Provided by: bbmap_39.01+dfsg-2_all 

NAME - Filters reads potentially sharing a kmer with a reference
SYNOPSIS in=<input file> out=<nonmatches> outm=<matches> ref=<reference>
Filters reads potentially sharing a kmer with a reference. The more memory, the higher the accuracy. Reads going to outu are guaranteed to not match the reference, but reads going to outm might may or may not match the reference.
EXAMPLES in=reads.fq outm=nonhuman.fq outm=human.fq k=31 minhits=3 ref=human.fa Error correction and depth filtering can be done simultaneously.
File parameters: in=<file> Primary input, or read 1 input. in2=<file> Read 2 input if reads are in two files. outm=<file> (out) Primary matched read output. outm2=<file> (out2) Matched read 2 output if reads are in two files. outu=<file> Primary unmatched read output. outu2=<file> Unmatched read 2 output if reads are in two files. ref=<file> Reference sequence file, or a comma-delimited list. For depth-based filtering, set this to the same as the input. overwrite=t (ow) Set to false to force the program to abort rather than overwrite an existing file. Hashing parameters: k=31 Kmer length. hashes=2 Number of hashes per kmer. Higher generally reduces false positives at the expense of speed. minprob=0.5 Ignore reference kmers with probability of being correct below this (affects fastq references only). memmult=1.0 Fraction of free memory to use for Bloom filter. 1.0 should generally work; if the program crashes with an out of memory error, set this lower. Higher increases specificity. cells= Option to set the number of cells manually. By default this will be autoset to use all available memory. The only reason to set this is to ensure deterministic output. seed=0 This will change the hash function used. Reference-matching parameters: minhits=3 Consecutive kmer hits for a read to be considered matched. Higher reduces false positives at the expense of sensitivity. mincount=1 Minimum number of times a read kmer must occur in the reference to be considered a match. requireboth=f Require both reads in a pair to match the ref in order to go to outm. By default, pairs go to outm if either matches. Java Parameters -Xmx This will set Java's memory usage, overriding autodetection. -Xmx20g will specify 20 gigs of RAM, and -Xmx200m will specify 200 megs. The max is typically 85% of physical memory. -eoom This flag will cause the process to exit if an out-of-memory exception occurs. Requires Java 8u92+. -da Disable assertions.
Written by Brian Bushnell Please contact Brian Bushnell at if you encounter any problems. This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.