Provided by: libpdl-ccs-perl_1.23.20-1_amd64 bug


       PDL::CCS::Nd - N-dimensional sparse pseudo-PDLs


        use PDL;
        use PDL::CCS::Nd;

        ## Example data

        $missing = 0;                                   ##-- missing values
        $dense   = random(@dims);                       ##-- densely encoded pdl
        $dense->where(random(@dims)<=0.95) .= $missing; ##   ... made sparse

        $whichND = $dense->whichND;                     ##-- which values are present?
        $nzvals  = $dense->indexND($whichND);           ##-- ... and what are they?

        ## Constructors etc.

        $ccs = PDL::CCS:Nd->newFromDense($dense,%args);           ##-- construct from dense matrix
        $ccs = PDL::CCS:Nd->newFromWhich($whichND,$nzvals,%args); ##-- construct from index+value pairs

        $ccs = $dense->toccs();                ##-- ensure PDL::CCS::Nd-hood
        $ccs = $ccs->toccs();                  ##-- ... analogous to PDL::topdl()
        $ccs = $dense->toccs($missing,$flags); ##-- ... with optional arguments

        $ccs2 = $ccs->copy();                  ##-- copy constructor
        $ccs2 = $ccs->copyShallow();           ##-- shallow copy, mainly for internal use
        $ccs2 = $ccs->shadow(%args);           ##-- flexible copy method, for internal use

        ## Maintenance & Decoding

        $ccs = $ccs->recode();                 ##-- remove missing values from stored VALS
        $ccs = $ccs->sortwhich();              ##-- internal use only

        $dense2 = $ccs->decode();              ##-- extract to a (new) dense matrix

        $dense2 = $ccs->todense();             ##-- ensure dense storage
        $dense2 = $dense2->todense();          ##-- ... analogous to PDL::topdl()

        ## PDL API: Basic Properties

        ## Type conversion & Checking
        $ccs2 = $ccs->convert($type);
        $ccs2 = $ccs->byte;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->short;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->ushort;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->long;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->longlong;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->float;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->double;

        ## Dimensions
        @dims  = $ccs->dims();
        $ndims = $ccs->ndims();
        $dim   = $ccs->dim($dimi);
        $nelem = $ccs->nelem;
        $bool  = $ccs->isnull;
        $bool  = $ccs->isempty;

        ## Inplace & Dataflow
        $ccs  = $ccs->inplace();
        $bool = $ccs->is_inplace;
        $bool = $ccs->set_inplace($bool);
        $ccs  = $ccs->sever;

        ## Bad Value Handling

        $bool = $ccs->bad_is_missing();          ##-- treat BAD values as missing?
        $bool = $ccs->bad_is_missing($bool);
        $ccs  = $ccs->badmissing();              ##-- ... a la inplace()

        $bool = $ccs->nan_is_missing();          ##-- treat NaN values as missing?
        $bool = $ccs->nan_is_missing($bool);
        $ccs  = $ccs->nanmissing();              ##-- ... a la inplace()

        $ccs2 = $ccs->setnantobad();
        $ccs2 = $ccs->setbadtonan();
        $ccs2 = $ccs->setbadtoval($val);
        $ccs2 = $ccs->setvaltobad($val);

        ## PDL API: Dimension Shuffling

        $ccs2 = $ccs->dummy($vdimi,$size);
        $ccs2 = $ccs->reorder(@vdims);
        $ccs2 = $ccs->xchg($vdim1,$vdim2);
        $ccs2 = $ccs->mv($vdimFrom,$vdimTo);
        $ccs2 = $ccs->transpose();

        ## PDL API: Indexing

        $nzi   = $ccs->indexNDi($ndi);              ##-- guts for indexing methods
        $ndi   = $ccs->n2oned($ndi);                ##-- returns 1d pseudo-index for $ccs

        $ivals = $ccs->indexND($ndi);
        $ivals = $ccs->index2d($xi,$yi);
        $ivals = $ccs->index($flati);               ##-- buggy: no pseudo-threading!
        $ccs2  = $ccs->dice_axis($vaxis,$vaxis_ix);

        $nzi   = $ccs->xindex1d($xi);               ##-- nz-indices along 0th dimension
        $nzi   = $ccs->pxindex1d($dimi,$xi);        ##-- ... or any dimension, using ptr()
        $nzi   = $ccs->xindex2d($xi,$yi);           ##-- ... or for Cartesian product on 2d matrix

        $ccs2  = $ccs->xsubset1d($xi);              ##-- subset along 0th dimension
        $ccs2  = $ccs->pxsubset1d($dimi,$xi);       ##-- ... or any dimension, using ptr()
        $ccs2  = $ccs->xsubset2d($xi,$yi);          ##-- ... or for Cartesian product on 2d matrix

        $whichND = $ccs->whichND();
        $vals    = $ccs->whichVals();               ##-- like $ccs->indexND($ccs->whichND), but faster
        $which   = $ccs->which()

        $value = $ccs->at(@index);
        $ccs   = $ccs->set(@index,$value);

        ## PDL API: Ufuncs

        $ccs2 = $ccs->prodover;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->dprodover;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->sumover;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->dsumover;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->andover;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->orover;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->bandover;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->borover;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->maximum;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->minimum;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->maximum_ind; ##-- -1 indicates "missing" value is maximal
        $ccs2 = $ccs->minimum_ind; ##-- -1 indicates "missing" value is minimal
        $ccs2 = $ccs->nbadover;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->ngoodover;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->nnz;

        $sclr = $ccs->prod;
        $sclr = $ccs->dprod;
        $sclr = $ccs->sum;
        $sclr = $ccs->dsum;
        $sclr = $ccs->nbad;
        $sclr = $ccs->ngood;
        $sclr = $ccs->min;
        $sclr = $ccs->max;
        $bool = $ccs->any;
        $bool = $ccs->all;

        ## PDL API: Unary Operations         (Overloaded)

        $ccs2 = $ccs->bitnot;                $ccs2 = ~$ccs;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->not;                   $ccs2 = !$ccs;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->sqrt;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->abs;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->sin;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->cos;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->exp;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->log;
        $ccs2 = $ccs->log10;

        ## PDL API: Binary Operations (missing is annihilator)
        ##  + $b may be a perl scalar, a dense PDL, or a PDL::CCS::Nd object
        ##  + $c is always returned as a PDL::CCS::Nd ojbect

        ## Arithmetic
        $c = $ccs->plus($b);         $c = $ccs1 +  $b;
        $c = $ccs->minus($b);        $c = $ccs1 -  $b;
        $c = $ccs->mult($b);         $c = $ccs1 *  $b;
        $c = $ccs->divide($b);       $c = $ccs1 /  $b;
        $c = $ccs->modulo($b);       $c = $ccs1 %  $b;
        $c = $ccs->power($b);        $c = $ccs1 ** $b;

        ## Comparisons
        $c = $ccs->gt($b);           $c = ($ccs  >  $b);
        $c = $ccs->ge($b);           $c = ($ccs  >= $b);
        $c = $ccs->lt($b);           $c = ($ccs  <  $b);
        $c = $ccs->le($b);           $c = ($ccs  <= $b);
        $c = $ccs->eq($b);           $c = ($ccs  == $b);
        $c = $ccs->ne($b);           $c = ($ccs  != $b);
        $c = $ccs->spaceship($b);    $c = ($ccs <=> $b);

        ## Bitwise Operations
        $c = $ccs->and2($b);          $c = ($ccs &  $b);
        $c = $ccs->or2($b);           $c = ($ccs |  $b);
        $c = $ccs->xor($b);           $c = ($ccs ^  $b);
        $c = $ccs->shiftleft($b);     $c = ($ccs << $b);
        $c = $ccs->shiftright($b);    $c = ($ccs >> $b);

        ## Matrix Operations
        $c = $ccs->inner($b);
        $c = $ccs->matmult($b);       $c = $ccs x $b;
        $c_dense = $ccs->matmult2d_sdd($b_dense, $zc);
        $c_dense = $ccs->matmult2d_zdd($b_dense);

        $vnorm = $ccs->vnorm($pdimi);
        $vcos  = $ccs->vcos_zdd($b_dense);
        $vcos  = $ccs->vcos_pzd($b_ccs);

        ## Other Operations
        $ccs->rassgn($b);             $ccs .= $b;
        $str = $ccs->string();        $str  = "$ccs";

        ## Indexing Utilities

        ## Low-Level Object Access

        $num_v_per_p = $ccs->_ccs_nvperp;                                  ##-- num virtual / num physical
        $pdims    = $ccs->pdims;            $vdims    = $ccs->vdims;       ##-- physical|virtual dim pdl
        $nelem    = $ccs->nelem_p;          $nelem    = $ccs->nelem_v;     ##-- physical|virtual nelem
        $nstored  = $ccs->nstored_p;        $nstored  = $ccs->nstored_v;   ##-- physical|virtual Nnz+1
        $nmissing = $ccs->nmissing_p;       $nmissing = $ccs->nmissing_v;  ##-- physical|virtual nelem-Nnz

        $ccs = $ccs->make_physically_indexed();        ##-- ensure all dimensions are physically indexed

        $bool = $ccs->allmissing();                    ##-- are all values missing?

        $missing_val = $ccs->missing;                  ##-- get missing value
        $missing_val = $ccs->missing($missing_val);    ##-- set missing value
        $ccs         = $ccs->_missing($missing_val);   ##-- ... returning the object

        $whichND_phys = $ccs->_whichND();              ##-- get/set physical indices
        $whichND_phys = $ccs->_whichND($whichND_phys);

        $nzvals_phys  = $ccs->_nzvals();               ##-- get/set physically indexed values
        $nzvals_phys  = $ccs->_nzvals($vals_phys);

        $vals_phys    = $ccs->_vals();                 ##-- get/set physically indexed values
        $vals_phys    = $ccs->_vals($vals_phys);

        $bool         = $ccs->hasptr($pdimi);          ##-- check for cached Harwell-Boeing pointer
        ($ptr,$ptrix) = $ccs->ptr($pdimi);             ##-- ... get one, caching for later use
        ($ptr,$ptrix) = $ccs->getptr($pdimi);          ##-- ... compute one, regardless of cache
        ($ptr,$ptrix) = $ccs->setptr($pdimi,$p,$pix);  ##-- ... set a cached pointer
        $ccs->clearptr($pdimi);                        ##-- ... clear a cached pointer
        $ccs->clearptrs();                             ##-- ... clear all cached pointers

        $flags = $ccs->flags();                        ##-- get/set object-local flags
        $flags = $ccs->flags($flags);

        $density = $ccs->density;                      ##-- get object density
        $crate   = $ccs->compressionRate;              ##-- get compression rate


       PDL::CCS::Nd provides an object-oriented implementation of sparse N-dimensional vectors &
       matrices using a set of low-level PDLs to encode non-missing values.  Currently, only a
       portion of the PDL API is implemented.


       The following package-global variables are defined:

   Block Size Constants

       Minimum (maximum) block size for block-wise incremental computation of binary operations.
       Zero or undef indicates no minimum (maximum).

   Object Structure
       PDL::CCS::Nd object are implemented as perl ARRAY-references.  For more intuitive access
       to object components, the following package-global variables can be used as array indices
       to access internal object structure:

           Indexes a pdl(long,$NPdims) of physically indexed dimension sizes:

            $ccs->[$PDIMS]->at($pdim_i) == $dimSize_i

           Indexes a pdl(long,$NVdims) of "virtual" dimension sizes:

            $ccs->[$VDIMS]->at($vdim_i) == / -$vdimSize_i    if $vdim_i is a dummy dimension
                                           \  $pdim_i        otherwise

           The $VDIMS piddle is used for dimension-shuffling transformations such as xchg() and
           reorder(), as well as for dummy().

           Indexes a pdl(long,$NPdims,$Nnz) of the "physical indices" of all non-missing values
           in the non-dummy dimensions of the corresponding dense matrix.  Vectors in $WHICH are
           guaranteed to be sorted in lexicographic order.  If your $missing value is zero, and
           if your qsortvec() function works, it should be the case that:

            all( $ccs->[$WHICH] == $dense->whichND->qsortvec )

           A "physically indexed dimension" is just a dimension corresponding tp a single column
           of the $WHICH pdl, whereas a dummy dimension does not correspond to any physically
           indexed dimension.

           Indexes a vector pdl($valType, $Nnz+1) of all values in the sparse matrix, where $Nnz
           is the number of non-missing values in the sparse matrix.  Non-final elements of the
           $VALS piddle are interpreted as the values of the corresponding indices in the $WHICH

            all( $ccs->[$VALS]->slice("0:-2") == $dense->indexND($ccs->[$WHICH]) )

           The final element of the $VALS piddle is referred to as "$missing", and represents the
           value of all elements of the dense physical matrix whose indices are not explicitly
           listed in the $WHICH piddle:

            all( $ccs->[$VALS]->slice("-1") == $dense->flat->index(which(!$dense)) )

           Indexes an array of arrays containing Harwell-Boeing "pointer" piddle pairs for the
           corresponding physically indexed dimension.  For a physically indexed dimension $d of
           size $N, $ccs->[$PTRS][$d] (if it exists) is a pair [$ptr,$ptrix] as returned by
           PDL::CCS::Utils::ccs_encode_pointers($WHICH,$N), which are such that:

               $ptr is a pdl(long,$N+1) containing the offsets in $ptrix corresponding to the
               first non-missing value in the dimension $d.  For all $i, 0 <= $i < $N, $ptr($i)
               contains the index of the first non-missing value (if any) from column $i of
               $dense(...,N,...)  encoded in the $WHICH piddle.  $ptr($N+1) contains the number
               of physically indexed cells in the $WHICH piddle.

               Is an index piddle into dim(1) of $WHICH rsp. dim(0) of $VALS whose key positions
               correspond to the offsets listed in $ptr.  The point here is that:


               is guaranteed to be primarily sorted along the pointer dimension $d, and stably
               sorted along all other dimensions, e.g. should be identical to:


           Indexes a perl scalar containing some object-local flags.  See "Object Flags" for

           Indexes the first unused position in the object array.  If you derive a class from
           PDL::CCS::Nd, you should use this position to place any new object-local data.

   Object Flags
       The following object-local constants are defined as bitmask flags:

           Bitmask of the "bad-is-missing" flag.  See the bad_is_missing() method.

           Bitmask of the "NaN-is-missing" flag.  See the nan_is_missing() method.

           Bitmask of the "inplace" flag.  See PDL::Core for details.

           Default flags for new objects.


   Constructors, etc.
             Signature ($class_or_obj; dense(N1,...,NNdims); missing(); int flags)

           Class method. Create and return a new PDL::CCS::Nd object from a dense N-dimensional
           PDL $dense.  If specified, $missing is used as the value for "missing" elements, and
           $flags are used to initialize the object-local flags.

           $missing defaults to BAD if the bad flag of $dense is set, otherwise $missing defaults
           to zero.

             Signature ($ccs; dense(N1,...,NNdims); missing(); int flags)

           Object method.  Populate a sparse matrix object from a dense piddle $dense.  See

             Signature ($class_or_obj; int whichND(Ndims,Nnz); nzvals(Nnz+1); %options)

           Class method. Create and return a new PDL::CCS::Nd object from a set of indices
           $whichND of non-missing elements in a (hypothetical) dense piddle and a vector $nzvals
           of the corresponding values.  Known %options:

             sorted  => $bool,    ##-- if true, $whichND is assumed to be pre-sorted
             steal   => $bool,    ##-- if true, $whichND and $nzvals are used literally (formerly implied 'sorted')
                                  ##    + in this case, $nzvals should really be: $nzvals->append($missing)
             pdims   => $pdims,   ##-- physical dimension list; default guessed from $whichND (alias: 'dims')
             vdims   => $vdims,   ##-- virtual dims (default: sequence($nPhysDims)); alias: 'xdims'
             missing => $missing, ##-- default: BAD if $nzvals->badflag, 0 otherwise
             flags   => $flags    ##-- flags

           Object method.  Guts for newFromWhich().

           Wrapper for newFromDense().  Return a PDL::CCS::Nd object for any piddle or perl
           scalar $a.  If $a is already a PDL::CCS::Nd object, just returns $a.  This method gets
           exported into the PDL namespace for ease of use.

       $ccs = $ccs->copy()
           Full copy constructor.

       $ccs2 = $ccs->copyShallow()
           Shallow copy constructor, used e.g. by dimension-shuffling transformations.  Copied

            $PDIMS, @$PTRS, @{$PTRS->[*]}, $FLAGS

           Referenced components:

            $VDIMS, $WHICH, $VALS,  $PTRS->[*][*]

       $ccs2 = $ccs1->shadow(%args)
           Flexible constructor for computed PDL::CCS::Nd objects.  Known %args:

             to    => $ccs2,    ##-- default: new
             pdims => $pdims2,  ##-- default: $pdims1->pdl  (alias: 'dims')
             vdims => $vdims2,  ##-- default: $vdims1->pdl  (alias: 'xdims')
             ptrs  => \@ptrs2,  ##-- default: []
             which => $which2,  ##-- default: undef
             vals  => $vals2,   ##-- default: undef
             flags => $flags,   ##-- default: $flags1

   Maintenance & Decoding
       $ccs = $ccs->recode()
           Recodes the PDL::CCS::Nd object, removing any missing values from its $VALS piddle.

       $ccs = $ccs->sortwhich()
           Lexicographically sorts $ccs->[$WHICH], altering $VALS accordingly.  Clears $PTRS.

       $dense = $ccs->decode()
       $dense = $ccs->decode($dense)
           Decode a PDL::CCS::Nd object to a dense piddle.  Dummy dimensions in $ccs should be
           created as dummy dimensions in $dense.

       $dense = $a->todense()
           Ensures that $a is not a PDL::CCS::Nd by wrapping decode().  For PDLs or perl scalars,
           just returns $a.

   PDL API: Basic Properties
       The following basic PDL API methods are implemented and/or wrapped for PDL::CCS::Nd

       Type Checking & Conversion
           type, convert, byte, short, ushort, long, double

           Type-checking and conversion routines are passed on to the $VALS sub-piddle.

       Dimension Access
           dims, dim, getdim, ndims, getndims, nelem, isnull, isempty

           Note that nelem() returns the number of hypothetically addressable cells -- the number
           of cells in the corresponding dense matrix, rather than the number of non-missing
           elements actually stored.

       Inplace Operations
           set_inplace($bool), is_inplace(), inplace()


       Bad Value Handling
           setnantobad, setbadtonan, setbadtoval, setvaltobad

           See also the bad_is_missing() and nan_is_missing() methods, below.

   PDL API: Dimension Shuffling
       The following dimension-shuffling methods are supported, and should be compatible to their
       PDL counterparts:

       dummy($vdimi, $size)
           Insert a "virtual" dummy dimension of size $size at dimension index $vdimi.

           Reorder dimensions according to @vdim_list.

           Exchange two dimensions.

       mv($vdimFrom, $vdimTo)
           Move a dimension to another position, shoving remaining dimensions out of the way to
           make room.

           Always copies, unlike xchg().  Also unlike xchg(), works for 1d row-vectors.

   PDL API: Indexing
             Signature: ($ccs; int ndi(NVdims,Nind); int [o]nzi(Nind))

           Guts for indexing methods.  Given an N-dimensional index piddle $ndi, return a 1d
           index vector into $VALS for the corresponding values.  Missing values are returned in
           $nzi as $Nnz == $ccs->_nnz_p;

           Uses PDL::VectorValues::vsearchvec() internally, so expect O(Ndims * log(Nnz))
           complexity.  Although the theoretical complexity is tough to beat, this method could
           be made much faster in the usual (read "sparse") case by an intelligent use of $PTRS
           if and when available.

           Should be mostly compatible to the PDL functions of the same names, but without any
           boundary handling.

           Implicitly flattens the source pdl.  This ought to be fixed.

       dice_axis($axis_v, $axisi)
           Should be compatible with the PDL function of the same name.  Returns a new
           PDL::CCS::Nd object which should participate in dataflow.

           Get non-missing indices for any element of $xi along 0th dimension; $xi must be sorted
           in ascending order.

           Get non-missing indices for any element of $xi along physically indexed dimension
           $dimi, using "ptr" in ptr($dimi).  $xi must be sorted in ascending order.

           Get non-missing indices for any element in Cartesian product ($xi x $yi) for 2d sparse
           matrix.  $xi and $yi must be sorted in ascending order.

           Returns a subset object similar to dice_axis(0,$x), but without renumbering of indices
           along the diced dimension; $xi must be sorted in ascending order.

           Returns a subset object similar to dice_axis($dimi,$x), but without renumbering of
           indices along the diced dimension; $xi must be sorted in ascending order.

           Returns a subset object similar to indexND(
           $xi->slice("*1,")->cat($yi)->clump(2)->xchg(0,1) ), but without renumbering of
           indices; $xi and $yi must be sorted in ascending order.

           Returns a 1d pseudo-index, used for implementation of which(), etc.

           Should behave mostly like the PDL function of the same name.

           Just returns the literal $WHICH piddle if possible: beware of dataflow!  Indices are
           NOT guaranteed to be returned in any surface-logical order, although physically
           indexed dimensions should be sorted in physical-lexicographic order.

           Returns $VALS indexed to correspond to the indices returned by whichND().  The only
           reason to use whichND() and whichVals() rather than $WHICH and $VALS would be a need
           for physical representations of dummy dimension indices: try to avoid it if you can.

           As for the builtin PDL function.

           Return a perl scalar corresponding to the Nd index @index.

       set(@index, $value)
           Set a non-missing value at index @index to $value.  barf()s if @index points to a
           missing value.

       The following functions from PDL::Ufunc are implemented, and ought to handle missing
       values correctly (i.e. as their dense counterparts would):

        maximum_ind ##-- goofy if "missing" value is maximal
        minimum_ind ##-- goofy if "missing" value is minimal

       Some Ufuncs are still unimplemented. see PDL::CCS::Ufunc for details.

   Unary Operations
       The following unary operations are supported:

        bitnot      ~
        not         !

       Note that any pointwise unary operation can be performed directly on the $VALS piddle.
       You can wrap such an operation MY_UNARY_OP on piddles into a PDL::CCS::Nd method using the

        package PDL::CCS::Nd;
        *MY_UNARY_OP = _unary_op('MY_UNARY_OP', PDL->can('MY_UNARY_OP'));

       Note also that unary operations may change the "missing" value associated with the sparse
       matrix.  This is easily seen to be the Right Way To Do It if you consider unary "not" over
       a very sparse (say 99% missing) binary-valued matrix: is is much easier and more efficient
       to alter only the 1% of physically stored (non-missing) values as well as the missing
       value than to generate a new matrix with 99% non-missing values, assuming $missing==0.

   Binary Operations
       A number of basic binary operations on PDL::CCS::Nd operations are supported, which will
       produce correct results only under the assumption that "missing" values $missing are
       annihilators for the operation in question.  For example, if we want to compute:

        $c = OP($a,$b)

       for a binary operation OP on PDL::CCS::Nd objects $a and $b, the current implementation
       will produce the correct result for $c only if for all values $av in $a and $bv in $b:

        OP($av,$b->missing) == OP($a->missing,$b->missing) , and
        OP($a->missing,$bv) == OP($a->missing,$b->missing)

       This is true in general for OP==\&mult and $missing==0, but not e.g. for OP==\&plus and
       $missing==0.  It should always hold for $missing==BAD (except in the case of assignment,
       which is a funny kind of operation anyways).

       Currently, the only way to ensure that all values are computed correctly in the general
       case is for $a and $b to contain exactly the same physically indexed values, which rather
       defeats the purposes of sparse storage, particularly if implicit pseudo-threading is
       involved (because then we would likely wind up instantiating -- or at least inspecting --
       the entire dense matrix).  Future implementations may relax these restrictions somewhat.

       The following binary operations are implemented:

       Arithmetic Operations
            FUNCTION     OVERLOADS
            plus          +
            minus         -
            mult          *
            divide        /
            modulo        %
            power         **

            FUNCTION     OVERLOADS
            gt            >
            ge            >=
            lt            <
            le            <=
            eq            ==
            ne            !=
            spaceship     <=>

       Bitwise Operations
            FUNCTION     OVERLOADS
            and2          &
            or2           |
            xor           ^
            shiftleft     <<
            shiftright    >>

       Matrix Operations
            FUNCTION     OVERLOADS
            inner        (none)
            matmult       x

       Other Operations
            FUNCTION     OVERLOADS
            rassgn        .=
            string        ""

       All supported binary operation functions obey the PDL input calling conventions (i.e. they
       all accept a third argument $swap), and delegate computation to the underlying PDL
       functions.  Note that the PDL::CCS::Nd methods currently do NOT support a third "output"
       argument.  To wrap a new binary operation MY_BINOP into a PDL::CCS::Nd method, you can use
       the following idiom:

        package PDL::CCS::Nd;
        *MY_BINOP = _ccsnd_binary_op_mia('MY_BINOP', PDL->can('MY_BINOP'));

       The low-level alignment of physically indexed values for binary operations is performed by
       the function PDL::CCS::ccs_binop_align_block_mia().  Computation is performed block-wise
       at the perl level to avoid over- rsp. underflow of the space requirements for the output

   Low-Level Object Access
       The following methods provide low-level access to PDL::CCS::Nd object structure:

             Signature: ($ccs; int whichND(Ndims,Nnz1); vals(Nnz1))

           Set or insert values in $ccs for the indices in $whichND to $vals.  $whichND need not
           be sorted.  Implicitly makes $ccs physically indexed.  Returns the (destructively
           altered) $ccs.

             Signature: ($ccs; int whichND(Ndims,Nnz1); vals(Nnz1))

           Like insertWhich(), but assumes that no values for any of the $whichND indices are
           already present in $ccs.  This is faster (because indexNDi need not be called), but
           less safe.

           Returns true iff only physical dimensions are present.

           Just returns the calling object if all non-missing elements are already physically
           indexed.  Otherwise, returns a new PDL::CCS::Nd object identical to the caller except
           that all non-missing elements are physically indexed.  This may gobble a large amount
           of memory if the calling element has large dummy dimensions.  Also ensures that
           physical dimension order is identical to logical dimension order.

           Wrapper for to_physically_indexed() which eliminates dummy dimensions destructively in
           the calling object.

           Alias: make_physical().

           Returns the $PDIMS piddle.  See "Object Structure", above.

           Returns the $VDIMS piddle.  See "Object Structure", above.

           Sets $PDIMS piddle.   See "Object Structure", above.  Returns the calling object.
           Alias: setdims().

           Returns the number of physically addressable elements.

           Returns the number of virtually addressable elements.  Alias for nelem().

           Returns number of virtually addressable elements per physically addressable element,
           which should be a positive integer.

           Returns actual number of physically addressed stored elements (aka $Nnz aka

           Returns actual number of physically+virtually addressed stored elements.

           Returns number of physically addressable elements minus the number of physically
           stored elements.

           Returns number of physically+virtually addressable elements minus the number of
           physically+virtually stored elements.

           Returns true iff no non-missing values are stored.

           Get/set the value to use for missing elements.  Returns the (new) value for $missing.

           Get/set the underlying $WHICH piddle.

           Get/set the slice of the underlying $VALS piddle corresponding for non-missing values
           only.  Alias: whichVals().

           Get/set the underlying $VALS piddle.

           Returns true iff a pointer for physical dim $pdimi is cached.

           Get a pointer pair for a physically indexed dimension $pdimi.  Uses cached piddles in
           $PTRS if present, computes & caches otherwise.

           $pdimi defaults to zero.  If $pdimi is zero, then it should hold that:

            all( $pi2nzi==sequence($ccs->nstored_p) )

           Guts for ptr().  Does not check $PTRS and does not cache anything.

           Clears any cached Harwell-Boeing pointers for physically indexed dimension $pdimi.

           Clears any cached Harwell-Boeing pointers.

           Get/set object-local $FLAGS.

           Get/set the value of the object-local "bad-is-missing" flag.  If this flag is set, BAD
           values in $VALS are considered "missing", regardless of the current value of $missing.

           Sets the "bad-is-missing" flag and returns the calling object.

           Get/set the value of the object-local "NaN-is-missing" flag.  If this flag is set, NaN
           (and +inf, -inf) values in $VALS are considered "missing", regardless of the current
           value of $missing.

           Sets the "nan-is-missing" flag and returns the calling object.

   General Information
           Returns the number of non-missing values divided by the number of indexable values in
           the sparse object as a perl scalar.

           Returns the compression rate of the PDL::CCS::Nd object compared to a dense piddle of
           the physically indexable dimensions.  Higher values indicate better compression (e.g.
           lower density).  Negative values indicate that dense storage would be more memory-
           efficient.  Pointers are not included in the computation of the compression rate.


       Perl by Larry Wall.

       PDL by Karl Glazebrook, Tuomas J. Lukka, Christian Soeller, and others.




       Bryan Jurish <>

   Copyright Policy
       Copyright (C) 2007-2022, Bryan Jurish. All rights reserved.

       This package is free software, and entirely without warranty.  You may redistribute it
       and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


       perl(1), PDL(3perl), PDL::SVDLIBC(3perl), PDL::CCS::Nd(3perl),

