Provided by: heudiconv_0.11.3-1_all bug


       heudiconv  -  DICOM  converter for organizing brain imaging data into structured directory


       usage: heudiconv [-h] [--version]

              [-d  DICOM_DIR_TEMPLATE  |   --files   [FILES   ...]]    [-s   [SUBJS   ...]]   [-c
              {dcm2niix,none}]  [-o  OUTDIR]  [-l LOCATOR] [-a CONV_OUTDIR] [--anon-cmd ANON_CMD]
              [-f  HEURISTIC]  [-p]  [-ss   SESSION]   [-b   [BIDSOPTION1   [BIDSOPTION2   ...]]]
              [--overwrite]              [--datalad]              [--dbg]              [--command
              [-g {studyUID,accession_number,all,custom}] [--minmeta] [--random-seed RANDOM_SEED]
              [--dcmconfig DCMCONFIG] [-q {SLURM,None}] [--queue-args QUEUE_ARGS]

       Example: heudiconv -d 'rawdata/{subject}' -o . -f -s s1 s2 s3

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

              show program's version number and exit

       -d DICOM_DIR_TEMPLATE, --dicom_dir_template DICOM_DIR_TEMPLATE
              Location of dicomdir that can be indexed with  subject  id  {subject}  and  session
              {session}.  Tarballs  (can  be  compressed) are supported in addition to directory.
              All matching tarballs for a subject are extracted and their content processed in  a
              single  pass.  If  multiple  tarballs  are  found, each is assumed to be a separate
              session and the --ses argument is ignored. Note that you might need to surround the
              value with quotes to avoid {...} being considered by shell

       --files [FILES ...]
              Files  (tarballs,  dicoms)  or  directories  containing files to process. Cannot be
              provided if using --dicom_dir_template.

       -s [SUBJS ...], --subjects [SUBJS ...]
              List of subjects - required for dicom template. If not provided, DICOMS would first
              be "sorted" and subject IDs deduced by the heuristic.

       -c {dcm2niix,none}, --converter {dcm2niix,none}
              Tool  to use for DICOM conversion. Setting to "none" disables the actual conversion
              step -- useful for testing heuristics.

       -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
              Output directory  for  conversion  setup  (for  further  customization  and  future
              reference. This directory will refer to non-anonymized subject IDs.

       -l LOCATOR, --locator LOCATOR
              Study  path  under  outdir.  If  provided,  it  overloads the value provided by the
              heuristic. If --datalad is  enabled,  every  directory  within  locator  becomes  a
              super-dataset  thus  establishing  a hierarchy. Setting to "unknown" will skip that

       -a CONV_OUTDIR, --conv-outdir CONV_OUTDIR
              Output directory for converted files. By default this  is  identical  to  --outdir.
              This option is most useful in combination with --anon-cmd.

       --anon-cmd ANON_CMD
              Command  to  run  to  convert  subject  IDs used for DICOMs to anonymized IDs. Such
              command must take a single argument and return a single  anonymized  ID.  Also  see

       -f HEURISTIC, --heuristic HEURISTIC
              Name of a known heuristic or path to the Python script containing heuristic.

       -p, --with-prov
              Store additional provenance information. Requires python-rdflib.

       -ss SESSION, --ses SESSION
              Session for longitudinal study_sessions. Default is None.

       -b [BIDSOPTION1 [BIDSOPTION2 ...]], --bids [BIDSOPTION1 [BIDSOPTION2 ...]]
              Flag  for  output  into  BIDS structure. Can also take BIDS-specific options, e.g.,
              --bids notop. The only currently supported options is "notop", which skips creation
              of  top-level  BIDS  files.  This  is  useful when running in batch mode to prevent
              possible race conditions.

              Overwrite existing converted files.

              Store the entire collection as DataLad dataset(s).  Small files will  be  committed
              directly  to  git, while large to annex. New version (6) of annex repositories will
              be used in a "thin" mode so it would look to mortals  as  just  any  other  regular
              directory (i.e. no symlinks to under .git/annex). For now just for BIDS mode.

       --dbg  Do not catch exceptions and show exception traceback.

              Custom action to be performed on provided files instead of regular operation.

       -g                    {studyUID,accession_number,all,custom},                   --grouping
              How to group dicoms (default: by studyUID).

              Exclude dcmstack meta information in sidecar jsons.

       --random-seed RANDOM_SEED
              Random seed to initialize RNG.

       --dcmconfig DCMCONFIG
              JSON file for additional dcm2niix configuration.

   Conversion submission options:
       -q {SLURM,None}, --queue {SLURM,None}
              Batch system to submit jobs in parallel.

       --queue-args QUEUE_ARGS
              Additional  queue  arguments  passed  as  a  single   string   of   space-separated
              Argument=Value pairs.