Provided by: linuxcnc-uspace_2.9.0~pre0+git20220402.2500863908-4build1_amd64 bug


       halcmd - manipulate the LinuxCNC HAL from the command line


       halcmd [OPTIONS] [COMMAND [ARG]]


       halcmd  is  used to manipulate the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) from the command line.
       halcmd can optionally read commands from a file, allowing complex HAL configurations to be
       set up with a single command.

       If  the  readline  library  is  available  when  LinuxCNC  is compiled, then halcmd offers
       commandline editing and completion when running interactively.  Use the up arrow to recall
       previous commands, and press tab to complete the names of items such as pins and signals.


       -I     Before  tearing  down  the realtime environment, run an interactive halcmd.  halrun
              only.  If -I is used, it must precede all other commandline arguments.

       -f [file]
              Ignore commands on command line, take input from file  instead.   If  file  is  not
              specified, take input from stdin.

       -i inifile
              Use variables from inifile for substitutions.  See SUBSTITUTION below.

       -k     Keep  going  after failed command(s).  The default is to stop and return failure if
              any command fails.

       -q     display errors only (default)

       -Q     display nothing, execute commands silently

       -s     Script-friendly mode.  In this mode, show will not  output  titles  for  the  items
              shown.   Also,  module names will be printed instead of ID codes in pin, param, and
              funct listings.  Threads are printed on a single line, with the thread  period,  FP
              usage  and name first, followed by all of the functions in the thread, in execution
              order.  Signals are printed on a single line, with the type, value, and signal name
              first,  followed  by  a  list  of  pins  connected  to the signal, showing both the
              direction and the pin name.

       -R     Release the HAL mutex.  This is useful for recovering  when  a  HAL  component  has
              crashed while holding the HAL mutex.

       -v     display results of each command

       -V     display lots of debugging junk

       -h [command]
              display a help screen and exit, displays extended help on command if specified


       Commands  tell halcmd what to do.  Normally halcmd reads a single command from the command
       line and executes it.  If the '-f' option is used to read commands  from  a  file,  halcmd
       reads  each  line  of  the  file  as a new command.  Anything following '#' on a line is a

       loadrt modname
              (load realtime module)  Loads a realtime HAL module called modname.   halcmd  looks
              for the module in a directory specified at compile time.

              In  systems with realtime, halcmd calls the linuxcnc_module_helper to load realtime
              modules.  linuxcnc_module_helper is  a  setuid  program  and  is  compiled  with  a
              whitelist  of  modules  it  is  allowed  to load.  This is currently just a list of
              LinuxCNC-related modules.  The linuxcnc_module_helper execs insmod, so return codes
              and  error  messages  are  those  from insmod.  Administrators who wish to restrict
              which users can load these LinuxCNC-related kernel modules can do this  by  setting
              the permissions and group on linuxcnc_module_helper appropriately.

              In  systems without realtime halcmd calls the rtapi_app which creates the simulated
              realtime environment if it  did  not  yet  exist,  and  then  loads  the  requested
              component with a call to dlopen(3).

       unloadrt modname
              (unload realtime module)  Unloads a realtime HAL module called modname.  If modname
              is "all", it will unload all currently loaded realtime HAL modules.  unloadrt  also
              works by execing linuxcnc_module_helper or rtapi_app, just like loadrt.

       loadusr [flags] unix-command
              (load  Userspace  component)  Executes  the  given  unix-command, usually to load a
              userspace component.  [flags] may be one or more of:

              •   -W to wait for the component to become ready.  The component is assumed to have
                  the same name as the first argument of the command.

              •   -Wn name to wait for the component, which will have the given name.

              •   -w to wait for the program to exit

              •   -i to ignore the program return value (with -w)

       waitusr name
              (wait  for  Userspace  component) Waits for user space component name to disconnect
              from HAL (usually on exit).  The component must already be loaded.  Useful near the
              end  of  a  HAL  file  to  wait until the user closes some user interface component
              before cleaning up and exiting.

       unloadusr compname
              (unload Userspace component)  Unloads a userspace component  called  compname.   If
              compname  is  "all",  it  will unload all userspace components.  unloadusr works by
              sending SIGTERM to all userspace components.

       unload compname
              Unloads a userspace component or realtime module.  If compname is  "all",  it  will
              unload all userspace components and realtime modules.

       newsig signame type
              (OBSOLETE  -  use net instead) (new signal) Creates a new HAL signal called signame
              that may later be used to connect two or more HAL component pins.  type is the data
              type  of the new signal, and must be one of "bit", "s32", "u32", or "float".  Fails
              if a signal of the same name already exists.

       delsig signame
              (delete signal)  Deletes HAL signal signame.  Any  pins  currently  linked  to  the
              signal will be unlinked.  Fails if signame does not exist.

       sets signame value
              (set signal)  Sets the value of signal signame to value.  Fails if signame does not
              exist, if it already has a writer, or if value is not a legal value.  Legal  values
              depend on the signals's type.

       stype name
              (signal  type)   Gets  the  type of signal name.  Fails if name does not exist as a

       gets signame
              (get signal)  Gets the value of signal signame.  Fails if signame does not exist.

       linkps pinname [arrow] signame
              (OBSOLETE - use net instead) (link pin to signal) Establishes a link between a  HAL
              component  pin pinname and a HAL signal signame.  Any previous link to pinname will
              be broken.  arrow can be "=>", "<=", "<=>", or omitted.  halcmd ignores arrows, but
              they can be useful in command files to document the direction of data flow.  Arrows
              should not be used on the command line since the shell might try to interpret them.
              Fails if either pinname or signame does not exist, or if they are not the same type

       linksp signame [arrow] pinname
              (OBSOLETE - use net instead) (link signal to pin) Works like  linkps  but  reverses
              the  order  of  the  arguments.  halcmd treats both link commands exactly the same.
              Use whichever you prefer.

       linkpp pinname1 [arrow] pinname2
              (OBSOLETE - use net instead) (link pin to pin) Shortcut for linkps that creates the
              signal  (named  like  the  first pin), then links them both to that signal.  halcmd
              treats this just as if it were:
                 halcmd newsig pinname1
                 halcmd linksp pinname1 pinname1
                 halcmd linksp pinname1 pinname2

       net signame pinname ...
              Create signname to match the type of pinname if it does not yet exist.  Then,  link
              signame  to  each pinname in turn.  Arrows may be used as in linkps. When linking a
              pin to a signal for the first time, the signal value will inherit the pin's default

       unlinkp pinname
              (unlink  pin)   Breaks  any  previous  link  to pinname.  Fails if pinname does not
              exist. An unlinked pin will retain the last value of the signal it was linked to.

       setp name value
              (set parameter or pin)  Sets the value of parameter or pin name to value.  Fails if
              name  does  not  exist  as  a  pin  or  parameter, if it is a parameter that is not
              writable, if it is a pin that is an output, if it is a pin that is already attached
              to  a signal, or if value is not a legal value.  Legal values depend on the type of
              the pin or parameter.  If a pin and a parameter both exist with the given name, the
              parameter is acted on.

       paramname = value

       pinname = value
              Identical  to  setp.  This alternate form of the command may be more convenient and
              readable when used in a file.

       ptype name
              (parameter or pin type)  Gets the type of parameter or pin  name.   Fails  if  name
              does not exist as a pin or parameter.  If a pin and a parameter both exist with the
              given name, the parameter is acted on.

       getp name
              (get parameter or pin)  Gets the value of parameter or pin  name.   Fails  if  name
              does not exist as a pin or parameter.  If a pin and a parameter both exist with the
              given name, the parameter is acted on.

       addf functname threadname
              (add function)  Adds function functname to realtime thread  threadname.   functname
              will  run  after  any functions that were previously added to the thread.  Fails if
              either functname or threadname does not exist, or if they are incompatible.

       delf functname threadname
              (delete function)  Removes function  functname  from  realtime  thread  threadname.
              Fails  if  either  functname  or  threadname does not exist, or if functname is not
              currently part of threadname.

       start  Starts execution of realtime threads.  Each thread periodically calls  all  of  the
              functions  that  were added to it with the addf command, in the order in which they
              were added.

       stop   Stops execution of realtime  threads.   The  threads  will  no  longer  call  their

       show [item]
              Prints  HAL  items  to  stdout in human readable format.  item can be one of "comp"
              (components), "pin", "sig" (signals), "param"  (parameters),  "funct"  (functions),
              "thread", or "alias".  The type "all" can be used to show matching items of all the
              preceding types.  If item is omitted, show will print everything.

       item   This is equivalent to show all [item].

       save [item]
              Prints HAL items to stdout in the form of HAL  commands.   These  commands  can  be
              redirected  to  a  file  and  later  executed  using halcmd -f to restore the saved
              configuration.  item can be one of the following:

              "comp" generates a loadrt command for realtime component.

              "alias" generates an alias command for each pin or parameter alias pairing

              "sig" (or "signal")  generates  a  newsig  command  for  each  signal,  and  "sigu"
              generates a newsig command for each unlinked signal (for use with netl and netla).

              "link"  and  "linka"  both  generate linkps commands for each link. (linka includes
              arrows, while link does not.)

               "net" and "neta" both generate one newsig command for  each  signal,  followed  by
              linksp commands for each pin linked to that signal.  (neta includes arrows.)

              "netl"  generates  one net command for each linked signal, and "netla" (or "netal")
              generates a similar command using arrows.

              "param" (or "parameter) "generates one setp command for each parameter.

              "thread" generates one addf command for each function in each realtime thread.

              "unconnectedinpins generates a setp command for each unconnected hal input pin.

              If item is allu), save does the equivalent of  comp,  alias,  sigu,  netla,  param,
              thread, and unconnectedinpins.

              If  item is omitted (or all), save does the equivalent of comp, alias, sigu, netla,
              param, and thread.

       source  filename.hal
              Execute the commands from filename.hal.

       alias type name alias
              Assigns "alias" as a second name  for  the  pin  or  parameter  "name".   For  most
              operations,  an  alias provides a second name that can be used to refer to a pin or
              parameter, both the original name and the alias will work.
                 "type" must be pin or param.
                 "name" must be an existing name or alias of the specified type.  Note  that  the
              "show"  command  will  only  show  the aliased name, but the original name is still
              valid to use in HAL. The original names can still be seen with "show all" or  "show
              alias" Existing nets will be preserved when a pin name is aliased.

       unalias type alias
              Removes any alias from the pin or parameter alias.
                "type" must be pin or param
                "alias" must be an existing name or alias of the specified type.

       list type [pattern]
                Prints the names of HAL items of the specified type.
                'type' is 'comp', 'pin', 'sig', 'param', 'funct', or
                'thread'.  If 'pattern' is specified it prints only
                those names that match the pattern, which may be a
                'shell glob'.
                For 'sig', 'pin' and 'param', the first pattern may be
                -tdatatype where datatype is the data type (e.g., 'float')
                in this case, the listed pins, signals, or parameters
                are restricted to the given data type
                Names are printed on a single line, space separated.

       print [message]
                Prints the filename, linenumber and an optional message.
                wrap the message in quotes if it has spaces.

       lock [all|tune|none]
                Locks HAL to some degree.
                none - no locking done.
                tune - some tuning is possible (setp & such).
                all  - HAL completely locked.

       unlock [all|tune]
                Unlocks HAL to some degree.
                tune - some tuning is possible (setp & such).
                all  - HAL completely unlocked.

       status [type]
                Prints status info about HAL.
                'type' is 'lock', 'mem', or 'all'.
                If 'type' is omitted, it assumes 'all'.

       debug [level]
                Sets the rtapi messaging level (see man3 rtapi_set_msg_level)

       help [command]
                Give help information for command.
                If 'command' is omitted, list command and brief description


       After  a command is read but before it is executed, several types of variable substitution
       take place.

   Environment Variables
       Environment variables have the following formats:

              $ENVVAR followed by end-of-line or whitespace


   Inifile Variables
       Inifile variables are available only when an inifile was  specified  with  the  halcmd  -i
       flag.  They have the following formats:

              [SECTION]VAR followed by end-of-line or whitespace



       The backslash character (\) may be used to indicate the line is extended to the next line.
       The backslash character must be the last character before the newline.




       None known at this time.


       Original version by John Kasunich, as part of the LinuxCNC project.   Now  includes  major
       contributions by several members of the project.


       Report bugs to the LinuxCNC bug tracker ⟨⟩.


       Copyright © 2003 John Kasunich.
       This  is  free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO warranty; not


       halrun(1) -- a convenience script to start a realtime environment, process  a  .hal  or  a
       .tcl  file,  and  optionally  start an interactive command session using halcmd (described
       here) or haltcl(1).