Provided by: libmagpie-perl_1.163200-3_all bug


       Magpie::Intro - Introduction to the whys and wherefores of Magpie


       version 1.163200

Introduction to Magpie

       This document introduces the underlying concepts that inform Magpie's design. For a more
       practical how-to, see ***link***.

What is Magpie?

       In the animal world, the Magpie (Pica pica) is an intelligent, mischievous bird with a
       reputation for pilfering shiny objects. In the enlightened world of Modern Perl, Magpie is
       an attempt to combine the best ideas (shiny objects) from the community's long history of
       Web development frameworks into a truly mature and intelligent environment.

       Ambitious? You bet. And we're in good company, we think. Perl itself is a magpie and
       always has been. Originally designed to fuse the best features of a slew of *NIX utilities
       into cohesive whole that made easy things easy and hard things possible, Perl has
       continuously evolved by adopting and internalizing the best features from each new
       generation of languages and tools that have been invented since (many of which were
       themselves influenced by Perl). At the same time, the Perl community has constantly
       evolved through a similar process. Community support, development infrastructure, even
       what constitutes "good Perl code" have all evolved by an iterative process of adoption ->
       extension -> invention. This is why we're making Magpie. We believe that by combining the
       best features of various popular Web development frameworks-- together with our own bits
       of invention-- we can create a development environment where easy things are easy and hard
       things are possible.

       Implemented as a Plack::Middleware component, Magpie provides a rapid application
       development framework for both browser-based Web applications and RESTful Web services by
       removing (or at least greatly reducing) the redundant aspects of day-to-day application
       coding. Magpie's design is heavily informed by the study of Finite State Machines.

       Magpie's basic goals and design principles can be summed up as follows:

       •   The most important entity in Web development the Resource. By convention and explicit
           design, Magpie should be Resource-oriented.

       •   Magpie should provide a clear, well-defined interface for separating application
           state-detection from the event hander methods that are executed in response to a given
           state. This promotes fast, focussed, incremental development.

       •   In any given Magpie application, event hander methods may be divided across one or
           more of a series of Application Classes, each of which may have its own state/event
           mapping logic that determines which events will be fired. This encourages modularity
           and code reuse.

       •   In addition to the Application Class(es), a Magpie application pipeline will also
           contain one Output Class that generates the content for the requesting client. This
           encourages reusability by letting us expose the same application logic to different
           types of Web clients.

       •   All Magpie's base component and helper classes must be easily replaceable with user-
           defined classes; This promotes invention, user contribution and project longevity.

       •   Magpie's core code must be environment-agnostic, allowing developers to deploy
           applications under Mod_per1/Apache versions 1 and 2, as well as any Web server
           offering the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). User-defined application classes and
           custom components are free to favor one environment over another but Magpie's core
           must remain neutral.

       •   Magpie must be judiciously magical-- providing just enough Perlish wizardry to make
           writing applications easy, while not presuming or enforcing a One True Way(tm) that
           unduly limits developers' freedom.

Resource-Oriented Application Development

   The URL Is Not The Resource, The Resource Is Not The Thing
       When a client sends a request via HTTP to a given URL they are asking for a Representation
       of a Resource, not the Resource itself. Unfortunately, the first generation of Web
       frameworks that tried to implement practical RESTful architectures often mixed things up
       and made it seem like the URL was the Resource and the Resource was the Thing.

       To illustrate the distinctions, let's suppose that you want to implement a CRUD (Create,
       Read, Update, Delete) interface to an "orders" table in your database. After some
       discussion, you decide to use a RESTful API and so you reach for one of the popular tools
       that purports to make the process simple. The early stages of the project are promising--
       set-up is nearly trivial and in a very short time you have unit tests demonstrating a
       working HTTP endpoint for your order data.

       But wait, a POST to the "/order" endpoint requires more than a one-to-one relationship
       with the database's "order" table. You have to check product availability for each item in
       the order, you have to access the "customers" and "customer_addresses" tables to grab the
       client's address to calculate shipping, etc. Where does all that extra logic go? Do you
       cram it into the validation stage? Do you create different Controller methods to handle
       those tasks?

       Soon, you find that the hands-off "connect the database table to the Web" application you
       thought you were building is turning into a series of hacks, work-arounds, and one-offs.
       The tool that was supposed to make things easier now actually ties your hands. You're
       wondering why this all seems so hard and you begin to suspect that REST is just another in
       a long line of overcomplicated bondage fads that look great on paper but fall to pieces
       under their own complexity when you try to do anything substantial. But the problem isn't
       REST-- that's just an architectural style-- the problem is that REST-on-MVC treats the
       "orders" table as the Resource and tightly couples the Web API to that physical asset.

   Altered States
       In general, an application can be seen as being in (or having) a series of application
       states. Consider the typical online registration application.  First, the user is
       presented with an HTML form into which they type their desired username, password,
       personal details and other information. We can think of this as the "prompt state" since
       the core action involves prompting the user to sign up. Once the user has filled in the
       form, they hit the submit button to send the input to a URL on the server that implements
       an interface that is able to read that incoming data. Once the request if received, the
       data is often verified for fitness-- first by logic on the server side that verifies that
       the data is complete and appropriate; then by the user, who is given a read-only HTML page
       reflecting his or her input for review. Let's call this the "validation state". Presented
       with the information they have entered, the user may choose to return to the prompt state
       by clicking a "Make Changes" button, or to proceed with registration by clicking the
       "Register" button. (Note that the application itself often proactively returns to the
       prompt state if it finds the user's input to be unfit). When both the user and the system
       are satisfied with the input, the verified data is sent to the server by clicking the
       "Register" button presented during the validation state. The server receives the data,
       creates the new user account, and responds with an HTML document containing a polite
       message thanking them for registering. We'll call this the "complete state".

       In short, we can say that the typical user registration application is a single entity
       that can be in one or another of three distinct states (prompt, validation, and complete).

         ----------               --------------                   ------------
         | Prompt |               | Validation |                   | Complete |
         | State  |-[User Input]->| State      |-[Data Accepted]-->| State    |
         ----------               --------------                   ------------
             ^------[Data Rejected]------|

             State Diagram for Online Registration

       Despite the fact that this principle of state-based development and design is understood
       (if only intuitively) by most experienced Web developers, much of the code running on the
       Web today remains a mix of blocks of real application-level programming wrapped by largely
       redundant application state detection logic. We have learned through experience the
       benefits of separating an application's logic from its presentation, yet we persist in
       mixing application state detection with code that reacts to those states. Magpie exists
       because its developers and users have found that separating application state detection
       from behavioral logic offers similar benefits to those that come from drawing a clear line
       between application logic and presentation-- namely, the logical division of labor/time,
       and the ability to create uncluttered more maintainable code faster, and the freedom to
       reuse resources by decoupling distinct aspects of the application implementation.

       Magpie works by mapping application states, determined by user input and other factors, to
       event handler methods, that implement the behavior associated with that state. In Magpie,
       developers need only register and implement the specific bits of code that react to a
       given application state, Magpie makes sure that correct event (or events) are fired.

       Magpie's core distribution provides a simple Web application infrastructure along with a
       few commonly useful state-to-event mapping mechanisms that have proven themselves useful
       over time, but makes no other presumptions or proscriptions about the design or
       implementation of a given application. The point is to reduce brittleness and redundancies
       while ensuring that developers are free to implement their application in the way that
       makes most sense to them.



       •   Kip Hampton <>

       •   Chris Prather <>


       This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Tamarou, LLC.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
       the Perl 5 programming language system itself.