Provided by: assaultcube-data_1. bug


       assaultcube-server - AssaultCube server


       assaultcube-server  [  -cN  ]  [  -nS  ]  [  -n1S ] [ -n2S ] [ -oN ] [ -iIP ] [ -fPORT ] [
       -pPASSWD ] [ -mURL ] [ -xPASSWD ] [ -PfkbMASRCDEPw ] [ -V ] [ -T ] [ -lN ] [ -NID ] [  -Fn
       ]  [  -LFn ] [ -LSn ] [ -kN ] [ -yN ] [ -kAN ] [ -kBN ] [ -Amapname ] [ -Mcurd ] [ -Zi ] [
       -Dn ] [  -DI  ]  [  -Wf  ]  [  --demofilenameformat=s  ]  [  --demotimestampformat=s  ]  [
       --demotimelocal=s  ] [ -Cf ] [ -Xf ] [ -rf ] [ -Bf ] [ -Kf ] [ -gf ] [ -Ef ] [ -If ] [ -Of
       ] [ -SWr ] [ -uN ] [ --wizard outfile relbinarypath ] [ --help ]


       AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube. Set in
       a  realistic  looking  environment,  as  far  as  that's  possible with this engine, while
       gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.

       assaultcube-server  is  a  script  which  executes   /usr/lib/games/ac_server   from   the
       /usr/share/games/assaultcube/ directory. It will accept any additional options


       -cN    Sets the maximum number of players that can play on the server to N (default 6). If
              extra players try to connect they will receive a "server full" error message.

       -nS    Sets the server description that shows in the server list. Make sure  you  keep  it
              short, otherwise it'll become truncated, example: -n"Fruity: Bananas & Cherry"

       -n1S   Sets  a  prefix for the server description that remains when the server description
              is changed using the /serverdesc  command. A prefix AND/OR suffix MUST be specified
              for the /serverdesc command to work.

       -n2S   Sets  a  suffix for the server description that remains when the server description
              is changed using the /serverdesc  command. A suffix AND/OR prefix MUST be specified
              for the /serverdesc command to work.

       -oN    Sets  the  servers  MOTD (message of the day), which appears on the clients console
              after they connect to the server.

       -iIP   Binds the AssaultCube server to a single IP address. This option is only of use for
              servers that have multiple IP addresses. Don't use this unless you know what you're

       -fPORT The AssaultCube server uses 2 ports (UDP), the default ports are 28763  and  28764.
              You  need  to use different ports if you want to run several servers on the same IP
              address. This argument allows you to bind the AssaultCube server  to  other  ports.
              For example: -f9000 would run a server on ports 9000 and 9001.

              Sets the password of the server PASSWD. Only clients that know the password will be
              able to connect. Clients will be required to append the password to the end of  the
              connect command.

       -mURL  Forces  the server to register with the URL of a different masterserver. When using
              this argument, you need  to  exclude  the  protocol  at  the  beginning  (i.e.  add
              everything BUT http:// on to the argument).  The default is If
              you want your server  to  be  hidden  and  not  report  to  the  masterserver,  use

              Sets  the  administrator  password to PASSWD. If you don't want your commandline to
              contain the password, or if you need more than one admin  password,  use  the  file

              Once  logged  in  with  the administrator password (by using /setadmin 1 YOURPASS),
              further administrator options are presented to you when opening the menu  (however,
              not all, check the CubeScript command reference for other options).

              Sets  whether the role required to call a specific vote belongs to a "player" or an
              "administrator". The characters fkbMASRCDEPw are used to set these requirements.  A
              lower-case  character  enables normal players to call that vote, where-as an upper-
              case character will only allow an administrator to call the vote.  If  a  character
              doesn't appear, then the defaults for that setting will be used.

                  Default   Description
              f   Lower     Force a player to the enemy team.
              k   Lower     Kick a player.
              b   Lower     Ban a player (and remove bans).
              M   Upper     Change mastermode (open/private/match).
              A   Upper     Enable/disable autoteam.
              S   Upper     Shuffle the teams.
              R   Upper     Record  a  demo of the next game (if autorecording
                            is disabled).
              C   Upper     Clear all demos on the server.
              D   Upper     Change server description.
              E   Upper     Can vote for co-op edit mode.
              P   Upper     Can vote for a gamemode that  isn't  supported  by
                            the map.
              w   Lower     Can  vote to kick/ban for "weak" reasons. A "weak"
                            reason is one where the server can't detect if the
                            player    being    voted   against   is   lagging,
                            teamkilling, spamming or cheating.

              For example: -PbmA enables ban & mastermode to be voted by normal players, but only
              an administrator can change autoteam.  The '-P' argument can be used several times,
              for example: '-Pb -Pm -PA' is the same as '-PbmA'.

       -V     Verbose mode. This enables additional log messages to  be  printed,  including  the
              server  configuration  files  after  parsing.  Using  this argument twice will also
              enable logging of DEBUG messages. Be careful as your logs will show  everything  in
              your  serverpwd.cfg  file.   -T Tags a timestamp to each line of text output to the
              console/log files.

       -lN    Enables or disables game status logging in server logs (enabled by default)

       -NID   Sets the log identity to ID . By default, the log identity is 'IP[port]'.  On Linux
              systems,  the  log  identity is used for the syslog to identify server log entries.
              On Windows and Apple systems, the log identity is used to  create  the  server  log

       -Fn    Sets  the  syslog facility to n. Values from 0 to 7 are allowed, to make use of the
              facilities "local0" through to "local7". By default, local6 is  used.  For  further
              information, read the documentation of your installed syslog daemon.

       -LFn   Sets the level of logging to n for logging to file. On Linux systems, this argument
              enables ADDITIONAL logging, as Linux systems already log to syslog.  The  following
              levels can be selected:

              0   DEBUG     Logs all messages.
              1   VERBOSE   Logs all messages of level VERBOSE and above. This
                            is the same as using the -V argument.
              2   INFO      Logs all messages of level INFO and above. This is
                            the default on Windows/Mac.
              3   WARNING   Log only messages of level WARNING and above.
              4   ERROR     Log only messages of level ERROR.
              5   NONE      Don't  log  to  file. This is the default on Linux

       -LSn   Sets the level of logging to n for logging to syslog. This argument is  ignored  on
              non-Linux systems. The following levels can be selected:

              0   DEBUG     Logs all messages.
              1   VERBOSE   Logs all messages of level VERBOSE and above. This
                            is the same as using the -V argument.
              2   INFO      Logs all messages of level INFO and above. This is
                            the default for Linux.
              3   WARNING   Log only messages of level WARNING and above.
              4   ERROR     Log only messages of level ERROR.
              5   NONE      Don't   log  to  file.  This  is  the  default  on
                            Windows/Mac systems.

       -kN    Sets the kick threshold to N. If a players score drops below it, he will be  kicked
              automatically. The default is -5, all negative values DO require a minus sign.

       -yN    Sets  the  ban threshold to N. If a players score drops below it, he will be banned
              automatically. The default is -6, all negative values DO require a minus sign.

       -kAN   Sets the threshold (in seconds) for the "AFK" auto-kick  to  N.  The  server  won't
              auto-kick if:

                  * The servers mastermode is PRIVATE or MATCH.
                  * If there are 4 or less players.
                  * If the mode isn't team-based AND the server isn't full.

              The  server  will assume inactive players, even if chatting or in spectate mode, as
              AFK. If the value is set lower than 30 seconds, then AFK auto-kick is disabled. The
              default setting is 45 seconds.

       -kBN   Sets  the amount of minutes a banned player will remain banned from the server to N
              The default is 20 minutes.

                    Restricts voting for a particular map (or mode for that map, if specified) to
              administrators.  To  only  restrict  a  particular mode on the map, but not the map
              itself, add the mode number to the end of it, separated by a '#'. This argument can
              be used several times.

              Example: -Aac_desert#13 would restrict mode 13 on ac_desert.

       -Mcurd Sets   whether   the  role  required  to  sendmap  belongs  to  a  "player"  or  an
              "administrator". The characters curd are used to set these requirements.  A  lower-
              case  character enables normal players to do the listed sendmap action, where-as an
              upper-case character will only allow an administrator  to  do  the  listed  sendmap
              action.  If  a character doesn't appear, then the defaults for that setting will be

              c   Upper   Upload new maps to the server.
              u   Upper   Update existing maps (with the same,  or  a  newer
              r   Upper   Revert existing maps (to an older revision).
              d   Upper   Delete a map from the server.

       -Zi    Sets the size limit (in megabytes) for maps being uploaded to the "incoming" folder
              to i. Any map being uploaded exceeding this limit, will be rejected. The default is
              10 megabytes.

       -Dn    All  games  DO  record demos (which can't be disabled). This argument however, sets
              the maximum number of recorded demos to be held in the servers RAM at a time to  n.
              As  demos  can become quite large (sometimes up to 2 megabytes), it may be wise not
              to keep this setting too high if you're low on RAM and/or are running many servers.
              Up  to  5  demos  are  kept  in  RAM  by  default.  The oldest demo will be deleted
              automatically as necessary, to allow for recording of further demos. If an  invalid
              number  is specified (example: 0), then this argument will revert to the default of
              5 demos.

       -DI    Limit  downloading  of  demos  until  the  intermission  (this  will  increase  the
              intermission time if someone is downloading a demo).

       -Wf    Sets the path (and optionally, the filename prefix) to write recorded demos to from
              RAM. As an example: -Wserverdemos/mydemo would save  all  demos  to  the  directory
              "serverdemos",  with  a  prefix  in the filenames of "mydemo".  Demo filenames will
              contain the (optional) prefix, the (encoded) time, game mode and map. To set a path
              without  filename  prefix,  ensure  you add a '/' to the end of this argument.  The
              server owner has to take precautions that demo files don't fill up the file system,
              as demos can become quite large (sometimes up to 2 megabytes).

              Changes  the  format  used  for saving demos (if the -W argument is used) to s. See
              demonameformat for options.

              Changes the timestamp format used for saving demos (if the -W argument is used)  to
              s. See demotimeformat for options.

              Changes  whether timestamps are converted to localtime (if s is set to 1) or to use
              UTC (if s is set to 0 - this is the default) when saving demos (if the -W  argument
              is used). See demotimelocal.

       -Cf    Reads  commandline  arguments  from  a  file  (no  files  are read by default). For
              example, -Cconfig/servercmdline.txt  will read arguments from that file.  Only  one
              argument  per  line is allowed in the file. Empty lines, and any text after '//' in
              the file gets ignored. The file is only read once at server  startup,  so  changing
              the  files  content will not affect a running server, you would need to restart it.
              See ./config/servercmdline.txt for additional info.

       -Xf    Changes  the  location  of  the  administrator  password  file.   The  default  is:

       -rf    Changes the location of the map rotation file.  The default is: -rconfig/maprot.cfg

       -Bf    Changes   the   location   of   the   IP   blacklist   file.    The   default   is:

       -Kf    Changes  the  location  of  the  nickname  blacklist   file.    The   default   is:

       -gf    Changes   the   location   of   the   forbidden   words   file.   The  default  is:

       -Ef    Changes  the   location   of   the   kill   messages   file.    The   default   is:

       -If    Changes  the  location  of  the  "serverinfo  text"  filename  prefix.  The  server
              automatically adds "_en.txt" as a suffix to complete the filename.  The default is:

       -Of    Changes  the  location of the MOTD (message of the day) filename prefix. The server
              automatically adds "_en.txt" as a suffix to complete the filename.  The default is:
              -Oconfig/motd The MOTD will only be read from a file if the -o argument hasn't been

       -SWr   Starts the server as Microsoft Windows service and sets the  name  of  the  windows
              service  that  should  be  used  to r. This will only work if the server is started
              directly from the windows service manager.

       -uN    Sets the up-stream bandwidth (per player) to N bytes  per  second.  Only  set  this
              argument  if  you  know what you're doing, as specifying a incorrect value is worse
              than not specifying it.

       --wizard outfile relbinarypath
              Starts the server setup wizard and saves the chosen settings to outfile in the form
              of  a  bash  script,  executing the file given by relbinarypath with the additional
              options specified.

       assaultcube --wizard $HOME/ $(which assaultcube-server)

              $(which assaultcube-server) simply expands to the  assaultcube  launcher  path  and
              would be equivalent to using e.g: /usr/games/assaultcube-server

       --help Display this manpage.




       AssaultCube was written by the AssaultCube Team.

       This manual page was written by Martin Erik Werner <>
       Information about options taken from:

                                           May  7, 2011                            ASSAULTCUBE(6)