Provided by: bladerf_0.2021.10-3_amd64 bug


       bladeRF-cli - command line interface and test utility


       bladeRF-cli <options>


       The bladeRF-cli utility is used to flash firmware files, load FPGA bitstreams, and perform
       other tasks on the nuand bladeRF software-defined radio system.

       For more information on obtaining or building firmware files and FPGA  bitstreams,  please

       bladeRF command line interface and test utility (1.8.0-0.2021.10-3)


       -d, --device <device>
              Use the specified bladeRF device.

       -f, --flash-firmware <file>
              Write the provided FX3 firmware file to flash.

       -l, --load-fpga <file>
              Load the provided FPGA bitstream.

       -L, --flash-fpga <file>
              Write  the provided FPGA image to flash for autoloading. Use -L X or --flash-fpga X
              to disable FPGA autoloading.

       -p, --probe
              Probe for devices, print results, then exit.  A  non-zero  return  status  will  be
              returned if no devices are available.

       -e, --exec <command>
              Execute  the  specified  interactive  mode  command.   Multiple  -e  flags  may  be
              specified. The commands will be executed in the provided order.

       -s, --script <file>
              Run provided script.

       -i, --interactive
              Enter interactive mode.

              Print libbladeRF version and exit.

       -v, --verbosity <level>
              Set the libbladeRF verbosity level.  Levels, listed in increasing verbosity, are:

       critical, error, warning,
              info, debug, verbose

              Print CLI version and exit.

       -h, --help
              Show this help text.

              Print help information for all interactive commands.

              The -d option takes a device specifier string. See the bladerf_open() documentation
              for more information about the format of this string.

              If  the  -d  parameter is not provided, the first available device will be used for
              the provided command, or will be opened prior to entering interactive mode.

              Commands are executed in the following order:

              Command line options, -e <command>, script commands, interactive mode commands.

              When running 'rx/tx start' from a script or via -e, ensure these commands are later
              followed  by  'rx/tx wait [timeout]' to ensure the program will not attempt to exit
              before reception/transmission is complete.


       bladeRF-cli supports a scriptable interactive  mode.   Run  bladeRF-cli  --interactive  to
       enter  this mode.  Type "help" for a listing of all commands, or "help <command>" for more
       information about <command>.

       Usage: calibrate <operation> [options]

       Perform the specified transceiver calibration operation.

       Available operations:

       • LMS internal DC offset auto-calibrations

         • calibrate lms [show]

         • calibrate lms tuning [value]

         • calibrate lms txlpf [<I filter> <Q filter>]

         • calibrate lms rxlpf [<I filter> <Q filter>]

         • calibrate lms rxvga2 [<DC ref> <I1> <Q1> <I2> <Q2>]

         Perform the specified auto-calibration, or all of  them  if  none  are  provided.   When
         values  are  provided,  these  are  used  instead of the results of the auto-calibration
         procedure.  Use lms show to read and print the current LMS calibration values.

         For rxvga2, I1 and Q1 are the Stage 1 I and Q components respectively, and I2 and Q2 are
         the Stage 2 I and Q components.

       • RX and TX I/Q DC offset correction parameter calibration

         • calibrate dc <rx|tx> [<I> <Q>]

         • calibrate dc <rxtx>

         Calibrate  the  DC  offset  correction  parameters  for  the  current frequency and gain
         settings.  If a I/Q values are  provided,  they  are  applied  directly.   cal  rxtx  is
         shorthand for cal rx followed by cal tx.

       • RX and TX I/Q balance correction parameter calibration

         • calibrate iq <rx|tx> <gain|phase> <value>

         Set the specified IQ gain or phase balance parameters.

       • Generate RX or TX I/Q DC correction parameter tables

         • calibrate table dc <rx|tx> [<f_min> <f_max> [f_inc]]

         Generate  and  write an I/Q correction parameter table to the current working directory,
         in a file named <serial>_dc_<rx|tx>.tbl.  f_min and f_max are min and max frequencies to
         include in the table.  f_inc is the frequency increment.

         By default, tables are generated over the entire frequency range, in 10 MHz steps.

       • Generate RX or TX I/Q DC correction parameter tables for AGC Look Up Table

         • calibrate table agc <rx|tx> [<f_min> <f_max> [f_inc]]

         Similar  usage  as  calibrate  table dc except the call will set gains to the AGC’s base
         gain value before running calibrate table dc.

       Usage: clear

       Clears the screen.

       Usage: echo [arg 1] [arg 2] ... [arg n]

       Echo each argument on a new line.

       Usage: erase <offset> <count>

       Erase specified erase blocks SPI flash.

       • <offset> - Erase block offset

       • <count> - Number of erase blocks to erase

       Usage: flash_backup <file> (<type> | <address> <length>)

       Back up flash data to  the  specified  file.   This  command  takes  either  two  or  four
       arguments.  The two-argument invocation is generally recommended for non-development use.


       • <type> - Type of backup.

         This selects the appropriate address and length values based upon the selected type.

         Valid options are:

               Option   Description
                  cal   Calibration data
                   fw   Firmware
               fpga40   Metadata and bitstream for 40 kLE FPGA
              fpga115   Metadata and bitstream for 115 kLE FPGA
               fpgaA4   Metadata and bitstream for 49 kLE (A4) FPGA
               fpgaA5   Metadata and bitstream for 77 kLE (A5) FPGA
               fpgaA9   Metadata and bitstream for 301 kLE (A9) FPGA

       • <address> - Address of data to back up.  Must be erase block-aligned.

       • <len> - Length of region to back up.  Must be erase block-aligned.

       Note: When an address and length are provided, the image type will default to raw.


       • flash_backup cal.bin cal

         Backs up the calibration data region.

       • flash_backup cal_raw.bin 0x30000 0x10000

         Backs up the calibration region as a raw data image.

       Usage: flash_image <image> [output options]

       Print  a  flash image’s metadata or create a new flash image.  When provided with the name
       of a flash image file as the only argument, this command will print the metadata  contents
       of the image.

       The following options may be used to create a new flash image.

       • data=<file>

         File to containing data to store in the image.

       • address=<addr>

         Flash address.  The default depends upon type parameter.

       • type=<type>

         Type of flash image.  Defaults to raw.

         Valid options are:

               Option   Description
                  cal   Calibration data
                   fw   Firmware
               fpga40   Metadata and bitstream for 40 kLE FPGA
              fpga115   Metadata and bitstream for 115 kLE FPGA
               fpgaA4   Metadata and bitstream for 49 kLE (A4) FPGA
               fpgaA5   Metadata and bitstream for 77 kLE (A5) FPGA
               fpgaA9   Metadata and bitstream for 301 kLE (A9) FPGA
                  raw   Raw  data.  The address and length parameters must be
                        provided if this type is selected.

       • serial=<serial>

         Serial # to store in image.  Defaults to zeros.

       Usage: flash_init_cal <fpga_size> <vctcxo_trim> [<output_file>]

       Create and write a new calibration data region to the currently opened  device,  or  to  a
       file.   Be  sure  to  back  up  calibration  data prior to running this command.  (See the
       flash_backup command.)

       • <fpga_size>

         Either 40 or 115, depending on the device model.

       • <vctcxo_trim>

         VCTCXO/DAC trim value (0x0-0xffff)

       • <output_file>

         File to write calibration data to.  When this argument is  provided,  no  data  will  be
         written to the device’s flash.

       Usage: flash_restore <file> [<address> <length>]

       Restore flash data from a file, optionally overriding values in the image metadata.

       • <address>

         Defaults to the address specified in the provided flash image file.

       • <length>

         Defaults to length of the data in the provided image file.

       Usage: fw_log [filename]

       Read  the contents of the device’s firmware log and write it to the specified file.  If no
       filename is specified, the log content is written to stdout.

       Usage: help [<command>]

       Provides extended help, like this, on any command.

       Usage: info

       Prints the following information about an opened device:

       • Serial number

       • VCTCXO DAC calibration value

       • FPGA size

       • Whether or not the FPGA is loaded

       • USB bus, address, and speed

       • Backend (Denotes which device interface code is being used.)

       • Instance number

       Usage: jump_to_boot

       Clear out a FW signature word in flash and jump to FX3 bootloader.

       The device will continue to boot into the FX3 bootloader across  power  cycles  until  new
       firmware is written to the device.

       Usage: load <fpga|fx3> <filename>

       Load an FPGA bitstream or program the FX3’s SPI flash.

       Usage: xb <board_model> <subcommand> [parameters]

       Enable or configure an expansion board.

       Valid values for board_model:

       • 100

         XB-100 GPIO expansion board

       • 200

         XB-200 LF/MF/HF/VHF transverter expansion board

       • 300

         XB-300 amplifier board

       Common subcommands:

       • enable

         Enable the XB-100, XB-200, or XB-300 expansion board.

       XB-200 subcommands:

       • filter [rx|tx] [50|144|222|custom|auto_1db|auto_3db]

         Selects  the  specified  RX or TX filter on the XB-200 board.  Below are descriptions of
         each of the filter options.

         • 50

                  Select the 50-54 MHz (6 meter band) filter.

         • 144

                  Select the 144-148 MHz (2 meter band) filter.

         • 222

                  Select the 222-225 MHz (1.25 meter band) filter. Realistically,
                  this filter option is actually slightly wider, covering
                  206 MHz - 235 MHz.

         • custom

                  Selects the custom filter path. The user should connect a filter
                  along the corresponding FILT and FILT-ANT connections when using
                  this option.  Alternatively one may jumper the FILT and FILT-ANT
                  connections to achieve "no filter" for reception. (However, this is
                  _highly_ discouraged for transmissions.)

         • auto_1db

                  Automatically selects one of the above choices based upon frequency
                  and the filters' 1dB points. The custom path is used for cases
                  that are not associated with the on-board filters.

         • auto_3db

                  Automatically selects one of the above choices based upon frequency
                  and the filters' 3dB points. The custom path is used for cases
                  that are not associated with the on-board filters.

       XB-300 subcommands:

       • <pa|lna|aux> [on|off]

         Enable or disable the power amplifier (PA), low-noise amplifier (lna) or  auxiliary  LNA
         (aux).   The  current  state  if  the  specified  device  is  printed if [on|off] is not

         Note: The auxiliary path on the XB-300 is not populated with components by default;  the
         aux  control will have no effect upon the RX signal.  This option is available for users
         to modify their board with custom hardware.

       • <pwr>

         Read the current Power Detect (PDET) voltage and compute the output power.

       • trx <rx|tx>

         The default XB-300 hardware configuration includes separate RX and TX  paths.   However,
         users  wishing  to  use  only  a  single antenna for TRX can do so via a modification to
         resistor population options on the XB-300 and use this command to switch between  RX  an
         TX operation.  (See R8, R10, and R23 on the schematic.)


       • xb 200 enable

         Enables and configures the XB-200 transverter expansion board.

       • xb 200 filter rx 144

         Selects the 144-148 MHz receive filter on the XB-200 transverter expansion board.

       • xb 300 enable

         Enables  and  configures  the  use of GPIOs to interact with the XB-300.  The PA and LNA
         will disabled by default.

       • xb 300 lna on

         Enables the RX LNA on the XB-300.  LED  D1  (green)  is  illuminated  when  the  LNA  is
         enabled, and off when it is disabled.

       • xb 300 pa off

         Disables  the TX PA on the XB-300.  LED D2 (blue) is illuminated when the PA is enabled,
         and off when it is disabled.

       Usage: mimo [master | slave]

       Modify device MIMO operation.

       IMPORTANT: This command is deprecated and has been  superseded  by  "print/set  smb_mode".
       For usage text, run: “set smb_mode”

       Usage: open [device identifiers]

       Open  the specified device for use with successive commands.  Any previously opened device
       will be closed.

       The general form of the device identifier string is:

       <backend>:[device=<bus>:<addr>] [instance=<n>] [serial=<serial>]

       See the bladerf_open() documentation in  libbladeRF  for  the  complete  device  specifier

       Usage: peek <rfic|pll|dac|lms|si> <address> [num_addresses]

       The peek command can read any of the devices hanging off the FPGA.  This includes the:

       • bladeRF 1: LMS6002D transceiver, VCTCXO trim DAC, Si5338 clock generator

       • bladeRF 2: AD9361 transceiver, VCTCXO trim DAC, ADF4002 frequency synthesizer

       If  num_addresses  is  supplied,  the  address  is  incremented  by  1 and another peek is
       performed for that many addresses.

       Valid Address Ranges:

       Device   Address Range
         rfic   0 to 0x3F7 (1015)
          pll   0 to 3
          dac   0 to 255
          lms   0 to 127
           si   0 to 255


       • peek si ...

       Usage: poke <rfic|pll|dac|lms|si> <address> <data>

       The poke command can write any of the devices hanging off the FPGA.  This includes the:

       • bladeRF 1: LMS6002D transceiver, VCTCXO trim DAC, Si5338 clock generator

       • bladeRF 2: AD9361 transceiver, VCTCXO trim DAC, ADF4002 frequency synthesizer

       Valid Address Ranges:

       Device   Address Range
         rfic   0 to 0x3F7 (1015)

          pll   0 to 3
          dac   0 to 255
          lms   0 to 127
           si   0 to 255


       • poke lms ...

       Usage: print [parameter]

       The print command takes a parameter to print.  Available parameters are listed below.   If
       no parameter is specified, all parameters are printed.

       Common parameters:

            Parameter   Description
            bandwidth   Bandwidth settings
            frequency   Frequency settings
                  agc   Automatic gain control
             loopback   Loopback settings
               rx_mux   FPGA RX FIFO input mux setting
                 gain   Gain settings
           samplerate   Samplerate settings
              trimdac   VCTCXO Trim DAC settings
          tuning_mode   Tuning mode settings
             hardware   Low-level hardware status

       BladeRF1-only parameters:

            Parameter   Description
                 gpio   FX3 <-> FPGA GPIO state
              lnagain   RX LNA gain, in dB (deprecated)
               rxvga1   RXVGA1 gain, in dB (deprecated)
               rxvga2   RXVGA2 gain, in dB (deprecated)
               txvga1   TXVGA1 gain, in dB (deprecated)
               txvga2   TXVGA2 gain, in dB (deprecated)
             sampling   External or internal sampling mode
             smb_mode   SMB clock port mode of operation
         vctcxo_tamer   Current VCTCXO tamer mode
              xb_gpio   Expansion board GPIO values
          xb_gpio_dir   Expansion board GPIO direction (1=output, 0=input)

       BladeRF2-only parameters:

            Parameter   Description
            clock_sel   System clock selection
            clock_out   Clock output selection
                 rssi   Received signal strength indication
            clock_ref   ADF4002 chip status
           refin_freq   ADF4002 reference clock frequency
              biastee   Current bias-tee status
               filter   RFIC FIR filter selection

       Usage: probe [strict]

       Search for attached bladeRF device and print a list of results.

       Without specifying strict, the lack of any available devices is not considered an error.

       When provided the optional strict argument, this command will treat the situation where no
       devices are found as an error, causing scripts or lists of commands provided  via  the  -e
       command line argument to terminate immediately.

       Usage: quit

       Exit the CLI.

       Usage: recover [<bus> <address> <firmware file>]

       Load  firmware  onto a device running in bootloader mode, or list all devices currently in
       bootloader mode.

       With no arguments, this command lists the  USB  bus  and  address  for  FX3-based  devices
       running in bootloader mode.

       When  provided  a  bus, address, and path to a firmware file, the specified device will be
       loaded with and begin executing the provided firmware.

       In most cases, after successfully loading firmware into the  device’s  RAM,  users  should
       open  the  device  with  the “open” command, and write the firmware to flash via “load fx3
       <firmware file>”

       Usage: run <script>

       Run the provided script.

       Usage: rx <start | stop | wait | config [param=val [param=val [...]]>

       Receive IQ samples and write them to the specified  file.   Reception  is  controlled  and
       configured by one of the following:

            Command   Description
              start   Start receiving samples
               stop   Stop receiving samples
               wait   Wait  for  sample  transmission  to  complete, or until a
                      specified amount of time elapses
             config   Configure  sample  reception.   If  no   parameters   are
                      provided, the current parameters are printed.

       Running rx without any additional commands is valid shorthand for rx config.

       The wait command takes an optional timeout parameter.  This parameter defaults to units of
       milliseconds (ms).  The timeout unit may be specified using the ms or s suffixes.  If this
       parameter  is  not provided, the command will wait until the reception completes or Ctrl-C
       is pressed.

       Configuration parameters take the form param=value, and may be specified in  a  single  or
       multiple rx config invocations.  Below is a list of available parameters.

              Parameter   Description
                      n   Number of samples to receive.  0 = inf.
                   file   Filename to write received samples to
                 format   Output file format.  One of the following:
                          csv: CSV of SC16 Q11 samples
                          bin: Raw SC16 Q11 DAC samples
                samples   Number   of   samples   per  buffer  to  use  in  the
                          asynchronous stream.  Must be divisible by  1024  and
                          >= 1024.
                buffers   Number  of  sample buffers to use in the asynchronous
                          stream.  The min value is 4.
                  xfers   Number  of  simultaneous  transfers  to   allow   the
                          asynchronous stream to use.  This should be less than
                          the buffers parameter.
                timeout   Data stream timeout.  With  no  suffix,  the  default
                          unit  is  ms.   The  default  value is 1000 ms (1 s).
                          Valid suffixes are ms and s.
                channel   Comma-delimited list of physical RF channels to use


       • rx config file=/tmp/data.bin format=bin n=10K

         Receive (10240 = 10 * 1024) samples, writing them to /tmp/data.bin  in  the  binary  DAC

       • rx config file=mimo.csv format=csv n=32768 channel=1,2

         Receive  32768  samples from RX1 and RX2, outputting them to a file named mimo.csv, with
         four columns (RX1 I, RX1 Q, RX2 I, RX2 Q).


       • The n, samples, buffers, and xfers parameters support the suffixes K, M,  and  G,  which
         are multiples of 1024.

       • An  rx stop followed by an rx start will result in the samples file being truncated.  If
         this is not desired, be sure to run rx config to set another file before restarting  the
         rx stream.

       • For  higher  sample  rates, it is advised that the binary output format be used, and the
         output file be written to RAM  (e.g. /tmp,  /dev/shm),  if  space  allows.   For  larger
         captures at higher sample rates, consider using an SSD instead of a HDD.

       • The   CSV  format  produces  two  columns  per  channel,  with  the  first  two  columns
         corresponding to the I,Q  pair  for  the  first  channel  configured  with  the  channel
         parameter;  the  next two columns corresponding to the I,Q of the second channel, and so

       Usage: trigger [<trigger> <tx | rx> [<off slave master fire>]]

       If used without parameters, this command prints the state of all triggers.  When and <tx |
       rx> and supplied, the specified trigger is printed.

       Below are the available options for :

             Trigger   Description
               J71-4   Trigger  signal  is on mini_exp1 (bladeRF x40/x115, J71,
                       pin 4).
               J51-1   Trigger signal is  on  mini_exp1  (bladeRF  xA4/xA5/xA9,
                       J51, pin 1).
           Miniexp-1   Trigger signal is on mini_exp1, hardware-independent

       Note  that  all  three  of  the  above options map to the same logical port on all devices
       (mini_exp[1]).  Multiple options are provided for reverse compatibility and clarity.

       The trigger is controlled and configured by providing the last argument, which may be  one
       of the following:

            Command   Description
                off   Clears fire request and disables trigger functionality.
              slave   Configures  trigger  as  slave,  clears fire request, and
                      arms the device.
             master   Configures trigger as master, clears  fire  request,  and
                      arms the device.
               fire   Sets fire request.  Only applicable to the master.

       A  trigger  chain consists of a single or multiple bladeRF units and may contain TX and RX
       modules.  If multiple bladeRF units are used they need to  be  connected  via  the  signal
       specified by and a common ground.

       The following sequence of commands should be used to ensure proper synchronization.  It is
       assumed that all triggers are off initially.

       1. Configure designated trigger master


           Never configure two devices as trigger masters on a single chain.  Contention  on  the
           same signal could damage the devices.

       2. Configure all other devices as trigger slaves

       3. Configure and start transmit or receive streams.

           The  operation  will  stall  until  the  triggers  fire.   As such, sufficiently large
           timeouts should be used to allow the trigger signal to be emitted by  the  master  and
           received by the slaves prior to libbladeRF returning BLADERF_ERR_TIMEOUT.

       4. Set fire-request on master trigger

           All devices will synchronously start transmitting or receiving data.

       5. Finish the transmit and receive tasks as usual

       6. Re-configure the master and slaves to clear fire requests and re-arm.

           Steps 1 through 5 may be repeated as necessary.

       7. Disable triggering on all slaves

       8. Disable triggering on master


       • Synchronizing  transmitters  and  receivers on a single chain will cause an offset of 11
         samples between TX and RX; these  samples  should  be  discarded.   This  is  caused  by
         different processing pipeline lengths of TX and RX.  This value might change if the FPGA
         code is updated in the future.

       Usage: tx <start | stop | wait | config [parameters]>

       Read IQ samples from the specified file and transmit them.  Transmission is controlled and
       configured by one of the following:

            Command   Description
              start   Start transmitting samples
               stop   Stop transmitting samples
               wait   Wait  for  sample  transmission  to  complete, or until a
                      specified amount of time elapses
             config   Configure sample  transmission.   If  no  parameters  are
                      provided, the current parameters are printed.

       Running tx without any additional commands is valid shorthand for tx config.

       The wait command takes an optional timeout parameter.  This parameter defaults to units of
       milliseconds (ms).  The timeout unit may be specified using the ms or s suffixes.  If this
       parameter is not provided, the command will wait until the transmission completes or Ctrl-
       C is pressed.

       Configuration parameters take the form param=value, and may be specified in  a  single  or
       multiple tx config invocations.  Below is a list of available parameters.

              Parameter   Description
                   file   Filename to read samples from
                 format   Input file format.  One of the following:
                          csv: CSV of SC16 Q11 samples ([-2048, 2047])
                          bin: Raw SC16 Q11 DAC samples ([-2048, 2047])
                 repeat   The  number  of  times  the  file  contents should be
                          transmitted.  0 implies repeat until stopped.
                  delay   The  number  of   microseconds   to   delay   between
                          retransmitting file contents.  0 implies no delay.
                samples   Number   of   samples   per  buffer  to  use  in  the
                          asynchronous stream.  Must be divisible by  1024  and
                          >= 1024.
                buffers   Number  of  sample buffers to use in the asynchronous
                          stream.  The min value is 4.
                  xfers   Number  of  simultaneous  transfers  to   allow   the
                          asynchronous  stream  to  use.   This should be < the
                          buffers parameter.

                timeout   Data stream timeout.  With  no  suffix,  the  default
                          unit  is  ms.   The  default  value is 1000 ms (1 s).
                          Valid suffixes are `ms' and `s'.
                channel   Comma-delimited list of physical RF channels to use


       • tx config file=data.bin format=bin repeat=2 delay=250000

         Transmitting  the  contents  of  data.bin  two  times,  with  a  ~250ms  delay   between

       • tx config file=mimo.csv format=csv repeat=0 channel=1,2

         Transmitting  the  contents  of  mimo.csv repeatedly, with the first channel in the file
         mapped to channel TX1 and the second channel mapped to TX2.


       • The n, samples, buffers, and xfers parameters support the suffixes K, M,  and  G,  which
         are multiples of 1024.

       • For  higher sample rates, it is advised that the input file be stored in RAM (e.g. /tmp,
         /dev/shm) or on an SSD, rather than a HDD.

       • The CSV format expects two columns per channel, with the first two columns corresponding
         to  the  I,Q  pair for the first channel configured with the channel parameter; the next
         two columns corresponding to the I,Q of the second channel, and so on.  For example,  in
         the  mimo.csv  example  above,  -128,128,-256,256  would  transmit (-128,128) on TX1 and
         (-256,256) on TX2.

       • When providing CSV data, this command will first convert it to a binary  format,  stored
         in  a  file  in the current working directory.  During this process, out-of-range values
         will be clamped.

       • When using a binary format, the user is responsible for ensuring that the provided  data
         values  are  within  the  allowed range.  This prerequisite alleviates the need for this
         program to perform range checks in time-sensitive callbacks.

       Usage: set <parameter> <arguments>

       The set command takes a parameter and an arbitrary number of arguments for that particular
       parameter.  In general, set <parameter> will display more help for that parameter.

       Common parameters:

            Parameter   Description
            bandwidth   Bandwidth settings
            frequency   Frequency settings
                  agc   Automatic gain control
             loopback   Loopback settings
               rx_mux   FPGA RX FIFO input mux mode
                 gain   Gain settings
           samplerate   Samplerate settings
              trimdac   VCTCXO Trim DAC settings
          tuning_mode   Tuning mode settings

       BladeRF1-only parameters:

            Parameter   Description
                 gpio   FX3 <-> FPGA GPIO state
              lnagain   RX LNA gain, in dB.  Values: 0, 3, 6 (deprecated)
               rxvga1   RXVGA1 gain, in dB.  Range: [5, 30] (deprecated)
               rxvga2   RXVGA2 gain, in dB.  Range: [0, 30] (deprecated)
               txvga1   TXVGA1 gain, in dB.  Range: [-35, -4] (deprecated)
               txvga2   TXVGA2 gain, in dB.  Range: [0, 25] (deprecated)
             sampling   External or internal sampling mode
             smb_mode   SMB clock port mode of operation
         vctcxo_tamer   VCTCXO tamer mode.  Options: Disabled, 1PPS, 10MHz

              xb_gpio   Expansion board GPIO values
          xb_gpio_dir   Expansion board GPIO direction (1=output, 0=input)

       BladeRF2-only parameters:

            Parameter   Description
            clock_sel   System clock selection
            clock_out   Clock output selection
                 rssi   Received signal strength indication
            clock_ref   Enables (1) or disables (0) the ADF4002 chip
           refin_freq   ADF4002 reference clock frequency
              biastee   Enables or disables the bias tee on a given channel
               filter   RFIC FIR filter selection

       Usage: version

       Prints version information for host software and the current device.


       $ bladeRF-cli -l hostedx40.rbf

              Loads an FPGA image named hostedx40.rbf onto the bladeRF's FPGA.

              Note: The FPGA image loaded with --load-fpga will be lost on power-off.

       $ bladeRF-cli -f firmware.img

              Flashes firmware.img onto the bladeRF's firmware.

       $ bladeRF-cli -L hostedx40.rbf

              Flashes  the  FPGA  image  named  hostedx40.rbf  onto the bladeRF, where it will be
              automatically loaded on power-up.


       This utility was written by the contributors to the bladeRF Project. See the  CONTRIBUTORS
       file for more information.


       Bugs may be reported via the issue tracker at


       Copyright © 2013-2015 Nuand LLC.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       the GNU General Public License as  published  by  the  Free  Software  Foundation;  either
       version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

       This  program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
       without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR  PURPOSE.
       See the GNU General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
       if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,  51  Franklin  Street,  Fifth  Floor,
       Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


       More documentation is available at and