Provided by: mintpy_1.3.3-2_all
mintpy-save_kmz_timeseries - Generare Google Earth KMZ file for time-series file.
usage: [-h] [--vel FILE] [--tcoh FILE] [--mask FILE] [-o OUTFILE] [--steps STEPS STEPS STEPS] [--level-of-details LODS LODS LODS LODS] [--vlim VMIN VMAX] [--wrap] [--colormap COLORMAP] [--cutoff CUTOFF] [--min-percentage MIN_PERCENTAGE] [--kk] timeseries_file Generare Google Earth KMZ file for time-series file. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --kk, --keep-kml, --keep-kml-file Do not remove KML and data/resource files after compressing into KMZ file. Input files: File/Dataset to display timeseries_file Timeseries file to generate KML for --vel FILE Velocity file, used for the color of dot --tcoh FILE temporal coherence file, used for stat info --mask FILE Mask file -o OUTFILE, --output OUTFILE Output KMZ file name. Display options: configurations for the display --steps STEPS STEPS STEPS list of steps for output pixel (default: [20, 5, 2]). Set to [20, 5, 0] to skip the 3rd high-resolution level to reduce file size. --level-of-details LODS LODS LODS LODS, --lods LODS LODS LODS LODS list of level of details to determine the visible range while browering. Default: 0, 1500, 4000, -1. Ref: --vlim VMIN VMAX, -v VMIN VMAX min/max range in cm/yr for color coding. --wrap re-wrap data to [VMIN, VMAX) for color coding. --colormap COLORMAP, -c COLORMAP colormap used for display, i.e. jet, RdBu, hsv, jet_r, temperature, viridis, etc. colormaps in Matplotlib - colormaps in GMT - HD for deforming areas: High resolution output for deforming areas --cutoff CUTOFF choose points with velocity >= cutoff * MAD. Default: 3. --min-percentage MIN_PERCENTAGE, --min-perc MIN_PERCENTAGE choose boxes with >= min percentage of pixels are deforming. Default: 0.2. example: cd $PROJECT_NAME/mintpy/geo geo_timeseries_ERA5_ramp_demErr.h5 geo_timeseries_ERA5_ramp_demErr.h5 -v -5 5 --wrap timeseries_ERA5_demErr.h5 --vel velocity.h5 --tcoh temporalCoherence.h5 --mask maskTempCoh.h5