Provided by: libdbix-class-deploymenthandler-perl_0.002233-1_all 

DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Manual::CatalystIntro - Introduction to using DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler with a new Catalyst Project
This introduction will use PostgreSQL and Catalyst. Background information on using PostgreSQL with Catalyst can be found at Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::10_Appendices. This guide will assume that you have some understanding of Catalyst. Please go through the Catalyst tutorials first if you have not yet done so.
Database Setup
Start by creating a user "catalyst", with password "catalyst" $ sudo -u postgres createuser -P catalyst Enter password for new role: <catalyst> Enter it again: <catalyst> Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n Then create a new database called "deploymentintro" sudo -u postgres createdb -O catalyst deploymentintro
Create the project
$ DeploymentIntro $ cd DeploymentIntro $ perl Makefile.PL
Create the Schema
$ script/ model DB DBIC::Schema DeploymentIntro::Schema \ create=static 'dbi:Pg:dbname=deploymentintro' 'catalyst' 'catalyst' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }' $ mkdir -p lib/Schema/Result Remove the following from "lib/DeploymentIntro/Model/": connect_info => { dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=deploymentintro', user => 'catalyst', password => 'catalyst', AutoCommit => q{1}, } Remove "deploymentintro.conf" and create a new file called "" with the following: { name => "DeploymentIntro", "Model::DB" => { schema_class => 'DeploymentIntro::Schema', connect_info => { dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=deploymentintro', user => 'catalyst', password => 'catalyst', AutoCommit => 1, } } } Copy the following program into scripts, under the name "" #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use feature ":5.10"; use aliased 'DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler' => 'DH'; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use DeploymentIntro::Schema; use Config::JFDI; my $config = Config::JFDI->new( name => 'DeploymentIntro' ); my $config_hash = $config->get; my $connect_info = $config_hash->{"Model::DB"}{"connect_info"}; my $schema = DeploymentIntro::Schema->connect($connect_info); my $dh = DH->new({ schema => $schema, script_directory => "$FindBin::Bin/../dbicdh", databases => 'PostgreSQL', }); sub install { $dh->prepare_install; $dh->install; } sub upgrade { die "Please update the version in" if ( $dh->version_storage->version_rs->search({version => $dh->schema_version})->count ); die "We only support positive integers for versions around these parts." unless $dh->schema_version =~ /^\d+$/; $dh->prepare_deploy; $dh->prepare_upgrade; $dh->upgrade; } sub current_version { say $dh->database_version; } sub help { say <<'OUT'; usage: install upgrade current-version OUT } help unless $ARGV[0]; given ( $ARGV[0] ) { when ('install') { install() } when ('upgrade') { upgrade() } when ('current-version') { current_version() } } Copy the following files into "lib/DeploymentIntro/Schema/Result": "" package DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Cd; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core'; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw(InflateColumn::DateTime)); __PACKAGE__->table('cd'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1, }, artist_id => { data_type => 'integer' }, title => { data_type => 'text' }, ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id'); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( artist => 'DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Artist', 'artist_id' ); __PACKAGE__->has_many( tracks => 'DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Track', 'cd_id' ); 1; "" package DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Artist; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core'; __PACKAGE__->table('artist'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1, }, name => { data_type => 'text' }, ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id'); __PACKAGE__->has_many( cds => 'DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Cd', 'artist_id' ); 1; "" package DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Track; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core'; __PACKAGE__->table('track'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1, }, cd_id => { data_type => 'integer', }, title => { data_type => 'text', } ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id'); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( cd => 'DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Cd', 'cd_id' ); 1; And then edit "lib/DeploymentIntro/" and add the following above the 1 at the bottom our $VERSION = 1; Now it is just a matter of running ./script/ install
Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt <>
This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.30.0 DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Manual::CatalystIntro(3pm)