Provided by: ipmctl_03.00.00.0439-1_amd64
ipmctl-show-cap - Shows the current Command Access Policy restrictions.
ipmctl show [OPTIONS] -cap [TARGETS]
Shows the current Command Access Policy restrictions. This is a list of Opcode:SubOpcode and the corresponding mailboxes the commands are restricted, if any. Each command may be restricted to None, BIOS only, SMBus only, or BIOS and SMBus only. None indicates that Host, BIOS, and SMBus mailbox access is allowed.
-h, -help Displays help for the command. -ddrt Used to specify DDRT as the desired transport protocol for the current invocation of ipmctl. -smbus Used to specify SMBUS as the desired transport protocol for the current invocation of ipmctl. Note The -ddrt and -smbus options are mutually exclusive and may not be used together. -o (text|nvmxml), -output (text|nvmxml) Changes the output format. One of: "text" (default) or "nvmxml".
-dimm [DimmIDs] Restricts output to specific PMem modules by supplying one or more comma separated PMem module identifiers. The default is to display all manageable PMem modules.
Lists restrictions for all PMem modules installed in the system ipmctl show -cap Lists restrictions for PMem module 0x1001 ipmctl show -dimm 0x1001 -cap
In order to successfully execute this command: • The caller must have the appropriate privileges. • The specified PMem modules must be manageable by the host software.
The default behavior is to return a table which indicates the restrictions enforced by Command Access Policy (CAP). DimmID The default display of PMem module identifiers. One of: • UID: Use the DimmUID attribute as defined in the command [Show Dimm]. • HANDLE: Use the DimmHandle attribute as defined in the command [Show Dimm]. This is the default. Opcode The Opcode for a command. SubOpcode The SubOpcode for a command. Restriction Text describing which mailboxes are restricted for Opcode:SubOpcode combination. One of: • None • BIOS only • SMBus only • BIOS and SMBus only • Management only • Management and BIOS only • Management and SMBus only • Management, BIOS and SMBus only • Unsupported