Provided by: liblog-report-perl_1.33-1_all bug


       Log::Report - report a problem, with exceptions and translation support


          is a Exporter


        # Invocation with 'mode' to get trace and verbose messages
        use Log::Report mode => 'DEBUG';

        # Usually invoked with a domain, which groups packages for translation
        use Log::Report 'my-domain', %options;

        # Interpolation syntax via String::Print
        # First step to translations, once you need it.
        print __x"my name is {name}", name => $n;  # print, so no exception
        print __"Hello World\n";     # no interpolation, optional translation
        print __x'Hello World';      # SYNTAX ERROR!!  ' is alternative for ::

        # Functions replacing die/warn/carp, casting exceptions.
        error "oops";                # exception like die(), no translation
        -f $config or panic "Help!"; # alert/error/fault/info/...more

        # Combined exception, interpolation, and optional translation
        error __x"Help!";            # __x() creates ::Message object
        error __x('gettext msgid', param => $value, ...)
            if $condition;

        # Also non fatal "exceptions" find their way to dispatchers
        info __x"started {pid}", pid => $$;   # translatable
        debug "$i was here!";        # you probably do not want to translate debug
        panic "arrghhh";             # like Carp::Confess

        # Many destinations for an exception message (may exist in parallel)
        dispatcher PERL => 'default' # see Log::Report::Dispatcher: use die/warn
          , reasons => 'NOTICE-';    # this dispatcher is already present at start

        dispatcher SYSLOG => 'syslog'# also send to syslog
          , charset => 'iso-8859-1'  # explicit character conversions
          , locale => 'en_US';       # overrule user's locale

        dispatcher close => 'default';  # stop default die/warn dispatcher

        # Fill-in values, like Locale::TextDomain and gettext
        # See Log::Report::Message section DETAILS
        fault __x"cannot allocate {size} bytes", size => $size;
        fault "cannot allocate $size bytes";     # no translation, ok
        fault __x"cannot allocate $size bytes";  # not translatable, wrong

        # Translation depending on count
        # Leading and trailing whitespace stay magically outside translation
        # tables.  @files in scalar context.  Special parameter with _
        print __xn"found one file\n", "found {_count} files", @files;

        # Borrow from an other text-domain (see Log::Report::Message)
        print __x(+"errors in {line}", _domain => 'global', line => $line);

        # catch errors (implements hidden eval/die)
        try { error };
        if($@) {...}      # $@ isa Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try
        if(my $exception = $@->wasFatal)         # ::Exception object

        # Language translations at the output component
        # Translation management via Log::Report::Lexicon
        use POSIX::1003::Locale qw/setlocale LC_ALL/;
        setlocale(LC_ALL, 'nl_NL');
        info __"Hello World!";      # in Dutch, if translation table found

        # Exception classes, see Log::Report::Exception
        try { error __x"something", _class => 'parsing,schema' };
        if($@->wasFatal->inClass('parsing')) ...


       Get messages to users and logs.  "Log::Report" combines three tasks which are closely
       related in one:

       . logging (like Log::Log4Perl and syslog), and
       . exceptions (like error and info), with
       . translations (like "gettext" and Locale::TextDomain)

       You do not need to use this module for all three reasons: pick what you need now, maybe
       extend the usage later.  Read more about how and why in the "DETAILS" section, below.
       Especially, you should read about the REASON parameter.

       Also, you can study this module swiftly via the article published in the German Perl
       "$foo-magazine".  English version:


   Report Production and Configuration
       dispatcher( <$type, $name, %options>|<$command, @names> )
           The "dispatcher" function controls access to dispatchers: the back-ends which process
           messages, do the logging.  Dispatchers are global entities, addressed by a symbolic
           $name.  Please read Log::Report::Dispatcher as well.

           The "Log::Report" suite has its own dispatcher @types, but also connects to external
           dispatching frameworks.  Each need some (minor) conversions, especially with respect
           to translation of REASONS of the reports into log-levels as the back-end understands.

           [1.10] When you open a dispatcher with a $name which is already in use, that existing
           dispatcher gets closed.  Except when you have given an 'dispatcher "do-not-reopen"'
           earlier, in which case the first object stays alive, and the second attempt ignored.
           [1.11] The automatically created default dispatcher will get replaced, even when this
           option is given, by another dispatcher which is named 'default'.

           The %options are a mixture of parameters needed for the Log::Report dispatcher wrapper
           and the settings of the back-end.  See Log::Report::Dispatcher, the documentation for
           the back-end specific wrappers, and the back-ends for more details.

           Implemented COMMANDs are "close", "find", "list", "disable", "enable", "mode",
           "filter", "needs", "active-try", and "do-not-reopen".

           Most commands are followed by a LIST of dispatcher @names to be addressed.  For "mode"
           see section "Run modes"; it requires a MODE argument before the LIST of NAMEs.  Non-
           existing names will be ignored. When "ALL" is specified, then all existing dispatchers
           will get addressed.  For "filter" see "Filters" in Log::Report::Dispatcher; it
           requires a CODE reference before the @names of the dispatchers which will have the it
           applied (defaults to all).

           With "needs", you only provide a REASON: it will return the list of dispatchers which
           need to be called in case of a message with the REASON is triggered.  The "active-try"
           [1.09] returns the closest surrounding exception catcher, a
           Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try object.

           For both the creation as COMMANDs version of this method, all objects involved are
           returned as LIST, non-existing ones skipped.  In SCALAR context with only one name,
           the one object is returned.

           example: play with dispatchers

            dispatcher Log::Dispatcher::File => mylog =>
              , accept   => 'MISTAKE-'              # for wrapper
              , locale   => 'pt_BR'                 # other language
              , filename => 'logfile';              # for back-end

            dispatcher close => 'mylog';            # cleanup
            my $obj = dispatcher find => 'mylog';
            my @obj = dispatcher 'list';
            dispatcher disable => 'syslog';
            dispatcher enable => 'mylog', 'syslog'; # more at a time
            dispatcher mode => 'DEBUG', 'mylog';
            dispatcher mode => 'DEBUG', 'ALL';
            my $catcher = dispatcher 'active-try';
            dispatcher 'do-not-reopen';

            my @need_info = dispatcher needs => 'INFO';
            if(dispatcher needs => 'INFO') ...      # anyone needs INFO

            # Getopt::Long integration: see Log::Report::Dispatcher::mode()
            dispatcher PERL => 'default', mode => 'DEBUG', accept => 'ALL'
                if $debug;

       report( [%options], $reason, $message|<STRING,$params>, )
           The "report" function is sending (for some $reason) a $message to be displayed or
           logged (by a `dispatcher').  This function is the core for error(), info() etc
           functions, which are nicer names for this exception throwing: better use those short

           The $reason is a string like 'ERROR' (for function "error()").  The $message is a
           Log::Report::Message object (which are created with the special translation syntax
           like __x()).  The $message may also be a plain string, or an Log::Report::Exception
           object. The optional first parameter is a HASH which can be used to influence the

           The optional %options are listed below.  Quite differently from other functions and
           methods, they have to be passed in a HASH as first parameter.

           This function returns the LIST of dispatchers which accepted the $message.  When
           empty, no back-end has accepted it so the $message was "lost".  Even when no back-end
           needs the message, the program will still exit when there is a $reason to "die()".

            -Option  --Default
             errno     $! or 1
             is_fatal  <depends on reason>
             locale    undef
             location  undef
             stack     undef
             to        undef

           errno => INTEGER
             When the $reason includes the error text (See "Run modes"), you can overrule the
             error code kept in $!.  In other cases, the return code defaults to 1 (historical
             UNIX behavior). When the message $reason (combined with the run-mode) is severe
             enough to stop the program, this value as return code of the program.  The use of
             this option itself will not trigger an "die()".

           is_fatal => BOOLEAN
             Some logged exceptions are fatal, other aren't.  The default usually is correct.
             However, you may want an error to be caught (usually with try()), redispatch it to
             syslog, but without it killing the main program.

           locale => LOCALE
             Use this specific locale, in stead of the user's preference.

           location => STRING
             When defined, this location is used in the display.  Otherwise, it is determined
             automatically if needed.  An empty string will disable any attempt to display this

           stack => ARRAY
             When defined, that data is used to display the call stack.  Otherwise, it is
             collected via "caller()" if needed.

           to => NAME|ARRAY-of-NAMEs
             Sent the $message only to the NAMEd dispatchers.  Ignore unknown NAMEs.  Still, the
             dispatcher needs to be enabled and accept the REASONs.

           example: for use of report()

            # long syntax example
            report TRACE => "start processing now";
            report INFO  => '500: ' . __'Internal Server Error';

            # explicit dispatcher, no translation
            report {to => 'syslog'}, NOTICE => "started process $$";
            notice "started process $$", _to => 'syslog';   # same

            # short syntax examples
            trace "start processing now";
            warning  __x'Disk {percent%.2f}% full', percent => $p
                if $p > 97;

            # error message, overruled to be printed in Brazilian
            report {locale => 'pt_BR'}
               , WARNING => "do this at home!";

       try(CODE, %options)
           Execute the CODE while blocking all dispatchers as long as it is running.  The
           exceptions which occur while running the CODE are caught until it has finished.  When
           there where no fatal errors, the result of the CODE execution is returned.

           After the CODE was tried, the $@ will contain a Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try object,
           which contains the collected messages.

           Run-time errors from Perl and die's, croak's and confess's within the program (which
           shouldn't appear, but you never know) are collected into an Log::Report::Message
           object, using Log::Report::Die.

           The %options are passed to the constructor of the try-dispatcher, see
           Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::new().  For instance, you may like to add "mode =>
           'DEBUG'", or "accept => 'ERROR-'".

           Be warned that the parameter to "try" is a CODE reference.  This means that you shall
           not use a comma after the block when there are %options specified.  On the other hand,
           you shall use a semi-colon after the block if there are no arguments.

           Be warned that the {} are interpreted as subroutine, which means that, for instance,
           it has its own @_.  The manual-page of Try::Tiny lists a few more side-effects of


            my $x = try { 3/$x };  # mind the ';' !!
            if($@) {               # signals something went wrong

            if(try {...}) {        # block ended normally, returns bool

            try { ... }            # no comma!!
               mode => 'DEBUG', accept => 'ERROR-';

            try sub { ... },       # with comma, also \&function
               mode => 'DEBUG', accept => 'ALL';

            my $response = try { $ua->request($request) };
            if(my $e = $@->wasFatal) ...

   Abbreviations for report()
       The following functions are all wrappers for calls to report(), and available when "syntax
       is SHORT" (by default, see import()).  You cannot specify additional options to influence
       the behavior of "report()", which are usually not needed anyway.

           Short for "report ALERT => $message"

           Short for "report ASSERT => $message"

           Short for "report ERROR => $message"

           Short for "report FAILURE => $message"

           Short for "report FAULT => $message"

           Short for "report INFO => $message"

           Short for "report MISTAKE => $message"

           Short for "report NOTICE => $message"

           Short for "report PANIC => $message"

           Short for "report TRACE => $message"

           Short for "report WARNING => $message"

   Messages (optionally translatable)
       Even when you do not support translations (yet) you may want to use message objects to
       improve the logging feature. For instance, you get very powerful interpolation from

       The language translations are initiate by limited set of functions which contain two
       under-scores ("__") in their name.  Most of them return a Log::Report::Message object.

       Be warned(1) that -in general- its considered very bad practice to combine multiple
       translations into one message: translating may also affect the order of the translated
       components. Besides, when the person which translates only sees smaller parts of the text,
       his (or her) job becomes more complex.  So:

        print __"Hello" . ', ' . __"World!";  # works, but to be avoided
        print __"Hello, World!";              # preferred, complete sentence

       The the former case, tricks with overloading used by the Log::Report::Message objects will
       still make delayed translations work.

       In normal situations, it is not a problem to translate interpolated values:

        print __"the color is {c}", c => __"red";

       Be warned(2) that using "__'Hello'" will produce a syntax error like "String found where
       operator expected at .... Can't find string terminator "'" anywhere before EOF".  The
       first quote is the cause of the complaint, but the second generates the error.  In the
       early days of Perl, the single quote was used to separate package name from function name,
       a role which was later replaced by a double-colon.  So "__'Hello'" gets interpreted as
       "__::Hello '".  Then, there is a trailing single quote which has no counterpart.

           Label to indicate that the string is a text which will be translated later.  The
           function itself does nothing.  See also N__w().

           This no-op function is used as label to the xgettext program to build the translation

           example: how to use N__()

            # add three msgids to the translation table
            my @colors = (N__"red", N__"green", N__"blue");
            my @colors = N__w "red green blue";   # same
            print __ $colors[1];                  # translate green

            # using __(), would work as well
            my @colors = (__"red", __"green", __"blue");
            print $colors[1];
            # however: this will always create all Log::Report::Message objects,
            # where maybe only one is used.

       N__n($single_msgid, $plural_msgid)
           Label to indicate that the two MSGIDs are related, the first as single, the seconds as
           its plural.  Only used to find the text fragments to be translated.  The function
           itself does nothing.

           example: how to use N__n()

            my @save = N__n "save file", "save files";
            my @save = (N__n "save file", "save files");
            my @save = N__n("save file", "save files");

            # be warned about SCALARs in prototype!
            print __n @save, $nr_files;  # wrong!
            print __n $save[0], $save[1], @files, %vars;

           This extension to the Locale::TextDomain syntax, is a combined "qw" (list of quoted
           words) and N__() into a list of translatable words.

           example: of N__w()

             my @colors = (N__"red", N__"green", N__"blue");
             my @colors = N__w"red green blue";  # same
             print __ $colors[1];

           This function (name is two under-score characters) will cause the $msgid to be
           replaced by the translations when doing the actual output.  Returned is a
           Log::Report::Message object, which will be used in translation later.  Translating is
           invoked when the object gets stringified.  When you have no translation tables, the
           $msgid will be shown untranslated.

           If you need options for Log::Report::Message::new() then use __x(); the prototype of
           this function does not permit parameters: it is a prefix operator!

           example: how to use __()

            print __"Hello World";      # translated into user's language
            print __'Hello World';      # syntax error!
            print __('Hello World');    # ok, translated
            print __"Hello", " World";  # World not translated

            my $s = __"Hello World";    # creates object, not yet translated
            print ref $s;               # Log::Report::Message
            print $s;                   # ok, translated
            print $s->toString('fr');   # ok, forced into French

       __n($msgid, $plural_msgid, $count, PAIRS)
           It depends on the value of $count (and the selected language) which text will be
           displayed.  When translations can not be performed, then $msgid will be used when
           $count is 1, and PLURAL_MSGSID in other cases.  However, some languages have more
           complex schemes than English.

           The PAIRS are options for Log::Report::Message::new() and variables to be filled in.

           example: how to use __n()

            print __n "one", "more", $a;
            print __n("one", "more", $a), "\n";
            print +(__n "one", "more", $a), "\n";

            # new-lines are ignore at lookup, but printed.
            print __n "one\n", "more\n", $a;

            # count is in scalar context
            # the value is also available as _count
            print __n "found one\n", "found {_count}\n", @r;

            # ARRAYs and HASHes are counted
            print __n "one", "more", \@r;

       __nx($msgid, $plural_msgid, $count, PAIRS)
           It depends on the value of $count (and the selected language) which text will be
           displayed.  See details in __n().  After translation, the VARIABLES will be filled-in.

           The PAIRS are options for Log::Report::Message::new() and variables to be filled in.

           example: how to use __nx()

            print __nx "one file", "{_count} files", $nr_files;
            print __nx "one file", "{_count} files", @files;

            local $" = ', ';
            print __nx "one file: {f}", "{_count} files: {f}", @files, f => \@files;

       __x($msgid, PAIRS)
           Translate the $msgid and then interpolate the VARIABLES in that string.  Of course,
           translation and interpolation is delayed as long as possible.  Both OPTIONS and
           VARIABLES are key-value pairs.

           The PAIRS are options for Log::Report::Message::new() and variables to be filled in.

       __xn($single_msgid, $plural_msgid, $count, $paurs)
           Same as __nx(), because we have no preferred order for 'x' and 'n'.

       Messages with msgctxt

       In Log::Report, the message context (mgsctxt in the PO-files --in the translation tables)
       can be used in a very powerful way.  Read all about it in Log::Report::Translator::Context

       The msgctxt versions of the tranditional gettext infrastructure are far less useful for
       Log::Report, because we can easily work with different text domains within the same
       program.  That should avoid most of the accidental translation conflicts between
       components of the code.

       Just for compatibility with Locale::TextDomain and completeness, the 'p' versions of above
       methods are supported.  See examples for these functions in Locale::TextDomain.

       Warnings: Functions "N__p()" and "N__np()" seem not to be usable in reality, hence not
       implemented.  The script xgettext-perl and Log::Report::Extract::PerlPPI (both in the
       Log::Report::Lexicon distribution) do not yet support these functions.

       __np($msgctxt, $msgid, $plural, count)
       __npx($msgctxt, $msgid, $plural, count, PAIRS)
       __p($msgctxt, $msgid)
       __px($msgctxt, $msgid, PAIRS)

       $obj->import( [$level,][$domain,] %options )
           The import is automatically called when the package is compiled.  For all packages but
           one in your distribution, it will only contain the name of the $domain.

           For one package, the import list may additionally contain textdomain configuration
           %options.  These %options are used for all packages which use the same $domain.  These
           are alternatives:

             # Do not use variables in the %*config!  They are not yet initialized
             # when Log::Report->import is run!!!
             use Log::Report 'my-domain', %config, %domain_config;

             use Log::Report 'my-domain', %config;
             textdomain 'my-domain', %domain_config;   # vars allowed

           The latter syntax has major advantages, when the configuration of the domain is
           determined at run-time.  It is probably also easier to understand.

           See Log::Report::Domain::configure(), for the list of %options for the domain
           configuration.  Here, we only list the options which are related to the normal import

           The export $level is a plus (+) followed by a number, for instance +1, to indicate to
           on which caller level we need to work.  This is used in Log::Report::Optional.  It
           defaults to '0': my direct caller.

            -Option       --Default
             import         undef
             message_class  Log::Report::Message
             mode           'NORMAL'
             syntax         'SHORT'

           import => FUNCTION|ARRAY
             [0.998] When not specified, the "syntax" option determines the list of functions
             which are being exported.  With this option, the "syntax" option is ignored and only
             the specified FUNCTION(s) are imported.

           message_class => CLASS
             [1.08] Use a more powerful message object class, for instance because your messages
             need extra attributes.  The provided CLASS must extend Log::Report::Message

           mode => LEVEL
             This sets the default mode for all created dispatchers.  You can also selectively
             change the output mode, like
              dispatcher PERL => 'default', mode => 3

           syntax => 'REPORT'|'SHORT'|'LONG'
             The SHORT syntax will add the report abbreviations (like function error()) to your
             name-space.  Otherwise, each message must be produced with report(). "LONG" is an
             alternative to "REPORT": both do not pollute your namespace with the useful abbrev

           example: of import

            use Log::Report mode => 3;     # '3' or 'DEBUG'

            use Log::Report 'my-domain';   # in each package producing messages

            use Log::Report 'my-domain'    # in one package, top of distr
             , mode            => 'VERBOSE'
             , syntax          => 'REPORT' # report ERROR, not error()
             , translator      => Log::Report::Translator::POT->new
                ( lexicon => '/home/mine/locale'  # translation tables
             , native_language => 'nl_NL'; # untranslated msgs are Dutch

            use Log::Report import => 'try';      # or ARRAY of functions

       textdomain( <[$name],$config>|<$name, 'DELETE'|'EXISTS'>|$domain )
           [1.00] Without CONFIGuration, this returns the Log::Report::Domain object which
           administers the $domain, by default the domain effective in the scope of the package.

           A very special case is "DELETE", which will remove the domain configuration. [1.20]
           "EXISTS" will check for existence: when it exists, it will be returned, but a domain
           will not be automagically created.

           [1.20] You may also pass a pre-configured domain.

       Log::Report->needs( $reason, [$reasons] )
           Returns true when the reporter needs any of the $reasons, when any of the active
           dispatchers is collecting messages in the specified level.  This is useful when the
           processing of data for the message is relatively expensive, but for instance only
           required in debug mode.


             {   my @args = ...expensive calculation...;
                 trace "your options are: @args";


       Getting messages to users and logs. The distincting concept of this module, is that three
       tasks which are strongly related are merged into one simple syntax.  The three tasks:

       produce some text on a certain condition,
       translate it to the proper language, and
       deliver it in some way to a user.

       Text messages in Perl are produced by commands like "print", "die", "warn", "carp", or
       "croak".  But where is that output directed to?  Translations is hard.  There is no clean
       exception mechanism.

       Besides, the "print"/"warn"/"die" together produce only three different output "levels"
       with a message.  Think of the variation syslog offers: more than 7 levels.  Many people
       manually implement their own tricks to get additional levels, like verbose and debug
       flags.  Log::Report offers that variety.

       The (optional) translations use the beautiful syntax defined by Locale::TextDomain, with
       some own extensions (of course).  A very important difference is that translations are
       delayed till the delivery step: until a dispatcher actually writes your message into a
       file, sends it to syslog, or shows it on the screen.  This means that the pop-up in the
       graphical interface of the user may show the text in the language of the user --say
       Chinese in utf8--, but at the same time syslog may write the latin1 English version of the
       same message.

   Background ideas
       The following ideas are the base of this implementation:

       . simplification
           Handling errors and warnings is probably the most labor-intensive task for a
           programmer: when programs are written correctly, up-to three-quarters of the code is
           related to testing, reporting, and handling (problem) conditions.  Simplifying the way
           to create reports, simplifies programming and maintenance.

       . multiple dispatchers
           It is not the location where the (for instance) error occurs which determines what
           will happen with the text, but the main application which uses the the complaining
           module has control.  Messages have a reason.  Based on the `reason' classification,
           they can get ignored, send to one or multiple dispatchers, like Log::Dispatch,
           Log::Log4perl, or UNIX syslog.

       . delayed translations
           The background ideas are that of Locale::TextDomain, based on "gettext()".  However,
           in the "Log::Report" infrastructure, translations are postponed until the text is
           dispatched to a screen or log-file; the same report can be sent to syslog in (for
           instance) English and to the user interface in Dutch.

       . context sensitive
           Using contexts, you can set-up how to translate or rewrite messages, to improve
           messages.  A typical problem is whether to use gender in text (use 'his' or 'her'):
           you can set a gender in a context, and the use translation tables to pick the right

   Error handling models
       There are two approaches to handling errors and warnings.  In the first approach, as
       produced by "die", "warn" and the "carp" family of commands, the program handles the
       problem immediately on the location where the problem appears.  In the second approach, an
       exception is thrown on the spot where the problem is created, and then somewhere else in
       the program the condition is handled.

       The implementation of exceptions in Perl5 is done with a eval-die pair: on the spot where
       the problem occurs, "die" is called.  But, because of the execution of that routine is
       placed within an "eval", the program as a whole will not die, just the execution of a part
       of the program will seize.  However, what if the condition which caused the routine to die
       is solvable on a higher level?  Or what if the user of the code doesn't bother that a part
       fails, because it has implemented alternatives for that situation?  Exception handling is
       quite clumsy in Perl5.

       The "Log::Report" set of distributions let modules concentrate on the program flow, and
       let the main program decide on the report handling model.  The infrastructure to translate
       messages into multiple languages, whether to create exceptions or carp/die, to collect
       longer explanations with the messages, to log to mail or syslog, and so on, is decided in
       pluggable back-ends.

       The Reason for the report

       Traditionally, perl has a very simple view on error reports: you either have a warning or
       an error.  However, it would be much clearer for user's and module-using applications,
       when a distinction is made between various causes.  For instance, a configuration error is
       quite different from a disk-full situation.  In "Log::Report", the produced reports in the
       code tell what is wrong.  The main application defines loggers, which interpret the cause
       into (syslog) levels.

       Defined by "Log::Report" are

       . trace (debug, program)
           The message will be used when some logger has debugging enabled.  The messages show
           steps taken by the program, which are of interest by the developers and maintainers of
           the code, but not for end-users.

       . assert (program)
           Shows an unexpected condition, but continues to run.  When you want the program to
           abort in such situation, that use "panic".

       . info (verbose, program)
           These messages show larger steps in the execution of the program.  Experienced users
           of the program usually do not want to see all these intermediate steps.  Most programs
           will display info messages (and higher) when some "verbose" flag is given on the

       . notice (program)
           An user may need to be aware of the program's accidental smart behavior, for instance,
           that it initializes a lasting "Desktop" directory in your home directory.  Notices
           should be sparse.

       . warning (program)
           The program encountered some problems, but was able to work around it by smart
           behavior.  For instance, the program does not understand a line from a log-file, but
           simply skips the line.

       . mistake (user)
           When a user does something wrong, but what is correctable by smart behavior of the
           program.  For instance, in some configuration file, you can fill-in "yes" or "no", but
           the user wrote "yeah".  The program interprets this as "yes", producing a mistake
           message as warning.

           It is much nicer to tell someone that he/she made a mistake, than to call that an

       . error (user)
           The user did something wrong, which is not automatically correctable or the program is
           not willing to correct it automatically for reasons of code quality.  For instance, an
           unknown option flag is given on the command-line.  These are configuration issues, and
           have no useful value in $!.  The program will be stopped, usually before taken off.

       . fault (system)
           The program encountered a situation where it has no work-around.  For instance, a file
           cannot be opened to be written.  The cause of that problem can be some user error
           (i.e. wrong filename), or external (you accidentally removed a directory yesterday).
           In any case, the $! ($ERRNO) variable is set here.

       . alert (system)
           Some external cause disturbs the execution of the program, but the program stays alive
           and will try to continue operation.  For instance, the connection to the database is
           lost.  After a few attempts, the database can be reached and the program continues as
           if nothing happened.  The cause is external, so $! is set.  Usually, a system
           administrator needs to be informed about the problem.

       . failure (system)
           Some external cause makes it impossible for this program to continue.  $! is set, and
           usually the system administrator wants to be informed.  The program will die.

           The difference with "fault" is subtile and not always clear.  A fault reports an error
           returned by an operating system call, where the failure would report an operational
           problem, like a failing mount.

       . panic (program)
           All above report classes are expected: some predictable situation is encountered, and
           therefore a message is produced.  However, programs often do some internal checking.
           Of course, these conditions should never be triggered, but if they do... then we can
           only stop.

           For instance, in an OO perl module, the base class requires all sub-classes to
           implement a certain method.  The base class will produce a stub method with triggers a
           panic when called.  The non-dieing version of this test "assert".

       Debugging or being "verbose" are run-time behaviors, and have nothing directly to do with
       the type of message which is produced.  These two are modes which can be set on the
       dispatchers: one dispatcher may be more verbose that some other.

       On purpose, we do not use the terms "die" or "fatal", because the dispatcher can be
       configured what to do in cause of which condition.  For instance, it may decide to stop
       execution on warnings as well.

       The terms "carp" and "croak" are avoided, because the program cause versus user cause
       distinction (warn vs carp) is reflected in the use of different reasons.  There is no need
       for "confess" and "croak" either, because the dispatcher can be configured to produce
       stack-trace information (for a limited sub-set of dispatchers)

       Report levels

       Various frameworks used with perl programs define different labels to indicate the reason
       for the message to be produced.

        Perl5 Log::Dispatch Syslog Log4Perl Log::Report
        print   0,debug     debug  debug    trace
        print   0,debug     debug  debug    assert
        print   1,info      info   info     info
        warn\n  2,notice    notice info     notice
        warn    3,warning   warn   warn     mistake
        carp    3,warning   warn   warn     warning
        die\n   4,error     err    error    error
        die     5,critical  crit   fatal    fault
        croak   6,alert     alert  fatal    alert
        croak   7,emergency emerg  fatal    failure
        confess 7,emergency emerg  fatal    panic

       Run modes

       The run-mode change which messages are passed to a dispatcher, but from a different angle
       than the dispatch filters; the mode changes behavioral aspects of the messages, which are
       described in detail in "Processing the message" in Log::Report::Dispatcher.  However, it
       should behave as you expect: the DEBUG mode shows more than the VERBOSE mode, and both
       show more than the NORMAL mode.

       . Example: extract run mode from Getopt::Long

       The "GetOptions()" function will count the number of "v" options on the command-line when
       a "+" is after the option name.

        use Log::Report;
        use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);

        my $mode;    # defaults to NORMAL
        GetOptions 'v+'        => \$mode
                 , 'verbose=i' => \$mode
                 , 'mode=s'    => \$mode
            or exit 1;

        dispatcher 'PERL', 'default', mode => $mode;

       Now, "-vv" will set $mode to 2, as will "--verbose 2" and "--verbose=2" and
       "--mode=ASSERT".  Of course, you do not need to provide all these options to the user:
       make a choice.

       . Example: the mode of a dispatcher

        my $mode = dispatcher(find => 'myname')->mode;

       . Example: run-time change mode of a dispatcher

       To change the running mode of the dispatcher, you can do
         dispatcher mode => DEBUG => 'myname';

       However, be warned that this does not change the types of messages accepted by the
       dispatcher!  So: probably you will not receive the trace, assert, and info messages after
       all.  So, probably you need to replace the dispatcher with a new one with the same name:
         dispatcher FILE => 'myname', to => ..., mode => 'DEBUG';

       This may reopen connections (depends on the actual dispatcher), which might be not what
       you wish to happened.  In that case, you must take the following approach:

         # at the start of your program
         dispatcher FILE => 'myname', to => ...
            , accept => 'ALL';    # overrule the default 'NOTICE-' !!

         # now it works
         dispatcher mode => DEBUG => 'myname';    # debugging on
         dispatcher mode => NORMAL => 'myname';   # debugging off

       Of course, this comes with a small overall performance penalty.


       The simple view on live says: you 're dead when you die.  However, more complex situations
       try to revive the dead.  Typically, the "die" is considered a terminating exception, but
       not terminating the whole program, but only some logical block.  Of course, a wrapper
       round that block must decide what to do with these emerging problems.

       Java-like languages do not "die" but throw exceptions which contain the information about
       what went wrong.  Perl modules like "Exception::Class" simulate this.  It's a hassle to
       create exception class objects for each emerging problem, and the same amount of work to
       walk through all the options.

       Log::Report follows a simpler scheme.  Fatal messages will "die", which is caught with
       "eval", just the Perl way (used invisible to you).  However, the wrapper gets its hands on
       the message as the user has specified it: untranslated, with all unprocessed parameters
       still at hand.

        try { fault __x "cannot open file {file}", file => $fn };
        if($@)                         # is Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try
        {   my $cause = $@->wasFatal;  # is Log::Report::Exception
            $cause->throw if $cause->message->msgid =~ m/ open /;
            # all other problems ignored

       See Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try and Log::Report::Exception.

       Some notes on differences between the Log::Report approach and other Perl concepts.


       Perl's built-in exception system is very primitive: "die" and "warn".  Most programming
       languages provide a much more detailed exception mechanism.

       A typical perl program can look like this:

        my $dir = '/etc';

        File::Spec->file_name is_absolute($dir)
            or die "ERROR: directory name must be absolute.\n";

        -d $dir
            or die "ERROR: what platform are you on?";

        until(opendir DIR, $dir)
        {   warn "ERROR: cannot read system directory $dir: $!";
            sleep 60;

        print "Processing directory $dir\n"
            if $verbose;

        while(defined(my $file = readdir DIR))
        {   if($file =~ m/\.bak$/)
            {   warn "WARNING: found backup file $dir/$f\n";

            die "ERROR: file $dir/$file is binary"
                if $debug && -B "$dir/$file";

            print "DEBUG: processing file $dir/$file\n"
                if $debug;

            open FILE, "<", "$dir/$file"
                or die "ERROR: cannot read from $dir/$f: $!";

            close FILE
                or croak "ERROR: read errors in $dir/$file: $!";

       Where "die", "warn", and "print" are used for various tasks.  With "Log::Report", you
       would write

        use Log::Report;

        # can be left-out when there is no debug/verbose
        dispatcher PERL => 'default', mode => 'DEBUG';

        my $dir = '/etc';

        File::Spec->file_name is_absolute($dir)
            or mistake "directory name must be absolute";

        -d $dir
            or panic "what platform are you on?";

        until(opendir DIR, $dir)
        {   alert "cannot read system directory $dir";
            sleep 60;

        info "Processing directory $dir";

        while(defined(my $file = readdir DIR))
        {   if($file =~ m/\.bak$/)
            {   notice "found backup file $dir/$f";

            assert "file $dir/$file is binary"
                if -B "$dir/$file";

            trace "processing file $dir/$file";

            unless(open FILE, "<", "$dir/$file")
            {   error "no permission to read from $dir/$f"
                    if $!==ENOPERM;
                fault "unable to read from $dir/$f";

            close FILE
                or failure "read errors in $dir/$file";

       A lot of things are quite visibly different, and there are a few smaller changes.  There
       is no need for a new-line after the text of the message.  When applicable (error about
       system problem), then the $! is added automatically.

       Log::Dispatch and Log::Log4perl

       The two major logging frameworks for Perl are Log::Dispatch and Log::Log4perl; both
       provide a pluggable logging interface.

       Both frameworks do not have (gettext or maketext) language translation support, which has
       various consequences.  When you wish for to report in some other language, it must be
       translated before the logging function is called.   This may mean that an error message is
       produced in Chinese, and therefore also ends-up in the syslog file in Chinese.  When this
       is not your language, you have a problem.

       Log::Report translates only in the back-end, which means that the user may get the message
       in Chinese, but you get your report in your beloved Dutch.  When no dispatcher needs to
       report the message, then no time is lost in translating.

       With both logging frameworks, you use terminology comparable to syslog: the module
       programmer determines the seriousness of the error message, not the application which
       integrates multiple modules.  This is the way perl programs usually work, but often the
       cause for inconsequent user interaction.

       Locale::gettext and Locate::TextDomain

       Both on GNU gettext based implementations can be used as translation frameworks.
       Locale::TextDomain syntax is supported, with quite some extensions. Read the excellent
       documentation of Locale::Textdomain.  Only the tried access via "$__" and "%__" are not

       The main difference with these modules is the moment when the translation takes place.  In
       Locale::TextDomain, an "__x()" will result in an immediate translation request via
       "gettext()".  "Log::Report"'s version of "__x()" will only capture what needs to be
       translated in an object.  When the object is used in a print statement, only then the
       translation will take place.  This is needed to offer ways to send different translations
       of the message to different destinations.

       To be able to postpone translation, objects are returned which stringify into the
       translated text.


       Error: in SCALAR context, only one dispatcher name accepted
           The dispatcher() method returns the Log::Report::Dispatcher objects which it has
           accessed.  When multiple names where given, it wishes to return a LIST of objects, not
           the count of them.


       This module is part of Log-Report distribution version 1.33, built on July 17, 2021.


       Copyrights 2007-2021 by [Mark Overmeer <>]. For other contributors see

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself.  See