTICE_EVT.

           Note that different fields will be populated depending on the nature of the notice in event.  state
           will be set to AmsRegistrationState, AmsInvitationState, or AmsSubscription state depending on
           whether the notice pertains to a change in module registration, a change in invitations, or a change
           in subscriptions.  change will be set to AmsStateBegins or AmsStateEnds depending on whether the
           notice pertains to the initiation or termination of a registration, invitation, or subscription.

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_post_user_event(AmsModule module, int userEventCode, int userEventDataLength, char
       *userEventData, int priority)
           Posts a "user event" whose content is the userEventDataLength bytes of data starting at
           userEventData.  userEventCode is an application-specific value that is opaque to AMS.  priority
           determines the event's position in the queue of events pending delivery to this module; it may be any
           integer in the range 0-15, where 0 indicates the greatest urgency.  (Note that user events can be
           delivered ahead of all message reception events if necessary.)

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_parse_user_event(AmsEvent event, int *code, int *dataLength, char **data)
           Extracts all relevant information pertaining to the user event encapsulated in event, populating the
           indicated fields.  Must only be called when the event type of event is known to be USER_DEFINED_EVT.

           Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_recycle_event(AmsEvent event)
           Releases all memory occupied by event.  Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_set_event_mgr(AmsModule module, AmsEventMgt *rules)
           Starts a background thread that processes events queued for this module, handling each event in the
           manner indicated by rules.  Returns 0 on success, -1 on any error.

       void ams_remove_event_mgr(AmsModule module)
           Terminates the background thread established to process events queued for this module.  Returns 0 on
           success, -1 on any error.

       int ams_get_module_nbr(AmsModule module)
           Returns the module number assigned to this module upon registration, or -1 on any error.

       int ams_get_unit_nbr(AmsModule module)
           Returns the unit number assigned to the unit within which this module registered, or -1 on any error.

       Lyst ams_list_msgspaces(AmsModule module)
           Returns a dynamically allocated linked list of all message spaces identified in the MIB for this
           module, or -1 on any error.  See lyst(3) for operations that can be performed on the returned linked

       int ams_get_continuum_nbr()
           Returns the continuum number assigned to the continuum within which this module operates, or -1 on
           any error.

       int ams_rams_net_is_tree(AmsModule module)
           Returns 1 if the RAMS net for the venture in which this module is registered is configured as a tree,
           0 if that RAMS net is configured as a mesh, -1 on any error.

       int ams_continuum_is_neighbor(int continuumNbr)
           Returns 1 if continuumNbr identifies a continuum whose RAMS gateways are immediate neighbors (within
           the applicable RAMS networks) of the RAMS gateways in the local continuum.  Returns 0 otherwise.

       char *ams_get_role_name(AmsModule module, int unitNbr, int moduleNbr)
           Returns the name of the role in which the module identified by unitNbr and moduleNbr registered, or
           NULL on any error.

       int ams_subunit_of(AmsModule module, int argUnitNbr, int refUnitNbr)
           Returns 1 if argUnitNbr identifies a unit that is wholly contained within the unit identified by
           refUnitNbr, in the venture within which this module is registered.  Returns 0 otherwise.

       int ams_lookup_unit_nbr(AmsModule module, char *unitName)
           Returns the number assigned to the unit identified by unitName, in the venture within which this
           module is registered, or -1 on any error.

       int ams_lookup_role_nbr(AmsModule module, char *roleName)
           Returns the number assigned to the role identified by roleName, in the venture within which this
           module is registered, or -1 on any error.

       int ams_lookup_subject_nbr(AmsModule module, char *subjectName)
           Returns the number assigned to the subject identified by subjectName, in the venture within which
           this module is registered, or -1 on any error.

       int ams_lookup_continuum_nbr(AmsModule module, char *continuumName)
           Returns the number of the continuum identified by continuumName, or -1 on any error.

       char *ams_lookup_unit_name(AmsModule module, int unitNbr)
           Returns the name of the unit identified by unitNbr, in the venture within which this module is
           registered, or -1 on any error.

       char *ams_lookup_role_name(AmsModule module, int roleNbr)
           Returns the name of the role identified by roleNbr, in the venture within which this module is
           registered, or -1 on any error.

       char *ams_lookup_subject_name(AmsModule module, int subjectNbr)
           Returns the name of the subject identified by subjectNbr, in the venture within which this module is
           registered, or -1 on any error.

       char *ams_lookup_continuum_name(AmsModule module, int continuumNbr)
           Returns the name of the continuum identified by continuumNbr, or -1 on any error.


       amsd(1), ramsgate(1), amsxml(5), amsrc(5)