Provided by: opa-basic-tools_10. bug



       (All)  Performs  individual  PMA  queries  against  a  specific  LID. It is very useful in
       displaying port runtime information.


       opapmaquery [-v] [-s  sl] [-l  lid] [-h  hfi] [-p  port] [-o  otype]
       [-m  port] [-n  mask] [-e  mask] [-w  mask]



                 Produces full help text.


                 Specifies the verbose output. Can be specified more  than  once  for  additional
                 openib debugging and libibumad debugging.

       -s sl

                 Specifies different service level. Default is SM SL.

       -l lid

                 Specifies the destination LID. Default is local port.

       -h/--hfi hfi

                 Specifies  the  HFI, numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies that the -p port port is a
                 system-wide port number. Default is 0.

       -p/--port port

                 Specifies the port, numbered 1..n. Using 0  specifies  the  first  active  port.
                 Default is 0.

       -o otype

                 Specifies the output type. Default is getportstatus. Refer to otype options vary
                 by report for supported options.

                 Valid output types are:

                           Specifies the class of port info.

                           Specifies the list of port counters. Supported options:

                           [-m port] [-w vl mask]

                           Clears the port counters. Supported options:

                           [-n port mask] [-e counter mask] [-w vl mask]

                           Specifies the list of data counters. Supported options:

                           [-n port mask] [-w vl mask]

                           Specifies the list of error counters. Supported options:

                           [-n port mask] [-w vl mask]

                           Specifies the list of error info. Supported options:

                           [-n port mask]

                           Clears the error info. Supported options:

                           [-n port mask] [-e counter mask]

-h and -p options permit a variety of selections:

       -h 0

                 First active port in system (Default).

       -h 0 -p 0

                 First active port in system.

       -h x

                 First active port on HFI x.

       -h x -p 0

                 First active port on HFI x.

       -h 0 -p y

                 Port y within system (no matter which ports are active).

       -h x -p y

                 HFI x, port y.

otype options vary by report
       -m port

                 Specifies the port in destination device to query/clear. Required when using  -l
                 option for all but -o classportinfo.

       -n mask

                 Specifies the port mask, in hexadecimal. Bits represent ports 63-0. For example:
                 0x2 for port 1, 0x6 for ports 1, 2.

       -e mask

                 Specifies the counter/error select mask, in  hexadecimal.  The  following  lists
                 "Mask  -  Bit  -  Location  for Counters". Where applicable, location "for Error
                 Info" is presented. Default is all bits set (0xffffffe0).

                 •      0x80000000 - 31 - Transmit Data (XmitData) For Error Info: Receive  Error

                 •      0x40000000 - 30 - Receive Data (RcvData) For Error Info: Excessive Buffer

                 •      0x20000000 - 29 - Transmit Packets (XmitPkts) For  Error  Info:  Transmit
                        Const Error Info

                 •      0x10000000 - 28 - Receive Packets (RcvPkts) For Error Info: Receive Const
                        Error Info

                 •      0x08000000 - 27 -  Multicast  Transmit  Packets  (MulticastXmitPkts)  For
                        Error Info: Receive Switch Relay Error Info

                 •      0x04000000  - 26 - Multicast Receive Packets (MulticastRcvPkts) For Error
                        Info: Uncorrectable Error Info

                 •      0x02000000  -  25  -  Transmit  Wait  (XmitWait)  For  Error   Info:   FM
                        Configuration Error Info

                 •      0x01000000 - 24 - Congestion Discards (CongDiscards)

                 •      0x00800000 - 23 - Receive FECN (RcvFECN)

                 •      0x00400000 - 22 - Receive BECN (RcvBECN)

                 •      0x00200000 - 21 - Transmit Time Congestion (XmitTimeCong)

                 •      0x00100000 - 20 - Transmit Time Wasted BW (XmitWastedBW)

                 •      0x00080000 - 19 - Transmit Time Wait Data (XmitWaitData)

                 •      0x00040000 - 18 - Receive Bubble (RcvBubble)

                 •      0x00020000 - 17 - Mark FECN (MarkFECN)

                 •      0x00010000 - 16 - Receive Constraint Errors (RcvConstraintErrors)

                 •      0x00008000 - 15 - Receive Switch Relay (RcvSwitchRelayErrors)

                 •      0x00004000 - 14 - Transmit Discards (XmitDiscards)

                 •      0x00002000 - 13 - Transmit Constraint Errors (XmitConstraintErrors)

                 •      0x00001000     -     12     -     Receive    Remote    Physical    Errors

                 •      0x00000800 - 11 - Local Link Integrity (LocalLinkIntegrityErrors)

                 •      0x00000400 - 10 - Receive Errors (RcvErrors)

                 •      0x00000200 - 9 - Excessive Buffer Overrun (ExcessiveBufferOverruns)

                 •      0x00000100 - 8 - FM Configuration Errors (FMConfigErrors)

                 •      0x00000080 - 7 - Link Error Recovery (LinkErrorRecovery)

                 •      0x00000040 - 6 - Link Error Downed (LinkDowned)

                 •      0x00000020 - 5 - Uncorrectable Errors (UncorrectableErrors)

       -w mask

                 Specifies the Virtual Lane Select Mask, in hexadecimal. Bits represent VL number
                 31-0. For example, 0x1 for VL 0, 0x3 for VL 0,1. Default is none.


       opapmaquery -o classportinfo

       opapmaquery -o getportstatus

       # get data and error counts, local port

       opapmaquery -o getdatacounters -n 0x2

       # get data counts, local port 1

       opapmaquery -o geterrorcounters -n 0x2

       # get error counts, local port 1

       opapmaquery -o clearportstatus -n 0x2

       # clear all counters local port 1

       opapmaquery -o geterrorinfo -n 0x2

       # get error info for local port 1

       opapmaquery -o clearerrorinfo -n 0x2

       # clear all error info, local port 1

       opapmaquery -o getdatacounters -l 6 -n 0x7e -w 0x1

       # for device at LID 6, get data counters on ports 1-6, inclusive of VL 0 data

       opapmaquery -o clearportstatus -l 6 -n 0x2 -e 0x1ffff

       # for device at LID 6, on port 1, clear only error counters

       opapmaquery -o clearerrorinfo -l 6 -n 0x2 -e 0x04000000

       # for device at LID 6, on ports 1, clear uncorrectable error info