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mintpy-view - Plot InSAR Product in 2D
usage: [-h] [-n [NUM ...]] [--nosearch] [--ex [Dset ...]] [--show-kept] [--plot-setting DISP_SETTING_FILE] [--noverbose] [--math {square,deg2rad,rad2deg,inverse,sqrt,reverse}] [-v VMIN VMAX] [-u UNIT] [--nd NO_DATA_VALUE] [--wrap] [--wrap-range MIN MAX] [--flip-lr] [--flip-ud] [--noflip] [--nmli NUM] [--nomultilook] [--alpha TRANSPARENCY] [-d DEM_FILE] [--mask-dem] [--dem-noshade] [--dem-nocontour] [--contour-smooth DEM_CONTOUR_SMOOTH] [--contour-step NUM] [--contour-linewidth NUM] [--shade-az DEG] [--shade-alt DEG] [--shade-min MIN] [--shade-max MAX] [--shade-exag SHADE_EXAG] [--fontsize FONT_SIZE] [--fontcolor FONT_COLOR] [--nowhitespace] [--noaxis] [--notick] [-c COLORMAP] [--cm-lut NUM] [--cm-vlist CMAP_VLIST CMAP_VLIST CMAP_VLIST] [--nocbar] [--cbar-nbins NUM] [--cbar-ext {min,max,None,both,neither}] [--cbar-label CBAR_LABEL] [--cbar-loc CBAR_LOC] [--cbar-size CBAR_SIZE] [--notitle] [--title-in] [--figtitle FIG_TITLE] [--title4sen] [--figsize WID LEN] [--dpi DPI] [--figext {.emf,.eps,.pdf,.png,.ps,.raw,.rgba,.svg,.svgz}] [--fignum NUM] [--nrows NUM] [--ncols NUM] [--wspace FIG_WID_SPACE] [--hspace FIG_HEI_SPACE] [--no-tight-layout] [--coord {radar,geo}] [--animation] [--show-gps] [--mask-gps] [--gps-label] [--gps-ms GPS_MARKER_SIZE] [--gps-comp {horz,up2los,hz2los,enu2los,vert}] [--gps-redo] [--ref-gps REF_GPS_SITE] [--ex-gps [EX_GPS_SITES ...]] [--gps-start-date YYYYMMDD] [--gps-end-date YYYYMMDD] [--horz-az HORZ_AZ_ANGLE] [-m FILE] [--mask-vmin MASK_VMIN] [--mask-vmax MASK_VMAX] [--zm] [--coastline {50m,10m,110m}] [--lalo-label] [--lalo-step DEG] [--lalo-max-num NUM] [--lalo-loc left right top bottom] [--scalebar LEN X Y] [--noscalebar] [--scalebar-pad SCALEBAR_PAD] [--ram MAXMEMORY] [--pts-marker PTS_MARKER] [--pts-ms PTS_MARKER_SIZE] [--pts-yx Y X | --pts-lalo LAT LON | --pts-file PTS_FILE] [--ref-date DATE] [--ref-lalo LAT LON] [--ref-yx Y X] [--noreference] [--ref-marker REF_MARKER] [--ref-size NUM] [-o [OUTFILE ...]] [--save] [--nodisplay] [--update] [--sub-x XMIN XMAX] [--sub-y YMIN YMAX] [--sub-lat LATMIN LATMAX] [--sub-lon LONMIN LONMAX] file [dset ...] Plot InSAR Product in 2D options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --show-kept, --show-kept-ifgram display kept interferograms only, without dropped interferograms --plot-setting DISP_SETTING_FILE Template file with plot setting. Plot Setting: = 'Yunjun et al., 2016, AGU, Fig 4f' plot.type = LOS_VELOCITY plot.startDate = plot.endDate = plot.displayUnit = cm/yr plot.displayMin = -2 plot.displayMax = 2 plot.colormap = jet plot.subset.lalo = 33.05:33.15, 131.15:131.27 plot.seed.lalo = 33.0651, 131.2076 --noverbose Disable the verbose message printing (default: True). --math {square,deg2rad,rad2deg,inverse,sqrt,reverse} Apply the math operation before displaying [for single subplot ONLY]. E.g. plot the std. dev. of the variance file. square = x^2 sqrt = x^1/2 reverse = x * -1 inverse = 1 / x --ram MAXMEMORY, --memory MAXMEMORY Max amount of memory in GB to use (default: 4.0). Adjust according to your computer memory. Input File: File/Dataset to display file file for display dset optional - dataset(s) to display (default: []). -n [NUM ...], --dset-num [NUM ...] optional - order number of date/dataset(s) to display (default: []). --nosearch Disable glob search for input dset. --ex [Dset ...], --exclude [Dset ...] dates will not be displayed (default: []). Data Display Options: Options to adjust the dataset display -v VMIN VMAX, --vlim VMIN VMAX Display limits for matrix plotting. -u UNIT, --unit UNIT unit for display. Its priority > wrap --nd NO_DATA_VALUE, --no-data-val NO_DATA_VALUE, --no-data-value NO_DATA_VALUE Specify the no-data-value to be ignored and masked. --wrap re-wrap data to display data in fringes. --wrap-range MIN MAX range of one cycle after wrapping (default: [-3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793]). --flip-lr flip left-right --flip-ud flip up-down --noflip turn off auto flip for radar coordinate file --nmli NUM, --num-multilook NUM, --multilook-num NUM multilook data in X and Y direction with a factor for display (default: 1). --nomultilook, --no-multilook do not multilook, for high quality display. If multilook is True and multilook_num=1, multilook_num will be estimated automatically. Useful when displaying big datasets. --alpha TRANSPARENCY Data transparency. 0.0 - fully transparent, 1.0 - no transparency. DEM: display topography in the background -d DEM_FILE, --dem DEM_FILE DEM file to show topography as background --mask-dem Mask out DEM pixels not coincident with valid data pixels --dem-noshade do not show DEM shaded relief --dem-nocontour do not show DEM contour lines --contour-smooth DEM_CONTOUR_SMOOTH Background topography contour smooth factor - sigma of Gaussian filter. Set to 0.0 for no smoothing; (default: 3.0). --contour-step NUM Background topography contour step in meters (default: 200.0). --contour-linewidth NUM Background topography contour linewidth (default: 0.5). --shade-az DEG The azimuth (0-360, degrees clockwise from North) of the light source (default: 315.0). --shade-alt DEG The altitude (0-90, degrees up from horizontal) of the light source (default: 45.0). --shade-min MIN The min height in m of colormap of shaded relief topography (default: -4000.0). --shade-max MAX The max height of colormap of shaded relief topography (default: max(DEM)+2000). --shade-exag SHADE_EXAG Vertical exaggeration ratio (default: 0.5). Figure: Figure settings for display --fontsize FONT_SIZE font size --fontcolor FONT_COLOR font color (default: k). --nowhitespace do not display white space --noaxis do not display axis --notick do not display tick in x/y axis -c COLORMAP, --colormap COLORMAP colormap used for display, i.e. jet, cmy, RdBu, hsv, jet_r, temperature, viridis, etc. More at --cm-lut NUM, --cmap-lut NUM number of increment of colormap lookup table (default: 256). --cm-vlist CMAP_VLIST CMAP_VLIST CMAP_VLIST, --cmap-vlist CMAP_VLIST CMAP_VLIST CMAP_VLIST list of 3 float numbers, for truncated colormap only (default: [0.0, 0.7, 1.0]). --nocbar, --nocolorbar do not display colorbar --cbar-nbins NUM number of bins for colorbar. --cbar-ext {min,max,None,both,neither} Extend setting of colorbar; based on data stat by default. --cbar-label CBAR_LABEL colorbar label --cbar-loc CBAR_LOC colorbar location for single plot (default: right). --cbar-size CBAR_SIZE colorbar size and pad (default: 2%). --notitle do not display title --title-in draw title in/out of axes --figtitle FIG_TITLE Title shown in the figure. --title4sen, --title4sentinel1 display Sentinel-1 A/B and IPF info in title. --figsize WID LEN figure size in inches - width and length --dpi DPI DPI - dot per inch - for display/write (default: 300). --figext {.emf,.eps,.pdf,.png,.ps,.raw,.rgba,.svg,.svgz} File extension for figure output file (default: .png). --fignum NUM number of figure windows --nrows NUM subplot number in row --ncols NUM subplot number in column --wspace FIG_WID_SPACE width space between subplots in inches --hspace FIG_HEI_SPACE height space between subplots in inches --no-tight-layout disable automatic tight layout for multiple subplots --coord {radar,geo} Display in radar/geo coordination system (for geocoded file only; default: geo). --animation enable animation mode GPS: GPS data to display --show-gps Show UNR GPS location within the coverage. --mask-gps Mask out GPS stations not coincident with valid data pixels --gps-label Show GPS site name --gps-ms GPS_MARKER_SIZE Plot GPS value as scatter in size of ms**2 (default: 6). --gps-comp {horz,up2los,hz2los,enu2los,vert} Plot GPS in color indicating deformation velocity direction --gps-redo Re-calculate GPS observations in LOS direction, instead of read from existing CSV file. --ref-gps REF_GPS_SITE Reference GPS site --ex-gps [EX_GPS_SITES ...] Exclude GPS sites, require --gps-comp. --gps-start-date YYYYMMDD start date of GPS data, default is date of the 1st SAR acquisition --gps-end-date YYYYMMDD start date of GPS data, default is date of the last SAR acquisition --horz-az HORZ_AZ_ANGLE, --hz-az HORZ_AZ_ANGLE Azimuth angle (anti-clockwise from the north) of the horizontal movement in degrees E.g.: -90. for east direction [default] 0. for north direction Set to the azimuth angle of the strike-slip fault to show the fault-parallel displacement. Mask: Mask file/options -m FILE, --mask FILE mask file for display. "no" to turn OFF masking. --mask-vmin MASK_VMIN hide pixels with mask value < vmin (default: None). --mask-vmax MASK_VMAX hide pixels with mask value > vmax (default: None). --zm, --zero-mask mask pixels with zero value. Map: for one subplot in geo-coordinates only --coastline {50m,10m,110m} Draw coastline with specified resolution (default: None). This will enable --lalo-label option. Link: --lalo-label Show N, S, E, W tick label for plot in geo-coordinate. Useful for final figure output. --lalo-step DEG Lat/lon step for lalo-label option. --lalo-max-num NUM Maximum number of lalo tick label (default: 3). --lalo-loc left right top bottom Draw lalo label in [left, right, top, bottom] (default: [1, 0, 0, 1]). --scalebar LEN X Y scale bar distance and location in ratio (default: [0.2, 0.2, 0.1]). distance in ratio of total width location in X/Y in ratio with respect to the lower left corner --scalebar 0.2 0.2 0.1 #for lower left corner --scalebar 0.2 0.2 0.8 #for upper left corner --scalebar 0.2 0.8 0.1 #for lower right corner --scalebar 0.2 0.8 0.8 #for upper right corner --noscalebar, --nosbar do not display scale bar. --scalebar-pad SCALEBAR_PAD, --sbar-pad SCALEBAR_PAD scale bar label pad in ratio of scalebar width (default: 0.05). Point: Plot points defined by y/x or lat/lon --pts-marker PTS_MARKER Marker of points of interest (default: k^). --pts-ms PTS_MARKER_SIZE Marker size for points of interest (default: 6.0). --pts-yx Y X Point in Y/X --pts-lalo LAT LON Point in Lat/Lon --pts-file PTS_FILE Text file for point(s) in lat/lon column Reference: Show / Modify reference in time and space for display --ref-date DATE Change reference date for display --ref-lalo LAT LON Change reference point LAT LON for display --ref-yx Y X Change reference point Y X for display --noreference do not show reference point --ref-marker REF_MARKER marker of reference pixel (default: ks). --ref-size NUM marker size of reference point (default: 6). Save/Output: Save figure and write to file(s) -o [OUTFILE ...], --outfile [OUTFILE ...] save the figure with assigned filename. By default, it's calculated based on the input file name. --save save the figure --nodisplay save and do not display the figure --update enable update mode for save figure: skip running if 1) output file already exists AND 2) output file is newer than input file. Subset: Display dataset in subset range --sub-x XMIN XMAX, --subx XMIN XMAX, --subset-x XMIN XMAX subset display in x/cross-track/range direction --sub-y YMIN YMAX, --suby YMIN YMAX, --subset-y YMIN YMAX subset display in y/along-track/azimuth direction --sub-lat LATMIN LATMAX, --sublat LATMIN LATMAX, --subset-lat LATMIN LATMAX subset display in latitude --sub-lon LONMIN LONMAX, --sublon LONMIN LONMAX, --subset-lon LONMIN LONMAX subset display in longitude example: velocity.h5 velocity.h5 velocity --wrap --wrap-range -2 2 -c cmy --lalo-label velocity.h5 --ref-yx 210 566 #change reference pixel for display velocity.h5 --sub-lat 31.05 31.10 --sub-lon 130.05 130.10 #subset in lalo / yx timeseries.h5 timeseries.h5 -m no #do not use auto mask timeseries.h5 --ref-date 20101120 #change reference date timeseries.h5 --ex drop_date.txt #exclude dates to plot timeseries.h5 '*2017*' '*2018*' #all acquisitions in 2017 and 2018 timeseries.h5 20200616_20200908 #reconstruct interferogram on the fly ifgramStack.h5 coherence ifgramStack.h5 unwrapPhase- #unwrapPhase only in the presence of unwrapPhase_bridging ifgramStack.h5 -n 6 #the 6th slice ifgramStack.h5 20171010_20171115 #all data related with 20171010_20171115 ifgramStack.h5 'coherence*20171010*' #all coherence related with 20171010 ifgramStack.h5 unwrapPhase-20070927_20100217 --zero-mask --wrap #wrapped phase ifgramStack.h5 unwrapPhase-20070927_20100217 --mask ifgramStack.h5 #mask using connected components # GPS (for one subplot in geo-coordinates only) geo_velocity_msk.h5 velocity --show-gps --gps-label #show locations of available GPS geo_velocity_msk.h5 velocity --show-gps --gps-comp enu2los --ref-gps GV01 geo_timeseries_ERA5_ramp_demErr.h5 20180619 --ref-date 20141213 --show-gps --gps-comp enu2los --ref-gps GV01 # Save and Output velocity.h5 --save velocity.h5 --nodisplay geo_velocity.h5 velocity --nowhitespace