Provided by: tvtime_1.0.11-7_amd64 bug


       tvtime.xml - tvtime configuration file




       The  tvtime.xml  file  is  the main configuration file for tvtime.  It contains all of the
       default settings and key bindings.  The tvtime.xml file is updated by tvtime  at  runtime,
       to  store  settings  across sessions.  For this reason, you should not edit the tvtime.xml
       file while tvtime is running, as your changes may be overwritten.

       The global syntax is as follows:

           <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <!DOCTYPE tvtime PUBLIC "-//tvtime//DTD tvtime 1.0//EN"
           <tvtime xmlns="">

       You can find  the  DTD  and  other  information  about  the  XML  configuration  files  at


       tvtime  supports  a  multitude  of options.  The <option> tag should be contained within a
       <tvtime> tag.

       The following is a list of options and their default values, along with a  description  of
       what the option does.

       <option name="Verbose" value="0"/>
              The  verbose  setting indicates that we should print full informational and warning
              messages to stderr while running tvtime.  Otherwise,  only  fatal  errors  will  be
              printed to the output.

       <option name="V4LDevice" value="/dev/video0"/>
              This sets the default capture device to use.

       <option name="V4LInput" value="0"/>
              This  sets the default capture card input to be opened by tvtime.  For example, for
              my WinTV card has the tuner as source 0, and  its  composite  input  as  source  1.
              Sources  can  be  changed  at  runtime using the toggle_input command, which is key
              command “i” by default.

       <option name="Norm" value="NTSC"/>
              This sets the default TV norm.  Valid options are:

              •   NTSC
              •   NTSC-JP
              •   SECAM
              •   PAL
              •   PAL-Nc
              •   PAL-M
              •   PAL-N
              •   PAL-60

       <option name="SaveAndRestorePictureSettings" value="1"/>
              This option indicates whether tvtime should enable its own saving and restoring  of
              picture settings, both on startup and per channel change.

       <option name="AudioMode" value="stereo"/>
              This  option  saves  the last used audio mode.  This will be used to remember which
              audio mode to select when the application is next started.  Valid options here  are
              "mono", "stereo", "lang1", "lang2" or "sap".

       <option name="AudioBoost" value="-1"/>
              This  option  sets  the  audio boost.  This is a percentage for how much to set the
              volume coming out of the capture card.  By default, tvtime does not set  the  audio
              at  all.  However, because the volume sometimes does not have a sane default, or is
              reset by other applications, you can use this value to have it always set  to  your
              favorite volume.  Use -1 to have tvtime not touch the volume.

       <option name="ShowCC" value="0"/>
              This  option  saves  the  state of closed caption decoding.  Closed captions are an
              NTSC-specific text version of the audio for the hearing impaired.

       <option name="ColourInvert" value="0"/>
              This value saves the on-off state of the colour invert filter across sessions.

       <option name="MirrorInput" value="0"/>
              This value saves the on-off state of the mirror filter across sessions.

       <option name="Frequencies" value="US-Cable"/>
              This sets the default frequency table to use for any tuners  found.   Possibilities

              •   us-cable
              •   us-broadcast
              •   japan-cable
              •   japan-broadcast
              •   europe
              •   australia
              •   australia-optus
              •   newzealand
              •   france
              •   russia

       <option name="NTSCCableMode" value="Standard"/>
              There  are  two  special  NTSC  cable  standards  in  the US: IRC and HRC.  In IRC,
              channels 5 and 6 are on different frequencies, and HRC mode shifts all  frequencies
              up  by 1.25MHz (and is also weird on channels 5 and 6).  Use this option to set the
              cable mode to Standard, IRC, or HRC.  It is very  rare  that  you  will  see  cable
              systems that use IRC or HRC cable.

       <option name="CheckForSignal" value="1"/>
              Toggle  whether  tvtime  should  check  if  there is a signal present when changing
              channels etc.  If your card doesn't suck, you shouldn't  need  to  shut  this  off.
              Disabling this feature will also disable the channel scanner.

       <option name="InputWidth" value="720"/>
              This  sets how many pixels per scanline to request from the capture card.  A higher
              setting gives better quality, while a lower setting means we do less work,  and  so
              tvtime  will  run faster.  If you have a slower CPU (like, less than 500Mhz or so),
              maybe values of 480 or 400 might suit you best.  For best quality,  choose  a  high
              value like 720 or 768.  Most capture cards cannot sample higher than 768 pixels per

       <option name="XMLTVFile" value="none"/>
              Set this to a filename to get show listings from an xmltv file.  Set to  "none"  if
              you do not wish to use xmltv.

       <option name="XMLTVLanguage" value="none"/>
              Set  this  to  a two-letter language code to set the language to use for entries in
              the XMLTV file (for example, use "de" for German).  Set to "none" if  you  wish  to
              use the default language of the file.

       <option name="UseXDS" value="0"/>
              Set  this to 1 to enable XDS channel information decoding.  This option is specific
              to NTSC regions.  XDS is used to send information about the channel  including  the
              network name and call letters, and sometimes information about the current show.

       <option name="VBIDevice" value="/dev/vbi0"/>
              This sets which device to use for VBI decoding.

       <option name="MixerDevice" value="/dev/mixer:line"/>
              This  sets  the mixer device and channel to use.  The format is device name:channel
              name for OSS mixer (e.g., "/dev/mixer:Line")  or  device/channel  for  ALSA  (e.g.,

              Valid OSS channels are:

              vol,  bass,  treble,  synth,  pcm,  speaker,  line, mic, cd, mix, pcm2, rec, igain,
              ogain, line1, line2, line3, dig1, dig2, dig3, phin, phout, video, radio, monitor

       <option name="SquarePixels" value="1"/>
              Disabling this option tells tvtime to use the  X  server  DPI  to  determine  pixel
              shape.   By default, tvtime assumes pixels are square.  Set this to 0 if you have a
              4:3 monitor but run it at 1280x1024 and want tvtime to do the right thing.

       <option name="Widescreen" value="0"/>
              This option enables 16:9 aspect ratio mode by default on startup.

       <option name="WindowGeometry" value="0x576"/>
              Sets the geometry of the window.  A width value of 0 signifies that the appropriate
              width  for  the  given  height  will  be  used.   For 4:3 content on a square pixel
              display, this defaults to a 768×576 window.

       <option name="Overscan" value="0.0"/>
              This sets the percent of the sides to leave to the overscan, that  is,  don't  show
              them at all.  Safe action area on a television is 10% in the overscan, but that's a
              bit restrictive.  If you want tvtime to look like a TV, a good value would be about
              6–8%.  The value is in percent, so for 8%, use 8.0.

       <option name="Fullscreen" value="0"/>
              Set  this  to  1  to  have tvtime start in fullscreen mode.  This setting is set at
              runtime so that when you quit tvtime in fullscreen, starting it  again  will  start
              back in fullscreen mode.

       <option name="AlwaysOnTop" value="0"/>
              Set  this  to  1 to have tvtime start in always-on-top mode under supporting window
              managers.  This setting is set at runtime so that when you quit tvtime  in  always-
              on-top mode, starting it again will start back in always-on-top mode.

       <option name="FullscreenPosition" value="Centre"/>
              Sets  the  position  of  the output when in fullscreen mode: top, bottom or centre.
              When set to top, tvtime in fullscreen will place its  output  at  the  top  of  the
              screen.  Use if you have a projector to help tvtime fit properly onto your screen.

       <option name="FramerateMode" value="0"/>
              This sets the framerate of the output from tvtime.

              0   Full framerate mode, every field is deinterlaced.  59.94fps for NTSC, 50fps for

              1   Half framerate mode, deinterlace every top field to a  frame  (TFF).   29.97fps
                  for NTSC, 25fps for PAL.

              2   Half framerate mode, deinterlace every bottom field to a frame (BFF).  29.97fps
                  for NTSC, 25fps for PAL.

              The two half framerate modes are useful for progressive  content  from  video  game
              consoles.   Use  weave  and  select  either  TFF or BFF, whichever does not exhibit
              interlace effects.

       <option name="QuietScreenshots" value="0"/>
              When this option is turned on, screenshots will not announce themselves on the OSD.
              This  is useful if you intend to take a lot of screenshots, and don't want the text
              to interrupt your TV watching or appear in other screenshots.

       <option name="ProcessPriority" value="-10"/>
              Sets the default process priority.  By default, tvtime tries to  set  itself  at  a
              priority  of –10 which higher than normal applications.  Acceptable values are from
              –20 to 20, with lower values meaning higher priority.

       <option name="TimeFormat" value="%X"/>
              Sets the time format to be used in the tvtime on-screen display.  The format  is  a
              string in the same format as strftime(3).  The default is to use the time format of
              your locale.

       <option name="ScreenShotDir" value="~"/>
              This is the default directory in which screenshots are placed.  The default  is  to
              save them into the user's home directory.

       <option name="ChannelTextFG" value="0xFFFFFF00"/>
       <option name="OtherTextFG" value="0xFFF5DEB3"/>
              These options set the ARGB colours used for the text in the on-screen display.  The
              default for the channel name is “yellow” (0xffffff00),  and  the  default  for  the
              surrounding  text is “wheat” (0xfff5deb3).  The colour format can be hexadecimal or
              decimal.  If the alpha channel is not specified the default is “opaque” (255).

              Examples: 0xffaadd, 0xff0000ff, 0xff, 0xffff, 255 255 0, 0, 16777215.

       <option name="UnmuteVolume" value="-1"/>
              This setting saves the volume before muting across tvtime sessions.  You should not
              ever need to set this yourself.

       <option name="Muted" value="0"/>
              This  setting  saves  whether or not tvtime was muted when it was last exited.  You
              should not ever need to set this yourself.

       <option name="MuteOnExit" value="0"/>
              This setting controls whether tvtime should mute its mixer  device  on  exit.   Use
              this to work around noisy capture cards.

       <option name="ShowTaglines" value="1"/>
              This  setting  controls whether tvtime should show the silly taglines in the window
              title bar.  Set to 0 to shut them off.

       <option name="PrevChannel" value="2"/>
              This setting is saved at runtime to remember the previous channel.

       <option name="Channel" value="2"/>
              This setting is saved at runtime to remember the current channel.

       <option name="DeinterlaceMethod" value="AdaptiveAdvanced"/>
              This setting is saved at runtime to remember the deinterlacer used.

              Supported deinterlacers are:

              TelevisionFull Television: Full Resolution
              TelevisionHalf Television: Half Resolution
              BlurVertical   Blur: Vertical
              BlurTemporal   Blur: Temporal
              AdaptiveSearch Motion Adaptive: Motion Search
                             Motion Adaptive: Advanced Detection
              AdaptiveSimple Motion Adaptive: Simple Detection
              ProgressiveTFF Progressive: Top Field First
              ProgressiveBFF Progressive: Bottom Field First


       Key presses and mouse button clicks can be mapped to tvtime commands.  For  a  description
       of each command, see tvtime-command(1).

       Multiple keys and mouse buttons may be bound to the same command.  For convenience, tvtime
       supplies aliases for special keys.  The special keys known to tvtime are:

       Up, Down, Left, Right, Insert, Home, End,R PageUp, PageDown, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5,  F6,  F7,
       F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, Backspace, Escape, Enter, Print, Menu

       An  example  key  binding would be for the command CHANNEL_INC.  In this case, we have two
       keys (Up and k) bound to the command as well as a mouse button (4).

           <bind command="channel_inc">
             <keyboard key="up"/>
             <keyboard key="k"/>
             <mouse button="4"/>

       Some commands can take arguments, for example, the SCREENSHOT command can take an argument
       for the filename.  Arguments can be given to a key binding as follows:

           <bind command="screenshot" argument="/tmp/last-screenshot.png">
             <keyboard key="s"/>


       Billy Biggs.


       tvtime(1), tvtime-configure(1), tvtime-command(1), tvtime-scanner(1), stationlist.xml(5).