Provided by: tklib_0.7+20210111-1_all bug


       ntextIndent - ntext Indentation for the Text Widget


       package require Tcl  8.5

       package require Tk  8.5

       package require ntext  ?1.0?

       ::ntext::new_textCopy pathName

       ::ntext::new_textCut pathName

       ::ntext::new_textPaste pathName

       ::ntext::syncIndentColor pathName



       The  ntext  package provides a binding tag named Ntext for use by text widgets in place of
       the default Text binding tag.

       Tk's text widget may be configured to wrap lines of text that are longer than the width of
       the  text  area,  a  feature  that  is  familiar from text editors and word processors.  A
       complete line of text (delimited by newlines, or by the beginning or end of the  document)
       is called a "logical line".  When a logical line is wrapped onto more than one line of the
       display area, these fragments of the logical line are called "display lines".

       If a logical line begins with whitespace, then wrapped display lines begin further to  the
       left  than  the first display line, which can make the text layout untidy and difficult to
       read.  The Ntext binding tag provides facilities so that a text widget in -wrap word  mode
       will  automatically  indent  display  lines  (other  than  the first) to match the initial
       whitespace of the first display line.

       This indentation is available to text widgets only in -wrap word mode.


       ::ntext::new_textCopy pathName
              Replacement for ::tk_textCopy.

       ::ntext::new_textCut pathName
              Replacement for ::tk_textCut that also maintains Ntext indentation.

       ::ntext::new_textPaste pathName
              Replacement for ::tk_textPaste that also maintains Ntext indentation.

       ::ntext::syncIndentColor pathName
              Command to apply the current value of the variable ::ntext::indentColor to existing
              lines  in a text widget.  This command is useful if a text widget has been created,
              text has been inserted in the widget, and then the value of ::ntext::indentColor is


       The behavior of Ntext may be configured application-wide by setting the values of a number
       of namespace variables:

       ::ntext::classicWrap0 - selects Ntext behaviour, i.e. display lines are indented to match  the  initial
              whitespace of the first display line of a logical line.

              No other action is required if this option, and the text widget's -wrap option, are
              set before any text is entered in the widget, and if text  is  entered  and  edited
              only by the mouse and keyboard.  If, instead, text is manipulated by the script, or
              if the text widget's -wrap option or the value of ::ntext::classicWrap are  changed
              while  the widget holds text, then calls to ntext functions are needed to alter the
              indentation.  See the section INDENTING DISPLAY LINES for detailed instructions.

       •      1 - (default value) selects classic Text behaviour, i.e. no indentation.

       ::ntext::indentColor{} - if the value is the empty string, then the indent of wrapped display lines has
              the same color as the widget background.

       •      color  -  a  valid Tk color to use for the indent of wrapped display lines (default
              value #d9d9d9).

              Coloring is implemented with the text widget tag  option  -lmargincolor,  which  is
              available  from  Tk  8.6.6 onwards.  Ntext indent coloring has no effect in earlier
              versions of Tk.

              The value of ::ntext::indentColor will often be set at startup.  If  the  value  is
              changed  when  text  widgets  already  exist and contain text, those widgets can be
              updated by calling command ::ntext::syncIndentColor.

       Advanced Use


       •      the value is a regexp pattern that determines the character of a  logical  line  to
              which  display  lines  other  than  the  first will be aligned.  The default value,
              [^[:space:]], ensures alignment with the first non-whitespace character.


       To use Ntext 's display line indentation:

       [1]    Set the variable ::ntext::classicWrap to 0 (default  value  is  1).   This  enables
              bindings  that  will  preserve  indentation  whenever  the user modifies the widget
              contents using the keyboard and mouse.  If the  widget  already  holds  text,  call
              ::ntext::wrapIndent to initialise indentation.

              Further  instructions  apply  if  the  program  changes the widget's contents, wrap
              configuration, or indent configuration.

       [2]    The program can change the text contents, e.g. by the .text insert command.  Such a
              change  does  not  trigger  a window binding, so the program should explicitly call
              function ::ntext::wrapIndent after inserting text.

       [3]    Auto-indentation occurs only if the widget is in -wrap word mode.  If  the  program
              changes  to  or  from  -wrap  word  when  the  widget  is not empty, it should call
              ::ntext::wrapIndent to format the widget's text.

       [4]    If indentation is used, and then switched off by setting ::ntext::classicWrap to 1,
              call ::ntext::wrapIndent to remove indentation.


       ::ntext::wrapIndent textWidget ?index1? ?index2?

       •      Adjust the indentation of a text widget.  Different cases are discussed below.

       ::ntext::wrapIndent textWidget

       •      Adjust the indentation of all the text in text widget textWidget.

       ::ntext::wrapIndent textWidget index1

       •      Adjust  the  indentation  of  a  single logical line of a text widget - the line of
              textWidget that contains the index index1.

       ::ntext::wrapIndent textWidget index1 index2

       •      Adjust the indentation of a range of logical lines of a text widget - the lines  of
              textWidget that contain indices index1 to index2.

       Usage::ntext::wrapIndent  should  be  called  only  if  the  script changes the widget's
              contents or display properties.  If the contents of the widget have  been  modified
              by   the   keyboard  or  mouse,  it  is  not  necessary  for  the  script  to  call
              ::ntext::wrapIndent because the appropriate calls are  made  automatically  by  the
              Ntext bindings.

       •      The  script  should  normally  call ::ntext::wrapIndent if, for example, the script
              changes one  of  the  following  when  the  widget  is  not  empty:  the  value  of
              ::ntext::classicWrap, or the widget's -wrap status, or the widget's tab spacing, or
              the font size, or the widget's contents.

       •      A call of the form ::ntext::wrapIndent  textWidget  will  always  suffice,  but  if
              changes  are  needed  only  to certain lines, it is more efficient to specify those
              lines with the optional arguments ?index1?, ?index2?.

       •      If the widget is in -word wrap mode, and  if  ::ntext::classicWrap  is  set  to  0,
              ::ntext::wrapIndent  will  apply  indentation to the logical lines within the range
              specified by the function's arguments.

       •      In other cases, i.e. if the widget is in -word char  or  -word  none  mode,  or  if
              ::ntext::classicWrap  is set to 1,  ::ntext::wrapIndent will remove the indentation
              of the logical lines within the range specified by the function's arguments.


       This version of ntext is intended to be compatible with all releases of Tk  8.5  and  8.6,
       and  with  the  branches  core-8-5-branch,  core-8-6-branch,  and trunk in the source code
       repository for Tk.  Any incompatibility with any of these versions, for any  Tk  windowing
       system, should be reported as a bug. Please report such in the category ntext of the Tklib
       Trackers [].


       To switch on Ntext 's indentation and use it in widget .t, using the default indent  color

              package require ntext
              set ::ntext::classicWrap 0
              text .t -wrap word
              bindtags .t {.t Ntext . all}

       To switch on Ntext 's indentation and use it in widget .t, without colored indents:

              package require ntext
              set ::ntext::classicWrap 0
              set ::ntext::indentColor {}
              text .t -wrap word
              bindtags .t {.t Ntext . all}

       To switch on Ntext 's indentation and use it in widget .t, coloring the indents black:

              package require ntext
              set ::ntext::classicWrap 0
              set ::ntext::indentColor black
              text .t -wrap word
              bindtags .t {.t Ntext . all}

       To decide later to switch off Ntext 's indentation:

              set ::ntext::classicWrap 1
              ::ntext::wrapIndent .t

       To decide later to switch Ntext 's indentation back on:

              set ::ntext::classicWrap 0
              ::ntext::wrapIndent .t 1.0 end

       To inject some text into the widget:

              set foo [.t index end]
              .t insert end {This line was added by the script, not the keyboard!}
              ::ntext::wrapIndent .t $foo end

       To change the indentation color when a widget .t already holds text:

              set ::ntext::indentColor black
              ::ntext::syncIndentColor .t

       To switch to -wrap char mode:

              .t configure -wrap char
              ::ntext::wrapIndent .t


       bindtags, ntext, re_syntax, regexp, text


       bindtags, re_syntax, regexp, text