Provided by: libfst-tools_1.7.9-4ubuntu1_amd64
fstprint - print an FST in simple text format
fstprint [OPTIONS] [binary.fst [text.fst]]
Prints out binary FSTs in simple text format.
Boolean options accept either true or false as a value, or the implicit value true if neither value is specified. --acceptor[=BOOLEAN] Input in acceptor format. Default: false. --allow_negative_labels[=BOOLEAN] Allow negative labels (not recommended; may cause conflicts). Default: false. --fst_align[=BOOLEAN] Write FST data aligned where appropriate. Default: false. --fst_compat_symbols[=BOOLEAN] Require symbol tables to match when appropriate. Default: true. --fst_default_cache_gc[=BOOLEAN] Enable garbage collection of cache. Default: true. --fst_default_cache_gc_limit=N Set the cache byte size that triggers garbage collection. Default: 1048576. --fst_error_fatal[=BOOLEAN] If true, FST errors are fatal. Otherwise, returned objects are flagged as bad. For example, FSTs are returned with the kError property set to true, and FST weights set so that Member() returns false. Default: true. --fst_field_separator=STRING Set the characters used as a separator between printed fields. Default: " ". --fst_read_mode=STRING Set the default file reading mode for mappable files, either "read" or "map". Default: "read". --fst_verify_properties[=BOOLEAN] Verify fst properties queried by TestProperties. Default: false. --fst_weight_parentheses=STRING Set the characters enclosing the first weight of a printed composite weight (e.g., pair weight, tuple weight, and derived classes) to ensure proper I/O of nested composite weights. Must have size 0 (none) or 2 (open and close parenthesis). Default: no parentheses. --fst_weight_separator=CHARACTER Set the character separator between printed composite weights. Default: comma. --help[=BOOLEAN] Show usage information. Default: false. --helpshort[=BOOLEAN] Show brief usage information. Default: false. --isymbols=FILENAME Set the input label symbol table. Default: "". --missing-symbol=CHARACTER Symbol to print when lookup fails. Default: raise an error. --numeric[=BOOLEAN] Print numeric labels. Default: false. --osymbols=FILENAME Set the output label symbol table. Default: "". --save_isymbols=FILENAME Save the input symbol table to a file. Default: do not write a table. --save_osymbols=FILENAME Save the output symbol table to a file. Default: do not write a table. --save_relabel_ipairs=FILENAME Save input relabel pairs to file. Default: do not save. --save_relabel_opairs=FILENAME Save output relabel pairs to file. Default: do not save. --show_weight_one[=BOOLEAN] Print/draw arc weights and final weights equal to semiring One. Default: false. --ssymbols=FILENAME Set the state label symbol table. Default: "". --tmpdir=PATHNAME Set the temporary directory to use. Default: /tmp. --v[=N] Set the verbosity level. Default: 0.
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