Provided by: mintpy_1.3.3-2_all
mintpy-generate_mask - Generate mask file from input file
usage: [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [--keep-nan] [--revert] [-m VMIN] [-M VMAX] [-p MINPIXELS] [--vx XMIN XMAX] [--vy YMIN YMAX] [--vroipoly] [--vstd] [--vstd-num VSTD_NUM] [-x XMIN XMAX] [-y YMIN YMAX] [--ex-circle X Y RADIUS] [--in-circle X Y RADIUS] [--base BASE_FILE] [--base-dset BASE_DATASET] [--base-value BASE_VALUE] [--roipoly] [--view-cmd VIEW_CMD] [--nonzero] [--update] file [dset] Generate mask file from input file positional arguments: file input file dset date of timeseries, or date12 of interferograms to be converted options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTFILE, --output OUTFILE output file name. --keep-nan Do not exclude pixels with NaN value --revert revert 0 and 1 value of output mask file -m VMIN, --min VMIN minimum value for selected pixels -M VMAX, --max VMAX maximum value for selected pixels -p MINPIXELS, --mp MINPIXELS, --minpixels MINPIXELS minimum cluster size in pixels, to remove small pixel clusters. --vstd mask according to the formula: |velocity| > a * velocityStd --vstd-num VSTD_NUM multiple of velocityStd (a) to use for cutoff --nonzero Select all non-zero pixels. i.e. maskConnComp.h5 from ifgramStack.h5 --update Enable update checking for --nonzero option. AOI for threshold: Define the AOI for thresholding operations. --vx XMIN XMAX AOI range in X for threshold operation (and keep the rest untouched.) --vy YMIN YMAX AOI range in Y for threshold operation (and keep the rest untouched.) --vroipoly AOI via interactive polygonal region of interest (ROI) selection. AOI: define secondary area of interest -x XMIN XMAX, --sub-x XMIN XMAX selection range in x/cross-track/range direction -y YMIN YMAX, --sub-y YMIN YMAX selection range in y/along-track/azimuth direction --ex-circle X Y RADIUS exclude area defined by an circle (x, y, radius) in pixel number --in-circle X Y RADIUS include area defined by an circle (x, y, radius) in pixel number --base BASE_FILE exclude pixels == base_value output_mask[base_data == base_value] = 0 --base-dset BASE_DATASET, --base-dataset BASE_DATASET dataset in base_file to be used, for file with multiple datasets. i.e.: --base inputs/geometryRadar.h5 --base-dset shadow --base-value 1 --base-value BASE_VALUE value of pixels in base_file to be excluded. Default: 0 --roipoly Interactive polygonal region of interest (ROI) selection. --view-cmd VIEW_CMD command to facilitate the AOI selection.E.g. "-v -0.1 0.1" example: temporalCoherence.h5 -m 0.7 -o maskTempCoh.h5 temporalCoherence.h5 -m 0.7 -o maskTempCoh.h5 --base inputs/geometryRadar.h5 --base-dset shadow --base-value 1 avgSpatialCoh.h5 -m 0.7 --base waterMask.h5 -o maskSpatialCoh.h5 # exclude area by min/max value and/or subset in row/col direction 081018_090118.unw -m 3 -M 8 -y 100 700 -x 200 800 -o mask_1.h5 # exclude pixel cluster based on minimum number of pixels maskTempCoh.h5 -p 10 mask_1.h5 # exclude pixels with large velocity STD: |velocity| > cutoff (2 by default) * velocityStd velocity.h5 --vstd velocity.h5 --vstd --vstd-num 3 # exclude / include an circular area maskTempCoh.h5 -m 0.5 --ex-circle 230 283 100 -o maskTempCoh_nonDef.h5 maskTempCoh.h5 -m 0.5 --in-circle 230 283 100 -o maskTempCoh_Def.h5 # maskout an area within a circle AND with height smaller than a threshold inputs/geometryGeo.h5 height --in-circle 339 370 21 -M 1400 --revert -o maskCrater.h5 # use an specific dataset from multiple dataset file geometryRadar.dem height -m 0.5 -o waterMask.h5 ifgramStack.h5 unwrapPhase-20101120_20110220 -m 4 # common mask file of pixels in all connected components / with non-zero unwrapped phase ifgramStack.h5 --nonzero -o maskConnComp.h5 --update # interative polygon selection of region of interest # useful for custom mask generation in unwrap error correction with bridging waterMask.h5 -m 0.5 --roipoly azOff.h5 --roipoly --view-cmd "-v -0.1 0.1" velocity.h5 --roipoly --view-cmd "--dem ./inputs/geometryGeo.h5 --contour-step 100 --contour-smooth 0.0"