Provided by: xstow_1.0.2-1build1_amd64 bug


       xstow.ini, config file for XStow


       The xstow.ini file contains some static informations about your system. It's possible setting most
       necessary values by setting the required command line option, but in some cases this won't make sense if
       you are using xstow quite often.


       The syntax of the configuration file is simple. It's the same as it is used by KDE and GNOME.

       The data is splitted into keys values and sections. The '#' sign marks a comment. Here is an example:

               keep-targets = true
               link = /usr/tmp  # comment

           is a section with the name "traverse-links"

       keep-targets = true
           is a key - value pair, where 'keep-targets' is the key and 'true' is the value.


       XStow processes the config files one after another. Static configuration options like the [debug]=>module
       option can be overwritten by the next config file. List keys like [traverse-links]=>link will be appended
       to the list.

       If you wan't more informations about the current stow setup call XStow like this:

               xstow -s -dl 1 dummy-package | less

       For getting information about which config files were processed you will have to set some environment
       values (see xstow(1) for details).  Eg.:

               XSTOW_DEBUG_LEVEL=1 xstow -s -dl 1 dummy-package | less


   SECTION traverse-links
       In this section a number of links are listed, which xstow will identify as links that are not part of an
       xstow managed package.  Eg.: For conforming to the FHS it is common setting a link from /usr/share/man to
       /usr/man. This will cause old applications installing theire manpages in /usr/share/man, rather than in

       But xstow is paranoid and believes that the link contains to something else and it is not allowed writing
       data into the directory the link points to.

       The simple solution is telling xstow which links should be handled as normal directories. These links can
       be listed in this section.

       link = LINK
           The value of this key must contain an absolute path to the link that should be handled as a normal
           directory. The link itself can be an absolute, or relativ link.  It is allowed that there are more
           than one link keys in this section.

       keep-targets = BOOL
           Allowed values are 'true' and '1' (incasesensitive). Anything else will be interpreted as false.  If
           keep-targets is set to true the target of the links in this section will automatically added to the
           keep-dirs section. This avoids that these targets will be removed and the links will become dead

       add-if-target = PATTERN
           Automatic add all links which targets match the pattern to the link list. XStow will use this as the
           last chance for solving dependencies. Only if all other tests failed the application will try appling
           this test. This means that it is no problem setting [links]=>absolute-links to true and using a
           pattern like /* here.  If keep-targets is set to true the applied links will added to the keep-dirs
           list too.

       add-if-target-regex = REGEX
           Does the same as add-if-target, but support regular expressions. XStow will always try matching the
           regular expressions before the normal shell patterns, cause a regex can be much more exact than a
           shell pattern.

   SECTION keep-dirs
       In this section directories are listed that should not be remove. When xstow removes a package and a
       directory becomes emty the directory will be removed too.

       dir = DIR
           The value of this key must contain an absolute path to the directory that should be kept.  It is
           allowed that there are more than one dir keys in this section. The value should not end with a '/'!!

   SECTION matches
       XStow will try matching this pattern to all file names that were found in packages. Only the file names.
       So you do not have to care about the slashes.

       ignore = PATTERN
           Ignore files matching this pattern.  It is allowed that there are more than one ignore keys in this

       ignore-regex = REGEX
           Does the same as ignore, but support regular expressions. XStow will always try matching the regular
           expressions before the normal shell patterns, cause a regex can be much more exact than a shell

       copy = PATTERN
           Copy files or directories matching this pattern instead of linking it.  This makes sense in case of
           some global files that will be used by more than one package and will be updated in the course of the
           installation process. Files that were installed this way won't be removed in case of unstowing a
           package, since XStow can not handle package dependencies and does not know if any other package
           requires the file.  If a directory matches this expression the content of the directory will be
           copied recoursively. This can be useful in case of some /etc files, installed by the installation
           process.  It is allowed that there are more than one copy keys in this section.

       copy-regex = REGEX
           Does the same as copy, but support regular expressions. XStow will always try matching the regular
           expressions before the normal shell patterns, cause a regex can be much more exact than a shell

       nignore = NIGNORE_RULE
           Ignore everything except file and directories matching this expression. eg: "systree/bintree".  For
           using nignore support fnmatch and configration file support has to be enabled.  A rule (eg.:
           "systree/headertree" ) has a set of subrules (eg.: "systree" and "headertree" ).  These subrules are
           defined in a separate section which is named as the subrule.  Eg, the subrule for "systree":

                   dir       = /usr
                   dir       = /usr/local
                   follow    = false

           There is an example config file "nignore.ini" in the doc directory of this package.

       Description of a nignore subrule. This section is called like the nignore subrule, eg: "systree".

       dir = DIR
           Directories where a file of the package should be installed. You can use shell pattern's too (eg.:
           "/man/man*"), but use this feature only if this subrule is the last one in an nignore rule.

       follow = BOOL
           Follow subdirs.

   SECTION stow-dirs
       dir = DIR
           The value of this key must contain an absolute path to the directory that can be handled as it would
           be part of the own stow directory.  This means xstow is allowed to make changes in packages that are
           related to this directory.  It is allowed that there are more than one dir keys in this section. The
           value should not end with a '/'!!

       auto-add-dirs = PATTERN
           Automatically add a directory if it matches this pattern. In Stow directories, which were detected
           with this pattern, never will be searched for configuration files.  It is allowed that there are more
           than one auto-add-dirs keys in this section.

       auto-add-dirs-regex = REGEX
           Does the same as auto-add-dirs, but support regular expressions. XStow will always try matching the
           regular expressions before the normal shell patterns, cause a regex can be much more exact than a
           shell pattern.

   SECTION protect-dirs
       The goal of this section is limiting the access within a legal target directory. Eg.: If your stow
       directory is '/stow' and you installing packages this way:

               make install DESTDIR=/stow/package_name

       But the 'prefix' is set to '/usr/local'. In this case target directory will be '/', but the real target
       directory of package will be '/usr/local'. The following keys withing this section allowing to restrict
       the installation access within the valid target directory.

       dir = DIR
           The value of this key must contain an absolute path to the directory that has not be changed. XStow
           is not allowed installing a package there and withing the subdirectories, and will report an error,
           if it would. It is allowed that there are more than one dir keys in this section. The value should
           not end with a '/'!!

       auto-add-dirs = PATTERN
           Automatically add a directory if it matches this pattern.  It is allowed that there are more than one
           auto-add-dirs keys in this section.

       auto-add-dirs-regex = REGEX
           Does the same as auto-add-dirs, but support regular expressions. XStow will always try matching the
           regular expressions before the normal shell patterns, cause a regex can be much more exact than a
           shell pattern.

       target = DIR
           The value of this key must contain an absolute path to the directory that is allowed to be changed.
           If this value is set, XStow will report an error if it would touch any other, or upper directory
           within the tree.  It is allowed that there are more than one target keys in this section. The value
           should not end with a '/'!!

       target-add-traversable-links = BOOL
           Automatically add the targets of traversable links to the targets list.  This can be useful if you do
           not add manually all possible targets of traversable links to the target list. By default this value
           is set to false.

       If your stow directory is '/stow' and all packages should be installed in '/usr/local/' such a config
       file will make sense:

               link = /usr/local/etc

               target = /usr/local
               target-add-traversable-links = true

       XStow will report an error if it would install a package outside of '/usr/local'

   SECTION debug
       These values will be ignored if one of these values is set by command line option.

       module = MODULE
           Set the default debug module.

       level = INTEGER
           Set the debug level.

   SECTION config-files
       in-home = BOOL
           Search in home directory for a config file named "xstow.ini" or ".xstow.ini". Only in the home
           directory will be searched for hidden files.

       in-stow-dir = BOOL
           Search in current stow directory for a config file

       in-other-stow-dirs = BOOL
           Search in other public stow directories for config files.

       file = FILE
           Read this config file too.

           It is allowed that there are more than one file keys in this section.

   SECTION links
       absolute-paths = BOOL
           Create links with absolute path names.

   SECTION exec
       If a package comes with some GNU info files, install-info creates an index directory named 'dir' in
       STOWDIR/PACKAGE/share/info. If this is the first package with an info index file this won't be a problem.

       If a second package creates another 'dir' file in the packages info directory, this file will not contain
       the informations from the first package too and xstow will report a problem unless you use the ignore or
       copy option.

       But using the copy option is not a solution since the content of each of the files is incomplete.  You
       can use the ignore option and run mkinfodir in the /usr/local/info directory after installing the package
       with xstow. (Such a script is available on various distributions.)

       The other solution is running a program that merges the old and the new 'dir' file.  This section
       provides a hook, that allows executing such tools if a file or directory matches a condition.

       XStow shippes a programm called merge-info(1) that can be used this way.

       There can be more than one exec Section within an ini file!

       match = PATTERN
       exec = COMMAND
           Executes the command if a file matches the match expression. %t is replaces by the target file and %s
           is replaced by the source file.

       exec-unstow = COMMAND
           Executes the command if a file matches the match expression and a packages is unstowed. If exec-
           unstow is not set and a package will be unstowed, nothing will be executed.  %t is replaces by the
           target file and %s is replaced by the source file.

EXAMPLE xstow.ini

       Here is an example xstow.ini which is common for a system where xstow is managing the /usr/local tree.

               keep-targets = true
               link = /usr/local/tmp
               link = /usr/local/var
               link = /usr/local/man
               link = /usr/local/doc
               link = /usr/local/info

               dir = /usr/local/bin
               dir = /usr/local/sbin
               dir = /usr/local/lib
               dir = /usr/local/include

               ignore = *~
               ignore = core
               ignore = core.*
               ignore = CVS

               match = dir # GNU info index file
               exec = merge-info %t %s -o %t
               exec-unstow = merge-info -u %t %s -o %t

               dir = /usr/local/stow
               dir = /usr/local/stow2

       This is an example xstow.ini for a system where xstow is managing the '/usr/local' tree, but the stow
       directory is '/stow'.

               ignore = *~
               ignore = CVS
               ignore = core*

               dir = /stow

               target = /usr/local


       xstow(1) merge-info(1) xstow.ini file.