Provided by: libsoldout-dev_1.4-5_amd64 

soldout_markdown, markdown — parse markdown document
#include <markdown.h> #define MKD_CELL_ALIGN_DEFAULT #define MKD_CELL_ALIGN_LEFT #define MKD_CELL_ALIGN_RIGHT #define MKD_CELL_ALIGN_CENTER #define MKD_CELL_ALIGN_MASK #define MKD_CELL_HEAD #define MKD_LIST_ORDERED #define MKD_LI_BLOCK void markdown(struct buf *ob, struct buf *ib, const struct mkd_renderer *rndr);
The markdown() function parses the input buffer ib and renders it into the output buffer ob; rndr is a pointer to the renderer structure. Function pointers in struct mkd_renderer can be NULL. A null block-level callback will make the corresponding block disappear from the output, as if the callback was an empty function. A null span-level callback will cause the corresponding element to be treated as normal characters, copied verbatim to the output. Moreover, span-level callbacks return an integer, which tells whether the renderer accepts to render the item (non-zero return value) or whether it should be copied verbatim (zero return value). The first argument of a renderer function is always the output buffer, where the function is supposed to write its output. The last argument of a renderer function is always a private pointer, which is opaque member of struct mkd_renderer. libsoldout itself never does nothing with this data. emph_chars is a zero-terminated string which contains the set of characters that trigger emphasis. In regular markdown, emphasis is only triggered by ‘_’ and ‘*’, but in some extensions it might be useful to add other characters to this list. The character that triggered the emphasis is then passed to emphasis, double_emphasis and triple_emphasis function callbacks through the parameter c. The normal_text callback should perform whatever escape is needed to have the output looking like the input data. libsoldout supports PHP-Markdown-like tables. It uses the following flags: MKD_CELL_ALIGN_DEFAULT, MKD_CELL_ALIGN_LEFT, MKD_CELL_ALIGN_RIGHT, MKD_CELL_ALIGN_CENTER, MKD_CELL_ALIGN_MASK, MKD_CELL_HEAD in these function callbacks: table_cell and table_row. MKD_LIST_ORDERED, MKD_LI_BLOCK are used as flags in these function callbacks: list and listitem. Types enum mkd_autolink type of autolink: MKDA_NOT_AUTOLINK used internally when it is not an autolink. MKDA_NORMAL normal http/https/ftp link. MKDA_EXPLICIT_EMAIL e-mail link with explicit mailto. MKDA_IMPLICIT_EMAIL e-mail link without mailto. struct mkd_renderer consists of the following fields: Document level callbacks prolog a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, void *opaque) epilog a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, void *opaque) Block level callbacks (NULL skips the block) blockcode a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, void *opaque) blockquote a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, void *opaque) blockhtml a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, void *opaque) header a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, int level, void *opaque) hrule a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, void *opaque) list a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, int flags, void *opaque) listitem a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, int flags, void *opaque) paragraph a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, void *opaque) table a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *head_row, struct buf *rows, void *opaque) table_cell a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, int flags, void *opaque) table_row a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *cells, int flags, void *opaque) Span level callbacks (NULL or return 0 prints the span verbatim) autolink a pointer to a int function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *link, enum mkd_autolink type, void *opaque) codespan a pointer to a int function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, void *opaque) emphasis a pointer to a int function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, char c, void *opaque) double_emphasis a pointer to a int function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, char c, void *opaque) triple_emphasis a pointer to a int function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, char c, void *opaque) image a pointer to a int function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *link, struct buf *title, struct buf *alt, void *opaque) linebreak a pointer to a int function(struct buf *ob, void *opaque) link a pointer to a int function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *link, struct buf *title, struct buf *content, void *opaque) raw_html_tag a pointer to a int function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *tag, void *opaque) Low level callbacks (NULL copies input directly into the output) entity a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *entity, void *opaque) normal_text a pointer to a void function(struct buf *ob, struct buf *text, void *opaque) Renderer data int max_work_stack prevent arbitrary deep recursion. const char * emph_chars chars that trigger emphasis rendering. void * opaque opaque data send to every rendering callback.
The markdown() function does not return a value.
soldout(3), soldout_buffer(3), soldout_renderers(3)
The soldout library was written by Natasha "Kerensikova" Porte <>. Manual page was originally written by Massimo Manghi <>, and rewritten to mdoc format by Svyatoslav Mishyn <>.