Provided by: amanda-common_3.5.1-8ubuntu1.4_amd64 

amanda-command-file - Keep status of outgoing dle commands
The command-file file keep information of outgoing dumps commands, dumps to flush from holding disk to storage, dumps to copy (vault) from one storage to another, dumps with outgoing restore request. The file is in text. The first line is the version of the file, the second line is an id that increment on each new insertion in the file. Each following line start with an id followed by one the keywords: FLUSH Entry that list a holding file and a storage where it must be flushed. COPY Entry that list a dump from a storage and a storage where to copy it (vault). RESTORE Entry that list a dump from a storage that have a restore request. An entry is automatically removed 24 hours after it is created. Amanda never overwrite a volume if one its dump have a command in the command-file.
id FLUSH config holding-file hostname diskname dump-timestamp dump-level storage WORKING:pid id The id of the command. FLUSH The FLUSH keyword. config The config to which that command apply. holding-file The holding-file to flush. hostname The hostname of the dump. diskname The diskname of the dump. dump-timestamp The timestamp of the dump. dump-level The level of the dump. storage The storage where to flush the dump. WORKING:pid The pid of the process doing the flush, or 0. STATUS TODO or DONE.
id COPY config src-storage src-pool src-label src-fileno src-labels-str start-time hostname diskname dump-timestamp dump-level dest-storage WORKING:pid id The id of the command. COPY The COPY keyword. config The config to which that command apply. src-srorage The storage where to find the dump. src-pool The pool where to find the dump. src-label The label of the first part of the dump src-fileno The fileno of the first part of the dump src-labels-str The list of all source labels required start-time When to start the copy hostname The hostname of the dump. diskname The diskname of the dump. dump-timestamp The timestamp of the dump. dump-level The level of the dump. dest-storage The storage where to copy the dump. WORKING:pid The pid of the process doing the copy, or 0. STATUS TODO or DONE.
To restore from a storage: id RESTORE config src-storage src-pool src-label src-fileno expire hostname diskname dump-timestamp dump-level WORKING:pid or to restore from a holding file: id RESTORE config HOLDING HOLDING holding-file 0 expire hostname diskname dump-timestamp dump-level WORKING:pid id The id of the command. RESTORE The RESTORE keyword. config The config to which that command apply. src-srorage The storage where to find the dump. src-pool The pool where to find the dump. src-label The label of the first part of the dump. HOLDING The HOLDING keyword. holding-file The full path of the holding file. src-fileno The fileno of the first part of the dump expire When this command expire and can be automatically removed from the file. src-labels-str The list of all source labels required start-time When to start the copy hostname The hostname of the dump. diskname The diskname of the dump. dump-timestamp The timestamp of the dump. dump-level The level of the dump. WORKING:pid The pid of the process doing the copy, or 0. STATUS TODO or DONE.
amanda(8), amanda.conf(5) The Amanda Wiki: :
Jean-Louis Martineau <> Zmanda, Inc. (