kinetic (5) logprof.conf.5.gz

Provided by: apparmor-utils_3.0.7-1ubuntu2_all bug


       logprof.conf - configuration file for expert options that modify the behavior of the
       AppArmor aa-logprof(1) program.


       The aa-logprof(1) program can be configured to have certain default behavior by the
       contents of logprof.conf.

       The [qualifiers] section lists specific programs that should have a subset of the full
       ix/px/ux list when asking what mode to execute it using.

       Since creating a separate profile for /bin/bash is dangerous, we can specify that for
       /bin/bash, only (I)nherit, (U)nconstrained, and (D)eny should be allowed options and only
       those will show up in the prompt when we're asking about adding that to a profile.

       Likewise, if someone currently exec's /bin/mount in ix or px mode, things won't work, so
       we can provide only (U)nconstrained and (D)eny as options.

       And certain apps like grep, awk, sed, cp, and mkdir should always inherit the parent
       profile rather than having their own profile or running unconfined, so for them we can
       specify that only (I)nherit and (D)eny are the allowed options.

       Any programs that are not listed in the qualifiers section get the full (I)nherit /
       (P)rofile / (U)nconstrained / (D)eny option set.

       If the user is doing something tricky and wants different behavior, they can tweak or
       remove the corresponding line in the conf file.

       The [defaulthat] section lists changehat-aware programs and what hat aa-logprof(1) will
       collapse the entries to for that program if the user specifies that the access should be
       allowed, but should not have it's own hat.

       The [globs] section allows modification of the logprof rule engine with respect to
       globbing suggestions that the user will be prompted with.

       The format of each line is-- "<perl glob> = <apparmor glob>".

       When aa-logprof(1) asks about a specific path, if the perl glob matches the path, it
       replaces the part of the path that matched with the corresponding apparmor glob and adds
       it to the list of globbing suggestions.

       Lines starting with # are comments and are ignored.


           # things will very likely be painfully broken if bash has it's own profile
           /bin/bash  = iu

           # mount doesn't work if it's confined
           /bin/mount = u

           # these helper utilities should inherit the parent profile and
           # shouldn't have their own profiles
           /bin/awk   = i
           /bin/grep  = i
           /bin/sed   = i

           /usr/sbin/sshd           = EXEC
           /usr/sbin/httpd2         = DEFAULT_URI
           /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork = DEFAULT_URI

           # /foo/bar/lib/ -> /foo/bar/lib/lib*
           /lib/lib[^\/]+so[^\/]*$  = /lib/lib*so*

           # strip kernel version numbers from kernel module accesses
           ^/lib/modules/[^\/]+\/   = /lib/modules/*/

           # strip pid numbers from /proc accesses
           ^/proc/\d+/              = /proc/*/


       If you find any bugs, please report them at


       apparmor(7), apparmor.d(5), aa-enforce(1), aa-complain(1), aa-disable(1),
       aa_change_hat(2), aa-logprof(1), aa-genprof(1), and <>.