Provided by: lcdproc_0.5.9-6_amd64 bug


       LCDd - LCDproc server daemon


       LCDd [-hf] [-c config] [-d driver] [-i bool] [-a addr] [-p port] [-u user] [-w time] [-r level] [-s bool]


       LCDd  is  the  server  part  of  LCDproc,  a  daemon which listens to a certain port (normally 13666) and
       displays information on an LCD display.  It works with several types and sizes of displays.

       Most settings of LCDd are configured through its configuration file /etc/LCDd.conf, some of them  can  be
       overridden  using  command line options.  Before running LCDd you should carefully read through that file
       and modify everything necessary according to your needs.  Otherwise you might encounter LCDd not  running
       properly on your system.

       To make full use of LCDd, a client such as lcdproc(1), lcdexec(1), or lcdvc is required.


       Available options are:

       -h     Display help screen

       -c config
              Use a configuration file other than /etc/LCDd.conf

       -d driver
              Specify  a  driver  to  use  (output only to first), overriding the Driver parameter in the config
              file's [Server] section.

       -f     Run in the foreground, overriding the Foreground parameter in the config file's [Server]  section.
              The  default,  if  not  specified  in  the  config file, is to daemonize LCDd as it is intended to
              operate in the background.

       -i bool
              Tell whether the to enable (1) or disable (0) showing the LCDproc server screen in  n  the  screen
              rotation, overriding ServerScreen in the config file's [Server] section.

       -w waittime
              Time  to pause at each screen (in seconds), overriding the WaitTime parameter in the config file's
              [Server] section.

       -a addr
              Bind to network address addr, overriding the Bind parameter in the config file's [Server] section.

       -p port
              Listen on port port for incoming connections, overriding the Port parameter in the  config  file's
              [Server] section.

       -u user
              Run as user user, overriding the User parameter in the config file's [Server] section.

       -s bool
              Output  messages  to  syslog  (1) or to stdout (0), overriding the ReportToSyslog parameter in the
              config file's [Server] section.

       -r level
              Set reporting level to level, overriding th ReportLevel parameter in the  config  file's  [Server]

       Currently supported display drivers include:

       bayrad BayRAD LCD modules by EMAC Inc.

       CFontz CrystalFontz CFA-632 and CFA-634 serial LCD displays

              CrystalFontz CFA-533, CFA-631, CFA-633 and CFA-635 serial/USB LCD displays

       curses Standard video display using the (n)curses library

       CwLnx  serial/USB displays by Cwlinux (

       ea65   VFD front panel display on Aopen XC Cube EA65 media barebone

              LCD display on the EyeboxOne

       futaba The Futaba TOSD-5711BB VFDisplay on Elonex Artisan/Scaleo Media Centre PCs

       g15    LCD display on the Logitech G15 keyboard

       glcd   generic  driver  for  graphical  LCDs  with  FreeType  rendering support. This driver supports the
              following sub-drivers (a.k.a. connection types):

                     Till Harbaum's open source/open hardware GLCD2USB (

                     picoLCD 256x64 Sideshow graphic LCD (

              png    Write out screens as PNG images

                     Uses serdisplib ( for output

              t6963  Toshiba T6963 based LCD displays (graphic mode)

              graphical LCDs supported by graphlcd-base

       glk    Matrix Orbital GLK Graphic Displays

              Hitachi HD44780 LCD displays.  This driver supports the following sub-drivers  (a.k.a.  connection

              4bit   LCD 4bit-mode, connected to a PC parallel port

              8bit   LCD 8bit-mode, connected to a PC parallel port

                     LCD in 4bit-mode through a 4094 shift register

              winamp LCD in 8bit-mode using WinAmp-wiring, connected to a PC parallel port

                     LCD driven by a PIC-an-LCD chip/board by Dale Wheat, connected to a serial port

                     LCD driven by a PIC16C54-based piggy-back board, connected to a serial port

                     LCD driven by an Atmel AVR based board, connected to a serial port

              ezio   Portwell     EZIO-100     and     EZIO-300    LCD    connected    to    a    serial    port

                     ???, connected to a serial port

                     VDR-Wake module by Frank Jepsen (

                     Pertelian X2040 module (

              lis2   LIS2 from VLSystem (, connected to USB

              mplay  MPlay Blast from VLSystem (, connected to USB

              usblcd LCD device from Adams IT Services (

                     USB-to-HD44780 converter by BWCT (

                     Till Harbaum's open source/open hardware LCD2USB (

                     Devices based on Dick Streefland's USBtiny firmware

              uss720 USS-720 USB-to-IEEE 1284 Bridge (Belkin F5U002 USB Parallel Printer Adapters)

                     Sprut's open source / open hardware USB-4-all (

              ftdi   USB connection via a FTDI FT2232D chip in bitbang mode

              i2c    LCD in 4-bit mode driven by PCF8574(A) / PCA9554(A), connected via I2C bus

                     Adafruit RGB Positive 16x2 LCD+Keypad for Raspberry Pi

              spi    LCD with KS0073 or equivalent in serial mode, connected via SPI bus

                     PiFace Control and Display for the Raspberry Pi (

              ethlcd TCP connection using open source/open hardware ethlcd (

                     LCD driven by the GPIO pins of a Raspberry Pi

              gpio   LCD connection via GPIO pins controlled by the linux sysfs interface

              140x32 pixel VFD Display of the Intra2net Intranator 2500 appliance

              ICP Peripheral Communication Protocol alarm/LCD board used in QNAP devices and 19" rack cases made
              by ICP

       imon   iMON IR/VFD modules in cases by Soundgraph/Ahanix/Silverstone/Uneed/Accent

              iMON IR/LCD modules in cases by Soundgraph/Ahanix/Silverstone/Uneed/Accent/Antec

              IRTrans  IR/VFD  modules in cases by Ahanix (e.g. MCE303) and possibly others May require irserver
              ( to be running for connectivity.

              Code Mercenaries IOWarrior

       irman  IrMan infrared (input)

       joy    Joystick driver (input)

       lb216  LB216 LCD displays

     20x4 serial LCD displays

       lcterm serial LCD terminal from Helmut Neumark Elektronik (

              Linux event devices (input)

       lirc   Infrared (input)

       lis    L.I.S MCE 2005 20x2 VFD (

       MD8800 VFD displays in Medion MD8800 PCs

              Futuba MDM166A displays

       ms6931 MSI-6931 displays in 1U rack servers by MSI

              MTC_S16209x LCD displays by Microtips Technology Inc

       MtxOrb Matrix Orbital displays (except Matrix Orbital GLK displays)

       mx5000 LCD display on the Logitech MX5000 keyboard

              Noritake VFD Device CU20045SCPB-T28A

              Olimex MOD-LCD1x9 14 segment display

              Dumps the entire framebuffer to the serial port at a configurable rate.

     USB LCD (PicoLCD 20x4 & picoLCD 20x2)

              LCD displays from Pyramid (

              Watchguard Firebox LCD display based on SDEC LMC-S2D20 (

              SED1330/SED1335 (aka S1D13300/S1D13305) based graphical displays

              122x32 pixel graphic displays based on SED1520 controllers

              Driver for Point Of Sale ("POS") devices using various protocols (currently AEDEX only)

              Text VFDs of various manufacturers, see LCDproc user-documentation for further details.

              Shuttle VFD (USB-based)

       sli    Wirz SLI driver (unknown)

              STV5730A on-screen display chip

              LCD devices from SURE electronics  (

       svga   VGA monitors using svgalib

       t6963  Toshiba T6963 based LCD displays (text mode)

       text   Standard "hard-copy" text display

       tyan   LCD module in Tyan Barebone GS series

       ula200 ULA-200 device from ELV (

              VFD/IR combination in case MonCaso 320 from Moneual

       yard2  yard2 LCD module

       xosd   On Screen Display on X11

       Multiple drivers can be used simultaneously; thus, for example, a Matrix Orbital display (MtxOrb  driver)
       can be combined with an infrared driver (irmanin driver).


              LCDd -d MtxOrb -d joy
       The  invocation  example  above  will start LCDd reading its configuration from the default configuration
       file /etc/LCDd.conf but overriding the drivers specified therein with the Matrix Orbital driver  and  the
       Joystick input driver.


       There is a basic sequence:

       1. Open a TCP connection to the LCDd server port (usually 13666).

       2. Say "hello"

       3. The server will return some information on the type
              of display available.

       4. Define (and use) a new screen and its widgets.

       5. Close the socket when done displaying data.

       There are many commands for the client to send to the LCDd server:

       hello  This  starts  a  client-server  session with the LCDd server; the server will return a data string
              detailing the type of display and its size.

       client_set -name name
              Set the client's name.

       screen_add #id
              Add a new screen to the display.

       screen_del #id
              Remove a screen from the display.

       screen_set #id [-name name ] [-wid width] [-hgt height] [-priority prio] [-duration int]  [-timeout  int]
       [-heartbeat mode] [-backlight mode] [-cursor mode] [-cursor_x xpos] [-cursor_y ypos]
              Initialize a screen, or reset its data.

       widget_add #screen #id type [-in #frame]
              Add a widget of type type to screen #screen.

       widget_del #screen #id
              Delete widget #id from screen #screen.

       widget_set #screen #id data
              Set the data used to define a particular widget #id on screen #screen.

       Valid heartbeat mode values (for the screen_set command) are:

       on     Display pulsing heart symbol.

       off    No heartbeat display.

       open   Use client's heartbeat setting. This is the default.

       Valid backlight mode values (for the screen_set command) are:

       on     Turn backlight on.

       off    Turn backlight off

       toggle Turn backlight off when it is on and vice versa.

       open   Use client's backlight setting. This is the default.

       blink  Blinking backlight

       flash  Flashing blacklight

       Valid priority settings (used in the screen_set command) are as follows:

       input  The client is doing interactive input.

       alert  The screen has an important message for the user.

              an active client

       info   Normal info screen, default priority.

              The screen is only visible when no normal info screens exists.

       hidden The screen will never be visible.

       For compatibility with older versions of clients a mapping of numeric priority values is also supported:

       1 - 64 foreground

       65 - 192

       193 - (infinity)

       An example of how to properly use priorities is as follows:

       Imagine  you're  making  an  mp3 player for lcdproc.  When the song changes, it's nice to display the new
       name immediately.  So, you could set your screen's priority to foreground, wait for the server to display
       (or  ignore) your screen, then set the screen back to normal.  This would cause the mp3 screen to show up
       as soon as the one on screen was finished, then return to normal priority afterward.

       Or, let's say your client monitors the health of hospital patients.  If one of the patients has  a  heart
       attack,  you  could set the screen priority to alert, and it would be displayed immediately.  It wouldn't
       even wait for the previous screen to finish.  Also, the display would stay on screen  most  of  the  time
       until the user did something about it.

       Widgets can be any of the following:

       string A text string to display (as is).

       hbar   A horizontal bar graph.

       vbar   A vertical bar graph.

       title  A title displayed across the top of the display, within a banner.

       icon   A graphic icon.

              A scrolling text display, scrolling either horizontally or vertically.

       frame  A  container  to  contain  other  widgets,  permitting them to be referred to as a single unit.  A
              widget is put inside a frame by using the -in #id parameter, where #id refers to  the  id  of  the

       num    Displays a large decimal digit

       Widgets are drawn on the screen in the order they are created.

       In  the  widget_set command, the data argument depends on which widget is being set.  Each widget takes a
       particular set of arguments which defines its form and behavior:

       string x y text
              Displays text at position (x,y).

       title text
              Uses text as title to display.

       hbar x y length
              Displays a horizontal bar starting at position (x,y) that is length pixels wide.

       vbar x y length
              Displays a vertical bar starting at position (x,y) that is length pixels high.

       icon x y name
              Displays the icon name at position (x,y).

       scroller left top right bottom direction speed text
              The text defined will scroll in the direction defined.  Valid directions  are  h  (horizontal),  m
              (marquee)  and  v  (vertical).  The speed defines how many "movements" (or changes) will occur per
              frame.  A positive number indicates frames per movement; a negative number indicates movements per

       frame left top right bottom wid hgt dir speed
              Frames  define  a  visible  "box"  on  screen,  from the (left, top) corner to the (right, bottom)
              corner.  The actual data may be bigger, and is defined as wid (width) by hgt (height);  if  it  is
              bigger, then the frame will scroll in the direction (dir) and speed defined.

       num x int
              Displays  large  decimal  digit  int  at  the horizontal position x, which is a normal character x
              coordinate on the display.  The special value 10 for int displays a colon.


       If LCDd seems not to work as expected, try to run it in  the  foreground  with  reporting  level  set  to
       maximum  and  reporting  to stderr.  This can be achieved without changes to the config file by using the
       command line:
              LCDd -f -r 5 -s 0


       /etc/LCDd.conf, LCDd's default configuration file


       lcdproc-config(5), lcdproc(1), lcdexec(1)


       Many people have contributed to LCDd.  See the CREDITS file for more details.

       All questions should be sent to the lcdproc mailing list.  The mailing list, and the  newest  version  of
       LCDproc, should be available from here:



       The  lcdproc  package  is  released as "WorksForMe-Ware".  In other words, it is free, kinda neat, and we
       don't guarantee that it will do anything in particular on any machine except the ones  it  was  developed

       It  is technically released under the GNU GPL license (you should have received the file, "COPYING", with
       LCDproc) (also, look on for more information), so you can distribute and use  it  for
       free -- but you must make the source code freely available to anyone who wants it.

       For  any  sort  of  real  legal  information,  read the GNU GPL (GNU General Public License).  It's worth