Provided by: ion_3.2.1+dfsg-1.1_amd64 

ionrc - ION node management commands file
ION node management commands are passed to ionadmin either in a file of text lines or interactively at ionadmin's command prompt (:). Commands are interpreted line-by line, with exactly one command per line. The formats and effects of the ION node management commands are described below.
For many ION node management commands, time values must be passed as arguments. Every time value may be represented in either of two formats. Absolute time is expressed as: yyyy/mm/dd-hh:mm:ss Relative time (a number of seconds following the current reference time, which defaults to the current time at the moment ionadmin began execution but which can be overridden by the at command described below) is expressed as: +ss
? The help command. This will display a listing of the commands and their formats. It is the same as the h command. # Comment line. Lines beginning with # are not interpreted. e { 1 | 0 } Echo control. Setting echo to 1 causes all output printed by ionadmin to be logged as well as sent to stdout. Setting echo to 0 disables this behavior. v Version number. Prints out the version of ION currently installed. HINT: combine with e 1 command to log the version number at startup. 1 node_number { ion_config_filename | '' } The initialize command. Until this command is executed, the local ION node does not exist and most ionadmin commands will fail. The command configures the local node to be identified by node_number, a CBHE node number which uniquely identifies the node in the delay-tolerant network. It also configures ION's data store (SDR) and shared working-memory region using either the settings found in the ion_config_filename file or, if '' is supplied as the ion_config_filename, a set of default settings. Please see ionconfig(5) for details. For example: 1 19 '' would initialize ION on the local computer, assigning the local ION node the node number 19 and using default values to configure the data store and shared working-memory region. @ time The at command. This is used to set the reference time that will be used for interpreting relative time values from now until the next revision of reference time. Note that the new reference time can be a relative time, i.e., an offset beyond the current reference time. a contact start_time stop_time source_node dest_node xmit_data_rate The add contact command. This command schedules a period of data transmission from source_node to dest_node. The period of transmission will begin at start_time and end at stop_time, and the rate of data transmission will be xmit_data_rate bytes/second. d contact start_time source_node dest_node The delete contact command. This command deletes the scheduled period of data transmission from source_node to dest_node starting at start_time. To delete all contacts between some pair of nodes, use '*' as start_time. i contact start_time source_node dest_node This command will print information (the stop time and data rate) about the scheduled period of transmission from source_node to dest_node that starts at start_time. l contact This command lists all scheduled periods of data transmission. a range start_time stop_time one_node the_other_node distance The add range command. This command predicts a period of time during which the distance from one_node to the_other_node will be constant to within one light second. The period will begin at start_time and end at stop_time, and the distance between the nodes during that time will be distance light seconds. d range start_time one_node the_other_node The delete range command. This command deletes the predicted period of constant distance between one_node and the_other_node starting at start_time. To delete all ranges between some pair of nodes, use '*' as start_time. i range start_time one_node the_other_node This command will print information (the stop time and range) about the predicted period of constant distance between one_node and the_other_node that starts at start_time. l range This command lists all predicted periods of constant distance. m utcdelta local_time_sec_after_UTC This management command sets ION's understanding of the current difference between correct UTC time and the time values reported by the clock for the local ION node's computer. This delta is automatically applied to locally obtained time values whenever ION needs to know the current time. For machines that use UTC natively and are synchronized by NTP, the value of this delta should be 0, the default. m clockerr known_maximum_clock_error This management command sets ION's understanding of the accuracy of the scheduled start and stop times of planned contacts, in seconds. The default value is 1. When revising local data transmission and reception rates, ionadmin will adjust contact start and stop times by this interval to be sure not to send bundles that arrive before the neighbor expects data arrival or to discard bundles that arrive slightly before they were expected. m clocksync [ { 1 | 0 } ] This management command reports whether or not the computer on which the local ION node is running has a synchronized clock, as discussed in the description of the ionClockIsSynchronized() function (ion(3)). If a Boolean argument is provided when the command is executed, the characterization of the machine's clock is revised to conform with the asserted value. The default value is 1. m production planned_data_production_rate This management command sets ION's expectation of the mean rate of continuous data origination by local BP applications throughout the period of time over which congestion forecasts are computed. For nodes that function only as routers this variable will normally be zero. A value of -1, which is the default, indicates that the rate of local data production is unknown; in that case local data production is not considered in the computation of congestion forecasts. m consumption planned_data_consumption_rate This management command sets ION's expectation of the mean rate of continuous data delivery to local BP applications throughout the period of time over which congestion forecasts are computed. For nodes that function only as routers this variable will normally be zero. A value of -1, which is the default, indicates that the rate of local data consumption is unknown; in that case local data consumption is not considered in the computation of congestion forecasts. m occupancy heap_occupancy_limit [file_system_occupancy_limit] This management command sets the maximum number of megabytes of storage space in ION's SDR non- volatile heap, and/or in the local file system, that can be used for the storage of zero-copy objects. A value of -1 for either limit signifies "leave unchanged". The default heap limit is 60% of the SDR data store's total heap size. The default file system limit is 1 Terabyte. m horizon { 0 | end_time_for_congestion_forecasts } This management command sets the end time for computed congestion forecasts. Setting congestion forecast horizon to zero sets the congestion forecast end time to infinite time in the future: if there is any predicted net growth in bundle storage space occupancy at all, following the end of the last scheduled contact, then eventual congestion will be predicted. The default value is zero, i.e., no end time. m alarm 'congestion_alarm_command' This management command establishes a command which will automatically be executed whenever ionadmin predicts that the node will become congested at some future time. By default, there is no alarm command. m usage This management command simply prints ION's current data store occupancy (the number of megabytes of space in the SDR non-volatile heap and file system that are occupied by bundles), the limit on occupancy, and the maximum level of occupancy predicted by the most recent ionadmin congestion forecast computation. r 'command_text' The run command. This command will execute command_text as if it had been typed at a console prompt. It is used to, for example, run another administrative program. s The start command. This command starts the rfxclock task on the local ION node. x The stop command. This command stops the rfxclock task on the local ION node. h The help command. This will display a listing of the commands and their formats. It is the same as the ? command.
@ 2008/10/05-11:30:00 Sets the reference time to 1130 (UTC) on 5 October 2008. a range +1 2009/01/01-00:00:00 1 2 12 Predicts that the distance between nodes 1 and 2 (endpoint IDs ipn:1.0 and ipn:2.0) will remain constant at 12 light seconds over the interval that begins 1 second after the reference time and ends at the end of calendar year 2009. a contact +60 +7260 1 2 10000 Schedules a period of transmission at 10,000 bytes/second from node 1 to node 2, starting 60 seconds after the reference time and ending exactly two hours (7200 seconds) after it starts.
ionadmin(1), rfxclock(1), ion(3)