Provided by: lf_27-2_amd64 bug


       lf - terminal file manager


       lf [-command command] [-config path] [-cpuprofile path] [-doc] [-last-dir-path path]
          [-log path] [-memprofile path] [-remote command] [-selection-path path] [-server]
          [-single] [-version] [-help] [cd-or-select-path]


       lf is a terminal file manager.

       Source code can be found in the repository at

       This  documentation  can  either  be  read  from  terminal  using  'lf  -doc' or online at You can also use 'doc' command (default '<f-1>')
       inside  lf  to view the documentation in a pager. A man page with the same content is also
       available in the repository at

       You can run 'lf -help' to see descriptions of command line options.


       The following commands are provided by lf:

           quit                     (default 'q')
           up                       (default 'k' and '<up>')
           half-up                  (default '<c-u>')
           page-up                  (default '<c-b>' and '<pgup>')
           scroll-up                (default '<c-y>')
           down                     (default 'j' and '<down>')
           half-down                (default '<c-d>')
           page-down                (default '<c-f>' and '<pgdn>')
           scroll-down              (default '<c-e>')
           updir                    (default 'h' and '<left>')
           open                     (default 'l' and '<right>')
           jump-next                (default ']')
           jump-prev                (default '[')
           top                      (default 'gg' and '<home>')
           bottom                   (default 'G' and '<end>')
           invert                   (default 'v')
           unselect                 (default 'u')
           copy                     (default 'y')
           cut                      (default 'd')
           paste                    (default 'p')
           clear                    (default 'c')
           redraw                   (default '<c-l>')
           reload                   (default '<c-r>')
           delete         (modal)
           rename         (modal)   (default 'r')
           read           (modal)   (default ':')
           shell          (modal)   (default '$')
           shell-pipe     (modal)   (default '%')
           shell-wait     (modal)   (default '!')
           shell-async    (modal)   (default '&')
           find           (modal)   (default 'f')
           find-back      (modal)   (default 'F')
           find-next                (default ';')
           find-prev                (default ',')
           search         (modal)   (default '/')
           search-back    (modal)   (default '?')
           search-next              (default 'n')
           search-prev              (default 'N')
           filter         (modal)
           mark-save      (modal)   (default 'm')
           mark-load      (modal)   (default "'")
           mark-remove    (modal)   (default '"')
           tag-toggle               (default 't')

       The following command line commands are provided by lf:

           cmd-escape               (default '<esc>')
           cmd-complete             (default '<tab>')
           cmd-enter                (default '<c-j>' and '<enter>')
           cmd-interrupt            (default '<c-c>')
           cmd-history-next         (default '<c-n>')
           cmd-history-prev         (default '<c-p>')
           cmd-left                 (default '<c-b>' and '<left>')
           cmd-right                (default '<c-f>' and '<right>')
           cmd-home                 (default '<c-a>' and '<home>')
           cmd-end                  (default '<c-e>' and '<end>')
           cmd-delete               (default '<c-d>' and '<delete>')
           cmd-delete-back          (default '<backspace>' and '<backspace2>')
           cmd-delete-home          (default '<c-u>')
           cmd-delete-end           (default '<c-k>')
           cmd-delete-unix-word     (default '<c-w>')
           cmd-yank                 (default '<c-y>')
           cmd-transpose            (default '<c-t>')
           cmd-transpose-word       (default '<a-t>')
           cmd-word                 (default '<a-f>')
           cmd-word-back            (default '<a-b>')
           cmd-delete-word          (default '<a-d>')
           cmd-capitalize-word      (default '<a-c>')
           cmd-uppercase-word       (default '<a-u>')
           cmd-lowercase-word       (default '<a-l>')

       The following options can be used to customize the behavior of lf:

           anchorfind     bool      (default on)
           autoquit       bool      (default off)
           cleaner        string    (default '')
           dircache       bool      (default on)
           dircounts      bool      (default off)
           dirfirst       bool      (default on)
           dironly        bool      (default off)
           drawbox        bool      (default off)
           errorfmt       string    (default "\033[7;31;47m%s\033[0m")
           filesep        string    (default "\n")
           findlen        int       (default 1)
           globsearch     bool      (default off)
           hidden         bool      (default off)
           hiddenfiles    []string  (default '.*')
           icons          bool      (default off)
           ifs            string    (default '')
           ignorecase     bool      (default on)
           ignoredia      bool      (default on)
           incfilter      bool      (default off)
           incsearch      bool      (default off)
           info           []string  (default '')
           infotimefmtnew string    (default 'Jan _2 15:04')
           infotimefmtold string    (default 'Jan _2  2006')
           mouse          bool      (default off)
           number         bool      (default off)
           period         int       (default 0)
           preview        bool      (default on)
           previewer      string    (default '')
           promptfmt      string    (default "\033[32;1m%u@%h\033[0m:\033[34;1m%d\033[0m\033[1m%f\033[0m")
           ratios         []int     (default '1:2:3')
           relativenumber bool      (default off)
           reverse        bool      (default off)
           scrolloff      int       (default 0)
           shell          string    (default 'sh' for Unix and 'cmd' for Windows)
           shellflag      string    (default '-c' for Unix and '/c' for Windows)
           shellopts      []string  (default '')
           smartcase      bool      (default on)
           smartdia       bool      (default off)
           sortby         string    (default 'natural')
           tabstop        int       (default 8)
           tagfmt         string    (default "\033[31m%s\033[0m")
           tempmarks      string    (default '')
           timefmt        string    (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')
           truncatechar   string    (default '~')
           waitmsg        string    (default 'Press any key to continue')
           wrapscan       bool      (default on)
           wrapscroll     bool      (default off)

       The following environment variables are exported for shell commands:


       The following special shell commands are  used  to  customize  the  behavior  of  lf  when


       The following commands/keybindings are provided by default:

           Unix                     Windows
           cmd open &$OPENER "$f"   cmd open &%OPENER% %f%
           map e $$EDITOR "$f"      map e $%EDITOR% %f%
           map i $$PAGER "$f"       map i !%PAGER% %f%
           map w $$SHELL            map w $%SHELL%

       The following additional keybindings are provided by default:

           map zh set hidden!
           map zr set reverse!
           map zn set info
           map zs set info size
           map zt set info time
           map za set info size:time
           map sn :set sortby natural; set info
           map ss :set sortby size; set info size
           map st :set sortby time; set info time
           map sa :set sortby atime; set info atime
           map sc :set sortby ctime; set info ctime
           map se :set sortby ext; set info
           map gh cd ~
           map <space> :toggle; down


       Configuration files should be located at:

           OS       system-wide               user-specific
           Unix     /etc/lf/lfrc              ~/.config/lf/lfrc
           Windows  C:\ProgramData\lf\lfrc    C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\lf\lfrc

       Colors file should be located at:

           OS       system-wide               user-specific
           Unix     /etc/lf/colors            ~/.config/lf/colors
           Windows  C:\ProgramData\lf\colors  C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\lf\colors

       Icons file should be located at:

           OS       system-wide               user-specific
           Unix     /etc/lf/icons             ~/.config/lf/icons
           Windows  C:\ProgramData\lf\icons   C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\lf\icons

       Selection file should be located at:

           Unix     ~/.local/share/lf/files
           Windows  C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\lf\files

       Marks file should be located at:

           Unix     ~/.local/share/lf/marks
           Windows  C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\lf\marks

       Tags file should be located at:

           Unix     ~/.local/share/lf/tags
           Windows  C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\lf\tags

       History file should be located at:

           Unix     ~/.local/share/lf/history
           Windows  C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\lf\history

       You can configure the default values of following variables to change these locations:

           $XDG_CONFIG_HOME  ~/.config
           $XDG_DATA_HOME    ~/.local/share
           %ProgramData%     C:\ProgramData
           %LOCALAPPDATA%    C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local

       A        sample        configuration        file        can        be       found       at


       This section shows information about builtin commands. Modal  commands  do  not  take  any
       arguments,  but instead change the operation mode to read their input conveniently, and so
       they are meant to be assigned to keybindings.

           quit                     (default 'q')

       Quit lf and return to the shell.

           up                       (default 'k' and '<up>')
           half-up                  (default '<c-u>')
           page-up                  (default '<c-b>' and '<pgup>')
           scroll-up                (default '<c-y>')
           down                     (default 'j' and '<down>')
           half-down                (default '<c-d>')
           page-down                (default '<c-f>' and '<pgdn>')
           scroll-down              (default '<c-e>')

       Move/scroll the current file selection upwards/downwards by one/half a page/full page.

           updir                    (default 'h' and '<left>')

       Change the current working directory to the parent directory.

           open                     (default 'l' and '<right>')

       If the current file is a directory, then change the current directory  to  it,  otherwise,
       execute  the  'open'  command.  A  default  'open' command is provided to call the default
       system opener asynchronously with the current  file  as  the  argument.  A  custom  'open'
       command can be defined to override this default.

           jump-next                (default ']')
           jump-prev                (default '[')

       Change the current working directory to the next/previous jumplist item.

           top                      (default 'gg' and '<home>')
           bottom                   (default 'G' and '<end>')

       Move the current file selection to the top/bottom of the directory.


       Toggle the selection of the current file or files given as arguments.

           invert                   (default 'v')

       Reverse  the  selection  of  all files in the current directory (i.e. 'toggle' all files).
       Selections in other directories are not effected by this command. You  can  define  a  new
       command  to  select all files in the directory by combining 'invert' with 'unselect' (i.e.
       'cmd select-all :unselect; invert'), though this will  also  remove  selections  in  other

           unselect                 (default 'u')

       Remove the selection of all files in all directories.


       Select/unselect files that match the given glob.


       Calculate  the  total  size  for  each  of  the selected directories. Option 'info' should
       include 'size' and option 'dircounts' should be disabled to show this size.

           copy                     (default 'y')

       If there are no selections, save the  path  of  the  current  file  to  the  copy  buffer,
       otherwise, copy the paths of selected files.

           cut                      (default 'd')

       If  there  are  no  selections,  save  the  path  of  the  current file to the cut buffer,
       otherwise, copy the paths of selected files.

           paste                    (default 'p')

       Copy/Move files in copy/cut buffer to the current  working  directory.  A  custom  'paste'
       command can be defined to override this default.

           clear                    (default 'c')

       Clear file paths in copy/cut buffer.


       Synchronize  copied/cut  files  with  server.  This  command  is automatically called when


       Draw the screen. This command is automatically called when required.

           redraw                   (default '<c-l>')

       Synchronize the terminal and redraw the screen.


       Load modified files and directories. This command is automatically called when required.

           reload                   (default '<c-r>')

       Flush the cache and reload all files and directories.


       Print given arguments to the message line at the bottom.


       Print given arguments to the message line at the bottom and also to the log file.


       Print given arguments to the message line at the bottom as 'errorfmt' and also to the  log


       Change the working directory to the given argument.


       Change the current file selection to the given argument.

           delete         (modal)

       Remove  the  current file or selected file(s). A custom 'delete' command can be defined to
       override this default.

           rename         (modal)   (default 'r')

       Rename the current file using the builtin method. A custom 'rename' command can be defined
       to override this default.


       Read the configuration file given in the argument.


       Simulate key pushes given in the argument.

           read           (modal)   (default ':')

       Read a command to evaluate.

           shell          (modal)   (default '$')

       Read a shell command to execute.

           shell-pipe     (modal)   (default '%')

       Read a shell command to execute piping its standard I/O to the bottom statline.

           shell-wait     (modal)   (default '!')

       Read a shell command to execute and wait for a key press in the end.

           shell-async    (modal)   (default '&')

       Read a shell command to execute asynchronously without standard I/O.

           find           (modal)   (default 'f')
           find-back      (modal)   (default 'F')
           find-next                (default ';')
           find-prev                (default ',')

       Read  key(s) to find the appropriate file name match in the forward/backward direction and
       jump to the next/previous match.

           search                   (default '/')
           search-back              (default '?')
           search-next              (default 'n')
           search-prev              (default 'N')

       Read a pattern to search for a file name match in the forward/backward direction and  jump
       to the next/previous match.

           filter         (modal)

       Command  'filter'  reads a pattern to filter out and only view files matching the pattern.
       Command 'setfilter' does the same but uses an argument to set the filter immediately.  You
       can supply an argument to 'filter', in order to use that as the starting prompt.

           mark-save      (modal)   (default 'm')

       Save the current directory as a bookmark assigned to the given key.

           mark-load      (modal)   (default "'")

       Change the current directory to the bookmark assigned to the given key. A special bookmark
       "'" holds the previous directory after a 'mark-load', 'cd', or 'select' command.

           mark-remove    (modal)   (default '"')

       Remove a bookmark assigned to the given key.


       Tag a file with '*' or a single width character given in the argument. You  can  define  a
       new  tag  clearing command by combining 'tag' with 'tag-toggle' (i.e. 'cmd tag-clear :tag;

           tag-toggle               (default 't')

       Tag a file with '*' or a single width character given in  the  argument  if  the  file  is
       untagged, otherwise remove the tag.


       This  section  shows  information  about  command  line  commands.  These should be mostly
       compatible with readline keybindings. A character refers to a unicode code point,  a  word
       consists of letters and digits, and a unix word consists of any non-blank characters.

           cmd-escape               (default '<esc>')

       Quit command line mode and return to normal mode.

           cmd-complete             (default '<tab>')

       Autocomplete the current word.


       Autocomplete  the  current  word  with  menu  selection.  You need to assign keys to these
       commands (e.g. 'cmap <tab> cmd-menu-complete; cmap <backtab> cmd-menu-complete-back'). You
       can  use  the assigned keys assigned to display the menu and then cycle through completion

           cmd-enter                (default '<c-j>' and '<enter>')

       Execute the current line.

           cmd-interrupt            (default '<c-c>')

       Interrupt the current shell-pipe command and return to the normal mode.

           cmd-history-next         (default '<c-n>')
           cmd-history-prev         (default '<c-p>')

       Go to next/previous item in the history.

           cmd-left                 (default '<c-b>' and '<left>')
           cmd-right                (default '<c-f>' and '<right>')

       Move the cursor to the left/right.

           cmd-home                 (default '<c-a>' and '<home>')
           cmd-end                  (default '<c-e>' and '<end>')

       Move the cursor to the beginning/end of line.

           cmd-delete               (default '<c-d>' and '<delete>')
           cmd-delete-back          (default '<backspace>' and '<backspace2>')

       Delete the next character in forward/backward direction.

           cmd-delete-home          (default '<c-u>')
           cmd-delete-end           (default '<c-k>')

       Delete everything up to the beginning/end of line.

           cmd-delete-unix-word     (default '<c-w>')

       Delete the previous unix word.

           cmd-yank                 (default '<c-y>')

       Paste the buffer content containing the last deleted item.

           cmd-transpose            (default '<c-t>')
           cmd-transpose-word       (default '<a-t>')

       Transpose the positions of last two characters/words.

           cmd-word                 (default '<a-f>')
           cmd-word-back            (default '<a-b>')

       Move the cursor by one word in forward/backward direction.

           cmd-delete-word          (default '<a-d>')

       Delete the next word in forward direction.

           cmd-capitalize-word      (default '<a-c>')
           cmd-uppercase-word       (default '<a-u>')
           cmd-lowercase-word       (default '<a-l>')

       Capitalize/uppercase/lowercase the current word and jump to the next word.


       This section shows information about options to customize the behavior. Character  ':'  is
       used as the separator for list options '[]int' and '[]string'.

           anchorfind     bool      (default on)

       When  this  option is enabled, find command starts matching patterns from the beginning of
       file names, otherwise, it can match at an arbitrary position.

           autoquit       bool      (default off)

       Automatically quit server when there are no clients left connected.

           cleaner        string    (default '') (not called if empty)

       Set the path of a cleaner file. The file should be executable.  This  file  is  called  if
       previewing  is  enabled,  the  previewer  is set, and the previously selected file had its
       preview cache disabled. One argument is passed to the file, path to the file whose preview
       should  be  cleaned.  Preview  clearing  is disabled when the value of this option is left

           dircache       bool      (default on)

       Cache directory contents.

           dircounts      bool      (default off)

       When this option is enabled, directory sizes show the number of items  inside  instead  of
       the size of directory file. The former needs to be calculated by reading the directory and
       counting the items inside. The latter is directly provided by the operating system and  it
       does  not  require  any  calculation,  though  it  is  non-intuitive  and  it can often be
       misleading. This option is disabled by default for performance reasons. This  option  only
       has  an  effect  when  'info'  has  a 'size' field and the pane is wide enough to show the
       information. A thousand items are counted per directory at most,  and  bigger  directories
       are shown as '999+'.

           dirfirst       bool      (default on)

       Show directories first above regular files.

           dironly        bool      (default off)

       Show only directories.

           drawbox        bool      (default off)

       Draw boxes around panes with box drawing characters.

           errorfmt       string    (default "\033[7;31;47m%s\033[0m")

       Format string of error messages shown in the bottom message line.

           filesep        string    (default "\n")

       File separator used in environment variables 'fs' and 'fx'.

           findlen        int       (default 1)

       Number  of  characters  prompted  for  the find command. When this value is set to 0, find
       command prompts until there is only a single match left.

           globsearch     bool      (default off)

       When this option is enabled, search command patterns are considered  as  globs,  otherwise
       they are literals. With globbing, '*' matches any sequence, '?' matches any character, and
       '[...]' or '[^...] matches character sets  or  ranges.  Otherwise,  these  characters  are
       interpreted as they are.

           hidden         bool      (default off)

       Show  hidden  files.  On  Unix  systems,  hidden  files  are  determined  by  the value of
       'hiddenfiles'. On Windows, only files with hidden attributes are considered hidden files.

           hiddenfiles    []string  (default '.*')

       List of hidden file glob patterns. Patterns can be given as relative  or  absolute  paths.
       Globbing  supports  the  usual special characters, '*' to match any sequence, '?' to match
       any character, and '[...]' or '[^...] to match character sets or ranges. In addition, if a
       pattern starts with '!', then its matches are excluded from hidden files.

           icons          bool      (default off)

       Show icons before each item in the list.

           ifs            string    (default '')

       Sets  'IFS' variable in shell commands. It works by adding the assignment to the beginning
       of the command string as "IFS='...'; ...". The  reason  is  that  'IFS'  variable  is  not
       inherited  by the shell for security reasons. This method assumes a POSIX shell syntax and
       so it can fail for non-POSIX shells. This option has no effect  when  the  value  is  left
       empty. This option does not have any effect on Windows.

           ignorecase     bool      (default on)

       Ignore case in sorting and search patterns.

           ignoredia      bool      (default on)

       Ignore diacritics in sorting and search patterns.

           incsearch      bool      (default off)

       Jump to the first match after each keystroke during searching.

           incfilter      bool      (default off)

       Apply filter pattern after each keystroke during filtering.

           info           []string  (default '')

       List  of  information  shown  for  directory  items  at  the right side of pane. Currently
       supported information types are 'size', 'time', 'atime', and 'ctime'. Information is  only
       shown when the pane width is more than twice the width of information.

           infotimefmtnew string    (default 'Jan _2 15:04')

       Format string of the file time shown in the info column when it matches this year.

           infotimefmtold string    (default 'Jan _2  2006')

       Format string of the file time shown in the info column when it doesn't match this year.

           mouse          bool      (default off)

       Send mouse events as input.

           number         bool      (default off)

       Show   the   position  number  for  directory  items  at  the  left  side  of  pane.  When
       'relativenumber' option is enabled, only the current line shows the absolute position  and
       relative positions are shown for the rest.

           period         int       (default 0)

       Set  the  interval  in  seconds  for  periodic  checks of directory updates. This works by
       periodically calling the  'load'  command.  Note  that  directories  are  already  updated
       automatically  in  many cases. This option can be useful when there is an external process
       changing the displayed directory and you are not doing anything in lf. Periodic checks are
       disabled when the value of this option is set to zero.

           preview        bool      (default on)

       Show  previews of files and directories at the right most pane. If the file has more lines
       than the preview pane, rest of the lines are not read. Files containing the null character
       (U+0000) in the read portion are considered binary files and displayed as 'binary'.

           previewer      string    (default '') (not filtered if empty)

       Set  the  path  of a previewer file to filter the content of regular files for previewing.
       The file should be executable. Five arguments are passed to the  file,  (1)  current  file
       name, (2) width, (3) height, (4) horizontal position, and (5) vertical position of preview
       pane respectively. SIGPIPE signal is sent when enough lines are  read.  If  the  previewer
       returns  a non-zero exit code, then the preview cache for the given file is disabled. This
       means that if the file is selected in the future, the  previewer  is  called  once  again.
       Preview  filtering  is disabled and files are displayed as they are when the value of this
       option is left empty.

           promptfmt      string    (default "\033[32;1m%u@%h\033[0m:\033[34;1m%d\033[0m\033[1m%f\033[0m")

       Format string of the prompt shown in the top line. Special expansions are  provided,  '%u'
       as  the  user  name,  '%h'  as  the  host name, '%w' as the working directory, '%d' as the
       working directory with a trailing path separator, '%f' as the file name, and '%F'  as  the
       current  filter. Home folder is shown as '~' in the working directory expansion. Directory
       names are automatically shortened to a single character starting from the left most parent
       when the prompt does not fit to the screen.

           ratios         []int     (default '1:2:3')

       List  of ratios of pane widths. Number of items in the list determines the number of panes
       in the ui. When 'preview' option is enabled, the right most number is used for  the  width
       of preview pane.

           relativenumber bool      (default off)

       Show  the  position number relative to the current line. When 'number' is enabled, current
       line shows the absolute position, otherwise nothing is shown.

           reverse        bool      (default off)

       Reverse the direction of sort.

           scrolloff      int       (default 0)

       Minimum number of offset lines shown at all times in the top and the bottom of the  screen
       when  scrolling. The current line is kept in the middle when this option is set to a large
       value that is bigger than the half of number of lines. A smaller offset can be  used  when
       the  current  file is close to the beginning or end of the list to show the maximum number
       of items.

           shell          string    (default 'sh' for Unix and 'cmd' for Windows)

       Shell executable to use  for  shell  commands.  Shell  commands  are  executed  as  'shell
       shellopts shellflag command -- arguments'.

           shellflag      string    (default '-c' for Unix and '/c' for Windows)

       Command line flag used to pass shell commands.

           shellopts      []string  (default '')

       List of shell options to pass to the shell executable.

           smartcase      bool      (default on)

       Override 'ignorecase' option when the pattern contains an uppercase character. This option
       has no effect when 'ignorecase' is disabled.

           smartdia       bool      (default off)

       Override 'ignoredia' option when the pattern contains a  character  with  diacritic.  This
       option has no effect when 'ignoredia' is disabled.

           sortby         string    (default 'natural')

       Sort  type  for directories. Currently supported sort types are 'natural', 'name', 'size',
       'time', 'ctime', 'atime', and 'ext'.

           tabstop        int       (default 8)

       Number of space characters to show for horizontal tabulation (U+0009) character.

           tagfmt         string    (default "\033[31m%s\033[0m")

       Format string of the tags.

           tempmarks      string    (default '')

       Marks to be considered temporary (e.g. 'abc' refers to marks 'a',  'b',  and  'c').  These
       marks  are  not synced to other clients and they are not saved in the bookmarks file. Note
       that the special bookmark "'" is always treated as temporary and it does not  need  to  be

           timefmt        string    (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')

       Format string of the file modification time shown in the bottom line.

           truncatechar   string    (default '~')

       Truncate character shown at the end when the file name does not fit to the pane.

           waitmsg        string    (default 'Press any key to continue')

       String shown after commands of shell-wait type.

           wrapscan       bool      (default on)

       Searching can wrap around the file list.

           wrapscroll     bool      (default off)

       Scrolling can wrap around the file list.


       The  following  variables  are  exported for shell commands: These are referred with a '$'
       prefix on POSIX shells (e.g. '$f'), between '%' characters on Windows  cmd  (e.g.  '%f%'),
       and with a '$env:' prefix on Windows powershell (e.g. '$env:f').


       Current file selection as a full path.


       Selected file(s) separated with the value of 'filesep' option as full path(s).


       Selected  file(s)  (i.e.  'fs')  if  there  are any selected files, otherwise current file
       selection (i.e. 'f').


       Id of the running client.


       Present working directory.


       Initial working directory.


       The value of this variable is set to the current nesting level when  you  run  lf  from  a
       shell  spawned  inside  lf. You can add the value of this variable to your shell prompt to
       make it clear that your shell runs inside lf. For example, with POSIX shells, you can  use
       '[  -n  "$LF_LEVEL"  ]  && PS1="$PS1""(lf level: $LF_LEVEL) "' in your shell configuration
       file (e.g. '~/.bashrc').


       If this variable is set in the environment, use the same value, otherwise set the value to
       'start' in Windows, 'open' in MacOS, 'xdg-open' in others.


       If this variable is set in the environment, use the same value, otherwise set the value to
       'vi' on Unix, 'notepad' in Windows.


       If this variable is set in the environment, use the same value, otherwise set the value to
       'less' on Unix, 'more' in Windows.


       If this variable is set in the environment, use the same value, otherwise set the value to
       'sh' on Unix, 'cmd' in Windows.


       Value of the {option}.


       This shell command can be defined to override the default 'open' command when the  current
       file is not a directory.


       This shell command can be defined to override the default 'paste' command.


       This shell command can be defined to override the default 'paste' command.


       This shell command can be defined to override the default 'delete' command.


       This shell command can be defined to be executed before changing a directory.


       This shell command can be defined to be executed after changing a directory.


       This shell command can be defined to be executed before quit.


       The following command prefixes are used by lf:

           :  read (default)  builtin/custom command
           $  shell           shell command
           %  shell-pipe      shell command running with the ui
           !  shell-wait      shell command waiting for key press
           &  shell-async     shell command running asynchronously

       The  same  evaluator  is used for the command line and the configuration file for read and
       shell commands. The difference is that prefixes are not necessary  in  the  command  line.
       Instead,  different  modes  are  provided  to read corresponding commands. These modes are
       mapped to the prefix keys above by default.


       Characters from '#' to newline are comments and ignored:

           # comments start with '#'

       There are three special commands ('set', 'map', 'cmap', and 'cmd') for configuration.

       Command 'set' is used to set an option which can be boolean, integer, or string:

           set hidden         # boolean on
           set nohidden       # boolean off
           set hidden!        # boolean toggle
           set scrolloff 10   # integer value
           set sortby time    # string value w/o quotes
           set sortby 'time'  # string value with single quotes (whitespaces)
           set sortby "time"  # string value with double quotes (backslash escapes)

       Command 'map' is used to bind a key to a command which  can  be  builtin  command,  custom
       command, or shell command:

           map gh cd ~        # builtin command
           map D trash        # custom command
           map i $less $f     # shell command
           map U !du -csh *   # waiting shell command

       Command  'cmap'  is  used to bind a key to a command line command which can only be one of
       the builtin commands:

           cmap <c-g> cmd-escape

       You can delete an existing binding by leaving the expression empty:

           map gh             # deletes 'gh' mapping
           cmap <c-g>         # deletes '<c-g>' mapping

       Command 'cmd' is used to define a custom command:

           cmd usage $du -h -d1 | less

       You can delete an existing command by leaving the expression empty:

           cmd trash          # deletes 'trash' command

       If there is no prefix then ':' is assumed:

           map zt set info time

       An explicit ':' can be provided to group statements until a newline  which  is  especially
       useful for 'map' and 'cmd' commands:

           map st :set sortby time; set info time

       If you need multiline you can wrap statements in '{{' and '}}' after the proper prefix.

           map st :{{
               set sortby time
               set info time


       Regular keys are assigned to a command with the usual syntax:

           map a down

       Keys combined with the shift key simply use the uppercase letter:

           map A down

       Special  keys  are  written  in  between  '<'  and '>' characters and always use lowercase

           map <enter> down

       Angle brackets can be assigned with their special names:

           map <lt> down
           map <gt> down

       Function keys are prefixed with 'f' character:

           map <f-1> down

       Keys combined with the control key are prefixed with 'c' character:

           map <c-a> down

       Keys combined with the alt key are  assigned  in  two  different  ways  depending  on  the
       behavior of your terminal. Older terminals (e.g. xterm) may set the 8th bit of a character
       when the alt key is pressed. On these terminals, you can use the  corresponding  byte  for
       the mapping:

           map รก down

       Newer  terminals  (e.g. gnome-terminal) may prefix the key with an escape key when the alt
       key is pressed. lf uses the escape delaying mechanism  to  recognize  alt  keys  in  these
       terminals  (delay  is  100ms).  On  these  terminals,  keys  combined with the alt key are
       prefixed with 'a' character:

           map <a-a> down

       Please note that, some key combinations are not possible due to  the  way  terminals  work
       (e.g.  control  and  h combination sends a backspace key instead). The easiest way to find
       the name of a key combination is to press the key while lf is running and read the name of
       the key from the unknown mapping error.

       Mouse buttons are prefixed with 'm' character:

           map <m-1> down  # primary
           map <m-2> down  # secondary
           map <m-3> down  # middle
           map <m-4> down
           map <m-5> down
           map <m-6> down
           map <m-7> down
           map <m-8> down

       Mouse wheel events are also prefixed with 'm' character:

           map <m-up>    down
           map <m-down>  down
           map <m-left>  down
           map <m-right> down


       The  usual  way to map a key sequence is to assign it to a named or unnamed command. While
       this provides a clean way to remap builtin keys as well  as  other  commands,  it  can  be
       limiting  at times. For this reason 'push' command is provided by lf. This command is used
       to simulate key pushes given as its arguments. You can 'map' a key  to  a  'push'  command
       with an argument to create various keybindings.

       This  is  mainly  useful  for  two purposes. First, it can be used to map a command with a
       command count:

           map <c-j> push 10j

       Second, it can be used to avoid typing the name when a command takes arguments:

           map r push :rename<space>

       One thing to be careful is that since 'push' command works with keys instead  of  commands
       it is possible to accidentally create recursive bindings:

           map j push 2j

       These types of bindings create a deadlock when executed.


       Regular  shell  commands are the most basic command type that is useful for many purposes.
       For example, we can write a shell command to move  selected  file(s)  to  trash.  A  first
       attempt to write such a command may look like this:

           cmd trash ${{
               mkdir -p ~/.trash
               if [ -z "$fs" ]; then
                   mv "$f" ~/.trash
                   IFS="`printf '\n\t'`"; mv $fs ~/.trash

       We  check  '$fs'  to  see  if  there  are any selected files. Otherwise we just delete the
       current file. Since this is such a common pattern, a separate '$fx' variable is  provided.
       We can use this variable to get rid of the conditional:

           cmd trash ${{
               mkdir -p ~/.trash
               IFS="`printf '\n\t'`"; mv $fx ~/.trash

       The  trash  directory is checked each time the command is executed. We can move it outside
       of the command so it would only run once at startup:

           ${{ mkdir -p ~/.trash }}

           cmd trash ${{ IFS="`printf '\n\t'`"; mv $fx ~/.trash }}

       Since these are one liners, we can drop '{{' and '}}':

           $mkdir -p ~/.trash

           cmd trash $IFS="`printf '\n\t'`"; mv $fx ~/.trash

       Finally note that we set 'IFS' variable manually in these commands. Instead we  could  use
       the  'ifs'  option  to  set  it  for all shell commands (i.e. 'set ifs "\n"'). This can be
       especially useful for interactive use (e.g. '$rm $f' or '$rm $fs' would simply work). This
       option  is not set by default as it can behave unexpectedly for new users. However, use of
       this option is highly recommended and it is assumed in the rest of the documentation.


       Regular shell commands have some limitations in  some  cases.  When  an  output  or  error
       message is given and the command exits afterwards, the ui is immediately resumed and there
       is no way to see the message without dropping to shell again. Also, even when there is  no
       output  or  error,  the ui still needs to be paused while the command is running. This can
       cause flickering on the screen for short commands  and  similar  distractions  for  longer

       Instead of pausing the ui, piping shell commands connects stdin, stdout, and stderr of the
       command to the statline in the bottom of the ui. This can be useful for programs following
       the  Unix  philosophy  to  give no output in the success case, and brief error messages or
       prompts in other cases.

       For example, following rename command prompts for overwrite in the statline if there is an
       existing file with the given name:

           cmd rename %mv -i $f $1

       You can also output error messages in the command and it will show up in the statline. For
       example, an alternative rename command may look like this:

           cmd rename %[ -e $1 ] && printf "file exists" || mv $f $1

       Note that input is line buffered and output and error are byte buffered.


       Waiting shell commands are similar to regular shell commands except that they wait  for  a
       key press when the command is finished. These can be useful to see the output of a program
       before the ui is resumed. Waiting shell commands are more appropriate  than  piping  shell
       commands when the command is verbose and the output is best displayed as multiline.


       Asynchronous  shell commands are used to start a command in the background and then resume
       operation without waiting for the command to finish. Stdin,  stdout,  and  stderr  of  the
       command is neither connected to the terminal nor to the ui.


       One  of  the  more  advanced  features  in lf is remote commands. All clients connect to a
       server on startup. It is possible to send commands to all or any of the connected  clients
       over  the common server. This is used internally to notify file selection changes to other

       To use this feature, you need to use a client which supports  communicating  with  a  Unix
       domain  socket.  OpenBSD implementation of netcat (nc) is one such example. You can use it
       to send a command to the socket file:

           echo 'send echo hello world' | nc -U ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/tmp}/lf.${USER}.sock

       Since such a client may not be available everywhere, lf comes bundled with a command  line
       flag  to  be  used  as  such. When using lf, you do not need to specify the address of the
       socket file. This is the recommended way of using remote commands since it is shorter  and
       immune to socket file address changes:

           lf -remote 'send echo hello world'

       In  this  command  'send'  is  used  to  send  the  rest of the string as a command to all
       connected clients. You can optionally give it an id number to send a command to  a  single

           lf -remote 'send 1234 echo hello world'

       All clients have a unique id number but you may not be aware of the id number when you are
       writing a command. For this purpose, an '$id' variable is exported to the environment  for
       shell commands. The value of this variable is set to the process id of the client. You can
       use it to send a remote command from a client to  the  server  which  in  return  sends  a
       command  back to itself. So now you can display a message in the current client by calling
       the following in a shell command:

           lf -remote "send $id echo hello world"

       Since lf does not have control flow syntax, remote commands are used for such  needs.  For
       example,  you  can  configure the number of columns in the ui with respect to the terminal
       width as follows:

           cmd recol %{{
               w=$(tput cols)
               if [ $w -le 80 ]; then
                   lf -remote "send $id set ratios 1:2"
               elif [ $w -le 160 ]; then
                   lf -remote "send $id set ratios 1:2:3"
                   lf -remote "send $id set ratios 1:2:3:5"

       Besides 'send' command, there is a 'quit' command to quit the server  when  there  are  no
       connected  clients  left, and a 'quit!' command to force quit the server by closing client
       connections first:

           lf -remote 'quit'
           lf -remote 'quit!'

       Lastly, there is a 'conn' command to connect the server as a client. This  should  not  be
       needed for users.


       lf  uses  its  own  builtin  copy and move operations by default. These are implemented as
       asynchronous operations and progress is shown in the bottom ruler. These commands  do  not
       overwrite  existing  files  or  directories  with the same name. Instead, a suffix that is
       compatible with '--backup=numbered' option in  GNU  cp  is  added  to  the  new  files  or
       directories.  Only file modes are preserved and all other attributes are ignored including
       ownership, timestamps, context, and xattr. Special  files  such  as  character  and  block
       devices,  named  pipes,  and  sockets  are  skipped  and links are not followed. Moving is
       performed using the rename operation of the underlying OS.  For  cross-device  moving,  lf
       falls  back  to  copying  and  then  deletes  the  original  files if there are no errors.
       Operation errors are shown in the message line as well as the log file  and  they  do  not
       preemptively finish the corresponding file operation.

       File operations can be performed on the current selected file or alternatively on multiple
       files by selecting them first. When you 'copy' a file, lf doesn't actually copy  the  file
       on the disk, but only records its name to a file. The actual file copying takes place when
       you 'paste'. Similarly 'paste' after a 'cut' operation moves the file.

       You can customize copy and move operations by  defining  a  'paste'  command.  This  is  a
       special  command  that is called when it is defined instead of the builtin implementation.
       You can use the following example as a starting point:

           cmd paste %{{
               load=$(cat ~/.local/share/lf/files)
               mode=$(echo "$load" | sed -n '1p')
               list=$(echo "$load" | sed '1d')
               if [ $mode = 'copy' ]; then
                   cp -R $list .
               elif [ $mode = 'move' ]; then
                   mv $list .
                   rm ~/.local/share/lf/files
                   lf -remote 'send clear'

       Some useful things to be considered are to use the  backup  ('--backup')  and/or  preserve
       attributes  ('-a')  options  with  'cp'  and  'mv'  commands  if they support it (i.e. GNU
       implementation), change the command type to asynchronous,  or  use  'rsync'  command  with
       progress  bar  option  for  copying  and feed the progress to the client periodically with
       remote 'echo' calls.

       By default, lf does not assign 'delete' command to a key to protect  new  users.  You  can
       customize  file deletion by defining a 'delete' command. You can also assign a key to this
       command if you like. An example command to move selected  files  to  a  trash  folder  and
       remove files completely after a prompt are provided in the example configuration file.


       There  are  two  mechanisms  implemented  in lf to search a file in the current directory.
       Searching is the traditional method to move the selection  to  a  file  matching  a  given
       pattern.  Finding  is  an  alternative  way  to  search for a pattern possibly using fewer

       Searching mechanism is implemented with commands  'search'  (default  '/'),  'search-back'
       (default  '?'),  'search-next'  (default  'n'),  and  'search-prev' (default 'N'). You can
       enable 'globsearch' option to match with a glob pattern. Globbing supports  '*'  to  match
       any  sequence,  '?' to match any character, and '[...]' or '[^...] to match character sets
       or ranges. You can enable 'incsearch'  option  to  jump  to  the  current  match  at  each
       keystroke  while typing. In this mode, you can either use 'cmd-enter' to accept the search
       or use 'cmd-escape' to cancel the search. Alternatively,  you  can  also  map  some  other
       commands  with 'cmap' to accept the search and execute the command immediately afterwards.
       Possible candidates are 'up', 'down' and their variants,  'top',  'bottom',  'updir',  and
       'open'  commands.  For  example,  you  can  use  arrow  keys to finish the search with the
       following mappings:

           cmap <up>    up
           cmap <down>  down
           cmap <left>  updir
           cmap <right> open

       Finding mechanism is implemented with commands 'find' (default 'f'), 'find-back'  (default
       'F'),  'find-next'  (default ';'), 'find-prev' (default ','). You can disable 'anchorfind'
       option to match a pattern at  an  arbitrary  position  in  the  filename  instead  of  the
       beginning. You can set the number of keys to match using 'findlen' option. If you set this
       value to zero, then the the keys are read until there is  only  a  single  match.  Default
       values of these two options are set to jump to the first file with the given initial.

       Some  options  effect  both  searching  and  finding. You can disable 'wrapscan' option to
       prevent searches to wrap around at the end of the file list. You can disable  'ignorecase'
       option  to  match  cases  in  the  pattern  and  the  filename.  This  option  is  already
       automatically overridden if the pattern contains upper case characters.  You  can  disable
       'smartcase'  option  to  disable  this  behavior.  Two  similar  options  'ignoredia'  and
       'smartdia' are provided to control matching diacritics in latin letters.


       You can define a an 'open' command (default 'l' and '<right>') to configure file  opening.
       This  command  is  only  called  when  the  current file is not a directory, otherwise the
       directory is entered instead. You can define  it  just  as  you  would  define  any  other

           cmd open $vi $fx

       It is possible to use different command types:

           cmd open &xdg-open $f

       You may want to use either file extensions or mime types from 'file' command:

           cmd open ${{
               test -L $f && f=$(readlink -f $f)
               case $(file --mime-type $f -b) in
                   text/*) vi $fx;;
                   *) for f in $fx; do xdg-open $f > /dev/null 2> /dev/null & done;;

       You  may want to use 'setsid' before your opener command to have persistent processes that
       continue to run after lf quits.

       Following command is provided by default:

           cmd open &$OPENER $f

       You may also use any other existing  file  openers  as  you  like.  Possible  options  are
       'libfile-mimeinfo-perl'  (executable  name  is 'mimeopen'), 'rifle' (ranger's default file
       opener), or 'mimeo' to name a few.


       lf previews files on the preview pane by printing the file until the end  or  the  preview
       pane  is  filled.  This  output  can  be enhanced by providing a custom preview script for
       filtering. This can be used to highlight source codes, list contents of archive  files  or
       view pdf or image files to name few. For coloring lf recognizes ansi escape codes.

       In  order  to use this feature you need to set the value of 'previewer' option to the path
       of an executable file. Five arguments are passed to the file, (1) current file  name,  (2)
       width,  (3)  height,  (4)  horizontal  position, and (5) vertical position of preview pane
       respectively. Output of the execution is printed in the preview pane. You may also want to
       use the same script in your pager mapping as well:

           set previewer ~/.config/lf/
           map i $~/.config/lf/ $f | less -R

       For  'less' pager, you may instead utilize 'LESSOPEN' mechanism so that useful information
       about the file such as the full path of the file can still be displayed in the  statusline

           set previewer ~/.config/lf/
           map i $LESSOPEN='| ~/.config/lf/ %s' less -R $f

       Since  this script is called for each file selection change it needs to be as efficient as
       possible and this responsibility is left to the user.  You  may  use  file  extensions  to
       determine  the  type of file more efficiently compared to obtaining mime types from 'file'
       command. Extensions can then be used to match cleanly within a conditional:


           case "$1" in
               *.tar*) tar tf "$1";;
               *.zip) unzip -l "$1";;
               *.rar) unrar l "$1";;
               *.7z) 7z l "$1";;
               *.pdf) pdftotext "$1" -;;
               *) highlight -O ansi "$1";;

       Another important consideration for efficiency is the use of programs with  short  startup
       times  for  preview.  For  this  reason,  'highlight' is recommended over 'pygmentize' for
       syntax highlighting. Besides, it is also important that the application is processing  the
       file  on  the  fly  rather  than first reading it to the memory and then do the processing
       afterwards. This is especially  relevant  for  big  files.  lf  automatically  closes  the
       previewer  script  output  pipe with a SIGPIPE when enough lines are read. When everything
       else fails, you can make use of the height argument to only feed the first portion of  the
       file  to a program for preview. Note that some programs may not respond well to SIGPIPE to
       exit with a non-zero return code and avoid caching. You  may  add  a  trailing  '||  true'
       command to avoid such errors:

           highlight -O ansi "$1" || true

       You may also use an existing preview filter as you like. Your system may already come with
       a preview filter named 'lesspipe'.  These  filters  may  have  a  mechanism  to  add  user
       customizations as well. See the related documentations for more information.


       lf  changes  the  working  directory of the process to the current directory so that shell
       commands always work in the  displayed  directory.  After  quitting,  it  returns  to  the
       original directory where it is first launched like all shell programs. If you want to stay
       in the current directory after quitting, you can use one of the example lfcd wrapper shell
       scripts provided in the repository at

       There  is  a  special command 'on-cd' that runs a shell command when it is defined and the
       directory is changed. You can define it just as you would define any other command:

           cmd on-cd &{{
               # display git repository status in your prompt
               source /usr/share/git/completion/
               git=$(__git_ps1 " (%s)") || true
               lf -remote "send $id set promptfmt \"$fmt\""

       If you want to print escape sequences, you may redirect 'printf' output to '/dev/tty'. The
       following xterm specific escape sequence sets the terminal title to the working directory:

           cmd on-cd &{{
               printf "\033]0; $PWD\007" > /dev/tty

       This  command  runs whenever you change directory but not on startup. You can add an extra
       call to make it run on startup as well:

           cmd on-cd &{{ ... }}

       Note that all shell commands are possible but '%' and '&' are usually more appropriate  as
       '$' and '!' causes flickers and pauses respectively.

       There is also a 'pre-cd' command, that works like 'on-cd', but is run before the directory
       is actually changed.


       lf tries to automatically adapt its colors to the environment. It starts  with  a  default
       colorscheme  and updates colors using values of existing environment variables possibly by
       overwriting its previous values. Colors are set in the following order:

           1. default
           2. LSCOLORS (Mac/BSD ls)
           3. LS_COLORS (GNU ls)
           4. LF_COLORS (lf specific)
           5. colors file (lf specific)

       Please refer to the corresponding man pages for  more  information  about  'LSCOLORS'  and
       'LS_COLORS'.  'LF_COLORS' is provided with the same syntax as 'LS_COLORS' in case you want
       to configure colors only for lf but not ls. This  can  be  useful  since  there  are  some
       differences  between  ls  and  lf,  though  one should expect the same behavior for common
       cases. Colors file is provided for easier  configuration  without  environment  variables.
       This  file  should  consist  of  whitespace  separated  pairs  with '#' character to start
       comments until the end of line.

       You can configure lf colors in two different ways. First, you can only configure  8  basic
       colors  used  by your terminal and lf should pick up those colors automatically. Depending
       on your terminal, you should be able to select your colors from a 24-bit palette. This  is
       the recommended approach as colors used by other programs will also match each other.

       Second, you can set the values of environment variables or colors file mentioned above for
       fine grained  customization.  Note  that  'LS_COLORS/LF_COLORS'  are  more  powerful  than
       'LSCOLORS'  and  they  can be used even when GNU programs are not installed on the system.
       You can combine this second method with the first method for best results.

       Lastly, you may also want to configure the colors of the prompt line to match the rest  of
       the colors. Colors of the prompt line can be configured using the 'promptfmt' option which
       can include hardcoded colors as ansi escapes. See the default value of this option to have
       an idea about how to color this line.

       It  is  worth  noting  that  lf uses as many colors advertised by your terminal's entry in
       terminfo or infocmp databases on your system. If an entry is not present, it falls back to
       an  internal  database. If your terminal supports 24-bit colors but either does not have a
       database entry or does not advertise all capabilities, you can enable support  by  setting
       the  '$COLORTERM'  variable to 'truecolor' or ensuring '$TERM' is set to a value that ends
       with '-truecolor'.

       Default lf colors are mostly taken from GNU dircolors defaults. These defaults use 8 basic
       colors and bold attribute. Default dircolors entries with background colors are simplified
       to avoid confusion with current file selection in lf. Similarly, there are only file  type
       matchings  and  extension  matchings  are  left  out for simplicity. Default values are as
       follows given with their matching order in lf:

           ln  01;36
           or  31;01
           tw  01;34
           ow  01;34
           st  01;34
           di  01;34
           pi  33
           so  01;35
           bd  33;01
           cd  33;01
           su  01;32
           sg  01;32
           ex  01;32
           fi  00

       Note that lf first tries matching file names and then falls back to file types.  The  full
       order of matchings from most specific to least are as follows:

           1. Full Path (e.g. '~/.config/lf/lfrc')
           2. Dir Name  (e.g. '.git/') (only matches dirs with a trailing slash at the end)
           3. File Type (e.g. 'ln') (except 'fi')
           4. File Name (e.g. 'README*')
           5. File Name (e.g. '*README')
           6. Base Name (e.g. 'README.*')
           7. Extension (e.g. '*.txt')
           8. Default   (i.e. 'fi')

       For  example,  given  a regular text file '/path/to/README.txt', the following entries are
       checked in the configuration and the first one to match is used:

           1. '/path/to/README.txt'
           2. (skipped since the file is not a directory)
           3. (skipped since the file is of type 'fi')
           4. 'README.txt*'
           5. '*README.txt'
           6. 'README.*'
           7. '*.txt'
           8. 'fi'

       Given a regular directory '/path/to/example.d', the following entries are checked  in  the
       configuration and the first one to match is used:

           1. '/path/to/example.d'
           2. 'example.d/'
           3. 'di'
           4. 'example.d*'
           5. '*example.d'
           6. 'example.*'
           7. '*.d'
           8. 'fi'

       Note  that  glob-like  patterns  do  not actually perform glob matching due to performance

       For example, you can set a variable as follows:

           export LF_COLORS="~/Documents=01;31:~/Downloads=01;31:~/.local/share=01;31:~/.config/lf/lfrc=31:.git/=01;32:.git*=32:*.gitignore=32:*Makefile=32:README.*=33:*.txt=34:*.md=34:ln=01;36:di=01;34:ex=01;32:"

       Having all entries on a single line can make it hard to read. You may instead divide it to
       multiple lines in between double quotes by escaping newlines with backslashes as follows:

           export LF_COLORS="\

       Having such a long variable definition in a shell configuration file might be undesirable.
       You may instead use the colors file for configuration. A sample colors file can  be  found
       at You may also see the wiki
       page for ansi escape codes


       Icons are configured using 'LF_ICONS' environment variable or an icons file. The  variable
       uses  the same syntax as 'LS_COLORS/LF_COLORS'. Instead of colors, you should put a single
       characters as values of entries. Icons file should consist of whitespace  separated  pairs
       with  '#'  character  to  start  comments  until  the end of line. Do not forget to enable
       'icons' option to see the icons. Default values are as follows given with  their  matching
       order in lf:

           ln  l
           or  l
           tw  t
           ow  d
           st  t
           di  d
           pi  p
           so  s
           bd  b
           cd  c
           su  u
           sg  g
           ex  x
           fi  -

       A         sample         icons         file         can         be         found        at
