Provided by: mintpy_1.3.3-2_all
mintpy-save_kite - Generate KITE ( npz and yaml from MintPy HDF5 file.
usage: [-h] -d DSET [-g GEOM_FILE] [-m MASK_FILE] [-o OUTFILE] [--sub-x XMIN XMAX] [--sub-y YMIN YMAX] [--sub-lat LATMIN LATMAX] [--sub-lon LONMIN LONMAX] file Generate KITE ( npz and yaml from MintPy HDF5 file. positional arguments: file file to be converted, in geo coordinate. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d DSET, --dset DSET, --dataset DSET dataset of interest to be converted. e.g.: velocity / stepYYYYMMDD for velocity HDF5 file, date12 in YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD for time-series HDF5 file, date12 in unwrapPhase-YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD for ifgramStack HDF5 file. -g GEOM_FILE, --geom GEOM_FILE geometry file for incidence /azimuth angle and height. -m MASK_FILE, --mask MASK_FILE mask file, or run to mask the input file beforehand. -o OUTFILE, --output OUTFILE output filename Subset: Display dataset in subset range --sub-x XMIN XMAX, --subx XMIN XMAX, --subset-x XMIN XMAX subset display in x/cross-track/range direction --sub-y YMIN YMAX, --suby YMIN YMAX, --subset-y YMIN YMAX subset display in y/along-track/azimuth direction --sub-lat LATMIN LATMAX, --sublat LATMIN LATMAX, --subset-lat LATMIN LATMAX subset display in latitude --sub-lon LONMIN LONMAX, --sublon LONMIN LONMAX, --subset-lon LONMIN LONMAX subset display in longitude example: ## displacement [event-type inversion] # option 1: use velocity file with step estimation from for co-seismic displacement geo/geo_velocity.h5 -d step20210104 -g geo/geo_geometry.h5 -m geo/geo_maskTempCoh.h5 -o dsc # option 2: use time-series / ifgramStack file with date1_date2 for the transient displacement: geo/geo_timeseries_ERA5_ramp_demErr.h5 -d 20101120_20110220 -g geo/geo_geometry.h5 -m geo/geo_maskTempCoh.h5 -o dsc geo/geo_ifgramStack.h5 -d unwrapPhase-20101120_20110220 -g geo/geo_geometry.h5 -m geo/geo_maskTempCoh.h5 -o dsc ## velocity [interseismic or tensile dislocation inversion] # geo/geo_velocity.h5 -d velocity -g geo/geo_geometry.h5 -m geo/geo_maskTempCoh.h5 -o dsc ## import to kite spool outfile_name % /do quadtree,covariance/aps and then File>Save Scene and it is ready for GROND or BEAT