Provided by: pypy3_7.3.9+dfsg-4_amd64 bug


       pypy3 - fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python 3 language


       pypy3 [options] [-c cmd|-m mod||-] [arg...]


       -i     Inspect interactively after running script.

       -O     Skip assert statements.

       -OO    Remove docstrings when importing modules in addition to -O.

       -c CMD Program passed in as CMD (terminates option list).

       -S     Do not import site on initialization.

       -s     Don't add the user site directory to sys.path.

       -u     Unbuffered binary stdout and stderr.

       -h, --help
              Show a help message and exit.

       -m MOD Library module to be run as a script (terminates option list).

       -W ARG Warning control (arg is action:message:category:module:lineno).

       -E     Ignore environment variables (such as PYTHONPATH).

       -B     Disable writing bytecode (.pyc) files.

       -X track-resources
              Produce  a  ResourceWarning  whenever  a  file  or  socket is closed by the garbage

              Print the PyPy version.

       --info Print translation information about this PyPy executable.

       --jit ARG
              Low level JIT parameters.  Mostly internal.  Run --jit help for more information.


              Add directories to pypy3's module search path.  The format is the same  as  shell's

              A  script  referenced  by this variable will be executed before the first prompt is
              displayed, in interactive mode.

              If set to a non-empty value, equivalent to the -B  option.   Disable  writing  .pyc

              If  set  to  a non-empty value, equivalent to the -i option.  Inspect interactively
              after running the specified script.

              If this is set, it overrides the encoding used for stdin/stdout/stderr.  The syntax
              is  encodingname:errorhandler  The  errorhandler  part is optional and has the same
              meaning as in str.encode.

              If set to a non-empty value, equivalent to the -s option.  Don't add the user  site
              directory to sys.path.

              If  set,  equivalent  to  the  -W  option (warning control).  The value should be a
              comma-separated list of -W parameters.

              If set to a non-empty value, enable logging, the format is:

              fname or +fname
                     logging for profiling:  includes  all  debug_start/debug_stop  but  not  any
                     nested  debug_print.   fname can be - to log to stderr.  The +fname form can
                     be used if there is a : in fname

              :fname Full logging, including debug_print.

                     Conditional logging.  Multiple prefixes can be  specified,  comma-separated.
                     Only sections whose name match the prefix will be logged.

              PYPYLOG=jit-log-opt,jit-backend:logfile will generate a log suitable for jitviewer,
              a tool for debugging performance issues under PyPy.

              If set to a non-empty  value,  print  a  random  #pypy  IRC  topic  at  startup  of
              interactive mode.

       PyPy's default garbage collector is called incminimark - it's an incremental, generational
       moving collector. Here we hope to explain a bit how it works and how it can  be  tuned  to
       suit the workload.

       Incminimark  first allocates objects in so called nursery - place for young objects, where
       allocation is very cheap, being just a pointer bump. The nursery size is  a  very  crucial
       variable  -  depending  on your workload (one or many processes) and cache sizes you might
       want to experiment with it via PYPY_GC_NURSERY environment variable. When the  nursery  is
       full,  there is performed a minor collection. Freed objects are no longer referencable and
       just die, just by not being referenced any more; on the other hand, objects found to still
       be  alive  must  survive  and are copied from the nursery to the old generation. Either to
       arenas, which are collections of objects of the same  size,  or  directly  allocated  with
       malloc  if  they're  larger.   (A  third  category,  the very large objects, are initially
       allocated outside the nursery and never move.)

       Since Incminimark is an incremental GC, the major collection is incremental: the  goal  is
       not  to  have  any  pause  longer  than  1ms,  but  in practice it depends on the size and
       characteristics of the heap: occasionally, there can be pauses between 10-100ms.

   Semi-manual GC management
       If there are parts of the program where it is important to have a low latency,  you  might
       want  to  control  precisely when the GC runs, to avoid unexpected pauses.  Note that this
       has effect only on major collections, while minor collections continue to work as usual.

       As explained above, a full major collection consists of N steps, where N  depends  on  the
       size of the heap; generally speaking, it is not possible to predict how many steps will be
       needed to complete a collection.

       gc.enable() and gc.disable() control whether the GC runs collection  steps  automatically.
       When  the GC is disabled the memory usage will grow indefinitely, unless you manually call
       gc.collect() and gc.collect_step().

       gc.collect() runs a full major collection.

       gc.collect_step()  runs  a  single  collection  step.  It  returns  an  object   of   type
       GcCollectStepStats, the same which is passed to the corresponding GC Hooks.  The following
       code is roughly equivalent to a gc.collect():

          while True:
              if gc.collect_step().major_is_done:

       For a real-world example of usage of this API,  you  can  look  at  the  3rd-party  module
       pypytools.gc.custom,  which  also  provides a with customgc.nogc() context manager to mark
       sections where the GC is forbidden.

       Before we discuss issues of "fragmentation", we need a bit of precision.   There  are  two
       kinds of related but distinct issues:

       • If  the  program  allocates  a  lot  of  memory,  and  then frees it all by dropping all
         references to it, then we might expect to see the RSS to drop.  (RSS = Resident Set Size
         on  Linux,  as seen by "top"; it is an approximation of the actual memory usage from the
         OS's point of view.)  This might not occur: the RSS may remain  at  its  highest  value.
         This  issue  is  more precisely caused by the process not returning "free" memory to the
         OS.  We call this case "unreturned memory".

       • After doing the above, if the RSS didn't go  down,  then  at  least  future  allocations
         should  not  cause  the  RSS to grow more.  That is, the process should reuse unreturned
         memory as long as it has got some left.  If this does not  occur,  the  RSS  grows  even
         larger and we have real fragmentation issues.

       There is a special function in the gc module called get_stats(memory_pressure=False).

       memory_pressure  controls  whether or not to report memory pressure from objects allocated
       outside of the GC, which requires walking the entire heap, so it's disabled by default due
       to its cost. Enable it when debugging mysterious memory disappearance.

       Example call looks like that:

          >>> gc.get_stats(True)
          Total memory consumed:
          GC used:            4.2MB (peak: 4.2MB)
             in arenas:            763.7kB
             rawmalloced:          383.1kB
             nursery:              3.1MB
          raw assembler used: 0.0kB
          memory pressure:    0.0kB
          Total:              4.2MB

          Total memory allocated:
          GC allocated:            4.5MB (peak: 4.5MB)
             in arenas:            763.7kB
             rawmalloced:          383.1kB
             nursery:              3.1MB
          raw assembler allocated: 0.0kB
          memory pressure:    0.0kB
          Total:                   4.5MB

       In  this  particular  case, which is just at startup, GC consumes relatively little memory
       and there is even less unused, but allocated memory. In case there is a lot of  unreturned
       memory or actual fragmentation, the "allocated" can be much higher than "used".  Generally
       speaking, "peak" will more closely resemble the actual memory consumed as reported by RSS.
       Indeed,  returning  memory to the OS is a hard and not solved problem.  In PyPy, it occurs
       only if an arena is entirely free---a contiguous block of 64 pages of 4 or 8 KB each.   It
       is also rare for the "rawmalloced" category, at least for common system implementations of

       The details of various fields:

       • GC in arenas - small old objects held in arenas.  If  the  amount  "allocated"  is  much
         higher  than  the amount "used", we have unreturned memory.  It is possible but unlikely
         that we have internal fragmentation here.  However, this  unreturned  memory  cannot  be
         reused for any malloc(), including the memory from the "rawmalloced" section.

       • GC  rawmalloced - large objects allocated with malloc.  This is gives the current (first
         block of text) and peak (second block of text)  memory  allocated  with  malloc().   The
         amount  of  unreturned  memory  or  fragmentation  caused  by  malloc() cannot easily be
         reported.  Usually you can guess there is some if the RSS is much larger than the  total
         memory reported for "GC allocated", but do keep in mind that this total does not include
         malloc'ed memory not known to PyPy's GC at all.  If you guess there  is  some,  consider
         using jemalloc as opposed to system malloc.

       • nursery  -  amount  of memory allocated for nursery, fixed at startup, controlled via an
         environment variable

       • raw assembler allocated - amount of assembler memory that JIT feels responsible for

       • memory pressure, if asked for - amount of memory we think  got  allocated  via  external
         malloc (eg loading cert store in SSL contexts) that is kept alive by GC objects, but not
         accounted in the GC

   GC Hooks
       GC hooks are user-defined functions which are called whenever a specific GC  event  occur,
       and  can  be used to monitor GC activity and pauses.  You can install the hooks by setting
       the following attributes:

              Called whenever a minor collection occurs.  It  corresponds  to  gc-minor  sections
              inside PYPYLOG.

              Called whenever an incremental step of a major collection occurs. It corresponds to
              gc-collect-step sections inside PYPYLOG.

              Called after the last incremental step, when a major collection is fully  done.  It
              corresponds to gc-collect-done sections inside PYPYLOG.

       To uninstall a hook, simply set the corresponding attribute to None.  To install all hooks
       at once, you can call gc.hooks.set(obj), which will look for methods on_gc_* on  obj.   To
       uninstall all the hooks at once, you can call gc.hooks.reset().

       The  functions called by the hooks receive a single stats argument, which contains various
       statistics about the event.

       Note that PyPy cannot call the hooks immediately after a GC event,  but  it  has  to  wait
       until  it  reaches  a  point  in  which  the  interpreter  is in a known state and calling
       user-defined code is harmless.  It might happen that multiple events occur before the hook
       is invoked: in this case, you can inspect the value stats.count to know how many times the
       event occurred since the  last  time  the  hook  was  called.   Similarly,  stats.duration
       contains  the  total  time spent by the GC for this specific event since the last time the
       hook was called.

       On the other hand, all the other fields of the stats object are relative only to the  last
       event of the series.

       The attributes for GcMinorStats are:

       count  The number of minor collections occurred since the last hook call.

              The total time spent inside minor collections since the last hook call, in seconds.

              The duration of the fastest minor collection since the last hook call.

                 The duration of the slowest minor collection since the last hook call.

                     The amount of memory used at the end of the minor collection, in bytes. This
                     include the memory used in arenas (for GC-managed memory)  and  raw-malloced
                     memory (e.g., the content of numpy arrays).

              the number of pinned objects.

       The attributes for GcCollectStepStats are:

       count, duration, duration_min, duration_max
              See above.

       oldstate, newstate
              Integers which indicate the state of the GC before and after the step.

              Boolean which indicate whether this was the last step of the major collection

       The   value   of  oldstate  and  newstate  is  one  of  these  constants,  defined  inside
       STATE_USERDEL.   It  is  possible  to  get  a  string representation of it by indexing the
       GC_STATES tuple.

       The attributes for GcCollectStats are:

       count  See above.

              The total number of major  collections  which  have  been  done  since  the  start.
              Contrarily  to  count, this is an always-growing counter and it's not reset between

       arenas_count_before, arenas_count_after
              Number of arenas used before and after the major collection.

              Total number of bytes used by GC-managed objects.

       rawmalloc_bytes_before, rawmalloc_bytes_after
              Total number of bytes used by raw-malloced objects,  before  and  after  the  major

       Note  that GcCollectStats has not got a duration field. This is because all the GC work is
       done inside gc-collect-step: gc-collect-done is used only to give  additional  stats,  but
       doesn't do any actual work.

       Here is an example of GC hooks in use:

          import sys
          import gc

          class MyHooks(object):
              done = False

              def on_gc_minor(self, stats):
                  print 'gc-minor:        count = %02d, duration = %d' % (stats.count,

              def on_gc_collect_step(self, stats):
                  old = gc.GcCollectStepStats.GC_STATES[stats.oldstate]
                  new = gc.GcCollectStepStats.GC_STATES[stats.newstate]
                  print 'gc-collect-step: %s --> %s' % (old, new)
                  print '                 count = %02d, duration = %d' % (stats.count,

              def on_gc_collect(self, stats):
                  print 'gc-collect-done: count = %02d' % stats.count
                  self.done = True

          hooks = MyHooks()

          # simulate some GC activity
          lst = []
          while not hooks.done:
              lst = [lst, 1, 2, 3]

   Environment variables
       PyPy's  default  incminimark garbage collector is configurable through several environment

              The nursery size.  Defaults to 1/2 of your last-level  cache,  or  4M  if  unknown.
              Small values (like 1 or 1KB) are useful for debugging.

              If set to non-zero, will fill nursery with garbage, to help debugging.

              The  size  of  memory  marked  during the marking step.  Default is size of nursery
              times 2. If you mark it too high your GC is not incremental at all.  The minimum is
              set to size that survives minor collection times 1.5 so we reclaim anything all the

              Major collection memory factor.  Default is  1.82,  which  means  trigger  a  major
              collection when the memory consumed equals 1.82 times the memory really used at the
              end of the previous major collection.

              Major collection threshold's max growth rate.  Default is 1.4.  Useful  to  collect
              more  often  than  normally on sudden memory growth, e.g. when there is a temporary
              peak in memory usage.

              The max heap size.  If coming near this limit, it will first  collect  more  often,
              then  raise  an  RPython  MemoryError, and if that is not enough, crash the program
              with a fatal error.  Try values like 1.6GB.

              The major collection threshold will never be set to more than PYPY_GC_MAX_DELTA the
              amount  really  used  after  a collection.  Defaults to 1/8th of the total RAM size
              (which is constrained to be at most 2/3/4GB on 32-bit systems).   Try  values  like

              Don't  collect while the memory size is below this limit.  Useful to avoid spending
              all the time in the GC in very small programs.  Defaults to 8 times the nursery.

              Enable extra checks around collections that are too slow for  normal  use.   Values
              are 0 (off), 1 (on major collections) or 2 (also on minor collections).

              The  maximal  number  of  pinned  objects  at  any  point  in  time.  Defaults to a
              conservative value depending on nursery size and maximum  object  size  inside  the
              nursery.  Useful for debugging by setting it to 0.




       The PyPy Project


       2022, The PyPy Project