lunar (1) bammarkduplicates.1.gz

bammarkduplicates - mark duplicate reads/alignments in BAM files
bammarkduplicates [options]
bammarkduplicates reads a BAM file containing alignments computed by an aligner, marks duplicate reads/alignments using the coordinates of the alignments and writes the marked alignments to a BAM file. By default input is via standard input and output via standard output. Duplication metrics are provided on the standard error channel by default. bammarkduplicates scans the input BAM file twice, it is thus of benefit to set the I key (described below) to give the name of an input file. If the input BAM file is given via standard input, then a copy of the input will be stored in a temporary file during the first run for processing in a second run. The following key=value pairs can be given: I=<stdin>: name of the input file (input is read from standard input if not set). This key can be given multiple times. If it is given multiple times, then the input files need to be in coordinate sorted order and will be merged for output such that the output will be coordinate sorted. O=<stdout>: name of the output file (output is written to standard output if not set) M=<stderr>: name of the metrics file (metrics are written to standard error if not set) tmpfile=<filename>: prefix for temporary files. By default the temporary files are created in the current directory level=<-1|0|1|9|11>: set compression level of the output BAM file. Valid values are -1: zlib/gzip default compression level 0: uncompressed 1: zlib/gzip level 1 (fast) compression 9: zlib/gzip level 9 (best) compression If libmaus has been compiled with support for igzip (see us/articles/igzip-a-high-performance-deflate-compressor-with-optimizations-for-genomic- data) then an additional valid value is 11: igzip compression markthreads=<1>: Number of threads used during marking duplicate alignments. verbose=<1>: Valid values are 1: print progress report on standard error 0: do not print progress report mod=<1048576>: print progress after processing every mod'th input read/alignment (default is 1M) rewritebam=<0|1|2>: compression type of the temporary file stored if I key is not given (input is via standard input). Valid values are 0: temporary data is compressed using snappy (if available, see 1: gzip/BAM, recompress input and store it as a BAM file 2: copy, produce a 1/1 copy of the input stream as a temporary file rewritebamlevel=<-1|0|1|9|11>: compression level of temporary BAM file if rewritebam is 1 (see level key for possible values). colhashbits=<20>: base two logarithm of the size of the hash table used for collation (the default value is 18 and should work reasonably well for most input files. Please see the biobambam paper at for details). collistsize=<33554432>: size of hash table overflow list in bytes (the default is 128MB and should work reasonably well for most input files. Please see the biobambam paper at for details). fragbufsize=<50331648>: size of each fragment/pair file buffer in bytes (bammarkduplicates uses two such buffer for detecting duplicates) rmdup=<0|1>: sets how duplicates are handled 0: duplicates will be retained in the output file and have the duplication flag set 1: duplicates will be removed when writing the output file md5=<0|1>: md5 checksum creation for output file. Valid values are 0: do not compute checksum. This is the default. 1: compute checksum. If the md5filename key is set, then the checksum is written to the given file. If the md5filename key is not given but set O key is set the checksum will be written as output file name with .md5 appended. If md5filename and O are unset, then no checksum will be computed. md5filename file name for md5 checksum if md5=1. index=<0|1>: compute BAM index for output file. Valid values are 0: do not compute BAM index. This is the default. 1: compute BAM index. If the indexfilename key is set, then the BAM index is written to the given file. If the indexfilename key is not given but set O key is set the checksum will be written as output file name with .bai appended. If indexfilename and O are unset, then no BAM index will be computed. indexfilename file name for BAM index if index=1. tag=<tag> name of auxiliary field storing tag information in string form. Read fragments or pairs with different tags will not be considered as duplicates, even they would be according to their mapping coordinates. For pairs the tag field information of the first and second mate are concatenated to obtain the tag of the pair. nucltag=<tag> this option works like the tag option but is restricted to sequences of nucleotides (A,C,G or T) as tags. The length of each tag sequence is not allowed to exceed 15 bases. All tags are required to have the same length. Each non nucleotide symbol is mapped to A. In contrast to the tag option, nucltag uses less memory for processing and can be expected to be faster. D output file name for removed duplicates if rmdup=1. By default the reads and read pairs marked as duplicates are discarded when rmdup=1. If the D key is set, then the sequence of reads which is not written to the output file is written to a separate file. The name of this separate file is the value of the D key. dupmd5=<0|1>: compute md5 checksum of file given by D key if rmdup=1. By default no md5 checksum is computed for this file. dupmd5filename: file name for storing the md5 checksum of the D file if rmdup=1, D is set and dupmd5=1. dupindex=<0|1>: compute BAM index for file given by D key if rmdup=1. By default no index is compute for this file. dupindexfilename: file name for storing the BAM index of the D file if rmdup=1, D is set and dupmd5=1. optminpixeldif=<100>: distance (x and y inside same tile) inside which reads are considered as optical duplicates
Written by German Tischler.
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Copyright © 2009-2014 German Tischler, © 2011-2014 Genome Research Limited. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 <> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.