Provided by: tk8.6-doc_8.6.12-1build1_all bug


       tk::mac - Access Mac-Specific Functionality on OS X from Tk


       ::tk::mac::OpenDocument file...
       ::tk::mac::PrintDocument file...
       ::tk::mac::LaunchURL URL...


       ::tk::mac::useCompatibilityMetrics boolean
       ::tk::mac::CGAntialiasLimit limit
       ::tk::mac::antialiasedtext number
       ::tk::mac::useThemedToplevel boolean

       ::tk::mac::iconBitmap name width height -kind value


       The  Aqua/Mac  OS  X  application  environment  defines a number of additional events that
       applications should respond to. These events are mapped by Tk to calls to commands in  the
       ::tk::mac  namespace;  unless otherwise noted, if the command is absent, no action will be

              The default Apple Event handler for AEDoScriptHandler. This command executes a  Tcl
              file  when an AppleScript sends a “do script” command to Wish with a file path as a

              The default Apple Event handler for AEDoScriptHandler. This  command  executes  Tcl
              code when an AppleScript sends a “do script” command to Wish with Tcl code or a Tcl
              procedure as a parameter.

              The default Apple Event handler for kAEShowPreferences,  “pref”.   The  application
              menu  “Preferences”  menu item is only enabled when this proc is defined. Typically
              this command is used to wrap a specific own preferences command, which  pops  up  a
              preferences window. Something like:

                     proc ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences {} {

              If  a  proc  of  this name is defined, this proc fill fire when your application is
              initially opened. It is the default Apple  Event  handler  for  kAEOpenApplication,

              If  a  proc  of  this  name  is  defined  it is the default Apple Event handler for
              kAEReopenApplication, “rapp”, the Apple Event sent when your application is  opened
              when  it  is  already  running  (e.g.  by clicking its icon in the Dock). Here is a
              sample that raises a minimized window when the Dock icon is clicked:

                     proc ::tk::mac::ReopenApplication {} {
                         if {[wm state .] eq "withdrawn"} {
                             wm state . normal
                         } else {
                             wm deiconify .
                         raise .

       ::tk::mac::OpenDocument file...
              If a proc of this name is defined  it  is  the  default  Apple  Event  handler  for
              kAEOpenDocuments,  “odoc”,  the  Apple Event sent when your application is asked to
              open one or more documents (e.g., by drag & drop onto  the  app  or  by  opening  a
              document  of a type associated to the app). The proc should take as arguments paths
              to the files to be opened, like so:

                     proc ::tk::mac::OpenDocument {args} {
                         foreach f $args {my_open_document $f}

       ::tk::mac::PrintDocument file...
              If a proc of this name is defined  it  is  the  default  Apple  Event  handler  for
              kAEPrintDocuments,  “pdoc”,  the Apple Event sent when your application is asked to
              print a document.  It takes a single absolute file path as an argument.

              If a proc of this name is defined  it  is  the  default  Apple  Event  handler  for
              kAEQuitApplication,  “quit”, the Apple Event sent when your application is asked to
              be quit, e.g. via the quit menu item in the application menu, the quit menu item in
              the  Dock  menu,  or  during a logout/restart/shutdown etc. If this is not defined,
              exit is called instead.

              If defined, this is called when your application receives a kEventAppHidden  event,
              e.g. via the hide menu item in the application or Dock menus.

              If  defined,  this is called when your application receives a kEventAppShown event,
              e.g. via the show all menu item in the application menu, or by  clicking  the  Dock
              icon of a hidden application.

              Customizes  behavior  of  Apple  Help  menu;  if this procedure is not defined, the
              platform-specific standard Help menu item “YourApp Help” performs the default Cocoa
              action  of  showing  the  Help  Book configured in the application's Info.plist (or
              displaying an alert if no Help Book is set).

              Executes a Tcl procedure called from the macOS “Services” menu in  the  Application
              menu  item.  The  “Services”  menu item allows for inter-application communication;
              data from  one  application,  such  as  selected  text,  can  be  sent  to  another
              application  for  processing, for example to Safari as a search item for Google, or
              to TextEdit to be appended to a file. An example of the proc is below,  and  should
              be rewritten in an application script for customization:

                     proc ::tk::mac::PerformService {} {
                         set data [clipboard get]
                         $w insert end $data
       Note  that  the mechanism for retrieving the data is from the clipboard; there is no other
       supported way to obtain the data.  If the Services process is not desired, the  NSServices
       keys can be deleted from the application's Info.plist file. The underlying code supporting
       this command also allows the text, entry and ttk::entry widgets to  access  services  from
       other  applications via the Services menu. The NSPortName key in Wish's Info.plist file is
       currently set as “Wish” ; if a developer changes  the  name  of  the  Wish  executable  to
         else, this key should be modified with the same name.

       ::tk::mac::LaunchURL URL...
              If  defined, launches a URL within Tk. This would be used if a Tk application wants
              to handle a URL itself, such as displaying data  from  an  RSS  feed,  rather  than
              launching a default application to handle the URL, although it can defined as such.
              Wish includes a stub URL scheme of “foo://” in the CFBundleURLSchemes  key  of  its
              Info.plist  file;  this  should  be  customized  for  the  specific  URL scheme the
              developer wants to support.

              Returns the current applications's file path.


       The Aqua/Mac OS X defines additional dialogs that applications should support.

              Brings the standard Cocoa about panel to the front with information filled in  from
              the  application  bundle  files.  The  panel  displays the application icon and the
              values    associated    to    the    info.plist    keys     named     CFBundleName,
              CFBundleShortVersionString, NSAboutPanelOptionVersion and NSHumanReadableCopyright.
              If a file named Credits.html  or  Credits.rtf  exists  in  the  bundle's  Resources
              directory then its contents will be displayed in a scrolling text box at the bottom
              of    the     dialog.     See     the     documentation     for     -[NSApplication
              orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions:] for more details. A hook is also provided
              for a custom About dialog.  If a Tcl proc named tkAboutDialog  is  defined  in  the
              main  interpreter  then  that  procedure  will  be  called  instead  of opening the


       There are a number of additional global configuration options that control the details  of
       how Tk renders by default.

       ::tk::mac::useCompatibilityMetrics boolean
              Preserves  compatibility  with  older Tk/Aqua metrics; set to false for more native

       ::tk::mac::CGAntialiasLimit limit
              Sets  the  antialiasing  limit;  lines  thinner  that  limit  pixels  will  not  be
              antialiased. Integer, set to 0 by default, making all lines be antialiased.

       ::tk::mac::antialiasedtext number
              Sets anti-aliased text.  Controls text antialiasing, possible values for number are
              -1 (default, use system default for text AA), 0 (no text AA), 1 (use text AA).

       ::tk::mac::useThemedToplevel boolean
              Sets toplevel windows to draw with the modern grayish/  pinstripe  Mac  background.
              Equivalent      to      configuring      the     toplevel     with     “-background
              systemWindowHeaderBackground”, or to using a ttk::frame.


       ::tk::mac::iconBitmap name width height -kind value
              Renders native icons and bitmaps in  Tk  applications  (including  any  image  file
              readable by NSImage). A native bitmap name is interpreted as follows (in order):

              •  predefined builtin 32x32 icon name (stop, caution, document, etc.)

              •  name, as defined by tk::mac::iconBitmap

              •  NSImage named image name

              •  NSImage url string

              •  4-char OSType of IconServices icon

              The  width and height arguments to tk::mac::iconBitmap define the dimensions of the
              image to create, and -kind must be one of:

              -file  icon of file at given path

                     icon of given file type

                     icon of given 4-char OSType file type

                     icon for given IconServices 4-char OSType

                     named NSImage for given name

                     image at given path


       bind(3tk), wm(3tk)


       about dialog, antialiasing, Apple event, icon, NSImage