kinetic (3) Embperl::Form.3pm.gz

Embperl::Form - Embperl Form class
new ($controls, $options) • $controls Array ref with controls which should be displayed inside the form. Each control needs either to be a hashref with all parameters for the control or a control object. If hash refs are given it's necessary to specify the "type" parameter, to let Embperl::Form know which control to create. See Embperl::Form::Control and Embperl::Form::Control::* for a list of available parameters. • $options Hash ref which can take the following parameters: • formname Will be used as name and id attribute of the form. If you have more then one form on a page it's necessary to have different form names to make form validation work correctly. • masks Contains a hash ref which can specify a set of masks for the controls. A mask is a set of parameter which overwrite the setting of a control. You can specify a mask for a control name (key is name), for a control type (key is *type) or for all controls (key is *). Example: { 'info' => { readonly => 1}, '*textarea' => { cols => 80 }, '*' => { labelclass => 'myclass', labelnowrap => 1} } This will force the control with the name "info" to be readonly, it will force all "textarea" controls to have 80 columns and it will force the label of all controls to have a class of myclass and not to wrap the text. • defaults Contains a hash ref which can specify a set of defaults for the controls. You can specify a default for a control name (key is name), for a control type (key is *type) or for all controls (key is *). Example: { 'info' => { readonly => 1}, '*textarea' => { cols => 80 }, '*' => { labelclass => 'myclass', labelnowrap => 1} } This will make the control with the name "info" to default to be readonly, it will default all "textarea" controls to have 80 columns and it will set the default class for the labels of all controls to myclass and not to wrap the text. • language Language setting is used for Embperl::Form::Validate, e.g. 'en' or 'de' • charset Charset setting is used for Embperl::Form::Validate, e.g. 'utf-8' • valign valign for control cells. Defaults to 'top' . • jsnamespace Give the JavaScript Namespace. This allows one to load js files in a top frame or different frame, which will speed up page loading, because the browser does not need to reload the js code on every load. Example: jsnamespace => 'top' • classdiv Gives the CSS class of the DIV around the form. Default cTableDiv. • checkitems If set to true, allows one to call the function diff_checkitems after the data is posted and see which form fields are changed. • control_packages Arrayref with package names to search for form controls. Alternatively you can overwrite the method get_control_packages. • datasrc_packages Arrayref with package names to search for form data source modules. Alternatively you can overwrite the method get_datasrc_packages. layout validate show convert_label Converts the label of a control to the text that should be outputed. By default does return the text or name parameter of the control. Can be overwritten to allow for example internationalization. $ctrl Embperl::Form::Control object $name optional: name to translate, if not given take $ctrl -> {name} convert_text Converts the text of a control to the text that should be outputed. By default does return the text or name parameter of the control. Can be overwritten to allow for example internationalization. $ctrl Embperl::Form::Control object convert_options Converts the values of a control to the text that should be outputed. By default does nothing. Can be overwritten to allow for example internationalization. $ctrl Embperl::Form::Control object $values values of the control i.e. values that are submitted $options options of the control i.e. text that should be displayed
G. Richter (richter at embperl dot org)
perl(1), Embperl, Embperl::Form::Control