Provided by: cdlabelgen_4.3.0-2_all bug


       cdlabelgen - CD/DVD labels, jewel case inserts, and envelopes creator.  Generates
       frontcards and traycards for CD cases, single-cd envelopes, DVD case inserts, as well as
       output suitable for direct printing on CD/DVD.


       cdlabelgen [ -c <category> -s <subcategory> -i <item1%item2%etc> -f <itemsfile>  -v
       <num_items_cover> -e <cover_epsfile> -S
       <cover_eps_scaleratio>[,<image_x_offset>,<image_y_offset_inches>] -E <tray_epsfile> -T
       <tray_eps_scaleratio>[,<image_x_offset>,<image_y_offset_inches>] -d <date> -D -o
       <outputfile> -t <template> -b -C -w -h -m -M -O -p -y <page_offset_inches>  -l
       <line_width_points>] --create-dvd-inside --create-dvd-outside --slim-double-case
       --double-case --create-cdlabel --rotate-endcaps --plaque-color <r,g,b> --category-color
       <r,g,b> --subcategory-color <r,g,b> --text-color <r,g,b> -n <volume/number in set>
       --rows-columns <row_count_for_items,column_count_for_items> --tray-overlay
       <overlay_epsfile> --tray-overlay-scaleratio <image_scaleratio>[,<x_offset>,<y_offset>]


       Version 4.2.0, April 2012


       cdlabelgen's purpose in life is twofold:

       •   To be run automatically and swiftly from a shell script and automatically generate a
           frontcard and a traycard for a cd--usually data archive cd's. The traycard (which goes
           behind the CD itself) is U-shaped and the ends of the CD case bear the label of what
           the CD is.  Inside inserts for DVDs are also supported.

       •   To have a minimum of dependencies--cdlabelgen only requires perl.

       cdlabelgen was designed to simplify the process of generating labels for CD's. It
       originated as a program to allow auto generation of frontcards and traycards for CD's
       burned via an automated mechanism (specifically for archiving data), but has now become
       popular for labelling CD compilations of mp3's, and copies of CDs. Note that cdlabelgen
       does not actually print anything--it just spits out postscript, which you can then do with
       as you please. It can also be combined with output from other programs such as
       "barcodegen" - to print a barcode as a tray overlay image.

       The latest version of cdlabelgen as well as this document can be found at The software package includes CGI scripts that can
       be used to serve cdlabelgen over the internet.  An older version may be available at:

       cdlabelgen comes with several eps images for you to use on your labels. These images can
       be found in /usr/local/lib/cdlabelgen or /usr/share/cdlabelgen or /opt/lib/cdlabelgen/ or
       /usr/local/share/cdlabelgen, depending on your installation. Included are a Recycling
       icon, an mp3 icon, the Compact Disc icon (with and without 'Digital' on it), Tux the
       penguin, and the new Debian 'swirl' logo. Two color background images called Music Notes
       are also available.

       CDs: cdlabelgen prints a 'tongue' as part of the traycard. This folds around and is
       viewable from the front in jewel boxes that are entirely clear (CD holder piece is not
       opaque). If you do not have a clear CD holder in your jewel box, you may find it easier to
       just cut the 'tongue' off--it's a bit easier to fold without it.

       Paper Sizes: Normal CD cases, Slim CD cases, DVD inside inserts can be printed on a letter
       or A4 sized page.  CD/DVD Envelopes and DVD outside inserts will not fit on a letter sized
       paper, a larger paper size will be needed to make it fit.

       cdlabelgen requires Perl Version 5.003 or greater. Ghostscript is not required, but is
       recommended so that you can test out your labels without wasting paper.


       -c, --category <category>
           Set the category (title) for the CD

       -s, --subcategory <subcategory>
           Set the subcategory (subtitle) for the CD

       -i, --items <items>
           'items' should be a '%' separated list of items to print on the traycard of the CD.
           Note that if the number of items are too many to fit on the tray card, cdlabelgen will
           leave out some items at the end.  cdlabelgen automatically flows the items into 2, 3,
           4, or 5 columns and scales the fontsize accordingly, unless the "-P" option is used.
           You can insert blank lines by inserting 2 percent signs in a row into the items list.

       -f, --items-from-file <filename>
           Get item names from file named filename. Each item should be on its own line separated
           by carriage returns.  cdlabelgen automatically flows the items into 2, 3, 4, or 5
           columns and scales the fontsize or clips the items as needed.  You can insert blank
           lines by placing blank lines between items in this file.

           Special commands can be embedded in the file, all of these commands should be present
           starting at the first column of the line.  The codes are used to change the font for
           an item, the code itself is not printed in the output.

            {#BI}     - make the item bold and italic
            {#I}      - make the item italic
            {#B}      - make the item bold
            {#M}      - make the item mono-spaced (Courier font)
            {#MB}     - make the item monospaced and bold (Courier-Bold font)


            {#MB}    Text 1 Item
           would print the line "    Text 1 Item" in a monospaced bold font.

       -v, --cover-items <number_of_items_for_cover>
           Normally, all the items are printed on the tray card.  But if you have a large number
           of items, you may wish to print some items on the cover, and rest on the tray card.
           This option provides a way of specifying how many items should be printed on the
           cover. Default is 0 (i.e., print no item on the cover, print all items on the tray).
           The items to be printed on the cover are taken from the list of items, from the top of
           the list.  Note that if the number of items is too many to fit on the cover, it will
           result in items being dropped. As of Jan 2002, around 250-300 items can be fitted on
           the cover or the tray, depending on whether a title/subtitle/date is used or not.

       -d, --date <date>
           Set the date to be used as 'date' if not set or not overridden with the -D flag,
           today's date will be used (default is today's date). Use this option if you don't like
           cdlabelgen's default format of YYCC-MM-YY, for example.

       -D, --no-date
           Do not print any date (overrides -d as well)

       -e, --cover-image <cover_epsfile>
           Filename of eps file to print on cover. Note that cdlabelgen requires that the eps
           file contain a proper '%%BoundingBox LLx LLy URx URy' declaration according to the
           PostScript Document Structuring Conventions. cdlabelgen uses this line to determine
           the dimensions of the eps graphic so that it can position it appropriately on the
           cover. Note that cdlabelgen first looks for this file in your working directory. If it
           doesn't find it there, it will look in the list of directories where the default eps
           files are stored (see @where_is_the_template). This makes it easy to use the images
           shipped with cdlabgelgen without typing miles of pathnames.

       -S, --cover-image-scaleratio <cover_eps_scaleratio
           The ratio by which you want to scale the epsfile that appears on the cover. If you
           omit this flag, cdlabelgen assumes a scaleratio of 1.0. This flag allows you to
           squeeze larger graphics into the cover or expand smaller graphics to fill the cover.
           Scaleratio must be a number (int or float).

           If the scale value passed is 0 (or 0.0), then the logo is used as a background image -
           it will be scaled as required to fit the entire cover.

           The -S option also takes optional translate arguments.  Normally images are printed on
           the cover and the tray so that the bottom-right of the image is anchored to the
           bottom-right of the cover or tray. To move the images away from the bottom and right
           borders, use this option. For example, to leave two inches of gap between the image
           and the bottom border, and 0.5 inches from the left border, and use 1.0 scaleratio,
           use this: -S 1.0,-2,0.5

           This offset only applies when the image is being used as a logo - i.e., image is not
           being used as background to fill the entire cover or tray.

       -E, --tray-image <tray_epsfile>
           Filename of eps file to print on traycard. Note that cdlabelgen requires that the eps
           file contain a proper '%%BoundingBox LLx LLy URx URy' declaration according to the
           PostScript Document Structuring Conventions. cdlabelgen uses this line to determine
           the dimensions of the eps graphic so that it can position it appropriately on the
           cover. Note that cdlabelgen first looks for this file in your working directory. If it
           doesn't find it there, it will look in the list of directories where the default eps
           files are stored (see @where_is_the_template). This makes it easy to use the images
           shipped with cdlabgelgen without typing miles of pathnames.

       -T, --tray-image-scaleratio <tray_eps_scaleratio [,image_x_offset,image_y_offset_inches]>
           The ratio by which you want to scale the epsfile that appears on the traycard. If you
           omit this flag, cdlabelgen assumes a scaleratio of 1. This flag allows you to squeeze
           larger graphics into the traycard or expand smaller graphics to fill the traycard.
           Scaleratio must be a positive number (int or float) specifying the scale.

           If the scale value passed is the word fill1, then the image is used as a background -
           it is scaled so that it completely fills the interior tray card region.  The value 0
           (or 0.0) works same as the fill1 argument.

           If the value passed is the word fill2, then the image is used as a background to fill
           more than just the tray.  For normal CD cases, the image is scaled so that it
           completely fills both the tray card region, and the two endcaps (but not the extreme
           right-hand 'tongue-cap') for normal cd cases.  For Slim CD cases or DVD Inside/Outside
           covers, the tray image will fill both the tray and cover regions (including any
           spines).  For directly printing on a CD (--create-cdlabel), fill2 option works like
           the fill1 option.

           The -T option also takes optional translate arguments.  Normally images are printed on
           the cover and the tray so that the bottom-right of the image is anchored to the
           bottom-right of the cover or tray. To move the images away from the bottom and right
           borders, use this option. For example, to leave two inches of gap between the image
           and the bottom border, and 0.5 inches from the left border, and use 1.0 scaleratio,
           use this: -T 1.0,-2,0.5

           This offset only applies when the image is being used as a logo - i.e., image is not
           being used as background to fill the entire cover or tray.

       -o, --output-file <outputfile>
           If the -o flag is used, cdlabelgen prints to outputfile instead of STDOUT.

       -t, --template <template>
           Specify explicitly which template to use. This is useful if you need to debug the
           PostScript code in the template, use a different template, or if you have created your
           own template to use in lieu of the one provided with cdlabelgen.

       -b, --no-tray-plaque
           Suppresses printing of the Plaque on the traycard, thus allowing you to either fit
           even more items on the traycard, or to use a slightly larger font size for the items.

       -C, --no-cover-plaque
           Suppresses printing of the plaque on the front cover, thus allowing a cover image that
           fills the front cover, but still displaying category and sub-category information in
           the other usual places.

       -h, --help
           print out the usage message

       -w, --tray-word-wrap
           Enables word wrapping of the items that print on the traycard. Note that this is *not*
           extensively tested and may be buggy! Make sure that you preview your label before
           printing it if you use this flag.

           If there is a problem with "-w", the best option right now is to split lines in the
           input itself, and to omit the "-w" option.

       -m, --slim-case
           Creates covers suitable for use in slim cd-cases, this means no tray card (the tray
           card is now the inside front cover).  This creates a two page, folding cover insert.
           This could also be used in normal cd cases as an inside insert.

           Slim case option can be used with outside dvd inserts ( --create-dvd-outside ) also -
           in which case the outside insert is created for half-height DVD case.

       -O, --outside-foldout
           Output slim cd cover cases (or dvd inserts) with the order of the pages switched so
           the folding line lies on the outside of a normal case. Can be used when printing
           either the slim-cd-case or dvd-inside inserts.

           This option is best used along with option -m (--slim-case) or --create-dvd-inside.

           Endcap text is rotated by 180 degrees, to flip the text around.

       -M, --create-envelope
           Creates covers suitable for use as envelopes for a CD. Guide lines are printed, to aid
           in folding the printout correctly.

           Creates inserts suitable for use as inside insert for a normal DVD case.  Guide lines
           are printed, to aid in folding the printout correctly.  Note: DVD inserts may not
           print fully on Letter or A4 sized paper printers; it may require larger paper sizes.

           Creates inserts suitable for use as outside cover inserts for a normal DVD case.
           Guide lines are printed, to aid in folding the printout correctly.  Note: DVD inserts
           may not print fully on Letter or A4 sized paper printers; it may require larger paper

           Slim case option ( --slim-case ) can be used with outside dvd inserts also - in which
           case the outside insert is created for half-height DVD case.

           Create covers for double-sided DVD cases that hold 6 DVDs.  Only double-width DVD
           cases are supported, double-width CD cases are not supported.  Therefore, using
           --double-case also implies the --create-dvd-outside option.  Note: DVD inserts may not
           print fully on Letter or A4 sized paper printers; it may require larger paper sizes.

           Create covers for double-sided DVD cases that hold 6 DVDs in boxes 1.5 times the depth
           of normal dvd cases.  Only DVD cases are supported with this option, slim-double-width
           CD cases are not supported.  Therefore, using --slim-double-case also implies the
           --create-dvd-outside option.  Note: DVD inserts may not print fully on Letter or A4
           sized paper printers; it may require larger paper sizes.

           For directly printing on a CD or DVD. As of January 2005, there are inkjets printers
           that can print on certain types of blank CD/DVD discs.  Only a small number of items
           can be printed on the CD, and the number of characters in the title and subtitle is
           also limited.  Always check the output visually by using PostScript viewers or
           printing on paper, before printing on the CD.

           With this option, the top portion of the disc represents the "cover" area - so
           arguments related to the cover: title (--category), subtitle (--subcategory),
           --no-cover-plaque, --cover-items, --cover-image, etc all apply to the top area.  The
           bottom portion of the disc represents the "tray" area, so arguments related to the
           tray: --no-tray-plaque, --tray-image, etc all apply to the bottom area.  The date
           (--date) string, if present, is printed along the bottom curved edge of the disc.

           Background images can be specified using the --cover-image option, modified as need by
           the --cover-image-scaleratio.  If --tray-image is also specified, note that the cover
           image is printed first, then the tray image overwrites the cover image. The
           title/items text is then finally printed over all the images.

           The --no-tray-plaque and/or --no-cover-plaque (along with --cover-items) option is
           also recommended with --create-cdlabel, otherwise there may be no space for any items
           to be printed on the disc.

           The --clip-items option is also recommended.

       -p, --clip-items
           Enables clipping of items; uses fixed font size for all items.  Normally, the
  used by cdlabelgen will try to fit an item in a given column by reducing
           the font size if needed. This is ok if done for one or two items, but if done too
           often, it makes the tray card look ugly, with text of varying font sizes.

           Use this option to use a fixed width font for all items. If the item is too large to
           fit in a column, the text will be clipped instead.

       -y, --page-offset [<page_x_offset_inches,]<page_y_offset_inches
           Use this to move the entire output up or down (y_offset), to make the output fit on
           appropriate sized paper. For letter sized paper, 0.8 works well, and for A4 paper, 1.5
           works well. The value is in units of inches.  An optional X-axis offset can also be
           specified.  Default values: 1 inch for X-axis, 0.8 inches for Y-axis.

       -l, --line-width <line_width_points>
           Specify size in points of the edge and interior lines of the cover and tray card.  If
           this is 0, then the lines are omitted for both the cover and tray (but guide cut lines
           are still printed). The size is specified in points (1 point is 1/72 inch).

       --plaque-color <r,g,b>
           Specify a color to fill plaque.  Color must be specified using the rgb components,
           each value should be between 0 and 255.

       --category-color <r,g,b>
           Specify a color for category.  Color must be specified using the rgb components, each
           value should be between 0 and 255.

       --subcategory-color <r,g,b>
           Specify a color for subcategory.  Color must be specified using the rgb components,
           each value should be between 0 and 255.

       --text-color <r,g,b>
           Specify a color for text - this is used for the list of items, and the date display
           under the plaque and in the end-caps.  Color must be specified using the rgb
           components, each value should be between 0 and 255.

       -n, --number-in-set <string>
           Append volume information to the end of the date string.  This should be a single
           string.  If used in conjunction with "-D", it will be in place of the date; otherwise,
           it is appended to the date as " - <number-in-set>"

       --rows-columns <row_count_for_items,column_count_for_items>
           The --rows-columns options forces the list of items to be printed using that many
           rows, and that many columns.  Both numbers have to be provided, no spaces, for
           example: --rows-columns=11,3

           The list of items is laid out in top-down, left-to-right fashion.  Use blank items in
           the input, to get appropriately aligned columns.

           --rows-columns applies to the list of items wherever they are printed - normally on
           the tray only, but may include cover, or the top and bottom portions of the round
           printouts for direct CD label printing.  Same values apply to all these variations, so
           if you need different number of rows/columns for cover vs tray, you can use two
           different runs of cdlabelgen, to get two postscript files, and pick the cover from one
           printout, and tray from the other.  This will work for jewel-case inserts, but may not
           work for direct CD label printing.

       --tray-overlay overlay_epsfile
           Filename of eps file to print as overlay on traycard. This image is printed over the
           background image (tray-image) as well as the list of items. Therefore, this is useful
           for things like barcodes.  In terms of EPS file requirements, see the --tray-image
           option description.

           The ratio by which you want to scale the epsfile that is used with the --tray-overlay
           option, and optionally to translate the overlay.  Normally overlay image is printed on
           the tray so that the bottom-right of the image is anchored to the bottom-right of the
           tray. To move the images away from the bottom and right borders, use this option. For
           example, to leave 0.1 inches of gap between the image and the bottom border, and 0.2
           inches from the right border, and use 1.0 scaleratio (no scaling), use this:
           --tray-overlay-scaleratio 1.0,-0.2,0.1


           cdlabelgen -c "My Filesystem"
                        -s "/usr/local/foo"
                        -e postscript/recycle.eps >

           cdlabelgen -c "title of cd"
                        -s "subtitle"
                        -i "Item 1%and Item 2%a third item here perhaps"
                        -e postscript/recycle.eps -o

           cdlabelgen -c "Fitz"
                        -s "home directory"

           cdlabelgen -c "Backups"
                        -s "home directory"
                        -n "4 of 5"

           Direct printing on a CD or DVD, if file "example5.txt" has list of items:
           cdlabelgen --clip-items --no-tray-plaque --date "Jan 2005"
             -c "Collections 12" -s "- english songs -"
             --cover-image "music2.eps" --cover-image-scaleratio 0.0
             --tray-image "mp3.eps" --tray-image-scaleratio 0.5,-0.5,2
             --page-offset 0.5,0.5 -f example5.txt -o

CHARACTER ENCODINGS - using ogonkify

       cdlabelgen uses the Helvetica family of fonts for various text items, using the default
       encoding of ISO-Latin1.

       To use other encodings, the "ogonkify" program can be used; this is a package available at The output from cdlabelgen can be piped
       into ogonkify, example for Latin2 encoding:

          cdlabelgen <args>  | ogonkify -H -eL2    > <outputfilename>

       See the man page for ogonkify for other possible values for the encoding.

       Hint: if you always work with a particular encoding, you can just run ogonkify on - and use the output as the new

          ogonkify -H -eL2 >

       This way ogonkify has to be run only once, cdlabelgen output will contain the correctly
       encoded fonts from the modified Use the -t cdlabelgen option to specify the
       new file, or save the old and renmae to


       When using tools such as Adobe Acrobat to print the .ps or a .pdf file, make sure that
       "Fit To Paper" option is unchecked.  Also uncheck any option that will perform scaling up
       or down of the cdlabelgen output file.

       Failure to do so will result in incorrect size printouts.

       Paper Sizes: Normal CD cases, Slim CD cases, DVD inside inserts can be printed on a letter
       or A4 sized page.  CD/DVD Envelopes and DVD outside inserts will not fit on a letter sized
       paper, a larger paper size will be needed to make it fit.

       When using different sized paper, experimentation with the -y (also: --page-offset)
       [<page_x_offset_inches,]<page_y_offset_inches> option may be required to place the image
       in the printable region of the paper.


       Avinash Chopde <>

       Original author: B. W. Fitzpatrick <>


           - Karl Fogel, for general encouragement and that free software vibe
           - Adam Di Carlo, for bug testing, help and making the .deb
           - Greg Gallagher, for bug testing, coding, and tons of suggestions
           - Goran Larsson, for feedback and date fixes
           - Jens Claussen, for the patch to allow arbitrary ISO-Latin1 characters
           - Bernard Quatermass, for contributing several excellent new features
           - Sebastian Wenzler <> for reports, tests, RPM ['01]
           - Peter Bieringer <> for RPM .spec file ['02]
           - Ronald Rael Harvest <> for original envelope template ['02]
           - Alessandro Dotti Contra <> for color support,
               man page and other improvements ['02]
               Mathias Herberts
           - Mathias Herberts <>, for slim cdcase foldout
           - Stephan Grund <>, for monospaced
             font and for rotated-end-caps text support
           - Dominique Dumont <>
               for half-height DVD case support
               for slim-double depth DVD case support
               (patches forwarded by Juan Manuel Garcia Molina <>)
           - Peter Bieringer <> for testing CD label printint ['05]
           - Andras Salamon <> for double-width DVD support ['08]


        ** Word wrap does not work well at all. It will clip lines, or it will
           auto-reduce the font size, both of which option look bad.

        ** Ability to change the text style on a given line:
           {#B}Track#  {#P}Title   {#I} Text...
           [Workaround available: just use multi columns input, use blank
            lines to spread out input items into columns]

        ** Ability to select or specify fonts for the text/items