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       ns-3-model-library - ns-3 Model Library

       This  is  the ns-3 Model Library documentation. Primary documentation for the ns-3 project
       is available in five forms:

       • ns-3 Doxygen: Documentation of the public APIs of the simulator

       • Tutorial, Manual,  and  Model  Library  (this  document)  for  the  latest  release  and
         development treens-3 wiki

       This  document  is  written  in  reStructuredText  for  Sphinx  and  is  maintained in the
       doc/models directory of ns-3’s source code.


       This manual compiles documentation for ns-3 models and  supporting  software  that  enable
       users  to  construct  network simulations.  It is important to distinguish between modules
       and models:

       • ns-3 software is organized into separate modules that  are  each  built  as  a  separate
         software  library.   Individual ns-3 programs can link the modules (libraries) they need
         to conduct their simulation.

       • ns-3 models are abstract representations of real-world objects, protocols, devices, etc.

       An ns-3 module may consist of more than one  model  (for  instance,  the  internet  module
       contains  models  for  both  TCP  and  UDP).  In general, ns-3 models do not span multiple
       software modules, however.

       This manual provides documentation about the models of ns-3.   It  complements  two  other
       sources of documentation concerning models:

       • the  model  APIs are documented, from a programming perspective, using Doxygen.  Doxygen
         for ns-3 models is available on the project web server.

       • the ns-3 core is documented in the developer’s manual.  ns-3  models  make  use  of  the
         facilities  of  the  core,  such  as  attributes,  default  values, random numbers, test
         frameworks, etc.  Consult the main web site to find copies of the manual.

       Finally, additional documentation about various aspects of ns-3 may exist on  the  project

       A sample outline of how to write model library documentation can be found by executing the  program  and   looking   at   the   template   created   in   the   file

          $ cd src
          $ ./ new-module

       The remainder of this document is organized alphabetically by module name.

       If you are new to ns-3, you might first want to read below about the network module, which
       contains some fundamental  models  for  the  simulator.   The  packet  model,  models  for
       different  address  formats,  and  abstract  base  classes  for objects such as nodes, net
       devices, channels, sockets, and applications are discussed there.


       Animation is an important tool for network simulation.  While  ns-3  does  not  contain  a
       default  graphical animation tool, we currently have two ways to provide animation, namely
       using the PyViz  method  or  the  NetAnim  method.   The  PyViz  method  is  described  in

       We will describe the NetAnim method briefly here.

       NetAnim  is  a  standalone, Qt4-based software executable that uses a trace file generated
       during an ns-3 simulation to display the topology and  animate  the  packet  flow  between
         [image] An example of packet animation on wired-links.UNINDENT

         In  addition,  NetAnim also provides useful features such as tables to display meta-data
         of packets like the image below
         [image] An example of tables for packet meta-data with protocol filters.UNINDENT

         A way to visualize the trajectory of a mobile node
         [image] An example of the trajectory of a mobile node.UNINDENT

         A way to display the routing-tables of multiple nodes at various points in time

       A way to display counters associated with multiple nodes as a chart or a table

       A way to view the timeline of packet transmit and receive events

       The class ns3::AnimationInterface is responsible for the  creation  the  trace  XML  file.
       AnimationInterface  uses  the  tracing infrastructure to track packet flows between nodes.
       AnimationInterface registers itself as a trace hook  for  tx  and  rx  events  before  the
       simulation  begins.  When  a  packet  is  scheduled  for  transmission  or  reception, the
       corresponding tx and rx trace hooks in AnimationInterface are called. When  the  rx  hooks
       are  called,  AnimationInterface will be aware of the two endpoints between which a packet
       has flowed, and adds this information to the trace file, in  XML  format  along  with  the
       corresponding  tx  and rx timestamps. The XML format will be discussed in a later section.
       It is important to note that AnimationInterface records a packet  only  if  the  rx  trace
       hooks are called. Every tx event must be matched by an rx event.

   Downloading NetAnim
       If  NetAnim  is  not  already available in the ns-3 package you downloaded, you can do the

       Please ensure that you have installed mercurial.  The latest version  of  NetAnim  can  be
       downloaded using mercurial with the following command:

          $ hg clone

   Building NetAnim
       Qt5  (5.4 and over) is required to build NetAnim. This can be obtained using the following

       For Ubuntu Linux distributions:

          $ apt-get install qt5-default

       For Red Hat/Fedora based distribution:

          $ yum install qt5
          $ yum install qt5-devel

       For Mac/OSX, see

   Build steps
       To build NetAnim use the following commands:

          $ cd netanim
          $ make clean
          $ qmake
          $ make

       Note: qmake could be “qmake-qt5” in some systems

       This should create an executable named “NetAnim” in the same directory:

           $ ls -l NetAnim
          -rwxr-xr-x 1 john john 390395 2012-05-22 08:32 NetAnim

       Using NetAnim is a two-step process

       Step   1:Generate   the   animation   XML   trace    file    during    simulation    using
       “ns3::AnimationInterface” in the ns-3 code base.

       Step  2:Load  the  XML  trace file generated in Step 1 with the offline Qt4-based animator
       named NetAnim.

   Step 1: Generate XML animation trace file
       The class “AnimationInterface” under “src/netanim” uses underlying ns-3 trace  sources  to
       construct a timestamped ASCII file in XML format.

       Examples are found under src/netanim/examples Example:

          $ ./waf -d debug configure --enable-examples
          $ ./waf --run "dumbbell-animation"

       The above will create an XML file dumbbell-animation.xml

       1. Ensure  that your program’s wscript includes the “netanim” module. An example of such a
          wscript is at src/netanim/examples/wscript.

       2. Include the header [#include “ns3/netanim-module.h”] in your test program

       3. Add the statement

          AnimationInterface anim ("animation.xml");  // where "animation.xml" is any arbitrary filename

       [for versions before ns-3.13 you also have to use the line “anim.SetXMLOutput() to set the
       XML mode and also use anim.StartAnimation();]

       The following are optional but useful steps:

          // Step 1
          anim.SetMobilityPollInterval (Seconds (1));

       AnimationInterface  records  the  position  of  all  nodes  every  250  ms by default. The
       statement above sets  the  periodic  interval  at  which  AnimationInterface  records  the
       position  of all nodes. If the nodes are expected to move very little, it is useful to set
       a high mobility poll interval to avoid large XML files.

          // Step 2
          anim.SetConstantPosition (Ptr< Node > n, double x, double y);

       AnimationInterface requires that the position of all nodes be set. In ns-3 this is done by
       setting  an  associated MobilityModel. “SetConstantPosition” is a quick way to set the x-y
       coordinates of a node which is stationary.

          // Step 3
          anim.SetStartTime (Seconds(150)); and anim.SetStopTime (Seconds(150));

       AnimationInterface can generate large XML files. The above statements restricts the window
       between which AnimationInterface does tracing. Restricting the window serves to focus only
       on relevant portions of the simulation and creating manageably small XML files

          // Step 4
          AnimationInterface anim ("animation.xml", 50000);

       Using the above constructor ensures that each animation XML  trace  file  has  only  50000
       packets.  For  example,  if  AnimationInterface  captures  150000 packets, using the above
       constructor splits the capture into 3 files

       • animation.xml - containing the packet range 1-50000

       • animation.xml-1 - containing the packet range 50001-100000

       • animation.xml-2 - containing the packet range 100001-150000

          // Step 5
          anim.EnablePacketMetadata (true);

       With the above statement, AnimationInterface records the meta-data of each packet  in  the
       xml  trace  file. Metadata can be used by NetAnim to provide better statistics and filter,
       along with providing some brief information about the packet such as TCP  sequence  number
       or source & destination IP address during packet animation.

       CAUTION:  Enabling  this  feature  will  result  in larger XML trace files.  Please do NOT
       enable this feature when using Wimax links.

          // Step 6
          anim.UpdateNodeDescription (5, "Access-point");

       With the above statement, AnimationInterface assigns the text “Access-point” to node 5.

          // Step 7
          anim.UpdateNodeSize (6, 1.5, 1.5);

       With the above statement, AnimationInterface sets the node size to scale by  1.5.  NetAnim
       automatically  scales the graphics view to fit the oboundaries of the topology. This means
       that  NetAnim,  can  abnormally  scale  a  node’s  size  too  high  or  too   low.   Using
       AnimationInterface::UpdateNodeSize  allows you to overwrite the default scaling in NetAnim
       and use your own custom scale.

          // Step 8
          anim.UpdateNodeCounter (89, 7, 3.4);

       With the above statement, AnimationInterface sets the counter with Id  ==  89,  associated
       with   Node   7   with  the  value  3.4.   The  counter  with  Id  89  is  obtained  using
       AnimationInterface::AddNodeCounter.    An    example    usage    for    this     is     in

   Step 2: Loading the XML in NetAnim
       1. Assuming  NetAnim  was  built,  use  the  command “./NetAnim” to launch NetAnim. Please
          review the section “Building NetAnim” if NetAnim is not available.

       2. When NetAnim is opened, click on the File open button at the  top-left  corner,  select
          the XML file generated during Step 1.

       3. Hit the green play button to begin animation.

       Here is a video illustrating this

       For  detailed  instructions on installing “NetAnim”, F.A.Qs and loading the XML trace file
       (mentioned earlier) using NetAnim please refer:


   Design documentation
       The Antenna module provides:

          1. a class (Angles) and utility functions to deal with angles

          2. a base class (AntennaModel) that provides an  interface  for  the  modeling  of  the
             radiation pattern of an antenna;

          3. a set of classes derived from this base class that each models the radiation pattern
             of different types of antennas;

          4. a base class (PhasedArrayModel) that provides a flexible interface  for  modeling  a
             number of Phase Antenna Array (PAA) models

          5. a  class  (UniformPlanarArray)  derived from this base class, implementing a Uniform
             Planar Array (UPA) supporting both rectangular and linear lattices

       The Angles class holds information about an angle in 3D space using spherical  coordinates
       in radian units.  Specifically, it uses the azimuth-inclination convention, where

       • Inclination  is the angle between the zenith direction (positive z-axis) and the desired
         direction. It is included in the range [0, pi] radians.

       • Azimuth is the signed  angle  measured  from  the  positive  x-axis,  where  a  positive
         direction  goes  towards  the  positive  y-axis.  It  is included in the range [-pi, pi)

       Multiple constructors are present, supporting the most common ways to  encode  information
       on a direction.  A static boolean variable allows the user to decide whether angles should
       be printed in radian or degree units.

       A number of angle-related utilities are offered, such as radians/degree  conversions,  for
       both scalars and vectors, and angle wrapping.

       The  AntennaModel  uses  the coordinate system adopted in [Balanis] and depicted in Figure
       Coordinate system of  the  AntennaModel.  This  system  is  obtained  by  translating  the
       Cartesian  coordinate system used by the ns-3 MobilityModel into the new origin o which is
       the location of the antenna, and then transforming the coordinates of every generic  point
       p  of  the  space  from  Cartesian  coordinates  (x,y,z)  into  spherical  coordinates (r,
       \theta,\phi).  The antenna model neglects the radial component r, and only  considers  the
       angle  components  (\theta,  \phi).  An  antenna  radiation pattern is then expressed as a
       mathematical function g(\theta, \phi) \longrightarrow \mathcal{R} that  returns  the  gain
       (in dB) for each possible direction of transmission/reception. All angles are expressed in
         [image] Coordinate system of the AntennaModel.UNINDENT

   Single antenna models
       In this section we describe the antenna radiation pattern models that are included  within
       the antenna module.

       This antenna radiation pattern model provides a unitary gain (0 dB) for all direction.

       This is the cosine model described in [Chunjian]: the antenna gain is determined as:

                  g(\phi, \theta) = \cos^{n} \left(\frac{\phi - \phi_{0}}{2}  \right)

       where \phi_{0} is the azimuthal orientation of the antenna (i.e., its direction of maximum
       gain) and the exponential

                  n = -\frac{3}{20 \log_{10} \left( \cos \frac{\phi_{3dB}}{4} \right)}

       determines the desired 3dB beamwidth \phi_{3dB}.  Note  that  this  radiation  pattern  is
       independent of the inclination angle \theta.

       A  major  difference  between the model of [Chunjian] and the one implemented in the class
       CosineAntennaModel is that only the element factor (i.e.,  what  described  by  the  above
       formulas)  is  considered. In fact, [Chunjian] also considered an additional antenna array
       factor. The reason why the latter is excluded is that we  expect  that  the  average  user
       would  desire  to  specify  a given beamwidth exactly, without adding an array factor at a
       latter stage which would in practice  alter  the  effective  beamwidth  of  the  resulting
       radiation pattern.

       This  model is based on the parabolic approximation of the main lobe radiation pattern. It
       is often used in the context of cellular system to model the radiation pattern of  a  cell
       sector,  see  for instance [R4-092042a] and [Calcev]. The antenna gain in dB is determined

       g_{dB}(\phi,  \theta)  =  -\min  \left(  12  \left(\frac{\phi    -   \phi_{0}}{\phi_{3dB}}
                                       \right)^2, A_{max} \right)

       where \phi_{0} is the azimuthal orientation of the antenna (i.e., its direction of maximum
       gain), \phi_{3dB} is its 3 dB beamwidth, and A_{max} is the maximum attenuation in  dB  of
       the  antenna.  Note  that  this  radiation pattern is independent of the inclination angle

       This model implements the antenna element described in [38901].  Parameters are fixed from
       the  technical  report, thus no attributes nor setters are provided.  The model is largely
       based on the ParabolicAntennaModel.

   Phased Array Model
       The class PhasedArrayModel has been created with flexibility in mind.   It  abstracts  the
       basic  idea  of a Phased Antenna Array (PAA) by removing any constraint on the position of
       each element, and instead generalizes the concept of  steering  and  beamforming  vectors,
       solely  based  on the generalized location of the antenna elements.  For details on Phased
       Array Antennas see for instance [Mailloux].

       Derived classes must implement the following functions:

       • GetNumberOfElements: returns the number of antenna elements

       • GetElementLocation: returns the location of  the  antenna  element  with  the  specified
         index, normalized with respect to the wavelength

       • GetElementFieldPattern:  returns  the  horizontal and vertical components of the antenna
         element field pattern at the specified direction. Same polarization  (configurable)  for
         all antenna elements of the array is considered.

       The class PhasedArrayModel also assumes that all antenna elements are equal, a typical key
       assumption which allows to model the PAA field pattern as the sum  of  the  array  factor,
       given  by  the  geometry  of  the  location of the antenna elements, and the element field
       pattern.  Any class  derived  from  AntennaModel  is  a  valid  antenna  element  for  the
       PhasedArrayModel, allowing for a great flexibility of the framework.

       The  class UniformPlanarArray is a generic implementation of Uniform Planar Arrays (UPAs),
       supporting rectangular and linear regular lattices.  It loosely follows the implementation
       described  in  the 3GPP TR 38.901 [38901], considering only a single a single panel, i.e.,
       N_{g} = M_{g} = 1.

       By default, the  array  is  orthogonal  to  the  x-axis,  pointing  towards  the  positive
       direction, but the orientation can be changed through the attributes “BearingAngle”, which
       adjusts the azimuth angle, and “DowntiltAngle”, which adjusts the  elevation  angle.   The
       slant angle is instead fixed and assumed to be 0.

       The number of antenna elements in the vertical and horizontal directions can be configured
       through  the  attributes  “NumRows”  and  “NumColumns”,  while  the  spacing  between  the
       horizontal   and   vertical   elements   can   be   configured   through   the  attributes
       “AntennaHorizontalSpacing” and “AntennaVerticalSpacing”.

       The polarization of each antenna element in the array is determined  by  the  polarization
       slant  angle  through  the  attribute  “PolSlantAngle”,  as  described  in  [38901] (i.e.,

            C.A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design”,  Wiley, 2nd Ed.

            Li Chunjian, “Efficient Antenna Patterns for Three-Sector WCDMA Systems”,  Master  of
            Science Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, 2003

            George  Calcev  and Matt Dillon, “Antenna Tilt Control in CDMA Networks”, in Proc. of
            the 2nd Annual International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), 2006

            3GPP  TSG  RAN  WG4  (Radio)  Meeting  #51,  R4-092042,  Simulation  assumptions  and
            parameters for FDD HeNB RF requirements.

            3GPP.  2018.  TR  38.901, Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100 GHz,
            V15.0.0. (2018-06).

            Robert J. Mailloux, “Phased Array Antenna Handbook”, Artech House, 2nd Ed.

   User Documentation
       The antenna modeled can be used with all the  wireless  technologies  and  physical  layer
       models  that  support  it. Currently, this includes the physical layer models based on the
       SpectrumPhy. Please refer to the documentation of each of these models for details.

   Testing Documentation
       In this section we describe the test suites included with the antenna module  that  verify
       its correct functionality.

       The  unit  test  suite  angles  verifies  that the Angles class is constructed properly by
       correct conversion from 3D  Cartesian  coordinates  according  to  the  available  methods
       (construction  from  a single vector and from a pair of vectors). For each method, several
       test cases are  provided  that  compare  the  values  (\phi,  \theta)  determined  by  the
       constructor  to  known  reference  values. The test passes if for each case the values are
       equal to the reference up to a tolerance of 10^{-10} which accounts for numerical errors.

       The unit test  suite  degrees-radians  verifies  that  the  methods  DegreesToRadians  and
       RadiansToDegrees  work  properly  by  comparing with known reference values in a number of
       test cases. Each test case passes if the comparison is equal up to a tolerance of 10^{-10}
       which accounts for numerical errors.

       The  unit  test  suite isotropic-antenna-model checks that the IsotropicAntennaModel class
       works properly, i.e., returns always a 0dB gain regardless of the direction.

       The unit test suite cosine-antenna-model checks that the  CosineAntennaModel  class  works
       properly. Several test cases are provided that check for the antenna gain value calculated
       at different directions and for different values of the orientation,  the  reference  gain
       and  the beamwidth. The reference gain is calculated by hand. Each test case passes if the
       reference gain in dB is equal  to  the  value  returned  by  CosineAntennaModel  within  a
       tolerance  of  0.001, which accounts for the approximation done for the calculation of the
       reference values.

       The unit test suite parabolic-antenna-model checks that  the  ParabolicAntennaModel  class
       works  properly.  Several  test  cases  are provided that check for the antenna gain value
       calculated at different directions and  for  different  values  of  the  orientation,  the
       maximum attenuation and the beamwidth. The reference gain is calculated by hand. Each test
       case  passes  if  the  reference  gain  in  dB  is  equal  to  the   value   returned   by
       ParabolicAntennaModel  within  a  tolerance of 0.001, which accounts for the approximation
       done for the calculation of the reference values.


       This model implements the base specification of  the  Ad  Hoc  On-Demand  Distance  Vector
       (AODV) protocol. The implementation is based on RFC 3561.

       The  model  was  written by Elena Buchatskaia and Pavel Boyko of ITTP RAS, and is based on
       the ns-2 AODV model developed by the CMU/MONARCH group and optimized and  tuned  by  Samir
       Das and Mahesh Marina, University of Cincinnati, and also on the AODV-UU implementation by
       Erik Nordström of Uppsala University.

   Model Description
       The source code for the AODV model lives in the directory src/aodv.

       Class ns3::aodv::RoutingProtocol implements all functionality of service  packet  exchange
       and  inherits from ns3::Ipv4RoutingProtocol.  The base class defines two virtual functions
       for packet routing and forwarding.  The first one,  ns3::aodv::RouteOutput,  is  used  for
       locally  originated  packets,  and  the  second  one,  ns3::aodv::RouteInput,  is used for
       forwarding and/or delivering received packets.

       Protocol  operation  depends  on  many  adjustable   parameters.   Parameters   for   this
       functionality  are attributes of ns3::aodv::RoutingProtocol.  Parameter default values are
       drawn  from  the  RFC  and  allow  the  enabling/disabling  protocol  features,  such   as
       broadcasting HELLO messages, broadcasting data packets and so on.

       AODV  discovers  routes  on demand.  Therefore, the AODV model buffers all packets while a
       route  request  packet  (RREQ)  is  disseminated.   A  packet  queue  is  implemented   in  A  smart  pointer to the packet, ns3::Ipv4RoutingProtocol::ErrorCallback,
       ns3::Ipv4RoutingProtocol::UnicastForwardCallback, and the IP header  are  stored  in  this
       queue.  The  packet  queue  implements  garbage collection of old packets and a queue size

       The routing table implementation supports garbage collection  of  old  entries  and  state
       machine,  defined in the standard.  It is implemented as a STL map container. The key is a
       destination IP address.

       Some elements of protocol operation aren’t described in the RFC. These elements  generally
       concern  cooperation  of  different  OSI  model  layers.   The  model  uses  the following

       • This AODV implementation can detect the presence of unidirectional links and avoid  them
         if  necessary.   If the node the model receives an RREQ for is a neighbor, the cause may
         be a unidirectional link.  This heuristic is taken from AODV-UU implementation  and  can
         be disabled.

       • Protocol  operation  strongly  depends  on  broken  link detection mechanism.  The model
         implements two such heuristics.  First,  this  implementation  support  HELLO  messages.
         However  HELLO  messages  are  not  a good way to perform neighbor sensing in a wireless
         environment (at least not over 802.11). Therefore, one may  experience  bad  performance
         when  running  over wireless.  There are several reasons for this: 1) HELLO messages are
         broadcasted. In 802.11, broadcasting is often done at a lower bit rate than  unicasting,
         thus  HELLO  messages can travel further than unicast data. 2) HELLO messages are small,
         thus less prone to bit errors than data transmissions, and  3)  Broadcast  transmissions
         are  not  guaranteed  to be bidirectional, unlike unicast transmissions.  Second, we use
         layer 2 feedback when possible. Link are considered to be broken if  frame  transmission
         results  in  a  transmission failure for all retries. This mechanism is meant for active
         links and works faster than the first method.

       The layer 2 feedback implementation relies on  the  TxErrHeader  trace  source,  currently
       supported in AdhocWifiMac only.

   Scope and Limitations
       The  model  is  for  IPv4  only.   The  following  optional protocol optimizations are not

       1. Local link repair.

       2. RREP, RREQ and HELLO message extensions.

       These techniques require direct access to IP header, which contradicts the assertion  from
       the  AODV RFC that AODV works over UDP.  This model uses UDP for simplicity, hindering the
       ability to implement certain protocol optimizations. The model doesn’t use low  layer  raw
       sockets because they are not portable.

   Future Work
       No announced plans.


   Model Description
       The  model  is  a  part of the applications library. The HTTP model is based on a commonly
       used 3GPP model in standardization [4].

       This traffic generator  simulates  web  browsing  traffic  using  the  Hypertext  Transfer
       Protocol  (HTTP). It consists of one or more ThreeGppHttpClient applications which connect
       to a ThreeGppHttpServer application. The client models a web browser  which  requests  web
       pages  to  the server. The server is then responsible to serve the web pages as requested.
       Please  refer  to  ThreeGppHttpClientHelper   and   ThreeGppHttpServerHelper   for   usage

       Technically  speaking,  the  client transmits request objects to demand a service from the
       server. Depending on the type of request received, the server transmits either:

          • a main object, i.e., the HTML file of the web page; or

          • an embedded object, e.g., an image referenced by the HTML file.

       The main and embedded object sizes are illustrated in figures 3GPP HTTP main  object  size
       histogram and 3GPP HTTP embedded object size histogram.
         [image] 3GPP HTTP main object size histogram.UNINDENT
         [image] 3GPP HTTP embedded object size histogram.UNINDENT

         A  major  portion  of  the  traffic pattern is reading time, which does not generate any
         traffic. Because of this, one may need to simulate  a  good  number  of  clients  and/or
         sufficiently  long  simulation  duration in order to generate any significant traffic in
         the system. Reading time is illustrated in 3GPP HTTP reading time histogram.
         [image] 3GPP HTTP reading time histogram.UNINDENT

   3GPP HTTP server description
       3GPP HTTP server is a model application which simulates the traffic of a web server.  This
       application works in conjunction with ThreeGppHttpClient applications.

       The  application  works  by responding to requests. Each request is a small packet of data
       which contains ThreeGppHttpHeader. The value of the  content  type  field  of  the  header
       determines the type of object that the client is requesting. The possible type is either a
       main object or an embedded object.

       The application is responsible to generate the right type of object and send  it  back  to
       the   client.   The   size  of  each  object  to  be  sent  is  randomly  determined  (see
       ThreeGppHttpVariables). Each object may be sent as multiple packets due to limited  socket
       buffer space.

       To   assist  with  the  transmission,  the  application  maintains  several  instances  of
       ThreeGppHttpServerTxBuffer. Each instance keeps track of the object type to be served  and
       the number of bytes left to be sent.

       The  application  accepts  connection  request from clients. Every connection is kept open
       until the client disconnects.

       Maximum  transmission  unit  (MTU)  size  is  configurable  in  ThreeGppHttpServer  or  in
       ThreeGppHttpVariables.  By  default, the low variant is 536 bytes and high variant is 1460
       bytes.  The default values are set with the intention of having  a  TCP  header  (size  of
       which  is  40 bytes) added in the packet in such way that lower layers can avoid splitting
       packets. The change of MTU sizes affects all TCP sockets after the server application  has
       started.  It  is  mainly  visible  in  sizes  of  packets  received  by ThreeGppHttpClient

   3GPP HTTP client description
       3GPP HTTP client is a model application which simulates the traffic of a web browser. This
       application works in conjunction with an ThreeGppHttpServer application.

       In summary, the application works as follows.

       1. Upon start, it opens a connection to the destination web server (ThreeGppHttpServer).

       2. After the connection is established, the application immediately requests a main object
          from the server by sending a request packet.

       3. After receiving a main object (which can take some  time  if  it  consists  of  several
          packets),  the  application  “parses”  the  main object. Parsing time is illustrated in
          figure 3GPP HTTP parsing time histogram.

       4. The parsing takes a short  time  (randomly  determined)  to  determine  the  number  of
          embedded objects (also randomly determined) in the web page.  Number of embedded object
          is illustrated in 3GPP HTTP number of embedded objects histogram.


                If at least one embedded object is determined, the application requests
                       the first embedded object from  the  server.  The  request  for  the  next
                       embedded  object  follows  after  the  previous  embedded  object has been
                       completely received.


                If there is no more embedded object to request, the application enters
                       the reading time.

       5. Reading time is a long delay (again, randomly determined) where  the  application  does
          not  induce  any  network  traffic, thus simulating the user reading the downloaded web

       6. After the reading time is finished, the process repeats to step #2.
         [image] 3GPP HTTP parsing time histogram.UNINDENT
         [image] 3GPP HTTP number of embedded objects histogram.UNINDENT

         The client models HTTP persistent connection, i.e., HTTP 1.1, where  the  connection  to
         the server is maintained and used for transmitting and receiving all objects.

         Each  request  by  default  has  a  constant  size of 350 bytes. A ThreeGppHttpHeader is
         attached to each request packet. The header contains information  such  as  the  content
         type requested (either main object or embedded object) and the timestamp when the packet
         is transmitted (which will be used to compute the delay and RTT of the packet).

       Many aspects of the traffic are randomly determined by ThreeGppHttpVariables.  A  separate
       instance  of  this  object  is  used  by  the  HTTP server and client applications.  These
       characteristics are based on a legacy 3GPP specification. The description can be found  in
       the following references:

       [1]  3GPP  TR  25.892,  “Feasibility  Study for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
       (OFDM) for UTRAN enhancement”

       [2] IEEE 802.16m, “Evaluation Methodology Document  (EMD)”,  IEEE  802.16m-08/004r5,  July

       [3]  NGMN  Alliance, “NGMN Radio Access Performance Evaluation Methodology”, v1.0, January

       [4] 3GPP2-TSGC5, “HTTP, FTP and TCP models for 1xEV-DV simulations”, 2001.

       The three-gpp-http-example can be referenced to see basic usage of the HTTP  applications.
       In summary, using the ThreeGppHttpServerHelper and ThreeGppHttpClientHelper allow the user
       to easily install ThreeGppHttpServer and ThreeGppHttpClient applications  to  nodes.   The
       helper  objects  can  be  used  to  configure  attribute  values for the client and server
       objects, but not for the ThreeGppHttpVariables object. Configuration of variables is  done
       by  modifying  attributes  of ThreeGppHttpVariables, which should be done prior to helpers
       installing applications to nodes.

       The client and server provide  a  number  of  ns-3  trace  sources  such  as  “Tx”,  “Rx”,
       “RxDelay”, and “StateTransition” on the server side, and a large number on the client side
       (“ConnectionEstablished”,                        “ConnectionClosed”,”TxMainObjectRequest”,
       “TxEmbeddedObjectRequest”, “RxMainObjectPacket”, “RxMainObject”, “RxEmbeddedObjectPacket”,
       “RxEmbeddedObject”, “Rx”, “RxDelay”, “RxRtt”, “StateTransition”).

   Building the 3GPP HTTP applications
       Building the applications does not require any special steps to be taken. It  suffices  to
       enable the applications module.

       For an example demonstrating HTTP applications run:

          $ ./waf --run 'three-gpp-http-example'

       By  default,  the example will print out the web page requests of the client and responses
       of the server and client receiving content packets by using LOG_INFO of ThreeGppHttpServer
       and ThreeGppHttpClient.

       For testing HTTP applications, three-gpp-http-client-server-test is provided. Run:

          $ ./ -s three-gpp-http-client-server-test

       The  test  consists  of  simple  Internet nodes having HTTP server and client applications
       installed.  Multiple variant scenarios are tested: delay is 3ms, 30ms or 300ms, bit  error
       rate  0  or  5.0*10^(-6),  MTU  size  536 or 1460 bytes and either IPV4 or IPV6 is used. A
       simulation with each combination of these parameters  is  run  multiple  times  to  verify
       functionality with different random variables.

       Test  cases themselves are rather simple: test verifies that HTTP object packet bytes sent
       match total bytes received by the client, and that ThreeGppHttpHeader matches the expected


       Placeholder chapter

       Some examples of the use of Bridge NetDevice can be found in examples/csma/ directory.


       This model implements an interface to BRITE, the Boston university Representative Internet
       Topology gEnerator [1]. BRITE  is  a  standard  tool  for  generating  realistic  internet
       topologies.  The  ns-3  model,  described  herein,  provides  a helper class to facilitate
       generating ns-3 specific topologies using BRITE  configuration  files.  BRITE  builds  the
       original graph which is stored as nodes and edges in the ns-3 BriteTopolgyHelper class. In
       the ns-3 integration of BRITE, the generator generates a topology and then provides access
       to  leaf  nodes  for  each  AS generated.  ns-3 users can than attach custom topologies to
       these leaf nodes either by creating them manually or using topology generators provided in

       There  are  three  major  types  of  topologies  available  in  BRITE:   Router,  AS,  and
       Hierarchical which is a  combination  of  AS  and  Router.    For  the  purposes  of  ns-3
       simulation,  the  most  useful  are  likely  to  be Router and Hierarchical.  Router level
       topologies be generated using either the Waxman model or the Barabasi-Albert model.   Each
       model has different parameters that effect topology creation.  For flat router topologies,
       all nodes are considered to be in the same AS.

       BRITE Hierarchical topologies contain two levels.  The first is the AS level.  This  level
       can  be  also  be  created  by using either the Waxman model or the Barabasi-Albert model.
       Then for each node in the AS topology, a router  level  topology  is  constructed.   These
       router level topologies can again either use the Waxman model or the Barbasi-Albert model.
       BRITE interconnects these  separate  router  topologies  as  specified  by  the  AS  level
       topology.   Once  the  hierarchical  topology is constructed, it is flattened into a large
       router level topology.

       Further    information    can    be    found     in     the     BRITE     user     manual:

   Model Description
       The  model  relies  on  building  an  external  BRITE library, and then building some ns-3
       helpers that call out to the library.  The source code for the ns-3 helpers lives  in  the
       directory src/brite/helper.

       To  generate  the BRITE topology, ns-3 helpers call out to the external BRITE library, and
       using a standard BRITE configuration file, the BRITE code builds a graph  with  nodes  and
       edges  according  to  this  configuration  file. Please see the BRITE documentation or the
       example configuration files in src/brite/examples/conf_files to  get  a  better  grasp  of
       BRITE  configuration  options.  The  graph  built by BRITE is returned to ns-3, and a ns-3
       implementation of the graph is built.  Leaf nodes for each AS are available for  the  user
       to either attach custom topologies or install ns-3 applications directly.

       [1]  Alberto Medina, Anukool Lakhina, Ibrahim Matta, and John Byers. BRITE: An Approach to
            Universal Topology Generation.  In  Proceedings  of  the  International  Workshop  on
            Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems- MASCOTS
            ‘01, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 2001.

       The brite-generic-example can be referenced to see basic usage of the BRITE interface.  In
       summary,  the  BriteTopologyHelper  is  used  as the interface point by passing in a BRITE
       configuration file. Along with the configuration file a BRITE formatted random  seed  file
       can  also  be  passed  in.  If a seed file is not passed in, the helper will create a seed
       file using ns-3’s UniformRandomVariable.  Once the topology has been generated  by  BRITE,
       BuildBriteTopology()  is called to create the ns-3 representation.  Next IP Address can be
       assigned to the topology using either AssignIpv4Addresses() or AssignIpv6Addresses().   It
       should  be  noted  that  each point-to-point link in the topology will be treated as a new
       network therefore for IPV4 a /30 subnet should be used to avoid wasting a large amount  of
       the available address space.

       Example  BRITE  configuration  files  can  be  found  in  /src/brite/examples/conf_files/.
       ASBarbasi and ASWaxman are examples of AS only topologies.  The  RTBarabasi  and  RTWaxman
       files  are  examples  of  router  only  topologies.   Finally  the  TD_ASBarabasi_RTWaxman
       configuration file is an example of a Hierarchical topology that uses the  Barabasi-Albert
       model  for  the  AS  level  and  the Waxman model for each of the router level topologies.
       Information on the BRITE parameters used in these files can be found  in  the  BRITE  user

   Building BRITE Integration
       The first step is to download and build the ns-3 specific BRITE repository:

          $ hg clone
          $ cd BRITE
          $ make

       This will build BRITE and create a library,, within the BRITE directory.

       Once  BRITE  has been built successfully, we proceed to configure ns-3 with BRITE support.
       Change to your ns-3 directory:

          $ ./waf configure --with-brite=/your/path/to/brite/source --enable-examples

       Make sure it says ‘enabled’ beside ‘BRITE Integration’. If it does not, then something has
       gone  wrong.  Either you have forgotten to build BRITE first following the steps above, or
       ns-3 could not find your BRITE directory.

       Next, build ns-3:

          $ ./waf

       For an example demonstrating BRITE integration run:

          $ ./waf --run 'brite-generic-example'

       By enabling the  verbose  parameter,  the  example  will  print  out  the  node  and  edge
       information  in  a  similar  format  to  standard  BRITE  output.  There  are  many  other
       command-line parameters including confFile, tracing, and nix, described below:

                 A BRITE configuration file. Many different  BRITE  configuration  file  examples
                 exist    in    the   src/brite/examples/conf_files   directory,   for   example,
                 RTBarabasi20.conf and RTWaxman.conf. Please refer to  the  conf_files  directory
                 for more examples.

                 Enables ascii tracing.

          nix    Enables nix-vector routing. Global routing is used by default.

       The generic BRITE example also support visualization using pyviz, assuming python bindings
       in ns-3 are enabled:

          $ ./waf --run brite-generic-example --vis

       Simulations involving BRITE can also be used with MPI.  The total number of MPI  instances
       is  passed  to the BRITE topology helper where a modulo divide is used to assign the nodes
       for each AS to a MPI instance.  An example can be found in src/brite/examples:

          $ mpirun -np 2 ./waf --run brite-MPI-example

       Please see the ns-3 MPI documentation for information on setting up MPI with ns-3.


       cd .. include:: replace.txt

   Design documentation
       The Buildings module provides:

          1. a new class (Building) that models the  presence  of  a  building  in  a  simulation

          2. a  new  class  (MobilityBuildingInfo)  that allows to specify the location, size and
             characteristics of buildings present in the simulated area, and allows the placement
             of nodes inside those buildings;

          3. a  container  class  with  the definition of the most useful pathloss models and the
             correspondent variables called BuildingsPropagationLossModel.

          4. a new  propagation  model  (HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel)  working  with  the
             mobility   model   just   introduced,   that  allows  to  model  the  phenomenon  of
             indoor/outdoor propagation in the presence of buildings.

          5. a simplified model working only with Okumura Hata  (OhBuildingsPropagationLossModel)
             considering  the  phenomenon  of  indoor/outdoor  propagation  in  the  presence  of

          6. a channel condition  model  (BuildingsChannelConditionModel)  which  determined  the
             LOS/NLOS channel condition based on the Building objects deployed in the scenario.

          7. hybrid   channel   condition   models   (ThreeGppV2vUrbanChannelConditionModel   and
             ThreeGppV2vHighwayChannelConditionModel) specifically designed  to  model  vehicular
             environments  (more information can be found in the documentation of the propagation

       The models have been designed with LTE in mind, though their  implementation  is  in  fact
       independent  from  any  LTE-specific  code,  and  can  be  used  with  other ns-3 wireless
       technologies as well (e.g., wifi, wimax).

       The HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel pathloss model  included  is  obtained  through  a
       combination   of   several  well  known  pathloss  models  in  order  to  mimic  different
       environmental scenarios such as urban,  suburban  and  open  areas.  Moreover,  the  model
       considers  both  outdoor  and  indoor  indoor and outdoor communication has to be included
       since HeNB might be installed either within building and either outside. In case of indoor
       communication,  the  model has to consider also the type of building in outdoor <-> indoor
       communication according to some general criteria such as the wall  penetration  losses  of
       the  common  materials;  moreover  it includes some general configuration for the internal
       walls in indoor communications.

       The OhBuildingsPropagationLossModel pathloss model has been created  for  simplifying  the
       previous one removing the thresholds for switching from one model to other. For doing this
       it has been used only one propagation model from the  one  available  (i.e.,  the  Okumura
       Hata).  The  presence  of  building  is  still  considered in the model; therefore all the
       considerations  of  above  regarding  the  building  type  are  still  valid.   The   same
       consideration  can be done for what concern the environmental scenario and frequency since
       both of them are parameters of the model considered.

   The Building class
       The model includes a specific class called Building which contains a  ns3  Box  class  for
       defining  the dimension of the building. In order to implements the characteristics of the
       pathloss models included, the Building class supports the following attributes:

          • building type:

            • Residential (default value)

            • Office

            • Commercial

          • external walls type

            • Wood

            • ConcreteWithWindows (default value)

            • ConcreteWithoutWindows

            • StoneBlocks

          • number of floors (default value 1, which means only ground-floor)

          • number of rooms in x-axis (default value 1)

          • number of rooms in y-axis (default value 1)

       The Building class is based on the following assumptions:

          • a buildings is represented as a rectangular parallelepiped (i.e., a box)

          • the walls are parallel to the x, y, and z axis

          • a building is divided into a grid of rooms, identified by the following parameters:

            • number of floors

            • number of rooms along the x-axis

            • number of rooms along the y-axis

          • the z axis is the vertical axis, i.e., floor numbers increase for increasing  z  axis

          • the  x  and  y  room  indices  start  from  1  and  increase  along  the x and y axis

          • all rooms in a building have equal size

   The MobilityBuildingInfo class
       The MobilityBuildingInfo class, which inherits from the ns3 class Object, is in charge  of
       maintaining  information  about  the  position  of  a  node  with respect to building. The
       information managed by MobilityBuildingInfo is:

          • whether the node is indoor or outdoor

          • if indoor:

            • in which building the node is

            • in which room the node is positioned (x, y and floor room indices)

       The class MobilityBuildingInfo  is  used  by  BuildingsPropagationLossModel  class,  which
       inherits  from  the ns3 class PropagationLossModel and manages the pathloss computation of
       the single components and their composition according to the nodes’  positions.  Moreover,
       it  implements  also  the  shadowing,  that  is the loss due to obstacles in the main path
       (i.e., vegetation, buildings, etc.).

       It is to be noted that, MobilityBuildingInfo can be used by any other  propagation  model.
       However,  based  on  the information at the time of this writing, only the ones defined in
       the building module are  designed  for  considering  the  constraints  introduced  by  the

       This  class implements a building-dependent indoor propagation loss model based on the ITU
       P.1238 model, which includes losses due to type of building (i.e., residential, office and
       commercial).  The analytical expression is given in the following.

                        L_\mathrm{total} = 20\log f + N\log d + L_f(n)- 28 [dB]

          N   =   \left\{   \begin{array}{lll}   28  &  residential  \\  30  &  office  \\  22  &
          commercial\end{array} \right. : power loss coefficient [dB]

          L_f = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} 4n & residential \\ 15+4(n-1) & office \\  6+3(n-1)  &
          commercial\end{array} \right.

          n : number of floors between base station and mobile (n\ge 1)

          f : frequency [MHz]

          d : distance (where d > 1) [m]

       The   BuildingsPropagationLossModel  provides  an  additional  set  of  building-dependent
       pathloss model elements that are  used  to  implement  different  pathloss  logics.  These
       pathloss model elements are described in the following subsections.

   External Wall Loss (EWL)
       This   component  models  the  penetration  loss  through  walls  for  indoor  to  outdoor
       communications and vice-versa. The values are taken from the [cost231] model.

          • Wood ~ 4 dB

          • Concrete with windows (not metallized) ~ 7 dB

          • Concrete without windows ~ 15 dB (spans between 10 and 20 in COST231)

          • Stone blocks ~ 12 dB

   Internal Walls Loss (IWL)
       This component models the penetration loss occurring  in  indoor-to-indoor  communications
       within  the same building. The total loss is calculated assuming that each single internal
       wall has a constant penetration loss L_{siw}, and approximating the number of  walls  that
       are  penetrated  with  the manhattan distance (in number of rooms) between the transmitter
       and the receiver. In detail, let x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2 denote the room number along the x and
       y axis respectively for user 1 and 2; the total loss L_{IWL} is calculated as

                              L_{IWL} = L_{siw} (|x_1 -x_2| + |y_1 - y_2|)

   Height Gain Model (HG)
       This  component  model the gain due to the fact that the transmitting device is on a floor
       above the ground. In the literature [turkmani] this gain has been evaluated as about 2  dB
       per  floor.  This  gain  can  be  applied  to all the indoor to outdoor communications and

   Shadowing Model
       The shadowing is modeled according to a log-normal  distribution  with  variable  standard
       deviation  as  function  of the relative position (indoor or outdoor) of the MobilityModel
       instances involved. One random value is drawn for each pair of MobilityModels,  and  stays
       constant  for  that  pair  during the whole simulation. Thus, the model is appropriate for
       static nodes only.

       The model considers that the mean of the shadowing  loss  in  dB  is  always  0.  For  the
       variance, the model considers three possible values of standard deviation, in detail:

          • outdoor (m_shadowingSigmaOutdoor, defaul value of 7 dB) \rightarrow X_\mathrm{O} \sim
            N(\mu_\mathrm{O}, \sigma_\mathrm{O}^2).

          • indoor (m_shadowingSigmaIndoor, defaul value of 10 dB) \rightarrow X_\mathrm{I}  \sim
            N(\mu_\mathrm{I}, \sigma_\mathrm{I}^2).

          • external walls penetration (m_shadowingSigmaExtWalls, default value 5 dB) \rightarrow
            X_\mathrm{W} \sim N(\mu_\mathrm{W}, \sigma_\mathrm{W}^2)

       The simulator generates a shadowing  value  per  each  active  link  according  to  nodes’
       position  the  first time the link is used for transmitting. In case of transmissions from
       outdoor nodes to indoor ones, and vice-versa, the standard deviation  (\sigma_\mathrm{IO})
       has to be calculated as the square root of the sum of the quadratic values of the standard
       deviatio in case of outdoor nodes and the one for the external walls penetration. This  is
       due  to  the fact that that the components producing the shadowing are independent of each
       other; therefore, the variance of a distribution resulting from the sum of two independent
       normal ones is the sum of the variances.

                        X \sim N(\mu,\sigma^2) \mbox{ and } Y \sim N(\nu,\tau^2)

       Z = X + Y \sim Z (\mu + \nu, \sigma^2 + \tau^2)

       \Rightarrow \sigma_\mathrm{IO} = \sqrt{\sigma_\mathrm{O}^2 + \sigma_\mathrm{W}^2}

   Pathloss logics
       In  the  following  we  describe  the  different  pathloss  logic  that are implemented by
       inheriting from BuildingsPropagationLossModel.

       The HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel pathloss model  included  is  obtained  through  a
       combination  of several well known pathloss models in order to mimic different outdoor and
       indoor scenarios, as well as indoor-to-outdoor and outdoor-to-indoor scenarios. In detail,
       the class HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel integrates the following pathloss models:

          • OkumuraHataPropagationLossModel  (OH)  (at  frequencies  >  2.3  GHz  substituted  by

          • ItuR1411LosPropagationLossModel    and    ItuR1411NlosOverRooftopPropagationLossModel

          • ItuR1238PropagationLossModel (I1238)

          • the pathloss elements of the BuildingsPropagationLossModel (EWL, HG, IWL)

       The  following pseudo-code illustrates how the different pathloss model elements described
       above are integrated in  HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel:

          if (txNode is outdoor)
              if (rxNode is outdoor)
                  if (distance > 1 km)
                      if (rxNode or txNode is below the rooftop)
                          L = I1411
                          L = OH
                      L = I1411
                else (rxNode is indoor)
                  if (distance > 1 km)
                      if (rxNode or txNode is below the rooftop)
                        L = I1411 + EWL + HG
                        L = OH + EWL + HG
                      L = I1411 + EWL + HG
          else (txNode is indoor)
            if (rxNode is indoor)
               if (same building)
                    L = I1238 + IWL
                    L = I1411 + 2*EWL
             else (rxNode is outdoor)
              if (distance > 1 km)
                  if (rxNode or txNode is below the rooftop)
                          L = I1411 + EWL + HG
                          L = OH + EWL + HG
                  L = I1411 + EWL

       We note that, for the case of communication between two nodes  below  rooftop  level  with
       distance is greater then 1 km, we still consider the I1411 model, since OH is specifically
       designed for macro cells and therefore for antennas above the roof-top level.

       For the ITU-R P.1411 model we consider both the LOS and NLoS versions. In  particular,  we
       considers  the  LoS  propagation  for  distances that are shorted than a tunable threshold
       (m_itu1411NlosThreshold). In case on NLoS propagation, the  over  the  roof-top  model  is
       taken  in  consideration  for  modeling  both  macro  BS  and  SC. In case on NLoS several
       parameters  scenario  dependent  have  been  included,  such  as  average  street   width,
       orientation,  etc.  The values of such parameters have to be properly set according to the
       scenario implemented, the model does not calculate natively  their  values.  In  case  any
       values is provided, the standard ones are used, apart for the height of the mobile and BS,
       which instead their integrity is tested directly in  the  code  (i.e.,  they  have  to  be
       greater  then  zero).   In  the following we give the expressions of the components of the

       We also note that the use of different propagation models (OH,  I1411,  I1238  with  their
       variants)  in  HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel  can  result  in discontinuities of the
       pathloss with respect to distance. A proper  tuning  of  the  attributes  (especially  the
       distance  threshold  attributes)  can  avoid  these  discontinuities.  However,  since the
       behavior of each model depends on several other parameters (frequency, node height,  etc),
       there  is  no  default value of these thresholds that can avoid the discontinuities in all
       possible configurations. Hence, an appropriate tuning of these parameters is left  to  the

       The  OhBuildingsPropagationLossModel class has been created as a simple means to solve the
       discontinuity    problems    of    HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel    without    doing
       scenario-specific   parameter  tuning.  The  solution  is to use only one propagation loss
       model (i.e., Okumura Hata), while retaining the structure of the pathloss  logic  for  the
       calculation of other path loss components (such as wall penetration losses). The result is
       a model that is free of discontinuities (except those due to  walls),  but  that  is  less
       realistic  overall  for  a generic scenario with buildings and outdoor/indoor users, e.g.,
       because Okumura Hata is not suitable neither for indoor  communications  nor  for  outdoor
       communications below rooftop level.

       In  detail,  the  class  OhBuildingsPropagationLossModel integrates the following pathloss

          • OkumuraHataPropagationLossModel (OH)

          • the pathloss elements of the BuildingsPropagationLossModel (EWL, HG, IWL)

       The following pseudo-code illustrates how the different pathloss model elements  described
       above are integrated in OhBuildingsPropagationLossModel:

          if (txNode is outdoor)
              if (rxNode is outdoor)
                  L = OH
                else (rxNode is indoor)
                  L = OH + EWL
          else (txNode is indoor)
            if (rxNode is indoor)
               if (same building)
                    L = OH + IWL
                    L = OH + 2*EWL
             else (rxNode is outdoor)
                L = OH + EWL

       We  note that OhBuildingsPropagationLossModel is a significant simplification with respect
       to HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel, due to the fact that OH is used always. While this
       gives  a  less  accurate model in some scenarios (especially below rooftop and indoor), it
       effectively   avoids   the   issue    of    pathloss    discontinuities    that    affects

   User Documentation
   How to use buildings in a simulation
       In  this  section  we  explain  the basic usage of the buildings model within a simulation

   Include the headers
       Add this at the beginning of your simulation program:

          #include <ns3/buildings-module.h>

   Create a building
       As an example, let’s create a residential 10 x 20 x 10 building:

          double x_min = 0.0;
          double x_max = 10.0;
          double y_min = 0.0;
          double y_max = 20.0;
          double z_min = 0.0;
          double z_max = 10.0;
          Ptr<Building> b = CreateObject <Building> ();
          b->SetBoundaries (Box (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max));
          b->SetBuildingType (Building::Residential);
          b->SetExtWallsType (Building::ConcreteWithWindows);
          b->SetNFloors (3);
          b->SetNRoomsX (3);
          b->SetNRoomsY (2);

       This building has three floors and an internal 3 x 2  grid of rooms of equal size.

       The helper class GridBuildingAllocator is  also  available  to  easily  create  a  set  of
       buildings  with  identical characteristics placed on a rectangular grid. Here’s an example
       of how to use it:

          Ptr<GridBuildingAllocator>  gridBuildingAllocator;
          gridBuildingAllocator = CreateObject<GridBuildingAllocator> ();
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetAttribute ("GridWidth", UintegerValue (3));
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetAttribute ("LengthX", DoubleValue (7));
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetAttribute ("LengthY", DoubleValue (13));
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetAttribute ("DeltaX", DoubleValue (3));
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetAttribute ("DeltaY", DoubleValue (3));
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetAttribute ("Height", DoubleValue (6));
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetBuildingAttribute ("NRoomsX", UintegerValue (2));
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetBuildingAttribute ("NRoomsY", UintegerValue (4));
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetBuildingAttribute ("NFloors", UintegerValue (2));
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetAttribute ("MinX", DoubleValue (0));
          gridBuildingAllocator->SetAttribute ("MinY", DoubleValue (0));
          gridBuildingAllocator->Create (6);

       This will create a 3x2 grid of 6 buildings, each 7 x 13 x 6 m with 2 x 4 rooms inside  and
       2 foors; the buildings are spaced by 3 m on both the x and the y axis.

   Setup nodes and mobility models
       Nodes  and  mobility models are configured as usual, however in order to use them with the
       buildings model you need an additional call to BuildingsHelper::Install(), so  as  to  let
       the mobility model include the information on their position w.r.t. the buildings. Here is
       an example:

          MobilityHelper mobility;
          mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
          ueNodes.Create (2);
          mobility.Install (ueNodes);
          BuildingsHelper::Install (ueNodes);

       It is to be noted that any mobility model can be used. However, the  user  is  advised  to
       make  sure  that  the  behavior  of  the  mobility model being used is consistent with the
       presence of Buildings. For  example,  using  a  simple  random  mobility  over  the  whole
       simulation area in presence of buildings might easily results in node moving in and out of
       buildings, regardless of the presence of walls.

       One dedicated buildings-aware  mobility  model  is  the  RandomWalk2dOutdoorMobilityModel.
       This  class  is similar to the RandomWalk2dMobilityModel but avoids placing the trajectory
       on a path that would intersect a building wall.  If a boundary is encountered (either  the
       bounding  box  or  a  building wall), the model rebounds with a random direction and speed
       that ensures that the trajectory stays outside the buildings.   An  example  program  that
       demonstrates        the        use        of        this        model        is        the
       src/buildings/examples/ which has an associated shell script
       to  plot  the  traces  generated.   Another  example program demonstrates how this outdoor
       mobility model can be used as the basis of  a  group  mobility  model,  with  the  outdoor
       buildings-aware  model  serving  as  the  parent  or  reference  mobility  model, and with
       additional nodes defining a child mobility model providing the offset from  the  reference
       mobility  model.   This  example, src/buildings/example/,
       also has an associated shell script ( that can  be  used
       to generate an animated GIF of the group’s movement.

   Place some nodes
       You  can  place nodes in your simulation using several methods, which are described in the

   Legacy positioning methods
       Any legacy ns-3 positioning method can be used  to  place  node  in  the  simulation.  The
       important additional step is to For example, you can place nodes manually like this:

          Ptr<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> mm0 = enbNodes.Get (0)->GetObject<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> ();
          Ptr<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> mm1 = enbNodes.Get (1)->GetObject<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> ();
          mm0->SetPosition (Vector (5.0, 5.0, 1.5));
          mm1->SetPosition (Vector (30.0, 40.0, 1.5));

          MobilityHelper mobility;
          mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
          ueNodes.Create (2);
          mobility.Install (ueNodes);
          BuildingsHelper::Install (ueNodes);
          mm0->SetPosition (Vector (5.0, 5.0, 1.5));
          mm1->SetPosition (Vector (30.0, 40.0, 1.5));

       Alternatively,  you could use any existing PositionAllocator class. The coordinates of the
       node will determine whether it is placed outdoor  or  indoor  and,  if  indoor,  in  which
       building and room it is placed.

   Building-specific positioning methods
       The  following position allocator classes are available to place node in special positions
       with respect to buildings:

          • RandomBuildingPositionAllocator:  Allocate  each  position  by  randomly  choosing  a
            building from the list of all buildings, and then randomly choosing a position inside
            the building.

          • RandomRoomPositionAllocator: Allocate each position by randomly choosing a room  from
            the  list of rooms in all buildings, and then randomly choosing a position inside the

          • SameRoomPositionAllocator: Walks a given NodeContainer  sequentially,  and  for  each
            node allocate a new position randomly in the same room of that node.

          • FixedRoomPositionAllocator:  Generate  a random position uniformly distributed in the
            volume of a chosen room inside a chosen building.

   Making the Mobility Model Consistent for a node
       Initially, a mobility model of a node is made consistent when a node is initialized, which
       eventually  triggers a call to the DoInitialize method of the MobilityBuildingInfo` class.
       In particular, it calls the MakeMobilityModelConsistent method,  which  goes  through  the
       lists  of all buildings, determine if the node is indoor or outdoor, and if indoor it also
       determines the building in which the node is located and the  corresponding  floor  number
       inside  the building. Moreover, this method also caches the position of the node, which is
       used to make the mobility model consistent for a moving node whenever the IsInside  method
       of MobilityBuildingInfo class is called.

   Building-aware pathloss model
       After  you  placed  buildings  and  nodes  in  a  simulation, you can use a building-aware
       pathloss model in a simulation exactly in the same way you would use any regular path loss
       model.  How  to do this is specific for the wireless module that you are considering (lte,
       wifi, wimax, etc.), so please refer to  the  documentation  of  that  model  for  specific

   Building-aware channel condition models
       The  class  BuildingsChannelConditionModel  implements  a  channel  condition  model which
       determines the LOS/NLOS channel state based on the buildings deployed in the scenario.

       The             classes             ThreeGppV2vUrbanChannelConditionModel              and
       ThreeGppV2vHighwayChannelConditionModel   implement   hybrid   channel  condition  models,
       specifically designed to model vehicular environments.  More information can be  found  in
       the documentation of the propagation module.

   Main configurable attributes
       The Building class has the following configurable parameters:

       • building type: Residential, Office and Commercial.

       • external walls type: Wood, ConcreteWithWindows, ConcreteWithoutWindows and StoneBlocks.

       • building bounds: a Box class with the building bounds.

       • number of floors.

       • number of rooms in x-axis and y-axis (rooms can be placed only in a grid way).

       The  BuildingMobilityLossModel  parameter  configurable  with  the ns3 attribute system is
       represented by the bound (string Bounds) of the simulation area by providing a  Box  class
       with  the  area  bounds. Moreover, by means of its methods the following parameters can be

       • the number of floor the node is placed (default 0).

       • the position in the rooms grid.

       The  BuildingPropagationLossModel  class  has  the   following   configurable   parameters
       configurable with the attribute system:

       • Frequency:  reference  frequency  (default 2160 MHz), note that by setting the frequency
         the wavelength is set accordingly automatically and viceversa).

       • Lambda: the wavelength (0.139 meters, considering the above frequency).

       • ShadowSigmaOutdoor: the standard deviation of the shadowing for  outdoor  nodes  (defaul

       • ShadowSigmaIndoor:  the  standard  deviation  of the shadowing for indoor nodes (default

       • ShadowSigmaExtWalls: the standard deviation of  the  shadowing  due  to  external  walls
         penetration for outdoor to indoor communications (default 5.0).

       • RooftopLevel: the level of the rooftop of the building in meters (default 20 meters).

       • Los2NlosThr:  the  value  of  distance  of the switching point between line-of-sigth and
         non-line-of-sight propagation model in meters (default 200 meters).

       • ITU1411DistanceThr: the value of distance of the switching  point  between  short  range
         (ITU 1211) communications and long range (Okumura Hata) in meters (default 200 meters).

       • MinDistance:  the  minimum  distance  in  meters  between  two  nodes for evaluating the
         pathloss (considered neglictible before this threshold) (default 0.5 meters).

       • Environment: the environment scenario  among  Urban,  SubUrban  and  OpenAreas  (default

       • CitySize: the dimension of the city among Small, Medium, Large (default Large).

       In    order    to    use    the   hybrid   mode,   the   class   to   be   used   is   the
       HybridBuildingMobilityLossModel, which allows the selection of the proper  pathloss  model
       according  to  the  pathloss logic presented in the design chapter. However, this solution
       has the problem that the pathloss model switching points might present discontinuities due
       to the different characteristics of the model. This implies that according to the specific
       scenario, the threshold used  for  switching  have  to  be  properly  tuned.   The  simple
       OhBuildingMobilityLossModel overcome this problem by using only the Okumura Hata model and
       the wall penetration losses.

   Testing Documentation
       To test and validate the ns-3 Building Pathloss module, some test suites is provided which
       are  integrated with the ns-3 test framework. To run them, you need to have configured the
       build of the simulator in this way:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-tests --enable-modules=buildings
          $ ./

       The above will run not only the test suites belonging to the buildings  module,  but  also
       those  belonging  to all the other ns-3 modules on which the buildings module depends. See
       the ns-3 manual for generic information on the testing framework.

       You can get a more detailed report in HTML format in this way:

          $ ./ -w results.html

       After the above command has run, you can view the detailed result for each test by opening
       the file results.html with a web browser.

       You can run each test suite separately using this command:

          $ ./ -s test-suite-name

       For  more  details  about and the ns-3 testing framework, please refer to the ns-3

   Description of the test suites
   BuildingsHelper test
       The      test      suite      buildings-helper      checks      that      the       method
       BuildingsHelper::MakeAllInstancesConsistent    ()   works   properly,   i.e.,   that   the
       BuildingsHelper is successful in locating if nodes are outdoor or indoor,  and  if  indoor
       that  they  are  located  in  the correct building, room and floor. Several test cases are
       provided with different buildings (having different size, position, rooms and floors)  and
       different node positions. The test passes if each every node is located correctly.

   BuildingPositionAllocator test
       The  test  suite  building-position-allocator  feature  two  test  cases  that  check that
       respectively RandomRoomPositionAllocator and SameRoomPositionAllocator work properly. Each
       test cases involves a single 2x3x2 room building (total 12 rooms) at known coordinates and
       respectively 24 and 48 nodes. Both tests check that the number of nodes allocated in  each
       room is the expected one and that the position of the nodes is also correct.

   Buildings Pathloss tests
       The  test  suite  buildings-pathloss-model  provides different unit tests that compare the
       expected results  of  the  buildings  pathloss  module  in  specific  scenarios  with  pre
       calculated      values      obtained      offline      with      an      Octave     script
       (test/reference/buildings-pathloss.m). The tests are considered passed if the  two  values
       are  equal  up to a tolerance of 0.1, which is deemed appropriate for the typical usage of
       pathloss values (which are in dB).

       In the following we detailed the scenarios considered, their selection has been  done  for
       covering  the wide set of possible pathloss logic combinations. The pathloss logic results
       therefore implicitly tested.

   Test #1 Okumura Hata
       In this test we test the standard Okumura Hata model; therefore both eNB and UE are placed
       outside  at  a  distance  of  2000  m.  The  frequency  used  is the E-UTRA band #5, which
       correspond to 869 MHz (see table 5.5-1 of 36.101). The test includes also  the  validation
       of  the  areas  extensions  (i.e.,  urban,  suburban  and open-areas) and of the city size
       (small, medium and large).

   Test #2 COST231 Model
       This test is aimed at validating the COST231 model. The test is  similar  to  the  Okumura
       Hata one, except that the frequency used is the EUTRA band #1 (2140 MHz) and that the test
       can be performed only for  large  and  small  cities  in  urban  scenarios  due  to  model

   Test #3 2.6 GHz model
       This  test validates the 2.6 GHz Kun model. The test is similar to Okumura Hata one except
       that the frequency is the EUTRA band #7 (2620 MHz) and the test can be performed  only  in
       urban scenario.

   Test #4 ITU1411 LoS model
       This  test is aimed at validating the ITU1411 model in case of line of sight within street
       canyons transmissions. In this case the UE is placed at 100 meters far from the eNB, since
       the threshold for switching between LoS and NLoS is left to default one (i.e., 200 m.).

   Test #5 ITU1411 NLoS model
       This  test  is aimed at validating the ITU1411 model in case of non line of sight over the
       rooftop transmissions. In this case the UE is placed at 900 meters far from  the  eNB,  in
       order  to be above the threshold for switching between LoS and NLoS is left to default one
       (i.e., 200 m.).

   Test #6 ITUP1238 model
       This test is aimed at validating the ITUP1238 model in case of  indoor  transmissions.  In
       this  case both the UE and the eNB are placed in a residential building with walls made of
       concrete with windows. Ue is placed at the second floor and distances 30 meters  far  from
       the eNB, which is placed at the first floor.

   Test #7 Outdoor -> Indoor with Okumura Hata model
       This  test validates the outdoor to indoor transmissions for large distances. In this case
       the UE is placed in a residential building with wall made of  concrete  with  windows  and
       distances 2000 meters from the outdoor eNB.

   Test #8 Outdoor -> Indoor with ITU1411 model
       This  test validates the outdoor to indoor transmissions for short distances. In this case
       the UE is placed in a residential building with walls made of concrete  with  windows  and
       distances 100 meters from the outdoor eNB.

   Test #9 Indoor -> Outdoor with ITU1411 model
       This  test validates the outdoor to indoor transmissions for very short distances. In this
       case the eNB is placed in the second floor of a residential building with  walls  made  of
       concrete   with  windows  and  distances  100  meters  from  the  outdoor  UE  (i.e.,  LoS
       communication). Therefore the height gain has to be included in the pathloss evaluation.

   Test #10 Indoor -> Outdoor with ITU1411 model
       This test validates the outdoor to indoor transmissions for short distances. In this  case
       the  eNB  is  placed  in  the  second  floor  of a residential building with walls made of
       concrete  with  windows  and  distances  500  meters  from  the  outdoor  UE  (i.e.,  NLoS
       communication). Therefore the height gain has to be included in the pathloss evaluation.

   Buildings Shadowing Test
       The  test suite buildings-shadowing-test is a unit test intended to verify the statistical
       distribution of the shadowing model implemented by BuildingsPathlossModel.  The  shadowing
       is  modeled  according  to  a  normal distribution with mean \mu = 0 and variable standard
       deviation \sigma, according to models commonly used in literature. Three  test  cases  are
       provided,  which  cover the cases of indoor, outdoor and indoor-to-outdoor communications.
       Each test case generates 1000 different  samples  of  shadowing  for  different  pairs  of
       MobilityModel  instances in a given scenario. Shadowing values are obtained by subtracting
       from the total loss value returned by HybridBuildingsPathlossModel the path loss component
       which is constant and pre-determined for each test case. The test verifies that the sample
       mean and sample variance of the shadowing values fall within the 99%  confidence  interval
       of  the  sample mean and sample variance. The test also verifies that the shadowing values
       returned at successive times for the same pair of MobilityModel instances is constant.

   Buildings Channel Condition Model Test
       The        BuildingsChannelConditionModelTestSuite         tests         the         class
       BuildingsChannelConditionModel.   It  checks if the channel condition between two nodes is
       correctly determined when a building is deployed.

            Turkmani A.M.D., J.D. Parson and D.G. Lewis, “Radio  propagation  into  buildings  at
            441, 900 and 1400 MHz”, in Proc. of 4th Int. Conference on Land Mobile Radio, 1987.


       Click  is  a  software architecture for building configurable routers.  By using different
       combinations of packet processing units called elements, a Click router  can  be  made  to
       perform  a  specific kind of functionality.  This flexibility provides a good platform for
       testing and experimenting with different protocols.

   Model Description
       The source code for the Click model lives in the directory src/click.

       ns-3’s design is well suited for an integration with Click due to the following reasons:

       • Packets in ns-3 are serialised/deserialised as they move up/down the stack. This  allows
         ns-3 packets to be passed to and from Click as they are.

       • This also means that any kind of ns-3 traffic generator and transport should work easily
         on top of Click.

       • By striving to  implement  click  as  an  Ipv4RoutingProtocol  instance,  we  can  avoid
         significant changes to the LL and MAC layer of the ns-3 code.

       The  design  goal  was  to make the ns-3-click public API simple enough such that the user
       needs to merely add an Ipv4ClickRouting instance to the node, and inform each  Click  node
       of the Click configuration file (.click file) that it is to use.

       This  model  implements  the  interface  to  the  Click  Modular  Router  and provides the
       Ipv4ClickRouting class to allow a node to use Click for external  routing.  Unlike  normal
       Ipv4RoutingProtocol  sub  types,  Ipv4ClickRouting  doesn’t use a RouteInput() method, but
       instead, receives a packet on the appropriate interface and processes it accordingly. Note
       that  you  need  to have a routing table type element in your Click graph to use Click for
       external  routing.  This  is  needed  by  the  RouteOutput()   function   inherited   from
       Ipv4RoutingProtocol.   Furthermore,  a Click based node uses a different kind of L3 in the
       form  of  Ipv4L3ClickProtocol,  which  is  a  trimmed  down  version  of   Ipv4L3Protocol.
       Ipv4L3ClickProtocol  passes  on  packets passing through the stack to Ipv4ClickRouting for

   Developing a Simulator API to allow ns-3 to interact with Click
       Much of the API is already well defined, which allows Click to probe for information  from
       the  simulator  (like a Node’s ID, an Interface ID and so forth). By retaining most of the
       methods, it should be possible to write new implementations specific to ns-3 for the  same

       Hence, for the Click integration with ns-3, a class named Ipv4ClickRouting will handle the
       interaction   with   Click.   The   code    for    the    same    can    be    found    in

   Packet hand off between ns-3 and Click
       There are four kinds of packet hand-offs that can occur between ns-3 and Click.

       • L4 to L3

       • L3 to L4

       • L3 to L2

       • L2 to L3

       To   overcome   this,  we  implement  Ipv4L3ClickProtocol,  a  stripped  down  version  of
       Ipv4L3Protocol.  Ipv4L3ClickProtocol  passes  packets   to   and   from   Ipv4ClickRouting
       appropriately to perform routing.

   Scope and Limitations
       • In its current state, the NS-3 Click Integration is limited to use only with L3, leaving
         NS-3 to handle L2. We are currently working on adding Click MAC support as well. See the
         usage section to make sure that you design your Click graphs accordingly.

       • Furthermore,  ns-3-click  will  work  only with userlevel elements. The complete list of
         elements are available at  Elements  that  have
         ‘all’, ‘userlevel’ or ‘ns’ mentioned beside them may be used.

       • As  of  now, the ns-3 interface to Click is Ipv4 only. We will be adding Ipv6 support in
         the future.

       • Eddie Kohler, Robert Morris, Benjie Chen, John Jannotti,  and  M.  Frans  Kaashoek.  The
         click  modular  router.  ACM  Transactions on Computer Systems 18(3), August 2000, pages

       • Lalith Suresh P., and Ruben Merz. Ns-3-click: click modular router integration for ns-3.
         In  Proc.  of  3rd  International ICST Workshop on NS-3 (WNS3), Barcelona, Spain. March,

       • Michael Neufeld, Ashish Jain, and Dirk Grunwald. Nsclick:  bridging  network  simulation
         and deployment. MSWiM ‘02: Proceedings of the 5th ACM international workshop on Modeling
         analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems,  2002,  Atlanta,  Georgia,  USA.

   Building Click
       The first step is to clone Click from the github repository and build it:

          $ git clone
          $ cd click/
          $ ./configure --disable-linuxmodule --enable-nsclick --enable-wifi
          $ make

       The  –enable-wifi  flag  may  be  skipped if you don’t intend on using Click with Wifi.  *
       Note: You don’t need to do a ‘make install’.

       Once Click has been built successfully, change into the ns-3 directory and configure  ns-3
       with Click Integration support:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests --with-nsclick=/path/to/click/source

       Hint:   If you have click installed one directory above ns-3 (such as in the ns-3-allinone
       directory), and the name of the directory is ‘click’ (or a symbolic link to the  directory
       is  named  ‘click’),  then  the  –with-nsclick  specifier is not necessary; the ns-3 build
       system will successfully find the directory.

       If it says ‘enabled’ beside ‘NS-3 Click Integration Support’,  then  you’re  good  to  go.
       Note:  If  running modular ns-3, the minimum set of modules required to run all ns-3-click
       examples is wifi, csma and config-store.

       Next, try running one of the examples:

          $ ./waf --run nsclick-simple-lan

       You may then view the resulting .pcap traces, which are named  nsclick-simple-lan-0-0.pcap
       and nsclick-simple-lan-0-1.pcap.

   Click Graph Instructions
       The following should be kept in mind when making your Click graph:

       • Only userlevel elements can be used.

       • You  will  need  to  replace  FromDevice  and  ToDevice  elements with FromSimDevice and
         ToSimDevice elements.

       • Packets to the kernel are sent up using ToSimDevice(tap0,IP).

       • For any node, the device which sends/receives  packets  to/from  the  kernel,  is  named
         ‘tap0’. The remaining interfaces should be named eth0, eth1 and so forth (even if you’re
         using wifi). Please note that the device numbering should begin from 0. In future,  this
         will be made flexible so that users can name devices in their Click file as they wish.

       • A routing table element is a mandatory. The OUTports of the routing table element should
         correspond to the  interface  number  of  the  device  through  which  the  packet  will
         ultimately  be  sent  out.  Violating this rule will lead to really weird packet traces.
         This routing table element’s name should then be passed to the Ipv4ClickRouting protocol
         object as a simulation parameter. See the Click examples for details.

       • The current implementation leaves Click with mainly L3 functionality, with ns-3 handling
         L2. We will soon begin working to support the use of MAC protocols  on  Click  as  well.
         This means that as of now, Click’s Wifi specific elements cannot be used with ns-3.

   Debugging Packet Flows from Click
       From    any    point    within    a    Click   graph,   you   may   use   the   Print   (‐ element and its variants for pretty printing
       of packet contents. Furthermore, you may generate pcap traces of packets flowing through a
       Click graph by using the ToDump ( element as
       well. For instance:

           -> Print(fromarpquery,64)
           -> ToDump(out_arpquery,PER_NODE 1)
           -> ethout;

       and  …will  print the contents of packets that flow out of the ArpQuerier, then generate a
       pcap trace file which will have a suffix ‘out_arpquery’, for each  node  using  the  Click
       file, before pushing packets onto ‘ethout’.

       To  have  a  node  run Click, the easiest way would be to use the ClickInternetStackHelper
       class in your simulation script. For instance:

          ClickInternetStackHelper click;
          click.SetClickFile (myNodeContainer, "");
          click.SetRoutingTableElement (myNodeContainer, "u/rt");
          click.Install (myNodeContainer);

       The example scripts inside src/click/examples/ demonstrate the use of Click based nodes in
       different     scenarios.     The     helper     source     can     be     found     inside

       The following examples have been written, which can be found in src/click/examples/:

       • and A Click based node communicating  with  a
         normal  ns-3  node without Click, using Csma and Wifi respectively. It also demonstrates
         the use of TCP on top of Click, something which the original nsclick implementation  for
         NS-2 couldn’t achieve.

       •  and  A 3 node LAN
         (Csma and Wifi respectively) wherein 2 Click based nodes run a UDP  client,  that  sends
         packets to a third Click based node running a UDP server.

       •  One  Click based node communicates to another via a third node that
         acts as an IP router (using  the  IP  router  Click  configuration).  This  demonstrates
         routing using Click.

       Scripts  are available within <click-dir>/conf/ that allow you to generate Click files for
       some common scenarios. The IP Router used in  was  generated  from  the file and slightly adapted to work with ns-3-click.

       This model has been tested as follows:

       • Unit  tests  have  been written to verify the internals of Ipv4ClickRouting. This can be
         found in src/click/ These tests verify  whether  the  methods
         inside  Ipv4ClickRouting  which deal with Device name to ID, IP Address from device name
         and Mac Address from device name bindings work as expected.

       • The examples have been used to test Click with actual simulation scenarios. These can be
         found  in  src/click/examples/.  These  tests  cover the following: the use of different
         kinds of transports on top of Click, TCP/UDP, whether Click nodes can  communicate  with
         non-Click  based nodes, whether Click nodes can communicate with each other, using Click
         to route packets using static routing.

       • Click has been tested with Csma, Wifi and Point-to-Point devices. Usage instructions are
         available in the preceding section.


       This is the introduction to CSMA NetDevice chapter, to complement the CSMA model doxygen.

   Overview of the CSMA model
       The  ns-3  CSMA device models a simple bus network in the spirit of Ethernet.  Although it
       does not model any real physical network you could ever build or buy, it does provide some
       very useful functionality.

       Typically when one thinks of a bus network Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 comes to mind.  Ethernet
       uses CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision  Detection  with  exponentially
       increasing  backoff  to  contend  for the shared transmission medium. The ns-3 CSMA device
       models only a portion of this process, using the nature of the globally available  channel
       to  provide  instantaneous  (faster than light) carrier sense and priority-based collision
       “avoidance.” Collisions in the sense of Ethernet never happen and so the ns-3 CSMA  device
       does not model collision detection, nor will any transmission in progress be “jammed.”

   CSMA Layer Model
       There   are  a  number  of  conventions  in  use  for  describing  layered  communications
       architectures in the literature and in textbooks. The most common layering  model  is  the
       ISO  seven  layer  reference  model.  In  this view the CsmaNetDevice and CsmaChannel pair
       occupies the lowest two layers – at the physical (layer one), and data  link  (layer  two)
       positions.  Another important reference model is that specified by RFC 1122, “Requirements
       for Internet Hosts – Communication Layers.” In this view the CsmaNetDevice and CsmaChannel
       pair  occupies the lowest layer – the link layer. There is also a seemingly endless litany
       of alternative descriptions found in textbooks and in the literature. We adopt the  naming
       conventions  used in the IEEE 802 standards which speak of LLC, MAC, MII and PHY layering.
       These acronyms are defined as:

       • LLC:  Logical Link Control;

       • MAC:  Media Access Control;

       • MII:  Media Independent Interface;

       • PHY:  Physical Layer.

       In this case the LLC and MAC are sublayers of the OSI data link layer and the MII and  PHY
       are sublayers of the OSI physical layer.

       The  “top”  of  the  CSMA device defines the transition from the network layer to the data
       link  layer.  This  transition  is  performed  by  higher   layers   by   calling   either
       CsmaNetDevice::Send or CsmaNetDevice::SendFrom.

       In  contrast  to the IEEE 802.3 standards, there is no precisely specified PHY in the CSMA
       model in the sense of wire types, signals  or  pinouts.  The  “bottom”  interface  of  the
       CsmaNetDevice  can be thought of as as a kind of Media Independent Interface (MII) as seen
       in the “Fast Ethernet” (IEEE 802.3u)  specifications.  This  MII  interface  fits  into  a
       corresponding  media  independent  interface  on  the  CsmaChannel.  You will not find the
       equivalent of a 10BASE-T or a 1000BASE-LX PHY.

       The CsmaNetDevice calls the CsmaChannel through a media independent interface.  There is a
       method  defined  to  tell  the channel when to start “wiggling the wires” using the method
       CsmaChannel::TransmitStart, and a method to tell the channel when the transmission process
       is  done  and  the  channel  should  begin  propagating  the  last  bit across the “wire”:

       When the TransmitEnd method is executed, the channel will model a  single  uniform  signal
       propagation  delay  in  the  medium and deliver copes of the packet to each of the devices
       attached to the packet via the CsmaNetDevice::Receive method.

       There is a “pin”  in  the  device  media  independent  interface  corresponding  to  “COL”
       (collision). The state of the channel may be sensed by calling CsmaChannel::GetState. Each
       device will look at this “pin” before starting a send and will perform appropriate backoff
       operations if required.

       Properly  received  packets are forwarded up to higher levels from the CsmaNetDevice via a
       callback mechanism. The callback function is initialized by the higher layer (when the net
       device  is  attached) using CsmaNetDevice::SetReceiveCallback and is invoked upon “proper”
       reception of a packet by the net device in order to forward the  packet  up  the  protocol

   CSMA Channel Model
       The  class  CsmaChannel models the actual transmission medium. There is no fixed limit for
       the number of devices connected to the channel. The CsmaChannel models a data rate  and  a
       speed-of-light  delay  which  can  be  accessed  via the attributes “DataRate” and “Delay”
       respectively. The data rate provided to the channel is used to set the data rates used  by
       the  transmitter sections of the CSMA devices connected to the channel. There is no way to
       independently set data rates in the devices. Since the data rate is only used to calculate
       a  delay  time,  there is no limitation (other than by the data type holding the value) on
       the speed at which CSMA channels and devices can operate; and no restriction based on  any
       kind of PHY characteristics.

       The  CsmaChannel  has three states, IDLE, TRANSMITTING and PROPAGATING. These three states
       are “seen” instantaneously by all devices on the channel. By this  we  mean  that  if  one
       device begins or ends a simulated transmission, all devices on the channel are immediately
       aware of the change in state. There is no time during which one device  may  see  an  IDLE
       channel  while  another  device  physically  further away in the collision domain may have
       begun transmitting with the associated signals not propagated down the  channel  to  other
       devices.  Thus there is no need for collision detection in the CsmaChannel model and it is
       not implemented in any way.

       We do, as the name indicates, have a  Carrier  Sense  aspect  to  the  model.   Since  the
       simulator  is  single  threaded,  access  to  the common channel will be serialized by the
       simulator. This provides a deterministic mechanism for contending  for  the  channel.  The
       channel  is allocated (transitioned from state IDLE to state TRANSMITTING) on a first-come
       first-served basis.  The channel always goes through a three state process:


       The TRANSMITTING state models the time during which the  source  net  device  is  actually
       wiggling the signals on the wire. The PROPAGATING state models the time after the last bit
       was sent, when the signal is propagating down the wire to the “far end.”

       The   transition   to   the   TRANSMITTING   state   is    driven    by    a    call    to
       CsmaChannel::TransmitStart which is called by the net device that transmits the packet. It
       is  the  responsibility  of  that  device  to  end  the  transmission  with  a   call   to
       CsmaChannel::TransmitEnd at the appropriate simulation time that reflects the time elapsed
       to put all of the packet bits on  the  wire.  When  TransmitEnd  is  called,  the  channel
       schedules  an  event corresponding to a single speed-of-light delay. This delay applies to
       all net devices on the channel identically. You can think of a symmetrical  hub  in  which
       the  packet  bits propagate to a central location and then back out equal length cables to
       the other devices on the channel. The single “speed of light” delay  then  corresponds  to
       the  time  it takes for: 1) a signal to propagate from one CsmaNetDevice through its cable
       to the hub; plus 2) the time it takes for the hub to forward the packet out a  port;  plus
       3)  the  time  it  takes  for  the  signal in question to propagate to the destination net

       The CsmaChannel models a broadcast medium so the packet is delivered to all of the devices
       on  the  channel  (including  the  source)  at  the end of the propagation time. It is the
       responsibility of the sending device to determine whether or  not  it  receives  a  packet
       broadcast over the channel.

       The CsmaChannel provides following Attributes:

       • DataRate:  The bitrate for packet transmission on connected devices;

       • Delay: The speed of light transmission delay for the channel.

   CSMA Net Device Model
       The  CSMA  network  device  appears  somewhat  like  an Ethernet device. The CsmaNetDevice
       provides following Attributes:

       • Address:  The Mac48Address of the device;

       • SendEnable:  Enable packet transmission if true;

       • ReceiveEnable:  Enable packet reception if true;

       • EncapsulationMode:  Type of link layer encapsulation to use;

       • RxErrorModel:  The receive error model;

       • TxQueue:  The transmit queue used by the device;

       • InterframeGap:  The optional time to wait between “frames”;

       • Rx:  A trace source for received packets;

       • Drop:  A trace source for dropped packets.

       The CsmaNetDevice supports  the  assignment  of  a  “receive  error  model.”  This  is  an
       ErrorModel object that is used to simulate data corruption on the link.

       Packets  sent  over  the  CsmaNetDevice  are  always  routed through the transmit queue to
       provide a trace hook for packets sent out over the network. This transmit queue can be set
       (via attribute) to model different queuing strategies.

       Also  configurable  by  attribute  is  the encapsulation method used by the device.  Every
       packet gets an EthernetHeader that includes the destination and source MAC addresses,  and
       a  length/type  field.  Every  packet also gets an EthernetTrailer which includes the FCS.
       Data in the packet may be encapsulated in different ways.

       By default, or by setting the “EncapsulationMode” attribute to “Dix”, the encapsulation is
       according  to  the DEC, Intel, Xerox standard. This is sometimes called EthernetII framing
       and is the familiar destination MAC, source MAC, EtherType, Data, CRC format.

       If the “EncapsulationMode” attribute is set to “Llc”, the encapsulation is by LLC SNAP. In
       this case, a SNAP header is added that contains the EtherType (IP or ARP).

       The  other implemented encapsulation modes are IP_ARP (set “EncapsulationMode” to “IpArp”)
       in which the length type of the Ethernet  header  receives  the  protocol  number  of  the
       packet;  or ETHERNET_V1 (set “EncapsulationMode” to “EthernetV1”) in which the length type
       of the Ethernet header receives the length of the packet.  A “Raw” encapsulation  mode  is
       defined but not implemented – use of the RAW mode results in an assertion.

       Note  that  all  net  devices  on a channel must be set to the same encapsulation mode for
       correct results. The encapsulation mode is not sensed at the receiver.

       The CsmaNetDevice implements a random exponential backoff algorithm that  is  executed  if
       the  channel is determined to be busy (TRANSMITTING or PPROPAGATING) when the device wants
       to start propagating. This results in a random delay  of  up  to  pow  (2,  retries)  -  1
       microseconds before a retry is attempted. The default maximum number of retries is 1000.

   Using the CsmaNetDevice
       The  CSMA  net  devices  and  channels  are  typically  created  and  configured using the
       associated CsmaHelper object.  The various ns-3 device helpers generally work in a similar
       way, and their use is seen in many of our example programs.

       The conceptual model of interest is that of a bare computer “husk” into which you plug net
       devices. The bare computers are created using a NodeContainer helper. You  just  ask  this
       helper to create as many computers (we call them Nodes) as you need on your network:

          NodeContainer csmaNodes;
          csmaNodes.Create (nCsmaNodes);

       Once  you have your nodes, you need to instantiate a CsmaHelper and set any attributes you
       may want to change.:

          CsmaHelper csma;
          csma.SetChannelAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("100Mbps"));
          csma.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", TimeValue (NanoSeconds (6560)));

          csma.SetDeviceAttribute ("EncapsulationMode", StringValue ("Dix"));
          csma.SetDeviceAttribute ("FrameSize", UintegerValue (2000));

       Once the attributes are set, all that remains is to create the devices and install them on
       the  required  nodes,  and  to  connect the devices together using a CSMA channel. When we
       create the net devices, we add them to a container to allow you to use them in the future.
       This all takes just one line of code.:

          NetDeviceContainer csmaDevices = csma.Install (csmaNodes);

       We  recommend  thinking  carefully about changing these Attributes, since it can result in
       behavior that surprises users.  We allow this because we believe flexibility is important.
       As  an  example  of  a  possibly  surprising  effect  of changing Attributes, consider the

       The Mtu Attribute indicates the Maximum Transmission Unit to the device.  This is the size
       of the largest Protocol Data Unit (PDU) that the device can send.  This Attribute defaults
       to 1500 bytes and corresponds  to  a  number  found  in  RFC  894,  “A  Standard  for  the
       Transmission of IP Datagrams over Ethernet Networks.”  The number is actually derived from
       the maximum packet size for 10Base5 (full-spec Ethernet) networks – 1518  bytes.   If  you
       subtract DIX encapsulation overhead for Ethernet packets (18 bytes) you will end up with a
       maximum possible data size (MTU) of 1500 bytes.  One can also find that the MTU  for  IEEE
       802.3  networks is 1492 bytes.  This is because LLC/SNAP encapsulation adds an extra eight
       bytes of overhead to the packet.  In  both  cases,  the  underlying  network  hardware  is
       limited to 1518 bytes, but the MTU is different because the encapsulation is different.

       If one leaves the Mtu Attribute at 1500 bytes and changes the encapsulation mode Attribute
       to Llc, the result will be a network  that  encapsulates  1500  byte  PDUs  with  LLC/SNAP
       framing  resulting  in packets of 1526 bytes.  This would be illegal in many networks, but
       we allow you do do this.  This results in a simulation that quite subtly does not  reflect
       what you might be expecting since a real device would balk at sending a 1526 byte packet.

       There  also  exist  jumbo  frames  (1500  < MTU <= 9000 bytes) and super-jumbo (MTU > 9000
       bytes) frames that are not officially  sanctioned  by  IEEE  but  are  available  in  some
       high-speed  (Gigabit)  networks  and  NICs.   In  the  CSMA  model,  one  could  leave the
       encapsulation mode set to Dix, and set the Mtu to 64000 bytes – even though an  associated
       CsmaChannel  DataRate was left at 10 megabits per second (certainly not Gigabit Ethernet).
       This would essentially model an Ethernet switch made  out  of  vampire-tapped  1980s-style
       10Base5 networks that support super-jumbo datagrams, which is certainly not something that
       was ever made, nor is likely to ever be  made;  however  it  is  quite  easy  for  you  to

       Be   careful  about  assumptions  regarding  what  CSMA  is  actually  modelling  and  how
       configuration (Attributes) may allow you to swerve considerably away from reality.

   CSMA Tracing
       Like all ns-3 devices, the CSMA Model provides a number of  trace  sources.   These  trace
       sources  can  be  hooked  using  your  own  custom  trace  code, or you can use our helper
       functions to arrange for tracing to be enabled on devices you specify.

   Upper-Level (MAC) Hooks
       From the point of view of tracing in the net device, there are several interesting  points
       to  insert  trace  hooks.  A  convention  inherited  from other simulators is that packets
       destined for transmission onto attached networks pass through a single “transmit queue” in
       the  net  device.  We  provide trace hooks at this point in packet flow, which corresponds
       (abstractly) only to a transition from the network to  data  link  layer,  and  call  them
       collectively the device MAC hooks.

       When a packet is sent to the CSMA net device for transmission it always passes through the
       transmit queue. The transmit queue in the CsmaNetDevice inherits from Queue, and therefore
       inherits three trace sources:

       • An Enqueue operation source (see Queue::m_traceEnqueue);

       • A Dequeue operation source (see Queue::m_traceDequeue);

       • A Drop operation source (see Queue::m_traceDrop).

       The  upper-level (MAC) trace hooks for the CsmaNetDevice are, in fact, exactly these three
       trace sources on the single transmit queue of the device.

       The m_traceEnqueue event is triggered when a packet is placed on the transmit queue.  This
       happens  at  the  time  that CsmaNetDevice::Send or CsmaNetDevice::SendFrom is called by a
       higher layer to queue a packet for transmission.

       The m_traceDequeue event is triggered when a packet is removed from  the  transmit  queue.
       Dequeues  from  the  transmit  queue can happen in three situations:  1) If the underlying
       channel is idle when the  CsmaNetDevice::Send  or  CsmaNetDevice::SendFrom  is  called,  a
       packet  is  dequeued  from  the  transmit  queue  and  immediately transmitted;  2) If the
       underlying channel is idle, a packet may be dequeued and  immediately  transmitted  in  an
       internal  TransmitCompleteEvent  that  functions  much  like a transmit complete interrupt
       service routine; or 3) from the  random  exponential  backoff  handler  if  a  timeout  is

       Case  (3)  implies that a packet is dequeued from the transmit queue if it is unable to be
       transmitted according to the backoff rules. It is important to understand that  this  will
       appear  as  a  Dequeued  packet  and  it is easy to incorrectly assume that the packet was
       transmitted since it passed through the transmit queue. In  fact,  a  packet  is  actually
       dropped  by  the  net  device  in  this  case.  The reason for this behavior is due to the
       definition of the Queue Drop event. The m_traceDrop event is, by definition, fired when  a
       packet  cannot be enqueued on the transmit queue because it is full. This event only fires
       if the queue is full and we do not overload this event to indicate that the CsmaChannel is

   Lower-Level (PHY) Hooks
       Similar  to  the  upper  level  trace  hooks, there are trace hooks available at the lower
       levels of the net device. We call these the PHY hooks. These events fire from  the  device
       methods that talk directly to the CsmaChannel.

       The trace source m_dropTrace is called to indicate a packet that is dropped by the device.
       This happens in two cases: First, if the receive side of the net  device  is  not  enabled
       (see CsmaNetDevice::m_receiveEnable and the associated attribute “ReceiveEnable”).

       The  m_dropTrace  is  also  used  to  indicate that a packet was discarded as corrupt if a
       receive error model is used (see  CsmaNetDevice::m_receiveErrorModel  and  the  associated
       attribute “ReceiveErrorModel”).

       The  other  low-level  trace  source  fires  on  reception  of  an  accepted  packet  (see
       CsmaNetDevice::m_rxTrace). A packet is accepted  if  it  is  destined  for  the  broadcast
       address, a multicast address, or to the MAC address assigned to the net device.

       The  ns3  CSMA  model  is  a  simplistic model of an Ethernet-like network.  It supports a
       Carrier-Sense function and allows for Multiple Access to  a  shared  medium.   It  is  not
       physical  in  the  sense  that the state of the medium is instantaneously shared among all
       devices.  This means that there is no collision detection required in this model and  none
       is implemented.  There will never be a “jam” of a packet already on the medium.  Access to
       the shared channel is on a first-come first-served basis as determined  by  the  simulator
       scheduler.   If  the  channel  is  determined to be busy by looking at the global state, a
       random exponential backoff is performed and a retry is attempted.

       Ns-3 Attributes provide a mechanism for setting  various  parameters  in  the  device  and
       channel such as addresses, encapsulation modes and error model selection.  Trace hooks are
       provided in the usual manner with a set of upper level hooks corresponding to  a  transmit
       queue and used in ASCII tracing; and also a set of lower level hooks used in pcap tracing.

       Although  the  ns-3  CsmaChannel  and CsmaNetDevice does not model any kind of network you
       could build or buy, it does provide  us  with  some  useful  functionality.   You  should,
       however,  understand that it is explicitly not Ethernet or any flavor of IEEE 802.3 but an
       interesting subset.


       Destination-Sequenced  Distance  Vector  (DSDV)  routing   protocol   is   a   pro-active,
       table-driven  routing  protocol  for  MANETs  developed  by  Charles E. Perkins and Pravin
       Bhagwat in 1994. It uses the hop count as metric in route selection.

       This model was developed by the ResiliNets research group at the University of Kansas.   A
       paper on this model exists at this URL.

   DSDV Routing Overview
       DSDV  Routing  Table:  Every node will maintain a table listing all the other nodes it has
       known either directly or through some neighbors. Every node has  a  single  entry  in  the
       routing  table.  The  entry  will have information about the node’s IP address, last known
       sequence number and the hop count to reach that node. Along with these details  the  table
       also  keeps  track of the nexthop neighbor to reach the destination node, the timestamp of
       the last update received for that node.

       The DSDV update message consists of three fields, Destination Address, Sequence Number and
       Hop Count.

       Each node uses 2 mechanisms to send out the DSDV updates. They are,


          Periodic Updates
                 Periodic updates are sent out after every m_periodicUpdateInterval(default:15s).
                 In this update the node broadcasts out its entire routing table.


          Trigger Updates
                 Trigger Updates are small updates in-between the periodic updates. These updates
                 are  sent out whenever a node receives a DSDV packet that caused a change in its
                 routing table. The original paper did not clearly mention when for  what  change
                 in  the table should a DSDV update be sent out. The current implementation sends
                 out an update irrespective of the change in the routing table.

       The updates are accepted based on the metric for  a  particular  node.  The  first  factor
       determining  the  acceptance  of  an  update  is the sequence number. It has to accept the
       update if the sequence number of the update message is higher irrespective of the  metric.
       If  the  update  with  same sequence number is received, then the update with least metric
       (hopCount) is given precedence.

       In highly mobile scenarios, there is a high chance of route fluctuations, thus we have the
       concept  of  weighted  settling  time  where  an  update with change in metric will not be
       advertised to neighbors. The node waits for the settling time to make sure that it did not
       receive the update from its old neighbor before sending out that update.

       The   current   implementation  covers  all  the  above  features  of  DSDV.  The  current
       implementation also has a  request  queue  to  buffer  packets  that  have  no  routes  to
       destination. The default is set to buffer up to 5 packets per destination.

       Link to the Paper:


       Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol is a reactive routing protocol designed specifically
       for use in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks of mobile nodes.

       This model was developed by the ResiliNets research group at the University of Kansas.

   DSR Routing Overview
       This model implements the base specification of the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol.
       Implementation  is  based  on  RFC 4728, with some extensions and modifications to the RFC

       DSR operates on a on-demand behavior. Therefore, our DSR model buffers all packets while a
       route   request   packet   (RREQ)  is  disseminated.  We  implement  a  packet  buffer  in The packet queue implements garbage collection  of  old  packets  and  a
       queue  size  limit. When the packet is sent out from the send buffer, it will be queued in
       maintenance buffer for next hop acknowledgment.

       The maintenance buffer then buffers the  already  sent  out  packets  and  waits  for  the
       notification  of  packet  delivery.   Protocol  operation  strongly depends on broken link
       detection mechanism. We implement the  three  heuristics  recommended  based  the  RFC  as

       First,  we  use  link layer feedback when possible, which is also the fastest mechanism of
       these three to detect link errors. A link is considered to be broken if frame transmission
       results  in  a  transmission  failure  for all retries. This mechanism is meant for active
       links and works much faster than in its absence.  DSR is able to  detect  the  link  layer
       transmission failure and notify that as broken.  Recalculation of routes will be triggered
       when needed.  If user does not want to use link layer acknowledgment, it can be  tuned  by
       setting “LinkAcknowledgment” attribute to false in “”.

       Second,  passive  acknowledgment  should  be  used  whenever  possible.  The node turns on
       “promiscuous” receive mode, in which it can receive packets not destined for  itself,  and
       when  the node assures the delivery of that data packet to its destination, it cancels the
       passive acknowledgment timer.

       Last, we use a network layer acknowledge scheme to notify the receipt of a  packet.  Route
       request packet will not be acknowledged or retransmitted.

       The  Route  Cache  implementation  support  garbage  collection  of  old entries and state
       machine, as defined in the standard.  It implements as a STL map container. The key is the
       destination IP address.

       DSR  operates  with direct access to IP header, and operates between network and transport
       layer.  When packet is sent out from transport layer, it passes  itself  to  DSR  and  DSR
       header is appended.

       We have two caching mechanisms: path cache and link cache.  The path cache saves the whole
       path in the cache.  The paths are sorted based on the hop count, and whenever one path  is
       not  able  to  be  used,  we change to the next path.  The link cache is a slightly better
       design in the sense that it uses different subpaths and uses Implemented Link Cache  using
       Dijkstra algorithm, and this part is implemented by Song Luan <>.

       The following optional protocol optimizations aren’t implemented:

       • Flow state

       • First Hop External (F), Last Hop External (L) flags

       • Handling unknown DSR options


         Two types of error headers:

                1. flow state not supported option

                2. unsupported option (not going to happen in simulation)

   DSR update in ns-3.17
       We  originally  used “TxErrHeader” in Ptr<WifiMac> to indicate the transmission error of a
       specific packet in link layer, however, it was not working quite correctly since even when
       the  packet  was  dropped,  this  header was not recorded in the trace file.  We used to a
       different path on implementing the link layer notification mechanism.  We  look  into  the
       trace  file  by  finding  packet receive event.  If we find one receive event for the data
       packet, we count that as the indicator for successful data delivery.

   Useful parameters
          +------------------------- +------------------------------------+-------------+
          | Parameter                | Description                        | Default     |
          | MaxSendBuffLen           | Maximum number of packets that can | 64          |
          |                          | be stored in send buffer           |             |
          +------------------------- +------------------------------------+-------------+
          | MaxSendBuffTime          | Maximum time packets can be queued | Seconds(30) |
          |                          | in the send buffer                 |             |
          +------------------------- +------------------------------------+-------------+
          | MaxMaintLen              | Maximum number of packets that can | 50          |
          |                          | be stored in maintenance buffer    |             |
          +------------------------- +------------------------------------+-------------+
          | MaxMaintTime             | Maximum time packets can be queued | Seconds(30) |
          |                          | in maintenance buffer              |             |
          +------------------------- +------------------------------------+-------------+
          | MaxCacheLen              | Maximum number of route entries    | 64          |
          |                          | that can be stored in route cache  |             |
          +------------------------- +------------------------------------+-------------+
          | RouteCacheTimeout        | Maximum time the route cache can   | Seconds(300)|
          |                          | be queued in route cache           |             |
          +------------------------- +------------------------------------+-------------+
          | RreqRetries              | Maximum number of retransmissions  | 16          |
          |                          | for request discovery of a route   |             |
          +------------------------- +------------------------------------+-------------+
          | CacheType                | Use Link Cache or use Path Cache   | "LinkCache" |
          |                          |                                    |             |
          +------------------------- +------------------------------------+-------------+
          | LinkAcknowledgment       | Enable Link layer acknowledgment   | True        |
          |                          | mechanism                          |             |
          +------------------------- +------------------------------------+-------------+

   Implementation modificationThe DsrFsHeader has added 3 fields: message type, source id, destination id,  and  these
         changes only for post-processing

                1. Message type is used to identify the data packet from control packet

                2. source id is used to identify the real source of the data packet since we have
                   to deliver the packet hop-by-hop and the Ipv4Header is not carrying  the  real
                   source and destination ip address as needed

                3. destination id is for same reason of above

       • Route  Reply  header  is  not  word-aligned  in  DSR  RFC,  change it to word-aligned in

       • DSR works as a shim header between transport and network  protocol,  it  needs  its  own
         forwarding mechanism, we are changing the packet transmission to hop-by-hop delivery, so
         we added two fields in dsr fixed header to notify packet delivery

   Current Route Cache implementation
       This implementation used “path cache”, which is simple to implement and ensures  loop-free

       • the path cache has automatic expire policy

       • the  cache  saves  multiple route entries for a certain destination and sort the entries
         based on hop counts

       • the MaxEntriesEachDst can be tuned to change the maximum  entries  saved  for  a  single

       • when  adding  multiple  routes  for  one  destination,  the  route  is compared based on
         hop-count and expire time, the one with less  hop  count  or  relatively  new  route  is

       • Future implementation may include “link cache” as another possibility

   DSR Instructions
       The following should be kept in mind when running DSR as routing protocol:

       • NodeTraversalTime  is  the time it takes to traverse two neighboring nodes and should be
         chosen to fit the transmission range

       • PassiveAckTimeout  is  the  time  a  packet  in  maintenance  buffer  wait  for  passive
         acknowledgment, normally set as two times of NodeTraversalTime

       • RouteCacheTimeout  should  be  set smaller value when the nodes’ velocity become higher.
         The default value is 300s.

       To have a node run DSR, the easiest way would be to use the DsrHelper  and  DsrMainHelpers
       in your simulation script. For instance:

          DsrHelper dsr;
          DsrMainHelper dsrMain;
          dsrMain.Install (dsr, adhocNodes);

       The  example  scripts  inside  src/dsr/examples/ demonstrate the use of DSR based nodes in
       different    scenarios.      The     helper     source     can     be     found     inside
       src/dsr/helper/dsr-main-helper.{h,cc} and src/dsr/helper/dsr-helper.{h,cc}

       The example can be found in src/dsr/examples/:

       • use DSR as routing protocol within a traditional MANETs environment[3].

       DSR is also built in the routing comparison case in examples/routing/:

       •  is a comparison case with built in MANET routing protocols and
         can generate its own results.

       This model has been tested as follows:

       • Unit tests have been written to verify the internals  of  DSR.  This  can  be  found  in
         src/dsr/test/ These tests verify whether the methods inside DSR module
         which deal with packet buffer, headers work correctly.

       • Simulation cases similar to [3] have been tested and have comparable results.

       • has been used to  compare  DSR  with  three  of  other  routing

       A paper was presented on these results at the Workshop on ns-3 in 2011.

       The  model  is not fully compliant with RFC 4728. As an example, Dsr fixed size header has
       been extended and it is four octets longer then the RFC specification.  As a  consequence,
       the DSR headers can not be correctly decoded by Wireshark.

       The model full compliance with the RFC is planned for the future.

       [1] Original paper:

       [2] RFC 4728

       [3] Broch’s comparison paper:


       ns-3  has  been designed for integration into testbed and virtual machine environments. We
       have addressed this need by providing two kinds of net devices.  The first kind of  device
       is  a  file  descriptor  net device (FdNetDevice), which is a generic device type that can
       read and write from a file descriptor.  By associating this file descriptor with different
       things  on  the  host  system,  different capabilities can be provided.  For instance, the
       FdNetDevice can be associated with  an  underlying  packet  socket  to  provide  emulation
       capabilities.   This  allows ns-3 simulations to send data on a “real” network. The second
       kind, called a TapBridge NetDevice  allows  a  “real”  host  to  participate  in  an  ns-3
       simulation as if it were one of the simulated nodes. An ns-3 simulation may be constructed
       with any combination of simulated or emulated devices.

       Note: Prior to ns-3.17, the emulation capability was provided by a special  device  called
       an Emu NetDevice; the Emu NetDevice has been replaced by the FdNetDevice.

       One  of  the  use-cases  we want to support is that of a testbed. A concrete example of an
       environment of this kind is the ORBIT testbed. ORBIT is a laboratory emulator/field  trial
       network  arranged  as  a two dimensional grid of 400 802.11 radio nodes. We integrate with
       ORBIT by using their “imaging” process to load and  run  ns-3  simulations  on  the  ORBIT
       array.  We  can  use  our  EmuFdNetDevice  to drive the hardware in the testbed and we can
       accumulate results either using the ns-3 tracing and  logging  functions,  or  the  native
       ORBIT  data  gathering  techniques. See for details on the ORBIT

       A simulation of this kind is shown in the following figure:
         [image] Example Implementation of Testbed Emulation..UNINDENT

         You can see that there  are  separate  hosts,  each  running  a  subset  of  a  “global”
         simulation.  Instead  of  an  ns-3  channel  connecting  the hosts, we use real hardware
         provided by the testbed. This allows ns-3 applications and protocol stacks attached to a
         simulation node to communicate over real hardware.

         We  expect  the  primary  use  for  this  configuration  will  be to generate repeatable
         experimental results in a real-world network environment that includes all of  the  ns-3
         tracing, logging, visualization and statistics gathering tools.

         In  what can be viewed as essentially an inverse configuration, we allow “real” machines
         running native applications and protocol stacks to integrate with  an  ns-3  simulation.
         This  allows  for the simulation of large networks connected to a real machine, and also
         enables virtualization. A simulation of this kind is shown in the following figure:
         [image] Implementation overview of emulated channel..UNINDENT

         Here, you will see that there is a single host with a number of virtual machines running
         on it. An ns-3 simulation is shown running in the virtual machine shown in the center of
         the figure. This simulation has a number of nodes with associated ns-3 applications  and
         protocol  stacks  that  are talking to an ns-3 channel through native simulated ns-3 net

         There are also two virtual machines shown at the far left and far right of  the  figure.
         These  VMs  are  running  native  (Linux)  applications  and protocol stacks.  The VM is
         connected into the simulation by a Linux Tap net device. The user-mode handler  for  the
         Tap  device  is  instantiated  in  the  simulation  and  attached  to  a proxy node that
         represents the native VM in the simulation. These handlers allow the Tap devices on  the
         native  VMs  to  behave  as if they were ns-3 net devices in the simulation VM. This, in
         turn, allows the native software and protocol suites in the native VMs to  believe  that
         they are connected to the simulated ns-3 channel.

         We  expect  the typical use case for this environment will be to analyze the behavior of
         native applications and  protocol  suites  in  the  presence  of  large  simulated  ns-3

         The  basic testbed mode of emulation uses raw sockets.  Two other variants (netmap-based
         and DPDK-based emulation) have been recently  added;  these  make  use  of  more  recent
         network  interface cards that make use of directly-mapped memory capabilities to improve
         packet processing efficiency.

         For more details:

   File Descriptor NetDevice
       The src/fd-net-device module provides the FdNetDevice class, which is  able  to  read  and
       write  traffic  using a file descriptor provided by the user.  This file descriptor can be
       associated to a TAP device, to a raw socket, to a user space process  generating/consuming
       traffic,  etc.   The user has full freedom to define how external traffic is generated and
       ns-3 traffic is consumed.

       Different mechanisms to associate a simulation to external traffic can be provided through
       helper classes.  Three specific helpers are provided:

       • EmuFdNetDeviceHelper  (to  associate  the ns-3 device with a physical device in the host

       • TapFdNetDeviceHelper (to associate the ns-3 device with the file descriptor from  a  tap
         device in the host machine)

       • PlanteLabFdNetDeviceHelper  (to automate the creation of tap devices in PlanetLab nodes,
         enabling ns-3 simulations that can send and receive traffic though  the  Internet  using
         PlanetLab resource.

   Model Description
       The source code for this module lives in the directory src/fd-net-device.

       The  FdNetDevice is a special type of ns-3 NetDevice that reads traffic to and from a file
       descriptor.  That is, unlike pure simulation NetDevice objects that write  frames  to  and
       from  a simulated channel, this FdNetDevice directs frames out of the simulation to a file
       descriptor.  The file descriptor may be associated to a Linux TUN/TAP device, to a socket,
       or to a user-space process.

       It  is  up  to  the  user  of  this device to provide a file descriptor.  The type of file
       descriptor being provided determines what is being modelled.  For instance,  if  the  file
       descriptor  provides  a  raw  socket  to a WiFi card on the host machine, the device being
       modelled is a WiFi device.

       From the conceptual “top” of the device looking down, it looks to the simulated node  like
       a device supporting a 48-bit IEEE MAC address that can be bridged, supports broadcast, and
       uses IPv4 ARP or IPv6 Neighbor Discovery, although these attributes  can  be  tuned  on  a
       per-use-case basis.

       The  FdNetDevice  implementation  makes use of a reader object, extended from the FdReader
       class in the ns-3 src/core module, which manages a separate  thread  from  the  main  ns-3
       execution thread, in order to read traffic from the file descriptor.

       Upon invocation of the StartDevice method, the reader object is initialized and starts the
       reading thread.  Before device start, a file descriptor must be previously  associated  to
       the FdNetDevice with the SetFileDescriptor invocation.

       The  creation and configuration of the file descriptor can be left to a number of helpers,
       described in more detail below. When this is done, the invocation of SetFileDescriptor  is
       responsibility of the helper and must not be directly invoked by the user.

       Upon reading an incoming frame from the file descriptor, the reader will pass the frame to
       the ReceiveCallback method, whose task it is to schedule the reception of the frame by the
       device as a ns-3 simulation event. Since the new frame is passed from the reader thread to
       the  main  ns-3  simulation  thread,  thread-safety  issues  are  avoided  by  using   the
       ScheduleWithContext call instead of the regular Schedule call.

       In  order  to  avoid overwhelming the scheduler when the incoming data rate is too high, a
       counter is kept with the number of frames that are currently scheduled to be  received  by
       the  device.  If  this counter reaches the value given by the RxQueueSize attribute in the
       device, then the new frame will be dropped silently.

       The actual reception of the new frame by the device occurs when  the  scheduled  FordwarUp
       method is invoked by the simulator.  This method acts as if a new frame had arrived from a
       channel attached to the device. The device then decapsulates the frame, removing any layer
       2  headers,  and  forwards  it  to  upper network stack layers of the node.  The ForwardUp
       method will remove the frame headers, according to the frame encapsulation type defined by
       the EncapsulationMode attribute, and invoke the receive callback passing an IP packet.

       An extra header, the PI header, can be present when the file descriptor is associated to a
       TAP device that was created without setting the IFF_NO_PI  flag.   This  extra  header  is
       removed if EncapsulationMode is set to DIXPI value.

       In  the  opposite  direction,  packets  generated  inside the simulation that are sent out
       through the device, will be passed to the Send method,  which  will  in  turn  invoke  the
       SendFrom  method.  The  latter  method  will add the necessary layer 2 headers, and simply
       write the newly created frame to the file descriptor.

   Scope and Limitations
       Users of this device are  cautioned  that  there  is  no  flow  control  across  the  file
       descriptor  boundary,  when  using  in emulation mode.  That is, in a Linux system, if the
       speed of writing network packets exceeds the ability of the underlying physical device  to
       buffer  the  packets,  backpressure up to the writing application will be applied to avoid
       local packet loss.  No such flow control is provided across the file descriptor interface,
       so users must be aware of this limitation.

       As  explained  before,  the RxQueueSize attribute limits the number of packets that can be
       pending to be received by the device.  Frames read from  the  file  descriptor  while  the
       number of pending packets is in its maximum will be silently dropped.

       The mtu of the device defaults to the Ethernet II MTU value. However, helpers are supposed
       to set the mtu to the right value to reflect the characteristics of the network  interface
       associated  to  the  file  descriptor.   If  no helper is used, then the responsibility of
       setting the correct mtu value for the device falls back to the user.  The size of the read
       buffer on the file descriptor reader is set to the mtu value in the StartDevice method.

       The  FdNetDevice  class  currently supports three encapsulation modes, DIX for Ethernet II
       frames, LLC for 802.2 LLC/SNAP frames, and DIXPI for Ethernet II frames with an additional
       TAP  PI  header.  This means that traffic traversing the file descriptor is expected to be
       Ethernet II compatible.  IEEE 802.1q  (VLAN)  tagging  is  not  supported.   Attaching  an
       FdNetDevice to a wireless interface is possible as long as the driver provides Ethernet II
       frames to the socket API.  Note that to associate a FdNetDevice  to  a  wireless  card  in
       ad-hoc  mode, the MAC address of the device must be set to the real card MAC address, else
       any incoming traffic a fake MAC address will be discarded by the driver.

       As mentioned before, three helpers are  provided  with  the  fd-net-device  module.   Each
       individual  helper  (file  descriptor  type) may have platform limitations.  For instance,
       threading, real-time simulation mode, and  the  ability  to  create  TUN/TAP  devices  are
       prerequisites  to using the provided helpers.  Support for these modes can be found in the
       output of the waf configure step, e.g.:

          Threading Primitives          : enabled
          Real Time Simulator           : enabled
          Emulated Net Device           : enabled
          Tap Bridge                    : enabled

       It is important to mention that while testing the FdNetDevice we have found an upper bound
       limit  for  TCP  throughput  when  using 1Gb Ethernet links of 60Mbps.  This limit is most
       likely due to the processing power of the computers involved in the tests.

       The usage pattern for this type of device is similar to other  net  devices  with  helpers
       that  install  to node pointers or node containers.  When using the base FdNetDeviceHelper
       the user is responsible for creating and setting the file descriptor by himself.

          FdNetDeviceHelper fd;
          NetDeviceContainer devices = fd.Install (nodes);

          // file descriptor generation

          device->SetFileDescriptor (fd);

       Most commonly a FdNetDevice will be used to interact with the host system.  In these cases
       it  is  almost  certain that the user will want to run in real-time emulation mode, and to
       enable checksum computations.  The typical program statements are as follows:

          GlobalValue::Bind ("SimulatorImplementationType", StringValue ("ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl"));
          GlobalValue::Bind ("ChecksumEnabled", BooleanValue (true));

       The easiest way to set up an experiment that interacts with a Linux host system is to user
       the  Emu  and  Tap helpers.  Perhaps the most unusual part of these helper implementations
       relates to the requirement for executing some of the  code  with  super-user  permissions.
       Rather  than  force  the user to execute the entire simulation as root, we provide a small
       “creator” program that runs as root and does any required  high-permission  sockets  work.
       The easiest way to set the right privileges for the “creator” programs, is by enabling the
       --enable-sudo flag when performing waf configure.

       We do a similar thing for both the Emu and the Tap devices.  The high-level view  is  that
       the  CreateFileDescriptor  method  creates  a local interprocess (Unix) socket, forks, and
       executes the small creation program. The small program, which runs as suid root, creates a
       raw  socket  and  sends  back  the raw socket file descriptor over the Unix socket that is
       passed to it as a parameter.  The raw socket is passed as  a  control  message  (sometimes
       called ancillary data) of type SCM_RIGHTS.

       The  EmuFdNetDeviceHelper  creates  a  raw  socket  to  an underlying physical device, and
       provides the socket descriptor to the FdNetDevice.  This allows  the  ns-3  simulation  to
       read frames from and write frames to a network device on the host.

       The  emulation  helper  permits  to  transparently  integrate a simulated ns-3 node into a
       network composed of real nodes.

          +----------------------+     +-----------------------+
          |         host 1       |     |         host 2        |
          +----------------------+     +-----------------------+
          |    ns-3 simulation   |     |                       |
          +----------------------+     |         Linux         |
          |       ns-3 Node      |     |     Network Stack     |
          |  +----------------+  |     |   +----------------+  |
          |  |    ns-3 TCP    |  |     |   |       TCP      |  |
          |  +----------------+  |     |   +----------------+  |
          |  |    ns-3 IP     |  |     |   |       IP       |  |
          |  +----------------+  |     |   +----------------+  |
          |  |   FdNetDevice  |  |     |   |                |  |
          |  |    |  |     |   |                |  |
          |  +----------------+  |     |   +    ETHERNET    +  |
          |  |   raw socket   |  |     |   |                |  |
          |--+----------------+--|     |   +----------------+  |
          |       | eth0 |       |     |        | eth0 |       |
          +-------+------+-------+     +--------+------+-------+


                      |                            |

       This helper replaces the functionality of the EmuNetDevice found in ns-3 prior to ns-3.17,
       by  bringing  this  type  of  device  into  the  common framework of the FdNetDevice.  The
       EmuNetDevice was deprecated in favor of this new helper.

       The device is configured to perform MAC spoofing to separate  simulation  network  traffic
       from other network traffic that may be flowing to and from the host.

       One  can  use this helper in a testbed situation where the host on which the simulation is
       running has a specific interface of interest which drives the testbed hardware. You  would
       also  need to set this specific interface into promiscuous mode and provide an appropriate
       device name to the ns-3 simulation.  Additionally, hardware offloading of segmentation and
       checksums should be disabled.

       The  helper  only works if the underlying interface is up and in promiscuous mode. Packets
       will be sent out over the device, but we use MAC  spoofing.  The  MAC  addresses  will  be
       generated  (by  default)  using the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) 00:00:00 as a
       base. This vendor code is not assigned to any organization and so should not conflict with
       any real hardware.

       It  is  always  up to the user to determine that using these MAC addresses is okay on your
       network and won’t conflict with anything else (including  another  simulation  using  such
       devices)  on  your  network.  If  you  are using the emulated FdNetDevice configuration in
       separate simulations, you must consider global MAC address assignment  issues  and  ensure
       that MAC addresses are unique across all simulations. The emulated net device respects the
       MAC address provided in the Address attribute so you can  do  this  manually.  For  larger
       simulations, you may want to set the OUI in the MAC address allocation function.

       Before  invoking  the  Install  method,  the correct device name must be configured on the
       helper using the SetDeviceName method. The device  name  is  required  to  identify  which
       physical device should be used to open the raw socket.

          EmuFdNetDeviceHelper emu;
          emu.SetDeviceName (deviceName);
          NetDeviceContainer devices = emu.Install (node);
          Ptr<NetDevice> device = devices.Get (0);
          device->SetAttribute ("Address", Mac48AddressValue (Mac48Address::Allocate ()));

       A  Tap device is a special type of Linux device for which one end of the device appears to
       the kernel as a virtual net_device, and the other end is provided as a file descriptor  to
       user-space.   This file descriptor can be passed to the FdNetDevice.  Packets forwarded to
       the TAP device by the kernel will show up in the FdNetDevice in ns-3.

       Users should note that this usage of TAP devices is different than that  provided  by  the
       TapBridge NetDevice found in src/tap-bridge.  The model in this helper is as follows:

          |                host                 |
          |    ns-3 simulation   |              |
          +----------------------+              |
          |      ns-3 Node       |              |
          |  +----------------+  |              |
          |  |    ns-3 TCP    |  |              |
          |  +----------------+  |              |
          |  |    ns-3 IP     |  |              |
          |  +----------------+  |              |
          |  |   FdNetDevice  |  |              |
          |--+----------------+--+    +------+  |
          |       | TAP  |            | eth0 |  |
          |       +------+            +------+  |
          |               |     |
                                          ------------ (Internet) -----

       In  the  above,  the  configuration  requires  that  the  host  be able to forward traffic
       generated by the simulation to the Internet.

       The model in TapBridge (in another module) is as follows:

          |  Linux |
          |  host  |                    +----------+
          | ------ |                    |   ghost  |
          |  apps  |                    |   node   |
          | ------ |                    | -------- |
          |  stack |                    |    IP    |     +----------+
          | ------ |                    |   stack  |     |   node   |
          |  TAP   |                    |==========|     | -------- |
          | device | <----- IPC ------> |   tap    |     |    IP    |
          +--------+                    |  bridge  |     |   stack  |
                                        | -------- |     | -------- |
                                        |   ns-3   |     |   ns-3   |
                                        |   net    |     |   net    |
                                        |  device  |     |  device  |
                                        +----------+     +----------+
                                             ||               ||
                                        |        ns-3 channel       |

       In the above, packets instead traverse ns-3 NetDevices and Channels.

       The usage pattern for this example is that the user sets the MAC address  and  either  (or
       both)  the  IPv4  and IPv6 addresses and masks on the device, and the PI header if needed.
       For example:

          TapFdNetDeviceHelper helper;
          helper.SetDeviceName (deviceName);
          helper.SetModePi (modePi);
          helper.SetTapIpv4Address (tapIp);
          helper.SetTapIpv4Mask (tapMask);
          helper.Install (node);

       PlanetLab is a world wide distributed network testbed composed of nodes connected  to  the
       Internet.      Running     ns-3    simulations    in    PlanetLab    nodes    using    the
       PlanetLabFdNetDeviceHelper allows to send simulated traffic generated by ns-3 directly  to
       the Internet. This setup can be useful to validate ns-3 Internet protocols or other future
       protocols implemented in ns-3.

       To run experiments using PlanetLab nodes it is required to have a PlanetLab account.  Only
       members  of PlanetLab partner institutions can obtain such accounts ( for more information
       visit or  ).   Once  the  account  is
       obtained,  a  PlanetLab  slice must be requested in order to conduct experiments.  A slice
       represents an experiment unit related to a group of PlanetLab users, and can be associated
       to virtual machines in different PlanetLab nodes.  Slices can also be customized by adding
       configuration tags to it (this is done by PlanetLab administrators).

       The PlanetLabFdNetDeviceHelper creates TAP  devices  on  PlanetLab  nodes  using  specific
       PlanetLab  mechanisms  (i.e.  the  vsys  system),  and  associates  the  TAP  device  to a
       FdNetDevice in ns-3.  The functionality  provided  by  this  helper  is  similar  to  that
       provided  by the FdTapNetDeviceHelper, except that the underlying mechanisms to create the
       TAP device are different.

          |         PlanetLab  host             |
          |    ns-3 simulation   |              |
          +----------------------+              |
          |       ns-3 Node      |              |
          |  +----------------+  |              |
          |  |    ns-3 TCP    |  |              |
          |  +----------------+  |              |
          |  |    ns-3 IP     |  |              |
          |  +----------------+  |              |
          |  |   FdNetDevice  |  |              |
          |--+----------------+--+    +------+  |
          |       | TAP  |            | eth0 |  |
          |       +------+            +------+  |
          |               |     |
                                          ------------ (Internet) -----

       In order to be able to assign private IPv4 addresses to the TAP devices,  account  holders
       must  request  the  vsys_vnet  tag to be added to their slice by PlanetLab administrators.
       The vsys_vnet tag is associated to private network segment and only  addresses  from  this
       segment can be used in experiments.

       The  syntax  used  to create a TAP device with this helper is similar to that used for the
       previously described helpers:

          PlanetLabFdNetDeviceHelper helper;
          helper.SetTapIpAddress (tapIp);
          helper.SetTapMask (tapMask);
          helper.Install (node);

       PlanetLab nodes have a Fedora based distribution, so ns-3 can be installed  following  the
       instructions for ns-3 Linux installation.

       The FdNetDevice provides a number of attributes:

       • Address:  The MAC address of the device

       • Start:  The simulation start time to spin up the device thread

       • Stop:  The simulation start time to stop the device thread

       • EncapsulationMode:  Link-layer encapsulation format


         RxQueueSize: The buffer size of the read queue on the file descriptor
                thread (default of 1000 packets)

       Start  and  Stop  do  not normally need to be specified unless the user wants to limit the
       time during which this device is active.  Address needs to be set to some kind  of  unique
       MAC  address  if  the simulation will be interacting with other real devices somehow using
       real MAC addresses.  Typical code:

          device->SetAttribute ("Address", Mac48AddressValue (Mac48Address::Allocate ()));

       Ascii and PCAP tracing is provided similar to the other ns-3 NetDevice types, through  the
       helpers, such as (e.g.):

       ::     EmuFdNetDeviceHelper  emu;  NetDeviceContainer  devices  =  emu.Install  (node);  …
              emu.EnablePcap (“emu-ping”, device, true);

       The standard set of Mac-level NetDevice trace sources is provided.

       • MaxTx:  Trace source triggered when ns-3 provides the device with a new frame to send

       • MaxTxDrop:  Trace source if write to file descriptor fails

       • MaxPromiscRx:  Whenever any valid Mac frame is received

       • MaxRx:  Whenever a valid Mac frame is received for this device

       • Sniffer:  Non-promiscuous packet sniffer

       • PromiscSniffer:  Promiscuous packet sniffer (for tcpdump-like traces)

       Several examples are provided:

       •  This simple example creates two nodes and interconnects them  with  a
         Unix  pipe  by  passing  the  file  descriptors from the socketpair into the FdNetDevice
         objects of the respective nodes.

       •  Same as but uses the  real  time  simulator
         implementnation instead of the default one.

       •  This example is aimed at measuring the throughput of the FdNetDevice in
         a pure simulation. For this purpose two FdNetDevices, attached to different nodes but in
         a  same  simulation,  are  connected  using  a  socket  pair.   TCP traffic is sent at a
         saturating data rate.

       • This example is aimed at measuring the throughput  of  the  FdNetDevice
         when  using  the EmuFdNetDeviceHelper to attach the simulated device to a real device in
         the host machine. This is achieved by saturating the channel with TCP traffic.

       • This example uses the EmuFdNetDeviceHelper to send ICMP traffic  over  a
         real channel.

       •  This example uses the EmuFdNetDeviceHelper to send UDP traffic over
         a real channel.

       • This example shows how to  set  up  an  experiment  to  send  ICMP
         traffic from a PlanetLab node to the Internet.

       •  This  example uses the TapFdNetDeviceHelper to send ICMP traffic over a
         real channel.

   Netmap NetDevice
       The fd-net-device module provides the NetmapNetDevice class,  a  class  derived  from  the
       FdNetDevice  which is able to read and write traffic using a netmap file descriptor.  This
       netmap file descriptor must be associated to a real ethernet device in the  host  machine.
       The NetmapNetDeviceHelper class supports the configuration of a NetmapNetDevice.

       netmap  is a fast packet processing capability that bypasses the host networking stack and
       gains direct access to network device.  netmap was developed by  Luigi  Rizzo  [Rizzo2012]
       and     is     maintained     as     an    open    source    project    on    GitHub    at

       The NetmapNetDevice for ns-3 [Imputato2019] was developed  by  Pasquale  Imputato  in  the
       2017-19  timeframe.   The  use of NetmapNetDevice requires that the host system has netmap
       support (and for best performance, the drivers must support netmap and  must  be  using  a
       netmap-enabled  device driver).  Users can expect that emulation support using Netmap will
       support higher packets per second than emulation using FdNetDevice with raw sockets (which
       pass through the Linux networking kernel).

            Luigi  Rizzo,  “netmap:  A  Novel Framework for Fast Packet I/O”, Proceedings of 2012
            USENIX Annual Techincal Conference, June 2012.

            Pasquale Imputato, Stefano Avallone, Enhancing  the  fidelity  of  network  emulation
            through   direct   access   to  device  buffers,  Journal  of  Network  and  Computer
            Applications,       Volume       130,       2019,       Pages        63-75,        (‐

   Model Description
       Because  netmap uses file descriptor based communication to interact with the real device,
       the straightforward approach to design a new NetDevice around netmap is to have it inherit
       from  the  existing  FdNetDevice  and  implement  a  specialized version of the operations
       specific to netmap.  The operations that require  a  specialized  implementation  are  the
       initialization,  because the NIC has to be put in netmap mode, and the read/write methods,
       which have to make use of the netmap API to coordinate the exchange of  packets  with  the
       netmap rings.

       In  the  initialization stage, the network device is switched to netmap mode, so that ns-3
       is able to send/receive packets to/from the real network device  by  writing/reading  them
       to/from  the  netmap  rings.   Following the design of the FdNetDevice, a separate reading
       thread is started during the initialization. The task of the reading thread is to wait for
       new  incoming  packets  in  the  netmap receiver rings, in order to schedule the events of
       packet reception. In the initialization of the NetmapNetDevice, an additional thread,  the
       sync  thread, is started. The sync thread is required because, in order to reduce the cost
       of the system calls, netmap does not automatically transfer a packet written to a slot  of
       the  netmap  ring to the transmission ring or to the installed qdisc. It is up to the user
       process to periodically request a synchronization  of  the  netmap  ring.  Therefore,  the
       purpose of the sync thread is to periodically make a TXSYNC ioctl request, so that pending
       packets in the netmap ring are transferred to the transmission ring, if in native mode, or
       to  the  installed  qdisc,  if in generic mode. Also, as described further below, the sync
       thread is exploited to perform flow control and notify the BQL library about the amount of
       bytes that have been transferred to the network device.

       The read method is called by the reading thread to retrieve new incoming packets stored in
       the netmap receiver ring and pass them  to  the  appropriate  ns-3  protocol  handler  for
       further  processing  within  the  simulator’s network stack. After retrieving packets, the
       reading thread also synchronizes the netmap receiver ring, so that the  retrieved  packets
       can be removed from the netmap receiver ring.

       The NetmapNetDevice also specializes the write method, i.e., the method used to transmit a
       packet received from the upper layer (the ns-3 traffic control layer).  The  write  method
       uses  the  netmap  API to write the packet to a free slot in the netmap transmission ring.
       After writing a packet, the write method checks whether there is enough room in the netmap
       transmission ring for another packet.  If not, the NetmapNetDevice stops its queue so that
       the ns-3 traffic control layer does not attempt to send a packet that could not be  stored
       in the netmap transmission ring.

       A  stopped NetmapNetDevice queue needs to be restarted as soon as some room is made in the
       netmap transmission ring. The sync thread can be exploited for this purpose, given that it
       periodically  synchronizes  the  netmap  transmission ring. In particular, the sync thread
       also checks the number of  free  slots  in  the  netmap  transmission  ring  in  case  the
       NetmapNetDevice  queue  is  stopped.   If  the number of free slots exceeds a configurable
       value, the sync thread restarts the NetmapNetDevice queue and wakes  the  associated  ns-3
       qdisc. The NetmapNetDevice also supports BQL: the write method notifies the BQL library of
       the amount of bytes that have been written to the netmap transmission ring, while the sync
       thread  notifies  the  BQL  library of the amount of bytes that have been removed from the
       netmap transmission ring and transferred to the NIC since the previous notification.

   Scope and Limitations
       The main scope of NetmapNetDevice is to support  the  flow-control  between  the  physical
       device  and  the  upper  layer  and  using  at best the computational resources to process
       packets.  However, the (Linux) system and network device must support netmap to  make  use
       of this feature.

       The  installation  of  netmap  itself on a host machine is out of scope for this document.
       Refer to the netmap GitHub README for instructions.

       The ns-3 netmap code has only been  tested  on  Linux;  it  is  not  clear  whether  other
       operating systems can be supported.

       If ns-3 is able to detect the presence of netmap on the system, it will report that:

          Netmap emulation FdNetDevice  : not enabled

       If not, it will report:

          Netmap emulation FdNetDevice  : not enabled (needs net/netmap_user.h)

       To  run  FdNetDevice-enabled  simulations, one must pass the --enable-sudo option to ./waf
       configure, or else run the simulations with root privileges.

       ns-3  netmap  support  uses  a  NetMapNetDeviceHelper  helper  object   to   install   the
       NetmapNetDevice.   In  other  respects,  the  API  and  use  is  similar  to  that  of the

       There is one attribute specialized  to  NetmapNetDevice,  named  SyncAndNotifyQueuePeriod.
       This  value  takes  an  integer  number of microseconds, and is used as the period of time
       after which the device syncs the netmap ring and notifies queue status.  The value  should
       be  close  to the interrupt coalescence period of the real device.  Users may want to tune
       this parameter for their own system; it should be  a  compromise  between  CPU  usage  and
       accuracy  in  the  ring sync (if it is too high, the device goes into starvation and lower
       throughput occurs).

       The NetmapNetDevice does not provide any specialized output, but supports the  FdNetDevice
       output and traces (such as a promiscuous sniffer trace).

       Several examples are provided:

       •   This   example   is   aimed   at  measuring  the  throughput  of  the
         NetmapNetDevice when using the NetmapNetDeviceHelper to attach the simulated device to a
         real  device in the host machine. This is achieved by saturating the channel with TCP or
         UDP traffic.

       • This example uses the NetmapNetDevice to send ICMP traffic over  a  real

 This example configures a router on a machine with two
                interfaces  in  emulated  mode  through  netmap.  The aim is to explore different
                qdiscs behaviours on the backlog of a device emulated bottleneck side.

       • This example builds a node with  a  device  in  emulation  mode  through
         netmap.   The  aim  is  to measure the maximum transmit rate in packets per second (pps)
         achievable with NetmapNetDevice on a specific machine.

       Note that all the examples run in emulation mode through netmap (with NetmapNetDevice) and
       raw socket (with FdNetDevice).

   DPDK NetDevice
       Data  Plane  Development  Kit  (DPDK)  is  a  library  hosted  by  The Linux Foundation to
       accelerate packet processing workloads (

       The DpdkNetDevice class provides the implementation of a network device which uses  DPDK’s
       fast  packet  processing  abilities and bypasses the kernel. This class is included in the
       src/fd-net-device model. The  DpdkNetDevice  class  inherits  the  FdNetDevice  class  and
       overrides the functions which are required by ns-3 to interact with DPDK environment.

       The  DpdkNetDevice  for ns-3 [Patel2019] was developed by Harsh Patel, Hrishikesh Hiraskar
       and Mohit P. Tahiliani. They were supported by Intel Technology India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
       for this work.

            Harsh  Patel,  Hrishikesh  Hiraskar, Mohit P. Tahiliani, “Extending Network Emulation
            Support in ns-3 using DPDK”, Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop  on  ns-3,  ACM,  Pages
            17-24, (

   Model Description
       DpdkNetDevice  is  a  network device which provides network emulation capabilities i.e. to
       allow simulated nodes to interact with real hosts and vice versa. The main feature of  the
       DpdkNetDevice  is that is uses the Environment Abstraction Layer (EAL) provided by DPDK to
       perform fast packet  processing.  EAL  hides  the  device  specific  attributes  from  the
       applications  and  provides  an interface via which the applications can interact directly
       with the Network Interface Card (NIC). This allows ns-3 to send/receive  packets  directly
       to/from the NIC without the kernel involvement.

       DpdkNetDevice  is designed to act as an interface between ns-3 and DPDK environment. There
       are 3 main phases in the life cycle of DpdkNetDevice:

       • Initialization

       • Packet Transfer - Read and Write

       • Termination

       DpdkNetDeviceHelper model is responsible for the initialization  of  DpdkNetDevice.  After
       this,  the  EAL is initialized, a memory pool is allocated, access to the Ethernet port is
       obtained and it is initialized, reception (Rx) and transmission (Tx) queues are set up  on
       the  port,  Rx and Tx buffers are set up and LaunchCore method is called which will launch
       the HandleRx method to handle reading of packets in burst.

   Packet Transfer
       DPDK interacts with packet in the form of mbuf, a data structure  provided  by  it,  while
       ns-3  interacts with packets in the form of raw buffer. The packet transfer functions take
       care of converting DPDK mbufs to ns-3 buffers. The functions are read and write.

       • Read: HandleRx method takes care of reading the packets from NIC and  transferring  them
         to  ns-3  Internet Stack. This function is called by LaunchCore method which is launched
         during initialization. It continuously polls the NIC using DPDK API for packets to read.
         It  reads  the  mbuf  packets in burst from NIC Rx ring, which are placed into Rx buffer
         upon read. For each mbuf packet in Rx buffer, it then converts it to ns-3 raw buffer and
         then forwards the packet to ns-3 Internet Stack.

       • Write:  Write  method  handles transmission of packets. ns-3 provides this packet in the
         form of a buffer, which is converted to packet mbuf and then placed in  the  Tx  buffer.
         These packets are then transferred to NIC Tx ring when the Tx buffer is full, from where
         they will be transmitted by the NIC. However, there might be a scenario where there  are
         not  enough  packets  to  fill  the  Tx  buffer. This will lead to stale packet mbufs in
         buffer. In such cases, the Write function schedules a manual flush of these stale packet
         mbufs  to NIC Tx ring, which will occur upon a certain timeout period. The default value
         of this timeout is set to 2 ms.

       When ns-3 is done using DpdkNetDevice, the DpdkNetDevice will stop polling  for  Rx,  free
       the  allocated  mbuf  packets  and  then  the mbuf pool. Lastly, it will stop the Ethernet
       device and close the port.

   Scope and Limitations
       The current implementation supports only one NIC to be bound to DPDK with single   Rx  and
       Tx  on  the  NIC.  This can be extended to support multiple NICs and multiple Rx/Tx queues
       simultaneously. Currently there is no support  for  Jumbo  frames,  which  can  be  added.
       Offloading,  scheduling features can also be added. Flow control and support for qdisc can
       be added to provide a more extensive model for network testing.

   DPDK Installation
       This section contains information on downloading DPDK source code and setting up DPDK  for
       DpdkNetDevice to work.

   Is my NIC supported by DPDK?
       Check Supported Devices.

   Not supported? Use Virtual Machine instead
       Install  Oracle  VM  VirtualBox.  Create a new VM and install Ubuntu on it. Open settings,
       create a network adapter with following configuration:

       • Attached to: Bridged Adapter

       • Name: The host network device you want to use


         In Advanced

                • Adapter Type: Intel PRO/1000 MT Server (82545EM) or any  other  DPDK  supported

                • Promiscuous Mode: Allow All

                • Select Cable Connected

       Then rest of the steps are same as follows.

       DPDK can be installed in 2 ways:

       • Install DPDK on Ubuntu

       • Compile DPDK from source

   Install DPDK on Ubuntu
       To install DPDK on Ubuntu, run the following command:

          apt-get install dpdk dpdk-dev libdpdk-dev dpdk-igb-uio-dkms

       Ubuntu  20.04  has  packaged  DPDK  v19.11  LTS  which  is  tested  with  this  module and
       DpdkNetDevice will only be enabled if this version is available.

   Compile from Source
       To compile DPDK from source, you need to perform the following 4 steps:

   1. Download the source
       Visit the DPDK Downloads page to download the latest stable source. (This module has  been
       tested  with  version  19.11 LTS and DpdkNetDevice will only be enabled if this version is

   2. Configure DPDK as a shared library
       In the DPDK directory, edit the config/common_base file to change the  following  line  to
       compile DPDK as a shared library:

          # Compile to share library

   3. Install the source
       Refer to Installation for detailed instructions.

       For a 64 bit linux machine with gcc, run:

          make install T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc DESTDIR=install

   4. Export DPDK Environment variables
       Export the following environment variables:

       • RTE_SDK as the your DPDK source folder.

       • RTE_TARGET as the build target directory.

       For example:

          export RTE_SDK=/home/username/dpdk/dpdk-stable-19.11.1
          export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc

       (Note:  In  case  DPDK  is  moved,  ns-3  needs  to  be reconfigured using ./waf configure

       It is advisable that you export these variables in .bashrc or similar for reusability.

   Load DPDK Drivers to kernel
       Execute the following:

          sudo modprobe uio_pci_generic
          sudo modprobe uio
          sudo modprobe vfio-pci

          sudo modprobe igb_uio # for ubuntu package
          # OR
          sudo insmod $RTE_SDK/$RTE_TARGET/kmod/igb_uio.ko # for dpdk source

       These should be done every time you reboot your system.

   Configure hugepages
       Refer System Requirements for detailed instructions.

       To allocate hugepages at runtime, write a value such as ‘256’ to the following:

          echo 256 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages

       To  allocate  hugepages  at  boot  time,  edit   /etc/default/grub,   and   following   to


       We  suggest  minimum  of  number  of  256  to  run  our  applications. (This is to test an
       application run at 1 Gbps on a 1 Gbps NIC.) You can use any number of hugepages  based  on
       your system capacity and application requirements.

       Then update the grub configurations using:

          sudo update-grub


          sudo update-grub2

       You will need to reboot your system in order to see these changes.

       To check allocation of hugepages, run:

          cat /proc/meminfo | grep HugePages

       You  will  see  the  number of hugepages allocated, they should be equal to the number you
       used above.

       Once the hugepage memory is reserved (at either runtime or boot time), to make the  memory
       available for DPDK use, perform the following steps:

          sudo mkdir /mnt/huge
          sudo mount -t hugetlbfs nodev /mnt/huge

       The  mount point can be made permanent across reboots, by adding the following line to the
       /etc/fstab file:

          nodev /mnt/huge hugetlbfs defaults 0 0

       The status of DPDK support is shown in the output of ./waf configure.  If it is  found,  a
       user should see:

          DPDK NetDevice                : enabled

       DpdkNetDeviceHelper class supports the configuration of DpdkNetDevice.

          |         host 1       |
          |   ns-3 simulation    |
          |       ns-3 Node      |
          |  +----------------+  |
          |  |    ns-3 TCP    |  |
          |  +----------------+  |
          |  |    ns-3 IP     |  |
          |  +----------------+  |
          |  |  DpdkNetDevice |  |
          |  |    |  |
          |  +----------------+  |
          |  |   raw socket   |  |
          |       | eth0 |       |


                      +-------------- ( Internet ) ----

       Initialization  of DPDK driver requires initialization of EAL. EAL requires PMD (Poll Mode
       Driver) Library for using NIC. DPDK supports multiple Poll Mode Drivers and  you  can  use
       one     that     works    for    your    NIC.    PMD    Library    can    be    set    via
       DpdkNetDeviceHelper::SetPmdLibrary, as follows:

          DpdkNetDeviceHelper* dpdk = new DpdkNetDeviceHelper ();

       Also, NIC should be bound to DPDK Driver in order to be used with EAL. The default  driver
       used  is  uio_pci_generic  which  supports  most  of  the  NICs.  You  can change it using
       DpdkNetDeviceHelper::SetDpdkDriver, as follows:

          DpdkNetDeviceHelper* dpdk = new DpdkNetDeviceHelper ();

       The DpdkNetDevice provides a number of attributes:

       • TxTimeout - The time to wait before transmitting burst from Tx Buffer (in us).  (default
         -  2000)  This attribute is only used to flush out buffer in case it is not filled. This
         attribute can be decrease for low data rate traffic. For high data  rate  traffic,  this
         attribute needs no change.

       • MaxRxBurst - Size of Rx Burst. (default - 64) This attribute can be increased for higher
         data rates.

       • MaxTxBurst - Size of Tx Burst. (default - 64) This attribute can be increased for higher
         data rates.

       • MempoolCacheSize  -  Size  of  mempool  cache.  (default  -  256)  This attribute can be
         increased for higher data rates.

       • NbRxDesc - Number of Rx descriptors. (default - 1024) This attribute  can  be  increased
         for higher data rates.

       • NbTxDesc  -  Number  of Tx descriptors. (default - 1024) This attribute can be increased
         for higher data rates.

       Note: Default values work well with 1Gbps traffic.

       As DpdkNetDevice is inherited  from  FdNetDevice,  all  the  output  methods  provided  by
       FdNetDevice can be used directly.

       The following examples are provided:

       •  This  example  can  be configured to use the DpdkNetDevice to send ICMP
         traffic bypassing the kernel over a real channel.

       • This example can  be  configured  to  measure  the  throughput  of  the
         DpdkNetDevice  by  sending  traffic  from  the simulated node to a real device using the
         ns3::OnOffApplication while leveraging DPDK’s fast packet processing abilities. This  is
         achieved by saturating the channel with TCP/UDP traffic.

   Tap NetDevice
       The  Tap NetDevice can be used to allow a host system or virtual machines to interact with
       a simulation.

   TapBridge Model Overview
       The Tap Bridge is designed to integrate “real” internet hosts (or  more  precisely,  hosts
       that  support  Tun/Tap devices) into ns-3 simulations.  The goal is to make it appear to a
       “real” host node in that it has an ns-3 net device as a local device.  The  concept  of  a
       “real  host”  is  a  bit  slippery since the “real host” may actually be virtualized using
       readily available technologies such as VMware, VirtualBox or OpenVZ.

       Since we are, in essence, connecting the inputs and outputs of an ns-3 net device  to  the
       inputs and outputs of a Linux Tap net device, we call this arrangement a Tap Bridge.

       There  are  three  basic  operating  modes  of  this  device  available  to  users.  Basic
       functionality is essentially identical, but the modes are different in  details  regarding
       how  the arrangement is created and configured; and what devices can live on which side of
       the bridge.

       We call these three modes the ConfigureLocal, UseLocal and  UseBridge  modes.   The  first
       “word” in the camel case mode identifier indicates who has the responsibility for creating
       and configuring the taps.  For example, the “Configure” in ConfigureLocal  mode  indicates
       that  it  is  the  TapBridge that has responsibility for configuring the tap.  In UseLocal
       mode and UseBridge modes, the “Use” prefix indicates that the TapBridge is asked to  “Use”
       an existing configuration.

       In  other words, in ConfigureLocal mode, the TapBridge has the responsibility for creating
       and configuring the TAP devices.  In UseBridge or UseLocal  modes,  the  user  provides  a
       configuration and the TapBridge adapts to that configuration.

   TapBridge ConfigureLocal Mode
       In   the   ConfigureLocal   mode,   the   configuration   of   the   tap  device  is  ns-3
       configuration-centric.  Configuration information is taken  from  a  device  in  the  ns-3
       simulation  and  a  tap  device matching the ns-3 attributes is automatically created.  In
       this case, a Linux computer is made to appear  as  if  it  was  directly  connected  to  a
       simulated ns-3 network.

       This is illustrated below:

          |  Linux |
          |  host  |                    +----------+
          | ------ |                    |   ghost  |
          |  apps  |                    |   node   |
          | ------ |                    | -------- |
          |  stack |                    |    IP    |     +----------+
          | ------ |                    |   stack  |     |   node   |
          |  TAP   |                    |==========|     | -------- |
          | device | <----- IPC ------> |   tap    |     |    IP    |
          +--------+                    |  bridge  |     |   stack  |
                                        | -------- |     | -------- |
                                        |   ns-3   |     |   ns-3   |
                                        |   net    |     |   net    |
                                        |  device  |     |  device  |
                                        +----------+     +----------+
                                             ||               ||
                                        |        ns-3 channel       |

       In  this  case,  the  “ns-3 net device” in the “ghost node” appears as if it were actually
       replacing the TAP device in the Linux host.  The ns-3 simulation creates the TAP device on
       the underlying Linux OS and configures the IP and MAC addresses of the TAP device to match
       the values assigned to the simulated ns-3 net device.  The “IPC” link shown above  is  the
       network  tap mechanism in the underlying OS.  The whole arrangement acts as a conventional
       bridge; but a bridge between devices that happen to  have  the  same  shared  MAC  and  IP

       Here,  the  user  is not required to provide any configuration information specific to the
       tap.  A tap device will be created and configured by ns-3 according to its  defaults,  and
       the tap device will have its name assigned by the underlying operating system according to
       its defaults.

       If the user has a requirement to access the created tap device, he or she  may  optionally
       provide  a  “DeviceName” attribute.  In this case, the created OS tap device will be named

       The ConfigureLocal mode is the default operating mode of the Tap Bridge.

   TapBridge UseLocal Mode
       The UseLocal mode is quite similar to the ConfigureLocal mode.  The significant difference
       is,  as  the  mode  name  implies,  the TapBridge is going to “Use” an existing tap device
       previously created and configured by the user.  This mode is particularly  useful  when  a
       virtualization  scheme  automatically  creates  tap  devices  and  ns-3 is used to provide
       simulated networks for those devices.

          |  Linux |
          |  host  |                    +----------+
          | ------ |                    |   ghost  |
          |  apps  |                    |   node   |
          | ------ |                    | -------- |
          |  stack |                    |    IP    |     +----------+
          | ------ |                    |   stack  |     |   node   |
          |  TAP   |                    |==========|     | -------- |
          | device | <----- IPC ------> |   tap    |     |    IP    |
          | MAC X  |                    |  bridge  |     |   stack  |
          +--------+                    | -------- |     | -------- |
                                        |   ns-3   |     |   ns-3   |
                                        |   net    |     |   net    |
                                        |  device  |     |  device  |
                                        |  MAC Y   |     |  MAC Z   |
                                        +----------+     +----------+
                                             ||               ||
                                        |        ns-3 channel       |

       In this case, the pre-configured MAC address of the “Tap device” (MAC X) will not  be  the
       same as that of the bridged “ns-3 net device” (MAC Y) shown in the illustration above.  In
       order to bridge to ns-3 net devices which do not support SendFrom()  (especially  wireless
       STA nodes) we impose a requirement that only one Linux device (with one unique MAC address
       – here X) generates traffic that flows across the IPC  link.   This  is  because  the  MAC
       addresses of traffic across the IPC link will be “spoofed” or changed to make it appear to
       Linux and ns-3 that they have the same address.  That is, traffic moving  from  the  Linux
       host to the ns-3 ghost node will have its MAC address changed from X to Y and traffic from
       the ghost node to the Linux host will have its MAC address changed from  Y  to  X.   Since
       there  is  a  one-to-one  correspondence between devices, there may only be one MAC source
       flowing from the Linux side.  This means that Linux bridges with more than one net  device
       added are incompatible with UseLocal mode.

       In  UseLocal  mode,  the  user is expected to create and configure a tap device completely
       outside the scope of the ns-3 simulation using something like:

          $ sudo tunctl -t tap0
          $ sudo ifconfig tap0 hw ether 08:00:2e:00:00:01
          $ sudo ifconfig tap0 netmask up

       To tell the TapBridge what is going on,  the  user  will  set  either  directly  into  the
       TapBridge  or  via  the  TapBridgeHelper,  the “DeviceName” attribute.  In the case of the
       configuration above, the “DeviceName” attribute would be set  to  “tap0”  and  the  “Mode”
       attribute would be set to “UseLocal”.

       One  particular use case for this mode is in the OpenVZ environment.  There it is possible
       to create a Tap device on the “Hardware Node” and move it into a Virtual  Private  Server.
       If  the  TapBridge  is able to use an existing tap device it is then possible to avoid the
       overhead of an OS bridge in that environment.

   TapBridge UseBridge Mode
       The simplest mode for those familiar with Linux networking is the UseBridge mode.   Again,
       the  “Use”  prefix indicates that the TapBridge is going to Use an existing configuration.
       In this case, the TapBridge is going to logically extend a Linux bridge into ns-3.

       This is illustrated below:

          |  Linux  |                             +----------+
          | ------- |                             |   ghost  |
          |  apps   |                             |   node   |
          | ------- |                             | -------- |
          |  stack  |                             |    IP    |     +----------+
          | ------- | +--------+                  |   stack  |     |   node   |
          | Virtual | |  TAP   |                  |==========|     | -------- |
          | Device  | | Device | <---- IPC -----> |   tap    |     |    IP    |
          +---------+ +--------+                  |  bridge  |     |   stack  |
              ||          ||                      | -------- |     | -------- |
          +--------------------+                  |   ns-3   |     |   ns-3   |
          | OS (brctl) Bridge  |                  |   net    |     |   net    |
          +--------------------+                  |  device  |     |  device  |
                                                  +----------+     +----------+
                                                       ||               ||
                                                  |        ns-3 channel       |

       In this case, a computer running Linux applications, protocols, etc., is  connected  to  a
       ns-3  simulated  network in such a way as to make it appear to the Linux host that the TAP
       device is a real network device participating in the Linux bridge.

       In the ns-3 simulation, a TapBridge is created to match each TAP Device.  The name of  the
       TAP  Device is assigned to the Tap Bridge using the “DeviceName” attribute.  The TapBridge
       then logically extends the OS bridge to encompass the ns-3 net device.

       Since this mode logically extends an OS bridge, there may be many Linux net devices on the
       non-ns-3  side  of  the  bridge.  Therefore, like a net device on any bridge, the ns-3 net
       device must deal with the possibly of many source  addresses.   Thus,  ns-3  devices  must
       support  SendFrom()  (NetDevice::SupportsSendFrom()  must  return  true)  in  order  to be
       configured for use in UseBridge mode.

       It is expected that the user will do something like the following to configure the  bridge
       and tap completely outside ns-3:

          $ sudo brctl addbr mybridge
          $ sudo tunctl -t mytap
          $ sudo ifconfig mytap hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:01
          $ sudo ifconfig mytap up
          $ sudo brctl addif mybridge mytap
          $ sudo brctl addif mybridge ...
          $ sudo ifconfig mybridge netmask up

       To  tell  the  TapBridge  what  is  going  on,  the user will set either directly into the
       TapBridge or via the TapBridgeHelper, the “DeviceName” attribute.   In  the  case  of  the
       configuration  above,  the  “DeviceName”  attribute would be set to “mytap” and the “Mode”
       attribute would be set to “UseBridge”.

       This mode is especially  useful in the case of virtualization where the  configuration  of
       the  virtual  hosts  may be dictated by another system and not be changeable to suit ns-3.
       For example, a particular VM scheme may create virtual “vethx” or  “vmnetx”  devices  that
       appear  local  to  virtual  hosts.  In order to connect to such systems, one would need to
       manually create TAP devices on the host  system  and  brigde  these  TAP  devices  to  the
       existing  (VM)  virtual  devices.  The job of the Tap Bridge in this case is to extend the
       bridge to join a ns-3 net device.

   TapBridge ConfigureLocal Operation
       In ConfigureLocal mode, the TapBridge and therefore its associated ns-3 net device appears
       to  the  Linux  host computer as a network device just like any arbitrary “eth0” or “ath0”
       might appear.  The creation and configuration of the  TAP  device  is  done  by  the  ns-3
       simulation  and  no  manual  configuration is required by the user.  The IP addresses, MAC
       addresses, gateways, etc., for created TAP  devices  are  extracted  from  the  simulation
       itself by querying the configuration of the ns-3 device and the TapBridge Attributes.

       Since  the  MAC  addresses  are  identical on the Linux side and the ns-3 side, we can use
       Send() on the ns-3 device which is available on all  ns-3  net  devices.   Since  the  MAC
       addresses  are  identical  there is no requirement to hook the promiscuous callback on the
       receive side.  Therefore there are no restrictions on the kinds of  net  device  that  are
       usable in ConfigureLocal mode.

       The  TapBridge  appears  to  an ns-3 simulation as a channel-less net device.  This device
       must not have an IP address associated with it, but the bridged  (ns-3)  net  device  must
       have  an  IP  address.  Be aware that this is the inverse of an ns-3 BridgeNetDevice (or a
       conventional bridge in general) which demands that its bridge ports not have IP addresses,
       but allows the bridge device itself to have an IP address.

       The  host  computer  will  appear  in  a  simulation  as  a “ghost” node that contains one
       TapBridge for each NetDevice that is being bridged.  From the perspective of a simulation,
       the  only  difference  between a ghost node and any other node will be the presence of the
       TapBridge devices.  Note however, that the presence  of  the  TapBridge  does  affect  the
       connectivity of the net device to the IP stack of the ghost node.

       Configuration  of  address information and the ns-3 devices is not changed in any way if a
       TapBridge is present.  A TapBridge will pick up the addressing information from  the  ns-3
       net device to which it is connected (its “bridged” net device) and use that information to
       create and configure the TAP device on the real host.

       The end result of this is a situation where one can, for example, use  the  standard  ping
       utility  on a real host to ping a simulated ns-3 node.  If correct routes are added to the
       internet host (this is expected to be done automatically in  future  ns-3  releases),  the
       routing  systems  in ns-3 will enable correct routing of the packets across simulated ns-3
       networks.  For an example of this, see the example program,  in  the
       ns-3 distribution.

       The  Tap Bridge lives in a kind of a gray world somewhere between a Linux host and an ns-3
       bridge device.  From the Linux perspective, this code appears as the user mode handler for
       a TAP net device.  In ConfigureLocal mode, this Tap device is automatically created by the
       ns-3 simulation.  When the Linux  host  writes  to  one  of  these  automatically  created
       /dev/tap devices, the write is redirected into the TapBridge that lives in the ns-3 world;
       and from this perspective, the packet write on Linux becomes a  packet  read  in  the  Tap
       Bridge.   In  other words, a Linux process writes a packet to a tap device and this packet
       is redirected by the network tap mechanism toan ns-3 process where it is received  by  the
       TapBridge  as a result of a read operation there.  The TapBridge then writes the packet to
       the ns-3 net device to which it is bridged; and therefore it appears as if the Linux  host
       sent a packet directly through an ns-3 net device onto an ns-3 network.

       In  the  other  direction,  a  packet received by the ns-3 net device connected to the Tap
       Bridge is sent via a receive callback to the TapBridge.  The  TapBridge  then  takes  that
       packet  and writes it back to the host using the network tap mechanism.  This write to the
       device will appear to the Linux host as if a packet has  arrived  on  a  net  device;  and
       therefore  as if a packet received by the ns-3 net device during a simulation has appeared
       on a real Linux net device.

       The upshot is that the Tap Bridge appears to bridge a tap device on a Linux  host  in  the
       “real  world”  to  an  ns-3  net device in the simulation.  Because the TAP device and the
       bridged ns-3 net device have the same MAC address and the network  tap  IPC  link  is  not
       externalized,  this  particular  kind  of bridge makes it appear that a ns-3 net device is
       actually installed in the Linux host.

       In order to implement this on the ns-3 side, we need a “ghost node” in the  simulation  to
       hold  the  bridged  ns-3  net  device and the TapBridge.  This node should not actually do
       anything else in the simulation since its job is simply to make the net device  appear  in
       Linux.  This is not just arbitrary policy, it is because:

       • Bits  sent  to  the  TapBridge from higher layers in the ghost node (using the TapBridge
         Send method) are completely ignored.  The TapBridge is not,  itself,  connected  to  any
         network,  neither  in  Linux  nor  in  ns-3.  You can never send nor receive data over a
         TapBridge from the ghost node.

       • The bridged ns-3 net device has its receive callback disconnected from the ns-3 node and
         reconnected  to the Tap Bridge.  All data received by a bridged device will then be sent
         to the Linux host and will not be received by the node.  From  the  perspective  of  the
         ghost node, you can send over this device but you cannot ever receive.

       Of  course,  if  you understand all of the issues you can take control of your own destiny
       and do whatever you want – we do not actively prevent you from using the  ghost  node  for
       anything  you  decide.   You  will be able to perform typical ns-3 operations on the ghost
       node if you so desire.  The internet stack, for example, must be there and  functional  on
       that  node  in order to participate in IP address assignment and global routing.  However,
       as mentioned above, interfaces talking to any TapBridge or associated bridged net  devices
       will  not  work  completely.  If you understand exactly what you are doing, you can set up
       other interfaces and devices on the ghost node and use them;  or  take  advantage  of  the
       operational  send  side of the bridged devices to create traffic generators.  We generally
       recommend that you treat this node as a ghost of the Linux host and leave  it  to  itself,

   TapBridge UseLocal Mode Operation
       As  described  in  above,  the TapBridge acts like a bridge from the “real” world into the
       simulated ns-3 world.  In the case of the ConfigureLocal mode, life is easy since  the  IP
       address of the Tap device matches the IP address of the ns-3 device and the MAC address of
       the Tap device matches the MAC address of the ns-3  device;  and  there  is  a  one-to-one
       relationship between the devices.

       Things  are  slightly  complicated  when  a  Tap  device  is  externally configured with a
       different MAC address than the ns-3 net device.  The conventional way to  deal  with  this
       kind  of  difference  is  to use promiscuous mode in the bridged device to receive packets
       destined for the different MAC address and forward them off to Linux.  In  order  to  move
       packets  the  other  way, the conventional solution is SendFrom() which allows a caller to
       “spoof” or change the source MAC address to match the different Linux MAC address.

       We do have a specific requirement to  be  able  to  bridge  Linux  Virtual  Machines  onto
       wireless  STA  nodes.   Unfortunately,  the  802.11  spec  doesn’t  provide  a good way to
       implement SendFrom(), so we have to work around that problem.

       To this end, we provided the UseLocal mode of  the  Tap  Bridge.   This  mode  allows  you
       approach  the problem as if you were creating a bridge with a single net device.  A single
       allowed address on the Linux side is remembered in the TapBridge, and all  packets  coming
       from  the  Linux  side  are  repeated  out  the ns-3 side using the ns-3 device MAC source
       address.  All packets coming in from the ns-3 side are repeated out the Linux  side  using
       the remembered MAC address.  This allows us to use Send() on the ns-3 device side which is
       available on all ns-3 net devices.

       UseLocal mode is identical  to  the  ConfigureLocal  mode  except  for  the  creation  and
       configuration of the tap device and the MAC address spoofing.

   TapBridge UseBridge Operation
       As  described in the ConfigureLocal mode section, when the Linux host writes to one of the
       /dev/tap devices, the write is redirected into the TapBridge that lives in the ns-3 world.
       In  the  case  of  the  UseBridge mode, these packets will need to be sent out on the ns-3
       network as if they were sent on a device participating in the Linux  bridge.   This  means
       calling  the  SendFrom() method on the bridged device and providing the source MAC address
       found in the packet.

       In the other direction, a packet received by an ns-3 net device is hooked via callback  to
       the TapBridge.  This must be done in promiscuous mode since the goal is to bridge the ns-3
       net device onto the OS (brctl) bridge of which the TAP device is a part.

       For these reasons, only ns-3 net devices that  support  SendFrom()  and  have  a  hookable
       promiscuous  receive  callback  are  allowed  to  participate  in UseBridge mode TapBridge

   Tap Bridge Channel Model
       There is no channel model associated with the Tap Bridge.  In fact, the intention is  make
       it  appear  that  the  real  internet  host is connected to the channel of the bridged net

   Tap Bridge Tracing Model
       Unlike most ns-3 devices, the TapBridge does not provide any standard trace sources.  This
       is  because  the bridge is an intermediary that is essentially one function call away from
       the bridged device.  We expect that  the  trace  hooks  in  the  bridged  device  will  be
       sufficient for most users,

   Using the TapBridge
       We   expect  that  most  users  will  interact  with  the  TapBridge  device  through  the
       TapBridgeHelper.  Users of  other  helper  classes,  such  as  CSMA  or  Wifi,  should  be
       comfortable with the idioms used there.


       Energy  consumption  is a key issue for wireless devices, and wireless network researchers
       often need to investigate the energy consumption at a node or in the overall network while
       running  network  simulations  in  ns-3.  This requires ns-3 to support energy consumption
       modeling. Further, as concepts such as fuel  cells  and  energy  scavenging  are  becoming
       viable  for  low  power  wireless  devices,  incorporating  the  effect  of these emerging
       technologies into simulations requires support for  modeling  diverse  energy  sources  in
       ns-3.  The  ns-3 Energy Framework provides the basis for energy consumption, energy source
       and energy harvesting modeling.

   Model Description
       The source code for the Energy Framework is currently at: src/energy.

       The ns-3 Energy Framework is composed of 3 parts: Energy Source, Device Energy  Model  and
       Energy Harvester.  The framework is implemented into the src/energy/models folder.

   Energy Source
       The  Energy  Source  represents the power supply on each node. A node can have one or more
       energy sources, and each energy source can be connected to multiple device energy  models.
       Connecting an energy source to a device energy model implies that the corresponding device
       draws power from the source. The basic functionality of the Energy Source  is  to  provide
       energy  for devices on the node. When energy is completely drained from the Energy Source,
       it notifies the devices on node such that each device can react to  this  event.  Further,
       each node can access the Energy Source Objects for information such as remaining energy or
       energy fraction (battery level). This enables the implementation of energy aware protocols
       in ns-3.

       In order to model a wide range of power supplies such as batteries, the Energy Source must
       be  able  to  capture  characteristics  of  these  supplies.   There   are   2   important
       characteristics or effects related to practical batteries:

       Rate Capacity Effect
              Decrease  of  battery lifetime when the current draw is higher than the rated value
              of the battery.

       Recovery Effect
              Increase of battery lifetime when the battery is alternating between discharge  and
              idle states.

       In order to incorporate the Rate Capacity Effect, the Energy Source uses current draw from
       all the devices on the same node  to  calculate  energy  consumption.  Moreover,  multiple
       Energy  Harvesters can be connected to the Energy Source in order to replenish its energy.
       The Energy Source periodically polls all the devices and energy  harvesters  on  the  same
       node  to calculate the total current drain and hence the energy consumption. When a device
       changes state, its corresponding Device Energy Model will notify the Energy Source of this
       change  and  new  total current draw will be calculated. Similarly, every Energy Harvester
       update triggers an update to the connected Energy Source.

       The Energy Source base class keeps a list of devices (Device  Energy  Model  objects)  and
       energy  harvesters  (Energy Harvester objects) that are using the particular Energy Source
       as power supply. When energy is completely drained, the  Energy  Source  will  notify  all
       devices  on  this list. Each device can then handle this event independently, based on the
       desired behavior that should be followed in case of power outage.

   Device Energy Model
       The Device Energy Model is the energy consumption model of a device installed on the node.
       It  is designed to be a state based model where each device is assumed to have a number of
       states, and each state is associated with a power consumption value. Whenever the state of
       the device changes, the corresponding Device Energy Model will notify the Energy Source of
       the new current draw of the device. The Energy Source will then calculate  the  new  total
       current draw and update the remaining energy.

       The  Device  Energy  Model  can also be used for devices that do not have finite number of
       states. For example, in an electric vehicle, the current draw of the motor  is  determined
       by its speed. Since the vehicle’s speed can take continuous values within a certain range,
       it is infeasible to define a set of discrete states of operation. However,  by  converting
       the  speed value into current directly, the same set of Device Energy Model APIs can still
       be used.

   Energy Harvester
       The energy harvester represents the elements that harvest energy from the environment  and
       recharge  the  Energy  Source  to which it is connected. The energy harvester includes the
       complete implementation of the actual energy harvesting device (e.g., a solar  panel)  and
       the  environment  (e.g.,  the  solar radiation). This means that in implementing an energy
       harvester,  the  energy  contribution  of  the  environment  and  the  additional   energy
       requirements  of  the  energy  harvesting device such as the conversion efficiency and the
       internal power consumption of the device needs to be jointly modeled.

   WiFi Radio Energy Model
       The WiFi Radio Energy Model is the energy consumption model  of  a  Wifi  net  device.  It
       provides a state for each of the available states of the PHY layer: Idle, CcaBusy, Tx, Rx,
       ChannelSwitch, Sleep, Off. Each of such states is associated with a value (in  Ampere)  of
       the  current  draw  (see below for the corresponding attribute names). A Wifi Radio Energy
       Model PHY Listener is registered to the Wifi PHY in order to be notified of every Wifi PHY
       state  transition.  At  every  transition,  the  energy  consumed in the previous state is
       computed and the energy source is notified in order to update its remaining energy.

       The Wifi Tx Current Model gives the  possibility  to  compute  the  current  draw  in  the
       transmit  state  as  a  function  of the nominal tx power (in dBm), as observed in several
       experimental measurements. To this purpose, the Wifi Radio Energy Model  PHY  Listener  is
       notified  of  the  nominal  tx  power used to transmit the current frame and passes such a
       value to the Wifi Tx Current Model which takes care of updating the current draw in the Tx
       state. Hence, the energy consumption is correctly computed even if the Wifi Remote Station
       Manager performs per-frame power control. Currently, a Linear Wifi  Tx  Current  Model  is
       implemented  which  computes  the tx current as a linear function (according to parameters
       that can be specified by the user) of the nominal tx power in dBm.

       The Wifi Radio Energy Model offers the possibility to specify a callback that  is  invoked
       when  the  energy  source  is  depleted. If such a callback is not specified when the Wifi
       Radio Energy Model Helper is used to  install  the  model  on  a  device,  a  callback  is
       implicitly made so that the Wifi PHY is put in the OFF mode (hence no frame is transmitted
       nor received afterwards) when the energy source is depleted. Likewise, it is  possible  to
       specify  a callback that is invoked when the energy source is recharged (which might occur
       in case an energy harvester is connected to the energy source). If such a callback is  not
       specified  when  the  Wifi  Radio  Energy  Model  Helper is used to install the model on a
       device, a callback is implicitly made so that the Wifi PHY is resumed from  the  OFF  mode
       when the energy source is recharged.

   Future Work
       For  Device  Energy  Models, we are planning to include support for other PHY layer models
       provided in ns-3 such as WiMAX,  and  to  model  the  energy  consumptions  of  other  non
       communicating  devices,  like  a  generic  sensor  and  a  CPU. For Energy Sources, we are
       planning to included new types of Energy Sources such as Supercapacitor  and  Nickel-Metal
       Hydride (Ni-MH) battery. For the Energy Harvesters, we are planning to implement an energy
       harvester that recharges the energy sources according to the power  levels  defined  in  a
       user customizable dataset of real measurements.

       [1]  ns-2                                   Energy                                  model:

       [2]  H. Wu, S. Nabar and R. Poovendran. An Energy Framework for the  Network  Simulator  3

       [3]  M.  Handy  and  D.  Timmermann.  Simulation of mobile wireless networks with accurate
            modelling of non-linear battery effects. In Proc. of Applied simulation and  Modeling
            (ASM), 2003.

       [4]  D. N. Rakhmatov and S. B. Vrudhula. An analytical high-level battery model for use in
            energy management of portable electronic systems. In Proc. of IEEE/ACM  International
            Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD’01), pages 488-493, November 2001.

       [5]  D.  N.  Rakhmatov, S. B. Vrudhula, and D. A. Wallach. Battery lifetime prediction for
            energy-aware computing. In Proc. of the 2002 International  Symposium  on  Low  Power
            Electronics and Design (ISLPED’02), pages 154-159, 2002.

       [6]  C.  Tapparello,  H.  Ayatollahi and W. Heinzelman. Extending the Energy Framework for
            Network Simulator 3 (ns-3). Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3),  Poster  Session,  Atlanta,  GA,
            USA. May, 2014.

       [7]  C.  Tapparello,  H.  Ayatollahi  and  W.  Heinzelman. Energy Harvesting Framework for
            Network Simulator 3 (ns-3). 2nd International  Workshop  on  Energy  Neutral  Sensing
            Systems (ENSsys), Memphis, TN, USA. November 6, 2014.

       The  main way that ns-3 users will typically interact with the Energy Framework is through
       the helper API and through the publicly visible attributes of the  framework.  The  helper
       API is defined in src/energy/helper/*.h.

       In  order to use the energy framework, the user must install an Energy Source for the node
       of interest, the corresponding Device  Energy  Model  for  the  network  devices  and,  if
       necessary,  the  one or more Energy Harvester. Energy Source (objects) are aggregated onto
       each node by the Energy Source Helper. In order to allow multiple energy sources per node,
       we aggregate an Energy Source Container rather than directly aggregating a source object.

       The  Energy Source object keeps a list of Device Energy Model and Energy Harvester objects
       using the source as power supply. Device Energy  Model  objects  are  installed  onto  the
       Energy  Source  by  the  Device  Energy  Model  Helper,  while Energy Harvester object are
       installed by the Energy Harvester Helper. User can access the Device Energy Model  objects
       through  the  Energy  Source object to obtain energy consumption information of individual
       devices. Moreover, the user can access to the Energy Harvester objects in order to  gather
       information  regarding the current harvestable power and the total energy harvested by the

       The example directories, src/examples/energy and examples/energy, contain some basic  code
       that shows how to set up the framework.

   Energy Source Helper
       Base  helper  class for Energy Source objects, this helper Aggregates Energy Source object
       onto a node. Child implementation of this class creates the actual Energy Source object.

   Device Energy Model Helper
       Base helper class for Device Energy Model objects,  this  helper  attaches  Device  Energy
       Model  objects  onto Energy Source objects. Child implementation of this class creates the
       actual Device Energy Model object.

   Energy Harvesting Helper
       Base helper class for Energy Harvester objects,  this  helper  attaches  Energy  Harvester
       objects  onto Energy Source objects. Child implementation of this class creates the actual
       Energy Harvester object.

       Attributes differ between Energy Sources, Devices  Energy  Models  and  Energy  Harvesters
       implementations, please look at the specific child class for details.

   Basic Energy SourceBasicEnergySourceInitialEnergyJ: Initial energy stored in basic energy source.

       • BasicEnergySupplyVoltageV: Initial supply voltage for basic energy source.

       • PeriodicEnergyUpdateInterval: Time between two consecutive periodic energy updates.

   RV Battery ModelRvBatteryModelPeriodicEnergyUpdateInterval: RV battery model sampling interval.

       • RvBatteryModelOpenCircuitVoltage: RV battery model open circuit voltage.

       • RvBatteryModelCutoffVoltage: RV battery model cutoff voltage.

       • RvBatteryModelAlphaValue: RV battery model alpha value.

       • RvBatteryModelBetaValue: RV battery model beta value.

       • RvBatteryModelNumOfTerms: The number of terms of the infinite sum for estimating battery

   WiFi Radio Energy ModelIdleCurrentA: The default radio Idle current in Ampere.

       • CcaBusyCurrentA: The default radio CCA Busy State current in Ampere.

       • TxCurrentA: The radio Tx current in Ampere.

       • RxCurrentA: The radio Rx current in Ampere.

       • SwitchingCurrentA: The default radio Channel Switch current in Ampere.

       • SleepCurrentA: The radio Sleep current in Ampere.

       • TxCurrentModel: A pointer to the attached tx current model.

   Basic Energy HarvesterPeriodicHarvestedPowerUpdateInterval: Time between two consecutive periodic  updates  of
         the harvested power.

       • HarvestablePower:  Random variables that represents the amount of power that is provided
         by the energy harvester.

       Traced values differ between Energy Sources, Devices Energy Models and  Energy  Harvesters
       implementations, please look at the specific child class for details.

   Basic Energy SourceRemainingEnergy: Remaining energy at BasicEnergySource.

   RV Battery ModelRvBatteryModelBatteryLevel: RV battery model battery level.

       • RvBatteryModelBatteryLifetime: RV battery model battery lifetime.

   WiFi Radio Energy ModelTotalEnergyConsumption: Total energy consumption of the radio device.

   Basic Energy HarvesterHarvestedPower: Current power provided by the BasicEnergyHarvester.

       • TotalEnergyHarvested: Total energy harvested by the BasicEnergyHarvester.

       Comparison of the Energy Framework against actual devices have not been performed. Current
       implementation of the Energy Framework is checked numerically for computation errors.  The
       RV battery model is validated by comparing results with what was presented in the original
       RV battery model paper.


   Model Description
       The source code for the new module lives in the directory src/flow-monitor.

       The Flow Monitor module goal is to provide a flexible system to measure the performance of
       network  protocols.  The  module  uses  probes,  installed  in network nodes, to track the
       packets exchanged by the nodes, and it will measure a number of  parameters.  Packets  are
       divided  according to the flow they belong to, where each flow is defined according to the
       probe’s characteristics (e.g., for IP, a flow is defined as  the  packets  with  the  same
       {protocol, source (IP, port), destination (IP, port)} tuple.

       The  statistics  are  collected for each flow can be exported in XML format. Moreover, the
       user can access the probes directly to request specific stats about each flow.

       Flow Monitor module is designed in a modular  way.  It  can  be  extended  by  subclassing
       ns3::FlowProbe  and ns3::FlowClassifier.  Typically, a subclass of ns3::FlowProbe works by
       listening to the appropriate class Traces,  and  then  uses  its  own  ns3::FlowClassifier
       subclass to classify the packets passing though each node.

       Each Probe can try to listen to other classes traces (e.g., ns3::Ipv4FlowProbe will try to
       use any ns3::NetDevice trace named TxQueue/Drop) but  this  is  something  that  the  user
       should  not  rely into blindly, because the trace is not guaranteed to be in every type of
       ns3::NetDevice. As an example, CsmaNetDevice and PointToPointNetDevice have a TxQueue/Drop
       trace, while WiFiNetDevice does not.

       The full module design is described in [FlowMonitor]

   Scope and Limitations
       At the moment, probes and classifiers are available only for IPv4 and IPv6.

       IPv4 and IPv6 probes will classify packets in four points:

       • When a packet is sent (SendOutgoing IPv[4,6] traces)

       • When a packet is forwarded (UnicastForward IPv[4,6] traces)

       • When a packet is received (LocalDeliver IPv[4,6] traces)

       • When a packet is dropped (Drop IPv[4,6] traces)

       Since  the  packets  are  tracked  at  IP level, any retransmission caused by L4 protocols
       (e.g., TCP) will be seen by the probe as a new packet.

       A Tag will be added to the packet (ns3::Ipv[4,6]FlowProbeTag). The tag  will  carry  basic
       packet’s data, useful for the packet’s classification.

       It  must be underlined that only L4 (TCP, UDP) packets are, so far, classified.  Moreover,
       only unicast packets will be classified.  These limitations may be removed in the future.

       The data collected for each flow are:

       • timeFirstTxPacket: when the first packet in the flow was transmitted;

       • timeLastTxPacket: when the last packet in the flow was transmitted;

       • timeFirstRxPacket: when the first packet in the flow was received by an end node;

       • timeLastRxPacket: when the last packet in the flow was received;

       • delaySum: the sum of all end-to-end delays for all received packets of the flow;

       • jitterSum: the sum of all end-to-end delay  jitter  (delay  variation)  values  for  all
         received packets of the flow, as defined in RFC 3393;

       • txBytes, txPackets: total number of transmitted bytes / packets for the flow;

       • rxBytes, rxPackets: total number of received bytes / packets for the flow;

       • lostPackets:  total  number of packets that are assumed to be lost (not reported over 10

       • timesForwarded: the number of times a packet has been reportedly forwarded;

       • delayHistogram, jitterHistogram, packetSizeHistogram: histogram versions for the  delay,
         jitter, and packet sizes, respectively;

       • packetsDropped, bytesDropped: the number of lost packets and bytes, divided according to
         the loss reason code (defined in the probe).

       It is worth pointing out that the probes measure the packet bytes  including  IP  headers.
       The L2 headers are not included in the measure.

       These stats will be written in XML form upon request (see the Usage section).

   The “lost” packets problem
       At  the end of a simulation, Flow Monitor could report about “lost” packets, i.e., packets
       that Flow Monitor have lost track of.

       It is important to keep in mind that  Flow  Monitor  records  the  packets  statistics  by
       intercepting  them  at  a given network level - let’s say at IP level. When the simulation
       ends, any packet queued for transmission below the IP level will be considered as lost.

       It is strongly suggested to consider this point when using  Flow  Monitor.  The  user  can
       choose to:

       • Ignore the lost packets (if their number is a statistically irrelevant quantity), or

       • Stop the Applications before the actual Simulation End time, leaving enough time between
         the two for the queued packets to be processed.

       The second method is the suggested one. Usually a few seconds are enough (the exact  value
       depends on the network type).

       It  is important to stress that “lost” packets could be anywhere in the network, and could
       count toward the received packets or the dropped ones. Ideally,  their  number  should  be
       zero  or  a  minimal  fraction  of  the  other  ones,  i.e., they should be “statistically


       G. Carneiro, P. Fortuna, and M. Ricardo. 2009. FlowMonitor: a network monitoring framework
          for  the  network  simulator  3 (NS-3). In Proceedings of the Fourth International ICST
          Conference  on  Performance  Evaluation  Methodologies  and  Tools  (VALUETOOLS   ‘09).
              (Full             text:

       The module usage is extremely simple. The helper will take care of about everything.

       The typical use is:

          // Flow monitor
          Ptr<FlowMonitor> flowMonitor;
          FlowMonitorHelper flowHelper;
          flowMonitor = flowHelper.InstallAll();

          -yourApplicationsContainer-.Stop (Seconds (stop_time));;
          Simulator::Stop (Seconds(stop_time+cleanup_time));
          Simulator::Run ();

          flowMonitor->SerializeToXmlFile("NameOfFile.xml", true, true);

       the SerializeToXmlFile () function  2nd  and  3rd  parameters  are  used  respectively  to
       activate/deactivate  the  histograms  and  the  per-probe  detailed stats.  Other possible
       alternatives can be found in the Doxygen documentation, while  cleanup_time  is  the  time
       needed by in-flight packets to reach their destinations.

       The  helper  API  follows the pattern usage of normal helpers.  Through the helper you can
       install the monitor in the nodes, set the monitor attributes, and print the statistics.

       One important thing is: the ns3::FlowMonitorHelper must be instantiated only once  in  the

       The module provides the following attributes in ns3::FlowMonitor:

       • MaxPerHopDelay (Time, default 10s): The maximum per-hop delay that should be considered;

       • StartTime (Time, default 0s): The time when the monitoring starts;

       • DelayBinWidth (double, default 0.001): The width used in the delay histogram;

       • JitterBinWidth (double, default 0.001): The width used in the jitter histogram;

       • PacketSizeBinWidth (double, default 20.0): The width used in the packetSize histogram;

       • FlowInterruptionsBinWidth    (double,   default   0.25):   The   width   used   in   the
         flowInterruptions histogram;

       • FlowInterruptionsMinTime (double, default 0.5): The minimum inter-arrival time  that  is
         considered a flow interruption.

       The main model output is an XML formatted report about flow statistics. An example is:

          <?xml version="1.0" ?>
            <Flow flowId="1" timeFirstTxPacket="+0.0ns" timeFirstRxPacket="+20067198.0ns" timeLastTxPacket="+2235764408.0ns" timeLastRxPacket="+2255831606.0ns" delaySum="+138731526300.0ns" jitterSum="+1849692150.0ns" lastDelay="+20067198.0ns" txBytes="2149400" rxBytes="2149400" txPackets="3735" rxPackets="3735" lostPackets="0" timesForwarded="7466">
            <Flow flowId="1" sourceAddress="" destinationAddress="" protocol="6" sourcePort="49153" destinationPort="50000" />
            <FlowProbe index="0">
              <FlowStats  flowId="1" packets="3735" bytes="2149400" delayFromFirstProbeSum="+0.0ns" >
            <FlowProbe index="2">
              <FlowStats  flowId="1" packets="7466" bytes="2224020" delayFromFirstProbeSum="+199415389258.0ns" >
            <FlowProbe index="4">
              <FlowStats  flowId="1" packets="3735" bytes="2149400" delayFromFirstProbeSum="+138731526300.0ns" >

       The output was generated by a TCP flow from to

       It  is worth noticing that the index 2 probe is reporting more packets and more bytes than
       the other probes.  That’s a perfectly normal behaviour, as packets are  fragmented  at  IP
       level in that node.

       It  should  also  be  observed that the receiving node’s probe (index 4) doesn’t count the
       fragments, as the reassembly is done before the probing point.

       The examples are located in src/flow-monitor/examples.

       Moreover, the following examples use the flow-monitor module:

       • examples/matrix-topology/

       • examples/routing/

       • examples/routing/

       • examples/tcp/

       • examples/wireless/

       • examples/wireless/

       Do not define more than one ns3::FlowMonitorHelper in the simulation.

       The paper in the references contains a full description of the module validation against a
       test network.

       Tests are provided to ensure the Histogram correct functionality.


   Internet Stack
   Internet stack aggregation
       A  bare  class  Node  is  not very useful as-is; other objects must be aggregated to it to
       provide useful node functionality.

       The ns-3 source code directory  src/internet  provides  implementation  of  TCP/IPv4-  and
       IPv6-related  components. These include IPv4, ARP, UDP, TCP, IPv6, Neighbor Discovery, and
       other related protocols.

       Internet Nodes are not subclasses of class Node; they are simply Nodes  that  have  had  a
       bunch of IP-related objects aggregated to them. They can be put together by hand, or via a
       helper function InternetStackHelper::Install () which does  the  following  to  all  nodes
       passed in as arguments:

          InternetStackHelper::Install (Ptr<Node> node) const
            if (m_ipv4Enabled)
                /* IPv4 stack */
                if (node->GetObject<Ipv4> () != 0)
                    NS_FATAL_ERROR ("InternetStackHelper::Install (): Aggregating "
                                    "an InternetStack to a node with an existing Ipv4 object");

                CreateAndAggregateObjectFromTypeId (node, "ns3::ArpL3Protocol");
                CreateAndAggregateObjectFromTypeId (node, "ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol");
                CreateAndAggregateObjectFromTypeId (node, "ns3::Icmpv4L4Protocol");
                // Set routing
                Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = node->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
                Ptr<Ipv4RoutingProtocol> ipv4Routing = m_routing->Create (node);
                ipv4->SetRoutingProtocol (ipv4Routing);

            if (m_ipv6Enabled)
                /* IPv6 stack */
                if (node->GetObject<Ipv6> () != 0)
                    NS_FATAL_ERROR ("InternetStackHelper::Install (): Aggregating "
                                    "an InternetStack to a node with an existing Ipv6 object");

                CreateAndAggregateObjectFromTypeId (node, "ns3::Ipv6L3Protocol");
                CreateAndAggregateObjectFromTypeId (node, "ns3::Icmpv6L4Protocol");
                // Set routing
                Ptr<Ipv6> ipv6 = node->GetObject<Ipv6> ();
                Ptr<Ipv6RoutingProtocol> ipv6Routing = m_routingv6->Create (node);
                ipv6->SetRoutingProtocol (ipv6Routing);

                /* register IPv6 extensions and options */
                ipv6->RegisterExtensions ();
                ipv6->RegisterOptions ();

            if (m_ipv4Enabled || m_ipv6Enabled)
                /* UDP and TCP stacks */
                CreateAndAggregateObjectFromTypeId (node, "ns3::UdpL4Protocol");
                node->AggregateObject (m_tcpFactory.Create<Object> ());
                Ptr<PacketSocketFactory> factory = CreateObject<PacketSocketFactory> ();
                node->AggregateObject (factory);

       Where multiple implementations exist in ns-3 (TCP, IP routing), these objects are added by
       a factory object (TCP) or by a routing helper (m_routing).

       Note that the routing protocol is configured and set outside this  function.  By  default,
       the following protocols are added:

          void InternetStackHelper::Initialize ()
            SetTcp ("ns3::TcpL4Protocol");
            Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper staticRouting;
            Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper globalRouting;
            Ipv4ListRoutingHelper listRouting;
            Ipv6ListRoutingHelper listRoutingv6;
            Ipv6StaticRoutingHelper staticRoutingv6;
            listRouting.Add (staticRouting, 0);
            listRouting.Add (globalRouting, -10);
            listRoutingv6.Add (staticRoutingv6, 0);
            SetRoutingHelper (listRouting);
            SetRoutingHelper (listRoutingv6);

       By default, IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled.

   Internet Node structure
       An  IP-capable  Node (an ns-3 Node augmented by aggregation to have one or more IP stacks)
       has the following internal structure.

   Layer-3 protocols
       At the lowest layer, sitting above the NetDevices, are the “layer 3” protocols,  including
       IPv4,  IPv6,  ARP  and  so  on.  The class Ipv4L3Protocol is an implementation class whose
       public interface is typically class Ipv4, but the Ipv4L3Protocol public API is  also  used
       internally at present.

       In class Ipv4L3Protocol, one method described below is Receive ():

            * Lower layer calls this method after calling L3Demux::Lookup
            * The ARP subclass needs to know from which NetDevice this
            * packet is coming to:
            *    - implement a per-NetDevice ARP cache
            *    - send back arp replies on the right device
          void Receive( Ptr<NetDevice> device, Ptr<const Packet> p, uint16_t protocol,
          const Address &from, const Address &to, NetDevice::PacketType packetType);

       First,  note  that the Receive () function has a matching signature to the ReceiveCallback
       in the class Node. This function pointer is inserted into the Node’s protocol handler when
       AddInterface  ()  is  called.   The  actual  registration is done with a statement such as

          RegisterProtocolHandler ( MakeCallback (&Ipv4Protocol::Receive, ipv4),
                                    Ipv4L3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER, 0);

       The Ipv4L3Protocol object is aggregated to the Node; there is only one such Ipv4L3Protocol
       object.  Higher-layer  protocols  that  have  a  packet to send down to the Ipv4L3Protocol
       object can call GetObject<Ipv4L3Protocol> () to obtain a pointer, as follows:

          Ptr<Ipv4L3Protocol> ipv4 = m_node->GetObject<Ipv4L3Protocol> ();
          if (ipv4 != 0)
              ipv4->Send (packet, saddr, daddr, PROT_NUMBER);

       This class nicely demonstrates two techniques we exploit in ns-3 to bind objects together:
       callbacks, and object aggregation.

       Once  IPv4  routing  has determined that a packet is for the local node, it forwards it up
       the stack.  This is done with the following function:

          Ipv4L3Protocol::LocalDeliver (Ptr<const Packet> packet, Ipv4Header const&ip, uint32_t iif)

       The first step is to find the right Ipv4L4Protocol object, based on  IP  protocol  number.
       For instance, TCP is registered in the demux as protocol number 6.  Finally, the Receive()
       function on the Ipv4L4Protocol (such as TcpL4Protocol::Receive is called.

       We have not yet introduced the class Ipv4Interface. Basically, each  NetDevice  is  paired
       with  an  IPv4  representation  of such device. In Linux, this class Ipv4Interface roughly
       corresponds to the struct  in_device;  the  main  purpose  is  to  provide  address-family
       specific information (addresses) about an interface.

       All the classes have appropriate traces in order to track sent, received and lost packets.
       The users is encouraged to use them so to find out if (and where) a packet is  dropped.  A
       common  mistake  is  to forget the effects of local queues when sending packets, e.g., the
       ARP queue. This can be particularly puzzling when sending jumbo packets or  packet  bursts
       using  UDP.   The ARP cache pending queue is limited (3 datagrams) and IP packets might be
       fragmented, easily overfilling the ARP cache queue size. In those cases it  is  useful  to
       increase the ARP cache pending size to a proper value, e.g.:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ArpCache::PendingQueueSize", UintegerValue (MAX_BURST_SIZE/L2MTU*3));

       The  IPv6  implementation  follows  a  similar architecture.  Dual-stacked nodes (one with
       support for both IPv4 and IPv6) will allow an IPv6 socket to receive IPv4 connections as a
       standard  dual-stacked  system does.  A socket bound and listening to an IPv6 endpoint can
       receive an IPv4 connection and will return the remote address as an  IPv4-mapped  address.
       Support for the IPV6_V6ONLY socket option does not currently exist.

   Layer-4 protocols and sockets
       We  next  describe how the transport protocols, sockets, and applications tie together. In
       summary, each transport protocol implementation is a socket factory. An  application  that
       needs a new socket

       For  instance, to create a UDP socket, an application would use a code snippet such as the

          Ptr<Udp> udpSocketFactory = GetNode ()->GetObject<Udp> ();
          Ptr<Socket> m_socket = socketFactory->CreateSocket ();
          m_socket->Bind (m_local_address);

       The above will query the node to get a pointer to its UDP socket factory, will create  one
       such  socket, and will use the socket with an API similar to the C-based sockets API, such
       as Connect () and Send ().  The address passed to the Bind (),  Connect  (),  or  Send  ()
       functions  may  be  a Ipv4Address, Ipv6Address, or Address.  If a Address is passed in and
       contains anything other than a Ipv4Address or Ipv6Address, these functions will return  an
       error.    The  Bind  (void)  and  Bind6  (void)  functions  bind  to  “”  and  “::”

       The socket  can  also  be  bound  to  a  specific  NetDevice  though  the  BindToNetDevice
       (Ptr<NetDevice> netdevice) function.  BindToNetDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> netdevice) will bind
       the socket to “” and “::” (equivalent to calling Bind () and Bind6 (),  unless  the
       socket  has  been  already bound to a specific address.  Summarizing, the correct sequence

           Ptr<Udp> udpSocketFactory = GetNode ()->GetObject<Udp> ();
           Ptr<Socket> m_socket = socketFactory->CreateSocket ();
           m_socket->BindToNetDevice (n_netDevice);


          Ptr<Udp> udpSocketFactory = GetNode ()->GetObject<Udp> ();
          Ptr<Socket> m_socket = socketFactory->CreateSocket ();
          m_socket->Bind (m_local_address);
          m_socket->BindToNetDevice (n_netDevice);

       The following raises an error:

          Ptr<Udp> udpSocketFactory = GetNode ()->GetObject<Udp> ();
          Ptr<Socket> m_socket = socketFactory->CreateSocket ();
          m_socket->BindToNetDevice (n_netDevice);
          m_socket->Bind (m_local_address);

       See the chapter on ns-3 sockets for more information.

       We have described so far a socket factory (e.g. class Udp) and  a  socket,  which  may  be
       specialized  (e.g., class UdpSocket).  There are a few more key objects that relate to the
       specialized task of demultiplexing a packet to one or more  receiving  sockets.   The  key
       object  in  this  task  is  class Ipv4EndPointDemux.  This demultiplexer stores objects of
       class Ipv4EndPoint.  This  class  holds  the  addressing/port  tuple  (local  port,  local
       address,  destination port, destination address) associated with the socket, and a receive
       callback. This receive callback has a receive  function  registered  by  the  socket.  The
       Lookup  () function to Ipv4EndPointDemux returns a list of Ipv4EndPoint objects (there may
       be a list since more than one socket may match the packet). The  layer-4  protocol  copies
       the  packet  to  each Ipv4EndPoint and calls its ForwardUp () method, which then calls the
       Receive () function registered by the socket.

       An issue that arises when working with the sockets API on real  systems  is  the  need  to
       manage  the  reading  from a socket, using some type of I/O (e.g., blocking, non-blocking,
       asynchronous, …).  ns-3 implements an asynchronous model for socket I/O;  the  application
       sets  a  callback  to  be  notified of received data ready to be read, and the callback is
       invoked by the transport protocol when data is available.  This callback is  specified  as

          void Socket::SetRecvCallback (Callback<void, Ptr<Socket>,
                                        const Address&> receivedData);

       The  data  being  received  is conveyed in the Packet data buffer.  An example usage is in
       class PacketSink:

          m_socket->SetRecvCallback (MakeCallback(&PacketSink::HandleRead, this));

       To summarize, internally, the UDP implementation is organized as follows:

       • a UdpImpl class that implements the UDP socket factory functionality

       • a UdpL4Protocol class that implements the protocol logic that is socket-independent

       • a UdpSocketImpl class that implements socket-specific aspects of UDP

       • a class called Ipv4EndPoint that stores the addressing tuple (local port, local address,
         destination  port,  destination  address)  associated  with  the  socket,  and a receive
         callback for the socket.

   IP-capable node interfaces
       Many of the implementation details, or internal objects  themselves,  of  IP-capable  Node
       objects  are  not  exposed  at  the  simulator  public  API.  This  allows  for  different
       implementations; for instance, replacing the native ns-3 models with ported  TCP/IP  stack

       The  C++  public  APIs  of  all  of  these  objects is found in the src/network directory,
       including principally:

       • address.hsocket.hnode.hpacket.h

       These are typically base class objects that implement  the  default  values  used  in  the
       implementation,  implement access methods to get/set state variables, host attributes, and
       implement publicly-available methods exposed to clients such as CreateSocket.

   Example path of a packet
       These two figures show an example stack trace of how packets  flow  through  the  Internet
       Node objects.
         [image] Send path of a packet..UNINDENT
         [image] Receive path of a packet..UNINDENT

       This chapter describes the ns-3 IPv4 address assignment and basic components tracking.

   IPv4 addresses assignment
       In order to use IPv4 on a network, the first thing to do is assigning IPv4 addresses.

       Any  IPv4-enabled  ns-3 node will have at least one NetDevice: the ns3::LoopbackNetDevice.
       The loopback device address is  All the other  NetDevices  will  have  one  (or
       more) IPv4 addresses.

       Note  that,  as  today, ns-3 does not have a NAT module, and it does not follows the rules
       about  filtering  private   addresses   (RFC   1918):,,   and   These  addresses  are  routed as any other address. This behaviour could
       change in the future.

       IPv4 global addresses can be:

       • manually assigned

       • assigned though DHCP

       ns-3 can use both methods, and it’s quite important  to  understand  the  implications  of

   Manually assigned IPv4 addresses
       This is probably the easiest and most used method. As an example:

          Ptr<Node> n0 = CreateObject<Node> ();
          Ptr<Node> n1 = CreateObject<Node> ();
          NodeContainer net (n0, n1);
          CsmaHelper csma;
          NetDeviceContainer ndc = csma.Install (net);

          NS_LOG_INFO ("Assign IPv4 Addresses.");
          Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4;
          ipv4.SetBase (Ipv4Address (""), NetMask ("/24"));
          Ipv4InterfaceContainer ic = ipv4.Assign (ndc);

       This method will add two global IPv4 addresses to the nodes.

       Note  that  the  addresses  are  assigned  in sequence. As a consequence, the first Node /
       NetDevice will have “”, the second “” and so on.

       It is possible to repeat the above to assign more than one address to  a  node.   However,
       due  to  the Ipv4AddressHelper singleton nature, one should first assign all the addresses
       of a network, then change the network base (SetBase), then do a new assignment.

       Alternatively, it is possible to assign a specific address to a node:

          Ptr<Node> n0 = CreateObject<Node> ();
          NodeContainer net (n0);
          CsmaHelper csma;
          NetDeviceContainer ndc = csma.Install (net);

          NS_LOG_INFO ("Specifically Assign an IPv4 Address.");
          Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4;
          Ptr<NetDevice> device = ndc.Get (0);
          Ptr<Node> node = device->GetNode ();
          Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4proto = node->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
          int32_t ifIndex = 0;
          ifIndex = ipv4proto->GetInterfaceForDevice (device);
          Ipv4InterfaceAddress ipv4Addr = Ipv4InterfaceAddress (Ipv4Address (""), NetMask ("/24"));
          ipv4proto->AddAddress (ifIndex, ipv4Addr);

   DHCP assigned IPv4 addresses
       DHCP is available in the internet-apps module. In order to use DHCP you  have  to  have  a
       DhcpServer  application  in  a  node (the DHC server node) and a DhcpClient application in
       each of the nodes. Note that it not necessary that all the nodes in  a  subnet  use  DHCP.
       Some nodes can have static addresses.

       All  the  DHCP  setup  is performed though the DhcpHelper  class. A complete example is in

       Further info about the DHCP functionalities  can  be  found  in  the  internet-apps  model

   Tracing in the IPv4 Stack
       The   internet  stack  provides  a  number  of  trace  sources  in  its  various  protocol
       implementations.  These trace sources can be hooked using your own custom trace  code,  or
       you can use our helper functions in some cases to arrange for tracing to be enabled.

   Tracing in ARP
       ARP  provides two trace hooks, one in the cache, and one in the layer three protocol.  The
       trace accessor in the cache is given the name “Drop.”  When a packet is  transmitted  over
       an interface that requires ARP, it is first queued for transmission in the ARP cache until
       the required MAC address is resolved.  There are a number of  retries  that  may  be  done
       trying  to  get  the  address,  and  if  the maximum retry count is exceeded the packet in
       question is dropped by ARP.  The single trace hook in the ARP cache is called,

       • If an outbound packet is placed in the ARP  cache  pending  address  resolution  and  no
         resolution  can  be  made within the maximum retry count, the outbound packet is dropped
         and this trace is fired;

       A second trace hook lives in the ARP L3 protocol (also named “Drop”) and may be called for
       a  number of reasons.

       • If  an ARP reply is received for an entry that is not waiting for a reply, the ARP reply
         packet is dropped and this trace is fired;

       • If an ARP reply is received for a non-existent entry, the ARP reply  packet  is  dropped
         and this trace is fired;

       • If  an  ARP  cache entry is in the DEAD state (has timed out) and an ARP reply packet is
         received, the reply packet is dropped and this trace is fired.

       • Each ARP cache entry has a queue of pending packets.   If  the  size  of  the  queue  is
         exceeded, the outbound packet is dropped and this trace is fired.

   Tracing in IPv4
       The   IPv4  layer  three  protocol  provides  three  trace  hooks.   These  are  the  “Tx”
       (ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::m_txTrace),   “Rx”   (ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::m_rxTrace)   and   “Drop”
       (ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::m_dropTrace) trace sources.

       The  “Tx”  trace  is  fired  in a number of situations, all of which indicate that a given
       packet is about to be sent down to a given ns3::Ipv4Interface.

       • In the case of a packet destined for the broadcast  address,  the  Ipv4InterfaceList  is
         iterated  and  for every interface that is up and can fragment the packet or has a large
         enough MTU to transmit the packet, the trace is hit.  See ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::Send.

       • In the case of a packet that needs routing, the “Tx” trace may be fired  just  before  a
         packet   is   sent   to   the   interface  appropriate  to  the  default  gateway.   See

       • Also in the case of a packet that needs routing, the “Tx” trace may be fired just before
         a  packet  is  sent  to the outgoing interface appropriate to the discovered route.  See

       The  “Rx”  trace  is  fired  when  a  packet  is  passed  from  the  device  up   to   the
       ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::Receive function.

       • In  the  receive  function,  the Ipv4InterfaceList is iterated, and if the Ipv4Interface
         corresponding to the receiving device is fount to be in  the  UP  state,  the  trace  is

       The  “Drop”  trace  is fired in any case where the packet is dropped (in both the transmit
       and receive paths).

       • In the ns3::Ipv4Interface::Receive function, the packet is dropped and the drop trace is
         hit if the interface corresponding to the receiving device is in the DOWN state.

       • Also  in  the  ns3::Ipv4Interface::Receive  function, the packet is dropped and the drop
         trace is hit if the checksum is found to be bad.

       • In ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::Send, an outgoing packet bound  for  the  broadcast  address  is
         dropped  and  the  “Drop”  trace  is  fired  if  the  “don’t  fragment”  bit  is set and
         fragmentation is available and required.

       • Also in ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::Send, an outgoing packet destined for the broadcast address
         is dropped and the “Drop” trace is hit if fragmentation is not available and is required
         (MTU < packet size).

       • In the case of a broadcast address, an outgoing  packet  is  cloned  for  each  outgoing
         interface.   If any of the interfaces is in the DOWN state, the “Drop” trace event fires
         with a reference to the copied packet.

       • In the case of a packet requiring a route, an outgoing packet is dropped and the  “Drop”
         trace event fires if no route to the remote host is found.

       • In  ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::SendRealOut, an outgoing packet being routed is dropped and the
         “Drop” trace is fired if the “don’t fragment” bit is set and fragmentation is  available
         and required.

       • Also in ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::SendRealOut, an outgoing packet being routed is dropped and
         the “Drop” trace is hit if fragmentation is not available and is required (MTU <  packet

       • An  outgoing  packet  being  routed  is  dropped and the “Drop” trace event fires if the
         required Ipv4Interface is in the DOWN state.

       • If   a   packet   is   being   forwarded,    and    the    TTL    is    exceeded    (see
         ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::DoForward),  the  packet  is  dropped and the “Drop” trace event is

   Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) bits
       • In IPv4, ECN bits are the last 2 bits in TOS field and occupy 14th and 15th bits in  the

       • The  IPv4 header class defines an EcnType enum with all four ECN codepoints (ECN_NotECT,
         ECN_ECT1, ECN_ECT0, ECN_CE) mentioned in RFC 3168, and also a setter and  getter  method
         to handle ECN values in the TOS field.

       The traffic control sublayer in ns-3 handles objects of class QueueDiscItem which are used
       to hold an ns3::Packet and an ns3::Header.  This is done  to  facilitate  the  marking  of
       packets  for  Explicit  Congestion  Notification.   The  Mark  () method is implemented in
       Ipv4QueueDiscItem. It  returns  true  if  marking  the  packet  is  successful,  i.e.,  it
       successfully  sets  the  CE  bit in the IPv4 header. The Mark () method will return false,
       however, if the IPv4 header indicates the ECN_NotECT codepoint.

   RFC 6621 duplicate packet detection
       To support mesh network protocols over broadcast-capable  networks  (e.g.  Wi-Fi),  it  is
       useful  to  have  support  for  duplicate packet detection and filtering, since nodes in a
       network may receive multiple copies of flooded multicast  packets  arriving  on  different
       paths.   The  Ipv4L3Protocol  model  in  ns-3  has a model for hash-based duplicate packet
       detection (DPD) based on Section 6.2.2 of (RFC 6621).  The  model,  disabled  by  default,
       must  be  enabled  by setting EnableRFC6621 to true.  A second attribute, DuplicateExpire,
       sets the expiration delay for erasing the cache entry of a packet in the duplicate  cache;
       the delay value defaults to 1ms.

       This  chapter  describes  the  ns-3 IPv6 model capabilities and limitations along with its
       usage and examples.

   IPv6 model description
       The IPv6 model is loosely patterned after the Linux implementation; the implementation  is
       not  complete as some features of IPv6 are not of much interest to simulation studies, and
       some features of IPv6 are simply not modeled yet in ns-3.

       The base class Ipv6 defines a generic API, while the class Ipv6L3Protocol  is  the  actual
       class  implementing  the  protocol.  The actual classes used by the IPv6 stack are located
       mainly in the directory src/internet.

       The implementation of IPv6 is contained in the following files:


       Also some helpers are involved with IPv6:


       The model files can be roughly divided into:

       • protocol models (e.g., ipv6, ipv6-l3-protocol, icmpv6-l4-protocol, etc.)

       • routing models (i.e., anything with ‘routing’ in its name)

       • sockets and interfaces (e.g., ipv6-raw-socket, ipv6-interface, ipv6-end-point, etc.)

       • address-related things

       • headers, option headers, extension headers, etc.

       • accessory classes (e.g., ndisc-cache)

       The following description is based on using the typical helpers found in the example code.

       IPv6 does not need to be activated in a node. it is automatically added to  the  available
       protocols once the Internet Stack is installed.

       In   order   to   not   install   IPv6   along   with   IPv4,   it   is  possible  to  use
       ns3::InternetStackHelper method SetIpv6StackInstall (bool enable)  before  installing  the
       InternetStack in the nodes.

       Note that to have an IPv6-only network (i.e., to not install the IPv4 stack in a node) one
       should use ns3::InternetStackHelper method SetIpv4StackInstall (bool  enable)  before  the
       stack installation.

       As an example, in the following code node 0 will have both IPv4 and IPv6, node 1 only only
       IPv6 and node 2 only IPv4:

          NodeContainer n;
          n.Create (3);

          InternetStackHelper internet;
          InternetStackHelper internetV4only;
          InternetStackHelper internetV6only;

          internetV4only.SetIpv6StackInstall (false);
          internetV6only.SetIpv4StackInstall (false);

          internet.Install (n.Get (0));
          internetV6only.Install (n.Get (1));
          internetV4only.Install (n.Get (2));

   IPv6 addresses assignment
       In order to use IPv6 on a network, the first thing to do is assigning IPv6 addresses.

       Any IPv6-enabled ns-3 node will have at least one NetDevice:  the  ns3::LoopbackNetDevice.
       The  loopback  device address is ::1.  All the other NetDevices will have one or more IPv6

       • One link-local address: fe80::interface ID, where  interface  ID  is  derived  from  the
         NetDevice MAC address.

       • Zero or more global addresses, e.g., 2001:db8::1.

       Typically  the  first  address on an interface will be the link-local one, with the global
       address(es) being the following ones.

       IPv6 global addresses might be:

       • manually assigned

       • auto-generated

       ns-3 can use both methods, and it’s quite important  to  understand  the  implications  of

   Manually assigned IPv6 addresses
       This is probably the easiest and most used method. As an example:

          Ptr<Node> n0 = CreateObject<Node> ();
          Ptr<Node> n1 = CreateObject<Node> ();
          NodeContainer net (n0, n1);
          CsmaHelper csma;
          NetDeviceContainer ndc = csma.Install (net);

          NS_LOG_INFO ("Assign IPv6 Addresses.");
          Ipv6AddressHelper ipv6;
          ipv6.SetBase (Ipv6Address ("2001:db8::"), Ipv6Prefix (64));
          Ipv6InterfaceContainer ic = ipv6.Assign (ndc);

       This method will add two global IPv6 addresses to the nodes. Note that, as usual for IPv6,
       all the nodes will also have a link-local address.  Typically  the  first  address  on  an
       interface  will  be  the  link-local  one, with the global address(es) being the following

       Note that the global addresses will be derived from the MAC  address.  As  a  consequence,
       expect to have addresses similar to 2001:db8::200:ff:fe00:1.

       It  is  possible  to  repeat  the  above to assign more than one global address to a node.
       However, due to the Ipv6AddressHelper singleton nature, one should first  assign  all  the
       addresses of a network, then change the network base (SetBase), then do a new assignment.

       Alternatively, it is possible to assign a specific address to a node:

          Ptr<Node> n0 = CreateObject<Node> ();
          NodeContainer net (n0);
          CsmaHelper csma;
          NetDeviceContainer ndc = csma.Install (net);

          NS_LOG_INFO ("Specifically Assign an IPv6 Address.");
          Ipv6AddressHelper ipv6;
          Ptr<NetDevice> device = ndc.Get (0);
          Ptr<Node> node = device->GetNode ();
          Ptr<Ipv6> ipv6proto = node->GetObject<Ipv6> ();
          int32_t ifIndex = 0;
          ifIndex = ipv6proto->GetInterfaceForDevice (device);
          Ipv6InterfaceAddress ipv6Addr = Ipv6InterfaceAddress (Ipv6Address ("2001:db8:f00d:cafe::42"), Ipv6Prefix (64));
          ipv6proto->AddAddress (ifIndex, ipv6Addr);

   Auto-generated IPv6 addresses
       This  is  accomplished by relying on the RADVD protocol, implemented by the class Radvd. A
       helper class is available, which can be used to ease the most common tasks, e.g.,  setting
       up  a  prefix  on  an interface, if it is announced periodically, and if the router is the
       default router for that interface.

       A fine grain configuration is possible though the RadvdInterface class,  which  allows  to
       setup every parameter of the announced router advertisement on a given interface.

       It  is  worth  mentioning  that  the  configurations  must be set up before installing the
       application in the node.

       Upon using this method, the nodes will acquire dynamically (i.e., during  the  simulation)
       one  (or  more)  global address(es) according to the RADVD configuration.  These addresses
       will be bases on the RADVD announced prefix and the node’s EUI-64.

       Examples    of    RADVD    use     are     shown     in     examples/ipv6/     and

       Note that the router (i.e., the node with Radvd) will have to have a global address, while
       the nodes using the auto-generated addresses  (SLAAC)  will  have  to  have  a  link-local
       address.  This is accomplished using Ipv6AddressHelper::AssignWithoutAddress, e.g.:

          Ipv6AddressHelper ipv6;
          NetDeviceContainer tmp;
          tmp.Add (d1.Get (0)); /* n0 */
          Ipv6InterfaceContainer iic1 = ipv6.AssignWithoutAddress (tmp); /* n0 interface */

   Random-generated IPv6 addresses
       While  IPv6 real nodes will use randomly generated addresses to protect privacy, ns-3 does
       NOT have this capability. This feature haven’t been so far considered as  interesting  for

   Networks with and without the onlink property
       IPv6  adds the concept of “on-link” for addresses and prefixes. Simplifying the concept, a
       network with the on-link property behaves roughly as IPv4: a node  will  assume  that  any
       address  belonging  to  the  on-link  prefix is reachable on the link, so it uses Neighbor
       Discovery Protocol (NDP) to find the MAC address corresponding to the  IPv6  address.   If
       the prefix is not marked as “on-link”, then any packet is sent to the default router.

       Radvd  can  announce prefixes that have the on-link flag not set. Moreover, it is possible
       to add an address to a node without setting the on-link property for the  prefix  used  in
       the address.  The function to use is Ipv6AddressHelper::AssignWithoutOnLink.

   Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)
       Nodes  will  perform  DAD  (it can be disabled using an Icmpv6L4Protocol attribute).  Upon
       receiving a DAD, however, nodes will not react to it. As is: DAD reaction is incomplete so
       far.  The main reason relies on the missing random-generated address capability. Moreover,
       since ns-3 nodes will usually be well-behaving, there shouldn’t be any Duplicate  Address.
       This  might  be  changed  in  the future, so as to avoid issues with real-world integrated

   Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) bits in IPv6
       • In IPv6, ECN bits are the last 2 bits of the Traffic class and occupy 10th and 11th  bit
         in the header.

       • The  IPv6 header class defines an EcnType enum with all four ECN codepoints (ECN_NotECT,
         ECN_ECT1, ECN_ECT0, ECN_CE) mentioned in RFC 3168, and also a setter and  getter  method
         to handle ECN values in the Traffic Class field.

       The traffic control sublayer in ns-3 handles objects of class QueueDiscItem which are used
       to hold an ns3::Packet and an ns3::Header.  This is done  to  facilitate  the  marking  of
       packets  for  Explicit  Congestion  Notification.   The  Mark  () method is implemented in
       Ipv6QueueDiscItem. It  returns  true  if  marking  the  packet  is  successful,  i.e.,  it
       successfully  sets  the  CE  bit in the IPv6 header. The Mark () method will return false,
       however, if the IPv6 header indicates the ECN_NotECT codepoint.

   Host and Router behaviour in IPv6 and ns-3
       In IPv6 there is a clear distinction between routers  and  hosts.  As  one  might  expect,
       routers  can  forward  packets  from  an  interface to another interface, while hosts drop
       packets not directed to them.

       Unfortunately, forwarding is  not  the  only  thing  affected  by  this  distinction,  and
       forwarding itself might be fine-tuned, e.g., to forward packets incoming from an interface
       and drop packets from another interface.

       In ns-3 a node is configured to be an host by default. There are two main ways  to  change
       this behaviour:

       • Using  ns3::Ipv6InterfaceContainer SetForwarding(uint32_t i, bool router) where i is the
         interface index in the container.

       • Changing the ns3::Ipv6 attribute IpForward.

       Either one can be used during the simulation.

       A fine-grained setup can be accomplished by using ns3::Ipv6Interface  SetForwarding  (bool
       forward); which allows to change the behaviour on a per-interface-basis.

       Note that the node-wide configuration only serves as a convenient method to enable/disable
       the ns3::Ipv6Interface specific setting. An Ipv6Interface added to a node with  forwarding
       enabled  will  be  set to be forwarding as well.  This is really important when a node has
       interfaces added during the simulation.

       According to the ns3::Ipv6Interface forwarding state, the following happens:

       • Forwarding OFF

          • The node will NOT reply to Router Solicitation

          • The node will react to Router Advertisement

          • The node will periodically send Router Solicitation

          • Routing protocols MUST DROP packets not directed to the node

       • Forwarding ON

          • The node will reply to Router Solicitation

          • The node will NOT react to Router Advertisement

          • The node will NOT send Router Solicitation

          • Routing protocols MUST forward packets

       The          behaviour          is           matching           ip-sysctl.txt           (‐ with the difference that
       it’s not possible to override the behaviour using esoteric settings (e.g., forwarding  but
       accept  router  advertisements,  accept_ra=2,  or forwarding but send router solicitations

       Consider carefully the implications of packet forwarding. As an example, a node  will  NOT
       send  ICMPv6  PACKET_TOO_BIG  messages  from  an  interface  with  forwarding off. This is
       completely normal, as the Routing protocol will  drop  the  packet  before  attempting  to
       forward it.

       Typically the helpers used in IPv6 setup are:

       • ns3::InternetStackHelperns3::Ipv6AddressHelperns3::Ipv6InterfaceContainer

       The use is almost identical to the corresponding IPv4 case, e.g.:

          NodeContainer n;
          n.Create (4);

          NS_LOG_INFO ("Create IPv6 Internet Stack");
          InternetStackHelper internetv6;
          internetv6.Install (n);

          NS_LOG_INFO ("Create channels.");
          CsmaHelper csma;
          NetDeviceContainer d = csma.Install (n);

          NS_LOG_INFO ("Create networks and assign IPv6 Addresses.");
          Ipv6AddressHelper ipv6;
          ipv6.SetBase (Ipv6Address ("2001:db8::"), Ipv6Prefix (64));
          Ipv6InterfaceContainer iic = ipv6.Assign (d);

       Additionally,  a  common  task  is to enable forwarding on one of the nodes and to setup a
       default route toward it in the other nodes, e.g.:

          iic.SetForwarding (0, true);
          iic.SetDefaultRouteInAllNodes (0);

       This  will  enable  forwarding  on  the  node  0  and  will  setup  a  default  route   in
       ns3::Ipv6StaticRouting   on   all   the   other   nodes.  Note  that  this  requires  that
       Ipv6StaticRouting is present in the nodes.

       The IPv6 routing helpers enable the user to  perform  specific  tasks  on  the  particular
       routing algorithm and to print the routing tables.

       Many classes in the ns-3 IPv6 implementation contain attributes. The most useful ones are:

       • ns3::Ipv6IpForward,  boolean,  default false. Globally enable or disable IP forwarding for all
            current and future IPv6 devices.

          • MtuDiscover, boolean, default true. If disabled, every interface will  have  its  MTU
            set to 1280 bytes.

       • ns3::Ipv6L3ProtocolDefaultTtl, uint8_t, default 64. The TTL value set by default on all outgoing packets
            generated on this node.

          • SendIcmpv6Redirect, boolean, default true. Send the ICMPv6 Redirect when appropriate.

       • ns3::Icmpv6L4ProtocolDAD, boolean, default true. Always do DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) check.

       • ns3::NdiscCacheUnresolvedQueueSize, uint32_t, default 3. Size of the queue for packets pending an NA

       The IPv6 stack provides some useful trace sources:

       • ns3::Ipv6L3ProtocolTx, Send IPv6 packet to outgoing interface.

          • Rx, Receive IPv6 packet from incoming interface.

          • Drop, Drop IPv6 packet.

       • ns3::Ipv6ExtensionDrop, Drop IPv6 packet.

       The latest trace source is generated when a packet contains an unknown option blocking its

       Mind that ns3::NdiscCache could drop packets as well, and they are not logged in  a  trace
       source (yet). This might generate some confusion in the sent/received packets counters.

   Advanced Usage
   IPv6 maximum transmission unit (MTU) and fragmentation
       ns-3  NetDevices  define  the MTU according to the L2 simulated Device. IPv6 requires that
       the minimum MTU is 1280 bytes, so all NetDevices are required to  support  at  least  this
       MTU. This is the link-MTU.

       In  order  to  support  different  MTUs  in a source-destination path, ns-3 IPv6 model can
       perform fragmentation.  This can be either triggered by receiving a packet bigger than the
       link-MTU  from the L4 protocols (UDP, TCP, etc.), or by receiving an ICMPv6 PACKET_TOO_BIG
       message.  The model mimics RFC 1981, with the following notable exceptions:

       • L4 protocols are not informed of the Path MTU change

       • TCP can not change its Segment Size according to the Path-MTU.

       Both limitations are going to be removed in due time.

       The Path-MTU cache is currently based on the source-destination  IPv6  addresses.  Further
       classifications (e.g., flow label) are possible but not yet implemented.

       The  Path-MTU  default  validity time is 10 minutes. After the cache entry expiration, the
       Path-MTU information is removed and the next packet will (eventually) trigger a new ICMPv6
       PACKET_TOO_BIG message.  Note that 1) this is consistent with the RFC specification and 2)
       L4 protocols are responsible for retransmitting the packets.

       The examples for IPv6 are in the directory examples/ipv6. These examples focus on the most
       interesting IPv6 peculiarities, such as fragmentation, redirect and so on.

       Moreover,  most  TCP  and UDP examples located in examples/udp, examples/tcp, etc.  have a
       command-line option to use IPv6 instead of IPv4.

       There are just a few pitfalls to avoid while using ns-3 IPv6.

   Routing loops
       Since the only (so far) routing  scheme  available  for  IPv6  is  ns3::Ipv6StaticRouting,
       default  router have to be setup manually. When there are two or more routers in a network
       (e.g., node A and node B), avoid using the helper function  SetDefaultRouteInAllNodes  for
       more than one router.

       The consequence would be to install a default route to B in A and a default route pointing
       to A in B, generating a loop.

   Global address leakage
       Remember that addresses in IPv6  are  global  by  definition.  When  using  IPv6  with  an
       emulation  ns-3 capability, avoid at all costs address leakage toward the global Internet.
       It is advisable to setup an external firewall to prevent leakage.

   2001:DB8::/32 addresses
       IPv6 standard (RFC 3849) defines the 2001:DB8::/32 address class  for  the  documentation.
       This manual uses this convention. The addresses in this class are, however, only usable in
       a document, and routers should discard them.

       The IPv6 protocols has not yet been extensively validated  against  real  implementations.
       The actual tests involve mainly performing checks of the .pcap trace files with Wireshark,
       and the results are positive.

   Routing overview
       ns-3 is intended to support traditional routing approaches and protocols, support ports of
       open  source  routing  implementations,  and  facilitate  research into unorthodox routing
       techniques. The overall routing architecture is described below in  Routing  architecture.
       Users who wish to just read about how to configure global routing for wired topologies can
       read Global centralized routing.  Unicast  routing  protocols  are  described  in  Unicast
       routing.  Multicast routing is documented in Multicast routing.

   Routing architecture
         [image] Overview of routing.UNINDENT

         Overview of routing shows the overall routing architecture for Ipv4. The key objects are
         Ipv4L3Protocol, Ipv4RoutingProtocol(s) (a class to which all routing/forwarding has been
         delegated from Ipv4L3Protocol), and Ipv4Route(s).

         Ipv4L3Protocol  must  have  at  least  one Ipv4RoutingProtocol added to it at simulation
         setup time. This is done explicitly by calling Ipv4::SetRoutingProtocol ().

         The abstract base class Ipv4RoutingProtocol () declares a minimal interface,  consisting
         of  two methods:  RouteOutput () and RouteInput ().  For packets traveling outbound from
         a host, the transport protocol  will  query  Ipv4  for  the  Ipv4RoutingProtocol  object
         interface,  and  will request a route via Ipv4RoutingProtocol::RouteOutput ().  A Ptr to
         Ipv4Route object is returned.  This is analogous to a  dst_cache  entry  in  Linux.  The
         Ipv4Route is carried down to the Ipv4L3Protocol to avoid a second lookup there. However,
         some cases (e.g.  Ipv4 raw sockets) will require a call to RouteOutput()  directly  from

         For  packets  received  inbound  for  forwarding or delivery, the following steps occur.
         Ipv4L3Protocol::Receive()  calls  Ipv4RoutingProtocol::RouteInput().  This  passes   the
         packet  ownership to the Ipv4RoutingProtocol object. There are four callbacks associated
         with this call:

       • LocalDeliver

       • UnicastForward

       • MulticastForward

       • Error

       The Ipv4RoutingProtocol must eventually call one of these callbacks for each  packet  that
       it  takes  responsibility  for.  This  is basically how the input routing process works in
         [image] Ipv4Routing specialization..UNINDENT

         This overall architecture is designed to support different routing approaches, including
         (in  the  future)  a  Linux-like  policy-based  routing  implementation,  proactive  and
         on-demand routing protocols, and simple routing protocols for when the  simulation  user
         does not really care about routing.

         Ipv4Routing  specialization. illustrates how multiple routing protocols derive from this
         base class. A class Ipv4ListRouting (implementation class Ipv4ListRoutingImpl)  provides
         the  existing  list  routing  approach  in  ns-3.  Its  API  is  the  same as base class
         Ipv4Routing except for  the  ability  to  add  multiple  prioritized  routing  protocols
         (Ipv4ListRouting::AddRoutingProtocol(), Ipv4ListRouting::GetRoutingProtocol()).

         The details of these routing protocols are described below in Unicast routing.  For now,
         we will first start with a basic unicast routing capability that is intended to globally
         build  routing  tables at simulation time t=0 for simulation users who do not care about
         dynamic routing.

   Unicast routing
       The following unicast routing protocols are defined for IPv4 and IPv6:

       • classes Ipv4ListRouting and Ipv6ListRouting (used to store a prioritized list of routing

       • classes Ipv4StaticRouting and Ipv6StaticRouting (covering both unicast and multicast)

       • class  Ipv4GlobalRouting  (used to store routes computed by the global route manager, if
         that is used)

       • class Ipv4NixVectorRouting (a more efficient  version  of  global  routing  that  stores
         source routes in a packet header field)

       • class Rip - the IPv4 RIPv2 protocol (RFC 2453)

       • class RipNg - the IPv6 RIPng protocol (RFC 2080)

       • IPv4 Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) (a MANET protocol defined in RFC 3626)

       • IPv4 Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) (a MANET protocol defined in RFC 3561)

       • IPv4 Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) (a MANET protocol)

       • IPv4 Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) (a MANET protocol)

       In  the  future,  this  architecture  should  also allow someone to implement a Linux-like
       implementation with routing cache, or a Click modular router, but those are out  of  scope
       for now.

       This  section  describes  the  current  default  ns-3  Ipv[4,6]RoutingProtocol. Typically,
       multiple routing protocols are supported in user space and coordinate to  write  a  single
       forwarding  table  in the kernel. Presently in ns-3, the implementation instead allows for
       multiple  routing  protocols  to  build/keep  their  own  routing  state,   and   the   IP
       implementation will query each one of these routing protocols (in some order determined by
       the simulation author) until a route is found.

       We chose this approach because it may  better  facilitate  the  integration  of  disparate
       routing  approaches  that  may  be  difficult to coordinate the writing to a single table,
       approaches where more information than destination IP address (e.g.,  source  routing)  is
       used  to  determine  the  next hop, and on-demand routing approaches where packets must be

       Classes Ipv4ListRouting and Ipv6ListRouting provides a pure virtual  function  declaration
       for the method that allows one to add a routing protocol:

          void AddRoutingProtocol (Ptr<Ipv4RoutingProtocol> routingProtocol,
                                   int16_t priority);

          void AddRoutingProtocol (Ptr<Ipv6RoutingProtocol> routingProtocol,
                                   int16_t priority);

       These  methods  are  implemented  respectively  by  class Ipv4ListRoutingImpl and by class
       Ipv6ListRoutingImpl in the internet module.

       The priority variable above governs the  priority  in  which  the  routing  protocols  are
       inserted.  Notice  that  it  is a signed int.  By default in ns-3, the helper classes will
       instantiate a Ipv[4,6]ListRoutingImpl object, and add to it  an  Ipv[4,6]StaticRoutingImpl
       object  at  priority  zero.  Internally, a list of Ipv[4,6]RoutingProtocols is stored, and
       and the routing protocols are each consulted  in  decreasing  order  of  priority  to  see
       whether a match is found. Therefore, if you want your Ipv4RoutingProtocol to have priority
       lower than the static routing, insert it with priority less than 0; e.g.:

          Ptr<MyRoutingProtocol> myRoutingProto = CreateObject<MyRoutingProtocol> ();
          listRoutingPtr->AddRoutingProtocol (myRoutingProto, -10);

       Upon calls to RouteOutput() or RouteInput(), the list routing object will search the  list
       of  routing  protocols,  in  priority order, until a route is found. Such routing protocol
       will invoke the appropriate callback and no further routing protocols will be searched.

   Global centralized routing
       Global  centralized  routing  is  sometimes  called  “God”  routing;  it  is   a   special
       implementation  that walks the simulation topology and runs a shortest path algorithm, and
       populates each node’s routing tables. No actual protocol overhead (on the simulated links)
       is incurred with this approach. It does have a few constraints:

       • Wired only:  It is not intended for use in wireless networks.

       • Unicast only: It does not do multicast.

       • Scalability:  Some users of this on large topologies (e.g. 1000 nodes) have noticed that
         the current implementation is not very scalable. The global centralized routing will  be
         modified in the future to reduce computations and runtime performance.

       Presently,  global  centralized  IPv4  unicast routing over both point-to-point and shared
       (CSMA) links is supported.

       By default, when using the ns-3 helper API and  the  default  InternetStackHelper,  global
       routing  capability  will  be  added to the node, and global routing will be inserted as a
       routing protocol with lower priority than the static routes (i.e., users can insert routes
       via  Ipv4StaticRouting  API  and  they  will  take  precedence over routes found by global

   Global Unicast Routing API
       The public API is very minimal. User scripts include the following:

          #include "ns3/internet-module.h"

       If the default InternetStackHelper is used, then an instance of  global  routing  will  be
       aggregated  to  each node.  After IP addresses are configured, the following function call
       will cause all of the nodes that have an  Ipv4  interface  to  receive  forwarding  tables
       entered automatically by the GlobalRouteManager:

          Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper::PopulateRoutingTables ();

       Note:  A reminder that the wifi NetDevice will work but does not take any wireless effects
       into account. For wireless, we recommend OLSR dynamic routing described below.

       It is possible to call this function  again  in  the  midst  of  a  simulation  using  the
       following additional public function:

          Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper::RecomputeRoutingTables ();

       which  flushes  the  old  tables,  queries  the  nodes  for new interface information, and
       rebuilds the routes.

       For instance, this scheduling call will cause the tables to be rebuilt at time 5 seconds:

          Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5),

       There   are   two   attributes    that    govern    the    behavior.    The    first    is
       Ipv4GlobalRouting::RandomEcmpRouting.  If  set to true, packets are randomly routed across
       equal-cost multipath routes. If set to false (default), only  one  route  is  consistently
       used.   The   second  is  Ipv4GlobalRouting::RespondToInterfaceEvents.  If  set  to  true,
       dynamically recompute the global routes upon Interface notification  events  (up/down,  or
       add/remove address). If set to false (default), routing may break unless the user manually
       calls RecomputeRoutingTables() after such events. The default is set to false to  preserve
       legacy ns-3 program behavior.

   Global Routing Implementation
       This  section  is  for  those readers who care about how this is implemented.  A singleton
       object (GlobalRouteManager) is responsible for populating the static routes on each  node,
       using  the  public  Ipv4  API  of  that  node.  It queries each node in the topology for a
       “globalRouter” interface.  If found, it uses the API of that interface to obtain  a  “link
       state  advertisement  (LSA)”  for  the router.  Link State Advertisements are used in OSPF
       routing, and we follow their formatting.

       It is important to note that all of these computations are done before packets are flowing
       in  the  network.  In particular, there are no overhead or control packets being exchanged
       when using this implementation.  Instead, this global route manager just walks the list of
       nodes to build the necessary information and configure each node’s routing table.

       The  GlobalRouteManager populates a link state database with LSAs gathered from the entire
       topology. Then, for each router in the topology, the GlobalRouteManager executes the  OSPF
       shortest path first (SPF) computation on the database, and populates the routing tables on
       each node.

       The quagga ( OSPF implementation was  used  as  the  basis  for  the
       routing computation logic. One benefit of following an existing OSPF SPF implementation is
       that OSPF already has defined link state advertisements for all common  types  of  network

       • point-to-point (serial links)

       • point-to-multipoint (Frame Relay, ad hoc wireless)

       • non-broadcast multiple access (ATM)

       • broadcast (Ethernet)

       Therefore,  we think that enabling these other link types will be more straightforward now
       that the underlying OSPF SPF framework is in place.

       Presently, we can handle IPv4 point-to-point, numbered links, as well as shared  broadcast
       (CSMA)  links.   Equal-cost multipath is also supported.  Although wireless link types are
       supported by the implementation, note that due to the nature of this  implementation,  any
       channel  effects will not be considered and the routing tables will assume that every node
       on the same shared channel is reachable from every other node (i.e.  it  will  be  treated
       like a broadcast CSMA link).

       The  GlobalRouteManager  first  walks  the  list  of  nodes  and aggregates a GlobalRouter
       interface to each one as follows:

          typedef std::vector < Ptr<Node> >::iterator Iterator;
          for (Iterator i = NodeList::Begin (); i != NodeList::End (); i++)
              Ptr<Node> node = *i;
              Ptr<GlobalRouter> globalRouter = CreateObject<GlobalRouter> (node);
              node->AggregateObject (globalRouter);

       This interface is later queried and used to generate a Link State Advertisement  for  each
       router, and this link state database is fed into the OSPF shortest path computation logic.
       The Ipv4 API is finally used to populate the routes themselves.

   RIP and RIPng
       The RIPv2 protocol for IPv4 is described in the RFC 2453, and it consolidates a number  of
       improvements over the base protocol defined in RFC 1058.

       This  IPv6  routing  protocol (RFC 2080) is the evolution of the well-known RIPv1 (see RFC
       1058 and RFC 1723) routing protocol for IPv4.

       The protocols are very  simple,  and  are  normally  suitable  for  flat,  simple  network

       RIPv1,  RIPv2,  and  RIPng  have  the very same goals and limitations.  In particular, RIP
       considers any route with  a  metric  equal  or  greater  than  16  as  unreachable.  As  a
       consequence, the maximum number of hops is the network must be less than 15 (the number of
       routers is not set).  Users are encouraged  to  read  RFC  2080  and  RFC  1058  to  fully
       understand RIP behaviour and limitations.

   Routing convergence
       RIP uses a Distance-Vector algorithm, and routes are updated according to the Bellman-Ford
       algorithm (sometimes known as Ford-Fulkerson algorithm).  The algorithm has a  convergence
       time  of  O(|V|*|E|)  where  |V|  and  |E|  are the number of vertices (routers) and edges
       (links) respectively.  It should be stressed that the convergence time is  the  number  of
       steps  in the algorithm, and each step is triggered by a message.  Since Triggered Updates
       (i.e., when a route is changed) have a 1-5 seconds cooldown, the topology can require some
       time to be stabilized.

       Users  should  be  aware  that, during routing tables construction, the routers might drop
       packets. Data traffic should be sent only after a time long enough to allow RIP  to  build
       the  network  topology.   Usually  80  seconds  should be enough to have a suboptimal (but
       working) routing setup. This includes the time needed to propagate the routes to the  most
       distant router (16 hops) with Triggered Updates.

       If  the  network  topology is changed (e.g., a link is broken), the recovery time might be
       quite high, and it might be even higher than the initial setup time. Moreover, the network
       topology recovery is affected by the Split Horizoning strategy.

       The            examples            examples/routing/            and
       examples/routing/ shows both the network setup and  network  recovery

   Split Horizoning
       Split Horizon is a strategy to prevent routing instability.  Three options are possible:

       • No Split Horizon

       • Split Horizon

       • Poison Reverse

       In  the  first  case, routes are advertised on all the router’s interfaces.  In the second
       case, routers will not advertise a route on the  interface  from  which  it  was  learned.
       Poison  Reverse  will  advertise the route on the interface from which it was learned, but
       with a metric of 16 (infinity).  For a full analysis of  the  three  techniques,  see  RFC
       1058, section 2.2.

       The  examples are based on the network topology described in the RFC, but it does not show
       the effect described there.

       The reason are  the  Triggered  Updates,  together  with  the  fact  that  when  a  router
       invalidates  a  route,  it  will  immediately  propagate  the  route  unreachability, thus
       preventing most of the issues described in the RFC.

       However, with complex topologies, it is still possible to have route instability phenomena
       similar  to  the  one described in the RFC after a link failure. As a consequence, all the
       considerations about Split Horizon remains valid.

   Default routes
       RIP protocol should be installed only on routers. As a consequence, nodes  will  not  know
       what is the default router.

       To overcome this limitation, users should either install the default route manually (e.g.,
       by resorting to Ipv4StaticRouting or Ipv6StaticRouting), or by using  RADVd  (in  case  of
       IPv6).   RADVd  is  available  in  ns-3  in  the  Applications  module, and it is strongly

   Protocol parameters and options
       The RIP ns-3 implementations allow to change all the timers associated with route  updates
       and routes lifetime.

       Moreover, users can change the interface metrics on a per-node basis.

       The  type  of  Split  Horizoning  (to  avoid routes back-propagation) can be selected on a
       per-node basis, with the choices being “no split horizon”,  “split  horizon”  and  “poison
       reverse”.  See RFC 2080 for further details, and RFC 1058 for a complete discussion on the
       split horizoning strategies.

       Moreover, it is possible to use a non-standard value for Link Down Value (i.e., the  value
       after which a link is considered down). The default is value is 16.

       There  is  no  support  for  the  Next Hop option (RFC 2080, Section 2.1.1).  The Next Hop
       option is useful when RIP is not being run on all of the routers on  a  network.   Support
       for this option may be considered in the future.

       There  is  no  support  for  CIDR prefix aggregation. As a result, both routing tables and
       route advertisements may be larger than necessary.  Prefix aggregation may be added in the

   Other routing protocols
       Other  routing protocols documentation can be found under the respective modules sections,

       • AODV

       • Click

       • DSDV

       • DSR

       • NixVectorRouting

       • OLSR

       • etc.

   Multicast routing
       The following function is used to add a static multicast route to a node:

          Ipv4StaticRouting::AddMulticastRoute (Ipv4Address origin,
                                                Ipv4Address group,
                                                uint32_t inputInterface,
                                                std::vector<uint32_t> outputInterfaces);

       A multicast route must specify an origin IP  address,  a  multicast  group  and  an  input
       network  interface  index  as  conditions and provide a vector of output network interface
       indices over which packets matching the conditions are sent.

       Typically there are two main types of multicast routes:

       • Routes used during forwarding, and

       • Routes used in the originator node.

       In the first case all the conditions must be explicitly provided.

       In the second case, the route is equivalent to a unicast route, and must be added  through

       Another command sets the default multicast route:

          Ipv4StaticRouting::SetDefaultMulticastRoute (uint32_t outputInterface);

       This  is  the  multicast  equivalent  of  the unicast version SetDefaultRoute. We tell the
       routing system what to do in the case where a specific route to  a  destination  multicast
       group  is  not  found. The system forwards packets out the specified interface in the hope
       that “something out there” knows better how to route the packet. This method is only  used
       in  initially  sending packets off of a host. The default multicast route is not consulted
       during forwarding – exact routes must be specified using AddMulticastRoute for that case.

       Since we’re basically sending packets to some entity we think may know better what to  do,
       we  don’t  pay  attention  to  “subtleties”  like  origin  address,  nor do we worry about
       forwarding out multiple  interfaces. If the default multicast route is set, it is returned
       as  the  selected  route  from  LookupStatic  irrespective of origin or multicast group if
       another specific route is not found.

       Finally, a number of additional functions are  provided  to  fetch  and  remove  multicast

          uint32_t GetNMulticastRoutes (void) const;

          Ipv4MulticastRoute *GetMulticastRoute (uint32_t i) const;

          Ipv4MulticastRoute *GetDefaultMulticastRoute (void) const;

          bool RemoveMulticastRoute (Ipv4Address origin,
                                     Ipv4Address group,
                                     uint32_t inputInterface);

          void RemoveMulticastRoute (uint32_t index);

   TCP models in ns-3
       This chapter describes the TCP models available in ns-3.

   Overview of support for TCP
       ns-3 was written to support multiple TCP implementations. The implementations inherit from
       a few common header classes in the src/network directory, so that user code can  swap  out
       implementations with minimal changes to the scripts.

       There are three important abstract base classes:

       • class  TcpSocket:  This  is  defined in src/internet/model/tcp-socket.{cc,h}. This class
         exists  for  hosting  TcpSocket  attributes  that  can  be   reused   across   different
         implementations.  For  instance,  the  attribute  InitialCwnd can be used for any of the
         implementations that derive from class TcpSocket.

       • class TcpSocketFactory: This is used by the layer-4  protocol  instance  to  create  TCP
         sockets of the right type.

       • class  TcpCongestionOps:  This  supports different variants of congestion control– a key
         topic of simulation-based TCP research.

       There are presently two active and one legacy implementations of TCP available for ns-3.

       • a natively implemented TCP for ns-3

       • support for kernel implementations via Direct Code Execution (DCE)

       • (legacy) support for kernel implementations for the Network Simulation Cradle (NSC)

       NSC is no longer actively supported; it requires use of gcc-5 or gcc-4.9, and only  covers
       up to Linux kernel version 2.6.29.

       Direct  Code  Execution is also limited in its support for newer kernels; at present, only
       Linux kernel 4.4 is supported.  However, the TCP implementations in kernel 4.4  can  still
       be used for ns-3 validation or for specialized simulation use cases.

       It  should  also  be  mentioned  that various ways of combining virtual machines with ns-3
       makes available also some additional TCP implementations, but those are out of  scope  for
       this chapter.

   ns-3 TCP
       In  brief,  the  native  ns-3  TCP model supports a full bidirectional TCP with connection
       setup and close logic. Several congestion control algorithms are supported, with CUBIC the
       default,  and  NewReno, Westwood, Hybla, HighSpeed, Vegas, Scalable, Veno, Binary Increase
       Congestion Control (BIC), Yet Another HighSpeed TCP (YeAH),  Illinois,  H-TCP,  Low  Extra
       Delay  Background  Transport  (LEDBAT), TCP Low Priority (TCP-LP), Data Center TCP (DCTCP)
       and Bottleneck Bandwidth and RTT (BBR) also supported. The model also  supports  Selective
       Acknowledgements  (SACK),  Proportional  Rate  Reduction  (PRR)  and  Explicit  Congestion
       Notification (ECN). Multipath-TCP is not yet supported in the ns-3 releases.

   Model history
       Until the ns-3.10 release, ns-3 contained a port of the TCP model from  GTNetS,  developed
       initially  by  George  Riley and ported to ns-3 by Raj Bhattacharjea.  This implementation
       was substantially rewritten by Adriam Tam for  ns-3.10.   In  2015,  the  TCP  module  was
       redesigned in order to create a better environment for creating and carrying out automated
       tests. One of the main changes involves congestion control algorithms, and  how  they  are

       Before  the  ns-3.25  release,  a  congestion  control was considered as a stand-alone TCP
       through an inheritance relation: each congestion control (e.g. TcpNewReno) was a  subclass
       of  TcpSocketBase,  reimplementing  some inherited methods. The architecture was redone to
       avoid this inheritance, by making each congestion control a separate class,  and  defining
       an  interface to exchange important data between TcpSocketBase and the congestion modules.
       The Linux tcp_congestion_ops interface was used as the design reference.

       Along with congestion control, Fast Retransmit and  Fast  Recovery  algorithms  have  been
       modified;   in  previous  releases,  these  algorithms  were  delegated  to  TcpSocketBase
       subclasses. Starting from ns-3.25, they have been merged inside TcpSocketBase.  In  future
       releases,  they  can  be  extracted  as separate modules, following the congestion control

       As of the ns-3.31 release, the default initial window was set to 10 segments (in  previous
       releases,  it  was  set  to  1  segment).   This aligns with current Linux default, and is
       discussed further in RFC 6928.

       In the ns-3.32 release, the default  recovery  algorithm  was  set  to  Proportional  Rate
       Reduction (PRR) from the classic ack-clocked Fast Recovery algorithm.

       In  the  ns-3.34  release,  the default congestion control algorithm was set to CUBIC from

       As mentioned above, ns-3 TCP has had multiple authors  and  maintainers  over  the  years.
       Several  publications exist on aspects of ns-3 TCP, and users of ns-3 TCP are requested to
       cite one of the applicable papers when publishing new work.

       A general reference on the current architecture is found in the following paper:

       • Maurizio Casoni, Natale Patriciello, Next-generation TCP for ns-3 simulator,  Simulation
         Modelling    Practice    and    Theory,    Volume    66,    2016,    Pages   81-93.   (‐

       For an academic peer-reviewed paper on the SACK implementation in ns-3, please refer to:

       • Natale Patriciello. 2017. A SACK-based Conservative Loss  Recovery  Algorithm  for  ns-3
         TCP:  a Linux-inspired Proposal. In Proceedings of the Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 ‘17). ACM,
         New York, NY, USA, 1-8. (

       In many cases, usage of  TCP  is  set  at  the  application  layer  by  telling  the  ns-3
       application which kind of socket factory to use.

       Using the helper functions defined in src/applications/helper and src/network/helper, here
       is how one would create a TCP receiver:

          // Create a packet sink on the star "hub" to receive these packets
          uint16_t port = 50000;
          Address sinkLocalAddress(InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), port));
          PacketSinkHelper sinkHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", sinkLocalAddress);
          ApplicationContainer sinkApp = sinkHelper.Install (serverNode);
          sinkApp.Start (Seconds (1.0));
          sinkApp.Stop (Seconds (10.0));

       Similarly, the below snippet configures OnOffApplication traffic source to use TCP:

          // Create the OnOff applications to send TCP to the server
          OnOffHelper clientHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", Address ());

       The careful reader will note above that we have specified the TypeId of an  abstract  base
       class  TcpSocketFactory.  How  does the script tell ns-3 that it wants the native ns-3 TCP
       vs. some other one? Well, when internet stacks are added to  the  node,  the  default  TCP
       implementation  that  is aggregated to the node is the ns-3 TCP. This can be overridden as
       we show below when using Network Simulation Cradle. So, by default, when  using  the  ns-3
       helper  API, the TCP that is aggregated to nodes with an Internet stack is the native ns-3

       To configure behavior of TCP, a  number  of  parameters  are  exported  through  the  ns-3
       attribute  system.  These  are documented in the Doxygen for class TcpSocket. For example,
       the maximum segment size is a settable attribute.

       To set the default socket type before any internet stack-related objects are created,  one
       may put the following statement at the top of the simulation program:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::TcpL4Protocol::SocketType", StringValue ("ns3::TcpNewReno"));

       For  users who wish to have a pointer to the actual socket (so that socket operations like
       Bind(), setting socket options, etc. can be done on a per-socket basis), Tcp  sockets  can
       be created by using the Socket::CreateSocket() method. The TypeId passed to CreateSocket()
       must be of type ns3::SocketFactory, so configuring the underlying socket type must be done
       by  twiddling  the  attribute  associated  with  the  underlying TcpL4Protocol object. The
       easiest way to get at this would be through the attribute  configuration  system.  In  the
       below  example,  the  Node  container  “n0n1” is accessed to get the zeroth element, and a
       socket is created on this node:

          // Create and bind the socket...
          TypeId tid = TypeId::LookupByName ("ns3::TcpNewReno");
          Config::Set ("/NodeList/*/$ns3::TcpL4Protocol/SocketType", TypeIdValue (tid));
          Ptr<Socket> localSocket =
            Socket::CreateSocket (n0n1.Get (0), TcpSocketFactory::GetTypeId ());

       Above, the “*” wild card for node number is passed to the attribute configuration  system,
       so  that  all  future  sockets on all nodes are set to NewReno, not just on node ‘n0n1.Get
       (0)’. If one wants to limit it to just the specified node, one would have to do  something

          // Create and bind the socket...
          TypeId tid = TypeId::LookupByName ("ns3::TcpNewReno");
          std::stringstream nodeId;
          nodeId << n0n1.Get (0)->GetId ();
          std::string specificNode = "/NodeList/" + nodeId.str () + "/$ns3::TcpL4Protocol/SocketType";
          Config::Set (specificNode, TypeIdValue (tid));
          Ptr<Socket> localSocket =
            Socket::CreateSocket (n0n1.Get (0), TcpSocketFactory::GetTypeId ());

       Once a TCP socket is created, one will want to follow conventional socket logic and either
       connect() and send() (for a TCP client) or bind(),  listen(),  and  accept()  (for  a  TCP
       server).  Please note that applications usually create the sockets they use automatically,
       and so is not straightforward to connect directly to them using pointers. Please refer  to
       the  source  code  of  your  preferred application to discover how and when it creates the

   TCP Socket interaction and interface with Application layer
       In the following there is an analysis on the public interface of the TCP socket,  and  how
       it  can  be  used to interact with the socket itself. An analysis of the callback fired by
       the socket is also carried out. Please note that, for the sake of clarity, we will use the
       terminology  “Sender”  and  “Receiver”  to clearly divide the functionality of the socket.
       However, in TCP these two roles can be applied at the same time (i.e. a socket could be  a
       sender  and  a receiver at the same time): our distinction does not lose generality, since
       the following definition can be applied to both sockets in case of full-duplex mode.


       TCP state machine (for commodity use)
         [image] TCP State machine.UNINDENT

         In ns-3 we are fully compliant with the state  machine  depicted  in  Figure  TCP  State


         Public interface for receivers (e.g. servers receiving data)

       Bind() Bind  the  socket to an address, or to a general endpoint. A general endpoint is an
              endpoint with an ephemeral port allocation (that is, a random port  allocation)  on
              the IP address. For instance, in current applications, data senders usually
              binds automatically after  a  Connect()  over  a  random  port.  Consequently,  the
              connection  will  start  from this random port towards the well-defined port of the
              receiver. The IP is then translated by lower layers into the real IP of the

              Same as Bind(), but for IPv6.

              Bind the socket to the specified NetDevice, creating a general endpoint.

              Listen  on  the endpoint for an incoming connection. Please note that this function
              can be called only in the TCP CLOSED state, and transit in the LISTEN  state.  When
              an  incoming  request  for  connection  is  detected  (i.e.  the other peer invoked
              Connect())   the   application    will    be    signaled    with    the    callback
              NotifyConnectionRequest (set in SetAcceptCallback() beforehand).  If the connection
              is accepted (the default behavior, when the associated callback is a null one)  the
              Socket  will  fork  itself,  i.e.  a  new  socket is created to handle the incoming
              data/connection, in the state SYN_RCVD. Please note that this newly created  socket
              is  not  connected  anymore to the callbacks on the “father” socket (e.g. DataSent,
              Recv); the pointer of  the  newly  created  socket  is  provided  in  the  Callback
              NotifyNewConnectionCreated  (set  beforehand  in  SetAcceptCallback), and should be
              used to connect new callbacks to interesting events  (e.g.  Recv  callback).  After
              receiving  the ACK of the SYN-ACK, the socket will set the congestion control, move
              into   ESTABLISHED    state,    and    then    notify    the    application    with

              Signal  a  termination of send, or in other words prevents data from being added to
              the buffer. After this call, if buffer is already empty, the  socket  will  send  a
              FIN,  otherwise  FIN  will  go when buffer empties. Please note that this is useful
              only for modeling “Sink” applications. If you have data to transmit,  please  refer
              to the Send() / Close() combination of API.

              Get the amount of data that could be returned by the Socket in one or multiple call
              to Recv or RecvFrom. Please use the  Attribute  system  to  configure  the  maximum
              available space on the receiver buffer (property “RcvBufSize”).

       Recv() Grab  data from the TCP socket. Please remember that TCP is a stream socket, and it
              is allowed to concatenate multiple packets into bigger ones. If no data is  present
              (i.e.  GetRxAvailable  returns  0)  an  empty packet is returned.  Set the callback
              RecvCallback  through  SetRecvCallback()  in  order   to   have   the   application
              automatically  notified  when  some  data  is  ready to be read.  It’s important to
              connect that callback to the newly created socket in case of forks.

              Same as Recv, but with the source address as parameter.


       Public interface for senders (e.g. clients uploading data)

              Set the remote endpoint, and try to connect to it. The local endpoint should be set
              before  this call, or otherwise an ephemeral one will be created. The TCP then will
              be in the SYN_SENT state. If  a  SYN-ACK  is  received,  the  TCP  will  setup  the
              congestion control, and then call the callback ConnectionSucceeded.

              Return  the  amount  of  data  that  can  be  stored in the TCP Tx buffer. Set this
              property through the Attribute system (“SndBufSize”).

       Send() Send the data into the TCP Tx buffer. From there, the TCP rules will decide if, and
              when,  this data will be transmitted. Please note that, if the tx buffer has enough
              data to fill the congestion (or the receiver) window, dynamically varying the  rate
              at  which data is injected in the TCP buffer does not have any noticeable effect on
              the amount of data transmitted on the wire, that will continue to be decided by the
              TCP rules.

              Same as Send().

              Terminate the local side of the connection, by sending a FIN (after all data in the
              tx buffer has been transmitted). This does not  prevent  the  socket  in  receiving
              data, and employing retransmit mechanism if losses are detected. If the application
              calls Close() with unread data in its rx buffer, the socket will send a  reset.  If
              the  socket  is  in  the  state SYN_SENT, CLOSING, LISTEN, FIN_WAIT_2, or LAST_ACK,
              after that call the application will be notified with NotifyNormalClose(). In other
              cases, the notification is delayed (see NotifyNormalClose()).


       Public callbacks

       These  callbacks  are  called  by  the TCP socket to notify the application of interesting
       events. We will refer to these with the protected name  used  in  socket.h,  but  we  will
       provide the API function to set the pointers to these callback as well.

       NotifyConnectionSucceeded: SetConnectCallback, 1st argument
              Called in the SYN_SENT state, before moving to ESTABLISHED. In other words, we have
              sent the SYN, and we  received  the  SYN-ACK:  the  socket  prepares  the  sequence
              numbers,  sends  the  ACK  for the SYN-ACK, tries to send out more data (in another
              segment) and then invokes this  callback.  After  this  callback,  it  invokes  the
              NotifySend callback.

       NotifyConnectionFailed: SetConnectCallback, 2nd argument
              Called  after  the  SYN retransmission count goes to 0. SYN packet is lost multiple
              times, and the socket gives up.

       NotifyNormalClose: SetCloseCallbacks, 1st argument
              A normal close is invoked. A rare case is when we receive  an  RST  segment  (or  a
              segment  with  bad  flags) in normal states. All other cases are: - The application
              tries to Connect() over an already connected socket - Received an ACK for  the  FIN
              sent, with or without the FIN bit set (we are in LAST_ACK) - The socket reaches the
              maximum amount of retries in retransmitting the SYN (*) - We receive a  timeout  in
              the  LAST_ACK  state  -  Upon  entering  the  TIME_WAIT  state,  before waiting the
              2*Maximum Segment Lifetime seconds to finally deallocate the socket.

       NotifyErrorClose: SetCloseCallbacks, 2nd argument
              Invoked when we send an RST segment (for whatever reason) or we reached the maximum
              amount of data retries.

       NotifyConnectionRequest: SetAcceptCallback, 1st argument
              Invoked  in  the LISTEN state, when we receive a SYN. The return value indicates if
              the socket should accept the connection (return true) or should ignore  it  (return

       NotifyNewConnectionCreated: SetAcceptCallback, 2nd argument
              Invoked  when  from SYN_RCVD the socket passes to ESTABLISHED, and after setting up
              the congestion control, the sequence numbers, and processing the incoming  ACK.  If
              there  is  some  space  in  the  buffer,  NotifySend  is  called shortly after this
              callback. The Socket pointer, passed with  this  callback,  is  the  newly  created
              socket, after a Fork().

       NotifyDataSent: SetDataSentCallback
              The Socket notifies the application that some bytes have been transmitted on the IP
              level. These bytes could still be lost in the node (traffic control  layer)  or  in
              the network.

       NotifySend: SetSendCallback
              Invoked if there is some space in the tx buffer when entering the ESTABLISHED state
              (e.g. after the ACK for SYN-ACK is received), after the connection  succeeds  (e.g.
              after  the  SYN-ACK  is  received)  and  after  each  new  ACK (i.e.  that advances

       NotifyDataRecv: SetRecvCallback
              Called when in the receiver buffer there are in-order bytes, and when in FIN_WAIT_1
              or FIN_WAIT_2 the socket receive a in-sequence FIN (that can carry data).

   Congestion Control Algorithms
       Here  follows a list of supported TCP congestion control algorithms. For an academic paper
       on      many      of      these       congestion       control       algorithms,       see .

       NewReno algorithm introduces partial ACKs inside the well-established Reno algorithm. This
       and other modifications are described in RFC 6582. We have two possible congestion  window
       increment strategy: slow start and congestion avoidance. Taken from RFC 5681:
          During  slow  start,  a TCP increments cwnd by at most SMSS bytes for each ACK received
          that cumulatively acknowledges new data. Slow start ends  when  cwnd  exceeds  ssthresh
          (or,  optionally,  when  it reaches it, as noted above) or when congestion is observed.
          While traditionally TCP implementations have increased cwnd  by  precisely  SMSS  bytes
          upon  receipt  of  an  ACK  covering  new  data,  we RECOMMEND that TCP implementations
          increase cwnd, per Equation (1), where N is the  number  of  previously  unacknowledged
          bytes acknowledged in the incoming ACK.

                                         cwnd += min (N, SMSS)

       During  congestion  avoidance,  cwnd  is  incremented  by roughly 1 full-sized segment per
       round-trip time (RTT), and for each congestion event, the slow start threshold is halved.

       CUBIC (class TcpCubic) is the default TCP congestion control in Linux, macOS (since 2014),
       and Microsoft Windows (since 2017).  CUBIC has two main differences with respect to a more
       classic TCP congestion control such as NewReno.  First, during  the  congestion  avoidance
       phase, the window size grows according to a cubic function (concave, then convex) with the
       latter convex portion designed to allow for bandwidth  probing.   Second,  a  hybrid  slow
       start  (HyStart) algorithm uses observations of delay increases in the slow start phase of
       window growth to try to exit slow start before window growth causes queue overflow.

       CUBIC is documented in RFC 8312, and the ns-3 implementation is based on the RFC  more  so
       than  the  Linux implementation, although the Linux 4.4 kernel implementation (through the
       Direct Code Execution environment) has been used to validate the behavior  and  is  fairly
       well aligned (see below section on validation).

   Linux Reno
       TCP  Linux Reno (class TcpLinuxReno) is designed to provide a Linux-like implementation of
       TCP NewReno. The implementation of class TcpNewReno in ns-3  follows  RFC  standards,  and
       increases  cwnd  more conservatively than does Linux Reno.  Linux Reno modifies slow start
       and congestion avoidance algorithms to increase cwnd based on the number  of  bytes  being
       acknowledged by each arriving ACK, rather than by the number of ACKs that arrive.  Another
       major difference in implementation is that Linux maintains the congestion window in  units
       of segments, while the RFCs define the congestion window in units of bytes.

       In  slow start phase, on each incoming ACK at the TCP sender side cwnd is increased by the
       number of previously  unacknowledged  bytes  ACKed  by  the  incoming  acknowledgment.  In
       contrast,  in  ns-3  NewReno,  cwnd  is  increased  by one segment per acknowledgment.  In
       standards terminology, this difference is referred to as Appropriate  Byte  Counting  (RFC
       3465); Linux follows Appropriate Byte Counting while ns-3 NewReno does not.

                                     cwnd += segAcked * segmentSize

                                          cwnd += segmentSize

       In  congestion avoidance phase, the number of bytes that have been ACKed at the TCP sender
       side are stored in a ‘bytes_acked’ variable in the TCP control block.  When  ‘bytes_acked’
       becomes  greater  than  or equal to the value of the cwnd, ‘bytes_acked’ is reduced by the
       value of cwnd. Next, cwnd is incremented by a full-sized segment (SMSS).  In contrast,  in
       ns-3  NewReno,  cwnd is increased by (1/cwnd) with a rounding off due to type casting into

          if (m_cWndCnt >= w)
             uint32_t delta = m_cWndCnt / w;

             m_cWndCnt -= delta * w;
             tcb->m_cWnd += delta * tcb->m_segmentSize;
             NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Subtracting delta * w from m_cWndCnt " << delta * w);

          :label: linuxrenocongavoid

          if (segmentsAcked > 0)
             double adder = static_cast<double> (tcb->m_segmentSize * tcb->m_segmentSize) / tcb->m_cWnd.Get ();
             adder = std::max (1.0, adder);
             tcb->m_cWnd += static_cast<uint32_t> (adder);
             NS_LOG_INFO ("In CongAvoid, updated to cwnd " << tcb->m_cWnd <<
                          " ssthresh " << tcb->m_ssThresh);

          :label: newrenocongavoid

       So, there are two main difference between the TCP Linux Reno and TCP NewReno in  ns-3:  1)
       In TCP Linux Reno, delayed acknowledgement configuration does not affect congestion window
       growth, while in TCP NewReno, delayed acknowledgments cause  a  slower  congestion  window
       growth.   2)  In  congestion  avoidance  phase,  the arithmetic for counting the number of
       segments acked and deciding when to increment the cwnd is different for TCP Linux Reno and
       TCP NewReno.

       Following  graphs  shows  the  behavior of window growth in TCP Linux Reno and TCP NewReno
       with delayed acknowledgement of 2 segments:
         [image] ns-3 TCP NewReno vs. ns-3 TCP Linux Reno.UNINDENT

       TCP HighSpeed is designed for high-capacity channels or, in general, for  TCP  connections
       with  large congestion windows.  Conceptually, with respect to the standard TCP, HighSpeed
       makes the cWnd grow faster during the probing phases and  accelerates  the  cWnd  recovery
       from  losses.   This  behavior  is  executed  only  when the window grows beyond a certain
       threshold, which allows TCP HighSpeed to be friendly with  standard  TCP  in  environments
       with heavy congestion, without introducing new dangers of congestion collapse.


                                   cWnd = cWnd + \frac{a(cWnd)}{cWnd}

       The  function  a()  is calculated using a fixed RTT the value 100 ms (the lookup table for
       this function is taken from RFC 3649). For each congestion event, the slow start threshold
       is decreased by a value that depends on the size of the slow start threshold itself. Then,
       the congestion window is set to such value.

                                     cWnd = (1-b(cWnd)) \cdot cWnd

       The lookup table for the function b() is taken from the same RFC.   More  information  at:

       The key idea behind TCP Hybla is to obtain for long RTT connections the same instantaneous
       transmission rate of a reference TCP connection with lower RTT.  With analytical steps, it
       is  shown  that  this  goal  can be achieved by modifying the time scale, in order for the
       throughput to be independent from the RTT. This independence is obtained through  the  use
       of a coefficient rho.

       This  coefficient  is  used  to calculate both the slow start threshold and the congestion
       window when in slow start and in congestion avoidance, respectively.

       More information at:

       Westwood and Westwood+ employ the AIAD (Additive Increase/Adaptive  Decrease)·  congestion
       control  paradigm.  When a congestion episode happens,· instead of halving the cwnd, these
       protocols try to estimate the network’s bandwidth and use the estimated  value  to  adjust
       the  cwnd.· While Westwood performs the bandwidth sampling every ACK reception,· Westwood+
       samples the bandwidth every RTT.

       More       information       at:        and

       TCP  Vegas  is  a  pure  delay-based congestion control algorithm implementing a proactive
       scheme that tries to prevent packet drops by maintaining a small backlog at the bottleneck
       queue.  Vegas continuously samples the RTT and computes the actual throughput a connection
       achieves using Equation (6) and compares it with the  expected  throughput  calculated  in
       Equation  (7).  The  difference between these 2 sending rates in Equation (8) reflects the
       amount of extra packets being queued at the bottleneck.

                                       actual &= \frac{cWnd}{RTT}

                                    expected &= \frac{cWnd}{BaseRTT}

                                       diff &= expected - actual

       To avoid congestion, Vegas linearly increases/decreases its congestion  window  to  ensure
       the  diff  value  falls  between  the  two predefined thresholds, alpha and beta. diff and
       another threshold, gamma, are  used  to  determine  when  Vegas  should  change  from  its
       slow-start  mode  to linear increase/decrease mode.  Following the implementation of Vegas
       in Linux, we use  2,  4,  and  1  as  the  default  values  of  alpha,  beta,  and  gamma,
       respectively, but they can be modified through the Attribute system.

       More information at:

       Scalable improves TCP performance to better utilize the available bandwidth of a highspeed
       wide area network  by  altering  NewReno  congestion  window  adjustment  algorithm.  When
       congestion  has not been detected, for each ACK received in an RTT, Scalable increases its
       cwnd per:

                                           cwnd = cwnd + 0.01

       Following Linux implementation of Scalable, we use  50  instead  of  100  to  account  for
       delayed ACK.

       On  the  first  detection  of  congestion  in  a  given  RTT, cwnd is reduced based on the
       following equation:

                                  cwnd = cwnd - ceil(0.125 \cdot cwnd)

       More information at:

       TCP Veno enhances Reno algorithm for more effectively dealing with random packet  loss  in
       wireless  access  networks  by  employing  Vegas’s method in estimating the backlog at the
       bottleneck queue to distinguish between congestive and non-congestive states.

       The backlog (the number of packets accumulated at  the  bottleneck  queue)  is  calculated
       using Equation (11):

                                  N &= Actual \cdot (RTT - BaseRTT) \\
         &= Diff \cdot BaseRTT


                                      Diff &= Expected - Actual \\
            &= \frac{cWnd}{BaseRTT} - \frac{cWnd}{RTT}

       Veno  makes  decision  on  cwnd  modification based on the calculated N and its predefined
       threshold beta.

       Specifically, it refines the additive increase algorithm of Reno so  that  the  connection
       can stay longer in the stable state by incrementing cwnd by 1/cwnd for every other new ACK
       received after the available bandwidth has been fully utilized, i.e. when N exceeds  beta.
       Otherwise, Veno increases its cwnd by 1/cwnd upon every new ACK receipt as in Reno.

       In  the  multiplicative decrease algorithm, when Veno is in the non-congestive state, i.e.
       when N is less than  beta,  Veno  decrements  its  cwnd  by  only  1/5  because  the  loss
       encountered is more likely a corruption-based loss than a congestion-based. Only when N is
       greater than beta, Veno halves its sending rate as in Reno.

       More information at:

       BIC (class TcpBic) is a predecessor of TCP CUBIC.   In  TCP  BIC  the  congestion  control
       problem is viewed as a search problem. Taking as a starting point the current window value
       and as a target point the last maximum window value (i.e. the cWnd value just  before  the
       loss event) a binary search technique can be used to update the cWnd value at the midpoint
       between the two, directly or using an additive increase strategy if the distance from  the
       current window is too large.

       This  way, assuming a no-loss period, the congestion window logarithmically approaches the
       maximum value of cWnd until the difference between  it  and  cWnd  falls  below  a  preset
       threshold.  After reaching such a value (or the maximum window is unknown, i.e. the binary
       search does not start at all) the algorithm switches to probing  the  new  maximum  window
       with a ‘slow start’ strategy.

       If  a  loss  occur  in  either  these  phases, the current window (before the loss) can be
       treated as the new maximum, and the reduced (with a multiplicative decrease  factor  Beta)
       window size can be used as the new minimum.

       More information at:

       YeAH-TCP  (Yet  Another  HighSpeed  TCP)  is  a  heuristic  designed  to  balance  various
       requirements of a state-of-the-art congestion control algorithm:

       1. fully exploit the link capacity of high BDP networks while inducing a small  number  of
          congestion events

       2. compete friendly with Reno flows

       3. achieve intra and RTT fairness

       4. robust to random losses

       5. achieve high performance regardless of buffer size

       YeAH  operates  between  2  modes:  Fast  and  Slow  mode. In the Fast mode when the queue
       occupancy is small and the network congestion level is low, YeAH increments its congestion
       window  according  to  the  aggressive HSTCP rule. When the number of packets in the queue
       grows beyond a threshold and the network congestion level is high, YeAH  enters  its  Slow
       mode,  acting  as  Reno  with  a decongestion algorithm. YeAH employs Vegas’ mechanism for
       calculating the backlog as in Equation (13). The  estimation  of  the  network  congestion
       level is shown in Equation (14).

                               Q = (RTT - BaseRTT) \cdot \frac{cWnd}{RTT}

                                   L = \frac{RTT - BaseRTT}{BaseRTT}

       To  ensure  TCP  friendliness, YeAH also implements an algorithm to detect the presence of
       legacy Reno flows. Upon the receipt of 3 duplicate ACKs, YeAH  decreases  its  slow  start
       threshold according to Equation (15) if it’s not competing with Reno flows. Otherwise, the
       ssthresh is halved as in Reno:

                         ssthresh = min(max(\frac{cWnd}{8}, Q), \frac{cWnd}{2})

       More information:

       TCP Illinois is a hybrid congestion control algorithm designed  for  high-speed  networks.
       Illinois  implements  a  Concave-AIMD  (or  C-AIMD) algorithm that uses packet loss as the
       primary congestion signal to determine the direction of window update and  queueing  delay
       as the secondary congestion signal to determine the amount of change.

       The  additive  increase  and  multiplicative  decrease factors (denoted as alpha and beta,
       respectively) are functions of the current average queueing delay da as shown in Equations
       (16) and (17). To improve the protocol robustness against sudden fluctuations in its delay
       sampling, Illinois allows the increment of alpha to alphaMax only if da stays below d1 for
       a some (theta) amount of time.

                                                alpha &=
          \quad alphaMax              & \quad \text{if } da <= d1 \\
          \quad k1 / (k2 + da)        & \quad \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases}

                                                beta &=
          \quad betaMin               & \quad \text{if } da <= d2 \\
          \quad k3 + k4 \, da         & \quad \text{if } d2 < da < d3 \\
          \quad betaMax               & \quad \text{otherwise} \end{cases}

       where the calculations of k1, k2, k3, and k4 are shown in the following:

               k1 &= \frac{(dm - d1) \cdot alphaMin \cdot alphaMax}{alphaMax - alphaMin}

                    k2 &= \frac{(dm - d1) \cdot alphaMin}{alphaMax - alphaMin} - d1

                      k3 &= \frac{alphaMin \cdot d3 - alphaMax \cdot d2}{d3 - d2}

                               k4 &= \frac{alphaMax - alphaMin}{d3 - d2}

       Other parameters include da (the current average queueing delay), and Ta (the average RTT,
       calculated  as  sumRtt  /  cntRtt  in  the  implementation)  and  Tmin  (baseRtt  in   the
       implementation)  which is the minimum RTT ever seen.  dm is the maximum (average) queueing
       delay, and Tmax (maxRtt in the implementation) is the maximum RTT ever seen.

                                            da &= Ta - Tmin

                                           dm &= Tmax - Tmin

                                         d_i &= eta_i \cdot dm

       Illinois only executes its adaptation of alpha and beta  when  cwnd  exceeds  a  threshold
       called  winThresh.  Otherwise,  it  sets  alpha  and beta to the base values of 1 and 0.5,

       Following the implementation of Illinois in the Linux kernel, we use the following default
       parameter settings:

       • alphaMin = 0.3      (0.1 in the Illinois paper)

       • alphaMax = 10.0

       • betaMin = 0.125

       • betaMax = 0.5

       • winThresh = 15      (10 in the Illinois paper)

       • theta = 5

       • eta1 = 0.01

       • eta2 = 0.1

       • eta3 = 0.8

       More information:

       H-TCP  has  been  designed for high BDP (Bandwidth-Delay Product) paths. It is a dual mode
       protocol. In normal conditions, it works like  traditional  TCP  with  the  same  rate  of
       increment and decrement for the congestion window.  However, in high BDP networks, when it
       finds no congestion on the path after deltal seconds, it increases the window  size  based
       on the alpha function in the following:


       where  deltal  is  a threshold in seconds for switching between the modes and delta is the
       elapsed time from the last congestion. During congestion, it reduces the  window  size  by
       multiplying  by  beta  function provided in the reference paper. The calculated throughput
       between the last two consecutive congestion events is considered for beta calculation.

       The     transport     TcpHtcp      can      be      selected      in      the      program
       examples/tcp/  to  perform an experiment with H-TCP, although it
       is useful to increase the bandwidth in this example (e.g.  to 20 Mb/s) to create a  higher
       BDP link, such as

          ./waf --run "tcp-variants-comparison --transport_prot=TcpHtcp --bandwidth=20Mbps --duration=10"

       More information (paper):

       More information (Internet Draft):

       Low  Extra  Delay  Background Transport (LEDBAT) is an experimental delay-based congestion
       control algorithm that seeks to utilize the available  bandwidth  on  an  end-to-end  path
       while limiting the consequent increase in queueing delay on that path. LEDBAT uses changes
       in one-way delay measurements to limit congestion that the  flow  itself  induces  in  the

       As a first approximation, the LEDBAT sender operates as shown below:

       On receipt of an ACK:

       ::     currentdelay  =  acknowledgement.delay  basedelay  =  min (basedelay, currentdelay)
              queuingdelay = currentdelay - basedelay  offtarget  =  (TARGET  -  queuingdelay)  /
              TARGET cWnd += GAIN * offtarget * bytesnewlyacked * MSS / cWnd

       TARGET  is the maximum queueing delay that LEDBAT itself may introduce in the network, and
       GAIN determines the rate at  which  the  cwnd  responds  to  changes  in  queueing  delay;
       offtarget  is  a normalized value representing the difference between the measured current
       queueing delay and the predetermined TARGET delay. offtarget can be positive or  negative;
       consequently, cwnd increases or decreases in proportion to offtarget.

       Following the recommendation of RFC 6817, the default values of the parameters are:

       • TargetDelay = 100

       • baseHistoryLen = 10

       • noiseFilterLen = 4

       • Gain = 1

       To enable LEDBAT on all TCP sockets, the following configuration can be used:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::TcpL4Protocol::SocketType", TypeIdValue (TcpLedbat::GetTypeId ()));

       To enable LEDBAT on a chosen TCP socket, the following configuration can be used:

          Config::Set ("$ns3::NodeListPriv/NodeList/1/$ns3::TcpL4Protocol/SocketType", TypeIdValue (TcpLedbat::GetTypeId ()));

       The following unit tests have been written to validate the implementation of LEDBAT:

       • LEDBAT should operate same as NewReno during slow start

       • LEDBAT should operate same as NewReno if timestamps are disabled

       • Test to validate cwnd increment in LEDBAT

       In  comparison to RFC 6817, the scope and limitations of the current LEDBAT implementation

       • It assumes that the clocks on the sender side and receiver side are synchronised

       • In line with Linux implementation, the one-way delay is calculated at the sender side by
         using the timestamps option in TCP header

       • Only the MIN function is used for noise filtering

       More      information      about      LEDBAT     is     available     in     RFC     6817:

       TCP-Low Priority (TCP-LP) is a delay based congestion control protocol in  which  the  low
       priority  data utilizes only the excess bandwidth available on an end-to-end path.  TCP-LP
       uses one way delay measurements as an indicator of congestion as  it  does  not  influence
       cross-traffic in the reverse direction.

       On receipt of an ACK:

                   One way delay = Receiver timestamp - Receiver timestamp echo reply
       Smoothed  one  way  delay  =  7/8  *  Old  Smoothed one way delay + 1/8 * one way delay If
       smoothed one way delay > owdMin + 15 * (owdMax - owdMin) / 100
         if LP_WITHIN_INF
           cwnd = 1
           cwnd = cwnd / 2
         Inference timer is set

       where owdMin and owdMax are the minimum and maximum one way delays experienced  throughout
       the connection, LP_WITHIN_INF indicates if TCP-LP is in inference phase or not

       More information (paper):

   Data Center TCP (DCTCP)
       DCTCP,  specified  in  RFC  8257  and  implemented  in  Linux, is a TCP congestion control
       algorithm for data center networks.  It leverages Explicit Congestion  Notification  (ECN)
       to provide more fine-grained congestion feedback to the end hosts, and is intended to work
       with routers that implement a shallow congestion marking threshold (on the order of a  few
       milliseconds)  to  achieve  high  throughput  and low latency in the datacenter.  However,
       because DCTCP does not react in the same way to notification  of  congestion  experienced,
       there  are coexistence (fairness) issues between it and legacy TCP congestion controllers,
       which is why it is recommended to only be used in controlled networking environments  such
       as within data centers.

       DCTCP  extends  the  Explicit  Congestion  Notification signal to estimate the fraction of
       bytes that encounter congestion, rather than simply  detecting  that  the  congestion  has
       occurred.  DCTCP  then  scales the congestion window based on this estimate. This approach
       achieves high burst tolerance, low latency,  and  high  throughput  with  shallow-buffered

       • Receiver  functionality: If CE is observed in the IP header of an incoming packet at the
         TCP receiver, the receiver sends congestion notification to the sender by setting ECE in
         TCP  header.  This  processing  is different from standard receiver ECN processing which
         sets and holds the ECE bit for every ACK until it observes a CWR  signal  from  the  TCP

       • Sender  functionality:  The  sender  makes use of the modified receiver ECE semantics to
         maintain an estimate of the fraction of packets marked (\alpha) by using the exponential
         weighted moving average (EWMA) as shown below:

                                   \alpha = (1 - g) * \alpha + g * F

       In the above EWMA:

       • g is the estimation gain (between 0 and 1)

       • F is the fraction of packets marked in current RTT.

       For  send  windows  in which at least one ACK was received with ECE set, the sender should
       respond by reducing the congestion window as follows, once for every window of data:

                                     cwnd = cwnd * (1 - \alpha / 2)

       Following the recommendation of RFC 8257, the default values of the parameters are:

                                        g = 0.0625 (i.e., 1/16)

       initial alpha (\alpha) = 1

       To enable DCTCP on all TCP sockets, the following configuration can be used:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::TcpL4Protocol::SocketType", TypeIdValue (TcpDctcp::GetTypeId ()));

       To enable DCTCP on a selected  node,  one  can  set  the  “SocketType”  attribute  on  the
       TcpL4Protocol object of that node to the TcpDctcp TypeId.

       The  ECN  is enabled automatically when DCTCP is used, even if the user has not explicitly
       enabled it.

       DCTCP depends on a simple queue  management  algorithm  in  routers  /  switches  to  mark
       packets.  The  current  implementation  of  DCTCP  in  ns-3  can  use  RED  with  a simple
       configuration to achieve the behavior of desired queue management algorithm.

       To configure RED router for DCTCP:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::UseEcn", BooleanValue (true));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QW", DoubleValue (1.0));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MinTh", DoubleValue (16));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MaxTh", DoubleValue (16));

       There is also the option, when running CoDel or FqCoDel, to enable ECN on the queue and to
       set the “CeThreshold” value to a low value such as 1ms.  The following example uses CoDel:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::CoDelQueueDisc::UseEcn", BooleanValue (true));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::CoDelQueueDisc::CeThreshold", TimeValue (MilliSeconds (1)));

       The following unit tests have been written to validate the implementation of DCTCP:

       • ECT flags should be set for SYN, SYN+ACK, ACK and data packets for DCTCP traffic

       • ECT  flags should not be set for SYN, SYN+ACK and pure ACK packets, but should be set on
         data packets for ECN enabled traditional TCP flows

       • ECE should be set only when CE flags are received at receiver and even if sender doesn’t
         send CWR, receiver should not send ECE if it doesn’t receive packets with CE flags

       An  example  program, examples/tcp/, can be used to experiment with DCTCP
       for long-running flows with different bottleneck link bandwidth, base  RTTs,  and  queuing
       disciplines.   A  variant  of  this  program  has also been run using the ns-3 Direct Code
       Execution environment using DCTCP from Linux kernel 4.4, and  the  results  were  compared
       against ns-3 results.

       An  example  program based on an experimental topology found in the original DCTCP SIGCOMM
       paper is provided in examples/tcp/  This example uses a  simple  topology
       consisting  of  forty  DCTCP senders and receivers and two ECN-enabled switches to examine
       throughput, fairness, and queue delay properties of the network.

       This implementation was tested extensively against a version of DCTCP in the Linux  kernel
       version  4.4 using the ns-3 direct code execution (DCE) environment. Some differences were

       • Linux maintains its congestion window in segments and not bytes, and the  arithmetic  is
         not floating point, so small differences in the evolution of congestion window have been

       • Linux uses pacing, where packets to be sent are paced out at regular intervals. However,
         if  at any instant the number of segments that can be sent are less than two, Linux does
         not pace them and instead sends them back-to-back. Currently, ns-3 paces out all packets
         eligible to be sent in the same manner.

       More     information     about     DCTCP     is     available    in    the    RFC    8257:

       BBR (class TcpBbr) is a congestion control algorithm that regulates the  sending  rate  by
       deriving an estimate of the bottleneck’s available bandwidth and RTT of the path. It seeks
       to operate at an optimal point where sender experiences maximum delivery rate with minimum
       RTT. It creates a network model comprising maximum delivery rate with minimum RTT observed
       so far, and then estimates BDP (maximum bandwidth * minimum RTT) to  control  the  maximum
       amount of inflight data. BBR controls congestion by limiting the rate at which packets are
       sent. It caps the cwnd to one BDP and paces out packets at a rate which is adjusted  based
       on  the  latest  estimate of delivery rate. BBR algorithm is agnostic to packet losses and
       ECN marks.

       pacing_gain controls the rate of sending data and cwnd_gain controls the amount of data to

       The following is a high level overview of BBR congestion control algorithm:

       On receiving an ACK:
              rtt   =   now   -   packet.sent_time   update_minimum_rtt   (rtt)  delivery_rate  =
              estimate_delivery_rate (packet) update_maximum_bandwidth (delivery_rate)

       After transmitting a data packet:
              bdp = max_bandwidth * min_rtt if (cwnd * bdp < inflight)

              if (now > nextSendTime)

                     {      transmit (packet) nextSendTime = now + packet.size /  (pacing_gain  *


              else   return

              Schedule (nextSendTime, Send)

       To enable BBR on all TCP sockets, the following configuration can be used:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::TcpL4Protocol::SocketType", TypeIdValue (TcpBbr::GetTypeId ()));

       To  enable  BBR on a chosen TCP socket, the following configuration can be used (note that
       an appropriate Node ID must be used instead of 1):

          Config::Set ("$ns3::NodeListPriv/NodeList/1/$ns3::TcpL4Protocol/SocketType", TypeIdValue (TcpBbr::GetTypeId ()));

       The ns-3 implementation of BBR is based on its  Linux  implementation.  Linux  5.4  kernel
       implementation  has  been used to validate the behavior of ns-3 implementation of BBR (See
       below section on Validation).

       In addition, the following unit tests have been written to validate the implementation  of
       BBR in ns-3:

       • BBR should enable (if not already done) TCP pacing feature.

       • Test to validate the values of pacing_gain and cwnd_gain in different phases

       of BBR.

       An  example  program,  examples/tcp/, is provided to experiment with BBR
       for one long running flow. This example uses a simple topology consisting of  one  sender,
       one receiver and two routers to examine congestion window, throughput and queue control. A
       program similar to this has been run using the Network Stack Tester (NeST) using BBR  from
       Linux kernel 5.4, and the results were compared against ns-3 results.

       More   information   about   BBR   is   available   in   the   following  Internet  Draft:

       More  information  about  Delivery  Rate   Estimation   is   in   the   following   draft:

       For an academic peer-reviewed paper on the BBR implementation in ns-3, please refer to:

       • Vivek  Jain,  Viyom Mittal and Mohit P. Tahiliani. “Design and Implementation of TCP BBR
         in  ns-3.”  In  Proceedings  of  the  10th  Workshop  on  ns-3,  pp.  16-22.  2018.   (‐

   Support for Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)
       ECN  provides  end-to-end  notification of network congestion without dropping packets. It
       uses two bits in the IP header: ECN Capable Transport (ECT bit) and Congestion Experienced
       (CE  bit),  and  two  bits in the TCP header: Congestion Window Reduced (CWR) and ECN Echo

       More information is available in RFC 3168:

       The following ECN states are declared in src/internet/model/tcp-socket-state.h

          typedef enum
              ECN_DISABLED = 0, //!< ECN disabled traffic
              ECN_IDLE,         //!< ECN is enabled but currently there is no action pertaining to ECE or CWR to be taken
              ECN_CE_RCVD,      //!< Last packet received had CE bit set in IP header
              ECN_SENDING_ECE,  //!< Receiver sends an ACK with ECE bit set in TCP header
              ECN_ECE_RCVD,     //!< Last ACK received had ECE bit set in TCP header
              ECN_CWR_SENT      //!< Sender has reduced the congestion window, and sent a packet with CWR bit set in TCP header. This is used for tracing.
            } EcnStates_t;

       Current implementation of ECN is based on RFC 3168 and is referred as Classic ECN.

       The following enum represents the mode of ECN:

          typedef enum
              ClassicEcn,  //!< ECN functionality as described in RFC 3168.
              DctcpEcn,    //!< ECN functionality as described in RFC 8257. Note: this mode is specific to DCTCP.
            } EcnMode_t;

       The following are some important ECN parameters:

          // ECN parameters
          EcnMode_t              m_ecnMode {ClassicEcn}; //!< ECN mode
          UseEcn_t               m_useEcn {Off};         //!< Socket ECN capability

   Enabling ECN
       By default, support for ECN is disabled in TCP sockets. To enable, change the value of the
       attribute  ns3::TcpSocketBase::UseEcn to On.  Following are supported values for the same,
       this          functionality           is           aligned           with           Linux:

          typedef enum
              Off        = 0,   //!< Disable
              On         = 1,   //!< Enable
              AcceptOnly = 2,   //!< Enable only when the peer endpoint is ECN capable
            } UseEcn_t;

       For example:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::TcpSocketBase::UseEcn", StringValue ("On"))

   ECN negotiation
       ECN capability is negotiated during the three-way TCP handshake:

       1. Sender sends SYN + CWR + ECE

          if (m_useEcn == UseEcn_t::On)
              SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::SYN | TcpHeader::ECE | TcpHeader::CWR);
              SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::SYN);
          m_ecnState = ECN_DISABLED;

       2. Receiver sends SYN + ACK + ECE

          if (m_useEcn != UseEcn_t::Off && (tcpHeader.GetFlags () & (TcpHeader::CWR | TcpHeader::ECE)) == (TcpHeader::CWR | TcpHeader::ECE))
              SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::SYN | TcpHeader::ACK |TcpHeader::ECE);
              m_ecnState = ECN_IDLE;
              SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::SYN | TcpHeader::ACK);
              m_ecnState = ECN_DISABLED;

       3. Sender sends ACK

          if (m_useEcn != UseEcn_t::Off &&  (tcpHeader.GetFlags () & (TcpHeader::CWR | TcpHeader::ECE)) == (TcpHeader::ECE))
              m_ecnState = ECN_IDLE;
              m_ecnState = ECN_DISABLED;

       Once the ECN-negotiation is successful, the sender sends data packets with ECT bits set in
       the IP header.

       Note: As mentioned in Section 6.1.1 of RFC 3168, ECT bits should not  be  set  during  ECN
       negotiation. The ECN negotiation implemented in ns-3 follows this guideline.

   ECN State Transitions
       1. Initially both sender and receiver have their m_ecnState set as ECN_DISABLED

       2. Once the ECN negotiation is successful, their states are set to ECN_IDLE

       3. The  receiver’s state changes to ECN_CE_RCVD when it receives a packet with CE bit set.
          The state then moves to ECN_SENDING_ECE when the receiver sends an ACK  with  ECE  set.
          This  state is retained until a CWR is received , following which, the state changes to

       4. When the sender receives an ACK with ECE bit set from receiver, its  state  is  set  as

       5. The  sender’s state changes to ECN_CWR_SENT when it sends a packet with CWR bit set. It
          remains in this state until an ACK with valid ECE is received (i.e.,  ECE  is  received
          for  a  packet  that  belongs  to  a new window), following which, its state changes to

   RFC 3168 compliance
       Based  on  the  suggestions  provided  in  RFC  3168,  the  following  behavior  has  been

       1. Pure ACK packets should not have the ECT bit set (Section 6.1.4).

       2. In the current implementation, the sender only sends ECT(0) in the IP header.

       3. The sender should should reduce the congestion window only once in each window (Section

       4. The receiver should ignore the CE bits set in a packet arriving out of window  (Section

       5. The sender should ignore the ECE bits set in the packet arriving out of window (Section

   Open issues
       The following issues are yet to be addressed:

       1. Retransmitted packets should not have the CWR bit set (Section 6.1.5).

       2. Despite the congestion window size being 1 MSS, the sender should reduce its congestion
          window  by  half  when it receives a packet with the ECE bit set. The sender must reset
          the retransmit timer on receiving the ECN-Echo packet when  the  congestion  window  is
          one.  The  sending  TCP will then be able to send a new packet only when the retransmit
          timer expires (Section 6.1.2).

       3. Support for separately handling the enabling of ECN on the incoming  and  outgoing  TCP
          sessions  (e.g.  a  TCP  may  perform ECN echoing but not set the ECT codepoints on its
          outbound data segments).

   Support for Dynamic Pacing
       TCP pacing refers to the sender-side practice of scheduling the transmission of a burst of
       eligible TCP segments across a time interval such as a TCP RTT, to avoid or reduce bursts.
       Historically, TCP used the natural ACK clocking  mechanism  to  pace  segments,  but  some
       network  paths  introduce aggregation (bursts of ACKs arriving) or ACK thinning, either of
       which disrupts ACK clocking.  Some latency-sensitive congestion controls under development
       (Prague, BBR) require pacing to operate effectively.

       Until recently, the state of the art in Linux was to support pacing in one of two ways:

       1. fq/pacing with sch_fq

       2. TCP internal pacing

       The     presentation     by     Dumazet    and    Cheng    at    IETF    88    summarizes:

       The first option was most often used when offloading (TSO) was enabled and when the sch_fq
       scheduler  was  used  at  the  traffic  control  (qdisc)  sublayer.  In this case, TCP was
       responsible for setting the socket pacing rate, but the qdisc sublayer would  enforce  it.
       When  TSO  was  enabled,  the  kernel  would break a large burst into smaller chunks, with
       dynamic sizing based on the pacing rate, and hand off the segments to  the  fq  qdisc  for

       The  second  option  was  used  if  sch_fq  was  not enabled; TCP would be responsible for
       internally pacing.

       In    2018,    Linux    switched    to     an     Early     Departure     Model     (EDM):

       TCP  pacing in Linux was added in kernel 3.12, and authors chose to allow a pacing rate of
       200% against the current rate, to allow probing for optimal throughput  even  during  slow
       start         phase.          Some         refinements         were        added        in,
       in  which  Google  reported  that  it  was  better  to  apply  a different ratio (120%) in
       Congestion Avoidance phase.  Furthermore, authors found that after cwnd reduction, it  was
       helpful to become more conservative and switch to the conservative ratio (120%) as soon as
       cwnd >= ssthresh/2, as the initial ramp  up  (when  ssthresh  is  infinite)  still  allows
       doubling  cwnd  every  other  RTT.   Linux  also  does  not  pace the initial window (IW),
       typically 10 segments in practice.

       Linux has also been observed to not pace if the number of eligible segments to be sent  is
       exactly  two;  they  will  be sent back to back.  If three or more, the first two are sent
       immediately, and additional segments are paced at the current pacing rate.

       In ns-3, the model is as follows.  There is no  TSO/sch_fq  model;  only  internal  pacing
       according to current Linux policy.

       Pacing  may  be  enabled  for any TCP congestion control, and a maximum pacing rate can be
       set.  Furthermore, dynamic pacing is enabled  for  all  TCP  variants,  according  to  the
       following guidelines.

       • Pacing of the initial window (IW) is not done by default but can be separately enabled.

       • Pacing of the initial slow start, after IW, is done according to the pacing rate of 200%
         of the current rate, to allow for window growth This pacing rate can be configured to  a
         different value than 200%.

       • Pacing  of  congestion avoidance phase is done at a pacing rate of 120% of current rate.
         This can be configured to a different value than 120%.

       • Pacing of subsequent slow start is done according to the following heuristic.  If cwnd <
         ssthresh/2,  such as after a timeout or idle period, pace at the slow start rate (200%).
         Otherwise, pace at the congestion avoidance rate.

       Dynamic pacing is demonstrated by the example program examples/tcp/

       The following tests are found in the src/internet/test directory. In  general,  TCP  tests
       inherit  from  a  class  called TcpGeneralTest, which provides common operations to set up
       test scenarios involving TCP objects. For more information on how to write new tests,  see
       the section below on Writing TCP tests.

       • tcp: Basic transmission of string of data from client to server

       • tcp-bytes-in-flight-test: TCP correctly estimates bytes in flight under loss conditions

       • tcp-cong-avoid-test: TCP congestion avoidance for different packet sizes

       • tcp-datasentcb: Check TCP’s ‘data sent’ callback

       • tcp-endpoint-bug2211-test: A test for an issue that was causing stack overflow

       • tcp-fast-retr-test: Fast Retransmit testing

       • tcp-header: Unit tests on the TCP header

       • tcp-highspeed-test: Unit tests on the HighSpeed congestion control

       • tcp-htcp-test: Unit tests on the H-TCP congestion control

       • tcp-hybla-test: Unit tests on the Hybla congestion control

       • tcp-vegas-test: Unit tests on the Vegas congestion control

       • tcp-veno-test: Unit tests on the Veno congestion control

       • tcp-scalable-test: Unit tests on the Scalable congestion control

       • tcp-bic-test: Unit tests on the BIC congestion control

       • tcp-yeah-test: Unit tests on the YeAH congestion control

       • tcp-illinois-test: Unit tests on the Illinois congestion control

       • tcp-ledbat-test: Unit tests on the LEDBAT congestion control

       • tcp-lp-test: Unit tests on the TCP-LP congestion control

       • tcp-dctcp-test: Unit tests on the DCTCP congestion control

       • tcp-bbr-test: Unit tests on the BBR congestion control

       • tcp-option: Unit tests on TCP options

       • tcp-pkts-acked-test: Unit test the number of time that PktsAcked is called

       • tcp-rto-test: Unit test behavior after a RTO occurs

       • tcp-rtt-estimation-test: Check RTT calculations, including retransmission cases

       • tcp-slow-start-test: Check behavior of slow start

       • tcp-timestamp: Unit test on the timestamp option

       • tcp-wscaling: Unit test on the window scaling option

       • tcp-zero-window-test: Unit test persist behavior for zero window conditions

       • tcp-close-test:  Unit test on the socket closing: both receiver and sender have to close
         their socket when all bytes are transferred

       • tcp-ecn-test: Unit tests on Explicit Congestion Notification

       • tcp-pacing-test: Unit tests on dynamic TCP pacing rate

       Several tests have dependencies outside of the internet module, so they are located  in  a
       system  test directory called src/test/ns3tcp. Three of these six tests involve use of the
       Network Simulation Cradle, and are disabled if NSC is not enabled in the build.

       • ns3-tcp-cwnd:  Check  to  see  that  ns-3   TCP   congestion   control   works   against implementation

       • ns3-tcp-interoperability:    Check   to   see   that   ns-3   TCP   interoperates   with implementation

       • ns3-tcp-loss: Check behavior of ns-3 TCP upon packet losses

       • nsc-tcp-loss: Check behavior of NSC TCP upon packet losses

       • ns3-tcp-no-delay: Check that ns-3 TCP Nagle’s algorithm works correctly and that it  can
         be disabled

       • ns3-tcp-socket:  Check that ns-3 TCP successfully transfers an application data write of
         various sizes

       • ns3-tcp-state: Check the operation of the TCP state machine for several cases

       Several TCP validation test results can also be found in the  wiki  page  describing  this

       The ns-3 implementation of TCP Linux Reno was validated against the NewReno implementation
       of Linux kernel 4.4.0 using ns-3 Direct Code Execution (DCE).  DCE is  a  framework  which
       allows  the  users  to  run  kernel space protocol inside ns-3 without changing the source

       In this validation, cwnd traces of DCE Linux reno were compared to  those  of  ns-3  Linux
       Reno  and  NewReno  for  a delayed acknowledgement configuration of 1 segment (in the ns-3
       implementation; Linux does not allow direct configuration of  this  setting).  It  can  be
       observed that cwnd traces for ns-3 Linux Reno are closely overlapping with DCE reno, while
       for ns-3 NewReno there was deviation in the congestion avoidance phase.
         [image] DCE Linux Reno vs. ns-3 Linux Reno.UNINDENT
         [image] DCE Linux Reno vs. ns-3 NewReno.UNINDENT

         The difference in the cwnd in the early stage of this flow is because of the way cwnd is
         plotted.   As  ns-3  provides a trace source for cwnd, an ns-3 Linux Reno cwnd simple is
         obtained every time the cwnd value changes, whereas for DCE Linux Reno, the kernel  does
         not  have  a  corresponding trace source.  Instead, we use the “ss” command of the Linux
         kernel to obtain cwnd values. The “ss” samples cwnd at an interval of 0.5 seconds.

         Figure  DCTCP  throughput  for  10ms/50Mbps  bottleneck,  1ms  CE  threshold   shows   a
         long-running  file  transfer  using DCTCP over a 50 Mbps bottleneck (running CoDel queue
         disc with a 1ms CE threshold setting) with a 10 ms base  RTT.   The  figure  shows  that
         DCTCP  reaches  link capacity very quickly and stays there for the duration with minimal
         change in throughput.  In contrast, Figure DCTCP throughput for 80ms/50Mbps  bottleneck,
         1ms  CE  threshold  plots the throughput for the same configuration except with an 80 ms
         base RTT.  In this case, the DCTCP exits slow start early and takes a long time to build
         the  flow  throughput to the bottleneck link capacity.  DCTCP is not intended to be used
         at such a large base RTT, but this figure highlights the sensitivity to RTT (and can  be
         reproduced using the Linux implementation).
         [image] DCTCP throughput for 10ms/50Mbps bottleneck, 1ms CE threshold.UNINDENT
         [image] DCTCP throughput for 80ms/50Mbps bottleneck, 1ms CE threshold.UNINDENT

         Similar  to  DCTCP,  TCP  CUBIC  has  been  tested  against the Linux kernel version 4.4
         implementation.  Figure CUBIC cwnd evolution for 50ms/50Mbps bottleneck, no ECN compares
         the  congestion window evolution between ns-3 and Linux for a single flow operating over
         a 50 Mbps link with 50 ms base RTT and the CoDel AQM.  Some differences can be  observed
         between  the  peak of slow start window growth (ns-3 exits slow start earlier due to its
         HyStart implementation), and the window growth is  a  bit  out-of-sync  (likely  due  to
         different  implementations  of  the  algorithm),  but  the  cubic  concave/convex window
         pattern, and the signs of TCP CUBIC fast convergence algorithm (alternating patterns  of
         cubic  and  concave  window  growth)  can  be  observed.   The ns-3 congestion window is
         maintained in bytes (unlike Linux which  uses  segments)  but  has  been  normalized  to
         segments  for these plots.  Figure CUBIC cwnd evolution for 50ms/50Mbps bottleneck, with
         ECN displays the outcome of a similar scenario but with ECN enabled throughout.
         [image] CUBIC cwnd evolution for 50ms/50Mbps bottleneck, no ECN.UNINDENT
         [image] CUBIC cwnd evolution for 50ms/50Mbps bottleneck, with ECN.UNINDENT

         TCP ECN operation is tested in the ARED  and  RED  tests  that  are  documented  in  the
         traffic-control module documentation.

         Like  DCTCP  and TCP CUBIC, the ns-3 implementation of TCP BBR was validated against the
         BBR implementation of Linux kernel 5.4 using Network Stack  Tester  (NeST).  NeST  is  a
         python  package  which  allows  the  users to emulate kernel space protocols using Linux
         network namespaces. Figure Congestion window evolution: ns-3 BBR vs.  Linux  BBR  (using
         NeST)  compares the congestion window evolution between ns-3 and Linux for a single flow
         operating over a 10 Mbps link with 10 ms base RTT and FIFO queue discipline.
         [image] Congestion window evolution: ns-3 BBR vs. Linux BBR (using NeST).UNINDENT

         It can be observed that the congestion window traces for ns-3 BBR closely  overlap  with
         Linux BBR. The periodic drops in congestion window every 10 seconds depict the PROBE_RTT
         phase of the BBR algorithm. In this phase, BBR algorithm  keeps  the  congestion  window
         fixed to 4 segments.

         The  example program, examples/ has been used to obtain the congestion
         window curve shown in Figure Congestion window evolution: ns-3 BBR vs. Linux BBR  (using
         NeST).  The  detailed instructions to reproduce ns-3 plot and NeST plot can be found at:

   Writing a new congestion control algorithm
       Writing (or porting) a congestion control algorithms from scratch (or from other  systems)
       is a process completely separated from the internals of TcpSocketBase.

       All  operations  that  are  delegated  to  a congestion control are contained in the class
       TcpCongestionOps. It mimics the structure tcp_congestion_ops of Linux, and  the  following
       operations are defined:

          virtual std::string GetName () const;
          virtual uint32_t GetSsThresh (Ptr<const TcpSocketState> tcb, uint32_t bytesInFlight);
          virtual void IncreaseWindow (Ptr<TcpSocketState> tcb, uint32_t segmentsAcked);
          virtual void PktsAcked (Ptr<TcpSocketState> tcb, uint32_t segmentsAcked,const Time& rtt);
          virtual Ptr<TcpCongestionOps> Fork ();
          virtual void CwndEvent (Ptr<TcpSocketState> tcb, const TcpSocketState::TcpCaEvent_t event);

       The  most  interesting methods to write are GetSsThresh and IncreaseWindow.  The latter is
       called when TcpSocketBase decides that it is time to increase the congestion window.  Much
       information is available in the Transmission Control Block, and the method should increase
       cWnd and/or ssThresh based on the number of segments acked.

       GetSsThresh is called whenever the socket  needs  an  updated  value  of  the  slow  start
       threshold.  This  happens  after  a  loss; congestion control algorithms are then asked to
       lower such value, and to return it.

       PktsAcked is used in case the algorithm needs timing information (such as RTT), and it  is
       called each time an ACK is received.

       CwndEvent  is  used  in  case  the  algorithm  needs  the state of socket during different
       congestion window event.

   TCP SACK and non-SACK
       To avoid code duplication and the effort of maintaining two different versions of the  TCP
       core, namely RFC 6675 (TCP-SACK) and RFC 5681 (TCP congestion control), we have merged RFC
       6675 in the current code base. If the receiver supports the option, the sender  bases  its
       retransmissions  over  the  received  SACK  information.   However, in the absence of that
       option,  the  best  it  can  do  is  to  follow  the  RFC  5681  specification  (on   Fast
       Retransmit/Recovery) and employing NewReno modifications in case of partial ACKs.

       A   similar   concept   is  used  in  Linux  with  the  function  tcp_add_reno_sack.   Our
       implementation resides in the TcpTxBuffer class that implements a scoreboard  through  two
       different  lists  of segments. TcpSocketBase actively uses the API provided by TcpTxBuffer
       to query the scoreboard; please  refer  to  the  Doxygen  documentation  (and  to  in-code
       comments) if you want to learn more about this implementation.

       For  an  academic  peer-reviewed paper on the SACK implementation in ns-3, please refer to

   Loss Recovery Algorithms
       The following loss recovery algorithms are supported in ns-3 TCP.  The current default (as
       of  ns-3.32  release)  is Proportional Rate Reduction (PRR), while the default for ns-3.31
       and earlier was Classic Recovery.

   Classic Recovery
       Classic Recovery refers to the combination of NewReno  algorithm  described  in  RFC  6582
       along  with  SACK  based  loss  recovery algorithm mentioned in RFC 6675.  SACK based loss
       recovery is used when sender and receiver support SACK options.  In  the  case  when  SACK
       options are disabled, the NewReno modification handles the recovery.

       At  the start of recovery phase the congestion window is reduced diffently for NewReno and
       SACK based recovery. For NewReno the reduction is done as given below:

                                            cWnd = ssThresh

       For SACK based recovery, this is done as follows:

                             cWnd = ssThresh + (dupAckCount * segmentSize)

       While in the recovery phase, the congestion window is inflated by segmentSize  on  arrival
       of every ACK when NewReno is used. The congestion window is kept same when SACK based loss
       recovery is used.

   Proportional Rate Reduction
       Proportional Rate Reduction (PRR) is a loss recovery algorithm described in RFC  6937  and
       currently used in Linux. The design of PRR helps in avoiding excess window adjustments and
       aims to keep the congestion window as close as possible to ssThresh.

       PRR updates the congestion window by comparing the values of bytesInFlight  and  ssThresh.
       If  the  value  of bytesInFlight is greater than ssThresh, congestion window is updated as
       shown below:

                      sndcnt = CEIL(prrDelivered * ssThresh / RecoverFS) - prrOut

                                          cWnd = pipe + sndcnt

       where RecoverFS is the value of bytesInFlight at the start of recovery phase, prrDelivered
       is  the total bytes delivered during recovery phase, prrOut is the total bytes sent during
       recovery phase and sndcnt represents the number of bytes to be sent in  response  to  each

       Otherwise,  the  congestion window is updated by either using Conservative Reduction Bound
       (CRB) or Slow Start Reduction Bound (SSRB) with SSRB being the  default  Reduction  Bound.
       Each  Reduction  Bound  calculates  a  maximum  data sending limit.  For CRB, the limit is
       calculated as shown below:

                                     limit = prrDelivered - prr out

       For SSRB, it is calculated as:

                        limit = MAX(prrDelivered - prrOut, DeliveredData) + MSS

       where DeliveredData represets the total number of  bytes  delivered  to  the  receiver  as
       indicated by the current ACK and MSS is the maximum segment size.

       After limit calculation, the cWnd is updated as given below:

                                 sndcnt = MIN (ssThresh - pipe, limit)

                                          cWnd = pipe + sndcnt

       More information (paper):

       More information (RFC):

   Adding a new loss recovery algorithm in ns-3
       Writing  (or porting) a loss recovery algorithms from scratch (or from other systems) is a
       process completely separated from the internals of TcpSocketBase.

       All operations that  are  delegated  to  a  loss  recovery  are  contained  in  the  class
       TcpRecoveryOps and are given below:

          virtual std::string GetName () const;
          virtual void EnterRecovery (Ptr<const TcpSocketState> tcb, uint32_t unAckDataCount,
                                      bool isSackEnabled, uint32_t dupAckCount,
                                      uint32_t bytesInFlight, uint32_t lastDeliveredBytes);
          virtual void DoRecovery (Ptr<const TcpSocketState> tcb, uint32_t unAckDataCount,
                                   bool isSackEnabled, uint32_t dupAckCount,
                                   uint32_t bytesInFlight, uint32_t lastDeliveredBytes);
          virtual void ExitRecovery (Ptr<TcpSocketState> tcb, uint32_t bytesInFlight);
          virtual void UpdateBytesSent (uint32_t bytesSent);
          virtual Ptr<TcpRecoveryOps> Fork ();

       EnterRecovery  is called when packet loss is detected and recovery is triggered.  While in
       recovery phase, each time when an ACK arrives, DoRecovery is  called  which  performs  the
       necessary congestion window changes as per the recovery algorithm.  ExitRecovery is called
       just prior to exiting recovery phase in order to perform the  required  congestion  window
       ajustments.  UpdateBytesSent  is used to keep track of bytes sent and is called whenever a
       data packet is sent during recovery phase.

   Delivery Rate Estimation
       Current TCP implementation measures the approximate value of the delivery rate of inflight
       data based on Delivery Rate Estimation.

       As high level idea, keep in mind that the algorithm keeps track of 2 variables:

       1. delivered: Total amount of data delivered so far.

       2. deliveredStamp: Last time delivered was updated.

       When  a  packet  is  transmitted,  the  value of delivered (d0) and deliveredStamp (t0) is
       stored in its respective TcpTxItem.

       When an acknowledgement comes for this packet, the value of delivered  and  deliveredStamp
       is updated to d1 and t1 in the same TcpTxItem.

       After  processing  the acknowledgement, the rate sample is calculated and then passed to a
       congestion avoidance algorithm:

                                  delivery_rate = (d1 - d0)/(t1 - t0)

       The implementation to estimate delivery rate is  a  joint  work  between  TcpTxBuffer  and
       TcpRateOps.  For more information, please take a look at their Doxygen documentation.

       The    implementation   follows   the   Internet   draft   (Delivery   Rate   Estimation):

   Current limitations
       • TcpCongestionOps interface does not contain every possible Linux operation

   Writing TCP tests
       The TCP subsystem supports automated test cases on both socket  functions  and  congestion
       control  algorithms.  To  show  how to write tests for TCP, here we explain the process of
       creating a test case that reproduces the Bug #1571.

       The bug concerns the zero window situation, which happens when the receiver cannot  handle
       more  data.  In  this  case, it advertises a zero window, which causes the sender to pause
       transmission and wait for the receiver to increase the window.

       The sender has a timer to periodically check the receiver’s window: however, in modern TCP
       implementations,  when the receiver has freed a “significant” amount of data, the receiver
       itself sends an “active” window update, meaning that the transmission  could  be  resumed.
       Nevertheless, the sender timer is still necessary because window updates can be lost.

          During the text, we will assume some knowledge about the general design of the TCP test
          infrastructure, which is explained in detail into the Doxygen documentation. As a brief
          summary,  the strategy is to have a class that sets up a TCP connection, and that calls
          protected members of itself.  In this  way,  subclasses  can  implement  the  necessary
          members,  which  will be called by the main TcpGeneralTest class when events occur. For
          example, after processing an ACK, the method ProcessedAck will be  invoked.  Subclasses
          interested  in  checking  some particular things which must have happened during an ACK
          processing, should implement the ProcessedAck method and check the  interesting  values
          inside  the  method.  To  get  a  list  of  available methods, please check the Doxygen

       We describe the writing  of  two  test  cases,  covering  both  situations:  the  sender’s
       zero-window  probing and the receiver “active” window update. Our focus will be on dealing
       with the reported problems, which are:

       • an ns-3 receiver does not send “active” window update when its receive buffer  is  being

       • even if the window update is artificially crafted, the transmission does not resume.

       However, other things should be checked in the test:

       • Persistent timer setup

       • Persistent timer teardown if rWnd increases

       To construct the test case, one first derives from the TcpGeneralTest class:

       The code is the following:

          TcpZeroWindowTest::TcpZeroWindowTest (const std::string &desc)
             : TcpGeneralTest (desc)

       Then,  one  should  define  the  general  parameters for the TCP connection, which will be
       one-sided (one node is acting as SENDER, while the other is acting as RECEIVER):

       • Application packet size set to 500, and 20 packets in total (meaning  a  stream  of  10k

       • Segment size for both SENDER and RECEIVER set to 500 bytes

       • Initial slow start threshold set to UINT32_MAX

       • Initial congestion window for the SENDER set to 10 segments (5000 bytes)

       • Congestion control: NewReno

       We have also to define the link properties, because the above definition does not work for
       every combination of propagation delay and sender application behavior.

       • Link one-way propagation delay: 50 ms

       • Application packet generation interval: 10 ms

       • Application starting time: 20 s after the starting point

       To define the properties of the environment (e.g. properties which should  be  set  before
       the   object  creation,  such  as  propagation  delay)  one  next  implements  the  method

          TcpZeroWindowTest::ConfigureEnvironment ()
            TcpGeneralTest::ConfigureEnvironment ();
            SetAppPktCount (20);
            SetMTU (500);
            SetTransmitStart (Seconds (2.0));
            SetPropagationDelay (MilliSeconds (50));

       For other properties, set after the object creation, one can use  ConfigureProperties  ().
       The  difference  is  that  some  values, such as initial congestion window or initial slow
       start threshold, are applicable only to a single instance, not to every instance we  have.
       Usually,  methods  that  requires  an  id  and  a  value  are  meant  to  be called inside
       ConfigureProperties (). Please see the Doxygen documentation for an exhaustive list of the
       tunable properties.

          TcpZeroWindowTest::ConfigureProperties ()
            TcpGeneralTest::ConfigureProperties ();
            SetInitialCwnd (SENDER, 10);

       To see the default value for the experiment, please see the implementation of both methods
       inside TcpGeneralTest class.

          If some configuration parameters are missing, add a method called “SetSomeValue”  which
          takes as input the value only (if it is meant to be called inside ConfigureEnvironment)
          or the socket and the value (if it is meant to be called inside ConfigureProperties).

       To define a zero-window situation, we choose (by design) to initiate the connection with a
       0-byte  rx buffer. This implies that the RECEIVER, in its first SYN-ACK, advertises a zero
       window. This can be accomplished by implementing the method CreateReceiverSocket,  setting
       an Rx buffer value of 0 bytes (at line 6 of the following code):

          TcpZeroWindowTest::CreateReceiverSocket (Ptr<Node> node)
            Ptr<TcpSocketMsgBase> socket = TcpGeneralTest::CreateReceiverSocket (node);

            socket->SetAttribute("RcvBufSize", UintegerValue (0));
            Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0),
                                 &TcpZeroWindowTest::IncreaseBufSize, this);

            return socket;

       Even  so,  to check the active window update, we should schedule an increase of the buffer
       size. We do this at line 7 and 8, scheduling the function IncreaseBufSize.

          TcpZeroWindowTest::IncreaseBufSize ()
            SetRcvBufSize (RECEIVER, 2500);

       Which utilizes the SetRcvBufSize method to edit the RxBuffer object of  the  RECEIVER.  As
       said  before,  check the Doxygen documentation for class TcpGeneralTest to be aware of the
       various possibilities that it offers.

          By design, we choose  to  maintain  a  close  relationship  between  TcpSocketBase  and
          TcpGeneralTest:  they  are  connected by a friendship relation. Since friendship is not
          passed through inheritance, if one discovers that one needs to access or  to  modify  a
          private (or protected) member of TcpSocketBase, one can do so by adding a method in the
          class TcpGeneralSocket. An example  of  such  method  is  SetRcvBufSize,  which  allows
          TcpGeneralSocket subclasses to forcefully set the RxBuffer size.

              TcpGeneralTest::SetRcvBufSize (SocketWho who, uint32_t size)
                if (who == SENDER)
                    m_senderSocket->SetRcvBufSize (size);
                else if (who == RECEIVER)
                    m_receiverSocket->SetRcvBufSize (size);
                    NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Not defined");

       Next, we can start to follow the TCP connection:

       1. At  time 0.0 s the connection is opened sender side, with a SYN packet sent from SENDER
          to RECEIVER

       2. At time 0.05 s the RECEIVER gets the SYN and replies with a SYN-ACK

       3. At time 0.10 s the SENDER gets the SYN-ACK and replies with a SYN.

       While the general structure is defined, and the connection is started, we need to define a
       way  to check the rWnd field on the segments. To this aim, we can implement the methods Rx
       and Tx in the TcpGeneralTest subclass, checking each time the actions of the RECEIVER  and
       the  SENDER.  These methods are defined in TcpGeneralTest, and they are attached to the Rx
       and Tx traces in the TcpSocketBase. One should write small tests for every detail that one
       wants  to  ensure  during  the connection (it will prevent the test from changing over the
       time, and it ensures that the behavior will stay consistent through releases). We start by
       ensuring that the first SYN-ACK has 0 as advertised window size:

          TcpZeroWindowTest::Tx(const Ptr<const Packet> p, const TcpHeader &h, SocketWho who)
            else if (who == RECEIVER)
                NS_LOG_INFO ("\tRECEIVER TX " << h << " size " << p->GetSize());

                if (h.GetFlags () & TcpHeader::SYN)
                    NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (h.GetWindowSize(), 0,
                                           "RECEIVER window size is not 0 in the SYN-ACK");

       Pratically,  we are checking that every SYN packet sent by the RECEIVER has the advertised
       window set to 0. The same thing is done also by checking, in the Rx method, that each  SYN
       received  by  SENDER  has the advertised window set to 0.  Thanks to the log subsystem, we
       can print what is happening through messages.  If we  run  the  experiment,  enabling  the
       logging, we can see the following:

          ./waf shell
          gdb --args ./build/utils/ns3-dev-test-runner-debug --test-name=tcp-zero-window-test --stop-on-failure --fullness=QUICK --assert-on-failure --verbose
          (gdb) run

          0.00s TcpZeroWindowTestSuite:Tx(): 0.00      SENDER TX 49153 > 4477 [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=32768 ns3::TcpOptionWinScale(2) ns3::TcpOptionTS(0;0) size 36
          0.05s TcpZeroWindowTestSuite:Rx(): 0.05      RECEIVER RX 49153 > 4477 [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=32768 ns3::TcpOptionWinScale(2) ns3::TcpOptionTS(0;0) ns3::TcpOptionEnd(EOL) size 0
          0.05s TcpZeroWindowTestSuite:Tx(): 0.05      RECEIVER TX 4477 > 49153 [SYN|ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=0 ns3::TcpOptionWinScale(0) ns3::TcpOptionTS(50;0) size 36
          0.10s TcpZeroWindowTestSuite:Rx(): 0.10      SENDER RX 4477 > 49153 [SYN|ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=0 ns3::TcpOptionWinScale(0) ns3::TcpOptionTS(50;0) ns3::TcpOptionEnd(EOL) size 0
          0.10s TcpZeroWindowTestSuite:Tx(): 0.10      SENDER TX 49153 > 4477 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=32768 ns3::TcpOptionTS(100;50) size 32
          0.15s TcpZeroWindowTestSuite:Rx(): 0.15      RECEIVER RX 49153 > 4477 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=32768 ns3::TcpOptionTS(100;50) ns3::TcpOptionEnd(EOL) size 0

       The output is cut to show the threeway handshake. As we can see from the headers, the rWnd
       of RECEIVER is set to 0, and thankfully our tests are not failing.  Now we  need  to  test
       for  the  persistent  timer,  which  should be started by the SENDER after it receives the
       SYN-ACK. Since the Rx method is called before any computation on the received  packet,  we
       should  utilize another method, namely ProcessedAck, which is the method called after each
       processed ACK. In the following, we show how to check if the persistent event  is  running
       after the processing of the SYN-ACK:

          TcpZeroWindowTest::ProcessedAck (const Ptr<const TcpSocketState> tcb,
                                           const TcpHeader& h, SocketWho who)
            if (who == SENDER)
                if (h.GetFlags () & TcpHeader::SYN)
                    EventId persistentEvent = GetPersistentEvent (SENDER);
                    NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (persistentEvent.IsRunning (), true,
                                           "Persistent event not started");

       Since  we programmed the increase of the buffer size after 10 simulated seconds, we expect
       the persistent timer to fire before any rWnd changes. When it  fires,  the  SENDER  should
       send  a  window  probe,  and  the  receiver  should  reply  reporting  again a zero window
       situation. At first, we investigates on what the sender sends:

            if (Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () <= 6.0)
                NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (p->GetSize () - h.GetSerializedSize(), 0,
                                       "Data packet sent anyway");
            else if (Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () > 6.0 &&
                     Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () <= 7.0)
                NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_zeroWindowProbe, false, "Sent another probe");

                if (! m_zeroWindowProbe)
                    NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (p->GetSize () - h.GetSerializedSize(), 1,
                                           "Data packet sent instead of window probe");
                    NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (h.GetSequenceNumber(), SequenceNumber32 (1),
                                           "Data packet sent instead of window probe");
                    m_zeroWindowProbe = true;

       We divide the events by simulated time. At line 1, we check everything that happens before
       the  6.0  seconds  mark;  for  instance, that no data packets are sent, and that the state
       remains OPEN for both sender and receiver.

       Since the persist timeout is initialized at 6 seconds (exercise left for the reader:  edit
       the test, getting this value from the Attribute system), we need to check (line 6) between
       6.0 and 7.0 simulated seconds that the probe is sent.  Only one probe is allowed, and this
       is the reason for the check at line 11.

          if (Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () > 6.0 &&
              Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () <= 7.0)
              NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (h.GetSequenceNumber(), SequenceNumber32 (1),
                                     "Data packet sent instead of window probe");
              NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (h.GetWindowSize(), 0,
                                     "No zero window advertised by RECEIVER");

       For  the RECEIVER, the interval between 6 and 7 seconds is when the zero-window segment is

       Other checks are redundant; the safest approach is  to  deny  any  other  packet  exchange
       between the 7 and 10 seconds mark.

          else if (Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () > 7.0 &&
                   Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () < 10.0)
              NS_FATAL_ERROR ("No packets should be sent before the window update");

       The  state  checks  are performed at the end of the methods, since they are valid in every

          NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (GetCongStateFrom (GetTcb(SENDER)), TcpSocketState::CA_OPEN,
                                 "Sender State is not OPEN");
          NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (GetCongStateFrom (GetTcb(RECEIVER)), TcpSocketState::CA_OPEN,
                                 "Receiver State is not OPEN");

       Now, the interesting part in the Tx method is to check that after the  10.0  seconds  mark
       (when  the  RECEIVER  sends  the  active  window update) the value of the window should be
       greater than zero (and precisely, set to 2500):

          else if (Simulator::Now().GetSeconds() >= 10.0)
              NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (h.GetWindowSize(), 2500,
                                     "Receiver window not updated");

       To be sure that the sender receives the window update, we can use the Rx method:

          if (Simulator::Now().GetSeconds() >= 10.0)
              NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (h.GetWindowSize(), 2500,
                                     "Receiver window not updated");
              m_windowUpdated = true;

       We check every packet after the 10 seconds mark to see if it has the  window  updated.  At
       line  5,  we  also set to true a boolean variable, to check that we effectively reach this

       Last but not least, we  implement  also  the  NormalClose()  method,  to  check  that  the
       connection ends with a success:

          TcpZeroWindowTest::NormalClose (SocketWho who)
            if (who == SENDER)
                m_senderFinished = true;
            else if (who == RECEIVER)
                m_receiverFinished = true;

       The  method  is called only if all bytes are transmitted successfully. Then, in the method
       FinalChecks(), we check all variables, which should be true (which indicates that we  have
       perfectly closed the connection).

          TcpZeroWindowTest::FinalChecks ()
            NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_zeroWindowProbe, true,
                                   "Zero window probe not sent");
            NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_windowUpdated, true,
                                   "Window has not updated during the connection");
            NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_senderFinished, true,
                                   "Connection not closed successfully (SENDER)");
            NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (m_receiverFinished, true,
                                   "Connection not closed successfully (RECEIVER)");

       To run the test, the usual way is

          ./ -s tcp-zero-window-test

          PASS: TestSuite tcp-zero-window-test
          1 of 1 tests passed (1 passed, 0 skipped, 0 failed, 0 crashed, 0 valgrind errors)

       To see INFO messages, use a combination of ./waf shell and gdb (really useful):

          ./waf shell && gdb --args ./build/utils/ns3-dev-test-runner-debug --test-name=tcp-zero-window-test --stop-on-failure --fullness=QUICK --assert-on-failure --verbose

       and then, hit “Run”.

          This  code magically runs without any reported errors; however, in real cases, when you
          discover a bug you should expect the existing test  to  fail  (this  could  indicate  a
          well-written  test  and a bad-writted model, or a bad-written test; hopefully the first
          situation). Correcting bugs is an iterative process. For instance, commits  created  to
          make  this  test  case  running  without  errors  are 11633:6b74df04cf44, (others to be

   Network Simulation Cradle
       The Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) is a framework for wrapping  real-world  network  code
       into  simulators,  allowing  simulation  of real-world behavior at little extra cost. This
       work has been validated by comparing  situations  using  a  test  network  with  the  same
       situations  in  the  simulator. To date, it has been shown that the NSC is able to produce
       extremely accurate results. NSC supports four real world stacks:  FreeBSD,  OpenBSD,  lwIP
       and Linux. Emphasis has been placed on not changing any of the network stacks by hand. Not
       a single line of code has been changed in the network protocol implementations of  any  of
       the  above  four  stacks.  However, a custom C parser was built to programmatically change
       source code.

       NSC has previously been ported to ns-2 and OMNeT++, and was was added to ns-3 in September
       2008 (ns-3.2 release). This section describes the ns-3 port of NSC and how to use it.

       NSC  has  been  obsoleted  by the Linux kernel support within Direct Code Execution (DCE).
       However, NSC is still available through the bake build system. NSC supports Linux  kernels
       2.6.18  and  2.6.26, and an experimental version of 2.6.29 exists on ns-3’s code server (‐, but newer versions of  the  kernel  have  not
       been ported.

       Presently,  NSC has been tested and shown to work on these platforms: Linux i386 and Linux
       x86-64. NSC does not support powerpc. Use on FreeBSD or OS X is unsupported  (although  it
       may be able to work).

       Building NSC requires the packages flex and bison.

       NSC  requires  use of gcc-4.9 or gcc-5 series, and will not build on newer systems lacking
       the older compilers.

   Configuring and Downloading
       NSC must either be downloaded separately from its  own  repository,  or  downloading  when
       using the bake build system of ns-3.

       For  ns-3.17 through ns-3.28 releases, when using bake, one obtains NSC implicitly as part
       of an “allinone” configuration, such as:

          $ cd bake
          $ python configure -e ns-allinone-3.27
          $ python download
          $ python build

       For ns-3.29 and later versions, including the  ‘ns-3-allinone’  development  version,  one
       must explicitly add NSC (‘nsc-0.5.3’) to the bake configuration, such as:

          $ cd bake
          $ python configure -e ns-allinone-3.29 -e nsc-0.5.3
          $ python download
          $ python build

       Instead  of  a  released  version,  one may use the ns-3 development version by specifying
       “ns-3-allinone” to the configure step above.

       NSC may also be downloaded from its download site using Mercurial:

          $ hg clone

       Prior to the ns-3.17 release, NSC was included in the allinone tarball  and  the  released
       version did not need to be separately downloaded.

   Building and validating
       NSC  may  be  built as part of the bake build process; alternatively, one may build NSC by
       itself using its build system; e.g.:

          $ cd nsc-dev
          $ python

       Once NSC has been built either manually or through the bake system, change into  the  ns-3
       source directory and try running the following configuration:

          $ ./waf configure

       If NSC has been previously built and found by waf, then you will see:

          Network Simulation Cradle     : enabled

       If NSC has not been found, you will see:

          Network Simulation Cradle     : not enabled (NSC not found (see option --with-nsc))

       In  this  case,  you must pass the relative or absolute path to the NSC libraries with the
       “–with-nsc” configure option; e.g.

          $ ./waf configure --with-nsc=/path/to/my/nsc/directory

       For ns-3 releases prior to the ns-3.17 release, using the script in ns-3-allinone
       directory,  NSC  will  be  built  by  default  unless the platform does not support it. To
       explicitly disable it when building ns-3, type:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests --disable-nsc

       If waf detects NSC, then building ns-3 with NSC is performed the  same  way  with  waf  as
       without it. Once ns-3 is built, try running the following test suite:

          $ ./ -s ns3-tcp-interoperability

       If NSC has been successfully built, the following test should show up in the results:

          PASS TestSuite ns3-tcp-interoperability

       This confirms that NSC is ready to use.

       There are a few example files. Try:

          $ ./waf --run tcp-nsc-zoo
          $ ./waf --run tcp-nsc-lfn

       These  examples  will deposit some .pcap files in your directory, which can be examined by
       tcpdump or wireshark.

       Let’s look at the examples/tcp/ file for some typical  usage.  How  does  it
       differ  from  using  native ns-3 TCP? There is one main configuration line, when using NSC
       and the ns-3 helper API, that needs to be set:

          InternetStackHelper internetStack;

          internetStack.SetNscStack ("");
          // this switches nodes 0 and 1 to NSCs Linux 2.6.26 stack.
          internetStack.Install (n.Get(0));
          internetStack.Install (n.Get(1));

       The key line is  the  SetNscStack.  This  tells  the  InternetStack  helper  to  aggregate
       instances  of  NSC  TCP instead of native ns-3 TCP to the remaining nodes. It is important
       that this function be called before calling the Install() function, as shown above.

       Which stacks are available to use? Presently, the focus has been on Linux 2.6.18 and Linux
       2.6.26 stacks for ns-3. To see which stacks were built, one can execute the following find
       command at the ns-3 top level directory:

          $ find nsc -name "*.so" -type f

       This  tells  us  that  we  may  either  pass  the  library   name   or to the above configuration step.

   Stack configuration
       NSC  TCP  shares  the same configuration attributes that are common across TCP sockets, as
       described above and documented in Doxygen

       Additionally, NSC TCP exports a lot of configuration variables into  the  ns-3  attributes
       system,  via a sysctl-like interface. In the examples/tcp/tcp-nsc-zoo example, you can see
       the following configuration:

          // this disables TCP SACK, wscale and timestamps on node 1 (the attributes
            represent sysctl-values).
          Config::Set ("/NodeList/1/$ns3::Ns3NscStack<linux2.6.26>/net.ipv4.tcp_sack",
            StringValue ("0"));
          Config::Set ("/NodeList/1/$ns3::Ns3NscStack<linux2.6.26>/net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps",
          StringValue ("0"));
          Config::Set ("/NodeList/1/$ns3::Ns3NscStack<linux2.6.26>/net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling",
          StringValue ("0"));

       These additional configuration variables are not available to native ns-3 TCP.

       Also note that default values for TCP attributes in ns-3 TCP may differ from the  NSC  TCP
       implementation. Specifically in ns-3:

          1. TCP default MSS is 536

          2. TCP Delayed ACK count is 2

       Therefore  when  making  comparisons between results obtained using NSC and ns-3 TCP, care
       must   be   taken   to    ensure    these    values    are    set    appropriately.    See
       /examples/tcp/ for an example.

       This  subsection  describes  the API that NSC presents to ns-3 or any other simulator. NSC
       provides  its  API  in  the  form  of  a  number  of   classes   that   are   defined   in
       sim/sim_interface.h in the nsc directory.

       • INetStack INetStack contains the ‘low level’ operations for the operating system network
         stack, e.g. in and output functions from and to the network stack (think of this as  the
         ‘network driver interface’). There are also functions to create new TCP or UDP sockets.

       • ISendCallback  This  is  called  by NSC when a packet should be sent out to the network.
         This simulator should use this callback to re-inject the packet into  the  simulator  so
         the  actual data can be delivered/routed to its destination, where it will eventually be
         handed  into  Receive()  (and  eventually  back  to  the  receivers  NSC  instance   via

       • INetStreamSocket  This  is the structure defining a particular connection endpoint (file
         descriptor). It contains methods to operate on this endpoint, e.g. connect,  disconnect,
         accept, listen, send_data/read_data, …

       • IInterruptCallback  This contains the wakeup() callback, which is called by NSC whenever
         something of interest happens. Think of wakeup()  as  a  replacement  of  the  operating
         systems  wakeup function: Whenever the operating system would wake up a process that has
         been waiting for an  operation  to  complete  (for  example  the  TCP  handshake  during
         connect()),  NSC invokes the wakeup() callback to allow the simulator to check for state
         changes in its connection endpoints.

   ns-3 implementation
       The ns-3 implementation makes use of the above NSC API, and is implemented as follows.

       The three main parts are:

       • ns3::NscTcpL4Protocol: a subclass of Ipv4L4Protocol (and two NSC classes:  ISendCallback
         and IInterruptCallback)

       • ns3::NscTcpSocketImpl: a subclass of TcpSocket

       • ns3::NscTcpSocketFactoryImpl: a factory to create new NSC sockets

       src/internet/model/nsc-tcp-l4-protocol is the main class. Upon Initialization, it loads an
       NSC network stack to use (via dlopen()). Each instance of this class may use  a  different
       stack. The stack (=shared library) to use is set using the SetNscLibrary() method (at this
       time its called indirectly via the internet stack helper). The NSC stack is  then  set  up
       accordingly  (timers  etc).  The  NscTcpL4Protocol::Receive() function hands the packet it
       receives (must be a complete TCP/IP packet) to the NSC stack for further processing. To be
       able  to  send packets, this class implements the NSC send_callback() method.  This method
       is called by NSC whenever the NSC stack wishes to send a packet out to  the  network.  Its
       arguments  are a raw buffer, containing a complete TCP/IP packet, and a length value. This
       method therefore has to convert the raw data to a Ptr<Packet> usable by ns-3. In order  to
       avoid  various  IPv4  header  issues,  the NSC IP header is not included. Instead, the TCP
       header and the actual payload are put into the  Ptr<Packet>,  after  this  the  Packet  is
       passed  down to layer 3 for sending the packet out (no further special treatment is needed
       in the send code path).

       This class calls ns3::NscTcpSocketImpl both from the NSC wakeup() callback  and  from  the
       receive path (to ensure that possibly queued data is scheduled for sending).

       src/internet/model/nsc-tcp-socket-impl implements the NSC socket interface.  Each instance
       has its own m_nscTcpSocket. Data that is  sent  will  be  handed  to  the  NSC  stack  via
       m_nscTcpSocket->send_data()  (and  not  to  NscTcpL4Protocol, this is the major difference
       compared to ns-3 TCP). The class also queues up data that is sent  before  the  underlying
       descriptor   has   entered   an   ESTABLISHED  state.   This  class  is  called  from  the
       NscTcpL4Protocol class, when the NscTcpL4Protocol wakeup() callback  is  invoked  by  NSC.
       NscTcpSocketImpl then checks the current connection state (SYN_SENT, ESTABLISHED, LISTEN…)
       and schedules appropriate callbacks as needed, e.g. a LISTEN socket will schedule accept()
       to  see  if a new connection must be accepted, an ESTABLISHED socket schedules any pending
       data for writing, schedule a read() callback, etc.

       Note that ns3::NscTcpSocketImpl does not interact with NSC TCP directly: instead, data  is
       redirected  to NSC. NSC TCP calls the NSC TCP sockets of a node when its wakeup() callback
       is invoked by NSC.

       • NSC only works on single-interface nodes; attempting to run it on a multi-interface node
         will cause a program error.

       • Cygwin and OS X PPC are not supported; OS X Intel is not supported but may work

       • The non-Linux stacks of NSC are not supported in ns-3

       • Not all socket API callbacks are supported

       For more information, see this wiki page.

   UDP model in ns-3
       This chapter describes the UDP model available in ns-3.

   Generic support for UDP
       ns-3  supports  a  native  implementation of UDP. It provides a connectionless, unreliable
       datagram packet service. Packets may be reordered or duplicated before  they  arrive.  UDP
       calculates and checks checksums to catch transmission errors.

       This  implementation  inherits  from  a  few  common  header  classes  in  the src/network
       directory, so that user code can swap out implementations  with  minimal  changes  to  the

       Here are the important abstract base classes:

       • class  UdpSocket:  This  is  defined in: src/internet/model/udp-socket.{cc,h} This is an
         abstract base class of all UDP sockets. This class exists solely for  hosting  UdpSocket
         attributes  that  can  be  reused  across  different  implementations, and for declaring
         UDP-specific multicast API.

       • class UdpSocketImpl: This class subclasses UdpSocket, and provides a socket interface to
         ns-3’s implementation of UDP.

       • class  UdpSocketFactory:  This  is  used  by the layer-4 protocol instance to create UDP

       • class UdpSocketFactoryImpl: This class is derived from SocketFactory and implements  the
         API for creating UDP sockets.

       • class  UdpHeader:  This  class  contains  fields corresponding to those in a network UDP
         header (port numbers, payload size, checksum) as well as methods  for  serialization  to
         and deserialization from a byte buffer.

       • class  UdpL4Protocol:  This is a subclass of IpL4Protocol and provides an implementation
         of the UDP protocol.

   ns-3 UDP
       This is an implementation of the User Datagram Protocol described in RFC 768.  UDP uses  a
       simple  connectionless  communication  model  with  a  minimum  of protocol mechanism. The
       implementation provides checksums for data integrity,  and  port  numbers  for  addressing
       different  functions  at the source and destination of the datagram. It has no handshaking
       dialogues, and thus exposes the  user’s  data  to  any  unreliability  of  the  underlying
       network. There is no guarantee of data delivery, ordering, or duplicate protection.

       In  many  cases,  usage  of  UDP  is  set  at  the  application  layer by telling the ns-3
       application which kind of socket factory to use.

       Using the helper functions defined in  src/applications/helper,  here  is  how  one  would
       create a UDP receiver:

          // Create a packet sink on the receiver
          uint16_t port = 50000;
          Address sinkLocalAddress(InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), port));
          PacketSinkHelper sinkHelper ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", sinkLocalAddress);
          ApplicationContainer sinkApp = sinkHelper.Install (serverNode);
          sinkApp.Start (Seconds (1.0));
          sinkApp.Stop (Seconds (10.0));

       Similarly, the below snippet configures OnOffApplication traffic source to use UDP:

          // Create the OnOff applications to send data to the UDP receiver
          OnOffHelper clientHelper ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", Address ());
          clientHelper.SetAttribute ("Remote", remoteAddress);
          ApplicationContainer clientApps = (clientHelper.Install (clientNode);
          clientApps.Start (Seconds (2.0));
          clientApps.Stop (Seconds (9.0));

       For  users who wish to have a pointer to the actual socket (so that socket operations like
       Bind(), setting socket options, etc. can be done on a per-socket basis), UDP  sockets  can
       be created by using the Socket::CreateSocket() method as given below:

          Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node> ();
          InternetStackHelper internet;
          internet.Install (node);

          Ptr<SocketFactory> socketFactory = node->GetObject<UdpSocketFactory> ();
          Ptr<Socket> socket = socketFactory->CreateSocket ();
          socket->Bind (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), 80));

       Once  a  UDP socket is created, we do not need an explicit connection setup before sending
       and receiving data. Being a connectionless protocol, all we need to  do  is  to  create  a
       socket and bind it to a known port. For a client, simply create a socket and start sending
       data. The Bind() call allows an application to specify a port number and an address on the
       local machine. It allocates a local IPv4 endpoint for this socket.

       At  the  end  of  data  transmission,  the socket is closed using the Socket::Close().  It
       returns a 0 on success and -1 on failure.

       Please note that applications usually create the sockets automatically.  Please  refer  to
       the  source  code  of  your  preferred application to discover how and when it creates the

   UDP Socket interaction and interface with Application layer
       The following is the description of the public interface of the UDP socket,  and  how  the
       interface is used to interact with the socket itself.

       Socket APIs for UDP connections:

              This  is  called  when Send() is used instead of SendTo() by the user.  It sets the
              address of the remote endpoint which is used by Send(). If the  remote  address  is
              valid, this method makes a callback to ConnectionSucceeded.

       Bind() Bind  the  socket to an address, or to a general endpoint. A general endpoint is an
              endpoint with an ephemeral port allocation (that is, a random port  allocation)  on
              the IP address. For instance, in current applications, data senders usually
              bind automatically  after  a  Connect()  over  a  random  port.  Consequently,  the
              connection  will  start  from this random port towards the well-defined port of the
              receiver. The IP is then translated by lower layers into the real IP of the

              Same as Bind(), but for IPv6.

              Bind  the  socket  to the specified NetDevice. If set on a socket, this option will
              force packets to leave the bound device regardless of the device  that  IP  routing
              would  naturally  choose.  In the receive direction, only packets received from the
              bound interface will be delivered.

              Signals the termination of send, or in other words, prevents data from being  added
              to the buffer.

       Recv() Grabs data from the UDP socket and forwards it to the application layer. If no data
              is present (i.e. m_deliveryQueue.empty() returns 0), an empty packet is returned.

              Same as Recv(), but with the source address as parameter.

              The SendTo() API is the UDP counterpart of the  TCP  API  Send().  It  additionally
              specifies  the  address  to  which  the  message  is  to  be  sent because no prior
              connection is established in UDP communication. It returns the number of bytes sent
              or -1 in case of failure.

              The  close  API  closes  a  socket  and  terminates the connection. This results in
              freeing all the data structures previously allocated.


       Public callbacks

       These callbacks are called by the UDP socket to  notify  the  application  of  interesting
       events.  We  will  refer  to  these  with the protected name used in socket.h, but we will
       provide the API function to set the pointers to these callback as well.

       NotifyConnectionSucceeded: SetConnectCallback, 1st argument
              Called when the Connect() succeeds and the remote address is validated.

       NotifyConnectionFailed: SetConnectCallback, 2nd argument
              Called in Connect() when the the remote address validation fails.

       NotifyDataSent: SetDataSentCallback
              The socket notifies the application that some bytes have been transmitted at the IP
              layer.  These  bytes  could still be lost in the node (traffic control layer) or in
              the network.

       NotifySend: SetSendCallback
              Invoked to get the space available in the tx buffer when  a  packet  (that  carries
              data) is sent.

       NotifyDataRecv: SetRecvCallback
              Called  when  the  socket  receives  a  packet  (that carries data) in the receiver

       The  following  test  cases  have  been   provided   for   UDP   implementation   in   the
       src/internet/test/ file.

       • UdpSocketImplTest: Checks data received via UDP Socket over IPv4.

       • UdpSocketLoopbackTest: Checks data received via UDP Socket Loopback over IPv4.

       • Udp6SocketImplTest : Checks data received via UDP Socket over IPv6.

       • Udp6SocketLoopbackTest : Checks data received via UDP Socket Loopback over IPv6 Test.

       • UDP_CORK is presently not the part of this implementation.

       • NotifyNormalClose,         NotifyErrorClose,         NotifyConnectionRequest         and
         NotifyNewConnectionCreated socket API callbacks are not supported.

   Internet Applications Module Documentation
       The goal of this module is to  hold  all  the  Internet-specific  applications,  and  most
       notably  some  very  specific  applications  (e.g., ping) or daemons (e.g., radvd).  Other
       non-Internet-specific applications such  as  packet  generators  are  contained  in  other

       The source code for the new module lives in the directory src/internet-apps.

       Each  application has its own goals, limitations and scope, which are briefly explained in
       the following.

       All the applications are extensively used in the top-level examples directories. The users
       are  encouraged  to  check  the  scripts  therein  to have a clear overview of the various
       options and usage tricks.

       This app mimics a “ping” (ICMP Echo) using IPv4.  The  application  allows  the  following
       attributes to be set:

       • Remote address

       • Verbose mode

       • Packet size (default 56 bytes)

       • Packet interval  (default 1 second)

       Moreover, the user can access the measured RTT value (as a Traced Source).

       This  app  mimics  a  “ping”  (ICMP Echo) using IPv6. The application allows the following
       attributes to be set:

       • Remote address

       • Local address (sender address)

       • Packet size (default 56 bytes)

       • Packet interval  (default 1 second)

       • Max number of packets to send

       This app  mimics  a  “RADVD”  daemon.  I.e.,  the  daemon  responsible  for  IPv6  routers
       advertisements. All the IPv6 routers should have a RADVD daemon installed.

       The configuration of the Radvd application mimics the one of the radvd Linux program.

       The  ns-3  implementation  of  Dynamic  Host  Configuration  Protocol  (DHCP)  follows the
       specifications of RFC 2131 and RFC 2132.

       The source code for DHCP  is  located  in  src/internet-apps/model  and  consists  of  the
       following 6 files:

       • dhcp-server.h,


       • dhcp-client.h,


       • dhcp-header.h and


       The following two files have been added to src/internet-apps/helper for DHCP:

       • dhcp-helper.h and


       The tests for DHCP can be found at src/internet-apps/test/

       The examples for DHCP can be found at src/internet-apps/examples/

   Scope and Limitations
       The  server should be provided with a network address, mask and a range of address for the
       pool. One client application can be installed on only one netdevice in  a  node,  and  can
       configure address for only that netdevice.

       The following five basic DHCP messages are supported:


       • DHCP OFFER


       • DHCP ACK

       • DHCP NACK

       Also, the following eight options of BootP are supported:

       • 1 (Mask)

       • 50 (Requested Address)

       • 51 (Address Lease Time)

       • 53 (DHCP message type)

       • 54 (DHCP server identifier)

       • 58 (Address renew time)

       • 59 (Address rebind time)

       • 255 (end)

       The client identifier option (61) can be implemented in near future.

       In  the current implementation, a DHCP client can obtain IPv4 address dynamically from the
       DHCP server, and can renew it within a lease time period.

       Multiple DHCP servers can be configured, but the implementation does not support  the  use
       of a DHCP Relay yet.  PageBreak


       This  chapter  describes  the  implementation  of  ns-3  models for the low-rate, wireless
       personal area network (LR-WPAN) as specified by IEEE standard 802.15.4 (2006).

   Model Description
       The source code for the lr-wpan module lives in the directory src/lr-wpan.

       The model design closely follows the standard from an architectural standpoint.
         [image] Architecture and scope of lr-wpan models.UNINDENT

         The grey areas in the figure (adapted from Fig 3. of IEEE Std. 802.15.4-2006)  show  the
         scope of the model.

         The Spectrum NetDevice from Nicola Baldo is the basis for the implementation.

         The  implementation also plans to borrow from the ns-2 models developed by Zheng and Lee
         in the future.

       The APIs closely follow the standard, adapted for ns-3 naming conventions and idioms.  The
       APIs  are  organized  around  the  concept of service primitives as shown in the following
       figure adapted from Figure 14 of IEEE Std. 802.15.4-2006.
         [image] Service primitives.UNINDENT

         The APIs are organized around four conceptual services and service access points (SAP):

       • MAC data service (MCPS)

       • MAC management service  (MLME)

       • PHY data service (PD)

       • PHY management service (PLME)

       In  general,  primitives  are  standardized  as  follows  (e.g.  Sec  of   IEEE

          MCPS-DATA.request      (

       This maps to ns-3 classes and methods such as::

          struct McpsDataRequestParameters
            uint8_t m_srcAddrMode;
            uint8_t m_dstAddrMode;

          LrWpanMac::McpsDataRequest (McpsDataRequestParameters params)

       The MAC at present implements the unslotted CSMA/CA variant, without beaconing.  Currently
       there is no support for coordinators and the relevant APIs.

       The implemented MAC is similar to Contiki’s NullMAC, i.e., a MAC without  sleep  features.
       The  radio  is assumed to be always active (receiving or transmitting), of completely shut
       down. Frame reception is not disabled while performing the CCA.

       The main API supported is  the  data  transfer  API  (McpsDataRequest/Indication/Confirm).
       CSMA/CA  according to Stc 802.15.4-2006, section is supported. Frame reception and
       rejection  according  to  Std  802.15.4-2006,  section  is  supported,  including
       acknowledgements.  Only short addressing completely implemented. Various trace sources are
       supported, and trace sources can be hooked to sinks.

       The physical layer components consist of a Phy model, an error  rate  model,  and  a  loss
       model.   The  error  rate  model presently models the error rate for IEEE 802.15.4 2.4 GHz
       AWGN channel for OQPSK; the model description can be  found  in  IEEE  Std  802.15.4-2006,
       section  E.4.1.7.    The  Phy  model  is based on SpectrumPhy and it follows specification
       described in section 6 of IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006. It models  PHY  service  specifications,
       PPDU  formats,  PHY  constants and PIB attributes. It currently only supports the transmit
       power spectral density mask specified in 2.4 GHz per  section  The  noise  power
       density  assumes  uniformly distributed thermal noise across the frequency bands. The loss
       model can fully utilize all existing simple (non-spectrum phy) loss models. The Phy  model
       uses  the existing single spectrum channel model.  The physical layer is modeled on packet
       level, that is, no preamble/SFD detection is done. Packet reception will be  started  with
       the  first  bit of the preamble (which is not modeled), if the SNR is more than -5 dB, see
       IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006, appendix E, Figure E.2. Reception of the packet will finish  after
       the packet was completely transmitted. Other packets arriving during reception will add up
       to the interference/noise.

       Currently the receiver  sensitivity  is  set  to  a  fixed  value  of  -106.58  dBm.  This
       corresponds  to  a  packet  error rate of 1% for 20 byte reference packets for this signal
       power, according to IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006, section 6.1.7. In the future we  will  provide
       support for changing the sensitivity to different values.
         [image] Packet error rate vs. signal power.UNINDENT

       Although  it  is expected that other technology profiles (such as 6LoWPAN and ZigBee) will
       write their own NetDevice classes, a basic LrWpanNetDevice is provided, which encapsulates
       the common operations of creating a generic LrWpan device and hooking things together.

   MAC addresses
       Contrary to other technologies, a IEEE 802.15.4 has 2 different kind of addresses:

       • Long addresses (64 bits)

       • Short addresses (16 bits)

       The  64-bit  addresses  are  unique  worldwide,  and  set  by the device vendor (in a real
       device).  The 16-bit addresses are not guaranteed to be unique,  and  they  are  typically
       either  assigned  during the devices deployment, or assigned dynamically during the device

       In ns-3 the device bootstrap is not (yet) present. Hence, both addresses are set when  the
       device is created.

       The  other relavant “address” to consider is the PanId (16 bits), which represents the PAN
       the device is attached to.

       Due to the limited number of available bytes in a packet, IEEE 802.15.4 tries to use short
       addresses instead of long addresses, even though the two might be used at the same time.

       For  the  sake  of  communicating  with  the  upper  layers, and in particular to generate
       auto-configured IPv6 addresses, each NetDevice must identify itself with  a  MAC  address.
       The  MAC  addresses  are also used during packet reception, so it is important to use them

       Focusing on IPv6 Stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC), there are two relevant  RFCs
       to  consider:  RFC  4944 and RFC 6282, and the two differ on how to build the IPv6 address
       given the NetDevice address.

       RFC  4944  mandates  that  the  IID  part  of  the   IPv6   address   is   calculated   as
       YYYY:00ff:fe00:XXXX,  while  RFC  6282  mandates  that the IID part of the IPv6 address is
       calculated as 0000:00ff:fe00:XXXX where XXXX is the device short address, and YYYY is  the
       PanId.  In both cases the U/L bit must be set to local, so in the RFC 4944 the PanId might
       have one bit flipped.

       In order to facilitate interoperability, and to avoid unwanted  module  dependencies,  the
       ns-3 implementation moves the IID calculation in the LrWpanNetDevice::GetAddress (), which
       will return an Address formatted properly, i.e.:

       • The Long address (a Mac64Address) if the Short address has not been set, or

       • A properly formatted 48-bit pseudo-address (a Mac48Address) if  the  short  address  has
         been set.

       The  48-bit pseudo-address is generated according to either RFC 4944 or RFC 6282 depending
       on the configuration of an Attribute (PseudoMacAddressMode).

       The default is to use RFC 6282 style addresses.

       Note that, on reception, a packet might contain either a short or a long address. This  is
       reflected  in  the  upper-layer  notification  callback,  which  can  contain  either  the
       pseudo-address (48 bits) or the long address (64 bit) of the sender.

       Note also that RFC 4944 or RFC 6282 are the RFCs defining  the  IPv6  address  compression
       formats (HC1 and IPHC respectively). It is defintely not a good idea to either mix devices
       using different pseudo-address format or compression types in the same network. This point
       is further discussed in the sixlowpan module documentation.

   Scope and Limitations
       Future  versions  of  this  document will contain a PICS proforma similar to Appendix D of
       IEEE 802.15.4-2006.  The current emphasis is on the unslotted mode of  802.15.4  operation
       for use in Zigbee, and the scope is limited to enabling a single mode (CSMA/CA) with basic
       data transfer capabilities. Association with PAN coordinators is not  yet  supported,  nor
       the  use of extended addressing. Interference is modeled as AWGN but this is currently not
       thoroughly tested.

       The NetDevice Tx queue is not limited, i.e.,  packets  are  never  dropped  due  to  queue
       becoming full. They may be dropped due to excessive transmission retries or channel access

       • Wireless Medium Access  Control  (MAC)  and  Physical  Layer  (PHY)  Specifications  for
         Low-Rate  Wireless  Personal  Area  Networks  (WPANs),  IEEE  Computer Society, IEEE Std
         802.15.4-2006, 8 September 2006.


         J. Zheng and Myung J. Lee, “A comprehensive performance study of IEEE 802.15.4,”  Sensor
            Network Operations, IEEE Press, Wiley Interscience, Chapter 4, pp. 218-237, 2006.

   Enabling lr-wpan
       Add lr-wpan to the list of modules built with ns-3.

       The  helper  is  patterned  after other device helpers.  In particular, tracing (ascii and
       pcap) is enabled similarly, and enabling  of  all  lr-wpan  log  components  is  performed
       similarly.   Use  of  the  helper  is  exemplified in examples/  For ascii
       tracing, the transmit and receive traces are hooked at the Mac layer.

       The default propagation loss model added to the channel, when this helper is used, is  the
       LogDistancePropagationLossModel with default parameters.

       The following examples have been written, which can be found in src/lr-wpan/examples/:

       •  A simple example showing end-to-end data transfer.

       •   An  example  to  plot variations of the packet success
         ratio as a function of distance.

       •  An example to test the phy.

       •  An example to print out the MAC header fields.

       •  An example to test the phy.

       In particular, the module enables a very simplified  end-to-end  data  transfer  scenario,
       implemented  in  The figure shows a sequence of events that are triggered
       when the MAC receives a DataRequest from the higher layer.  It  invokes  a  Clear  Channel
       Assessment (CCA) from the PHY, and if successful, sends the frame down to the PHY where it
       is transmitted over the channel and results in a DataIndication on the peer node.
         [image] Data example for simple LR-WPAN data transfer end-to-end.UNINDENT

         The example plots the packet success  ratio  (PSR)  as  a
         function  of  distance,  using  the  default  LogDistance propagation loss model and the
         802.15.4 error model.  The channel (default 11), packet  size  (default  20  bytes)  and
         transmit  power  (default  0  dBm) can be varied by command line arguments.  The program
         outputs a file named 802.15.4-psr-distance.plt.  Loading this file into gnuplot yields a
         file  802.15.4-psr-distance.eps,  which  can  be converted to pdf or other formats.  The
         default output is shown below.
         [image] Default output of the program

       The following tests have been written, which can be found in src/lr-wpan/tests/:

       •  Check that acknowledgments  are  being  used  and  issued  in  the
         correct order.

       •   Test  correct  reception  of  packets with interference and

       •  Check that the error model gives predictable values.

       •  Test the 802.15.4 MAC header/trailer classes

       •  Test the PLME and PD SAP per IEEE 802.15.4

       •   Test  that   the   conversion   between   power
         (expressed  as a scalar quantity) and spectral power, and back again, falls within a 25%
         tolerance across the range of possible channels and input powers.

       The model has not been  validated  against  real  hardware.   The  error  model  has  been
       validated  against  the  data in IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006, section E.4.1.7 (Figure E.2). The
       MAC behavior (CSMA backoff) has been validated by hand  against  expected  behavior.   The
       below  plot  is  an example of the error model validation and can be reproduced by running
         [image] Default output of the program


   Design Documentation
       An overview of the  LTE-EPC simulation model is depicted in the  figure  Overview  of  the
       LTE-EPC simulation model. There are two main components:

          • the LTE Model. This model includes the LTE Radio Protocol stack (RRC, PDCP, RLC, MAC,
            PHY). These entities reside entirely within the UE and the eNB nodes.

          • the EPC Model. This model includes core network interfaces, protocols  and  entities.
            These  entities and protocols reside within the SGW, PGW and MME nodes, and partially
            within the eNB nodes.
         [image] Overview of the LTE-EPC simulation model.UNINDENT

   Design Criteria
   LTE Model
       The LTE model has been designed to support the evaluation of the following aspects of  LTE

          • Radio Resource Management

          • QoS-aware Packet Scheduling

          • Inter-cell Interference Coordination

          • Dynamic Spectrum Access

       In  order  to model LTE systems to a level of detail that is sufficient to allow a correct
       evaluation  of  the  above  mentioned  aspects,  the  following  requirements  have   been

          1. At  the  radio  level,  the  granularity of the model should be at least that of the
             Resource Block (RB). In fact, this is the fundamental unit being used  for  resource
             allocation.  Without  this minimum level of granularity, it is not possible to model
             accurately packet scheduling and inter-cell-interference.  The reason is that, since
             packet  scheduling is done on a per-RB basis, an eNB might transmit on a subset only
             of all the available RBs, hence interfering with other eNBs only on those RBs  where
             it  is  transmitting.  Note that this requirement rules out the adoption of a system
             level  simulation  approach,  which  evaluates  resource  allocation  only  at   the
             granularity of call/bearer establishment.

          2. The  simulator should scale up to tens of eNBs and hundreds of User Equipment (UEs).
             This rules out the use of a link level simulator,  i.e.,  a  simulator  whose  radio
             interface  is  modeled with a granularity up to the symbol level. This is because to
             have a symbol level model it is necessary to implement  all  the  PHY  layer  signal
             processing, whose huge computational complexity severely limits simulation. In fact,
             link-level simulators are normally limited to a single eNB and one or a few UEs.

          3. It should be possible within the simulation to configure  different  cells  so  that
             they  use different carrier frequencies and system bandwidths. The bandwidth used by
             different cells should be allowed to overlap, in order to support  dynamic  spectrum
             licensing  solutions  such  as those described in [Ofcom2600MHz] and [RealWireless].
             The calculation of interference should handle appropriately this case.

          4. To be more representative of the LTE standard, as well as to be as close as possible
             to  real-world  implementations,  the simulator should support the MAC Scheduler API
             published by the FemtoForum [FFAPI]. This  interface  is  expected  to  be  used  by
             femtocell  manufacturers  for  the  implementation  of scheduling and Radio Resource
             Management (RRM) algorithms. By  introducing  support  for  this  interface  in  the
             simulator,  we make it possible for LTE equipment vendors and operators to test in a
             simulative environment exactly the same algorithms that would be deployed in a  real

          5. The LTE simulation model should contain its own implementation of the API defined in
             [FFAPI]. Neither  binary  nor  data  structure  compatibility  with  vendor-specific
             implementations  of  the  same  interface are expected; hence, a compatibility layer
             should be interposed whenever a vendor-specific MAC scheduler is to be used with the
             simulator.  This  requirement  is necessary to allow the simulator to be independent
             from vendor-specific implementations of this interface specification. We  note  that
             [FFAPI]  is  a logical specification only, and its implementation (e.g., translation
             to some specific programming language) is left to the vendors.

          6. The model is to be used to simulate the transmission of  IP  packets  by  the  upper
             layers.  With  this  respect,  it shall be considered that in LTE the Scheduling and
             Radio Resource Management do not work with IP packets directly, but rather with  RLC
             PDUs, which are obtained by segmentation and concatenation of IP packets done by the
             RLC entities. Hence, these functionalities  of  the  RLC  layer  should  be  modeled

   EPC Model
       The  main objective of the EPC model is to provides means for the simulation of end-to-end
       IP connectivity over the LTE model.  To this aim, it supports for the  interconnection  of
       multiple UEs to the Internet, via a radio access network of multiple eNBs connected to the
       core network, as shown in Figure Overview of the LTE-EPC simulation model.

       The following design choices have been made for the EPC model:

          1.  The Packet Data Network (PDN) type supported is  both  IPv4  and  IPv6.   In  other
              words,  the end-to-end connections between the UEs and the remote hosts can be IPv4
              and IPv6. However, the networks between the core network elements  (MME,  SGWs  and
              PGWs) are IPv4-only.

          2.  The  SGW  and PGW functional entities are implemented in different nodes, which are
              hence referred to as the SGW node and PGW node, respectively.

          3.  The MME functional entities is implemented  as  a  network  node,  which  is  hence
              referred to as the MME node.

          4.  The  scenarios  with  inter-SGW mobility are not of interest. But several SGW nodes
              may be present in simulations scenarios.

          5.  A requirement for the EPC model is that it can be used to simulate  the  end-to-end
              performance of realistic applications. Hence, it should be possible to use with the
              EPC model any regular ns-3 application working on top of TCP or UDP.

          6.  Another requirement is the possibility of simulating network  topologies  with  the
              presence  of  multiple  eNBs,  some  of  which  might  be  equipped with a backhaul
              connection with limited capabilities. In order to simulate such scenarios, the user
              data  plane  protocols  being  used  between the eNBs and the SGW should be modeled

          7.  It should be possible for a single UE to use different applications with  different
              QoS  profiles.  Hence,  multiple  EPS bearers should be supported for each UE. This
              includes the necessary classification of TCP/UDP traffic over IP done at the UE  in
              the uplink and at the PGW in the downlink.

          8.  The  initial  focus of the EPC model is mainly on the EPC data plane.  The accurate
              modeling of the EPC control plane is,  for  the  time  being,  not  a  requirement;
              however, the necessary control plane interactions among the different network nodes
              of the core network are realized by implementing control  protocols/messages  among
              them.   Direct  interaction among the different simulation objects via the provided
              helper objects should be avoided as much as possible.

          9.  The focus of the EPC model is on simulations of active users in ECM connected mode.
              Hence,  all  the  functionality  that  is  only  relevant  for  ECM  idle  mode (in
              particular, tracking area update and paging) are not modeled at all.

          10. The model should allow the possibility to perform an X2-based handover between  two

   LTE Model
   UE architecture
       The  architecture  of  the  LTE radio protocol stack model of the UE is represented in the
       figures LTE radio protocol stack architecture for the UE on the data plane and  LTE  radio
       protocol  stack  architecture for the UE on the control plane which highlight respectively
       the data plane and the control plane.
         [image] LTE radio protocol stack architecture for the UE on the data plane.UNINDENT
         [image] LTE radio protocol stack architecture for the UE on the control plane.UNINDENT

         The architecture of the PHY/channel model of the UE is represented  in  figure  PHY  and
         channel model architecture for the UE.
         [image] PHY and channel model architecture for the UE.UNINDENT

   eNB architecture
       The  architecture  of  the LTE radio protocol stack model of the eNB is represented in the
       figures LTE radio protocol stack architecture for the eNB on the data plane and LTE  radio
       protocol  stack architecture for the eNB on the control plane which highlight respectively
       the data plane and the control plane.
         [image] LTE radio protocol stack architecture for the eNB on the data plane.UNINDENT
         [image] LTE radio protocol stack architecture for the eNB on the control plane.UNINDENT

         The architecture of the PHY/channel model of the eNB is represented in  figure  PHY  and
         channel model architecture for the eNB.
         [image] PHY and channel model architecture for the eNB.UNINDENT

   EPC Model
   EPC data plane
       In  Figure  LTE-EPC  data  plane  protocol stack, we represent the end-to-end LTE-EPC data
       plane protocol stack as it is modeled in the simulator. The figure shows all nodes in  the
       data  path,  i.e. UE, eNB, SGW, PGW and a remote host in the Internet. All protocol stacks
       (S5 protocol stack, S1-U protocol stack and the LTE radio  protocol  stack)  specified  by
       3GPP are present.
         [image] LTE-EPC data plane protocol stack.UNINDENT

   EPC control plane
       The  architecture  of  the  implementation  of  the control plane model is shown in figure
       LTE-EPC control plane protocol stack.  The control interfaces that are modeled  explicitly
       are  the  S1-MME,  the  S11,  and  the  S5  interfaces.  The  X2 interface is also modeled
       explicitly and it is described in more detail in section X2

       The S1-MME, the S11 and the S5 interfaces are modeled using procotol data units sent  over
       its  respective  links.  These  interfaces use the SCTP protocol as transport protocol but
       currently, the SCTP protocol is not modeled in the ns-3 simulator, so the UDP protocol  is
       used instead of the SCTP protocol.
         [image] LTE-EPC control plane protocol stack.UNINDENT

   Channel and Propagation
       For  channel modeling purposes, the LTE module uses the SpectrumChannel interface provided
       by the spectrum module. At the time of this writing, two implementations of such interface
       are  available:  SingleModelSpectrumChannel  and  MultiModelSpectrumChannel,  and  the LTE
       module requires the use of the MultiModelSpectrumChannel in order to work  properly.  This
       is  because  of  the need to support different frequency and bandwidth configurations. All
       the propagation models supported by MultiModelSpectrumChannel can be used within  the  LTE

   Use of the Buildings model with LTE
       The  recommended  propagation  model to be used with the LTE module is the one provided by
       the Buildings module, which was in fact designed specifically with LTE (though it  can  be
       used  with  other wireless technologies as well). Please refer to the documentation of the
       Buildings module for generic information on the propagation model it provides.

       In this section we will highlight some considerations that  specifically  apply  when  the
       Buildings module is used together with the LTE module.

       The naming convention used in the following will be:

          • User equipment:  UE

          • Macro Base Station: MBS

          • Small cell Base Station (e.g., pico/femtocell): SC

       The  LTE  module  considers  FDD  only,  and  implements  downlink  and uplink propagation
       separately. As a consequence, the following pathloss computations are performed

          • MBS <-> UE (indoor and outdoor)

          • SC (indoor and outdoor) <-> UE (indoor and outdoor)

       The LTE model does not provide the following pathloss computations:

          • UE <-> UE

          • MBS <-> MBS

          • MBS <-> SC

          • SC <-> SC

       The Buildings model does not know the actual type of the node; i.e., it is  not  aware  of
       whether a transmitter node is a UE, a MBS, or a SC. Rather, the Buildings model only cares
       about the position of the node: whether it is indoor and outdoor, and what is  its  z-axis
       respect to the rooftop level. As a consequence, for an eNB node that is placed outdoor and
       at a z-coordinate above the rooftop level, the propagation models typical of MBS  will  be
       used  by the Buildings module. Conversely, for an eNB that is placed outdoor but below the
       rooftop,  or indoor, the propagation models typical of pico and femtocells will be used.

       For communications involving at least one indoor node, the corresponding wall  penetration
       losses will be calculated by the Buildings model. This covers the following use cases:

          • MBS <-> indoor UE

          • outdoor SC <-> indoor UE

          • indoor SC <-> indoor UE

          • indoor SC <-> outdoor UE

       Please refer to the documentation of the Buildings module for details on the actual models
       used in each case.

   Fading Model
       The LTE module includes a trace-based fading model derived from the one  developed  during
       the  GSoC  2010  [Piro2011].  The  main  characteristic of this model is the fact that the
       fading evaluation during simulation run-time is based on per-calculated  traces.  This  is
       done  to  limit the computational complexity of the simulator. On the other hand, it needs
       huge structures for storing the traces; therefore,  a  trade-off  between  the  number  of
       possible parameters and the memory occupancy has to be found. The most important ones are:

          • users’  speed:  relative speed between users (affects the Doppler frequency, which in
            turns affects the time-variance property of the fading)

          • number of taps (and relative power):  number  of  multiple  paths  considered,  which
            affects the frequency property of the fading.

          • time granularity of the trace: sampling time of the trace.

          • frequency granularity of the trace: number of values in frequency to be evaluated.

          • length  of trace: ideally large as the simulation time, might be reduced by windowing

          • number of users: number of independent traces to  be  used  (ideally  one  trace  per

       With respect to the mathematical channel propagation model, we suggest the one provided by
       the  rayleighchan  function  of  Matlab,  since  it  provides  a  well  accepted   channel
       modelization  both  in  time  and  frequency  domain.  For more information, the reader is
       referred to  [mathworks].

       The           simulator           provides           a            matlab            script
       (src/lte/model/fading-traces/fading-trace-generator.m)  for generating traces based on the
       format used by the simulator.  In detail, the channel object created with the rayleighchan
       function  is  used  for  filtering  a  discrete-time impulse signal in order to obtain the
       channel impulse response. The filtering is  repeated  for  different  TTI,  thus  yielding
       subsequent  time-correlated  channel responses (one per TTI). The channel response is then
       processed with the pwelch function for obtaining its power spectral density values,  which
       are then saved in a file with the proper format compatible with the simulator model.

       Since  the  number  of variable it is pretty high, generate traces considering all of them
       might produce a high number of traces of huge size. On  this  matter,  we  considered  the
       following  assumptions  of  the parameters based on the 3GPP fading propagation conditions
       (see Annex B.2 of [TS36104]):

          • users’ speed: typically only a few discrete values are considered, i.e.:

            • 0 and 3 kmph for pedestrian scenarios

            • 30 and 60 kmph for vehicular scenarios

            • 0, 3, 30 and 60 for urban scenarios

          • channel taps: only a limited number of sets of channel taps are normally  considered,
            for example three models are mentioned in Annex B.2 of [TS36104].

          • time  granularity: we need one fading value per TTI, i.e., every 1 ms (as this is the
            granularity in time of the ns-3 LTE PHY model).

          • frequency granularity: we need one fading  value  per  RB  (which  is  the  frequency
            granularity of the spectrum model used by the ns-3 LTE model).

          • length  of  the  trace:  the  simulator  includes the windowing mechanism implemented
            during the GSoC 2011, which consists of picking up a window of the trace each  window
            length in a random fashion.

          • per-user  fading  process:  users  share  the  same fading trace, but for each user a
            different starting point in the trace is randomly picked up. This choice was made  to
            avoid the need to provide one fading trace per user.

       According  to  the  parameters  we considered, the following formula express in detail the
       total size S_{traces} of the fading traces:

       S_{traces}  =  S_{sample}  \times  N_{RB}   \times   \frac{T_{trace}}{T_{sample}}   \times
                                     N_{scenarios} \mbox{ [bytes]}

       where  S_{sample} is the size in bytes of the sample (e.g., 8 in case of double precision,
       4 in case of float precision), N_{RB} is the number of RB or set of RBs to be  considered,
       T_{trace} is the total length of the trace, T_{sample} is the time resolution of the trace
       (1 ms), and N_{scenarios} is the number  of  fading  scenarios  that  are  desired  (i.e.,
       combinations  of  different sets of channel taps and user speed values). We provide traces
       for 3 different scenarios one  for  each  taps  configuration  defined  in  Annex  B.2  of

          • Pedestrian: with nodes’ speed of 3 kmph.

          • Vehicular: with nodes’ speed of 60 kmph.

          • Urban: with nodes’ speed of 3 kmph.

       hence N_{scenarios} = 3. All traces have T_{trace} = 10 s and RB_{NUM} = 100. This results
       in a total 24 MB bytes of traces.

       Being based on the SpectrumPhy, the LTE PHY model supports antenna modeling via  the  ns-3
       AntennaModel class. Hence, any model based on this class can be associated with any eNB or
       UE instance. For instance, the use of the CosineAntennaModel associated with an eNB device
       allows  to model one sector of a macro base station. By default, the IsotropicAntennaModel
       is used for both eNBs and UEs.

       The physical layer model provided in this LTE simulator is based on the one  described  in
       [Piro2011],  with  the  following  modifications.   The  model now includes the inter cell
       interference calculation and the simulation  of  uplink  traffic,  including  both  packet
       transmission and CQI generation.

   Subframe Structure
       The  subframe  is  divided  into control and data part as described in Figure LTE subframe
         [image] LTE subframe division..UNINDENT

         Considering the granularity of the simulator based on RB, the control and the  reference
         signaling have to be consequently modeled considering this constraint.  According to the
         standard [TS36211], the downlink control frame starts at the beginning of each  subframe
         and  lasts  up  to  three  symbols  across  the whole system bandwidth, where the actual
         duration is provided by the Physical Control  Format  Indicator  Channel  (PCFICH).  The
         information  on  the  allocation  are  then  mapped  in the remaining resource up to the
         duration defined by the PCFICH, in the  so  called  Physical  Downlink  Control  Channel
         (PDCCH).  A  PDCCH transports a single message called Downlink Control Information (DCI)
         coming from the MAC layer, where the scheduler indicates the resource allocation  for  a
         specific  user.   The  PCFICH and PDCCH are modeled with the transmission of the control
         frame of a fixed duration of 3/14  of  milliseconds  spanning  in  the  whole  available
         bandwidth,  since  the  scheduler does not estimate the size of the control region. This
         implies that a single transmission block models the entire control frame  with  a  fixed
         power (i.e., the one used for the PDSCH) across all the available RBs. According to this
         feature, this transmission represents also a valuable support for the  Reference  Signal
         (RS).  This  allows of having every TTI an evaluation of the interference scenario since
         all the eNB are transmitting (simultaneously) the  control  frame  over  the  respective
         available  bandwidths. We note that, the model does not include the power boosting since
         it does not reflect any improvement in the implemented model of the channel estimation.

         The Sounding Reference Signal (SRS) is modeled similar to the  downlink  control  frame.
         The  SRS  is  periodically placed in the last symbol of the subframe in the whole system
         bandwidth. The RRC module already includes an algorithm for  dynamically  assigning  the
         periodicity  as  function of the actual number of UEs attached to a eNB according to the
         UE-specific procedure (see Section 8.2 of [TS36213]).

   MAC to Channel delay
       To model the latency of real MAC and  PHY  implementations,  the  PHY  model  simulates  a
       MAC-to-channel delay in multiples of TTIs (1ms). The transmission of both data and control
       packets are delayed by this amount.

   CQI feedback
       The generation of CQI feedback is done  accordingly  to  what  specified  in  [FFAPI].  In
       detail,  we  considered  the  generation of periodic wideband CQI (i.e., a single value of
       channel state that is deemed representative of all RBs in use) and inband  CQIs  (i.e.,  a
       set of value representing the channel state for each RB).

       The  CQI  index  to be reported is obtained by first obtaining a SINR measurement and then
       passing this SINR measurement to the Adaptive Modulation and Coding module which will  map
       it to the CQI index.

       In  downlink,  the  SINR  used to generate CQI feedback can be calculated in two different

          1. Ctrl method: SINR is calculated  combining  the  signal  power  from  the  reference
             signals  (which  in  the simulation is equivalent to the PDCCH) and the interference
             power from the PDCCH. This approach results in considering any neighboring eNB as an
             interferer,  regardless  of  whether  this  eNB  is  actually  performing  any PDSCH
             transmission, and regardless of the power and  RBs  used  for  eventual  interfering
             PDSCH transmissions.

          2. Mixed  method:  SINR  is  calculated  combining  the signal power from the reference
             signals (which in the simulation is equivalent to the PDCCH)  and  the  interference
             power from the PDSCH. This approach results in considering as interferers only those
             neighboring eNBs that are actively transmitting data on the  PDSCH,  and  allows  to
             generate inband CQIs that account for different amounts of interference on different
             RBs according  to  the  actual  interference  level.  In  the  case  that  no  PDSCH
             transmission  is  performed  by  any  eNB, this method consider that interference is
             zero, i.e., the SINR will be calculated as the ratio of signal to noise only.

       To switch between this two CQI generation approaches,  LteHelper::UsePdschForCqiGeneration
       needs  to  be  configured:  false for first approach and true for second approach (true is
       default value):

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::UsePdschForCqiGeneration", BooleanValue (true));

       In uplink, two types of CQIs are implemented:

          • SRS based, periodically sent by the UEs.

          • PUSCH based, calculated from the actual transmitted data.

       The scheduler interface include an attribute system called UlCqiFilter  for  managing  the
       filtering of the CQIs according to their nature, in detail:

          • SRS_UL_CQI for storing only SRS based CQIs.

          • PUSCH_UL_CQI for storing only PUSCH based CQIs.

       It  has  to be noted that, the FfMacScheduler provides only the interface and it is matter
       of the actual scheduler implementation to include the code for managing  these  attributes
       (see scheduler related section for more information on this matter).

   Interference Model
       The  PHY model is based on the well-known Gaussian interference models, according to which
       the powers of interfering signals (in linear units) are summed up  together  to  determine
       the overall interference power.

       The  sequence  diagram  of  Figure  Sequence  diagram  of the PHY interference calculation
       procedure shows how interfering signals are processed to calculate the SINR, and how  SINR
       is then used for the generation of CQI feedback.
         [image] Sequence diagram of the PHY interference calculation procedure.UNINDENT

   LTE Spectrum Model
       The  usage  of the radio spectrum by eNBs and UEs in LTE is described in [TS36101]. In the
       simulator, radio spectrum usage is modeled as follows.  Let f_c denote the   LTE  Absolute
       Radio  Frequency  Channel  Number,  which  identifies  the  carrier frequency on a 100 kHz
       raster; furthermore, let B be  the  Transmission  Bandwidth  Configuration  in  number  of
       Resource  Blocks.  For every pair (f_c,B) used in the simulation we define a corresponding
       SpectrumModel using the functionality provided by the Spectrum Module .  model  using  the
       Spectrum  framework  described  in [Baldo2009].  f_c and B can be configured for every eNB
       instantiated in the simulation; hence, each eNB can use a different spectrum model.  Every
       UE  will  automatically  use  the  spectrum  model of the eNB it is attached to. Using the
       MultiModelSpectrumChannel described in [Baldo2009], the interference among eNBs  that  use
       different  spectrum  models  is  properly  accounted for.  This allows to simulate dynamic
       spectrum access policies, such as for example the spectrum  licensing  policies  that  are
       discussed in [Ofcom2600MHz].

   Data PHY Error Model
       The  simulator includes an error model of the data plane (i.e., PDSCH and PUSCH) according
       to the standard link-to-system mapping (LSM) techniques. The choice is  aligned  with  the
       standard  system simulation methodology of OFDMA  radio transmission technology. Thanks to
       LSM we are able to maintain a good level of accuracy and at the  same  time  limiting  the
       computational  complexity  increase.  It  is  based  on  the  mapping of single link layer
       performance obtained by means of link level simulators to system  (in  our  case  network)
       simulators.  In particular link the layer simulator is used for generating the performance
       of a single link from a PHY layer perspective, usually in terms of code block  error  rate
       (BLER), under specific static conditions. LSM allows the usage of these parameters in more
       complex scenarios, typical  of  system/network  simulators,  where  we  have  more  links,
       interference  and  “colored”  channel  propagation  phenomena  (e.g.,  frequency selective

       To do this the Vienna LTE Simulator [ViennaLteSim] has been used  for  what  concerns  the
       extraction  of  link  layer  performance  and  the Mutual Information Based Effective SINR
       (MIESM) as LSM mapping function using part of the work recently published  by  the  Signet
       Group of University of Padua [PaduaPEM].

       The  specific  LSM  method  adopted  is the one based on the usage of a mutual information
       metric, commonly referred to as the mutual information per per coded bit (MIB or MMIB when
       a  mean  of  multiples  MIBs  is  involved).  Another  option  would be represented by the
       Exponential ESM (EESM); however, recent studies demonstrate that MIESM outperforms EESM in
       terms of accuracy [LozanoCost].
         [image] MIESM computational procedure diagram.UNINDENT

         The  mutual  information  (MI)  is  dependent  on  the  constellation mapping and can be
         calculated per transport block (TB) basis, by evaluating the MI over the symbols and the
         subcarrier.  However,  this  would be too complex for a network simulator. Hence, in our
         implementation a flat channel response within the RB has been considered; therefore  the
         overall  MI of a TB is calculated averaging the MI evaluated per each RB used in the TB.
         In detail, the implemented scheme is depicted in Figure  MIESM  computational  procedure
         diagram,  where  we  see  that  the model starts by evaluating the MI value for each RB,
         represented in the figure by the SINR samples. Then the equivalent MI is  evaluated  per
         TB  basis  by  averaging the MI values. Finally, a further step has to be done since the
         link level simulator returns the performance of the link in terms of  block  error  rate
         (BLER)  in  a addive white gaussian noise  (AWGN) channel, where the blocks are the code
         blocks (CBs) independently encoded/decoded by the turbo  encoder.  On  this  matter  the
         standard  3GPP  segmentation  scheme  has  been  used  for estimating the actual CB size
         (described in section 5.1.2 of [TS36212]). This scheme divides the TB in N_{K_-}  blocks
         of  size K_- and N_{K+} blocks of size K_+. Therefore the overall TB BLER (TBLER) can be
         expressed as

                               TBLER = 1- \prod\limits_{i=1}^{C}(1-CBLER_i)

         where the CBLER_i is the BLER of the CB i obtained according to the link level simulator
         CB  BLER  curves.   For  estimating  the CBLER_i, the MI evaluation has been implemented
         according to its numerical approximation defined in [wimaxEmd]. Moreover,  for  reducing
         the  complexity  of  the  computation,  the approximation has been converted into lookup
         tables. In detail, Gaussian cumulative model has been used for  approximating  the  AWGN
         BLER  curves  with  three  parameters  which  provides  a close fit to the standard AWGN
         performances, in formula:

         CBLER_i = \frac{1}{2}\left[1-erf\left(\frac{x-b_{ECR}}{\sqrt{2}c_{ECR}} \right) \right]

         where x is the MI of the TB, b_{ECR} represents the “transition center” and  c_{ECR}  is
         related  to  the  “transition  width”  of  the Gaussian cumulative distribution for each
         Effective Code Rate (ECR) which is the actual transmission rate according to the channel
         coding  and  MCS.  For  limiting the computational complexity of the model we considered
         only a subset of the possible ECRs in fact we would have potentially 5076 possible  ECRs
         (i.e.,  27  MCSs  and 188 CB sizes). On this respect, we will limit the CB sizes to some
         representative values (i.e., 40, 140, 160, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4032, 6144), while  for
         the  others  the worst one approximating the real one will be used (i.e., the smaller CB
         size value available respect to the real one). This choice is  aligned  to  the  typical
         performance  of  turbo  codes,  where the CB size is not strongly impacting on the BLER.
         However, it is to be notes that for CB sizes lower than 1000 bits the  effect  might  be
         relevant  (i.e.,  till  2 dB); therefore, we adopt this unbalanced sampling interval for
         having more precision where it is necessary. This behaviour is confirmed by the  figures
         presented in the Annes Section.

   BLER Curves
       On  this  respect,  we reused part of the curves obtained within [PaduaPEM]. In detail, we
       introduced the CB size dependency to the CB BLER curves with the support of the developers
       of  [PaduaPEM]  and of the LTE Vienna Simulator. In fact, the module released provides the
       link layer performance only for what concerns the MCSs (i.e, with a given fixed  ECR).  In
       detail  the  new  error rate curves for each has been evaluated with a simulation campaign
       with the link layer simulator for a single link with AWGN noise and for CB  size  of  104,
       140,  256,  512, 1024, 2048, 4032 and 6144. These curves has been mapped with the Gaussian
       cumulative model formula presented above for  obtaining  the  correspondents  b_{ECR}  and
       c_{ECR} parameters.

       The  BLER performance of all MCS obtained with the link level simulator are plotted in the
       following figures (blue lines) together with their correspondent mapping to  the  Gaussian
       cumulative distribution (red dashed lines).
         [image] BLER for MCS 1, 2, 3 and 4..UNINDENT
         [image] BLER for MCS 5, 6, 7 and 8..UNINDENT
         [image] BLER for MCS 9, 10, 11 and 12..UNINDENT
         [image] BLER for MCS 13, 14, 15 and 16..UNINDENT
         [image] BLER for MCS 17, 17, 19 and 20..UNINDENT
         [image] BLER for MCS 21, 22, 23 and 24..UNINDENT
         [image] BLER for MCS 25, 26, 27 and 28..UNINDENT
         [image] BLER for MCS 29..UNINDENT

   Integration of the BLER curves in the ns-3 LTE module
       The  model  implemented  uses  the  curves for the LSM of the recently LTE PHY Error Model
       released in the ns3 community by the Signet Group [PaduaPEM] and the  new  ones  generated
       for  different  CB  sizes. The LteSpectrumPhy class is in charge of evaluating the TB BLER
       thanks to the methods provided by  the  LteMiErrorModel  class,  which  is  in  charge  of
       evaluating  the  TB BLER according to the vector of the perceived SINR per RB, the MCS and
       the size in order to proper model the segmentation of the TB in CBs. In  order  to  obtain
       the  vector  of  the  perceived  SINRs  for  data  and  control  signals, two instances of
       LteChunkProcessor  (dedicated  to  evaluate  the  SINR  for   obtaining   physical   error
       performance)  have  been attached to UE downlink and eNB uplink LteSpectrumPhy modules for
       evaluating the error model distribution of PDSCH (UE side) and ULSCH (eNB side).

       The model can  be  disabled  for  working  with  a  zero-losses  channel  by  setting  the
       DataErrorModelEnabled  attribute  of the LteSpectrumPhy class (by default is active). This
       can be done according to the standard ns3 attribute system procedure, that is:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::DataErrorModelEnabled", BooleanValue (false));

   Control Channels PHY Error Model
       The simulator includes the error model for downlink control channels (PCFICH  and  PDCCH),
       while  in  uplink  it  is  assumed and ideal error-free channel. The model is based on the
       MIESM approach presented before for considering the effects  of  the  frequency  selective
       channel since most of the control channels span the whole available bandwidth.

   PCFICH + PDCCH Error Model
       The  model  adopted for the error distribution of these channels is based on an evaluation
       study carried  out  in  the  RAN4  of  3GPP,  where  different  vendors  investigated  the
       demodulation  performance  of  the PCFICH jointly with PDCCH. This is due to the fact that
       the PCFICH is the channel in charge of communicating to the UEs the  actual  dimension  of
       the  PDCCH  (which spans between 1 and 3 symbols); therefore the correct decodification of
       the DCIs  depends on the correct interpretation of both ones. In 3GPP  this  problem  have
       been  evaluated  for  improving  the  cell-edge performance [FujitsuWhitePaper], where the
       interference among neighboring cells can be relatively high due to signal  degradation.  A
       similar  problem  has  been notices in femto-cell scenario and, more in general, in HetNet
       scenarios the bottleneck has been detected mainly as the  PCFICH  channel  [Bharucha2011],
       where in case of many eNBs are deployed in the same service area, this channel may collide
       in frequency, making impossible the correct detection of the PDCCH channel, too.

       In the simulator, the SINR perceived during the reception has been estimated according  to
       the  MIESM model presented above in order to evaluate the error distribution of PCFICH and
       PDCCH. In detail, the SINR samples of all the RBs are included in the evaluation of the MI
       associated  to the control frame and, according to this values, the effective SINR (eSINR)
       is obtained by inverting the MI evaluation process. It has to be noted that,  in  case  of
       MIMO  transmission,  both  PCFICH  and the PDCCH use always the transmit diversity mode as
       defined by the standard.  According  to  the  eSINR  perceived  the  decodification  error
       probability  can be estimated as function of the results presented in [R4-081920]. In case
       an error occur, the DCIs discarded and therefore the UE will be not able  to  receive  the
       correspondent Tbs, therefore resulting lost.

   MIMO Model
       The   use   of  multiple  antennas  both  at  transmitter  and  receiver  side,  known  as
       multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO), is a problem well studied in literature  during
       the  past years. Most of the work concentrate on evaluating analytically the gain that the
       different MIMO schemes might have in term  of  capacity;  however  someones  provide  also
       information of the gain in terms of received power [CatreuxMIMO].

       According  to  the considerations above, a model more flexible can be obtained considering
       the gain that MIMO schemes bring in the system  from  a  statistical  point  of  view.  As
       highlighted  before, [CatreuxMIMO] presents the statistical gain of several MIMO solutions
       respect to the SISO one in case of no correlation between the antennas. In  the  work  the
       gain  is  presented  as  the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the output SINR for
       what  concern  SISO,  MIMO-Alamouti,  MIMO-MMSE,  MIMO-OSIC-MMSE  and   MIMO-ZF   schemes.
       Elaborating  the  results,  the  output  SINR  distribution  can  be  approximated  with a
       log-normal one with different mean and variance as  function  of  the  scheme  considered.
       However,  the variances are not so different and they are approximatively equal to the one
       of   the   SISO   mode   already   included   in   the   shadowing   component   of    the
       BuildingsPropagationLossModel, in detail:

          • SISO: \mu = 13.5 and \sigma = 20 [dB].

          • MIMO-Alamouti: \mu = 17.7 and \sigma = 11.1 [dB].

          • MIMO-MMSE: \mu = 10.7 and \sigma = 16.6 [dB].

          • MIMO-OSIC-MMSE: \mu = 12.6 and \sigma = 15.5 [dB].

          • MIMO-ZF: \mu = 10.3 and \sigma = 12.6 [dB].

       Therefore  the  PHY  layer implements the MIMO model as the gain perceived by the receiver
       when using a MIMO scheme respect to the one obtained using SISO one. We note  that,  these
       gains  referred  to  a  case  where  there  is no correlation between the antennas in MIMO
       scheme; therefore do not model degradation due to paths correlation.

   UE PHY Measurements Model
       According to [TS36214], the UE has to report a set of measurements of the  eNBs  that  the
       device  is  able to perceive: the reference signal received power (RSRP) and the reference
       signal received quality (RSRQ). The former is  a  measure  of  the  received  power  of  a
       specific  eNB, while the latter includes also channel interference and thermal noise.  The
       UE has to report the measurements jointly with the physical cell  identity  (PCI)  of  the
       cell.  Both  the  RSRP and RSRQ measurements are performed during the reception of the RS,
       while the PCI is obtained with the Primary Synchronization Signal (PSS). The PSS  is  sent
       by  the eNB each 5 subframes and in detail in the subframes 1 and 6. In real systems, only
       504 distinct PCIs are available, and hence it could occur that two  nearby  eNBs  use  the
       same  PCI; however, in the simulator we model PCIs using simulation metadata, and we allow
       up to 65535 distinct PCIs, thereby avoiding PCI collisions provided that less  that  65535
       eNBs are simulated in the same scenario.

       According  to  [TS36133]  sections  9.1.4  and 9.1.7, RSRP is reported by PHY layer in dBm
       while RSRQ in dB. The values of RSRP and RSRQ are provided to higher  layers  through  the
       C-PHY  SAP  (by  means  of  UeMeasurementsParameters  struct)  every  200 ms as defined in
       [TS36331]. Layer 1 filtering is performed by averaging the all the measurements  collected
       during  the  last  window  slot. The periodicity of reporting can be adjusted for research
       purposes by means of the LteUePhy::UeMeasurementsFilterPeriod attribute.

       The formulas of the RSRP and RSRQ can be simplified considering the assumption of the  PHY
       layer  that the channel is flat within the RB, the finest level of accuracy. In fact, this
       implies that all the REs within a RB have the same power, therefore:

                  RSRP = \frac{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\frac{\sum_{m=0}^{M-1}(P(k,m))}{M}}{K}
            = \frac{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\frac{(M \times P(k))}{M}}{K}
            = \frac{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}(P(k))}{K}

       where P(k,m) represents the signal power of the RE m within the RB k, which,  as  observed
       before,  is constant within the same RB and equal to P(k), M is the number of REs carrying
       the RS in a RB and K is the number of RBs. It is to be noted that P(k), and in general all
       the  powers  defined  in this section, is obtained in the simulator from the PSD of the RB
       (which is provided by  the LteInterferencePowerChunkProcessor), in detail:

                                      P(k) = PSD_{RB}(k)*180000/12

       where PSD_{RB}(k) is the power spectral density of the RB k, 180000 is the bandwidth in Hz
       of  the  RB  and 12 is the number of REs per RB in an OFDM symbol.  Similarly, for RSSI we

       RSSI = \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} \frac{\sum_{s=0}^{S-1} \sum_{r=0}^{R-1}( P(k,s,r) + I(k,s,r) + N(k,s,r))}{S}

       where S is the number of OFDM symbols carrying RS in a RB and  R  is  the  number  of  REs
       carrying a RS in a OFDM symbol (which is fixed to 2) while P(k,s,r), I(k,s,r) and N(k,s,r)
       represent respectively the perceived power of the serving cell, the interference power and
       the  noise  power  of  the RE r in symbol s. As for RSRP, the measurements within a RB are
       always equals among each others according to the PHY model;  therefore  P(k,s,r)  =  P(k),
       I(k,s,r) = I(k) and N(k,s,r) = N(k), which implies that the RSSI can be calculated as:

               RSSI = \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} \frac{S \times 2 \times ( P(k) + I(k) + N(k))}{S}
            = \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} 2 \times ( P(k) + I(k) + N (k))

       Considering  the  constraints  of  the PHY reception chain implementation, and in order to
       maintain the level of computational complexity low, only RSRP can be directly obtained for
       all  the cells. This is due to the fact that LteSpectrumPhy is designed for evaluating the
       interference only respect to the signal of the serving eNB.  This  implies  that  the  PHY
       layer  is  optimized  for managing the power signals information with the serving eNB as a
       reference. However, RSRP and RSRQ of neighbor cell i  can  be  extracted  by  the  current
       information available of the serving cell j as detailed in the following:

                              RSRP_i = \frac{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}(P_i(k))}{K}

       RSSI_i = RSSI_j = \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} 2 \times ( I_j(k) + P_j(k) + N_j(k) )

       RSRQ_i^j = K \times RSRP_i / RSSI_j

       where  RSRP_i  is the RSRP of the neighbor cell i, P_i(k) is the power perceived at any RE
       within the RB k, K is the total number of RBs, RSSI_i is the RSSI of the neighbor  cell  i
       when the UE is attached to cell  j (which, since it is the sum of all the received powers,
       coincides with RSSI_j), I_j(k) is the total interference perceived by UE in any RE of RB k
       when  attached  to  cell i (obtained by the LteInterferencePowerChunkProcessor), P_j(k) is
       the power perceived of cell j in any RE of the RB k and N  is  the  power  noise  spectral
       density  in  any  RE.  The  sample is considered as valid in case of the RSRQ evaluated is
       above the LteUePhy::RsrqUeMeasThreshold attribute.

       The HARQ scheme implemented is based on a incremental redundancy (IR)  solutions  combined
       with  multiple stop-and-wait processes for enabling a continuous data flow. In detail, the
       solution adopted is the soft combining hybrid IR Full incremental redundancy (also  called
       IR  Type  II), which implies that the retransmissions contain only new information respect
       to the previous ones. The resource allocation algorithm of the HARQ has  been  implemented
       within  the  respective  scheduler  classes  (i.e., RrFfMacScheduler and PfFfMacScheduler,
       refer to their correspondent sections for more info), while the decodification part of the
       HARQ  has  been  implemented  in  the  LteSpectrumPhy and LteHarqPhy classes which will be
       detailed in this section.

       According to the standard, the  UL  retransmissions  are  synchronous  and  therefore  are
       allocated  7  ms  after the original transmission. On the other hand, for the DL, they are
       asynchronous and therefore can be allocated in a more flexible way starting from 7 ms  and
       it  is  a  matter of the specific scheduler implementation. The HARQ processes behavior is
       depicted in Figure:ref:fig-harq-processes-scheme.

       At the MAC layer, the HARQ entity residing in the scheduler is in  charge  of  controlling
       the  8 HARQ processes for generating new packets and managing the retransmissions both for
       the DL and the UL. The scheduler collects the HARQ feedback from eNB  and  UE  PHY  layers
       (respectively   for   UL   and   DL   connection)  by  means  of  the  FF  API  primitives
       SchedUlTriggerReq and SchedUlTriggerReq. According  to  the  HARQ  feedback  and  the  RLC
       buffers  status,  the  scheduler generates a set of DCIs including both retransmissions of
       HARQ blocks received erroneous and new transmissions, in general, giving priority  to  the
       former.  On  this matter, the scheduler has to take into consideration one constraint when
       allocating the resource for HARQ retransmissions, it must use the same modulation order of
       the  first transmission attempt (i.e., QPSK for MCS \in [0..9], 16QAM for MCS \in [10..16]
       and 64QAM for MCS \in [17..28]). This restriction comes from the specification of the rate
       matcher  in  the 3GPP standard [ TS36212]_, where the algorithm fixes the modulation order
       for generating the different blocks of the redundancy versions.

       The PHY Error Model model (i.e., the LteMiErrorModel class already presented  before)  has
       been  extended  for  considering IR HARQ according to [wimaxEmd], where the parameters for
       the AWGN curves mapping for MIESM mapping in case of retransmissions are given by:

                              R_{eff} = \frac{X}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^q C_i}

       M_{I eff} = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^q C_i M_i}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^q C_i}

       where X is the number of original information bits, C_i are number of coded bits, M_i  are
       the  mutual  information per HARQ block received on the total number of q retransmissions.
       Therefore, in order to be able to return  the  error  probability  with  the  error  model
       implemented in the simulator evaluates the R_{eff} and the MI_{I eff} and return the value
       of error probability of the ECR of the same modulation with closest lower rate respect  to
       the  R_{eff}. In order to consider the effect of HARQ retransmissions a new sets of curves
       have been integrated respect to the standard one used for the original MCS. The new curves
       are intended for covering the cases when the most conservative MCS of a modulation is used
       which implies the generation of R_{eff} lower respect to the one of standard MCSs. On this
       matter  the  curves  for 1, 2 and 3 retransmissions have been evaluated for 10 and 17. For
       MCS 0 we considered only the first retransmission since the produced code rate is  already
       very  conservative  (i.e., 0.04) and returns an error rate enough robust for the reception
       (i.e., the downturn of the BLER is centered around -18 dB).  It is to be noted  that,  the
       size  of  first TB transmission has been assumed as containing all the information bits to
       be coded; therefore X is equal to the size of the first TB sent of a an HARQ process.  The
       model  assumes  that  the  eventual  presence  of  parity bits in the codewords is already
       considered in the link level curves. This implies that as soon as the minimum  R_{eff}  is
       reached  the  model  is  not  including the gain due to the transmission of further parity
         [image] HARQ processes behavior in LTE.UNINDENT

         The part of HARQ devoted to manage the  decodification  of  the  HARQ  blocks  has  been
         implemented  in  the  LteHarqPhy  and LteSpectrumPhy classes. The former is in charge of
         maintaining the HARQ information for each active process .  The  latter  interacts  with
         LteMiErrorModel class for evaluating the correctness of the blocks received and includes
         the messaging algorithm in charge of communicating to the HARQ entity in  the  scheduler
         the   result   of   the   decodifications.   These  messages  are  encapsulated  in  the
         dlInfoListElement for DL and ulInfoListElement for UL and sent through the PUCCH and the
         PHICH  respectively with an ideal error free model according to the assumptions in their
         implementation. A sketch of the  iteration  between  HARQ  and  LTE  protocol  stack  in
         represented in Figure:ref:fig-harq-architecture.

         Finally, the HARQ engine is always active both at MAC and PHY layer; however, in case of
         the scheduler does not support HARQ the system will  continue  to  work  with  the  HARQ
         functions  inhibited  (i.e.,  buffers  are  filled  but  not  used). This implementation
         characteristic gives backward compatibility  with  schedulers  implemented  before  HARQ
         [image] Interaction between HARQ and LTE protocol stack.UNINDENT

   Resource Allocation Model
       We  now  briefly  describe how resource allocation is handled in LTE, clarifying how it is
       modeled in the simulator. The scheduler is in charge  of  generating  specific  structures
       called  Data  Control Indication (DCI) which are then transmitted by the PHY of the eNB to
       the connected UEs, in order to inform them of the resource allocation on  a  per  subframe
       basis.  In  doing  this in the downlink direction, the scheduler has to fill some specific
       fields of the DCI structure with all the information, such as: the Modulation  and  Coding
       Scheme  (MCS)  to  be  used,  the MAC Transport Block (TB) size, and the allocation bitmap
       which identifies which RBs will contain the data transmitted by the eNB to each user.

       For the mapping of resources to physical RBs, we adopt a localized mapping  approach  (see
       [Sesia2009],  Section;  hence in a given subframe each RB is always allocated to
       the same user in both slots.  The allocation bitmap can be coded in different formats;  in
       this  implementation,  we considered the Allocation Type 0 defined in [TS36213], according
       to which the RBs are grouped in Resource Block Groups (RBG) of different  size  determined
       as a function of the Transmission Bandwidth Configuration in use.

       For  certain  bandwidth  values  not all the RBs are usable, since the group size is not a
       common divisor of the group. This is for instance the case when the bandwidth is equal  to
       25  RBs,  which  results  in  a  RBG  size  of  2  RBs, and therefore 1 RB will result not
       addressable.  In uplink the format of the DCIs is different, since only adjacent  RBs  can
       be  used  because of the SC-FDMA modulation. As a consequence, all RBs can be allocated by
       the eNB regardless of the bandwidth configuration.

   Adaptive Modulation and Coding
       The simulator provides two Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) models: one based  on  the
       GSoC  model  [Piro2011]  and  one  based  on  the  physical  error model (described in the
       following sections).

       The former model is a modified version of the model described in [Piro2011], which in turn
       is  inspired  from  [Seo2004]. Our version is described in the following. Let i denote the
       generic user, and let \gamma_i be its SINR. We get the spectral efficiency \eta_i of  user
       i using the following equations:

                                         \mathrm{BER} = 0.00005

       \Gamma = \frac{ -\ln{ (5 * \mathrm{BER}) } }{ 1.5}

       \eta_i = \log_2 { \left( 1 + \frac{ {\gamma}_i }{ \Gamma } \right)}

       The  procedure  described  in [R1-081483] is used to get the corresponding MCS scheme. The
       spectral efficiency is quantized based on the channel quality indicator (CQI), rounding to
       the lowest value, and is mapped to the corresponding MCS scheme.

       Finally,  we  note  that there are some discrepancies between the MCS index in [R1-081483]
       and that indicated by the standard:  [TS36213] Table says  that  the  MCS  index
       goes  from  0  to  31,  and  0  appears to be a valid MCS scheme (TB size is not 0) but in
       [R1-081483] the first useful MCS index is 1. Hence to get the value  as  intended  by  the
       standard we need to subtract 1 from the index reported in [R1-081483].

       The  alternative  model  is based on the physical error model developed for this simulator
       and explained in the following subsections. This scheme is able to adapt the MCS selection
       to  the  actual  PHY  layer performance according to the specific CQI report. According to
       their definition, a CQI index is assigned when a  single  PDSCH  TB  with  the  modulation
       coding  scheme and code rate correspondent to that CQI index in table 7.2.3-1 of [TS36213]
       can be received with an error probability less than 0.1. In case  of  wideband  CQIs,  the
       reference  TB  includes  all  the RBGs available in order to have a reference based on the
       whole available resources; while, for subband CQIs, the reference TB is sized as the RBGs.

   Transport Block model
       The model of the MAC Transport Blocks (TBs) provided by the simulator is  simplified  with
       respect   to   the   3GPP   specifications.  In  particular,  a  simulator-specific  class
       (PacketBurst) is used to aggregate MAC SDUs in order to achieve the simulator’s equivalent
       of  a  TB,  without  the  corresponding  implementation  complexity.   The multiplexing of
       different logical channels to and from the RLC layer is performed using a dedicated packet
       tag  (LteRadioBearerTag),  which performs a functionality which is partially equivalent to
       that of the MAC headers specified by 3GPP.

   The FemtoForum MAC Scheduler Interface
       This section describes the ns-3 specific  version  of  the  LTE  MAC  Scheduler  Interface
       Specification published by the FemtoForum [FFAPI].

       We implemented the ns-3 specific version of the FemtoForum MAC Scheduler Interface [FFAPI]
       as a set of C++ abstract classes; in particular, each primitive is  translated  to  a  C++
       method  of  a given class. The term implemented here is used with the same meaning adopted
       in [FFAPI], and  hence  refers  to  the  process  of  translating  the  logical  interface
       specification to a particular programming language.  The primitives in [FFAPI] are grouped
       in two groups: the CSCHED primitives, which deal with  scheduler  configuration,  and  the
       SCHED  primitives,  which  deal  with the execution of the scheduler. Furthermore, [FFAPI]
       defines primitives of two different kinds: those of type  REQ  go  from  the  MAC  to  the
       Scheduler,  and those of type IND/CNF go from the scheduler to the MAC. To translate these
       characteristics into C++, we define the following abstract classes that implement  Service
       Access Points (SAPs) to be used to issue the primitives:

          • the  FfMacSchedSapProvider class defines all the C++ methods that correspond to SCHED
            primitives of type REQ;

          • the FfMacSchedSapUser class defines all the C++  methods  that  correspond  to  SCHED
            primitives of type CNF/IND;

          • the  FfMacCschedSapProvider  class  defines  all  the  C++ methods that correspond to
            CSCHED primitives of type REQ;

          • the FfMacCschedSapUser class defines all the C++ methods that  correspond  to  CSCHED
            primitives of type CNF/IND;

       There  are 3 blocks involved in the MAC Scheduler interface: Control block, Subframe block
       and Scheduler block. Each of these blocks provide one part of the MAC Scheduler interface.
       The  figure  below  shows  the relationship between the blocks and the SAPs defined in our
       implementation of the MAC Scheduler Interface.

       In addition to the above principles, the following design choices have been taken:

          • The definition of the MAC Scheduler interface classes follows the naming  conventions
            of  the  ns-3 Coding Style. In particular, we follow the CamelCase convention for the
            primitive names. For example, the primitive CSCHED_CELL_CONFIG_REQ is  translated  to
            CschedCellConfigReq in the ns-3 code.

          • The  same  naming  conventions  are  followed  for  the  primitive parameters. As the
            primitive parameters are member variables of classes, they are also prefixed  with  a

          • regarding  the use of vectors and lists in data structures, we note that [FFAPI] is a
            pretty much C-oriented API. However, considered that C++ is used in  ns-3,  and  that
            the  use  of  C  arrays  is  discouraged,  we  used STL vectors (std::vector) for the
            implementation of  the  MAC  Scheduler  Interface,  instead  of  using  C  arrays  as
            implicitly suggested by the way [FFAPI] is written.

          • In  C++, members with constructors and destructors are not allow in unions. Hence all
            those data structures that are said to be unions in  [FFAPI]  have  been  defined  as
            structs in our code.

       The figure below shows how the MAC Scheduler Interface is used within the eNB.

       The User side of both the CSCHED SAP and the SCHED SAP are implemented within the eNB MAC,
       i.e., in the file  The eNB  MAC  can  be  used  with  different  scheduler
       implementations  without modifications. The same figure also shows, as an example, how the
       Round Robin Scheduler is implemented: to interact with the MAC of the eNB, the Round Robin
       scheduler  implements  the  Provider  side  of  the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP interfaces. A
       similar approach can be used to implement other schedulers as well. A description of  each
       of  the  scheduler implementations that we provide as part of our LTE simulation module is
       provided in the following subsections.

   Round Robin (RR) Scheduler
       The Round Robin (RR) scheduler is probably the simplest scheduler found in the literature.
       It  works  by dividing the available resources among the active flows, i.e., those logical
       channels which have a non-empty RLC queue. If the number  of  RBGs  is  greater  than  the
       number of active flows, all the flows can be allocated in the same subframe. Otherwise, if
       the number of active flows is greater than the number of RBGs, not all the  flows  can  be
       scheduled  in  a given subframe; then, in the next subframe the allocation will start from
       the last flow that was not allocated.  The MCS  to  be  adopted  for  each  user  is  done
       according to the received wideband CQIs.

       For  what  concern the HARQ, RR implements the non adaptive version, which implies that in
       allocating the retransmission attempts RR uses the same allocation  configuration  of  the
       original  block, which means maintaining the same RBGs and MCS. UEs that are allocated for
       HARQ retransmissions are not considered for the transmission of new data in case they have
       a  transmission  opportunity available in the same TTI. Finally, HARQ can be disabled with
       ns3 attribute system for maintaining backward compatibility with old test cases and  code,
       in detail:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RrFfMacScheduler::HarqEnabled", BooleanValue (false));

       The  scheduler  implements the filtering of the uplink CQIs according to their nature with
       UlCqiFilter attribute, in detail:

          • SRS_UL_CQI: only SRS based CQI are stored in the internal attributes.

          • PUSCH_UL_CQI: only PUSCH based CQI are stored in the internal attributes.

   Proportional Fair (PF) Scheduler
       The Proportional Fair (PF) scheduler [Sesia2009] works  by  scheduling  a  user  when  its
       instantaneous  channel  quality is high relative to its own average channel condition over
       time. Let i,j denote generic users; let t be the subframe index, and  k  be  the  resource
       block  index; let M_{i,k}(t) be MCS usable by user i on resource block k according to what
       reported by the AMC model (see Adaptive Modulation and Coding); finally, let  S(M,  B)  be
       the  TB  size  in  bits  as defined in [TS36213] for the case where a number B of resource
       blocks is used. The achievable rate R_{i}(k,t) in bit/s for user i on resource block group
       k at subframe t is defined as

                        R_{i}(k,t) =  \frac{S\left( M_{i,k}(t), 1\right)}{\tau}

       where  \tau is the TTI duration.  At the start of each subframe t, each RBG is assigned to
       a certain user.  In detail, the index \widehat{i}_{k}(t) to which RBG  k  is  assigned  at
       time t is determined as

                    \widehat{i}_{k}(t) = \underset{j=1,...,N}{\operatorname{argmax}}
        \left( \frac{ R_{j}(k,t) }{ T_\mathrm{j}(t) } \right)

       where  T_{j}(t)  is  the past througput performance perceived by the user j.  According to
       the above scheduling algorithm, a user can be allocated to different RBGs,  which  can  be
       either  adjacent  or  not,  depending on the current condition of the channel and the past
       throughput performance T_{j}(t). The latter is determined at the end  of  the  subframe  t
       using the following exponential moving average approach:

                                               T_{j}(t) =
       (1-\frac{1}{\alpha})T_{j}(t-1) +\frac{1}{\alpha} \widehat{T}_{j}(t)

       where  \alpha  is  the  time  constant  (in number of subframes) of the exponential moving
       average, and \widehat{T}_{j}(t) is the actual throughput achieved by the  user  i  in  the
       subframe  t. \widehat{T}_{j}(t) is measured according to the following procedure. First we
       determine the MCS \widehat{M}_j(t) actually used by user j:

                    \widehat{M}_j(t) = \min_{k: \widehat{i}_{k}(t) = j}{M_{j,k}(t)}

       then we determine the total number \widehat{B}_j(t) of RBGs allocated to user j:

                  \widehat{B}_j(t) = \left| \{ k :  \widehat{i}_{k}(t) = j \} \right|

       where |\cdot| indicates the cardinality of the set; finally,

                 \widehat{T}_{j}(t) = \frac{S\left( \widehat{M}_j(t), \widehat{B}_j(t)

       For what concern the HARQ, PF implements the non adaptive version, which implies  that  in
       allocating   the   retransmission   attempts   the  scheduler  uses  the  same  allocation
       configuration of the original block, which means maintaining the same RBGs  and  MCS.  UEs
       that are allocated for HARQ retransmissions are not considered for the transmission of new
       data in case they have a transmission opportunity available in the same TTI. Finally, HARQ
       can  be disabled with ns3 attribute system for maintaining backward compatibility with old
       test cases and code, in detail:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PfFfMacScheduler::HarqEnabled", BooleanValue (false));

   Maximum Throughput (MT) Scheduler
       The Maximum Throughput (MT) scheduler [FCapo2012] aims to maximize the overall  throughput
       of  eNB.  It allocates each RB to the user that can achieve the maximum achievable rate in
       the current TTI.  Currently, MT scheduler in  NS-3  has  two  versions:  frequency  domain
       (FDMT) and time domain (TDMT).  In FDMT, every TTI, MAC scheduler allocates RBGs to the UE
       who has highest achievable rate calculated  by  subband  CQI.  In  TDMT,  every  TTI,  MAC
       scheduler  selects  one  UE  which has highest achievable rate calculated by wideband CQI.
       Then MAC scheduler allocates all RBGs to this UE  in  current  TTI.   The  calculation  of
       achievable  rate  in  FDMT  and  TDMT is as same as the one in PF.  Let i,j denote generic
       users; let t be the subframe index, and k be the resource block index; let  M_{i,k}(t)  be
       MCS  usable by user i on resource block k according to what reported by the AMC model (see
       Adaptive Modulation and Coding); finally, let S(M, B) be the TB size in bits as defined in
       [TS36213]  for  the  case where a number B of resource blocks is used. The achievable rate
       R_{i}(k,t) in bit/s for user i on resource block k at subframe t is defined as

                        R_{i}(k,t) =  \frac{S\left( M_{i,k}(t), 1\right)}{\tau}

       where \tau is the TTI duration.  At the start of each subframe t, each RB is assigned to a
       certain user.  In detail, the index \widehat{i}_{k}(t) to which RB k is assigned at time t
       is determined as

                    \widehat{i}_{k}(t) = \underset{j=1,...,N}{\operatorname{argmax}}
           \left( { R_{j}(k,t) } \right)

       When there are several UEs having the same achievable rate, current implementation  always
       selects  the  first  UE  created  in  script. Although MT can maximize cell throughput, it
       cannot provide fairness to UEs in poor channel condition.

   Throughput to Average (TTA) Scheduler
       The Throughput to Average (TTA) scheduler [FCapo2012] can be considered as an intermediate
       between MT and PF.  The metric used in TTA is calculated as follows:

                    \widehat{i}_{k}(t) = \underset{j=1,...,N}{\operatorname{argmax}}
        \left( \frac{ R_{j}(k,t) }{ R_{j}(t) } \right)

       Here, R_{i}(k,t) in bit/s represents the achievable rate for user i on resource block k at
       subframe t. The calculation method already is shown in MT and PF. Meanwhile,  R_{i}(t)  in
       bit/s stands for the achievable rate for i at subframe t. The difference between those two
       achievable rates is how to get MCS. For R_{i}(k,t), MCS is calculated by subband CQI while
       R_{i}(t) is calculated by wideband CQI. TTA scheduler can only be implemented in frequency
       domain (FD) because  the  achievable  rate  of  particular  RBG  is  only  related  to  FD

   Blind Average Throughput Scheduler
       The Blind Average Throughput scheduler [FCapo2012] aims to provide equal throughput to all
       UEs under eNB. The metric used in TTA is calculated as follows:

                    \widehat{i}_{k}(t) = \underset{j=1,...,N}{\operatorname{argmax}}
        \left( \frac{ 1 }{ T_\mathrm{j}(t) } \right)

       where T_{j}(t) is the past throughput performance perceived by  the  user  j  and  can  be
       calculated by the same method in PF scheduler. In the time domain blind average throughput
       (TD-BET), the scheduler selects the UE with largest priority metric and allocates all RBGs
       to  this UE. On the other hand, in the frequency domain blind average throughput (FD-BET),
       every TTI, the scheduler first selects one UE with lowest  pastAverageThroughput  (largest
       priority  metric).  Then  scheduler  assigns  one  RBG  to this UE, it calculates expected
       throughput of this UE and uses it to compare with  past  average  throughput  T_{j}(t)  of
       other  UEs.  The  scheduler  continues  to  allocate  RBG  to  this  UE until its expected
       throughput is not the smallest one among past average throughput T_{j}(t) of all UE.  Then
       the scheduler will use the same way to allocate RBG for a new UE which has the lowest past
       average throughput T_{j}(t) until all RBGs are allocated to UEs. The principle behind this
       is  that, in every TTI, the scheduler tries the best to achieve the equal throughput among
       all UEs.

   Token Bank Fair Queue Scheduler
       Token Bank Fair Queue (TBFQ) is a QoS aware scheduler which derives from the  leaky-bucket
       mechanism. In TBFQ, a traffic flow of user i is characterized by following parameters:

          • t_{i}: packet arrival rate (byte/sec )

          • r_{i}: token generation rate (byte/sec)

          • p_{i}: token pool size (byte)

          • E_{i}:  counter  that records the number of token borrowed from or given to the token
            bank by flow i ; E_{i} can be smaller than zero

       Each K bytes data consumes k tokens. Also, TBFQ maintains a shared token bank (B) so as to
       balance the traffic between different flows. If token generation rate r_{i} is bigger than
       packet arrival rate t_{i}, then tokens overflowing from token pool are added to the  token
       bank,  and  E_{i}  is  increased  by  the same amount. Otherwise, flow i needs to withdraw
       tokens from token bank based  on  a  priority  metric  frac{E_{i}}{r_{i}},  and  E_{i}  is
       decreased.   Obviously,  the  user  contributes  more on token bank has higher priority to
       borrow tokens; on the other hand, the  user  borrows  more  tokens  from  bank  has  lower
       priority  to  continue  to withdraw tokens. Therefore, in case of several users having the
       same token generation rate, traffic rate and token pool size,  user  suffers  from  higher
       interference has more opportunity to borrow tokens from bank. In addition, TBFQ can police
       the traffic by setting the token generation rate to limit the  throughput.   Additionally,
       TBFQ also maintains following three parameters for each flow:

          • Debt limit d_{i}: if E_{i} belows this threshold, user i cannot further borrow tokens
            from bank. This is for preventing malicious UE to borrow too much tokens.

          • Credit limit c_{i}: the maximum number of tokens UE i can borrow from the bank in one

          • Credit  threshold  C: once E_{i} reaches debt limit, UE i must store C tokens to bank
            in order to further borrow token from bank.

       LTE in NS-3 has two versions of TBFQ scheduler: frequency domain TBFQ (FD-TBFQ)  and  time
       domain TBFQ (TD-TBFQ).  In FD-TBFQ, the scheduler always select UE with highest metric and
       allocates RBG with highest subband CQI until there are no packets within UE’s  RLC  buffer
       or  all  RBGs  are  allocated [FABokhari2009]. In TD-TBFQ, after selecting UE with maximum
       metric, it allocates all RBGs to this UE by using wideband CQI [WKWong2004].

   Priority Set Scheduler
       Priority set scheduler (PSS) is a QoS aware scheduler which combines time domain (TD)  and
       frequency  domain  (FD) packet scheduling operations into one scheduler [GMonghal2008]. It
       controls the fairness among UEs by a specified Target Bit Rate (TBR).

       In TD scheduler part, PSS first selects UEs with non-empty RLC buffer and then divide them
       into two sets based on the TBR:

       • set  1:  UE  whose  past average throughput is smaller than TBR; TD scheduler calculates
         their priority metric in Blind Equal Throughput (BET) style:

                    \widehat{i}_{k}(t) = \underset{j=1,...,N}{\operatorname{argmax}}
        \left( \frac{ 1 }{ T_\mathrm{j}(t) } \right)

       • set 2: UE whose past average throughput is larger (or  equal)  than  TBR;  TD  scheduler
         calculates their priority metric in Proportional Fair (PF) style:

                    \widehat{i}_{k}(t) = \underset{j=1,...,N}{\operatorname{argmax}}
        \left( \frac{ R_{j}(k,t) }{ T_\mathrm{j}(t) } \right)

       UEs  belonged  to  set  1  have  higher  priority than ones in set 2. Then PSS will select
       N_{mux} UEs with highest metric in two sets and forward those UE to FD scheduler. In  PSS,
       FD  scheduler  allocates  RBG k to UE n that maximums the chosen metric. Two PF schedulers
       are used in PF scheduler:

       • Proportional Fair scheduled (PFsch)

                  \widehat{Msch}_{k}(t) = \underset{j=1,...,N}{\operatorname{argmax}}
        \left( \frac{ R_{j}(k,t) }{ Tsch_\mathrm{j}(t) } \right)

       • Carrier over Interference to Average (CoIta)

                  \widehat{Mcoi}_{k}(t) = \underset{j=1,...,N}{\operatorname{argmax}}
        \left( \frac{ CoI[j,k] }{ \sum_{k=0}^{N_{RBG}} CoI[j,k] } \right)

       where Tsch_{j}(t) is similar past throughput performance perceived by the user j, with the
       difference  that  it is updated only when the i-th user is actually served. CoI[j,k] is an
       estimation of the SINR on the RBG k of UE j. Both PFsch and CoIta  is  for  decoupling  FD
       metric  from TD scheduler. In addition, PSS FD scheduler also provide a weight metric W[n]
       for helping controlling fairness in case of low number of UEs.

                                W[n] =  max (1, \frac{TBR}{ T_{j}(t) })

       where T_{j}(t) is the past throughput performance perceived by the user j . Therefore,  on
       RBG  k,  the  FD  scheduler  selects  the UE j that maximizes the product of the frequency
       domain metric (Msch, MCoI) by weight W[n]. This strategy will guarantee the throughput  of
       lower quality UE tend towards the TBR.

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PfFfMacScheduler::HarqEnabled", BooleanValue (false));

       The  scheduler  implements the filtering of the uplink CQIs according to their nature with
       UlCqiFilter attribute, in detail:

          • SRS_UL_CQI: only SRS based CQI are stored in the internal attributes.

          • PUSCH_UL_CQI: only PUSCH based CQI are stored in the internal attributes.

   Channel and QoS Aware Scheduler
       The Channel and QoS Aware (CQA) Scheduler [Bbojovic2014] is an LTE MAC downlink scheduling
       algorithm  that  considers  the  head  of line (HOL) delay, the GBR parameters and channel
       quality over different subbands. The CQA scheduler is based on joint TD and FD scheduling.

       In the TD (at each TTI) the CQA  scheduler  groups  users  by  priority.  The  purpose  of
       grouping  is  to  enforce  the  FD scheduling to consider first the flows with highest HOL
       delay. The grouping metric m_{td} for user j=1,...,N is defined in the following way:

                        m_{td}^{j}(t) = \lceil\frac{d_{hol}^{j}(t)}{g}\rceil \;,

       where d_{hol}^{j}(t) is the current value of HOL delay of flow j,  and  g  is  a  grouping
       parameter  that  determines  granularity  of the groups, i.e. the number of the flows that
       will be considered in the FD scheduling iteration.

       The groups of flows selected in the TD  iteration  are  forwarded  to  the  FD  scheduling
       starting  from  the  flows  with the highest value of the m_{td} metric until all RBGs are
       assigned in the corresponding TTI.  In the FD, for each RBG k=1,...,K, the  CQA  scheduler
       assigns the current RBG to the user j that has the maximum value of the FD metric which we
       define in the following way:

            m_{fd}^{(k,j)}(t) = d_{HOL}^{j}(t) \cdot m_{GBR}^j(t) \cdot m_{ca}^{k,j}(t) \;,

       where m_{GBR}^j(t) is calculated as follows:

                                           \cdot r^j(t)} \;,

       where  GBR^j  is  the bit rate specified in EPS bearer of the flow j, \overline{R^j}(t) is
       the past averaged throughput that is calculated with a moving  average,  r^{j}(t)  is  the
       throughput  achieved  at  the  time  t, and \alpha is a coefficient such that 0 \le \alpha

       For  m_{ca}^{(k,j)}(t)  we  consider  two   different   metrics:   m_{pf}^{(k,j)}(t)   and
       m_{ff}^{(k,j)}(t).  m_{pf} is the Proportional Fair metric which is defined as follows:

                     m_{pf}^{(k,j)}(t) = \frac{R_e^{(k,j)}}{\overline{R^j}(t)} \;,

       where  R_e^{(k,j)}(t)  is  the  estimated  achievable  throughput  of  user  j  over RBG k
       calculated by the Adaptive Modulation and  Coding  (AMC)  scheme  that  maps  the  channel
       quality indicator (CQI) value to the transport block size in bits.

       The  other  channel  awareness  metric  that  we  consider  is m_{ff} which is proposed in
       [GMonghal2008] and it represents the frequency selective fading gains over RBG k for  user
       j and is calculated in the following way:

              m_{ff}^{(k,j)}(t) = \frac{CQI^{(k,j)}(t)}{\sum_{k=1}^{K}CQI(t)^{(k,j)}} \;,

       where CQI^{(k,j)}(t) is the last reported CQI value from user j for the k-th RBG.

       The  user  can  select  whether  m_{pf}  or  m_{ff}  is  used  by  setting  the  attribute
       ns3::CqaFfMacScheduler::CqaMetric respectively to "CqaPf" or "CqaFf".

   Random Access
       The LTE model includes a model of the Random Access procedure based  on  some  simplifying
       assumptions,  which  are  detailed  in  the following for each of the messages and signals
       described in the specs [TS36321].

          • Random Access (RA) preamble: in real LTE systems this  corresponds  to  a  Zadoff-Chu
            (ZC)  sequence  using  one  of  several formats available and sent in the PRACH slots
            which could in principle  overlap  with  PUSCH.   PRACH  Configuration  Index  14  is
            assumed,  i.e., preambles can be sent on any system frame number and subframe number.
            The RA preamble is modeled using the  LteControlMessage  class,  i.e.,  as  an  ideal
            message  that  does  not  consume  any  radio  resources.  The  collision of preamble
            transmission by  multiple  UEs  in  the  same  cell  are  modeled  using  a  protocol
            interference model, i.e., whenever two or more identical preambles are transmitted in
            same cell at the same TTI, no one of these identical preambles will  be  received  by
            the  eNB.  Other  than  this  collision  model, no error model is associated with the
            reception of a RA preamble.

          • Random Access Response (RAR): in real LTE systems, this is a special MAC PDU sent  on
            the  DL-SCH.  Since  MAC control elements are not accurately modeled in the simulator
            (only RLC and above PDUs are), the RAR is modeled as an LteControlMessage  that  does
            not  consume  any radio resources. Still, during the RA procedure, the LteEnbMac will
            request to the scheduler the allocation of resources for the RAR  using  the  FF  MAC
            Scheduler    primitive   SCHED_DL_RACH_INFO_REQ.   Hence,   an   enhanced   scheduler
            implementation (not available at the moment) could allocate radio resources  for  the
            RAR,  thus  modeling  the  consumption of Radio Resources for the transmission of the

          • Message 3:  in real LTE systems, this is an RLC TM SDU sent over resources  specified
            in  the  UL  Grant in the RAR. In the simulator, this is modeled as a real RLC TM RLC
            PDU  whose  UL  resources   are   allocated   by   the   scheduler   upon   call   to

          • Contention Resolution (CR): in real LTE system, the CR phase is needed to address the
            case where two or more UE sent the same RA preamble in the same TTI, and the eNB  was
            able  to  detect  this  preamble in spite of the collision. Since this event does not
            occur due to the protocol interference model used for the reception of RA  preambles,
            the  CR  phase  is not modeled in the simulator, i.e., the CR MAC CE is never sent by
            the eNB and the UEs consider the RA to be successful upon reception of the RAR. As  a
            consequence,  the  radio resources consumed for the transmission of the CR MAC CE are
            not modeled.

       Figure Sequence diagram of the Contention-based MAC Random Access procedure  and  Sequence
       diagram  of  the  Non-contention-based  MAC  Random  Access  procedure  shows the sequence
       diagrams of respectively the contention-based and non-contention-based MAC  random  access
       procedure, highlighting the interactions between the MAC and the other entities.
         [image] Sequence diagram of the Contention-based MAC Random Access procedure.UNINDENT
         [image]    Sequence    diagram   of   the   Non-contention-based   MAC   Random   Access

       The RLC entity is specified in the 3GPP technical specification [TS36322],  and  comprises
       three  different  types  of  RLC:  Transparent  Mode  (TM),  Unacknowledged  Mode (UM) and
       Acknowledged Mode (AM). The simulator includes one model for each of these entities

       The RLC entities provide the RLC service interface to the upper PDCP  layer  and  the  MAC
       service  interface to the lower MAC layer. The RLC entities use the PDCP service interface
       from the upper PDCP layer and the MAC service interface from the lower MAC layer.

       Figure  Implementation  Model  of  PDCP,  RLC  and  MAC  entities  and  SAPs   shows   the
       implementation  model of the RLC entities and its relationship with all the other entities
       and services in the protocol stack.
         [image] Implementation Model of PDCP, RLC and MAC entities and SAPs.UNINDENT

   Service Interfaces
   RLC Service Interface
       The RLC service interface is divided into two parts:

          • the RlcSapProvider part is provided by the RLC layer and used by the upper PDCP layer

          • the RlcSapUser part is provided by the upper PDCP layer and used by the RLC layer.

       Both  the  UM  and the AM RLC entities provide the same RLC service interface to the upper
       PDCP layer.

   RLC Service Primitives
       The following list specifies which service primitives are  provided  by  the  RLC  service

          • RlcSapProvider::TransmitPdcpPdu

                • The  PDCP entity uses this primitive to send a PDCP PDU to the lower RLC entity
                  in the transmitter peer

          • RlcSapUser::ReceivePdcpPdu

                • The RLC entity uses this primitive to send a PDCP PDU to the upper PDCP  entity
                  in the receiver peer

   MAC Service Interface
       The MAC service interface is divided into two parts:

          • the  MacSapProvider part is provided by the MAC layer and used by the upper RLC layer

          • the MacSapUser  part is provided by the upper RLC layer and used by the MAC layer.

   MAC Service Primitives
       The following list specifies which service primitives are  provided  by  the  MAC  service

          • MacSapProvider::TransmitPdu

                • The RLC entity uses this primitive to send a RLC PDU to the lower MAC entity in
                  the transmitter peer

          • MacSapProvider::ReportBufferStatus

                • The RLC entity uses this primitive to report the MAC entity the size of pending
                  buffers in the transmitter peer

          • MacSapUser::NotifyTxOpportunity

                • The  MAC  entity  uses  this  primitive to notify the RLC entity a transmission

          • MacSapUser::ReceivePdu

                • The MAC entity uses this primitive to send an RLC PDU to the upper  RLC  entity
                  in the receiver peer

       The  processing  of the data transfer in the Acknowledge Mode (AM) RLC entity is explained
       in section 5.1.3  of  [TS36322].   In  this  section  we  describe  some  details  of  the
       implementation of the RLC entity.

   Buffers for the transmit operations
       Our implementation of the AM RLC entity maintains 3 buffers for the transmit operations:

          • Transmission  Buffer: it is the RLC SDU queue.  When the AM RLC entity receives a SDU
            in the TransmitPdcpPdu service primitive from the upper PDCP entity, it  enqueues  it
            in  the  Transmission  Buffer.  We  put a limit on the RLC buffer size and the LteRlc
            TxDrop trace source is called when a drop due to a full buffer occurs.

          • Transmitted PDUs Buffer: it is the  queue  of  transmitted  RLC  PDUs  for  which  an
            ACK/NACK  has  not  been  received yet. When the AM RLC entity sends a PDU to the MAC
            entity, it also puts a copy of the transmitted PDU in the Transmitted PDUs Buffer.

          • Retransmission Buffer: it  is  the  queue  of  RLC  PDUs  which  are  considered  for
            retransmission (i.e., they have been NACKed). The AM RLC entity moves this PDU to the
            Retransmission Buffer, when it retransmits a PDU from the Transmitted Buffer.

   Transmit operations in downlink
       The following sequence diagram shows the interactions between the different entities (RRC,
       PDCP,  AM  RLC,  MAC  and  MAC  scheduler)  of  the  eNB  in  the downlink to perform data

       Figure Sequence diagram of data PDU transmission in downlink shows how  the  upper  layers
       send  data  PDUs  and how the data flow is processed by the different entities/services of
       the LTE protocol stack.
         [image] Sequence diagram of data PDU transmission in downlink.UNINDENT

         The PDCP entity calls the Transmit_PDCP_PDU service primitive in order to  send  a  data
         PDU.  The  AM  RLC  entity  processes  this  service  primitive according to the AM data
         transfer procedures defined in section 5.1.3 of [TS36322].

         When the Transmit_PDCP_PDU service primitive is called, the AM RLC entity  performs  the
         following operations:

          • Put the data SDU in the Transmission Buffer.

          • Compute  the  size  of  the  buffers  (how  the  size  of buffers is computed will be
            explained afterwards).

          • Call the Report_Buffer_Status service primitive of the eNB MAC  entity  in  order  to
            notify to the eNB MAC entity the sizes of the buffers of the AM RLC entity. Then, the
            eNB  MAC  entity  updates  the  buffer  status  in  the  MAC  scheduler   using   the
            SchedDlRlcBufferReq service primitive of the FF MAC Scheduler API.

       Afterwards,  when  the  MAC  scheduler  decides that some data can be sent, the MAC entity
       notifies it to the RLC entity, i.e. it calls the Notify_Tx_Opportunity service  primitive,
       then the AM RLC entity does the following:

          • Create  a  single  data  PDU  by  segmenting  and/or  concatenating  the  SDUs in the
            Transmission Buffer.

          • Move the data PDU from the Transmission Buffer to the Transmitted PDUs Buffer.

          • Update state variables according section of [TS36322].

          • Call the Transmit_PDU primitive in order to send the data PDU to the MAC entity.

   Retransmission in downlink
       The sequence diagram of Figure Sequence diagram of data  PDU  retransmission  in  downlink
       shows  the  interactions between the different entities (AM RLC, MAC and MAC scheduler) of
       the eNB in downlink when data PDUs must be retransmitted by the AM RLC entity.
         [image] Sequence diagram of data PDU retransmission in downlink.UNINDENT

         The transmitting AM RLC entity can receive STATUS PDUs from  the  peer  AM  RLC  entity.
         STATUS  PDUs  are  sent  according  section  5.3.2  of  [TS36322]  and the processing of
         reception is made according section 5.2.1 of [TS36322].

         When a data PDUs is retransmitted from the Transmitted PDUs Buffer, it is also moved  to
         the Retransmission Buffer.

   Transmit operations in uplink
       The  sequence  diagram of Figure Sequence diagram of data PDU transmission in uplink shows
       the interactions between the different entities of the UE (RRC, PDCP, RLC and MAC) and the
       eNB (MAC and Scheduler) in uplink when data PDUs are sent by the upper layers.
         [image] Sequence diagram of data PDU transmission in uplink.UNINDENT

         It  is  similar to the sequence diagram in downlink; the main difference is that in this
         case the Report_Buffer_Status is sent from the UE MAC to the MAC Scheduler  in  the  eNB
         over the air using the control channel.

   Retransmission in uplink
       The sequence diagram of Figure Sequence diagram of data PDU retransmission in uplink shows
       the interactions between the different entities of the UE (AM RLC and  MAC)  and  the  eNB
       (MAC) in uplink when data PDUs must be retransmitted by the AM RLC entity.
         [image] Sequence diagram of data PDU retransmission in uplink.UNINDENT

   Calculation of the buffer size
       The  Transmission  Buffer contains RLC SDUs. A RLC PDU is one or more SDU segments plus an
       RLC header.  The size of the RLC header of one RLC  PDU  depends  on  the  number  of  SDU
       segments the PDU contains.

       The  3GPP  standard  (section of [TS36321]) says clearly that, for the uplink, the
       RLC and MAC headers are not considered in the buffer size that is to be report as part  of
       the  Buffer  Status  Report.   For  the  downlink,  the behavior is not specified. Neither
       [FFAPI] specifies how to do it. Our RLC model works by assuming that  the  calculation  of
       the  buffer  size  in the downlink is done exactly as in the uplink, i.e., not considering
       the RLC and MAC header size.

       We note that this choice affects the interoperation with  the  MAC  scheduler,  since,  in
       response  to  the Notify_Tx_Opportunity service primitive, the RLC is expected to create a
       PDU of no more than the size requested by the MAC, including RLC overhead. Hence, unneeded
       fragmentation  can occur if (for example) the MAC notifies a transmission exactly equal to
       the buffer size previously reported by the RLC. We assume that it is left to the Scheduler
       to  implement  smart  strategies  for  the  selection  of  the  size  of  the transmission
       opportunity, in order to eventually avoid the inefficiency of unneeded fragmentation.

   Concatenation and Segmentation
       The AM RLC  entity  generates  and  sends  exactly  one  RLC  PDU  for  each  transmission
       opportunity  even if it is smaller than the size reported by the transmission opportunity.
       So for instance, if a STATUS PDU is to be sent, then only this PDU will be  sent  in  that
       transmission opportunity.

       The segmentation and concatenation for the SDU queue of the AM RLC entity follows the same
       philosophy as the same procedures of the UM RLC entity but there are new  state  variables
       (see [TS36322] section 7.1) only present in the AM RLC entity.

       It  is  noted  that,  according  to  the  3GPP  specs,  there  is no concatenation for the
       Retransmission Buffer.

       The current model of the AM RLC  entity  does  not  support  the  re-segmentation  of  the
       retransmission  buffer.  Rather,  the  AM  RLC  entity  just waits to receive a big enough
       transmission opportunity.

   Unsupported features
       We do not support the following procedures of [TS36322] :

          • “Send an indication of successful delivery of RLC SDU” (See section

          • “Indicate to upper layers that max retransmission  has  been  reached”  (See  section

          • “SDU discard procedures” (See section 5.3)

          • “Re-establishment procedure” (See section 5.4)

       We  do  not  support  any  of  the  additional primitives of RLC SAP for AM RLC entity. In

          • no SDU discard notified by PDCP

          • no notification of successful / failed delivery by AM RLC entity to PDCP entity

       In this section we describe the implementation of the Unacknowledged Mode (UM) RLC entity.

   Transmit operations in downlink
       The transmit operations of the UM RLC are similar  to  those  of  the  AM  RLC  previously
       described  in Section Transmit operations in downlink, with the difference that, following
       the specifications of [TS36322], retransmission are not performed, and there are no STATUS

   Transmit operations in uplink
       The  transmit operations in the uplink are similar to those of the downlink, with the main
       difference that the Report_Buffer_Status is sent from the UE MAC to the MAC  Scheduler  in
       the eNB over the air using the control channel.

   Calculation of the buffer size
       The  calculation  of the buffer size for the UM RLC is done using the same approach of the
       AM RLC, please refer to section Calculation of  the  buffer  size  for  the  corresponding

       In this section we describe the implementation of the Transparent Mode (TM) RLC entity.

   Transmit operations in downlink
       In the simulator, the TM RLC still provides to the upper layers the same service interface
       provided by the AM and UM RLC entities to the PDCP layer; in practice, this  interface  is
       used by an RRC entity (not a PDCP entity) for the transmission of RLC SDUs. This choice is
       motivated by the fact that the services provided by  the  TM  RLC  to  the  upper  layers,
       according to [TS36322], is a subset of those provided by the UM and AM RLC entities to the
       PDCP layer; hence, we reused the same interface for simplicity.

       The  transmit  operations  in  the  downlink  are   performed   as   follows.   When   the
       Transmit_PDCP_PDU  service  primitive  is  called by the upper layers, the TM RLC does the

          • put the SDU in the Transmission Buffer

          • compute the size of the Transmission Buffer

          • call the Report_Buffer_Status service primitive of the eNB MAC entity

       Afterwards, when the MAC scheduler decides that some data  can  be  sent  by  the  logical
       channel  to  which  the  TM  RLC  entity belongs, the MAC entity notifies it to the TM RLC
       entity by calling the Notify_Tx_Opportunity service  primitive.  Upon  reception  of  this
       primitive, the TM RLC entity does the following:

          • if  the  TX  opportunity  has a size that is greater than or equal to the size of the
            head-of-line SDU in the Transmission Buffer

            • dequeue the head-of-line SDU from the Transmission Buffer

            • create one RLC PDU that contains entirely that SDU, without any RLC header

            • Call the Transmit_PDU primitive in order to send the RLC PDU to the MAC entity.

   Transmit operations in uplink
       The transmit operations in the uplink are similar to those of the downlink, with the  main
       difference  that  a  transmission opportunity can also arise from the assignment of the UL
       GRANT as part of the Random Access procedure, without an  explicit  Buffer  Status  Report
       issued by the TM RLC entity.

   Calculation of the buffer size
       As  per  the  specifications [TS36322], the TM RLC does not add any RLC header to the PDUs
       being transmitted. Because of  this,  the  buffer  size  reported  to  the  MAC  layer  is
       calculated  simply  by  summing  the  size of all packets in the transmission buffer, thus
       notifying to the MAC the exact buffer size.

       In addition to the AM,  UM  and  TM  implementations  that  are  modeled  after  the  3GPP
       specifications,  a  simplified RLC model is provided, which is called Saturation Mode (SM)
       RLC. This RLC model does not accept PDUs from any above layer (such as PDCP); rather,  the
       SM  RLC  takes  care  of  the  generation  of  RLC PDUs in response to the notification of
       transmission opportunities notified by the MAC.  In other  words,  the  SM  RLC  simulates
       saturation  conditions,  i.e.,  it  assumes  that  the  RLC  buffer is always full and can
       generate a new PDU whenever notified by the scheduler.

       The SM RLC is used for simplified simulation scenarios in which only the LTE  Radio  model
       is  used,  without  the  EPC  and  hence  without any IP networking support. We note that,
       although the SM RLC is an unrealistic traffic model,  it  still  allows  for  the  correct
       simulation  of  scenarios  with  multiple flows belonging to different (non real-time) QoS
       classes, in order to test the QoS performance obtained by different schedulers.  This  can
       be  done  since  it is the task of the Scheduler to assign transmission resources based on
       the characteristics (e.g., Guaranteed Bit Rate) of each Radio Bearer, which are  specified
       upon the definition of each Bearer within the simulation program.

       As  for schedulers designed to work with real-time QoS traffic that has delay constraints,
       the SM RLC is probably not an appropriate choice.  This is because the absence  of  actual
       RLC  SDUs  (replaced  by  the artificial generation of Buffer Status Reports) makes it not
       possible to provide the Scheduler with meaningful head-of-line-delay information, which is
       often  the  metric  of  choice for the implementation of scheduling policies for real-time
       traffic flows. For the simulation and testing of such schedulers, it is advisable  to  use
       either the UM or the AM RLC models instead.

   PDCP Model Overview
       The reference document for the specification of the PDCP entity is [TS36323]. With respect
       to this specification, the PDCP model implemented  in  the  simulator  supports  only  the
       following features:

          • transfer of data (user plane or control plane);

          • maintenance of PDCP SNs;

          • transfer of SN status (for use upon handover);

       The following features are currently not supported:

          • header compression and decompression of IP data flows using the ROHC protocol;

          • in-sequence delivery of upper layer PDUs at re-establishment of lower layers;

          • duplicate  elimination  of  lower  layer SDUs at re-establishment of lower layers for
            radio bearers mapped on RLC AM;

          • ciphering and deciphering of user plane data and control plane data;

          • integrity protection and integrity verification of control plane data;

          • timer based discard;

          • duplicate discarding.

   PDCP Service Interface
       The PDCP service interface is divided into two parts:

          • the PdcpSapProvider part is provided by the PDCP layer and used by  the  upper  layer

          • the PdcpSapUser part is provided by the upper layer and used by the PDCP layer.

   PDCP Service Primitives
       The  following  list  specifies  which service primitives are provided by the PDCP service

          • PdcpSapProvider::TransmitPdcpSdu

                • The RRC entity uses this primitive to send an RRC PDU to the lower PDCP  entity
                  in the transmitter peer

          • PdcpSapUser::ReceivePdcpSdu

                • The  PDCP entity uses this primitive to send an RRC PDU to the upper RRC entity
                  in the receiver peer

       The RRC model implemented in the simulator provides the following functionality:

          • generation (at the eNB) and interpretation (at the  UE)  of  System  Information  (in
            particular the Master Information Block and, at the time of this writing, only System
            Information Block Type 1 and 2)

          • initial cell selection

          • RRC connection establishment procedure

          • RRC reconfiguration procedure, supporting the following use cases: +  reconfiguration
            of  the  SRS  configuration  index  +  reconfiguration  of  the  PHY TX mode (MIMO) +
            reconfiguration of UE measurements + data radio bearer setup + handover

          • RRC connection re-establishment, supporting the following use cases: + handover

       The RRC model is divided into the following components:

          • the RRC entities LteUeRrc and LteEnbRrc, which implement the state  machines  of  the
            RRC entities respectively at the UE and the eNB;

          • the    RRC    SAPs    LteUeRrcSapProvider,   LteUeRrcSapUser,   LteEnbRrcSapProvider,
            LteEnbRrcSapUser, which allow the RRC entities to send and receive RRC  messages  and
            information elmenents;

          • the    RRC    protocol    classes    LteUeRrcProtocolIdeal,   LteEnbRrcProtocolIdeal,
            LteUeRrcProtocolReal, LteEnbRrcProtocolReal, which implement two different models for
            the transmission of RRC messages.

       Additionally, the RRC components use various other SAPs in order to interact with the rest
       of the protocol stack. A representation of all the SAPs that are used is provided  in  the
       figures  LTE  radio  protocol  stack  architecture for the UE on the data plane, LTE radio
       protocol stack architecture for the UE on the control  plane,  LTE  radio  protocol  stack
       architecture  for  the eNB on the data plane and LTE radio protocol stack architecture for
       the eNB on the control plane.

   UE RRC State Machine
       In Figure UE RRC State Machine we represent the state machine as implemented in the RRC UE
         [image] UE RRC State Machine.UNINDENT

         All  the  states  are transient, however, the UE in “CONNECTED_NORMALLY” state will only
         switch to the IDLE state if the downlink SINR is below a defined threshold, which  would
         lead  to radio link failure Radio Link Failure.  One the other hand, the UE would not be
         able switch to IDLE mode due to a handover failure, as mentioned in X2.

   ENB RRC State Machine
       The eNB RRC maintains the state for each  UE  that  is  attached  to  the  cell.  From  an
       implementation  point  of  view,  the  state of each UE is contained in an instance of the
       UeManager class. The state machine is represented in Figure ENB RRC State Machine for each
         [image] ENB RRC State Machine for each UE.UNINDENT

   Initial Cell Selection
       Initial  cell  selection  is  an  IDLE mode procedure, performed by UE when it has not yet
       camped or attached to an eNodeB. The objective of the procedure is to find a suitable cell
       and attach to it to gain access to the cellular network.

       It  is typically done at the beginning of simulation, as depicted in Figure Sample runs of
       initial cell selection in UE and timing of related events below. The time diagram  on  the
       left  side  is  illustrating  the  case where initial cell selection succeed on first try,
       while the diagram on the right side is for the case where it fails on the  first  try  and
       succeed  on the second try. The timing assumes the use of real RRC protocol model (see RRC
       protocol models) and no transmission error.
         [image]  Sample  runs  of  initial  cell  selection  in  UE  and   timing   of   related

         The  functionality  is  based  on  3GPP  IDLE mode specifications, such as in [TS36300],
         [TS36304], and [TS36331]. However, a proper implementation of IDLE mode is still missing
         in the simulator, so we reserve several simplifying assumptions:

          • multiple carrier frequency is not supported;

          • multiple  Public  Land  Mobile  Network  (PLMN)  identities  (i.e.  multiple  network
            operators) is not supported;

          • RSRQ measurements are not utilized;

          • stored information cell selection is not supported;

          • “Any Cell Selection” state and camping to an acceptable cell is not supported;

          • marking a cell as barred or reserved is not supported;

          • Idle cell reselection is not supported, hence it is not possible for UE to camp to  a
            different cell after the initial camp has been placed; and

          • UE’s Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) white list contains only one CSG identity.

       Also  note  that  initial  cell  selection  is only available for EPC-enabled simulations.
       LTE-only simulations must use the manual attachment method. See section Network Attachment
       of the User Documentation for more information on their differences in usage.

       The  next subsections cover different parts of initial cell selection, namely cell search,
       broadcast of system information, and cell selection evaluation.

   Cell Search
       Cell search aims to detect surrounding cells and measure the strength of  received  signal
       from  each of these cells. One of these cells will become the UE’s entry point to join the
       cellular network.

       The measurements are based on the RSRP of the received PSS, averaged by Layer 1 filtering,
       and  performed  by the PHY layer, as previously described in more detail in section UE PHY
       Measurements Model. PSS is transmitted by eNodeB over the central 72 sub-carriers  of  the
       DL  channel  (Section [TS36300]), hence we model cell search to operate using a DL
       bandwidth of 6 RBs. Note that measurements of RSRQ are not available at this point of time
       in  simulation.  As  a  consequence,  the LteUePhy::RsrqUeMeasThreshold attribute does not
       apply during cell search.

       By using the measured RSRP, the PHY entity is able to generate a list of  detected  cells,
       each  with  its  corresponding cell ID and averaged RSRP. This list is periodically pushed
       via CPHY SAP to the RRC entity as a measurement report.

       The RRC entity inspects the report and simply choose the cell with the strongest RSRP,  as
       also  indicated  in Section of [TS36304]. Then it instructs back the PHY entity to
       synchronize to this particular cell. The actual operating bandwidth of the cell  is  still
       unknown  at  this  time, so the PHY entity listens only to the minimum bandwidth of 6 RBs.
       Nevertheless, the PHY entity will be able to receive system broadcast  message  from  this
       particular eNodeB, which is the topic of the next subsection.

   Broadcast of System Information
       System  information  blocks are broadcasted by eNodeB to UEs at predefined time intervals,
       adapted from Section of [TS36331]. The supported system information blocks are:


            Master Information Block (MIB)
                   Contains  parameters  related  to  the  PHY  layer,  generated   during   cell
                   configuration and broadcasted every 10 ms at the beginning of radio frame as a
                   control message.


            System Information Block Type 1 (SIB1)
                   Contains information regarding network access, broadcasted every 20 ms at  the
                   middle  of  radio  frame  as  a control message. Not used in manual attachment
                   method. UE must have decoded MIB before it can receive SIB1.


            System Information Block Type 2 (SIB2)
                   Contains UL- and RACH-related settings, scheduled to transmit via RRC protocol
                   at  16 ms after cell configuration, and then repeats every 80 ms (configurable
                   through LteEnbRrc::SystemInformationPeriodicity attribute.  UE must be  camped
                   to a cell in order to be able to receive its SIB2.

       Reception  of  system  information  is fundamental for UE to advance in its lifecycle. MIB
       enables the UE to increase the initial DL bandwidth of  6  RBs  to  the  actual  operating
       bandwidth  of  the  network.  SIB1  provides  information  necessary  for  cell  selection
       evaluation (explained in the next section). And finally SIB2 is required before the UE  is
       allowed to switch to CONNECTED state.

   Cell Selection Evaluation
       UE  RRC  reviews  the  measurement  report  produced  in  Cell  Search and the cell access
       information provided by SIB1. Once both information is available for a specific cell,  the
       UE  triggers  the  evaluation process. The purpose of this process is to determine whether
       the cell is a suitable cell to camp to.

       The evaluation process is a slightly simplified version of Section  of  [TS36304].
       It consists of the following criteria:

          • Rx level criterion; and

          • closed subscriber group (CSG) criterion.

       The  first  criterion, Rx level, is based on the cell’s measured RSRP Q_{rxlevmeas}, which
       has to be higher than a required minimum Q_{rxlevmin} in order to pass the criterion:

                                    Q_{rxlevmeas} - Q_{rxlevmin} > 0

       where Q_{rxlevmin} is determined by each eNodeB and is obtainable by UE from SIB1.

       The last criterion, CSG,  is  a  combination  of  a  true-or-false  parameter  called  CSG
       indication  and  a simple number CSG identity. The basic rule is that UE shall not camp to
       eNodeB with a different CSG identity. But this rule is only enforced when  CSG  indication
       is  valued  as  true.  More details are provided in Section Network Attachment of the User

       When the cell passes all the above criteria, the cell is  deemed  as  suitable.   Then  UE
       camps to it (IDLE_CAMPED_NORMALLY state).

       After  this,  upper  layer may request UE to enter CONNECTED mode. Please refer to section
       RRC connection establishment for details on this.

       On the other hand, when the cell does not pass the CSG criterion, then the cell is labeled
       as acceptable (Section [TS36300]). In this case, the RRC entity will tell the PHY
       entity to synchronize to the second strongest cell and repeat the initial  cell  selection
       procedure  using that cell. As long as no suitable cell is found, the UE will repeat these
       steps while avoiding cells that have been identified as acceptable.

   Radio Admission Control
       Radio Admission Control is supported by having the eNB RRC  reply  to  an  RRC  CONNECTION
       REQUEST  message  sent  by  the  UE  with either an RRC CONNECTION SETUP message or an RRC
       CONNECTION REJECT message, depending on whether the new UE is to be admitted  or  not.  In
       the   current  implementation,  the  behavior  is  determined  by  the  boolean  attribute
       ns3::LteEnbRrc::AdmitRrcConnectionRequest. There is currently no Radio  Admission  Control
       algorithm that dynamically decides whether a new connection shall be admitted or not.

   Radio Bearer Configuration
       Some  implementation  choices  have  been  made  in  the  RRC regarding the setup of radio

          • three Logical Channel Groups (out of four available) are configured for uplink buffer
            status report purposes, according to the following policy:

            • LCG 0 is for signaling radio bearers

            • LCG 1 is for GBR data radio bearers

            • LCG 2 is for Non-GBR data radio bearers

   Radio Link Failure
       In  real LTE networks, Radio link failure (RLF) can happen due to several reasons.  It can
       be triggered if a UE is unable to decode PDCCH due to poor signal  quality,  upon  maximum
       RLC  retransmissions,  RACH  problems and other reasons. 3GPP only specifies guidelines to
       detect RLF at the UE side, in [TS36331]  and  [TS36133].   On  the  other  hand,  the  eNB
       implementation  is  expected to be vendor specific.  To implement the RLF functionality in
       ns-3, we have assumed the following simplifications:

          • The RLF detection procedure at eNodeB is not implemented. Instead, a direct  function
            call by using the SAP between UE and eNB RRC (for both ideal and real RRC) is used to
            notify the eNB about the RLF.

          • No RRC connection re-establishment procedure is implemented, thus,  the  UE  directly
            goes  to  the  IDLE state upon RLF. This is in fact as per the standard [TS36331] sec
  , since, at this stage the LTE module does not  support  the  Access  Stratum
            (AS) security.

       The above mentioned RLF specifications can be divided into the following two categories:

          1. RLF detection

          2. Actions upon RLF detection

       In  the  following,  we  will  explain  the  RLF  implementation  in  context of these two

   RLF detection implementation
       The RLF detection at the UE is implemented as per [TS36133], i.e., by monitoring the radio
       link  quality based on the reference signals (which in the simulation is equivalent to the
       PDCCH) in the downlink. Thus, it is independent of the method used for  the  downlink  CQI
       computation, i.e., Ctrl method and Mixed method.  Moreover, when using FFR, especially for
       hard-FFR, and CQIs based on Mixed method, UEs might experience relatively good performance
       and RLF simultaneously. This is due to the fact that the interference in PDSCH is affected
       by the actual data transmissions on the specific RBs and the power control. Therefore, UEs
       might  experience  good  SINR  in PDSCH, while bad SINR in PDCCH channel. For more details
       about these methods please refer to CQI feedback. Also, it  does  not  matter  if  the  DL
       control error model is disabled, a UE can still detect the RLF since the SINR based on the
       control channel is reported to the LteUePhy class, using a callback  hooked  in  LteHelper
       while installing a UE device.

       The  RLF  detection  starts  once the RRC connection is established between UE and eNodeB,
       i.e., UE is in “CONNECTED_NORMALLY” state; upon which the RLF  parameters  are  configured
       (see  LteUePhy::DoConfigureRadioLinkFailureDetection).  In real networks, these parameters
       are transmitted by the  eNB  using  IE  UE-TimersAndConstants  or  RLF-TimersAndConstants.
       However,  for  the  sake  of  simplification,  in  the simulator they are presented as the
       attributes of the LteUePhy and LteUeRrc classes.   Moreover,  what  concerns  the  carrier
       aggregation,  i.e.,  when  a  UE  is  configured with multiple component carriers, the RLF
       detection is only performed by the primary component carrier, i.e. component carrier id  0
       (see  LteUePhy::DoNotifyConnectionSuccessful).  In  LteUePhy  class,  CQI  calculation  is
       triggered for every downlink subframe received, and the average  SINR  value  is  measured
       across  all  resource blocks. For the RLF detection, these SINR values are averaged over a
       downlink frame and if the result is less than a defined threshold  Qout  (default:  -5dB),
       the   frame  cannot  be  decoded  (see``LteUePhy::RadioLinkFailureDetection``).  The  Qout
       threshold corresponds to 10% block error rate (BLER) of a hypothetical PDCCH  transmission
       taking  into  account  the  PCFICH  errors [R4-081920] (also refer to Control Channels PHY
       Error Model). Once, the UE is unable to decode  20  consecutive  frames,  i.e.,  the  Qout
       evaluation  period  (200ms)  is  reached,  an out-of-sync indication is sent to the UE RRC
       layer (see LteUeRrc::DoNotifyOutOfSync).  Else, the counter for the unsuccessfully decoded
       frames  is  reset  to  zero.  At  the LteUeRrc, when the number of consecutive out-of-sync
       indications matches with the value of N310  parameter,  the  T310  timer  is  started  and
       LteUePhy    is    notified    to    start   measuring   for   in-sync   indications   (see
       LteUePhy::DoStartInSnycDetection). We note that, the UE RRC state is not changed till  the
       expiration  of  T310 timer. If the resultant SINR values averaged over a downlink frame is
       greater than a defined threshold Qin (default: -3.8dB), the  frame  is  considered  to  be
       successfully  decoded.  Qin  corresponds  to  2%  BLER [R4-081920] of a hypothetical PDCCH
       transmission taking into account the PCFICH errors. Once the  UE  is  able  to  decode  10
       consecutive   frames,   an   in-sync   indication  is  sent  to  the  UE  RRC  layer  (see
       LteUeRrc::DoNotifyInSync). Else, the counter for the successfully decoded frames is  reset
       to  zero. If prior to the T310 timer expiry, the number of consecutive in-sync indications
       matches with N311 parameter of LteUeRRC, the UE is considered back in-sync. At this stage,
       the  related  parameters  are  reset to initiate the radio link failure detection from the
       beginning (see LteUePhy::DoConfigureRadioLinkFailureDetection). On the other hand, If  the
       T310    timer    expires,    the   UE   considers   that   a   RLF   has   occurred   (see

   Actions upon RLF
       Once the T310 timer is expired, a UE is considered to be in RLF; upon which the UE RRC:

          • Sends a request to the eNB RRC to remove the UE context

          • Moves to “CONNECTED_PHY_PROBLEM” state

          • Notifies the UE NAS layer about the release of RRC connection.

       Then, after getting the notification from the UE RRC the NAS does the following:

          • Delete all the TFTs

          • Reset the bearer counter

          • Restore the bearer list, which is used to activate  the  bearers  for  the  next  RRC
            connection.  This restoration of the bearers is achieved by maintaining an additional
            list, i.e., m_bearersToBeActivatedListForReconnection in EpcUeNas class

          • Switch the NAS state to OFF by calling EpcUeNas::Disconnect

          • Tells the UE RRC to disconnect

       The UE RRC, upon receiving the call to disconnect from the EpcUeNas  class,  performs  the
       action  as  specified by [TS36331], and finally leaves the connected state, i.e.,
       its RRC state is changed from “CONNECTED_PHY_PROBLEM”  to  “IDLE_START”  to  perform  cell
       selection  as  shown  in  figures  UE RRC State Machine and UE procedures after radio link

       At this stage, the LTE module does not support the  paging  functionality,  therefore,  to
       allow  a UE to read SIB2 message after camping on a suitable cell after RLF, a work around
       is used in LteUeRrc::EvaluateCellForSelection method. As per this workaround, the  UE  RRC
       invokes  the  call to LteUeRrc::DoConnect method, which enables the UE to switch its state
       from “IDLE_CAMPED_NORMALLY” to “IDLE_WAIT_SIB2”, thus, allowing it to perform  the  random
         [image] UE procedures after radio link failure.UNINDENT

         The eNB RRC, after receiving the notification from the UE RRC starts the procedure of UE
         context deletion, which also involves the deletion of the UE context  removal  from  the
         EPC  UE context removal from EPC and the eNB stack UE context removal from eNB stack. We
         note that, the UE context at the MME is not removed since, bearers are only added at the
         start  of  a  simulation in MME, and cannot be added again unless scheduled for addition
         during a simulation.
         [image] UE context removal from EPC.UNINDENT
         [image] UE context removal from eNB stack.UNINDENT

   UE RRC Measurements Model
   UE RRC measurements support
       The UE RRC entity provides support for UE measurements; in particular, it  implements  the
       procedures  described  in  Section  5.5  of  [TS36331],  with  the  following  simplifying

          • only E-UTRA intra-frequency measurements are supported, which implies:

            • only one measurement object is used during the simulation;

            • measurement gaps are not needed to perform the measurements;

            • Event B1 and B2 are not implemented;

          • only   reportStrongestCells   purpose   is    supported,    while    reportCGI    and
            reportStrongestCellsForSON purposes are not supported;

          • s-Measure is not supported;

          • carrier aggregation is now supported in the LTE module - Event A6 is not implemented;

          • speed  dependent  scaling  of  time-to-trigger  (Section of [TS36331]) is not

   Overall design
       The model is based on the concept of UE measurements consumer, which is an entity that may
       request  an  eNodeB  RRC  entity  to  provide  UE measurement reports.  Consumers are, for
       example, Handover algorithm, which compute  handover  decision  based  on  UE  measurement
       reports.  Test  cases  and  user’s programs may also become consumers. Figure Relationship
       between UE measurements and its consumers depicts the relationship between these entities.
         [image] Relationship between UE measurements and its consumers.UNINDENT

         The whole UE measurements function at the RRC level is divided into 4 major parts:

          1. Measurement configuration (handled by LteUeRrc::ApplyMeasConfig)

          2. Performing measurements (handled by LteUeRrc::DoReportUeMeasurements)

          3. Measurement report triggering (handled by LteUeRrc::MeasurementReportTriggering)

          4. Measurement reporting (handled by LteUeRrc::SendMeasurementReport)

       The following sections will describe each of the parts above.

   Measurement configuration
       An eNodeB RRC entity configures UE measurements by sending the configuration parameters to
       the  UE  RRC  entity. This set of parameters are defined within the MeasConfig Information
       Element  (IE)  of   the   RRC   Connection   Reconfiguration   message   (RRC   connection

       The  eNodeB RRC entity implements the configuration parameters and procedures described in
       Section 5.5.2 of [TS36331], with the following simplifying assumption:

          • configuration (i.e. addition, modification, and removal) can only be done before  the
            simulation begins;

          • all  UEs  attached  to  the  eNodeB will be configured the same way, i.e. there is no
            support for configuring specific measurement for specific UE; and

          • it is assumed that there is a one-to-one mapping between  the  PCI  and  the  E-UTRAN
            Global  Cell  Identifier (EGCI). This is consistent with the PCI modeling assumptions
            described in UE PHY Measurements Model.

       The eNodeB RRC instance here acts  as  an  intermediary  between  the  consumers  and  the
       attached  UEs.  At  the  beginning  of  simulation,  each consumer provides the eNodeB RRC
       instance with the UE measurements configuration that it requires.  After that, the  eNodeB
       RRC distributes the configuration to attached UEs.

       Users  may  customize the measurement configuration using several methods. Please refer to
       Section Configure UE measurements of the User Documentation for the description  of  these

   Performing measurements
       UE  RRC  receives  both  RSRP  and  RSRQ  measurements on periodical basis from UE PHY, as
       described in UE PHY Measurements Model.  Layer  3  filtering  will  be  applied  to  these
       received  measurements.  The  implementation  of  the filtering follows Section of

                              F_n = (1 - a) \times F_{n-1} + a \times M_n


          • M_n is the latest received measurement result from the physical layer;

          • F_n is the updated filtered measurement result;

          • F_{n-1} is the old filtered measurement result, where  F_0  =  M_1  (i.e.  the  first
            measurement is not filtered); and

          • a  =  (\frac{1}{2})^{\frac{k}{4}},  where  k  is  the  configurable  filterCoefficent
            provided by the QuantityConfig;

       k = 4 is the default value, but can be configured by setting the RsrpFilterCoefficient and
       RsrqFilterCoefficient attributes in LteEnbRrc.

       Therefore  k  = 0 will disable Layer 3 filtering. On the other hand, past measurements can
       be granted more influence on the filtering results by using larger value of k.

   Measurement reporting triggering
       In this part, UE RRC will go through the list  of  active  measurement  configuration  and
       check  whether  the  triggering condition is fulfilled in accordance with Section 5.5.4 of
       [TS36331]. When at  least  one  triggering  condition  from  all  the  active  measurement
       configuration  is  fulfilled,  the  measurement reporting procedure (described in the next
       subsection) will be initiated.

       3GPP defines two kinds of triggerType: periodical and event-based.  At  the  moment,  only
       event-based  criterion  is supported. There are various events that can be selected, which
       are briefly described in the table below:

   List of supported event-based triggering criteria
                             │Name     │ Description                      │
                             │Event A1 │ Serving cell becomes better than │
                             │         │ threshold                        │
                             │Event A2 │ Serving  cell becomes worse than │
                             │         │ threshold                        │
                             │Event A3 │ Neighbour  becomes   offset   dB │
                             │         │ better than serving cell         │
                             │Event A4 │ Neighbour  becomes  better  than │
                             │         │ threshold                        │
                             │Event A5 │ Serving   becomes   worse   than │
                             │         │ threshold1 AND neighbour becomes │
                             │         │ better than threshold2           │

       Two main conditions to be checked in an event-based trigger are the entering condition and
       the  leaving  condition.  More  details  on  these  two  can  be found in Section 5.5.4 of

       An  event-based  trigger  can  be  further  configured  by  introducing   hysteresis   and
       time-to-trigger.  Hysteresis  (Hys)  defines the distance between the entering and leaving
       conditions in dB. Similarly, time-to-trigger introduces delay to both entering and leaving
       conditions, but as a unit of time.

       The  periodical type of reporting trigger is not supported, but its behavior can be easily
       obtained by using an event-based trigger. This can be done by configuring the  measurement
       in such a way that the entering condition is always fulfilled, for example, by setting the
       threshold of Event A1 to zero (the minimum level). As a result,  the  measurement  reports
       will  always  be  triggered at every certain interval, as determined by the reportInterval
       field within LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra,  therefore  producing  the  same  behaviour  as
       periodical reporting.

       As  a  limitation  with respect to 3GPP specifications, the current model does not support
       any cell-specific configuration. These configuration parameters are defined in measurement
       object.  As a consequence, incorporating a list of black cells into the triggering process
       is not supported. Moreover, cell-specific offset (i.e., O_{cn} and O_{cp} in Event A3, A4,
       and  A5)  are not supported as well. The value equal to zero is always assumed in place of

   Measurement reporting
       This part handles the submission of measurement report from  the  UE  RRC  entity  to  the
       serving eNodeB entity via RRC protocol. Several simplifying assumptions have been adopted:

          • reportAmount is not applicable (i.e. always assumed to be infinite);

          • in  measurement  reports, the reportQuantity is always assumed to be BOTH, i.e., both
            RSRP and RSRQ are always reported, regardless of the triggerQuantity.

       The RRC model supports UE mobility in CONNECTED mode by  invoking  the  X2-based  handover
       procedure.  The model is intra-EUTRAN and intra-frequency, as based on Section of

       This section focuses on the process of  triggering  a  handover.  The  handover  execution
       procedure itself is covered in Section X2.

       There are two ways to trigger the handover procedure:

          • explicitly  (or  manually)  triggered  by  the  simulation  program  by scheduling an
            execution of the method LteEnbRrc::SendHandoverRequest; or

          • automatically triggered by the  eNodeB  RRC  entity  based  on  UE  measurements  and
            according to the selected handover algorithm.

       Section  X2-based  handover of the User Documentation provides some examples on using both
       explicit and automatic handover triggers in simulation.  The next subsection will  take  a
       closer  look  on  the  automatic  method, by describing the design aspects of the handover
       algorithm interface and the available handover algorithms.

   Handover algorithm
       Handover in 3GPP LTE has the following properties:


                   The UE provides input to the network in the form of measurement reports.  This
                   is handled by the UE RRC Measurements Model.


                   The  network  (i.e.  the  source eNodeB and the target eNodeB) decides when to
                   trigger the handover and oversees its execution.

       The handover algorithm operates at the source eNodeB and is responsible in making handover
       decisions  in  an  “automatic”  manner.  It  interacts with an eNodeB RRC instance via the
       Handover  Management  SAP  interface.  These  relationships  are  illustrated  in   Figure
       Relationship between UE measurements and its consumers from the previous section.

       The handover algorithm interface consists of the following methods:


                   (Handover  Algorithm  -> eNodeB RRC) Used by the handover algorithm to request
                   measurement reports from  the  eNodeB  RRC  entity,  by  passing  the  desired
                   reporting  configuration.  The  configuration  will  be  applied to all future
                   attached UEs.


                   (eNodeB RRC -> Handover Algorithm) Based on  the  UE  measurements  configured
                   earlier in AddUeMeasReportConfigForHandover, UE may submit measurement reports
                   to the eNodeB. The eNodeB  RRC  entity  uses  the  ReportUeMeas  interface  to
                   forward these measurement reports to the handover algorithm.


                   (Handover  Algorithm  ->  eNodeB  RRC) After examining the measurement reports
                   (but not necessarily), the handover algorithm may  declare  a  handover.  This
                   method is used to notify the eNodeB RRC entity about this decision, which will
                   then proceed to commence the handover procedure.

       One note for the AddUeMeasReportConfigForHandover.  The  method  will  return  the  measId
       (measurement  identity)  of  the  newly  created  measurement  configuration.  Typically a
       handover algorithm would store this unique number. It may be useful  in  the  ReportUeMeas
       method,  for  example when more than one configuration has been requested and the handover
       algorithm needs  to  differentiate  incoming  reports  based  on  the  configuration  that
       triggered them.

       A  handover  algorithm  is  implemented  by writing a subclass of the LteHandoverAlgorithm
       abstract superclass and implementing each of the above mentioned  SAP  interface  methods.
       Users may develop their own handover algorithm this way, and then use it in any simulation
       by following the steps outlined in Section X2-based handover of the User Documentation.

       Alternatively, users may choose to use one of the 3 built-in handover algorithms  provided
       by  the  LTE  module:  no-op,  A2-A4-RSRQ, and strongest cell handover algorithm. They are
       ready to be used in simulations or can be taken as an example of implementing  a  handover
       algorithm.  Each  of  these  built-in  algorithms  is  covered  in  each  of the following

   No-op handover algorithm
       The no-op handover  algorithm  (NoOpHandoverAlgorithm  class)  is  the  simplest  possible
       implementation  of  handover algorithm. It basically does nothing, i.e., does not call any
       of the Handover Management SAP interface methods. Users may choose this handover algorithm
       if they wish to disable automatic handover trigger in their simulation.

   A2-A4-RSRQ handover algorithm
       The  A2-A4-RSRQ  handover  algorithm  provides  the  functionality of the default handover
       algorithm originally included in LENA M6 (ns-3.18), ported to the Handover Management  SAP
       interface as the A2A4RsrqHandoverAlgorithm class.

       As  the  name implies, the algorithm utilizes the Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ)
       measurements acquired from Event  A2  and  Event  A4.  Thus,  the  algorithm  will  add  2
       measurement configuration to the corresponding eNodeB RRC instance. Their intended use are
       described as follows:

          • Event A2 (serving cell’s RSRQ becomes worse than threshold) is leveraged to  indicate
            that the UE is experiencing poor signal quality and may benefit from a handover.

          • Event  A4  (neighbour  cell’s  RSRQ  becomes better than threshold) is used to detect
            neighbouring cells and acquire their corresponding RSRQ from every attached UE, which
            are  then  stored  internally  by the algorithm. By default, the algorithm configures
            Event A4 with a very low threshold, so that the trigger criteria are always true.

       Figure A2-A4-RSRQ handover algorithm below summarizes this procedure.
         [image] A2-A4-RSRQ handover algorithm.UNINDENT

         Two attributes can be set to tune the algorithm behaviour:


                   The threshold for Event A2, i.e. a UE  must  have  an  RSRQ  lower  than  this
                   threshold to be considered for a handover.


                   The offset that aims to ensure that the UE would receive better signal quality
                   after the handover. A neighbouring cell is considered as a target cell for the
                   handover only if its RSRQ is higher than the serving cell’s RSRQ by the amount
                   of this offset.

       The value of both attributes are expressed as RSRQ range  (Section  9.1.7  of  [TS36133]),
       which is an integer between 0 and 34, with 0 as the lowest RSRQ.

   Strongest cell handover algorithm
       The  strongest  cell  handover algorithm, or also sometimes known as the traditional power
       budget (PBGT) algorithm, is developed using [Dimou2009]  as  reference.  The  idea  is  to
       provide  each  UE  with  the best possible Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP). This is
       done by performing a handover as soon as a  better  cell  (i.e.  with  stronger  RSRP)  is

       Event  A3  (neighbour  cell’s  RSRP  becomes better than serving cell’s RSRP) is chosen to
       realize  this  concept.  The  A3RsrpHandoverAlgorithm  class  is   the   result   of   the
       implementation.  Handover  is  triggered  for  the  UE to the best cell in the measurement

       A simulation which uses this algorithm is usually more vulnerable  to  ping-pong  handover
       (consecutive  handover  to  the  previous  source  eNodeB  within  short  period of time),
       especially when the Fading  Model  is  enabled.  This  problem  is  typically  tackled  by
       introducing  a  certain  delay  to  the  handover.  The  algorithm  does this by including
       hysteresis  and  time-to-trigger  parameters  (Section  6.3.5  of  [TS36331])  to  the  UE
       measurements configuration.

       Hysteresis  (a.k.a.  handover  margin) delays the handover in regard of RSRP. The value is
       expressed in dB, ranges between 0 to 15 dB, and have a 0.5 dB  accuracy,  e.g.,  an  input
       value of 2.7 dB is rounded to 2.5 dB.

       On  the other hand, time-to-trigger delays the handover in regard of time. 3GPP defines 16
       valid values for time-to-trigger (all in milliseconds): 0, 40, 64, 80, 100, 128, 160, 256,
       320, 480, 512, 640, 1024, 1280, 2560, and 5120.

       The  difference  between hysteresis and time-to-trigger is illustrated in Figure Effect of
       hysteresis and time-to-trigger in strongest cell handover algorithm below, which is  taken
       from  the lena-x2-handover-measures example. It depicts the perceived RSRP of serving cell
       and a neighbouring cell by a UE which moves pass the border of the cells.
         [image]  Effect  of  hysteresis  and  time-to-trigger   in   strongest   cell   handover

         By  default,  the  algorithm  uses a hysteresis of 3.0 dB and time-to-trigger of 256 ms.
         These values can be tuned through the Hysteresis and  TimeToTrigger  attributes  of  the
         A3RsrpHandoverAlgorithm class.

   Neighbour Relation
       LTE  module  supports  a  simplified Automatic Neighbour Relation (ANR) function.  This is
       handled by the LteAnr class, which interacts with an eNodeB RRC instance through  the  ANR
       SAP interface.

   Neighbour Relation Table
       The  ANR  holds  a  Neighbour  Relation Table (NRT), similar to the description in Section
       22.3.2a of [TS36300]. Each entry in the table is called  a  Neighbour  Relation  (NR)  and
       represents a detected neighbouring cell, which contains the following boolean fields:


            No Remove
                   Indicates  that  the  NR  shall  not  be removed from the NRT. This is true by
                   default for user-provided NR and false otherwise.


            No X2  Indicates that the NR shall not use an  X2  interface  in  order  to  initiate
                   procedures  towards  the  eNodeB  parenting  the target cell. This is false by
                   default for user-provided NR, and true otherwise.


            No HO  Indicates that the NR shall not be used by the eNodeB  for  handover  reasons.
                   This  is  true  in  most  cases,  except when the NR is both user-provided and

       Each NR entry may have at least one of the following properties:


                   This type of NR is created as instructed by the simulation user. For  example,
                   a  NR  is  created  automatically  upon  a  user-initiated establishment of X2
                   connection between 2 eNodeBs, e.g. as described in Section X2-based  handover.
                   Another  way  to create a user-provided NR is to call the AddNeighbourRelation
                   function explicitly.


                   This type of NR is automatically created during the simulation as a result  of
                   the discovery of a nearby cell.

       In  order  to  automatically  create network-detected NR, ANR utilizes UE measurements. In
       other words, ANR is a consumer of UE measurements,  as  depicted  in  Figure  Relationship
       between  UE  measurements  and  its consumers. RSRQ and Event A4 (neighbour becomes better
       than threshold) are used for the reporting configuration. The default Event  A4  threshold
       is  set  to the lowest possible, i.e., maximum detection capability, but can be changed by
       setting the Threshold attribute  of  LteAnr  class.  Note  that  the  A2-A4-RSRQ  handover
       algorithm  also  utilizes  a similar reporting configuration. Despite the similarity, when
       both ANR and this handover algorithm are active in the eNodeB, they use separate reporting

       Also  note  that  automatic setup of X2 interface is not supported. This is the reason why
       the No X2 and No HO fields are true in a network-detected but not user-detected NR.

   Role of ANR in Simulation
       The ANR SAP interface provides the means of communication between ANR and eNodeB RRC. Some
       interface functions are used by eNodeB RRC to interact with the NRT, as shown below:


                   (eNodeB RRC -> ANR) Add a new user-provided NR entry into the NRT.


                   (eNodeB  RRC  ->  ANR)  Get the value of No Remove field of an NR entry of the
                   given cell ID.


                   (eNodeB RRC -> ANR) Get the value of No HO field of an NR entry of  the  given
                   cell ID.


                   (eNodeB  RRC  -> ANR) Get the value of No X2 field of an NR entry of the given
                   cell ID.

       Other interface functions exist to support the role of ANR as a UE measurements  consumer,
       as listed below:


                   (ANR  ->  eNodeB  RRC) Used by the ANR to request measurement reports from the
                   eNodeB RRC  entity,  by  passing  the  desired  reporting  configuration.  The
                   configuration will be applied to all future attached UEs.


                   (eNodeB  RRC  ->  ANR)  Based  on  the  UE  measurements configured earlier in
                   AddUeMeasReportConfigForAnr, UE may submit measurement reports to the  eNodeB.
                   The  eNodeB  RRC  entity  uses  the  ReportUeMeas  interface  to forward these
                   measurement reports to the ANR.

       Please refer to the corresponding API documentation for LteAnrSap class for  more  details
       on the usage and the required parameters.

       The  ANR  is  utilized by the eNodeB RRC instance as a data structure to keep track of the
       situation of nearby neighbouring cells. The ANR also helps  the  eNodeB  RRC  instance  to
       determine  whether  it is possible to execute a handover procedure to a neighbouring cell.
       This is realized by the fact that eNodeB RRC will  only  allow  a  handover  procedure  to
       happen if the NR entry of the target cell has both No HO and No X2 fields set to false.

       ANR  is  enabled by default in every eNodeB instance in the simulation. It can be disabled
       by setting the AnrEnabled attribute in LteHelper class to false.

   RRC sequence diagrams
       In this section we provide some sequence diagrams that  explain  the  most  important  RRC
       procedures being modeled.

   RRC connection establishment
       Figure  Sequence  diagram  of the RRC Connection Establishment procedure shows how the RRC
       Connection Establishment procedure is modeled, highlighting the role of the RRC  layer  at
       both the UE and the eNB, as well as the interaction with the other layers.
         [image] Sequence diagram of the RRC Connection Establishment procedure.UNINDENT

         There  are several timeouts related to this procedure, which are listed in the following
         Table Timers in RRC connection establishment procedure. If any of these timers  expired,
         the  RRC connection establishment procedure is terminated in failure. At the UE side, if
         T300 timer has expired a consecutive connEstFailCount times on the same cell it performs
         the  cell  selection  again  [TS36331].  Else, the upper layer (UE NAS) will immediately
         attempt to retry the procedure.

   Timers in RRC connection establishment procedure
     │Name           │ Location   │ Timer starts   │ Timer stops    │ Default     │ When     timer │
     │               │            │                │                │ duration    │ expired        │
     │Connection     │ eNodeB RRC │ New UE context │ Receive    RRC │ 15 ms (Max) │ Remove      UE │
     │request        │            │ added          │ CONNECTION     │             │ context        │
     │timeout        │            │                │ REQUEST        │             │                │
     │Connection     │ UE RRC     │ Send       RRC │ Receive    RRC │ 100 ms      │ Reset UE MAC   │
     │timeout  (T300 │            │ CONNECTION     │ CONNECTION     │             │                │
     │timer)         │            │ REQUEST        │ SETUP       or │             │                │
     │               │            │                │ REJECT         │             │                │
     │Connection     │ eNodeB RRC │ Send       RRC │ Receive    RRC │ 100 ms      │ Remove      UE │
     │setup timeout  │            │ CONNECTION     │ CONNECTION     │             │ context        │
     │               │            │ SETUP          │ SETUP COMPLETE │             │                │

     │Connection     │ eNodeB RRC │ Send       RRC │ Never          │ 30 ms       │ Remove      UE │
     │rejected       │            │ CONNECTION     │                │             │ context        │
     │timeout        │            │ REJECT         │                │             │                │

       Note: The value of connection request timeout timer at the eNB RRC should  not  be  higher
       than  the  T300 timer at UE RRC. It is to make sure that the UE context is already removed
       at the eNB, once the UE will perform cell selection  upon  reaching  the  connEstFailCount
       count.  Moreover,  at the time of writing this document the Cell Selection Evaluation does
       not include the Qoffset_{temp} parameter, thus, it is not applied while selecting the same
       cell again.

   Counters in RRC connection establishment procedure
 │Name             │ Location │ Msg              │ Monitored by │ Default │ Limit    not │ Limit        │
 │                 │          │                  │              │ value   │ reached      │ reached      │
 │ConnEstFailCount │ eNB MAC  │ RachConfigCommon │ UE RRC       │ 1       │ Increment    │ Reset    the │
 │                 │          │ in SIB2,  HO     │              │         │ the    local │ local        │
 │                 │          │ REQ  and  HO     │              │         │ counter.     │ counter  and │
 │                 │          │ Ack              │              │         │ Invalided    │ perform cell │
 │                 │          │                  │              │         │ the     prev │ selection.   │
 │                 │          │                  │              │         │ SIB2    msg, │              │
 │                 │          │                  │              │         │ and      try │              │
 │                 │          │                  │              │         │ random       │              │
 │                 │          │                  │              │         │ access  with │              │
 │                 │          │                  │              │         │ the     same │              │
 │                 │          │                  │              │         │ cell.        │              │

   RRC connection reconfiguration
       Figure Sequence diagram of the RRC Connection Reconfiguration procedure shows how the  RRC
       Connection  Reconfiguration procedure is modeled for the case where MobilityControlInfo is
       not provided, i.e., handover is not performed.
         [image] Sequence diagram of the RRC Connection Reconfiguration procedure.UNINDENT

         Figure Sequence diagram of the RRC Connection Reconfiguration procedure for the handover
         case  shows  how  the  RRC  Connection Reconfiguration procedure is modeled for the case
         where MobilityControlInfo is provided, i.e., handover is to be performed.  As  specified
         in [TS36331], After receiving the handover message, the UE attempts to access the target
         cell at the first available RACH occasion according to Random Access resource  selection
         defined  in [TS36321]_, i.e. the handover is asynchronous. Consequently, when allocating
         a dedicated preamble for the random access in the target cell, E-UTRA shall ensure it is
         available from the first RACH occasion the UE may use. Upon successful completion of the
         handover, the UE sends a message used to confirm the  handover.  Note  that  the  random
         access  procedure  in  this  case is non-contention based, hence in a real LTE system it
         differs slightly from the one used in RRC connection established. Also note that the  RA
         Preamble ID is signaled via the Handover Command included in the X2 Handover Request ACK
         message sent from the target eNB to the source  eNB;  in  particular,  the  preamble  is
         included in the RACH-ConfigDedicated IE which is part of MobilityControlInfo.
         [image]  Sequence  diagram  of  the  RRC  Connection  Reconfiguration  procedure for the
         handover case.UNINDENT

   RRC protocol models
       As previously anticipated, we provide two  different  models   for  the  transmission  and
       reception  of  RRC  messages:  Ideal  and  Real.  Each  of them is described in one of the
       following subsections.

   Ideal RRC protocol model
       According to  this  model,  implemented  in  the  classes  and  LteUeRrcProtocolIdeal  and
       LteEnbRrcProtocolIdeal,  all RRC messages and information elements are transmitted between
       the eNB and the UE in an ideal fashion, without  consuming  radio  resources  and  without
       errors.  From  an  implementation  point of view, this is achieved by passing the RRC data
       structure directly between the UE and eNB RRC entities, without involving the lower layers
       (PDCP, RLC, MAC, scheduler).

   Real RRC protocol model
       This  model  is  implemented in the classes LteUeRrcProtocolReal and LteEnbRrcProtocolReal
       and aims at modeling the transmission of RRC  PDUs  as  commonly  performed  in  real  LTE
       systems. In particular:

          • for  every  RRC  message  being  sent, a real RRC PDUs is created following the ASN.1
            encoding of RRC PDUs and information elements  (IEs)  specified  in  [TS36331].  Some
            simplification are made with respect to the IEs included in the PDU, i.e., only those
            IEs that are useful for simulation purposes are included. For a detailed list, please
            see the IEs defined in lte-rrc-sap.h and compare with [TS36331].

          • the  encoded RRC PDUs are sent on Signaling Radio Bearers and are subject to the same
            transmission modeling used for data communications, thus including scheduling,  radio
            resource consumption, channel errors, delays, retransmissions, etc.

   Signaling Radio Bearer model
       We  now  describe  the Signaling Radio Bearer model that is used for the Real RRC protocol

          • SRB0 messages (over CCCH):

            • RrcConnectionRequest: in real LTE  systems,  this  is  an  RLC  TM  SDU  sent  over
              resources specified in the UL Grant in the RAR (not in UL DCIs); the reason is that
              C-RNTI is not known yet at this stage. In the simulator, this is modeled as a  real
              RLC  TM  RLC  PDU  whose  UL  resources are allocated by the scheduler upon call to

            • RrcConnectionSetup: in the simulator this is implemented as in  real  LTE  systems,
              i.e.,  with  an  RLC  TM  SDU  sent  over  resources indicated by a regular UL DCI,
              allocated with SCHED_DL_RLC_BUFFER_REQ triggered by the RLC  TM  instance  that  is
              mapped to LCID 0 (the CCCH).

          • SRB1 messages (over DCCH):

            • All  the  SRB1 messages modeled in the simulator (e.g., RrcConnectionCompleted) are
              implemented as in real LTE systems, i.e., with a real RLC  SDU  sent  over  RLC  AM
              using  DL  resources  allocated  via  Buffer  Status  Reports.  See  the  RLC model
              documentation for details.

          • SRB2 messages (over DCCH):

                • According to [TS36331],  “SRB1  is  for  RRC  messages  (which  may  include  a
                  piggybacked NAS message) as well as for NAS messages prior to the establishment
                  of SRB2, all using DCCH logical channel”, whereas “SRB2 is  for  NAS  messages,
                  using  DCCH  logical  channel”  and “SRB2 has a lower-priority than SRB1 and is
                  always   configured   by   E-UTRAN   after   security   activation”.   Modeling
                  security-related  aspects  is  not  a  requirement of the LTE simulation model,
                  hence we always use SRB1 and never activate SRB2.

   ASN.1 encoding of RRC IE’s
       The messages defined in RRC SAP, common to all Ue/Enb SAP Users/Providers, are transported
       in  a  transparent  container  to/from  a  Ue/Enb.  The  encoding format for the different
       Information Elements are specified in  [TS36331],  using  ASN.1  rules  in  the  unaligned
       variant. The implementation in Ns3/Lte has been divided in the following classes:

          • Asn1Header : Contains the encoding / decoding of basic ASN types

          • RrcAsn1Header  :  Inherits  Asn1Header and contains the encoding / decoding of common
            IE’s defined in [TS36331]

          • Rrc specific messages/IEs classes : A class for each of the messages defined  in  RRC
            SAP header

   Asn1Header class - Implementation of base ASN.1 types
       This class implements the methods to Serialize / Deserialize the ASN.1 types being used in
       [TS36331], according to the packed encoding rules in ITU-T  X.691.  The  types  considered

          • Boolean : a boolean value uses a single bit (1=true, 0=false).

          • Integer  :  a  constrained integer (with min and max values defined) uses the minimum
            amount of bits to encode its range (max-min+1).

          • Bitstring : a bistring will be copied bit by bit to the serialization buffer.

          • Octetstring : not being currently used.

          • Sequence : the sequence generates a preamble indicating the presence of optional  and
            default fields. It also adds a bit indicating the presence of extension marker.

          • Sequence…Of  : the sequence…of type encodes the number of elements of the sequence as
            an integer (the subsequent elements will need to be encoded afterwards).

          • Choice : indicates which element among the ones in the choice set is being encoded.

          • Enumeration : is serialized as an integer indicating which value is used,  among  the
            ones  in  the  enumeration,  with  the number of elements in the enumeration as upper

          • Null : the null value is not encoded, although its serialization function is  defined
            to provide a clearer map between specification and implementation.

       The  class inherits from ns-3 Header, but Deserialize() function is declared pure virtual,
       thus inherited classes having to implement it. The reason  is  that  deserialization  will
       retrieve  the  elements  in  RRC  messages,  each of them containing different information

       Additionally, it has to be noted that the resulting byte length of a specific type/message
       can vary, according to the presence of optional fields, and due to the optimized encoding.
       Hence, the serialized bits will be processed using  PreSerialize()  function,  saving  the
       result  in  m_serializationResult Buffer. As the methods to read/write in a ns3 buffer are
       defined in a byte basis, the serialization bits are stored into m_serializationPendingBits
       attribute,  until  the 8 bits are set and can be written to buffer iterator. Finally, when
       invoking Serialize(), the contents of the m_serializationResult attribute will  be  copied
       to Buffer::Iterator parameter

   RrcAsn1Header : Common IEs
       As  some  Information  Elements  are  being  used  for  several  RRC  messages, this class
       implements the following common IE’s:

          • SrbToAddModList

          • DrbToAddModList

          • LogicalChannelConfig

          • RadioResourceConfigDedicated

          • PhysicalConfigDedicated

          • SystemInformationBlockType1

          • SystemInformationBlockType2

          • RadioResourceConfigCommonSIB

   Rrc specific messages/IEs classes
       The following RRC SAP have been implemented:

          • RrcConnectionRequest

          • RrcConnectionSetup

          • RrcConnectionSetupCompleted

          • RrcConnectionReconfiguration

          • RrcConnectionReconfigurationCompleted

          • HandoverPreparationInfo

          • RrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest

          • RrcConnectionReestablishment

          • RrcConnectionReestablishmentComplete

          • RrcConnectionReestablishmentReject

          • RrcConnectionRelease

       The focus of the LTE-EPC model is on the  NAS  Active  state,  which  corresponds  to  EMM
       Registered,   ECM   connected,   and   RRC  connected.  Because  of  this,  the  following
       simplifications are made:

       • EMM and ECM are not modeled explicitly; instead, the NAS entity at the UE will  interact
         directly   with   the   MME   to   perform  actions  that  are  equivalent  (with  gross
         simplifications) to taking the UE to the states EMM Connected and ECM Connected;

       • the NAS also takes care of multiplexing uplink data packets coming from the upper layers
         into  the  appropriate  EPS  bearer  by  using  the  Traffic  Flow  Template  classifier

       • the NAS does not support PLMN and CSG selection

       • the NAS does not support any location update/paging procedure in idle mode

       Figure Sequence diagram of the  attach  procedure  shows  how  the  simplified  NAS  model
       implements  the  attach  procedure.  Note that both the default and eventual dedicated EPS
       bearers are activated as part of this procedure.
         [image] Sequence diagram of the attach procedure.UNINDENT

   S1, S5 and S11
   S1-U and S5 (user plane)
       The S1-U and S5 interfaces are modeled in a realistic way by  encapsulating  data  packets
       over  GTP/UDP/IP,  as  done  in  real LTE-EPC systems. The corresponding protocol stack is
       shown in Figure LTE-EPC data plane protocol stack. As shown in the figure, there  are  two
       different  layers  of IP networking. The first one is the end-to-end layer, which provides
       end-to-end connectivity to the users; this layer involves the UEs, the PGW and the  remote
       host  (including eventual internet routers and hosts in between), but does not involve the
       eNB and the SGW. In this version of LTE, the EPC supports both IPv4 and IPv6  type  users.
       The  3GPP  unique  64  bit  IPv6 prefix allocation process for each UE and PGW is followed
       here. Each EPC is assigned a unique 16 bit IPv4 and a 48 bit IPv6 network address from the
       pool of and 7777:f00d::/32 respectively. In the end-to-end IP connection between
       UE and PGW, all addresses are configured using these prefixes.  The PGW’s address is  used
       by all UEs as the gateway to reach the internet.

       The  second  layer  of  IP networking is the EPC local area network. This involves all eNB
       nodes, SGW nodes and PGW nodes. This network is implemented as  a  set  of  point-to-point
       links  which  connect  each  eNB with its corresponding SGW node and a point-to-point link
       which connect each SGW node with its corresponding PGW node; thus, each SGW has a  set  of
       point-to-point  devices,  each  providing  connectivity  to a different eNB. By default, a
       10.x.y.z/30 subnet is assigned to each point-to-point link (a /30 subnet is  the  smallest
       subnet that allows for two distinct host addresses).

       As  specified  by 3GPP, the end-to-end IP communications is tunneled over the local EPC IP
       network using GTP/UDP/IP. In the following, we explain how this tunneling  is  implemented
       in  the  EPC  model.  The  explanation  is  done by discussing the end-to-end flow of data
         [image] Data flow in the downlink between the internet and the UE.UNINDENT

         To begin with, we consider the case of the downlink, which is depicted  in  Figure  Data
         flow  in  the  downlink between the internet and the UE.  Downlink IPv4/IPv6 packets are
         generated from a generic remote host, and addressed to one of the  UE  device.  Internet
         routing will take care of forwarding the packet to the generic NetDevice of the PGW node
         which is connected to  the  internet  (this  is  the  Gi  interface  according  to  3GPP
         terminology).  The PGW has a VirtualNetDevice which is assigned the base IPv4 address of
         the EPC network; hence, static routing rules will cause the  incoming  packet  from  the
         internet  to  be  routed  through  this  VirtualNetDevice.  In  case  of IPv6 address as
         destination, a manual route towards the VirtualNetDevice  is  inserted  in  the  routing
         table,  containing  the  48 bit IPv6 prefix from which all the IPv6 addresses of the UEs
         and PGW are configured. Such  device  starts  the  GTP/UDP/IP  tunneling  procedure,  by
         forwarding  the  packet  to  a  dedicated  application  in  the PGW node which is called
         EpcPgwApplication. This application does the following operations:

          1. it determines the SGW node to which it must  route  the  traffic  for  this  UE,  by
             looking at the IP destination address (which is the address of the UE);

          2. it  classifies  the  packet using Traffic Flow Templates (TFTs) to identify to which
             EPS Bearer it belongs. EPS bearers have a one-to-one mapping to S5 Bearers, so  this
             operation  returns  the GTP-U Tunnel Endpoint Identifier  (TEID) to which the packet

          3. it adds the corresponding GTP-U protocol header to the packet;

          4. finally, it sends the packet over a UDP socket to the S5  point-to-point  NetDevice,
             addressed to the appropriate SGW.

       As  a  consequence,  the  end-to-end IP packet with newly added IP, UDP and GTP headers is
       sent through one of the S5 links to the SGW, where it is received  and  delivered  locally
       (as  the  destination  address of the outermost IP header matches the SGW IP address). The
       local delivery process will forward  the  packet,  via  an  UDP  socket,  to  a  dedicated
       application  called  EpcSgwApplication.  This  application  then  performs  the  following

          1. it determines the eNB node to which the UE is attached, by looking at the S5 TEID;

          2. it maps the S5 TEID to get the S1 TEID. EPS bearers have  a  one-to-one  mapping  to
             S1-U  Bearers,  so  this  operation  returns the S1 GTP-U Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
             (TEID) to which the packet belongs;

          3. it adds a new GTP-U protocol header to the packet;

          4. finally, it sends the packet over a UDP socket to the S1-U point-to-point NetDevice,
             addressed to the eNB to which the UE is attached.

       Finally, the end-to-end IP packet with newly added IP, UDP and GTP headers is sent through
       one of the S1 links to the eNB, where  it  is  received  and  delivered  locally  (as  the
       destination  address  of  the  outermost  IP header matches the eNB IP address). The local
       delivery process will forward the packet, via an UDP socket, to  a  dedicated  application
       called EpcEnbApplication. This application then performs the following operations:

          1. it removes the GTP header and retrieves the S1 TEID which is contained in it;

          2. leveraging  on  the one-to-one mapping between S1-U bearers and Radio Bearers (which
             is a 3GPP requirement), it determines the  Bearer  ID  (BID)  to  which  the  packet

          3. it  records  the  BID  in a dedicated tag called EpsBearerTag, which is added to the

          4. it forwards the packet to the LteEnbNetDevice of the  eNB  node  via  a  raw  packet

       Note  that,  at  this point, the outmost header of the packet is the end-to-end IP header,
       since the IP/UDP/GTP headers of the S1 protocol stack have  already  been  stripped.  Upon
       reception  of the packet from the EpcEnbApplication, the LteEnbNetDevice will retrieve the
       BID from the EpsBearerTag, and based on the BID will determine the Radio  Bearer  instance
       (and the corresponding PDCP and RLC protocol instances) which are then used to forward the
       packet to the UE over the LTE radio interface. Finally, the LteUeNetDevice of the UE  will
       receive  the  packet, and delivery it locally to the IP protocol stack, which will in turn
       delivery it to the application of  the  UE,  which  is  the  end  point  of  the  downlink
         [image] Data flow in the uplink between the UE and the internet.UNINDENT

         The  case of the uplink is depicted in Figure Data flow in the uplink between the UE and
         the internet.  Uplink IP packets are generated by a generic application inside  the  UE,
         and  forwarded  by  the  local  TCP/IP  stack  to  the  LteUeNetDevice  of  the  UE. The
         LteUeNetDevice then performs the following operations:

          1. it classifies the packet using TFTs and determines the Radio  Bearer  to  which  the
             packet belongs (and the corresponding RBID);

          2. it  identifies the corresponding PDCP protocol instance, which is the entry point of
             the LTE Radio Protocol stack for this packet;

          3. it sends the packet to the eNB over the LTE Radio Protocol stack.

       The eNB receives the packet via its LteEnbNetDevice. Since there is a single PDCP and  RLC
       protocol  instance for each Radio Bearer, the LteEnbNetDevice is able to determine the BID
       of the packet. This BID is then recorded onto an  EpsBearerTag,  which  is  added  to  the
       packet.  The  LteEnbNetDevice  then forwards the packet to the EpcEnbApplication via a raw
       packet socket.

       Upon receiving the packet, the EpcEnbApplication performs the following operations:

          1. it retrieves the BID from the EpsBearerTag in the packet;

          2. it determines the corresponding EPS Bearer instance and GTP-U TEID by leveraging  on
             the one-to-one mapping between S1-U bearers and Radio Bearers;

          3. it adds a GTP-U header on the packet, including the TEID determined previously;

          4. it  sends  the  packet  to  the  SGW  node  via the UDP socket connected to the S1-U
             point-to-point net device.

       At this point, the packet contains the S1-U IP, UDP and GTP headers  in  addition  to  the
       original  end-to-end  IP  header.  When  the  packet is received by the corresponding S1-U
       point-to-point NetDevice of the SGW node, it is  delivered  locally  (as  the  destination
       address  of  the  outmost IP header matches the address of the point-to-point net device).
       The local delivery process will forward  the  packet  to  the  EpcSgwApplication  via  the
       corresponding UDP socket. The EpcSgwApplication then perfoms the following operations:

          1. it removes the GTP header and retrieves the S1-U TEID;

          2. it maps the S1-U TEID to get the S5 TEID to which the packet belongs;

          3. it determines the PGW to which it must send the packet from the TEID mapping;

          4. it add a new GTP-U protocol header to the packet;

          5. finally,  it  sends the packet over a UDP socket to the S5 point-to-point NetDevice,
             addressed to the corresponding PGW.

       At this point, the packet contains the S5 IP, UDP and  GTP  headers  in  addition  to  the
       original  end-to-end  IP  header.  When  the  packet  is  received by the corresponding S5
       point-to-point NetDevice of the PGW node, it is  delivered  locally  (as  the  destination
       address  of  the  outmost IP header matches the address of the point-to-point net device).
       The local delivery process will forward  the  packet  to  the  EpcPgwApplication  via  the
       corresponding  UDP  socket. The EpcPgwApplication then removes the GTP header and forwards
       the packet to the VirtualNetDevice. At this point, the outmost header of the packet is the
       end-to-end  IP  header.  Hence,  if the destination address within this header is a remote
       host on the internet, the packet is sent to the internet via the  corresponding  NetDevice
       of  the  PGW. In the event that the packet is addressed to another UE, the IP stack of the
       PGW will redirect the packet again to the VirtualNetDevice, and the packet will go through
       the downlink delivery process in order to reach its destination UE.

       Note  that the EPS Bearer QoS is not enforced on the S1-U and S5 links, it is assumed that
       the overprovisioning of the link bandwidth is sufficient to meet the QoS  requirements  of
       all bearers.

       The S1-AP interface provides control plane interaction between the eNB and the MME. In the
       simulator, this interface is modeled in a realistic fashion transmitting the encoded  S1AP
       messages and information elements specified in [TS36413] on the S1-MME link.

       The S1-AP primitives that are modeled are:






   S5 and S11
       The  S5  interface provides control plane interaction between the SGW and the PGW. The S11
       interface provides control plane interaction between the SGw and the MME. Both  interfaces
       use  the GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTPv2-C) to tunnel signalling messages [TS29274] and use
       UDP as transport protocol.  In the simulator, these interfaces and protocol are modeled in
       a realistic fashion transmitting the encoded GTP-C messages.

       The GTPv2-C primitives that are modeled are:










       Of  these  primitives,  the  first  two  are  used  upon  initial  UE  attachment  for the
       establishment of the S1-U and S5 bearers. Section NAS  shows  the  implementation  of  the
       attach  procedure.  The  other  primitives are used during the handover to switch the S1-U
       bearers from the source eNB to the target eNB as a consequence of the reception by the MME
       of a PATH SWITCH REQUEST S1-AP message.

       The  X2  interface  interconnects two eNBs [TS36420]. From a logical point of view, the X2
       interface is a point-to-point interface between the two  eNBs.  In  a  real  E-UTRAN,  the
       logical  point-to-point  interface  should  be  feasible even in the absence of a physical
       direct connection between the two eNBs. In the X2 model implemented in the simulator,  the
       X2  interface  is  a  point-to-point link between the two eNBs. A point-to-point device is
       created in both eNBs and the two point-to-point devices are attached to the point-to-point

       For  a representation of how the X2 interface fits in the overall architecture of the LENA
       simulation model, the reader is referred to the figure Overview of the LTE-EPC  simulation

       The  X2  interface  implemented  in  the simulator provides detailed implementation of the
       following elementary procedures of the Mobility Management functionality [TS36423]:

          • Handover Request procedure

          • Handover Request Acknowledgement procedure

          • SN Status Transfer procedure

          • UE Context Release procedure

       These procedures are involved  in  the  X2-based  handover.  You  can  find  the  detailed
       description  of  the handover in section of [TS36300]. We note that the simulator
       model currently supports only the seamless handover  as  defined  in  Section  of
       [Sesia2009];  in  particular,  lossless  handover  as  described  in  Section  of
       [Sesia2009] is not supported at the time of this writing.

       Figure Sequence diagram of the X2-based  handover  below  shows  the  interaction  of  the
       entities of the X2 model in the simulator. The shaded labels indicate the moments when the
       UE or eNodeB transition to another RRC state.
         [image] Sequence diagram of the X2-based handover.UNINDENT

         The figure also shows two timers within the handover  procedure:  the  handover  leaving
         timer is maintained by the source eNodeB, while the handover joining timer by the target
         eNodeB.   The    duration    of    the    timers    can    be    configured    in    the
         HandoverLeavingTimeoutDuration  and  HandoverJoiningTimeoutDuration  attributes  of  the
         respective LteEnbRrc instances. When one of these timers expire, the handover  procedure
         is considered as failed.

         However,  there  is no proper handling of handover failure in the current version of LTE
         module. Users should tune the simulation properly in order to  avoid  handover  failure,
         otherwise unexpected behaviour may occur. Please refer to Section Tuning simulation with
         handover of the User Documentation for some tips regarding this matter.

         The X2 model is an entity that uses services from:

          • the X2 interfaces,

            • They are implemented as Sockets on top of the point-to-point devices.

            • They are used to send/receive X2 messages through  the  X2-C  and  X2-U  interfaces
              (i.e.  the  point-to-point  device attached to the point-to-point link) towards the
              peer eNB.

          • the S1 application.

            • Currently, it is the EpcEnbApplication.

            • It is used to get some information needed for the Elementary Procedures of  the  X2

       and it provides services to:

          • the RRC entity (X2 SAP)

            • to  send/receive RRC messages. The X2 entity sends the RRC message as a transparent
              container in the X2 message. This RRC message is sent to the UE.

       Figure Implementation Model of X2 entity and SAPs shows the implementation model of the X2
       entity  and  its  relationship  with  all  the other entities and services in the protocol
         [image] Implementation Model of X2 entity and SAPs.UNINDENT

         The RRC entity manages the initiation of the handover procedure. This  is  done  in  the
         Handover  Management  submodule  of  the eNB RRC entity. The target eNB may perform some
         Admission  Control  procedures.  This  is  done  in  the  Admission  Control  submodule.
         Initially, this submodule will accept any handover request.

   X2 interfaces
       The X2 model contains two interfaces:

          • the X2-C interface. It is the control interface and it is used to send the X2-AP PDUs
            (i.e. the elementary procedures).

          • the X2-U interface. It is used to send the bearer data when there is DL forwarding.

       Figure X2 interface protocol stacks shows the protocol stacks of the  X2-U  interface  and
       X2-C interface modeled in the simulator.
         [image] X2 interface protocol stacks.UNINDENT

       The  X2-C  interface  is  the  control part of the X2 interface and it is used to send the
       X2-AP PDUs (i.e. the elementary procedures).

       In the original X2 interface control plane protocol stack, SCTP is used as  the  transport
       protocol  but  currently,  the  SCTP protocol is not modeled in the ns-3 simulator and its
       implementation is out-of-scope of the project. The UDP protocol is used  as  the  datagram
       oriented protocol instead of the SCTP protocol.

       The  X2-U interface is used to send the bearer data when there is DL forwarding during the
       execution of the X2-based  handover  procedure.  Similarly  to  what  done  for  the  S1-U
       interface,  data  packets  are  encapsulated  over  GTP/UDP/IP  when  being sent over this
       interface. Note that the EPS Bearer QoS is not enforced on the X2-U links, it  is  assumed
       that the overprovisioning of the link bandwidth is sufficient to meet the QoS requirements
       of all bearers.

   X2 Service Interface
       The X2 service interface is used by the RRC entity to send and receive messages of the  X2
       procedures. It is divided into two parts:

          • the EpcX2SapProvider part is provided by the X2 entity and used by the RRC entity and

          • the EpcX2SapUser part is provided by the RRC entity and used by the RRC enity.

       The  primitives  that  are  supported  in  our  X2-C  model are described in the following

   X2-C primitives for handover execution
       The following primitives are used for the X2-based handover:






       all the above primitives are used by  the  currently  implemented  RRC  model  during  the
       preparation  and  execution  of the handover procedure. Their usage interacts with the RRC
       state machine; therefore, they are not meant to be used for code customization,  at  least
       unless it is desired to modify the RRC state machine.

   X2-C SON primitives
       The   following  primitives  can  be  used   to  implement  Self-Organized  Network  (SON)



       note that the current RRC model does not actually use these primitives, they are  included
       in  the model just to make it possible to develop SON algorithms included in the RRC logic
       that make use of them.

       As a first example, we show here how the load information primitive can be used. We assume
       that the LteEnbRrc has been modified to include the following new member variables:

          std::vector <EpcX2Sap::UlHighInterferenceInformationItem>
          EpcX2Sap::RelativeNarrowbandTxBand m_currentRelativeNarrowbandTxBand;

       for  a detailed description of the type of these variables, we suggest to consult the file
       epc-x2-sap.h, the corresponding doxygen documentation, and the references therein  to  the
       relevant  sections  of  3GPP  TS 36.423. Now, assume that at run time these variables have
       been set to meaningful values following the specifications just mentioned. Then,  you  can
       add  the  following  code  in  the  LteEnbRrc class implementation in order to send a load
       information primitive:

          EpcX2Sap::CellInformationItem cii;
          cii.sourceCellId = m_cellId;
          cii.ulInterferenceOverloadIndicationList = m_currentUlInterferenceOverloadIndicationList;
          cii.ulHighInterferenceInformationList = m_currentUlHighInterferenceInformationList;
          cii.relativeNarrowbandTxBand = m_currentRelativeNarrowbandTxBand;

          EpcX2Sap::LoadInformationParams params;
          params.targetCellId = cellId;
          params.cellInformationList.push_back (cii);
          m_x2SapProvider->SendLoadInformation (params);

       The  above  code   allows   the   source   eNB   to   send   the   message.   The   method
       LteEnbRrc::DoRecvLoadInformation  will be called when the target eNB receives the message.
       The desired processing of the load information should therefore be implemented within that

       In  the following second example we show how the resource status update primitive is used.
       We assume that the LteEnbRrc has  been  modified  to  include  the  following  new  member

          EpcX2Sap::CellMeasurementResultItem m_cmri;

       similarly  to  before,  we  refer  to epc-x2-sap.h and the references therein for detailed
       information about this variable type.  Again, we assume that the variable has been already
       set  to  a  meaningful  value.  Then,  you  can  add the following code in order to send a
       resource status update:

          EpcX2Sap::ResourceStatusUpdateParams params;
          params.targetCellId = cellId;
          params.cellMeasurementResultList.push_back (m_cmri);
          m_x2SapProvider->SendResourceStatusUpdate (params);

       The method eEnbRrc::DoRecvResourceStatusUpdate will be called when the target eNB receives
       the  resource  status  update  message.  The  desired  processing  of  this message should
       therefore be implemented within that method.

       Finally, we note that the setting  and  processing  of  the  appropriate  values  for  the
       variable  passed  to  the  above  described primitives is deemed to be specific of the SON
       algorithm being implemented, and hence is not covered by this documentation.

   Unsupported primitives
       Mobility Robustness Optimization primitives such as  Radio  Link  Failure  indication  and
       Handover Report are not supported at this stage.

       The S11 interface provides control plane interaction between the SGW and the MME using the
       GTPv2-C protocol specified in [TS29274]. In the simulator, this interface is modeled in an
       ideal  fashion,  with  direct  interaction  between  the  SGW and the MME objects, without
       actually implementing the encoding of the messages and without actually  transmitting  any
       PDU on any link.

       The S11 primitives that are modeled are:





       Of  these  primitives,  the  first  two  are  used  upon  initial  UE  attachment  for the
       establishment of the S1-U bearers; the other two are used during handover  to  switch  the
       S1-U  bearers  from  the source eNB to the target eNB as a consequence of the reception by
       the MME of a PATH SWITCH REQUEST S1-AP message.

   Power Control
       This section describes the ns-3 implementation of Downlink and Uplink Power Control.

   Downlink Power Control
       Since some of Frequency Reuse Algorithms require Downlink Power Control, this feature  was
       also implemented in ns-3.
         [image] Sequence diagram of Downlink Power Control.UNINDENT

         Figure  Sequence diagram of Downlink Power Control shows the sequence diagram of setting
         downlink P_A value for UE, highlighting the interactions between the RRC and  the  other
         entities.  FR  algorithm  triggers  RRC  to  change  P_A  values for UE. Then RRC starts
         RrcConnectionReconfiguration function  to  inform  UE  about  new  configuration.  After
         successful  RrcConnectionReconfiguration,  RRC  can  set  P_A  value  for  UE by calling
         function SetPa from CphySap, value is saved in new map m_paMap which contain P_A  values
         for each UE served by eNb.

         When  LteEnbPhy starts new subframe, DCI control messages are processed to get vector of
         used RBs. Now also GeneratePowerAllocationMap(uint16_t rnti, int rbId) function is  also
         called. This function check P_A value for UE, generate power for each RB and store it in
         m_dlPowerAllocationMap.       Then       this        map        is        used        by
         CreateTxPowerSpectralDensityWithPowerAllocation  function  to  create Ptr<SpectrumValue>

         PdschConfigDedicated    (TS    36.331,    6.3.2    PDSCH-Config)    was     added     in
         LteRrcSap::PhysicalConfigDedicated struct, which is used in RrcConnectionReconfiguration

   Uplink Power Control
       Uplink power control  controls  the  transmit  power  of  the  different  uplink  physical
       channels. This functionality is described in 3GPP TS 36.213 section 5.

       Uplink Power Control is enabled by default, and can be disabled by attribute system:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePhy::EnableUplinkPowerControl", BooleanValue (false));

       Two Uplink Power Control mechanisms are implemented:

          • Open  Loop  Uplink  Power Control: the UE transmission power depends on estimation of
            the downlink path-loss and channel configuration

          • Closed Loop Uplink Power Control: as in Open Loop, in addition eNB can control the UE
            transmission  power  by  means  of  explicit  Transmit  Power  Control  TPC  commands
            transmitted in the downlink.

       To switch between these two mechanism types, one should change parameter:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePowerControl::ClosedLoop", BooleanValue (true));

       By default, Closed Loop Power Control is enabled.

       Two modes of Closed Loop Uplink Power Control are available:

              • Absolute mode: TxPower is computed with absolute TPC values

              • Accumulative mode: TxPower is computed with accumulated TPC values

       To switch between these two modes, one should change parameter:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePowerControl::AccumulationEnabled", BooleanValue (true));

       By default, Accumulation Mode is enabled and  TPC  commands  in  DL-DCI  are  set  by  all
       schedulers to 1, what is mapped to value of 0 in Accumulation Mode.

   Uplink Power Control for PUSCH
       The  setting  of  the  UE  Transmit  power  for  a  Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PUSCH)
       transmission is defined as follows:

          • If the UE transmits PUSCH without a simultaneous PUCCH for the serving cell  c,  then
            the  UE  transmit  power  P_{PUSCH,c}(i) for PUSCH transmission in subframe i for the
            serving cell c is given by:

                           10\log_{10}(M_{PUSCH,c}(i))+ P_{O\_PUSCH,c}(j)
                           + \alpha_{c} (j) * PL_{c} + \Delta_{TF,c}(i) + f_{c}(i)
                           \end{Bmatrix} [dBm]

          • If the UE transmits PUSCH simultaneous with PUCCH for the serving cell c, then the UE
            transmit  power  P_{PUSCH,c}(i)  for  the  PUSCH  transmission  in subframe i for the
            serving cell c is given by:

                           10\log_{10}(\hat{P}_{CMAX,c}(i) - \hat{P}_{PUCCH}(i))\\
                           10\log_{10}(M_{PUSCH,c}(i))+ P_{O\_PUSCH,c}(j)
                           + \alpha_{c} (j) * PL_{c} + \Delta_{TF,c}(i) + f_{c}(i)
                           \end{Bmatrix} [dBm]

            Since Uplink Power Control for PUCCH is not implemented, this case is not implemented
            as well.

          • If  the  UE is not transmitting PUSCH for the serving cell c, for the accumulation of
            TPC command received with DCI format 3/3A for PUSCH, the UE shall assume that the  UE
            transmit  power  P_{PUSCH,c}(i)  for  the PUSCH transmission in    subframe i for the
            serving cell c is computed by

                           P_{O\_PUSCH,c}(1) + \alpha_{c} (1) * PL_{c} + f_{c}(i)
                           \end{Bmatrix} [dBm]


              • P_{CMAX,c}(i) is the configured UE transmit power defined in 3GPP  36.101.  Table
                6.2.2-1  in  subframe  i for serving cell c and \hat{P}_{CMAX,c}(i) is the linear
                value of P_{CMAX,c}(i). Default value for P_{CMAX,c}(i) is 23 dBm

              • M_{PUSCH,c}(i) is the bandwidth of the PUSCH  resource  assignment  expressed  in
                number of resource blocks valid for subframe i and serving cell c .

              • P_{O\_PUSCH,c}(j)   is   a   parameter   composed  of  the  sum  of  a  component
                P_{O\_NOMINAL\_PUSCH,c}(j)  provided  from  higher  layers  for  j={0,1}  and   a
                component P_{O\_UE\_PUSCH,c}(j) provided by higher layers for j={0,1} for serving
                cell c. SIB2 message needs to be extended to  carry  these  two  components,  but
                currently they can be set via attribute system:

                   Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePowerControl::PoNominalPusch", IntegerValue (-90));
                   Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePowerControl::PoUePusch", IntegerValue (7));

              • \alpha_{c} (j) is a 3-bit parameter provided by higher layers for serving cell c.
                For j=0,1,   \alpha_c \in \left \{ 0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1  \right  \}
                For  j=2,    \alpha_{c}  (j)  =  1.   This parameter is configurable by attribute

                   Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePowerControl::Alpha", DoubleValue (0.8));

              • PL_{c} is the downlink pathloss estimate calculated in the UE for serving cell  c
                in  dB  and  PL_{c}  =  referenceSignalPower  – higher layer filtered RSRP, where
                referenceSignalPower is provided by higher layers and RSRP.  referenceSignalPower
                is provided in SIB2 message

              • \Delta_{TF,c}(i) = 10\log_{10}((2^{BPRE\cdot K_s}-1)\cdot\beta_{offset}^{PUSCH} )
                for K_{s} = 1.25 and \Delta_{TF,c}(i) = 0 for K_{s} =  0.  Only  second  case  is

              • f_{c}(i) is component of Closed Loop Power Control. It is the current PUSCH power
                control adjustment state for serving cell c.

                If Accumulation Mode is enabled f_{c}(i) is given by:

                              f_{c}(i) = f_{c}(i-1) + \delta_{PUSCH,c}(i - K_{PUSCH})

                where: \delta_{PUSCH,c} is a correction value, also referred to as a TPC  command
                and  is included in PDCCH with DCI; \delta_{PUSCH,c}(i - K_{PUSCH}) was signalled
                on PDCCH/EPDCCH with DCI  for  serving  cell  c  on  subframe  (i  -  K_{PUSCH});
                K_{PUSCH} = 4 for FDD.

                If  UE  has  reached  P_{CMAX,c}(i) for serving cell c, positive TPC commands for
                serving cell c are not be accumulated. If UE has reached minimum power,  negative
                TPC  commands  are  not  be accumulated.  Minimum UE power is defined in TS36.101
                section 6.2.3.  Default value is -40 dBm.

                If Accumulation Mode is not enabled f_{c}(i) is given by:

                                     f_{c}(i) = \delta_{PUSCH,c}(i - K_{PUSCH})

                where: \delta_{PUSCH,c} is a correction value, also referred to as a TPC  command
                and  is included in PDCCH with DCI; \delta_{PUSCH,c}(i - K_{PUSCH}) was signalled
                on PDCCH/EPDCCH with DCI  for  serving  cell  c  on  subframe  (i  -  K_{PUSCH});
                K_{PUSCH} = 4 for FDD.

                Mapping  of  TPC  Command  Field  in DCI format 0/3/4 to absolute and accumulated
                \delta_{PUSCH,c} values is defined in TS36.231 section Table

   Uplink Power Control for PUCCH
       Since all uplink control messages are an ideal messages  and  do  not  consume  any  radio
       resources, Uplink Power Control for PUCCH is not needed and it is not implemented.

   Uplink Power Control for SRS
       The  setting  of  the  UE Transmit power P_{SRS} for the SRS transmitted on subframe i for
       serving cell c is defined by

                         P_{SRS\_OFFSET,c}(m) + 10\log_{10}(M_{SRS,c})+
                         P_{O\_PUSCH,c}(j) + \alpha_{c}(j) * PL_{c} + f_{c}(i)
                         \end{Bmatrix} [dBm]


              • P_{CMAX,c}(i) is the configured UE transmit power defined in 3GPP  36.101.  Table
                6.2.2-1.  Default value for P_{CMAX,c}(i) is 23 dBm

              • P_{SRS\_OFFSET,c}(m) is semi-statically configured by higher layers for m=0,1 for
                serving cell c . For SRS transmission given trigger type 0 then m=0,1 and for SRS
                transmission  given trigger type 1 then m=1.  For K_{s} = 0 P_Srs_Offset_Value is
                computed with equation:

                      P_{SRS\_OFFSET,c}(m)value = -10.5 + P_{SRS\_OFFSET,c}(m) * 1.5 [dBm]

                This parameter is configurable by attribute system:

                   Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePowerControl::PsrsOffset", IntegerValue (7));

              • M_{SRS,c} is the bandwidth of the SRS transmission in subframe i for serving cell
                c  expressed  in number of resource blocks. In current implementation SRS is sent
                over entire UL bandwidth.

              • f_{c}(i) is the current PUSCH power control adjustment state for serving cell  c,
                as defined in    Uplink Power Control for PUSCH

              • P_{O\_PUSCH,c}(j)  and  \alpha_{c}(j)  are  parameters as defined in Uplink Power
                Control for PUSCH, where j = 1 .

   Fractional Frequency Reuse
       This section describes the ns-3 support for Fractional  Frequency  Reuse  algorithms.  All
       implemented  algorithms  are  described  in  [ASHamza2013].  Currently 7 FR algorithms are

          • ns3::LteFrNoOpAlgorithmns3::LteFrHardAlgorithmns3::LteFrStrictAlgorithmns3::LteFrSoftAlgorithmns3::LteFfrSoftAlgorithmns3::LteFfrEnhancedAlgorithmns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm

       New LteFfrAlgorithm class was created and it is  a  abstract  class  for  Frequency  Reuse
       algorithms implementation. Also, two new SAPs between FR-Scheduler and FR-RRC were added.
         [image] Sequence diagram of Scheduling with FR algorithm.UNINDENT

         Figure  Sequence  diagram  of Scheduling with FR algorithm shows the sequence diagram of
         scheduling process with FR algorithm. In the beginning of scheduling process,  scheduler
         asks  FR  entity  for  available  RBGs.  According to implementation FR returns all RBGs
         available in cell or filter them based on its policy. Then when trying  to  assign  some
         RBG  to UE, scheduler asks FR entity if this RBG is allowed for this UE. When FR returns
         true, scheduler can assign this RBG to this UE, if not scheduler is checking another RBG
         for this UE. Again, FR response depends on implementation and policy applied to UE.

   Supported FR algorithms
   No Frequency Reuse
       The NoOp FR algorithm (LteFrNoOpAlgorithm class) is implementation of Full Frequency Reuse
       scheme, that means no frequency partitioning is performed between eNBs of the same network
       (frequency  reuse  factor,  FRF  equals 1). eNBs uses entire system bandwidth and transmit
       with uniform power over all RBGs. It is the simplest  scheme  and  is  the  basic  way  of
       operating  an  LTE  network. This scheme allows for achieving the high peak data rate. But
       from the other hand, due to heavy interference levels from neighbouring  cells,  cell-edge
       users performance is greatly limited.

       Figure  Full  Frequency  Reuse  scheme  below  presents  frequency and power plan for Full
       Frequency Reuse scheme.
         [image] Full Frequency Reuse scheme.UNINDENT

         In ns-3, the NoOp FR algorithm always allows scheduler to use full bandwidth and  allows
         all  UEs  to  use  any  RBG.  It  simply  does  nothing  new (i.e. it does not limit eNB
         bandwidth, FR algorithm is disabled), it is the simplest implementation  of  FrAlgorithm
         class and is installed in eNb by default.

   Hard Frequency Reuse
       The  Hard  Frequency  Reuse  algorithm provides the simplest scheme which allows to reduce
       inter-cell interference level. In this scheme whole frequency bandwidth  is  divided  into
       few  (typically 3, 4, or 7) disjoint sub-bands. Adjacent eNBs are allocated with different
       sub-band. Frequency reuse factor equals the number of sub-bands.  This  scheme  allows  to
       significantly  reduce  ICI at the cell edge, so the performance of cell-users is improved.
       But due to the fact, that each eNB uses only one part of whole bandwidth, peak  data  rate
       level is also reduced by the factor equal to the reuse factor.

       Figure  Hard  Frequency  Reuse  scheme  below  presents  frequency and power plan for Hard
       Frequency Reuse scheme.
         [image] Hard Frequency Reuse scheme.UNINDENT

         In our implementation, the Hard FR algorithm has only vector of RBGs available  for  eNB
         and  pass it to MAC Scheduler during scheduling functions. When scheduler ask, if RBG is
         allowed for specific UE it always return true.

   Strict Frequency Reuse
       Strict Frequency Reuse scheme is combination of Full and Hard Frequency Reuse schemes.  It
       consists  of  dividing  the  system  bandwidth  into  two  parts which will have different
       frequency reuse. One common sub-band of the system bandwidth is used in each cell interior
       (frequency  reuse-1),  while  the  other  part  of  the  bandwidth  is  divided  among the
       neighboring eNBs as in hard frequency reuse (frequency reuse-N, N>1), in order  to  create
       one  sub-band  with a low inter-cell interference level in each sector. Center UEs will be
       granted with the fully-reused  frequency  chunks,  while  cell-edge  UEs  with  orthogonal
       chunks.  It  means that interior UEs from one cell do not share any spectrum with edge UEs
       from second cell, which reduces interference for  both.  As  can  be  noticed,  Strict  FR
       requires a total of N + 1 sub-bands, and allows to achieve RFR in the middle between 1 and

       Figure Strict Frequency Reuse scheme below presents frequency and power  plan  for  Strict
       Frequency Reuse scheme with a cell-edge reuse factor of N = 3.
         [image] Strict Frequency Reuse scheme.UNINDENT

         In  our  implementation, Strict FR algorithm has two maps, one for each sub-band.  If UE
         can be served within private sub-band, its RNTI is added to m_privateSubBandUe  map.  If
         UE  can  be  served  within common sub-band, its RNTI is added to m_commonSubBandUe map.
         Strict FR algorithm needs to decide within which sub-band UE should be served.  It  uses
         UE  measurements  provided  by  RRB and compare them with signal quality threshold (this
         parameter can be easily tuned  by  attribute  mechanism).  Threshold  has  influence  on
         interior to cell radius ratio.

   Soft Frequency Reuse
       In  Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR) scheme each eNb transmits over the entire system bandwidth,
       but there are two sub-bands, within UEs are  served  with  different  power  level.  Since
       cell-center UEs share the bandwidth with neighboring cells, they usually transmit at lower
       power level than the cell-edge UEs. SFR  is  more  bandwidth  efficient  than  Strict  FR,
       because  it uses entire system bandwidth, but it also results in more interference to both
       cell interior and edge users.

       There are two possible versions of SFR scheme:

          • In first version, the sub-band dedicated for the cell-edge UEs may also  be  used  by
            the  cell-center  UEs  but with reduced power level and only if it is not occupied by
            the cell-edge UEs. Cell-center sub-band is available to the centre UEs only.   Figure
            Soft  Frequency  Reuse  scheme  version 1 below presents frequency and power plan for
            this version of Soft Frequency Reuse scheme.
               [image] Soft Frequency Reuse scheme version 1.UNINDENT

            • In second version, cell-center UEs do not have access to  cell-edge  sub-band.   In
              this  way,  each  cell  can  use  the  whole  system  bandwidth  while reducing the
              interference to the neighbors cells. From the other hand, lower ICI  level  at  the
              cell-edge  is  achieved  at the expense of lower spectrum utilization.  Figure Soft
              Frequency Reuse scheme version 2 below presents frequency and power plan  for  this
              version of Soft Frequency Reuse scheme.
                 [image] Soft Frequency Reuse scheme version 2.UNINDENT

          SFR  algorithm  maintain  two  maps. If UE should be served with lower power level, its
          RNTI is added to m_lowPowerSubBandUe map. If UE should  be  served  with  higher  power
          level,  its RNTI is added to m_highPowerSubBandUe map. To decide with which power level
          UE should be served SFR  algorithm  utilize  UE  measurements,  and  compares  them  to
          threshold. Signal quality threshold and PdschConfigDedicated (i.e. P_A value) for inner
          and outer area can be configured by attributes system.   SFR  utilizes  Downlink  Power
          Control described here.

   Soft Fractional Frequency Reuse
       Soft  Fractional  Frequency  Reuse  (SFFR)  is an combination of Strict and Soft Frequency
       Reuse schemes. While Strict FR do not use the subbands allocated for outer region  in  the
       adjacent cells, soft FFR uses these subbands for the inner UEs with low transmit power. As
       a result, the SFFR, like SFR, use the subband with high transmit power level and with  low
       transmit power level.  Unlike the Soft FR and like Strict FR, the Soft FFR uses the common
       sub-band which can enhance the throughput of the inner users.

       Figure Soft Fractional Fractional Frequency Reuse  scheme  below  presents  frequency  and
       power plan for Soft Fractional Frequency Reuse.
         [image] Soft Fractional Fractional Frequency Reuse scheme.UNINDENT

   Enhanced Fractional Frequency Reuse
       Enhanced  Fractional  Frequency  Reuse (EFFR) described in [ZXie2009] defines 3 cell-types
       for directly neighboring cells in a cellular system, and reserves  for  each  cell-type  a
       part  of  the whole frequency band named Primary Segment, which among different type cells
       should be orthogonal. The remaining subchannels  constitute  the  Secondary  Segment.  The
       Primary  Segment  of  a  cell-type  is  at  the same time a part of the Secondary Segments
       belonging to the other two cell-types. Each cell can occupy all subchannels of its Primary
       Segment  at  will, whereas only a part of subchannels in the Secondary Segment can be used
       by this cell in an interference-aware manner.The Primary Segment of each cell  is  divided
       into a reuse-3 part and reuse-1 part. The reuse-1 part can be reused by all types of cells
       in the system, whereas reuse-3 part can only be exclusively  reused  by  other  same  type
       cells(  i.e.  the  reuse-3 subchannels cannot be reused by directly neighboring cells). On
       the Secondary Segment cell acts  as  a  guest,  and  occupying  secondary  subchannels  is
       actually  reuse  the primary subchannels belonging to the directly neighboring cells, thus
       reuse on the Secondary Segment by each cell should conform to two rules:

          • monitor before use

          • resource reuse based on SINR estimation

       Each cell listens on every secondary subchannel all the time. And  before  occupation,  it
       makes  SINR  evaluation  according  to  the gathered channel quality information (CQI) and
       chooses resources with best estimation values for reuse. If CQI value  for  RBG  is  above
       configured threshold for some user, transmission for this user can be performed using this

       In [ZXie2009] scheduling  process  is  described,  it  consist  of  three  steps  and  two
       scheduling  polices.  Since  none  of  currently  implemented  schedulers  allow  for this
       behaviour, some simplification were applied. In our implementation reuse-1 subchannels can
       be used only by cell center users. Reuse-3 subchannels can be used by edge users, and only
       if there is no edge user, transmission for cell center users  can  be  served  in  reuse-3

       Figure  Enhanced Fractional Fractional Frequency Reuse scheme below presents frequency and
       power plan for Enhanced Fractional Frequency Reuse.
         [image] Enhanced Fractional Fractional Frequency Reuse scheme.UNINDENT

   Distributed Fractional Frequency Reuse
       This Distributed Fractional Frequency Reuse Algorithm was presented in  [DKimura2012].  It
       automatically   optimizes  cell-edge  sub-bands  by  focusing  on  user  distribution  (in
       particular,  receive-power  distribution).  This  algorithm  adaptively  selects  RBs  for
       cell-edge  sub-band  on basis of coordination information from adjecent cells and notifies
       the base stations of the adjacent cells, which RBs it selected to use  in  edge  sub-band.
       The  base station of each cell uses the received information and the following equation to
       compute cell-edge-band metric A_{k} for each RB.

                                   A_{k} = \sum_{j\in J}w_{j}X_{j,k}

       where J is a set of neighbor cells, X_{j,k}=\{0,1\} is the RNTP  from  the  j-th  neighbor
       cell.  It  takes  a  value  of  1  when the k-th RB in the j-th neighbor cell is used as a
       cell-edge sub-band and 0 otherwise. The  symbol  w_{j}  denotes  weight  with  respect  to
       adjacent  cell  j, that is, the number of users for which the difference between the power
       of the signal received from the serving cell i and the power of the signal  received  from
       the  adjacent  cell  j  is less than a threshold value (i.e., the number of users near the
       cell edge in the service cell). A large received power  difference  means  that  cell-edge
       users in the i-th cell suffer strong interference from the j-th cell.

       The  RB  for  which  metric  A_{k}  is  smallest  is  considered  to  be least affected by
       interference from another cell. Serving  cell  selects  a  configured  number  of  RBs  as
       cell-edge  sub-band  in  ascending  order  of A_{k}. As a result, the RBs in which a small
       number of cell-edge users receive  high  interference  from  adjacent  base  stations  are

       The updated RNTP is then sent to all the neighbor cells. In order to avoid the meaningless
       oscillation of cell-edge-band selection, a base station ignores an RNTP from another  base
       station that has larger cell ID than the base station.

       Repeating  this  process across all cells enables the allocation of RBs to cell-edge areas
       to be optimized over the system and to be adjusted with changes in user distribution.

       Figure Sequence diagram of Distributed Frequency  Reuse  Scheme  below  presents  sequence
       diagram of Distributed Fractional Frequency Reuse Scheme.
         [image] Sequence diagram of Distributed Frequency Reuse Scheme.UNINDENT

   Carrier Aggregation
       This  section  describes  the ns-3 support for Carrier Aggregation.  The references in the
       standard are [TS36211], [TS36213] and [TS36331].

       Note: Carrier Aggregation was introduced in release 3.27  and  currently,  only  works  in

       3GPP standardizes, in release R10, the Carrier Aggregation (CA) technology.

       This  technology  consists  of  the possibility, to aggregate radio resources belonging to
       different carriers, in order to have more bandwidth available, and  to  achieve  a  higher
       throughput.  Carrier  Aggregation  as  defined  by 3GPP can be used with both TDD and FDD.
       Since ns-3 only supports FDD LTE implementation, we will consider only this case  in  this
       section. Each aggregated carrier is referred to as a component carrier, CC.  The component
       carrier can have a bandwidth of 1.4, 3, 5, 10,  15  or  20  MHz  and  a  maximum  of  five
       component  carriers  can be aggregated, hence the maximum aggregated bandwidth is 100 MHz.
       In FDD the number of aggregated carriers can be different  in  DL  and  UL.  However,  the
       number  of  UL  component  carriers  is  always  equal  to  or lower than the number of DL
       component carriers. The individual component carriers can also be of different bandwidths.
       When  carrier  aggregation  is  used  there  are  a  number of serving cells, one for each
       component carrier. The coverage of the serving cells may differ, for example due  to  that
       CCs on different frequency bands will experience different pathloss. The RRC connection is
       only handled by one cell, the Primary  serving  cell,  served  by  the  Primary  component
       carrier  (DL  and  UL PCC). It is also on the DL PCC that the UE receives NAS information,
       such as security parameters.

       3GPP defines three different CA bandwidth classes in releases 10 and  11  (where  ATBC  is
       Aggregated Transmission Bandwidth Configuration):

       Class A: ATBC \leq 100, maximum number of CC = 1

       Class B: ATBC \leq 100, maximum number of CC = 2

       Class C: 100 \leq ATBC \leq 200, maximum number of CC = 2

       Figure CA impact on different layers of LTE protocol stack (from (from
       shows the main impact of CA technology on the different layers of the LTE protocol  stack.
       Introduction  of  carrier  aggregation  influences mainly the MAC and new RRC messages are
       introduced. In order to keep R8/R9 compatibility the protocol changes will be  kept  to  a
       minimum.  Basically  each  component  carrier  is  treated  as an R8 carrier. However some
       changes are required, such as new RRC messages in order to handle the secondary  component
       carrier  (SCC),  and  MAC  must  be  able  to handle scheduling on a number of CCs. In the
       following we describe  the  impact  of  the  carrier  aggregation  implementation  on  the
       different layers of the LTE protocol stack in ns-3.
         [image] CA impact on different layers of LTE protocol stack (from

   Impact on RRC layer
       The  main  impacts  on  the  RRC  layer are related to secondary carrier configuration and
       measurements reporting. To enable these features we have  enhanced  the  already  existing
       procedures for the RRC Connection Reconfiguration and UE RRC Measurements Model.

       The  carrier aggregation enabling procedure is shown in figure A schematic overview of the
       secondary carrier enabling procedure.  As per 3GPP definition, the  secondary  cell  is  a
       cell,  operating  on a secondary frequency, which may be configured once an RRC connection
       is established and which may be used to provide additional  radio  resources.  Hence,  the
       procedure starts when the UE is in the CONNECTED_NORMALLY state (see the RRC state machine
       description). This part of the procedure is the same as in the previous  architecture.  In
       order  to  simplify  the  implementation,  the  UE  Capability  Inquiry  and UE Capability
       Information are not implemented. This implies to assume  that  each  UE  can  support  the
       carrier  aggregation,  and  any  specific  configuration  provided  by the eNB to which is
       attached. The eNB RRC sends to the  UE  the  secondary  carrier  configuration  parameters
       through  the  RRC  Connection  Reconfiguration  procedure.  This procedure may be used for
       various purposes related to modifications of the RRC connection, e.g. to establish, modify
       or  release  RBs,  to  perform handover, to setup, modify or release measurements, to add,
       modify and release secondary cells (SCells).  At UE side, the RRC is extended to configure
       the  lower  layers,  in such a way that the SCell(s) are considered. Once the carriers are
       configured, the Reconfiguration Completed message is sent back to the eNB  RRC,  informing
       the  eNB  RRC  and  CCM that the secondary carriers have been properly configured. The RRC
       layer at both the UE and the eNB sides is extended to allow measurement reporting for  the
       secondary  carriers.  Finally,  in  order  to  allow  the procedures for configuration and
       measurement reporting, the RRC is enhanced to support serialization and deserialization of
       RRC  message structures that carry information related to the secondary carriers, e.g., if
       the  RRCConnectionReconfiguration  message  includes  sCellToAddModList  structure,  SCell
       addition  or modification will be performed, or, if it contains measConfig the measurement
       reporting will be configured. To allow transmission  of  this  information  the  following
       structures    are    implemented    for    the    sCell:   RadioResourceConfigCommonSCell,
       RadioResourceConfigDedicatedSCell       and        PhysicalConfigDedicatedSCell        and
       NonCriticalExtensionConfiguration.            RadioResourceConfigCommonSCell           and
       RadioResourceConfigDedicatedSCell are used for SCell addition  and  modification  (see  TS
       36.331,    PhysicalConfigDedicatedSCell   is   used   for  physical  channel
       reconfiguration (see TS 36.331, Finally,  NonCriticalExtensionConfiguration  is
       used  to  carry  information  of  sCellToAddModeList  and  sCellToReleaseList,  which is a
       modified structure comparing to TS 36.331, 6.6.2, according to which these are directly in
       the  root  of RRCConnectionReconfiguration message. Measurement reporting is extended with
       measResultSCell structure to include RSRP and RSRQ measurements for each configured SCell.
       However,  the measurement report triggering event A6 (neighbour becomes offset better than
       SCell) is not implemented yet.
         [image] A schematic overview of the secondary carrier enabling procedure.UNINDENT

   Impact on PCDCP layer
       There is no impact on PDCP layer.

   Impact on RLC layer
       The impact on the RLC layer is relatively small. There is some impact on configuration  of
       the  buffer and the usage of SAP interfaces between RLC and MAC. Since the capacity of the
       lower layers increases with the carrier aggregation it is necessary to accordingly  adjust
       the  size  of  the  RLC  buffer. The impact on the implementation of the RLC layer is very
       small thanks to the design choice that allows the CCM manager to serve the  different  RLC
       instances  through  the LteMacSapProvider interface. Thanks to this design choice, the RLC
       is  using  the  same  interface  as  in  the  earlier   LTE   module   architecture,   the
       LteMacSapProvider,  but  the  actual SAP provider in the new architecture is the CCM (some
       class that inherits LteEnbComponentCarrierManager). The CCM acts as a proxy,  it  receives
       function  calls  that are meant for the MAC, and forwards them to the MAC of the different
       component carriers. Additionally, it uses the information  of  the  UEs  and  the  logical
       channels for its own functionalities.

   Impact on MAC layer
       The  impact  on  the  MAC  layer depends on the CA scheduling scheme in use. Two different
       scheduling schemes are proposed in R10 and are shown in figure CA scheduling schemes (from
         [image] CA scheduling schemes (from

         The  CIF  (Carrier  Indicator Field) on PDCCH (represented by the red area) indicates on
         which carrier the scheduled resource is located. In the following we describe  both  the

          a. scheduling  grant  and  resources  on  the  same carrier. One PDCCH is supported per

          b. cross-carrier scheduling: it is used to schedule resources on the secondary  carrier
             without PDCCH.

       Current implementation covers only option 1, so there is no cross-carrier scheduling.  The
       MAC layer of the eNodeB has suffered minor changes and they are mainly related to addition
       of component carrier information in message exchange between layers.

   Impact on PHY layer
       The  impact  on  PHY  layer is minor. There is an instance of PHY layer per each component
       carrier and the SAP interface functions  remain  unchanged.  As  shown  in  CA  scheduling
       schemes  (from  the  difference is that since there are multiple PHY instances,
       there are also multiple instances of PDCCH, HARQ, ACK/NACK and CSI per carrier. So, at the
       eNB  PHY, the changes are related to the addition of the component carrier id information,
       while at  the  UE  PHY  the  information  of  the  Component  Carrier  is  used  for  some
       functionalities  that  depend  on the Component Carrier to which the PHY instance belongs.
       For example, the UE PHY is extended to allow disabling of the  sounding  reference  signal
       (SRS)  at  the  secondary carriers. This is necessary because there is one UE PHY instance
       per component carrier, but according to CA scheduling  schemes  (from,  only  a
       single  carrier  is  used  and  the  uplink  traffic  is transmitted only over the primary

   Code Structure Design
       This section briefly introduces the software design  and  implementation  of  the  carrier
       aggregation functionality.

       Both  LteEnbNetDevice  and  LteUeNetDevice  are  created by the LteHelper using the method
       InstallSingleEnbDevice and InstallSingleUeDevice. These  functions  are  now  extended  to
       allow  the  carrier  aggregation  configuration.  In  the  following  we  explain the main
       differences comparing to the previous architecture.

       Figure Changes in LteEnbNetDevice to support CA shows the attributes and  associations  of
       the  LteEnbNetDevice  that  are affected by the implementation, or are created in order to
       support the carrier aggregation functionality.  Since  LteEnbNetDevice  may  have  several
       component  carriers, the attributes that were formerly part of the LteEnbNetDevice and are
       carrier  specific  are  migrated  to  the  ComponentCarrier  class,  e.g.  physical  layer
       configuration  parameters.  The attributes that are specific for the eNB component carrier
       are migrated to ComponentCarrierEnb, e.g.  pointers to  MAC,  PHY,  scheduler,  fractional
       frequency   reuse   instances.    LteEnbNetDevice   can   contain   pointers   to  several
       ComponentCarrierEnb instances.  This architecture allows that each CC  may  have  its  own
       configuration   for  PHY,  MAC,  scheduling  algorithm  and  franctional  frequency  reuse
       algorithm.  These attributes are currently maintained  also  in  the  LteEnbNetDevice  for
       backward compatibility purpose.  By default the LteEnbNetDevice attributes are the same as
       the primary carrier attributes.
         [image] Changes in LteEnbNetDevice to support CA.UNINDENT

         Figure Changes in LteUeNetDevice to support CA shows the attributes and associations  of
         LteUeNetDevice  that are affected by the carrier aggregation implementation.  Similarly,
         to the changes in LteEnbNetDevice, pointers that are specific to  UE  component  carrier
         are  migrated to the ComponentCarrierUe class.  LteUeNetDevice has maintained m_dlEarfcn
         for initial cell selection purposes.
         [image] Changes in LteUeNetDevice to support CA.UNINDENT

   CA impact on data plane of eNodeB
       Figure eNB Data Plane Architecture shows the class diagram of the data plane at the eNB.

       The main impact is the insertion of the LteEnbComponentCarrierManager class in the  middle
       of  the  LTE  protocol  stack. During the design phase it was decided to keep the same SAP
       interfaces design that existed between MAC and RLC in order to avoid  unnecessary  changes
       in  these  parts  of  protocol  stack.   To achieve this the LteEnbComponentCarrierManager
       implements all functions that were previously exposed by RLC to MAC through  LteMacSapUser
       interface.   It  also  implements  functions  that  were  previously exposed by MAC to RLC
       through  the  LteMacSapProvider  interface.  In  this  way,  the  carrier  aggregation  is
       transparent  to  upper and lower layers. The only difference is that the MAC instance sees
       now only one LteMacSapUser, whereas formerly it was seeing only one LteMacSapUser per  RLC

       The  LteEnbComponentCarrierManager  is  responsible  for  the  forwarding messages in both
       directions. In the current implementation, a PDCP and a RLC instances are  activated  each
       time  a  new data radio bearer is configured. The correspondence between a new  data radio
       bearer and a RLC instance is one to one. In order to maintain the same  behavior,  when  a
       new logical channel is activated, the logical channel configurations is propagated to each
       MAC layer object in “as is” fashion.
         [image] eNB Data Plane Architecture.UNINDENT

         Figure Sequence Diagram of downlink buffer  status  reporting  (BSR)  with  CA  shows  a
         sequence  diagram  of  downlink  buffer  status  reporting  with  a  carrier aggregation
         implementation of only one secondary carrier.  Each time that an RLC  instance  sends  a
         buffer  status report (BSR), the LteEnbComponentCarrierManager propagates the BSR to the
         MAC instances.  The LteEnbComponentCarrierManager may modify a BSR before sending it  to
         the  MAC instances. This modification depends on the traffic split algorithm implemented
         in CCM class that inherits LteEnbComponentCarrierManager.
         [image] Sequence Diagram of downlink buffer status reporting (BSR) with CA.UNINDENT

   CA impact on control plane of eNodeB
       Figure eNB Control Plane Architecture shows the class diagram of the control plane at  the
       eNB.  During  the  design phase it was decided to maintain the same hooks as in the former
       architecture. To do so, at each component  carrier  the  PHY  and  the  MAC  are  directly
       associated to the RRC instance. However, the RRC instance is additionally connected to the
       LteEnbComponentCarrierManager,  which  is  responsible  for  enabling  and  disabling  the
       component  carriers. When the simulation starts, the number of component carrier is fixed,
       but   only   the   primary   carrier   component   is   enabled.    Depending    on    the
       LteEnbComponentCarrierManager algorithm the other carrier components could be activated or
         [image] eNB Control Plane Architecture.UNINDENT

         Figure Sequence Diagram of Data Radio Bearer  Setup  shows  how  the  Radio  Bearer  are
         [image] Sequence Diagram of Data Radio Bearer Setup.UNINDENT

   CA impact on data plane of UE
       Figure UE Data Plane Architecture shows the relation between the different classes related
       to the UE data plane. The UE data plane architecture is similar  to  the  eNB  data  plane
       implementation.   The   LteUeComponentCarrierManager   is   responsible  to  (re)map  each
       MacSapUserProvider to the corresponding RLC instance or to the proper  MAC  instance.  The
       channel remapping depends on algorithm used as LteUeComponentCarrierManager.  A particular
       case is represented by the UE buffer status report (BSR) to eNB.  Since, i)  the  standard
       does  not  specify  how the BSR has to be reported on each component carrier and ii) it is
       decided to map one-to-one the logical channel to each MAC layer, the only way to send BSRs
       to  the eNB is through the primary carrier.  Figure Uplink buffer status reporting with CA
       shows   the   sequence    diagram.     Each    time    a    BSR    is    generated,    the
       LteUeComponentCarrierManager  sends  it  through  the  primary carrier component. When the
       primary  component  carrier  at   the   eNB   receives   the   BSR,   it   sends   it   to
       LteEnbComponentCarrierManager.  The  latter,  according  to  algorithm dependent policies,
       forwards a BSR to component carriers. The communication between  the  LteEnbMac  and   the
       LteEnbComponentCarrierManager  is  done  through a specific set of SAP functions which are
       implemented in the LteUlCcmRrcSapUser and the LteUlCcmRrcSapProvider.
         [image] UE Data Plane Architecture.UNINDENT
         [image] Uplink buffer status reporting with CA.UNINDENT

   CA impact on control plane of UE
       Figure UE Control Plane Architecture shows the  relation  between  the  different  classes
       associated  to  the  UE  control  plane.  The  control  plane  implementation at the UE is
       basically the same as the eNB control plane implementation. Each component carrier control
       SAP (both for PHY and MAC layer objects) is linked in a one-to-one fashion directly to the
       RRC instance. The Ue RRC instance is then connected to the LteUeComponentCarrierManager in
       the same way as in the eNB.
         [image] UE Control Plane Architecture.UNINDENT

         CCHelper  is  the  class  that  is implemented to help the configuration of the physical
         layer parameters, such as uplink and downlink,bandwidth and EARFCN of each carrier.

   CCM RRC MAC interfaces
       The Component carrier manager (CCM) is also developed by using the SAP  interface  design.
       The following SAP interfaces are implemented for CCM and MAC:

              • the LteCcmMacSapUser part is provided by MAC and is used by the CCM

              • the LteCcmMacSapProvider part is provided by CCM and is used by the MAC layer

          When  the primary component carrier receives an uplink BSR it uses the LteCcmMacSapUser
          to forward it to the CCM, which should decide how to split the traffic corresponding to
          this   BSR   among   carriers.   Once   this   decision  is  made,  the  CCM  uses  the
          LteCcmMacSapProvider interface to send back an uplink BSR to some of the MAC instances.
          Additionally,  the  LteCcmMacSapUser  can  be  used  by the MAC to notify about the PRB
          occupancy in the downlink to the CCM. This information may be used by the CCM to decide
          how to split the traffic and whether to use the secondary carriers.

   CCM RRC SAP interfaces
       The following SAP interfaces are implemented for CCM and RRC:

          • the LteCcmRrcSapProvider is provided by the CCM and is used by the RRC layer

          • the LteCcmRrcSapUser is provided by RRC and is used by the CCM

       By  using  the  LteCcmRrcSapUser  the  CCM  may  request  a specific measurement reporting
       configuration to be fulfilled by the UEs attached to the eNB. When a UE measurement report
       is  received,  as  a  result  of this configuration, the eNB RRC entity shall forward this
       report  to  the  CCM  through   the   LteCcmRrcSapProvider::ReportUeMeas   SAP   function.
       Additionally,  the  LteCcmRrcSapProvider offers different functions to the RRC that can be
       used to add and remove of UEs, setup or release of  radio  bearer,  configuration  of  the
       signalling bearer, etc.

   Component carrier managers
       Currently,  there  are  two component carrier manager implementations available. The first
       one is the NoOpComponentCarrierManager, which  is the default CCM choice. When this CCM is
       used  the  carrier  aggregation  feature  is  disabled. This CCM forwards all traffic, the
       uplink and the downlink, over the primary carrier, and does not  use  secondary  carriers.
       Another  implementation is the RrComponentCarrierManager, which splits the traffic equally
       among carriers, by diving the buffer status report among  different  carriers.   SRB0  and
       SRB1 flows will be forwarded only over primary carrier.

       Two  helper  objects  are  used to setup simulations and configure the various components.
       These objects are:

          • LteHelper, which takes care of the configuration of the LTE radio access network,  as
            well  as  of  coordinating  the setup and release of EPS bearers. The LteHelper class
            provides both the API definition and its implementation.

          • EpcHelper, which takes care of the configuration of  the  Evolved  Packet  Core.  The
            EpcHelper  class  is  an abstract base class, which only provides the API definition;
            the implementation is delegated to the child classes in order to allow for  different
            EPC network models.

       A third helper object is used to configure the Carrier Aggregation functionality:

          • CcHelper,  which  takes  care  of the configuration of the LteEnbComponentCarrierMap,
            basically,  it  creates  a   user   specified   number   of   LteEnbComponentCarrier.
            LteUeComponentCarrierMap     is     currently     created     starting    from    the
            LteEnbComponentCarrierMap. LteHelper:InstallSingleUeDevice, in  this  implementation,
            is  needed  to  invoke  after the LteHelper:InstallSingleEnbDevice to ensure that the
            LteEnbComponentCarrierMap is properly initialized.

       It is possible to create a simple LTE-only simulations by using the LteHelper alone, or to
       create  complete  LTE-EPC  simulations  by  using  both LteHelper and EpcHelper. When both
       helpers are used, they interact in a master-slave fashion, with the  LteHelper  being  the
       Master that interacts directly with the user program, and the EpcHelper working “under the
       hood” to configure the EPC upon explicit  methods  called  by  the  LteHelper.  The  exact
       interactions  are  displayed  in  the  Figure  Sequence diagram of the interaction between
       LteHelper and EpcHelper..
         [image] Sequence diagram of the interaction between LteHelper and EpcHelper..UNINDENT

   User Documentation
       We assume the reader is already familiar with how to use the ns-3 simulator to run generic
       simulation  programs. If this is not the case, we strongly recommend the reader to consult

   Usage Overview
       The ns-3 LTE model is a software library that  allows  the  simulation  of  LTE  networks,
       optionally  including  the  Evolved  Packet  Core  (EPC).   The process of performing such
       simulations typically involves the following steps:

          1. Define the scenario to be simulated

          2. Write   a   simulation    program    that    recreates    the    desired    scenario
             topology/architecture.  This  is done accessing the ns-3 LTE model library using the
             ns3::LteHelper API defined in src/lte/helper/lte-helper.h.

          3. Specify configuration parameters  of  the  objects  that  are  being  used  for  the
             simulation.  This  can  be  done  using  input  files  (via the ns3::ConfigStore) or
             directly within the simulation program.

          4. Configure the desired output to be produced by the simulator

          5. Run the simulation.

       All these aspects will be explained in  the  following  sections  by  means  of  practical

   Basic simulation program
       Here  is  the  minimal  simulation  program  that  is  needed to do an LTE-only simulation
       (without EPC).

       1.  Initial boilerplate:

              #include <ns3/core-module.h>
              #include <ns3/network-module.h>
              #include <ns3/mobility-module.h>
              #include <ns3/lte-module.h>

              using namespace ns3;

              int main (int argc, char *argv[])
                // the rest of the simulation program follows

       2.  Create an LteHelper object:

              Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();

           This will instantiate some common objects (e.g., the Channel object) and  provide  the
           methods to add eNBs and UEs and configure them.

       3.  Create Node objects for the eNB(s) and the UEs:

              NodeContainer enbNodes;
              enbNodes.Create (1);
              NodeContainer ueNodes;
              ueNodes.Create (2);

           Note  that  the  above  Node  instances at this point still don’t have an LTE protocol
           stack installed; they’re just empty nodes.

       4.  Configure the Mobility model for all the nodes:

              MobilityHelper mobility;
              mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
              mobility.Install (enbNodes);
              mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
              mobility.Install (ueNodes);

           The above will place all nodes  at  the  coordinates  (0,0,0).  Please  refer  to  the
           documentation of the ns-3 mobility model for how to set your own position or configure
           node movement.

       5.  Install an LTE protocol stack on the eNB(s):

              NetDeviceContainer enbDevs;
              enbDevs = lteHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes);

       6.  Install an LTE protocol stack on the UEs:

              NetDeviceContainer ueDevs;
              ueDevs = lteHelper->InstallUeDevice (ueNodes);

       7.  Attach the UEs  to  an  eNB.  This  will  configure  each  UE  according  to  the  eNB
           configuration, and create an RRC connection between them:

              lteHelper->Attach (ueDevs, enbDevs.Get (0));

       8.  Activate a data radio bearer between each UE and the eNB it is attached to:

              enum EpsBearer::Qci q = EpsBearer::GBR_CONV_VOICE;
              EpsBearer bearer (q);
              lteHelper->ActivateDataRadioBearer (ueDevs, bearer);

           this  method will also activate two saturation traffic generators for that bearer, one
           in uplink and one in downlink.

       9.  Set the stop time:

              Simulator::Stop (Seconds (0.005));

           This is needed otherwise the simulation will last forever, because (among others)  the
           start-of-subframe event is scheduled repeatedly, and the ns-3 simulator scheduler will
           hence never run out of events.

       10. Run the simulation:

              Simulator::Run ();

       11. Cleanup and exit:

              Simulator::Destroy ();
              return 0;

       For how to compile and run simulation programs, please refer to [ns3tutorial].

   Configuration of LTE model parameters
       All the relevant LTE model parameters are  managed  through  the  ns-3  attribute  system.
       Please  refer  to  the  [ns3tutorial]  and [ns3manual] for detailed information on all the
       possible methods to do it (environmental variables, C++ API, GtkConfigStore…).

       In the following, we just briefly summarize how to do it using input files  together  with
       the  ns-3  ConfigStore.   First  of  all, you need to put the following in your simulation
       program, right after main () starts:

          CommandLine cmd (__FILE__);
          cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
          ConfigStore inputConfig;
          inputConfig.ConfigureDefaults ();
          // parse again so you can override default values from the command line
          cmd.Parse (argc, argv);

       for the above to work, make sure you also #include  "ns3/config-store.h".   Now  create  a
       text  file  named  (for example) input-defaults.txt specifying the new default values that
       you want to use for some attributes:

          default ns3::LteHelper::Scheduler "ns3::PfFfMacScheduler"
          default ns3::LteHelper::PathlossModel "ns3::FriisSpectrumPropagationLossModel"
          default ns3::LteEnbNetDevice::UlBandwidth "25"
          default ns3::LteEnbNetDevice::DlBandwidth "25"
          default ns3::LteEnbNetDevice::DlEarfcn "100"
          default ns3::LteEnbNetDevice::UlEarfcn "18100"
          default ns3::LteUePhy::TxPower "10"
          default ns3::LteUePhy::NoiseFigure "9"
          default ns3::LteEnbPhy::TxPower "30"
          default ns3::LteEnbPhy::NoiseFigure "5"

       Supposing your simulation program is called src/lte/examples/lte-sim-with-input,  you  can
       now pass these settings to the simulation program in the following way:

          ./waf --command-template="%s --ns3::ConfigStore::Filename=input-defaults.txt
          --ns3::ConfigStore::Mode=Load --ns3::ConfigStore::FileFormat=RawText"
          --run src/lte/examples/lte-sim-with-input

       Furthermore, you can generate a template input file with the following command:

          ./waf --command-template="%s --ns3::ConfigStore::Filename=input-defaults.txt
          --ns3::ConfigStore::Mode=Save --ns3::ConfigStore::FileFormat=RawText"
          --run src/lte/examples/lte-sim-with-input

       note  that  the  above will put in the file input-defaults.txt all the default values that
       are registered in your particular build  of  the  simulator,  including  lots  of  non-LTE

   Configure LTE MAC Scheduler
       There  are several types of LTE MAC scheduler user can choose here. User can use following
       codes to define scheduler type:

          Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
          lteHelper->SetSchedulerType ("ns3::FdMtFfMacScheduler");    // FD-MT scheduler
          lteHelper->SetSchedulerType ("ns3::TdMtFfMacScheduler");    // TD-MT scheduler
          lteHelper->SetSchedulerType ("ns3::TtaFfMacScheduler");     // TTA scheduler
          lteHelper->SetSchedulerType ("ns3::FdBetFfMacScheduler");   // FD-BET scheduler
          lteHelper->SetSchedulerType ("ns3::TdBetFfMacScheduler");   // TD-BET scheduler
          lteHelper->SetSchedulerType ("ns3::FdTbfqFfMacScheduler");  // FD-TBFQ scheduler
          lteHelper->SetSchedulerType ("ns3::TdTbfqFfMacScheduler");  // TD-TBFQ scheduler
          lteHelper->SetSchedulerType ("ns3::PssFfMacScheduler");     //PSS scheduler

       TBFQ and PSS have more parameters than other schedulers. Users can define those parameters
       in following way:

          * TBFQ scheduler::

           Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
           lteHelper->SetSchedulerAttribute("DebtLimit", IntegerValue(yourvalue)); // default value -625000 bytes (-5Mb)
           lteHelper->SetSchedulerAttribute("CreditLimit", UintegerValue(yourvalue)); // default value 625000 bytes (5Mb)
           lteHelper->SetSchedulerAttribute("TokenPoolSize", UintegerValue(yourvalue)); // default value 1 byte
           lteHelper->SetSchedulerAttribute("CreditableThreshold", UintegerValue(yourvalue)); // default value 0

          * PSS scheduler::

           Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
           lteHelper->SetSchedulerAttribute("nMux", UIntegerValue(yourvalue)); // the maximum number of UE selected by TD scheduler
           lteHelper->SetSchedulerAttribute("PssFdSchedulerType", StringValue("CoItA")); // PF scheduler type in PSS

       In  TBFQ,  default  values  of  debt  limit  and  credit  limit  are  set  to -5Mb and 5Mb
       respectively based on paper [FABokhari2009].  Current  implementation  does  not  consider
       credit threshold (C = 0). In PSS, if user does not define nMux, PSS will set this value to
       half of total UE. The default FD scheduler is PFsch.

       In addition, token generation rate in  TBFQ  and  target  bit  rate  in  PSS  need  to  be
       configured  by  Guarantee  Bit  Rate  (GBR)  or  Maximum  Bit Rate (MBR) in epc bearer QoS
       parameters. Users can use following codes to define GBR  and  MBR  in  both  downlink  and

          Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
          enum EpsBearer::Qci q = EpsBearer::yourvalue;  // define Qci type
          GbrQosInformation qos;
          qos.gbrDl = yourvalue; // Downlink GBR
          qos.gbrUl = yourvalue; // Uplink GBR
          qos.mbrDl = yourvalue; // Downlink MBR
          qos.mbrUl = yourvalue; // Uplink MBR
          EpsBearer bearer (q, qos);
          lteHelper->ActivateDedicatedEpsBearer (ueDevs, bearer, EpcTft::Default ());

       In PSS, TBR is obtained from GBR in bearer level QoS parameters. In TBFQ, token generation
       rate is obtained from the MBR setting in bearer  level  QoS  parameters,  which  therefore
       needs to be configured consistently.  For constant bit rate (CBR) traffic, it is suggested
       to set MBR to GBR. For variance bit rate (VBR) traffic, it is suggested to set MBR k times
       larger  than  GBR in order to cover the peak traffic rate. In current implementation, k is
       set to three based on paper [FABokhari2009]. In addition, current version of TBFQ does not
       consider  RLC  header  and PDCP header length in MBR and GBR. Another parameter in TBFQ is
       packet arrival rate. This parameter is calculated within scheduler and equals to the  past
       average throughput which is used in PF scheduler.

       Many  useful  attributes  of  the  LTE-EPC  model  will  be  described  in  the  following
       subsections. Still, there are many attributes which are not explicitly  mentioned  in  the
       design  or  user  documentation, but which are clearly documented using the ns-3 attribute
       system. You can easily print a list of the attributes of  a  given  object  together  with
       their  description  and  default value passing --PrintAttributes= to a simulation program,
       like this:

          ./waf --run lena-simple --command-template="%s --PrintAttributes=ns3::LteHelper"

       You can try also with other LTE and EPC objects, like this:

          ./waf --run lena-simple --command-template="%s --PrintAttributes=ns3::LteEnbNetDevice"
          ./waf --run lena-simple --command-template="%s --PrintAttributes=ns3::LteEnbMac"
          ./waf --run lena-simple --command-template="%s --PrintAttributes=ns3::LteEnbPhy"
          ./waf --run lena-simple --command-template="%s --PrintAttributes=ns3::LteUePhy"
          ./waf --run lena-simple --command-template="%s --PrintAttributes=ns3::PointToPointEpcHelper"

   Simulation Output
       The ns-3 LTE model currently supports the output to file of PHY, MAC, RLC and  PDCP  level
       Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). You can enable it in the following way:

          Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();

          // configure all the simulation scenario here...

          lteHelper->EnablePhyTraces ();
          lteHelper->EnableMacTraces ();
          lteHelper->EnableRlcTraces ();
          lteHelper->EnablePdcpTraces ();

          Simulator::Run ();

       RLC  and  PDCP KPIs are calculated over a time interval and stored on ASCII files, two for
       RLC KPIs and two for PDCP KPIs, in each case one for uplink and one for downlink. The time
       interval      duration      can      be      controlled      using      the      attribute

       The columns of the RLC KPI files is the following (the same for uplink and downlink):

          1.  start time of measurement interval in seconds since the start of simulation

          2.  end time of measurement interval in seconds since the start of simulation

          3.  Cell ID

          4.  unique UE ID (IMSI)

          5.  cell-specific UE ID (RNTI)

          6.  Logical Channel ID

          7.  Number of transmitted RLC PDUs

          8.  Total bytes transmitted.

          9.  Number of received RLC PDUs

          10. Total bytes received

          11. Average RLC PDU delay in seconds

          12. Standard deviation of the RLC PDU delay

          13. Minimum value of the RLC PDU delay

          14. Maximum value of the RLC PDU delay

          15. Average RLC PDU size, in bytes

          16. Standard deviation of the RLC PDU size

          17. Minimum RLC PDU size

          18. Maximum RLC PDU size

       Similarly, the columns of the PDCP KPI files is the following (again, the same for  uplink
       and downlink):

          1.  start time of measurement interval in seconds since the start of simulation

          2.  end time of measurement interval in seconds since the start of simulation

          3.  Cell ID

          4.  unique UE ID (IMSI)

          5.  cell-specific UE ID (RNTI)

          6.  Logical Channel ID

          7.  Number of transmitted PDCP PDUs

          8.  Total bytes transmitted.

          9.  Number of received PDCP PDUs

          10. Total bytes received

          11. Average PDCP PDU delay in seconds

          12. Standard deviation of the PDCP PDU delay

          13. Minimum value of the PDCP PDU delay

          14. Maximum value of the PDCP PDU delay

          15. Average PDCP PDU size, in bytes

          16. Standard deviation of the PDCP PDU size

          17. Minimum PDCP PDU size

          18. Maximum PDCP PDU size

       Note: The PDCP traces for data radio bearers are not generated when SM RLC is used.

       MAC  KPIs  are basically a trace of the resource allocation reported by the scheduler upon
       the start of every subframe. They are stored in ASCII files. For  downlink  MAC  KPIs  the
       format is the following:

          1.  Simulation time in seconds at which the allocation is indicated by the scheduler

          2.  Cell ID

          3.  unique UE ID (IMSI)

          4.  Frame number

          5.  Subframe number

          6.  cell-specific UE ID (RNTI)

          7.  MCS of TB 1

          8.  size of TB 1

          9.  MCS of TB 2 (0 if not present)

          10. size of TB 2 (0 if not present)

       while for uplink MAC KPIs the format is:

          1. Simulation time in seconds at which the allocation is indicated by the scheduler

          2. Cell ID

          3. unique UE ID (IMSI)

          4. Frame number

          5. Subframe number

          6. cell-specific UE ID (RNTI)

          7. MCS of TB

          8. size of TB

       The  names  of the files used for MAC KPI output can be customized via the ns-3 attributes
       ns3::MacStatsCalculator::DlOutputFilename and ns3::MacStatsCalculator::UlOutputFilename.

       PHY KPIs are distributed in seven different files, configurable through the attributes

          1. ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::DlRsrpSinrFilename

          2. ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::UeSinrFilename

          3. ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::InterferenceFilename

          4. ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::DlTxOutputFilename

          5. ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::UlTxOutputFilename

          6. ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::DlRxOutputFilename

          7. ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::UlRxOutputFilename

       In the RSRP/SINR file, the following content is available:

          1. Simulation time in seconds at which the allocation is indicated by the scheduler

          2. Cell ID

          3. unique UE ID (IMSI)

          4. RSRP

          5. Linear average over all RBs of the downlink SINR in linear units

       The contents in the UE SINR file are:

          1. Simulation time in seconds at which the allocation is indicated by the scheduler

          2. Cell ID

          3. unique UE ID (IMSI)

          4. uplink SINR in linear units for the UE

       In the interference filename the content is:

          1. Simulation time in seconds at which the allocation is indicated by the scheduler

          2. Cell ID

          3. List of interference values per RB

       In UL and DL transmission files the parameters included are:

          1. Simulation time in milliseconds

          2. Cell ID

          3. unique UE ID (IMSI)

          4. RNTI

          5. Layer of transmission

          6. MCS

          7. size of the TB

          8. Redundancy version

          9. New Data Indicator flag

       And finally, in UL and DL reception files the parameters included are:

          1.  Simulation time in milliseconds

          2.  Cell ID

          3.  unique UE ID (IMSI)

          4.  RNTI

          5.  Transmission Mode

          6.  Layer of transmission

          7.  MCS

          8.  size of the TB

          9.  Redundancy version

          10. New Data Indicator flag

          11. Correctness in the reception of the TB

       Note: The traces generated by simulating the scenarios  involving  the  RLF  will  have  a
       discontinuity  in  time from the moment of the RLF event until the UE connects again to an

   Fading Trace Usage
       In this section we will describe how to use fading traces within LTE simulations.

   Fading Traces Generation
       It is possible to generate fading traces by using a dedicated matlab script provided  with
       the code (/lte/model/fading-traces/fading-trace-generator.m). This script already includes
       the typical taps configurations for three 3GPP scenarios (i.e., pedestrian, vehicular  and
       urban  as  defined  in  Annex  B.2  of  [TS36104]); however users can also introduce their
       specific configurations. The list of  the  configurable  parameters  is  provided  in  the

          • fc : the frequency in use (it affects the computation of the doppler speed).

          • v_km_h : the speed of the users

          • traceDuration : the duration in seconds of the total length of the trace.

          • numRBs : the number of the resource block to be evaluated.

          • tag : the tag to be applied to the file generated.

       The  file  generated  contains  ASCII-formatted real values organized in a matrix fashion:
       every row corresponds to a different RB,  and  every  column  correspond  to  a  different
       temporal fading trace sample.

       It  has  to  be  noted that the ns-3 LTE module is able to work with any fading trace file
       that complies with the above described ASCII format. Hence, other external  tools  can  be
       used  to  generate  custom  fading  traces,  such  as  for  example  other  simulators  or
       experimental devices.

   Fading Traces Usage
       When using a fading trace, it is of paramount importance to specify  correctly  the  trace
       parameters in the simulation, so that the fading model can load and use it correctly.  The
       parameters to be configured are:

          • TraceFilename : the name of the trace to be loaded (absolute path, or  relative  path
            w.r.t. the path from where the simulation program is executed);

          • TraceLength : the trace duration in seconds;

          • SamplesNum : the number of samples;

          • WindowSize : the size of the fading sampling window in seconds;

       It is important to highlight that the sampling interval of the fading trace has to be 1 ms
       or greater, and in the latter case it has to be an integer multiple of 1 ms in order to be
       correctly processed by the fading module.

       The  default  configuration of the matlab script provides a trace 10 seconds long, made of
       10,000 samples (i.e., 1 sample per TTI=1ms) and used with a windows size  of  0.5  seconds
       amplitude.  These  are  also  the  default  values  of  the  parameters  above used in the
       simulator; therefore their settage can be avoided in case the fading trace respects them.

       In order to activate the fading module (which is not active by default) the following code
       should be included in the simulation program:

          Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();

       And for setting the parameters:

          lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("TraceFilename", StringValue ("src/lte/model/fading-traces/fading_trace_EPA_3kmph.fad"));
          lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("TraceLength", TimeValue (Seconds (10.0)));
          lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("SamplesNum", UintegerValue (10000));
          lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("WindowSize", TimeValue (Seconds (0.5)));
          lteHelper->SetFadingModelAttribute ("RbNum", UintegerValue (100));

       It  has to be noted that, TraceFilename does not have a default value, therefore is has to
       be always set explicitly.

       The  simulator  provide  natively  three  fading  traces  generated   according   to   the
       configurations  defined  in  in  Annex B.2 of [TS36104]. These traces are available in the
       folder src/lte/model/fading-traces/). An excerpt from these traces is represented  in  the
       following figures.
         [image:  Fading  trace  3  kmph]  [image]  Excerpt  of  the fading trace included in the
         simulator for a pedestrian scenario (speed of 3 kmph)..UNINDENT
         [image: Fading trace 60 kmph] [image] Excerpt  of  the  fading  trace  included  in  the
         simulator for a vehicular  scenario (speed of 60 kmph)..UNINDENT
         [image:  Fading  trace  3  kmph]  [image]  Excerpt  of  the fading trace included in the
         simulator for an urban  scenario (speed of 3 kmph)..UNINDENT

   Mobility Model with Buildings
       We  now  explain  by  examples  how  to  use  the  buildings  model  (in  particular,  the
       MobilityBuildingInfo  and  the  BuildingPropagationModel  classes)  in  an ns-3 simulation
       program to setup an LTE simulation scenario that includes buildings and indoor nodes.

       1. Header files to be included:

             #include <ns3/mobility-building-info.h>
             #include <ns3/buildings-propagation-loss-model.h>
             #include <ns3/building.h>

       2. Pathloss model selection:

             Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();

             lteHelper->SetAttribute ("PathlossModel", StringValue ("ns3::BuildingsPropagationLossModel"));

       3. EUTRA Band Selection

       The selection of the working frequency of the propagation model has to be  done  with  the
       standard  ns-3  attribute system as described in the correspond section (“Configuration of
       LTE model parameters”) by means of the DlEarfcn and UlEarfcn parameters, for instance:

          lteHelper->SetEnbDeviceAttribute ("DlEarfcn", UintegerValue (100));
          lteHelper->SetEnbDeviceAttribute ("UlEarfcn", UintegerValue (18100));

       It is to be noted  that  using  other  means  to  configure  the  frequency  used  by  the
       propagation  model  (i.e.,  configuring  the  corresponding  BuildingsPropagationLossModel
       attributes directly) might generates  conflicts  in  the  frequencies  definition  in  the
       modules during the simulation, and is therefore not advised.

       1. Mobility model selection:

             MobilityHelper mobility;
             mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");

             It is to be noted that any mobility model can be used.

       2. Building creation:

             double x_min = 0.0;
             double x_max = 10.0;
             double y_min = 0.0;
             double y_max = 20.0;
             double z_min = 0.0;
             double z_max = 10.0;
             Ptr<Building> b = CreateObject <Building> ();
             b->SetBoundaries (Box (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max));
             b->SetBuildingType (Building::Residential);
             b->SetExtWallsType (Building::ConcreteWithWindows);
             b->SetNFloors (3);
             b->SetNRoomsX (3);
             b->SetNRoomsY (2);

          This  will instantiate a residential building with base of 10 x 20 meters and height of
          10 meters whose external walls are of concrete with windows;  the  building  has  three
          floors and has an internal 3 x 2  grid of rooms of equal size.

       3. Node creation and positioning:

             ueNodes.Create (2);
             mobility.Install (ueNodes);
             BuildingsHelper::Install (ueNodes);
             NetDeviceContainer ueDevs;
             ueDevs = lteHelper->InstallUeDevice (ueNodes);
             Ptr<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> mm0 = enbNodes.Get (0)->GetObject<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> ();
             Ptr<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> mm1 = enbNodes.Get (1)->GetObject<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> ();
             mm0->SetPosition (Vector (5.0, 5.0, 1.5));
             mm1->SetPosition (Vector (30.0, 40.0, 1.5));

       4. Finalize the building and mobility model configuration:

             BuildingsHelper::MakeMobilityModelConsistent ();

       See the documentation of the buildings module for more detailed information.

   PHY Error Model
       The  Physical  error model consists of the data error model and the downlink control error
       model, both of them active by default. It is possible to  deactivate  them  with  the  ns3
       attribute system, in detail:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::CtrlErrorModelEnabled", BooleanValue (false));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::DataErrorModelEnabled", BooleanValue (false));

   MIMO Model
       Is this subsection we illustrate how to configure the MIMO parameters. LTE defines 7 types
       of transmission modes:

          • Transmission Mode 1: SISO.

          • Transmission Mode 2: MIMO Tx Diversity.

          • Transmission Mode 3: MIMO Spatial Multiplexity Open Loop.

          • Transmission Mode 4: MIMO Spatial Multiplexity Closed Loop.

          • Transmission Mode 5: MIMO Multi-User.

          • Transmission Mode 6: Closer loop single layer precoding.

          • Transmission Mode 7: Single antenna port 5.

       According to model implemented, the simulator includes the first three transmission  modes
       types.  The  default one is the Transmission Mode 1 (SISO). In order to change the default
       Transmission Mode to be used, the attribute DefaultTransmissionMode of the  LteEnbRrc  can
       be used, as shown in the following:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::DefaultTransmissionMode", UintegerValue (0)); // SISO
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::DefaultTransmissionMode", UintegerValue (1)); // MIMO Tx diversity (1 layer)
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::DefaultTransmissionMode", UintegerValue (2)); // MIMO Spatial Multiplexity (2 layers)

       For  changing  the  transmission  mode  of a certain user during the simulation a specific
       interface has been implemented in both standard schedulers:

          void TransmissionModeConfigurationUpdate (uint16_t rnti, uint8_t txMode);

       This method can be used both for developing transmission mode decision engine  (i.e.,  for
       optimizing   the   transmission   mode   according  to  channel  condition  and/or  user’s
       requirements) and for manual switching from simulation script. In  the  latter  case,  the
       switching can be done as shown in the following:

          Ptr<LteEnbNetDevice> lteEnbDev = enbDevs.Get (0)->GetObject<LteEnbNetDevice> ();
          PointerValue ptrval;
          enbNetDev->GetAttribute ("FfMacScheduler", ptrval);
          Ptr<RrFfMacScheduler> rrsched = ptrval.Get<RrFfMacScheduler> ();
          Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0.2), &RrFfMacScheduler::TransmissionModeConfigurationUpdate, rrsched, rnti, 1);

       Finally,  the  model implemented can be reconfigured according to different MIMO models by
       updating the gain values (the only constraints is that the gain has to be constant  during
       simulation  run-time and common for the layers). The gain of each Transmission Mode can be
       changed according to  the  standard  ns3  attribute  system,  where  the  attributes  are:
       TxMode1Gain,   TxMode2Gain,   TxMode3Gain,   TxMode4Gain,   TxMode5Gain,  TxMode6Gain  and
       TxMode7Gain. By default only TxMode1Gain, TxMode2Gain and TxMode3Gain  have  a  meaningful
       value,  that  are the ones derived by _[CatreuxMIMO] (i.e., respectively 0.0, 4.2 and -2.8

   Use of AntennaModel
       We now show how associate a particular AntennaModel with an eNB device in order to model a
       sector  of  a  macro eNB. For this purpose, it is convenient to use the CosineAntennaModel
       provided by the ns-3 antenna module. The configuration of the eNB is to be  done  via  the
       LteHelper  instance  right  before  the  creation  of  the  EnbNetDevice,  as shown in the

          lteHelper->SetEnbAntennaModelType ("ns3::CosineAntennaModel");
          lteHelper->SetEnbAntennaModelAttribute ("Orientation", DoubleValue (0));
          lteHelper->SetEnbAntennaModelAttribute ("Beamwidth",   DoubleValue (60));
          lteHelper->SetEnbAntennaModelAttribute ("MaxGain",     DoubleValue (0.0));

       the above code will generate an antenna model with a 60 degrees beamwidth  pointing  along
       the  X  axis. The orientation is measured in degrees from the X axis, e.g., an orientation
       of 90 would point along the Y axis, and an orientation of -90 would point in the  negative
       direction  along  the  Y  axis. The beamwidth is the -3 dB beamwidth, e.g, for a 60 degree
       beamwidth the antenna gain at an angle of \pm 30 degrees from the direction of orientation
       is -3 dB.

       To  create a multi-sector site, you need to create different ns-3 nodes placed at the same
       position, and to configure separate EnbNetDevice with different antenna orientations to be
       installed on each node.

   Radio Environment Maps
       By  using  the  class RadioEnvironmentMapHelper it is possible to output to a file a Radio
       Environment  Map  (REM),  i.e.,  a  uniform  2D  grid  of  values   that   represent   the
       Signal-to-noise  ratio  in  the  downlink  with  respect to the eNB that has the strongest
       signal at each point. It is possible to specify if REM should be  generated  for  data  or
       control channel. Also user can set the RbId, for which REM will be generated. Default RbId
       is -1, what means that REM will generated with averaged  Signal-to-noise  ratio  from  all

       To do this, you just need to add the following code to your simulation program towards the
       end, right before the call to Simulator::Run ():

          Ptr<RadioEnvironmentMapHelper> remHelper = CreateObject<RadioEnvironmentMapHelper> ();
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("Channel", PointerValue (lteHelper->GetDownlinkSpectrumChannel ()));
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("OutputFile", StringValue ("rem.out"));
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("XMin", DoubleValue (-400.0));
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("XMax", DoubleValue (400.0));
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("XRes", UintegerValue (100));
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("YMin", DoubleValue (-300.0));
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("YMax", DoubleValue (300.0));
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("YRes", UintegerValue (75));
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("Z", DoubleValue (0.0));
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("UseDataChannel", BooleanValue (true));
          remHelper->SetAttribute ("RbId", IntegerValue (10));
          remHelper->Install ();

       By configuring the attributes of the RadioEnvironmentMapHelper object as shown above,  you
       can   tune   the   parameters   of   the   REM   to   be   generated.   Note   that   each
       RadioEnvironmentMapHelper instance can generate only one REM; if you want to generate more
       REMs, you need to create one separate instance for each REM.

       Note that the REM generation is very demanding, in particular:

          • the  run-time  memory  consumption is approximately 5KB per pixel. For example, a REM
            with a resolution of 500x500 would need about 1.25 GB of memory, and a resolution  of
            1000x1000  would need needs about 5 GB (too much for a regular PC at the time of this
            writing). To overcome this issue, the REM is generated at successive steps, with each
            step  evaluating  at  most  a  number  of  pixels  determined by the value of the the
            attribute RadioEnvironmentMapHelper::MaxPointsPerIteration.

          • if you generate a REM at the beginning  of  a  simulation,  it  will  slow  down  the
            execution  of the rest of the simulation. If you want to generate a REM for a program
            and also use the same program to get simulation result, it is recommended  to  add  a
            command-line  switch  that  allows  to  either  generate  the REM or run the complete
            simulation.   For   this   purpose,    note    that    there    is    an    attribute
            RadioEnvironmentMapHelper::StopWhenDone   (default:   true)   that   will  force  the
            simulation to stop right after the REM has been generated.

       The REM is stored in an ASCII file in the following format:

          • column 1 is the x coordinate

          • column 2 is the y coordinate

          • column 3 is the z coordinate

          • column 4 is the SINR in linear units

       A minimal gnuplot script that allows you to plot the REM is given below:

          set view map;
          set xlabel "X"
          set ylabel "Y"
          set cblabel "SINR (dB)"
          unset key
          plot "rem.out" using ($1):($2):(10*log10($4)) with image

       As  an  example,  here  is  the  REM  that  can  be  obtained  with  the  example  program
       lena-dual-stripe, which shows a three-sector LTE macrocell in a co-channel deployment with
       some residential femtocells randomly deployed in two blocks of apartments.
         [image] REM obtained from the lena-dual-stripe example.UNINDENT

         Note that the lena-dual-stripe example program also generate  gnuplot-compatible  output
         files  containing  information about the positions of the UE and eNB nodes as well as of
         the buildings, respectively in the files ues.txt, enbs.txt and buildings.txt. These  can
         be  easily  included  when using gnuplot. For example, assuming that your gnuplot script
         (e.g.,  the  minimal  gnuplot  script  described  above)  is  saved  in  a  file   named
         my_plot_script,  running  the following command would plot the location of UEs, eNBs and
         buildings on top of the REM:

          gnuplot -p enbs.txt ues.txt buildings.txt my_plot_script

   AMC Model and CQI Calculation
       The simulator provides two possible schemes for what concerns the selection  of  the  MCSs
       and  correspondingly the generation of the CQIs. The first one is based on the GSoC module
       [Piro2011] and works per RB basis. This model can be  activated  with  the  ns3  attribute
       system, as presented in the following:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteAmc::AmcModel", EnumValue (LteAmc::PiroEW2010));

       While, the solution based on the physical error model can be controlled with:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteAmc::AmcModel", EnumValue (LteAmc::MiErrorModel));

       Finally,  the  required efficiency of the PiroEW2010 AMC module can be tuned thanks to the
       Ber attribute (), for instance:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteAmc::Ber", DoubleValue (0.00005));

   Evolved Packet Core (EPC)
       We now explain how to write a simulation program  that  allows  to  simulate  the  EPC  in
       addition  to  the  LTE  radio  access  network. The use of EPC allows to use IPv4 and IPv6
       networking with LTE devices. In other words, you will be able  to  use  the  regular  ns-3
       applications  and  sockets over IPv4 and IPv6 over LTE, and also to connect an LTE network
       to any other IPv4 and IPv6 network you might have in your simulation.

       First of all, in addition to LteHelper that we  already  introduced  in  Basic  simulation
       program,  you  need to use an additional EpcHelper class, which will take care of creating
       the EPC entities and network topology. Note that you can’t use EpcHelper directly,  as  it
       is  an  abstract  base  class;  instead,  you  need to use one of its child classes, which
       provide  different  EPC  topology  implementations.  In  this  example  we  will  consider
       PointToPointEpcHelper,  which  implements an EPC based on point-to-point links. To use it,
       you need first to insert this code in your simulation program:

          Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
          Ptr<PointToPointEpcHelper> epcHelper = CreateObject<PointToPointEpcHelper> ();

       Then, you need to tell the LTE helper that the EPC will be used:

          lteHelper->SetEpcHelper (epcHelper);

       the above step is necessary so that the  LTE  helper  will  trigger  the  appropriate  EPC
       configuration  in correspondence with some important configuration, such as when a new eNB
       or UE is added to the simulation, or an  EPS  bearer  is  created.  The  EPC  helper  will
       automatically  take  care  of  the necessary setup, such as S1 link creation and S1 bearer
       setup. All this will be done without the intervention of the user.

       Calling lteHelper->SetEpcHelper (epcHelper) enables the use  of  EPC,  and  has  the  side
       effect  that  any  new  LteEnbRrc  that  is  created  will  have the EpsBearerToRlcMapping
       attribute set to RLC_UM_ALWAYS instead of RLC_SM_ALWAYS if the  latter  was  the  default;
       otherwise,  the  attribute  won’t  be  changed  (e.g.,  if  you  changed  the  default  to
       RLC_AM_ALWAYS, it won’t be touched).

       It is to be noted that the EpcHelper will also  automatically  create  the  PGW  node  and
       configure  it so that it can properly handle traffic from/to the LTE radio access network.
       Still, you need to add some explicit code to connect the PGW to other  IPv4/IPv6  networks
       (e.g.,  the  internet,  another EPC). Here is a very simple example about how to connect a
       single remote host (IPv4 type) to the PGW via a point-to-point link:

          Ptr<Node> pgw = epcHelper->GetPgwNode ();

          // Create a single RemoteHost
          NodeContainer remoteHostContainer;
          remoteHostContainer.Create (1);
          Ptr<Node> remoteHost = remoteHostContainer.Get (0);
          InternetStackHelper internet;
          internet.Install (remoteHostContainer);

          // Create the internet
          PointToPointHelper p2ph;
          p2ph.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate ("100Gb/s")));
          p2ph.SetDeviceAttribute ("Mtu", UintegerValue (1500));
          p2ph.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", TimeValue (Seconds (0.010)));
          NetDeviceContainer internetDevices = p2ph.Install (pgw, remoteHost);
          Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4h;
          ipv4h.SetBase ("", "");
          Ipv4InterfaceContainer internetIpIfaces = ipv4h.Assign (internetDevices);
          // interface 0 is localhost, 1 is the p2p device
          Ipv4Address remoteHostAddr = internetIpIfaces.GetAddress (1);

          Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper;
          Ptr<Ipv4StaticRouting> remoteHostStaticRouting;
          remoteHostStaticRouting = ipv4RoutingHelper.GetStaticRouting (remoteHost->GetObject<Ipv4> ());
          remoteHostStaticRouting->AddNetworkRouteTo (epcHelper->GetEpcIpv4NetworkAddress (),
                                                      Ipv4Mask (""), 1);

       Now, you should go on and create LTE eNBs and UEs as explained in the  previous  sections.
       You  can  of  course configure other LTE aspects such as pathloss and fading models. Right
       after you created the UEs, you should also configure them for IP networking. This is  done
       as follows. We assume you have a container for UE and eNodeB nodes like this:

          NodeContainer ueNodes;
          NodeContainer enbNodes;

       to configure an LTE-only simulation, you would then normally do something like this:

          NetDeviceContainer ueLteDevs = lteHelper->InstallUeDevice (ueNodes);
          lteHelper->Attach (ueLteDevs, enbLteDevs.Get (0));

       in  order  to  configure  the UEs for IP networking, you just need to additionally do like

          // we install the IP stack on the UEs
          InternetStackHelper internet;
          internet.Install (ueNodes);

          // assign IP address to UEs
          for (uint32_t u = 0; u < ueNodes.GetN (); ++u)
              Ptr<Node> ue = ueNodes.Get (u);
              Ptr<NetDevice> ueLteDevice = ueLteDevs.Get (u);
              Ipv4InterfaceContainer ueIpIface;
              ueIpIface = epcHelper->AssignUeIpv4Address (NetDeviceContainer (ueLteDevice));
              // set the default gateway for the UE
              Ptr<Ipv4StaticRouting> ueStaticRouting;
              ueStaticRouting = ipv4RoutingHelper.GetStaticRouting (ue->GetObject<Ipv4> ());
              ueStaticRouting->SetDefaultRoute (epcHelper->GetUeDefaultGatewayAddress (), 1);

       The activation of bearers is done in a slightly different way with respect  to  what  done
       for  an  LTE-only  simulation. First, the method ActivateDataRadioBearer is not to be used
       when the EPC is used. Second, when EPC is used, the default EPS bearer will  be  activated
       automatically  when  you  call LteHelper::Attach (). Third, if you want to setup dedicated
       EPS bearer, you can do so using the method LteHelper::ActivateDedicatedEpsBearer ().  This
       method  takes  as  a  parameter  the  Traffic  Flow Template (TFT), which is a struct that
       identifies the type of traffic that will be mapped to the dedicated EPS bearer. Here is an
       example  for how to setup a dedicated bearer for an application at the UE communicating on
       port 1234:

          Ptr<EpcTft> tft = Create<EpcTft> ();
          EpcTft::PacketFilter pf;
          pf.localPortStart = 1234;
          pf.localPortEnd = 1234;
          tft->Add (pf);
          lteHelper->ActivateDedicatedEpsBearer (ueLteDevs,
                                                 EpsBearer (EpsBearer::NGBR_VIDEO_TCP_DEFAULT),

       you can of course use custom EpsBearer and EpcTft  configurations,  please  refer  to  the
       doxygen documentation for how to do it.

       Finally,  you  can  install  applications on the LTE UE nodes that communicate with remote
       applications over the  internet.  This  is  done  following  the  usual  ns-3  procedures.
       Following  our  simple  example  with  a  single remoteHost, here is how to setup downlink
       communication, with an UdpClient application on the remote host, and a PacketSink  on  the
       LTE UE (using the same variable names of the previous code snippets)

          uint16_t dlPort = 1234;
          PacketSinkHelper packetSinkHelper ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory",
                                             InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), dlPort));
          ApplicationContainer serverApps = packetSinkHelper.Install (ue);
          serverApps.Start (Seconds (0.01));
          UdpClientHelper client (ueIpIface.GetAddress (0), dlPort);
          ApplicationContainer clientApps = client.Install (remoteHost);
          clientApps.Start (Seconds (0.01));

       That’s all! You can now start your simulation as usual:

          Simulator::Stop (Seconds (10.0));
          Simulator::Run ();

   Using the EPC with emulation mode
       In the previous section we used PointToPoint links for the connection between the eNBs and
       the SGW (S1-U interface) and among  eNBs  (X2-U  and  X2-C  interfaces).  The  LTE  module
       supports  using  emulated  links  instead  of PointToPoint links. This is achieved by just
       replacing the creation of LteHelper and EpcHelper with the following code:

          Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
          Ptr<EmuEpcHelper>  epcHelper = CreateObject<EmuEpcHelper> ();
          lteHelper->SetEpcHelper (epcHelper);
          epcHelper->Initialize ();

       The attributes ns3::EmuEpcHelper::sgwDeviceName and  ns3::EmuEpcHelper::enbDeviceName  are
       used  to  set  the  name  of  the  devices  used  for transporting the S1-U, X2-U and X2-C
       interfaces at the SGW and eNB, respectively. We will now show  how  this  is  done  in  an
       example  where  we  execute  the  example  program  lena-simple-epc-emu  using two virtual
       ethernet interfaces.

       First of all we build ns-3 appropriately:

          # configure
          ./waf configure --enable-sudo --enable-modules=lte,fd-net-device --enable-examples

          # build

       Then we setup two virtual ethernet interfaces, and start wireshark to look at the  traffic
       going through:

          # note: you need to be root

          # create two paired veth devices
          ip link add name veth0 type veth peer name veth1
          ip link show

          # enable promiscuous mode
          ip link set veth0 promisc on
          ip link set veth1 promisc on

          # bring interfaces up
          ip link set veth0 up
          ip link set veth1 up

          # start wireshark and capture on veth0
          wireshark &

       We can now run the example program with the simulated clock:

          ./waf --run lena-simple-epc-emu --command="%s --ns3::EmuEpcHelper::sgwDeviceName=veth0

       Using wireshark, you should see ARP resolution first, then some GTP packets exchanged both
       in uplink and downlink.

       The default setting of the example program is 1 eNB and  1UE.  You  can  change  this  via
       command line parameters, e.g.:

          ./waf --run lena-simple-epc-emu --command="%s --ns3::EmuEpcHelper::sgwDeviceName=veth0
          --ns3::EmuEpcHelper::enbDeviceName=veth1 --nEnbs=2 --nUesPerEnb=2"

       To get a list of the available parameters:

          ./waf --run lena-simple-epc-emu --command="%s --PrintHelp"

       To  run with the realtime clock: it turns out that the default debug build is too slow for
       realtime. Softening the real time constraints with the BestEffort mode is not a good idea:
       something  can  go  wrong  (e.g., ARP can fail) and, if so, you won’t get any data packets
       out.  So you need a decent  hardware  and  the  optimized  build  with  statically  linked

          ./waf configure -d optimized --enable-static --enable-modules=lte --enable-examples

       Then run the example program like this:

          ./waf --run lena-simple-epc-emu --command="%s --ns3::EmuEpcHelper::sgwDeviceName=veth0

       note the HardLimit setting, which will cause the program to terminate if it cannot keep up
       with real time.

       The approach described in this section can be used  with  any  type  of  net  device.  For
       instance,  [Baldo2014] describes how it was used to run an emulated LTE-EPC network over a
       real multi-layer packet-optical transport network.

   Custom Backhaul
       In the previous sections,  Evolved  Packet  Core  (EPC),  we  explained  how  to  write  a
       simulation  program  using  EPC with a predefined backhaul network between the RAN and the
       EPC. We used  the  PointToPointEpcHelper.  This  EpcHelper  creates  point-to-point  links
       between the eNBs and the SGW.

       We  now explain how to write a simulation program that allows the simulator user to create
       any kind of backhaul network in the simulation program.

       First of all, in addition to LteHelper, you need to  use  the  NoBackhaulEpcHelper  class,
       which  implements  an  EPC  but without connecting the eNBs with the core network. It just
       creates the network elements of the core network:

          Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
          Ptr<NoBackhaulEpcHelper> epcHelper = CreateObject<NoBackhaulEpcHelper> ();

       Then, as usual, you need to tell the LTE helper that the EPC will be used:

          lteHelper->SetEpcHelper (epcHelper);

       Now, you should create the backhaul network. Here we create point-to-point links as it  is
       done by the PointToPointEpcHelper. We assume you have a container for eNB nodes like this:

          NodeContainer enbNodes;

       We get the SGW node:

          Ptr<Node> sgw = epcHelper->GetSgwNode ();

       And  we  connect  every eNB from the container with the SGW with a point-to-point link. We
       also   assign   IPv4   addresses   to   the   interfaces   of    eNB    and    SGW    with
       s1uIpv4AddressHelper.Assign  (sgwEnbDevices)  and  finally we tell the EpcHelper that this
       enb  has  a  new  S1  interface  with   epcHelper->AddS1Interface   (enb,   enbS1uAddress,
       sgwS1uAddress),  where  enbS1uAddress  and sgwS1uAddress are the IPv4 addresses of the eNB
       and the SGW, respectively:

          Ipv4AddressHelper s1uIpv4AddressHelper;

          // Create networks of the S1 interfaces
          s1uIpv4AddressHelper.SetBase ("", "");

          for (uint16_t i = 0; i < enbNodes.GetN (); ++i)
              Ptr<Node> enb = enbNodes.Get (i);

              // Create a point to point link between the eNB and the SGW with
              // the corresponding new NetDevices on each side
              PointToPointHelper p2ph;
              DataRate s1uLinkDataRate = DataRate ("10Gb/s");
              uint16_t s1uLinkMtu = 2000;
              Time s1uLinkDelay = Time (0);
              p2ph.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (s1uLinkDataRate));
              p2ph.SetDeviceAttribute ("Mtu", UintegerValue (s1uLinkMtu));
              p2ph.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", TimeValue (s1uLinkDelay));
              NetDeviceContainer sgwEnbDevices = p2ph.Install (sgw, enb);

              Ipv4InterfaceContainer sgwEnbIpIfaces = s1uIpv4AddressHelper.Assign (sgwEnbDevices);
              s1uIpv4AddressHelper.NewNetwork ();

              Ipv4Address sgwS1uAddress = sgwEnbIpIfaces.GetAddress (0);
              Ipv4Address enbS1uAddress = sgwEnbIpIfaces.GetAddress (1);

              // Create S1 interface between the SGW and the eNB
              epcHelper->AddS1Interface (enb, enbS1uAddress, sgwS1uAddress);

       This is just an example how to create a custom backhaul network. In this other example, we
       connect all eNBs and the SGW to the same CSMA network:

          // Create networks of the S1 interfaces
          s1uIpv4AddressHelper.SetBase ("", "");

          NodeContainer sgwEnbNodes;
          sgwEnbNodes.Add (sgw);
          sgwEnbNodes.Add (enbNodes);

          CsmaHelper csmah;
          NetDeviceContainer sgwEnbDevices = csmah.Install (sgwEnbNodes);
          Ptr<NetDevice> sgwDev = sgwEnbDevices.Get (0);

          Ipv4InterfaceContainer sgwEnbIpIfaces = s1uIpv4AddressHelper.Assign (sgwEnbDevices);
          Ipv4Address sgwS1uAddress = sgwEnbIpIfaces.GetAddress (0);

          for (uint16_t i = 0; i < enbNodes.GetN (); ++i)
              Ptr<Node> enb = enbNodes.Get (i);
              Ipv4Address enbS1uAddress = sgwEnbIpIfaces.GetAddress (i + 1);

              // Create S1 interface between the SGW and the eNB
              epcHelper->AddS1Interface (enb, enbS1uAddress, sgwS1uAddress);

       As  you  can  see, apart from how you create the backhaul network, i.e. the point-to-point
       links or the CSMA network, the important point is to tell the EpcHelper that an eNB has  a
       new S1 interface.

       Now, you should continue configuring your simulation program as it is explained in Evolved
       Packet Core (EPC) subsection. This configuration includes: the  internet,  installing  the
       LTE  eNBs  and  possibly  configuring  other  LTE  aspects,  installing  the  LTE  UEs and
       configuring them as IP nodes, activation of  the  dedicated  EPS  bearers  and  installing
       applications on the LTE UEs and on the remote hosts.

   Network Attachment
       As  shown  in  the basic example in section Basic simulation program, attaching a UE to an
       eNodeB is done by calling LteHelper::Attach function.

       There are 2 possible ways of network attachment. The first method  is  the  “manual”  one,
       while  the  second one has a more “automatic” sense on it. Each of them will be covered in
       this section.

   Manual attachment
       This method uses the LteHelper::Attach function mentioned above.  It  has  been  the  only
       available  network  attachment  method in earlier versions of LTE module.  It is typically
       invoked before the simulation begins:

          lteHelper->Attach (ueDevs, enbDev); // attach one or more UEs to a single eNodeB

       LteHelper::InstallEnbDevice and LteHelper::InstallUeDevice functions must have been called
       before  attaching.  In  an  EPC-enabled  simulation, it is also required to have IPv4/IPv6
       properly pre-installed in the UE.

       This method is very simple, but requires you to know exactly which UE belongs to to  which
       eNodeB before the simulation begins. This can be difficult when the UE initial position is
       randomly determined by the simulation script.

       One may choose the distance between the UE and the eNodeB as a criterion for selecting the
       appropriate  cell.  It  is  quite simple (at least from the simulator’s point of view) and
       sometimes practical. But it is important to note that sometimes distance does not  make  a
       single  correct  criterion.  For  instance,  the  eNodeB  antenna  directivity  should  be
       considered as well. Besides that, one should also take into account the channel condition,
       which  might  be  fluctuating  if there is fading or shadowing in effect. In these kind of
       cases, network attachment should not be based on distance alone.

       In real life, UE will automatically evaluate certain criteria and select the best cell  to
       attach  to,  without  manual intervention from the user. Obviously this is not the case in
       this LteHelper::Attach function. The other network attachment method uses more “automatic”
       approach to network attachment, as will be described next.

   Automatic attachment using Idle mode cell selection procedure
       The  strength of the received signal is the standard criterion used for selecting the best
       cell to attach to. The use of this criterion is implemented in the initial cell  selection
       process,  which  can  be  invoked  by  calling  another  version  of the LteHelper::Attach
       function, as shown below:

          lteHelper->Attach (ueDevs); // attach one or more UEs to a strongest cell

       The difference with the manual method is that the destination eNodeB is not specified. The
       procedure  will  find  the best cell for the UEs, based on several criteria, including the
       strength of the received signal (RSRP).

       After the method is called, the UE will spend some time to measure the neighbouring cells,
       and  then  attempt to attach to the best one. More details can be found in section Initial
       Cell Selection of the Design Documentation.

       It is important to note that this method only works in EPC-enabled simulations.   LTE-only
       simulations must resort to manual attachment method.

   Closed Subscriber Group
       An  interesting  use  case  of the initial cell selection process is to setup a simulation
       environment with Closed Subscriber Group (CSG).

       For example, a certain eNodeB, typically a smaller version such as femtocell, might belong
       to  a private owner (e.g. a household or business), allowing access only to some UEs which
       have been previously registered by the owner. The eNodeB and the registered UEs altogether
       form a CSG.

       The  access  restriction  can be simulated by “labeling” the CSG members with the same CSG
       ID. This is done through the attributes in both eNodeB  and  UE,  for  example  using  the
       following LteHelper functions:

          // label the following eNodeBs with CSG identity of 1 and CSG indication enabled
          lteHelper->SetEnbDeviceAttribute ("CsgId", UintegerValue (1));
          lteHelper->SetEnbDeviceAttribute ("CsgIndication", BooleanValue (true));

          // label one or more UEs with CSG identity of 1
          lteHelper->SetUeDeviceAttribute ("CsgId", UintegerValue (1));

          // install the eNodeBs and UEs
          NetDeviceContainer csgEnbDevs = lteHelper->InstallEnbDevice (csgEnbNodes);
          NetDeviceContainer csgUeDevs = lteHelper->InstallUeDevice (csgUeNodes);

       Then enable the initial cell selection procedure on the UEs:

          lteHelper->Attach (csgUeDevs);

       This  is necessary because the CSG restriction only works with automatic method of network
       attachment, but not in the manual method.

       Note that setting the CSG indication of an  eNodeB  as  false  (the  default  value)  will
       disable the restriction, i.e., any UEs can connect to this eNodeB.

   Configure UE measurements
       The  active  UE  measurement  configuration in a simulation is dictated by the selected so
       called “consumers”, such as handover algorithm. Users may add their own configuration into
       action, and there are several ways to do so:

          1. direct configuration in eNodeB RRC entity;

          2. configuring existing handover algorithm; and

          3. developing a new handover algorithm.

       This  section  will cover the first method only. The second method is covered in Automatic
       handover trigger, while the third method  is  explained  in  length  in  Section  Handover
       algorithm of the Design Documentation.

       Direct  configuration  in  eNodeB  RRC  works  as  follows.  User begins by creating a new
       LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra instance and pass it to the  LteEnbRrc::AddUeMeasReportConfig
       function.  The  function  will  return the measId (measurement identity) which is a unique
       reference of the configuration in the eNodeB instance. This function must be called before
       the simulation begins. The measurement configuration will be active in all UEs attached to
       the eNodeB throughout the duration of the simulation.  During  the  simulation,  user  can
       capture  the  measurement  reports  produced  by  the  UEs  by  listening  to the existing
       LteEnbRrc::RecvMeasurementReport trace source.

       The structure ReportConfigEutra is in accord with 3GPP specification.  Definition  of  the
       structure and each member field can be found in Section 6.3.5 of [TS36331].

       The  code  sample  below  configures  Event A1 RSRP measurement to every eNodeB within the
       container devs:

          LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra config;
          config.eventId = LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::EVENT_A1;
          config.threshold1.choice = LteRrcSap::ThresholdEutra::THRESHOLD_RSRP;
          config.threshold1.range = 41;
          config.triggerQuantity = LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::RSRP;
          config.reportInterval = LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra::MS480;

          std::vector<uint8_t> measIdList;

          NetDeviceContainer::Iterator it;
          for (it = devs.Begin (); it != devs.End (); it++)
            Ptr<NetDevice> dev = *it;
            Ptr<LteEnbNetDevice> enbDev = dev->GetObject<LteEnbNetDevice> ();
            Ptr<LteEnbRrc> enbRrc = enbDev->GetRrc ();

            uint8_t measId = enbRrc->AddUeMeasReportConfig (config);
            measIdList.push_back (measId); // remember the measId created

            enbRrc->TraceConnect ("RecvMeasurementReport",
                                  MakeCallback (&RecvMeasurementReportCallback));

       Note that thresholds are expressed as range. In the example above, the range 41  for  RSRP
       corresponds  to  -100  dBm.  The conversion from and to the range format is due to Section
       9.1.4 and 9.1.7 of  [TS36133].  The  EutranMeasurementMapping  class  has  several  static
       functions that can be used for this purpose.

       The corresponding callback function would have a definition similar as below:

          RecvMeasurementReportCallback (std::string context,
                                         uint64_t imsi,
                                         uint16_t cellId,
                                         uint16_t rnti,
                                         LteRrcSap::MeasurementReport measReport);

       This  method  will register the callback function as a consumer of UE measurements. In the
       case where there are more than one consumers in the simulation (e.g. handover  algorithm),
       the  measurements  intended  for  other  consumers  will also be captured by this callback
       function.   Users   may   utilize   the   the   measId   field,   contained   within   the
       LteRrcSap::MeasurementReport  argument of the callback function, to tell which measurement
       configuration has triggered the report.

       In general, this mechanism prevents one consumer to  unknowingly  intervene  with  another
       consumer’s reporting configuration.

       Note  that  only  the reporting configuration part (i.e.  LteRrcSap::ReportConfigEutra) of
       the UE measurements parameter is open for consumers to configure, while  the  other  parts
       are  kept  hidden.  The  intra-frequency limitation is the main motivation behind this API
       implementation decision:

          • there is only one, unambiguous and definitive measurement object, thus  there  is  no
            need to configure it;

          • measurement  identities  are kept hidden because of the fact that there is one-to-one
            mapping  between  reporting  configuration  and  measurement  identity,  thus  a  new
            measurement  identity  is  set up automatically when a new reporting configuration is

          • quantity configuration is configured elsewhere, see Performing measurements; and

          • measurement gaps are not supported, because it is only applicable for inter-frequency

   X2-based handover
       As  defined  by  3GPP,  handover  is  a procedure for changing the serving cell of a UE in
       CONNECTED mode. The two eNodeBs involved in the process are typically  called  the  source
       eNodeB and the target eNodeB.

       In  order  to  enable  the  execution  of  X2-based  handover in simulation, there are two
       requirements that must be met. Firstly, EPC must be enabled in the simulation (see Evolved
       Packet Core (EPC)).

       Secondly,  an  X2  interface must be configured between the two eNodeBs, which needs to be
       done explicitly within the simulation program:

          lteHelper->AddX2Interface (enbNodes);

       where enbNodes is a NodeContainer that contains the  two  eNodeBs  between  which  the  X2
       interface  is  to  be configured. If the container has more than two eNodeBs, the function
       will create an X2 interface between every pair of eNodeBs in the container.

       Lastly, the target eNodeB must be configured as “open”  to  X2  HANDOVER  REQUEST.   Every
       eNodeB is open by default, so no extra instruction is needed in most cases. However, users
       may   set   the   eNodeB    to    “closed”    by    setting    the    boolean    attribute
       LteEnbRrc::AdmitHandoverRequest  to false. As an example, you can run the lena-x2-handover
       program and setting the attribute in this way:

          NS_LOG=EpcX2:LteEnbRrc ./waf --run lena-x2-handover --command="%s --ns3::LteEnbRrc::AdmitHandoverRequest=false"

       After the above three requirements are fulfilled, the handover procedure can be  triggered
       manually or automatically. Each will be presented in the following subsections.

   Manual handover trigger
       Handover  event can be triggered “manually” within the simulation program by scheduling an
       explicit handover event. The  LteHelper  object  provides  a  convenient  method  for  the
       scheduling  of  a  handover  event.  As  an  example,  let  us  assume that ueLteDevs is a
       NetDeviceContainer that contains the UE that is to be handed over, and that enbLteDevs  is
       another  NetDeviceContainer  that contains the source and the target eNB. Then, a handover
       at 0.1s can be scheduled like this:

          lteHelper->HandoverRequest (Seconds (0.100),
                                      ueLteDevs.Get (0),
                                      enbLteDevs.Get (0),
                                      enbLteDevs.Get (1));

       Note that the UE needs to be already connected to the source eNB, otherwise the simulation
       will terminate with an error message.

       For  an  example  with  full  source  code,  please  refer to the lena-x2-handover example

   Automatic handover trigger
       Handover procedure can also be triggered “automatically” by the serving eNodeB of the  UE.
       The  logic  behind  the  trigger depends on the handover algorithm currently active in the
       eNodeB RRC entity. Users may select and configure the handover algorithm that will be used
       in  the simulation, which will be explained shortly in this section. Users may also opt to
       write their own implementation of handover algorithm, as  described  in  Section  Handover
       algorithm of the Design Documentation.

       Selecting   a   handover   algorithm   is   done   via   the   LteHelper  object  and  its
       SetHandoverAlgorithmType method as shown below:

          Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
          lteHelper->SetHandoverAlgorithmType ("ns3::A2A4RsrqHandoverAlgorithm");

       The selected handover algorithm may also provide several  configurable  attributes,  which
       can be set as follows:

          lteHelper->SetHandoverAlgorithmAttribute ("ServingCellThreshold",
                                                    UintegerValue (30));
          lteHelper->SetHandoverAlgorithmAttribute ("NeighbourCellOffset",
                                                    UintegerValue (1));

       Three  options  of  handover  algorithm  are  included  in  the LTE module. The A2-A4-RSRQ
       handover algorithm (named as ns3::A2A4RsrqHandoverAlgorithm) is the  default  option,  and
       the usage has already been shown above.

       Another    option    is    the    strongest    cell    handover    algorithm   (named   as
       ns3::A3RsrpHandoverAlgorithm), which can be selected and configured by the following code:

          lteHelper->SetHandoverAlgorithmType ("ns3::A3RsrpHandoverAlgorithm");
          lteHelper->SetHandoverAlgorithmAttribute ("Hysteresis",
                                                    DoubleValue (3.0));
          lteHelper->SetHandoverAlgorithmAttribute ("TimeToTrigger",
                                                    TimeValue (MilliSeconds (256)));

       The last option is a special one, called the no-op  handover  algorithm,  which  basically
       disables  automatic  handover  trigger.  This  is useful for example in cases where manual
       handover trigger need an exclusive control of all handover decision. It does not have  any
       configurable attributes. The usage is as follows:

          lteHelper->SetHandoverAlgorithmType ("ns3::NoOpHandoverAlgorithm");

       For  more  information  on each handover algorithm’s decision policy and their attributes,
       please refer to their respective subsections in Section Handover algorithm of  the  Design

       Finally,  the  InstallEnbDevice function of LteHelper will instantiate one instance of the
       selected handover algorithm for each eNodeB device. In other words, make  sure  to  select
       the right handover algorithm before finalizing it in the following line of code:

          NetDeviceContainer enbLteDevs = lteHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes);

       Example  with  full  source  code  of using automatic handover trigger can be found in the
       lena-x2-handover-measures example program.

   Tuning simulation with handover
       As mentioned in the Design Documentation, the current implementation of handover model may
       produce  unpredicted behaviour when handover failure occurs. This subsection will focus on
       the steps that should be taken into account by users if they plan to use handover in their

       The  major  cause  of  handover  failure  that we will tackle is the error in transmitting
       handover-related signaling messages during the  execution  of  a  handover  procedure.  As
       apparent  from  the  Figure  Sequence  diagram  of  the  X2-based handover from the Design
       Documentation, there are many of them and they use different interfaces and protocols. For
       the  sake  of  simplicity,  we can safely assume that the X2 interface (between the source
       eNodeB and the target eNodeB) and the S1 interface (between  the  target  eNodeB  and  the
       SGW/PGW)  are  quite  stable.  Therefore  we  will focus our attention to the RRC protocol
       (between the UE and the eNodeBs) and the  Random  Access  procedure,  which  are  normally
       transmitted through the air and susceptible to degradation of channel condition.

       A  general  tips to reduce transmission error is to ensure high enough SINR level in every
       UE. This can be done by a proper planning of the network topology that  minimizes  network
       coverage hole. If the topology has a known coverage hole, then the UE should be configured
       not to venture to that area.

       Another approach to keep in mind is to avoid too-late handovers. In other words,  handover
       should  happen  before the UE’s SINR becomes too low, otherwise the UE may fail to receive
       the handover command from the source eNodeB. Handover algorithms have the means to control
       how  early or late a handover decision is made. For example, A2-A4-RSRQ handover algorithm
       can be configured with a higher threshold to make it decide a handover earlier. Similarly,
       smaller hysteresis and/or shorter time-to-trigger in the strongest cell handover algorithm
       typically results in earlier handovers. In order  to  find  the  right  values  for  these
       parameters,  one  of  the  factors  that  should  be  considered is the UE movement speed.
       Generally, a faster moving UE requires the handover to be executed earlier. Some  research
       work have suggested recommended values, such as in [Lee2010].

       The  above  tips  should be enough in normal simulation uses, but in the case some special
       needs arise then an extreme measure can be taken into consideration.  For instance,  users
       may   consider   disabling   the   channel   error  models.  This  will  ensure  that  all
       handover-related signaling  messages  will  be  transmitted  successfully,  regardless  of
       distance  and  channel  condition.  However, it will also affect all other data or control
       packets not related to handover, which may be an unwanted side effect. Otherwise,  it  can
       be done as follows:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::CtrlErrorModelEnabled", BooleanValue (false));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::DataErrorModelEnabled", BooleanValue (false));

       By  using the above code, we disable the error model in both control and data channels and
       in both directions (downlink and  uplink).  This  is  necessary  because  handover-related
       signaling  messages  are  transmitted  using  these  channels.  An  exception  is when the
       simulation uses the ideal RRC protocol. In this case, only the Random Access procedure  is
       left  to be considered. The procedure consists of control messages, therefore we only need
       to disable the control channel’s error model.

   Handover traces
       The RRC model, in particular the LteEnbRrc  and  LteUeRrc  objects,  provide  some  useful
       traces  which can be hooked up to some custom functions so that they are called upon start
       and end of the handover execution phase at both the UE and eNB side.  As  an  example,  in
       your simulation program you can declare the following methods:

          NotifyHandoverStartUe (std::string context,
                                 uint64_t imsi,
                                 uint16_t cellId,
                                 uint16_t rnti,
                                 uint16_t targetCellId)
            std::cout << Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " " << context
                      << " UE IMSI " << imsi
                      << ": previously connected to CellId " << cellId
                      << " with RNTI " << rnti
                      << ", doing handover to CellId " << targetCellId
                      << std::endl;

          NotifyHandoverEndOkUe (std::string context,
                                 uint64_t imsi,
                                 uint16_t cellId,
                                 uint16_t rnti)
            std::cout << Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " " << context
                      << " UE IMSI " << imsi
                      << ": successful handover to CellId " << cellId
                      << " with RNTI " << rnti
                      << std::endl;

          NotifyHandoverStartEnb (std::string context,
                                  uint64_t imsi,
                                  uint16_t cellId,
                                  uint16_t rnti,
                                  uint16_t targetCellId)
            std::cout << Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " " << context
                      << " eNB CellId " << cellId
                      << ": start handover of UE with IMSI " << imsi
                      << " RNTI " << rnti
                      << " to CellId " << targetCellId
                      << std::endl;

          NotifyHandoverEndOkEnb (std::string context,
                                  uint64_t imsi,
                                  uint16_t cellId,
                                  uint16_t rnti)
            std::cout << Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " " << context
                      << " eNB CellId " << cellId
                      << ": completed handover of UE with IMSI " << imsi
                      << " RNTI " << rnti
                      << std::endl;

       Then, you can hook up these methods to the corresponding trace sources like this:

          Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/LteEnbRrc/HandoverStart",
                           MakeCallback (&NotifyHandoverStartEnb));
          Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/LteUeRrc/HandoverStart",
                           MakeCallback (&NotifyHandoverStartUe));
          Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/LteEnbRrc/HandoverEndOk",
                           MakeCallback (&NotifyHandoverEndOkEnb));
          Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/LteUeRrc/HandoverEndOk",
                           MakeCallback (&NotifyHandoverEndOkUe));

       The  example  program  src/lte/examples/  illustrates how the all above
       instructions can be integrated in a simulation program. You can run the program like this:

          ./waf --run lena-x2-handover

       and it will output the messages printed by the  custom  handover  trace  hooks.  In  order
       additionally  visualize  some meaningful logging information, you can run the program like

          NS_LOG=LteEnbRrc:LteUeRrc:EpcX2 ./waf --run lena-x2-handover

   Frequency Reuse Algorithms
       In this section we will describe how to use Frequency Reuse Algorithms in eNb  within  LTE
       simulations.   There  are  two  possible  ways of configuration. The first approach is the
       “manual” one, it requires more parameters to be configured, but allow user to configure FR
       algorithm as he/she needs. The second approach is more “automatic”. It is very convenient,
       because is the same for each FR algorithm, so user can switch FR algorithm very quickly by
       changing  only  type  of FR algorithm. One drawback is that “automatic” approach uses only
       limited set of configurations for each algorithm, what  make  it  less  flexible,  but  is
       sufficient for most of cases.

       These two approaches will be described more in following sub-section.

       If  user do not configure Frequency Reuse algorithm, default one (i.e. LteFrNoOpAlgorithm)
       is installed in eNb. It acts as if FR algorithm was disabled.

       One thing that should be mentioned is that most of implemented  FR  algorithms  work  with
       cell bandwidth greater or equal than 15 RBs. This limitation is caused by requirement that
       at least three continuous RBs have to be assigned to UE for transmission.

   Manual configuration
       Frequency reuse algorithm can be configured “manually” within the  simulation  program  by
       setting  type  of  FR algorithm and all its attributes. Currently, seven FR algorithms are

          • ns3::LteFrNoOpAlgorithmns3::LteFrHardAlgorithmns3::LteFrStrictAlgorithmns3::LteFrSoftAlgorithmns3::LteFfrSoftAlgorithmns3::LteFfrEnhancedAlgorithmns3::LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm

       Selecting a FR algorithm is done via the  LteHelper  object  and  its  SetFfrAlgorithmType
       method as shown below:

          Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmType ("ns3::LteFrHardAlgorithm");

       Each  implemented  FR algorithm provide several configurable attributes. Users do not have
       to care about UL and DL bandwidth configuration, because it is done  automatically  during
       cell  configuration.  To  change bandwidth for FR algorithm, configure required values for

          uint8_t bandwidth = 100;
          lteHelper->SetEnbDeviceAttribute ("DlBandwidth", UintegerValue (bandwidth));
          lteHelper->SetEnbDeviceAttribute ("UlBandwidth", UintegerValue (bandwidth));

       Now, each FR algorithms configuration will be described.

   Hard Frequency Reuse Algorithm
       As  described  in   Section   Hard   Frequency   Reuse   of   the   Design   Documentation
       ns3::LteFrHardAlgorithm uses one sub-band. To configure this sub-band user need to specify
       offset and bandwidth for DL and UL in number of RBs.

       Hard Frequency Reuse Algorithm provides following attributes:

          • DlSubBandOffset: Downlink Offset in number of Resource Block Groups

          • DlSubBandwidth:  Downlink  Transmission  SubBandwidth  Configuration  in  number   of
            Resource Block Groups

          • UlSubBandOffset: Uplink Offset in number of Resource Block Groups

          • UlSubBandwidth:  Uplink Transmission SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource
            Block Groups

       Example configuration of LteFrHardAlgorithm can be done in following way:

          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmType ("ns3::LteFrHardAlgorithm");
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("DlSubBandOffset", UintegerValue (8));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("DlSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (8));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("UlSubBandOffset", UintegerValue (8));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("UlSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (8));
          NetDeviceContainer enbDevs = lteHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes.Get(0));

       Above example allow eNB to use only RBs from 8 to 16 in  DL  and  UL,  while  entire  cell
       bandwidth is 25.

   Strict Frequency Reuse Algorithm
       Strict  Frequency  Reuse  Algorithm  uses  two sub-bands: one common for each cell and one
       private. There is also RSRQ threshold, which is needed to decide within which sub-band  UE
       should be served. Moreover the power transmission in these sub-bands can be different.

       Strict Frequency Reuse Algorithm provides following attributes:

          • UlCommonSubBandwidth:  Uplink Common SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource
            Block Groups

          • UlEdgeSubBandOffset: Uplink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups

          • UlEdgeSubBandwidth: Uplink Edge SubBandwidth  Configuration  in  number  of  Resource
            Block Groups

          • DlCommonSubBandwidth:   Downlink  Common  SubBandwidth  Configuration  in  number  of
            Resource Block Groups

          • DlEdgeSubBandOffset: Downlink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups

          • DlEdgeSubBandwidth: Downlink Edge SubBandwidth Configuration in  number  of  Resource
            Block Groups

          • RsrqThreshold:  If  the  RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in
            edge sub-band

          • CenterPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for center sub-band, default  value

          • EdgePowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for edge sub-band, default value dB0

          • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center area, Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

          • EdgeAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs  in  edge  area,  Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

       Example  below  allow  eNB  to use RBs from 0 to 6 as common sub-band and from 12 to 18 as
       private sub-band in DL and UL, RSRQ threshold is  20  dB,  power  in  center  area  equals
       LteEnbPhy::TxPower - 3dB, power in edge area equals LteEnbPhy::TxPower + 3dB:

          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmType ("ns3::LteFrStrictAlgorithm");
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("DlCommonSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("UlCommonSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("DlEdgeSubBandOffset", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("DlEdgeSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("UlEdgeSubBandOffset", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("UlEdgeSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("RsrqThreshold", UintegerValue (20));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("CenterPowerOffset",
                                UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB_3));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("EdgePowerOffset",
                                UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB3));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("CenterAreaTpc", UintegerValue (1));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("EdgeAreaTpc", UintegerValue (2));
          NetDeviceContainer enbDevs = lteHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes.Get(0));

   Soft Frequency Reuse Algorithm
       With  Soft  Frequency  Reuse  Algorithm, eNb uses entire cell bandwidth, but there are two
       sub-bands, within UEs are served with different power level.

       Soft Frequency Reuse Algorithm provides following attributes:

          • UlEdgeSubBandOffset: Uplink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups

          • UlEdgeSubBandwidth: Uplink Edge SubBandwidth  Configuration  in  number  of  Resource
            Block Groups

          • DlEdgeSubBandOffset: Downlink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups

          • DlEdgeSubBandwidth:  Downlink  Edge  SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource
            Block Groups

          • AllowCenterUeUseEdgeSubBand: If true center UEs can receive on  edge  sub-band  RBGs,
            otherwise edge sub-band is allowed only for edge UEs, default value is true

          • RsrqThreshold:  If  the  RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in
            edge sub-band

          • CenterPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for center sub-band, default  value

          • EdgePowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for edge sub-band, default value dB0

          • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center area, Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

          • EdgeAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs  in  edge  area,  Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

       Example below configures RBs from 8 to 16 to be used by cell edge UEs and this sub-band is
       not available for cell center users. RSRQ threshold is 20 dB, power in center area  equals
       LteEnbPhy::TxPower, power in edge area equals LteEnbPhy::TxPower + 3dB:

          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmType ("ns3::LteFrSoftAlgorithm");
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("DlEdgeSubBandOffset", UintegerValue (8));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("DlEdgeSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (8));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("UlEdgeSubBandOffset", UintegerValue (8));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("UlEdgeSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (8));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("AllowCenterUeUseEdgeSubBand", BooleanValue (false));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("RsrqThreshold", UintegerValue (20));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("CenterPowerOffset",
                                UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB0));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("EdgePowerOffset",
                                UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB3));
          NetDeviceContainer enbDevs = lteHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes.Get(0));

   Soft Fractional Frequency Reuse Algorithm
       Soft  Fractional  Frequency Reuse (SFFR) uses three sub-bands: center, medium (common) and
       edge. User have to configure only two of them: common and edge. Center  sub-band  will  be
       composed  from  the  remaining  bandwidth.  Each  sub-band  can  be  served with different
       transmission power. Since there are three sub-bands,  two  RSRQ  thresholds  needs  to  be

       Soft Fractional Frequency Reuse Algorithm provides following attributes:

          • UlCommonSubBandwidth:  Uplink Common SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource
            Block Groups

          • UlEdgeSubBandOffset: Uplink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups

          • UlEdgeSubBandwidth: Uplink Edge SubBandwidth  Configuration  in  number  of  Resource
            Block Groups

          • DlCommonSubBandwidth:   Downlink  Common  SubBandwidth  Configuration  in  number  of
            Resource Block Groups

          • DlEdgeSubBandOffset: Downlink Edge SubBand Offset in number of Resource Block Groups

          • DlEdgeSubBandwidth: Downlink Edge SubBandwidth Configuration in  number  of  Resource
            Block Groups

          • CenterRsrqThreshold: If the RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served
            in medium sub-band

          • EdgeRsrqThreshold: If the RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should  be  served
            in edge sub-band

          • CenterAreaPowerOffset:  PdschConfigDedicated::Pa  value  for center sub-band, default
            value dB0

          • MediumAreaPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for  medium  sub-band,  default
            value dB0

          • EdgeAreaPowerOffset:  PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for edge sub-band, default value

          • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center area, Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

          • MediumAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in medium area, Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

          • EdgeAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs  in  edge  area,  Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

       In  example  below RBs from 0 to 6 will be used as common (medium) sub-band, RBs from 6 to
       12 will be used as edge sub-band and RBs from 12 to 24 will be used as center sub-band (it
       is  composed  with remaining RBs). RSRQ threshold between center and medium area is 28 dB,
       RSRQ threshold between medium and edge area  is  18  dB.   Power  in  center  area  equals
       LteEnbPhy::TxPower  -  3dB, power in medium area equals LteEnbPhy::TxPower + 3dB, power in
       edge area equals LteEnbPhy::TxPower + 3dB:

          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmType ("ns3::LteFfrSoftAlgorithm");
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("UlCommonSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("DlCommonSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("DlEdgeSubBandOffset", UintegerValue (0));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("DlEdgeSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("UlEdgeSubBandOffset", UintegerValue (0));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("UlEdgeSubBandwidth", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("CenterRsrqThreshold", UintegerValue (28));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("EdgeRsrqThreshold", UintegerValue (18));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("CenterAreaPowerOffset",
                                UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB_3));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("MediumAreaPowerOffset",
                                UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB0));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("EdgeAreaPowerOffset",
                                UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB3));
          NetDeviceContainer enbDevs = lteHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes.Get(0));

   Enhanced Fractional Frequency Reuse Algorithm
       Enhanced Fractional Frequency Reuse (EFFR) reserve part of system bandwidth for each  cell
       (typically there are 3 cell types and each one gets 1/3 of system bandwidth). Then part of
       this subbandwidth it used as Primary Segment with reuse factor 3 and as Secondary  Segment
       with reuse factor 1. User has to configure (for DL and UL) offset of the cell subbandwidth
       in number of RB, number of RB which will be used as Primary Segment and number of RB which
       will  be  used as Secondary Segment. Primary Segment is used by cell at will, but RBs from
       Secondary Segment can be assigned to UE only is CQI feedback  from  this  UE  have  higher
       value  than  configured  CQI threshold. UE is considered as edge UE when its RSRQ is lower
       than RsrqThreshold.

       Since each eNb needs to know where are Primary and Secondary of other cell types, it  will
       calculate  them  assuming  configuration  is  the same for each cell and only subbandwidth
       offsets are different. So it is important to divide available system bandwidth equally  to
       each cell and apply the same configuration of Primary and Secondary Segments to them.

       Enhanced Fractional Frequency Reuse Algorithm provides following attributes:

          • UlSubBandOffset:  Uplink  SubBand  Offset  for  this cell in number of Resource Block

          • UlReuse3SubBandwidth: Uplink Reuse 3 SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource
            Block Groups

          • UlReuse1SubBandwidth: Uplink Reuse 1 SubBandwidth Configuration in number of Resource
            Block Groups

          • DlSubBandOffset: Downlink SubBand Offset for this cell in number  of  Resource  Block

          • DlReuse3SubBandwidth:  Downlink  Reuse  3  SubBandwidth  Configuration  in  number of
            Resource Block Groups

          • DlReuse1SubBandwidth: Downlink  Reuse  1  SubBandwidth  Configuration  in  number  of
            Resource Block Groups

          • RsrqThreshold:  If  the  RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in
            edge sub-band

          • CenterAreaPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for  center  sub-band,  default
            value dB0

          • EdgeAreaPowerOffset:  PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for edge sub-band, default value

          • DlCqiThreshold: If the DL-CQI for RBG of is higher than this threshold,  transmission
            on RBG is possible

          • UlCqiThreshold:  If the UL-CQI for RBG of is higher than this threshold, transmission
            on RBG is possible

          • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center area, Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

          • EdgeAreaTpc:  TPC  value  which  will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in edge area, Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

       In example below offset in DL and UL is 0 RB, 4 RB will be used  in  Primary  Segment  and
       Secondary  Segment.  RSRQ  threshold  between center and edge area is 25 dB. DL and UL CQI
       thresholds are set to value of 10. Power in center area equals LteEnbPhy::TxPower  -  6dB,
       power in edge area equals LteEnbPhy::TxPower + 0dB:

          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("RsrqThreshold", UintegerValue (25));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("DlCqiThreshold", UintegerValue (10));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("UlCqiThreshold", UintegerValue (10));
                         UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB_6));
                         UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB0));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("UlSubBandOffset", UintegerValue (0));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("UlReuse3SubBandwidth", UintegerValue (4));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("UlReuse1SubBandwidth", UintegerValue (4));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("DlSubBandOffset", UintegerValue (0));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("DlReuse3SubBandwidth", UintegerValue (4));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("DlReuse1SubBandwidth", UintegerValue (4));

   Distributed Fractional Frequency Reuse Algorithm
       Distributed  Fractional  Frequency  Reuse  requires  X2  interface  between  all eNB to be
       installed.  X2 interfaces can be installed only when EPC is configured, so this FFR scheme
       can be used only with EPC scenarios.

       With Distributed Fractional Frequency Reuse  Algorithm, eNb uses entire cell bandwidth and
       there can be two sub-bands: center sub-band and edge sub-band . Within these sub-bands UEs
       can  be  served with different power level. Algorithm adaptively selects RBs for cell-edge
       sub-band on basis of coordination information (i.e. RNTP) from adjecent cells and notifies
       the base stations of the adjacent cells, which RBs it selected to use in edge sub-band. If
       there are no UE classified as edge UE in cell, eNB will not use any RBs as edge sub-band.

       Distributed Fractional Frequency Reuse Algorithm provides following attributes:

          • CalculationInterval: Time interval between  calculation  of  Edge  sub-band,  Default
            value 1 second

          • RsrqThreshold:  If  the  RSRQ of is worse than this threshold, UE should be served in
            edge sub-band

          • RsrpDifferenceThreshold: If the difference between the power of the  signal  received
            by  UE  from  the serving cell and the power of the signal received from the adjacent
            cell is less than a RsrpDifferenceThreshold value, the cell weight is incremented

          • CenterPowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for edge  sub-band,  default  value

          • EdgePowerOffset: PdschConfigDedicated::Pa value for edge sub-band, default value dB0

          • EdgeRbNum: Number of RB that can be used in edge sub-band

          • CenterAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs in center area, Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

          • EdgeAreaTpc: TPC value which will be set in DL-DCI for UEs  in  edge  area,  Absolute
            mode is used, default value 1 is mapped to -1 according to TS36.213 Table

       In  example  below  calculation interval is 500 ms. RSRQ threshold between center and edge
       area is 25.  RSRP Difference Threshold is set to be 5. In DL and UL 6 RB will be  used  by
       each  cell  in edge sub-band.  Power in center area equals LteEnbPhy::TxPower - 0dB, power
       in edge area equals LteEnbPhy::TxPower + 3dB:

          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("CalculationInterval", TimeValue(MilliSeconds(500)));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("RsrqThreshold", UintegerValue (25));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("RsrpDifferenceThreshold", UintegerValue (5));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("EdgeRbNum", UintegerValue (6));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("CenterPowerOffset",
                          UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB0));
          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute ("EdgePowerOffset",
                          UintegerValue (LteRrcSap::PdschConfigDedicated::dB3));

   Automatic configuration
       Frequency Reuse algorithms can also be configured in more “automatic” way by setting  only
       the  bandwidth  and  FrCellTypeId. During initialization of FR instance, configuration for
       set bandwidth and FrCellTypeId will be taken from configuration  table.  It  is  important
       that  only  sub-bands will be configured, thresholds and transmission power will be set to
       default values. If one wants, he/she can change thresholds and transmission power as  show
       in previous sub-section.

       There are three FrCellTypeId : 1, 2, 3, which correspond to three different configurations
       for each bandwidth.  Three  configurations  allow  to  have  different  configurations  in
       neighbouring  cells  in  hexagonal  eNB  layout.  If  user  needs  to  have more different
       configuration for neighbouring cells, he/she need to use manual configuration.

       Example below show automatic FR algorithm configuration:

          lteHelper->SetFfrAlgorithmAttribute("FrCellTypeId", UintegerValue (1));
          NetDeviceContainer enbDevs = lteHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes.Get(0));

   Uplink Power Control
       Uplink Power Control functionality is enabled by default. User can disable it  by  setting
       the boolean attribute ns3::LteUePhy::EnableUplinkPowerControl to true.

       User  can  switch between Open Loop Power Control and Closed Loop Power Control mechanisms
       by setting the boolean attribute ns3::LteUePowerControl::ClosedLoop.   By  default  Closed
       Loop Power Control with Accumulation Mode is enabled.

       Path-loss  is  key component of Uplink Power Control. It is computed as difference between
       filtered RSRP and ReferenceSignalPower parameter. ReferenceSignalPower is sent with SIB2.

       Attributes available in Uplink Power Control:

          • ClosedLoop: if true Closed Loop Uplink Power Control mode is enabled  and  Open  Loop
            Power Control otherwise, default value is false

          • AccumulationEnabled:   if  true  Accumulation  Mode  is  enabled  and  Absolute  mode
            otherwise, default value is false

          • Alpha: the path loss compensation factor, default value is 1.0

          • Pcmin: minimal UE TxPower, default value is -40 dBm

          • Pcmax: maximal UE TxPower, default value is 23 dBm

          • PoNominalPusch: this parameter should be set by higher layers, but currently it needs
            to  be  configured by attribute system, possible values are integers in range (-126 …
            24), Default value is -80

          • PoUePusch: this parameter should be set by higher layers, but currently it  needs  to
            be  configured  by  attribute system, possible values are integers in range (-8 … 7),
            Default value is 0

          • PsrsOffset: this parameter should be set by higher layers, but currently it needs  to
            be  configured  by  attribute system, possible values are integers in range (0 … 15),
            Default value is 7, what gives P_Srs_Offset_Value = 0

       Traced values in Uplink Power Control:ReportPuschTxPower: Current UE TxPower for PUSCH

              • ReportPucchTxPower: Current UE TxPower for PUCCH

              • ReportSrsTxPower: Current UE TxPower for SRS

       Example configuration is presented below:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePhy::EnableUplinkPowerControl", BooleanValue (true));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbPhy::TxPower", DoubleValue (30));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePowerControl::ClosedLoop", BooleanValue (true));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePowerControl::AccumulationEnabled", BooleanValue (true));

       As an example, user can take a look and run the lena-uplink-power-control program.

   Examples Programs
       The directory src/lte/examples/ contains some example simulation programs that show how to
       simulate different LTE scenarios.

   Reference scenarios
       There  is  a  vast  amount of reference LTE simulation scenarios which can be found in the
       literature. Here we list some of them:

          • The system simulation scenarios mentioned in section A.2 of [TR36814].

          • The dual stripe model [R4-092042], which is  partially  implemented  in  the  example
            program  src/lte/examples/ This example program features a lot of
            configurable parameters which can be customized by changing the corresponding  global
            variables. To get a list of all these global variables, you can run this command:

                ./waf --run lena-dual-stripe --command-template="%s --PrintGlobals"

            The  following  subsection presents an example of running a simulation campaign using
            this example program.

   Handover simulation campaign
       In this subsection, we will demonstrate an example of running a simulation campaign  using
       the  LTE  module  of  ns-3. The objective of the campaign is to compare the effect of each
       built-in handover algorithm of the LTE module.

       The campaign will use the lena-dual-stripe example program. First, we have to  modify  the
       example  program  to produce the output that we need. In this occasion, we want to produce
       the number of handovers, user average throughput, and average SINR.

       The number of handovers can be obtained by counting the number of times the  HandoverEndOk
       Handover traces is fired. Then the user average throughput can be obtained by enabling the
       RLC Simulation Output.  Finally, SINR can be  obtained  by  enabling  the  PHY  simulation
       output. The following sample code snippet shows one possible way to obtain the above:

          NotifyHandoverEndOkUe (std::string context, uint64_t imsi,
                                 uint16_t cellId, uint16_t rnti)
            std::cout << "Handover IMSI " << imsi << std::endl;

          main (int argc, char *argv[])
            /*** SNIP ***/

            Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/LteUeRrc/HandoverEndOk",
                             MakeCallback (&NotifyHandoverEndOkUe));

            lteHelper->EnablePhyTraces ();
            lteHelper->EnableRlcTraces ();
            Ptr<RadioBearerStatsCalculator> rlcStats = lteHelper->GetRlcStats ();
            rlcStats->SetAttribute ("StartTime", TimeValue (Seconds (0)));
            rlcStats->SetAttribute ("EpochDuration", TimeValue (Seconds (simTime)));

            Simulator::Run ();
            Simulator::Destroy ();
            return 0;

       Then  we  have to configure the parameters of the program to suit our simulation needs. We
       are looking for the following assumptions in our simulation:

          • 7 sites of tri-sectored macro eNodeBs (i.e.  21  macrocells)  deployed  in  hexagonal
            layout with 500 m inter-site distance.

          • Although  lena-dual-stripe  is  originally  intended  for  a  two-tier (macrocell and
            femtocell) simulation, we  will  simplify  our  simulation  to  one-tier  (macrocell)
            simulation only.

          • UEs are randomly distributed around the sites and attach to the network automatically
            using Idle mode cell selection. After that, UE will roam the  simulation  environment
            with 60 kmph movement speed.

          • 50 seconds simulation duration, so UEs would have traveled far enough to trigger some

          • 46 dBm macrocell Tx power and 10 dBm UE Tx power.

          • EPC mode will be used because the X2 handover procedure requires it to be enabled.

          • Full-buffer downlink and uplink traffic, both in 5 MHz bandwidth, using TCP  protocol
            and Proportional Fair scheduler.

          • Ideal RRC protocol.

       Table  lena-dual-stripe  parameter  configuration for handover campaign below shows how we
       configure the parameters of lena-dual-stripe to achieve the above assumptions.

   lena-dual-stripe parameter configuration for handover campaign
                       │Parameter name     │ Value   │ Description              │
                       │simTime            │ 50      │ 50  seconds   simulation │
                       │                   │         │ duration                 │
                       │nBlocks            │ 0       │ Disabling      apartment │
                       │                   │         │ buildings and femtocells │
                       │nMacroEnbSites     │ 7       │ Number   of    macrocell │
                       │                   │         │ sites  (each  site has 3 │
                       │                   │         │ cells)                   │
                       │nMacroEnbSitesX    │ 2       │ The macrocell sites will │
                       │                   │         │ be positioned in a 2-3-2 │
                       │                   │         │ formation                │
                       │interSiteDistance  │ 500     │ 500 m  distance  between │
                       │                   │         │ adjacent macrocell sites │
                       │macroEnbTxPowerDbm │ 46      │ 46 dBm Tx power for each │
                       │                   │         │ macrocell                │
                       │epc                │ 1       │ Enable EPC mode          │
                       │epcDl              │ 1       │ Enable  full-buffer   DL │
                       │                   │         │ traffic                  │
                       │epcUl              │ 1       │ Enable   full-buffer  UL │
                       │                   │         │ traffic                  │
                       │useUdp             │ 0       │ Disable UDP traffic  and │
                       │                   │         │ enable TCP instead       │
                       │macroUeDensity     │ 0.00002 │ Determines number of UEs │
                       │                   │         │ (translates to 48 UEs in │
                       │                   │         │ our simulation)          │
                       │outdoorUeMinSpeed  │ 16.6667 │ Minimum    UE   movement │
                       │                   │         │ speed in m/s (60 kmph)   │
                       │outdoorUeMaxSpeed  │ 16.6667 │ Maximum   UE    movement │
                       │                   │         │ speed in m/s (60 kmph)   │
                       │macroEnbBandwidth  │ 25      │ 5    MHz   DL   and   UL │
                       │                   │         │ bandwidth                │
                       │generateRem        │ 1       │ (Optional) For  plotting │
                       │                   │         │ the   Radio  Environment │
                       │                   │         │ Map                      │

       Some of the required assumptions are not available as parameters of  lena-dual-stripe.  In
       this  case,  we  override  the  default  attributes,  as shown in Table Overriding default
       attributes for handover campaign below.

   Overriding default attributes for handover campaign
│ns3::LteHelper::HandoverAlgorithm                    │ ns3::NoOpHandoverAlgorithm,    │ Choice    of    handover │
│                                                     │ ns3::A3RsrpHandoverAlgorithm,  │ algorithm                │
│                                                     │ ns3::A2A4RsrqHandoverAlgorithm │                          │
│ns3::LteHelper::Scheduler                            │ ns3::PfFfMacScheduler          │ Proportional        Fair │
│ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::DlRlcOutputFilename │ <run>-DlRlcStats.txt           │ File  name  for  DL  RLC │
│ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::UlRlcOutputFilename │ <run>-UlRlcStats.txt           │ File  name  for  UL  RLC │
│ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::DlRsrpSinrFilename          │ <run>-DlRsrpSinrStats.txt      │ File  name  for  DL  PHY │
│ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::UlSinrFilename              │ <run>-UlSinrStats.txt          │ File  name  for  UL  PHY │

       ns-3 provides many ways for passing  configuration  values  into  a  simulation.  In  this
       example,  we  will  use  the command line arguments. It is basically done by appending the
       parameters and their values to the waf call when starting each individual  simulation.  So
       the waf calls for invoking our 3 simulations would look as below:

          $ ./waf --run="lena-dual-stripe
            --simTime=50 --nBlocks=0 --nMacroEnbSites=7 --nMacroEnbSitesX=2
            --epc=1 --useUdp=0 --outdoorUeMinSpeed=16.6667 --outdoorUeMaxSpeed=16.6667
            --RngRun=1" > no-op.txt

          $ ./waf --run="lena-dual-stripe
            --simTime=50 --nBlocks=0 --nMacroEnbSites=7 --nMacroEnbSitesX=2
            --epc=1 --useUdp=0 --outdoorUeMinSpeed=16.6667 --outdoorUeMaxSpeed=16.6667
            --RngRun=1" > a3-rsrp.txt

          $ ./waf --run="lena-dual-stripe
            --simTime=50 --nBlocks=0 --nMacroEnbSites=7 --nMacroEnbSitesX=2
            --epc=1 --useUdp=0 --outdoorUeMinSpeed=16.6667 --outdoorUeMaxSpeed=16.6667
            --RngRun=1" > a2-a4-rsrq.txt

       Some notes on the execution:

          • Notice that some arguments are not specified because they are already the same as the
            default values. We also keep the handover algorithms on each own default settings.

          • Note the file names of simulation output, e.g. RLC traces and PHY traces, because  we
            have  to  make sure that they are not overwritten by the next simulation run. In this
            example, we specify the names one by one using the command line arguments.

          • The --RngRun=1 argument at the end is used for setting the run  number  used  by  the
            random  number  generator used in the simulation. We re-run the same simulations with
            different RngRun values, hence creating several independent replications of the  same
            simulations.  Then we average the results obtained from these replications to achieve
            some statistical confidence.

          • We can add a --generateRem=1 argument to generate the files necessary for  generating
            the  Radio Environment Map (REM) of the simulation. The result is Figure REM obtained
            from a simulation in handover campaign below, which can be produced by following  the
            steps  described  in  Section  Radio  Environment  Maps.   This figure also shows the
            position of eNodeBs and UEs at the beginning of a simulation using RngRun = 1.  Other
            values of RngRun may produce different UE position.
         [image] REM obtained from a simulation in handover campaign.UNINDENT

         After  hours  of  running,  the  simulation  campaign  will eventually end. Next we will
         perform some post-processing on the produced  simulation  output  to  obtain  meaningful
         information out of it.

         In this example, we use GNU Octave to assist the processing of throughput and SINR data,
         as demonstrated in a sample GNU Octave script below:

          % RxBytes is the 10th column
          DlRxBytes = load ("no-op-DlRlcStats.txt") (:,10);
          DlAverageThroughputKbps = sum (DlRxBytes) * 8 / 1000 / 50

          % RxBytes is the 10th column
          UlRxBytes = load ("no-op-UlRlcStats.txt") (:,10);
          UlAverageThroughputKbps = sum (UlRxBytes) * 8 / 1000 / 50

          % Sinr is the 6th column
          DlSinr = load ("no-op-DlRsrpSinrStats.txt") (:,6);
          % eliminate NaN values
          idx = isnan (DlSinr);
          DlSinr (idx) = 0;
          DlAverageSinrDb = 10 * log10 (mean (DlSinr)) % convert to dB

          % Sinr is the 5th column
          UlSinr = load ("no-op-UlSinrStats.txt") (:,5);
          % eliminate NaN values
          idx = isnan (UlSinr);
          UlSinr (idx) = 0;
          UlAverageSinrDb = 10 * log10 (mean (UlSinr)) % convert to dB

       As for the number of handovers, we can use simple shell scripting to count the  number  of
       occurrences of string “Handover” in the log file:

          $ grep "Handover" no-op.txt | wc -l

       Table  Results  of handover campaign below shows the complete statistics after we are done
       with post-processing on every individual simulation run. The values shown are the  average
       of the results obtained from RngRun of 1, 2, 3, and 4.

   Results of handover campaign
                   │Statistics          │ No-op      │ A2-A4-RSRQ  │ Strongest cell │
                   │Average  DL  system │ 6 615 kbps │ 20 509 kbps │ 19 709 kbps    │
                   │throughput          │            │             │                │
                   │Average  UL  system │ 4 095 kbps │ 5 705 kbps  │ 6 627 kbps     │
                   │throughput          │            │             │                │
                   │Average DL SINR     │ -0.10 dB   │ 5.19 dB     │ 5.24 dB        │
                   │Average UL SINR     │ 9.54 dB    │ 81.57 dB    │ 79.65 dB       │
                   │Number of handovers │ 0          │ 0.05694     │ 0.04771        │
                   │per UE per second   │            │             │                │

       The results show that having a handover algorithm in a mobility simulation  improves  both
       user  throughput  and  SINR  significantly.  There  is  little  difference between the two
       handover algorithms in this campaign scenario.  It  would  be  interesting  to  see  their
       performance in different scenarios, such as scenarios with home eNodeBs deployment.

   Frequency Reuse examples
       There are two examples showing Frequency Reuse Algorithms functionality.

       lena-frequency-reuse  is  simple example with 3 eNBs in triangle layout.  There are 3 cell
       edge UEs, which are located in the center of this triangle and 3 cell center UEs (one near
       each  eNB).  User  can  also  specify  the number of randomly located UEs. FR algorithm is
       installed in eNBs and each eNB has  different  FrCellTypeId,  what  means  each  eNB  uses
       different  FR  configuration.  User  can  run  lena-frequency-reuse  with  6  different FR
       algorithms: NoOp, Hard FR, Strict FR, Soft FR, Soft FFR and Enhanced FFR.  To run scenario
       with  Distributed FFR algorithm, user should use lena-distributed-ffr.  These two examples
       are very similar, but they were split because Distributed FFR requires EPC to be used, and
       other algorithms do not.

       To  run  lena-frequency-reuse  with  different  Frequency  Reuse algorithms, user needs to
       specify FR algorithm by overriding  the  default  attribute  ns3::LteHelper::FfrAlgorithm.
       Example command to run lena-frequency-reuse with Soft FR algorithm is presented below:

          $ ./waf --run "lena-frequency-reuse --ns3::LteHelper::FfrAlgorithm=ns3::LteFrSoftAlgorithm"

       In  these  examples  functionality  to generate REM and spectrum analyzer trace was added.
       User can  enable  generation  of  it  by  setting  generateRem  and  generateSpectrumTrace

       Command  to  generate REM for RB 1 in data channel from lena-frequency-reuse scenario with
       Soft FR algorithm is presented below:

          $ ./waf --run "lena-frequency-reuse --ns3::LteHelper::FfrAlgorithm=ns3::LteFrSoftAlgorithm
            --generateRem=true --remRbId=1"

       Radio Environment Map for Soft FR is presented in  Figure  REM  for  RB  1  obtained  from
       lena-frequency-reuse example with Soft FR algorithm enabled.
         [image]  REM  for RB 1 obtained from lena-frequency-reuse example with Soft FR algorithm

         Command to generate spectrum trace from  lena-frequency-reuse  scenario  with  Soft  FFR
         algorithm  is  presented below (Spectrum Analyzer position needs to be configured inside

          $ ./waf --run "lena-frequency-reuse --ns3::LteHelper::FfrAlgorithm=ns3::LteFfrSoftAlgorithm

       Example spectrum analyzer trace is presented in figure Spectrum  Analyzer  trace  obtained
       from  lena-frequency-reuse  example with Soft FFR algorithm enabled. Spectrum Analyzer was
       located need eNB with FrCellTypeId 2..  As can be seen, different  data  channel  subbands
       are sent with different power level (according to configuration), while control channel is
       transmitted with uniform power along entire system bandwidth.
         [image] Spectrum Analyzer trace obtained from lena-frequency-reuse example with Soft FFR
         algorithm enabled. Spectrum Analyzer was located need eNB with FrCellTypeId 2..UNINDENT

         lena-dual-stripe  can be also run with Frequency Reuse algorithms installed in all macro
         eNB.   User  needs  to  specify  FR  algorithm  by  overriding  the  default   attribute
         ns3::LteHelper::FfrAlgorithm.   Example  command  to  run  lena-dual-stripe with Hard FR
         algorithm is presented below:

          $ ./waf --run="lena-dual-stripe
            --simTime=50 --nBlocks=0 --nMacroEnbSites=7 --nMacroEnbSitesX=2
            --epc=1 --useUdp=0 --outdoorUeMinSpeed=16.6667 --outdoorUeMaxSpeed=16.6667
            --RngRun=1" > no-op.txt

       Example command to generate REM for RB 1 in data channel  from  lena-dual-stripe  scenario
       with Hard FR algorithm is presented below:

          $ ./waf --run="lena-dual-stripe
            --simTime=50 --nBlocks=0 --nMacroEnbSites=7 --nMacroEnbSitesX=2
            --epc=0 --useUdp=0 --outdoorUeMinSpeed=16.6667 --outdoorUeMaxSpeed=16.6667
            --RngRun=1 --generateRem=true --remRbId=1" > no-op.txt

       Radio  Environment  Maps for RB 1, 10 and 20 generated from lena-dual-stripe scenario with
       Hard Frequency Reuse algorithm are presented in the figures below. These RB were  selected
       because each one is used by different FR cell type.
         [image]  REM  for  RB 1 obtained from lena-dual-stripe simulation with Hard FR algorithm
         [image] REM for RB 10 obtained from lena-dual-stripe simulation with Hard  FR  algorithm
         [image]  REM  for RB 20 obtained from lena-dual-stripe simulation with Hard FR algorithm

   Carrier aggregation examples
       The carrier aggregation feature is not enabled by default.  The  user  can  enable  it  by
       setting  the  boolean  attribute  ns3::LteHelper::UseCa  to  true. The number of component
       carriers to be used in carrier aggregation can be  configured  by  setting  the  attribute
       ns3::LteHelper::NumberOfComponentCarriers.    Currently   the   maximum   number   is   5.
       Additionally, the component carrier  manager  needs  to  be  configured.  By  default  the
       NoOpComponentCarrierManager  is  selected,  which  means  that only the primary carrier is
       enabled. The Component carrier manager (CCM) implementation that uses  all  the  available
       carriers  is  RrComponentCarrierManager.  The CCM can be configured by using the attribute

       An example configuration is presented below:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::UseCa", BooleanValue (useCa));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::NumberOfComponentCarriers", UintegerValue (2));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::EnbComponentCarrierManager", StringValue ("ns3::RrComponentCarrierManager"));

       As an example, the user can take a  look  and  run  the  lena-simple  and  lena-simple-epc
       programs  and enable LTE traces to check the performance. A new column is added to PHY and
       MAC traces to indicate the component carrier.

       The test suite lte-carrier-aggregation is also a test program  that  can  be  used  as  an
       example  as  it  can  be  run  in  a  mode to write results to output files by setting the
       s_writeResults boolean  static  variable  to  true.  The  test  can  be  run  by  using  a
          ./waf –run ‘test-runner –suite=lte-carrier-aggregation’

       To  plot  the  test  results,  a  file  has  to  be created in the root folder of the ns-3
       repository, and added to it with the following content :
          set terminal png set xlabel “Number of users” set ylabel “Throughput per UE [Mbps]” set
          key top right


          set output “ca-test-example-dl.png” set title “Downlink performance”

          plot downlink_results using 1:($2==1 ? $3/1000000
                 1/0) w lp t ‘NO SDL’, downlink_results using 1:($2==2 ? $3/1000000 : 1/0) w lp t
                 ‘RR  SDL  1’, downlink_results using 1:($2==3 ? $3/1000000 : 1/0) w lp t ‘RR SDL

          set output “ca-test-example-ul.png” set title “Uplink performance”

          plot uplink_results using 1:($2==1 ? $3/1000000
                 1/0) w lp t ‘NO SDL’, uplink_results using 1:($2==2 ? $3/1000000 : 1/0) w  lp  t
                 ‘RR SDL 1’, uplink_results using 1:($2==3 ? $3/1000000 : 1/0) w lp t ‘RR SDL 2’

       gnuplot  can be run by providing the file name, so that in the ns-3 root directory figures
       are  generated.  An  example   to   run   this   test   suite   is   shown   in   figures:
       fig-ca-test-example-ul and fig-ca-test-example-dl.
         [image] Example of CA test performance in the uplink.UNINDENT
         [image] Example of CA test performance in the downlink.UNINDENT

   Radio link failure example
       The example is an example to simulate the RLF functionality. In
       particular, it simulates only one moving UE using Ideal or  Real  RRC  protocol  with  EPC
       performing  downlink  and uplink communication in two scenarios shown in Scenario A: Radio
       link failure example with one eNB and Scenario B: Radio link failure example with two eNBs
         [image] Scenario A: Radio link failure example with one eNB.UNINDENT

         We note that, the RLF detection  is  enabled  by  default,  which  can  be  disabled  by
         configuring the LteUePhy::EnableRlfDetection to false, e.g.,:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePhy::EnableRlfDetection", BooleanValue (false));

       In  this  example,  to  study  the impact of a RLF on the user’s quality of experience, we
       compute an instantaneous (i.e., every 200 ms) DL throughput of the UE, and writes it  into
       a  file  for  plotting  purposes. For example, to simulate the “Scenario A” with Ideal and
       Real RRC protocol a user can use the following commands:

          Ideal RRC:
          ./waf --run "lena-radio-link-failure
          --numberOfEnbs=1 --useIdealRrc=1
          --interSiteDistance=1200 --n310=1 --n311=1
          --t310=1 --enableCtrlErrorModel=1
          --enableDataErrorModel=1 --simTime=25"

          Real RRC:
          ./waf --run "lena-radio-link-failure
          --numberOfEnbs=1 --useIdealRrc=0
          --interSiteDistance=1200 --n310=1 --n311=1
          --t310=1 --enableCtrlErrorModel=1
          --enableDataErrorModel=1 --simTime=25"

       After running the above two commands, we can use a  simple  gnuplot  script  to  plot  the
       throughput  as shown in the Figure Downlink instantaneous throughput of UE in scenario A ,

          set terminal png
          set output  "lena-radio-link-failure-one-enb-thrput.png"
          set multiplot
          set xlabel "Time [s]"
          set ylabel "Instantaneous throughput UE [Mbps]"
          set grid
          set title "LTE RLF example 1 eNB DL instantaneous throughput"
          plot "rlf_dl_thrput_1_eNB_ideal_rrc" using ($1):($2) with linespoints
          title 'Ideal RRC' linestyle 1 lw 2 lc rgb 'blue', "rlf_dl_thrput_1_eNB_real_rrc"
          using ($1):($2) with linespoints title 'Real RRC' linestyle 2 lw 2 lc rgb 'red'

          unset multiplot
         [image] Downlink instantaneous throughput of UE in scenario A.UNINDENT

         In the simulator, a UE can synchronize (i.e., start reading system information) with  an
         eNB  at  a  low  RSRP  level, which defaults to -140 dBm (see QRxLevMin attribute of eNB
         RRC).  It enables the UE to start the random access procedure  with  the  eNB.  In  this
         scenario, when using the Ideal RRC the UE after the RLF will connect and disconnect from
         the eNB several times. This is because in the Ideal RRC mode, once the  UE  is  able  to
         receive  Random  Access  Response (RAR) from the eNB, it can complete the RRC connection
         establishment procedure (RRC connection establishment) without any errors, since all the
         RRC  messages are exchanged ideally between the eNB and the UE.  However, soon after the
         connection establishment, it ends up in RLF due to the  poor  channel  quality.  On  the
         other  hand, with the Real RRC the UE after the RLF will not be able to complete the RRC
         connection establishment procedure due to the loss of RRC messages. Thus, it will not be
         able  to  establish  the  connection  with  the eNB. Therefore, in both the cases the UE
         throughput drops to zero as shown in the Figure Downlink instantaneous throughput of  UE
         in  scenario  A. It is also worthwhile to mention that towards the end of the simulation
         (using Ideal or Real RRC) there are occasions where  RAR  timer  at  the  UE  MAC  would
         timeout  due  to  the increased distance between the eNB and the UE, which causes errors
         while decoding this message at the UE (Note: the downlink control error model is enabled
         by default).
         [image] Scenario B: Radio link failure example with two eNBs.UNINDENT

         Similarly,  to  simulate  the  “Scenario  B”  with Ideal and Real RRC protocol following
         commands can be used:

          Ideal RRC:
          ./waf --run "lena-radio-link-failure
          --numberOfEnbs=2 --useIdealRrc=1
          --interSiteDistance=1200 --n310=1 --n311=1
          --t310=1 --enableCtrlErrorModel=1
          --enableDataErrorModel=1 --simTime=25"

          Real RRC:
          ./waf --run "lena-radio-link-failure
          --numberOfEnbs=2 --useIdealRrc=0
          --interSiteDistance=1200 --n310=1 --n311=1
          --t310=1 --enableCtrlErrorModel=1
          --enableDataErrorModel=1 --simTime=25"

       Figure Downlink instantaneous throughput of UE in scenario  B,  shows  the  throughput  in
       “Scenario  B”.  We  note  that  in  this  scenario the handover algorithm is not used.  As
       expected, with Ideal RRC protocol the UE after the RLF  can  complete  the  random  access
       procedure   with  the  second  eNB.  Interestingly,  the  DL  SINR  after  the  connection
       establishment is not low enough to trigger the RLF, but it is low enough to impact the  DL
       control reception for some TBs, which in turn causes loss of data. It can be observed from
       the slightly unstable throughput of the UE after connecting to  the  second  eNB.  On  the
       other  hand,  with Real RRC the UE faces problems in connection establishment phase due to
       the loss of RRC messages, in particular, the RRC connection request from the UE.  This  is
       the  reason why the UE throughput after the RLF remains zero for a more extended period as
       compared to the ideal RRC protocol.
         [image] Downlink instantaneous throughput of UE in scenario B.UNINDENT

   Troubleshooting and debugging tips
       Many users post on the ns-3-users mailing list asking, for example, why they  do  not  get
       any  traffic  in  their  simulation,  or  maybe  only  uplink  but  no downlink traffic is
       generated, etc. In most of the cases, this is a bug in the user simulation  program.  Here
       the reader can find some tips to debug the program and find out the cause of the problem.

       The  general  approach  is to selectively and incrementally enable the logging of relevant
       LTE module components, verifying upon each activation that the output is as  expected.  In

          • first  check  the  control  plane,  in  particular  the  RRC connection establishment
            procedure, by enabling the log components LteUeRrc and LteEnbRrc

          • then check packet transmissions on the data  plane,  starting  by  enabling  the  log
            components   LteUeNetDevice   and   the   EpcSgwApplication,   EpcPgwApplication  and
            EpcEnbApplication, then moving down the LTE radio stack (PDCP, RLC, MAC, and  finally
            PHY). All this until you find where packets stop being processed / forwarded.

   Testing Documentation
       To  test  and  validate  the  ns-3  LTE module, several test suites are provided which are
       integrated with the ns-3 test framework.  To run them, you need  to  have  configured  the
       build of the simulator in this way:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-tests --enable-modules=lte --enable-examples
          $ ./

       The  above  will  run not only the test suites belonging to the LTE module, but also those
       belonging to all the other ns-3 modules on which the LTE  module  depends.  See  the  ns-3
       manual for generic information on the testing framework.

       You can get a more detailed report in HTML format in this way:

          $ ./ -w results.html

       After the above command has run, you can view the detailed result for each test by opening
       the file results.html with a web browser.

       You can run each test suite separately using this command:

          $ ./ -s test-suite-name

       For more details about and the ns-3 testing framework, please refer  to  the  ns-3

   Description of the test suites
   Unit Tests
   SINR calculation in the Downlink
       The test suite lte-downlink-sinr checks that the SINR calculation in downlink is performed
       correctly. The  SINR  in  the  downlink  is  calculated  for  each  RB  assigned  to  data
       transmissions  by dividing the power of the intended signal from the considered eNB by the
       sum of the noise power plus all the transmissions on the same RB coming  from  other  eNBs
       (the interference signals):

         \gamma = \frac{ P_\mathrm{signal} }{ P_\mathrm{noise} + \sum P_\mathrm{interference} }

       In  general, different signals can be active during different periods of time. We define a
       chunk as the time interval between any two events  of  type  either  start  or  end  of  a
       waveform.  In  other  words,  a  chunk  identifies a time interval during which the set of
       active waveforms does not change. Let i  be  the  generic  chunk,  T_i  its  duration  and
       \mathrm{SINR_i}  its  SINR,  calculated  with  the  above equation. The calculation of the
       average SINR \overline{\gamma} to be used for CQI feedback reporting  uses  the  following

                  \overline{\gamma} = \frac{ \sum_i {\gamma}_i  T_i }{ \sum_i T_{i} }

       The  test suite checks that the above calculation is performed correctly in the simulator.
       The test vectors are obtained offline by  an  Octave  script  that  implements  the  above
       equation,  and  that  recreates  a  number  of random transmitted signals and interference
       signals that mimic a scenario where an UE is trying to decode a signal from an  eNB  while
       facing interference from other eNBs. The test passes if the calculated values are equal to
       the test vector within a tolerance of 10^{-7}. The tolerance is meant to account  for  the
       approximation errors typical of floating point arithmetic.

   SINR calculation in the Uplink
       The  test  suite  lte-uplink-sinr  checks that the SINR calculation in uplink is performed
       correctly. This test suite is identical to lte-downlink-sinr  described  in  the  previous
       section,  with  the  difference  than  both  the  signal and the interference now refer to
       transmissions by the UEs, and  reception  is  performed  by  the  eNB.   This  test  suite
       recreates  a  number  of  random  transmitted  signals and interference signals to mimic a
       scenario where an eNB is trying to decode the signal from several UEs simultaneously  (the
       ones  in the cell of the eNB) while facing interference from other UEs (the ones belonging
       to other cells).

       The test vectors are obtained by a  dedicated  Octave  script.  The  test  passes  if  the
       calculated values are equal to the test vector within a tolerance of 10^{-7} which, as for
       the downlink SINR test, deals with floating point arithmetic approximation issues.

   E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN)
       The  test  suite  lte-earfcn   checks   that   the   carrier   frequency   used   by   the
       LteSpectrumValueHelper  class  (which  implements  the  LTE  spectrum  model)  is  done in
       compliance with [TS36101], where  the  E-UTRA  Absolute  Radio  Frequency  Channel  Number
       (EARFCN)  is defined. The test vector for this test suite comprises a set of EARFCN values
       and the corresponding carrier frequency calculated by hand following the specification  of
       [TS36101].  The test passes if the carrier frequency returned by LteSpectrumValueHelper is
       the same as the known value for each element in the test vector.

   System Tests
   Dedicated Bearer Deactivation Tests
       The test suite ‘lte-test-deactivate-bearer’ creates test case with single EnodeB and Three
       UE’s.   Each  UE  consists  of  one  Default and one Dedicated EPS bearer with same bearer
       specification but with different ARP.  Test Case Flow is as follows: Attach UE  ->  Create
       Default+Dedicated Bearer -> Deactivate one of the Dedicated bearer

       Test  case  further  deactivates  dedicated  bearer having bearer ID 2(LCID=BearerId+2) of
       First UE (UE_ID=1) User can schedule bearer deactivation after specific time  delay  using
       Simulator::Schedule () method.

       Once  the  test  case execution ends it will create DlRlcStats.txt and UlRlcStats.txt. Key
       fields that need to be checked in statistics are:

          |Start | end | Cell ID | IMSI | RNTI | LCID | TxBytes | RxBytes |

       Test case executes in three epochs:

          1. In first Epoch (0.04s-1.04s) All UE’s and corresponding bearers  gets  attached  and
             packet flow over the dedicated bearers activated.

          2. In  second  Epoch (1.04s-2.04s), bearer deactivation is instantiated, hence User can
             see relatively less number of TxBytes on UE_ID=1 and LCID=4  as  compared  to  other

          3. In  third  Epoch  (2.04s-3.04s)  since  bearer deactivation of UE_ID=1 and LCID=4 is
             completed, user will not see any logging related to LCID=4.

       Test case passes if and only if

          1. IMSI=1 and LCID=4 completely removed in third epoch

          2. No packets seen in TxBytes and RxBytes corresponding to IMSI=1 and LCID=4

       If above criteria do not match, the test case is considered to be failed

   Adaptive Modulation and Coding Tests
       The test suite lte-link-adaptation provides system tests  recreating  a  scenario  with  a
       single  eNB  and  a single UE. Different test cases are created corresponding to different
       SNR values perceived by the UE. The aim of the test is to check that in each test case the
       chosen MCS corresponds to some known reference values. These reference values are obtained
       by re-implementing in Octave (see src/lte/test/reference/lte_amc.m) the model described in
       Section Adaptive Modulation and Coding for the calculation of the spectral efficiency, and
       determining the corresponding MCS index by manually looking up the tables in  [R1-081483].
       The resulting test vector is represented in Figure Test vector for Adaptive Modulation and

       The MCS which is used by the  simulator  is  measured  by  obtaining  the  tracing  output
       produced  by  the  scheduler after 4ms (this is needed to account for the initial delay in
       CQI reporting). The SINR which is calculated by the simulator is also obtained  using  the
       LteChunkProcessor  interface.  The  test  passes  if  both  the  following  conditions are

          1. the SINR calculated by the simulator correspond to the SNR of the test vector within
             an absolute tolerance of 10^{-7};

          2. the  MCS  index  used  by  the  simulator exactly corresponds to the one in the test
         [image] Test vector for Adaptive Modulation and Coding.UNINDENT

   Inter-cell Interference Tests
       The  test  suite  lte-interference  provides  system  tests   recreating   an   inter-cell
       interference  scenario with two eNBs, each having a single UE attached to it and employing
       Adaptive Modulation and Coding both in the downlink and in the uplink. The topology of the
       scenario  is  depicted  in  Figure  Topology for the inter-cell interference test. The d_1
       parameter represents the distance of each UE to the eNB it is attached to, whereas the d_2
       parameter  represent  the  interferer distance. We note that the scenario topology is such
       that the interferer distance is the same  for  uplink  and  downlink;  still,  the  actual
       interference  power perceived will be different, because of the different propagation loss
       in the uplink and downlink bands. Different test cases are obtained by varying the d_1 and
       d_2 parameters.
         [image] Topology for the inter-cell interference test.UNINDENT

         The  test  vectors  are  obtained  by  use  of  a  dedicated octave script (available in
         src/lte/test/reference/lte_link_budget_interference.m),  which  does  the  link   budget
         calculations  (including  interference) corresponding to the topology of each test case,
         and outputs the resulting SINR and spectral efficiency.  The  latter  is  then  used  to
         determine (using the same procedure adopted for Adaptive Modulation and Coding Tests. We
         note that the test vector contains separate values for uplink and downlink.

   UE Measurements Tests
       The  test  suite  lte-ue-measurements  provides  system  tests  recreating  an  inter-cell
       interference  scenario  identical  of  the  one  defined  for lte-interference test-suite.
       However, in this test the quantities to  be  tested  are  represented  by  RSRP  and  RSRQ
       measurements  performed  by the UE in two different points of the stack: the source, which
       is UE PHY layer, and the destination, that is the eNB RRC.

       The test vectors are obtained by the use  of  a  dedicated  octave  script  (available  in
       src/lte/test/reference/lte-ue-measurements.m),  which  does  the  link budget calculations
       (including interference) corresponding to the topology of each test case, and outputs  the
       resulting RSRP and RSRQ. The obtained values are then used for checking the correctness of
       the UE Measurements at PHY layer. After that, they have to be converted according to  3GPP
       formatting for the purpose of checking their correctness at eNB RRC level.

   UE measurement configuration tests
       Besides  the previously mentioned test suite, there are 3 other test suites for testing UE
       measurements:   lte-ue-measurements-piecewise-1,   lte-ue-measurements-piecewise-2,    and
       lte-ue-measurements-handover.  These test suites are more focused on the reporting trigger
       procedure, i.e. the correctness  of  the  implementation  of  the  event-based  triggering
       criteria is verified here.

       In  more specific, the tests verify the timing and the content of each measurement reports
       received by eNodeB. Each test case is an stand-alone LTE simulation and the test case will
       pass  if  measurement  report(s)  only occurs at the prescribed time and shows the correct
       level of RSRP (RSRQ is not verified at the moment).

   Piecewise configuration
       The piecewise configuration aims to test a particular UE measurements  configuration.  The
       simulation script will setup the corresponding measurements configuration to the UE, which
       will be active throughout the simulation.

       Since the reference values are precalculated by hands, several  assumptions  are  made  to
       simplify the simulation. Firstly, the channel is only affected by path loss model (in this
       case, Friis model is used). Secondly,  the  ideal  RRC  protocol  is  used,  and  layer  3
       filtering  is  disabled.  Finally,  the  UE moves in a predefined motion pattern between 4
       distinct spots, as depicted in Figure UE  movement  trace  throughout  the  simulation  in
       piecewise  configuration  below.  Therefore  the  fluctuation  of the measured RSRP can be
       determined more easily.
         [image] UE movement trace throughout the simulation in piecewise configuration.UNINDENT

         The motivation behind the “teleport”  between  the  predefined  spots  is  to  introduce
         drastic change of RSRP level, which will guarantee the triggering of entering or leaving
         condition of the tested event. By performing drastic changes, the test can be run within
         shorter amount of time.

         Figure  Measured  RSRP trace of an example Event A1 test case in piecewise configuration
         below shows the measured RSRP after layer 1  filtering  by  the  PHY  layer  during  the
         simulation  with a piecewise configuration. Because layer 3 filtering is disabled, these
         are the exact values  used  by  the  UE  RRC  instance  to  evaluate  reporting  trigger
         procedure.  Notice  that  the  values  are  refreshed every 200 ms, which is the default
         filtering period of PHY layer measurements report. The figure also shows the  time  when
         entering and leaving conditions of an example instance of Event A1 (serving cell becomes
         better than threshold) occur during the simulation.
         [image]  Measured  RSRP  trace  of  an  example  Event  A1  test   case   in   piecewise

         Each  reporting  criterion  is  tested  several  times  with  different threshold/offset
         parameters. Some test scenarios also take hysteresis and time-to-trigger  into  account.
         Figure Measured RSRP trace of an example Event A1 with hysteresis test case in piecewise
         configuration depicts the effect of hysteresis in another example of Event A1 test.
         [image] Measured RSRP trace of  an  example  Event  A1  with  hysteresis  test  case  in
         piecewise configuration.UNINDENT

         Piecewise  configuration is used in two test suites of UE measurements. The first one is
         lte-ue-measurements-piecewise-1, henceforth Piecewise test #1, which simulates 1 UE  and
         1 eNodeB. The other one is lte-ue-measurements-piecewise-2, which has 1 UE and 2 eNodeBs
         in the simulation.

         Piecewise test #1 is intended to test the event-based criteria which are  not  dependent
         on  the  existence  of  a  neighboring cell. These criteria include Event A1 and A2. The
         other events are also briefly tested to verify that they  are  still  working  correctly
         (albeit  not  reporting  anything)  in  the  absence  of  any neighboring cell. Table UE
         measurements test scenarios using piecewise configuration #1 below lists  the  scenarios
         tested in piecewise test #1.

   UE measurements test scenarios using piecewise configuration #1
                 │Test # │ Reporting │ Threshold/Offset │ Hysteresis │ Time-to-Trigger │
                 │       │ Criteria  │                  │            │                 │
                 │1      │ Event A1  │ Low              │ No         │ No              │
                 │2      │ Event A1  │ Normal           │ No         │ No              │
                 │3      │ Event A1  │ Normal           │ No         │ Short           │
                 │4      │ Event A1  │ Normal           │ No         │ Long            │
                 │5      │ Event A1  │ Normal           │ No         │ Super           │
                 │6      │ Event A1  │ Normal           │ Yes        │ No              │
                 │7      │ Event A1  │ High             │ No         │ No              │
                 │8      │ Event A2  │ Low              │ No         │ No              │
                 │9      │ Event A2  │ Normal           │ No         │ No              │
                 │10     │ Event A2  │ Normal           │ No         │ Short           │
                 │11     │ Event A2  │ Normal           │ No         │ Long            │
                 │12     │ Event A2  │ Normal           │ No         │ Super           │
                 │13     │ Event A2  │ Normal           │ Yes        │ No              │
                 │14     │ Event A2  │ High             │ No         │ No              │
                 │15     │ Event A3  │ Zero             │ No         │ No              │
                 │16     │ Event A4  │ Normal           │ No         │ No              │
                 │17     │ Event A5  │ Normal-Normal    │ No         │ No              │

       Other events such as Event A3, A4, and A5 depend on measurements of neighbouring cell,  so
       they are more thoroughly tested in Piecewise test #2. The simulation places the nodes on a
       straight line and instruct the UE to “jump” in a similar manner as in Piecewise  test  #1.
       Handover  is  disabled in the simulation, so the role of serving and neighbouring cells do
       not switch during the simulation.  Table UE measurements test  scenarios  using  piecewise
       configuration #2 below lists the scenarios tested in Piecewise test #2.

   UE measurements test scenarios using piecewise configuration #2
                 │Test # │ Reporting │ Threshold/Offset │ Hysteresis │ Time-to-Trigger │
                 │       │ Criteria  │                  │            │                 │
                 │1      │ Event A1  │ Low              │ No         │ No              │
                 │2      │ Event A1  │ Normal           │ No         │ No              │
                 │3      │ Event A1  │ Normal           │ Yes        │ No              │
                 │4      │ Event A1  │ High             │ No         │ No              │

                 │5      │ Event A2  │ Low              │ No         │ No              │
                 │6      │ Event A2  │ Normal           │ No         │ No              │
                 │7      │ Event A2  │ Normal           │ Yes        │ No              │
                 │8      │ Event A2  │ High             │ No         │ No              │
                 │9      │ Event A3  │ Positive         │ No         │ No              │
                 │10     │ Event A3  │ Zero             │ No         │ No              │
                 │11     │ Event A3  │ Zero             │ No         │ Short           │
                 │12     │ Event A3  │ Zero             │ No         │ Super           │
                 │13     │ Event A3  │ Zero             │ Yes        │ No              │
                 │14     │ Event A3  │ Negative         │ No         │ No              │
                 │15     │ Event A4  │ Low              │ No         │ No              │
                 │16     │ Event A4  │ Normal           │ No         │ No              │
                 │17     │ Event A4  │ Normal           │ No         │ Short           │
                 │18     │ Event A4  │ Normal           │ No         │ Super           │
                 │19     │ Event A4  │ Normal           │ Yes        │ No              │
                 │20     │ Event A4  │ High             │ No         │ No              │
                 │21     │ Event A5  │ Low-Low          │ No         │ No              │
                 │22     │ Event A5  │ Low-Normal       │ No         │ No              │
                 │23     │ Event A5  │ Low-High         │ No         │ No              │
                 │24     │ Event A5  │ Normal-Low       │ No         │ No              │
                 │25     │ Event A5  │ Normal-Normal    │ No         │ No              │
                 │26     │ Event A5  │ Normal-Normal    │ No         │ Short           │
                 │27     │ Event A5  │ Normal-Normal    │ No         │ Super           │
                 │28     │ Event A5  │ Normal-Normal    │ Yes        │ No              │
                 │29     │ Event A5  │ Normal-High      │ No         │ No              │
                 │30     │ Event A5  │ High-Low         │ No         │ No              │
                 │31     │ Event A5  │ High-Normal      │ No         │ No              │
                 │32     │ Event A5  │ High-High        │ No         │ No              │

       One note about the tests with time-to-trigger, they are tested using 3 different values of
       time-to-trigger:  short  (shorter  than  report  interval),  long (shorter than the filter
       measurement period of 200 ms), and super (longer than 200 ms). The first two  ensure  that
       time-to-trigger  evaluation  always  use  the latest measurement reports received from PHY
       layer. While the last one is responsible for verifying time-to-trigger  cancellation,  for
       example when a measurement report from PHY shows that the entering/leaving condition is no
       longer true before the first trigger is fired.

   Handover configuration
       The  purpose  of  the  handover  configuration  is  to  verify  whether   UE   measurement
       configuration  is  updated  properly  after  a  successful  handover takes place. For this
       purpose,  the  simulation  will  construct  2  eNodeBs  with  different   UE   measurement
       configuration,  and  the UE will perform handover from one cell to another. The UE will be
       located on a straight line between the  2  eNodeBs,  and  the  handover  will  be  invoked
       manually. The duration of each simulation is 2 seconds (except the last test case) and the
       handover is triggered exactly at halfway of simulation.

       The  lte-ue-measurements-handover  test  suite  covers  various  types  of   configuration
       differences.  The first one is the difference in report interval, e.g. the first eNodeB is
       configured with 480 ms report interval, while the second eNodeB is configured with 240  ms
       report  interval.  Therefore,  when  the UE performed handover to the second cell, the new
       report interval must take effect.  As in  piecewise  configuration,  the  timing  and  the
       content of each measurement report received by the eNodeB will be verified.

       Other  types  of  differences  covered  by  the  test  suite  are differences in event and
       differences in threshold/offset. Table  UE  measurements  test  scenarios  using  handover
       configuration below lists the tested scenarios.

   UE measurements test scenarios using handover configuration
                │Test # │ Test Subject     │ Initial             │ Post-Handover       │
                │       │                  │ Configuration       │ Configuration       │
                │1      │ Report interval  │ 480 ms              │ 240 ms              │
                │2      │ Report interval  │ 120 ms              │ 640 ms              │
                │3      │ Event            │ Event A1            │ Event A2            │
                │4      │ Event            │ Event A2            │ Event A1            │
                │5      │ Event            │ Event A3            │ Event A4            │
                │6      │ Event            │ Event A4            │ Event A3            │
                │7      │ Event            │ Event A2            │ Event A3            │
                │8      │ Event            │ Event A3            │ Event A2            │
                │9      │ Event            │ Event A4            │ Event A5            │
                │10     │ Event            │ Event A5            │ Event A4            │
                │11     │ Threshold/offset │ RSRP    range    52 │ RSRP    range    56 │
                │       │                  │ (Event A1)          │ (Event A1)          │
                │12     │ Threshold/offset │ RSRP    range    52 │ RSRP    range    56 │
                │       │                  │ (Event A2)          │ (Event A2)          │

                │13     │ Threshold/offset │ A3    offset    -30 │ A3    offset    +30 │
                │       │                  │ (Event A3)          │ (Event A3)          │
                │14     │ Threshold/offset │ RSRP    range    52 │ RSRP    range    56 │
                │       │                  │ (Event A4)          │ (Event A4)          │
                │15     │ Threshold/offset │ RSRP   range  52-52 │ RSRP  range   56-56 │
                │       │                  │ (Event A5)          │ (Event A5)          │
                │16     │ Time-to-trigger  │ 1024 ms             │ 100 ms              │
                │17     │ Time-to-trigger  │ 1024 ms             │ 640 ms              │

   Round Robin scheduler performance
       The  test suite lte-rr-ff-mac-scheduler creates different test cases with a single eNB and
       several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. In each test  case,  the  UEs
       see  the  same  SINR from the eNB; different test cases are implemented by using different
       distance among UEs and  the  eNB  (i.e.,  therefore  having  different  SINR  values)  and
       different  numbers  of  UEs.  The  test  consists on checking that the obtained throughput
       performance is equal among  users  and  matches  a  reference  throughput  value  obtained
       according to the SINR perceived within a given tolerance.

       The  test  vector  is obtained according to the values of transport block size reported in
       table of [TS36213], considering an equal distribution of the physical resource
       block  among  the  users using Resource Allocation Type 0 as defined in Section of
       [TS36213].  Let \tau be the TTI duration, N be the  number  of  UEs,  B  the  transmission
       bandwidth  configuration  in  number  of  RBs, G the RBG size, M the modulation and coding
       scheme in use at the given SINR and S(M, B) be the transport block size in bits as defined
       by 3GPP TS 36.213. We first calculate the number L of RBGs allocated to each user as

                              L = \left\lfloor \frac{B}{NG} \right\rfloor

       The reference throughput T in bit/s achieved by each UE is then calculated as

                                    T =  \frac{S(M, L G)}{8 \; \tau}

       The  test passes if the measured throughput matches with the reference throughput within a
       relative tolerance of 0.1. This tolerance is needed to account for the transient  behavior
       at  the  beginning  of  the  simulation  (e.g., CQI feedback is only available after a few
       subframes) as well as for  the  accuracy  of  the  estimator  of  the  average  throughput
       performance  over the chosen simulation time (0.4s). This choice of the simulation time is
       justified by the need to follow the ns-3 guidelines of keeping the total execution time of
       the test suite low, in spite of the high number of test cases. In any case, we note that a
       lower value of the tolerance can be used when longer simulations are run.

       In Figure  fig-lenaThrTestCase1,  the  curves  labeled  “RR”  represent  the  test  values
       calculated  for  the  RR scheduler test, as a function of the number of UEs and of the MCS
       index being used in each test case.
         [image] Test vectors for the RR and PF Scheduler in the downlink in a scenario where all
         UEs use the same MCS..UNINDENT

   Proportional Fair scheduler performance
       The  test  suite  lte-pf-ff-mac-scheduler  creates different test cases with a single eNB,
       using the Proportional Fair (PF) scheduler, and several UEs, all  having  the  same  Radio
       Bearer  specification.  The  test cases are grouped in two categories in order to evaluate
       the performance both in terms of the adaptation  to  the  channel  condition  and  from  a
       fairness perspective.

       In  the first category of test cases, the UEs are all placed at the same distance from the
       eNB, and hence all placed in order to  have  the  same  SINR.  Different  test  cases  are
       implemented  by  using  a  different  SINR  value  and a different number of UEs. The test
       consists on checking that the obtained  throughput  performance  matches  with  the  known
       reference  throughput  up  to a given tolerance. The expected behavior of the PF scheduler
       when all UEs have the same SNR is that each  UE  should  get  an  equal  fraction  of  the
       throughput  obtainable  by  a  single  UE  when  using all the resources. We calculate the
       reference throughput value by dividing the throughput achievable by a  single  UE  at  the
       given  SNR  by  the total number of UEs.  Let \tau be the TTI duration, B the transmission
       bandwidth configuration in number of RBs, M the modulation and coding scheme in use at the
       given  SINR and S(M, B) be the transport block size as defined in [TS36213]. The reference
       throughput T in bit/s achieved by each UE is calculated as

                                       T = \frac{S(M,B)}{\tau N}

       The  curves  labeled  “PF”  in  Figure  fig-lenaThrTestCase1  represent  the  test  values
       calculated for the PF scheduler tests of the first category, that we just described.

       The  second category of tests aims at verifying the fairness of the PF scheduler in a more
       realistic simulation scenario where the UEs have a different SINR (constant for the  whole
       simulation).  In  these conditions, the PF scheduler will give to each user a share of the
       system bandwidth that is proportional to the capacity achievable by a  single  user  alone
       considered  its SINR. In detail, let M_i be the modulation and coding scheme being used by
       each UE (which is a deterministic function of the SINR of the UE, and is  hence  known  in
       this  scenario).  Based  on  the MCS, we determine the achievable rate R_i for each user i
       using the procedure described in Section~ref{sec:pfs}. We then define the achievable  rate
       ratio \rho_{R,i} of each user i as

                               \rho_{R,i} = \frac{R_i}{\sum_{j=1}^N R_j}

       Let now T_i be the throughput actually achieved by the UE i , which is obtained as part of
       the simulation output. We define the obtained throughput ratio \rho_{T,i} of UE i as

                               \rho_{T,i} = \frac{T_i}{\sum_{j=1}^N T_j}

       The test consists of checking that the following condition is verified:

                                        \rho_{R,i} = \rho_{T,i}

       if so, it means that the throughput obtained by each UE over the whole simulation  matches
       with  the  steady-state  throughput  expected by the PF scheduler according to the theory.
       This test can be derived from [Holtzman2000] as follows. From Section 3 of [Holtzman2000],
       we know that

                                   \frac{T_i}{R_i} = c, \, \forall i

       where  c  is a constant. By substituting the above into the definition of \rho_{T,i} given
       previously, we get

                  \frac{T_i}{\sum_{j=1}^N T_j} &=  \frac{c R_i}{\sum_{j=1}^N c R_j} \\
                                    &=  \frac{c R_i}{c \sum_{j=1}^N  R_j} \\
                                    &=  \frac{R_i}{\sum_{j=1}^N  R_j}

       which is exactly the expression being used in the test.

       Figure Throughput ratio evaluation for the PF scheduler in a scenario where the  UEs  have
       MCS  index  28,  24,  16,  12,  6  presents  the  results obtained in a test case with UEs
       i=1,\dots,5 that are located at a distance from the base station such that they  will  use
       respectively  the MCS index 28, 24, 16, 12, 6. From the figure, we note that, as expected,
       the obtained throughput is proportional to the achievable rate. In  other  words,  the  PF
       scheduler assign more resources to the users that use a higher MCS index.
         [image]  Throughput  ratio  evaluation  for the PF scheduler in a scenario where the UEs
         have MCS index 28, 24, 16, 12, 6.UNINDENT

   Maximum Throughput scheduler performance
       Test suites lte-fdmt-ff-mac-scheduler and lte-tdmt-ff-mac-scheduler create different  test
       cases  with  a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification,
       using the Frequency Domain Maximum Throughput (FDMT) scheduler  and  Time  Domain  Maximum
       Throughput  (TDMT) scheduler respectively.  In other words, UEs are all placed at the same
       distance from the eNB, and hence all placed in order to have the same SNR. Different  test
       cases  are  implemented by using a different SNR values and a different number of UEs. The
       test consists on checking that the obtained throughput performance matches with the  known
       reference  throughput  up to a given tolerance.The expected behavior of both FDMT and TDMT
       scheduler when all UEs have the same SNR is that scheduler allocates all RBGs to the first
       UE  defined  in  script.  This  is because the current FDMT and TDMT implementation always
       select the first UE to serve when there are multiple UEs having the  same  SNR  value.  We
       calculate  the  reference  throughput value for first UE by the throughput achievable of a
       single UE at the given SNR, while reference throughput value for other UEs by  zero.   Let
       \tau  be  the TTI duration, B the transmission bandwidth configuration in number of RBs, M
       the modulation and coding scheme in use at the given SNR and  S(M,  B)  be  the  transport
       block  size  as defined in [TS36213]. The reference throughput T in bit/s achieved by each
       UE is calculated as

                                        T = \frac{S(M,B)}{\tau}

   Throughput to Average scheduler performance
       Test suites lte-tta-ff-mac-scheduler create different test cases with  a  single  eNB  and
       several  UEs,  all having the same Radio Bearer specification using TTA scheduler. Network
       topology and configurations in TTA test case are as the same as the test for MT scheduler.
       More  complex  test  case  needs  to  be  developed  to  show  the fairness feature of TTA

   Blind Average Throughput scheduler performance
       Test suites lte-tdbet-ff-mac-scheduler  and  lte-fdbet-ff-mac-scheduler  create  different
       test  cases  with  a  single  eNB  and  several  UEs,  all  having  the  same Radio Bearer

       In the first test case of lte-tdbet-ff-mac-scheduler and  lte-fdbet-ff-mac-scheduler,  the
       UEs  are  all  placed  at the same distance from the eNB, and hence all placed in order to
       have the same SNR. Different test cases are implemented by using a different SNR value and
       a  different  number  of  UEs.  The test consists on checking that the obtained throughput
       performance matches with the known reference throughput up to a given tolerance.  In  long
       term,  the  expected  behavior of both TD-BET and FD-BET when all UEs have the same SNR is
       that each UE should get an equal throughput. However, the exact throughput value of TD-BET
       and FD-BET in this test case is not the same.

       When  all  UEs  have  the  same  SNR,  TD-BET  can  be seen as a specific case of PF where
       achievable rate equals to 1. Therefore, the throughput obtained by TD-BET is equal to that
       of  PF.  On the other hand, FD-BET performs very similar to the round robin (RR) scheduler
       in case of that all UEs have the same SNR and the number of UE(  or  RBG)  is  an  integer
       multiple  of  the  number  of  RBG(  or UE). In this case, FD-BET always allocate the same
       number of RBGs to each UE. For example, if eNB has 12 RBGs and there are 6 UEs, then  each
       UE  will get 2 RBGs in each TTI.  Or if eNB has 12 RBGs and there are 24 UEs, then each UE
       will get 2 RBGs per two TTIs. When the number of UE (RBG) is not an  integer  multiple  of
       the  number  of  RBG (UE), FD-BET will not follow the RR behavior because it will assigned
       different number of RBGs to some UEs, while the throughput of each UE is still the same.

       The second category of tests aims at verifying the fairness of the both TD-BET and  FD-BET
       schedulers  in  a  more  realistic  simulation scenario where the UEs have a different SNR
       (constant for the whole simulation). In this case, both scheduler  should  give  the  same
       amount of averaged throughput to each user.

       Specifically,  for  TD-BET,  let  F_i be the fraction of time allocated to user i in total
       simulation time, R^{fb}_i be the full bandwidth achievable rate for user i and T_i be  the
       achieved throughput of user i. Then we have:

                                           T_i = F_i R^{fb}_i

       In  TD-BET,  the sum of F_i for all user equals one. In long term, all UE has the same T_i
       so that we replace T_i by T.  Then we have:

                           T = \frac{1}{ \sum_{i=1}^{N} \frac{1}{R^{fb}_i} }

   Token Band Fair Queue scheduler performance
       Test suites lte-fdtbfq-ff-mac-scheduler and lte-tdtbfq-ff-mac-scheduler  create  different
       test  cases  for  testing three key features of TBFQ scheduler: traffic policing, fairness
       and traffic balance. Constant Bit Rate UDP traffic is used in both downlink and uplink  in
       all  test  cases.   The  packet  interval  is set to 1ms to keep the RLC buffer non-empty.
       Different traffic rate is achieved by setting different  packet  size.  Specifically,  two
       classes of flows are created in the test suites:

          • Homogeneous flow: flows with the same token generation rate and packet arrival rate

          • Heterogeneous flow: flows with different packet arrival rate, but with the same token
            generation rate

       In test case 1 verifies traffic policing and fairness features for the scenario  that  all
       UEs  are placed at the same distance from the eNB. In this case, all Ues have the same SNR
       value. Different test cases are implemented by using a different SNR value and a different
       number  of  UEs.  Because  each flow have the same traffic rate and token generation rate,
       TBFQ scheduler will guarantee the same throughput among  UEs  without  the  constraint  of
       token  generation  rate.  In addition, the exact value of UE throughput is depended on the
       total traffic rate:

          • If total traffic rate <= maximum throughput, UE throughput = traffic rate

          • If total traffic rate > maximum throughput,  UE throughput = maximum throughput / N

       Here, N is the number of UE connected to eNodeB.  The  maximum  throughput  in  this  case
       equals  to  the  rate  that  all RBGs are assigned to one UE(e.g., when distance equals 0,
       maximum throughput is 2196000 byte/sec).  When  the  traffic  rate  is  smaller  than  max
       bandwidth,  TBFQ can police the traffic by token generation rate so that the UE throughput
       equals its actual traffic rate (token generation rate is set to traffic generation  rate);
       On  the  other  hand,  when  total  traffic rate is bigger than the max throughput, eNodeB
       cannot forward all traffic to UEs. Therefore, in each TTI, TBFQ will allocate all RBGs  to
       one UE due to the large packets buffered in RLC buffer. When  a UE is scheduled in current
       TTI, its token counter is decreased so that it will not be  scheduled  in  the  next  TTI.
       Because  each UE has the same traffic generation rate, TBFQ will serve each UE in turn and
       only serve one UE in each TTI (both in TD TBFQ and FD TBFQ).  Therefore, the UE throughput
       in the second condition equals to the evenly share of maximum throughput.

       Test  case 2 verifies traffic policing and fairness features for the scenario that each UE
       is placed at the different distance from the eNB. In this case, each UE has the  different
       SNR  value.  Similar  to test case 1, UE throughput in test case 2 is also depended on the
       total traffic rate but with a different maximum throughput. Suppose all UEs  have  a  high
       traffic  load. Then the traffic will saturate the RLC buffer in eNodeB. In each TTI, after
       selecting one UE with highest metric, TBFQ will allocate all RBGs to this UE  due  to  the
       large  RLC  buffer  size.  On  the  other  hand,  once  RLC buffer is saturated, the total
       throughput of all UEs cannot increase any more. In addition, as we discussed in test  case
       1,  for  homogeneous  flows which have the same t_i and r_i, each UE will achieve the same
       throughput in long term. Therefore, we can use the same method in TD BET to calculate  the
       maximum throughput:

                           T = \frac{N}{ \sum_{i=1}^{N} \frac{1}{R^{fb}_i} }

       Here, T is the maximum throughput. R^{fb}_i be the full bandwidth achievable rate for user
       i. N is the number of UE.

       When the total traffic rate is bigger than T, the UE throughput equals  to  \frac{T}{N}  .
       Otherwise, UE throughput equals to its traffic generation rate.

       In test case 3, three flows with different traffic rate are created. Token generation rate
       for each flow is the same and equals to the average traffic rate of three  flows.  Because
       TBFQ  use  a  shared  token  bank, tokens contributed by UE with lower traffic load can be
       utilized by UE with higher traffic load.  In this way, TBFQ can guarantee the traffic rate
       for  each  flow.  Although  we  use  heterogeneous  flow  here, the calculation of maximum
       throughput is as same as that in test case 2. In calculation max throughput of  test  case
       2,  we  assume  that  all UEs suffer high traffic load so that scheduler always assign all
       RBGs to one UE in each TTI. This assumes is also true in heterogeneous flow case. In other
       words,  whether those flows have the same traffic rate and token generation rate, if their
       traffic rate is bigger enough, TBFQ performs as same as it in test case 2. Therefore,  the
       maximum bandwidth in test case 3 is as same as it in test case 2.

       In  test  case  3,  in some flows, token generate rate does not equal to MBR, although all
       flows are CBR traffic. This is not accorded with our parameter  setting  rules.  Actually,
       the  traffic  balance feature is used in VBR traffic. Because different UE’s peak rate may
       occur in different time, TBFQ use shared token bank to balance the traffic among those VBR
       traffics.  Test case 3 use CBR traffic to verify this feature. But in the real simulation,
       it is recommended to set token generation rate to MBR.

   Priority Set scheduler performance
       Test suites lte-pss-ff-mac-scheduler create different test cases with  a  single  eNB  and
       several UEs.  In all test cases, we select PFsch in FD scheduler. Same testing results can
       also be obtained by using CoItA scheduler. In addition, all test cases do not define  nMux
       so that TD scheduler in PSS will always select half of total UE.

       In  the  first  class test case of lte-pss-ff-mac-scheduler, the UEs are all placed at the
       same distance from the eNB, and hence all placed in order to have the same SNR.  Different
       test  cases are implemented by using a different TBR for each UEs. In each test cases, all
       UEs have the same Target Bit Rate configured by GBR in  EPS  bear  setting.  The  expected
       behavior  of  PSS is to guarantee that each UE’s throughput at least equals its TBR if the
       total flow rate is blow maximum throughput. Similar to TBFQ,  the  maximum  throughput  in
       this  case equals to the rate that all RBGs are assigned to one UE.  When the traffic rate
       is smaller than max bandwidth, the UE throughput equals its actual traffic  rate;  On  the
       other hand, UE throughput equals to the evenly share of the maximum throughput.

       In the first class of test cases, each UE has the same SNR. Therefore, the priority metric
       in PF scheduler will be determined by past average throughput T_{j}(t) because each UE has
       the  same  achievable throughput R_{j}(k,t) in PFsch or same CoI[k,n] in CoItA. This means
       that PSS will performs like a TD-BET which allocates all RBGs to one UE in each TTI.  Then
       the  maximum  value  of  UE  throughput  equals  to  the achievable rate that all RBGs are
       allocated to this UE.

       In the second class of test case of lte-pss-ff-mac-scheduler, the UEs are  all  placed  at
       the  same  distance  from  the  eNB,  and  hence all placed in order to have the same SNR.
       Different TBR values are assigned to each UE.  There also exist an maximum  throughput  in
       this  case.  Once total traffic rate is bigger than this threshold, there will be some UEs
       that cannot achieve their TBR. Because there is no fading,  subband  CQIs  for  each  RBGs
       frequency are the same. Therefore, in FD scheduler,in each TTI, priority metrics of UE for
       all RBGs are the same. This means that FD scheduler will always allocate all RBGs  to  one
       user. Therefore, in the maximum throughput case, PSS performs like a TD-BET. Then we have:

                            T = \frac{N}{ \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{1}{R^{fb}_i} }

       Here, T is the maximum throughput. R^{fb}_i be the full bandwidth achievable rate for user
       i. N is the number of UE.

   Channel and QoS aware scheduler performance
       The performance of the Channel and QoS aware scheduler can be tested in the similar way to
       performance  of Priority Set scheduler when GBR flows are not delay sensitive by measuring
       if the achieved throughput at RLC layer is close to the TBR.  Having  this  in  mind,  the
       performance  of  the  CQA  scheduler  is  tested  by  using  the  same  test  cases as the
       lte-pss-ff-mac-scheduler.  Additionally,  in  [Bbojovic2014]  can  be  found   performance
       evaluation  of  CQA  scheduler  when  the  GBR  flows  are  delay sensitive by considering
       different QoE metrics.

   Building Propagation Loss Model
       The aim of the system test is to verify the integration of the BuildingPathlossModel  with
       the  lte module. The test exploits a set of three pre calculated losses for generating the
       expected SINR at the receiver counting the transmission and the noise powers.  These  SINR
       values  are  compared  with  the  results  obtained  from  a  LTE simulation that uses the
       BuildingPathlossModel. The reference loss values are calculated off-line  with  an  Octave
       script (/test/reference/lte_pathloss.m). Each test case passes if the reference loss value
       is equal to the value calculated by the simulator within a tolerance of  0.001  dB,  which
       accounts for numerical errors in the calculations.

   Physical Error Model
       The test suite lte-phy-error-model generates different test cases for evaluating both data
       and control error models. For what concern the data, the test consists of six  test  cases
       with  single  eNB  and  a  various  number  of  UEs,  all  having  the  same  Radio Bearer
       specification. Each test is designed for evaluating the error rate perceived by a specific
       TB  size  in  order  to verify that it corresponds to the expected values according to the
       BLER generated for CB size analog to the TB size. This means that, for instance, the  test
       will  check that the performance of a TB of N bits is analogous to the one of a CB size of
       N bits by collecting the performance of a user which has been forced the generation  of  a
       such TB size according to the distance to eNB.  In order to significantly test the BLER at
       MAC level, we configured the Adaptive Modulation  and  Coding  (AMC)  module,  the  LteAmc
       class,  for  making it less robust to channel conditions by using the PiroEW2010 AMC model
       and configuring it to select the MCS considering a target BER  of  0.03  (instead  of  the
       default  value of 0.00005). We note that these values do not reflect the actual BER, since
       they come from an analytical bound which does not  consider  all  the  transmission  chain
       aspects;  therefore  the  BER and BLER actually experienced at the reception of a TB is in
       general different.

       The parameters of the six test cases are reported in the following:

       1. 4 UEs placed 1800 meters far from the eNB, which implies the use  of  MCS  2  (SINR  of
          -5.51  dB)  and  a TB of 256 bits, that in turns produce a BLER of 0.33 (see point A in
          figure BLER for tests 1, 2, 3.).

       2. 2 UEs placed 1800 meters far from the eNB, which implies the use  of  MCS  2  (SINR  of
          -5.51  dB)  and  a TB of 528 bits, that in turns produce a BLER of 0.11 (see point B in
          figure BLER for tests 1, 2, 3.).

       3. 1 UE placed 1800 meters far from the eNB, which implies the use of MCS 2 (SINR of -5.51
          dB)  and a TB of 1088 bits, that in turns produce a BLER of 0.02 (see point C in figure
          BLER for tests 1, 2, 3.).

       4. 1 UE placed 600 meters far from the eNB, which implies the use of MCS 12 (SINR of  4.43
          dB)  and  a TB of 4800 bits, that in turns produce a BLER of 0.3 (see point D in figure
          BLER for tests 4, 5.).

       5. 3 UEs placed 600 meters far from the eNB, which implies the use of MCS 12 (SINR of 4.43
          dB)  and a TB of 1632 bits, that in turns produce a BLER of 0.55 (see point E in figure
          BLER for tests 4, 5.).

       6. 1 UE placed 470 meters far from the eNB, which implies the use of MCS 16 (SINR of  8.48
          dB)  and  a  TB  of 7272 bits (segmented in 2 CBs of 3648 and 3584 bits), that in turns
          produce a BLER of 0.14, since each CB has CBLER equal to 0.075 (see point F  in  figure
          BLER for test 6.).
         [image] BLER for tests 1, 2, 3..UNINDENT
         [image] BLER for tests 4, 5..UNINDENT
         [image] BLER for test 6..UNINDENT

         The  test  condition  verifies  that  in  each  test case the expected number of packets
         received correctly corresponds to a Bernoulli distribution with a confidence interval of
         99%, where the probability of success in each trail is p=1-BER and n is the total number
         of packets sent.

         The error model of PCFICH-PDCCH channels consists of 4 test cases with a single  UE  and
         several  eNBs,  where the UE is connected to only one eNB in order to have the remaining
         acting as interfering ones. The errors on data are disabled in order to verify only  the
         ones  due  to  erroneous decodification of PCFICH-PDCCH.  As before, the system has been
         forced on working in a less conservative fashion in the AMC module for appreciating  the
         results  in  border  situations. The parameters of the 4 tests cases are reported in the

       1. 2 eNBs placed 1078 meters far from the UE, which implies a SINR of -2.00 dB and a TB of
          217 bits, that in turns produce a BLER of 0.007.

       2. 3 eNBs placed 1040 meters far from the UE, which implies a SINR of -4.00 dB and a TB of
          217 bits, that in turns produce a BLER of 0.045.

       3. 4 eNBs placed 1250 meters far from the UE, which implies a SINR of -6.00 dB and a TB of
          133 bits, that in turns produce a BLER of 0.206.

       4. 5 eNBs placed 1260 meters far from the UE, which implies a SINR of -7.00 dB and a TB of
          81 bits, that in turns produce a BLER of 0.343.

       The test condition verifies that in each test case the expected number of packets received
       correct corresponds to a Bernoulli distribution with a confidence interval of 99.8%, where
       the probability of success in each trail is p=1-BER and n is the total  number  of  packet
       sent.  The  larger  confidence  interval  is  due  to the errors that might be produced in
       quantizing the MI and the error curve.

   HARQ Model
       The test suite lte-harq includes two tests for evaluating the HARQ model and  the  related
       extension  in  the  error model. The test consists on checking whether the amount of bytes
       received during the simulation corresponds to the expected ones according to the values of
       transport  block  and the HARQ dynamics. In detail, the test checks whether the throughput
       obtained after one HARQ retransmission is the expected one. For  evaluating  the  expected
       throughput  the  expected TB delivering time has been evaluated according to the following

                   \mathrm{T} = P_s^1 \times 1 + P_s^2 \times 2 + (1-P_s^2) \times 3

       where P_s^i is the probability of receiving with success the HARQ block at the  attempt  i
       (i.e.,  the  RV  with 3GPP naming). According to the scenarios, in the test we always have
       P_s^1 equal to 0.0, while P_s^2 varies in the two tests, in detail:

              \mathrm{T_{test-1}} = 0.0 \times 1 + 0.926 \times 2 + 0.074 \times 3 = 2.074

       \mathrm{T_{test-2}} = 0.0 \times 1 + 0.752 \times 2 + 0.248 \times 3 = 2.248

       The expected throughput  is  calculted  by  counting  the  number  of  transmission  slots
       available  during  the simulation (e.g., the number of TTIs) and the size of the TB in the
       simulation, in detail:

       \mathrm{Thr_{test-i}}    =    \frac{TTI_{NUM}}{T_{test-i}}     TB_{size}     =     \left\{
       \begin{array}{lll}  \dfrac{1000}{2.074}66  = 31822\mbox{ bps} & \mbox{ for test-1} \\ & \\
           \dfrac{1000}{2.248}472 = 209964\mbox{ bps} & \mbox{ for test-2}\end{array} \right.

       where TTI_{NUM} is the total number of TTIs in 1 second.  The test is performed  both  for
       Round  Robin  scheduler.  The  test  passes  if  the  measured throughput matches with the
       reference throughput within a relative tolerance of  0.1.  This  tolerance  is  needed  to
       account  for  the  transient  behavior  at  the beginning of the simulation and the on-fly
       blocks at the end of the simulation.

   MIMO Model
       The test suite lte-mimo aims at verifying both the effect of the gain considered for  each
       Transmission  Mode  on  the system performance and the Transmission Mode switching through
       the scheduler interface. The test  consists  on  checking  whether  the  amount  of  bytes
       received  during  a  certain  window  of time (0.1 seconds in our case) corresponds to the
       expected ones  according  to  the  values  of  transport  block  size  reported  in  table of [TS36213], similarly to what done for the tests of the schedulers.

       The  test  is  performed  both  for Round Robin and Proportional Fair schedulers. The test
       passes if the measured throughput matches with the reference throughput within a  relative
       tolerance  of  0.1.  This tolerance is needed to account for the transient behavior at the
       beginning of the simulation and the transition phase between the Transmission Modes.

   Antenna Model integration
       The test suite lte-antenna checks that the AntennaModel  integrated  with  the  LTE  model
       works  correctly.  This  test  suite  recreates a simulation scenario with one eNB node at
       coordinates (0,0,0) and one UE node at coordinates (x,y,0). The  eNB  node  is  configured
       with an CosineAntennaModel having given orientation and beamwidth. The UE instead uses the
       default IsotropicAntennaModel. The test checks that the received power both in uplink  and
       downlink  account  for the correct value of the antenna gain, which is determined offline;
       this is implemented by comparing the uplink and downlink SINR and checking that both match
       with the reference value up to a tolerance of 10^{-6} which accounts for numerical errors.
       Different test cases are provided by varying the x and y coordinates of the UE,   and  the
       beamwidth and the orientation of the antenna of the eNB.

       Two  test  suites  lte-rlc-um-transmitter and lte-rlc-am-transmitter check that the UM RLC
       and the AM RLC implementation work correctly.  Both  these  suites  work  by  testing  RLC
       instances  connected  to  special  test  entities that play the role of the MAC and of the
       PDCP,  implementing  respectively  the  LteMacSapProvider  and  LteRlcSapUser  interfaces.
       Different  test  cases (i.e., input test vector consisting of series of primitive calls by
       the MAC and the PDCP) are provided that check the behavior in the following cases:

          1. one SDU, one PDU: the MAC notifies a TX opportunity causes the  creation  of  a  PDU
             which exactly contains a whole SDU

          2. segmentation:  the  MAC notifies multiple TX opportunities that are smaller than the
             SDU size stored in the transmission buffer, which is then to be fragmented and hence
             multiple PDUs are generated;

          3. concatenation:  the MAC notifies a TX opportunity that is bigger than the SDU, hence
             multiple SDUs are concatenated in the same PDU

          4. buffer status report: a series of new SDUs notifications by the PDCP  is  inteleaved
             with  a  series  of  TX  opportunity notification in order to verify that the buffer
             status report procedure is correct.

       In all these cases, an output test vector is determine  manually  from  knowledge  of  the
       input  test  vector  and  knowledge  of  the  expected  behavior.  These  test  vector are
       specialized for UM RLC and AM RLC due to their different behavior. Each test  case  passes
       if  the sequence of primitives triggered by the RLC instance being tested is exactly equal
       to the output test vector. In particular, for each PDU transmitted by  the  RLC  instance,
       both the size and the content of the PDU are verified to check for an exact match with the
       test vector.

       The AM RLC implementation features an additional test suite,  lte-rlc-am-e2e,  which  test
       the  correct  retransmission  of  RLC  PDUs  in  presence  of  channel  losses.  The  test
       instantiates an RLC AM transmitter and a receiver, and interposes a channel that  randomly
       drops  packet according to a fixed loss probability. Different test cases are instantiated
       using different RngRun values and different loss probability values. Each test case passes
       if  at  the  end of the simulation all SDUs are correctly delivered to the upper layers of
       the receiving RLC AM entity.

       The test suite lte-rrc tests the correct functionality of the following aspects:

          1. MAC Random Access

          2. RRC System Information Acquisition

          3. RRC Connection Establishment

          4. RRC Reconfiguration

       The test suite considers a type of scenario with four eNBs aligned in a square layout with
       100-meter edges. Multiple UEs are located at a specific spot on the diagonal of the square
       and are instructed to connect to the first eNB. Each test case implements an  instance  of
       this scenario with specific values of the following parameters:

          • number of UEs

          • number of Data Radio Bearers to be activated for each UE

          • time t^c_0 at which the first UE is instructed to start connecting to the eNB

          • time  interval  d^i  between  the start of connection of UE n and UE n+1; the time at
            which user n connects is thus determined as t^c_n = t^c_0 + n d^i sdf

          • the relative position of the UEs on the diagonal of the square, where  higher  values
            indicate  larger distance from the serving eNodeB, i.e., higher interference from the
            other eNodeBs

          • a boolean flag indicating whether the ideal or the real RRC protocol model is used

       Each test cases passes if a number of test conditions are positively evaluated for each UE
       after  a  delay  d^e  from  the  time  it  started connecting to the eNB. The delay d^e is
       determined as

                                d^e = d^{si} + d^{ra} + d^{ce} + d^{cr}


          • d^{si} is the max delay necessary for the acquisition of System Information.  We  set
            it  to  90ms  accounting for 10ms for the MIB acquisition and 80ms for the subsequent
            SIB2 acquisition

          • d^{ra} is the delay for the  MAC  Random  Access  (RA)  procedure.  This  depends  on
            preamble  collisions  as  well  as  on the availability of resources for the UL grant
            allocation. The total amount of necessary RA attempts depends on preamble  collisions
            and  failures  to  allocate  the UL grant because of lack of resources. The number of
            collisions depends on the number  of  UEs  that  try  to  access  simultaneously;  we
            estimated that for a 0.99 RA success probability, 5 attempts are sufficient for up to
            20 UEs, and  10 attempts for up to 50 UEs.  For the UL grant, considered  the  system
            bandwidth  and the default MCS used for the UL grant (MCS 0), at most 4 UL grants can
            be assigned in a TTI; so for n UEs trying to do RA simultaneously the max  number  of
            attempts  due  to  the UL grant issue is \lceil n/4 \rceil. The time for a RA attempt
            is determined by 3ms + the value of LteEnbMac::RaResponseWindowSize,  which  defaults
            to 3ms, plus 1ms for the scheduling of the new transmission.

          • d^{ce}  is  the  delay  required  for  the transmission of RRC CONNECTION SETUP + RRC
            CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETED. We consider a round trip delay of 10ms plus  \lceil  2n/4
            \rceil  considering that 2 RRC packets have to be transmitted and that at most 4 such
            packets can be  transmitted  per  TTI.  In  cases  where  interference  is  high,  we
            accommodate  one  retry attempt by the UE, so we double the d^{ce} value and then add
            d^{si} on top of it (because the timeout has reset the previously received SIB2).

          • d^{cr} is the delay required for eventually  needed  RRC  CONNECTION  RECONFIGURATION
            transactions.  The  number  of  transactions  needed is 1 for each bearer activation.
            Similarly to what done for d^{ce}, for each transaction  we  consider  a  round  trip
            delay of 10ms plus \lceil 2n/4 \rceil.  delay of 20ms.

       The  base  version of the test LteRrcConnectionEstablishmentTestCase tests for correct RRC
       connection establishment in absence of channel errors. The conditions that  are  evaluated
       for this test case to pass are, for each UE:

          • the RRC state at the UE is CONNECTED_NORMALLY

          • the UE is configured with the CellId, DlBandwidth, UlBandwidth, DlEarfcn and UlEarfcn
            of the eNB

          • the IMSI of the UE stored at the eNB is correct

          • the number of active Data Radio Bearers is the expected one, both at the eNB  and  at
            the UE

          • for  each  Data  Radio Bearer, the following identifiers match between the UE and the
            eNB: EPS bearer id, DRB id, LCID

       The test variant LteRrcConnectionEstablishmentErrorTestCase  is  similar  except  for  the
       presence  of  errors  in the transmission of a particular RRC message of choice during the
       first connection attempt. The error is obtained by temporarily moving the UE to a far away
       location;  the  time  of movement has been determined empirically for each instance of the
       test case based on the message that it was desired to be in error. The  test  case  checks
       that  at least one of the following conditions is false at the time right before the UE is
       moved back to the original location:

          • the RRC state at the UE is CONNECTED_NORMALLY

          • the UE context at the eNB is present

          • the RRC state of the UE Context at the eNB is CONNECTED_NORMALLY

   Initial cell selection
       The test suite lte-cell-selection is responsible for verifying the Initial Cell  Selection
       procedure.  The  test  is a simulation of a small network of 2 non-CSG cells and 2 non-CSG
       cells. Several static UEs are then placed at  predefined  locations.  The  UEs  enter  the
       simulation without being attached to any cell. Initial cell selection is enabled for these
       UEs, so each UE will find the best cell and attach to it by themselves.

       At predefined check points time during the simulation, the test verifies that every UE  is
       attached  to  the  right  cell.  Moreover,  the  test also ensures that the UE is properly
       connected, i.e., its final state is  CONNECTED_NORMALLY.  Figure  Sample  result  of  cell
       selection  test  depicts the network layout and the expected result. When a UE is depicted
       as having 2 successful cell selections (e.g., UE #3 and #4), any of them  is  accepted  by
       the test case.
         [image] Sample result of cell selection test.UNINDENT

         The  figure shows that CSG members may attach to either CSG or non-CSG cells, and simply
         choose the stronger one. On the other hand,  non-members  can  only  attach  to  non-CSG
         cells, even when they are actually receiving stronger signal from a CSG cell.

         For  reference  purpose,  Table  UE  error rate in Initial Cell Selection test shows the
         error rate of each UE when receiving transmission from the control  channel.   Based  on
         this information, the check point time for UE #3 is done at a later time than the others
         to compensate for its higher risk of failure.

   UE error rate in Initial Cell Selection test
                                          │UE # │ Error rate │
                                          │1    │ 0.00%      │
                                          │2    │ 1.44%      │
                                          │3    │ 12.39%     │
                                          │4    │ 0.33%      │
                                          │5    │ 0.00%      │
                                          │6    │ 0.00%      │

       The test uses the default Friis path loss model and without any channel fading model.

   GTP-U protocol
       The unit test suite epc-gtpu checks that the encoding and decoding of the GTP-U header  is
       done  correctly. The test fills in a header with a set of known values, adds the header to
       a packet, and then removes the header from the packet. The test fails if,  upon  removing,
       any  of  the  fields  in  the  GTP-U  header is not decoded correctly. This is detected by
       comparing the decoded value from the known value.

   S1-U interface
       Two test suites (epc-s1u-uplink and epc-s1u-downlink) make sure that  the  S1-U  interface
       implementation  works  correctly  in  isolation.  This  is  achieved  by creating a set of
       simulation scenarios where the EPC model alone is  used,  without  the  LTE  model  (i.e.,
       without  the  LTE  radio  protocol  stack, which is replaced by simple CSMA devices). This
       checks that the interoperation between multiple EpcEnbApplication  instances  in  multiple
       eNBs  and  the  EpcSgwPgwApplication  instance  in  the  SGW/PGW node works correctly in a
       variety of scenarios, with varying  numbers  of  end  users  (nodes  with  a  CSMA  device
       installed),  eNBs,  and  different  traffic  patterns  (packet  sizes  and number of total
       packets).  Each test case works by injecting the chosen traffic pattern in the network (at
       the  considered  UE  or  at  the  remote host for in the uplink or the downlink test suite
       respectively) and checking that at the receiver (the remote host or each   considered  UE,
       respectively)  that  exactly the same traffic patterns is received. If any mismatch in the
       transmitted and received traffic pattern is detected for any UE, the test fails.

   TFT classifier
       The  test  suite  epc-tft-classifier  checks  in  isolation  that  the  behavior  of   the
       EpcTftClassifier  class  is  correct.  This  is performed by creating different classifier
       instances where different TFT instances are activated, and  testing  for  each  classifier
       that  an  heterogeneous  set  of  packets (including IP and TCP/UDP headers) is classified
       correctly. Several test cases are provided that check the different matching aspects of  a
       TFT  (e.g.  local/remote  IP  address,  local/remote  port)  both  for uplink and downlink
       traffic.  Each test case corresponds to  a  specific  packet  and  a  specific  classifier
       instance  with a given set of TFTs. The test case passes if the bearer identifier returned
       by the classifier exactly matches with the one that is expected for the considered packet.

   End-to-end LTE-EPC data plane functionality
       The test suite lte-epc-e2e-data  ensures  the  correct  end-to-end  functionality  of  the
       LTE-EPC  data  plane.  For  each  test  case  in this suite, a complete LTE-EPC simulation
       scenario is created with the following characteristics:

          • a given number of eNBs

          • for each eNB, a given number of UEs

          • for each UE, a given number of active EPS bearers

          • for each active EPS bearer, a given traffic pattern (number  of  UDP  packets  to  be
            transmitted and packet size)

       Each  test is executed by transmitting the given traffic pattern both in the uplink and in
       the downlink, at  subsequent  time  intervals.  The  test  passes  if  all  the  following
       conditions are satisfied:

          • for   each   active   EPS  bearer,  the  transmitted  and  received  traffic  pattern
            (respectively  at the UE and the remote host for uplink, and vice versa for downlink)
            is exactly the same

          • for  each  active  EPS  bearer  and  each direction (uplink or downlink), exactly the
            expected number of packet flows over the corresponding RadioBearer instance

   X2 handover
       The test suite lte-x2-handover  checks  the  correct  functionality  of  the  X2  handover
       procedure.  The  scenario  being  tested  is  a  topology with two eNBs connected by an X2
       interface. Each test case is a  particular  instance  of  this  scenario  defined  by  the
       following parameters:

          • the number of UEs that are initially attached to the first eNB

          • the number of EPS bearers activated for each UE

          • a  list  of  handover  events  to be triggered, where each event is defined by: + the
            start time of the handover trigger + the index of the UE doing  the  handover  +  the
            index of the source eNB + the index of the target eNB

          • a boolean flag indicating whether the target eNB admits the handover or not

          • a boolean flag indicating whether the ideal RRC protocol is to be used instead of the
            real RRC protocol

          • the type of scheduler to be used (RR or PF)

       Each test case passes if the following conditions are true:

          • at time 0.06s, the test CheckConnected verifies that each  UE  is  connected  to  the
            first eNB

          • for each event in the handover list:

            • at  the  indicated event start time, the indicated UE is connected to the indicated
              source eNB

            • 0.1s after the start time, the indicated UE is connected to  the  indicated  target

            • 0.6s after the start time, for each active EPS bearer, the uplink and downlink sink
              applications of the indicated UE have achieved a number of bytes which is at  least
              half the number of bytes transmitted by the corresponding source applications

       The  condition  “UE  is  connected  to eNB” is evaluated positively if and only if all the
       following conditions are met:

          • the eNB has the context of the UE (identified by the RNTI value retrieved from the UE

          • the RRC state of the UE at the eNB is CONNECTED_NORMALLY

          • the RRC state at the UE is CONNECTED_NORMALLY

          • the UE is configured with the CellId, DlBandwidth, UlBandwidth, DlEarfcn and UlEarfcn
            of the eNB

          • the IMSI of the UE stored at the eNB is correct

          • the number of active Data Radio Bearers is the expected one, both at the eNB  and  at
            the UE

          • for  each  Data  Radio Bearer, the following identifiers match between the UE and the
            eNB: EPS bearer id, DRB id, LCID

   Automatic X2 handover
       The test suite lte-x2-handover-measures checks the correct functionality of  the  handover
       algorithm.  The scenario being tested is a topology with two, three or four eNBs connected
       by an X2 interface. The eNBs are located in a straight line in  the  X-axes.  A  UE  moves
       along the X-axes going from the neighborhood of one eNB to the next eNB. Each test case is
       a particular instance of this scenario defined by the following parameters:

          • the number of eNBs in the X-axes

          • the number of UEs

          • the number of EPS bearers activated for the UE

          • a list of check point events to be triggered, where each event is defined by:  +  the
            time  of  the  first  check  point  event  + the time of the last check point event +
            interval time between two check point events + the index of the UE doing the handover
            + the index of the eNB where the UE must be connected

          • a boolean flag indicating whether UDP traffic is to be used instead of TCP traffic

          • the type of scheduler to be used

          • the type of handover algorithm to be used

          • a boolean flag indicating whether handover is admitted by default

          • a boolean flag indicating whether the ideal RRC protocol is to be used instead of the
            real RRC protocol

       The test suite consists of many test  cases.  In  fact,  it  has  been  one  of  the  most
       time-consuming  test  suite  in  ns-3.  The  test  cases  run with some combination of the
       following variable parameters:

          • number of eNBs: 2, 3, 4;

          • number of EPS bearers: 0, 1, 2;

          • RRC: ideal, real (see RRC protocol models);

          • MAC scheduler: round robin, proportional  fair  (see  The  FemtoForum  MAC  Scheduler
            Interface); and

          • handover algorithm: A2-A4-RSRQ, strongest cell (see Handover algorithm).

       Each test case passes if the following conditions are true:

          • at  time  0.08s,  the  test  CheckConnected verifies that each UE is connected to the
            first eNB

          • for each event in the check point list:

            • at the indicated check point time, the indicated UE is connected to  the  indicated

            • 0.5s  after  the  check  point, for each active EPS bearer, the uplink and downlink
              sink applications of the UE have achieved a number of bytes which is at least  half
              the number of bytes transmitted by the corresponding source applications

       The  condition  “UE  is  connected  to eNB” is evaluated positively if and only if all the
       following conditions are met:

          • the eNB has the context of the UE (identified by the RNTI value retrieved from the UE

          • the RRC state of the UE at the eNB is CONNECTED_NORMALLY

          • the RRC state at the UE is CONNECTED_NORMALLY

          • the UE is configured with the CellId, DlBandwidth, UlBandwidth, DlEarfcn and UlEarfcn
            of the eNB

          • the IMSI of the UE stored at the eNB is correct

          • the number of active Data Radio Bearers is the expected one, both at the eNB  and  at
            the UE

          • for  each  Data  Radio Bearer, the following identifiers match between the UE and the
            eNB: EPS bearer id, DRB id, LCID

   Handover delays
       Handover procedure consists of several message exchanges between UE,  source  eNodeB,  and
       target  eNodeB  over  both  RRC  protocol  and X2 interface. Test suite lte-handover-delay
       verifies that this procedure consistently spends the same amount of time.

       The test suite will run several handover test cases.  Each  test  case  is  an  individual
       simulation  featuring  a  handover  at  a  specified time in simulation.  For example, the
       handover in the first test case is invoked at time +0.100s, while in the second test  case
       it  is at +0.101s. There are 10 test cases, each testing a different subframe in LTE. Thus
       the last test case has the handover at +0.109s.

       The simulation scenario in the test cases is as follow:

          • EPC is enabled

          • 2 eNodeBs with circular (isotropic) antenna, separated by 1000 meters

          • 1 static UE positioned exactly in the center between the eNodeBs

          • no application installed

          • no channel fading

          • default path loss model (Friis)

          • 0.300s simulation duration

       The test case runs as follow. At the beginning of the simulation, the UE  is  attached  to
       the  first  eNodeB. Then at the time specified by the test case input argument, a handover
       request will be explicitly issued to the second eNodeB.  The test case  will  then  record
       the  starting  time,  wait until the handover is completed, and then record the completion
       time. If the difference between the completion time and  starting  time  is  less  than  a
       predefined threshold, then the test passes.

       A typical handover in the current ns-3 implementation takes 4.2141 ms when using Ideal RRC
       protocol model, and 19.9283 ms when using Real RRC protocol model.  Accordingly, the  test
       cases  use  5  ms  and 20 ms as the maximum threshold values.  The test suite runs 10 test
       cases with Ideal RRC protocol model and 10 test cases with Real RRC protocol  model.  More
       information regarding these models can be found in Section RRC protocol models.

       The  motivation  behind  using  subframes  as  the  main  test parameters is the fact that
       subframe index is one of the factors for calculating RA-RNTI,  which  is  used  by  Random
       Access  during  the  handover procedure. The test cases verify this computation, utilizing
       the fact that the handover will be delayed when this computation is broken. In the default
       simulation  configuration,  the  handover  delay  observed  because  of  a  broken RA-RNTI
       computation is typically 6 ms.

   Selection of target cell in handover algorithm
       eNodeB may utilize Handover algorithm to automatically create  handover  decisions  during
       simulation.  The decision includes the UE which should do the handover and the target cell
       where the UE should perform handover to.

       The test suite lte-handover-target verifies that the  handover  algorithm  is  making  the
       right  decision,  in particular, in choosing the right target cell. It consists of several
       short test cases for different network topology (2×2 grid  and  3×2  grid)  and  types  of
       handover  algorithm  (the  A2-A4-RSRQ  handover  algorithm and the strongest cell handover

       Each test case is a simulation of a micro-cell environment with the following parameter:

          • EPC is enabled

          • several circular (isotropic antenna) micro-cell eNodeBs in a rectangular grid layout,
            with 130 m distance between each adjacent point

          • 1 static UE, positioned close to and attached to the source cell

          • no control channel error model

          • no application installed

          • no channel fading

          • default path loss model (Friis)

          • 1s simulation duration

       To trigger a handover, the test case “shutdowns” the source cell at +0.5s simulation time.
       Figure lte-handover-target test scenario in a 2×2 grid below illustrates the process. This
       is  done  by  setting  the  source  cell’s  Tx power to a very low value. As a result, the
       handover algorithm notices that the UE deserves a handover and several  neighboring  cells
       become candidates of target cell at the same time.
         [image] lte-handover-target test scenario in a 2×2 grid.UNINDENT

         The  test  case then verifies that the handover algorithm, when faced with more than one
         options of target cells, is able to choose the right one.

   Downlink Power Control
       The test suite lte-downlink-power-control checks correctness of Downlink Power Control  in
       three different ways:

          • LteDownlinkPowerControlSpectrumValue        test        case          check        if
            LteSpectrumValueHelper::CreateTxPowerSpectralDensity  is  creating  correct  spectrum
            value  for  PSD  for  downlink  transmission.  The test vector contain EARFCN, system
            bandwidth, TX power, TX power for each RB, active RBs, and expected TxPSD.  The  test
            passes  if TxPDS generated by LteSpectrumValueHelper::CreateTxPowerSpectralDensity is
            equal to expected TxPSD.

          • LteDownlinkPowerControlTestCase test case check if TX power difference  between  data
            and control channel is equal to configured PdschConfigDedicated::P_A value.  TX power
            of   control   channel   is   measured   by   LteTestSinrChunkProcessor   added    to
            RsPowerChunkProcessor  list  in  UE  DownlinkSpectrumPhy. Tx power of data channel is
            measured in similar way, but it had to be implemented. Now  LteTestSinrChunkProcessor
            is  added  to  DataPowerChunkProcessor  list  in  UE DownlinkSpectrumPhy. Test vector
            contain a set of all available P_A values. Test pass if power difference  equals  P_A

          • LteDownlinkPowerControlRrcConnectionReconfiguration     test     case     check    if
            RrcConnectionReconfiguration  is  performed  correctly.  When  FR  entity   gets   UE
            measurements,  it immediately calls function to change P_A value for this UE and also
            triggers  callback  connected  with  this  event.  Then,  test  check  if   UE   gets
            RrcConnectionReconfiguration message (it trigger callback). Finally, it checks if eNB
            receive RrcConnectionReconfigurationCompleted message, what  also  trigger  callback.
            The  test  passes  if  all event have occurred. The test is performed two times, with
            IdealRrcProtocol and with RealRrcProtocol.

   Uplink Power Control Tests
       UE uses Uplink Power Control to automatically change Tx Power level  for  Uplink  Physical
       Channels.  Tx  Power  is  computed based on path-loss, number of RB used for transmission,
       some configurable parameters and TPC command from eNB.

       The test suite lte-uplink-power-control verifies if Tx Power is computed correctly.  There
       are three different test cases:

          • LteUplinkOpenLoopPowerControlTestCase   test   case   checks   Uplink  Power  Control
            functionality in Open Loop mechanism. UE is attached to eNB and is transmitting  data
            in  Downlink and Uplink. Uplink Power Control with Open Loop mechanism is enabled and
            UE changes position each 100 ms. In each position  Uplink  Power  Control  entity  is
            calculating  new  Tx Power level for all uplink channels. These values are traced and
            test passes if Uplink Tx Power for PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS in each UE position are equal
            to expected values.

          • LteUplinkClosedLoopPowerControlAbsoluteModeTestCase  test  case  checks  Uplink Power
            Control functionality with Closed Loop mechanism and Absolute Mode  enabled.   UE  is
            attached to eNB and is transmitting data in Downlink and Uplink. Uplink Power Control
            with Closed Loop mechanism and Absolute Mode is enabled. UE is located 100 m from eNB
            and  is  not changing its position. LteFfrSimple algorithm is used on eNB side to set
            TPC values in DL-DCI messages. TPC configuration in eNB is changed every 100  ms,  so
            every  100  ms  Uplink Power Control entity in UE should calculate different Tx Power
            level for all uplink channels.  These values are traced and test passes if Uplink  Tx
            Power  for  PUSCH,  PUCCH  and SRS computed with all TCP values are equal to expected

          • LteUplinkClosedLoopPowerControlAccumulatedModeTestCase test case checks  Closed  Loop
            Uplink  Power  Control functionality with Closed Loop mechanism and Accumulative Mode
            enabled.  UE is attached to eNB and is transmitting  data  in  Downlink  and  Uplink.
            Uplink  Power Control with Closed Loop mechanism and Accumulative Mode is enabled. UE
            is located 100 m from eNB and is not changing its position. As in  above  test  case,
            LteFfrSimple  algorithm is used on eNB side to set TPC values in DL-DCI messages, but
            in this case TPC command are set in DL-DCI only configured number of times, and after
            that  TPC is set to be 1, what is mapped to value of 0 in Accumulative Mode (TS36.213
            Table  TPC  configuration  in  eNB  is  changed  every  100  ms.  UE  is
            accumulating  these  values  and  calculates  Tx Power levels for all uplink channels
            based on accumulated value. If computed Tx Power level is lower than  minimal  UE  Tx
            Power,  UE  should  transmit with its minimal Tx Power. If computed Tx Power level is
            higher than maximal UE Tx Power, UE should transmit with its maximal  Tx  Power.   Tx
            Power levels for PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS are traced and test passes if they are equal to
            expected values.

   Frequency Reuse Algorithms
       The test suite lte-frequency-reuse contain two types of test cases.

       First type of test cases check if RBGs  are  used  correctly  according  to  FR  algorithm
       policy.  We  are  testing if scheduler use only RBGs allowed by FR configuration. To check
       which RBGs are used LteSimpleSpectrumPhy is attached to  Downlink  Channel.   It  notifies
       when  data downlink channel transmission has occurred and pass signal TxPsd spectrum value
       to check which RBs were  used  for  transmission.  The  test  vector  comprise  a  set  of
       configuration  for  Hard  and  Strict  FR  algorithms (there is no point to check other FR
       algorithms in this way because they use entire cell bandwidth).  Test passes  if  none  of
       not allowed RBGs are used.

       Second  type  of  test  cases check if UE is served within proper sub-band and with proper
       transmission power. In this test scenario, there are two eNBs.There are also two  UEs  and
       each  eNB  is  serving  one.   One uses Frequency Reuse algorithm and second one does not.
       Second eNB is responsible for generating interferences  in  whole  system  bandwidth.   UE
       served  by  first  eNB  is  changing position each few second (rather slow because time is
       needed to report new  UE  Measurements).  To  check  which  RBGs  are  used  for  this  UE
       LteSimpleSpectrumPhy  is  attached  to  Downlink  Channel.  It notifies when data downlink
       channel transmission in cell 1 has occurred and pass signal TxPsd spectrum value to  check
       which  RBs were used for transmission and their power level.  The same approach is applied
       in Uplink direction and second LteSimpleSpectrumPhy is attached to  Uplink  Channel.  Test
       passes  if UE served by eNB with FR algorithm is served in DL and UL with expected RBs and
       with expected power level.  Test vector comprise a configuration for Strict FR,  Soft  FR,
       Soft FFR, Enhanced FFR.  Each FR algorithm is tested with all schedulers, which support FR
       (i.e. PF, PSS, CQA, TD-TBFQ, FD-TBFQ). (Hard FR do not use UE measurements, so there is no
       point to perform this type of test for Hard FR).

       Test case for Distributed FFR algorithm is quite similar to above one, but since eNBs need
       to exchange some information, scenario with EPC enabled and X2 interfaces  is  considered.
       Moreover,  both eNB are using Distributed FFR algorithm. There are 2 UE in first cell, and
       1 in second cell. Position of each UE is changed (rather slow because time  is  needed  to
       report  new  UE  Measurements), to obtain different result from calculation in Distributed
       FFR  algorithm  entities.  To  check   which   RBGs   are   used   for   UE   transmission
       LteSimpleSpectrumPhy  is  attached  to  Downlink  Channel.  It notifies when data downlink
       channel transmission has occurred and pass signal TxPsd spectrum value to check which  RBs
       were  used for transmission and their power level.  The same approach is applied in Uplink
       direction and second LteSimpleSpectrumPhy is attached to Uplink Channel.  Test  passes  if
       UE  served  by  eNB  in cell 2, is served in DL and UL with expected RBs and with expected
       power level. Test vector comprise a configuration for Distributed FFR.  Test is  performed
       with all schedulers, which support FR (i.e. PF, PSS, CQA, TD-TBFQ, FD-TBFQ).

   Inter-cell Interference with FR algorithms Tests
       The  test suite lte-interference-fr is very similar to lte-interference.  Topology (Figure
       Topology for the inter-cell interference test) is the same and  test  checks  interference
       level.  The  difference  is that, in this test case Frequency Reuse algorithms are enabled
       and we are checking interference level on different RBGs (not only on one).  For  example,
       when  we install Hard FR algorithm in eNbs, and first half of system bandwidth is assigned
       to one eNb, and second half to  second  eNb,  interference  level  should  be  much  lower
       compared  to  legacy  scenario.  The  test  vector comprise a set of configuration for all
       available Frequency Reuse Algorithms. Test passes if calculated SINR on  specific  RBs  is
       equal to these obtained by Octave script.

   Carrier aggregation test
       The  test  suite  lte-carrier-aggregation  is a system test program that creates different
       test cases with  a  single  eNB  and  several  UEs,  all  having  the  same  radio  bearer
       specification.  Different  test  cases  are implemented by using different SINR values and
       different numbers of UEs. eNBs and UEs are configured to use the secondary carrier and the
       component  carrier  manager  is configured to split the data uniformly between primary and
       secondary carrier. The test consists of checking that the  throughput  obtained  over  the
       different  carriers  are  equal considering a given tolerance. For more details about this
       test, see the section Carrier aggregation usage example.

   Carrier aggregation test for eNB and UE configuration
       The test suite carrier-aggregation-config-test is a system test  program,  which  verifies
       the following two cases:

          • When  carrier  aggregation is enabled and UE carriers configuration is different than
            the default configuration done in LteHelper, we check that the  UE(s)  is  configured
            properly once it receives RRC Connection Reconfiguration message from eNB.

          • A  user can configure 2 or more eNBs and UEs with different configuration parameters,
            i.e., each eNB and UE can have different EARFCN and Bandwidths and a UE  connects  to
            an  eNB  with  similar DL EARFCN.  In this test, we check with CA enabled but the end
            results will be the same if carrier aggregation is not enabled and we have more  than
            one eNBs and UEs with different configurations.

       Since,  we  do  not  need  EPC to test the configuration, this test only simulates the LTE
       radio access with RLC SM.  There are  two  test  cases,  Test  1  tests  that  the  UE  is
       configured  properly  after receiving RRC Connection Reconfiguration message from the eNB,
       which will overwrite UE default configuration done in LteHelper for the sake  of  creating
       PHY  and  MAC instances equal to the number of component carriers. Test 2 tests that every
       eNB or UE  in  a  simulation  scenario  can  be  configured  with  different  EARFCNs  and
       Bandwidths.  For  both  test  cases,  it  also counts the number of times the hooked trace
       source SCarrierConfigured get triggered. As, it reflects how  many  UEs  got  attached  to
       their  respective eNB. If the count is not equal to the number of UEs in the scenario, the
       test fails, which could be the result of improper UE configuration.

   Radio link failure Test
       The test suite lte-radio-link-failure is a system test, which tests the radio link failure
       functionality  using  Ideal and Real RRC protocols.  In particular, it tests the following
       to verify the Radio link Failure (RLF) implementation.

          1. The state and the configuration of the UE while it is connected to the eNB.

          2. The state of the UE while T310 timer is running at the UE.

          3. The number of out-of-sync and in-synch indications received.

          4. The state of the UE before the simulation end.

          5. The UE context existence at the eNB before the simulation end.

       This  test  simulates  only  one  static  UE  with  EPC  performing  downlink  and  uplink
       communication in the following two scenarios:

   One eNB using Ideal and Real RRC
         [image] RLF scenario with one eNB.UNINDENT

         In  this  scenario,  the  UE  is  initially placed near to the eNB, and on the following
         instances above conditions are verified against the expected outcome.

         At  0.3  sec:   It  verifies  that  the  UE  is  well  connected,   i.e.,   it   is   in
         “CONNECTED_NORMALLY”  state,  and  is attached to the eNB with cell id 1. It also checks
         for the match between the configuration of the UE and the UE context at the  eNB,  e.g.,
         IMSI,  bandwidth,  D/UL  EARFCN,  number  of bearers and the bearer IDs.  The miss match
         would result in the test suite failure.

         At 0.4 sec: The UE jumps far away from the eNB, which causes the DL SINR at  the  UE  to
         fall  below  -5  dB.  In result, the UE PHY after monitoring the SINR for 20 consecutive
         frames will send a notification to the UE RRC. In this test, the N310 counter is set  to
         1; thus, the UE RRC will start the T310 (set to 1 sec) timer upon the first notification
         from the PHY layer.

         At 1 sec: At this stage, it is expected that the T310 timer is still running, and the UE
         is connected to the eNB.

         Upon  RLF:  It  is  expected that the UE RRC will start the T310 timer upon reaching the
         configured, i.e., N310 = 1 number of notification from the eNB. The RRC will receive  no
         in-sync indication since the UE stays at far away position.

         Before  the  end  of  simulation:  The expected behavior is that the UE state will be in
         “IDLE_CELL_SEARCH” since there is no eNB available where it has jumped.   Moreover,  the
         deletion of the UE context from the eNB is also verified.

   Two eNBs using Ideal and Real RRC
         [image] RLF scenario with two eNBs.UNINDENT

         In  this scenario, the only difference is the addition of a second eNB near the position
         where the UE jumps away. Therefore, except the outcome before the end of the simulation,
         all the outcomes are similar to that we expected in the first scenario.

         Before  the end of simulation:  It is expected that the UE after the RLF will connect to
         the second eNB, i.e., it will be in “CONNECTED_NORMALLY” state, and its  context  exists
         in the second eNB.

   Profiling Documentation
   Overview and objectives
       The  main objective of the profiling carried out is to assess the simulator performance on
       a broad set of scenarios. This evaluation provides reference values for simulation running
       times  and  memory  consumption  figures.  It also helps to identify potential performance
       improvements and to check for scalability problems when increasing the  number  of  eNodeB
       and UEs attached to those.

       In  the  following  sections,  a  detailed  description of the general profiling framework
       employed to perform the study  is  introduced.  It  also  includes  details  on  the  main
       performed tests and its results evaluation.

   Framework description
   Simulation scripts
       The  simulation  script  used  for all the E-UTRAN results showed in this documentation is
       located at src/lte/examples/ It uses the complete PHY and MAC  UE/eNodeB
       implementation  with  a  simplified  RLC  implementation  on  top. This script generates a
       squared grid topology, placing a eNodeB at the centre of each square. UEs attached to this
       node are scattered randomly across the square (using a random uniform distribution along X
       and Y axis). If BuildingPropagationModel is used, the squares are replaced  by  rooms.  To
       generate  the  UL  and  DL  traffic,  the  RLC  implementation  always  report  data to be
         [image] E-UTRAN.UNINDENT

         For the EPC results,  the  script  is  src/lte/examples/  It  uses  a
         complete  E-UTRAN  implementation  (PHY+MAC+RLC/UM+PDCP)  and the most relevant EPC user
         plane entities the PGW and SGW, including GTP-U tunneling. This script generates a given
         number  of  eNodeBs, distributed across a line and attaches a single UE to every eNodeB.
         It also creates an EPC network  and  an  external  host  connected  to  it  through  the
         Internet. Each UE sends and receives data to and from the remote host. In addition, each
         UE is also sending data to the UE camped in the adjacent eNodeB.
         [image] Propagation Model.UNINDENT

         RLC and MAC traces are enabled for all UEs and all eNodeBs and those traces are  written
         to disk directly. The MAC scheduler used is round robin.

   Simulation input parameters
       The lena-profiling simulation script accepts the following input parameters:

          • simTime: time to simulate (in seconds)

          • nUe: number of UEs attached to each eNodeB

          • nEnb: number of eNodeB composing the grid per floor

          • nFloors: number of floors, 0 for Friis propagation model (no walls), 1 or greater for
            Building propagation model generating a nFloors-storey building.

          • traceDirectory: destination directory where simulation traces will be stored

       The lena-simple-epc script accepts those other parameters:

          • simTime: time to simulate (in seconds)

          • numberOfNodes: number of eNodeB + UE pairs created

   Time measurement
       Running time is measured using default Linux shell command time. This command  counts  how
       much user time the execution of a program takes.

   Perl script
       To  simplify  the  process  of running the profiling script for a wide range of values and
       collecting its timing data, a simple Perl script  to  automate  the  complete  process  is
       provided.  It  is  placed  in  src/lte/test/ for lena-profiling and in
       src/lte/ for lena-simple-epc. It simply runs a  batch  of  simulations
       with a range of parameters and stores the timing results in a CSV file called lteTimes.csv
       and epcTimes.csv respectively. The range of values each parameter sweeps can  be  modified
       editing the corresponding script.

       The  following Perl modules are required to use the provided script, all of them available
       from CPAN:

              • IO::CaptureOutput

              • Statistics::Descriptive

       For installing the modules, simply use the following command:

       perl -MCPAN -e 'install moduleName'

   Plotting results
       To plot the results obtained from running  the  Perl  scripts,  two  gnuplot  scripts  are
       provided,  in  src/lte/test/lte-test-run-plot  and src/lte/test/epc-test-run-plot. Most of
       the plots available in this  documentation  can  be  reproduced  with  those,  typing  the
       commands      gnuplot     <     src/lte/test/lte-test-run-plot      and      gnuplot     <

   Reference software and equipment
       All timing tests had been run in a Intel Pentium IV 3.00 GHz machine with 512  Mb  of  RAM
       memory  running  Fedora  Core  10  with  a kernel, storing the traces
       directly to the hard disk.

       Also, as a reference configuration, the build has been configured  static  and  optimized.
       The exact waf command issued is:

       CXXFLAGS="-O3   -w"   ./waf   -d  optimized  configure  --enable-static  --enable-examples

       The following results and figures had been obtained with LENA changeset 2c5b0d697717.

   Running time
       This scenario, evaluates the running time for a fixed  simulation  time  (10s)  and  Friis
       propagation  mode  increasing  the number of UEs attached to each eNodeB and the number of
       planted eNodeBs in the scenario.
         [image] Running time.UNINDENT

         The figure shows the expected behaviour, since it increases linearly respect the  number
         of UEs per eNodeB and quadratically respect the total number of eNodeBs.

   Propagation model
       The  objective  of  this  scenario  is  to  evaluate  the  impact of the propagation model
       complexity in the overall run time figures. Therefore,  the  same  scenario  is  simulated
       twice:  once using the more simple Friis model, once with the more complex Building model.
       The rest of the parameters (e.g. number of eNodeB and of  UE  attached  per  eNodeB)  were
       maintained. The timing results for both models are compared in the following figure.
         [image] Propagation Model.UNINDENT

         In this situation, results are also coherent with what is expected. The more complex the
         model, the higher the running time. Moreover, as the  number  of  computed  path  losses
         increases  (i.e.  more  UEs  per  eNodeB  or  more  eNodeBs) the extra complexity of the
         propagation model drives the running time figures further apart.

   Simulation time
       In this scenario, for a fixed set of UEs per eNodeB, different simulation times  had  been
       run.  As  the  simulation time increases, running time should also increase linearly, i.e.
       for a given scenario, simulate four seconds should take  twice  times  what  it  takes  to
       simulate  two  seconds.  The  slope  of  this  line is a function of the complexity of the
       scenario: the more eNodeB / UEs placed, the higher the slope of the line.
         [image] Simulation time.UNINDENT

   Memory usage
       Massif tool to profile memory consumption
         [image] Memory profile.UNINDENT

       The following results and figures had been obtained with LENA changeset e8b3ccdf6673.  The
       rationale  behind  the  two  scenarios  profiled  on this section is the same than for the
       E-UTRA part.

   Running time
       Running time evolution is quadratic since we increase at  the  same  time  the  number  of
       eNodeB and the number of UEs.
         [image] Running time.UNINDENT

         To  estimate  the  additional complexity of the upper LTE Radio Protocol Stack model and
         the EPC model, we compare two scenarios using the simplified E-UTRAN version (using only
         PHY,  MAC  and  the simplified RLC/SM, with no EPC and no ns-3 applications) against the
         complete E-UTRAN + EPC (with UM RLC, PDCP, end-to-end IP  networking  and  regular  ns-3
         applications).  Both  configuration  have  been  tested  with the same number of UEs per
         eNodeB, the same number of eNodeBs, and approximately the  same  volume  of  transmitted
         data  (an  exact  match  was not possible due to the different ways in which packets are
         generated in the two configurations).
         [image] EPC E-UTRAN running time.UNINDENT

         From the figure, it is evident that the additional complexity of  using  the  upper  LTE
         stack  plus the EPC model translates approximately into a doubling of the execution time
         of the simulations. We believe that, considered all the  new  features  that  have  been
         added, this figure is acceptable.

   Simulation time
       Finally,  again  the  linearity  of the running time as the simulation time increases gets
       validated through a set of experiments, as the following figure shows.
         [image] Simulation time.UNINDENT

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   Design Documentation
       The ns-3 mesh module extends the ns-3 wifi module to provide mesh networking  capabilities
       according to the IEEE 802.11s standard [ieee80211s].

       The  basic purpose of IEEE 802.11s is to define a mode of operation for Wi-Fi that permits
       frames to be forwarded over multiple radio hops transparent to higher layer protocols such
       as  IP.  To accomplish this, mesh-capable stations form a Mesh Basic Service Set (MBSS) by
       running a pair-wise peering protocol to establish forwarding associations, and by  running
       a  routing  protocol to find paths through the network.  A special gateway device called a
       mesh gate allows a MBSS to interconnect with a Distribution System (DS).

       The basic enhancements defined by IEEE 802.11s include:

       • discovery services

       • peering management

       • security

       • beaconing and synchronization

       • the Mesh Coordination Function (MCF)

       • power management

       • channel switching

       • extended frame formats

       • path selection and forwarding

       • interworking (proxy mesh gateways)

       • intra-mesh congestion control, and

       • emergency service support.

       The ns-3 models implement only a subset of the above service extensions,  focusing  mainly
       on those items related to peering and routing/forwarding of data frames through the mesh.

       The  Mesh  NetDevice based on 802.11s D3.0 draft standard was added in ns-3.6 and includes
       the Mesh Peering Management Protocol  and  HWMP  (routing)  protocol  implementations.  An
       overview  presentation  by  Kirill  Andreev  was published at the Workshop on ns-3 in 2009
       [And09].  An overview paper is available at [And10].

       As  of  ns-3.23  release,  the  model  has  been  updated  to  the  802.11s-2012  standard
       [ieee80211s] with regard to packet formats, based on the contribution in [Hep15].

       These changes include:

       • Category  codes  and  the  categories  compliant to IEEE-802.11-2012 Table 8-38—Category

       • Information Elements (An adjustment of the element ID values  was  needed  according  to
         Table 8-54 of IEEE-802.11-2012).

       • Mesh  Peering  Management  element  format  changed according to IEEE-802.11-2012 Figure

       • Mesh Configuration element format changed according to IEEE-802.11-2012 Figure 8-363.

       • PERR element format changed according to IEEE-802.11-2012 Figure 8-394.

       With these changes the messages of the Peering Management  Protocol  and  Hybrid  Wireless
       Mesh  Protocol  will  be  transmitted  compliant to IEEE802.11-2012 and the resulting pcap
       trace files can be analyzed by Wireshark.

       The multi-interface mesh points are supported as an extension of IEEE draft  version  3.0.
       Note  that  corresponding  ns-3  mesh  device helper creates a single interface station by

   Overview of IEEE 802.11s
       The implementation of  the  802.11s  extension  consists  of  two  main  parts:  the  Peer
       Management Protocol (PMP) and Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol (HWMP).

       The tasks of the peer management protocol are the following:

       • opening links, detecting beacons, and starting peer link finite state machine, and

       • closing peer links due to transmission failures or beacon loss.

       If  a  peer  link between the sender and receiver does not exist, a frame will be dropped.
       So, the plug-in  to  the  peer  management  protocol  (PMP)  is  the  first  in  the  list
       of ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMacPlugins to be used.

   Peer management protocol
       The peer management protocol consists of three main parts:

       • the  protocol  itself, ns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocol,  which keeps all active peer
         links on interfaces, handles all changes  of  their  states  and  notifies  the  routing
         protocol about link failures.

       • the  MAC plug-in, ns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocolMac, which drops frames if there is
         no peer link, and peeks all needed information from management  frames  and  information
         elements from beacons.

       • the  peer  link, ns3::dot11s::PeerLink, which  keeps  finite  state machine of each peer
         link, keeps beacon loss counter and counter of successive transmission failures.

       The procedure of closing a peer link is not described in detail in the standard, so in the
       model the link may be closed by:

       • beacon loss (see an appropriate attribute of ns3::dot11s::PeerLink class)

       • transmission  failure  –  when  a predefined number of successive packets have failed to
         transmit, the link will be closed.

       The peer management protocol is also responsible for beacon collision  avoidance,  because
       it  keeps beacon timing elements from all neighbours. Note that the PeerManagementProtocol
       is not attached to the MeshPointDevice  as  a  routing  protocol,  but  the  structure  is
       similar:  the  upper  tier  of the protocol is ns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocol and its
       plug-in is ns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocolMac.

   Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol
       HWMP is implemented in both modes, reactive and proactive, although  path  maintenance  is
       not  implemented  (so  active  routes  may time out and need to be rebuilt, causing packet
       loss). Also the model implements an ability to  transmit  broadcast  data  and  management
       frames  as  unicasts  (see  appropriate attributes). This feature is disabled at a station
       when the number of neighbors of the station is more than a threshold value.

   Scope and Limitations
   Supported features
       • Peering Management Protocol (PMP), including link close heuristics and beacon  collision

       • Hybrid   Wireless   Mesh  Protocol  (HWMP),  including  proactive  and  reactive  modes,
         unicast/broadcast propagation of management traffic, multi-radio extensions.

       • 802.11e compatible airtime link metric.

       • Comes with the custom Wireshark dissector.

       • Linux kernel mac80211 layer compatible message formats.

   Unsupported features
       • Mesh Coordinated Channel Access (MCCA).

       • Internetworking: mesh access point and mesh portal.

       • Security.

       • Power save.

       • Path maintenance (sending PREQ proactively before a path expires)

       • Though multi-radio operation is supported, no channel assignment  protocol  is  proposed
         for now. (Correct channel switching is not implemented)

   Models yet to be created
       • Mesh access point (QoS + non-QoS?)

       • Mesh portal (QoS + non-QoS?)

   Open issues
       A bug exists in the Wi-Fi module that manifests itself as performance degradation in large
       mesh networks, due to incorrect duplicate frame detection for QoS data frames (bug 2326).

       Mesh does not work for 802.11n/ac stations (bug 2276).

       Energy module can not be used on mesh devices (bug 2265).

       IE11S_MESH_PEERING_PROTOCOL_VERSION should be removed as per standard.  Protocol ID should
       actually be part of the Mesh Peering Management IE (bug 2600).

       Node  packet  processing  times  are  not modeled; some evaluation of the impact of packet
       processing delays is discussed in [Hep16].

   User Documentation
   Using the MeshNetDevice
   Testing Documentation
            K. Andreev, Realization of IEEE802.11s draft standard in NS-3.

            K. Andreev and P. Boyko, IEEE 802.11s Mesh Networking NS-3 Model.

            C. Hepner and A. Witt and R. Muenzner, Validation  of  the  ns-3  802.11s  model  and
            proposed  changes compliant to IEEE 802.11-2012, Poster at 2015 Workshop on ns-3, May

            C. Hepner and S. Moll and R. Muenzner, Influence of Processing  Delays  on  the  VoIP
            Performance  for  IEEE  802.11s  Multihop Wireless Mesh Networks:  Comparison of ns-3
            Network Simulations with Hardware Measurements, Proceedings of SIMUTOOLS 16,  August,

            IEEE Standard for Information Technology, Telecommunications and information exchange
            between systems, Local and metropolitan area networks, Specific  requirements,   Part
            11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications,
            Amendment 10: Mesh Networking, 10 September 2011.


       Parallel and distributed discrete event  simulation  allows  the  execution  of  a  single
       simulation  program  on  multiple  processors. By splitting up the simulation into logical
       processes, LPs, each LP can  be  executed  by  a  different  processor.   This  simulation
       methodology  enables very large-scale simulations by leveraging increased processing power
       and memory availability. In order to ensure proper execution of a distributed  simulation,
       message  passing  between LPs is required.  To support distributed simulation in ns-3, the
       standard Message Passing Interface (MPI) is used, along with a new  distributed  simulator
       class.   Currently,  dividing a simulation for distributed purposes in ns-3 can only occur
       across point-to-point links.

   Current Implementation Details
       During the  course  of  a  distributed  simulation,  many  packets  must  cross  simulator
       boundaries. In other words, a packet that originated on one LP is destined for a different
       LP, and in order to make this transition, a message containing the packet contents must be
       sent  to  the remote LP. Upon receiving this message, the remote LP can rebuild the packet
       and proceed as normal. The process of sending an receiving messages between LPs is handled
       easily by the new MPI interface in ns-3.

       Along  with simple message passing between LPs, a distributed simulator is used on each LP
       to determine which events to process. It is important to process  events  in  time-stamped
       order  to  ensure  proper  simulation  execution. If a LP receives a message containing an
       event from the past, clearly this is an issue, since this event could change other  events
       which   have   already   been   executed.   To  address  this  problem,  two  conservative
       synchronization algorithm with lookahead  are  used  in  ns-3.  For  more  information  on
       different  synchronization  approaches and parallel and distributed simulation in general,
       please refer to “Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems” by Richard Fujimoto.

       The default parallel synchronization strategy implemented in the  DistributedSimulatorImpl
       class  is  based on a globally synchronized algorithm using an MPI collective operation to
       synchronize simulation time across all LPs.  A second synchronization  strategy  based  on
       local  communication  and  null  messages  is  implemented in the NullMessageSimulatorImpl
       class, For the null message strategy the global all to all gather  is  not  required;  LPs
       only  need to communication with LPs that have shared point-to-point links.  The algorithm
       to use is controlled by which the ns-3 global value SimulatorImplementationType.

       The best algorithm to use is dependent on the communication and event  scheduling  pattern
       for  the  application.   In  general,  null  message synchronization algorithms will scale
       better due to local communication scaling better than a global all-to-all gather  that  is
       required  by  DistributedSimulatorImpl.   There  are  two  known  cases  where  the global
       synchronization performs better.  The first is when most LPs have point-to-point link with
       most  other LPs, in other words the LPs are nearly fully connected.  In this case the null
       message algorithm will generate more message passing traffic than the  all-to-all  gather.
       A  second case where the global all-to-all gather is more efficient is when there are long
       periods of simulation time when no events are occurring.  The all-to-all gather  algorithm
       is able to quickly determine then next event time globally.  The nearest neighbor behavior
       of the  null  message  algorithm  will  require  more  communications  to  propagate  that
       knowledge; each LP is only aware of neighbor next event times.

   Remote point-to-point links
       As  described  in the introduction, dividing a simulation for distributed purposes in ns-3
       currently can only occur across  point-to-point  links;  therefore,  the  idea  of  remote
       point-to-point  links  is  very  important  for  distributed  simulation  in  ns-3. When a
       point-to-point link is installed, connecting two nodes, the point-to-point  helper  checks
       the  system  id,  or rank, of both nodes. The rank should be assigned during node creation
       for distributed simulation and is intended to signify on which LP a node belongs.  If  the
       two nodes are on the same rank, a regular point-to-point link is created. If, however, the
       two nodes are on different ranks, then these nodes are intended for different LPs,  and  a
       remote  point-to-point  link  is  used.  If  a  packet  is  to  be  sent  across  a remote
       point-to-point link, MPI is used to send the message to the remote LP.

   Distributing the topology
       Currently, the full topology is created on each rank, regardless of  the  individual  node
       system  ids. Only the applications are specific to a rank. For example, consider node 1 on
       LP 1 and node 2 on LP 2, with a traffic generator on node 1. Both node 1 and node  2  will
       be  created  on both LP1 and LP2; however, the traffic generator will only be installed on
       LP1. While this is not optimal for memory efficiency, it does simplify routing, since  all
       current routing implementations in ns-3 will work with distributed simulation.

   Running Distributed Simulations
       Ensure  that  MPI  is  installed,  as  well  as  mpic++. In Ubuntu repositories, these are
       openmpi-bin, openmpi-common, openmpi-doc, libopenmpi-dev. In Fedora, these are openmpi and


       There  is  a  conflict  on  some  Fedora  systems  between  libotf and openmpi. A possible
       “quick-fix” is to yum remove libotf before installing openmpi.  This will remove conflict,
       but it will also remove emacs. Alternatively, these steps could be followed to resolve the

          1. Rename the tiny otfdump which emacs says it needs:

                 $ mv /usr/bin/otfdump /usr/bin/otfdump.emacs-version

          2. Manually resolve openmpi dependencies:

                 $ sudo yum install libgfortran libtorque numactl

          3. Download rpm packages:



          4. Force the packages in:

                 $ sudo rpm -ivh --force \
                 openmpi-1.3.1-1.fc11.i586.rpm \
                 openmpi-libs-1.3.1-1.fc11.i586.rpm \
                 openmpi-devel-1.3.1-1.fc11.i586.rpm \

       Also, it may be necessary to add the openmpi bin directory to PATH  in  order  to  execute
       mpic++ and mpirun from the command line. Alternatively, the full path to these executables
       can be used. Finally, if openmpi complains about the inability to open  shared  libraries,
       such  as,  it  may  be  necessary  to  add  the  openmpi lib directory to

       Here is an example of setting up PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH using a bash shell:

          • For a 32-bit Linux distribution:

                $ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/openmpi/bin
                $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/openmpi/lib
              For a 64-bit Linux distribution:

                 $ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin
                 $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib

       These lines can be added into ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc to avoid having to retype  them
       when a new shell is opened.

       Note  2:   There  is  a  separate  issue on recent Fedora distributions, which is that the
       libraries are built with AVX instructions.  On older machines or  some  virtual  machines,
       this  results in an illegal instruction being thrown.  This is not an ns-3 issue, a simple
       MPI  test  case  will  also  fail.   The  AVX  instructions  are   being   called   during

       The  symptom of this is that attempts to run an ns-3 MPI program will fail with the error:
       terminated with signal SIGILL.  To check if this is the problem, run:

          $ grep avx /proc/cpuinfo

       and it will not return anything if AVX is not present.

       If AVX is not supported, it is recommended to switch to  a  different  MPI  implementation
       such as MPICH:

          $ dnf remove openmpi openmpi-devel
          $ dnf install mpich mpich-devel environment-modules
          $ module load mpi/mpich-x86_64

   Building and Running Examples
       If you already built ns-3 without MPI enabled, you must re-build:

          $ ./waf distclean

       Configure ns-3 with the –enable-mpi option:

          $ ./waf -d debug configure --enable-examples --enable-tests --enable-mpi

       Ensure  that  MPI  is  enabled  by checking the optional features shown from the output of

       Next, build ns-3:

          $ ./waf

       After building ns-3 with mpi enabled, the example programs  are  now  ready  to  run  with
       mpiexec.   It  is  advised  to  avoid  running Waf directly with mpiexec; two options that
       should be more robust are to either use the –command-template way of running  the  mpiexec
       program, or to use ./waf shell and run the executables directly on the command line.  Here
       are a few examples (from the root ns-3 directory):

          $ ./waf --command-template="mpiexec -np 2 %s" --run simple-distributed
          $ ./waf --command-template="mpiexec -np 2 -machinefile mpihosts %s --nix=0" --run nms-p2p-nix-distributed

       An example using the null message synchronization algorithm:

          $ ./waf --command-template="mpiexec -np 2 %s --nullmsg" --run simple-distributed

       The np switch is the number of logical processors to use. The machinefile switch is  which
       machines  to  use.  In  order to use machinefile, the target file must exist (in this case
       mpihosts). This can simply contain something like:


       Or if you have a cluster of machines, you can name them.

       The other alternative to command-template is to use ./waf shell.  Here are the  equivalent
       examples to the above (assuming optimized build profile):

          $ ./waf shell
          $ cd build/src/mpi/examples
          $ mpiexec -np 2 ns3-dev-simple-distributed-optimized
          $ mpiexec -np 2 -machinefile mpihosts ns3-dev-nms-p2p-nix-distributed-optimized --nix=0
          $ mpiexec -np 2 ns3-dev-simple-distributed-optimized --nullmsg

   Setting synchronization algorithm to use
       The  global value SimulatorImplementationType is used to set the synchronization algorithm
       to use.  This value must be set before the MpiInterface::Enable method is invoked  if  the
       default DistributedSimulatorImpl is not used.  Here is an example code snippet showing how
       to add a command line argument to control the synchronization algorithm choice::

          cmd.AddValue ("nullmsg", "Enable the use of null-message synchronization", nullmsg);
              GlobalValue::Bind ("SimulatorImplementationType",
                                 StringValue ("ns3::NullMessageSimulatorImpl"));
              GlobalValue::Bind ("SimulatorImplementationType",
                                 StringValue ("ns3::DistributedSimulatorImpl"));

          // Enable parallel simulator with the command line arguments
          MpiInterface::Enable (&argc, &argv);

   Creating custom topologies
       The example programs in src/mpi/examples give a good  idea  of  how  to  create  different
       topologies  for  distributed  simulation.  The  main  points  are  assigning system ids to
       individual nodes, creating point-to-point links where the simulation  should  be  divided,
       and installing applications only on the LP associated with the target node.

       Assigning  system  ids to nodes is simple and can be handled two different ways.  First, a
       NodeContainer can be used to create the nodes and assign system ids:

          NodeContainer nodes;
          nodes.Create (5, 1); // Creates 5 nodes with system id 1.

       Alternatively, nodes can be created individually, assigned system  ids,  and  added  to  a
       NodeContainer. This is useful if a NodeContainer holds nodes with different system ids:

          NodeContainer nodes;
          Ptr<Node> node1 = CreateObject<Node> (0); // Create node1 with system id 0
          Ptr<Node> node2 = CreateObject<Node> (1); // Create node2 with system id 1
          nodes.Add (node1);
          nodes.Add (node2);

       Next,  where  the  simulation  is divided is determined by the placement of point-to-point
       links. If a point-to-point link is created between two nodes with different system ids,  a
       remote point-to-point link is created, as described in Current Implementation Details.

       Finally,  installing  applications  only on the LP associated with the target node is very
       important. For example, if a traffic generator is to be placed on node 0, which is on LP0,
       only  LP0  should install this application.  This is easily accomplished by first checking
       the simulator system id, and ensuring that it matches the system id  of  the  target  node
       before installing the application.

   Tracing During Distributed Simulations
       Depending  on  the  system  id  (rank)  of  the  simulator, the information traced will be
       different, since traffic originating on one simulator is not  seen  by  another  simulator
       until  it  reaches  nodes  specific  to  that  simulator. The easiest way to keep track of
       different traces is to just name the trace files or pcaps differently, based on the system
       id  of  the  simulator. For example, something like this should work well, assuming all of
       these local variables were previously defined:

          if (MpiInterface::GetSystemId () == 0)
              pointToPoint.EnablePcapAll ("distributed-rank0");
              phy.EnablePcap ("distributed-rank0", apDevices.Get (0));
              csma.EnablePcap ("distributed-rank0", csmaDevices.Get (0), true);
          else if (MpiInterface::GetSystemId () == 1)
              pointToPoint.EnablePcapAll ("distributed-rank1");
              phy.EnablePcap ("distributed-rank1", apDevices.Get (0));
              csma.EnablePcap ("distributed-rank1", csmaDevices.Get (0), true);


       The mobility support in ns-3 includes:

       • a set of mobility models which are used to track  and  maintain  the  current  cartesian
         position and speed of an object.

       • a  “course  change notifier” trace source which can be used to register listeners to the
         course changes of a mobility model

       • a number of helper classes which are used to  place  nodes  and  setup  mobility  models
         (including parsers for some mobility definition formats).

   Model Description
       The source code for mobility lives in the directory src/mobility.

       The design includes mobility models, position allocators, and helper functions.

       In  ns-3,  MobilityModel`  objects  track  the  evolution  of  position  with respect to a
       (cartesian) coordinate system.  The mobility model is typically aggregated to an ns3::Node
       object and queried using GetObject<MobilityModel> (). The base class ns3::MobilityModel is
       subclassed for different motion behaviors.

       The initial position of objects is typically set with a PositionAllocator.  These types of
       objects  will  lay out the position on a notional canvas.  Once the simulation starts, the
       position allocator may no longer be used, or it  may  be  used  to  pick  future  mobility
       “waypoints” for such mobility models.

       Most  users  interact  with  the  mobility  system  using  mobility  helper  classes.  The
       MobilityHelper combines a mobility model and position allocator, and can be  used  with  a
       node container to install a similar mobility capability on a set of nodes.

       We  first  describe  the  coordinate  system  and  issues  surrounding multiple coordinate

   Coordinate system
       There are many possible coordinate systems and possible translations between  them.   ns-3
       uses the Cartesian coordinate system only, at present.

       The  question  has  arisen  as  to  how  to  use the mobility models (supporting Cartesian
       coordinates) with different coordinate systems.  This is possible  if  the  user  performs
       conversion  between  the  ns-3  Cartesian  and  the other coordinate system.  One possible
       library to assist is the proj4 library for projections and reverse projections.

       If we support converting between coordinate systems, we must adopt a  reference.   It  has
       been  suggested  to  use  the  geocentric  Cartesian  coordinate  system  as  a reference.
       Contributions are welcome in this regard.

       The question has arisen about adding  a  new  mobility  model  whose  motion  is  natively
       implemented  in  a  different  coordinate  system  (such  as  an  orbital  mobility  model
       implemented using spherical coordinate system).  We advise to create a subclass  with  the
       APIs  desired  (such  as  Get/SetSphericalPosition),  and  new  position  allocators,  and
       implement the motion however desired, but must also support the  conversion  to  cartesian
       (by supporting the cartesian Get/SetPosition).

       The  base  class  for  a  coordinate  is called ns3::Vector.  While positions are normally
       described as coordinates and not vectors in the literature, it is possible  to  reuse  the
       same  data  structure  to represent position (x,y,z) and velocity (magnitude and direction
       from the current position).  ns-3 uses class Vector for both.

       There are also some additional related structures used to support mobility models.

       • Rectangle

       • Box

       • Waypoint

       Describe base class

       • GetPosition ()

       • Position and Velocity attributes

       • GetDistanceFrom ()

       • CourseChangeNotification

   MobilityModel Subclasses
       • ConstantPosition

       • ConstantVelocity

       • ConstantAcceleration

       • GaussMarkov

       • Hierarchical

       • RandomDirection2D

       • RandomWalk2D

       • RandomWaypoint

       • SteadyStateRandomWaypoint

       • Waypoint

       Position allocators usually used only at beginning, to lay out the nodes initial position.
       However,  some mobility models (e.g. RandomWaypoint) will use a position allocator to pick
       new waypoints.

       • ListPositionAllocator

       • GridPositionAllocator

       • RandomRectanglePositionAllocator

       • RandomBoxPositionAllocator

       • RandomDiscPositionAllocator

       • UniformDiscPositionAllocator

       A special mobility helper is provided that is mainly aimed at supporting the  installation
       of  mobility  to  a  Node  container (when using containers at the helper API level).  The
       MobilityHelper class encapsulates a MobilityModel factory object and  a  PositionAllocator
       used for initial node layout.

       Group  mobility  is  also  configurable  via a GroupMobilityHelper object.  Group mobility
       reuses the HierarchicalMobilityModel allowing one to define a reference (parent)  mobility
       model  and  child  (member) mobility models, with the position being the vector sum of the
       two mobility model positions (i.e., the child position is defined  as  an  offset  to  the
       parent position).  In the GroupMobilityHelper, the parent mobility model is not associated
       with any node, and is used as the parent mobility model for all (distinct) child  mobility
       models.   The  reference  point group mobility model [Camp2002] is the basis for this ns-3

   ns-2 MobilityHelper
       The ns-2 mobility format is a widely used mobility trace  format.   The  documentation  is
       available at:

       Valid trace files use the following ns-2 statements:

          $node set X_ x1
          $node set Y_ y1
          $node set Z_ z1
          $ns at $time $node setdest x2 y2 speed
          $ns at $time $node set X_ x1
          $ns at $time $node set Y_ Y1
          $ns at $time $node set Z_ Z1

       In  the above, the initial positions are set using the set statements.  Also, this set can
       be specified for a future time, such as in the last three statements above.

       The command setdest instructs the simulation to start moving the  specified  node  towards
       the  coordinate  (x2,  y2) at the specified time.  Note that the node may never get to the
       destination, but will proceed towards the destination at  the  specified  speed  until  it
       either  reaches the destination (where it will pause), is set to a new position (via set),
       or sent on another course change (via setdest).

       Note that in ns-3, movement along the Z dimension is not supported.

       Some examples of external tools that can export in this format include:

       • BonnMotionInstallation instructions and

         • Documentation for using BonnMotion with ns-3SUMOTraNSns-2 setdest utility

       A special Ns2MobilityHelper object can be used  to  parse  these  files  and  convert  the
       statements  into  ns-3  mobility  events.  The underlying ConstantVelocityMobilityModel is
       used to model these movements.

       See below for additional usage instructions on this helper.

   Scope and Limitations
       • only cartesian coordinates are presently supported

            T. Camp, J. Boleng, V. Davies.  “A survey of  mobility  models  for  ad  hoc  network
            research”,  in  Wireless  Communications  and  Mobile  Computing,  2002:  vol. 2, pp.

       Most  ns-3  program  authors  typically  interact  with  the  mobility  system   only   at
       configuration  time.   However,  various  ns-3  objects  interact  with  mobility  objects
       repeatedly during runtime, such as a propagation model trying to determine the  path  loss
       between two mobile nodes.

       A typical usage pattern can be found in the program in the tutorial.

       First,  the user instantiates a MobilityHelper object and sets some Attributes controlling
       the “position allocator” functionality.

          MobilityHelper mobility;

          mobility.SetPositionAllocator ("ns3::GridPositionAllocator",
            "MinX", DoubleValue (0.0),
            "MinY", DoubleValue (0.0),
            "DeltaX", DoubleValue (5.0),
            "DeltaY", DoubleValue (10.0),
            "GridWidth", UintegerValue (3),
            "LayoutType", StringValue ("RowFirst"));

       This code tells the mobility helper to use a two-dimensional grid to initially  place  the
       nodes.   The  first  argument is an ns-3 TypeId specifying the type of mobility model; the
       remaining attribute/value pairs configure this position allocator.

       Next, the user typically sets the MobilityModel subclass; e.g.:

          mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::RandomWalk2dMobilityModel",
            "Bounds", RectangleValue (Rectangle (-50, 50, -50, 50)));

       Once the helper is configured, it is typically passed a container, such as:

          mobility.Install (wifiStaNodes);

       A MobilityHelper object may be reconfigured and reused for different NodeContainers during
       the configuration of an ns-3 scenario.

       Two example programs are provided demonstrating the use of the ns-2 mobility helper:



       The  program  is  an  example  of  loading  an ns-2 trace file that
       specifies the movements of two nodes over 100 seconds of simulation time.   It  is  paired
       with the file default.ns_movements.

       The program behaves as follows:

       • a Ns2MobilityHelper object is created, with the specified trace file.

       • A log file is created, using the log file name argument.

       • A node container is created with the number of nodes specified in the command line.  For
         this particular trace file, specify the value 2 for this argument.

       • the Install() method of Ns2MobilityHelper to set mobility to nodes. At this moment,  the
         file is read line by line, and the movement is scheduled in the simulator.

       • A  callback  is  configured,  so  each  time  a node changes its course a log message is

       The example prints out messages generated by each read line from the  ns2  movement  trace
       file.    For  each  line, it shows if the line is correct, or of it has errors and in this
       case it will be ignored.

       Example usage:

          $ ./waf --run "ns2-mobility-trace \
          --traceFile=src/mobility/examples/default.ns_movements \
          --nodeNum=2 \
          --duration=100.0 \

       Sample log file output:

          +0.0ns POS: x=150, y=93.986, z=0; VEL:0, y=50.4038, z=0
          +0.0ns POS: x=195.418, y=150, z=0; VEL:50.1186, y=0, z=0
          +104727357.0ns POS: x=200.667, y=150, z=0; VEL:50.1239, y=0, z=0
          +204480076.0ns POS: x=205.667, y=150, z=0; VEL:0, y=0, z=0

       The program, which models the movement of a single  mobile  node
       for 1000 seconds of simulation time, has a few associated files:

       • bonnmotion.ns_movements is the ns-2-formatted mobility trace

       • bonnmotion.params  is  a BonnMotion-generated file with some metadata about the mobility

       • bonnmotion.ns_params is another BonnMotion-generated file with ns-2-related metadata.

       Neither of the latter two files is used by ns-3, although they are generated  as  part  of
       the BonnMotion process to output ns-2-compatible traces.

       The program will output the following to stdout:

          At 0.00 node 0: Position(329.82, 66.06, 0.00);   Speed(0.53, -0.22, 0.00)
          At 100.00 node 0: Position(378.38, 45.59, 0.00);   Speed(0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
          At 200.00 node 0: Position(304.52, 123.66, 0.00);   Speed(-0.92, 0.97, 0.00)
          At 300.00 node 0: Position(274.16, 131.67, 0.00);   Speed(-0.53, -0.46, 0.00)
          At 400.00 node 0: Position(202.11, 123.60, 0.00);   Speed(-0.98, 0.35, 0.00)
          At 500.00 node 0: Position(104.60, 158.95, 0.00);   Speed(-0.98, 0.35, 0.00)
          At 600.00 node 0: Position(31.92, 183.87, 0.00);   Speed(0.76, -0.51, 0.00)
          At 700.00 node 0: Position(107.99, 132.43, 0.00);   Speed(0.76, -0.51, 0.00)
          At 800.00 node 0: Position(184.06, 80.98, 0.00);   Speed(0.76, -0.51, 0.00)
          At 900.00 node 0: Position(250.08, 41.76, 0.00);   Speed(0.60, -0.05, 0.00)

       The motion of the mobile node is sampled every 100 seconds, and its position and speed are
       printed out.  This output may be compared to the output of a similar ns-2  program  (found
       in the ns-2 tcl/ex/ directory of ns-2) running from the same mobility trace.

       The next file is generated from ns-2 (users will have to download and install ns-2 and run
       this Tcl program to see this output).   The  output  of  the  ns-2  bonnmotion-example.tcl
       program is shown below for comparison (file

          M 0.00000 0 (329.82, 66.06, 0.00), (378.38, 45.59), 0.57
          M 100.00000 0 (378.38, 45.59, 0.00), (378.38, 45.59), 0.57
          M 119.37150 0 (378.38, 45.59, 0.00), (286.69, 142.52), 1.33
          M 200.00000 0 (304.52, 123.66, 0.00), (286.69, 142.52), 1.33
          M 276.35353 0 (286.69, 142.52, 0.00), (246.32, 107.57), 0.70
          M 300.00000 0 (274.16, 131.67, 0.00), (246.32, 107.57), 0.70
          M 354.65589 0 (246.32, 107.57, 0.00), (27.38, 186.94), 1.04
          M 400.00000 0 (202.11, 123.60, 0.00), (27.38, 186.94), 1.04
          M 500.00000 0 (104.60, 158.95, 0.00), (27.38, 186.94), 1.04
          M 594.03719 0 (27.38, 186.94, 0.00), (241.02, 42.45), 0.92
          M 600.00000 0 (31.92, 183.87, 0.00), (241.02, 42.45), 0.92
          M 700.00000 0 (107.99, 132.43, 0.00), (241.02, 42.45), 0.92
          M 800.00000 0 (184.06, 80.98, 0.00), (241.02, 42.45), 0.92
          M 884.77399 0 (241.02, 42.45, 0.00), (309.59, 37.22), 0.60
          M 900.00000 0 (250.08, 41.76, 0.00), (309.59, 37.22), 0.60

       The  output formatting is slightly different, and the course change times are additionally
       plotted, but it can be seen that the position vectors are the same between the two  traces
       at intervals of 100 seconds.

       The  mobility computations performed on the ns-2 trace file are slightly different in ns-2
       and ns-3, and floating-point arithmetic is used, so there is a chance that the position in
       ns-2  may  be slightly different than the respective position when using the trace file in

   Use of Random Variables
       A typical use case is to evaluate protocols  on  a  mobile  topology  that  involves  some
       randomness  in  the  motion  or  initial position allocation.  To obtain random motion and
       positioning that is not affected by the configuration of the rest of the scenario,  it  is
       recommended to use the “AssignStreams” facility of the random number system.

       Class  MobilityModel and class PositionAllocator both have public API to assign streams to
       underlying random variables:

           * Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables
           * used by this model. Return the number of streams (possibly zero) that
           * have been assigned.
           * \param stream first stream index to use
           * \return the number of stream indices assigned by this model
          int64_t AssignStreams (int64_t stream);

       The class MobilityHelper also provides this API.  The typical usage pattern when using the
       helper is:

          int64_t streamIndex = /*some positive integer */
          MobilityHelper mobility;
          ... (configure mobility)
          mobility.Install (wifiStaNodes);
          int64_t streamsUsed = mobility.AssignStreams (wifiStaNodes, streamIndex);

       If AssignStreams is called before Install, it will not have any effect.

   Advanced Usage
       A number of external tools can be used to generate traces read by the Ns2MobilityHelper.

   ns-2 scengen








       The  reference  point  group  mobility  model  ([Camp2002]) is demonstrated in the example
       program  This example runs a  short  simulation
       that  illustrates  a parent WaypointMobilityModel traversing a rectangular course within a
       bounding box, and three member nodes independently execute a two-dimensional  random  walk
       around  the  parent  position,  within  a  small  bounding  box.   The example illustrates
       configuration using the GroupMobilityHelper and manual configuration without a helper; the
       configuration option is selectable by command-line argument.

       The  example  outputs  two  mobility  trace files, a course change trace and a time-series
       trace of  node  position.   The  latter  trace  file  can  be  parsed  by  a  Bash  script
       (  to create PNG images at one-second intervals,
       which can then be combined using an image processing program such as ImageMagick to form a
       basic  animated gif of the mobility.  The example and animation program files have further
       instructions on how to run them.



       The design of the Packet framework of ns was heavily guided by a few important use-cases:

       • avoid changing the core of the simulator to introduce new types  of  packet  headers  or

       • maximize the ease of integration with real-world code and systems

       • make  it  easy  to  support fragmentation, defragmentation, and, concatenation which are
         important, especially in wireless systems.

       • make memory management of this object efficient

       • allow actual application data or dummy application bytes for emulated applications

       Each network packet contains a byte buffer, a set of byte tags, a set of packet tags,  and

       The  byte  buffer  stores  the  serialized  content of the headers and trailers added to a
       packet. The serialized representation of these headers is expected to match that  of  real
       network  packets bit for bit (although nothing forces you to do this) which means that the
       content of a packet buffer is expected to be that of a real packet.

       Fragmentation and defragmentation are quite natural  to  implement  within  this  context:
       since  we  have  a  buffer  of  real  bytes,  we  can  split  it in multiple fragments and
       re-assemble these fragments. We expect that this choice will make it really easy  to  wrap
       our Packet data structure within Linux-style skb or BSD-style mbuf to integrate real-world
       kernel code in the simulator. We also expect that  performing  a  real-time  plug  of  the
       simulator to a real-world network will be easy.

       One  problem  that  this  design choice raises is that it is difficult to pretty-print the
       packet headers without context. The packet metadata describes the type of the headers  and
       trailers  which  were  serialized  in  the  byte  buffer.   The maintenance of metadata is
       optional and disabled by default. To enable it, you must call Packet::EnablePrinting() and
       this will allow you to get non-empty output from Packet::Print and Packet::Print.

       Also,  developers often want to store data in packet objects that is not found in the real
       packets (such as timestamps or flow-ids). The Packet class deals with this requirement  by
       storing a set of tags (class Tag).  We have found two classes of use cases for these tags,
       which leads to two different types of tags. So-called ‘byte’ tags are used to tag a subset
       of  the  bytes  in  the  packet byte buffer while ‘packet’ tags are used to tag the packet
       itself. The main difference between these two kinds of tags is what happens  when  packets
       are  copied,  fragmented,  and  reassembled:  ‘byte’ tags follow bytes while ‘packet’ tags
       follow packets. Another important difference between these two kinds of tags is that  byte
       tags  cannot  be  removed  and are expected to be written once, and read many times, while
       packet tags are expected to be written once, read many times, and removed exactly once. An
       example  of  a  ‘byte’  tag  is  a  FlowIdTag  which  contains a flow id and is set by the
       application generating traffic. An example of a ‘packet’ tag is a cross-layer QoS class id
       set by an application and processed by a lower-level MAC layer.

       Memory  management of Packet objects is entirely automatic and extremely efficient: memory
       for the application-level payload can be modeled by a virtual buffer of zero-filled  bytes
       for  which memory is never allocated unless explicitly requested by the user or unless the
       packet is fragmented or serialized out to a real  network  device.  Furthermore,  copying,
       adding,  and,  removing headers or trailers to a packet has been optimized to be virtually
       free through a technique known as Copy On Write.

       Packets (messages) are fundamental objects in the simulator and their design is  important
       from  a  performance and resource management perspective. There are various ways to design
       the simulation packet, and tradeoffs among the different approaches. In particular,  there
       is a tension between ease-of-use, performance, and safe interface design.

   Packet design overview
       Unlike  ns-2,  in which Packet objects contain a buffer of C++ structures corresponding to
       protocol headers, each network packet in ns-3 contains a byte Buffer, a list of byte Tags,
       a list of packet Tags, and a PacketMetadata object:

       • The  byte  buffer  stores  the  serialized content of the chunks added to a packet.  The
         serialized representation of these chunks is expected to  match  that  of  real  network
         packets  bit  for  bit  (although  nothing  forces  you to do this) which means that the
         content of a packet buffer is expected to be that of a real packet.  Packets can also be
         created with an arbitrary zero-filled payload for which no real memory is allocated.

       • Each  list  of  tags  stores  an  arbitrarily  large set of arbitrary user-provided data
         structures in the packet.  Each Tag  is  uniquely  identified  by  its  type;  only  one
         instance  of  each  type  of  data  structure  is allowed in a list of tags.  These tags
         typically contain per-packet cross-layer information or flow identifiers  (i.e.,  things
         that you wouldn’t find in the bits on the wire).
         [image] Implementation overview of Packet class..UNINDENT

         Figure  Implementation  overview of Packet class. is a high-level overview of the Packet
         implementation; more detail on the byte  Buffer  implementation  is  provided  later  in
         Figure  Implementation  overview  of  a  packet’s byte Buffer.. In ns-3, the Packet byte
         buffer is analogous to a Linux skbuff or BSD mbuf; it is a serialized representation  of
         the  actual data in the packet.  The tag lists are containers for extra items useful for
         simulation convenience; if a Packet is converted to an emulated packet and put  over  an
         actual  network, the tags are stripped off and the byte buffer is copied directly into a
         real packet.

         Packets are reference counted objects. They are handled with smart pointer (Ptr) objects
         like  many of the objects in the ns-3 system.  One small difference you will see is that
         class Packet does not inherit from class Object or class  RefCountBase,  and  implements
         the  Ref()  and  Unref()  methods directly. This was designed to avoid the overhead of a
         vtable in class Packet.

         The Packet class is designed to be copied cheaply; the overall design is based  on  Copy
         on  Write (COW).  When there are multiple references to a packet object, and there is an
         operation on one of them, only so-called “dirty” operations will trigger a deep copy  of
         the packet:

       • ns3::Packet::AddHeader()ns3::Packet::AddTrailer()both versions of ns3::Packet::AddAtEnd()Packet::RemovePacketTag()

       The  fundamental  classes for adding to and removing from the byte buffer are class Header
       and class Trailer. Headers are more common but the below discussion also  largely  applies
       to  protocols  using trailers. Every protocol header that needs to be inserted and removed
       from a Packet instance should derive from the abstract Header base class and implement the
       private pure virtual methods listed below:

       • ns3::Header::SerializeTo()ns3::Header::DeserializeFrom()ns3::Header::GetSerializedSize()ns3::Header::PrintTo()

       Basically,  the  first  three  functions  are  used  to serialize and deserialize protocol
       control information to/from a Buffer. For example, one may define class TCPHeader : public
       Header.  The TCPHeader object will typically consist of some private data (like a sequence
       number) and public interface access functions (such as checking the bounds of  an  input).
       But  the  underlying  representation  of the TCPHeader in a Packet Buffer is 20 serialized
       bytes (plus  TCP  options).  The  TCPHeader::SerializeTo()  function  would  therefore  be
       designed to write these 20 bytes properly into the packet, in network byte order. The last
       function is used to define how the Header object prints itself onto an output stream.

       Similarly, user-defined Tags can be appended to the packet. Unlike Headers, Tags  are  not
       serialized  into a contiguous buffer but are stored in lists. Tags can be flexibly defined
       to be any type, but there can only be one instance of any particular object  type  in  the
       Tags buffer at any time.

   Using the packet interface
       This section describes how to create and use the ns3::Packet object.

   Creating a new packet
       The following command will create a new packet with a new unique Id.:

          Ptr<Packet> pkt = Create<Packet> ();

       What  is  the  Uid  (unique  Id)?   It  is an internal id that the system uses to identify
       packets.  It can be fetched via the following method:

          uint32_t uid = pkt->GetUid ();

       But please note the following. This uid is an internal uid and cannot  be  counted  on  to
       provide  an  accurate counter of how many “simulated packets” of a particular protocol are
       in the system. It is not trivial to  make  this  uid  into  such  a  counter,  because  of
       questions  such as what should the uid be when the packet is sent over broadcast media, or
       when fragmentation occurs. If a user wants to trace actual packet counts, he or she should
       look  at  e.g.  the  IP  ID  field or transport sequence numbers, or other packet or frame
       counters at other protocol layers.

       We mentioned above that it is possible to create packets with zero-filled payloads that do
       not actually require a memory allocation (i.e., the packet may behave, when delays such as
       serialization or transmission delays are computed, to have a  certain  number  of  payload
       bytes,  but  the  bytes  will only be allocated on-demand when needed).  The command to do
       this is, when the packet is created:

          Ptr<Packet> pkt = Create<Packet> (N);

       where N is a positive integer.

       The packet now has a size of N bytes, which can be verified by the GetSize() method:

           * \returns the size in bytes of the packet (including the zero-filled
           *          initial payload)
          uint32_t GetSize (void) const;

       You can also initialize a packet with a character buffer. The input data is copied and the
       input buffer is untouched. The constructor applied is:

          Packet (uint8_t const *buffer, uint32_t size);

       Here is an example:

          Ptr<Packet> pkt1 = Create<Packet> (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*> ("hello"), 5);

       Packets  are  freed  when  there  are no more references to them, as with all ns-3 objects
       referenced by the Ptr class.

   Adding and removing Buffer data
       After the initial packet creation (which may possibly create some fake  initial  bytes  of
       payload),  all  subsequent buffer data is added by adding objects of class Header or class
       Trailer. Note that, even if you are in the application layer, handling packets,  and  want
       to  write  application  data, you write it as an ns3::Header or ns3::Trailer. If you add a
       Header, it is prepended to the packet, and if you add a Trailer, it is added to the end of
       the packet. If you have no data in the packet, then it makes no difference whether you add
       a Header or Trailer. Since the APIs and classes for header and  trailer  are  pretty  much
       identical, we’ll just look at class Header here.

       The  first  step is to create a new header class. All new Header classes must inherit from
       class Header, and implement the following methods:

       • Serialize ()Deserialize ()GetSerializedSize ()Print ()

       To see a simple example of how these  are  done,  look  at  the  UdpHeader  class  headers
       src/internet/model/ There are many other examples within the source code.

       Once you have a header (or you have a preexisting header), the following Packet API can be
       used to add or remove such headers.:

           * Add header to this packet. This method invokes the
           * Header::GetSerializedSize and Header::Serialize
           * methods to reserve space in the buffer and request the
           * header to serialize itself in the packet buffer.
           * \param header a reference to the header to add to this packet.
          void AddHeader (const Header & header);
           * Deserialize and remove the header from the internal buffer.
           * This method invokes Header::Deserialize (begin) and should be used for
           * fixed-length headers.
           * \param header a reference to the header to remove from the internal buffer.
           * \returns the number of bytes removed from the packet.
          uint32_t RemoveHeader (Header &header);
           * Deserialize but does _not_ remove the header from the internal buffer.
           * This method invokes Header::Deserialize.
           * \param header a reference to the header to read from the internal buffer.
           * \returns the number of bytes read from the packet.
          uint32_t PeekHeader (Header &header) const;

       For instance, here are the typical operations to add and remove a UDP header.:

          // add header
          Ptr<Packet> packet = Create<Packet> ();
          UdpHeader udpHeader;
          // Fill out udpHeader fields appropriately
          packet->AddHeader (udpHeader);
          // remove header
          UdpHeader udpHeader;
          packet->RemoveHeader (udpHeader);
          // Read udpHeader fields as needed

       If the header is variable-length, then another variant of RemoveHeader() is needed:

           * \brief Deserialize and remove the header from the internal buffer.
           * This method invokes Header::Deserialize (begin, end) and should be
           * used for variable-length headers (where the size is determined somehow
           * by the caller).
           * \param header a reference to the header to remove from the internal buffer.
           * \param size number of bytes to deserialize
           * \returns the number of bytes removed from the packet.
          uint32_t RemoveHeader (Header &header, uint32_t size);

       In this case, the caller must figure out and provide the right ‘size’ as an argument  (the
       Deserialization  routine  may  not  know when to stop).  An example of this type of header
       would be a series of Type-Length-Value (TLV) information elements, where the ending  point
       of the series of TLVs can be deduced from the packet length.

   Adding and removing Tags
       There  is  a single base class of Tag that all packet tags must derive from. They are used
       in two different tag lists in the packet; the lists have different semantics and different
       expected use cases.

       As  the  names imply, ByteTags follow bytes and PacketTags follow packets. What this means
       is that when operations are done on packets, such  as  fragmentation,  concatenation,  and
       appending  or removing headers, the byte tags keep track of which packet bytes they cover.
       For instance, if a user creates a TCP segment, and applies a ByteTag to the segment,  each
       byte  of  the  TCP segment will be tagged. However, if the next layer down inserts an IPv4
       header, this ByteTag will not cover those bytes.  The converse is true for the  PacketTag;
       it covers a packet despite the operations on it.

       Each  tag  type  must  subclass ns3::Tag, and only one instance of each Tag type may be in
       each tag list. Here are a few differences in the behavior of packet tags and byte tags.

       • Fragmentation:  As mentioned above, when a packet is fragmented,  each  packet  fragment
         (which  is  a  new packet) will get a copy of all packet tags, and byte tags will follow
         the new packet boundaries (i.e. if the  fragmented  packets  fragment  across  a  buffer
         region  covered  by  the byte tag, both packet fragments will still have the appropriate
         buffer regions byte tagged).

       • Concatenation: When packets are combined, two different buffer regions will become  one.
         For  byte  tags,  the  byte tags simply follow the respective buffer regions. For packet
         tags, only the tags on the first packet survive the merge.

       • Finding and Printing: Both classes allow you to iterate over all of the tags  and  print

       • Removal:  Users can add and remove the same packet tag multiple times on a single packet
         (AddPacketTag () and RemovePacketTag ()). The packet However, once a byte tag is  added,
         it  can  only  be  removed  by  stripping all byte tags from the packet. Removing one of
         possibly multiple byte tags is not supported by the current API.

       If a user wants to take an existing packet object and reuse it as a new packet, he or  she
       should  remove  all  byte  tags  and  packet  tags  before  doing  so.  An  example is the
       UdpEchoServer class, which takes the received packet and “turns it around” to send back to
       the echo client.

       The Packet API for byte tags is given below.:

           * \param tag the new tag to add to this packet
           * Tag each byte included in this packet with the
           * new tag.
           * Note that adding a tag is a const operation which is pretty
           * un-intuitive. The rationale is that the content and behavior of
           * a packet is _not_ changed when a tag is added to a packet: any
           * code which was not aware of the new tag is going to work just
           * the same if the new tag is added. The real reason why adding a
           * tag was made a const operation is to allow a trace sink which gets
           * a packet to tag the packet, even if the packet is const (and most
           * trace sources should use const packets because it would be
           * totally evil to allow a trace sink to modify the content of a
           * packet).
          void AddByteTag (const Tag &tag) const;
           * \returns an iterator over the set of byte tags included in this packet.
          ByteTagIterator GetByteTagIterator (void) const;
           * \param tag the tag to search in this packet
           * \returns true if the requested tag type was found, false otherwise.
           * If the requested tag type is found, it is copied in the user's
           * provided tag instance.
          bool FindFirstMatchingByteTag (Tag &tag) const;

           * Remove all the tags stored in this packet.
          void RemoveAllByteTags (void);

           * \param os output stream in which the data should be printed.
           * Iterate over the tags present in this packet, and
           * invoke the Print method of each tag stored in the packet.
          void PrintByteTags (std::ostream &os) const;

       The Packet API for packet tags is given below.:

           * \param tag the tag to store in this packet
           * Add a tag to this packet. This method calls the
           * Tag::GetSerializedSize and, then, Tag::Serialize.
           * Note that this method is const, that is, it does not
           * modify the state of this packet, which is fairly
           * un-intuitive.
          void AddPacketTag (const Tag &tag) const;
           * \param tag the tag to remove from this packet
           * \returns true if the requested tag is found, false
           *          otherwise.
           * Remove a tag from this packet. This method calls
           * Tag::Deserialize if the tag is found.
          bool RemovePacketTag (Tag &tag);
           * \param tag the tag to search in this packet
           * \returns true if the requested tag is found, false
           *          otherwise.
           * Search a matching tag and call Tag::Deserialize if it is found.
          bool PeekPacketTag (Tag &tag) const;
           * Remove all packet tags.
          void RemoveAllPacketTags (void);

           * \param os the stream in which we want to print data.
           * Print the list of 'packet' tags.
           * \sa Packet::AddPacketTag, Packet::RemovePacketTag, Packet::PeekPacketTag,
           *  Packet::RemoveAllPacketTags
          void PrintPacketTags (std::ostream &os) const;

           * \returns an object which can be used to iterate over the list of
           *  packet tags.
          PacketTagIterator GetPacketTagIterator (void) const;

       Here   is   a   simple   example   illustrating   the   use  of  tags  from  the  code  in

          Ptr<Packet> p;  // pointer to a pre-existing packet
          SocketIpTtlTag tag
          tag.SetTtl (m_ipMulticastTtl); // Convey the TTL from UDP layer to IP layer
          p->AddPacketTag (tag);

       This tag is read at the IP layer, then stripped (src/internet/model/

          uint8_t ttl = m_defaultTtl;
          SocketIpTtlTag tag;
          bool found = packet->RemovePacketTag (tag);
          if (found)
              ttl = tag.GetTtl ();

   Fragmentation and concatenation
       Packets may be fragmented or merged together.  For example, to fragment a packet p  of  90
       bytes  into  two  packets,  one containing the first 10 bytes and the other containing the
       remaining 80, one may call the following code:

          Ptr<Packet> frag0 = p->CreateFragment (0, 10);
          Ptr<Packet> frag1 = p->CreateFragment (10, 90);

       As discussed above, the packet tags from p will follow to both packet fragments,  and  the
       byte tags will follow the byte ranges as needed.

       Now, to put them back together:

          frag0->AddAtEnd (frag1);

       Now  frag0  should  be  equivalent  to  the  original  packet  p.  If, however, there were
       operations on the fragments before being reassembled (such as  tag  operations  or  header
       operations), the new packet will not be the same.

   Enabling metadata
       We  mentioned  above  that  packets,  being  on-the-wire  representations of byte buffers,
       present a problem to print out in a structured way unless the printing function has access
       to the context of the header.  For instance, consider a tcpdump-like printer that wants to
       pretty-print the contents of a packet.

       To enable this  usage,  packets  may  have  metadata  enabled  (disabled  by  default  for
       performance  reasons).  This  class  is used by the Packet class to record every operation
       performed on the packet’s buffer, and  provides  an  implementation  of  Packet::Print  ()
       method that uses the metadata to analyze the content of the packet’s buffer.

       The  metadata  is  also used to perform extensive sanity checks at runtime when performing
       operations on a Packet. For example, this metadata is used to verify that when you  remove
       a  header from a packet, this same header was actually present at the front of the packet.
       These errors will be detected and will abort the program.

       To enable this operation, users will typically insert one or both of these  statements  at
       the beginning of their programs:

          Packet::EnablePrinting ();
          Packet::EnableChecking ();

   Sample programs
       See                     src/network/examples/                     and

   Implementation details
   Private member variables
       A Packet object’s interface provides access to some private data:

          Buffer m_buffer;
          ByteTagList m_byteTagList;
          PacketTagList m_packetTagList;
          PacketMetadata m_metadata;
          mutable uint32_t m_refCount;
          static uint32_t m_globalUid;

       Each Packet has a Buffer and two Tags lists, a PacketMetadata object, and a ref  count.  A
       static  member variable keeps track of the UIDs allocated. The actual uid of the packet is
       stored in the PacketMetadata.

       Note: that real network packets do not have a UID; the UID is  therefore  an  instance  of
       data that normally would be stored as a Tag in the packet. However, it was felt that a UID
       is a special case that is so often used in simulations that it would be more convenient to
       store it in a member variable.

   Buffer implementation
       Class  Buffer represents a buffer of bytes. Its size is automatically adjusted to hold any
       data prepended or appended by the user. Its implementation is optimized to ensure that the
       number  of  buffer  resizes is minimized, by creating new Buffers of the maximum size ever
       used.  The correct maximum size is learned at runtime during use by recording the  maximum
       size of each packet.

       Authors  of new Header or Trailer classes need to know the public API of the Buffer class.
       (add summary here)

       The byte buffer is implemented as follows:

          struct BufferData {
              uint32_t m_count;
              uint32_t m_size;
              uint32_t m_initialStart;
              uint32_t m_dirtyStart;
              uint32_t m_dirtySize;
              uint8_t m_data[1];
          struct BufferData *m_data;
          uint32_t m_zeroAreaSize;
          uint32_t m_start;
          uint32_t m_size;

       • BufferData::m_count: reference count for BufferData structure

       • BufferData::m_size: size of data buffer stored in BufferData structure

       • BufferData::m_initialStart: offset from start  of  data  buffer  where  data  was  first

       • BufferData::m_dirtyStart:  offset  from start of buffer where every Buffer which holds a
         reference to this BufferData instance have written data so far

       • BufferData::m_dirtySize: size of area where data has been written so far

       • BufferData::m_data: pointer to data buffer

       • Buffer::m_zeroAreaSize: size of zero area which extends before m_initialStartBuffer::m_start: offset from start of buffer to area used by this buffer

       • Buffer::m_size: size of area used by this Buffer in its BufferData structure
         [image] Implementation overview of a packet’s byte Buffer..UNINDENT

         This data structure is summarized in Figure Implementation overview of a  packet’s  byte
         Buffer.. Each Buffer holds a pointer to an instance of a BufferData. Most Buffers should
         be  able  to  share  the  same  underlying  BufferData  and  thus  simply  increase  the
         BufferData’s  reference count. If they have to change the content of a BufferData inside
         the Dirty Area, and if the reference count is not one, they first create a copy  of  the
         BufferData and then complete their state-changing operation.

   Tags implementation
       (XXX revise me)

       Tags  are  implemented  by  a  single  pointer  which points to the start of a linked list
       ofTagData data structures. Each TagData structure points to the next TagData in  the  list
       (its  next  pointer  contains  zero  to indicate the end of the linked list). Each TagData
       contains an integer unique id which identifies the type of the tag stored in the TagData.:

          struct TagData {
              struct TagData *m_next;
              uint32_t m_id;
              uint32_t m_count;
              uint8_t m_data[Tags::SIZE];
          class Tags {
              struct TagData *m_next;

       Adding a tag is a matter of inserting a new TagData  at  the  head  of  the  linked  list.
       Looking at a tag requires you to find the relevant TagData in the linked list and copy its
       data into the user data structure. Removing a tag  and  updating  the  content  of  a  tag
       requires  a  deep  copy of the linked list before performing this operation.  On the other
       hand, copying a Packet and its tags is a matter of copying the TagData  head  pointer  and
       incrementing its reference count.

       Tags  are  found by the unique mapping between the Tag type and its underlying id. This is
       why at most one instance of any Tag can be stored in a packet.  The  mapping  between  Tag
       type and underlying id is performed by a registration as follows:

          /* A sample Tag implementation
          struct MyTag {
              uint16_t m_streamId;

   Memory management
       Describe dataless vs. data-full packets.

   Copy-on-write semantics
       The  current  implementation  of  the  byte  buffers and tag list is based on COW (Copy On
       Write). An introduction to COW can be found in Scott Meyer’s “More Effective  C++”,  items
       17  and  29).  This  design  feature  and aspects of the public interface borrows from the
       packet design of the Georgia Tech Network Simulator.  This implementation of  COW  uses  a
       customized reference counting smart pointer class.

       What  COW  means is that copying packets without modifying them is very cheap (in terms of
       CPU and memory usage) and modifying them can be also very cheap. What is  key  for  proper
       COW  implementations  is  being able to detect when a given modification of the state of a
       packet triggers a full copy of the data prior to the modification:  COW  systems  need  to
       detect when an operation is “dirty” and must therefore invoke a true copy.

       Dirty operations:

       • ns3::Packet::AddHeader

       • ns3::Packet::AddTrailer

       • both versions of ns3::Packet::AddAtEnd

       • ns3::Packet::RemovePacketTag

       Non-dirty operations:

       • ns3::Packet::AddPacketTag

       • ns3::Packet::PeekPacketTag

       • ns3::Packet::RemoveAllPacketTags

       • ns3::Packet::AddByteTag

       • ns3::Packet::FindFirstMatchingByteTag

       • ns3::Packet::RemoveAllByteTags

       • ns3::Packet::RemoveHeader

       • ns3::Packet::RemoveTrailer

       • ns3::Packet::CreateFragment

       • ns3::Packet::RemoveAtStart

       • ns3::Packet::RemoveAtEnd

       • ns3::Packet::CopyData

       Dirty  operations  will  always  be slower than non-dirty operations, sometimes by several
       orders of magnitude. However, even the dirty operations have  been  optimized  for  common
       use-cases which means that most of the time, these operations will not trigger data copies
       and will thus be still very fast.

   Error Model
       This section documents a few error model  objects,  typically  associated  with  NetDevice
       models, that are maintained as part of the network module:

       • RateErrorModel

       • ListErrorModel

       • ReceiveListErrorModel

       • BurstErrorModel

       Error  models  are  used  to  indicate  that  a packet should be considered to be errored,
       according to the underlying (possibly stochastic or empirical) error model.

   Model Description
       The source code for error models live in the directory src/packet/utils.

       Two types of error models are generally provided.  The first are  stochastic  models.   In
       this  case, packets are errored according to underlying random variable distributions.  An
       example of this is the RateErrorModel.  The other type of  model  is  a  deterministic  or
       empirical  model,  in  which  packets  are  errored  according  to a particular prescribed
       pattern.  An example is the ListErrorModel that  allows  users  to  specify  the  list  of
       packets to be errored, by listing the specific packet UIDs.

       The  ns3::RateErrorModel  errors  packets  according  to  an  underlying  random  variable
       distribution, which is by default a UniformRandomVariable distributed between 0.0 and 1.0.
       The  error rate and error units (bit, byte, or packet) are set by the user.  For instance,
       by setting ErrorRate to 0.1 and ErrorUnit to “Packet”, in the long run, around 10% of  the
       packets will be lost.

       Error  models  are  ns-3  objects  and  can  be  created  using  the  typical  pattern  of
       CreateObject<>().  They have configuration attributes.

       An ErrorModel can be applied anywhere, but are commonly deployed on  NetDevice  models  so
       that artificial losses (mimicking channel losses) can be induced.

   Scope and Limitations
       No known limitations.  There are no existing models that try to modify the packet contents
       (e.g. apply bit or byte errors to the byte buffers).  This type of operation  will  likely
       be performance-expensive, and existing Packet APIs may not easily support it.

       The  ns-3  spectrum  model and devices that derive from it (e.g. LTE) have their own error
       model base class, found in

       The initial ns-3 error models were ported from ns-2 (queue/errmodel.{cc,h})

       The base class API is as follows:

       • bool ErrorModel::IsCorrupt (Ptr<Packet> pkt):  Evaluate the packet and  return  true  or
         false  whether  the  packet  should  be  considered  errored  or not.  Some models could
         potentially alter the contents of the packet bit buffer.

       • void ErrorModel::Reset (void):  Reset any state.

       • void ErrorModel::Enable (void):  Enable the model

       • void ErrorModel::Disble (void):  Disable  the  model;  IsCorrupt()  will  always  return

       • bool ErrorModel::IsEnabled (void) const:  Return the enabled state

       Many ns-3 NetDevices contain attributes holding pointers to error models.  The error model
       is applied in the notional physical layer processing chain of the device, and drops should
       show  up  on the PhyRxDrop trace source of the device.  The following are known to include
       an attribute with a pointer available to hold this type of error model:

       • SimpleNetDevicePointToPointNetDeviceCsmaNetDeviceVirtualNetDevice

       However, the ErrorModel could be used anywhere where packets are used

       This model is typically not used with helpers.

       The RateErrorModel contains the following attributes:

       What kind of data does the model generate?  What are the key trace sources?   What kind of
       logging output can be enabled?

       Error models are used in the tutorial fifth and sixth programs.

       The   directory  examples/error-model/  contains  an  example  that
       exercises the Rate and List error models.

       The TCP example examples/tcp/ uses the Rate error model.

       No known issues.

       The error-model unit test suite provides a single test case of of a particular combination
       of ErrorRate and ErrorUnit for the RateErrorModel applied to a SimpleNetDevice.

       The  basic ErrorModel, RateErrorModel, and ListErrorModel classes were ported from ns-2 to
       ns-3 in 2007.  The ReceiveListErrorModel was added at that time.

       The burst error model is due to Truc Anh N. Nguyen at the University of Kansas (James P.G.
       Sterbenz     <>,     director,     ResiliNets     Research     Group    (‐, Information and Telecommunication  Technology  Center
       (ITTC)  and  Department  of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of
       Kansas Lawrence, KS USA).  Work supported in part by NSF  FIND  (Future  Internet  Design)
       Program  under grant CNS-0626918 (Postmodern Internet Architecture), NSF grant CNS-1050226
       (Multilayer Network Resilience Analysis and Experimentation on  GENI),  US  Department  of
       Defense (DoD), and ITTC at The University of Kansas.

   Node and NetDevices Overview
       This chapter describes how ns-3 nodes are put together, and provides a walk-through of how
       packets traverse an internet-based Node.
         [image] High-level node architecture.UNINDENT

         In ns-3, nodes are instances of ns3::Node. This class may be  subclassed,  but  instead,
         the  conceptual  model  is  that we aggregate or insert objects to it rather than define

         One might think of a bare ns-3 node as a shell of a  computer,  to  which  one  may  add
         NetDevices   (cards)  and  other  innards  including  the  protocols  and  applications.
         High-level node architecture illustrates  that  ns3::Node  objects  contain  a  list  of
         ns3::Application  instances  (initially,  the  list  is empty), a list of ns3::NetDevice
         instances  (initially,  the  list  is  empty),  a  list  of   ns3::Node::ProtocolHandler
         instances, a unique integer ID, and a system ID (for distributed simulation).

         The  design  tries  to  avoid  putting  too  many  dependencies  on the class ns3::Node,
         ns3::Application, or ns3::NetDevice for the following:

       • IP version, or whether IP is at all even used in the ns3::Node.

       • implementation details of the IP stack.

       From a software perspective, the  lower  interface  of  applications  corresponds  to  the
       C-based  sockets  API.  The  upper  interface of ns3::NetDevice objects corresponds to the
       device independent sublayer of the Linux stack.  Everything in between can  be  aggregated
       and plumbed together as needed.

       Let’s  look more closely at the protocol demultiplexer. We want incoming frames at layer-2
       to be delivered to the  right  layer-3  protocol  such  as  IPv4.  The  function  of  this
       demultiplexer  is  to register callbacks for receiving packets.  The callbacks are indexed
       based on the EtherType in the layer-2 frame.

       Many different types of higher-layer protocols may be connected to the NetDevice, such  as
       IPv4,  IPv6,  ARP,  MPLS,  IEEE  802.1x,  and  packet  sockets.   Therefore,  the use of a
       callback-based demultiplexer avoids the need to use a common base class for all  of  these
       protocols,  which  is  problematic  because  of  the different types of objects (including
       packet sockets) expected to be registered there.

   Sockets APIs
       The sockets API is a long-standing API used by user-space applications to  access  network
       services  in the kernel.  A socket is an abstraction, like a Unix file handle, that allows
       applications to connect to other Internet hosts and exchange  reliable  byte  streams  and
       unreliable datagrams, among other services.

       ns-3 provides two types of sockets APIs, and it is important to understand the differences
       between them.  The first is a native ns-3 API, while the second uses the services  of  the
       native  API  to  provide a POSIX-like API as part of an overall application process.  Both
       APIs strive to be close to the typical  sockets  API  that  application  writers  on  Unix
       systems are accustomed to, but the POSIX variant is much closer to a real system’s sockets

   ns-3 sockets API
       The native sockets API for ns-3 provides  an  interface  to  various  types  of  transport
       protocols  (TCP,  UDP)  as  well  as  to  packet  sockets and, in the future, Netlink-like
       sockets.  However, users are cautioned to understand that the semantics are not the  exact
       same as one finds in a real system (for an API which is very much aligned to real systems,
       see the next section).

       ns3::Socket is defined in src/network/model/socket.h.  Readers will note that many  public
       member  functions are aligned with real sockets function calls, and all other things being
       equal, we have tried to align with a Posix sockets API.  However, note that:

       • ns-3 applications handle a smart pointer to a Socket object, not a file descriptor;

       • there is no notion of synchronous API  or  a  blocking  API;  in  fact,  the  model  for
         interaction  between  application  and  socket  is one of asynchronous I/O, which is not
         typically found in real systems (more on this below);

       • the C-style socket address structures are not used;

       • the API is not a complete sockets API, such as supporting  all  socket  options  or  all
         function variants;

       • many  calls use ns3::Packet class to transfer data between application and socket.  This
         may seem peculiar to pass Packets across a stream socket API, but think of these packets
         as just fancy byte buffers at this level (more on this also below).

   Basic operation and calls
         [image] Implementation overview of native sockets API.UNINDENT

   Creating sockets
       An  application  that wants to use sockets must first create one.  On real systems using a
       C-based API, this is accomplished by calling socket()

          int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);

       which creates a socket in the system and returns an integer descriptor.

       In ns-3, we have no equivalent of a system call at the  lower  layers,  so  we  adopt  the
       following model.  There are certain factory objects that can create sockets.  Each factory
       is capable of creating one type of socket, and if sockets of a particular type are able to
       be created on a given node, then a factory that can create such sockets must be aggregated
       to the Node:

          static Ptr<Socket> CreateSocket (Ptr<Node> node, TypeId tid);

       Examples   of   TypeIds   to   pass   to   this    method    are    ns3::TcpSocketFactory,
       ns3::PacketSocketFactory, and ns3::UdpSocketFactory.

       This method returns a smart pointer to a Socket object.  Here is an example:

          Ptr<Node> n0;
          // Do some stuff to build up the Node's internet stack
          Ptr<Socket> localSocket =
             Socket::CreateSocket (n0, TcpSocketFactory::GetTypeId ());

       In  some  ns-3 code, sockets will not be explicitly created by user’s main programs, if an
       ns-3  application  does  it.   For  instance,  for  ns3::OnOffApplication,  the   function
       ns3::OnOffApplication::StartApplication()   performs   the   socket   creation,   and  the
       application holds the socket pointer.

   Using sockets
       Below is a typical sequence of socket calls for a TCP client in a real implementation:

          sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
          bind(sock, ...);
          connect(sock, ...);
          send(sock, ...);
          recv(sock, ...);

       There are analogs to all of these calls in ns-3, but we will focus on  two  aspects  here.
       First,  most  usage  of  sockets  in real systems requires a way to manage I/O between the
       application and kernel.  These models include  blocking  sockets,  signal-based  I/O,  and
       non-blocking  sockets  with  polling.   In ns-3, we make use of the callback mechanisms to
       support a fourth mode, which is analogous to POSIX asynchronous I/O.

       In this model, on  the  sending  side,  if  the  send()  call  were  to  fail  because  of
       insufficient  buffers,  the application suspends the sending of more data until a function
       registered at the ns3::Socket::SetSendCallback() callback is invoked.  An application  can
       also  ask the socket how much space is available by calling ns3::Socket::GetTxAvailable().
       A typical sequence of events for sending data (ignoring connection setup) might be:

          SetSendCallback (MakeCallback(&HandleSendCallback));
          Send ();
          Send ();
          // Send fails because buffer is full
          // Wait until HandleSendCallback is called
          // HandleSendCallback is called by socket, since space now available
          Send (); // Start sending again

       Similarly, on the receive side, the socket user does  not  block  on  a  call  to  recv().
       Instead,  the application sets a callback with ns3::Socket::SetRecvCallback() in which the
       socket will notify the application when (and how much) there is data to be read,  and  the
       application then calls ns3::Socket::Recv() to read the data until no more can be read.

   Packet vs. buffer variants
       There are two basic variants of Send() and Recv() supported:

          virtual int Send (Ptr<Packet> p) = 0;
          int Send (const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size);

          Ptr<Packet> Recv (void);
          int Recv (uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size);

       The  non-Packet variants are provided for legacy API reasons.  When calling the raw buffer
       variant of ns3::Socket::Send(), the buffer is immediately written into a  Packet  and  the
       packet variant is invoked.

       Users  may  find  it  semantically  odd  to  pass a Packet to a stream socket such as TCP.
       However, do not let the name bother you; think of ns3::Packet to be a fancy  byte  buffer.
       There are a few reasons why the Packet variants are more likely to be preferred in ns-3:

       • Users  can  use  the Tags facility of packets to, for example, encode a flow ID or other
         helper data at the application layer.

       • Users can exploit the copy-on-write  implementation  to  avoid  memory  copies  (on  the
         receive  side,  the  conversion back to a uint8_t* buf may sometimes incur an additional

       • Use of Packet is more aligned with the rest of the ns-3 API

   Sending dummy data
       Sometimes, users want the simulator to just pretend that there is an actual  data  payload
       in  the  packet (e.g. to calculate transmission delay) but do not want to actually produce
       or consume the data.  This is straightforward to support in ns-3; have  applications  call
       Create<Packet> (size); instead of Create<Packet> (buffer, size);.  Similarly, passing in a
       zero to the pointer argument in the raw buffer variants has the same effect.   Note  that,
       if  some  subsequent  code  tries  to read the Packet data buffer, the fake buffer will be
       converted to a real (zeroed) buffer on the spot, and the efficiency will be lost there.

   Use of Send() vs. SendTo()
       There are two variants of methods used to send data to the socket:

          virtual int Send (Ptr<Packet> p, uint32_t flags) = 0;

          virtual int SendTo (Ptr<Packet> p, uint32_t flags,
                              const Address &toAddress) = 0;

       The first method is used if the socket has already been connected (Socket::Connect()) to a
       peer  address.  In the case of stream-based sockets like TCP, the connect call is required
       to bind the socket to a peer address, and thereafter, Send() is typically  used.   In  the
       case  of  datagram-based sockets like UDP, the socket is not required to be connected to a
       peer address before sending, and the  socket  may  be  used  to  send  data  to  different
       destination  addresses;  in  this  case,  the  SendTo()  method  is  used  to  specify the
       destination address for the datagram.

   Socket options
   ToS (Type of Service)
       The native sockets API for ns-3 provides two public methods (of the Socket base class):

          void SetIpTos (uint8_t ipTos);
          uint8_t GetIpTos (void) const;

       to set and get, respectively, the type of  service  associated  with  the  socket.   These
       methods  are  equivalent  to using the IP_TOS option of BSD sockets.  Clearly, setting the
       type of service only applies to sockets using the IPv4 protocol.  However, users typically
       do  not  set  the type of service associated with a socket through ns3::Socket::SetIpTos()
       because sockets are normally created by application helpers and users cannot get a pointer
       to  the sockets.  Instead, users can create an address of type ns3::InetSocketAddress with
       the desired type of service value and pass it to the application helpers:

          InetSocketAddress destAddress (ipv4Address, udpPort);
          destAddress.SetTos (tos);
          OnOffHelper onoff ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", destAddress);

       For this to work, the application must eventually call the  ns3::Socket::Connect()  method
       to  connect  to  the  provided destAddress and the Connect method of the particular socket
       type must support setting the type of service associated  with  a  socket  (by  using  the
       ns3::Socket::SetIpTos() method). Currently, the socket types that support setting the type
       of service in such a way are ns3::UdpSocketImpl and ns3::TcpSocketBase.

       The type of service associated with a socket is then used to determine the  value  of  the
       Type  of  Service field (renamed as Differentiated Services field by RFC 2474) of the IPv4
       header of the packets sent through that socket, as detailed in the next sections.

   Setting the ToS with UDP sockets
       For IPv4 packets, the ToS field is set according to the following rules:

       • If the socket is connected, the ToS field is set to the ToS value  associated  with  the

       • If  the  socket  is  not  connected,  the ToS field is set to the value specified in the
         destination address (of type ns3::InetSocketAddress)  passed  to  ns3::Socket::SendTo(),
         and the ToS value associated with the socket is ignored.

   Setting the ToS with TCP sockets
       For IPv4 packets, the ToS field is set to the ToS value associated with the socket.

       The native sockets API for ns-3 provides two public methods (of the Socket base class):

          void SetPriority (uint8_t priority);
          uint8_t GetPriority (void) const;

       to  set and get, respectively, the priority associated with the socket.  These methods are
       equivalent to using the SO_PRIORITY option of BSD sockets.  Only values in the range  0..6
       can be set through the above method.

       Note   that   setting   the   type  of  service  associated  with  a  socket  (by  calling
       ns3::Socket::SetIpTos()) also sets the priority for the  socket  to  the  value  that  the
       ns3::Socket::IpTos2Priority()  function  returns  when  it  is  passed the type of service
       value. This function is implemented after the Linux rt_tos2priority function, which  takes
       an  8-bit  value as input and returns a value which is a function of bits 3-6 (where bit 0
       is the most significant bit) of the input value:

                                   │Bits 3-6 │ Priority             │
                                   │0 to 3   │ 0 (Best Effort)      │
                                   │4 to 7   │ 2 (Bulk)             │
                                   │8 to 11  │ 6 (Interactive)      │
                                   │12 to 15 │ 4 (Interactive Bulk) │

       The rationale is that bits 3-6 of the Type of Service field were interpreted  as  the  TOS
       subfield  by  (the  obsolete)  RFC 1349. Readers can refer to the doxygen documentation of
       ns3::Socket::IpTos2Priority() for more information, including how  DSCP  values  map  onto
       priority values.

       The  priority set for a socket (as described above) is then used to determine the priority
       of the packets sent through that socket, as detailed in the next sections. Currently,  the
       socket   types   that   support   setting  the  packet  priority  are  ns3::UdpSocketImpl,
       ns3::TcpSocketBase and ns3::PacketSocket. The packet priority is used,  e.g.,  by  queuing
       disciplines  such  as  the  default  PfifoFastQueueDisc  to classify packets into distinct

   Setting the priority with UDP sockets
       If the packet is an IPv4 packet and the value to be inserted in the ToS field is not null,
       then  the  packet  is  assigned  a  priority  based  on  such  ToS value (according to the
       ns3::Socket::IpTos2Priority() function).  Otherwise,  the  priority  associated  with  the
       socket is assigned to the packet.

   Setting the priority with TCP sockets
       Every packet is assigned a priority equal to the priority associated with the socket.

   Setting the priority with packet sockets
       Every packet is assigned a priority equal to the priority associated with the socket.

   Socket errno
       to be completed

   Example programs
       to be completed

   POSIX-like sockets API
   Simple NetDevice
       Placeholder chapter

       This  section  documents  the  queue  object,  which  is  typically used by NetDevices and
       QueueDiscs to store packets.

       Packets stored in a queue can be managed according to different policies.  Currently, only
       the DropTail policy is available.

   Model Description
       The source code for the new module lives in the directory src/network/utils.

       ns3::Queue  has  been  redesigned  as  a  template class object to allow us to instantiate
       queues storing different types of items. The unique template type parameter specifies  the
       type  of items stored in the queue.  The only requirement on the item type is that it must
       provide a GetSize () method which returns the size of the packet  included  in  the  item.
       Currently, queue items can be objects of the following classes:

       • Packet

       • QueueItem and subclasses (e.g., QueueDiscItem)

       • WifiMacQueueItem

       The internal queues of the queue discs are of type Queue<QueueDiscItem> (an alias of which
       being InternalQueue). A number of network devices (SimpleNetDevice, PointToPointNetDevice,
       CsmaNetDevice)  use a Queue<Packet> to store packets to be transmitted. WifiNetDevices use
       instead queues of type WifiMacQueue, which is a subclass of Queue storing objects of  type
       WifiMacQueueItem. Other devices, such as WiMax and LTE, use specialized queues.

       The  Queue class derives from the QueueBase class, which is a non-template class providing
       all the methods that are independent of the type of the items stored  in  the  queue.  The
       Queue  class  provides  instead  all  the operations that depend on the item type, such as
       enqueue, dequeue, peek and remove. The Queue class also  provides  the  ability  to  trace
       certain queue operations such as enqueuing, dequeuing, and dropping.

       Queue  is  an  abstract  base  class  and  is  subclassed for specific scheduling and drop
       policies. Subclasses need to define the following public methods:

       • bool Enqueue (Ptr<Item> item):  Enqueue a packet

       • Ptr<Item> Dequeue (void):  Dequeue a packet

       • Ptr<Item> Remove (void):  Remove a packet

       • Ptr<const Item> Peek (void):  Peek a packet

       The Enqueue method does not allow to store a packet if the  queue  capacity  is  exceeded.
       Subclasses  may  also  define  specialized  public methods. For instance, the WifiMacQueue
       class provides a method to dequeue a packet based on its tid and MAC address.

       There are five trace sources that may be hooked:

       • EnqueueDequeueDropDropBeforeEnqueueDropAfterDequeue

       Also, the QueueBase class defines two additional trace sources:

       • PacketsInQueueBytesInQueue

       This is a basic first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue that performs a tail drop when  the  queue
       is full.

       The DropTailQueue class defines one attribute:

       • MaxSize: the maximum queue size

       A  typical  usage pattern is to create a device helper and to configure the queue type and
       attributes from the helper, such as this example:

          PointToPointHelper p2p;

          p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
          p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("10Mbps"));
          p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("2ms"));
          NetDeviceContainer devn0n2 = p2p.Install (n0n2);

          p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue");
          p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("10Mbps"));
          p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("3ms"));
          NetDeviceContainer devn1n2 = p2p.Install (n1n2);

          p2p.SetQueue ("ns3::DropTailQueue",
                        "MaxSize", StringValue ("50p"));
          p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue (linkDataRate));
          p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue (linkDelay));
          NetDeviceContainer devn2n3 = p2p.Install (n2n3);

       Please note that the SetQueue method of the PointToPointHelper  class  allows  to  specify
       “ns3::DropTailQueue”   instead   of   “ns3::DropTailQueue<Packet>”.  The  same  holds  for
       CsmaHelper, SimpleNetDeviceHelper and TrafficControlHelper.

       The ns-3 ascii trace helpers used by  many  of  the  NetDevices  will  hook  the  Enqueue,
       Dequeue,  and  Drop  traces  of  these  queues and print out trace statements, such as the
       following from examples/udp/

          + 2 /NodeList/0/DeviceList/1/$ns3::CsmaNetDevice/TxQueue/Enqueue ns3::EthernetHeader
          ( length/type=0x806, source=00:00:00:00:00:01, destination=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
          ns3::ArpHeader (request source mac: 00-06-00:00:00:00:00:01 source ipv4:
          dest ipv4: Payload (size=18) ns3::EthernetTrailer (fcs=0)
          - 2 /NodeList/0/DeviceList/1/$ns3::CsmaNetDevice/TxQueue/Dequeue ns3::EthernetHeader
          ( length/type=0x806, source=00:00:00:00:00:01, destination=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
          ns3::ArpHeader (request source mac: 00-06-00:00:00:00:00:01 source ipv4:
          dest ipv4: Payload (size=18) ns3::EthernetTrailer (fcs=0)

       which shows an enqueue “+” and dequeue “-” event at time 2 seconds.

       Users are, of course, free to define and  hook  their  own  trace  sinks  to  these  trace

       The drop-tail queue is used in several examples, such as examples/udp/

   Queue limits
       This  section  documents  the  queue limits model, which is used by the traffic control to
       limit the NetDevices queueing delay. It operates on the transmission path of  the  network

       The  reduction  of the NetDevices queueing delay is essential to improve the effectiveness
       of Active Queue Management (AQM) algorithms.  Careful assessment  of  the  queueing  delay
       includes  a  byte-based  measure  of  the NetDevices queue length. In this design, traffic
       control can use different byte-based schemes to limit the queueing  delay.  Currently  the
       only  available  scheme  is  DynamicQueueLimits, which is modelled after the dynamic queue
       limit library of Linux.

   Model Description
       The source code for the model lives in the directory src/network/utils.

       The model allows a byte-based measure of the netdevice queue. The byte-based measure  more
       accurately approximates the time required to empty the queue than a packet-based measure.

       To inform the upper layers about the transmission of packets, NetDevices can call a couple
       of functions:

       • void NotifyQueuedBytes (uint32_t bytes): Report the number of bytes queued to the device

       • void  NotifyTransmittedBytes (uint32_t bytes): Report the number of bytes transmitted by

       Based on this information, the QueueLimits object can stop the transmission queue.

       In case of multiqueue NetDevices this mechanism is available for each queue.

       The QueueLimits model can be used on any NetDevice modelled in ns-3.

       An abstract base class, class QueueLimits, is subclassed for specific byte-based  limiting

       Common operations provided by the base class QueueLimits include:

       • void Reset ():  Reset queue limits state

       • void  Completed  (uint32_t count):  Record the number of completed bytes and recalculate
         the limit

       • int32_t Available () const:  Return how many bytes can be queued

       • void Queued (uint32_t count):  Record number of bytes queued

       Dynamic queue limits (DQL) is a basic library implemented in the Linux kernel to limit the
       Ethernet queueing delay. DQL is a general purpose queue length controller. The goal of DQL
       is to calculate the limit as the minimum number of bytes needed to prevent starvation.

       Three attributes are defined in the DynamicQueueLimits class:

       • HoldTime: The DQL algorithm hold time

       • MaxLimit: Maximum limit

       • MinLimit: Minimum limit

       The DQL algorithm hold time is 1 s. Reducing the HoldTime increases the responsiveness  of
       DQL  with  consequent greater number of limit variation events. Conversely, increasing the
       HoldTime decreases the responsiveness of DQL  with  a  minor  number  of  limit  variation
       events.   The  limit  calculated  by  DQL  is in the range from MinLimit to MaxLimit.  The
       default  values  are  respectively  0  and  DQL_MAX_LIMIT.   Increasing  the  MinLimit  is
       recommended in case of higher NetDevice transmission rate (e.g. 1 Gbps) while reducing the
       MaxLimit is recommended in case of lower NetDevice transmission rate (e.g. 500 Kbps).

       There is one trace source in DynamicQueueLimits class that may be hooked:

       • Limit: Limit value calculated by DQL

       A typical usage pattern is to create a traffic control  helper  and  configure  the  queue
       limits type and attributes from the helper, such as this example:

          TrafficControlHelper tch;
          uint32_t handle = tch.SetRootQueueDisc ("ns3::PfifoFastQueueDisc", "Limit", UintegerValue (1000));

          tch.SetQueueLimits ("ns3::DynamicQueueLimits", "HoldTime", StringValue ("4ms"));

       then install the configuration on a NetDevices container

          tch.Install (devices);


       Nix-vector  routing  is  a  simulation specific routing protocol and is intended for large
       network topologies.  The on-demand nature of this  protocol  as  well  as  the  low-memory
       footprint  of  the  nix-vector  provides improved performance in terms of memory usage and
       simulation run time when dealing with a large number of nodes.

   Model Description
       The   source   code   for   the   NixVectorRouting   module   lives   in   the   directory

       ns-3  nix-vector-routing performs on-demand route computation using a breadth-first search
       and an efficient route-storage data structure known as a nix-vector.

       When a packet is generated at a node for transmission, the route is  calculated,  and  the
       nix-vector is built.

       How  is  the Nix-Vector calculated?  The nix-vector stores an index for each hop along the
       path, which corresponds to the neighbor-index.  This index  is  used  to  determine  which
       net-device and gateway should be used.

       How  does  the  routing take place?  To route a packet, the nix-vector must be transmitted
       with the packet.  At each hop, the current node extracts  the  appropriate  neighbor-index
       from  the  nix-vector  and transmits the packet through the corresponding net-device. This
       continues until the packet reaches the destination.

          Nix-Vector routing does not use any routing  metrics  (interface  metrics)  during  the
          calculation  of  nix-vector. It is only based on the shortest path calculated according
          to BFS.

       How does Nix decide between two equally short path from source to destination?  It depends
       on how the topology is constructed i.e., the order in which the net-devices are added on a
       node and net-devices added on the channels associated  with  current  node’s  net-devices.
       Please check the example below to understand how nix-vectors are calculated.

       ns-3 supports IPv4 as well as IPv6 Nix-Vector routing.

   Scope and Limitations
       Currently,  the  ns-3  model  of nix-vector routing supports IPv4 and IPv6 p2p links, CSMA
       links and multiple WiFi networks with the same channel object.  It does not (yet)  provide
       support  for  efficient  adaptation  to  link  failures.  It simply flushes all nix-vector
       routing caches.

       NixVectorRouting performs a subnet matching check, but it does not check entirely  if  the
       addresses  have  been appropriately assigned. In other terms, using Nix-Vector routing, it
       is possible to have a working network that violates some  good  practices  in  IP  address

       In case of IPv6, Nix assumes the link-local addresses assigned are unique.  When using the
       IPv6 stack, the link-local address  allocation  is  unique  by  default  over  the  entire
       topology. However, if the link-local addresses are assigned manually, the user must ensure
       uniqueness of link-local addresses.

       The  usage  pattern  is  the  one  of  all  the   Internet   routing   protocols.    Since
       NixVectorRouting is not installed by default in the Internet stack, it is necessary to set
       it in the Internet Stack helper by using InternetStackHelper::SetRoutingHelper.

       Remember to include the header file ns3/nix-vector-helper.h to use IPv4 or IPv6 Nix-Vector

          The  previous  header  file  ns3/ipv4-nix-vector-helper.h  is  maintained  for backward
          compatibility reasons. Therefore, the  existing  IPv4  Nix-Vector  routing  simulations
          should work fine.

       • Using IPv4 Nix-Vector Routing:

          Ipv4NixVectorHelper nixRouting;
          InternetStackHelper stack;
          stack.SetRoutingHelper (nixRouting);  // has effect on the next Install ()
          stack.Install (allNodes);             // allNodes is the NodeContainer

       • Using IPv6 Nix-Vector Routing:

          Ipv6NixVectorHelper nixRouting;
          InternetStackHelper stack;
          stack.SetRoutingHelper (nixRouting);  // has effect on the next Install ()
          stack.Install (allNodes);             // allNodes is the NodeContainer

          The  NixVectorHelper  helper  class  helps  to use NixVectorRouting functionality.  The
          NixVectorRouting model can also be used directly to use Nix-Vector routing.  To use  it
          directly,  the  header  file  ns3/nix-vector-routing.h should be included. The previous
          header file ns3/ipv4-nix-vector-routing.h is  maintained  for  backwards  compatibility
          with any existing IPv4 Nix-Vector routing simulations.

       The    examples    for    the    NixVectorRouting    module   lives   in   the   directory

       There are examples which use both IPv4 and IPv6 networking.


           *    ________
           *   /        \
           * n0 -- n1 -- n2 -- n3
           * n0 IP:,
           * n1 IP:,
           * n2 IP:,,
           * n3 IP:

       In this topology, we install Nix-Vector routing between source n0 and destination n3.  The
       shortest possible route will be n0 -> n2 -> n3.

       Let’s see how the nix-vector will be generated for this path:

       n0 has 2 neighbors i.e. n1 and n3. n0 is connected to both using separate net-devices. But
       the net-device for n0 – n1 p2p link was created before the netdevice for n0 – n2 p2p link.
       Thus, n2 has neighbor-index of 1 (n1 has 0) with respect to n0.

       n2  has 3 neighbors i.e. n1, n3 and n0. The n2 net-device for n1 – n2 p2p link was created
       before the n2 net-device for n2 – n3 p2p link which was before the n2 netdevice for  n0  –
       n2  p2p  link.  This, n3 has neighbor-index of 01 (n1 has 00 and n0 has 10) with repect to

       Thus, the nix-vector for the path from n0 to n3 is 101.

          This neighbor-index or nix-index has total number of bits equal to  minimum  number  of
          bits required to represent all the neighbors in their binary form.

          If there are multiple netdevices connected to the current netdevice on the channel then
          it depends on which order netdevices were added to the channel.

          #. Using IPv4: .. code-block:: bash
              #     By     default     IPv4     network     is      selected      ./waf      –run

          #. Using IPv6: .. code-block:: bash
              #  Use  the  –useIPv6  flag  ./waf –run “src/nix-vector-routing/examples/nix-simple


       This example demonstrates the advantage of Nix-Vector routing as Nix performs source-based
       routing (BFS) to have faster routing.


       This  is  an  IPv4  example  demonstrating multiple interface addresses. This example also
       shows how address assignment in between the simulation causes the all the route caches and
       Nix caches to flush.

          # By default IPv4 network is selected
          ./waf --run src/nix-vector-routing/examples/nix-simple-multi-address


       This  example demonstrates the working of Nix with two Wifi networks operating on the same
       Wifi channel object. The example uses ns3::YansWifiChannel for both the wifi networks.
          #. Using IPv4: .. code-block:: bash
              #     By     default     IPv4     network     is      selected      ./waf      –run
              src/nix-vector-routing/examples/nix-double-wifi  #  Use the –enableNixLog to enable
              NixVectorRouting                logging.                 ./waf                 –run
              “src/nix-vector-routing/examples/nix-double-wifi –enableNixLog”

          #. Using IPv6: .. code-block:: bash
              # Use the –useIPv6 flag ./waf –run “src/nix-vector-routing/examples/nix-double-wifi
              –useIPv6” # Use the –enableNixLog to enable NixVectorRouting logging.   ./waf  –run
              “src/nix-vector-routing/examples/nix-double-wifi –useIPv6 –enableNixLog”


       This  model  implements  the base specification of the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)
       protocol, which is a dynamic  mobile  ad  hoc  unicast  routing  protocol.   It  has  been
       developed at the University of Murcia (Spain) by Francisco J. Ros for NS-2, and was ported
       to NS-3 by Gustavo Carneiro at INESC Porto (Portugal).

       The implementation is based on OLSR Version 1 (RFC 3626 [rfc3626]) and it is not compliant
       with OLSR Version 2 (RFC 7181 [rfc7181]) or any of the Version 2 extensions.

   Model Description
       The source code for the OLSR model lives in the directory src/olsr.  As stated before, the
       model is based on RFC 3626 ([rfc3626]). Moreover, many design choices  are  based  on  the
       previous ns2 model.

   Scope and Limitations
       The model is for IPv4 only.

       • Mostly compliant with OLSR as documented in RFC 3626 ([rfc3626]),

       • The  use  of multiple interfaces was not supported by the NS-2 version, but is supported
         in NS-3;

       • OLSR does not respond to  the  routing  event  notifications  corresponding  to  dynamic
         interface      up      and     down     (ns3::RoutingProtocol::NotifyInterfaceUp     and
         ns3::RoutingProtocol::NotifyInterfaceDown)      or       address       insertion/removal
         ns3::RoutingProtocol::NotifyAddAddress and ns3::RoutingProtocol::NotifyRemoveAddress).

       • Unlike  the  NS-2  version,  does not yet support MAC layer feedback as described in RFC
         3626 ([rfc3626]);

       Host Network Association (HNA) is supported in  this  implementation  of  OLSR.  Refer  to
       examples/ to see how the API is used.

            RFC 3626 Optimized Link State Routing

            RFC 7181 The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol Version 2

       The  usage  pattern  is  the one of all the Internet routing protocols.  Since OLSR is not
       installed by default in the Internet stack, it is necessary to  set  it  in  the  Internet
       Stack helper by using InternetStackHelper::SetRoutingHelper

       Typically,  OLSR  is enabled in a main program by use of an OlsrHelper class that installs
       OLSR into an Ipv4ListRoutingProtocol object. The following  sample  commands  will  enable
       OLSR in a simulation using this helper class along with some other routing helper objects.
       The setting of priority value 10, ahead of the staticRouting priority  of  0,  means  that
       OLSR will be consulted for a route before the node’s static routing table.:

          NodeContainer c:
          // Enable OLSR
          NS_LOG_INFO ("Enabling OLSR Routing.");
          OlsrHelper olsr;

          Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper staticRouting;

          Ipv4ListRoutingHelper list;
          list.Add (staticRouting, 0);
          list.Add (olsr, 10);

          InternetStackHelper internet;
          internet.SetRoutingHelper (list);
          internet.Install (c);

       Once  installed,the  OLSR “main interface” can be set with the SetMainInterface() command.
       If the user does not specify a main address, the protocol will select the first primary IP
       address  that  it  finds,  starting  first  the  loopback  interface  and  then  the  next
       non-loopback interface found, in order of Ipv4 interface index. The  loopback  address  of  is  not  selected.  In  addition, a number of protocol constants are defined in

       Olsr is started at time zero of the simulation, based on a call  to  Object::Start()  that
       eventually calls OlsrRoutingProtocol::DoStart(). Note:  a patch to allow the user to start
       and stop the protocol at other times would be welcome.

       The examples are in the src/olsr/examples/ directory. However, many other examples  esists
       in the general examples directory, e.g., examples/routing/

       For specific examples of the HNA feature, see the examples in src/olsr/examples/.

       A  helper  class  for  OLSR has been written.  After an IPv4 topology has been created and
       unique IP addresses assigned to each node, the simulation script writer can  call  one  of
       three  overloaded  functions with different scope to enable OLSR: ns3::OlsrHelper::Install
       (NodeContainer    container);    ns3::OlsrHelper::Install     (Ptr<Node>     node);     or
       ns3::OlsrHelper::InstallAll (void)

       In  addition,  the  behavior  of OLSR can be modified by changing certain attributes.  The
       method ns3::OlsrHelper::Set ()  can  be  used  to  set  OLSR  attributes.   These  include
       HelloInterval,  TcInterval,  MidInterval,  Willingness.   Other  parameters are defined as
       macros in

       The list of configurabel attributes is:

       • HelloInterval (time, default 2s), HELLO messages emission interval.

       • TcInterval (time, default 5s), TC messages emission interval.

       • MidInterval (time, default 5s), MID messages emission interval.

       • HnaInterval (time, default 5s), HNA messages emission interval.

       • Willingness (enum, default OLSR_WILL_DEFAULT),  Willingness  of  a  node  to  carry  and
         forward traffic for other nodes.

       The available traces are:

       • Rx: Receive OLSR packet.

       • Tx: Send OLSR packet.

       • RoutingTableChanged: The OLSR routing table has changed.

       Presently,  OLSR is limited to use with an Ipv4ListRouting object, and does not respond to
       dynamic changes to a device’s IP address or link up/down notifications; i.e. the  topology
       changes are due to loss/gain of connectivity over a wireless channel.

       The code does not present any known issue.

       The code validationhas been done through Wireshark message compliance and unit testings.


       ns-3  simulations can use OpenFlow switches (McKeown et al. [1]), widely used in research.
       OpenFlow switches are configurable via the OpenFlow API, and also have an  MPLS  extension
       for   quality-of-service   and   service-level-agreement   support.   By  extending  these
       capabilities to ns-3 for a simulated OpenFlow switch that is both configurable and can use
       the MPLS extension, ns-3 simulations can accurately simulate many different switches.

       The OpenFlow software implementation distribution is hereby referred to as the OFSID. This
       is a demonstration of running OpenFlow in software that the OpenFlow  research  group  has
       made  available.  There  is  also  an  OFSID that Ericsson researchers created to add MPLS
       capabilities; this is the OFSID currently used with ns-3. The design will allow the  users
       to,  with minimal effort, switch in a different OFSID that may include more efficient code
       than a previous OFSID.

   Model Description
       The model relies on building  an  external  OpenFlow  switch  library  (OFSID),  and  then
       building  some  ns-3  wrappers that call out to the library.  The source code for the ns-3
       wrappers lives in the directory src/openflow/model.

       The OpenFlow module presents a  OpenFlowSwitchNetDevice  and  a  OpenFlowSwitchHelper  for
       installing it on nodes. Like the Bridge module, it takes a collection of NetDevices to set
       up as ports, and it acts as the intermediary between them, receiving a packet on one  port
       and forwarding it on another, or all but the received port when flooding. Like an OpenFlow
       switch, it maintains a configurable flow table that can match packets by their headers and
       do  different  actions with the packet based on how it matches. The module’s understanding
       of OpenFlow configuration messages are kept the same format as a real  OpenFlow-compatible
       switch,  so  users  testing Controllers via ns-3 won’t have to rewrite their Controller to
       work on real OpenFlow-compatible switches.

       The ns-3 OpenFlow switch device models an  OpenFlow-enabled  switch.  It  is  designed  to
       express  basic  use of the OpenFlow protocol, with the maintaining of a virtual Flow Table
       and TCAM to provide OpenFlow-like results.

       The functionality comes down to the Controllers, which send messages to  the  switch  that
       configure  its  flows,  producing different effects. Controllers can be added by the user,
       under the ofi namespace extending ofi::Controller. To demonstrate this, a  DropController,
       which  creates  flows  for  ignoring  every  single  packet, and LearningController, which
       effectively makes the switch a more  complicated  BridgeNetDevice.  A  user  versed  in  a
       standard  OFSID,  and/or  OF protocol, can write virtual controllers to create switches of
       all kinds of types.

   OpenFlow switch Model
       The OpenFlow switch device behaves somewhat according to the diagram setup as a  classical
       OFSID switch, with a few modifications made for a proper simulation environment.

       Normal OF-enabled Switch:

          | Secure Channel                  | <--OF Protocol--> | Controller is external |
          | Hardware or Software Flow Table |

       ns-3 OF-enabled Switch (module):

          | m_controller->ReceiveFromSwitch() | <--OF Protocol--> | Controller is internal |
          | Software Flow Table, virtual TCAM |

       In essence, there are two differences:

       1)  No  SSL, Embedded Controller: Instead of a secure channel and connecting to an outside
       location for the Controller program/machine, we currently only allow a Controller extended
       from  ofi::Controller,  an extension of an ns3::Object. This means ns-3 programmers cannot
       model the SSL part of the interface or possibility of network failure. The  connection  to
       the  OpenFlowSwitch  is  local  and there aren’t any reasons for the channel/connection to
       break down. <<This difference may be an option in  the  future.  Using  EmuNetDevices,  it
       should  be  possible  to engage an external Controller program/machine, and thus work with
       controllers designed outside of the ns-3  environment,  that  simply  use  the  proper  OF
       protocol when communicating messages to the switch through a tap device.>>

       2)  Virtual  Flow  Table,  TCAM: Typical OF-enabled switches are implemented on a hardware
       TCAM. The OFSID we turn into a library includes a modelled software  TCAM,  that  produces
       the  same  results as a hardware TCAM. We include an attribute FlowTableLookupDelay, which
       allows a simple delay of using the TCAM to be modelled. We don’t  endeavor  to  make  this
       delay  more complicated, based on the tasks we are running on the TCAM, that is a possible
       future improvement.

       The OpenFlowSwitch network device is aimed to model an OpenFlow switch, with a TCAM and  a
       connection  to  a  controller program. With some tweaking, it can model every switch type,
       per OpenFlow’s extensibility.  It  outsources  the  complexity  of  the  switch  ports  to
       NetDevices  of  the user’s choosing.  It should be noted that these NetDevices must behave
       like practical switch ports, i.e. a Mac Address is assigned, and  nothing  more.  It  also
       must support a SendFrom function so that the OpenFlowSwitch can forward across that port.

   Scope and Limitations
       All  MPLS  capabilities  are implemented on the OFSID side in the OpenFlowSwitchNetDevice,
       but ns-3-mpls hasn’t been integrated, so ns-3 has no way to pass in proper MPLS packets to
       the  OpenFlowSwitch.  If  it did, one would only need to make BufferFromPacket pick up the
       MplsLabelStack or whatever the MPLS header is called on the Packet,  and  build  the  MPLS
       header into the ofpbuf.

   Future Work
       [1]  McKeown,  N.; Anderson, T.; Balakrishan, H.; Parulkar, G.; Peterson, L.; Rexford, J.;
            Shenker, S.; Turner, J.;  OpenFlow:  enabling  innovation  in  campus  networks,  ACM
            SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 38, Issue 2, April 2008.

       The  OFSID  requires libxml2 (for MPLS FIB xml file parsing), and libdl (for address fault

   Building OFSID
       In order to use the OpenFlowSwitch module, you must create and link  the  OFSID  (OpenFlow
       Software Implementation Distribution) to ns-3.  To do this:

       1. Obtain  the  OFSID code.  An ns-3 specific OFSID branch is provided to ensure operation
          with ns-3. Use mercurial to download this branch and waf to build the library:

             $ hg clone
             $ cd openflow

          From the “openflow” directory, run:

             $ ./waf configure
             $ ./waf build

       2. Your OFSID is now built into a libopenflow.a library!  To link to an  ns-3  build  with
          this  OpenFlow  switch  module,  run from the ns-3-dev (or whatever you have named your

             $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests --with-openflow=path/to/openflow

       3. Under ---- Summary of optional NS-3 features: you should see:

             "NS-3 OpenFlow Integration     : enabled"

          indicating the library has been linked to ns-3. Run:

             $ ./waf build

       to build ns-3 and activate the OpenFlowSwitch module in ns-3.

       For an example demonstrating its use in a simple learning controller/switch, run:

          $ ./waf --run openflow-switch

       To see it in detailed logging, run:

          $ ./waf --run "openflow-switch -v"

       The SwitchNetDevice provides following Attributes:

       • FlowTableLookUpDelay:      This time gets run off the clock when making a lookup in  our
         Flow Table.


         Flags:  OpenFlow  specific configuration flags. They are defined in the ofp_config_flags
         enum. Choices include:
                OFPC_SEND_FLOW_EXP  (Switch  notifies  controller  when  a  flow  has   expired),
                OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL  (Match  fragment  against  Flow  table),  OFPC_FRAG_DROP  (Drop
                fragments), OFPC_FRAG_REASM (Reassemble  only  if  OFPC_IP_REASM  set,  which  is
                currently   impossible,   because  switch  implementation  does  not  support  IP
                reassembly) OFPC_FRAG_MASK (Mask Fragments)


         FlowTableMissSendLength: When the packet doesn’t match in our Flow Table, and we forward
         to the controller,
                this  sets  # of bytes forwarded (packet is not forwarded in its entirety, unless





       This model has one test suite which can be run as follows:

          $ ./ --suite=openflow


       This is the introduction to PointToPoint NetDevice chapter, to complement the PointToPoint
       model doxygen.

   Overview of the PointToPoint model
       The  ns-3  point-to-point  model  is  of a very simple point to point data link connecting
       exactly two PointToPointNetDevice devices over an PointToPointChannel. This can be  viewed
       as equivalent to a full duplex RS-232 or RS-422 link with null modem and no handshaking.

       Data  is  encapsulated  in  the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP – RFC 1661), however the Link
       Control Protocol (LCP) and associated state machine is not implemented.  The PPP  link  is
       assumed to be established and authenticated at all times.

       Data  is  not  framed,  therefore Address and Control fields will not be found.  Since the
       data is not framed, there is no need to provide Flag Sequence and Control  Escape  octets,
       nor  is  a Frame Check Sequence appended. All that is required to implement non-framed PPP
       is to prepend the PPP protocol number for IP Version 4 which  is  the  sixteen-bit  number
       0x21 (see

       The PointToPointNetDevice provides following Attributes:

       • Address:  The ns3::Mac48Address of the device (if desired);

       • DataRate:  The data rate (ns3::DataRate) of the device;

       • TxQueue:  The transmit queue (ns3::Queue) used by the device;

       • InterframeGap:  The optional ns3::Time to wait between “frames”;

       • Rx:  A trace source for received packets;

       • Drop:  A trace source for dropped packets.

       The  PointToPointNetDevice  models a transmitter section that puts bits on a corresponding
       channel “wire.” The DataRate attribute specifies the number of bits per  second  that  the
       device  will  simulate sending over the channel. In reality no bits are sent, but an event
       is scheduled for an elapsed time consistent with the number of bits in each packet and the
       specified  DataRate.   The implication here is that the receiving device models a receiver
       section that can receive any any data rate. Therefore there is no need, nor way to  set  a
       receive  data  rate  in  this  model.  By  setting the DataRate on the transmitter of both
       devices connected to a given PointToPointChannel one can model a symmetric channel; or  by
       setting different DataRates one can model an asymmetric channel (e.g., ADSL).

       The  PointToPointNetDevice supports the assignment of a “receive error model.”  This is an
       ErrorModel object that is used to simulate data corruption on the link.

   Point-to-Point Channel Model
       The point to point net devices are connected  via  an  PointToPointChannel.  This  channel
       models  two  wires  transmitting bits at the data rate specified by the source net device.
       There is no overhead beyond the eight bits per byte of the packet sent. That is, we do not
       model Flag Sequences, Frame Check Sequences nor do we “escape” any data.

       The PointToPointChannel provides following Attributes:

       • Delay:  An ns3::Time specifying the propagation delay for the channel.

   Using the PointToPointNetDevice
       The  PointToPoint  net devices and channels are typically created and configured using the
       associated PointToPointHelper object. The various ns3 device helpers generally work  in  a
       similar  way, and their use is seen in many of our example programs and is also covered in
       the ns-3 tutorial.

       The conceptual model of interest is that of a bare computer “husk” into which you plug net
       devices.  The  bare  computers are created using a NodeContainer helper. You just ask this
       helper to create as many computers (we call them Nodes) as you need on your network:

          NodeContainer nodes;
          nodes.Create (2);

       Once you have your nodes, you  need  to  instantiate  a  PointToPointHelper  and  set  any
       attributes  you  may want to change. Note that since this is a point-to-point (as compared
       to a point-to-multipoint) there  may  only  be  two  nodes  with  associated  net  devices
       connected by a PointToPointChannel.:

          PointToPointHelper pointToPoint;
          pointToPoint.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("5Mbps"));
          pointToPoint.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("2ms"));

       Once the attributes are set, all that remains is to create the devices and install them on
       the required nodes, and to connect the devices together using a PointToPoint channel. When
       we  create  the  net  devices,  we add them to a container to allow you to use them in the
       future. This all takes just one line of code.:

          NetDeviceContainer devices = pointToPoint.Install (nodes);

   PointToPoint Tracing
       Like all ns-3 devices, the Point-to-Point Model provides a number of trace sources.  These
       trace  sources  can  be hooked using your own custom trace code, or you can use our helper
       functions to arrange for tracing to be enabled on devices you specify.

   Upper-Level (MAC) Hooks
       From the point of view of tracing in the net device, there are several interesting  points
       to  insert  trace  hooks.  A  convention  inherited  from other simulators is that packets
       destined for transmission onto attached networks pass through a single “transmit queue” in
       the  net  device.  We  provide trace hooks at this point in packet flow, which corresponds
       (abstractly) only to a transition from the network to  data  link  layer,  and  call  them
       collectively the device MAC hooks.

       When  a  packet is sent to the Point-to-Point net device for transmission it always passes
       through the transmit queue. The transmit queue in the PointToPointNetDevice inherits  from
       Queue, and therefore inherits three trace sources:

       • An Enqueue operation source (see ns3::Queue::m_traceEnqueue);

       • A Dequeue operation source (see ns3::Queue::m_traceDequeue);

       • A Drop operation source (see ns3::Queue::m_traceDrop).

       The  upper-level  (MAC)  trace  hooks  for the PointToPointNetDevice are, in fact, exactly
       these three trace sources on the single transmit queue of the device.

       The m_traceEnqueue event is triggered when a packet is placed on the transmit queue.  This
       happens      at      the      time      that      ns3::PointtoPointNetDevice::Send      or
       ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::SendFrom is called by a higher layer to  queue  a  packet  for
       transmission.  An Enqueue trace event firing should be interpreted as only indicating that
       a higher level protocol has sent a packet to the device.

       The m_traceDequeue event is triggered when a packet is removed from  the  transmit  queue.
       Dequeues  from  the  transmit  queue  can  happen in two situations:  1) If the underlying
       channel is idle when PointToPointNetDevice::Send is called, a packet is dequeued from  the
       transmit  queue  and immediately transmitted;  2) a packet may be dequeued and immediately
       transmitted in an internal TransmitCompleteEvent that  functions  much   like  a  transmit
       complete  interrupt  service  routine.  An  Dequeue  trace  event  firing may be viewed as
       indicating that the PointToPointNetDevice has begun transmitting a packet.

   Lower-Level (PHY) Hooks
       Similar to the upper level trace hooks, there are  trace  hooks  available  at  the  lower
       levels  of  the net device. We call these the PHY hooks. These events fire from the device
       methods that talk directly to the PointToPointChannel.

       The trace source m_dropTrace is called to indicate a packet that is dropped by the device.
       This happens when a packet is discarded as corrupt due to a receive error model indication
       (see ns3::ErrorModel and the associated attribute “ReceiveErrorModel”).

       The   other   low-level   trace   source   fires   on   reception   of   a   packet   (see
       ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::m_rxTrace) from the PointToPointChannel.


       The  ns-3  propagation  module defines two generic interfaces, namely PropagationLossModel
       and PropagationDelayModel, to model respectively the propagation loss and the  propagation

       Propagation  loss models calculate the Rx signal power considering the Tx signal power and
       the mutual Rx and Tx antennas positions.

       A propagation loss model can be “chained” to another one, making  a  list.  The  final  Rx
       power takes into account all the chained models. In this way one can use a slow fading and
       a fast fading model (for example), or model separately different fading effects.

       The following propagation loss models are implemented:

          • Cost231PropagationLossModel

          • FixedRssLossModel

          • FriisPropagationLossModel

          • ItuR1411LosPropagationLossModel

          • ItuR1411NlosOverRooftopPropagationLossModel

          • JakesPropagationLossModel

          • Kun2600MhzPropagationLossModel

          • LogDistancePropagationLossModel

          • MatrixPropagationLossModel

          • NakagamiPropagationLossModel

          • OkumuraHataPropagationLossModel

          • RandomPropagationLossModel

          • RangePropagationLossModel

          • ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel

          • TwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel

          • ThreeGppPropagationLossModel

                • ThreeGppRMaPropagationLossModel

                • ThreeGppUMaPropagationLossModel

                • ThreeGppUmiStreetCanyonPropagationLossModel

                • ThreeGppIndoorOfficePropagationLossModel

       Other models could be available thanks to other modules, e.g., the building module.

       Each of the available propagation loss models of ns-3 is explained in one of the following

       This  model implements the Friis propagation loss model. This model was first described in
       [friis].  The original equation was described as:

                             \frac{P_r}{P_t} = \frac{A_r A_t}{d^2\lambda^2}

       with the following equation for the case of an isotropic antenna with no heat loss:

                                  A_{isotr.} = \frac{\lambda^2}{4\pi}

       The final equation becomes:

                            \frac{P_r}{P_t} = \frac{\lambda^2}{(4 \pi d)^2}

       Modern extensions to this original equation are:

                           P_r = \frac{P_t G_t G_r \lambda^2}{(4 \pi d)^2 L}

          P_t : transmission power (W)

          P_r : reception power (W)

          G_t : transmission gain (unit-less)

          G_r : reception gain (unit-less)

          \lambda : wavelength (m)

          d : distance (m)

          L : system loss (unit-less)

       In the implementation, \lambda is calculated as \frac{C}{f}, where C =  299792458  m/s  is
       the  speed of light in vacuum, and f is the frequency in Hz which can be configured by the
       user via the Frequency attribute.

       The Friis model is valid only for propagation in free space within the so-called far field
       region,  which can be considered approximately as the region for d > 3 \lambda.  The model
       will still return a value for d < 3 \lambda, as doing so (rather than triggering  a  fatal
       error)  is  practical  for  many  simulation scenarios. However, we stress that the values
       obtained in such conditions shall not be considered realistic.

       Related with this issue, we note that the Friis formula  is  undefined  for  d  =  0,  and
       results in P_r > P_t for d < \lambda / 2 \sqrt{\pi}.

       Both  these  conditions  occur  outside of the far field region, so in principle the Friis
       model shall not be used in these conditions.  In practice, however, Friis is often used in
       scenarios where accurate propagation modeling is not deemed important, and values of d = 0
       can occur.

       To allow practical use of the model in such scenarios, we have to 1) return some value for
       d  = 0, and 2) avoid large discontinuities in propagation loss values (which could lead to
       artifacts such as bogus capture effects which are much worse than  inaccurate  propagation
       loss  values). The two issues are conflicting, as, according to the Friis formula, \lim_{d
       \to 0}  P_r = +\infty; so if, for d = 0, we use a fixed loss value,  we  end  up  with  an
       infinitely  large  discontinuity,  which  as we discussed can cause undesirable simulation

       To avoid these artifact, this implementation of the  Friis  model  provides  an  attribute
       called  MinLoss  which  allows  to  specify the minimum total loss (in dB) returned by the
       model. This is used in such a way that P_r continuously  increases  for  d  \to  0,  until
       MinLoss  is reached, and then stay constant; this allow to return a value for d = 0 and at
       the same time avoid discontinuities. The model won’t be much realistic, but at  least  the
       simulation  artifacts  discussed before are avoided. The default value of MinLoss is 0 dB,
       which means that by default the model will  return  P_r  =  P_t  for  d  <=  \lambda  /  2
       \sqrt{\pi}.   We  note  that this value of d is outside of the far field region, hence the
       validity of the model in the far field region is not affected.

       This model implements a Two-Ray Ground propagation loss model ported from NS2

       The Two-ray ground reflection model uses the formula

                        P_r = \frac{P_t * G_t * G_r * (H_t^2 * H_r^2)}{d^4 * L}

       The original equation in Rappaport’s book assumes L = 1.  To be consistent with  the  free
       space equation, L is added here.

       H_t  and  H_r  are set at the respective nodes z coordinate plus a model parameter set via

       The two-ray model does not give a good result for short distances, due to the  oscillation
       caused  by  constructive  and  destructive  combination of the two rays. Instead the Friis
       free-space model is used for small distances.

       The crossover distance, below which Friis is used, is calculated as follows:

                             dCross = \frac{(4 * \pi * H_t * H_r)}{\lambda}

       In the implementation,  \lambda is calculated as \frac{C}{f}, where C = 299792458  m/s  is
       the  speed of light in vacuum, and f is the frequency in Hz which can be configured by the
       user via the Frequency attribute.

       This model implements a log distance propagation model.

       The reception power is calculated with a so-called log-distance propagation model:

                                   L = L_0 + 10 n \log(\frac{d}{d_0})

          n : the path loss distance exponent

          d_0 : reference distance (m)

          L_0 : path loss at reference distance (dB)

          d :  - distance (m)

          L : path loss (dB)

       When the path loss is requested at a distance smaller than the reference distance, the  tx
       power is returned.

       This  model  implements  a  log  distance  path loss propagation model with three distance
       fields. This model is the same as ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModel except that it  has
       three distance fields: near, middle and far with different exponents.

       Within  each  field  the  reception power is calculated using the log-distance propagation

                            L = L_0 + 10 \cdot n_0 \log_{10}(\frac{d}{d_0})

       Each field begins where the previous ends and all together form a continuous function.

       There are three valid distance fields: near, middle, far. Actually four: the first from  0
       to the reference distance is invalid and returns txPowerDbm.

       \underbrace{0   \cdots\cdots}_{=0}   \underbrace{d_0  \cdots\cdots}_{n_0}  \underbrace{d_1
                     \cdots\cdots}_{n_1} \underbrace{d_2 \cdots\cdots}_{n_2} \infty

       Complete formula for the path loss in dB:

                                           \displaystyle L =
       \begin{cases} 0 & d < d_0 \\ L_0 + 10 \cdot n_0 \log_{10}(\frac{d}{d_0}) & d_0  \leq  d  <
       d_1    \\   L_0   +   10   \cdot   n_0   \log_{10}(\frac{d_1}{d_0})   +   10   \cdot   n_1
       \log_{10}(\frac{d}{d_1})   &   d_1   \leq   d   <   d_2   \\   L_0   +   10   \cdot    n_0
       \log_{10}(\frac{d_1}{d_0})  +  10  \cdot  n_1  \log_{10}(\frac{d_2}{d_1})  +  10 \cdot n_2
       \log_{10}(\frac{d}{d_2})& d_2 \leq d \end{cases}

          d_0, d_1, d_2 : three distance fields (m)

          n_0, n_1, n_2 : path loss distance exponent for each field (unitless)

          L_0 : path loss at reference distance (dB)

          d :  - distance (m)

          L : path loss (dB)

       When the path loss is requested at a distance smaller than the reference distance d_0, the
       tx  power  (with  no  path  loss)  is  returned. The reference distance defaults to 1m and
       reference loss defaults to FriisPropagationLossModel with 5.15 GHz and is thus L_0 = 46.67

       The  propagation loss is totally random, and it changes each time the model is called.  As
       a consequence, all the packets (even those between two fixed nodes)  experience  a  random
       propagation loss.

       This  propagation  loss  model implements the Nakagami-m fast fading model, which accounts
       for the variations in signal strength due to multipath fading. The model does not  account
       for the path loss due to the distance traveled by the signal, hence for typical simulation
       usage it is recommended to consider using it in combination with other  models  that  take
       into account this aspect.

       The  Nakagami-m  distribution  is  applied  to  the  power  level. The probability density
       function is defined as

       p(x; m, \omega) = \frac{2 m^m}{\Gamma(m) \omega^m} x^{2m - 1} e^{-\frac{m}{\omega} x^2} )

       with m the fading depth parameter and \omega the average received power.

       It is implemented  by  either  a  GammaRandomVariable  or  a  ErlangRandomVariable  random

       The implementation of the model allows to specify different values of the m parameter (and
       hence different fast fading profiles) for three different distance ranges:

       \underbrace{0  \cdots\cdots}_{m_0}  \underbrace{d_1  \cdots\cdots}_{m_1}   \underbrace{d_2
                                       \cdots\cdots}_{m_2} \infty

       For  m  =  1 the Nakagami-m distribution equals the Rayleigh distribution. Thus this model
       also implements Rayleigh distribution based fast fading.

       This model sets a constant received power level independent of the transmit power.

       The received power is constant independent of  the  transmit  power;  the  user  must  set
       received  power  level.   Note that if this loss model is chained to other loss models, it
       should be the first loss model in the chain.  Else it will disregard the  losses  computed
       by loss models that precede it in the chain.

       The  propagation  loss  is fixed for each pair of nodes and doesn’t depend on their actual
       positions.  This model should be useful for synthetic tests.  Note  that  by  default  the
       propagation loss is assumed to be symmetric.

       This  propagation  loss  depends  only  on  the  distance  (range) between transmitter and

       The single MaxRange attribute (units of meters) determines path  loss.   Receivers  at  or
       within  MaxRange  meters  receive  the transmission at the transmit power level. Receivers
       beyond MaxRange receive at power -1000 dBm (effectively zero).

       This model is used to model open area pathloss for long distance (i.e., > 1 Km).  In order
       to include all the possible frequencies usable by LTE we need to consider several variants
       of the well known Okumura Hata model. In fact, the original Okumura Hata model  [hata]  is
       designed  for  frequencies ranging from 150 MHz to 1500 MHz, the COST231 [cost231] extends
       it for the frequency range from 1500 MHz to 2000 MHz.  Another  important  aspect  is  the
       scenarios  considered  by  the  models, in fact the all models are originally designed for
       urban scenario and then only the standard one and the COST231 are  extended  to  suburban,
       while  only  the standard one has been extended to open areas. Therefore, the model cannot
       cover all scenarios at all frequencies.  In the following we detail the models adopted.

       The pathloss expression of the COST231 OH is:

       L = 46.3 + 33.9\log{f} - 13.82 \log{h_\mathrm{b}} + (44.9 - 6.55\log{h_\mathrm{b}})\log{d}
                                         - F(h_\mathrm{M}) + C


       F(h_\mathrm{M})   =   \left\{\begin{array}{ll}   (1.1\log(f))-0.7  \times  h_\mathrm{M}  -
       (1.56\times  \log(f)-0.8)  &  \mbox{for  medium  and  small  size  cities}  \\   3.2\times
           (\log{(11.75\times h_\mathrm{M}}))^2 & \mbox{for large cities}\end{array} \right.

       C = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 0dB & \mbox{for medium-size cities and suburban areas} \\ 3dB
                              & \mbox{for large cities}\end{array} \right.

          f : frequency [MHz]

          h_\mathrm{b} : eNB height above the ground [m]

          h_\mathrm{M} : UE height above the ground [m]

          d : distance [km]

          log : is a logarithm in base 10 (this for the whole document)

       This model is only for urban scenarios.

       The pathloss expression of the standard OH in urban area is:

       L   =    69.55    +    26.16\log{f}    -    13.82    \log{h_\mathrm{b}}    +    (44.9    -
                             6.55\log{h_\mathrm{b}})\log{d} - C_\mathrm{H}

       where for small or medium sized city

                    C_\mathrm{H} = 0.8 + (1.1\log{f} - 0.7)h_\mathrm{M} -1.56\log{f}

       and for large cities

       C_\mathrm{H} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 8.29 (\log{(1.54h_M)})^2 -1.1 & \mbox{if } 150\leq
       f\leq 200 \\ 3.2(\log{(11.75h_M)})^2 -4.97 & \mbox{if } 200<f\leq 1500\end{array} \right.

       There extension for the standard OH in suburban is

                L_\mathrm{SU} = L_\mathrm{U} - 2 \left(\log{\frac{f}{28}}\right)^2 - 5.4

          L_\mathrm{U} : pathloss in urban areas

       The extension for the standard OH in open area is

                 L_\mathrm{O} = L_\mathrm{U} - 4.70 (\log{f})^2 + 18.33\log{f} - 40.94

       The literature lacks of extensions of the COST231 to open area (for suburban it seems that
       we can just impose C = 0); therefore we consider it a special case fo the suburban one.

       This  model  is  designed for Line-of-Sight (LoS) short range outdoor communication in the
       frequency range 300 MHz to 100  GHz.   This  model  provides  an  upper  and  lower  bound
       respectively according to the following formulas

       L_\mathrm{LoS,l}         =         L_\mathrm{bp}         +        \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
       20\log{\frac{d}{R_\mathrm{bp}}}    &    \mbox{for    $d     \le     R_\mathrm{bp}$}     \\
          40\log{\frac{d}{R_\mathrm{bp}}} & \mbox{for $d > R_\mathrm{bp}$}\end{array} \right.

       L_\mathrm{LoS,u}      =      L_\mathrm{bp}     +     20     +     \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
       25\log{\frac{d}{R_\mathrm{bp}}}    &    \mbox{for    $d     \le     R_\mathrm{bp}$}     \\
          40\log{\frac{d}{R_\mathrm{bp}}} & \mbox{for $d > R_\mathrm{bp}$}\end{array} \right.

       where the breakpoint distance is given by

                    R_\mathrm{bp} \approx \frac{4h_\mathrm{b}h_\mathrm{m}}{\lambda}

       and the above parameters are
          \lambda : wavelength [m]

          h_\mathrm{b} : eNB height above the ground [m]

          h_\mathrm{m} : UE height above the ground [m]

          d : distance [m]

       and L_{bp} is the value for the basic transmission loss at the break point, defined as:

        L_{bp} = \left|20\log \left(\frac{\lambda^2}{8\pi h_\mathrm{b}h\mathrm{m}}\right)\right|

       The value used by the simulator is the average one for modeling the median pathloss.

       This  model is designed for Non-Line-of-Sight (LoS) short range outdoor communication over
       rooftops in the  frequency  range  300  MHz  to  100  GHz.  This  model  includes  several
       scenario-dependent  parameters,  such  as  average  street  width, orientation, etc. It is
       advised to set the values of these parameters manually (using the ns-3  attribute  system)
       according to the desired scenario.

       In  detail, the model is based on [walfisch] and [ikegami], where the loss is expressed as
       the sum of free-space loss (L_{bf}), the diffraction loss from rooftop to street (L_{rts})
       and  the reduction due to multiple screen diffraction past rows of building (L_{msd}). The
       formula is:

       L_{NLOS1} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} L_{bf} + L_{rts} + L_{msd} & \mbox{for }  L_{rts}  +
             L_{msd} > 0 \\ L_{bf} & \mbox{for } L_{rts} + L_{msd} \le 0\end{array}\right.

       The free-space loss is given by:

                            L_{bf} = 32.4 + 20 \log {(d/1000)} + 20\log{(f)}

          f : frequency [MHz]

          d : distance (where d > 1) [m]

       The term L_{rts} takes into account the width of the street and its orientation, according
       to the formulas

              L_{rts} = -8.2 - 10\log {(w)} + 10\log{(f)} + 20\log{(\Delta h_m)} + L_{ori}

       L_{ori} = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} -10  +  0.354\varphi  &  \mbox{for  }  0^{\circ}  \le
       \varphi  <  35^{\circ}  \\  2.5 + 0.075(\varphi-35) & \mbox{for } 35^{\circ} \le \varphi <
       55^{\circ}  \\   4.0   -0.114(\varphi-55)   &   \mbox{for   }   55^{\circ}   \varphi   \le

       \Delta h_m = h_r - h_m

          h_r : is the height of the rooftop [m]

          h_m : is the height of the mobile [m]

          \varphi : is the street orientation with respect to the direct path (degrees)

       The  multiple  screen  diffraction  loss  depends on the BS antenna height relative to the
       building height and on the incidence angle. The former is selected as the  higher  antenna
       in  the communication link. Regarding the latter, the “settled field distance” is used for
       select the proper model; its value is given by

                               d_{s} = \frac{\lambda d^2}{\Delta h_{b}^2}

          \Delta h_b = h_b - h_m

       Therefore, in case of l > d_s (where l is the distance over which the building extend), it
       can be evaluated according to

             L_{msd} = L_{bsh} + k_{a} + k_{d}\log{(d/1000)} + k_{f}\log{(f)} - 9\log{(b)}

       L_{bsh}  = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -18\log{(1+\Delta h_{b})} & \mbox{for } h_{b} > h_{r}
       \\ 0 & \mbox{for } h_{b} \le h_{hr} \end{array}\right.

       k_a = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll}
           71.4 & \mbox{for } h_{b} > h_{r} \mbox{ and } f>2000 \mbox{ MHz} \\
           54 & \mbox{for } h_{b} > h_{r} \mbox{ and } f\le2000 \mbox{ MHz} \\
           54-0.8\Delta h_b & \mbox{for } h_{b} \le h_{r} \mbox{ and } d \ge 500 \mbox{ m} \\
           54-1.6\Delta h_b & \mbox{for } h_{b} \le h_{r} \mbox{ and } d < 500 \mbox{ m} \\
           \end{array} \right.

       k_d = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
             18 & \mbox{for } h_{b} > h_{r} \\
             18 -15\frac{\Delta h_b}{h_r} & \mbox{for } h_{b} \le h_{r}
             \end{array} \right.

       k_f = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
             -8 & \mbox{for } f>2000 \mbox{ MHz} \\
             -4 + 0.7(f/925 -1) & \mbox{for medium city and suburban centres and} f\le2000 \mbox{
       MHz} \\
             -4 + 1.5(f/925 -1) & \mbox{for metropolitan centres and } f\le2000 \mbox{ MHz}

       Alternatively, in case of l < d_s, the formula is:

                                 L_{msd} = -10\log{\left(Q_M^2\right)}


                                    Q_M = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll}
             2.35\left(\frac{\Delta  h_b}{d}\sqrt{\frac{b}{\lambda}}\right)^{0.9}  &  \mbox{for }
       h_{b} > h_{r} \\
             \frac{b}{d} &  \mbox{for } h_{b} \approx h_{r} \\
             \frac{b}{2\pi  d}\sqrt{\frac{\lambda}{\rho}}\left(\frac{1}{\theta}-\frac{1}{2\pi   +
       \theta}\right) & \mbox{for }  h_{b} < h_{r}


                           \theta = arc tan \left(\frac{\Delta h_b}{b}\right)

       \rho = \sqrt{\Delta h_b^2 + b^2}

       This  is  the  empirical  model  for  the  pathloss  at  2600 MHz for urban areas which is
       described in [kun2600mhz].  The model is as follows. Let d be  the  distance  between  the
       transmitter and the receiver in meters; the pathloss L in dB is calculated as:

                                           L = 36 + 26\log{d}

       The  base  class  ThreeGppPropagationLossModel  and its derived classes implement the path
       loss and shadow fading models described  in  3GPP  TR  38.901  [38901].   3GPP  TR  38.901
       includes  multiple  scenarios  modeling  different propagation environments, i.e., indoor,
       outdoor urban and rural, for frequencies between 0.5 and 100 GHz.

       Implemented features:

          • Path loss and shadowing models (3GPP TR 38.901, Sec. 7.4.1)

          • Autocorrelation of shadow fading (3GPP TR 38.901, Sec. 7.4.4)

          • Channel condition models (3GPP TR 38.901, Sec. 7.4.2)

       To be implemented:

          • O2I penetration loss (3GPP TR 38.901, Sec. 7.4.3)

          • Spatial consistent update of the channel states (3GPP TR 38.901 Sec.


       The ThreeGppPropagationLossModel instance is paired with a ChannelConditionModel  instance
       used  to  retrieve  the  LOS/NLOS  channel condition. By default, a 3GPP channel condition
       model    related    to    the    same    scenario    is    set    (e.g.,    by    default,
       ThreeGppRmaPropagationLossModel  is  paired with ThreeGppRmaChannelConditionModel), but it
       can be configured using the method SetChannelConditionModel. The channel condition  models
       are stored inside the propagation module, for a limitation of the current spectrum API and
       to avoid a circular dependency between the spectrum and the  propagation  modules.  Please
       note  that  it  is  necessary to install at least one ChannelConditionModel when using any
       ThreeGppPropagationLossModel subclass. Please look below for more  information  about  the
       Channel Condition models.

       The operating frequency has to be set using the attribute “Frequency”, otherwise an assert
       is raised. The addition of the shadow fading component can be enabled/disabled through the
       attribute “ShadowingEnabled”.  Other scenario-related parameters can be configured through
       attributes of the derived classes.

       Implementation details

       The method DoCalcRxPower computes the propagation loss considering the path loss  and  the
       shadow  fading  (if  enabled).  The  path  loss  is  computed  by the method GetLossLos or
       GetLossNlos depending on the LOS/NLOS channel condition, and their implementation is  left
       to  the  derived  classes. The shadow fading is computed by the method GetShadowing, which
       generates an additional random loss component characterized by Gaussian distribution  with
       zero  mean  and  scenario-specific  standard deviation. Subsequent shadowing components of
       each BS-UT link are correlated as described in 3GPP TR 38.901, Sec. 7.4.4 [38901].

       Note 1: The TR defines height ranges for UTs and BSs, depending on the chosen  propagation
       model (for the exact values, please see below in the specific model documentation). If the
       user does not set  correct  values,  the  model  will  emit  a  warning  but  perform  the
       calculation anyway.

       Note  2:  The  3GPP  model  is  originally  intended  to be used to represent BS-UT links.
       However, in ns-3, we may need to compute the pathloss between two BSs or UTs  to  evaluate
       the  interference. We have decided to support this case by considering the tallest node as
       a BS and the smallest as a UT. As a consequence, the height  values  may  be  outside  the
       validity  range  of the chosen class: therefore, an inaccuracy warning may be printed, but
       it can be ignored.

       There are four derived class, each one implementing the propagation model for a  different

       This class implements the LOS/NLOS path loss and shadow fading models described in 3GPP TR
       38.901 [38901], Table 7.4.1-1 for the RMa scenario.  It supports frequencies  between  0.5
       and  30  GHz.   It  is  possible to configure some scenario-related parameters through the
       attributes AvgBuildingHeight and AvgStreetWidth.

       As specified in the TR, the 2D distance between the transmitter and the receiver should be
       between  10  m  and  10  km  for the LOS case, or between 10 m and 5 km for the NLOS case,
       otherwise the model may not be accurate (a warning message is  printed  if  the  user  has
       enabled  logging  on  the  model).  Also,  the  height of the base station (hBS) should be
       between 10 m and 150 m, while the height of the user terminal (hUT) should be between 1  m
       and 10 m.

       This  implements  the  LOS/NLOS  path  loss  and shadow fading models described in 3GPP TR
       38.901 [38901], Table 7.4.1-1 for the UMa scenario. It supports  frequencies  between  0.5
       and 100 GHz.

       As specified in the TR, the 2D distance between the transmitter and the receiver should be
       between 10 m and 5 km both for the LOS and NLOS cases, otherwise  the  model  may  not  be
       accurate  (a  warning  message  is  printed if the user has enabled logging on the model).
       Also, the height of the base station (hBS) should be 25 m  and  the  height  of  the  user
       terminal (hUT) should be between 1.5 m and 22.5 m.

       This  implements  the  LOS/NLOS  path  loss  and shadow fading models described in 3GPP TR
       38.901 [38901], Table 7.4.1-1 for the UMi-Street Canyon scenario. It supports  frequencies
       between 0.5 and 100 GHz.

       As specified in the TR, the 2D distance between the transmitter and the receiver should be
       between 10 m and 5 km both for the LOS and NLOS cases, otherwise  the  model  may  not  be
       accurate  (a  warning  message  is  printed if the user has enabled logging on the model).
       Also, the height of the base station (hBS) should be 10 m  and  the  height  of  the  user
       terminal  (hUT) should be between 1.5 m and 10 m (the validity range is reduced because we
       assume that the height of the UT nodes is always lower that the height of the BS nodes).

       This implements the LOS/NLOS path loss and shadow  fading  models  described  in  3GPP  TR
       38.901  [38901],  Table  7.4.1-1  for  the Indoor-Office scenario. It supports frequencies
       between 0.5 and 100 GHz.

       As specified in the TR, the 3D distance between the transmitter and the receiver should be
       between  1  m  and  150  m both for the LOS and NLOS cases, otherwise the model may not be
       accurate (a warning log message is printed if the user has enabled logging on the model).

       The test suite ThreeGppPropagationLossModelsTestSuite provides test cases for the  classes
       implementing     the     3GPP     propagation     loss    models.     The    test    cases
       ThreeGppRmaPropagationLossModelTestCase,          ThreeGppUmaPropagationLossModelTestCase,
       ThreeGppUmiPropagationLossModelTestCase                                                and
       ThreeGppIndoorOfficePropagationLossModelTestCase compute the path loss between  two  nodes
       and  compares  it  with  the  value obtained using the formulas in 3GPP TR 38.901 [38901],
       Table 7.4.1-1.  The  test  case  ThreeGppShadowingTestCase  checks  if  the  shadowing  is
       correctly  computed by testing the deviation of the overall propagation loss from the path
       loss. The test is carried out for all the scenarios, both in LOS and NLOS condition.

       The loss models require to know if two nodes are in Line-of-Sight (LoS)  or  if  they  are
       not.   The  interface  for  that  is  represented  by  this  class.  The  main  method  is
       GetChannelCondition (a,  b),  which  returns  a  ChannelCondition  object  containing  the
       information about the channel state.

       We  modeled the LoS condition in two ways: (i) by using a probabilistic model specified by
       the 3GPP (), and (ii) by using an ns-3 specific building-aware  model,  which  checks  the
       space position of the BSs and the UTs.  For what regards the first option, the probability
       is independent of the node location: in other words, following  the  3GPP  model,  two  UT
       spatially  separated by an epsilon may have different LoS conditions. To take into account
       mobility, we have inserted a parameter called “UpdatePeriod,” which indicates how often  a
       3GPP-based  channel  condition  has to be updated. By default, this attribute is set to 0,
       meaning that after the channel condition is generated, it  is  never  updated.  With  this
       default  value, we encourage the users to run multiple simulations with different seeds to
       get statistical significance from the data.  For the  users  interested  in  using  mobile
       nodes,  we  suggest  changing  this  parameter to a value that takes into account the node
       speed and the desired accuracy. For example, lower-speed node conditions may be updated in
       terms of seconds, while high-speed UT or BS may be updated more often.

       The two approach are coded, respectively, in the classes:

       • ThreeGppChannelConditionModelBuildingsChannelConditionModel  (see  the  building  module  documentation  for  further

       This is the base class for the 3GPP channel condition models.  It provides the possibility
       to updated the condition of each channel periodically, after a given time period which can
       be configured through the attribute “UpdatePeriod”.  If “UpdatePeriod” is set  to  0,  the
       channel  condition is never updated.  It has five derived classes implementing the channel
       condition models described in 3GPP TR 38.901 [38901] for different propagation scenarios.

       This implements the statistical channel  condition  model  described  in  3GPP  TR  38.901
       [38901], Table 7.4.2-1, for the RMa scenario.

       This  implements  the  statistical  channel  condition  model  described in 3GPP TR 38.901
       [38901], Table 7.4.2-1, for the UMa scenario.

       This implements the statistical channel  condition  model  described  in  3GPP  TR  38.901
       [38901], Table 7.4.2-1, for the UMi-Street Canyon scenario.

       This  implements  the  statistical  channel  condition  model  described in 3GPP TR 38.901
       [38901], Table 7.4.2-1, for the Indoor-Mixed office scenario.

       This implements the statistical channel  condition  model  described  in  3GPP  TR  38.901
       [38901], Table 7.4.2-1, for the Indoor-Open office scenario.

       The test suite ChannelConditionModelsTestSuite contains a single test case:

       • ThreeGppChannelConditionModelTestCase,  which  tests  all  the  3GPP  channel  condition
         models. It determines the channel condition between two nodes multiple times,  estimates
         the  LOS  probability,  and  compares it with the value given by the formulas in 3GPP TR
         38.901 [38901], Table 7.4.2-1

       The following propagation delay models are implemented:

       • ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel

       • RandomPropagationDelayModel

       In this model, the signal travels with constant speed.  The delay is calculated  according
       with the transmitter and receiver positions.  The Euclidean distance between the Tx and Rx
       antennas is used.  Beware that, according to this model, the Earth is flat.

       The propagation delay is totally random, and it changes each time  the  model  is  called.
       All  the  packets  (even  those  between two fixed nodes) experience a random delay.  As a
       consequence, the packets order is not preserved.

   Models for vehicular environments
       The 3GPP TR 37.885 [37885] specifications extends the channel modeling framework described
       in  TR  38.901  [38901]  to  simulate  wireless  channels  in vehicular environments.  The
       extended  framework  supports  frequencies  between  0.5  to  100  GHz  and  provides  the
       possibility  to  simulate  urban  and  highway  propagation  environments.   To do so, new
       propagation loss and channel condition models, as well as  new  parameters  for  the  fast
       fading model, are provided.

   Vehicular channel condition models
       To  properly  capture  channel dynamics in vehicular environments, three different channel
       conditions have been identified:

          • LOS (Line Of Sight): represents the  case  in  which  the  direct  path  between  the
            transmitter and the receiver is not blocked

          • NLOSv  (Non  Line Of Sight vehicle): when the direct path between the transmitter and
            the receiver is blocked by a vehicle

          • NLOS (Non Line Of Sight): when the direct path is blocked by a building

       TR 37.885 includes two models that can be used to determine the condition of the  wireless
       channel  between  a  pair  of  nodes,  the  first  for  urban  and  the second for highway
       environments.  Each model includes both a deterministic and a stochastic part,  and  works
       as follows:

          1. The  model  determines the presence of buildings obstructing the direct path between
             the communicating nodes. This is  done  in  a  deterministic  way,  looking  at  the
             possible  interceptions  between  the direct path and the buildings.  If the path is
             obstructed, the channel condition is set to NLOS.

          2. If not, the model determines the presence of vehicles obstructing the  direct  path.
             This  is  done  using  a  probabilistic model, which is specific for the scenario of
             interest. If the path  is  obstructed,  the  channel  condition  is  set  to  NLOSv,
             otherwise is set to LOS.

       These  models  have been implemented by extending the interface ChannelConditionModel with
       the following classes. They have been included in the building module, because  they  make
       use of Buildings objects to determine the presence of obstructions caused by buildings.

          • ThreeGppV2vUrbanChannelConditionModel:  implements the model described in Table 6.2-1
            of TR 37.885 for the urban scenario.

          • ThreeGppV2vHighwayChannelConditionModel: implements  the  model  described  in  Table
            6.2-1 of TR 37.885 for the highway scenario.

       These models rely on Buildings objects to determine the presence of obstructing buildings.
       When considering large scenarios with a large number of buildings, this process may become
       computationally  demanding  and  dramatically increase the simulation time.  To solve this
       problem, we implemented two fully-probabilistic models that can be used as an  alternative
       to  the  ones included in TR 37.885.  These models are based on the work carried out by M.
       Boban et al. [Boban2016Modeling], which derived a statistical representation of the  three
       channel  conditions, With the fully-probabilistic models there is no need to determine the
       presence of blocking buildings in a deterministic way,  and  therefore  the  computational
       effort  is  reduced.   To  determine  the  channel condition, these models account for the
       propagation environment, i.e., urban or highway, as well as for the density of vehicles in
       the scenario, which can be high, medium, or low.

       The classes implementing the fully-probabilistic models are:

          • ProbabilisticV2vUrbanChannelConditionModel:   implements   the   model  described  in
            [Boban2016Modeling] for the urban scenario.

          • ProbabilisticV2vHighwayChannelConditionModel:  implements  the  model  described   in
            [Boban2016Modeling] for the highway scenario.

       Both the classes own the attribute “Density”, which can be used to select the proper value
       depending on the scenario that have to be simulated.  Differently from the  hybrid  models
       described above, these classes have been included in the propagation module, since they do
       not have any dependency on the building module.

       NOTE: Both the hybrid and the fully-probabilistic models supports the modeling of  outdoor
       scenarios, no support is provided for the modeling of indoor scenarios.

   Vehicular propagation loss models
       The  propagation  models  described in TR 37.885 determines the attenuation caused by path
       loss and shadowing by considering the propagation environment and the channel condition.

       These models have been implemented by extending the interface ThreeGppPropagationLossModel
       with the following classes, which are part of the propagation module:

          • ThreeGppV2vUrbanPropagationLossModel:  implements the models defined in Table 6.2.1-1
            of TR 37.885 for the urban scenario.

          • ThreeGppV2vHighwayPropagationLossModel:  implements  the  models  defined  in   Table
            6.2.1-1 of TR 37.885 for the highway scenario.

       As  for all the classes extending the interface ThreeGppPropagationLossModel, they have to
       be paired with an instance of the class ChannelConditionModel which is used  to  determine
       the  channel  condition.  This is done by setting the attribute ChannelConditionModel.  To
       build    the    channel     modeling     framework     described     in     TR     37.885,
       ThreeGppV2vUrbanChannelConditionModel or ThreeGppV2vHighwayChannelConditionModel should be
       used, but users are allowed to test any other combination.

   Vehicular fast fading model
       The fast fading model described in Sec. 6.2.3 of TR 37.885 is based on the  one  specified
       in  TR  38.901,  whose implementation is provided in the spectrum module (see the spectrum
       module documentation).  This model is general and includes different parameters which  can
       be  tuned  to  simulate  multiple  propagation  environments.  To better model the channel
       dynamics in vehicular environments, TR 37.885  provides  new  sets  of  values  for  these
       parameters,  specific for vehicle-to-vehicle transmissions in urban and highway scenarios.
       To select the parameters for vehicular scenarios, it is necessary  to  set  the  attribute
       “Scenario” of the class ThreeGppChannelModel using the value “V2V-Urban” or “V2V-Highway”.

       Additionally,  TR  37.885 specifies a new equation to compute the Doppler component, which
       accounts for the mobility of both nodes, as well as scattering from the  environment.   In
       particular,  the  scattering  effect is considered by deviating the Doppler frequency by a
       random value, whose distribution depends on the parameter v_{scatt}.  TR 37.885  specifies
       that  v_{scatt}  should  be set to the maximum speed of the vehicles in the layout and, if
       v_{scatt} = 0,  the  scattering  effect  is  not  considered.   The  Doppler  equation  is
       implemented  in the class ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModel.  By means of the attribute
       “vScatt”, it is possible to adjust the value of v_{scatt} = 0 (by default,  the  value  is
       set to 0).

       We  implemented  the example which shows how to configure
       the different classes to simulate wireless propagation in vehicular scenarios, it  can  be
       found in the folder examples/channel-models.

       We  considered two communicating vehicles moving within the scenario, and computed the SNR
       experienced during the entire simulation, with a time resolution of 10 ms.   The  vehicles
       are  equipped  with  2x2 antenna arrays modeled using the 3GPP antenna model.  The bearing
       and the downtilt angles are properly configured and the optimal  beamforming  vectors  are
       computed at the beginning of the simulation.

       The simulation script accepts the following command line parameters:

          • frequency: the operating frequency in Hz

          • txPow: the transmission power in dBm

          • noiseFigure: the noise figure in dB

          • scenario: the simulation scenario, “V2V-Urban” or “V2V-Highway”

       The “V2V-Urban” scenario simulates urban environment with a rectangular grid of buildings.
       The vehicles moves with a waypoint mobility model. They start from the same  position  and
       travel  in  the same direction, along the main street.  The first vehicle moves at 60 km/h
       and the second at 30 km/h.  At a certain point, the first vehicle  turns  left  while  the
       second continues on the main street.

       The  “V2V-Highway”  scenario  simulates  an  highway environment in which the two vehicles
       travel on the same lane, in the same direction, and keep a safety distance of 20  m.  They
       maintain a constant speed of 140 km/h.

       The  example  generates  the  output  file  example-output.txt.  Each  row  of the file is
       organized as follows:

       Time[s] TxPosX[m] TxPosY[m] RxPosX[m] RxPosY[m] ChannelState SNR[dB] Pathloss[dB]

       We also provide the bash script which  reads  the  output
       file and generates two figures:

          1. map.gif, a GIF representing the simulation scenario and vehicle mobility;

          2. snr.png, which represents the behavior of the SNR.

            Friis,  H.T.,  “A  Note  on  a Simple Transmission Formula,” Proceedings of the IRE ,
            vol.34, no.5, pp.254,256, May 1946

            M.Hata, “Empirical formula for propagation loss in land mobile radio services”,  IEEE
            Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 29, pp. 317-325, 1980

            “Digital  Mobile  Radio:  COST  231  View  on  the  Evolution  Towards 3rd Generation
            Systems”, Commission of the European Communities, L-2920, Luxembourg, 1989

            J.Walfisch and H.L. Bertoni,  “A  Theoretical  model  of  UHF  propagation  in  urban
            environments,” in IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.36, 1988, pp.1788- 1796

            F.Ikegami,  T.Takeuchi, and S.Yoshida, “Theoretical prediction of mean field strength
            for Urban Mobile Radio”, in IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol.39, No.3, 1991

            Sun Kun, Wang Ping, Li Yingze, “Path loss models for  suburban  scenario  at  2.3GHz,
            2.6GHz  and  3.5GHz”,  in  Proc.  of  the  8th  International  Symposium on Antennas,
            Propagation and EM Theory (ISAPE),  Kunming,  China, Nov 2008.

            3GPP. 2018. TR 38.901, Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5  to  100  GHz,
            V15.0.0. (2018-06).

            3GPP.  2019.  TR 37.885, Study on evaluation methodology of new Vehicle-to-Everything
            (V2X) use cases for LTE and NR, V15.3.0. (2019-06).

            M. Boban,  X. Gong, and  W. Xu, “Modeling the evolution of line-of-sight blockage for
            V2V channels,” in IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 2016.


       The Spectrum module aims at providing support for modeling the frequency-dependent aspects
       of communications in ns-3.  The model was first introduced in [Baldo2009Spectrum], and has
       been enhanced and refined over the years.
         [image] Spectrogram produced by a spectrum analyzer in a scenario involving wifi signals
         interfered    by    a    microwave    oven,    as    simulated    by     the     example

   Model Description
       The module provides:

       • a set of classes for modeling signals and

       • a  Channel/PHY interface based on a power spectral density signal representation that is

       • two technology-independent Channel implementations based on the Channel/PHY interface

       • a set of basic PHY model implementations based on the Channel/PHY interface

       The source code for the spectrum module is located at src/spectrum.

   Signal model
       The signal model is implemented by the SpectrumSignalParameters class. This class provides
       the following information for a signal being transmitted/received by PHY devices:

       • a reference to the transmitting PHY device

       • a  reference  to  the antenna model used by the transmitting PHY device to transmit this

       • the duration of the signal

       • its Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the signal, which is assumed to be constant for  the
         duration of the signal.

       The  PSD is represented as a set of discrete scalar values each corresponding to a certain
       subband in frequency. The set of frequency subbands to which the PSD refers to is  defined
       by an instance of the SpectrumModel class. The PSD itself is implemented as an instance of
       the SpectrumValue class which contains a reference to the associated  SpectrumModel  class
       instance.  The  SpectrumValue  class  provides  several  arithmetic  operators to allow to
       perform  calculations  with  PSD  instances.  Additionally,  the  SpectrumConverter  class
       provides  means  for  the  conversion of SpectrumValue instances from one SpectrumModel to

       For a more formal mathematical description of the signal model just described, the  reader
       is referred to [Baldo2009Spectrum].

       The  SpectrumSignalParameters class is meant to include only information that is valid for
       all signals; as  such,  it  is  not  meant  to  be  modified  to  add  technology-specific
       information  (such  as  type  of modulation and coding schemes used, info on preambles and
       reference signals, etc). Instead, such information shall  be  put  in  a  new  class  that
       inherits  from  SpectrumSignalParameters  and  extends  it  with  any  technology-specific
       information that is needed. This design is intended to model the fact  that  in  the  real
       world  we  have  signals  of  different  technologies being simultaneously transmitted and
       received over the air.

   Channel/PHY interface
       The spectrum Channel/PHY interface is defined by  the  base  classes  SpectrumChannel  and
       SpectrumPhy.  Their  interaction  simulates the transmission and reception of signals over
       the medium. The way this interaction works is depicted in  Sequence  diagram  showing  the
       interaction between SpectrumPhy and SpectrumChannel:
         [image]   Sequence   diagram   showing   the   interaction   between   SpectrumPhy   and

   Spectrum Channel implementations
       The module provides two SpectrumChannel  implementations:  SingleModelSpectrumChannel  and
       MultiModelSpectrumChannel. They both provide this functionality:

          • Propagation loss modeling, in two forms:

            • you  can  plug  models based on PropagationLossModel on these channels. Only linear
              models (where the loss value does not depend on  the  transmission  power)  can  be
              used.   These  models  are  single-frequency  in  the  sense that the loss value is
              applied equally to all components of the power spectral density.

            • you can plug models based on SpectrumPropagationLossModel on these channels.  These
              models can have frequency-dependent loss, i.e., a separate loss value is calculated
              and applied to each component of the power spectral density.

          • Propagation delay modeling, by plugging a model based on  PropagationDelayModel.  The
            delay  is  independent  of  frequency  and  applied  to  the signal as a whole. Delay
            modeling is implemented by scheduling the StartRx event with a delay respect  to  the
            StartTx event.

       SingleModelSpectrumChannel  and  MultiModelSpectrumChannel  are  quite  similar,  the main
       difference  is  that  MultiModelSpectrumChannel  allows  to  use  different  SpectrumModel
       instances  with  the same channel instance, by automatically taking care of the conversion
       of PSDs among the different models.

   Example model implementations
       The spectrum module provides some basic implementation  of  several  components  that  are
       mainly  intended  as  a proof-of-concept and as an example for building custom models with
       the spectrum module. Here is a brief list of the available implementations:

          • SpectrumModel300Khz300GhzLog  and  SpectrumModelIsm2400MhzRes1Mhz  are  two   example
            SpectrumModel implementations

          • HalfDuplexIdealPhy:   a   basic   PHY  model  using  a  gaussian  interference  model
            (implemented in SpectrumInterference) together with an error model based  on  Shannon
            capacity  (described  in  [Baldo2009Spectrum]  and implemented in SpectrumErrorModel.
            This PHY uses the GenericPhy interface. Its addditional custom signal parameters  are
            defined in HalfDuplexIdealPhySignalParameters.

          • WifiSpectrumValueHelper   is   an   helper  object  that  makes  it  easy  to  create
            SpectrumValues representing PSDs and RF filters for the wifi technology.

          • AlohaNoackNetDevice:  a  minimal  NetDevice  that  allows  to   send   packets   over
            HalfDuplexIdealPhy (or other PHY model based on the  GenericPhy interface).

          • SpectrumAnalyzer,  WaveformGenerator  and  MicrowaveOven  are  examples of PHY models
            other than communication devices - the names should be self-explaining.

            N. Baldo and M. Miozzo, “Spectrum-aware Channel and  PHY  layer  modeling  for  ns3”,
            Proceedings of ICST NSTools 2009, Pisa, Italy

       The  main use case of the spectrum model is for developers who want to develop a new model
       for the PHY layer of some wireless technology to be used within ns-3.  Here are some notes
       on how the spectrum module is expected to be used.

          • SpectrumPhy and SpectrumChannel are abstract base classes. Real code will use classes
            that inherit from these classes.

          • If you are implementing a new model for some wireless technology  of  your  interest,
            and want to use the spectrum module, you’ll typically create your own module and make
            it depend on the spectrum module. Then you typically have to implement:

                • a child class of SpectrumModel which defines the (sets of)  frequency  subbands
                  used  by  the  considered wireless technology. Note: instances of SpectrumModel
                  are typically statically allocated, in order  to  allow  several  SpectrumValue
                  instances to reference the same SpectrumModel instance.

                • a  child  class  of SpectrumPhy which will handle transmission and reception of
                  signals (including, if appropriate, interference and error modeling).

                • a  child  class  of  SpectrumSignalParameters  which  will  contain   all   the
                  information  needed  to  model  the  signals  for the wireless technology being
                  considered that is not already provided by  the  base  SpectrumSignalParameters
                  class.  Examples  of  such  information  are  the type of modulation and coding
                  schemes used, the PHY preamble format, info  on  the  pilot/reference  signals,

          • The   available   SpectrumChannel   implementations  (SingleModelSpectrumChannel  and
            MultiModelSpectrumChannel, are quite generic. Chances are you  can  use  them  as-is.
            Whether  you  prefer  one or the other it is just a matter of whether you will have a
            single SpectrumModel or multiple ones in your simulations.

          • Typically,  there  will  be  a  single  SpectrumChannel  instance  to  which  several
            SpectrumPhy  instances  are  plugged.  The  rule  of  thumb is that all PHYs that are
            interfering  with  each  other  shall  be  plugged  on  the  same  channel.  Multiple
            SpectrumChannel  instances  are expected to be used mainly when simulating completely
            orthogonal channels; for example, when  simulating  the  uplink  and  downlink  of  a
            Frequency  Division  Duplex  system,  it  is a good choice to use two SpectrumChannel
            instances in order to reduce computational complexity.

          • Different types of SpectrumPhy (i.e., instances of different child  classes)  can  be
            plugged on the same SpectrumChannel instance. This is one of the main features of the
            spectrum module, to  support  inter-technology  interference.  For  example,  if  you
            implement   a   WifiSpectrumPhy  and  a  BluetoohSpectrumPhy,  and  plug  both  on  a
            SpectrumChannel, then you’ll be  able  to  simulate  interference  between  wifi  and
            bluetooth and vice versa.

          • Different   child  classes  of  SpectrumSignalParameters  can  coexist  in  the  same
            simulation, and be transmitted over the same channel object.  Again, this is part  of
            the  support for inter-technology interference. A PHY device model is expected to use
            the DynamicCast<> operator to determine if a signal is  of  a  certain  type  it  can
            attempt  to  receive.  If  not,  the  signal is normally expected to be considered as

       The  helpers  provided  in  src/spectrum/helpers  are  mainly  intended  for  the  example
       implementations  described  in  Example model implementations.  If you are developing your
       custom model based on the spectrum framework, you will probably prefer to define your  own

          • Both  SingleModelSpectrumChannel  and  MultiModelSpectrumChannel  have  an  attribute
            MaxLossDb  which  can  use  to  avoid  propagating  signals  affected  by  very  high
            propagation  loss.  You  can  use  this  to  reduce  the  complexity  of interference
            calculations. Just be careful to choose a value that does not make  the  interference
            calculations inaccurate.

          • The  example  implementations  described  in  Example model implementations also have
            several attributes.

          • Both SingleModelSpectrumChannel and MultiModelSpectrumChannel provide a trace  source
            called  PathLoss  which is fired whenever a new path loss value is calclulated. Note:
            only single-frequency path loss is accounted for, see the attribute description.

          • The example implementations described in Example model implementations  also  provide
            some trace sources.

          • The  helper  class  SpectrumAnalyzerHelper  can  be  conveniently used to generate an
            output text file containing the spectrogram produced by a SpectrumAnalyzer  instance.
            The  format  is  designed to be easily plotted with gnuplot. For example, if your run
            the example adhoc-aloha-ideal-phy-with-microwave-oven you will  get  an  output  file
            called  From  this  output file, you can generate a
            figure similar to Spectrogram produced by a spectrum analyzer in a scenario involving
            wifi   signals   interfered  by  a  microwave  oven,  as  simulated  by  the  example
            adhoc-aloha-ideal-phy-with-microwave-oven.  by  executing   the   following   gnuplot

          unset surface
          set pm3d at s
          set palette
          set key off
          set view 50,50
          set xlabel "time (ms)"
          set ylabel "freq (MHz)"
          set zlabel "PSD (dBW/Hz)" offset 15,0,0
          splot "./" using ($1*1000.0):($2/1e6):(10*log10($3))

       The  example  programs  in src/spectrum/examples/ allow to see the example implementations
       described in Example model implementations in action.

   TroubleshootingDisclaimer on inter-technology interference: the spectrum model makes it very easy to
            implement  an  inter-technology  interference model, but this does not guarantee that
            the resulting model  is  accurate.  For  example,  the  gaussian  interference  model
            implemented   in   the   SpectrumInterference   class   can   be  used  to  calculate
            inter-technology interference, however  the  results  might  not  be  valid  in  some
            scenarios,  depending  on  the  actual waveforms involved, the number of interferers,
            etc. Moreover, it is very important to use error models that are consistent with  the
            interference  model.  The  responsibility  of ensuring that the models being used are
            correct is left to the user.

       In this section we describe the test suites that are provided within the spectrum module.

   SpectrumValue test
       The test suite  spectrum-value  verifies  the  correct  functionality  of  the  arithmetic
       operators  implemented  by  the  SpectrumValue  class.  Each  test  case  corresponds to a
       different operator. The test passes if the result provided by the operator  implementation
       is  equal  to  the  reference  values  which  were calculated offline by hand. Equality is
       verified within a tolerance of 10^{-6} which is to account for numerical errors.

   SpectrumConverter test
       The  test  suite  spectrum-converter   verifies   the   correct   functionality   of   the
       SpectrumConverter  class.  Different  test cases correspond to the conversion of different
       SpectrumValue instances to different SpectrumModel instances.  Each  test  passes  if  the
       SpectrumValue  instance  resulting  from  the  conversion is equal to the reference values
       which were calculated offline by hand. Equality is verified within a tolerance of  10^{-6}
       which is to account for numerical errors.

       Describe  how the model has been tested/validated.  What tests run in the test suite?  How
       much API and code is covered by the tests?  Again, references to  outside  published  work
       may help here.

   Interference test
       The   test   suite   spectrum-interference  verifies  the  correct  functionality  of  the
       SpectrumInterference and ShannonSpectrumErrorModel in a scenario  involving  four  signals
       (an   intended   signal   plus  three  interferers).  Different  test  cases  are  created
       corresponding to different PSDs of the intended signal and different amount of transmitted
       bytes.  The  test passes if the output of the error model (successful or failed) coincides
       with the expected one which was determine offline by manually calculating  the  achievable
       rate using Shannon’s formula.

   IdealPhy test
       The  test  verifies  that  AlohaNoackNetDevice  and  HalfDuplexIdealPhy work properly when
       installed in a node. The test recreates a scenario with two nodes (a TX and a RX) affected
       by  a  path  loss  such  that  a  certain  SNR  is  obtained. The TX node transmits with a
       pre-determined PHY rate and with an application layer rate which is larger  than  the  PHY
       rate,  so  as  to  saturate  the  channel. PacketSocket is used in order to avoid protocol
       overhead. Different test cases correspond to different PHY rate and SNR values.  For  each
       test  case,  we  calculated  offline  (using  Shannon’s  formula)  whether the PHY rate is
       achievable or not. Each test case passes if the following conditions are satisfied:

          • if the PHY rate is achievable, the application throughput shall be within 1\% of  the
            PHY rate;

          • if the PHY rate is not achievable, the application throughput shall be zero.

   Additional Models
   TV Transmitter Model
       A  TV  Transmitter  model  is  implemented by the TvSpectrumTransmitter class.  This model
       enables transmission of realistic  TV  signals  to  be  simulated  and  can  be  used  for
       interference modeling. It provides a customizable power spectral density (PSD) model, with
       configurable attributes including the type of modulation (with models for  analog,  8-VSB,
       and  COFDM),  signal  bandwidth, power spectral density level, frequency, and transmission
       duration. A helper class, TvSpectrumTransmitterHelper, is also provided to assist users in
       setting up simulations.

   Main Model Class
       The  main  TV Transmitter model class, TvSpectrumTransmitter, provides a user-configurable
       PSD model that can be transmitted on the SpectrumChannel.  It  inherits  from  SpectrumPhy
       and  is  comprised  of  attributes  and  methods  to create and transmit the signal on the
         [image] 8K  COFDM  signal  spectrum  generated  from  TvSpectrumTransmitter  (Left)  and
         theoretical COFDM signal spectrum [KoppCOFDM] (Right).UNINDENT

         One of the user-configurable attributes is the type of modulation for the TV transmitter
         to use. The options are 8-VSB  (Eight-Level  Vestigial  Sideband  Modulation)  which  is
         notably  used  in  the  North  America  ATSC  digital  television standard, COFDM (Coded
         Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) which is  notably  used  in  the  DVB-T  and
         ISDB-T  digital  television standards adopted by various countries around the world, and
         analog modulation which is a legacy technology but is still being used by some countries
         today.  To accomplish realistic PSD models for these modulation types, the signals’ PSDs
         were approximated from real standards and developed into models  that  are  scalable  by
         frequency  and  power.  The  COFDM  PSD  is  approximated  from  Figure  12 (8k mode) of
         [KoppCOFDM], the 8-VSB PSD is approximated from Figure 3 of [Baron8VSB], and the  analog
         PSD  is  approximated  from  Figure 4 of [QualcommAnalog]. Note that the analog model is
         approximated from the NTSC standard, but other analog modulation standards such  as  PAL
         have  similar  signals.  The  approximated  COFDM  PSD  model  is  in 8K mode. The other
         configurable attributes are the start frequency,  signal/channel  bandwidth,  base  PSD,
         antenna type, starting time, and transmit duration.

         TvSpectrumTransmitter  uses  IsotropicAntennaModel  as its antenna model by default, but
         any model that inherits from AntennaModel is selectable, so directional  antenna  models
         can  also  be used. The propagation loss models used in simulation are configured in the
         SpectrumChannel that the user  chooses  to  use.  Terrain  and  spherical  Earth/horizon
         effects may be supported in future ns-3 propagation loss models.

         After  the  attributes  are set, along with the SpectrumChannel, MobilityModel, and node
         locations, the PSD of the TV transmitter signal can be created and  transmitted  on  the

   Helper Class
       The  helper  class,  TvSpectrumTransmitterHelper,  consists of features to assist users in
       setting up TV transmitters for their simulations. Functionality is also provided to easily
       simulate real-world scenarios.
         [image]    North    America   ATSC   channel   19   &   20   signals   generated   using
         TvSpectrumTransmitterHelper (Left) and theoretical  8-VSB  signal  [Baron8VSB]  (Right).
         Note  that  the  theoretical  signal is not shown in dB while the ns-3 generated signals

         Using this helper class, users can easily set up TV transmitters right after configuring
         attributes.  Multiple  transmitters  can  be  created  at a time. Also included are real
         characteristics of specific geographic  regions  that  can  be  used  to  run  realistic
         simulations.  The  regions  currently included are North America, Europe, and Japan. The
         frequencies and bandwidth of each TV channel for each these regions are provided.
         [image] Plot  from  MATLAB  implementation  of  CreateRegionalTvTransmitters  method  in
         TvSpectrumTransmitterHelper.  Shows  100 random points on Earth’s surface (with altitude
         0) corresponding to TV transmitter locations within a 2000 km radius of 35° latitude and
         -100° longitude..UNINDENT

         A  method  (CreateRegionalTvTransmitters)  is  provided  that  enables users to randomly
         generate multiple TV transmitters from a specified region with a given density within  a
         chosen  radius  around  a  point  on  Earth’s  surface. The region, which determines the
         channel frequencies of the generated TV transmitters, can be specified to be one of  the
         three  provided,  while the density determines the amount of transmitters generated. The
         TV transmitters’ antenna heights (altitude) above Earth’s surface can also  be  randomly
         generated  to  be within a given maximum altitude. This method models Earth as a perfect
         sphere, and generated location  points  are  referenced  accordingly  in  Earth-Centered
         Earth-Fixed Cartesian coordinates. Note that bodies of water on Earth are not considered
         in location point generation–TV transmitters can be generated anywhere on  Earth  around
         the origin point within the chosen maximum radius.

       Two  example  simulations  are  provided  that  demonstrate  the  functionality  of the TV
       transmitter model. tv-trans-example simulates two  8-VSB  TV  transmitters  with  adjacent
       channel  frequencies.  tv-trans-regional-example  simulates  randomly  generated  COFDM TV
       transmitters (modeling the DVB-T standard) located around  the  Paris,  France  area  with
       channel  frequencies  and  bandwidths  corresponding  to  the  European television channel

       The tv-spectrum-transmitter test suite verifies the accuracy of the spectrum/PSD model  in
       TvSpectrumTransmitter  by  testing if the maximum power spectral density, start frequency,
       and end frequency comply with expected values for various test cases.

       The tv-helper-distribution  test  suite  verifies  the  functionality  of  the  method  in
       TvSpectrumTransmitterHelper that generates a random number of TV transmitters based on the
       given density (low, medium, or high) and maximum number of TV channels. It  verifies  that
       the number of TV transmitters generated does not exceed the expected bounds.

       The CreateRegionalTvTransmitters method in TvSpectrumTransmitterHelper described in Helper
       Class uses two methods from the  GeographicPositions  class  in  the  Mobility  module  to
       generate  the  random  Cartesian points on or above earth’s surface around an origin point
       which correspond to TV transmitter positions. The first method converts  Earth  geographic
       coordinates  to  Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) Cartesian coordinates, and is tested in
       the geo-to-cartesian test suite by comparing (with 10 meter tolerance) its output with the
       output  of  the  geographic  to ECEF conversion function [MatlabGeo] of the MATLAB Mapping
       Toolbox for numerous test cases. The other used method  generates  random  ECEF  Cartesian
       points around the given geographic origin point, and is tested in the rand-cart-around-geo
       test suite by verifying that the generated points do not exceed the given maximum distance
       radius from the origin point.

   3GPP TR 38.901 fast fading model
       The  framework  described by TR 38.901 [TR38901] is a 3D statistical Spatial Channel Model
       supporting different propagation environments (e.g., urban, rural, indoor),  multi-antenna
       operations  and  the  modeling  of wireless channels between 0.5 and 100 GHz.  The overall
       channel is represented by the matrix  H(t,\tau),  in  which  each  entry  H  u,s  (t,\tau)
       corresponds  to  the  impulse  response  of  the  channel  between the s-th element of the
       transmitting antenna and the u-th element of the receiving  antenna.  H  u,s  (t,\tau)  is
       generated by the superposition of N different multi-path components, called clusters, each
       of which composed of M different rays.  The channel matrix generation  procedure  accounts
       for     large     and     small     scale     propagation     phenomena.    The    classes
       ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModel and ThreeGppChannelModel  included  in  the  spectrum
       module takes care of the generation of the channel coefficients and the computation of the
       frequency-dependent propagation loss.

       Our implementation is described in [Zugno]. It is based on the model described in [Zhang],
       but  the  code  has  been  refactored,  extended, and aligned to TR 38.901 [TR38901].  The
       fundamental assumption behind this model is the channel  reciprocity,  i.e.,  the  impulse
       response  of  the channel between node a and node b is the same as between node b and node
       a.  To deal with the equivalence of the channel between a and b,  no  matter  who  is  the
       transmitter  and who is the receiver, the model considers the pair of nodes to be composed
       by one “s” and one “u” node. The channel matrix, as well as other  parameters,  are  saved
       and  used under the assumption that, within a pair, the definition of the “s” and “u” node
       will always be the same. For more details, please have a look at the documentation of  the
       classes ThreeGppChannelModel and ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModel.


          • Currently,  no  error  model  is provided; a link-to-system campaign may be needed to
            incorporate it in existing modules.

          • The model does not include any spatial consistency update procedure  (see  [TR38901],
            Sec. 7.6.1). The implementation of this feature is left as future work.

          • Issue  regarding  the  blockage  model: according to 3GPP TR 38.901 v15.0.0 (2018-06)
            section, the blocking region for self-blocking is provided in LCS.

            However, here, clusterAOA and clusterZOA are in GCS and blocking check  is  performed
            for self-blocking similar to non-self blocking, that is in GCS.  One would expect the
            angles to be transposed to LCS before checking self-blockage.

       The class ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModel  extends  the  SpectrumPropagationLossModel
       interface  and enables the modeling of frequency dependent propagation phenomena. The main
       method is DoCalcRxPowerSpectralDensity, which takes as input the  power  spectral  density
       (PSD)  of  the  transmitted  signal,  the  mobility  models  of  the transmitting node and
       receiving node, and returns the PSD of the received signal.

       Procedure used to compute the PSD of to compute the PSD of the received signal:

       1.   Retrieve   the   beamforming   vectors    To    account    for    the    beamforming,
       ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModel  has  to  retrieve  the  beamforming  vectors  of the
       transmitting  and  receiving  antennas.   The  method  DoCalcRxPowerSpectralDensity   uses
       m_deviceAntennaMap  to  obtain  the  antenna  objects  associated  to the transmitting and
       receiving devices, and  calls  the  method  GetCurrentBeamformingVector  to  retrieve  the
       beamforming  vectors.   For each device using the channel, the m_deviceAntennaMap contains
       the associated antenna object of type PhasedArrayModel. Since the mapping  is  one-to-one,
       the model supports a single antenna object for each device.  The m_deviceAntennaMap has to
       be initialized by inserting the device-antenna pairs using the method AddDevice.

       2. Retrieve the channel matrix  The  ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModel  relies  on  the
       ThreeGppChannelModel  class  to  obtain the channel matrix. In particular, it makes use of
       the method GetChannel, which returns a ChannelMatrix object containing the channel  matrix
       and  other channel parameters.  The ThreeGppChannelModel instance is automatically created
       in the the ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModel constructor and it can be configured using
       the method SetChannelModelAttribute ().

       4.  Compute the long term component The method GetLongTerm returns the long term component
       obtained by multiplying the channel matrix and the  beamforming  vectors.  To  reduce  the
       computational  load,  the  long  term  components associated to the different channels are
       stored in the m_longTermMap and recomputed  only  if  the  associated  channel  matrix  is
       updated  or  if  the transmitting and/or receiving beamforming vectors have changed. Given
       the channel reciprocity assumption, for each node pair a single  long  term  component  is
       saved in the map.

       5.   Apply   the   small   scale   fading   and   compute  the  channel  gain  The  method
       CalcBeamformingGain computes the channel gain in each sub-band and applies it to  the  PSD
       of  the  transmitted  signal to obtain the received PSD.  To compute the sub-band gain, it
       accounts for the Doppler phenomenon and the time dispersion effect on  each  cluster.   In
       order  to reduce the computational load, the Doppler component of each cluster is computed
       considering only the central ray.  Also, as specified here, it is possible to account  for
       the effect of environmental scattering following the model described in Sec. 6.2.3 of 3GPP
       TR 37.885.  This is done by deviating the Doppler  frequency  by  a  random  value,  whose
       distribution depends on the parameter v_{scatt}.  The value of v_{scatt} can be configured
       using the attribute “vScatt” (by default it is set to 0, so that the scattering effect  is
       not considered).

       The   class  ThreeGppChannelModel  implements  the  channel  matrix  generation  procedure
       described in Sec. of [TR38901].  The main method is GetChannel, which takes as  input  the
       mobility models of the transmitter and receiver nodes, the associated antenna objects, and
       returns a ChannelMatrix object containing:

       • the channel matrix of size UxSxN, where U is the number of receiving antenna elements, S
         is the number of transmitting antenna elements and N is the number of clusters

       • the clusters delays, as an array of size N

       • the  clusters  arrival and departure angles, as a 2D array in which each row corresponds
         to a direction (AOA, ZOA, AOD, ZOD) and each column corresponds to a different cluster

       • a time stamp indicating the time at which the channel matrix was generated

       • the node IDs

       • other channel parameters

       The ChannelMatrix objects are saved in the map m_channelMap and updated when the coherence
       time  expires,  or in case the LOS/NLOS channel condition changes.  The coherence time can
       be configured through the attribute “UpdatePeriod”, and should be chosen  by  taking  into
       account all the factors that affects the channel variability, such as mobility, frequency,
       propagation scenario, etc. By default, it is set to 0, which means  that  the  channel  is
       recomputed  only  when  the  LOS/NLOS  condition changes.  It is possible to configure the
       propagation scenario and the  operating  frequency  of  interest  through  the  attributes
       “Scenario” and “Frequency”, respectively.

       Blockage model: 3GPP TR 38.901 also provides an optional feature that can be used to model
       the blockage effect due to the presence of obstacles, such as trees, cars  or  humans,  at
       the  level  of a single cluster. This differs from a complete blockage, which would result
       in an LOS to NLOS transition. Therefore, when  this  feature  is  enabled,  an  additional
       attenuation  is  added to certain clusters, depending on their angle of arrival. There are
       two possi- ble methods for the computation of the additional attenuation, i.e., stochastic
       (Model  A)  and  geometric (Model B). In this work, we used the implementation provided by
       [Zhang], which uses the stochastic method. In particular, the model is implemented by  the
       method CalcAttenuationOfBlockage, which computes the additional attenuation.  The blockage
       feature  can  be  disable  through  the  attribute  “Blockage”.   Also,   the   attributes
       “NumNonselfBlocking”,  “PortraitMode”  and  “BlockerSpeed”  can  be  used to configure the

       The test suite ThreeGppChannelTestSuite includes three test cases:

       • ThreeGppChannelMatrixComputationTest checks  if  the  channel  matrix  has  the  correct
         dimensions and if it correctly normalized

       • ThreeGppChannelMatrixUpdateTest, which checks if the channel matrix is correctly updated
         when the coherence time exceeds

       • ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModelTest, which tests the functionalities of  the  class
         ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModel.  It builds a simple network composed of two nodes,
         computes the power spectral density received by the receiving node, and

            1. Checks if the long term components for the direct and the  reverse  link  are  the

            2. Checks  if  the  long  term  component  is  updated  when changing the beamforming

            3. Checks if the long term is updated when changing the channel matrix

       Note: TR 38.901 includes a calibration procedure that can be used to validate  the  model,
       but it requires some additional features which are not currently implemented, thus is left
       as future work.

            Baron, Stanley. “First-Hand:Digital Television: The  Digital  Terrestrial  Television
            Broadcasting      (DTTB)      Standard.”     IEEE     Global     History     Network.

            Kopp,  Carlo.  “High  Definition  Television.”  High Definition Television. Air Power
            Australia. <>.

            “Geodetic2ecef.” Convert Geodetic to Geocentric (ECEF)  Coordinates.  The  MathWorks,
            Inc.  <>.

            Stephen  Shellhammer,  Ahmed  Sadek,  and  Wenyi  Zhang.   “Technical  Challenges for
            Cognitive Radio in the TV White Space Spectrum.”  Qualcomm Incorporated.

            3GPP. 2018. TR 38.901. Study  on  channel  for  frequencies  from  0.5  to  100  GHz.
            V.15.0.0. (2018-06).

            Menglei Zhang, Michele Polese, Marco Mezzavilla, Sundeep Rangan, Michele Zorzi. “ns-3
            Implementation of the 3GPP MIMO Channel Model for Frequency Spectrum above 6 GHz”. In
            Proceedings of the Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 ‘17). 2017.

            Tommaso  Zugno,  Michele  Polese,  Natale Patriciello, Biljana Bojovic, Sandra Lagen,
            Michele Zorzi. “Implementation of a Spatial Channel Model for ns-3”. Submitted to the
            Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 ‘20). 2020.  Available:


       This  chapter  describes  the  implementation  of  ns-3  model for the compression of IPv6
       packets over IEEE 802.15.4-Based Networks as specified by RFC 4944 (“Transmission of  IPv6
       Packets over IEEE 802.15.4 Networks”) and RFC 6282 (“Compression Format for IPv6 Datagrams
       over IEEE 802.15.4-Based Networks”).

   Model Description
       The source code for the sixlowpan module lives in the directory src/sixlowpan.

       The model design does not follow strictly the standard from an  architectural  standpoint,
       as it does extend it beyond the original scope by supporting also other kinds of networks.

       Other  than  that,  the  module strictly follows RFC 4944 and RFC 6282, with the exception
       that HC2 encoding is not supported, as it has been superseded by IPHC and NHC  compression
       type (RFC 6282).

       IPHC  sateful  (context-based)  compression  is  supported  but, since RFC 6775 (“Neighbor
       Discovery  Optimization  for  IPv6  over  Low-Power  Wireless   Personal   Area   Networks
       (6LoWPANs)”)  is  not  yet  implemented,  it  is necessary to add the context to the nodes

       This is possible though the SixLowPanHelper::AddContext function.   Mind  that  installing
       different contexts in different nodes will lead to decompression failures.

       The whole module is developed as a transparent NetDevice, which can act as a proxy between
       IPv6 and any NetDevice (the module has been successfully tested with PointToPointNedevice,
       CsmaNetDevice and LrWpanNetDevice).

       For  this  reason, the module implements a virtual NetDevice, and all the calls are passed
       without modifications to the underlying NetDevice. The only  important  difference  is  in
       GetMtu behaviour. It will always return at least 1280 bytes, as is the minimum IPv6 MTU.

       The module does provide some attributes and some tracesources.  The attributes are:

       • Rfc6282  (boolean,  default  true),  used  to activate HC1 (RFC 4944) or IPHC (RFC 6282)

       • OmitUdpChecksum (boolean, default true), used to activate UDP  checksum  compression  in

       • FragmentReassemblyListSize  (integer,  default 0), indicating the number of packets that
         can be reassembled at the same time. If the limit  is  reached,  the  oldest  packet  is
         discarded. Zero means infinite.

       • FragmentExpirationTimeout  (Time,  default  60  seconds),  being the timeout to wait for
         further fragments before discarding a partial packet.

       • CompressionThreshold (unsigned 32 bits integer, default 0), minimum  compressed  payload

       • ForceEtherType (boolean, default false).

       • EtherType  (unsigned  16  bits  integer,  default  0xFFFF),  to  force  a  particular L2

       • UseMeshUnder (boolean, default false), it enables mesh-under flood routing.

       • MeshUnderRadius (unsigned 8 bits integer, default 10), the maximum number of hops that a
         packet will be forwarded.

       • MeshCacheLength (unsigned 16 bits integer, default 10), the length of the cache for each

       • MeshUnderJitter (ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0.0|Max=10.0]), the jitter in ms a  node
         uses to forward mesh-under packets - used to prevent collisions.

       The CompressionThreshold attribute is similar to Contiki’s SICSLOWPAN_CONF_MIN_MAC_PAYLOAD
       option. If a compressed packet size is less than the threshold, the  uncompressed  version
       is used (plus one byte for the correct dispatch header).  This option is useful when a MAC
       requires a minimum frame size (e.g., ContikiMAC) and the  compression  would  violate  the

       The last two attributes are needed to use the module with a NetDevice other than 802.15.4,
       as neither IANA or IEEE did reserve an EtherType for 6LoWPAN. As a consequence there might
       be  a  conflict  with  the  L2  multiplexer/demultiplexer which is based on EtherType. The
       default value is 0xFFFF, which is reserved by IEEE (see [IANA802] and  [Ethertype]).   The
       default  module behaviour is to not change the EtherType, however this would not work with
       any NetDevice actually understanding and using the EtherType.

       Note that the ForceEtherType parameter have also a direct effect on the MAC  address  kind
       the  module  is  expecting to handle: * ForceEtherType true: Mac48Address (Ethernet, WiFi,
       etc.).  * ForceEtherType false: Mac16Address or Mac64Address (IEEE 802.15.4).

       Note that using 6LoWPAN over any NetDevice other than 802.15.4 will  produce  valid  .pcap
       files, but they will not be correctly dissected by Wireshark.  The reason lies on the fact
       that 6LoWPAN was really meant to be used only over 802.15.4, so Wireshark dissectors  will
       not even try to decode 6LoWPAN headers on top of protocols other than 802.15.4.

       The Trace sources are:

       • Tx  -  exposing  packet  (including  6LoWPAN  header), SixLoWPanNetDevice Ptr, interface

       • Rx - exposing packet  (including  6LoWPAN  header),  SixLoWPanNetDevice  Ptr,  interface

       • Drop  -  exposing DropReason, packet (including 6LoWPAN header), SixLoWPanNetDevice Ptr,
         interface index.

       The Tx and Rx traces are called as soon as a packet is received or sent. The Drop trace is
       invoked when a packet (or a fragment) is discarded.

   Mesh-Under routing
       The  module  provides a very simple mesh-under routing [Shelby], implemented as a flooding
       (a mesh-under routing protocol is a routing system implemented below IP).

       This functionality can be activated through  the  UseMeshUnder  attribute  and  fine-tuned
       using the MeshUnderRadius and MeshUnderJitter attributes.

       Note  that  flooding  in  a  PAN  generates  a lot of overhead, which is often not wanted.
       Moreover,  when  using  the  mesh-under  facility,  ALL  the  packets  are  sent   without
       acknowledgment because, at lower level, they are sent to a broadcast address.

       At  node  level,  each  packet  is re-broadcasted if its BC0 Sequence Number is not in the
       cache of the recently seen packets. The cache  length  (by  default  10)  can  be  changed
       through the MeshCacheLength attribute.

   Scope and Limitations
   Contex-based compression
       IPHC  sateful  (context-based)  compression  is  supported  but, since RFC 6775 (“Neighbor
       Discovery  Optimization  for  IPv6  over  Low-Power  Wireless   Personal   Area   Networks
       (6LoWPANs)”)  is  not  yet  implemented,  it  is necessary to add the context to the nodes

       Future versions of this module will support RFC 6775, however no timeframe is guaranteed.

   Mesh-under routing
       It would be a good idea to improve the mesh-under flooding by providing the following:

       • Adaptive hop-limit calculation,

       • Adaptive forwarding jitter,

       • Use of direct (non mesh) transmission for packets directed to 1-hop neighbors.

   Mixing compression types in a PAN
       The IPv6/MAC addressing scheme defined in RFC 6282 and RFC 4944 is  different.   One  adds
       the PanId in the pseudo-MAC address (4944) and the other doesn’t (6282).

       The  expected use cases (confirmed by the RFC editor) is to never have a mixed environment
       where part of the nodes are using HC1 and part IPHC because this would lead  to  confusion
       on what the IPv6 address of a node is.

       Due  to  this,  the nodes configured to use IPHC will drop the packets compressed with HC1
       and viceversa. The drop is logged in the drop trace as DROP_DISALLOWED_COMPRESSION.

   Using 6LoWPAN with IPv4 (or other L3 protocols)
       As the name implies, 6LoWPAN can handle only IPv6 packets.  Any  other  protocol  will  be
       discarded.   Moreover,  6LoWPAN assumes that the network is uniform, as is all the devices
       connected by the same same channel are using 6LoWPAN. Mixed environments are not supported
       by the standard.  The reason is simple: 802.15.4 frame doesn’t have a “protocol” field. As
       a consequence, there is no demultiplexing at MAC layer and  the  protocol  carried  by  L2
       frames must be known in advance.

       In  the ns-3 implementation it is possible, but not advisable, to violate this requirement
       if the underlying NetDevice is  capable  of  discriminating  different  protocols.  As  an
       example,  CsmaNetDevice  can  carry  IPv4  and  6LoWPAN  at  the  same time. However, this
       configuration has not been tested.

            IANA,              assigned              IEEE              802               numbers:

            IEEE Ethertype numbers:


       Z. Shelby  and C. Bormann, 6LoWPAN: The Wireless Embedded Internet. Wiley, 2011. [Online].

   Enabling sixlowpan
       Add sixlowpan to the list of modules built with ns-3.

       The helper is patterned after other device helpers.

       The following example can be found in src/sixlowpan/examples/:

       •  A simple example showing end-to-end data transfer.

       In particular, the example enables a very simplified end-to-end  data  transfer  scenario,
       with a CSMA network forced to carry 6LoWPAN compressed packets.

       The test provided checks the connection between two UDP clients and the correctness of the
       received packets.

       The model has  been  validated  against  WireShark,  checking  whatever  the  packets  are
       correctly interpreted and validated.


       The  topology  modules  aim  at reading a topology file generated by an automatic topology

       The process is divided in two steps:

       • running a topology generator to build a topology file

       • reading the topology file and build a ns-3 simulation

       Hence, model is focused on being able to read correctly the various topology formats.

       Currently there are three models:

       • ns3::OrbisTopologyReader for Orbis 0.7 traces

       • ns3::InetTopologyReader for Inet 3.0 traces

       • ns3::RocketfuelTopologyReader for Rocketfuel traces

       An helper ns3::TopologyReaderHelper is provided to assist on trivial tasks.

       A good source for topology data is also Archipelago.

       The current Archipelago Measurements, monthly updated, are stored  in  the  CAIDA  website
       using a complete notation and triple data source, one for each working group.

       A  different and more compact notation reporting only the AS-relationships (a sort of more
       Orbis-like format) is here: as-relationships.

       The compact notation can be easily stripped down to a pure Orbis format, just removing the
       double relationships (the compact format use one-way links, while Orbis use two-way links)
       and pruning the 3rd parameter. Note that with the compact data  Orbis  can  then  be  used
       create  a  rescaled version of the topology, thus being the most effective way (to my best
       knowledge) to make an internet-like topology.

       Examples can be found in the directory src/topology-read/examples/


   Traffic Control Layer
       The Traffic Control layer aims at introducing an equivalent of the Linux  Traffic  Control
       infrastructure  into  ns-3.  The Traffic Control layer sits in between the NetDevices (L2)
       and any network protocol (e.g. IP). It is in charge of processing packets  and  performing
       actions on them: scheduling, dropping, marking, policing, etc.

   Introducing the Traffic Control Layer
       The  Traffic  Control  layer  intercepts  both outgoing packets flowing downwards from the
       network layer to  the  network  device  and  incoming  packets  flowing  in  the  opposite
       direction.  Currently,  only  outgoing packets are processed by the Traffic Control layer.
       In particular, outgoing packets are enqueued in a queuing discipline,  which  can  perform
       multiple actions on them.

       In  the  following,  more details are given about how the Traffic Control layer intercepts
       outgoing and incoming packets and, more in general, about how  the  packets  traverse  the
       network stack.

   Transmitting packets
       The  IPv{4,6}  interfaces  uses  the  aggregated  object  TrafficControlLayer to send down
       packets, instead of calling NetDevice::Send() directly. After the analysis and the process
       of  the  packet,  when the backpressure mechanism allows it, TrafficControlLayer will call
       the Send() method on the right NetDevice.

   Receiving packets
       The callback chain that (in the past) involved IPv{4,6}L3Protocol and NetDevices,  through
       ReceiveCallback,  is extended to involve TrafficControlLayer. When an IPv{4,6}Interface is
       added in the IPv{4,6}L3Protocol, the callback chain is configured to  have  the  following
       packet exchange:

       NetDevice –> Node –> TrafficControlLayer –> IPv{4,6}L3Protocol

   Brief description of old node/device/protocol interactions
       The  main question that we would like to answer in the following paragraphs is: how a ns-3
       node can send/receive packets?

       If we analyze any example out there, the ability of the node to  receive/transmit  packets
       derives from the interaction of two helper:

       • L2 Helper (something derived from NetDevice)

       • L3 Helper (usually from Internet module)

   L2 Helper main operations
       Any good L2 Helper will do the following operations:

       • Create n netdevices (n>1)

       • Attach a channel between these devices

       • Call Node::AddDevice ()

       Obviously the last point is the most important.

       Node::AddDevice  (network/model/  assigns  an  interface  index to the device,
       calls   NetDevice::SetNode,   sets   the   receive   callback    of    the    device    to
       Node::NonPromiscReceiveFromDevice.  Then,  it  schedules NetDevice::Initialize() method at
       Seconds(0.0), then notify the registered  DeviceAdditionListener  handlers  (not  used  BY

       Node::NonPromiscReceiveFromDevice calls Node::ReceiveFromDevice.

       Node::ReceiveFromDevice  iterates  through  ProtocolHandlers,  which  are  callbacks which
       accept as signature:

       ProtocolHandler  (Ptr<NetDevice>,  Ptr<const  Packet>,   protocol,   from_addr,   to_addr,

       If device, protocol number and promiscuous flag corresponds, the handler is invoked.

       Who is responsible to set ProtocolHandler ? We will analyze that in the next section.

   L3 Helper
       We  have  only  internet  which  provides  network  protocol  (IP). That module splits the
       operations between two helpers: InternetStackHelper and Ipv{4,6}AddressHelper.

       InternetStackHelper::Install  (internet/helper/  creates  and
       aggregates  protocols  {ArpL3,Ipv4L3,Icmpv4}Protocol. It creates the routing protocol, and
       if Ipv6 is enabled it adds {Ipv6L3,Icmpv6L4}Protocol. In any  case,  it  instantiates  and
       aggregates  an  UdpL4Protocol  object,  along  with a PacketSocketFactory.  Ultimately, it
       creates the required objects and aggregates them to the node.

       Let’s assume an Ipv4 environment (things are the same for Ipv6).

       Ipv4AddressHelper::Assign (src/internet/helper/  registers  the
       handlers.  The  process  is a bit long. The method is called with a list of NetDevice. For
       each of them, the node and Ipv4L3Protocol pointers are retrieved; if an  Ipv4Interface  is
       already  registered  for  the  device,  on  that the address is set. Otherwise, the method
       Ipv4L3Protocol::AddInterface is called, before adding the address.

   IP interfaces
       In Ipv4L3Protocol::AddInterface (src/internet/model/ two  protocol
       handlers  are installed: one that react to ipv4 protocol number, and one that react to arp
       protocol number (Ipv4L3Protocol::Receive and  ArpL3Protocol::Receive,  respectively).  The
       interface is then created, initialized, and returned.

       Ipv4L3Protocol::Receive  (src/internet/model/ iterates through the
       interface. Once it finds the Ipv4Interface which has the same device as the one passed  as
       argument,  invokes  the rxTrace callback. If the interface is down, the packet is dropped.
       Then, it removes the header and trim any residual frame padding. If checksum is not OK, it
       drops  the  packet.  Otherwise, forward the packet to the raw sockets (not used). Then, it
       ask  the  routing  protocol  what  is  the  destiny  of  that  packet.  The  choices  are:
       Ipv4L3Protocol::{IpForward, IpMulticastForward,LocalDeliver,RouteInputError}.

   Queue disciplines
   Model Description
       Packets  received  by  the  Traffic  Control  layer for transmission to a netdevice can be
       passed to a queueing discipline (queue disc) to perform scheduling and policing.  The ns-3
       term  “queue  disc”  corresponds  to  what  Linux calls a “qdisc”.  A netdevice can have a
       single (root) queue disc installed on it.  Installing a queue disc on a netdevice  is  not
       mandatory.  If a netdevice does not have a queue disc installed on it, the traffic control
       layer sends the packets directly to the netdevice. This is the case, for instance, of  the
       loopback netdevice.

       As  in  Linux,  queue  discs  may  be  simple  queues  or  may be complicated hierarchical
       structures.  A queue disc may contain distinct elements:

       • queues, which actually store the packets waiting for transmission

       • classes, which permit the definition of different treatments for different  subdivisions
         of traffic

       • filters, which determine the queue or class which a packet is destined to

       Linux uses the terminology “classful qdiscs” or “classless qdiscs” to describe how packets
       are handled.  This use of the term “class” should be distinguished from the  C++  language
       “class”.   In general, the below discussion uses “class” in the Linux, not C++, sense, but
       there are some uses of the C++ term, so please keep in mind the dual use of this  term  in
       the below text.

       Notice that a child queue disc must be attached to every class and a packet filter is only
       able to classify packets of a single protocol. Also,  while  in  Linux  some  queue  discs
       (e.g., fq-codel) use an internal classifier and do not make use of packet filters, in ns-3
       every queue disc including multiple queues or multiple classes needs an external filter to
       classify  packets  (this  is  to  avoid  having the traffic-control module depend on other
       modules such as internet).

       Queue disc configuration vary from queue disc to queue disc. A  typical  taxonomy  divides
       queue  discs  in  classful  (i.e.,  support  classes)  and classless (i.e., do not support
       classes). More recently, after the appearance of multi-queue devices (such as Wi-Fi), some
       multi-queue  aware  queue discs have been introduced. Multi-queue aware queue discs handle
       as many queues (or queue discs – without using classes)  as  the  number  of  transmission
       queues used by the device on which the queue disc is installed.  An attempt is made, also,
       to classify each packet similarly in the queue disc and within the device (i.e.,  to  keep
       the packet classification consistent across layers).

       The traffic control layer interacts with a queue disc in a simple manner: after requesting
       to enqueue a packet, the traffic control layer requests  the  qdisc  to  “run”,  i.e.,  to
       dequeue  a  set  of packets, until a predefined number (“quota”) of packets is dequeued or
       the netdevice stops the queue disc.  A netdevice  shall  stop  the  queue  disc  when  its
       transmission queue does not have room for another packet. Also, a netdevice shall wake the
       queue disc when it detects that there is room  for  another  packet  in  its  transmission
       queue, but the transmission queue is stopped. Waking a queue disc is equivalent to make it

       Every queue disc collects statistics about the total number of packets/bytes received from
       the  upper  layers  (in case of root queue disc) or from the parent queue disc (in case of
       child queue disc), enqueued, dequeued, requeued, dropped, dropped before enqueue,  dropped
       after  dequeue,  marked,  and stored in the queue disc and sent to the netdevice or to the
       parent queue disc. Note that packets that are dequeued may be requeued, i.e., retained  by
       the  traffic  control  infrastructure,  if  the  netdevice  is  not ready to receive them.
       Requeued packets are not part of the queue disc. The following identities hold:

       • dropped = dropped before enqueue + dropped after dequeue

       • received = dropped before enqueue + enqueued

       • queued = enqueued - dequeued

       • sent = dequeued - dropped after dequeue (- 1 if there is a requeued packet)

       Separate counters are also kept for each possible reason to drop a packet.  When a  packet
       is  dropped  by an internal queue, e.g., because the queue is full, the reason is “Dropped
       by internal queue”. When a packet is  dropped  by  a  child  queue  disc,  the  reason  is
       “(Dropped  by  child queue disc) ” followed by the reason why the child queue disc dropped
       the packet.

       The QueueDisc base class provides the SojournTime trace source, which provides the sojourn
       time  of  every  packet  dequeued from a queue disc, including packets that are dropped or
       requeued after being dequeued. The sojourn time is taken when the packet is dequeued  from
       the  queue  disc, hence it does not account for the additional time the packet is retained
       within the queue disc in case it is requeued.

       A C++ abstract base class, class QueueDisc, is subclassed to implement  a  specific  queue
       disc. A subclass is required to implement the following methods:

       • bool DoEnqueue (Ptr<QueueDiscItem> item):  Enqueue a packet

       • Ptr<QueueDiscItem> DoDequeue (void):  Dequeue a packet

       • bool CheckConfig (void) const: Check if the configuration is correct

       • void InitializeParams (void): Initialize queue disc parameters

       and may optionally override the default implementation of the following method:

       • Ptr<const QueueDiscItem> DoPeek (void) const: Peek the next packet to extract

       The  default  implementation  of  the  DoPeek  method  is based on the qdisc_peek_dequeued
       function of the Linux kernel, which dequeues a packet and retains it in the queue disc  as
       a requeued packet. This approach is recommended especially for queue discs for which it is
       not obvious what is the next packet that  will  be  dequeued  (e.g.,  queue  discs  having
       multiple  internal  queues  or  child  queue  discs or queue discs that drop packets after
       dequeue).  Therefore, unless the subclass redefines the DoPeek method, calling Peek causes
       the  next packet to be dequeued from the queue disc, though the packet is still considered
       to be part of the queue disc and the dequeue trace is fired when Dequeue is called and the
       packet is actually extracted from the queue disc.

       The C++ base class QueueDisc implements:

       • methods  to  add/get  a  single  queue, class or filter and methods to get the number of
         installed queues, classes or filters

       • a Classify method which classifies a packet by processing the list of  filters  until  a
         filter able to classify the packet is found

       • methods to extract multiple packets from the queue disc, while handling transmission (to
         the device) failures by requeuing packets

       The base class QueueDisc provides many trace sources:

       • EnqueueDequeueRequeueDropMarkPacketsInQueueBytesInQueue

       The C++ base class QueueDisc holds the list of attached  queues,  classes  and  filter  by
       means    of    three    vectors    accessible   through   attributes   (InternalQueueList,
       QueueDiscClassList and PacketFilterList).

       Internal queues are implemented as (subclasses of) Queue objects. A Queue stores QueueItem
       objects, which consist of just a Ptr<Packet>. Since a queue disc has to store at least the
       destination address and the protocol number for each enqueued packet,  a  new  C++  class,
       QueueDiscItem,  is  derived  from  QueueItem to store such additional information for each
       packet. Thus, internal queues are  implemented  as  Queue  objects  storing  QueueDiscItem
       objects.  Also,  there  could  be  the  need to store further information depending on the
       network layer protocol of the packet. For instance, for IPv4 and IPv6 packets it is needed
       to  separately store the header and the payload, so that header fields can be manipulated,
       e.g., to support Explicit Congestion Notification as defined in RFC 3168.   To  this  end,
       subclasses  Ipv4QueueDiscItem  and  Ipv6QueueDiscItem  are  derived  from QueueDiscItem to
       additionally store the IP header and provide protocol  specific  operations  such  as  ECN

       Classes  (in  the  Linux  sense of the term) are implemented via the QueueDiscClass class,
       which consists of a pointer to the attached queue  disc.  Such  a  pointer  is  accessible
       through the QueueDisc attribute.  Classful queue discs needing to set parameters for their
       classes can subclass QueueDiscClass and add the required parameters as attributes.

       An abstract base  class,  PacketFilter,  is  subclassed  to  implement  specific  filters.
       Subclasses are required to implement two virtual private pure methods:

       • bool  CheckProtocol (Ptr<QueueDiscItem> item) const: check whether the filter is able to
         classify packets of the same protocol as the given packet

       • int32_t DoClassify (Ptr<QueueDiscItem> item) const: actually classify the packet

       PacketFilter provides a public method, Classify, which first calls CheckProtocol to  check
       that  the  protocol  of  the  packet  matches  the  protocol  of the filter and then calls
       DoClassify. Specific filters subclassed from PacketFilter should  not  be  placed  in  the
       traffic-control  module  but in the module corresponding to the protocol of the classified

       The traffic control layer is automatically created and inserted  on  an  ns3::Node  object
       when   typical   device   and   internet   module  helpers  are  used.   By  default,  the
       InternetStackHelper::Install() method aggregates a  TrafficControlLayer  object  to  every
       node.  When  invoked to assign an IPv{4,6} address to a device, the Ipv{4,6}AddressHelper,
       besides creating an Ipv{4,6}Interface, also installs the  default  qdisc  on  the  device,
       unless  a  queue  disc  has  been already installed.  For single-queue NetDevices (such as
       PointToPoint, Csma and Simple),  the  default  root  qdisc  is  FqCoDel.  For  multi-queue
       NetDevices  (such as Wifi), the default root qdisc is Mq with as many FqCoDel child qdiscs
       as the number of device queues.

       To install a queue disc other than the default one, it is necessary to install such  queue
       disc before an IP address is assigned to the device. Alternatively, the default queue disc
       can be removed from the device after assigning an  IP  address,  by  using  the  Uninstall
       method  of  the TrafficControlHelper C++ class, and then installing a different queue disc
       on the device.  By uninstalling without adding a new queue disc, it is  also  possible  to
       have no queue disc installed on a device.

       A  typical  usage  pattern is to create a traffic control helper and to configure type and
       attributes of queue discs, queues, classes and filters from the helper, For  example,  the
       pfifo_fast can be configured as follows:

          TrafficControlHelper tch;
          uint16_t handle = tch.SetRootQueueDisc ("ns3::PfifoFastQueueDisc");
          tch.AddInternalQueues (handle, 3, "ns3::DropTailQueue", "MaxSize", StringValue ("1000p"));
          QueueDiscContainer qdiscs = tch.Install (devices);

       The  above code adds three internal queues to the root queue disc of type PfifoFast.  With
       the above configuration, the config path of the root queue  disc  installed  on  the  j-th
       device of the i-th node (the index of a device is the same as in DeviceList) is:


       and the config path of the second internal queue is:


       For  this  helper’s  configuration  to take effect, it should be added to the ns-3 program
       after InternetStackHelper::Install() is called, but before  IP  addresses  are  configured
       using Ipv{4,6}AddressHelper.

   Implementation details
       In Linux, the struct netdev_queue is used to store information about a single transmission
       queue of a device: status (i.e., whether it  has  been  stopped  or  not),  data  used  by
       techniques  such  as  Byte  Queue  Limits and a qdisc pointer field that is mainly used to
       solve the following problems:

       • if a device transmission queue is (almost) empty, identify the queue disc to wake

       • if a packet will be enqueued in a given device transmission queue,  identify  the  queue
         disc which the packet must be enqueued into

       The  latter  problem  arises  because  Linux attempts to determine the device transmission
       queue which a packet will be enqueued into before passing the  packet  to  a  queue  disc.
       This  is  done  by calling a specific function of the device driver, if implemented, or by
       employing fallback mechanisms (such as hashing of the addresses) otherwise. The identifier
       of  the  selected  device  transmission  queue is stored in the queue_mapping field of the
       struct sk_buff, so that both the queue disc  and  the  device  driver  can  get  the  same
       information. In ns-3, such identifier is stored in a member of the QueueDiscItem class.

       The  NetDeviceQueue class in ns-3 is the equivalent of the Linux struct netdev_queue.  The
       qdisc field of the Linux struct netdev_queue, however, cannot be  similarly  stored  in  a
       NetDeviceQueue   object,   because  it  would  make  the  network  module  depend  on  the
       traffic-control module. Instead, this information is  stored  in  the  TrafficControlLayer
       object aggregated to each node. In particular, a TrafficControlLayer object holds a struct
       NetDeviceInfo which stores, for each NetDevice, a pointer to the root queue disc installed
       on  the  device,  a pointer to the netdevice queue interface (see below) aggregated to the
       device, and a vector of pointers (one for each device transmission  queue)  to  the  queue
       discs  to  activate when the above problems occur. The traffic control layer takes care of
       configuring such a vector at initialization time, based on the “wake  mode”  of  the  root
       queue disc. If the wake mode of the root queue disc is WAKE_ROOT, then all the elements of
       the vector are pointers to the root queue disc. If the wake mode of the root queue disc is
       WAKE_CHILD,  then  each element of the vector is a pointer to a distinct child queue disc.
       This requires that the number of child queue discs matches the number of netdevice queues.
       It  follows  that  the  wake mode of a classless queue disc must necessarily be WAKE_ROOT.
       These two configurations are illustrated by the figures below.

       Setup of a queue disc (wake mode: WAKE_ROOT) below shows how the  TrafficControlLayer  map
       looks like in case of a classful root queue disc whose wake mode is WAKE_ROOT.
         [image] Setup of a queue disc (wake mode: WAKE_ROOT).UNINDENT

         Setup  of a multi-queue aware queue disc below shows instead how the TrafficControlLayer
         map looks like in case of a classful root queue disc whose wake mode is WAKE_CHILD.
         [image] Setup of a multi-queue aware queue disc.UNINDENT

         A NetDeviceQueueInterface object is used by the traffic  control  layer  to  access  the
         information  stored  in  the NetDeviceQueue objects, retrieve the number of transmission
         queues of the device and get the transmission queue selected for the transmission  of  a
         given  packet.  A NetDeviceQueueInterface object must be therefore aggregated to all the
         devices having an interface supporting the traffic control layer (i.e., an IPv4 or  IPv6
         interface). In particular:

       • a  NetDeviceQueueInterface  object  is  aggregated  to  all the devices by the NetDevice
         helper classes, at Install time.  See, for example, the  implementation  in  the  method

       • when  notified  that  a  netdevice  queue interface has been aggregated, traffic control
         aware devices can cache the pointer to the netdevice  queue  interface  created  by  the
         traffic  control  layer  into  a  member variable. Also, multi-queue devices can set the
         number of device transmission queues and set  the  select  queue  callback  through  the
         netdevice queue interface

       • at  initialization  time,  the  traffic  control (after calling device->Initialize () to
         ensure that the netdevice has set the number of device transmission queues, if it has to
         do  so)  completes  the installation of the queue discs by setting the wake callbacks on
         the device transmission queues  (through  the  netdevice  queue  interface).  Also,  the
         traffic   control   calls   the  Initialize  method  of  the  root  queue  discs.   This
         initialization of queue discs triggers calls to  the  CheckConfig  and  InitializeParams
         methods of the queue disc.

       In  Linux, a packet dequeued from a queue disc can be requeued (i.e., stored somewhere and
       sent to the device at a later time) in some circumstances. Firstly, the function  used  to
       dequeue  a  packet  (dequeue_skb)  actually  dequeues  a  packet  only  if  the  device is
       multi-queue or the (unique) device queue is not stopped. If a  packet  has  been  dequeued
       from  the queue disc, it is passed to the sch_direct_xmit function for transmission to the
       device. This function checks whether the  device  queue  the  packet  is  destined  to  is
       stopped,  in  which  case  the  packet  is  requeued. Otherwise, the packet is sent to the
       device.  If the device returns NETDEV_TX_BUSY, the packet  is  requeued.  However,  it  is
       advised  that  the  function called to send a packet to the device (ndo_start_xmit) should
       always return NETDEV_TX_OK, which means that the packet is consumed by the  device  driver
       and  thus  needs  not  to  be requeued. However, the ndo_start_xmit function of the device
       driver is allowed to return NETDEV_TX_BUSY (and hence the packet is requeued)  when  there
       is  no room for the received packet in the device queue, despite the queue is not stopped.
       This case is considered as a corner case or an hard error, and should be avoided.

       ns-3 implements the requeue mechanism in a similar manner, the only difference being  that
       packets  are  not  requeued  when  such  corner cases occur. Basically, the method used to
       dequeue a packet (QueueDisc::DequeuePacket) actually dequeues a packet only if the  device
       is  multi-queue or the (unique) device queue is not stopped. If a packet has been dequeued
       from the queue disc, it is passed to the QueueDisc::Transmit method  for  transmission  to
       the  device.  This  method  checks  whether  the device queue the packet is destined to is
       stopped, in which case the packet is requeued.  Otherwise,  the  packet  is  sent  to  the
       device.  We request netdevices to stop a device queue when it is not able to store another
       packet, so as to avoid the situation in which a packet is received that cannot be enqueued
       while  the  device  queue  is  not stopped. Should such a corner case occur, the netdevice
       drops the packet but, unlike Linux, the value returned by NetDevice::Send is  ignored  and
       the packet is not requeued.

       The way the requeue mechanism is implemented in ns-3 has the following implications:

       • if the underlying device has a single queue, no packet will ever be requeued. Indeed, if
         the device queue is not stopped when QueueDisc::DequeuePacket is called, it will not  be
         stopped  also  when  QueueDisc::Transmit  is  called,  hence  the packet is not requeued
         (recall that a packet is not requeued after being sent  to  the  device,  as  the  value
         returned by NetDevice::Send is ignored).

       • if  the  underlying  device  does not implement flow control, i.e., it does not stop its
         queue(s), no packet will ever be requeued (recall that a  packet  is  only  requeued  by
         QueueDisc::Transmit when the device queue the packet is destined to is stopped)

       It  turns  out that packets may only be requeued when the underlying device is multi-queue
       and supports flow control.

   Fifo queue disc
   Model Description
       FifoQueueDisc implements the FIFO (First-In First-Out) policy.  Packets  are  enqueued  in
       the  unique  internal  queue,  which  is  implemented  as a DropTail queue. The queue disc
       capacity can be specified in terms of either packets or bytes, depending on the  value  of
       the Mode attribute.

       User  is allowed to provide an internal queue before the queue disc is initialized.  If no
       internal queue is provided, one DropTail queue having the same capacity of the queue  disc
       is created by default. No packet filter can be added to a FifoQueueDisc.

       The FifoQueueDisc class holds the following attribute:

       • MaxSize:  The maximum number of packets/bytes the queue disc can hold. The default value
         is 1000 packets.

       The   fifo   model   is   tested   using   FifoQueueDiscTestSuite   class    defined    in
       src/traffic-control/test/  The  test  aims to check that the
       capacity of the queue disc is not exceeded and packets are dequeued in the correct order.

   pfifo_fast queue disc
   Model Description
       PfifoFastQueueDisc behaves like pfifo_fast, which is the default  queue  disc  enabled  on
       Linux  systems  (init  systems such as systemd may override such default setting). Packets
       are enqueued in three priority bands (implemented as FIFO droptail queues) based on  their
       priority  (users  can  read  Use  of  Send() vs. SendTo() for details on how to set packet
       priority).  The four least significant bits of the priority  are  used  to  determine  the
       selected band according to the following table:

                                        │Priority & 0xf │ Band │
                                        │0              │ 1    │
                                        │1              │ 2    │
                                        │2              │ 2    │
                                        │3              │ 2    │
                                        │4              │ 1    │
                                        │5              │ 2    │
                                        │6              │ 0    │
                                        │7              │ 0    │
                                        │8              │ 1    │
                                        │9              │ 1    │
                                        │10             │ 1    │
                                        │11             │ 1    │
                                        │12             │ 1    │
                                        │13             │ 1    │
                                        │14             │ 1    │
                                        │15             │ 1    │

       The  system  behaves  similar  to  three ns3::DropTail queues operating together, in which
       packets from higher priority bands are always  dequeued  before  a  packet  from  a  lower
       priority band is dequeued.

       The  queue  disc capacity, i.e., the maximum number of packets that can be enqueued in the
       queue disc, is set through the MaxSize attribute, which plays the same role as  txqueuelen
       in  Linux.  If no internal queue is provided, three DropTail queues having each a capacity
       equal to MaxSize are created by default. User is allowed to provide queues, but they  must
       be three, operate in packet mode and each have a capacity not less than MaxSize. No packet
       filter can be added to a PfifoFastQueueDisc.

       The PfifoFastQueueDisc class holds a single attribute:

       • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets accepted by the queue disc. The default value  is

       Various       examples       located      in      src/traffic-control/examples      (e.g., shows how to configure and install a  PfifoFastQueueDisc  on
       internet nodes.

       The  pfifo_fast  model  is  tested  using  PfifoFastQueueDiscTestSuite  class  defined  in
       src/test/ns3tc/ The suite includes 4 test cases:

       • Test 1: The first test checks whether IPv4 packets are  enqueued  in  the  correct  band
         based on the TOS byte

       • Test  2:  The  second  test checks whether IPv4 packets are enqueued in the correct band
         based on the TOS byte

       • Test 3: The third test checks that the queue disc cannot enqueue more packets  than  its

       • Test  4:  The  fourth  test  checks  that packets that the filters have not been able to
         classify are enqueued into the default band of 1

   Prio queue disc
   Model Description
       PrioQueueDisc implements a strict priority policy, where packets are dequeued from a  band
       only  if  higher  priority bands are all empty. PrioQueueDisc is a classful queue disc and
       can have an arbitrary number of bands, each of which is handled by a  queue  disc  of  any
       kind.  The  capacity of PrioQueueDisc is not limited; packets can only be dropped by child
       queue discs (which may have a limited capacity).  If no packet filter is installed or able
       to  classify  a  packet,  then  the  packet  is enqueued into a priority band based on its
       priority (modulo 16), which is used as an index into an array called  priomap.  Users  can
       read Use of Send() vs. SendTo() for details on how to set the packet priority. If a packet
       is classified by an installed packet filter and the returned value i is  non-negative  and
       less than the number of priority bands, then the packet is enqueued into the i-th priority
       band.  Otherwise, the packet is enqueued into the priority band  specified  by  the  first
       element of the priomap array.

       If  no  queue  disc class is added by the user before the queue disc is initialized, three
       child queue discs of type FifoQueueDisc are automatically added. It has to be  noted  that
       PrioQueueDisc needs at least two child queue discs.

       The PrioQueueDisc class holds the following attribute:

       • Priomap:  The  priority  to  band  mapping. The default value is the same mapping as the
         (fixed) one used by PfifoFastQueueDisc.

       An example of how to configure PrioQueueDisc with custom child queue discs and priomap  is
       provided by located in examples/traffic-control:

          TrafficControlHelper tch;
          uint16_t handle = tch.SetRootQueueDisc ("ns3::PrioQueueDisc", "Priomap", StringValue ("0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1"));
          TrafficControlHelper::ClassIdList cid = tch.AddQueueDiscClasses (handle, 2, "ns3::QueueDiscClass");
          tch.AddChildQueueDisc (handle, cid[0], "ns3::FifoQueueDisc");
          tch.AddChildQueueDisc (handle, cid[1], "ns3::RedQueueDisc");

       The  code above adds two classes (bands) to a PrioQueueDisc. The highest priority one is a
       FifoQueueDisc, the other one is a RedQueueDisc. The attribute Priomap is set to  an  array
       containing only 0 and 1 (since PrioQueueDisc only has two bands).

       PrioQueueDisc    is    tested    using    PrioQueueDiscTestSuite    class    defined    in
       src/traffic-control/test/ The test aims to  check  that:  i)
       packets  are  enqueued  in  the  correct  band  based on their priority and the priomap or
       according to the value returned by the installed packet filter; ii) packets  are  dequeued
       in the correct order.

       The test suite can be run using the following commands:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests
          $ ./waf build
          $ ./ -s prio-queue-disc


          $ NS_LOG="PrioQueueDisc" ./waf --run "test-runner --suite=prio-queue-disc"

   TBF queue disc
       This  chapter  describes the TBF ([Ref1]) queue disc implementation in ns-3. The TBF model
       in ns-3 is ported based on Linux kernel code implemented by A. Kuznetsov and D. Torokhov.

       TBF is a qdisc that allows controlling the bandwidth of the output according to a set rate
       with the possibility of managing burst conditions also. The TBF implementation consists of
       a bucket (buffer) having a limited capacity into which  tokens  (normally  representing  a
       unit  of  bytes  or  a  single packet of predetermined size) are added at a fixed rate ‘r’
       called the token rate. Whenever a packet arrives into the tx queue (fifo by default),  the
       bucket  is  checked to see if there are appropriate number of tokens that is equivalent to
       the length of the packet in bytes. If yes, then the tokens are removed and the  packet  is
       passed  for transmission. If no, then packets will have to wait until there are sufficient
       tokens in the bucket. This data conformance can be thus put into three possible  scenarios

       1. Data rate = Token rate : Packets pass without delay.

       2. Data  rate < Token rate : The tokens might accumulate and the bucket might become full.
          Then, the next packets to enter TBF will be transmitted right away without  having  any
          limit  applied to them, until the bucket is empty. This is called a burst condition and
          in TBF the burst parameter defines the size of the bucket. In order  to  overcome  this
          problem  and  provide  better  control  over the bursts, TBF implements a second bucket
          which is smaller and generally the same size as the  MTU.  This  second  bucket  cannot
          store  large  amount of tokens, but its replenishing rate will be a lot faster than the
          one of the big bucket. This second rate is called ‘peakRate’ and it will determine  the
          maximum rate of a burst.

       3. Data  rate  > Token rate : This causes the TBF algorithm to throttle itself for a while
          as soon as the bucket gets empty. This is called an ‘overlimit  situation’  [Ref2].  In
          this  situation,  some of the packets will be blocked until enough tokens are available
          at which time a schedule for the waking of the queue will  be  done.  If  packets  keep
          coming  in, at a larger rate, then the packets will start to get dropped when the total
          number of bytes exceeds the QueueLimit.

   Model Description
       The TBF queue disc does not require packet filters, does not  admit  internal  queues  and
       uses  a  single  child queue disc. If the user does not provide a child queue disc, a Fifo
       queue disc operating in the same mode (packet or byte) as the TBF queue disc and having  a
       size  equal to the TBF QueueLimit attribute is created. Otherwise, the capacity of the TBF
       queue disc is determined by the capacity of the child queue disc.

       There are two token buckets: first bucket and second bucket. The size of the first  bucket
       called  ‘Burst’ should always be greater than the size of the second bucket called the Mtu
       (which is usually the size of a single packet). But the ‘PeakRate’  which  is  the  second
       bucket’s  token  rate should be always greater than the ‘Rate’ which is the first bucket’s
       token rate.

       If the PeakRate is zero, then the second bucket does not exist. In order to  activate  the
       second  bucket,  both the Mtu and PeakRate values have to be greater than zero. If the Mtu
       value is zero at initialization time, then if a NetDevice exits, the Mtu’s value  will  be
       equal  to  the  Mtu  of the NetDevice. But if no NetDevice exists, then the QueueDisc will
       complain thus prompting the user to set the Mtu value.

       The source code for the TBF model is located in  the  directory  src/traffic-control/model
       and  consists  of  2  files tbf-queue-disc.h and defining a TbfQueueDisc

       • class TbfQueueDisc: This class implements the main TBF algorithm:

         • TbfQueueDisc::DoEnqueue (): This routine enqueue’s the incoming packet if the queue is
           not full and drops the packet otherwise.

         • TbfQueueDisc::DoPeek  ():  This routine peeks for the top item in the queue and if the
           queue is not empty, it returns the topmost item.

         • TbfQueueDisc::DoDequeue (): This routine performs the dequeuing of  packets  according
           to the following logic:

           • It  calls TbfQueueDisc::Peek () and calculates the size of the packet to be dequeued
             in bytes.

           • Then it calculates the time difference ‘delta’, which is the time elapsed since  the
             last update of tokens in the buckets.

           • If  the  second  bucket  exists,  the  number of tokens are updated according to the
             ‘PeakRate’ and ‘delta’.

           • From this second bucket a number of tokens equal to the size of  the  packet  to  be
             dequeued is subtracted.

           • Now  the  number  of  tokens in the first bucket are updated according to ‘Rate’ and

           • From this first bucket a number of tokens equal to the size  of  the  packet  to  be
             dequeued is subtracted.

           • If after this, both the first and second buckets have tokens greater than zero, then
             the packet is dequeued.

           • Else, an event to QueueDisc::Run () is scheduled after a  time  period  when  enough
             tokens will be present for the dequeue operation.


       A. Kuznetsov  and  D.  Torokhov;  Linux  Cross  Reference Source Code; Available online at


       J. Vehent; Journey to the Center of the Linux Kernel: Traffic Control,  Shaping  and  QoS;
          Available                                   online                                   at

            Practical   IP   Network   QoS:   TBF   queuing   discipline;   Available  online  at

       The key attributes that the TbfQueueDisc class holds include the following:

       • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets/bytes the queue disc can hold. The default  value
         is 1000 packets.

       • Burst: Size of the first bucket, in bytes. The default value is 125000 bytes.

       • Mtu:  Size  of second bucket defaults to the MTU of the attached NetDevice, if any, or 0

       • Rate: Rate at which tokens enter the first bucket. The default value is 125KB/s.

       • PeakRate: Rate at which tokens enter the second bucket.  The  default  value  is  0KB/s,
         which means that there is no second bucket.

       The TbfQueueDisc class provides the following trace sources:

       • TokensInFirstBucket: Number of First Bucket Tokens in bytes

       • TokensInSecondBucket: Number of Second Bucket Tokens in bytes

       The  example  for TBF is located in examples/traffic-control/.  The command
       to run the file (the invocation below shows the available command-line options) is:

          .. sourcecode:: bash
          $  ./waf  –run  “tbf-example  –PrintHelp”  $  ./waf  –run  “tbf-example   –burst=125000
          –rate=1Mbps –peakRate=1.5Mbps”

       The  expected  output from the previous commands are traced value changes in the number of
       tokens in the first and second buckets.

       The   TBF   model   is   tested   using    TbfQueueDiscTestSuite    class    defined    in
       src/traffic-control/test/ The suite includes 4 test cases:

       • Test 1: Simple Enqueue/Dequeue with verification of attribute setting and subtraction of
         tokens from the buckets.

       • Test 2: When DataRate == FirstBucketTokenRate; packets should pass smoothly.

       • Test 3: When DataRate >>> FirstBucketTokenRate; some  packets  should  get  blocked  and
         waking of queue should get scheduled.

       • Test  4:  When DataRate < FirstBucketTokenRate; burst condition, peakRate is set so that
         bursts are controlled.

       The test suite can be run using the following commands:

          .. sourcecode:: bash
          $  ./waf  configure  –enable-examples  –enable-tests  $  ./waf  build  $  ./  -s


          .. sourcecode:: bash
          $ NS_LOG=”TbfQueueDisc” ./waf –run “test-runner –suite=tbf-queue-disc”

   RED queue disc
   Model Description
       Random  Early  Detection (RED) is a queue discipline that aims to provide early signals to
       transport protocol congestion control (e.g. TCP) that congestion is imminent, so that they
       back  off  their  rate  gracefully  rather than with a bunch of tail-drop losses (possibly
       incurring TCP timeout).  The model in ns-3 is a port of Sally Floyd’s ns-2 RED model.

       Note that, starting from ns-3.25, RED is no longer a queue variant and cannot be installed
       as a NetDevice queue. Instead, RED is a queue disc and must be installed in the context of
       the traffic control (see the examples mentioned below).

       The RED queue disc does not require packet filters, does not admit child queue  discs  and
       uses  a  single internal queue. If not provided by the user, a DropTail queue operating in
       the same mode (packet or byte) as the queue disc and  having  a  size  equal  to  the  RED
       MaxSize  attribute  is created. Otherwise, the capacity of the queue disc is determined by
       the capacity of the internal queue provided by the user.

   Adaptive Random Early Detection (ARED)
       ARED is a variant of RED with two main features:  (i)  automatically  sets  Queue  weight,
       MinTh  and  MaxTh  and  (ii)  adapts  maximum drop probability. The model in ns-3 contains
       implementation of both the features, and is a port of Sally Floyd’s ns-2 ARED model.  Note
       that  the  user  is allowed to choose and explicitly configure the simulation by selecting
       feature (i) or feature (ii), or both.

   Feng’s Adaptive RED
       Feng’s Adaptive RED is a variant of RED that adapts  the  maximum  drop  probability.  The
       model  in  ns-3  contains  implementation  of  this  feature, and is a port of ns-2 Feng’s
       Adaptive RED model.

   Nonlinear Random Early Detection (NLRED)
       NLRED is a variant of RED in which the linear packet dropping function of RED is  replaced
       by  a  nonlinear quadratic function. This approach makes packet dropping gentler for light
       traffic load and aggressive for heavy traffic load.

   Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)
       This RED model supports an ECN mode of operation to notify endpoints  of  congestion  that
       may be developing in a bottleneck queue, without resorting to packet drops. Such a mode is
       enabled by setting the UseEcn attribute to true (it is false by default) and only  affects
       incoming  packets  with  the ECT bit set in their header. When the average queue length is
       between the minimum and maximum thresholds, an incoming packet is marked instead of  being
       dropped.  When the average queue length is above the maximum threshold, an incoming packet
       is marked (instead of being dropped) only if the UseHardDrop attribute is set to false (it
       is true by default).

       The  implementation  of  support for ECN marking is done in such a way as to not impose an
       internet module dependency on the traffic control module.  The RED model does not directly
       set  ECN  bits  on  the  header,  but delegates that job to the QueueDiscItem class.  As a
       result, it is possible to use RED queues for other non-IP QueueDiscItems that may  or  may
       not support the Mark () method.

       The  RED  queue  disc  aims  to  be  close  to  the  results  cited  in:  S.Floyd,  K.Fall

       ARED queue implementation is  based  on  the  algorithm  provided  in:  S.  Floyd  et  al,

       Feng’s Adaptive RED queue implementation is based on the algorithm provided in: W. C. Feng
       et al,

       NLRED queue implementation is based on the  algorithm  provided  in:  Kaiyu  Zhou  et  al,

       The  addition  of  explicit congestion notification (ECN) to IP: K. K. Ramakrishnan et al,

       The RED queue contains a number of attributes that control the RED policies:

       • MaxSize

       • MeanPktSize

       • IdlePktSize

       • Wait (time)

       • Gentle mode

       • MinTh, MaxTh

       • Queue weight

       • LInterm

       • LinkBandwidth

       • LinkDelay

       • UseEcn

       • UseHardDrop

       In addition to RED attributes, ARED queue requires following attributes:

       • ARED (Boolean attribute. Default: false)

       • AdaptMaxP (Boolean attribute to adapt m_curMaxP. Default: false)

       • Target Delay (time)

       • Interval (time)

       • LastSet (time)

       • Top (upper limit of m_curMaxP)

       • Bottom (lower limit of m_curMaxP)

       • Alpha (increment parameter for m_curMaxP)

       • Beta (decrement parameter for m_curMaxP)

       • RTT

       In addition to RED attributes, Feng’s Adaptive RED queue requires following attributes:

       • FengAdaptive  (Boolean attribute, Default: false)

       • Status        (status of current queue length, Default: Above)

       • FengAlpha     (increment parameter for m_curMaxP, Default: 3)

       • FengBeta      (decrement parameter for m_curMaxP, Default: 2)

       The following attribute should be turned on to simulate NLRED queue disc:

       • NLRED (Boolean attribute. Default: false)

       Consult the ns-3 documentation for explanation of these attributes.

   Simulating ARED
       To switch on ARED algorithm,  the  attribute  ARED  must  be  set  to  true,  as  done  in

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::ARED", BooleanValue (true));

       Setting  ARED  to  true implicitly configures both: (i) automatic setting of Queue weight,
       MinTh and MaxTh and (ii) adapting m_curMaxP.

       NOTE: To explicitly configure (i) or (ii), set ARED attribute  to  false  and  follow  the
       procedure described next:

       To  configure  (i);  Queue  weight,  MinTh  and  MaxTh,  all  must be set to 0, as done in

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::QW", DoubleValue (0.0));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MinTh", DoubleValue (0));
          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::MaxTh", DoubleValue (0));

       To   configure   (ii);   AdaptMaxP    must    be    set    to    true,    as    done    in

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::AdaptMaxP", BooleanValue (true));

   Simulating Feng’s Adaptive RED
       To  switch  on  Feng’s  Adaptive  RED algorithm, the attribute FengAdaptive must be set to
       true, as done in examples/traffic-control/

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::FengAdaptive", BooleanValue (true));

   Simulating NLRED
       To switch on NLRED algorithm, the attribute NLRED must be set to true, as shown below:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::NLRED", BooleanValue (true));

       The RED queue example is found at src/traffic-control/examples/

       ARED queue examples can be  found  at:  src/traffic-control/examples/
       and src/traffic-control/examples/

       Feng’s        Adaptive        RED        example        can       be       found       at:

       NLRED queue example can be found at: examples/traffic-control/

       The  RED  model  has  been  validated   and   the   report   is   currently   stored   at:

   CoDel queue disc
       This chapter describes the CoDel ([Nic12], [Nic14]) queue disc implementation in ns-3.

       Developed  by  Kathleen  Nichols and Van Jacobson as a solution to the bufferbloat [Buf14]
       problem, CoDel (Controlled Delay Management) is a queuing discipline that uses a  packet’s
       sojourn time (time in queue) to make decisions on packet drops.

       Note  that,  starting  from  ns-3.25,  CoDel  is  no  longer a queue variant and cannot be
       installed as a NetDevice queue. Instead, CoDel is a queue disc and must  be  installed  in
       the context of the traffic control (see the examples mentioned below).

   Model Description
       The  source code for the CoDel model is located in the directory src/traffic-control/model
       and  consists  of  2  files  codel-queue-disc.h   and   defining   a
       CoDelQueueDisc  class and a helper CoDelTimestampTag class. The code was ported to ns-3 by
       Andrew McGregor based on Linux kernel code implemented by Dave Täht and Eric Dumazet.

       • class CoDelQueueDisc: This class implements the main CoDel algorithm:

         • CoDelQueueDisc::DoEnqueue (): This routine tags a packet with the current time  before
           pushing  it  into  the queue.  The timestamp tag is used by CoDelQueue::DoDequeue() to
           compute the packet’s sojourn time.  If the queue is full upon the packet arrival, this
           routine  will  drop  the  packet and record the number of drops due to queue overflow,
           which is stored in m_dropOverLimit.

         • CoDelQueueDisc::ShouldDrop (): This routine  is  CoDelQueueDisc::DoDequeue()’s  helper
           routine that determines whether a packet should be dropped or not based on its sojourn
           time.  If the sojourn time goes above m_target and remains above continuously  for  at
           least  m_interval,  the  routine  returns  true  indicating  that it is OK to drop the
           packet. Otherwise, it returns false.

         • CoDelQueueDisc::DoDequeue (): This routine performs the actual packet  drop  based  on
           CoDelQueueDisc::ShouldDrop ()’s return value and schedules the next drop/mark.

       • class CoDelTimestampTag: This class implements the timestamp tagging for a packet.  This
         tag is used to compute the packet’s sojourn time (the difference between  the  time  the
         packet is dequeued and the time it is pushed into the queue).

       There are 2 branches to CoDelQueueDisc::DoDequeue ():

       1. If  the  queue  is  currently  in  the dropping state, which means the sojourn time has
          remained above m_target for more than m_interval, the routine determines if it’s OK  to
          leave   the   dropping   state   or   it’s   time   for   the   next   drop/mark.  When
          CoDelQueueDisc::ShouldDrop () returns false, the queue can move  out  of  the  dropping
          state (set m_dropping to false).  Otherwise, the queue continuously drops/marks packets
          and updates the time for next drop (m_dropNext) until one of the  following  conditions
          is met:

             1. The  queue  is  empty,  upon  which the queue leaves the dropping state and exits
                CoDelQueueDisc::ShouldDrop () routine;

             2. CoDelQueueDisc::ShouldDrop () returns false (meaning the sojourn time goes  below
                m_target) upon which the queue leaves the dropping state;

             3. It is not yet time for next drop/mark (m_dropNext is less than current time) upon
                which the queue waits for the next packet dequeue to check the condition again.

       2. If the queue is not in the dropping state, the routine enters the  dropping  state  and
          drop/mark  the  first packet if CoDelQueueDisc::ShouldDrop () returns true (meaning the
          sojourn time has gone above m_target for at least m_interval for the first time  or  it
          has gone above again after the queue leaves the dropping state).

       The CoDel queue disc does not require packet filters, does not admit child queue discs and
       uses a single internal queue. If not provided by the user, a DropTail queue  operating  in
       the  same  mode  (packet  or  byte) as the queue disc and having a size equal to the CoDel
       MaxSize attribute is created. Otherwise, the capacity of the queue disc is  determined  by
       the capacity of the internal queue provided by the user.


       K. Nichols  and  V. Jacobson, Controlling Queue Delay, ACM Queue, Vol. 10 No. 5, May 2012.
          Available online at


       K. Nichols and V. Jacobson, Internet-Draft:  Controlled  Delay  Active  Queue  Management,
          March               2014.                Available               online              at

    Available online at

       The key attributes that the CoDelQueue class holds include the following:

       • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets/bytes the queue can hold. The  default  value  is
         1500 * DEFAULT_CODEL_LIMIT, which is 1500 * 1000 bytes.

       • MinBytes: The CoDel algorithm minbytes parameter. The default value is 1500 bytes.

       • Interval: The sliding-minimum window. The default value is 100 ms.

       • Target: The CoDel algorithm target queue delay. The default value is 5 ms.

       • UseEcn: True to use ECN (packets are marked instead of being dropped). The default value
         is false.

       • CeThreshold: The CoDel CE threshold for marking packets. Disabled by default.

       The first example is located in src/traffic-control/examples.
       To run the file (the first invocation below shows the available command-line options):

          $ ./waf --run "codel-vs-pfifo-basic-test --PrintHelp"
          $ ./waf --run "codel-vs-pfifo-basic-test --queueType=CoDel --pcapFileName=codel.pcap"

       The  expected  output  from  the  previous  commands  are  two  files: codel.pcap file and (ASCII trace) file  The  .pcap  file  can  be  analyzed  using  wireshark  or

          $ tcptrace -l -r -n -W codel.pcap

       The      second      example      is      located     in
       src/traffic-control/examples.  This example is intended to model  a  typical  cable  modem
       deployment scenario.  To run the file:

          $ ./waf --run "codel-vs-pfifo-asymmetric --PrintHelp"
          $ ./waf --run codel-vs-pfifo-asymmetric

       The expected output from the previous commands is six pcap files:

       • codel-vs-pfifo-asymmetric-CoDel-server-lan.pcap

       • codel-vs-pfifo-asymmetric-CoDel-router-wan.pcap

       • codel-vs-pfifo-asymmetric-CoDel-router-lan.pcap

       • codel-vs-pfifo-asymmetric-CoDel-cmts-wan.pcap

       • codel-vs-pfifo-asymmetric-CoDel-cmts-lan.pcap

       • codel-vs-pfifo-asymmetric-CoDel-host-lan.pcap

       One attribute file:

       • codel-vs-pfifo-asymmetric-CoDel.attr

       Five ASCII trace files:






       The   CoDel   model   is   tested   using   CoDelQueueDiscTestSuite   class   defined   in
       src/traffic-control/test/  The suite includes 5 test cases:

       • Test 1: The first test checks the enqueue/dequeue with no  drops  and  makes  sure  that
         CoDel attributes can be set correctly.

       • Test 2: The second test checks the enqueue with drops due to queue overflow.

       • Test 3: The third test checks the NewtonStep() arithmetic against explicit port of Linux

       • Test 4: The  fourth  test  checks  the  ControlLaw()  against  explicit  port  of  Linux

       • Test  5:  The  fifth  test  checks  the  enqueue/dequeue  with  drops according to CoDel

       • Test 6: The sixth  test  checks  the  enqueue/dequeue  with  marks  according  to  CoDel

       The test suite can be run using the following commands:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests
          $ ./waf build
          $ ./ -s codel-queue-disc


          $ NS_LOG="CoDelQueueDisc" ./waf --run "test-runner --suite=codel-queue-disc"

   FqCoDel queue disc
       This chapter describes the FqCoDel ([Hoe16]) queue disc implementation in ns-3.

       The  FlowQueue-CoDel  (FQ-CoDel) algorithm is a combined packet scheduler and Active Queue
       Management (AQM) algorithm developed as part of the bufferbloat-fighting community  effort
       ([Buf16]).   FqCoDel  classifies  incoming packets into different queues (by default, 1024
       queues are created), which are served according to a modified Deficit  Round  Robin  (DRR)
       queue  scheduler. Each queue is managed by the CoDel AQM algorithm.  FqCoDel distinguishes
       between “new” queues (which don’t build up a standing queue) and “old” queues,  that  have
       queued enough data to be around for more than one iteration of the round-robin scheduler.

       FqCoDel is installed by default on single-queue NetDevices (such as PointToPoint, Csma and
       Simple). Also, on multi-queue devices (such as Wifi), the default root qdisc is Mq with as
       many FqCoDel child queue discs as the number of device queues.

   Model Description
       The   source   code   for   the   FqCoDel   queue   disc   is  located  in  the  directory
       src/traffic-control/model   and   consists   of   2   files   fq-codel-queue-disc.h    and  defining  a FqCoDelQueueDisc class and a helper FqCoDelFlow class.
       The code was ported to ns-3 based on Linux kernel code implemented by Eric  Dumazet.   Set
       associative  hashing  is  also  based on the Linux kernel CAKE queue management code.  Set
       associative hashing is used to reduce the number  of  hash  collisions  in  comparison  to
       choosing queues normally with a simple hash. For a given number of queues, set associative
       hashing has fewer collisions than a traditional hash, as long as the number  of  flows  is
       lesser  than the number of queues.  Essentially, it makes the queue management system more
       efficient. Set associative hashing is a vital component of CAKE, which is another  popular
       flow  management  algorithm  that is implemented in Linux and is being tested for FqCoDel.
       Furthermore, this module can be directly used with CAKE  when  its  other  components  are
       implemented in ns-3. The only changes needed to incorporate this new hashing scheme are in
       the SetAssociativeHash and DoEnqueue methods, as described below.

       • class FqCoDelQueueDisc: This class implements the main FqCoDel algorithm:

         • FqCoDelQueueDisc::DoEnqueue (): If no packet filter has been configured, this  routine
           calls   the  QueueDiscItem::Hash()  method  to  classify  the  given  packet  into  an
           appropriate queue. Otherwise, the configured filters are used to classify the  packet.
           If the filters are unable to classify the packet, the packet is dropped. Otherwise, an
           option is provided if set associative hashing is to be used.The packet is  now  handed
           over  to  the  CoDel  algorithm  for timestamping. Then, if the queue is not currently
           active (i.e., if it is not in either the list of new or the list of old queues), it is
           added  to  the  end  of  the  list  of new queues, and its deficit is initiated to the
           configured quantum. Otherwise,  the queue is left in its current queue list.  Finally,
           the  total number of enqueued packets is compared with the configured limit, and if it
           is above this value (which can happen since a packet was just enqueued),  packets  are
           dropped  from  the  head  of  the  queue with the largest current byte count until the
           number of dropped packets reaches the configured drop batch size or the backlog of the
           queue  has  been  halved.  Note that this in most cases means that the packet that was
           just enqueued is not among the packets that get dropped, which  may  even  be  from  a
           different queue.

         • FqCoDelQueueDisc::SetAssociativeHash():  An  outer  hash  is  identified for the given
           packet. This corresponds to the set into which the packet is to  be  enqueued.  A  set
           consists  of  a  group of queues. The set determined by outer hash is enumerated; if a
           queue corresponding to this packet’s flow is found (we use per-queue tags  to  achieve
           this),  or in case of an inactive queue, or if a new queue can be created for this set
           without exceeding the maximum limit, the index of this queue is  returned.  Otherwise,
           all  queues  of  this  full  set are active and correspond to flows different from the
           current packet’s flow. In such cases,  the  index  of  first  queue  of  this  set  is
           returned.  We  don’t consider creating new queues for the packet in these cases, since
           this approach may waste resources in the long run.  The  situation  highlighted  is  a
           guaranteed  collision  and  cannot be avoided without increasing the overall number of

         • FqCoDelQueueDisc::DoDequeue (): The first task performed by this routine is  selecting
           a  queue from which to dequeue a packet. To this end, the scheduler first looks at the
           list of new queues; for the queue at the head of  that  list,  if  that  queue  has  a
           negative  deficit  (i.e.,  it has already dequeued at least a quantum of bytes), it is
           given an additional amount of deficit, the queue is put onto the end of  the  list  of
           old  queues,  and the routine selects the next queue and starts again. Otherwise, that
           queue is selected for dequeue. If the list of  new  queues  is  empty,  the  scheduler
           proceeds  down  the  list of old queues in the same fashion (checking the deficit, and
           either selecting the queue for dequeuing, or increasing deficit and putting the  queue
           back  at  the  end of the list). After having selected a queue from which to dequeue a
           packet, the CoDel algorithm is invoked on that queue. As a result of this, one or more
           packets  may  be discarded from the head of the selected queue, before the packet that
           should be dequeued is returned (or nothing is returned if  the  queue  is  or  becomes
           empty  while  being  handled  by the CoDel algorithm). Finally, if the CoDel algorithm
           does not return a packet, then the queue must be empty, and the scheduler does one  of
           two  things: if the queue selected for dequeue came from the list of new queues, it is
           moved to the end of the list of old queues.  If instead it came from the list  of  old
           queues,  that  queue  is  removed from the list, to be added back (as a new queue) the
           next time a packet for that queue arrives. Then (since no  packet  was  available  for
           dequeue),  the whole dequeue process is restarted from the beginning. If, instead, the
           scheduler did get a packet back from the CoDel algorithm, it subtracts the size of the
           packet  from  the  byte  deficit  for the selected queue and returns the packet as the
           result of the dequeue operation.

         • FqCoDelQueueDisc::FqCoDelDrop     ():     This     routine     is      invoked      by
           FqCoDelQueueDisc::DoEnqueue()  to  drop  packets  from  the head of the queue with the
           largest current byte count. This routine keeps dropping packets until  the  number  of
           dropped packets reaches the configured drop batch size or the backlog of the queue has
           been halved.

       • class FqCoDelFlow: This class implements a flow queue, by  keeping  its  current  status
         (whether it is in the list of new queues, in the list of old queues or inactive) and its
         current deficit.

       In Linux, by default, packet classification is done  by  hashing  (using  a  Jenkins  hash
       function) the 5-tuple of IP protocol, source and destination IP addresses and port numbers
       (if they exist). This value modulo the number of  queues  is  salted  by  a  random  value
       selected  at  initialization  time,  to  prevent  possible  DoS  attacks  if  the  hash is
       predictable ahead of time. Alternatively, any other packet filter can be  configured.   In
       ns-3,  packet  classification  is performed in the same way as in Linux.  Neither internal
       queues nor classes can be configured for an FqCoDel queue disc.

   Possible next steps
       • what to do if ECT(1) and either/both ECT(0) and NotECT are in the same flow queue  (hash
         collisions  or  tunnels)–  our L4S traffic flows will avoid this situation by supporting
         AccECN and ECN++ (and if it happens in practice, the CoDel logic  will  just  apply  two
         separate thresholds)

       • adding a ramp marking response instead of step threshold

       • adding a floor value (to suppress marks if the queue length is below a certain number of
         bytes or packets)

       • adding a heuristic such as in PIE to avoid marking a packet if it arrived  to  an  empty
         flow queue (check on ingress, remember at egress time)


       T. Hoeiland-Joergensen,   P.   McKenney,   D.   Taht,   J.  Gettys  and  E.  Dumazet,  The
          FlowQueue-CoDel Packet Scheduler and Active Queue  Management  Algorithm,  IETF  draft.
          Available online at

    Available online at

       The key attributes that the FqCoDelQueue class holds include the following:

       • UseEcn: True to use ECN (packets are marked instead of being dropped)

       • Interval:  The  interval  parameter to be used on the CoDel queues. The default value is
         100 ms.

       • Target: The target parameter to be used on the CoDel queues. The default value is 5 ms.

       • MaxSize: The limit on the maximum number of packets stored by FqCoDel.

       • Flows: The number of flow queues managed by FqCoDel.

       • DropBatchSize: The maximum number of packets dropped from the fat flow.

       • Perturbation: The salt used as an additional input to the hash function used to classify

       • CeThreshold The FqCoDel CE threshold for marking packets

       • UseL4s True to use L4S (only ECT1 packets are marked at CE threshold)

       • EnableSetAssociativeHash: The parameter used to enable set associative hash.

       Perturbation  is an optional configuration attribute and can be used to generate different
       hash outcomes for different inputs.  For instance, the tuples used as input  to  the  hash
       may  cause  hash collisions (mapping to the same bucket) for a given set of inputs, but by
       changing the perturbation value, the same hash inputs now map to distinct buckets.

       Note that the quantum, i.e., the number of bytes each queue gets to dequeue on each  round
       of  the  scheduling  algorithm,  is  set  by  default  to  the  MTU size of the device (at
       initialisation time). The FqCoDelQueueDisc::SetQuantum () method can be used (at any time)
       to configure a different value.

       A  typical  usage  pattern is to create a traffic control helper and to configure type and
       attributes of queue disc and  filters  from  the  helper.  For  example,  FqCodel  can  be
       configured as follows:

          TrafficControlHelper tch;
          tch.SetRootQueueDisc ("ns3::FqCoDelQueueDisc", "DropBatchSize", UintegerValue (1)
                                                        "Perturbation", UintegerValue (256));
          QueueDiscContainer qdiscs = tch.Install (devices);

       The    example   for   FqCoDel’s   L4S   mode   is   located   in
       src/traffic-control/examples.  To run the file  (the  first  invocation  below  shows  the
       available command-line options):

          $ ./waf --run "FqCoDel-L4S-example --PrintHelp"
          $ ./waf --run "FqCoDel-L4S-example --scenarioNum=5"

       The expected output from the previous command are .dat files.

       The   FqCoDel   model   is   tested   using  FqCoDelQueueDiscTestSuite  class  defined  in
       src/test/ns3tc/  The suite includes 5 test cases:

       • Test 1: The first test checks that packets that cannot be classified  by  any  available
         filter are dropped.

       • Test  2:  The second test checks that IPv4 packets having distinct destination addresses
         are enqueued into different flow queues. Also, it checks that packets are  dropped  from
         the fat flow in case the queue disc capacity is exceeded.

       • Test  3:  The  third test checks the dequeue operation and the deficit round robin-based

       • Test 4: The fourth test checks that TCP packets with distinct port numbers are  enqueued
         into different flow queues.

       • Test  5:  The fifth test checks that UDP packets with distinct port numbers are enqueued
         into different flow queues.

       • Test 6: The sixth test checks that the packets are marked correctly.

       • Test 7: The seventh test checks the working of set associative hashing  and  its  linear
         probing  capabilities by using TCP packets with different hashes enqueued into different
         sets and queues.

       • Test 8: The eighth test checks the L4S mode of FqCoDel where ECT1 packets are marked  at
         CE  threshold (target delay does not matter) while ECT0 packets continue to be marked at
         target delay (CE threshold does not matter).

       The test suite can be run using the following commands:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests
          $ ./waf build
          $ ./ -s fq-codel-queue-disc


          $ NS_LOG="FqCoDelQueueDisc" ./waf --run "test-runner --suite=fq-codel-queue-disc"

       Set associative hashing is tested by generating a probability collision graph.  This graph
       is  then  overlapped with the theoretical graph provided in the original CAKE paper (refer
       to Figure 1 from CAKE).  The generated graph is linked below: [image: Generated  Collision
       Probability Graph] [image]

       The  overlapped  graph  is also linked below: [image: Overlapped Image with the graph from
       CAKE paper] [image]

       The steps to replicate this graph are available on this link.

   Cobalt queue disc
       This  chapter  describes  the  COBALT  (CoDel  BLUE  Alternate)  ([Cake16])   queue   disc
       implementation in ns-3.

       COBALT queue disc is an integral component of CAKE smart queue management system.  It is a
       combination  of  the  CoDel  ([Kath17])  and  BLUE  ([BLUE02])  Active  Queue   Management

   Model Description
       The source code for the COBALT model is located in the directory src/traffic-control/model
       and  consists  of  2  files:  cobalt-queue-disc.h  and  defining   a
       CobaltQueueDisc  class  and a helper CobaltTimestampTag class. The code was ported to ns-3
       by Vignesh Kanan, Harsh Lara, Shefali Gupta, Jendaipou Palmei and Mohit P. Tahiliani based
       on the Linux kernel code.

       Stefano Avallone and Pasquale Imputato helped in verifying the correctness of COBALT model
       in ns-3 by comparing the results obtained from it to those obtained from the  Linux  model
       of  COBALT.  A  detailed  comparison of ns-3 model of COBALT with Linux model of COBALT is
       provided in ([Cobalt19]).

       • class CobaltQueueDisc: This class implements the main Cobalt algorithm:

       • CobaltQueueDisc::DoEnqueue (): This routine tags a packet with the current  time  before
         pushing  it  into  the  queue.  The timestamp tag is used by CobaltQueue::DoDequeue() to
         compute the packet’s sojourn time.  If the queue is full upon the packet  arrival,  this
         routine will drop the packet and record the number of drops due to queue overflow, which
         is stored in m_stats.qLimDrop.

       • CobaltQueueDisc::ShouldDrop (): This routine  is  CobaltQueueDisc::DoDequeue()’s  helper
         routine  that  determines whether a packet should be dropped or not based on its sojourn
         time. If L4S mode is enabled then if the packet is ECT1  is  checked  and  if  delay  is
         greater  than  CE threshold then the packet is marked and returns false.  If the sojourn
         time goes above m_target and remains above continuously for  at  least  m_interval,  the
         routine  returns true indicating that it is OK to drop the packet. Otherwise, it returns
         ``false.  If L4S mode is turned off and CE threshold marking is  enabled,  then  if  the
         delay  is  greater than CE threshold, packet is marked. This routine decides if a packet
         should be dropped based on the dropping state of CoDel and  drop  probability  of  BLUE.
         The  idea  is  to  have  both  algorithms running in parallel and their effectiveness is
         decided by their respective parameters (Pdrop of BLUE and dropping state of  CoDel).  If
         either of them decide to drop the packet, the packet is dropped.

       • CobaltQueueDisc::DoDequeue  ():  This  routine  performs the actual packet drop based on
         ``CobaltQueueDisc::ShouldDrop ()’s return value and schedules the next drop. Cobalt will
         decrease  BLUE’s drop probability if the queue is empty. This will ensure that the queue
         does not underflow.  Otherwise Cobalt will take the  next  packet  from  the  queue  and
         calculate  its drop state by running CoDel and BLUE in parallel till there are none left
         to drop.

            Linux implementation of Cobalt as a part of the cake framework.  Available online  at

            Controlled  Delay  Active  Queue  Management  (draft-ietf-aqm-fq-codel-07)  Available
            online at

            Feng, W. C., Shin, K. G., Kandlur, D. D., & Saha, D. (2002).  The BLUE  Active  Queue
            Management Algorithms. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 10(4), 513-528.

            Jendaipou  Palmei,  Shefali  Gupta,  Pasquale  Imputato,  Jonathan  Morton,  Mohit P.
            Tahiliani, Stefano Avallone and Dave Taht (2019).  Design and  Evaluation  of  COBALT
            Queue  Discipline.  IEEE  International  Symposium  on  Local  and  Metropolitan Area
            Networks (LANMAN), July 2019.

       The key attributes that the CobaltQueue Disc class holds include the following:

       • MaxSize: The maximum number of packets/bytes accepted by this queue disc.

       • Interval: The sliding-minimum window. The default value is 100 ms.

       • Target: The Cobalt algorithm target queue delay. The default value is 5 ms.

       • Pdrop: Value of drop probability.

       • Increment: Increment value of drop probability. Default value is 1./256 .

       • Decrement: Decrement value of drop probability. Default value is 1./4096 .

       • CeThreshold: The CoDel CE threshold for marking packets.

       • UseL4s: True to use L4S (only ECT1 packets are marked at CE threshold).

       • Count: Cobalt count.

       • DropState: Dropping state of Cobalt. Default value is false.

       • Sojourn: Per packet time spent in the queue.

       • DropNext: Time until next packet drop.

       An example program named is  located  in  src/traffic-control/examples.
       Use the following command to run the program.

          $ ./waf --run cobalt-vs-codel

       The   COBALT   model   is   tested   using   CobaltQueueDiscTestSuite   class  defined  in
       src/traffic-control/test/  The suite includes 2 test cases:

       • Test 1: Simple enqueue/dequeue with no drops.

       • Test 2: Change of BLUE’s drop probability upon queue full (Activation of Blue).

       • Test 3: This test verfies ECN marking.

       • Test 4: CE threshold marking test.

       The test suite can be run using the following commands:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests
          $ ./waf build
          $ ./ -s cobalt-queue-disc


          $ NS_LOG="CobaltQueueDisc" ./waf --run "test-runner --suite=cobalt-queue-disc"

   FqCobalt queue disc
       This chapter describes the FqCobalt ([Pal19]) queue disc implementation in ns-3.

       The FlowQueue-Cobalt  (FQ-Cobalt)  algorithm  is  similar  to  FlowQueue-CoDel  (FQ-CoDel)
       algorithm  available in :FqCoDel queue disc.  The documentation for Cobalt is available in

       FqCobalt is one of the key components of the CAKE smart  queue  management  framework   (‐
       [Hoe18]).   The  COBALT  AQM  is  preferred  to  the  CoDel AQM for CAKE because it adds a
       heuristic called BLUE to cover cases in which the CoDel control law  is  too  sluggish  to
       respond to queue growth.

   Model Description
       The   source   code   for   the   FqCobalt   queue   disc  is  located  in  the  directory
       src/traffic-control/model   and   consists   of   2   files   fq-cobalt-queue-disc.h   and  defining  a  FqCobaltQueueDisc  class  and  a helper FqCobaltFlow
       class. The code was ported to ns-3 based on Linux  kernel  code  implemented  by  Jonathan
       Morton (

       The Model Description is similar to the FqCoDel documentation mentioned above.


       J. Palmei,  S.  Gupta,  P.  Imputato,  J.  Morton, M. Tahiliani, S. Avallone, and D. Taht,
          Design and Evaluation of COBALT Queue Discipline, 2019 IEEE International Symposium  on
          Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Paris, France, 2019.


       T. Hoiland-Jørgensen,  D.  Taht  and  J.  Morton,  “Piece  of  CAKE: A Comprehensive Queue
          Management Solution for Home Gateways,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Local  and
          Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Washington, DC, USA, 2018.

       Most of the key attributes are similar to the FqCoDel implementation mentioned above.  One
       difference is the absence of the MinBytes parameter.

       Some additional parameters implemented as attributes are:

       • Pdrop: Value of drop probability.

       • Increment: Increment value of drop probability. Default value is 1./256 .

       • Decrement: Decrement value of drop probability. Default value is 1./4096 .

       • BlueThreshold: The threshold after which Blue is enabled. Default value is 400ms.

       Note that if the user wants to disable Blue Enhancement then the user  can  set  it  to  a
       large value; for example, to Time::Max ().

       A  typical  usage  pattern is to create a traffic control helper and to configure the type
       and attributes of the queue disc and filters from the helper.  For example,  FqCobalt  can
       be configured as follows:

          TrafficControlHelper tch;
          tch.SetRootQueueDisc ("ns3::FqCobaltQueueDisc", "DropBatchSize", UintegerValue (1)
                                                         "Perturbation", UintegerValue (256));
          QueueDiscContainer qdiscs = tch.Install (devices);

       The   FqCobalt   model   is  tested  using  FqCobaltQueueDiscTestSuite  class  defined  in

       The tests are similar to the ones for FqCoDel queue disc mentioned  in  first  section  of
       this document.  The test suite can be run using the following commands:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests
          $ ./waf build
          $ ./ -s fq-cobalt-queue-disc


          $ NS_LOG="FqCobaltQueueDisc" ./waf --run "test-runner --suite=fq-cobalt-queue-disc"

   PIE queue disc
       This chapter describes the PIE ([Pan13], [Pan16]) queue disc implementation in ns-3.

       Proportional Integral controller Enhanced (PIE) is a queuing discipline that aims to solve
       the bufferbloat [Buf14] problem. The model in ns-3 is a port of Preethi  Natarajan’s  ns-2
       PIE model.

   Model Description
       The  source  code  for the PIE model is located in the directory src/traffic-control/model
       and consists of 2 files pie-queue-disc.h and  defining  a  PieQueueDisc
       class.  The code was ported to ns-3 by Mohit P. Tahiliani, Shravya K. S. and Smriti Murali
       based on ns-2 code implemented by Preethi Natarajan, Rong Pan, Chiara Piglione, Greg White
       and Takashi Hayakawa. The implementation was aligned with RFC 8033 by Vivek Jain and Mohit
       P. Tahiliani for the ns-3.32 release, with  additional  unit  test  cases  contributed  by
       Bhaskar Kataria.

       • class PieQueueDisc: This class implements the main PIE algorithm:

         • PieQueueDisc::DoEnqueue  (): This routine checks whether the queue is full, and if so,
           drops the packets and records the number of drops due to queue overflow. If  queue  is
           not  full  then if ActiveThreshold is set then it checks if queue delay is higher than
           ActiveThreshold and if it is then, this routine calls  PieQueueDisc::DropEarly(),  and
           depending on the value returned, the incoming packet is either enqueued or dropped.

         • PieQueueDisc::DropEarly  ():  The  decision  to enqueue or drop the packet is taken by
           invoking this routine, which returns a boolean value; false indicates enqueue and true
           indicates drop.

         • PieQueueDisc::CalculateP (): This routine is called at a regular interval of m_tUpdate
           and updates the drop probability, which is required by PieQueueDisc::DropEarly()PieQueueDisc::DoDequeue (): This routine calculates queue delay using  timestamps  (by
           default)  or,  optionally with the UseDequeRateEstimator attribute enabled, calculates
           the average departure rate to estimate queue delay. A queue  delay  estimate  required
           for  updating  the  drop probability in PieQueueDisc::CalculateP (). Starting with the
           ns-3.32 release, the default approach to calculate queue delay has been changed to use

            Pan,  R.,  Natarajan,  P., Piglione, C., Prabhu, M. S., Subramanian, V., Baker, F., &
            VerSteeg, B.  (2013,  July).  PIE:  A  lightweight  control  scheme  to  address  the
            bufferbloat problem. In High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), 2013 IEEE 14th
            International   Conference   on   (pp.   148-155).   IEEE.    Available   online   at


       R. Pan,  P.  Natarajan,  F.  Baker,  G.  White,  B. VerSteeg, M.S. Prabhu, C. Piglione, V.
          Subramanian,  Internet-Draft:  PIE:  A  lightweight  control  scheme  to  address   the
          bufferbloat       problem,       April       2016.        Available      online      at

       The key attributes that the PieQueue class holds include the following:

       • MaxSize: The maximum number of bytes or packets the queue can hold.

       • MeanPktSize: Mean packet size in bytes. The default value is 1000 bytes.

       • Tupdate: Time period to calculate drop probability. The default value is 30 ms.

       • Supdate: Start time of the update timer. The default value is 0 ms.

       • DequeueThreshold: Minimum queue size in bytes  before  dequeue  rate  is  measured.  The
         default value is 10000 bytes.

       • QueueDelayReference: Desired queue delay. The default value is 20 ms.

       • MaxBurstAllowance:  Current  max  burst  allowance  in  seconds  before random drop. The
         default value is 0.1 seconds.

       • A: Value of alpha. The default value is 0.125.

       • B: Value of beta. The default value is 1.25.

       • UseDequeueRateEstimator:  Enable/Disable  usage  of  Dequeue  Rate  Estimator  (Default:

       • UseEcn: True to use ECN. Packets are marked instead of being dropped (Default: false).

       • MarkEcnThreshold: ECN marking threshold (Default: 10% as suggested in RFC 8033).

       • UseDerandomization:   Enable/Disable  Derandomization  feature  mentioned  in  RFC  8033
         (Default: false).

       • UseCapDropAdjustment: Enable/Disable Cap Drop Adjustment feature mentioned in  RFC  8033
         (Default: true).

       • ActiveThreshold: Threshold for activating PIE (disabled by default).

       The example for PIE is located in src/traffic-control/examples.  To run the
       file (the first invocation below shows the available command-line options):

          $ ./waf --run "pie-example --PrintHelp"
          $ ./waf --run "pie-example --writePcap=1"

       The expected output from the previous commands are ten .pcap files.

       The   PIE   model   is   tested   using    PieQueueDiscTestSuite    class    defined    in
       src/traffic-control/test/  The  suite  includes the following test

       • Test 1: simple enqueue/dequeue with defaults, no drops

       • Test 2: more data with defaults, unforced drops but no forced drops

       • Test 3: same as test 2, but with higher QueueDelayReference

       • Test 4: same as test 2, but with reduced dequeue rate

       • Test 5: same dequeue rate as test 4, but with higher Tupdate

       • Test 6: same as test 2, but with UseDequeueRateEstimator enabled

       • Test 7: test with CapDropAdjustment disabled

       • Test 8: test with CapDropAdjustment enabled

       • Test 9: PIE queue disc is ECN enabled, but packets are not ECN capable

       • Test 10: Packets are ECN capable, but PIE queue disc is not ECN enabled

       • Test 11: Packets and PIE queue disc both are ECN capable

       • Test 12: test with Derandomization enabled

       • Test 13: same as test 11 but  with  accumulated  drop  probability  set  below  the  low

       • Test  14:  same  as  test  12  but  with accumulated drop probability set above the high

       • Test 15: Tests Active/Inactive feature, ActiveThreshold set to a high value so PIE never

       • Test 16: Tests Active/Inactive feature, ActiveThreshold set to a low value so PIE starts

       The test suite can be run using the following commands:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests
          $ ./waf build
          $ ./ -s pie-queue-disc

       or alternatively (to see logging statements in a debug build):

          $ NS_LOG="PieQueueDisc" ./waf --run "test-runner --suite=pie-queue-disc"

   FQ-PIE queue disc
       This chapter describes the FQ-PIE ([Ram19]) queue disc implementation in ns-3.

       The FQ-PIE queue disc combines the Proportional Integral  Controller  Enhanced  (PIE)  AQM
       algorithm  with the FlowQueue scheduler that is part of FQ-CoDel (also available in ns-3).
       FQ-PIE was introduced to Linux kernel version 5.6.

   Model Description
       The   source   code   for   the   FqPieQueueDisc   is    located    in    the    directory
       src/traffic-control/model    and    consists    of   2   files   fq-pie-queue-disc.h   and defining a FqPieQueueDisc class and a  helper  FqPieFlow  class.  The
       code was ported to ns-3 based on Linux kernel code implemented by Mohit P. Tahiliani.

       This  model calculates drop probability independently in each flow queue.  One difficulty,
       as pointed out by [CableLabs14], is that PIE calculates  drop  probability  based  on  the
       departure  rate  of  a  (flow) queue, which may be more highly variable than the aggregate
       queue.  An alternative, which CableLabs has called SFQ-PIE, is  to  calculate  an  overall
       drop  probability  for  the  entire  queue structure, and then scale this drop probability
       based on the ratio of the queue depth of each flow queue compared with the  depth  of  the
       current  largest  queue.  This ns-3 model does not implement the SFQ-PIE variant described
       by CableLabs.


       G. Ramakrishnan, M. Bhasi, V. Saicharan, L. Monis,  S.  D.  Patil  and  M.  P.  Tahiliani,
          “FQ-PIE  Queue  Discipline in the Linux Kernel: Design, Implementation and Challenges,”
          2019 IEEE 44th  LCN  Symposium  on  Emerging  Topics  in  Networking  (LCN  Symposium),
          Osnabrueck, Germany, 2019, pp. 117-124,


       G. White,  Active  Queue Management in DOCSIS 3.X Cable Modems, CableLabs white paper, May

       The key attributes that the FqPieQueue class holds include the  following.   First,  there
       are PIE-specific attributes that are copied into the individual PIE flow queues:

       • UseEcn: Whether to use ECN marking

       • MarkEcnThreshold: ECN marking threshold (RFC 8033 suggests 0.1 (i.e., 10%) default).

       • UseL4s: Whether to use L4S (only mark ECT1 packets at CE threshold)

       • MeanPktSize: Constant used to roughly convert bytes to packets

       • A: Alpha value in PIE algorithm drop probability calculation

       • B: Beta value in PIE algorithm drop probability calculation

       • Tupdate: Time period to calculate drop probability

       • Supdate: Start time of the update timer

       • DequeueThreshold: Minimum queue size in bytes before dequeue rate is measured

       • QueueDelayReference: AQM latency target

       • MaxBurstAllowance: AQM max burst allowance before random drop

       • UseDequeueRateEstimator: Enable/Disable usage of Dequeue Rate Estimator

       • UseCapDropAdjustment: Enable/Disable Cap Drop Adjustment feature mentioned in RFC 8033

       • UseDerandomization: Enable/Disable Derandomization feature mentioned in RFC 8033

       Second,  there  are QueueDisc level, or FQ-specific attributes:: * MaxSize: Maximum number
       of packets in the queue disc * Flows: Maximum  number  of  flow  queues  *  DropBatchSize:
       Maximum  number  of  packets  dropped from the fat flow * Perturbation: Salt value used as
       hash input when classifying  flows  *  EnableSetAssociativeHash:  Enable  or  disable  set
       associative hash * SetWays: Size of a set of queues in set associative hash

       A  typical  usage  pattern is to create a traffic control helper and to configure the type
       and attributes of queue disc and filters from  the  helper.  For  example,  FqPIE  can  be
       configured as follows:

          TrafficControlHelper tch;
          tch.SetRootQueueDisc ("ns3::FqPieQueueDisc", "DropBatchSize", UintegerValue (1)
                                                         "Perturbation", UintegerValue (256));
          QueueDiscContainer qdiscs = tch.Install (devices);

       The   FqPie   model   is   tested   using   FqPieQueueDiscTestSuite   class   defined   in

       The tests are similar to the ones for FqCoDel queue disc mentioned  in  first  section  of
       this document.  The test suite can be run using the following commands:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests
          $ ./waf build
          $ ./ -s fq-pie-queue-disc


          $ NS_LOG="FqPieQueueDisc" ./waf --run "test-runner --suite=fq-pie-queue-disc"

   Mq queue disc
       This chapter describes the mq queue disc implementation in ns-3.

       mq  is  a classful multiqueue dummy scheduler developed to best fit the multiqueue traffic
       control API in Linux. The mq scheduler presents device  transmission  queues  as  classes,
       allowing  to  attach  different  queue  discs  to  them,  which  are grafted to the device
       transmission queues.

       Mq is installed by default on multi-queue devices (such as  Wifi)  with  as  many  FqCodel
       child queue discs as the number of device queues.

   Model Description
       mq is a multi-queue aware queue disc, meaning that it has as many child queue discs as the
       number of device transmission queues. Each child queue disc  maps  to  a  distinct  device
       transmission  queue.  Every packet is enqueued into the child queue disc which maps to the
       device transmission queue in which the device will enqueue the packet.

       In ns-3, MqQueueDisc has a wake mode of WAKE_CHILD, which means that the  traffic  control
       layer enqueues packets directly into one of the child queue discs (multi-queue devices can
       provide a callback to inform the traffic control layer of the  device  transmission  queue
       that  will  be  selected  for  a given packet). Therefore, MqQueueDisc::DoEnqueue () shall
       never be called (in fact, it raises a fatal  error).   Given  that  dequeuing  packets  is
       triggered  by  enqueuing  a  packet  in  the queue disc or by the device invoking the wake
       callback, it turns out that MqQueueDisc::DoDequeue () is never called as well (in fact, it
       raises a fatal error, too).

       The mq queue disc does not require packet filters, does not admit internal queues and must
       have as many child queue discs as the number of device transmission queues.

       A typical usage pattern is to create a traffic control helper used  to  add  the  required
       number  of queue disc classes, attach child queue discs to the classes and (if needed) add
       packet filters to the child queue discs. The following code shows how  to  install  an  mq
       queue disc having FqCodel child queue discs:

          TrafficControlHelper tch;
          uint16_t handle = tch.SetRootQueueDisc ("ns3::MqQueueDisc");
          TrafficControlHelper::ClassIdList cls = tch.AddQueueDiscClasses (handle, numTxQueues, "ns3::QueueDiscClass");
          tch.AddChildQueueDiscs (handle, cls, "ns3::FqCoDelQueueDisc");
          QueueDiscContainer qdiscs = tch.Install (devices);

       Note  that  the child queue discs attached to the classes do not necessarily have to be of
       the same type.

       The   mq   model   is   tested   using    WifiAcMappingTestSuite    class    defined    in
       src/test/ The suite considers a node with a QoS-enabled wifi
       device (which has 4 transmission queues) and includes 4 test cases:

       • Test 1: EF-marked packets are enqueued in the queue disc which maps to the AC_VI queue

       • Test 2: AF11-marked packets are enqueued in the queue disc which maps to the AC_BK queue

       • Test 3: AF32-marked packets are enqueued in the queue disc which maps to the AC_BE queue

       • Test 4: CS7-marked packets are enqueued in the queue disc which maps to the AC_VO queue

       The test suite can be run using the following commands:

          $ ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests
          $ ./waf build
          $ ./ -s ns3-wifi-ac-mapping


          $ NS_LOG="WifiAcMappingTest" ./waf --run "test-runner --suite=ns3-wifi-ac-mapping"


       The main goal of the UAN Framework  is  to  enable  researchers  to  model  a  variety  of
       underwater network scenarios.  The UAN model is broken into four main parts:  The channel,
       PHY, MAC and Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) models.

       The need for underwater wireless communications exists  in  applications  such  as  remote
       control  in  offshore  oil  industry  [1],  pollution monitoring in environmental systems,
       speech transmission between divers, mapping of the ocean floor, mine counter measures  [2]
       [4],   seismic  monitoring  of  ocean  faults  as  well  as  climate  changes  monitoring.
       Unfortunately, making on-field measurements is very expensive and there  are  no  commonly
       accepted standard to base on. Hence, the priority to make research work going on, it is to
       realize a complete simulation framework that researchers can use to experiment, make tests
       and make performance evaluation and comparison.

       The  NS-3  UAN  module  is  a first step in this direction, trying to offer a reliable and
       realistic tool. In fact, the UAN  module  offers  accurate  modelling  of  the  underwater
       acoustic  channel,  a  model  of  the WHOI acoustic modem (one of the widely used acoustic
       modems) [6] and its communications performance, and some MAC protocols.

   Model Description
       The source code for the UAN Framework lives in the directory src/uan and in src/energy for
       the contribution on the li-ion battery model.

       The UAN Framework is composed of two main parts:

       • the  AUV  mobility models, including Electric motor propelled AUV (REMUS class [3] [4] )
         and Seaglider [5] models

       • the energy models, including AUV energy models, AUV energy sources  (batteries)  and  an
         acoustic modem energy model

       As  enabling  component  for  the energy models, a Li-Ion batteries energy source has been
       implemented basing on [7] [8].

   UAN Propagation Models
       Modelling of the underwater acoustic channel has been an active area of research for quite
       some  time.   Given  the  complications involved, surface and bottom interactions, varying
       speed of sound, etc…, the detailed models in use for ocean acoustics research are much too
       complex  (in terms of runtime) for use in network level simulations.  We have attempted to
       provide the often used models as well as make an attempt  to  bridge,  in  part,  the  gap
       between  complicated  ocean  acoustic  models  and  network  level  simulation.  The three
       propagation models included are the ideal channel model, the Thorp propagation  model  and
       the Bellhop propagation model (Available as an addition).

       All  of the Propagation Models follow the same simple interface in ns3::UanPropModel.  The
       propagation models provide a power delay profile (PDP) and pathloss information.  The  PDP
       is  retrieved  using  the GetPdp method which returns type UanPdp.  ns3::UanPdp utilises a
       tapped delay line model for the acoustic channel.  The UanPdp class is a  container  class
       for  Taps,  each tap has a delay and amplitude member corresponding to the time of arrival
       (relative to the first tap arrival time)  and  amplitude.    The  propagation  model  also
       provides pathloss between the source and receiver in dB re 1uPa.  The PDP and pathloss can
       then be used to find the received signal power over a  duration  of  time  (i.e.  received
       signal  power  in  a  symbol duration and ISI which interferes with neighbouring signals).
       Both UanPropModelIdeal and UanPropModelThorp return a single impulse for a PDP.

       a. Ideal Channel Model ns3::UanPropModelIdeal

       The ideal channel model assumes 0 pathloss inside a cylindrical area with  bounds  set  by
       attribute.  The ideal channel model also assumes an impulse PDP.

       b. Thorp Propagation Model ns3::UanPropModelThorp

       The  Thorp Propagation Model calculates pathloss using the well-known Thorp approximation.
       This model is similar to the underwater channel model  implemented  in  ns2  as  described

       Harris,  A.  F.  and  Zorzi,  M. 2007. Modeling the underwater acoustic channel in ns2. In
       Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on  Performance  Evaluation  Methodologies
       and  Tools  (Nantes, France, October 22 - 27, 2007). ValueTools, vol. 321. ICST (Institute
       for  Computer  Sciences  Social-Informatics  and  Telecommunications  Engineering),  ICST,
       Brussels, Belgium, 1-8.

       The  frequency  used  in calculation however, is the center frequency of the modulation as
       found from ns3::UanTxMode.  The Thorp Propagation Model also assumes  an  impulse  channel

       c. Bellhop Propagation Model ns3::UanPropModelBh (Available as an addition)

       The   Bellhop  propagation  model  reads  propagation  information  from  a  database.   A
       configuration file describing the location, and resolution  of  the  archived  information
       must be supplied via attributes.  We have included a utility, create-dat, which can create
       these   data   files   using   the   Bellhop   Acoustic   Ray    Tracing    software    (‐

       The  create-dat utility requires a Bellhop installation to run.  Bellhop takes environment
       information about the channel, such as sound speed profile, surface  height  bottom  type,
       water  depth,  and  uses  a  Gaussian  ray  tracing  algorithm  to  determine  propagation
       information.  Arrivals from Bellhop are grouped  together  into  equal  length  taps  (the
       arrivals  in  a tap duration are coherently summed).  The maximum taps are then aligned to
       take the same position in the PDP.  The create-dat utility averages together several  runs
       and  then  normalizes  the  average  such  that  the  sum  of  all  taps  is  1.  The same
       configuration file used to create the data files using create-dat  should  be  passed  via
       attribute to the Bellhop Propagation Model.

       The  Bellhop  propagation  model  is  available as a patch.  The link address will be made
       available here when it is posted online.   Otherwise  email  for  more

   UAN PHY Model Overview
       The  PHY  has  been  designed  to  allow  for  relatively easy extension to new networking
       scenarios.  We feel this is important as, to date, there has  been  no  commonly  accepted
       network  level  simulation  model  for underwater networks.  The lack of commonly accepted
       network simulation tools has resulted in a wide array of simulators  and  models  used  to
       report  results in literature.  The lack of standardization makes comparing results nearly

       The main component of the PHY Model is the generic PHY  class,  ns3::UanPhyGen.   The  PHY
       class’s  general  responsibility is to handle packet acquisition, error determination, and
       forwarding of successful packets up to the MAC layer.  The Generic PHY uses two models for
       determination  of  signal  to  noise  ratio  (SINR)  and  packet  error  rate  (PER).  The
       combination of the PER and SINR models determine successful reception of packets.  The PHY
       model connects to the channel via a Transducer class.  The Transducer class is responsible
       for tracking all arriving packets and departing packets over the duration of  the  events.
       How the PHY class and the PER and SINR models respond to packets is based on the “Mode” of
       the transmission as described by the ns3::UanTxMode class.

       When a MAC layer sends down a packet to the PHY for  transmission  it  specifies  a  “mode
       number”  to  be used for the transmission.  The PHY class accepts, as an attribute, a list
       of supported modes.  The mode number corresponds to an index in the supported modes.   The
       UanTxMode  contains simple modulation information and a unique string id.  The generic PHY
       class will only acquire arriving packets which use a mode which is in the supported  modes
       list  of  the  PHY.   The  mode  along  with  received  signal  power, and other pertinent
       attributes (e.g. possibly interfering packets and their modes) are passed to the SINR  and
       PER models for calculation of SINR and probability of error.

       Several simple example PER and SINR models have been created.  a) The PER models - Default
       (simple) PER model (ns3::UanPhyPerGenDefault):  The Default PER  model  tests  the  packet
       against a threshold and assumes error (with prob. 1) if the SINR is below the threshold or
       success if the SINR is above the threshold - Micromodem FH-FSK PER (ns3::UanPhyPerUmodem).
       The  FH-FSK  PER  model  calculates probability of error assuming a rate 1/2 convolutional
       code with constraint length 9 and a CRC check capable of correcting up  to  1  bit  error.
       This is similar to what is used in the receiver of the WHOI Micromodem.

       b)  SINR  models  -  Default  Model  (ns3::UanPhyCalcSinrDefault),  The default SINR model
       assumes that all transmitted energy is captured at the receiver and that there is no  ISI.
       Any received signal power from interferes acts as additional ambient noise.  - FH-FSK SINR
       Model (ns3::UanPhyCalcSinrFhFsk), The WHOI Micromodem operating  in  FH-FSK  mode  uses  a
       predetermined  hopping  pattern that is shared by all nodes in the network.  We model this
       by  only  including  signal  energy  receiving  within  one  symbol  time  (as  given   by
       ns3::UanTxMode)  in  calculating  the  received  signal power.  A channel clearing time is
       given to the FH-FSK SINR model via attribute.  Any  signal  energy  arriving  in  adjacent
       signals  (after  a  symbol time and the clearing time) is considered ISI and is treated as
       additional ambient noise.   Interfering signal arrivals inside a symbol time  (any  symbol
       time)   is   also   counted   as  additional  ambient  noise  -  Frequency  filtered  SINR
       (ns3::UanPhyCalcSinrDual).  This SINR model calculates SINR in  the  same  manner  as  the
       default  model.   This model however only considers interference if there is an overlap in
       frequency of the arriving packets as determined by UanTxMode.

       In addition to the generic PHY a dual phy layer is also included (ns3::UanPhyDual).   This
       wraps  two generic phy layers together to model a net device which includes two receivers.
       This was primarily developed for UanMacRc, described in the next section.

   UAN MAC Model Overview
       Over the last several years there have been a myriad of underwater MAC  proposals  in  the
       literature.  We have included three MAC protocols with this distribution: a) CW-MAC, a MAC
       protocol which uses a slotted contention window similar in nature to the IEEE 802.11  DCF.
       Nodes have a constant contention window measured in slot times (configured via attribute).
       If the channel is sensed busy, then  nodes  backoff  by  randomly  (uniform  distribution)
       choose  a slot to transmit in.  The slot time durations are also configured via attribute.
       This MAC was described in

       Parrish N.; Tracy L.; Roy S. Arabshahi P.; and Fox, W.,  System Design Considerations  for
       Undersea  Networks: Link and Multiple Access Protocols , IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
       Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Underwater Wireless Communications  and  Networks,
       Dec. 2008.

       b) RC-MAC (ns3::UanMacRc ns3::UanMacRcGw) a reservation channel protocol which dynamically
       divides the available bandwidth into a data channel  and  a  control  channel.   This  MAC
       protocol  assumes  there is a gateway node which all network traffic is destined for.  The
       current implementation assumes a single gateway  and  a  single  network  neighborhood  (a
       single  hop  network).   RTS/CTS  handshaking  is  used  and  time is divided into cycles.
       Non-gateway nodes transmit RTS packets on the control channel in parallel to  data  packet
       transmissions  which were scheduled in the previous cycle at the start of a new cycle, the
       gateway responds on the data channel with a CTS packet which includes packet  transmission
       times  of data packets for received RTS packets in the previous cycle as well as bandwidth
       allocation information.  At the end of a cycle ACK packets are  transmitted  for  received
       data packets.

       When a publication is available it will be cited here.

       c. Simple ALOHA (ns3::UanMacAloha)  Nodes transmit at will.

   AUV mobility models
       The AUV mobility models have been designed as in the follows.

   Use cases
       The user will be able to:

       • program the AUV to navigate over a path of waypoints

       • control the velocity of the AUV

       • control the depth of the AUV

       • control the direction of the AUV

       • control the pitch of the AUV

       • tell the AUV to emerge or submerge to a specified depth

   AUV mobility models design
       Implement  a  model  of  the  navigation  of  AUV.  This involves implementing two classes
       modelling the two major categories of AUVs: electric motor propelled (like REMUS class [3]
       [4])  and “sea gliders” [5].  The classic AUVs are submarine-like devices, propelled by an
       electric motor linked with a propeller. Instead, the “sea  glider”  class  exploits  small
       changes  in  its  buoyancy that, in conjunction with wings, can convert vertical motion to
       horizontal. So, a glider will reach a point into the water  by  describing  a  “saw-tooth”
       movement.   Modelling  the  AUV navigation, involves in considering a real-world AUV class
       thus, taking into account maximum speed, directional capabilities, emerging and submerging
       times.   Regarding  the sea gliders, it is modelled the characteristic saw-tooth movement,
       with AUV’s speed driven by buoyancy and glide angle.
         [image] AUV’s mobility model classes overview.UNINDENT

         An ns3::AuvMobilityModel interface has been designed to give users a  generic  interface
         to  access AUV’s navigation functions.  The AuvMobilityModel interface is implemented by
         the RemusMobilityModel and the GliderMobilityModel classes. The  AUV’s  mobility  models
         organization  it  is  shown in AUV’s mobility model classes overview.  Both models use a
         constant velocity  movement,  thus  the  AuvMobilityModel  interface  derives  from  the
         ConstantVelocityMobilityModel.  The  two  classes hold the navigation parameters for the
         two different AUVs, like maximum pitch angles,  maximum  operating  depth,  maximum  and
         minimum  speed  values.  The  Glider model holds also some extra parameters like maximum
         buoyancy values, and maximum and minimum glide slopes.  Both classes, RemusMobilityModel
         and  GliderMobilityModel,  handle also the AUV power consumption, utilizing the relative
         power models.  Has been modified the WaypointMobilityModel  to  let  it  use  a  generic
         underlying  ConstantVelocityModel  to  validate  the waypoints and, to keep trace of the
         node’s position. The default model is the classic ConstantVelocityModel but, for example
         in  case  of  REMUS mobility model, the user can install the AUV mobility model into the
         waypoint model and then validating the waypoints against REMUS navigation constraints.

   Energy models
       The energy models have been designed as in the follows.

   Use cases
       The user will be able to:

       • use a specific power profile for the acoustic modem

       • use a specific energy model for the AUV

       • trace the power consumption of AUV navigation, through AUV’s energy model

       • trace the power consumption underwater acoustic communications, through  acoustic  modem
         power profile

       We  have integrated the Energy Model with the UAN module, to implement energy handling. We
       have implemented a specific energy model for the two AUV classes and, an energy source for
       Lithium  batteries.  This  will  be really useful for researchers to keep trace of the AUV
       operational life.  We have implemented also an acoustic modem power profile, to keep trace
       of  its  power  consumption.  This  can  be  used  to  compare  protocols  specific  power
       performance. In order to use such power profile, the acoustic  transducer  physical  layer
       has  been  modified  to  use the modem power profile. We have decoupled the physical layer
       from the transducer specific energy model, to let the users change  the  different  energy
       models without changing the physical layer.

   AUV energy models
       Basing  on  the  Device  Energy Model interface, it has been implemented a specific energy
       model for the two AUV classes (REMUS and  Seaglider).  This  models  reproduce  the  AUV’s
       specific power consumption to give users accurate information. This model can be naturally
       used to evaluates the AUV operating life, as well as  mission-related  power  consumption,
       etc. Have been developed two AUV energy models:

       • GliderEnergyModel,  computes  the  power consumption of the vehicle based on the current
         buoyancy value and vertical speed [5]

       • RemusEnergyModel, computes the power consumption of the vehicle  based  on  the  current
         speed, as it is propelled by a brush-less electric motor

          TODO extend a little bit

   AUV energy sources

   Acoustic modem energy model
       Basing  on  the Device Energy Model interface, has been implemented a generic energy model
       for acoustic modem. The model allows to trace  four  modem’s  power-states:  Sleep,  Idle,
       Receiving,  Transmitting. The default parameters for the energy model are set to fit those
       of the WHOI \mu-modem. The class follows pretty closely the RadioEnergyModel class as  the
       transducer behaviour is pretty close to that of a Wi-Fi radio.

       The default power consumption values implemented into the model are as follows [6]:

                                   │Modem State │ Power Consumption │
                                   │TX          │ 50 W              │
                                   │RX          │ 158 mW            │
                                   │Idle        │ 158 mW            │
                                   │Sleep       │ 5.8 mW            │

   UAN module energy modifications
       The  UAN  module  has  been  modified  in order to utilize the implemented energy classes.
       Specifically, it has been modified the physical layer of  the  UAN  module.  It  Has  been
       implemented an UpdatePowerConsumption method that takes the modem’s state as parameter. It
       checks if an energy source is installed into the node  and,  in  case,  it  then  use  the
       AcousticModemEnergyModel  to  update the power consumption with the current modem’s state.
       The modem power consumption’s update takes place whenever the modem changes its state.

       A user should take into account that, if the power consumption handling is enabled (if the
       node  has  an  energy  source  installed), all the communications processes will terminate
       whether the node depletes all the energy source.

   Li-Ion batteries model
       A generic Li-Ion battery model has been implemented based on [7] [8].  The  model  can  be
       fitted  to  any  type of Li-Ion battery simply changing the model’s parameters The default
       values are fitted for the Panasonic CGR18650DA Li-Ion Battery [9].  [TODO  insert  figure]
       As  shown  in  figure  the  model  approximates  very  well  the  Li-Ion cells.  Regarding
       Seagliders, the batteries used into the  AUV  are  Electrochem  3B36  Lithium  /  Sulfuryl
       Chloride  cells  [10].  Also  with  this  cell  type,  the model seems to approximates the
       different discharge curves pretty well, as shown in the figure.

          should I insert the li-ion model deatils here? I think it is better to put them into an
          Energy-related chapter..

   Scope and Limitations
       The  framework is designed to simulate AUV’s behaviour. We have modeled the navigation and
       power consumption behaviour of REMUS class and Seaglider AUVs.  The communications  stack,
       associated  with  the  AUV,  can  be  modified depending on simulation needs. Usually, the
       default underwater stack is being used, composed of an  half  duplex  acoustic  modem,  an
       Aloha MAC protocol and a generic physical layer.

       Regarding  the AUV energy consumption, the user should be aware that the level of accuracy
       differs for the two classes:

       • Seaglider, high level of accuracy, thanks to the availability of detailed information on
         AUV’s  components  and  behaviour  [5] [10]. Have been modeled both the navigation power
         consumption and the Li battery packs (according to [5]).

       • REMUS, medium level of accuracy, due to the lack of publicly  available  information  on
         AUV’s  components.  We have approximated the power consumption of the AUV’s motor with a
         linear behaviour and, the energy source uses an ideal model (BasicEnergySource)  with  a
         power capacity equal to that specified in [4].

   Future Work
       Some ideas could be :

       • insert a data logging capability

       • modify the framework to use sockets (enabling the possibility to use applications)

       • introduce some more MAC protocols

       • modify  the  physical  layer  to  let  it  consider  the  Doppler spread (problematic in
         underwater environments)

       • introduce OFDM modulations

       [1]  BINGHAM, D.; DRAKE, T.; HILL, A.; LOTT, R.; The Application of Autonomous  Underwater
            Vehicle  (AUV)  Technology  in  the  Oil  Industry  –  Vision  and  Experiences, URL:

       [2]  AUVfest2008:                 Underwater                  mines;                  URL:

       [3]  Hydroinc Products; URL:

       [4]  WHOI,         Autonomous         Underwater        Vehicle,        REMUS;        URL:

       [5]  Eriksen, C.C., T.J. Osse, R.D. Light, T. Wen, T.W. Lehman, P.L. Sabin, J.W.  Ballard,
            and   A.M.   Chiodi.  Seaglider:  A  Long-Range  Autonomous  Underwater  Vehicle  for
            Oceanographic Research, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering,  26,  4,  October  2001.

       [6]  L.  Freitag,  M. Grund, I. Singh, J. Partan, P. Koski, K. Ball, and W. Hole, The whoi
            micro-modem: an acoustic communications and navigation system for multiple platforms,
            In         Proc.         IEEE         OCEANS05         Conf,        2005.        URL:

       [7]  C. M. Shepherd, “Design of Primary and Secondary Cells - Part 3.   Battery  discharge
            equation,” U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, 1963

       [8]  Tremblay,  O.;  Dessaint,  L.-A.;  Dekkiche,  A.-I., “A Generic Battery Model for the
            Dynamic Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicles,”  Ecole  de  Technologie  Superieure,
            Universite               du               Quebec,              2007              URL:

       [9]  Panasonic                 CGR18650DA                 Datasheet,                  URL:

       [10] Electrochem                   3B36                   Datasheet,                  URL:

       The main way that users who write simulation scripts will typically interact with the  UAN
       Framework  is  through  the  helper API and through the publicly visible attributes of the

       The helper API is defined in src/uan/helper/acoustic-modem-energy-model-helper.{cc,h}  and
       in /src/uan/helper/...{cc,h}.

       The  example folder src/uan/examples/ contain some basic code that shows how to set up and
       use the models.  further examples can be found into the Unit tests in src/uan/test/

       Examples of the Framework’s usage can  be  found  into  the  examples  folder.  There  are
       mobility related examples and UAN related ones.

   Mobility Model Examplesauv-energy-model:
                In this example we show the basic usage of an AUV energy model.  Specifically, we
                show how to create a generic node,  adding  to  it  a  basic  energy  source  and
                consuming  energy from the energy source. In this example we show the basic usage
                of an AUV energy model.

                The Seaglider AUV power  consumption  depends  on  buoyancy  and  vertical  speed
                values,  so  we  simulate  a 20 seconds movement at 0.3 m/s of vertical speed and
                138g of buoyancy. Then a 20 seconds movement at 0.2 m/s  of  vertical  speed  and
                138g of buoyancy and then a stop of 5 seconds.

                The   required  energy  will  be  drained  by  the  model  basing  on  the  given
                buoyancy/speed values, from the energy source installed onto the node. We finally
                register a callback to the TotalEnergyConsumption traced value.


                In  this  example  we  show  how  to  use the AuvMobilityHelper to install an AUV
                mobility model into a (set of) node. Then we make the AUV to submerge to a  depth
                of  1000 meters. We then set a callback function called on reaching of the target
                depth.  The callback then makes the AUV to emerge to water surface (0 meters). We
                set  also a callback function called on reaching of the target depth.  The emerge
                callback then, stops the AUV.

                During the whole navigation  process,  the  AUV’s  position  is  tracked  by  the
                TracePos function and plotted into a Gnuplot graph.


                We   show   how   to   use   the   WaypointMobilityModel   with   a  non-standard
                ConstantVelocityMobilityModel.   We  first  create  a  waypoint  model  with   an
                underlying  RemusMobilityModel setting the mobility trace with two waypoints.  We
                then create a waypoint model with an underlying GliderMobilityModel  setting  the
                waypoints  separately with the AddWaypoint method.  The AUV’s position is printed
                out every seconds.

   UAN Examplesli-ion-energy-source
                In this  simple  example,  we  show  how  to  create  and  drain  energy  from  a
                LiIonEnergySource.   We  make  a  series  of discharge calls to the energy source
                class, with different current drain  and  durations,  until  all  the  energy  is
                depleted  from  the  cell  (i.e. the voltage of the cell goes below the threshold
                level).  Every 20 seconds we print out the actual cell voltage to verify that  it
                follows  the  discharge curve [9].  At the end of the example it is verified that
                after the energy depletion call, the cell voltage is below the threshold voltage.


                This is a comprehensive example where all the project’s components are used.   We
                setup  two nodes, one fixed surface gateway equipped with an acoustic modem and a
                moving Seaglider AUV with an acoustic modem too.   Using  the  waypoint  mobility
                model with an underlying GliderMobilityModel, we make the glider descend to -1000
                meters and then emerge to the water surface.  The AUV sends  a  generic  17-bytes
                packet  every  10 seconds during the navigation process. The gateway receives the
                packets and stores the total bytes amount.  At the  end  of  the  simulation  are
                shown the energy consumptions of the two nodes and the networking stats.

       In this section we give an overview of the available helpers and their behaviour.

       This  helper installs AcousticModemEnergyModel into UanNetDevice objects only. It requires
       an UanNetDevice and an EnergySource as input objects.

       The helper creates an AcousticModemEnergyModel with default parameters  and  associate  it
       with   the   given   energy   source.   It   configures   an  EnergyModelCallback  and  an
       EnergyDepletionCallback. The depletion callback can be configured as a parameter.

       Installs into a node (or set of nodes) the Seaglider’s features:

       • waypoint model with underlying glider mobility model

       • glider energy model

       • glider energy source

       • micro modem energy model

       The glider mobility model is the GliderMobilityModel with default parameters.  The  glider
       energy model is the GliderEnergyModel with default parameters.

       Regarding the energy source, the Seaglider features two battery packs, one for motor power
       and one for digital-analog power.  Each pack is composed of 12 (10V) and 42 (24V)  lithium
       chloride  DD-cell  batteries, respectively [5]. The total power capacity is around 17.5 MJ
       (3.9 MJ + 13.6 MJ).  In the original version of the Seaglider there was  18  +  63  D-cell
       with a total power capacity of 10MJ.

       The packs design is as follows:

       • 10V - 3 in-series string x 4 strings = 12 cells - typical capacity ~100 Ah

       • 24V - 7 in-series-strings x 6 strings = 42 cells - typical capacity ~150 Ah

       Battery  cells  are  Electrochem  3B36,  with  3.6  V  nominal voltage and 30.0 Ah nominal
       capacity.  The 10V battery pack is associated with the electronic devices, while  the  24V
       one is associated with the pump motor.

       The micro modem energy model is the MicroModemEnergyModel with default parameters.

       Install into a node (or set of nodes) the REMUS features:

       • waypoint model with REMUS mobility model validation

       • REMUS energy model

       • REMUS energy source

       • micro modem energy model

       The  REMUS  mobility  model  is the RemusMobilityModel with default parameters.  The REMUS
       energy model is the RemusEnergyModel with default parameters.

       Regarding the energy source, the REMUS features a rechargeable lithium  ion  battery  pack
       rated 1.1 kWh @ 27 V (40 Ah) in operating conditions (specifications from [3] and Hydroinc
       European salesman).  Since more detailed information about battery pack were not  publicly
       available, the energy source used is a BasicEnergySource.

       The micro modem energy model is the MicroModemEnergyModel with default parameters.





       This model has been tested with three UNIT test:

       • auv-energy-model

       • auv-mobility

       • li-ion-energy-source

   Auv Energy Model
       Includes  test  cases  for  single packet energy consumption, energy depletion, Glider and
       REMUS    energy    consumption.      The     unit     test     can     be     found     in

       The single packet energy consumption test do the following:

       • creates a two node network, one surface gateway and one fixed node at -500 m of depth

       • install the acoustic communication stack with energy consumption support into the nodes

       • a packet is sent from the underwater node to the gateway

       • it  is  verified  that  both, the gateway and the fixed node, have consumed the expected
         amount of energy from their sources

       The energy depletion test do the following steps:

       • create a node with an empty energy source

       • try to send a packet

       • verify that the energy depletion callback has been invoked

       The Glider energy consumption test do the following:

       • create a node with glider capabilities

       • make the vehicle to move to a predetermined waypoint

       • verify that the energy consumed for the navigation is correct, according to  the  glider

       The REMUS energy consumption test do the following:

       • create a node with REMUS capabilities

       • make the vehicle to move to a predetermined waypoint

       • verify  that  the  energy consumed for the navigation is correct, according to the REMUS

   Auv Mobility
       Includes test cases for glider and REMUS mobility models.  The unit test can be  found  in

       • create a node with glider capabilities

       • set  a specified velocity vector and verify if the resulting buoyancy is the one that is
         supposed to be

       • make the vehicle to submerge to a specified depth and verify  if,  at  the  end  of  the
         process the position is the one that is supposed to be

       • make the vehicle to emerge to a specified depth and verify if, at the end of the process
         the position is the one that is supposed to be

       • make the vehicle to navigate to a specified point,  using  direction,  pitch  and  speed
         settings  and,  verify  if  at  the  end  of the process the position is the one that is
         supposed to be

       • make the vehicle to navigate to a specified point, using a velocity vector  and,  verify
         if at the end of the process the position is the one that is supposed to be

       The REMUS mobility model test do the following: * create a node with glider capabilities *
       make the vehicle to submerge to a specified depth and verify if, at the end of the process
       the position is the one that is supposed to be * make the vehicle to emerge to a specified
       depth and verify if, at the end of the process the position is the one that is supposed to
       be  *  make the vehicle to navigate to a specified point, using direction, pitch and speed
       settings and, verify if at the end of the process the position is the one that is supposed
       to  be  *  make the vehicle to navigate to a specified point, using a velocity vector and,
       verify if at the end of the process the position is the one that is supposed to be

   Li-Ion Energy Source
       Includes  test  case  for  Li-Ion  energy  source.   The  unit  test  can  be   found   in

       The  test  case verify that after a well-known discharge time with constant current drain,
       the cell voltage has followed the datasheet discharge curve [9].


       WAVE is a system architecture for wireless-based vehicular  communications,  specified  by
       the  IEEE.  This chapter documents available models for WAVE within ns-3.  The focus is on
       the MAC layer and MAC extension layer defined by [ieee80211p] and [ieee1609dot4].

   Model Description
       WAVE is an overall system architecture for vehicular communications.   The  standards  for
       specifying WAVE include a set of extensions to the IEEE 802.11 standard, found in IEEE Std
       802.11p-2010 [ieee80211p], and the IEEE 1609 standard set, consisting of  four  documents:
       resource   manager:    IEEE   1609.1   [ieee1609dot1],  security  services:   IEEE  1609.2
       [ieee1609dot2], network and transport layer services:   IEEE  1609.3  [ieee1609dot3],  and
       multi-channel coordination:  IEEE 1609.4 [ieee1609dot4].  Additionally, SAE standard J2735
       [saej2735] describes a Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) application message set
       that allows applications to transmit information using WAVE.

       In  ns-3,  the  focus  of  the  wave module is on both the MAC layer and the multi-channel
       coordination layer.  The key design aspect of 802.11p-compilant MAC  layer  is  that  they
       allow  communications  outside  the  context of a basic service set (BSS).  The literature
       uses  the  acronym  OCB  to  denote  “outside  the  context  of  a  BSS”,  and  the  class
       ns3::OcbWifiMac  models  this  in ns-3.  This MAC does not require any association between
       devices (similar to an adhoc WiFi MAC). Many management frames will not be used, but  when
       used, the BSSID field needs to be set to a wildcard BSSID value. Management information is
       transmitted by what is called a vendor specific action (VSA) frame.  With  these  changes,
       the  packet  transmissions  (for a moving vehicle) can be fast with small delay in the MAC
       layer.  Users  can  create  IEEE802.11p-compliant  device  (the  object   of   the   class
       ns3::WifiNetDevice associating with ns3::OcbWifiMac) .

       The  key  design  aspect  of the WAVE-compilant MAC layer (including 802.11p MAC layer and
       1609.4 MAC extension layer) is that, based on OCB features, they provide devices with  the
       capability  of  switching  between  control  and service channels, using a single radio or
       using multiple radios.  Therefore  devices  can  communicate  with  others  in  single  or
       multiple  channels,  which  can support both safety related and non-safety related service
       for vehicular environments.

       At the physical layer, the biggest difference is the use  of  the  5.9  GHz  band  with  a
       channel  bandwidth  of  10 MHz.  These physical layer changes can make the wireless signal
       relatively more stable, without degrading throughput too much (ranging from 3 Mbps  to  27

       The source code for the WAVE MAC models lives in the directory src/wave.

       For better modeling WAVE and VANET, the WAVE models for high layers (mainly [ieee1609dot3]
       ) are planned for a later patch.

       In ns-3, support for 802.11p  involves  the  MAC  and  PHY  layers.   To  use  an  802.11p
       NetDevice, ns3::Wifi80211pHelper is suggested.

       In  ns-3,  support  for WAVE involves the MAC, its MAC extension and PHY layers.  To use a
       WAVE NetDevice, ns3::WaveHelper is suggested.

   MAC layer
       The   classes   used   to   model   the   MAC   layer   are   ns3::OrganizationIdentifier,
       ns3::VendorSpecificActionHeader and ns3::OcbWifiMac.

       The  OrganizationIdentifier and VendorSpecificActionHeader are used to support the sending
       of a Vendor Specific Action frame.

       OcbWifiMac  is  very  similar  to  AdhocWifiMac,  with  some  modifications.    The   ns-3
       AdhocWifiMac  class  is  implemented very close to the 802.11p OCB mode rather than a real
       802.11 ad-hoc mode. The AdhocWifiMac  has  no  BSS  context  that  is  defined  in  802.11
       standard,  so  it  will  not  take  time  to  send beacons and to authenticate, making its
       behavior similar to that of an OcbWifiMac.

       1. SetBssid, GetBssid, SetSsid, GetSsid
          These methods are related to 802.11 BSS context, and are unused in the OCB context.

       2. SetLinkUpCallback, SetLinkDownCallback

          WAVE device can send packets directly, so the WiFi link is never down.

       3. SendVsc, AddReceiveVscCallback

          WAVE management information shall be sent by vendor specific action frames, sent by the
          upper layer 1609.4 standard as WSA (WAVE Service Advertisement) packets or other vendor
          specific information.

       4. SendTimingAdvertisement (not implemented)

          Although Timing Advertisement is very important and  specifically  defined  in  802.11p
          standard,  it  is not useful in a simulation environment.  Every node in ns-3 vehicular
          simulation is assumed to be already time synchronized (perhaps by GPS).

       5. ConfigureEdca

          This method will allow the user to set EDCA parameters of WAVE channels  including  CCH
          ans  SCHs. And the OcbWifiMac itself also uses this method to configure default 802.11p
          EDCA parameters.

       6. Wildcard BSSID

          The Wildcard BSSID is set to “ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff”.  As defined in  IEEE  802.11-2007,  a
          wildcard  BSSID  shall  not  be used in the BSSID field except for management frames of
          subtype probe request. But Adhoc mode of ns-3 simplifies this mechanism:  when stations
          receive  packets,  they  will be forwarded up to the higher layer, regardless of BSSID.
          This process is very close to OCB mode as defined in 802.11p-2010,  in  which  stations
          use the wildcard BSSID to allow the higher layer of other stations to hear directly.

       7. Enqueue, Receive

          The  most important methods are send and receive methods. According to the standard, we
          should filter the frames that are not permitted. Thus here we just identify the  frames
          we care about; the other frames will be discarded.

   MAC extension layer
       Although  1609.4  is still in the MAC layer, the implementation approach for ns-3 does not
       do much modification in the source code of the wifi module. Instead, if  some  feature  is
       related  to  wifi MAC classes, then a relevant subclass is defined; if some feature has no
       relation to wifi MAC classes, then a new class will be defined. This approach was selected
       to  be  non-intrusive  to  the  ns-3 wifi module. All of these classes will be hosted in a
       ‘container’ class called ns3:: WaveNetDevice. This class  is  a  subclass  inherting  from
       ns3::NetDeivce,  composed  of  the  objects of ns3::ChannelScheduler, ns3::ChannelManager,
       ns3::ChannelCoordinator and ns3::VsaManager classes to provide the features  described  in
       1609.4  while  still  containing  the objects of ns3::OcbWifiMac and ns3::WifiPhy classes.
       Moreover,  ns3::OcbWifiMac  class  is  further  extended  with  support  for  IEEE  1609.4
       associating  with  ns3::HigherLayerTxVectorTag  and  ns3::WaveMacLow. The main work of the
       WaveNetDevice is to create objects, configure, check arguments and provide  new  APIs  for
       multiple channel operation as follows:

       1. AddMac, GetMac and GetMacs
          Different  from  ns3::WifiNetDevice,  the  WAVE  device will have multiple internal MAC
          entities rather than a single one. Each  MAC  entity  is  used  to  support  each  WAVE
          channel.  Thus,  when  devices  switch  from the current channel to the next channel in
          different channel intervals, the packets in the internal queue will not be flushed  and
          the  current  MAC  entity  will  perform  a  suspend  operation  until woken up in next
          appropriate channel interval.

       2. AddPhy, GetPhy and GetPhys
          Also in contrast to ns3::WifiNetDevice,  the WAVE device here can allow more  than  one
          PHY  entity,  which  permits  the  use  cases  of of single-PHY devices or multiple-PHY

       3. SetChannelScheduler and GetChannelScheduler
          How to deal with multiple MAC entities and PHY entities to assign  channel  access  for
          different  requests from higher layer? IEEE 1609.4 [ieee1609dot4] does not seem to give
          a very clear and detailed mechanism, deferring to the implementor. In this  model,  the
          class  ns3::ChannelScheduler  provides  the  API  and  delegates  to  the subclasses to
          implement the virtual methods. In the current implementation,  the  default  assignment
          mechanism  for  channel  access,  called  ns3::DefaultChannelScheduler,  gives a simple
          answer that only deals with multiple channel operation in the context of  a  single-PHY
          device.   If  users  define  their  own  different assignment mechanisms such as in the
          context  of  two  PHY  entities,  they  can  easily  reuse  models  using  AddPhy   and
          SetChannelScheduler methods to import a new assignment mechanism.

       4. SetChannelManager and GetChannelManager
          class  ns3::ChannelManager  is  a  WAVE  channel  set which contains valid WAVE channel
          numbers. Moreover, the tx information in this channel set such  as  data  rate  and  tx
          power level is used for transmitting management frames.

       5. SetVsaManager and GetVsaManager
          class  ns3::VsaManager is used to deal with sending and receiving VSA frames. According
          to different request parameters from the higher layer,  this  class  may  transmit  VSA
          frames repeatedly in the appropriate channel number and channel interval.

       6. SetChannelCoordinator and GetChannelCoordinator
          class  ns3::ChannelCoordinator  is  used  to  deal with channel coordination.  The WAVE
          device can be aware of the channel interval at the current time or in the  future.   It
          can  also  notify  listeners about incoming channel coordination events. Generally this
          class is used in the case of assigning alternating CCH and SCH access.

       7. StartSch and StopSch
          In contrast to the basic 802.11p device that  allow  transmission  packets  immediately
          after  the  device is created, the WAVE device should assign channel access for sending
          packets.  This method will call class ns3::ChannelScheduler to assign  radio  resources
          for the relevant channel.

       8. ChangeAddress
          The  WAVE device can support a change of address after devices are already initialized,
          which will cause all of MAC entities reset their status.

       9. CancelTx
          The WAVE device can support a request to cancel all transmissions associated  with  the
          particular  category and channel number, which will reset the particular interval queue
          and drop all of the queued packets in this queue.

          RegisterTxProfile and DeleteTxProfile
          After channel access is assigned, we still cannot send  IP-based  (or  other  protocol)
          packets  by  the  Send  ()  method.  A  tx  profile  should be registered to specify tx
          parameters before transmission.

       11. StartVsa, StopVsa and SetWaveVsaCallback
          These methods will call an object from class ns3::VsaManager to send  and  receive  VSA
          frames.    Generally  these  methods  are  used  by  IEEE  1609.3  for  WSA  management

       12. SendX
          After channel access is assigned, we can send WSMP (or other protocol) packets via  the
          SendX  () method. We should specify the tx parameters for each packet, e.g. the channel
          number for transmit.

       13. Send and SetReceiveCallback
          This method is the abstract method defined in the parent class ns3::NetDevice,  defined
          to  allow  the  sending  of  IP-based  packets.   The  channel access should be already
          assigned and tx profile should be  registered,  otherwise  incoming  packets  from  the
          higher  layer  will  be discarded. No matter whether packets are sent by Send method or
          SendX method, the received packets will be only be delivered to the higher layer by the
          registered ReceiveCallback.

       14. other methods from its parent class ns3::NetDevice
          These methods are implemented very similar to the code in ns3::WifiNetDevice.

       In  the  above  numbered  list,  we can categorize the methods into three types: the first
       type, from 1 to 6 and also 14, is the configuration  for  modeling  and  creating  a  WAVE
       device;  the  second  type, from 7 to 11, is the management plane of the standard; and the
       third type, 12 and 13, is the data plane of the standard.

       Channel coordination

       The class ns3::ChannelCoordinator defines the CCH Interval, SCH Interval and GuardInteval.
       Users  can  be  aware  of  which  interval  the current time or future time will be in. If
       channel access mode is assigned to alternating CCH and SCH access, channel interval events
       will be notified repeatedly for class ns3::ChannelCoordinator to switch channels.  Current
       default values are for CCHI with 50ms interval, SCHI with 50ms interval, and  GuardI  with
       4ms interval. Users can change these values by configuring the class attributes.

       Channel routing

       Channel routing service means different transmission approaches for WSMP data, IP datagram
       and management information.  For WSMP data, the SendX ()  method  implements  the  service
       primitive  MA-UNITDATAX,  and  users  can  set transmission parameters for each individual
       packet. The parameters include channel number, priority, data  rate  and  tx  power  level
       (expiration time is not supported now).  For IP datagrams, the Send () method is a virtual
       method from ns3::NetDevice that  implements  the  service  primitive  MA-UNITDATA.   Users
       should  insert  QoS  tags into packets themselves if they want to use QoS.  Moreover, a tx
       profile should be registered before the Send method is called for  transmit;  the  profile
       contains  SCH  number,  data  rate,  power  level  and  adaptable  mode.   For  management
       information,  StartVsa  method  implements  the  service  primitive  MLMEX-VSA.   The   tx
       information is already configured in ns3::ChannelManager, including data rate, power level
       and adaptable mode.

       Channel access assignment

       The  channel  access  assignment  is  done  by  class  ns3::ChannelScheduler   to   assign
       ContinuousAccess,  ExtendedAccess and AlternatingAccess. Besides that, immediate access is
       achieved by enabling the “immediate” parameter, in which case the request channel will  be
       switched  to  immediately.   However  this  class  is a virtual parent class.  The current
       module provides a subclass ns3::DefaultChannelScheduler to assign channel  access  in  the
       context  of  a  single-PHY  device.  In  this  subclass,  if the channel access is already
       assigned for another request, the next coming request will fail until the previous channel
       access  is  released.   Users  can  implement different assignment mechanisms to deal with
       multiple  MAC  entities  and  multiple  PHY  entities  by  inheriting  from  parent  class
       ns3::ChannelScheduler.   An  important  point  is  that  channel access should be assigned
       before sending routing packets, otherwise the packets will be discard.

       Vendor Specific Action frames

       When users want to send VSA repeatedly by calling  WaveNetDevice::StartVsa,  VSA  will  be
       sent  repeatedly  by ns3::VsaManager. It is worth noting that if the peer MAC address is a
       unicast address, the VSA can only be transmitted once even there is a repeat request.  The
       tx parameters for VSA management frames can be obtained from the ns3::ChannelManager.

       User priority and Multi-channel synchronization

       Since  wifi  module  has  already  implemented a QoS mechanism, the wave module reuses the
       mechanism; VSA frames will be assigned the default value with the highest AC according  to
       the  standard.  Multiple-channel synchronization is very important in practice for devices
       without a local timing source.  However, in simulation, every node is supposed to have the
       same  system  clock, which could be provided by GPS devices in a real environment, so this
       feature is not modelled in ns-3.  During the guard interval, the device  can  only  be  in
       receive  state,  except  for  the  switch  state  when  the  device does channel switching

   PHY layer
       No modification or extension is made to the ns-3 PHY layer corresponding  to  this  model.
       In  the  802.11p  standard,  the PHY layer wireless technology is still 80211a OFDM with a
       10MHz channel width, so Wifi80211pHelper will only allow the user to set the  standard  to
       WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211_10MHZ or WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211_20MHZ, while WaveHelper will only
       support WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211_10MHZ.  The maximum station  transmit  power  and  maximum
       permitted  EIRP  defined  in  802.11p  is  larger than that of WiFi, so transmit range can
       normally  become  longer  than  the  usual  WiFi.   However,  this  feature  will  not  be
       implemented.   Users   who  want  to  obtain  longer  range  should  configure  attributes
       “TxPowerStart”, “TxPowerEnd” and “TxPowerLevels” of the YansWifiPhy class by themselves.

   Scope and Limitations
       1. Does the model involve vehicular mobility of some sort?

       Vehicular networks involve not only communication  protocols,  but  also  a  communication
       environment  including vehicular mobility and propagation loss models. Because of specific
       features of the latter, the protocols need to change. The MAC layer model in this  project
       just  adapts MAC changes to vehicular environment. However this model does not involve any
       vehicular mobility with time limit. While users should understand that vehicular  mobility
       is out of scope for the current WAVE module, they can use any mobility model in ns-3.  For
       example, users may use a ns3::RandomWaypointMobilityModel (RWP) for node  mobilty  or  may
       generate  ns-2-style  playback files using other third-party tools and then playback those
       mobility traces using ns3::Ns2MobilityHelper.

       2. Does this model use different propagation models?

       Referring to the first issue, some more realistic propagation loss  models  for  vehicualr
       environment  are  suggested and welcome.  Some existing propagation los models in ns-3 are
       also suitable.  Normally, users can use Friis, Two-Ray Ground, and Nakagami  models.   The
       ns3::VanetRoutingExample  example  defaults  to  Two-Ray  Ground  propagation loss with no
       additional  fading,  although  adding  stochastic  Nakagami-m  fading  is   parametrically

       3. Are there any vehicular application models to drive the code?

       About  vehicular  application  models,  SAE  J2375  depends on WAVE architecture and is an
       application message set in US.  Cooperative Awareness  Messages  (CAM)  and  Decentralized
       Environment   Notification  Messages  (DENM)  can  be  sent  Europe  between  network  and
       application layer, and is very close to being an  application  model.  The  BSM  in  J2375
       [saej2735]  and  CAM  send  alert  messages that every vehicle node will sent periodically
       about its status  information  to  cooperate  with  others.  The  ns3::VanetRoutingExample
       example  sets  up  a  network  of  (vehicular)  nodes  that each broadcast BSMs at regular
       intervals and may additionally attempt to route non-BSM data  through  the  network  using
       select IP-based routing protocols.

       5. Why are there two kinds of NetDevice helpers?

       The current module provides two helpers to create two kinds of NetDevice.  The first is an
       object of WifiNetDevice (802.11p device) which mainly contains  class  ns3::OcbWifiMac  to
       enable  OCB  mode.  The  second is an object of WaveNetDevice (WAVE device) which contains
       additional classes ns3::ChannelScheduler, ns3::ChannelManager, ns3::ChannelCoordinator and
       ns3::VsaManager  to support multi-channel operation mode.  The reason to provide a special
       802.11p device helper is that, considering the fact that many researchers  are  interested
       in  routing  protocols  or  other  aspects  of  vehicular  environment in a single channel
       context, they need neither multi-channel operation nor WAVE architectures.  Besides  that,
       the   European   standard  may  also  reuse  an  802.11p  device  in  an  modified  ITS-G5
       implementation (maybe called ItsG5NetDevice).  Hence, the model supports configuration  of
       both types of devices.

            IEEE   Std   802.11p-2010  “IEEE  Standard  for  Information  technology–  Local  and
            metropolitan area networks– Specific  requirements–  Part  11:  Wireless  LAN  Medium
            Access  Control  (MAC)  and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 6: Wireless
            Access in Vehicular Environments”

            IEEE Std 1609.1-2010 “IEEE Standard for Wireless  Access  in  Vehicular  Environments
            (WAVE) - Resource Manager, 2010”

            IEEE  Std  1609.2-2010  “IEEE  Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments
            (WAVE) - Security Services for Applications and Management Messages, 2010”

            IEEE Std 1609.3-2010 “IEEE Standard for Wireless  Access  in  Vehicular  Environments
            (WAVE) - Networking Services, 2010”

            IEEE  Std  1609.4-2010  “IEEE  Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments
            (WAVE) - Multi-Channel Operation, 2010”

            SAE Std  J2735  “J2735  dedicated  short  range  communications  (DSRC)  message  set
            dictionary. 2009”

       The  helpers  include  a)  lower-level  MAC  and  PHY  channel helpers and b) higher-level
       application helpers that handle the sending and receiving  of  the  Basic  Safety  Message

       The    lower-level   helpers   include   ns3::YansWavePhyHelper,   ns3::NqosWaveMacHelper,
       ns3::QosWaveMacHelper, ns3::Wifi80211pHelper and ns3::WaveHelper.

       Wifi80211pHelper is used to create 802.11p devices that follow the 802.11p-2010  standard.
       WaveHelper  is  used  to create WAVE devices that follow both 802.11p-2010 and 1609.4-2010
       standards which are the MAC and PHY layers of the WAVE architecture.

       The relation of ns3::NqosWaveMacHelper, ns3::QosWaveMacHelper and ns3::Wifi80211pHelper is
       described as below:

          WifiHelper ------------use-------------->   WifiMacHelper
              ^                                        ^         ^
              |                                        |         |
              |                                        |         |
            inherit                                inherit      inherit
              |                                        |         |
          Wifi80211pHelper ------use----->  QosWaveMacHelper or NqosWaveHelper

       From  the  above  diagram,  there  are  two  Mac helper classes that both inherit from the
       WifiMacHelper; when the  WAVE  module  was  originally  written,  there  were  specialized
       versions  (QoS  and  Nqos)  of  WifiMacHelper  that  have since been removed from the Wifi
       codebase, but the distinction remains in the WAVE helpers.  The functions of WiFi  802.11p
       device can be achieved by WaveNetDevice’s ContinuousAccess assignment, Wifi80211pHelper is
       recommended if there is no need for multiple channel operation.  Usage is as follows:

          NodeContainer nodes;
          NetDeviceContainer devices;
          nodes.Create (2);
          YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhy = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();
          YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
          wifiPhy.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());
          NqosWave80211pMacHelper wifi80211pMac = NqosWaveMacHelper::Default();
          Wifi80211pHelper 80211pHelper = Wifi80211pHelper::Default ();
          devices = 80211pHelper.Install (wifiPhy, wifi80211pMac, nodes);

       The relation of   ns3::YansWavePhyHelper,  ns3::QosWaveMacHelper  and  ns3::WaveHelper  is
       described as below:

          WaveHelper -------- only use --------> QosWaveMacHelper

       From  the  above diagram, WaveHelper is not the subclass of WifiHelper and should only use
       QosWaveMacHelper because WAVE MAC layer is based on QoS mechanism. But the  WaveHelper  is
       recommended if there is a need for multiple channel operation.  Usage is as follows:

          NodeContainer nodes;
          NetDeviceContainer devices;
          nodes.Create (2);
          YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
          YansWavePhyHelper wavePhy =  YansWavePhyHelper::Default ();
          wavePhy.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());
          QosWaveMacHelper waveMac = QosWaveMacHelper::Default ();
          WaveHelper waveHelper = WaveHelper::Default ();
          devices = waveHelper.Install (wavePhy, waveMac, nodes);

       The higher-level helpers include ns3::WaveBsmStats and ns3::WaveBsmHelper.

       WaveBsmStats  is used to collect and manage statistics, such as packet and byte counts and
       Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), regarding the sending and  receiving  of  WAVE  BSM  packets.
       WaveBsmHelper is used by applications that wish to send and receive BSMs.

       The relation of ns3::WaveBsmHelper and WaveBsmStats is described below:

          <Your Vanet Routing Application> ----use----> WaveBsmHelper ----use----> WaveBsmStats

       From <Your Vanet Routing Application>, usage is as follows:
          // declare WAVE BSM helper instance WaveBsmHelper m_waveBsmHelper;

          // the following are passed to the WaveBsmHelpe::Install() // method, and they are thus
          assumed to be created and // initialized themselves, based on the user’s //  simulation
          setup  criteria.   //  container  of  network  node  NodeContainer  m_adhocTxNodes;  //
          (transmitting) devices  (1  per  node)  NetDeviceContainer  m_adhocTxDevices;  //  IPv4
          interfaces   (1   per  device)  Ipv4InterfaceContainer  m_adhocTxInterfaces;  //  total
          simulation time (in seconds) double m_TotalSimTime; //  WAVE  BSM  broadcast  interval.
          E.g.,  100ms  =  0.1  seconds double m_waveInterval; // seconds // time-synchronization
          accuracy of GPS devices.  E.g., +/- 40ns double m_gpsAccuracyNs; // array of  distances
          (m) at which safety PDR shall be determined, // e.g. 50m, 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 500m,
          600m, 800m, 1000m, and 1500m std::vector <double>  m_txSafetyRanges;  //  used  to  get
          consistent random numbers across scenarios int64_t m_streamIndex;

          m_waveBsmHelper.Install (m_adhocTxNodes,
                 m_adhocTxDevices,          m_adhocTxInterfaces,         Seconds(m_TotalSimTime),
                 m_wavePacketSize, Seconds(m_waveInterval), // convert GPS accuracy,  in  ns,  to
                 Time Seconds(m_gpsAccuracyNs / 1000000.0), m_txSafetyRanges);

          //   fix   random   number   streams   m_streamIndex  +=  m_waveBsmHelper.AssignStreams

       Example usages of BSM statistics are as follows:
          // Get the  cumulative  PDR  of  the  first  safety  Tx  range  (i.e,  50m  in  the  //
          m_txSafetyRanges  example  above).   double  bsm_pdr1 = m_waveBsmHelper.GetWaveBsmStats
          ()->GetBsmPdr (1);

          //    total    WAVE    BSM    bytes    sent    uint32_t    cumulativeWaveBsmBytes     =
          m_waveBsmHelper.GetWaveBsmStats ()->GetTxByteCount ();

          //    get    number    of    WAVE    BSM    packets    sent    int    wavePktsSent    =
          m_waveBsmHelper.GetWaveBsmStats ()->GetTxPktCount ();

          //   get   number   of   WAVE   BSM   packets   received   int    wavePktsReceived    =
          m_waveBsmHelper.GetWaveBsmStats ()->GetRxPktCount ();

          //   reset   count   of   WAVE  BSM  packets  received  m_waveBsmHelper.GetWaveBsmStats
          ()->SetRxPktCount (0);

          //   reset   count   of   WAVE   BSM   packets   sent   m_waveBsmHelper.GetWaveBsmStats
          ()->SetTxPktCount (0);

          //   indicate   that   a   node  (nodeId)  is  moving.   (set  to  0  to  “stop”  node)
          WaveBsmHelper::GetNodesMoving()[nodeId] = 1;

   MAC layer
       The 802.11p device can allow the upper layer to send  different  information  over  Vendor
       Specific  Action  management  frames  by  using different OrganizationIdentifier fields to
       identify differences.

       1. create some Node objects and WifiNetDevice objects, e.g. one sender and one receiver.

       2. receiver defines an OrganizationIdentifier

              uint8_t oi_bytes[5] = {0x00, 0x50, 0xC2, 0x4A, 0x40};
              OrganizationIdentifier oi(oi_bytes,5);

       3. receiver defines a Callback for the defined OrganizationIdentifier

              VscCallback vsccall = MakeCallback (&VsaExample::GetWsaAndOi, this);

       4. receiver registers this identifier and function

              Ptr<WifiNetDevice> device1 = DynamicCast<WifiNetDevice>(nodes.Get (i)->GetDevice (0));
              Ptr<OcbWifiMac> ocb1 = DynamicCast<OcbWifiMac>(device->GetMac ());
              ocb1->AddReceiveVscCallback (oi, vsccall);

       5. sender transmits management information over VSA frames

              Ptr<Packet> vsc = Create<Packet> ();
              ocb2->SendVsc (vsc, Mac48Address::GetBroadcast (), m_16093oi);

       6. then registered callbacks in the receiver will be called.

   MAC extension layer
       The WAVE devices allow the upper layer to route packets in different  control  approaches.
       However dedicated APIs and invocation sequences should be followed; otherwise, the packets
       may be discarded by devices.

       1. create some Node objects and WaveNetDevice objects by helpers, e.g. one sender and  one

       2. receiver registers the receive callback if WSMP and IP-based packets are supposed to be

              // the class ``ns3::WaveNetDeviceExample``here will has a receive method "Receive" to be registered.
              receiver->SetReceiveCallback (MakeCallback (&WaveNetDeviceExample::Receive, this));

       3. receiver registers the receive callback if WSA frames are supposed to be received.

              // the class ``ns3::WaveNetDeviceExample``here will has a receive method "ReceiveVsa" to be registered.
              receiver->SetWaveVsaCallback (MakeCallback  (&WaveNetDeviceExample::ReceiveVsa, this));

       4. sender and receiver assign channel access by StartSch method.

              // in this case that alternating access with non-immediate mode is assigned for sender and receiver devices.
              const SchInfo schInfo = SchInfo (SCH1, false, EXTENDED_ALTERNATING);
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0.0), &WaveNetDevice::StartSch, sender, schInfo);
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0.0), &WaveNetDevice::StartSch, receiver, schInfo);


              // in this case that continuous access with immediate mode is assigned for sender and receiver devices.
              const SchInfo schInfo = SchInfo (SCH1, true, EXTENDED_CONTINUOUS);
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0.0), &WaveNetDevice::StartSch, sender, schInfo);
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0.0), &WaveNetDevice::StartSch, receiver, schInfo)


              // in this case that extended access with non-immediate mode is assigned for sender and receiver devices.
              const SchInfo schInfo = SchInfo (SCH1, false, 100);
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0.0), &WaveNetDevice::StartSch, sender, schInfo);
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0.0), &WaveNetDevice::StartSch, receiver, schInfo)

       5. sender registers a tx profile if IP-based packets are planned to be transmitted

              // the IP-based packets will be transmitted in SCH1 with 6Mbps and 4 txPowerLevel with adaptable mode.
              const TxProfile txProfile = TxProfile (SCH1, true, 4, WifiMode("OfdmRate6MbpsBW10MHz"));
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0), &WaveNetDevice::RegisterTxProfile, sender, txProfile);

       6. sender transmits  WSMP packets by SendX method.

              // the data rate and txPowerLevel is controlled by the high layer which are 6Mbps and 0 level here.
              const TxInfo txInfo = TxInfo (CCH, 7, WifiMode("OfdmRate6MbpsBW10MHz"),  0);
              // this packet will contain WSMP header when IEEE 1609.3 model is implemented
              const static uint16_t WSMP_PROT_NUMBER = 0x88DC;
              Ptr<Packet> wsaPacket  = Create<Packet> (100);
              const Address dest = receiver->GetAddress ();
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0),  &WaveNetDevice::SendX, sender, wsaPacket, dest, WSMP_PROT_NUMBER, txInfo);


              // the data rate and txPowerLevel is controlled by the MAC layer which are decided by WifiRemoteStationManager
              const TxInfo txInfo = TxInfo (CCH, 7, WifiMode(),  8);
              // this packet will contain WSMP header when IEEE 1609.3 model is implemented
              const static uint16_t WSMP_PROT_NUMBER = 0x88DC;
              Ptr<Packet> wsaPacket  = Create<Packet> (100);
              const Address dest = receiver->GetAddress ();
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0),  &WaveNetDevice::SendX, sender, wsaPacket, dest, WSMP_PROT_NUMBER, txInfo);

       7. sender transmits IP-based packets by Send method.

              const static uint16_t IPv6_PROT_NUMBER = 0x86DD;
              Ptr<Packet> packet  = Create<Packet> (100);
              const Address dest = receiver->GetAddress ();
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0),  &WaveNetDevice::Send, sender, packet, dest, IPv6_PROT_NUMBER);

       8. send transmits WSA frames repeatedly by StartVsa method.

               // this packet will contain WSA management information when IEEE 1609.3 model is implemented
              Ptr<Packet> wsaPacket = Create<Packet> (100);
              Mac48Address dest = Mac48Address::GetBroadcast ();
              const VsaInfo vsaInfo = VsaInfo (dest, OrganizationIdentifier (), 0, wsaPacket, SCH1, 100, VSA_TRANSMIT_IN_BOTHI);
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (2.0), &WaveNetDevice::StartVsa, sender, vsaInfo);

       9. sender stops WSA frames repeatedly transmit by StopVsa method.

              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (3.0), &WaveNetDevice::StopVsa, sender, SCH1);

          sender and receiver release assigned channel access by StopSch method.

              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0), &WaveNetDevice::StopSch, sender, SCH1);
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0), &WaveNetDevice::StopSch, receiver, SCH1);

       11. sender or receiver changes current MAC address by ChangeAddress method.

              Address newAddress = Mac48Address::Allocate ();
              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0), &WaveNetDevice::ChangeAddress, sender, newAddress);

       12. sender cancels all transmissions with the particular category and  channel  number  by
           CancelTx method.

              Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.0), &WaveNetDevice::CancelTx, sender, CCH,  AC_BE);

       For  transmitting  and  receiving  these  packets successfully, the normal and appropriate
       invocation procedures should be performed.

       (a) For WSMP, channel access should be assigned for transmit  and  receive.   The  channel
       access  release  operation may be optional if there is no need for transmission in another

          StartSch -------------> SendX / ReceiveCallback -------------->  StopSch

       (b) For IP, a tx profile should be registered before transmit and receive operations.  The
       delete  operation  of tx profile may be optional if there is no need for transmission with
       other tx parameters.  The channel access assignment and release optional usage is the same
       with WSMP here.

          StartSch -------------> RegisterTxProfile ----------> Send / ReceiveCallback -------------->  DeleteTxProfile -------------> StopSch

       (c)  For  WSA,  StartVsa  is called to transmit while StopVsa is an optional operation for
       canceling repeat transmit. The channel access assignment and  release  optional  usage  is
       also  the  same  with  WSMP  here.   To receive VSA, WaveVsaCallback should be registered;
       otherwise, the received VSA frames will be discard by the  MAC  extension  layer  and  not
       delivered to the higher layer.

          StartSch -------------> StartVsa / WaveVsaCallback -------------->  StopVsa ---------------> StopSch

       (d) Here an important point is that if the higher layer wants to transmit these packets in
       a control channel (the channel 178), there will be no need  to  request  for  CCH  by  the
       StartSch  method, which means that StartSch can be optional or should be avoided here. The
       reason is that the default continuous CCH access has  been  assigned  automatically  after
       WAVE  devices  are  created  and  initialized.  Therefore, if calling StartSch and StopSch
       method with CCH as a parameter, the request will be discarded by devices  and  the  method
       will return false to indicate failure.

       The  channel  interval  duration’s default value is defined in the standard.  However, the
       current implementation allows users to configure these attributes with other values. These
       attributes are included in the class ns3::ChannelCoodinator with config paths shown in the
       below. The method IsValidConfig is suggested to test whether new configuration follows the


       The  ns3::WaveNetDevice  is  a  wrapper  class  that contains those classes to support for
       multiple channel operation. To set or get the pointers of those objects,  users  can  also
       use them by config paths shown in the below.


       For  the  802.11p device, current classes provide output of the same type as WiFi devices;
       namely, ASCII and pcap traces, and logging output.  The 802.11p logging components can  be
       enabled globally via the call to

          Wifi80211pHelper::EnableLogComponents ();

       For  the  WAVE  device,  current  classes provide output of the same type as WiFi devices;
       namely, ASCII and pcap traces, and logging output. The  WAVE  logging  components  can  be
       enabled globally via the call to

          WaveHelper::EnableLogComponents ();

   Advanced Usage
   Advanced WaveHelper configuration
       If  users can make sure in which channel this WAVE device will work, they can set specific
       channel numbers to save resources of unused channels .  Usage is as follows:

          // in this case, the MAC entities for SCH2 to SCH6 will not be created
          WaveHelper helper = WaveHelper::Default ();
          uint32_t channels[] = {CCH, SCH1};
          std::vector<uint32_t> channelsVector (channels, channels + 2);
          helper.CreateMacForChannel (channelsVector);

       If users can create other channel access assignment mechanism, e.g.   in  the  context  of
       more  PHY  entities, which may be called “ns3::AnotherScheduler”, they can use this helper
       to create WAVE devices with new assignment mechanisms.  Usage is as follows:

          WaveHelper helper = WaveHelper::Default ();
          helper.helper.CreateMacForChannel (ChannelManager::GetWaveChannels ());    // create all 7 MAC entities for WAVE
          helper.CreatePhys (2);        // or other number which should be less than 7
          helper.SetChannelScheduler ("ns3::AnotherScheduler");    // The AnotherScheduler should be implemented by users.
          helper.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager");    // or other  rate control algorithms

       A  basic  example  exists  called   This   example   shows   basic
       construction  of  an 802.11p node.  Two nodes are constructed with 802.11p devices, and by
       default, one node sends a single packet  to  another  node  (the  number  of  packets  and
       interval  between  them  can  be configured by command-line arguments).  The example shows
       typical usage of the helper classes for this mode of WiFi.

       Another example exists called This example shows how to create WAVE
       devices  by helpers and the routing service for different packets.  After WAVE devices are
       configured and created by helpers, these packets are transmitted in different approaches.

       Another example exists called This example shows how  to  create
       mobility nodes in a VANET scenario and send Basic Safety Message (BSM) packets are regular
       intervals and/or additional data traffic to be routed between nodes.  BSMs are transmitted
       assuming  the WAVE Short Message Protocol (WSMP), whereas non-BSM data packets are relayed
       by using one of several different IP-based routing protocols (e.g., AODV, OLSR,  DSDV,  or

       To be defined.

       A  test  suite  named wifi-80211p-ocb is defined.  This test case consists of a stationary
       node and a mobile node.  The mobile node moves  towards  the  stationary  mode,  and  time
       points are checked at which time the physical layer starts to receive packets (and whether
       the MAC becomes associated, if applicable).  The same physical experiment is repeated  for
       normal WiFi NetDevices in AP/STA mode, in Adhoc mode, and the new OCB mode.

       Another  test  suite  named  wave-mac-extension  is defined. This test suite has four test
       cases, including channel-coordination, channel-routing, channel-access  and  annex-c.  The
       first  case  is  to  test channel coordination feature. The second case is to test channel
       routing for three types of packets.  The  third  case  is  to  test  four  channel  access
       assignments. And the fourth case is to test the implemented feature described in the Annex
       C of the standard.  It is worth noting that the  channel-routing and  channel-access  test
       cases  are  both in the context of single-PHY device, which depends on the default channel
       access assignment mechanism ns3:DefaultChannelScheduler, thus they may not be suitable for
       testing  when other channel access assignment mechanisms are used.  Although they are test
       cases, they are also good examples to show usage.

       The ns3::VanetRoutingExample example  was  studied  using  mobility  trace  files  in  the
       Raleigh,  NC  USA  area  generated  using  Simulation  for  Urban  Mobility (SUMO).  Three
       environments were studied:  a) an open highway scenario,  b)  a  residential  neighborhood
       scenario,  and c) and urban downtown scenario.  For each environment, a constant number of
       50-750 vehicles was maintained for 2000 simulation seconds (> 30 minutes).   The  mobility
       trace file were played back using ns3::Ns2MobilityHelper.  All vehicular nodes transmitted
       a 200-byte BSM at 10 Hz and the PDR was determined for transmission  ranges  of  50-1500m.
       No  additional  non-BSM  data  was  injected  /  routed  through the network.  The default
       propagation loss model used was Two-Ray Ground.  Different fading / shadowing models  were
       evaluated,  including  a)  no  fading, b) stochastic Nakagami-m fading, and c) an obstacle
       shadowing model (to be contributed to ns-3).  30 trials of each scenario were run  in  the
       North  Carolina State University (NCSU) High Performance Computing (HPC) center, with each
       trial requiring from 8 hours to 6 days of CPU time to complete.  Preliminary results  were
       presented  at  the  PhD  Forum,  22nd  IEEE  International Conference on Network Protocols
       (ICNP),    October     24,     2014,     Research     Triangle     Park,     NC.      See:


   Design Documentation
       ns-3  nodes  can  contain  a collection of NetDevice objects, much like an actual computer
       contains separate interface cards  for  Ethernet,  Wifi,  Bluetooth,  etc.   This  chapter
       describes  the  ns-3  WifiNetDevice and related models. By adding WifiNetDevice objects to
       ns-3 nodes, one can create models of 802.11-based infrastructure and ad hoc networks.

   Overview of the model
       The WifiNetDevice models a wireless network interface controller based on the IEEE  802.11
       standard [ieee80211]. We will go into more detail below but in brief, ns-3 provides models
       for these aspects of 802.11:

       • basic 802.11 DCF with infrastructure and adhoc modes

       • 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (both 2.4 and 5 GHz  bands),  802.11ac  and  802.11ax
         (2.4, 5 and 6 GHz bands) physical layers

       • MSDU  aggregation  and  MPDU aggregation extensions of 802.11n, and both can be combined
         together (two-level aggregation)

       • 802.11ax DL OFDMA and UL OFDMA (including support for the MU EDCA Parameter Set)

       • QoS-based EDCA and queueing extensions of 802.11e

       • the ability to use different propagation  loss  models  and  propagation  delay  models,
         please see the chapter on Propagation for more detail

       • packet  error  models  and  frame detection models that have been validated against link
         simulations and other references

       • various rate control algorithms including Aarf, Arf,  Cara,  Onoe,  Rraa,  ConstantRate,
         Minstrel and Minstrel-HT

       • 802.11s (mesh), described in another chapter

       • 802.11p and WAVE (vehicular), described in another chapter

       The  set  of  802.11  models  provided  in  ns-3 attempts to provide an accurate MAC-level
       implementation of the 802.11 specification and to provide a  packet-level  abstraction  of
       the PHY-level for different PHYs, corresponding to 802.11a/b/e/g/n/ac/ax specifications.

       In   ns-3,   nodes  can  have  multiple  WifiNetDevices  on  separate  channels,  and  the
       WifiNetDevice can coexist with other device types.  With the use  of  the  SpectrumWifiPhy
       framework,  one  can also build scenarios involving cross-channel interference or multiple
       wireless technologies on a single channel.

       The source code for the WifiNetDevice and its models lives in the directory src/wifi.

       The implementation is modular and provides roughly three sublayers of models:

       • the PHY layer models: they model amendment-specific and common PHY layer operations  and

       • the so-called MAC low models: they model functions such as medium access (DCF and EDCA),
         frame protection (RTS/CTS) and acknowledgment (ACK/BlockAck).  In ns-3, the  lower-level
         MAC  is  comprised of a Frame Exchange Manager hierarchy, a Channel Access Manager and a
         MAC middle entity.

       • the so-called MAC high models: they implement non-time-critical processes in  Wifi  such
         as  the  MAC-level beacon generation, probing, and association state machines, and a set
         of Rate control algorithms.  In the literature, this sublayer is  sometimes  called  the
         upper  MAC  and  consists  of  more  software-oriented implementations vs. time-critical
         hardware implementations.

       Next, we provide  an  design  overview  of  each  layer,  shown  in  Figure  WifiNetDevice
         [image] WifiNetDevice architecture.UNINDENT

   MAC high models
       There  are  presently three MAC high models that provide for the three (non-mesh; the mesh
       equivalent, which is a sibling of these with common  parent  ns3::RegularWifiMac,  is  not
       discussed  here)  Wi-Fi  topological elements - Access Point (AP) (ns3::ApWifiMac), non-AP
       Station (STA) (ns3::StaWifiMac), and STA in an Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS) - also
       commonly referred to as an ad hoc network (ns3::AdhocWifiMac).

       The  simplest  of  these  is ns3::AdhocWifiMac, which implements a Wi-Fi MAC that does not
       perform any kind of beacon generation, probing, or association. The ns3::StaWifiMac  class
       implements  an  active  probing  and  association  state  machine  that  handles automatic
       re-association whenever too many beacons are missed. Finally, ns3::ApWifiMac implements an
       AP that generates periodic beacons, and that accepts every attempt to associate.

       These  three  MAC high models share a common parent in ns3::RegularWifiMac, which exposes,
       among other MAC configuration, an attribute  QosSupported  that  allows  configuration  of
       802.11e/WMM-style QoS support.

       There  are  also several rate control algorithms that can be used by the MAC low layer.  A
       complete list of available rate control algorithms is provided in a separate section.

   MAC low layer
       The MAC low layer is split into three main components:

       1. ns3::FrameExchangeManager  a  class  hierarchy  which  implement  the  frame   exchange
          sequences  introduced  by  the  supported IEEE 802.11 amendments. It also handles frame
          aggregation, frame retransmissions, protection and acknowledgment.

       2. ns3::ChannelAccessManager which implements the DCF and EDCAF functions.

       3. ns3::Txop and ns3::QosTxop which handle the packet queue.  The ns3::Txop object is used
          by  high  MACs  that are not QoS-enabled, and for transmission of frames (e.g., of type
          Management)  that  the  standard  says  should  access  the  medium  using   the   DCF.
          ns3::QosTxop is used by QoS-enabled high MACs.

   PHY layer models
       In  short,  the physical layer models are mainly responsible for modeling the reception of
       packets and for tracking energy consumption.  There are typically three main components to
       packet reception:

       • each  packet received is probabilistically evaluated for successful or failed reception.
         The probability depends on the modulation, on the signal  to  noise  (and  interference)
         ratio  for  the  packet,  and  on the state of the physical layer (e.g. reception is not
         possible while transmission or sleeping is taking place);

       • an object exists to track  (bookkeeping)  all  received  signals  so  that  the  correct
         interference  power  for each packet can be computed when a reception decision has to be
         made; and

       • one or more error models corresponding to the modulation and standard are used  to  look
         up probability of successful reception.

       ns-3  offers  users  a  choice  between  two  physical layer models, with a base interface
       defined in the ns3::WifiPhy class.  The YansWifiPhy class  implements  a  simple  physical
       layer  model,  which  is  described  in a paper entitled Yet Another Network Simulator The
       acronym Yans derives from this paper title.  The SpectrumWifiPhy class is a more  advanced
       implementation  based  on  the  Spectrum  framework  used  for other ns-3 wireless models.
       Spectrum allows  a  fine-grained  frequency  decomposition  of  the  signal,  and  permits
       scenarios to include multiple technologies coexisting on the same channel.

   Scope and Limitations
       The  IEEE  802.11  standard  [ieee80211] is a large specification, and not all aspects are
       covered by ns-3; the documentation of ns-3’s conformance by itself would lead  to  a  very
       long  document.   This section attempts to summarize compliance with the standard and with
       behavior found in practice.

       The  physical  layer  and  channel  models  operate  on  a  per-packet  basis,   with   no
       frequency-selective   propagation   nor   interference  effects  when  using  the  default
       YansWifiPhy model.  Directional antennas  are  also  not  supported  at  this  time.   For
       additive  white  Gaussian  noise  (AWGN)  scenarios,  or  wideband interference scenarios,
       performance is governed by the application of analytical models (based on  modulation  and
       factors such as channel width) to the received signal-to-noise ratio, where noise combines
       the effect of thermal noise and of interference from other  Wi-Fi  packets.   Interference
       from  other  wireless  technologies is only modeled when the SpectrumWifiPhy is used.  The
       following details pertain to the physical layer and channel models:

       • 802.11ax MU-RTS/CTS is not yet supported

       • 802.11ac/ax MU-MIMO is not supported, and no more than 4 antennas can be configured

       • 802.11n/ac/ax beamforming is not supported

       • 802.11n RIFS is not supported

       • 802.11 PCF/HCF/HCCA are not implemented

       • Authentication and encryption are missing

       • Processing delays are not modeled

       • Channel bonding implementation only supports the use of the configured channel width and
         does not perform CCA on secondary channels

       • Cases where RTS/CTS and ACK are transmitted using HT/VHT/HE formats are not supported

       • Energy consumption model does not consider MIMO

       At  the  MAC  layer,  most  of  the  main  functions found in deployed Wi-Fi equipment for
       802.11a/b/e/g/n/ac/ax are implemented,  but  there  are  scattered  instances  where  some
       limitations in the models exist. Support for 802.11n, ac and ax is evolving.

       Some implementation choices that are not imposed by the standard are listed below:

       • BSSBasicRateSet for 802.11b has been assumed to be 1-2 Mbit/s

       • BSSBasicRateSet for 802.11a/g has been assumed to be 6-12-24 Mbit/s

       • OperationalRateSet is assumed to contain all mandatory rates (see issue 183)

       • The wifi manager always selects the lowest basic rate for management frames.

   Design Details
       The  remainder  of this section is devoted to more in-depth design descriptions of some of
       the Wi-Fi models.  Users interested in skipping to the section on usage of the wifi module
       (User  Documentation)  may  do so at this point.  We organize these more detailed sections
       from the bottom-up, in terms of layering, by describing the channel and PHY models  first,
       followed by the MAC models.

       We focus first on the choice between physical layer frameworks.  ns-3 contains support for
       a Wi-Fi-only physical layer  model  called  YansWifiPhy  that  offers  no  frequency-level
       decomposition of the signal.  For simulations that involve only Wi-Fi signals on the Wi-Fi
       channel, and that do not involve frequency-dependent propagation loss  or  fading  models,
       the  default  YansWifiPhy framework is a suitable choice.  For simulations involving mixed
       technologies on the same channel, or frequency dependent effects, the  SpectrumWifiPhy  is
       more appropriate.  The two frameworks are very similarly configured.

       The SpectrumWifiPhy framework uses the Spectrum Module channel framework.

       The YansWifiChannel is the only concrete channel model class in the ns-3 wifi module.  The
       ns3::YansWifiChannel implementation uses the propagation loss and  delay  models  provided
       within  the ns-3 Propagation module.  In particular, a number of propagation models can be
       added (chained together, if multiple loss models are added) to the channel object,  and  a
       propagation  delay  model also added. Packets sent from a ns3::YansWifiPhy object onto the
       channel with a particular signal power, are copied to all of  the  other  ns3::YansWifiPhy
       objects  after the signal power is reduced due to the propagation loss model(s), and after
       a delay corresponding to transmission (serialization) delay and propagation delay  due  to
       any  channel  propagation  delay  model (typically due to speed-of-light delay between the
       positions of the devices).

       Only objects of ns3::YansWifiPhy may be attached  to  a  ns3::YansWifiChannel;  therefore,
       objects   modeling   other  (interfering)  technologies  such  as  LTE  are  not  allowed.
       Furthermore, packets from different channels do not interact; if a  channel  is  logically
       configured  for  e.g.  channels  5  and  6,  the  packets  do  not  cause adjacent channel
       interference (even if their channel numbers overlap).

   WifiPhy and related models
       The ns3::WifiPhy is  an  abstract  base  class  representing  the  802.11  physical  layer
       functions.   Packets  passed  to this object (via a Send() method) are sent over a channel
       object, and upon reception, the receiving PHY object decides (based on  signal  power  and
       interference) whether the packet was successful or not.  This class also provides a number
       of callbacks for notifications of physical layer events,  exposes  a  notion  of  a  state
       machine  that  can be monitored for MAC-level processes such as carrier sense, and handles
       sleep/wake/off  models  and  energy  consumption.    The   ns3::WifiPhy   hooks   to   the
       ns3::FrameExchangeManager object in the WifiNetDevice.

       There  are  currently  two  implementations  of  the WifiPhy: the ns3::YansWifiPhy and the
       ns3::SpectrumWifiPhy.  They each work in conjunction with five other objects:

       • PhyEntity: Contains the amendment-specific part of the PHY processing

       • WifiPpdu: Models the amendment-specific PHY protocol data unit (PPDU)

       • WifiPhyStateHelper:  Maintains the PHY state machine

       • InterferenceHelper:  Tracks all packets observed on the channel

       • ErrorModel:  Computes a probability of error for a given SNR

   A bit of background
       Some  restructuring  of  ns3::WifiPhy  and  ns3::WifiMode  (among  others)  was  necessary
       considering  the  size and complexity of the corresponding files.  In addition, adding and
       maintaining new PHY amendments had become a complex  task  (especially  those  implemented
       inside  other modules, e.g. DMG).  The adopted solution was to have PhyEntity classes that
       contain the “clause” specific (i.e. HT/VHT/HE etc) parts of the PHY process.

       The notion of “PHY entity” is  in  the  standard  at  the  beginning  of  each  PHY  layer
       description clause, e.g. section 21.1.1 of IEEE 802.11-2016:

       ::  Clause  21  specifies  the  PHY  entity  for  a  very high throughput (VHT) orthogonal
       frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system.

       Note  that   there   is   already   such   a   name   inside   the   wave   module   (e.g.
       ``WaveNetDevice::AddPhy``)  to designate the WifiPhys on each 11p channel, but the wording
       is only used within the classes and there is no file using that name, so no  ambiguity  in
       using the name for 802.11 amendments.

       The  abstract base class ns3::PhyEntity enables to have a unique set of APIs to be used by
       each PHY entity, corresponding to the different amendments of the  IEEE  802.11  standard.
       The currently implemented PHY entities are:

       • ns3::DsssPhy: PHY entity for DSSS and HR/DSSS (11b)

       • ns3::OfdmPhy: PHY entity for OFDM (11a and 11p)

       • ns3::ErpOfdmPhy: PHY entity for ERP-OFDM (11g)

       • ns3::HtPhy: PHY entity for HT (11n)

       • ns3::VhtPhy: PHY entity for VHT (11ac)

       • ns3::HePhy: PHY entity for HE (11ax)

       Their  inheritance  diagram is given in Figure PhyEntity hierarchy and closely follows the
       standard’s logic, e.g. section 21.1.1 of IEEE 802.11-2016:

       :: The VHT PHY is based on the HT PHY defined in Clause 19, which in turn is based on  the
       OFDM PHY defined in Clause 17.
         [image] PhyEntity hierarchy.UNINDENT

         Such  an  architecture  enables  to  handle  the  following  operations in an amendment-
         specific manner:

       • WifiMode handling and data/PHY rate computation,

       • PPDU field size and duration computation, and

       • Transmit and receive paths.

       In the same vein as PhyEntity, the ns3::WifiPpdu base class has been specialized into  the
       following amendment-specific PPDUs:

       • ns3::DsssPpdu: PPDU for DSSS and HR/DSSS (11b)

       • ns3::OfdmPpdu: PPDU for OFDM (11a and 11p)

       • ns3::ErpOfdmPpdu: PPDU for ERP-OFDM (11g)

       • ns3::HtPpdu: PPDU for HT (11n)

       • ns3::VhtPpdu: PPDU for VHT (11ac)

       • ns3::HePpdu: PPDU for HE (11ax)

       Their  inheritance  diagram  is given in Figure WifiPpdu hierarchy and closely follows the
       standard’s logic, e.g. section of IEEE 802.11-2016:

       :: To maintain compatibility with non-VHT STAs, specific non-VHT fields are  defined  that
       can be received by non-VHT STAs compliant with Clause 17 [OFDM] or Clause 19 [HT].
         [image] WifiPpdu hierarchy.UNINDENT

   YansWifiPhy and WifiPhyStateHelper
       Class  ns3::YansWifiPhy  is  responsible for taking packets passed to it from the MAC (the
       ns3::FrameExchangeManager object) and sending them onto the ns3::YansWifiChannel to  which
       it  is  attached.   It  is  also responsible to receive packets from that channel, and, if
       reception is deemed to have been successful, to pass them up to the MAC.

       The energy of the signal intended to be received is calculated from the transmission power
       and  adjusted  based  on  the Tx gain of the transmitter, Rx gain of the receiver, and any
       path loss propagation model in effect.

       Class ns3::WifiPhyStateHelper manages the state machine of the PHY layer, and allows other
       objects  to  hook as listeners to monitor PHY state.  The main use of listeners is for the
       MAC layer to know when the PHY is busy or not (for transmission and collision avoidance).

       The PHY layer can be in one of seven states:

       1. TX: the PHY is currently transmitting a signal on behalf of its associated MAC

       2. RX: the PHY is synchronized on a signal and is waiting until it has received  its  last
          bit to forward it to the MAC.

       3. IDLE: the PHY is not in the TX, RX, or CCA_BUSY states.

       4. CCA_BUSY:  the  PHY is not in TX or RX state but the measured energy is higher than the
          energy detection threshold.

       5. SWITCHING: the PHY is switching channels.

       6. SLEEP: the PHY is in a power save mode and cannot send nor receive frames.

       7. OFF: the PHY is powered off and cannot send nor receive frames.

       Packet reception works as follows.  For YansWifiPhy, most of the logic is  implemented  in
       the  WifiPhy  base class.  The YansWifiChannel calls WifiPhy::StartReceivePreamble (). The
       latter calls PhyEntity::StartReceivePreamble () of the appropriate  PHY  entity  to  start
       packet  reception,  but first there is a check of the packet’s notional signal power level
       against a threshold value stored in the attribute WifiPhy::RxSensitivity.  Any packet with
       a  power lower than RxSensitivity will be dropped with no further processing.  The default
       value is -101 dBm, which is the thermal noise floor for 20 MHz signal at room temperature.
       The  purpose of this attribute is two-fold:  1) very weak signals that will not affect the
       outcome will otherwise consume  simulation  memory  and  event  processing,  so  they  are
       discarded,  and 2) this value can be adjusted upwards to function as a basic carrier sense
       threshold limitation for experiments involving spatial reuse  considerations.   Users  are
       cautioned  about  the  behavior  of  raising this threshold; namely, that all packets with
       power below this threshold will be discarded upon reception.

       In StartReceivePreamble (), the packet is immediately added to the interference helper for
       signal-to-noise  tracking,  and then further reception steps are decided upon the state of
       the PHY.  In the case that the PHY is transmitting,  for  instance,  the  packet  will  be
       dropped.  If the PHY is IDLE, or if the PHY is receiving and an optional FrameCaptureModel
       is   being   used   (and   the   packet   is   within   the    capture    window),    then
       PhyEntity::StartPreambleDetectionPeriod () is called next.

       The   PhyEntity::StartPreambleDetectionPeriod   ()   will  typically  schedule  an  event,
       PhyEntity::EndPreambleDetectionPeriod (), to occur at the notional end of the  first  OFDM
       symbol,  to check whether the preamble has been detected.  As of revisions to the model in
       ns-3.30, any state machine transitions from IDLE state  are  suppressed  until  after  the
       preamble detection event.

       The  PhyEntity::EndPreambleDetectionPeriod () method will check, with a preamble detection
       model, whether the  signal  is  strong  enough  to  be  received,  and  if  so,  an  event
       PhyEntity::EndReceiveField  () is scheduled for the end of the preamble and the PHY is put
       into the CCA_BUSY state. Currently,  there  is  only  a  simple  threshold-based  preamble
       detection  model in ns-3, called ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel.  If there is no preamble
       detection model, the preamble is assumed to have been detected.  It is important  to  note
       that,  starting  with  the ns-3.30 release, the default in the WifiPhyHelper is to add the
       ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel with a threshold RSSI of -82 dBm, and a threshold SNR of 4
       dB.   Both  the  RSSI and SNR must be above these respective values for the preamble to be
       successfully detected.  The default sensitivity has been reduced in ns-3.30 compared  with
       that  of previous releases, so some packet receptions that were previously successful will
       now fail on this check.  More details on the modeling behind this change are  provided  in

       The  PhyEntity::EndReceiveField  () method will check the correct reception of the current
       preamble and header field and, if so, calls PhyEntity::StartReceiveField () for  the  next
       field,  otherwise  the  reception  is  aborted  and  PHY is put either in IDLE state or in
       CCA_BUSY state, depending on whether  the  measured  energy  is  higher  than  the  energy
       detection threshold.

       The  next  event  at PhyEntity::StartReceiveField () checks, using the interference helper
       and  error  model,  whether  the  header  was  successfully  decoded,   and   if   so,   a
       PhyRxPayloadBegin callback (equivalent to the PHY-RXSTART primitive) is triggered. The PHY
       header is often transmitted at a lower modulation rate than is the payload. The portion of
       the  packet corresponding to the PHY header is evaluated for probability of error based on
       the observed SNR.  The InterferenceHelper object returns a value for “probability of error
       (PER)”  for  this header based on the SNR that has been tracked by the InterferenceHelper.
       The PhyEntity then draws a random number from  a  uniform  distribution  and  compares  it
       against the PER and decides success or failure.

       This  is  iteratively  performed  up  to  the  beginning  of  the  data  field  upon which
       PhyEntity::StartReceivePayload () is called.

       Even if packet objects received by the PHY are not part of the reception process, they are
       tracked by the InterferenceHelper object for purposes of SINR computation and making clear
       channel assessment decisions.  If, in the course of reception,  a  packet  is  errored  or
       dropped due to the PHY being in a state in which it cannot receive a packet, the packet is
       added to the interference helper, and the aggregate of the energy of all such  signals  is
       compared against an energy detection threshold to determine whether the PHY should enter a
       CCA_BUSY state.  The WifiPhy::CcaEdThreshold attribute corresponds to  what  the  standard
       calls the “ED threshold” for CCA Mode 1.  In section in the 802.11-2012 standard:
       “CCA Mode 1: Energy above threshold. CCA shall report a busy medium upon detection of  any
       energy  above  the  ED  threshold.”  By  default,  this  value is set to the -62 dBm level
       specified in the standard for 20 MHz  channels.  When  using  YansWifiPhy,  there  are  no
       non-Wi-Fi signals, so it is unlikely that this attribute would play much of a role in Yans
       wifi models if left at the default value, but if there is a strong Wi-Fi  signal  that  is
       not  otherwise  being  received by the model, it has the possibility to raise the CCA_BUSY
       while the overall energy exceeds this threshold.

       The above describes the case in which the packet is a single MPDU.  For more recent  Wi-Fi
       standards  using MPDU aggregation, StartReceivePayload schedules an event for reception of
       each individual MPDU (ScheduleEndOfMpdus), which then forwards each MPDU as they arrive up
       to FrameExchangeManager, if the reception of the MPDU has been successful. Once the A-MPDU
       reception  is  finished,  FrameExchangeManager  is  also  notified  about  the  amount  of
       successfully received MPDUs.

       The  InterferenceHelper  is  an  object  that  tracks  all incoming packets and calculates
       probability of error values for packets being received, and also evaluates whether  energy
       on the channel rises above the CCA threshold.

       The  basic operation of probability of error calculations is shown in Figure SNIR function
       over time.  Packets are represented as bits (not symbols)  in  the  ns-3  model,  and  the
       InterferenceHelper  breaks  the  packet  into  one or more “chunks”, each with a different
       signal to noise (and interference) ratio (SNIR).  Each chunk is  separately  evaluated  by
       asking  for  the  probability  of error for a given number of bits from the error model in
       use.  The InterferenceHelper builds an aggregate “probability of  error”  value  based  on
       these  chunks  and  their  duration,  and returns this back to the WifiPhy for a reception
         [image] SNIR function over time.UNINDENT

         From the SNIR function we can derive the Bit Error Rate  (BER)  and  Packet  Error  Rate
         (PER) for the modulation and coding scheme being used for the transmission.

         If  MIMO  is  used  and the number of spatial streams is lower than the number of active
         antennas at the receiver, then a gain is applied  to  the  calculated  SNIR  as  follows
         (since STBC is not used):

                       gain (dB) = 10 \log(\frac{RX \ antennas}{spatial \ streams})

         Having more TX antennas can be safely ignored for AWGN. The resulting gain is:

          antennas   NSS    gain
          2 x 1       1     0 dB
          1 x 2       1     3 dB
          2 x 2       1     3 dB
          3 x 3       1   4.8 dB
          3 x 3       2   1.8 dB
          3 x 3       3     0 dB
          4 x 4       1     6 dB
          4 x 4       2     3 dB
          4 x 4       3   1.2 dB
          4 x 4       4     0 dB

       ns-3  makes  a packet error or success decision based on the input received SNR of a frame
       and based on any possible interfering frames that may overlap in time; i.e. based  on  the
       signal-to-noise (plus interference) ratio, or SINR.  The relationship between packet error
       ratio (PER) and SINR in ns-3 is defined by the ns3::ErrorRateModel,  of  which  there  are
       several.   The PER is a function of the frame’s modulation and coding (MCS), its SINR, and
       the specific ErrorRateModel configured for the MCS.

       ns-3 has updated its default  ErrorRateModel  over  time.   The  current  (as  of  ns-3.33
       release)   model   for   recent   OFDM-based   standards  (i.e.,  802.11n/ac/ax),  is  the
       ns3::TableBasedErrorRateModel.  The default for 802.11a/g is the  ns3::YansErrorRateModel,
       and  the  default  for  802.11b  is the ns3::DsssErrorRateModel.  The error rate model for
       recent standards was updated during the ns-3.33 release  cycle  (previously,  it  was  the

       The  error  models  are  described in more detail in outside references.  The current OFDM
       model is based on work published in [patidar2017], using link simulations results from the
       MATLAB WLAN Toolbox, and validated against IEEE TGn results [erceg2004].  For publications
       related  to  other  error   models,   please   refer   to   [pei80211ofdm],   [pei80211b],
       [lacage2006yans],  [Haccoun], [hepner2015] and [Frenger] for a detailed description of the
       legacy PER models.

       The current ns-3 error rate models are for additive white gaussian noise  channels  (AWGN)
       only; any potential frequency-selective fading effects are not modeled.

       In summary, there are four error models:

       1. ns3::TableBasedErrorRateModel:  for  OFDM  modes and reuses ns3::DsssErrorRateModel for
          802.11b modes.  This is the default for 802.11n/ac/ax.

       2. ns3::YansErrorRateModel: for OFDM modes and reuses ns3::DsssErrorRateModel for  802.11b
          modes.  This is the default for 802.11a/g.

       3. ns3::DsssErrorRateModel:   contains models for 802.11b modes.  The 802.11b 1 Mbps and 2
          Mbps error models are based  on  classical  modulation  analysis.   If  GNU  Scientific
          Library  (GSL)  is  installed, the 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps from [pursley2009] are used for
          CCK modulation; otherwise, results from a backup MATLAB-based CCK model are used.

       4. ns3::NistErrorRateModel: for OFDM modes and reuses ns3::DsssErrorRateModel for  802.11b

       Users  may  select either NIST, YANS or Table-based models for OFDM, and DSSS will be used
       in either case for 802.11b.  The NIST model was a long-standing default in  ns-3  (through
       release 3.32).

       The  ns3::TableBasedErrorRateModel has been recently added and is now the ns-3 default for
       802.11n/ac/ax, while ns3::YansErrorRateModel is the ns-3 default for 802.11a/g.

       Unlike analytical  error  models  based  on  error  bounds,  ns3::TableBasedErrorRateModel
       contains  end-to-end  link  simulation  tables (PER vs SNR) for AWGN channels. Since it is
       infeasible to generate such look-up tables for all desired packet sizes and input SNRs, we
       adopt the recommendation of IEEE P802.11 TGax [porat2016] that proposed estimating PER for
       any desired packet length using BCC FEC encoding by extrapolating  the  results  from  two
       reference  lengths:  32 (all lengths less than 400) bytes and 1458 (all lengths greater or
       equal to 400) bytes respectively.  In  case  of  LDPC  FEC  encoding,  IEEE  P802.11  TGax
       recommends the use of a single reference length.  Hence, we provide two tables for BCC and
       one table for LDPC that are generated using a reliable and publicly  available  commercial
       link simulator (MATLAB WLAN Toolbox) for each modulation and coding scheme.  Note that BCC
       tables are limited to MCS 9. For higher MCSs, the models fall back to the use of the  YANS
       analytical model.

       The validation scenario is set as follows:

       1. Ideal channel and perfect channel estimation.

       2. Perfect packet synchronization and detection.

       3. Phase  tracking,  phase  correction,  phase  noise,  carrier  frequency  offset,  power
          amplifier non-linearities etc. are not considered.

       Several packets are simulated across the link to obtain PER, the number of packets  needed
       to reliably estimate a PER value is computed using the consideration that the ratio of the
       estimation error to the true value should be within 10 % with probability 0.95.  For  each
       SNR value, simulations were run until a total of 40000 packets were simulated.

       The  obtained  results  are  very  close  to  TGax curves as shown in Figure Comparison of
       table-based OFDM Error Model with TGax results.
         [image] Comparison of table-based OFDM Error Model with TGax results..UNINDENT

   Legacy ErrorRateModels
       The original error rate model was called the  ns3::YansErrorRateModel  and  was  based  on
       analytical  results.   For  802.11b modulations, the 1 Mbps mode is based on DBPSK. BER is
       from equation 5.2-69 from [proakis2001].  The 2 Mbps model is based on DQPSK.  Equation  8
       of [ferrari2004].  More details are provided in [lacage2006yans].

       The  ns3::NistErrorRateModel  was  later  added.   The  model was largely aligned with the
       previous ns3::YansErrorRateModel for DSSS modulations 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps, but the 5.5  Mbps
       and  11 Mbps models were re-based on equations (17) and (18) from [pursley2009].  For OFDM
       modulations,  newer  results  were  obtained  based  on  work  previously  done  at   NIST
       [miller2003].   The  results were also compared against the CMU wireless network emulator,
       and details of the validation are  provided  in  [pei80211ofdm].   Since  OFDM  modes  use
       hard-decision  of  punctured  codes,  the  coded  BER  is calculated using Chernoff bounds

       The 802.11b model was split from the OFDM model when the NIST error rate model was  added,
       into a new model called DsssErrorRateModel.

       Furthermore,  the  5.5  Mbps  and  11  Mbps  models  for  802.11b  rely on library methods
       implemented in the GNU Scientific Library (GSL).  The Waf build  system  tries  to  detect
       whether  the  host platform has GSL installed; if so, it compiles in the newer models from
       [pursley2009] for 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps; if not, it uses a backup model derived from MATLAB

       The  error  curves for analytical models are shown to diverge from link simulation results
       for higher MCS in Figure YANS and NIST error  model  comparison  with  TGn  results.  This
       prompted  the  move  to  a  new  error  model  based  on  link  simulations  (the  default
       TableBasedErrorRateModel, which provides curves close to those depicted by the TGn  dashed
         [image] YANS and NIST error model comparison with TGn results.UNINDENT

       This  section  describes the implementation of the SpectrumWifiPhy class that can be found
       in src/wifi/model/spectrum-wifi-phy.{cc,h}.

       The implementation also makes use of additional classes found in the same directory:

       • wifi-spectrum-phy-interface.{cc,h}wifi-spectrum-signal-parameters.{cc,h}

       and classes found in the spectrum module:

       • wifi-spectrum-value-helper.{cc,h}

       The current SpectrumWifiPhy class reuses the existing interference manager and error  rate
       models  originally built for YansWifiPhy, but allows, as a first step, foreign (non Wi-Fi)
       signals to be treated as additive noise.

       Two main changes were needed to  adapt  the  Spectrum  framework  to  Wi-Fi.   First,  the
       physical  layer  must  send signals compatible with the Spectrum channel framework, and in
       particular, the MultiModelSpectrumChannel that allows signals from different  technologies
       to  coexist.   Second, the InterferenceHelper must be extended to support the insertion of
       non-Wi-Fi signals and to add their received power to the  noise,  in  the  same  way  that
       unintended  Wi-Fi  signals  (perhaps  from a different SSID or arriving late from a hidden
       node) are added to the noise.

       Unlike YansWifiPhy, where there are no foreign signals, CCA_BUSY state will be raised  for
       foreign  signals  that  are  higher  than  CcaEdThreshold  (see  section  in the
       802.11-2012 standard for definition of CCA Mode 1).  The attribute WifiPhy::CcaEdThreshold
       therefore potentially plays a larger role in this model than in the YansWifiPhy model.

       To support the Spectrum channel, the YansWifiPhy transmit and receive methods were adapted
       to use the Spectrum channel API.  This required  developing  a  few  SpectrumModel-related
       classes.   The  class  WifiSpectrumValueHelper  is  used  to create Wi-Fi signals with the
       spectrum framework and spread their energy across the bands. The spectrum  is  sub-divided
       into  sub-bands  (the  width  of an OFDM subcarrier, which depends on the technology). The
       power allocated to a particular channel is spread across the sub-bands  roughly  according
       to  how  power would be allocated to sub-carriers. Adjacent channels are models by the use
       of OFDM transmit spectrum masks as defined in the standards.

       To support an easier user configuration experience, the existing YansWifi  helper  classes
       (in  src/wifi/helper)  were  copied  and adapted to provide equivalent SpectrumWifi helper

       Finally, for reasons  related  to  avoiding  C++  multiple  inheritance  issues,  a  small
       forwarding  class  called  WifiSpectrumPhyInterface  was  inserted  as  a shim between the
       SpectrumWifiPhy and the Spectrum channel.  The WifiSpectrumPhyInterface calls a  different
       SpectrumWifiPhy::StartRx  ()  method to start the reception process.  This method performs
       the check of the signal power against the WifiPhy::RxSensitivity  attribute  and  discards
       weak signals, and also checks if the signal is a Wi-Fi signal; non-Wi-Fi signals are added
       to the InterferenceHelper and can raise CCA_BUSY but are  not  further  processed  in  the
       reception     chain.       After     this     point,    valid    Wi-Fi    signals    cause
       WifiPhy::StartReceivePreamble to be called, and  the  processing  continues  as  described

   The MAC model
   Infrastructure association
       Association in infrastructure mode is a high-level MAC function.  Either active probing or
       passive scanning is used (default is passive scan).  At the start of the simulation, Wi-Fi
       network  devices  configured  as  STA will attempt to scan the channel. Depends on whether
       passive or active scanning is selected, STA will attempt to  gather  beacons,  or  send  a
       probe  request  and  gather  probe  responses until the respective timeout occurs. The end
       result will be a list of candidate AP to associate to. STA will then try to  associate  to
       the best AP (i.e., best SNR).

       If association is rejected by the AP for some reason, the STA will try to associate to the
       next best AP until the candidate list is exhausted  which  then  sends  STA  to  ‘REFUSED’
       state.  If this occurs, the simulation user will need to force reassociation retry in some
       way, perhaps by changing  configuration  (i.e.  the  STA  will  not  persistently  try  to
       associate upon a refusal).

       When  associated, if the configuration is changed by the simulation user, the STA will try
       to reassociate with the existing AP.

       If the number of missed beacons exceeds the threshold, the STA will notify the rest of the
       device  that the link is down (association is lost) and restart the scanning process. Note
       that this can also happen when an  association  request  fails  without  explicit  refusal
       (i.e., the AP fails to respond to association request).

       Roaming  at  layer-2  (i.e.  a STA migrates its association from one AP to another) is not
       presently supported. Because of that, the Min/Max channel dwelling time implementation  as
       described  by  the  IEEE  802.11  standard  [ieee80211]  is also omitted, since it is only
       meaningful on the context of channel roaming.

   Channel access
       The 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function is used to calculate when to grant access  to
       the  transmission  medium. While implementing the DCF would have been particularly easy if
       we had used a recurring timer that  expired  every  slot,  we  chose  to  use  the  method
       described in [ji2004sslswn] where the backoff timer duration is lazily calculated whenever
       needed since it is claimed to have much better  performance  than  the  simpler  recurring
       timer solution.

       The DCF basic access is described in section of [ieee80211-2016].

       • “A  STA  may transmit an MPDU when it is operating under the DCF access method [..] when
         the STA determines that the medium is idle when a frame is queued for transmission,  and
         remains  idle  for  a  period  of  a  DIFS,  or an EIFS ( from the end of the
         immediately preceding medium-busy event, whichever is the greater, and the backoff timer
         is  zero.  Otherwise  the  random  backoff  procedure  described  in  shall be

       Thus, a station is allowed not to invoke the backoff procedure if  all  of  the  following
       conditions are met:

       • the medium is idle when a frame is queued for transmission

       • the  medium remains idle until the most recent of these two events: a DIFS from the time
         when the frame is queued for transmission; an EIFS  from  the  end  of  the  immediately
         preceding medium-busy event (associated with the reception of an erroneous frame)

       • the backoff timer is zero

       The backoff procedure of DCF is described in section of [ieee80211-2016].

       • “A  STA  shall  invoke the backoff procedure to transfer a frame when finding the medium
         busy as indicated by either the physical or virtual CS mechanism.”

       • “A backoff procedure shall be performed immediately after the end of every  transmission
         with  the  More  Fragments  bit set to 0 of an MPDU of type Data, Management, or Control
         with subtype PS-Poll, even if no additional transmissions are currently queued.”

       The EDCA backoff procedure is slightly different than the DCF  backoff  procedure  and  is
       described in section of [ieee80211-2016]. The backoff procedure shall be invoked
       by an EDCAF when any of the following events occur:

       • a frame is “queued for transmission such that one of the transmit queues associated with
         that  AC  has now become non-empty and any other transmit queues associated with that AC
         are empty; the medium is busy on the primary channel”

       • “The transmission of the MPDU in the final PPDU transmitted by the  TXOP  holder  during
         the  TXOP  for  that  AC has completed and the TXNAV timer has expired, and the AC was a
         primary AC”

       • “The transmission of an MPDU in the initial PPDU of a TXOP fails [..] and the AC  was  a
         primary AC”

       • “The  transmission  attempt  collides  internally  with  another EDCAF of an AC that has
         higher priority”

       • (optionally) “The transmission by the TXOP holder of an MPDU in a non-initial PPDU of  a
         TXOP fails”

       Additionally,  section  of  [ieee80211-2016]  introduces  the  notion  of  slot
       boundary, which basically occurs following SIFS + AIFSN * slotTime of  idle  medium  after
       the  last  busy medium that was the result of a reception of a frame with a correct FCS or
       following EIFS - DIFS + AIFSN * slotTime + SIFS of idle medium after  the  last  indicated
       busy  medium  that  was the result of a frame reception that has resulted in FCS error, or
       following a slotTime of idle medium occurring immediately after any of these conditions.

       On these specific slot boundaries, each EDCAF shall make a determination  to  perform  one
       and only one of the following functions:

       • Decrement the backoff timer.

       • Initiate the transmission of a frame exchange sequence.

       • Invoke the backoff procedure due to an internal collision.

       • Do nothing.

       Thus,  if an EDCAF decrements its backoff timer on a given slot boundary and, as a result,
       the backoff timer has a zero value, the EDCAF cannot immediately transmit, but it  has  to
       wait for another slotTime of idle medium before transmission can start.

       The  higher-level  MAC  functions  are  implemented in a set of other C++ classes and deal

       • packet fragmentation and defragmentation,

       • use of the RTS/CTS protocol,

       • rate control algorithm,

       • connection and disconnection to and from an Access Point,

       • the MAC transmission queue,

       • beacon generation,

       • MSDU aggregation,

       • etc.

   Frame Exchange Managers
       As the IEEE 802.11 standard evolves, more and more features are added and it is  more  and
       more  difficult  to  have  a  single  component handling all of the allowed frame exchange
       sequences. A hierarchy of FrameExchangeManager classes has been  introduced  to  make  the
       code clean and scalable, while avoiding code duplication.  Each FrameExchangeManager class
       handles  the  frame  exchange   sequences   introduced   by   a   given   amendment.   The
       FrameExchangeManager hierarchy is depicted in Figure FrameExchangeManager hierarchy.
         [image] FrameExchangeManager hierarchy.UNINDENT

         The features supported by every FrameExchangeManager class are as follows:

       • FrameExchangeManager  is  the  base  class.  It  handles the basic sequences for non-QoS
         stations: MPDU followed  by  Normal  Ack,  RTS/CTS  and  CTS-to-self,  NAV  setting  and
         resetting, MPDU fragmentation

       • QosFrameExchangeManager  adds TXOP support: multiple protection setting, TXOP truncation
         via CF-End, TXOP recovery, ignore NAV when responding to an RTS sent by the TXOP holder

       • HtFrameExchangeManager adds support for  Block  Ack  (compressed  variant),  A-MSDU  and
         A-MPDU aggregation, Implicit Block Ack Request policy

       • VhtFrameExchangeManager adds support for S-MPDUs

       • HeFrameExchangeManager  adds  support  for  the transmission and reception of multi-user
         frames via DL OFDMA and UL OFDMA, as detailed below.

   Multi-user transmissions
       Since the introduction of the IEEE 802.11ax amendment, multi-user (MU)  transmissions  are
       possible, both in downlink (DL) and uplink (UL), by using OFDMA and/or MU-MIMO. Currently,
       ns-3 only supports multi-user transmissions via OFDMA. Three acknowledgment sequences  are
       implemented for DL OFDMA.

       The first acknowledgment sequence is made of multiple BlockAckRequest/BlockAck frames sent
       as single-user frames, as shown in Figure Acknowledgment of DL MU  frames  in  single-user
         [image] Acknowledgment of DL MU frames in single-user format.UNINDENT

         For  the  second  acknowledgment  sequence,  an  MU-BAR  Trigger  Frame  is  sent  (as a
         single-user frame) to solicit BlockAck responses sent in TB PPDUs, as  shown  in  Figure
         Acknowledgment of DL MU frames via MU-BAR Trigger Frame sent as single-user frame.
         [image]  Acknowledgment  of  DL  MU  frames via MU-BAR Trigger Frame sent as single-user

         For the third acknowledgment sequence, an MU-BAR Trigger Frame is  aggregated  to  every
         PSDU  included  in  the  DL  MU PPDU and the BlockAck responses are sent in TB PPDUs, as
         shown in Figure Acknowledgment of DL MU frames via aggregated MU-BAR Trigger Frames.
         [image] Acknowledgment of DL MU frames via aggregated MU-BAR Trigger Frames.UNINDENT

         For UL OFDMA, both BSRP Trigger Frames and Basic Trigger Frames are supported, as  shown
         in  Figure  Acknowledgment  of DL MU frames via aggregated MU-BAR Trigger Frames. A BSRP
         Trigger Frame is sent by an AP to solicit stations to send QoS  Null  frames  containing
         Buffer  Status  Reports.  A  Basic Trigger Frame is sent by an AP to solicit stations to
         send data frames in TB PPDUs, which are acknowledged by the AP via a Multi-STA  BlockAck
         [image] Acknowledgment of DL MU frames via aggregated MU-BAR Trigger Frames.UNINDENT

   Multi-User Scheduler
       A new component, named MultiUserScheduler, is in charge of determining what frame exchange
       sequence the aggregated AP has to perform when gaining a TXOP (DL OFDMA, UL OFDMA or  BSRP
       Trigger  Frame),  along with the information needed to perform the selected frame exchange
       sequence (e.g., the set of PSDUs to send in case of DL OFDMA).  MultiUserScheduler  is  an
       abstract  base  class.  Currently, the only available subclass is RrMultiUserScheduler. By
       default, no multi-user scheduler is aggregated to an AP (hence, OFDMA is not enabled).

   Round-robin Multi-User Scheduler
       The Round-robin Multi-User Scheduler dynamically assigns a priority  to  each  station  to
       ensure  airtime fairness in the selection of stations for DL multi-user transmissions. The
       NStations attribute enables to set  the  maximum  number  of  stations  that  can  be  the
       recipients  of  a DL multi-user frame. Therefore, every time an HE AP accesses the channel
       to transmit a DL multi-user frame, the scheduler determines the number of stations the  AP
       has  frames to send to (capped at the value specified through the mentioned attribute) and
       attempts to allocate equal sized RUs to as many such stations as possible without  leaving
       RUs  of  the  same  size  unused. For instance, if the channel bandwidth is 40 MHz and the
       determined number of stations is 5, the first  4  stations  (in  order  of  priority)  are
       allocated  a  106-tone RU each (if 52-tone RUs were allocated, we would have three 52-tone
       RUs  unused).  If  central  26-tone  RUs  can  be  allocated   (as   determined   by   the
       UseCentral26TonesRus  attribute), possible stations that have not been allocated an RU are
       assigned one of such 26-tone RU. In the previous example, the  fifth  station  would  have
       been allocated one of the two available central 26-tone RUs.

       When  UL OFDMA is enabled (via the EnableUlOfdma attribute), every DL OFDMA frame exchange
       is followed by an UL OFDMA frame exchange involving the same set of stations and the  same
       RU  allocation  as  the  preceding DL multi-user frame. The transmission of a BSRP Trigger
       Frame can optionally (depending on the value of  the  EnableBsrp  attribute)  precede  the
       transmission of a Basic Trigger Frame in order for the AP to collect information about the
       buffer status of the stations.

   Ack manager
       Since the introduction of the IEEE 802.11e amendment, multiple acknowledgment policies are
       available, which are coded in the Ack Policy subfield in the QoS Control field of QoS Data
       frames (see Section of the IEEE 802.11-2016 standard). For instance,  an  A-MPDU
       can  be  sent  with the Normal Ack or Implicit Block Ack Request policy, in which case the
       receiver replies with a Normal Ack or a Block Ack depending on whether the A-MPDU contains
       a  single MPDU or multiple MPDUs, or with the Block Ack policy, in which case the receiver
       waits to receive a Block Ack Request in the future to which it replies with a Block Ack.

       WifiAckManager is the abstract base class introduced to provide an interface for  multiple
       ack managers. Currently, the default ack manager is the WifiDefaultAckManager.

       The WifiDefaultAckManager allows to determine which acknowledgment policy to use depending
       on the value of its attributes:

       • UseExplicitBar: used to determine the ack policy to use when a response is  needed  from
         the  recipient  and  the current transmission includes multiple frames (A-MPDU) or there
         are frames transmitted previously  for  which  an  acknowledgment  is  needed.  If  this
         attribute  is  true,  the  Block  Ack  policy is used. Otherwise, the Implicit Block Ack
         Request policy is used.

       • BaThreshold: used to determine when the originator of a Block  Ack  agreement  needs  to
         request  a  response  from  the  recipient.  A  value  of  zero means that a response is
         requested at every frame transmission. Otherwise, a non-zero value (less than  or  equal
         to  1)  means  that  a response is requested upon transmission of a frame whose sequence
         number is distant at least BaThreshold multiplied by the transmit window size  from  the
         starting sequence number of the transmit window.

       • DlMuAckSequenceType:  used  to  select  the  acknowledgment  sequence  for  DL MU frames
         (acknowledgment in single-user format, acknowledgment via MU-BAR Trigger Frame  sent  as
         single-user  frame,  or  acknowledgment via MU-BAR Trigger Frames aggregated to the data

   Protection manager
       The protection manager is in charge of determining the protection  mechanism  to  use,  if
       any, when sending a frame.

       WifiProtectionManager  is  the  abstract base class introduced to provide an interface for
       multiple  protection  managers.  Currently,  the  default  protection   manager   is   the

       The  WifiDefaultProtectionManager  selects a protection mechanism based on the information
       provided by the remote station manager.

   Rate control algorithms
       Multiple rate control algorithms are available in ns-3.  Some rate control algorithms  are
       modeled  after  real algorithms used in real devices; others are found in literature.  The
       following rate control algorithms can be used by the MAC low layer:

       Algorithms found in real devices:

       • ArfWifiManager (default for WifiHelper)

       • OnoeWifiManagerConstantRateWifiManagerMinstrelWifiManagerMinstrelHtWifiManager

       Algorithms in literature:

       • IdealWifiManagerAarfWifiManager [lacage2004aarfamrr]AmrrWifiManager [lacage2004aarfamrr]CaraWifiManager [kim2006cara]RraaWifiManager [wong2006rraa]AarfcdWifiManager [maguolo2008aarfcd]ParfWifiManager [akella2007parf]AparfWifiManager [chevillat2005aparf]ThompsonSamplingWifiManager [krotov2020rate]

       The constant rate control algorithm always uses  the  same  transmission  mode  for  every
       packet. Users can set a desired ‘DataMode’ for all ‘unicast’ packets and ‘ControlMode’ for
       all ‘request’ control packets (e.g. RTS).

       To  specify  different  data  mode  for  non-unicast   packets,   users   must   set   the
       ‘NonUnicastMode’     attribute     of     the     WifiRemoteStationManager.     Otherwise,
       WifiRemoteStationManager will use a mode with the lowest rate for non-unicast packets.

       The 802.11 standard is quite clear on the rules for selection of  transmission  parameters
       for  control  response  frames (e.g.  CTS and ACK).  ns-3 follows the standard and selects
       the rate of control response frames from the set of basic rates or mandatory  rates.  This
       means  that  control  response  frames  may  be  sent using different rate even though the
       ConstantRateWifiManager is used.  The ControlMode attribute of the ConstantRateWifiManager
       is used for RTS frames only.  The rate of CTS and ACK frames are selected according to the
       802.11 standard.  However, users can still manually add WifiMode to  the  basic  rate  set
       that  will  allow  control  response frames to be sent at other rates.  Please consult the
       project wiki on how to do this.

       Available attributes:

       • DataMode (default WifiMode::OfdmRate6Mbps): specify a mode for all non-unicast packets

       • ControlMode (default WifiMode::OfdmRate6Mbps): specify a mode for all ‘request’  control

       The  ideal  rate  control  algorithm  selects  the  best  mode according to the SNR of the
       previous packet sent.  Consider node A sending  a  unicast  packet  to  node  B.   When  B
       successfully  receives  the  packet  sent from A, B records the SNR of the received packet
       into a ns3::SnrTag and adds the tag to an ACK back to A.  By doing  this,  A  is  able  to
       learn  the  SNR  of  the  packet  sent  to B using an out-of-band mechanism (thus the name
       ‘ideal’).  A then uses the SNR to select a  transmission  mode  based  on  a  set  of  SNR
       thresholds, which was built from a target BER and mode-specific SNR/BER curves.

       Available attribute:

       • BerThreshold  (default  1e-6):  The maximum Bit Error Rate that is used to calculate the
         SNR threshold for each mode.

       Note that the BerThreshold has to be low enough to select a robust enough  MCS  (or  mode)
       for  a  given  SNR  value, without being too restrictive on the target BER.  Indeed we had
       noticed that the previous default value (i.e. 1e-5) led to  the  selection  of  HE  MCS-11
       which resulted in high PER.  With this new default value (i.e. 1e-6), a HE STA moving away
       from a HE AP has smooth throughput decrease (whereas with  1e-5,  better  performance  was
       seen further away, which is not “ideal”).

       Thompson  Sampling  (TS)  is  a  classical  solution  to  the  Multi-Armed Bandit problem.
       ThompsonSamplingWifiManager implements a rate control algorithm based on TS with the  goal
       of providing a simple statistics-based algorithm with a low number of parameters.

       The  algorithm maintains the number of successful transmissions \alpha_i and the number of
       unsuccessful transmissions \beta_i for each MCS i, both of  which  are  initially  set  to

       To  select  MCS for a data frame, the algorithm draws a sample frame success rate q_i from
       the beta distribution with shape parameters (1 + \alpha_i, 1 + \beta_i) for each  MCS  and
       then  selects  MCS  with  the  highest  expected throughput calculated as the sample frame
       success rate multiplied by MCS rate.

       To account for changing channel conditions, exponential decay is applied to  \alpha_i  and
       \beta_i. The rate of exponential decay is controlled with the Decay attribute which is the
       inverse of the time constant. Default value of 1 Hz results in  using  exponential  window
       with  the  time  constant  of  1  second.  Setting this value to zero effectively disables
       exponential decay and can be used in static scenarios.

       Control frames are always transmitted using the most robust MCS, except when the  standard
       specifies otherwise, such as for ACK frames.

       As  the main goal of this algorithm is to provide a stable baseline, it does not take into
       account backoff overhead, inter-frame spaces and aggregation for MCS rate calculation. For
       an example of a more complex statistics-based rate control algorithm used in real devices,
       consider Minstrel-HT described below.

       The minstrel rate control algorithm is a rate control algorithm  originated  from  madwifi
       project. It is currently the default rate control algorithm of the Linux kernel.

       Minstrel  keeps track of the probability of successfully sending a frame of each available
       rate.  Minstrel then calculates the expected throughput  by  multiplying  the  probability
       with  the rate.  This approach is chosen to make sure that lower rates are not selected in
       favor of the higher rates (since lower rates are more likely to have higher probability).

       In minstrel, roughly 10 percent of transmissions are  sent  at  the  so-called  lookaround
       rate.   The  goal  of the lookaround rate is to force minstrel to try higher rate than the
       currently used rate.

       For a more detailed information about minstrel, see [linuxminstrel].

       This is the extension of minstrel for 802.11n/ac/ax.

   802.11ax OBSS PD spatial reuse
       802.11ax mode supports OBSS PD spatial reuse feature.   OBSS  PD  stands  for  Overlapping
       Basic Service Set Preamble-Detection.  OBSS PD is an 802.11ax specific feature that allows
       a STA, under specific conditions, to ignore an inter-BSS PPDU.

   OBSS PD Algorithm
       ObssPdAlgorithm is the base class  of  OBSS  PD  algorithms.   It  implements  the  common
       functionalities.  First,  it makes sure the necessary callbacks are setup.  Second, when a
       PHY reset is requested by the algorithm, it performs the computation to determine  the  TX
       power restrictions and informs the PHY object.

       The PHY keeps tracks of incoming requests from the MAC to get access to the channel.  If a
       request is received and if PHY reset(s) indicating TX power limitations occured  before  a
       packet  was  transmitted,  the  next  packet to be transmitted will be sent with a reduced
       power. Otherwise, no TX power restrictions will be applied.

   Constant OBSS PD Algorithm
       Constant  OBSS  PD  algorithm  is  a  simple  OBSS  PD  algorithm   implemented   in   the
       ConstantObssPdAlgorithm class.

       Once a HE preamble and its header have been received by the PHY, ConstantObssPdAlgorithm::
       ReceiveHeSig is triggered.  The algorithm then checks whether this is  an  OBSS  frame  by
       comparing  its  own  BSS color with the BSS color of the received preamble.  If this is an
       OBSS frame, it compares the received RSSI with its configured OBSS PD level value. The PHY
       then  gets  reset to IDLE state in case the received RSSI is lower than that constant OBSS
       PD level value, and is informed about a TX power restrictions.

       Note: since our model is based on a single threshold, the PHY only supports one restricted
       power level.

   Modifying Wifi model
       Modifying  the default wifi model is one of the common tasks when performing research.  We
       provide an overview of how to make changes to the default  wifi  model  in  this  section.
       Depending on your goal, the common tasks are (in no particular order):

       • Creating   or   modifying   the  default  Wi-Fi  frames/headers  by  making  changes  to

       • MAC  low  modification.  For  example,  handling  new/modified  control  frames   (think
         RTS/CTS/ACK/Block  ACK),  making  changes  to  two-way transaction/four-way transaction.
         Users usually make changes to frame-exchange-manager.* or its subclasses  to  accomplish
         this.  Handling of control frames is performed in FrameExchangeManager::ReceiveMpdu.

       • MAC high modification. For example, handling new management frames (think beacon/probe),
         beacon/probe      generation.       Users      usually       make       changes       to
         regular-wifi-mac.*,``sta-wifi-mac.*``,  ap-wifi-mac.*, or adhoc-wifi-mac.* to accomplish

       • Wi-Fi queue management.  The files txop.* and qos-txop.* are of interest for this task.

       • Channel access management.  Users  should  modify  the  files  channel-access-manager.*,
         which grant access to Txop and QosTxop.

       • Fragmentation  and RTS threholds are handled by Wi-Fi remote station manager.  Note that
         Wi-Fi remote station manager simply indicates  if  fragmentation  and  RTS  are  needed.
         Fragmentation  is  handled  by  Txop  or QosTxop while RTS/CTS transaction is handled by

       • Modifying or creating new rate control algorithms can be done by creating  a  new  child
         class of Wi-Fi remote station manager or modifying the existing ones.

   User Documentation
   Using the WifiNetDevice
       The  modularity  provided  by  the  implementation  makes  low-level  configuration of the
       WifiNetDevice powerful but complex. For this reason, we provide  some  helper  classes  to
       perform  common  operations  in a simple matter, and leverage the ns-3 attribute system to
       allow users to control the parameterization of the underlying models.

       Users who use the low-level ns-3 API and who wish to add a  WifiNetDevice  to  their  node
       must create an instance of a WifiNetDevice, plus a number of constituent objects, and bind
       them together appropriately (the WifiNetDevice is very modular in this regard, for  future
       extensibility).  At  the  low-level API, this can be done with about 20 lines of code (see
       ns3::WifiHelper::Install, and ns3::YansWifiPhyHelper::Create). They also must  create,  at
       some  point,  a  Channel,  which  also  contains  a  number  of  constituent  objects (see

       However, a few helpers are available for users to add these devices and channels with only
       a  few  lines  of  code,  if  they  are  willing  to use defaults, and the helpers provide
       additional API to allow  the  passing  of  attribute  values  to  change  default  values.
       Commonly  used  attribute  values  are  listed  in the Attributes section.  The scripts in
       examples/wireless can be browsed to see how this is done.  Next, we  describe  the  common
       steps  to  create  a  WifiNetDevice from the bottom layer (Channel) up to the device layer

       To create a WifiNetDevice, users need to follow these steps:

       • Decide on which physical layer framework, the SpectrumWifiPhy or  YansWifiPhy,  to  use.
         This will affect which Channel and Phy type to use.

       • Configure  the  Channel:  Channel  takes care of getting signal from one device to other
         devices on  the  same  Wi-Fi  channel.   The  main  configurations  of  WifiChannel  are
         propagation loss model and propagation delay model.

       • Configure  the  WifiPhy:  WifiPhy  takes care of actually sending and receiving wireless
         signal from Channel.  Here, WifiPhy decides whether  each  frame  will  be  successfully
         decoded  or  not  depending  on  the received signal strength and noise.  Thus, the main
         configuration of WifiPhy is the error  rate  model,  which  is  the  one  that  actually
         calculates the probability of successfully decoding the frame based on the signal.

       • Configure  WifiMac: this step is more related to the architecture and device level.  The
         users configure the wifi architecture (i.e. ad-hoc or ap-sta) and whether QoS (802.11e),
         HT (802.11n) and/or VHT (802.11ac) and/or HE (802.11ax) features are supported or not.

       • Create  WifiDevice:  at  this  step,  users  configure  the  desired wifi standard (e.g.
         802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n, 802.11ac or 802.11ax) and rate control algorithm.

       • Configure mobility: finally, a mobility model is (usually) required before WifiNetDevice
         can be used; even if the devices are stationary, their relative positions are needed for
         propagation loss calculations.

       The following sample code illustrates a typical configuration using mostly default  values
       in the simulator, and infrastructure mode:

          NodeContainer wifiStaNode;
          wifiStaNode.Create (10);   // Create 10 station node objects
          NodeContainer wifiApNode;
          wifiApNode.Create (1);   // Create 1 access point node object

          // Create a channel helper and phy helper, and then create the channel
          YansWifiChannelHelper channel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
          YansWifiPhyHelper phy = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();
          phy.SetChannel (channel.Create ());

          // Create a WifiMacHelper, which is reused across STA and AP configurations
          WifiMacHelper mac;

          // Create a WifiHelper, which will use the above helpers to create
          // and install Wifi devices.  Configure a Wifi standard to use, which
          // will align various parameters in the Phy and Mac to standard defaults.
          WifiHelper wifi;
          wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_STANDARD_80211n_5GHZ);
          // Declare NetDeviceContainers to hold the container returned by the helper
          NetDeviceContainer wifiStaDevices;
          NetDeviceContainer wifiApDevice;

          // Perform the installation
          mac.SetType ("ns3::StaWifiMac");
          wifiStaDevices = wifi.Install (phy, mac, wifiStaNodes);
          mac.SetType ("ns3::ApWifiMac");
          wifiApDevice = wifi.Install (phy, mac, wifiApNode);

       At  this  point, the 11 nodes have Wi-Fi devices configured, attached to a common channel.
       The rest of this section describes how additional configuration may be performed.

       The YansWifiChannelHelper has an unusual name. Readers may wonder why  it  is  named  this
       way. The reference is to the yans simulator from which this model is taken. The helper can
       be used to create a YansWifiChannel with a default  PropagationLoss  and  PropagationDelay

       Users will typically type code such as:

          YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannelHelper = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
          Ptr<Channel> wifiChannel = wifiChannelHelper.Create ();

       to  get  the  defaults.   Specifically,  the default is a channel model with a propagation
       delay equal to a constant, the speed of  light  (ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel),
       and    a    propagation    loss    based    on    a    default    log    distance    model
       (ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModel), using a default exponent of 3.  Please  note  that
       the  default  log  distance  model  is  configured  with a reference loss of 46.6777 dB at
       reference distance of 1m.  The reference loss of 46.6777 dB  was  calculated  using  Friis
       propagation  loss  model  at  5.15  GHz.   The  reference loss must be changed if 802.11b,
       802.11g, 802.11n (at 2.4 GHz) or 802.11ax (at 2.4 GHz) are used since they operate at  2.4

       Note  the  distinction  above in creating a helper object vs. an actual simulation object.
       In ns-3, helper objects (used at the helper API only) are created on the stack (they could
       also  be  created  with operator new and later deleted).  However, the actual ns-3 objects
       typically inherit from class ns3::Object and are assigned to a  smart  pointer.   See  the
       chapter  in  the  ns-3  manual  for  a discussion of the ns-3 object model, if you are not
       familiar with it.

       The following two methods are useful when configuring YansWifiChannelHelper:

       • YansWifiChannelHelper::AddPropagationLoss adds a PropagationLossModel; if  one  or  more
         PropagationLossModels already exist, the new model is chained to the end

       • YansWifiChannelHelper::SetPropagationDelay sets a PropagationDelayModel (not chainable)

       Physical devices (base class ns3::WifiPhy) connect to ns3::YansWifiChannel models in ns-3.
       We  need  to  create  WifiPhy  objects  appropriate  for  the  YansWifiChannel;  here  the
       YansWifiPhyHelper will do the work.

       The  YansWifiPhyHelper  class  configures  an  object  factory  to  create  instances of a
       YansWifiPhy and  adds  some  other  objects  to  it,  including  possibly  a  supplemental
       ErrorRateModel and a pointer to a MobilityModel. The user code is typically:

          YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhyHelper;
          wifiPhyHelper.SetChannel (wifiChannel);

       The    default    YansWifiPhyHelper    is    configured    with   TableBasedErrorRateModel
       (ns3::TableBasedErrorRateModel). You can change  the  error  rate  model  by  calling  the
       YansWifiPhyHelper::SetErrorRateModel method.

       Optionally, if pcap tracing is needed, a user may use the following command to enable pcap

          YansWifiPhyHelper::SetPcapDataLinkType (enum SupportedPcapDataLinkTypes dlt)

       ns-3 supports RadioTap and Prism tracing extensions for 802.11.

       Note that we haven’t actually created any WifiPhy objects yet;  we’ve  just  prepared  the
       YansWifiPhyHelper  by  telling  it  which channel it is connected to.  The Phy objects are
       created in the next step.

       In order to enable 802.11n/ac/ax MIMO, the number of antennas as well  as  the  number  of
       supported spatial streams need to be configured.  For example, this code enables MIMO with
       2 antennas and 2 spatial streams:

          wifiPhyHelper.Set ("Antennas", UintegerValue (2));
          wifiPhyHelper.Set ("MaxSupportedTxSpatialStreams", UintegerValue (2));
          wifiPhyHelper.Set ("MaxSupportedRxSpatialStreams", UintegerValue (2));

       It is also possible to configure less streams than the number  of  antennas  in  order  to
       benefit  from  diversity  gain, and to define different MIMO capabilities for downlink and
       uplink.  For example, this code configures a node with 3 antennas that supports 2  spatial
       streams in downstream and 1 spatial stream in upstream:

          wifiPhyHelper.Set ("Antennas", UintegerValue (3));
          wifiPhyHelper.Set ("MaxSupportedTxSpatialStreams", UintegerValue (2));
          wifiPhyHelper.Set ("MaxSupportedRxSpatialStreams", UintegerValue (1));

       802.11n  PHY  layer can support both 20 (default) or 40 MHz channel width, and 802.11ac/ax
       PHY layer can use either 20, 40, 80 (default) or 160 MHz channel  width.   See  below  for
       further documentation on setting the frequency, channel width, and channel number.

          WifiHelper wifi;
          wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_STANDARD_80211ac);
          wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager",
                                        "DataMode", StringValue ("VhtMcs9"),
                                        "ControlMode", StringValue ("VhtMcs0"));

          //Install PHY and MAC
          Ssid ssid = Ssid ("ns3-wifi");
          WifiMacHelper mac;

          mac.SetType ("ns3::StaWifiMac",
                       "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid),
                       "ActiveProbing", BooleanValue (false));

          NetDeviceContainer staDevice;
          staDevice = wifi.Install (phy, mac, wifiStaNode);

          mac.SetType ("ns3::ApWifiMac",
                       "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid));

          NetDeviceContainer apDevice;
          apDevice = wifi.Install (phy, mac, wifiApNode);

   Channel, frequency, and channel width configuration
       There  are  a  few  ns3::WifiPhy parameters that are related, and cannot be set completely
       independently, concerning the frequency and channel width that the  device  is  tuned  to.
       These are:

       • WifiPhyStandard:  For example, 802.11b, 802.11n, etc.

       • FrequencyChannelWidthChannelNumber

       It  is  possible to set the above to incompatible combinations (e.g. channel number 1 with
       40 MHz channel width on frequency 4915 MHz).  In addition, the latter three  values  above
       are attributes; it is possible to set them in a number of ways:

       • by setting global configuration default; e.g.

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiPhy::ChannelNumber", UintegerValue (3));

       • by setting an attribute value in the helper; e.g.

          YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhyHelper = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();
          wifiPhyHelper.Set ("ChannelNumber", UintegerValue (3));

       • by setting the WifiHelper::SetStandard (enum WifiStandard) method; and

       • by  performing  post-installation  configuration  of the option, either via a Ptr to the
         WifiPhy object, or through the Config namespace; e.g.:

          Config::Set ("/NodeList/0/DeviceList/*/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Phy/$ns3::WifiPhy/ChannelNumber",
                       UintegerValue (3));

       This section provides guidance on how to configure these settings in  a  coherent  manner,
       and what happens if non-standard values are chosen.

       WifiHelper::SetStandard  ()  is  a  method to set various parameters in the Mac and Phy to
       standard   values   and   some   reasonable   defaults.     For    example,    SetStandard
       (WIFI_STANDARD_80211a)  will  set the WifiPhy to Channel 36 in the 5 GHz band, among other
       settings appropriate for 802.11a.

       The following values for WifiStandard are defined in src/wifi/model/wifi-standards.h:


       By default, the WifiHelper (the typical use case for WifiPhy creation) will configure  the
       WIFI_STANDARD_80211a  standard  by  default.   Other values for standards should be passed
       explicitly to the WifiHelper object.

       If user has not already separately configured Frequency or ChannelNumber when  SetStandard
       is  called, the user obtains default values, in addition (e.g. channel 1 for 802.11b/g, or
       channel 36 for a/n), in addition to an appropriate ChannelWidth  value  for  the  standard
       (typically, 20 MHz, but 80 MHz for 802.11ac/ax).

   WifiPhy attribute interactions
       Users  should  keep in mind that the two attributes that matter most within the model code
       are WifiPhy::Frequency and WifiPhy::ChannelWidth; these are the ones directly used to  set
       transmission   parameters.   WifiPhy::ChannelNumber  and  WifiHelper::SetStandard  ()  are
       convenience shorthands for setting frequency and channel width.  The ns3::WifiPhy contains
       code  to  keep  these values aligned and to generate runtime errors in some cases if users
       set these attributes to incompatible values.

       The   pair   (WifiPhyStandard,   ChannelNumber)   is   an   alias   for    a    pair    of
       (Frequency/ChannelWidth)  items.   Valid  combinations  are stored in a map within WifiPhy
       that is populated with well-known values but that can be dynamically extended at runtime.

       The WifiPhy channel center frequency is set  by  the  attribute  Frequency  in  the  class
       WifiPhy.  It is expressed in units of MHz.  By default, this attribute is set to the value
       0 to indicate that no value is configured.

       Note that this is a change in definition from ns-3.25 and  earlier  releases,  where  this
       attribute  referred  to  the  start  of  the  overall  frequency band on which the channel
       resides, not the specific channel center frequency.

       The WifiPhy channel width is set by the attribute ChannelWidth in the class  WifiPhy.   It
       is  expressed  in  units  of  MHz.   By  default,  this  attribute is set to the value 20.
       Allowable values are 5, 10, 20, 22, 40, 80, or 160 (MHz).

       Several channel numbers are defined and well-known in practice.   However,  valid  channel
       numbers  vary  by  geographical region around the world, and there is some overlap between
       the different standards.

       In ns-3, the class WifiPhy contains an attribute ChannelNumber that is, by default, set to
       the value 0.  The value 0 indicates that no channel number has been set by the user.

       In  ns-3,  a  ChannelNumber  may  be defined or unknown.  These terms are not found in the
       code; they are just used to describe behavior herein.

       If a ChannelNumber is defined, it means that WifiPhy has stored a map of ChannelNumber  to
       the  center  frequency and channel width commonly known for that channel in practice.  For

       • Channel 1, when IEEE 802.11b is configured, corresponds to a channel width of 22 MHz and
         a center frequency of 2412 MHz.

       • Channel  36, when IEEE 802.11n is configured at 5 GHz, corresponds to a channel width of
         20 MHz and a center frequency of 5180 MHz.

       The following channel numbers are well-defined for 2.4 GHz standards:

       • channels 1-14 with ChannelWidth of 22 MHz for 802.11b

       • channels 1-14 with ChannelWidth of 20 MHz for 802.11n-2.4GHz and 802.11g

       The following channel numbers are well-defined for 5 GHz standards:

   5 GHz channel numbers
                         │ChannelWidthChannelNumber                    │
                         │20 MHz           │ 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60,  64, │
                         │                 │ 100,  104,  108,  112, 116, 120, │
                         │                 │ 124, 128, 132,  136,  140,  144, │
                         │                 │ 149, 153, 161, 165, 169          │
                         │40 MHz           │ 38,  46,  54, 62, 102, 110, 118, │
                         │                 │ 126, 134, 142, 151, 159          │
                         │80 MHz           │ 42, 58, 106, 122, 138, 155       │
                         │160 MHz          │ 50, 114                          │
                         │10 MHz (802.11p) │ 172, 174, 176,  178,  180,  182, │
                         │                 │ 184                              │
                         │5 MHz (802.11p)  │ 171,  173,  175,  177, 179, 181, │
                         │                 │ 183                              │

       The following channel numbers are well-defined for 6 GHz standards (802.11ax only):

   6 GHz channel numbers
                           │ChannelWidthChannelNumber                    │

                           │20 MHz       │ 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, │
                           │             │ 37,  41, 45, 49, 53, 57, 61, 65, │
                           │             │ 69, 73, 77, 81, 85, 89, 93,  97, │
                           │             │ 101,  105,  109,  113, 117, 121, │
                           │             │ 125, 129, 133,  137,  141,  145, │
                           │             │ 149,  153,  157,  161, 165, 169, │
                           │             │ 173, 177, 181,  185,  189,  193, │
                           │             │ 197,  201,  205,  209, 213, 217, │
                           │             │ 221, 225, 229, 233               │
                           │40 MHz       │ 3, 11, 19, 27, 35, 43,  51,  59, │
                           │             │ 67,  75,  83,  91, 99, 107, 115, │
                           │             │ 123, 131, 139,  147,  155,  163, │
                           │             │ 171,  179,  187,  195, 203, 211, │
                           │             │ 219, 227                         │
                           │80 MHz       │ 7, 23, 39, 55, 71, 87, 103, 119, │
                           │             │ 135, 151, 167, 183, 199, 215     │
                           │160 MHz      │ 15, 47, 79, 111, 143, 175, 207   │

       The channel number may be set either before or after creation of the WifiPhy object.

       If an unknown channel number (other than zero) is configured, the simulator will exit with
       an error; for instance, such as:

          Ptr<WifiPhy> wifiPhy = ...;
          wifiPhy->SetAttribute ("ChannelNumber", UintegerValue (1321));

       The   known    channel    numbers    are    defined    in    the    implementation    file
       src/wifi/model/   Of  course,  this  file  may be edited by users to extend to
       additional channel numbers.  Below, we describe how new channel  numbers  may  be  defined
       dynamically at run-time.

       If a known channel number is configured against an incorrect value of the WifiPhyStandard,
       the simulator will exit with an error; for instance, such as:

          WifiHelper wifi;
          wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_STANDARD_80211n_5GHZ);
          Ptr<WifiPhy> wifiPhy = ...;
          wifiPhy->SetAttribute ("ChannelNumber", UintegerValue (14));

       In the above, while channel number 14 is well-defined in practice for 802.11b only, it  is
       for 2.4 GHz band, not 5 GHz band.

   Defining a new channel number
       Users  may  define their own channel number so that they can later refer to the channel by

       The method is WifiPhy::DefineChannelNumber () and it takes the following arguments:

       • uint16_t channelNumber

       • enum WifiPhyStandard standard

       • uint32_t frequency

       • uint32_t channelWidth

       The pair of (channelNumber, standard) are used as  an  index  to  a  map  that  returns  a
       Frequency  and  ChannelWidth.   By calling this method, one can dynamically add members to
       the   map.    For   instance,   let’s   suppose    that    you    previously    configured
       WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a,  and  wanted to define a new channel number ‘34’ of width 20 MHz
       and at center frequency 5160 MHz.

       If you try to simply configure ChannelNumber to the value 34, it will fail,  since  34  is
       undefined.  However, you can use DefineChannelNumber as follows:

          Ptr<WifiPhy> wifiPhy = ...;
          wifiPhy->DefineChannelNumber (34, WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a, 5160, 20);

       and  then later you can refer to channel number 34 in your program, which will configure a
       center operating frequency of 5160 MHz and a width of 20 MHz.

       The steps can be repeated to explicitly configure the same channel for multiple standards:

          wifiPhy->DefineChannelNumber (34, WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a, 5160, 20);
          wifiPhy->DefineChannelNumber (34, WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211n_5GHZ, 5160, 20);

       or for a wildcard, unspecified standard:

          wifiPhy->DefineChannelNumber (34, WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_UNSPECIFIED, 5160, 20);

   Order of operation issues
       Depending on the default values used and the order of operation in setting the values  for
       the  standard,  channel width, frequency, and channel number, different configurations can
       be obtained.   Below are some common use cases.

       • (accepting the standard defaults):  If a user  has  not  already  separately  configured
         frequency  or  channel  number  when WifiHelper::SetStandard () is called, the user gets
         default values (e.g. channel 1 for 802.11b/g/n, channel 36 for a/n with 20  MHz  channel
         widths and channel 42 for ac/ax with 80 MHz channel widths)

       • (overwriting  the  standard  channel):   If the user has previously configured (e.g. via
         SetDefault) either frequency or channel number  when  SetStandard  is  called,  and  the
         frequency  or channel number are appropriate for the standard being configured, they are
         not overwritten

       • (changing  the  standard   channel   after   Install):    The   user   may   also   call
         WifiHelper::SetStandard  ()  after  Install  ()  and  either  configure the frequency to
         something different, or configure the channel number to something different.  Note  that
         if  the  channel  number is undefined for the standard that was previously set, an error
         will occur.

       • (changing to non-standard frequency):  If the user configures a  frequency  outside  the
         standardized  frequency  range for the current WifiPhyStandard, this is OK.  This allows
         users to experiment with wifi on e.g. whitespace frequencies but still  use  SetStandard
         to set all of the other configuration details.

       • (interaction  between  channel  number  and frequency):  If the user sets Frequency to a
         different value than the currently configured  ChannelNumber  (or  if  ChannelNumber  is
         zero),  then  the  ChannelNumber  is set to a new channel number if known, or to zero if

         • example:  ChannelNumber previously set to  36,  user  sets  Frequency  to  5200,  then
           ChannelNumber gets automatically set to 40

         • example:   ChannelNumber  set  to 36, user later sets Frequency to 5185, ChannelNumber
           gets reset to 0

       In summary, ChannelNumber  and  Frequency  follow  each  other.  ChannelNumber  sets  both
       Frequency  and  ChannelWidth  if  the  channel  number  has been defined for the standard.
       Setting ChannelWidth has no effect on Frequency or ChannelNumber. Setting  Frequency  will
       set  ChannelNumber  to either the defined value for that Wi-Fi standard, or to the value 0
       if undefined.

       The API for this helper  closely  tracks  the  API  of  the  YansWifiPhyHelper,  with  the
       exception that a channel of type ns3::SpectrumChannel instead of type ns3::YansWifiChannel
       must be used with it.

       The next step is to configure the MAC model. We  use  WifiMacHelper  to  accomplish  this.
       WifiMacHelper  takes  care of both the MAC low model and MAC high model, and configures an
       object factory to create instances of  a  ns3::WifiMac.   It  is  used  to  configure  MAC
       parameters   like  type  of  MAC,  and  to  select  whether  802.11/WMM-style  QoS  and/or
       802.11n-style High Throughput  (HT)  and/or  802.11ac-style  Very  High  Throughput  (VHT)
       support and/or 802.11ax-style High Efficiency (HE) support are/is required.

       By default, it creates an ad-hoc MAC instance that does not have 802.11e/WMM-style QoS nor
       802.11n-style High Throughput (HT) nor  802.11ac-style  Very  High  Throughput  (VHT)  nor
       802.11ax-style High Efficiency (HE) support enabled.

       For  example  the  following  user code configures a non-QoS and non-HT/non-VHT/non-HE MAC
       that will be a non-AP STA in an infrastructure network where the AP has SSID ns-3-ssid:

          WifiMacHelper wifiMacHelper;
          Ssid ssid = Ssid ("ns-3-ssid");
          wifiMacHelper.SetType ("ns3::StaWifiMac",
                                "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid),
                                "ActiveProbing", BooleanValue (false));

       The following code shows how to create an AP with QoS enabled:

          WifiMacHelper wifiMacHelper;
          wifiMacHelper.SetType ("ns3::ApWifiMac",
                                 "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid),
                                 "QosSupported", BooleanValue (true),
                                 "BeaconGeneration", BooleanValue (true),
                                 "BeaconInterval", TimeValue (Seconds (2.5)));

       To create ad-hoc MAC instances, simply use ns3::AdhocWifiMac instead of ns3::StaWifiMac or

       With  QoS-enabled  MAC  models  it  is  possible  to  work  with traffic belonging to four
       different Access Categories (ACs): AC_VO for voice traffic, AC_VI for video traffic, AC_BE
       for best-effort traffic and AC_BK for background traffic.

       When  selecting  802.11n  as  the  desired  wifi  standard, both 802.11e/WMM-style QoS and
       802.11n-style High  Throughput  (HT)  support  gets  enabled.   Similarly  when  selecting
       802.11ac   as  the  desired  wifi  standard,  802.11e/WMM-style  QoS,  802.11n-style  High
       Throughput (HT) and 802.11ac-style Very High Throughput (VHT) support  gets  enabled.  And
       when selecting 802.11ax as the desired wifi standard, 802.11e/WMM-style QoS, 802.11n-style
       High Throughput (HT), 802.11ac-style Very High Throughput (VHT)  and  802.11ax-style  High
       Efficiency (HE) support gets enabled.

       For  MAC  instances that have QoS support enabled, the ns3::WifiMacHelper can be also used
       to set:

       • block ack threshold (number of packets for which block ack mechanism should be used);

       • block ack inactivity timeout.

       For example the following user code configures a MAC that will be a non-AP  STA  with  QoS
       enabled and a block ack threshold for AC_BE set to 2 packets, in an infrastructure network
       where the AP has SSID ns-3-ssid:

          WifiMacHelper wifiMacHelper;
          Ssid ssid = Ssid ("ns-3-ssid");
          wifiMacHelper.SetType ("ns3::StaWifiMac",
                                "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid),
                                "QosSupported", BooleanValue (true),
                                "BE_BlockAckThreshold", UintegerValue (2),
                                "ActiveProbing", BooleanValue (false));

       For MAC instances that have 802.11n-style High Throughput (HT) and/or 802.11ac-style  Very
       High  Throughput  (VHT)  and/or  802.11ax-style  High Efficiency (HE) support enabled, the
       ns3::WifiMacHelper can be also used to set:

       • MSDU aggregation parameters for a particular  Access  Category  (AC)  in  order  to  use
         802.11n/ac A-MSDU feature;

       • MPDU  aggregation  parameters  for  a  particular  Access  Category (AC) in order to use
         802.11n/ac A-MPDU feature.

       By default, MSDU aggregation feature is disabled for  all  ACs  and  MPDU  aggregation  is
       enabled for AC_VI and AC_BE, with a maximum aggregation size of 65535 bytes.

       For example the following user code configures a MAC that will be a non-AP STA with HT and
       QoS enabled, MPDU aggregation enabled for AC_VO with a maximum aggregation size  of  65535
       bytes,  and  MSDU  aggregation  enabled  for AC_BE with a maximum aggregation size of 7935
       bytes, in an infrastructure network where the AP has SSID ns-3-ssid:

          WifiHelper wifi;
          wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_STANDARD_80211n_5GHZ);

          WifiMacHelper wifiMacHelper;
          Ssid ssid = Ssid ("ns-3-ssid");
          wifiMacHelper.SetType ("ns3::StaWifiMac",
                                "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid),
                                "VO_MaxAmpduSize", UintegerValue (65535),
                                "BE_MaxAmsduSize", UintegerValue (7935),
                                "ActiveProbing", BooleanValue (false));

       802.11ax APs support sending multi-user frames via DL OFDMA and UL OFDMA if  a  Multi-User
       Scheduler  is  aggregated  to  the  wifi  MAC  (by  default  no  scheduler is aggregated).
       WifiMacHelper enables to aggregate a Multi-User Scheduler to an AP and set its parameters:

          WifiMacHelper wifiMacHelper;
          wifiMacHelper.SetMultiUserScheduler ("ns3::RrMultiUserScheduler",
                                              "EnableUlOfdma", BooleanValue (true),
                                              "EnableBsrp", BooleanValue (false));

       The Ack Manager is in charge of  selecting  the  acknowledgment  method  among  the  three
       available methods (see section Multi-user transmissions ). The default ack manager enables
       to select the acknowledgment method, e.g.:

          Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiDefaultAckManager::DlMuAckSequenceType",
                             EnumValue (WifiAcknowledgment::DL_MU_AGGREGATE_TF));

   Selection of the Access Category (AC)
       Since ns-3.26, the QosTag is no longer  used  to  assign  a  user  priority  to  an  MSDU.
       Instead,  the  selection  of the Access Category (AC) for an MSDU is based on the value of
       the DS field in the IP header of the packet (ToS field in  case  of  IPv4,  Traffic  Class
       field  in  case of IPv6). Details on how to set the ToS field of IPv4 packets are given in
       the ToS (Type of Service) section of the documentation. In summary, users  can  create  an
       address  of type ns3::InetSocketAddress with the desired type of service value and pass it
       to the application helpers:

          InetSocketAddress destAddress (ipv4Address, udpPort);
          destAddress.SetTos (tos);
          OnOffHelper onoff ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", destAddress);

       Mapping the values of the DS field onto user priorities  is  performed  similarly  to  the
       Linux mac80211 subsystem. Basically, the ns3::WifiNetDevice::SelectQueue() method sets the
       user priority (UP) of an MSDU to the three most significant bits  of  the  DS  field.  The
       Access  Category  is then determined based on the user priority according to the following

                                         │UP │ Access Category │
                                         │7  │ AC_VO           │
                                         │6  │ AC_VO           │
                                         │5  │ AC_VI           │
                                         │4  │ AC_VI           │
                                         │3  │ AC_BE           │
                                         │0  │ AC_BE           │
                                         │2  │ AC_BK           │
                                         │1  │ AC_BK           │

       TOS and DSCP values map onto user  priorities  and  access  categories  according  to  the
       following table.

                          │DiffServ PHB │ TOS (binary) │ UP │ Access Category │
                          │EF           │ 101110xx     │ 5  │ AC_VI           │
                          │AF11         │ 001010xx     │ 1  │ AC_BK           │
                          │AF21         │ 010010xx     │ 2  │ AC_BK           │
                          │AF31         │ 011010xx     │ 3  │ AC_BE           │
                          │AF41         │ 100010xx     │ 4  │ AC_VI           │
                          │AF12         │ 001100xx     │ 1  │ AC_BK           │

                          │AF22         │ 010100xx     │ 2  │ AC_BK           │
                          │AF32         │ 011100xx     │ 3  │ AC_BE           │
                          │AF42         │ 100100xx     │ 4  │ AC_VI           │
                          │AF13         │ 001110xx     │ 1  │ AC_BK           │
                          │AF23         │ 010110xx     │ 2  │ AC_BK           │
                          │AF33         │ 011110xx     │ 3  │ AC_BE           │
                          │AF43         │ 100110xx     │ 4  │ AC_VI           │
                          │CS0          │ 000000xx     │ 0  │ AC_BE           │
                          │CS1          │ 001000xx     │ 1  │ AC_BK           │
                          │CS2          │ 010000xx     │ 2  │ AC_BK           │
                          │CS3          │ 011000xx     │ 3  │ AC_BE           │
                          │CS4          │ 100000xx     │ 4  │ AC_VI           │
                          │CS5          │ 101000xx     │ 5  │ AC_VI           │
                          │CS6          │ 110000xx     │ 6  │ AC_VO           │
                          │CS7          │ 111000xx     │ 7  │ AC_VO           │

       So, for example,:

          destAddress.SetTos (0xc0);

       will   map   to   CS6,   User   Priority   6,   and  Access  Category  AC_VO.   Also,  the
       ns3-wifi-ac-mapping test suite (defined in src/test/ns3wifi/
       can provide additional useful information.

       Note  that  ns3::WifiNetDevice::SelectQueue()  also  sets  the packet priority to the user
       priority, thus overwriting the value determined by the socket priority (users can read Use
       of  Send()  vs.  SendTo() for details on how to set the packet priority). Also, given that
       the Traffic Control layer calls  ns3::WifiNetDevice::SelectQueue()  before  enqueuing  the
       packet   into   a   queue   disc,   it   turns  out  that  queuing  disciplines  (such  as
       PfifoFastQueueDisc) that classifies packets based on their  priority  will  use  the  user
       priority instead of the socket priority.

       We’re  now  ready  to create WifiNetDevices. First, let’s create a WifiHelper with default

          WifiHelper wifiHelper;

       What does  this  do?   It  sets  the  default  wifi  standard  to  802.11a  and  sets  the
       RemoteStationManager  to  ns3::ArfWifiManager.  You can change the RemoteStationManager by
       calling the WifiHelper::SetRemoteStationManager method. To change the wifi standard,  call
       the WifiHelper::SetStandard method with the desired standard.

       Now, let’s use the wifiPhyHelper and wifiMacHelper created above to install WifiNetDevices
       on a set of nodes in a NodeContainer “c”:

          NetDeviceContainer wifiContainer = WifiHelper::Install (wifiPhyHelper, wifiMacHelper, c);

       This creates the WifiNetDevice which includes also a WifiRemoteStationManager, a  WifiMac,
       and a WifiPhy (connected to the matching Channel).

       The  WifiHelper::SetStandard  method  sets various default timing parameters as defined in
       the selected standard version, overwriting values that may exist or have  been  previously
       configured.     In    order    to    change    parameters    that   are   overwritten   by
       WifiHelper::SetStandard, this should be done post-install using Config::Set:

          WifiHelper wifi;
          wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_STANDARD_80211n_2_4GHZ);
          wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", StringValue("HtMcs7"), "ControlMode", StringValue("HtMcs0"));

          //Install PHY and MAC
          Ssid ssid = Ssid ("ns3-wifi");

          WifiMacHelper mac;
          mac.SetType ("ns3::StaWifiMac",
          "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid),
          "ActiveProbing", BooleanValue (false));

          NetDeviceContainer staDevice;
          staDevice = wifi.Install (phy, mac, wifiStaNode);

          mac.SetType ("ns3::ApWifiMac",
          "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid));

          NetDeviceContainer apDevice;
          apDevice = wifi.Install (phy, mac, wifiApNode);

          //Once install is done, we overwrite the standard timing values
          Config::Set ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Phy/Slot", TimeValue (MicroSeconds (slot)));
          Config::Set ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Phy/Sifs", TimeValue (MicroSeconds (sifs)));
          Config::Set ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Phy/Pifs", TimeValue (MicroSeconds (pifs)));

       The WifiHelper can be used to set the  attributes  of  the  default  ack  policy  selector
       (ConstantWifiAckPolicySelector)  or  to  select  a  different  (user  provided) ack policy
       selector, for each of the available Access Categories. As an example, the  following  code
       can be used to set the BaThreshold attribute of the default ack policy selector associated
       with BE AC to 0.5:

          WifiHelper wifi;
          wifi.SetAckPolicySelectorForAc (AC_BE, "ns3::ConstantWifiAckPolicySelector",
                                          "BaThreshold", DoubleValue (0.5));

       The WifiHelper is also used  to  configure  OBSS  PD  spatial  reuse  for  802.11ax.   The
       following  lines  configure  a  WifiHelper  to  support  OBSS  PD  spatial reuse using the
       ConstantObssPdAlgorithm with a threshold set to -72 dBm:

          WifiHelper wifi;
          wifi.SetObssPdAlgorithm ("ns3::ConstantObssPdAlgorithm",
                                   "ObssPdLevel", DoubleValue (-72.0));

       There are many other ns-3 attributes that can be set on the above helpers to deviate  from
       the default behavior; the example scripts show how to do some of this reconfiguration.

   HT configuration
       HT  is  an  acronym for High Throughput, a term synonymous with the IEEE 802.11n standard.
       Once the ns3::WifiHelper::Install has been called and the user  sets  the  standard  to  a
       variant   that   supports   HT  capabilities  (802.11n,  802.11ac,  or  802.11ax),  an  HT
       configuration object will automatically be created  for  the  device.   The  configuration
       object is used to store and manage HT-specific attributes.

       802.11n/ac  PHY layer can use either long (800 ns) or short (400 ns) OFDM guard intervals.
       To configure this parameter for a given device, the following lines of code could be  used
       (in this example, it enables the support of a short guard interval for the first station):

          Ptr<NetDevice> nd = wifiStaDevices.Get (0);
          Ptr<WifiNetDevice> wnd = nd->GetObject<WifiNetDevice> ();
          Ptr<HtConfiguration> htConfiguration = wnd->GetHtConfiguration ();
          htConfiguration->SetShortGuardIntervalSupported (true);

       It  is also possible to configure HT-specific attributes using Config::Set.  The following
       line of code enables the support of a short guard interval for all stations:
          BooleanValue (true));

   VHT configuration
       IEEE 802.11ac devices are also known as supporting Very High Throughput (VHT).   Once  the
       ns3::WifiHelper::Install  has  been  called  and  either  the  802.11ac  or 802.11ax 5 GHz
       standards are configured, a VHT configuration object  will  be  automatically  created  to
       manage VHT-specific attributes.

       As  of  ns-3.29,  however,  there  are  no  VHT-specific  configuration  items  to manage;
       therefore, this object is a placeholder for future growth.

   HE configuration
       IEEE 802.11ax is also known as High Efficiency (HE).   Once  the  ns3::WifiHelper::Install
       has  been  called and IEEE 802.11ax configured as the standard, an HE configuration object
       will automatically be created to manage HE-specific attributes for 802.11ax devices.

       802.11ax PHY layer can use either 3200 ns, 1600 ns or 800  ns  OFDM  guard  intervals.  To
       configure  this  parameter, the following lines of code could be used (in this example, it
       enables the support of 1600 ns guard interval), such as in this example code snippet:

          Ptr<NetDevice> nd = wifiStaDevices.Get (0);
          Ptr<WifiNetDevice> wnd = nd->GetObject<WifiNetDevice> ();
          Ptr<HeConfiguration> heConfiguration = wnd->GetHeConfiguration ();
          heConfiguration->SetGuardInterval (NanoSeconds (1600));

          802.11ax allows extended compressed Block ACKs containing a 256-bits bitmap, making possible transmissions of A-MPDUs containing up to 256 MPDUs,
          depending on the negotiated buffer size. In order to configure the buffer size of an 802.11ax device, the following line of code could be used::

          heConfiguration->SetMpduBufferSize (256);

          For transmitting large MPDUs, it might also be needed to increase the maximum aggregation size (see above).

   Mobility configuration
       Finally, a mobility model must be configured on each node  with  Wi-Fi  device.   Mobility
       model  is  used  for calculating propagation loss and propagation delay.  Two examples are
       provided in the next section.  Users are referred to the chapter on  Mobility  module  for
       detailed information.

   Example configuration
       We  provide  two  typical  examples  of  how  a user might configure a Wi-Fi network – one
       example with an ad-hoc network and one example with an infrastructure  network.   The  two
       examples   were   modified   from   the  two  examples  in  the  examples/wireless  folder
       ( and  Users are encouraged to see examples  in
       the examples/wireless folder.

   AdHoc WifiNetDevice configuration
       In  this  example, we create two ad-hoc nodes equipped with 802.11a Wi-Fi devices.  We use
       the  ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel  as   the   propagation   delay   model   and
       ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModel  with  the  exponent  of  3.0 as the propagation loss
       model.  Both devices are configured with ConstantRateWifiManager  at  the  fixed  rate  of
       12Mbps.  Finally, we manually place them by using the ns3::ListPositionAllocator:

          std::string phyMode ("OfdmRate12Mbps");

          NodeContainer c;
          c.Create (2);

          WifiHelper wifi;
          wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_STANDARD_80211a);

          YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhy =  YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();
          // ns-3 supports RadioTap and Prism tracing extensions for 802.11
          wifiPhy.SetPcapDataLinkType (WifiPhyHelper::DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO);

          YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel;
          wifiChannel.SetPropagationDelay ("ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel");
          wifiChannel.AddPropagationLoss ("ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModel",
                                          "Exponent", DoubleValue (3.0));
          wifiPhy.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());

          // Add a non-QoS upper mac, and disable rate control (i.e. ConstantRateWifiManager)
          WifiMacHelper wifiMac;
          wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager",
                                        "DataMode",StringValue (phyMode),
                                        "ControlMode",StringValue (phyMode));
          // Set it to adhoc mode
          wifiMac.SetType ("ns3::AdhocWifiMac");
          NetDeviceContainer devices = wifi.Install (wifiPhy, wifiMac, c);

          // Configure mobility
          MobilityHelper mobility;
          Ptr<ListPositionAllocator> positionAlloc = CreateObject<ListPositionAllocator> ();
          positionAlloc->Add (Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
          positionAlloc->Add (Vector (5.0, 0.0, 0.0));
          mobility.SetPositionAllocator (positionAlloc);
          mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
          mobility.Install (c);

          // other set up (e.g. InternetStack, Application)

   Infrastructure (access point and clients) WifiNetDevice configuration
       This  is  a  typical  example  of  how a user might configure an access point and a set of
       clients.  In this example, we create one access point  and  two  clients.   Each  node  is
       equipped with 802.11b Wi-Fi device:

          std::string phyMode ("DsssRate1Mbps");

          NodeContainer ap;
          ap.Create (1);
          NodeContainer sta;
          sta.Create (2);

          WifiHelper wifi;
          wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_STANDARD_80211b);

          YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhy =  YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();
          // ns-3 supports RadioTap and Prism tracing extensions for 802.11
          wifiPhy.SetPcapDataLinkType (WifiPhyHelper::DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO);

          YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel;
          // reference loss must be changed since 802.11b is operating at 2.4GHz
          wifiChannel.SetPropagationDelay ("ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel");
          wifiChannel.AddPropagationLoss ("ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModel",
                                          "Exponent", DoubleValue (3.0),
                                          "ReferenceLoss", DoubleValue (40.0459));
          wifiPhy.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());

          // Add a non-QoS upper mac, and disable rate control
          WifiMacHelper wifiMac;
          wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager",
                                        "DataMode",StringValue (phyMode),
                                        "ControlMode",StringValue (phyMode));

          // Setup the rest of the upper mac
          Ssid ssid = Ssid ("wifi-default");
          // setup ap.
          wifiMac.SetType ("ns3::ApWifiMac",
                           "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid));
          NetDeviceContainer apDevice = wifi.Install (wifiPhy, wifiMac, ap);
          NetDeviceContainer devices = apDevice;

          // setup sta.
          wifiMac.SetType ("ns3::StaWifiMac",
                           "Ssid", SsidValue (ssid),
                           "ActiveProbing", BooleanValue (false));
          NetDeviceContainer staDevice = wifi.Install (wifiPhy, wifiMac, sta);
          devices.Add (staDevice);

          // Configure mobility
          MobilityHelper mobility;
          Ptr<ListPositionAllocator> positionAlloc = CreateObject<ListPositionAllocator> ();
          positionAlloc->Add (Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
          positionAlloc->Add (Vector (5.0, 0.0, 0.0));
          positionAlloc->Add (Vector (0.0, 5.0, 0.0));
          mobility.SetPositionAllocator (positionAlloc);
          mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
          mobility.Install (ap);
          mobility.Install (sta);

          // other set up (e.g. InternetStack, Application)

   Testing Documentation
       At  present,  most  of  the available documentation about testing and validation exists in
       publications, some of which are referenced below.

   Error model
       Validation results for the 802.11b error model are available in this technical report

       Two clarifications on the results should  be  noted.   First,  Figure  1-4  of  the  above
       reference  corresponds to the ns-3 NIST BER model.   In the program in the Appendix of the
       paper (80211b.c), there are two constants used to generate the data.   The  first,  packet
       size,  is  set  to  1024  bytes.  The second, “noise”, is set to a value of 7 dB; this was
       empirically picked to align the curves the best  with  the  reported  data  from  the  CMU
       testbed.  Although a value of 1.55 dB would correspond to the reported -99 dBm noise floor
       from the CMU paper, a noise figure  of  7  dB  results  in  the  best  fit  with  the  CMU
       experimental  data.   This  default  of  7 dB is the RxNoiseFigure in the ns3::YansWifiPhy
       model.  Other values for noise figure will shift the curves leftward or rightward but  not
       change the slope.

       The  curves  can be reproduced by running the example program in
       the examples/wireless directory, and the figure  produced  (when  GNU  Scientific  Library
       (GSL)  is  enabled)  is  reproduced  below  in Figure Clear channel (AWGN) error model for
         [image] Clear channel (AWGN) error model for 802.11b.UNINDENT

         Validation results for the 802.11a/g OFDM error model are available  in  this  technical
         report.   The  curves  can  be reproduced by running the example
         program in the examples/wireless directory, and the figure is reproduced below in Figure
         Frame error rate (NIST model) for 802.11a/g (OFDM) Wi-Fi.
         [image] Frame error rate (NIST model) for 802.11a/g (OFDM) Wi-Fi.UNINDENT

         Similar    curves    for    802.11n/ac/ax    can    be    obtained    by   running   the,  and
         example  programs  in  the  examples/wireless  directory, and the figures are reproduced
         below in Figure Frame error rate (NIST model) for 802.11n (HT OFDM) Wi-Fi, Figure  Frame
         error  rate (NIST model) for 802.11ac (VHT OFDM) Wi-Fi and Figure Frame error rate (NIST
         model) for 802.11ax (HE OFDM) Wi-Fi, respectively.  There is  no  validation  for  those
         curves yet.
         [image] Frame error rate (NIST model) for 802.11n (HT OFDM) Wi-Fi.UNINDENT
         [image] Frame error rate (NIST model) for 802.11ac (VHT OFDM) Wi-Fi.UNINDENT
         [image] Frame error rate (NIST model) for 802.11ax (HE OFDM) Wi-Fi.UNINDENT

   MAC validation
       Validation of the 802.11 DCF MAC layer has been performed in [baldo2010].

       802.11  PCF  operation  has  been  verified  by running ‘wifi-pcf’ example with PCAP files
       generation enabled, and observing the frame exchange using Wireshark.

       The SpectrumWifiPhy implementation has been verified to produce equivalent results to  the
       legacy  YansWifiPhy  by  using  the  saturation  and packet error rate programs (described
       below) and toggling the implementation between the two physical layers.

       A basic unit test is provided using injection of hand-crafted packets to a  receiving  Phy
       object,  controlling  the timing and receive power of each packet arrival and checking the
       reception results.  However, most of the testing  of  this  Phy  implementation  has  been
       performed  using  example  programs described below, and during the course of a (separate)
       LTE/Wi-Fi coexistence study not documented herein.

   Saturation performance
       The program examples/wireless/ allows  user  to  select
       either  the  SpectrumWifiPhy  or  YansWifiPhy  for  saturation tests.  The wifiType can be
       toggled by the argument '--wifiType=ns3::YansWifiPhy' or --wifiType=ns3::SpectrumWifiPhy'

       There isn’t any difference in the output, which is to be expected  because  this  test  is
       more of a test of the DCF than the physical layer.

       By  default,  the  program  will  use  the  SpectrumWifiPhy and will run for 10 seconds of
       saturating UDP data, with 802.11n features enabled.  It produces this output for the  main
       802.11n rates (with short and long guard intervals):

          wifiType: ns3::SpectrumWifiPhy distance: 1m
          index   MCS   width Rate (Mb/s) Tput (Mb/s) Received
              0     0      20       6.5     5.81381    4937
              1     1      20        13     11.8266   10043
              2     2      20      19.5     17.7935   15110
              3     3      20        26     23.7958   20207
              4     4      20        39     35.7331   30344
              5     5      20        52     47.6174   40436
              6     6      20      58.5     53.6102   45525
              7     7      20        65     59.5501   50569
             63    15      40       300     254.902  216459

       The  above output shows the first 8 (of 32) modes, and last mode, that will be output from
       the program.  The first 8 modes correspond to short guard interval  disabled  and  channel
       bonding  disabled.   The subsequent 24 modes run by this program are variations with short
       guard interval enabled (cases 9-16), and then with channel bonding enabled and short guard
       first disabled then enabled (cases 17-32).  Cases 33-64 repeat the same configurations but
       for two spatial streams (MIMO abstraction).

       When run with the legacy YansWifiPhy, as in ./waf --run  "wifi-spectrum-saturation-example
       --wifiType=ns3::YansWifiPhy", the same output is observed:

          wifiType: ns3::YansWifiPhy distance: 1m
          index   MCS   width Rate (Mb/s) Tput (Mb/s) Received
              0     0      20       6.5     5.81381    4937
              1     1      20        13     11.8266   10043
              2     2      20      19.5     17.7935   15110
              3     3      20        26     23.7958   20207

       This is to be expected since YansWifiPhy and SpectrumWifiPhy use the same error rate model
       in this case.

   Packet error rate performance
       The program examples/wireless/ allows users to  select  either
       SpectrumWifiPhy  or  YansWifiPhy, as above, and select the distance between the nodes, and
       to   log   the   reception   statistics   and   received   SNR   (as   observed   by   the
       WifiPhy::MonitorSnifferRx  trace  source),  using  a  Friis  propagation  loss model.  The
       transmit power is lowered from the default of 40 mW  (16  dBm)  to  1  dBm  to  lower  the
       baseline SNR; the distance between the nodes can be changed to further change the SNR.  By
       default, it steps through the same index values as in the saturation  example  (0  through
       31) for a 50m distance, for 10 seconds of simulation time, producing output such as:

          wifiType: ns3::SpectrumWifiPhy distance: 50m; time: 10; TxPower: 1 dBm (1.3 mW)
          index   MCS  Rate (Mb/s) Tput (Mb/s) Received Signal (dBm) Noise (dBm) SNR (dB)
              0     0      6.50        5.77    7414      -79.71      -93.97       14.25
              1     1     13.00       11.58   14892      -79.71      -93.97       14.25
              2     2     19.50       17.39   22358      -79.71      -93.97       14.25
              3     3     26.00       22.96   29521      -79.71      -93.97       14.25
              4     4     39.00        0.00       0         N/A         N/A         N/A
              5     5     52.00        0.00       0         N/A         N/A         N/A
              6     6     58.50        0.00       0         N/A         N/A         N/A
              7     7     65.00        0.00       0         N/A         N/A         N/A

       As  in  the  above  saturation  example,  running this program with YansWifiPhy will yield
       identical output.

   Interference performance
       The program examples/wireless/ is based on  the  previous
       packet  error  rate example, but copies over the WaveformGenerator from the unlicensed LTE
       interferer test, to allow users to inject a non-Wi-Fi signal  (using  the  --waveformPower
       argument) from the command line.  Another difference with respect to the packet error rate
       example program is that the transmit power is set back to the default of 40 mW  (16  dBm).
       By  default, the interference generator is off, and the program should behave similarly to
       the other packet  error  rate  example,  but  by  adding  small  amounts  of  power  (e.g.
       --waveformPower=0.001), one will start to observe SNR degradation and frame loss.

       Some sample output with default arguments (no interference) is:

          ./waf --run "wifi-spectrum-per-interference"

          wifiType: ns3::SpectrumWifiPhy distance: 50m; time: 10; TxPower: 16 dBm (40 mW)
          index   MCS  Rate (Mb/s) Tput (Mb/s) Received Signal (dBm)Noi+Inf(dBm) SNR (dB)
              0     0      6.50        5.77    7414      -64.69      -93.97       29.27
              1     1     13.00       11.58   14892      -64.69      -93.97       29.27
              2     2     19.50       17.39   22358      -64.69      -93.97       29.27
              3     3     26.00       23.23   29875      -64.69      -93.97       29.27
              4     4     39.00       34.90   44877      -64.69      -93.97       29.27
              5     5     52.00       46.51   59813      -64.69      -93.97       29.27
              6     6     58.50       52.39   67374      -64.69      -93.97       29.27
              7     7     65.00       58.18   74819      -64.69      -93.97       29.27

       while  a  small  amount of waveform power will cause frame losses to occur at higher order
       modulations, due to lower SNR:

          ./waf --run "wifi-spectrum-per-interference --waveformPower=0.001"

          wifiType: ns3::SpectrumWifiPhy distance: 50m; sent: 1000 TxPower: 16 dBm (40 mW)
          index   MCS Rate (Mb/s) Tput (Mb/s) Received Signal (dBm)Noi+Inf(dBm)  SNR (dB)
              0     0      6.50        5.77    7414      -64.69      -80.08       15.38
              1     1     13.00       11.58   14892      -64.69      -80.08       15.38
              2     2     19.50       17.39   22358      -64.69      -80.08       15.38
              3     3     26.00       23.23   29873      -64.69      -80.08       15.38
              4     4     39.00        0.41     531      -64.69      -80.08       15.38
              5     5     52.00        0.00       0         N/A         N/A         N/A
              6     6     58.50        0.00       0         N/A         N/A         N/A
              7     7     65.00        0.00       0         N/A         N/A         N/A

       If ns3::YansWifiPhy is selected as the  wifiType,  the  waveform  generator  will  not  be
       enabled   because   only   transmitters   of  type  YansWifiPhy  may  be  connected  to  a

       The interference signal as received by the sending node is typically below the default -62
       dBm  CCA  Mode  1  threshold  in  this example.  If it raises above, the sending node will
       suppress all transmissions.

   Bianchi validation
       The program src/wifi/examples/  allows  user  to  compare  ns-3  simulation
       results against the Bianchi model presented in [bianchi2000] and [bianchi2005].

       The  MATLAB code used to generate the Bianchi model, as well as the generated outputs, are
       provided in the folder src/wifi/examples/reference.  User can regenerate  Bianchi  results
       by running generate_bianchi.m in MATLAB.

       By  default, the program src/wifi/examples/ simulates an 802.11a adhoc ring
       scenario, with a PHY rate set to 54 Mbit/s, and loop from 5 stations to 50 stations, by  a
       step  of 5 stations. It generates a plt file, which allows user to quickly generate an eps
       file using gnuplot and vizualize the graph.

          ./waf --run "wifi-bianchi"
         [image]  Bianchi  throughput  validation  results  for  802.11a   54   Mbps   in   adhoc

         The  user  has  the  possibility  to select the standard (only 11a, 11b or 11g currently
         supported), to select the PHY rate (in Mbit/s), as well as to choose between an adhoc or
         an infrastructure configuration.

         When run for 802.11g 6 Mbit/s in infrastucture mode, the output is:

          ./waf --run "wifi-bianchi --standard=11g --phyRate=6 --duration=500 --infra"
         [image]  Bianchi  throughput  validation  results  for  802.11g 6 Mbps in infrastructure

   Multi-user transmissions validation
       The implementation of the OFDMA support has been validated  against  a  theoretical  model
       [magrin2021mu] .

       A  preliminary  evaluation  of  the  usage  of  OFDMA  in 802.11ax, in terms of latency in
       non-saturated conditions, throughput in saturated conditions and transmission  range  with
       UL OFDMA, is provided in [avallone2021wcm] .

            IEEE  Std 802.11-2012, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
            Layer (PHY) Specifications

            IEEE Std 802.11-2016, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and  Physical
            Layer (PHY) Specifications

            G. Pei and Tom Henderson, Validation of ns-3 802.11b PHY model

            G. Pei and Tom Henderson, Validation of OFDM error rate model in ns-3

            M. Lacage and T. Henderson, Yet another Network Simulator

            D.  Haccoun  and  G.  Begin,  High-Rate  Punctured  Convolutional  Codes  for Viterbi
            Sequential  Decoding,  IEEE  Transactions  on  Communications,  Vol.  32,  Issue   3,

            Pâl Frenger et al., “Multi-rate Convolutional Codes”.

            Z. Ji, J. Zhou, M. Takai and R. Bagrodia, Scalable simulation of large-scale wireless
            networks with bounded  inaccuracies,  in  Proc.  of  the  Seventh  ACM  Symposium  on
            Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, October 2004.

            minstrel linux wireless

            M.  Lacage,  H.  Manshaei,  and T. Turletti, IEEE 802.11 rate adaptation: a practical
            approach, in  Proc.  7th  ACM  International  Symposium  on  Modeling,  Analysis  and
            Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, 2004.

            J.  Kim, S. Kim, S. Choi, and D. Qiao, CARA: Collision-Aware Rate Adaptation for IEEE
            802.11 WLANs, in Proc. 25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications,

            S.  Wong,  H.  Yang,  S.  Lu,  and  V.  Bharghavan, Robust Rate Adaptation for 802.11
            Wireless Networks, in Proc. 12th Annual International Conference on Mobile  Computing
            and Networking, 2006

            F.  Maguolo,  M. Lacage, and T. Turletti, Efficient collision detection for auto rate
            fallback algorithm, in IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2008

            J. Proakis, Digital Communications, Wiley, 2001.

             L. E. Miller, “Validation of 802.11a/UWB Coexistence Simulation.” Technical  Report,
            October 2003.  Available online

            G.  Ferrari  and  G.  Corazza,  “Tight  bounds  and accurate approximations for DQPSK
            transmission bit error rate”, Electronics Letters, 40(20):1284-85, September 2004.

            M.  Pursley  and  T.  Royster,  “Properties  and  performance  of  the  IEEE  802.11b
            complementary   code   key   signal   sets,”  IEEE  Transactions  on  Communications,
            57(2);440-449, February 2009.

            A. Akella, G. Judd,  S.  Seshan,  and  P.  Steenkiste,  ‘Self-management  in  chaotic
            wireless  deployments’,  in  Wireless Networks, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007, 13,

             Chevillat, P.; Jelitto, J., and Truong, H. L., ‘Dynamic data rate and transmit power
            adjustment  in  IEEE  802.11  wireless  LANs’,  in  International Journal of Wireless
            Information        Networks,        Springer,        2005,        12,        123-145.

            C. Hepner, A. Witt, and R. Muenzner, “In depth analysis of the  ns-3  physical  layer
            abstraction  for  WLAN systems and evaluation of its influences on network simulation
            results”, BW-CAR Symposium on Information and Communication  Systems  (SInCom)  2015.

            N.  Baldo  et  al.,  “Validation  of  the  ns-3  IEEE  802.11 model using the EXTREME
            testbed”, Proceedings of SIMUTools Conference, March 2010.

            L. Lanante Jr. et al., “Improved Abstraction for Clear  Channel  Assessment  in  ns-3
            802.11 WLAN Model”, Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on ns-3, June 2019.

            G.  Bianchi,  “Performance  analysis  of  the  IEEE  802.11  distributed coordination
            function”, IEEE Communications Letters, 18(3):535–547, 2000.

            G. Bianchi and I. Tinnirello. “Remarks on IEEE 802.11 DCF performance analysis”, IEEE
            Communications Letters, 9(8):765–767, 2005.

            R.  Patidar  et  al.,  “Link-to-System  Mapping  for  ns-3  Wi-Fi OFDM Error Models”,
            Proceedings      of      the      Workshop      on       ns-3,       June       2017.

            V.   Erceg   and   L.   Schumacher   and  P.  Kyritsi,  “Tgn  channel  models”,  IEEE
            802.11-03/940r4, 2004.

            R.  Porat  et  al.,  “11ax  Evaluation  Methodology”,  IEE  P802.11  Wireless   LANs,
            11-14-0571r3, 2016.

            A. Krotov, A. Kiryanov, E. Khorov., Rate Control With Spatial Reuse for Wi-Fi 6 Dense
            Deployments, IEEE Access, September 2020

            D. Magrin, S. Avallone, S. Roy, and M. Zorzi, ‘Validation of the ns-3 802.11ax  OFDMA
            implementation’, in Proceedings of WNS3 2021.

            S.  Avallone, P. Imputato, G. Redieteab, C. Ghosh and S. Roy, “Will OFDMA Improve the
            Performance of 802.11 WiFi Networks?”, in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, DOI:
            10.1109/MWC.001.2000332, to appear.


       This   chapter   describes   the   ns-3  WimaxNetDevice  and  related  models.  By  adding
       WimaxNetDevice objects to ns-3 nodes, one can  create  models  of  802.16-based  networks.
       Below,  we  list some more details about what the ns-3 WiMAX models cover but, in summary,
       the most important features of the ns-3 model are:

       • a scalable and realistic physical layer and channel model

       • a packet classifier for the IP convergence sublayer

       • efficient uplink and downlink schedulers

       • support for Multicast and Broadcast Service (MBS), and

       • packet tracing functionality

       The source code for the WiMAX models lives in the directory src/wimax.

       There have been two academic papers published on this model:

       • M.A. Ismail, G. Piro, L.A. Grieco, and T.  Turletti,  “An  Improved  IEEE  802.16  WiMAX
         Module for the NS-3 Simulator”, SIMUTools 2010 Conference, March 2010.

       • J.  Farooq  and  T.  Turletti,  “An  IEEE  802.16  WiMAX module for the NS-3 Simulator,”
         SIMUTools 2009 Conference, March 2009.

   Scope of the model
       From a MAC perspective, there are two basic modes  of  operation,  that  of  a  Subscriber
       Station  (SS)  or a Base Station (BS). These are implemented as two subclasses of the base
       class ns3::NetDevice, class SubscriberStationNetDevice and class BaseStationNetDevice.  As
       is  typical  in  ns-3,  there  is also a physical layer class WimaxPhy and a channel class
       WimaxChannel which serves to hold the references to all of the attached Phy  devices.  The
       main physical layer class is the SimpleOfdmWimaxChannel class.

       Another  important  aspect  of  WiMAX  is the uplink and downlink scheduler, and there are
       three primary scheduler types implemented:

       • SIMPLE:  a simple priority based FCFS scheduler

       • RTPS:  a real-time polling service (rtPS) scheduler

       • MBQOS:  a migration-based uplink scheduler

       The following additional aspects of the 802.16 specifications, as well as  physical  layer
       and channel models, are modelled:

       • leverages  existing  ns-3  wireless  propagation  loss and delay models, as well as ns-3
         mobility models

       • Point-to-Multipoint (PMP) mode and the WirelessMAN-OFDM PHY layer

       • Initial Ranging

       • Service Flow Initialization

       • Management Connection

       • Transport Initialization

       • UGS, rtPS, nrtPS, and BE connections

       The following aspects are not presently modelled but  would  be  good  topics  for  future

       • OFDMA PHY layer

       • Link adaptation

       • Mesh topologies

       • ARQ

       • ertPS connection

       • packet header suppression

   Using the Wimax models
       The  main  way  that  users  who write simulation scripts will typically interact with the
       Wimax models is through the helper API and through the publicly visible attributes of  the

       The helper API is defined in src/wimax/helper/wimax-helper.{cc,h}.

       The  example src/wimax/examples/ contains some basic code that shows how to
       set up the model:

          switch (schedType)
            case 0:
              scheduler = WimaxHelper::SCHED_TYPE_SIMPLE;
            case 1:
              scheduler = WimaxHelper::SCHED_TYPE_MBQOS;
            case 2:
              scheduler = WimaxHelper::SCHED_TYPE_RTPS;
              scheduler = WimaxHelper::SCHED_TYPE_SIMPLE;

          NodeContainer ssNodes;
          NodeContainer bsNodes;

          ssNodes.Create (2);
          bsNodes.Create (1);

          WimaxHelper wimax;

          NetDeviceContainer ssDevs, bsDevs;

          ssDevs = wimax.Install (ssNodes,
          bsDevs = wimax.Install (bsNodes, WimaxHelper::DEVICE_TYPE_BASE_STATION, WimaxHelper::SIMPLE_PHY_TYPE_OFDM, scheduler);

       This example shows that there are two subscriber stations and one  base  station  created.
       The  helper  method  Install  allows  the user to specify the scheduler type, the physical
       layer type, and the device type.

       Different   variants   of   Install   are   available;   for   instance,    the    example
       src/wimax/examples/  shows  how  to  specify  a  non-default  channel or
       propagation model:

          channel = CreateObject<SimpleOfdmWimaxChannel> ();
          channel->SetPropagationModel (SimpleOfdmWimaxChannel::COST231_PROPAGATION);
          ssDevs = wimax.Install (ssNodes,
          Ptr<WimaxNetDevice> dev = wimax.Install (bsNodes.Get (0),

       Mobility  is  also  supported  in  the   same   way   as   in   Wifi   models;   see   the

       Another  important  concept  in  WiMAX is that of a service flow. This is a unidirectional
       flow of packets with a set of QoS parameters such as traffic  priority,  rate,  scheduling
       type,  etc.  The  base  station  is  responsible  for issuing service flow identifiers and
       mapping     them     to     WiMAX     connections.     The     following     code     from
       src/wimax/examples/ shows how this is configured from a helper level:

          ServiceFlow MulticastServiceFlow = wimax.CreateServiceFlow (ServiceFlow::SF_DIRECTION_DOWN,

           bs->GetServiceFlowManager ()->AddMulticastServiceFlow (MulticastServiceFlow, WimaxPhy::MODULATION_TYPE_QPSK_12);

   Wimax Attributes
       The  WimaxNetDevice makes heavy use of the ns-3 attributes subsystem for configuration and
       default value management.  Presently, approximately 60 values are stored in this system.

       For instance, class ns-3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy exports these attributes:

       • NoiseFigure:  Loss (dB) in  the  Signal-to-Noise-Ratio  due  to  non-idealities  in  the

       • TxPower:  Transmission power (dB)

       • G:  The ratio of CP time to useful time

       • txGain:  Transmission gain (dB)

       • RxGain:  Reception gain (dB)

       • Nfft:  FFT size

       • TraceFilePath:  Path to the directory containing SNR to block error rate files

       For  a  full  list  of attributes in these models, consult the Doxygen page that lists all
       attributes for ns-3.

   Wimax Tracing
       ns-3 has a sophisticated tracing infrastructure that allows users to  hook  into  existing
       trace sources, or to define and export new ones.

       Many  ns-3  users  use the built-in Pcap or Ascii tracing, and the WimaxHelper has similar

          AsciiTraceHelper ascii;
          WimaxHelper wimax;
          wimax.EnablePcap ("wimax-program", false);
          wimax.EnableAsciiAll (ascii.CreateFileStream ("");

       Unlike other helpers, there is  also  a  special  EnableAsciiForConnection()  method  that
       limits the ascii tracing to a specific device and connection.

       These  helpers  access the low level trace sources that exist in the WiMAX physical layer,
       net device, and queue models. Like other ns-3 trace sources,  users  may  hook  their  own
       functions  to these trace sources if they want to do customized things based on the packet
       events. See the Doxygen List of trace sources for a complete list of these sources.

   Wimax MAC model
       The 802.16 model provided in ns-3 attempts to  provide  an  accurate  MAC  and  PHY  level
       implementation of the 802.16 specification with the Point-to-Multipoint (PMP) mode and the
       WirelessMAN-OFDM PHY layer. The model is mainly composed of three layers:

       • The convergence sublayer (CS)

       • The MAC CP Common Part Sublayer (MAC-CPS)

       • Physical (PHY) layer

       The following figure WiMAX architecture shows the relationships of these models.
         [image] WiMAX architecture.UNINDENT

   Convergence Sublayer
       The Convergence sublayer (CS) provided with this module implements the Packet CS, designed
       to  work  with  the  packet-based  protocols  at  higher  layers. The CS is responsible of
       receiving packet from the higher layer and from  peer  stations,  classifying  packets  to
       appropriate  connections  (or service flows) and processing packets. It keeps a mapping of
       transport connections to service flows. This enables the MAC CPS identifying  the  Quality
       of  Service  (QoS)  parameters  associated  to a transport connection and ensuring the QoS
       requirements. The CS currently employs an IP classifier.

   IP Packet Classifier
       An IP packet classifier is used to map incoming packets to appropriate  connections  based
       on  a set of criteria. The classifier maintains a list of mapping rules which associate an
       IP flow (src IP address and mask, dst IP address and mask, src port range, dst port  range
       and  protocol)  to  one of the service flows.  By analyzing the IP and the TCP/UDP headers
       the classifier will append the incoming packet (from the upper layer) to the queue of  the
       appropriate   WiMAX   connection.  Class  IpcsClassifier  and  class  IpcsClassifierRecord
       implement the classifier module for both SS and BS

   MAC Common Part Sublayer
       The MAC Common Part Sublayer (CPS) is the  main  sublayer  of  the  IEEE  802.16  MAC  and
       performs the fundamental functions of the MAC. The module implements the Point-Multi-Point
       (PMP) mode. In PMP mode BS is responsible of managing communication  among  multiple  SSs.
       The  key  functionalities of the MAC CPS include framing and addressing, generation of MAC
       management  messages,  SS  initialization  and  registration,  service  flow   management,
       bandwidth  management  and  scheduling  services.  Class WimaxNetDevice represents the MAC
       layer of a WiMAX network device. This class extends the class NetDevice of  the  ns-3  API
       that provides abstraction of a network device. Class WimaxNetDevice is further extended by
       class BaseStationNetDevice and class SubscriberStationNetDevice, defining MAC layers of BS
       and  SS,  respectively.   Besides  these  main  classes,  the  key  functions  of  MAC are
       distributed to several other classes.

   Framing and Management Messages
       The module implements a frame as a fixed duration of  time,  i.e.,  frame  boundaries  are
       defined  with  respect  to  time.  Each frame is further subdivided into downlink (DL) and
       uplink (UL) subframes. The module implements the Time Division Duplex (TDD) mode where  DL
       and  UL  operate on same frequency but are separated in time. A number of DL and UL bursts
       are then allocated in DL and UL subframes, respectively. Since the standard allows sending
       and receiving bursts of packets in a given DL or UL burst, the unit of transmission at the
       MAC layer is a packet burst. The module implements a special  PacketBurst  data  structure
       for  this  purpose.  A  packet burst is essentially a list of packets. The BS downlink and
       uplink schedulers,  implemented  by  class  BSScheduler  and  class  UplinkScheduler,  are
       responsible  of  generating  DL  and  UL  subframes,  respectively. In the case of DL, the
       subframe is simulated by transmitting consecutive bursts (instances PacketBurst). In  case
       of  UL,  the subframe is divided, with respect to time, into a number of slots. The bursts
       transmitted by the SSs in these slots are then aligned to slot boundaries.  The  frame  is
       divided  into  integer  number  of symbols and Physical Slots (PS) which helps in managing
       bandwidth more effectively. The number of symbols per frame  depends  on  the   underlying
       implementation  of  the  PHY  layer. The size of a DL or UL burst is specified in units of

   Network Entry and Initialization
       The network entry and initialization phase is basically divided into two  sub-phases,  (1)
       scanning and synchronization and (2) initial ranging. The entire phase is performed by the
       LinkManager component of SS and BS. Once an SS wants to join the network, it  first  scans
       the  downlink frequencies to search for a suitable channel. The search is complete as soon
       as it detects a PHY frame. The next step is to establish synchronization with the BS. Once
       SS  receives  a Downlink-MAP (DL-MAP) message the synchronization phase is complete and it
       remains synchronized as long as it keeps receiving DL-MAP and  Downlink Channel Descriptor
       (DCD)  messages.  After  the synchronization is established, SS waits for a Uplink Channel
       Descriptor (UCD) message to acquire uplink channel parameters. Once  acquired,  the  first
       sub-phase  of  the  network  entry and initialization is complete. Once synchronization is
       achieved, the SS waits for a UL-MAP message to locate  a  special  grant,  called  initial
       ranging  interval,  in the UL subframe. This grant is allocated by the BS Uplink Scheduler
       at regular intervals. Currently this interval is set  to  0.5  ms,  however  the  user  is
       enabled to modify its value from the simulation script.

   Connections and Addressing
       All  communication  at  the  MAC  layer  is  carried in terms of connections. The standard
       defines a connection as a unidirectional mapping between the SS and BS’s MAC entities  for
       the  transmission  of  traffic.  The standard defines two types of connections: management
       connections  for  transmitting  control  messages  and  transport  connections  for   data
       transmission.  A  connection is identified by a 16-bit Connection Identifier (CID).  Class
       WimaxConnection and class Cid implement the connection and CID,  respectively.  Note  that
       each  connection  maintains  its  own transmission queue where packets to transmit on that
       connection are queued. The ConnectionManager component of BS is  responsible  of  creating
       and managing connections for all SSs.

       The  two  key management connections defined by the standard, namely the Basic and Primary
       management connections, are created and allocated to the SS during  the  ranging  process.
       Basic  connection  plays an important role throughout the operation of SS also because all
       (unicast) DL and UL grants are directed towards SS’s Basic CID. In addition to  management
       connections,  an  SS  may have one or more transport connections to send data packets. The
       Connection Manager component of SS manages the connections associated to SS. As defined by
       the  standard,  a  management  connection  is  bidirectional, i.e., a pair of downlink and
       uplink connections is represented by the same CID. This feature is implemented  in  a  way
       that  one connection (in DL direction) is created by the BS and upon receiving the CID the
       SS then creates an identical connection (in UL direction) with the same CID.

   Scheduling Services
       The module supports the four scheduling services defined by the 802.16-2004 standard:

       • Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS)

       • Real-Time Polling Services (rtPS)

       • Non Real-Time Polling Services (nrtPS)

       • Best Effort (BE)

       These scheduling services behave differently with respect to how they request bandwidth as
       well  as  how the it is granted. Each service flow is associated to exactly one scheduling
       service, and the QoS parameter set associated to  a  service  flow  actually  defines  the
       scheduling  service  it  belongs  to.  When  a service flow is created the UplinkScheduler
       calculates necessary parameters such as  grant  size  and  grant  interval  based  on  QoS
       parameters associated to it.

   WiMAX Uplink Scheduler Model
       Uplink  Scheduler  at  the BS decides which of the SSs will be assigned uplink allocations
       based on the QoS parameters associated to a  service  flow  (or  scheduling  service)  and
       bandwidth  requests  from  the  SSs.  Uplink  scheduler  together  with  Bandwidth Manager
       implements the complete scheduling service functionality. The standard defines up to  four
       scheduling  services  (BE,  UGS, rtPS, nrtPS) for applications with different types of QoS
       requirements. The service flows of  these  scheduling  services  behave  differently  with
       respect  to  how  they  request for bandwidth as well as how the bandwidth is granted. The
       module supports all four scheduling services. Each service flow is associated  to  exactly
       one  transport  connection  and one scheduling service. The QoS parameters associated to a
       service flow actually define the scheduling service it belongs to. Standard QoS parameters
       for  UGS,  rtPS, nrtPS and BE services, as specified in Tables 111a to 111d of the 802.16e
       amendment, are supported. When a service flow is created the uplink  scheduler  calculates
       necessary  parameters  such  as grant size and allocation interval based on QoS parameters
       associated to  it.   The  current  WiMAX  module  provides  three  different  versions  of

       • The  first  one  is  a  simple  priority-based  First  Come First Serve (FCFS).  For the
         real-time services (UGS and rtPS) the BS then allocates grants/polls  on  regular  basis
         based  on  the  calculated  interval. For the non real-time services (nrtPS and BE) only
         minimum reserved bandwidth is guaranteed if available after servicing  real-time  flows.
         Note  that  not  all of these parameters are utilized by the uplink scheduler. Also note
         that currently only service flow with fixed-size packet size are supported, as currently
         set  up  in  simulation  scenario  with  OnOff  application  of  fixed packet size. This
         scheduler is implemented by class BSSchedulerSimple and class UplinkSchedulerSimple.

       • The second one is similar to first scheduler except  by  rtPS  service  flow.  All  rtPS
         Connections  are  able  to  transmit  all packet in the queue according to the available
         bandwidth. The bandwidth saturation control has been  implemented  to  redistribute  the
         effective available bandwidth to all rtPS that have at least one packet to transmit. The
         remaining bandwidth is  allocated  to  nrtPS  and  BE  Connections.  This  scheduler  is
         implemented by class BSSchedulerRtps and class UplinkSchedulerRtps.

       • The  third  one  is  a  Migration-based  Quality of Service uplink scheduler This uplink
         scheduler uses three queues, the low priority queue, the intermediate queue and the high
         priority queue. The scheduler serves the requests in strict priority order from the high
         priority queue to the low priority queue.  The low priority queue stores  the  bandwidth
         requests  of  the BE service flow.  The intermediate queue holds bandwidth requests sent
         by rtPS and by nrtPS connections. rtPS and  nrtPS  requests  can  migrate  to  the  high
         priority  queue  to  guarantee that their QoS requirements are met. Besides the requests
         migrated from the intermediate queue, the high priority queue stores periodic grants and
         unicast  request  opportunities  that  must  be  scheduled  in  the  following frame. To
         guarantee the maximum delay  requirement,  the  BS  assigns  a  deadline  to  each  rtPS
         bandwidth  request  in the intermediate queue. The minimum bandwidth requirement of both
         rtPS and nrtPS connections is guaranteed over a window of duration T. This scheduler  is
         implemented by class UplinkSchedulerMBQoS.

   WiMAX Outbound Schedulers Model
       Besides  the  uplink  scheduler  these  are  the  outbound  schedulers  at  BS and SS side
       (BSScheduler and SSScheduler). The outbound schedulers decide which of  the  packets  from
       the  outbound  queues will be transmitted in a given allocation. The outbound scheduler at
       the BS schedules the downlink traffic, i.e., packets to be transmitted to the SSs  in  the
       downlink  subframe.  Similarly  the  outbound scheduler at a SS schedules the packet to be
       transmitted in the uplink allocation assigned to that SS in the uplink subframe. All three
       schedulers  have  been  implemented  to  work  as  FCFS scheduler, as they allocate grants
       starting from highest priority scheduling service to the lower priority  one  (UGS>  rtPS>
       nrtPS> BE). The standard does not suggest any scheduling algorithm and instead leaves this
       decision up to the manufacturers. Of course more sophisticated  algorithms  can  be  added
       later if required.

   WimaxChannel and WimaxPhy models
       The  module  implements  the Wireless MAN OFDM PHY specifications as the more relevant for
       implementation as it is the schema chosen  by  the  WiMAX  Forum.  This  specification  is
       designed  for  non-light-of-sight  (NLOS)  including  fixed  and mobile broadband wireless
       access. The proposed model uses a  256  FFT  processor,  with  192  data  subcarriers.  It
       supports all the seven modulation and coding schemes specified by Wireless MAN-OFDM. It is
       composed of two parts: the channel model and the physical model.

   Channel model
       The channel model we propose is implemented  by  the  class  SimpleOFDMWimaxChannel  which
       extends the class wimaxchannel. The channel entity has a private structure named m_phyList
       which handles all the physical devices connected to it. When a  physical  device  sends  a
       packet  (FEC  Block)  to  the  channel,  the channel handles the packet, and then for each
       physical device connected to it, it  calculates  the  propagation  delay,  the  path  loss
       according  to a given propagation model and eventually forwards the packet to the receiver
       device.  The channel class uses the method GetDistanceFrom()  to  calculate  the  distance
       between  two physical entities according to their 3D coordinates. The delay is computed as
       delay = distance/C, where C is the speed of the light.

   Physical model
       The physical layer performs two main operations: (i) It receives a burst  from  a  channel
       and  forwards  it  to  the  MAC  layer,  (ii)  it  receives a burst from the MAC layer and
       transmits it on the channel. In order to reduce the simulation  complexity  of  the  WiMAX
       physical  layer,  we  have  chosen  to  model  offline  part  of  the physical layer. More
       specifically we have developed an OFDM simulator to  generate  trace  files  used  by  the
       reception process to evaluate if a FEC block can be correctly decoded or not.

       Transmission  Process: A burst is a set of WiMAX MAC PDUs. At the sending process, a burst
       is converted into bit-streams and then split into smaller FEC blocks which are  then  sent
       to the channel with a power equal P_tx.

       Reception Process: The reception process includes the following operations:

       1. Receive a FEC block from the channel.

       2. Calculate the noise level.

       3. Estimate the signal to noise ratio (SNR) with the following formula.

       4. Determine if a FEC block can be correctly decoded.

       5. Concatenate received FEC blocks to reconstruct the original burst.

       6. Forward the burst to the upper layer.

       The  developed  process  to  evaluate if a FEC block can be correctly received or not uses
       pre-generated traces.  The trace  files  are  generated  by  an  external  OFDM  simulator
       (described   later).   A  class  named  SNRToBlockErrorRateManager  handles  a  repository
       containing seven trace files (one for each modulation and coding scheme). A repository  is
       specific for a particular channel model.

       A  trace  file  is made of 6 columns. The first column provides the SNR value (1), whereas
       the other columns give respectively the bit error rate  BER  (2),  the  block  error  rate
       BlcER(3),  the  standard deviation on BlcER, and the confidence interval (4 and 5).  These
       trace files are loaded  into  memory  by  the  SNRToBlockErrorRateManager  entity  at  the
       beginning of the simulation.

       Currently,  The first process uses the first and third columns to determine if a FEC block
       is correctly received. When the physical layer receives a packet  with  an  SNR  equal  to
       SNR_rx,  it  asks  the  SNRToBlockErrorRateManager to return the corresponding block error
       rate BlcER. A random number RAND between 0 and 1 is then generated.  If  RAND  is  greater
       than  BlcER,  then  the  block  is  correctly  received, otherwise the block is considered
       erroneous and is ignored.

       The module provides defaults SNR to block error  rate  traces  in  default-traces.h.   The
       traces  have been generated by an External WiMAX OFDM simulator. The simulator is based on
       an external mathematics and signal processing library IT++ and includes : a  random  block
       generator,  a  Reed  Solomon  (RS)  coder,  a  convolutional  coder, an interleaver, a 256
       FFT-based OFDM modulator, a multi-path channel simulator and an equalizer.  The  multipath
       channel is simulated using the TDL_channel class of the IT++ library.

       Users can configure the module to use their own traces generated by another OFDM simulator
       or ideally by performing experiments in real environment. For this purpose, a  path  to  a
       repository  containing  trace  files should be provided.  If no repository is provided the
       traces form default-traces.h will be loaded. A valid repository should  contain  7  files,
       one for each modulation and coding scheme.

       The names of the files should respect the following format: modulation0.txt for modulation
       0, modulation1.txt for modulation 1 and so on…  The file format should be as follows:

           ...          ...  ...     ...                 ...                   ...
           ...          ...  ...     ...                 ...                   ...


       ns-3 project

