Provided by: tklib_0.7+20210111-1_all bug


       ntextWordBreak - ntext Word Boundary Detection for the Text Widget


       package require Tcl  8.5

       package require Tk  8.5

       package require ntext  ?1.0?



       The  ntext  package provides a binding tag named Ntext for use by text widgets in place of
       the default Text binding tag.

       Navigation and selection in a text  widget  require  the  detection  of  words  and  their
       boundaries.   The  word  boundary detection facilities provided by Tcl/Tk through the Text
       binding tag are limited because they define only one class of "word"  characters  and  one
       class  of  "non-word"  characters.  The Ntext binding tag uses more general rules for word
       boundary detection, that define two classes of "word" characters and one  class  of  "non-
       word" characters.


       The  behaviour  of  Ntext  may  be  configured application-wide by setting the values of a
       number of namespace variables.  One of these is relevant to word boundary detection:

       ::ntext::classicWordBreak0 - (default value) selects Ntext behaviour, i.e. platform-independent, two classes
              of word characters and one class of non-word characters.

       •      1  -  selects  classic  Text  behaviour, i.e. platform-dependent, one class of word
              characters and one class of non-word characters

       •      After  changing  this  value,  Ntext  's  regexp  matching   patterns   should   be
              recalculated.  See FUNCTIONS for details and advanced configuration options.








       These  variables  hold  the  regexp  patterns  that  are  used by Ntext to search for word
       boundaries.  If they are changed, subsequent searches are immediately  altered.   In  many
       situations,  it  it  unnecessary  to alter the values of these variables directly: instead
       call one of the functions ::ntext::initializeMatchPatterns, ::ntext::createMatchPatterns.

       In the Text binding tag one can change the search rules by  changing  the  values  of  the
       global  variables  tcl_wordchars  and  tcl_nonwordchars.   The equivalent operation in the
       Ntext binding tag is to call ::ntext::createMatchPatterns with appropriate arguments.


       If a simple regexp search should prove insufficient, the following functions (analogous to
       the Tcl/Tk core's tcl_wordBreakAfter etc) may be replaced by the developer:







       Each  function  calculates  the  five regexp search patterns that define the word boundary
       searches.  These values are stored in the namespace variables listed above.


       •      This function is called when Ntext is first used, and needs to be called again only
              if   the   script   changes   the  value  of  either  ::ntext::classicWordBreak  or
              ::tcl_platform(platform).  The function is called with no arguments.  It is  useful
              when  the  desired search patterns are the default patterns for either the Ntext or
              Text  binding  tag,  and  so  are   implicitly   specified   by   the   values   of
              ::ntext::classicWordBreak and ::tcl_platform(platform) alone.

       ::ntext::createMatchPatterns new_nonwordchars new_word1chars ?new_word2chars?

       •      This    function    is    useful    in   a   wider   range   of   situations   than
              ::ntext::initializeMatchPatterns.  It calculates the regexp search patterns for any
              case  with  one  class  of  "non-word"  characters and one or two classes of "word"

              Each argument should be a regexp expression defining a  class  of  characters.   An
              argument  will usually be a bracket expression, but might alternatively be a class-
              shorthand escape, or a single character.  The third argument  may  be  omitted,  or
              supplied as the empty string, in which case it is unused.

              The  first  argument is interpreted as the class of non-word characters; the second
              argument (and the third, if present) are classes of word characters.   The  classes
              should  include all possible characters and will normally be mutually exclusive: it
              is often convenient to define one class as the negation of the other two.


       The problem of word boundary selection is a vexed one, because text is used to represent a
       universe  of different types of information, and there are no simple rules that are useful
       for all data types or for all purposes.

       Ntext attempts to improve on  the  facilities  available  in  classic  Text  by  providing
       facilities for more complex definitions of words (with three classes of characters instead
       of two).

       What is a word?  Why two classes of word?

       When using the modified cursor keys <Control-Left> and <Control-Right> to navigate through
       a  Ntext  widget,  the  cursor  is  placed at the start of a word.  A word is defined as a
       sequence of one or more characters from only one of the two defined "word" classes; it may
       be preceded by a character from the other "word" class or from the "non-word" class.

       The double-click of mouse button 1 selects a word of text, where in this case a "word" may
       be as defined above, or alternatively may be a sequence of one or more characters from the
       "non-word" class of characters.

       Traditionally  Tcl has defined only one word class and one non-word class: on Windows, the
       non-word class is whitespace, and so alphanumerics and  punctuation  belong  to  the  same
       class.   On  other  platforms,  punctuation  is  bundled  with  whitespace  as  "non-word"
       characters.  In either case, the  navigation  and  selection  of  text  are  unnecessarily
       coarse-grained, and sometimes give unhelpful results.

       The  use of three classes of characters might make selection too fine-grained; but in this
       case, holding down the Shift key and double-clicking another word is an excellent  way  to
       select a longer range of text (a useful binding that Tcl/Tk has long provided but which is
       missing in other systems).

       As well as its defaults, Ntext permits the  developer  to  define  their  own  classes  of
       characters,  or  to revert to the classic Text definitions, or to specify their own regexp
       matching patterns.


       This version of ntext is intended to be compatible with all releases of Tk  8.5  and  8.6,
       and  with  the  branches  core-8-5-branch,  core-8-6-branch,  and trunk in the source code
       repository for Tk.  Any incompatibility with any of these versions, for any  Tk  windowing
       system, should be reported as a bug. Please report such in the category ntext of the Tklib
       Trackers [].


       To use Ntext with Tcl/Tk's usual word-boundary detection rules:

              package require ntext
              text .t
              bindtags .t {.t Ntext . all}
              set ::ntext::classicWordBreak 1

       See bindtags for more information.

       To define a different set of word-boundary detection rules:

              package require ntext
              text .t
              bindtags .t {.t Ntext . all}
              ::ntext::createMatchPatterns \
                {[[:space:][:cntrl:]]} {[[:punct:]]} {[^[:punct:][:space:][:cntrl:]]}

       See regexp, re_syntax for more information.


       bindtags, ntext, re_syntax, regexp, text


       bindtags, re_syntax, regexp, text